Intern Report Final

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Title: - Internship report

August 2024


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................1
2. Company background..........................................................................................................................1
2.1 History and Evolution.....................................................................................................................1
2.2 Core Competencies and Market Position.......................................................................................2
2.3 Reputation and Industry Recognition............................................................................................2
2.4 Contribution to the Ethiopian Economy........................................................................................2
3.1 Annual Budget Overview...............................................................................................................2
3.2 Accounting Policie....................................................................................................................3
3.2.1. Fixed Assets...............................................................................................................................3
3.3.4 Inventory....................................................................................................................................3
3.3.5 Accumulated depreciation........................................................................................................4
3.3.6 Auditing profit and loss statement...........................................................................................6
3.3.7 Auditing Financial position......................................................................................................7
4.1 vision.....................................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Mission.................................................................................................................................................9
4.3 Goals.....................................................................................................................................................9
5.1 Back ground of field of practices..................................................................................................10
5.2 Strategic Plan...................................................................................................................................11
5.3 Organizing Human Resource........................................................................................................11
5.4 Human Resource Planning...........................................................................................................12
5.5 Recruitment and Selection............................................................................................................12
5.5.1 Orientation..................................................................................................................................13
5.5.2 Career Development...................................................................................................................13
5.5.3 Motivating employees.................................................................................................................13
5.5.4 Decision Making.........................................................................................................................14
6.1 Evaluating Managerial and Organizational Effectiveness......................................................14
6.2 Work performed........................................................................................................................14
6.3 B. Job scope over the internship...............................................................................................15
6.3.1 In Marketing Management Department...............................................................................15
6.3.2 In Financial Management Department.................................................................................15
6.3.3 In Human Resources Management Department..................................................................16
7.1 Values of the internship.....................................................................................................................17
7.2. Classroom experience to actual work..............................................................................................18
7.3 SWOT Analysis..................................................................................................................................18
7.4 The strength in the organization: -......................................................................................................18
7.5 The weakness of the organization.....................................................................................................18
7.6 The opportunity in the organization................................................................................................19
7.7 The Threats of the organization.......................................................................................................19
8.1 Summary........................................................................................................................................19
Ethiopia hosts many import companies that adhere to national regulations governing import and
export activities. These regulations are vital for raising government revenue, providing market
advantages to locally produced goods exempt from import duties, and, at times, penalizing other
nations through high import duties. Among these companies Frew Abebe Chekol Import Export
P.L.C., which is located in Addis Ababa. has been operating since 2014 G.C., accumulating a
decade of experience in the industry. Frew Abebe Chekol Import Export P.L.C. engages in the
export of agricultural products such as soybeans, sesame, and pulses while importing agricultural
tools, including tractors, combiners, sprayers, fertilizer spreaders, hoes, sickles, and pumps.

2. Company background

The organization is influenced by various factors that significantly impact its success. Importing
and exporting goods is not only central to the company's operations but also contributes to
national economic growth and expansion. By importing goods, the company introduces new
products to the market, reduces costs, provides high-quality products, and positions itself as a
market leader. Furthermore, these activities support the country's economy, particularly in areas
where local resources Frew Abebe Chekol Import Export P.L.C. has become a prominent player
in Ethiopia's import-export sector. since 2014 GC The company plays a crucial role in
connecting Ethiopian suppliers with international markets, facilitating the exchange of high-
quality agricultural products and essential industrial goods.

2.1 History and Evolution

Frew Abebe Chekol Import Export P.L.C. was founded during a period of significant economic
reform in Ethiopia. As the country increasingly integrated into the global economy, the company
evolved alongside it. Initially focused on a limited range of products, Frew Abebe Chekol Import
Export P.L.C. has expanded

its portfolio over the years to include a diverse array of agricultural commodities and industrial
imports. The company’s growth has been marked by strategic partnerships, investments in
technology, and a strong commitment to quality.

2.2 Core Competencies and Market Position

Frew Abebe Chekol Import Export P.L.C. has developed key competencies in supply chain
management, quality assurance, and compliance with international trade regulations. The
company is renowned for its logistical capabilities, enabling it to manage complex import-export
operations seamlessly. Its strong market position is further bolstered by its reputation for
reliability, ethical practices, and high levels of customer satisfaction.

