Rationalism and Empiricism
Rationalism and Empiricism
Rationalism and Empiricism
• how to define knowledge, where does knowledge come from, is knowledge possible, how
can we know and how does knowledge relate to truth,
• How is a source credited as being genuine after all?
• As per my opinion absolute truth, in itself, is non-existent
• Modern epistemology is a conjunction of two fundamental theories - empiricism and
(Rational) intuition:The
ability to know something is • E.g. Descartes’ Cogito Argument
true just by thinking about
Deduction:A method of • E.g. You can use deduction to deduce statement 3 from statements 1 and 2 below:
deriving true propositions • If A is true then B is true
from other true • A is true
• Therefore, B is true
propositions (using reason)
Empiricism says all a priori knowledge is of
analytic truths (i.e. there is no synthetic a
RATIONALISM - priori knowledge)
Rationalism says not all a priori knowledge
is of analytic truths (i.e. there is at least one
synthetic truth that can be known a
priori using intuition and deduction)
• Most of the time, empiricism holds true. If you take any synthetic truth, such as “water
boils at 100°c”, it seems impossible that we could learn it without some a
posteriori experience of the world (e.g. an experiment).
• So, most synthetic truths are known a posteriori. But the question is whether this
relationship holds true all the time or just some of the time. Rationalism says valid only
some of the time: There is at least one synthetic truth that can be known a
priori through intuition and deduction.
• Descartes says there are 3 synthetic truths that can be known a priori using intuition and
• I exist
• God Exists
• External world exists
• If Descartes’ arguments for these claims work and are purely a priori, then they support
the rationalist claim that some synthetic truths can be known a priori.
• “Now it is manifest by the natural light that there must be at least as much reality in the
efficient and total cause as in its effect… And hence it follows… that the more perfect… cannot
be a consequence and dependence of the less perfect… By the name of God I understand an
infinite substance… And consequently I must necessarily conclude… that God exists; for,
although the idea of substance is in me… I would not, nevertheless, have the idea of an infinite
substance… since I am a finite being, unless the idea had been put into me by some substance
which was truly infinite.”
• – Descartes, Meditation 3
I have the concept of God
My concept of God is the concept of something infinite and perfect
But I am a finite and imperfect being (finite reality)
The cause of an effect must have at least as much reality as the effect
So, the cause of my concept of God must have as much reality as what the concept is about
So, the cause of my idea of God must have as much reality as an infinite and perfect being
(i.e. must have infinite reality)
So, God exists
• Innate knowledge is knowledge you’re born with and so doesn’t require experience to be
known. In other words, innate knowledge is a priori knowledge.
• The difference between the intuition/deduction thesis and the innate knowledge thesis
rests in the accompanying understanding of how this a priori knowledge is gained.
• Propositional Knowledge - that babies are born with innate ability knowledge, such as
knowing how to breathe.
• Locke: “this argument of universal consent, which is made use of to prove innate
principles, seems to me a demonstration that there are none such: because there are
none to which all mankind give an universal assent… “Whatsoever is, is,” and “It is
impossible for the same thing to be and not to be”; which, of all others, I think have the
most allowed title to innate… But yet I take liberty to say, that these propositions are so
far from having an universal assent, that there are a great part of mankind to whom they
are not so much as known… For, first, it is evident, that all children and idiots have not
the least apprehension or thought of them.”
• If innate knowledge did exist, it would have to be universal
• But there is no knowledge that is universal
• And, even if there were universal knowledge, this still wouldn’t prove that knowledge
was innate.
• Locke show how all concepts and knowledge – from simple to complex – can be
explained as coming from experience in some way. And so, if we can explain all
knowledge and concepts using experience only, we don’t need innate knowledge.