Foam Concentrate For Producing Mechanical Foam: For Fire Fighting - Specification
Foam Concentrate For Producing Mechanical Foam: For Fire Fighting - Specification
Foam Concentrate For Producing Mechanical Foam: For Fire Fighting - Specification
© BIS 2018
This Indian Standard (Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Foam is a homogeneous mass of tiny air or gas filled in bubbles of low specific gravity which when applied in
correct manner and in sufficient quantity, form a compact fluid and stable blanket which is capable of floating on
the surface of flammable liquids and preventing emission of flammable vapours. It is produced by mechanically
mixing a gas or air to a solution of a foam compound (concentrate) in water. This standard covers the foam
compound in the form of a homogeneous liquid, free from suspended and visible impurities used for the production
of fire fighting foam which is produced by mechanical aeration of water foam concentrate solution.
The foam produced from the concentrates in this standard are of low expansion (up to 20 times). The low expansion
foam concentrates are of the following types:
a) Protein foam (PF) — A foam concentrate that has a hydrolyzed protein base with stabilizing additives
suitable for Class A and Class B fires (only non-polar).
b) Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) — A foam concentrate that has a fluorinated surfactant with
stabilizing additive and synthetic surfactants foaming agents for Class A and Class B fires (only non-
c) Fluoro-protein film forming foam (FFFP) — A foam concentrate that has protein base with one or more
fluorinated surfactant additives for Class A and Class B fires (only non-polar).
d) Fluoroprotein foam concentrate (FP) — A foam concentrate that has protein base with one or more
fluorinated surfactant additives for Class A and Class B fires (only non-polar).
e) Alcohol resistance aqueous film forming foam (AR AFFF) — A foam concentrate that has a fluorinated
surfactant with stabilizing additive of polysaccharide and synthetic surfactants foaming agents for Class
A and Class B fires (both polar and non polar).
f) Alcohol resistant fluoroprotein foam (ARFP) — A foam concentrate that has protein base with one or
more fluorinated surfactant with stabilizing additive of polysaccharide for Class A and Class B fires (both
polar and non-polar).
g) Alcohol resistant film forming fluoroprotein foam (ARFFFP) — A foam concentrate that has protein
base with one or more fluorinated surfactant with stabilizing additive of polysaccharide for Class A and
Class B fires (both polar and non-polar).
h) Synthetic foam (SF) — A non-fluoro surfactant base concentrate non-hydrolyzed protein suitable only
for Class A fire. It can be used as low, medium and high expansion depending on the application of foam
This standard covering only protein foam concentrate was first published in 1969 and revised in 1974. Subsequently,
it was decided to revise it in parts. As a result, Part 1 covering protein foam concentrate, Part 2 covering aqueous
film forming foam and Part 3 covering fluoro-protein foam were brought out in 1985, 1984 and 1987, respectively.
Part 4 of this standard covering multipurpose aqueous film forming foam liquid concentrate for extinguishing
hydrocarbon and polar solvent fires was published in 2003.
The third revision of this standard was brought out in 2006 by amalgamating first three parts of IS 4989 namely:
a) Part 1 Protein foam concentrate,
b) Part 2 Aqueous film forming foam, and
c) Part 3 Fluoro-protein foam.
However, Part 4 was retained as a separate standard.
Now in this fourth revision, IS 4989 (Part 4) has also been amalgamated in this standard. While taking up this
revision, guidance has been taken from ISO 7203-1 : 2011 ‘Fire extinguishing media — Foam concentrates —
Part 1: Specification for low-expansion foam concentrates for top application to water-immiscible liquids’ and
ISO 7203-3 : 2011 ‘Fire extinguishing media — Foam concentrates — Part 3: Specification for low-expansion
IS 4989 : 2018
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision )
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IS 4989 : 2018
concentrates for non-polar liquids and to be used A2 or B2 of IS 2552. The ungalvanized mild steel
with 94 percent water and 6 percent concentrates barrel of 200 litre capacity shall conform to IS 1783
for polar liquids. (Part 1) or IS 1783 (Part 2). The closure of drum and
q) AR FP, Type 3/3 (AR FP-3/3 percent) — To be used barrel shall be 75 or 100 mm. The internal surface may
with 97 percent water and 3 percent concentrates be left in natural finish and free from rust. The external
for both polar and non-polar liquids. surface of drums and barrels shall be painted with
suitable primer (see IS 13607) and then painted fire red
r) AR FP, Type 3/6 (AR FP-3/6 percent) — To
or post office red conforming to shade No. 536 or 538
be used with 97 percent water and 3 percent
of IS 5. The paint shall conform to IS 2932 (Part 1).