2.3 Reputation and Industry Recognition

Frew Abebe Chekol Import Export P.L.C. has earned recognition both locally and internationally
for its contributions to the import-export industry. The company has received multiple accolades
for excellence in trade and is regarded as a trustworthy partner by international clients. Its
commitment to maintaining high standards has solidified its reputation as a leader in the

2.4 Contribution to the Ethiopian Economy

Frew Abebe Chekol Import Export P.L.C. plays a significant role in Ethiopia's economy,
particularly by generating foreign currency through exports. The company's activities contribute
to economic stability by providing essential foreign exchange, which is crucial for importing
goods that support domestic industries. Additionally, the company's operations create
employment opportunities and support the livelihoods of numerous farmers and suppliers across

3.1 Annual Budget Overview

Frew Abebe Chekol Import Export
Financial Statement for the Year Ended June 30, 2024 G.C.


3.2 Accounting Policies The company adheres to the following principal

accounting policies, which have been consistently applied throughout the financial
3.2.1. Fixed Assets
o Fixed assets are recorded at their original cost, minus accumulated depreciation.
3.3.2 Depreciation is applied in line with income, following the guidelines of
Tax Proclamation 286/2002.
o Depreciation on fixed assets is calculated using the straight-line method for
buildings, while a pooling system is used for other assets.
o The specific depreciation rates applied to various fixed assets are as follows:
Asset Description Depreciation Method Annual Rate

Buildings Straight-line 5%
Equipment, Machinery, Motor Vehicles Straight-line 15%
Computers, Software, Related Items Straight-line 20%

3.3.4 Inventory

Fixed Asset
1. Cost valuation

July 8/2021 Addition Disposed June30 7/2024
vehicle 599,615.30 - 346,081.99
Computer and 10,793.48 183,271.95 150,295.52
Office furniture 90,202.75 369,079.24 406,400.82
and equipment
Total 581,511.53 542,351.19 902,778.33

2. Depreciation
June 30 /2024 Addition Disposed June 30/2024
vehicle 93,923.06 - 69,216.40
Computer and 2,948.37 43,317.99 37,573.88
Office furniture 18,020.55 73,815.85 81,280.16
and equipment
Total 114,891.98 117,133.84 188,070.44

3.3.5 Accumulated depreciation

Description Acc.Depr.As
July 8/2021 Addition Disposed June 30 /2024
vehicle 125,533.31 - 192,749.71
Computer and soft 34,769.91 43,317.99 115,651.78
Office furniture 52,781.17 73,815.85 207,877.18
and equipment
Total 211,034.39 117,233.84 516,288.67
Net Fixed Asset 360,427.14 386,489.66

3. Stocks 2024
Inventory 9,744,789.54
Total 9,744,789.54

4. Debtors and per-payment

With-holding Tax receivable 46,761.16

VAT receivable 344,587.85
Pre-paid rent 0.00
Pre-paid insurance 1,086.59
Bid 0.00
Total 392,435.60

5. Cash and cash equivalent

Cash at bank-saving account (CBE) 1,378,645.21
Cash on hand
Total 1,378,645.21

6. Payable/creditors and accruals/

Short term payable
Profit Tax payable 302,247.25
With-holding Tax
Short term bank loan
Total current liabilities 302,247.25
Long term payable
Bank loan liability 10,222,214.53
Total 10,524,461.78

7. Provision for Taxation

Net profit before taxation 1,048,595.46
Add –Donation/sponsor ship/ 0.00
-Clinic not deducted for tax purpose 0.00
-Amortization not deducted for tax purpose 0.00
-Disallowed expense 0.00
-Entertainment 0.00
-Penalty 0.00
Less: Interest income -
Profit tax payable 349,008.41
Less: withholding tax receivable 46,761.16
Provision for taxation 302,247.25
Profit after tax 746,348.21

8. Accumulated profit and loss account

Current year profit/loss 746,348.21
9. Capital
Beginning capital 500,000.00
Net income after tax 746,348.21
Retained earnings 84,788.86
Total 1,331,137.07