concentrates for non polar liquids and to be used
with 94 percent water and 6 percent concentrates 6 STORAGE
for polar liquids.
s) SF, Type 1 (SF-1 percent) — To be used with 6.1 The storage place shall be free from dampness and
99 percent water and 1 percent concentrates. shall be well ventilated and the container shall not be
t) SF, Type 3 (SF -3 percent) — To be used with directly exposed to the sun rays.
97 percent water and 3 percent concentrates. 6.2 The polyethylene containers shall be preferably
u) SF, Type 6 (SF-6 percent) — To be used with stacked in single layers and shall not exceed more than
94 percent water and 6 percent concentrates. 2 layers.
3.2 All the above types of foam concentrates are 6.3 For bulk storage, the recommended storage
suitable only for top application. A special requirement container should be made of stainless steel (SS 304) or
can be put separately by users for base injection system as per foam manufacturer’s recommendation.
for oil storage tanks.
6.4 Range of storage temperature shall be 0°C to 50°C
4 REQUIREMENTS for prolonged storage.
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IS 4989 : 2018
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IS 4989 : 2018
( Clause 4.2 )
iv) Specific gravity 1.00, Min 1.08, Min 1.08, Min 1.08, Min 1.00, Min 1.00 ± 10% 1.10 ± 10% 1.10 ± 10% Annex C
both original and ageing
v) Miscibility with distilled Miscible Miscible Miscible Miscible Miscible — — — Annex D
vi) Viscosity, Max 20 cst 20 cst 20 cst 20 cst 20 cst To be declared To be To be Using viscosity meter,
by manufacturer. declared by declared by see Sl No. (iv)
manufacturer. manufacturer. of Table 2 of
IS 1206 (Part 3)
vii) Pour point1) Freely move at 0 °C or below Annex E
viii) Sludge content, Max 0.25 percent 0.5 percent 0.5 percent 0.5 percent 0.25 percent — — — Annex F
(origin) (origin) (origin) (origin) (origin)
0.50 percent 1 percent 1 percent 1 percent 0.50 percent
(ageing) (ageing) (ageing) (ageing) (ageing)
ix) Surface tension 18.00 — — 18.00 — 18.00 18.00 — Annex G
(dynes/cm), Max
TYPE → 1, 3 and 6 3 and 6 3 and 6 3 and 6 1, 3 and 6 3/3 and 3/6 3/3 and 3/6 3/3 and 3/6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
i) Expansion at 27±5°C 6.00 to 10.00 6.00 to 10.00 6.00 to 10.00 6.00 to 10.00 6, Min 6.00 to 10.00 6.00 to 10.00 6.00 to 10.00 Annex J
ii) 25 percent drainage time 90 s 150 s 120 s 120 s 90 s 180 s 180 s 180 s J
at 27±5°C, Min
iii) Fire test on hydrocarbon
fires (non-polar)
a) Fire control time1), 2 min 3 min 3 min 2 min — 2 min 2 min 2 min K
b) Fire extinction time2), 3 min 5min 4 min 4 min — 3 min 3 min 4 min K
(Total foam discharge /
application time)
c) Seal ability/Film To pass the To pass the To pass the To pass the — To pass the To pass the To pass the K
forming test test test test test test test
d) Burn back, Min 5 min 8 min 8 min 8 min — 5 min 5 min 5 min K
iv) Fire test on polar solvent
a) Fire control time1), — — — — — 3 min 4 min 4 min M
b) Fire extinction time2), — — — — — 5 min 6 min 6 min M
(Total Foam discharge /
application time)
c) Seal ability/Film — — — — — To pass the To pass the To pass the M
forming test test test
IS 4989 : 2018
d) Burn back, Min — — — — — 5 min 8 min 8 min M
Fire control time defined as 90 percent control of fire by visual examination.
Fire extinction time defined as 100 percent fire is extinguished.
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IS 4989 : 2018
( Table 1 )
( Table 1 )
( Table 1 )
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IS 4989 : 2018
( Table 1 )
D-1 PREPARATION OF SYNTHETIC SEA concentrated solution with 235 ml distilled water and
WATER 235 ml synthetic sea water).