10. Revenue
Income from sales 33,932,870.06
Total revenue 33,932,870.06

11. Cost of goods sold

Cost of sale 31,575,251.85

12. Operating and administration expenses

Salary expenses 209,275.00
Pension fund expense 23,020.25
Allowance expense 119,154.00
Fuel lubricant expense 72,673.47
Utility expense 27,004.28
Municipality expense 13,457.30
Insurance expense 29,570.51
Bank commission 132,057.58
Office supply expense 14,542.63
Ware house rent expense 135,112.96
Miscellaneous expense 19,308.39
Professional fee 15,000.00
Depreciation expense 188,070.44
Total administrative expense 998,246.81

13. Financial charges

Interest expense 310,775.94
Total adm. And financial charge expense 1,309,022.75

3.3.6 Auditing profit and loss statement

For the year of ended 07 June 30 2024 G.C

Description Notes Currency: ETB
Sales 33,932,870.06
Total revenue 10 33,932,870.06
Cost of sales
Cost of sales 11 31,575,251.85
Gross profit 2,357,618.21
Total expense 12 998,246.81
Operating income 1,359,371.40
Minus: Financial charges 310,775.94
Net income before tax 1,048,595.46
Tax due amount 349,008.41
Less: withholding tax receivable 46,761.16
Provision for taxation 302,247.25
Net income after tax 746,348.21

3.3.7 Auditing Financial position

At 30 June 2024G.C

Property, Plant, and Equipment: Currency: ETB
Fixed asset 386,489.66
Total property and equipment 386,489.66
Current Assets
Cash and Bank balance 1,378,645.21
VAT receivable 344,587.85
Pre-paid insurance 1,086.59
Stock 9,744,789.54
Total current asset 11,469,109.19
Total asset 11,855,598.85

Liabilities and Capital

Current Liabilities
Profit tax payable 302,247.25
Short term bank payable -
Total current liabilities 302,247.25
Long term Liabilities
Total long-term liabilities 10,222,214.53
Total liabilities 10,524,461.78
Beginning capital 500,000.00
Net income after tax 746,348.21
Retained earnings 84,788.86
Total capital 1,331,137.07
Total liabilities and capital 11,855,598.85


Statement of cash flow
Ending June 30 2024G.C

Cash flows from operating activities Currency: ETB
Net income to reconcile 746,348.21
Depreciation expense 188,070.44
Stock (9,744,789.54)
Adjustments to reconcile net
Income to net cash provided
By operating activities (8,810,370.89)
Accounts receivable -
With-holding Tax receivable -
Accounts payable -
Income Tax payable -
Total adjustments (8,810,370.89)
Net cash provided by operations -
Cash flows from investing activities
Capital investment (386,489.66)
Net cash used in investing -
Cash flows from financing activities
Divided payable -
Long term loan 10,222,214.53
Profit tax liability (349,008.41)
Net cash used in financing 9,873,206.12

Net increase/decrease in cash 676,345.57
Cash balance at end of period 1,378,645.21
Cash balance at beg of period -
Net increase /decrease in cash 1,378,645.21

4.1 vision

 To be a leading exporter and importer of superior quality goods like

soy bean, sesame, pulses and importing Agricultural tools such as Tractors, combiners,
sprayers fertilizer, spreaders, hoes, sickles and pumps

4.2 Mission

 To fulfill commitments to partners, employees and shareholders.

 To apply quick, fair and reasonable decision about business expansion, company
management and employment policy.
 To increase the competitiveness of the business sector in which the company is investing.
 To be a loyal partner, implement ideas of the customers and fulfill their needs.
 To give to the market only high quality and reliable products and services.
 To guarantee professional customer service quality, ensuring customer’s satisfaction of
the services and products.

4.3 Goals

 To increase the capabilities of fully developing activities of the company, applying

innovative management methods improving working conditions for employees.
 To expand the chain of agricultural machinery center and shops in the strategic place .
 To seek for the constant expansion of the company and quality level growth by actively
developing trade relations with supplier of tractors and spare parts.
 To develop the assortment of the products and services and ensure continuous supply of
high-quality Agricultural tools and machinery for the company.

 To meet customer’s, need promptly and qualitatively.

5.1 Back ground of field of practices

During my internship, I had the opportunity to rotate through various departments, gaining
experience in different areas of the company.

Weeks 1 and 2: I started in the materials department, where I was responsible for inventory
management, resource planning, and organizing materials. I also helped prepare new material
requests for the organization and its customers.