Prepare synthetic sea water by dissolving the following D-2.2 Prepare a solution of 250 ml containing
salts in 1 litre of distilled water: 12 percent of Type 6 foam concentrate in both distilled
water and synthetic sea water as prepared in D-1.1 by
Salt Content, Percent volume at a temperature of 27 ± 5°C (Mix separately
30 ml concentrated solution with 220 ml distilled water
Sodium chloride (NaCl) 2.50 and 220 ml synthetic sea water).
Magnesium chloride (MgCl2.6H2O) 1.10 D-2.3 Prepare a solution of 250 ml containing 2 percent
Sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) 0.40 of Type 1 foam concentrate in both distilled water and
Calcium chloride (CaCl2.2H2O) 0.16 synthetic sea water as prepared in D-1.1 by volume
dihydrate at a temperature of 27 ± 5°C (Mix separately 5 ml
concentrated solution with 245 ml distilled water and
Distilled water 95.84 245 ml synthetic sea water).
D-3.1 The solutions as prepared in D-2.1, D-2.2
D-2.1 Prepare a solution of 250 ml containing 6 percent and D-2.3 shall be kept separately in stoppered
of Type 3 foam concentrate in both distilled water and graduated cylinder for 24 h. The solutions shall not
synthetic sea water as prepared in D-1.1 by volume show any stratification, precipitation and turbidity
at a temperature of 27 ± 5°C (Mix separately 15 ml when examined visually at a temperature of 27 ± 5°C.
( Table 1 )
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IS 4989 : 2018
The following procedure shall be followed:
a) Pour the thoroughly shaked sample of foam
compound into the test jar to a height of not less
than 50 mm and not more than 56 mm. Mark the
jar to indicate the proper level.
b) Close the test jar tightly by the cork carrying the
test thermometer in a vertical position in the centre
of the jar with the thermometer bulb immersed so
that the beginning of the capillary shall be 3 mm
below the surface of the sample.
c) Fix the thermometer/sensor for digital thermometer
in vertical position.
d) Place the disc in the jacket and insert the test jar
with the ring gasket 25 mm above the bottom into
the gasket.
e) Maintain the temperature of the cooling bath/deep
freeze at - 5°C for 0°C for foam concentrate and
- 25°C for sub-zero foam concentrate. Support the
jacket containing the test jar, firmly in a vertical
position in the cooling bath so that not more than
25 mm of the jacket projects out of the cooling
medium. As soon as the temperature of the foam
compound in the test jar goes down to 0°C, the jar
shall be tilted and flow observed by holding the
test jar in a horizontal position for 5 s as noted by
stop-watch and foam compound shall flow freely.
f) In case of deep freeze, keep the sample dipping
the sensor of thermometer into the solution and
Fig. 1 Apparatus for Pour Point Test control panel of the thermometer outside the deep
freeze for observation.
( Table 1 )
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IS 4989 : 2018
( Table 1 )
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IS 4989 : 2018
( Clause 4.2 )
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IS 4989 : 2018
Fig. 2 Foam Making Nozzle of Capacity 7.5 ± 0.3 litre/min for Hydrocarbon Fire Test (Non Polar) (contd)
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IS 4989 : 2018
Fig. 2 Foam Making Nozzle of Capacity 7.5 ± 0.3 litre /min for Hydrocarbon Fire Test (Non Polar)
Fig. 3 Foam Making Nozzle of Capacity 11.4 ± 0.3 litre /min for Polar Solvent Fire Test (Contd)
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IS 4989 : 2018
Fig. 3 Foam Making Nozzle of Capacity 11.4 ± 0.3 litre /min for Polar Solvent Fire Test
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IS 4989 : 2018
(Table 2)
J-1 APPARATUS 1 ± 0.3 m from the top edge of the collector. Wet the
collecting vessel internally and weigh it (m1). Set up
J-1.1 Plastics or glass collecting vessel, of known the foam-making nozzle and adjust the nozzle pressure.