Weeks 3 and 4: I then moved to the marketing management department. Here, I took on new
challenges like preparing presentations on improving the marketing department and enhancing
customer satisfaction. I also learned how to better handle customer needs and ensure their
satisfaction with the company.

Weeks 5 and 6 My next assignment was in the financial management department. I focused on
maintaining the financial health of the company by analyzing costs, pricing, sales results, and
overall company performance. I also worked on budgeting, forecasting, and reviewing financial
statements, such as profit and loss reports and balance sheets.

Weeks 7 and 8 Finally, I joined the human resources management department. I assisted with
recruitment efforts, including advertising job openings, coordinating interviews, and managing
job offers. I also conducted new staff inductions and participated in gathering market salary data
for the annual review.

This rotation allowed me to gain a well-rounded understanding of the company's operations and
develop skills in various key areas. Organization Activities

5.2 Strategic Plan
The organization employees and managerial work in this plan. The strategic plans mainly focus
on their mission. How long our vision and reality are going well this include the plan.

In this strategic plan all the organization employees have meeting in 4 month or every 2 months
about what they do. The employee has their own strategic plan to improve their work skill and
also how they work to get to the organization goal real. Every employee must work on their goal
to improve the organization performance and be competitive in the market.

5.3 Organizing Human Resource

The management department works on recruiting, hiring, deploying and managing an
organization employee.

Managerial Director

Director Human

Employee manager HRD manager Compensation manager Manger



-Planning - Orientation -Job evaluation - Security

-Recruitment - Training -Salary survey -Records

-Placement - Appraisal -Incentive pay -Audit and

- Career planning

5.4 Human Resource Planning
The organization properly utilizes and maintains the most valuable asset: -skilled and effective
employees. The company uses the plan to accommodate various tasks and goals such as: -

 Promoting or releasing employees from their position

 Choosing training and rewarding ideal candidates
 Reaching and attracting skilled employees to join the team

The Human Resource plan develop

 Evaluating the current HR capacity

 Conduct a gap analysis

5.5 Recruitment and Selection

The first thing the company gathered information which department need employees then list
how many employees needed from outside. Post on the company web site. Then any employees
see the advertise he/she can apply by the web site address

The recruiting director sees their entire applier document the document includes like educational
background, the employee profile or background. The manager selects who is qualified for the
place then there is a rank which the organization put a GPA to the new employees who is pass
the rank they tested by paper which means paper exam all employees get their exam; they must
get the paper exam above 50 to go to the last level which is interview.

The interview process will be asking the employee some question like: -

 What make you to choose this company

 What do you expect from the organization?
 What do you do to improve the organization?
 What make you unique from other employees
 Are you sure by your decision to work in the organization?

When a new employee is hired from outside a new job position is opened, or an existing job
position is opened or an existing job position is released and it is not possible to fill it through
transfer and promotion because there is no employee who meets the criteria.When any employee
is hired, will be notified of the position and salary in writing, as well as a list of the work.
Candidates who have equal point in the competition for recruitment will be considered according
to the mentioned criteria and the recruitment and development will be done according to the
decision of the human resource management guidelines. The probationary period of a new
employee shall not exceed 60 working days of commencement of work. When the employee
performances good the person will be permanent this means the person will be work in the
organization like regular workers

5.5.1 Orientation
In consultation with the labor union, the company organizes a work visit program when it is
convenient for the workers in each department to visit manufacturing companies to develop their
work skills and have good work motivation.

Also, an educational seminar will be given by the director so that workers and production and
productivity can be further increased.

5.5.2 Career Development

In the development and recruitment committee the director of the work process of human
resources development management the director of the work process for which the recruitment
will be carried out, the senior expert of manpower planning and communication, a representative
of the labor union it will be done when they are fulfilled.

The vacancy that will be promoted by the company a problem arises and it is necessary to fulfill
it an internal notification is issued t the employees the company with the permission of the
managing director. Workers who meet the required educational and experience, physical or
mental qualification will be invited to compete.

5.5.3 Motivating employees

The company do for the employees many things to motive, to be active on their work, to be more
relax in their work the company does like: -

 Improve team culture

 Develop modern work environment
 Provide transparent and clear communication
 Encourage innovation and creativity

When the employees productive in their work the organization give them a gift like add extra
money that is not charge on their salary it’s like bonus, the other one is annual leave and other
thing the organization do for their employees.