volume of approximately 1 600 ± 100 ml, equipped Discharge foam and adjust the height of the nozzle so
with a bottom discharge facility, as shown in Fig. 5. that the discharge strikes the collector centrally. Keep
the nozzle horizontal. Stop foam discharge and rinse
J-1.2 Foam collector, for expansion and drainage all the foam from the collector. Start discharging foam
measurement, as shown in Fig. 6. Stainless steel, and, after 30 ± 5 s allowing to stabilize the discharge,
aluminum, brass and plastics are suitable materials for place the collecting vessel with the discharge outlet
the collection surface. closed, below the collector. Start stop watch when pan
J-1.3 Foam-making nozzles (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3), is half filled by foam and keep stop watch on until the
which when tested with water, has a flow rate of 25 percent drainage time is achieved. Immediately after
7.5 ± 0.3 litre/min at a nozzle pressure of 7 ± 0.3 complete pouring foam into vessel, and as soon as the
kgf/cm2 or 11.4 ± 0.3 litre/min at a nozzle pressure of vessel is full, remove it from the collector, swipe off
6.5 ± 0.3 kgf/cm2 as applicable. the foam surface level on the rim and also from the
outer body of the foam collection vessel. Weigh the full
J-1.4 Foam solution vessel, connected to the nozzle. vessel (m2).
Calculate the expansion (E) from the equation:
Carry out the tests under the temperatures of foam E=
solution 27 ± 5°C. (m2 − m1 )
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IS 4989 : 2018
J-4 PROCEDURE FOR CALCULATING c) start noting of volume of drained water from
25 PERCENT DRAINAGE TIME 20 ml to 80 ml and prepare a graph time versus
volume of drained liquid. Time in second for
Immediately after the determination of foam expansion,
50 ml drained liquid is the 25 percent drainage
25 percent drainage volume should be calculated.
time in the above example.
An example of calculating 25 percent drainage time is Open the drainage valve and collect the foam solution
given below: in the 100 ml measuring cylinder to measure the
Volume of the drainage vessel : 1 600 ml 25 percent drainage time. Adjust the drainage facility
such that the drained foam solution may flow out whilst
Expansion of foam : 8
preventing the passage of foam.
25 percent drainage time volume =
1 600/(4 × 8)
= 50 ml This may be achieved by controlling the level of the
liquid/foam interface in the plastic tube at the outlet.
a) immediately after pouring foam into pan start As soon as drainage volume is achieved, stop the stop
the stop watch, watch and record the time which is 25 percent drainage
b) measure expansion, and time.
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IS 4989 : 2018
( Table 2 )
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IS 4989 : 2018
K-3 RECORDS fire pan as the discretion of fire operator to achieve the
best result.
During the first test, record the following:
a) Indoor or outdoor test; K-8 Preburn time of 60 ± 5 s when tested at ambient
b) Water type, potable/synthetic sea water and temperature between 15°C and 40°C.
temperature of the solution;
c) Ambient temperature;
Pour 100 litre of potable water in the tray. Pour
d) Wind speed;
115 litre of n-heptane within 60 ± 5 s into the tank
e) Control time; over the water surface of thetank so that the height of
f) Extinction time; the fuel in tank is about 25 mm on the water surface.
g) Seal-ability test result; and Position the test nozzle at such a level and direction
that the foam stream, when discharged strikes above
h) 25 percent burn back time. the fuel surfacewith minimum agitation of fuel surface.
K-4 FOAM SOLUTION Nozzle end should not extend over any part of the test
Prepare a foam solution with potable/synthetic sea
Ignite the n-heptane within 30 s of pouring and allow
water as per type of foam that is,1 percent, 3 percent
it to burn as per ambient temperature, mentioned
or 6 percent.
in K-8. Generate foam and direct the stream in to the
Use potable water to prepare the foam solution and also tank above thefuel surface for a period as per Table 2,
make a foam solution using simulated sea water made Sl No.(iii)(b). Record the time of fire control and
up by dissolving the components as per synthetic sea complete extinction.
water composition given in this standard. NOTES
Fill up the solution in the foam tank, 100 litre capacity 1 Premix solution under pressure should be used within
and arrange equipment as given in Fig. 4. 45 min.
2 Before fire test the fire tank should be cleaned properly free
K-5 FUEL from rust and without any projection or dents.
3 Potable water should be used in the fire pan.
115 litre of n-heptane as specified in 7.1.