5.5.4 Decision Making
The decision making the manager plays a crucial role in serving the decision as the growth and
failure of an organization are dependent on timely decision taken. That is consciously chosen
from among a set of desired options to achieve the result.

 Programmed and Non-programmed-this kind of decision frequently occurring problems

in the organization such as buying behavior of consumers, purchasing decision, salary
increment. And non-programmed decision makes when problems arising from a decline
in market share, increasing competition in the business taken by manager do.
 Major and Minor-this decision making in marketing and management where decision
related to purchase of new premises is a major decision. The minor decision taken by the
 Strategic decision-present issues and problem the main idea is to achieve better working
conditions, better equipment and efficient use of existing equipment. This decision taken
by top-level management.

6.1 Evaluating Managerial and Organizational Effectiveness

THE organization follow rule on the effectiveness of the employee and managers also generally
the organization. These works every works have evaluate this work year or semi year. Like: -

 There is a form which the supervisor fills for the employees

 For the managers the evaluate their effectiveness by general meeting

When every person who work in the organization fill the form in this process the employees and
also the manager gets above 60% to be effectiveness in the organization otherwise the
organization need to work and make a training process for the employees.

To say the organization is effective there must follow their rule and regulations also achieve their
goal by scheduled time.

6.2 Work performed

A. In the initial job my responsibility on: -
 Material Management Department
 Marketing Management Department
 Financial Department
 Human Resources Management Department

6.3 B. Job scope over the internship

In Material Management Department
I do manage purchasing with my supervisor and inventory control function, shipping and
receiving and also planning and administering department budgets.

I observe and work also on 3 tasks: -purchasing, inventory control and material storage. In
purchasing process to arrange the supply of materials, spare parts and services or semi-finished
goods, required for the organization. And specified quality in desired quantity available at a
prescribed time at a competitive price. In purchasing process, it does not stop at placing orders it
ensure that material do arrive at the right time. It also contributes cost reduction through value
analysis, standardization.

Working with supplies and purchase add value to the organization. The cost has been identified
the buyer can develop strategies on how to manage purchase in each category.

Inventory control the way of the organization controlling the material such as setting inventory
level doing various analyses as fixing economic order quantities, setting safety stock level, lead
time analysis and reporting.

In material storage I was carried in receipt of income goods, inspection of all receipts, stored
and preservation, identification of all material stored, packaging. In the material storage there
some rules the organization follow: -all materials have good security, controlled, cleanliness, and
insurance for the material, minimization of obsolescence and damage through timely disposal
and efficient handling, maintenance of records, proper locations and stocking is done.

6.3.1 In Marketing Management Department

Likes all others area of management comprises of the function of planning, organizing, directing
coordinating and controlling.

I do conduct a continuous analysis of customer’s behavior towards firm marketing mix

strategies, business environment; competitor’s marketing strategies in order to plan effectively
the marketing activities. Overall, the organization objective of profit maximization, attracting
new customers, retention of current customers base, introduction new products, improvement of
old product and so on.

6.3.2 In Financial Management Department

I observed the organization follow to make a decision on financial management. There are 4: -

 Investment decision
 Financing decision
 Dividend decision
 Working capital decision

-Investment decision the organization involves the evaluation of risk measurement of cost of
capital and estimation of expected benefit from a project. This decision involves the organization
with respect to replacement and renovation of old assets. The manager of finance must maintain
an appropriate balance between fixed and current asset in order to maximize profitability and to
maintain desired liquidity in the organization.

The investment decision manager also makes capital budgeting. Is important decision as it
affects the long-term term success and growth of the organization. The same time it is difficult
decision because it involves the estimation of costs and benefits which are uncertain and

-Financing decision the manager concerned the financing mix or financial structure of the
organization the raising of funds requires decision regarding the methods and sources of finance
relative proportion and choice between alternative sources time of floatation of securities.

The financial manager must develop the best financial mix or optimum capital structure for the
enterprise so to maximize the long-term market price of the company shares. A proper balance
between debt and equity is required so that the return to equity shareholders is high and their risk
is low.