4 The technical persons performing this test should have to be
protected with fire proof suits, shoes, gloves and helmet with
K-6 EQUIPMENT face shield.
a) Circular steel tray having inside diameter 2 400 ±
25 mm and depth 200 ± 10 mm, made with
minimum 2.5 mm thick steel sheet. Total base area
is 4.52 m2.. After 5 min of foam application a burning torch (flame
b) Adjustable stand to hold the nozzle firmly having height minimum 100 mm) is spread over on the foam
design to easily removal the nozzle from the stand. surface of about 50 mm to 75 mm height covering
edges and cross diagonal through the centre of the tray
c) Stop watch.
for a total period of about 60 s. Foam should not catch
d) Torch to ignite n-heptane and also to perform seal- fire. Avoid touching of foam and dropping of fuel.
ability test.
e) Burn back pot, made of steel with nominal K-11 BURN BACK TEST
thickness 1.5 mm, diameter 300 ± 10 mm and a) Immediately (with in 30 s) after completion of
depth 250 ± 10 mm. seal-ability testplace burn back pot filled with
K-7 FOAM APPLICATION n-heptane (three-fourth) at centre of tank.
b) Ignite the pot with the help of a lighted torch.
The foam making nozzle (7.5 ± 0.3 litre/min) is to be
positioned above the test pan, fixed in a position by c) Record the time of 25 percent (approximate)
mechanical means for easy removal. Foam should be spread of fire by visual observation.
discharged directly on to the burning fuel surface with NOTE — Allow the fuel to burn in draught free still air
condition and ensure that flames are vertical. Watch by visual
minimum agitation of fuel surface until the control
observation 25 percent of the fire test tank is under fire. This
of fireis attained. After attaining the control of fire, time is recorded as burn back time for a foam blanket which is
foam application may be started manually and may be an indirect measure of thermal stability as well as scalability of
directed on to the fuel surface moving all sides of the the foam blanket.
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IS 4989 : 2018
( Table 2 )
M-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS position so that the foam should be discharged on to the
back board above the water fuel surface about 0.5 m.
A test is successful only, if the appropriate requirements
of this clause are met as per Table 2. Carry out one test M-7 EQUIPMENT
with premix solution of foam concentrate of potable
water and the other with the synthetic sea water. If first a) Circular steel tray having inside diameter 1 480 ±
test is not successful, repeat that test. If this repeat test 15 mm and depth 150 ± 10 mm, made with
is successful, then test is acceptable and no third test minimum 2.5 mm thick steel sheet. Total base area
is required. No repeat test is required, if first test is is 1.73 m2.
successful. b) Adjustable stand to hold the nozzle firmly.
c) Stop watch.
d) Torch to ignite n-heptane and also to perform seal-
Carry out the tests under the following conditions: ability test.
a) Ambient temperature : 15°C to 40°C e) Burn back pot, made of steel with nominal
b) Maximum wind speed : 3 m/s in the proximity thickness 1.5 mm, diameter 300 ± 10 mm and
of the test pan depth 250 ± 10 mm.
NOTE — If necessary, some form of wind-screen may be used. f) Adjustable back board — A back board of width
and height of 1 000 mm having design to fix and
M-3 RECORDS remove the back board with fire tray easily with
During the first test, record the following: suitable means.
a) Indoor or outdoor test, M-8 Preburn time of 60 ± 5 s when tested at ambient
b) Water type that is potable water/ synthetic sea temperature between 15°C and 40 °C.
water and temperature,
c) Ambient temperature,
d) Wind speed, Pour 125 litre of iso-propyl alcohol into the fire tray.
Position the test nozzle at 7 kgf/cm2 pressure at such
e) Control time (90 percent fire out visual), a level and direction that the foam stream, when
f) Extinction time, discharged strikes it on the back board as per K-6.
g) Sealability test result, and Nozzle end should not extend over any part of the test
h) 25 percent burn back time. pan. There should be no gap more than 60 s between
pouring and igniting the fuel for fire test.
M-4 FOAM SOLUTION Ignite the iso-propyl alcohol within 30 s of pouring and
Prepare a foam solution with potable/synthetic sea allow it to burn as per ambient temperature, mentioned
water as per type of foam that is, 3 percent/3 percent in M-8. Generate foam and direct the stream into the
and 3 percent/6 percent. back board at about 0.5 m from the fuel surface for a
duration of time as per Table 2, Sl No. (iv)(b). Record
Use potable water to prepare up the foam solution and the time of fire control and complete extinction.
also make a foam solution using simulated sea water
made up by dissolving the components as per synthetic
1 Premix solution under pressure should be used within
sea water composition given in this standard.
45 min.