-Dividend decision the manager decision to achieve wealth maximization objective this policy is
decide whether to distribute all the profit in the form of dividends or to distribute a part of the
profits and retain the balanceThe manager should consider the investment opportunities available
to the company, plans for expansion and growth.

-Working capital decision, the manager decided to the related to the investment in current assets
and current liabilities. Current asset include cash, receivables, inventory, short-term securities.
Current liabilities include creditors, bills payable, outstanding expenses, bank overdraft.

6.3.3 In Human Resources Management Department

Every department and activity in an organization needs human resources, even if it’s out running
machinery. There are organization rule it’s divided into three: -

 Personnel management
 Employee welfare
 Industrial relation

-Personnel management to ensure the individual growth of each employee which indirectly
contributes to the overall growth of the entire organization.

-Employee welfare concerned with the working condition and the amenities at the workplace. It
makes the environment worth working by eliminating workplace hazards, providing job safety,
medical and health services.

-Industrial relation maintains peace and harmony in the organization. It requires effective
interaction with the labor or employee unions, sensitively addressing their grievances and setting
their disputes.

7.1 Values of the internship

When I was in the internship program I achieved or learned it will allow me to combine my
creative thinking skills with my interest in consumer behavior. I hope to develop some tangible
marketing skills and learn what role I would like to work full time.

How to work with group of people and new culture, new atmosphere of working, new way of
understanding the work. How to adopted to new tea also working area. Try the best and set
priorities make sure handle the situation where ever the problem is hard also unbelievable try do
give up. It’s not only work culture it’s about optimal career path.

I Understand and possess a willingness to work hard. In addition to work hard, it is also
important to work smart. This means learning the most efficient way to complete tasks and
finding way of save time while completing daily. It’s also important to care about job and
complete all tasks while maintaining a positive attitude.

Come to work on time, are there are supposed to be are responsible for the action and behavior.
It’s important to keep supervisor abreast of changes in the schedule or to be late for any reason
this means keeping the supervisor informed on the tasks that has been assigned.

The value of the employees is: -

o Strong work ethics

o Professionalism
o Positive altitude
o Honest and integrity
o Self-motivated
o Strong self confidence
o Responsibility
o Loyalty

7.2. Classroom experience to actual work

The educations I learn in the classroom help me a lot in different way like every subject I took
have their own advantage in the internship program I work on material management the course
material help me like how to control material by my own idea and work with team it is not easy
work in the area of material without any concept and knowledge. In this department there are 5
types the material management focuses on to work the course helps me to handle and work

7.3 SWOT Analysis

The organization good managing system for the employees. As a large company it also has a

Let’s define the organization strength as this time it’s hard to handle materials and import large
things from other country there is customer need, transport risk like if anything happened on the
materials the organization is on the risk handle this all thing as a company in my opinion it’s the
strength of the company.

7.4 The strength in the organization: -

 Strong employee attitude
 Excellent customer service
 Large market share
 Highly efficient, low-cost manufacturing
 High integrity
 Leadership in product innovation

7.5 The weakness of the organization

That impede the company is success in a certain strategic direction in other word what the
company does not do well: -

 There are many risks in the organization like: -transport risk, political
risk in international trade.
 Limited product availability
 Too many levels of reporting in the organizational structure
 Confusing service policies

 Inadequate of market development

7.6 The opportunity in the organization

 Brining an existing product to a new market
 Developing a new channel for a product

Area growth

7.7 The Threats of the organization

 Have potential competitor in the market
 Competition
 Being unprepared for opening number: initial poor service or product quality discourage
from returning

8.1 Summary

 The company is a business and services giver these means they import Tractors,
combiners, pumps and agricultural machinery spare parts Importing this kind of
Agricultural materials from other countries and exporting different a gricultural products
allowed them to benefit the customer and also makes profit so it means they are both a
business and also service provider.
 The companies have two branches one in Addis Ababa and the other one in Bahirdar. The
Company have warehouse in Addis Ababa and also in Bahirdar.
 The organization properly utilizes and maintains the most valuable asset: -skilled and
effective employees. The company uses the plan to accommodate various tasks and goals.
 The organization follow rule on effectiveness of the employee and managers also
generally the organization. These works every works have evaluate this work year or
semi year.


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