Fill up the solution in the foam tank, 100 litre capacity 2 Before fire test the fire tank should be cleaned properly free
and arrange equipment as given in Fig. 4. from rust and without any projection or dents.
3 The technical persons performing this test should have to be
M-5 FUEL protected with fire proof suits, shoes, gloves and helmet with
face shield.
125 litre of iso-propyl alcohol as specified in 7.2.
After 5 min of foam application a burning torch (flame
The foam making nozzle (11.4 ± 0.3 l/min) is to be height minimum 100 mm) is spread over above the
positioned above the test pan, fixed horizontally in a foam surface of about 50 mm to 75 mm height covering
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IS 4989 : 2018
edges and cross diagonal through the centre of the pan c) Record the time of 25 percent (approximate)
for a total period of about 60 s. Foam should not catch spread of fire by visual observation.
fire. Avoid touching of foam and dropping of fuel. NOTE — Allow the fuel to burn in draught free still air
condition and ensure that flames are vertical. Watch by visual
M-11 BURN BACK TEST observation 25 percent of the fire test tank is under fire. This
time is recorded as burn back time for a foam blanket which is
a) Immediately (within 30 s) after completion of an indirect measure of thermal stability as well as scalability of
sealability test place burn back pot filled with the foam blanket.
n-heptane (three - fourth) at centre of tank.
b) Ignite the pot with the help of a lighted torch.
( Foreword )
Organization Representative(s)
Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi Shri D. K. Shami (Chairman)
Agni Controls, Chennai Shri D. Balachandran
Airports Authority of India, New Delhi Shri Subhash Kumar
Shri P. K. Deshmukh (Alternate)
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai Chief Fire Officer
CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee Dr R. S. Chimote
Shri Suvir Singh (Alternate)
Central Industrial Security Force, New Delhi Shri Rajnath Singh
Shri S. D. Ingle (Alternate)
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi Shri Chaitanya Kumar Verma
Shri D. K. Tulani (Alternate)
Centre for Fire & Explosive Environment Safety (DIFR), Shri V. K. Sharma
New Delhi Shri M. K. Jain (Alternate)
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Chennai Shri J. P. K. Hepat
Chhatariya Rubber & Chemicals Industries, Mumbai Shri S. A. Haveliwala
Shri H. S. Haveliwala (Alternate)
Controllerate of Quality Assurance, Pune Col V. V. Kadam
Col N. K. N. Rao (Alternate)
Delhi Fire Services, New Delhi Shri A. K. Sharma
Dr G. C. Misra (Alternate)
Directorate of Fire and Emergency Services, Goa Shri Ashok Menon
Shri Rajendra A. Haldankar (Alternate)
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Dr Ram Verma
New Delhi Shri V. K. Gulati (Alternate)
Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi Shri R. B. Bhutda
Shri Vipan Goel (Alternate)
F. M. Engineering International India Branch, Bengaluru Shri Sumit Khanna
Shri Prasad Kulkarni (Alternate)
Fire & Emergency Services, J&K, Srinagar Dr G. A. Bhat
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IS 4989 : 2018
Organization Representative(s)
Fire Protection Association of India, Mumbai President
GAIL (India) Limited, New Delhi Shri S. P. Garg
Shri Sanjeev Kumar Kalkal (Alternate)
Gunnebo India Pvt Limited, Chennai Shri K. Arul Prakash
Shri Rajesh Sharma (Alternate)
H. D. Fire protect Pvt Limited, Thane Shri Harish N. Dharamshi
Shri K. T. Chaudhari (Alternate)
Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Noida Shri Aashish R. Gokhale
Institution of Fire Engineers, New Delhi President
General Secretary (Alternate)
K. V. Fire Chemicals (India) Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai Shri Rajesh H. Sabadra
Shri Uday K. Shroff (Alternate)
Karnataka State Fire and Emergency Services, Bengaluru Shri K. U. Ramesh
Shri K. Srinivasa (Alternate)
Maharashtra Fire Services, Mumbai Director
Shri S. S. Warick (Alternate)
Mumbai Fire Brigade, Mumbai Chief Fire Officer
Deputy Chief Fire Officer (Alternate)
NBCC (India) Ltd, New Delhi Shri R. K. Agarwal
Shrimati Sunita Purswani (Alternate)
Nohmi Bosai (India) Pvt Ltd, Gurugram Shri Ishwar Iyer
Shri Neeraj Sehgal (Alternate)
Oil Industry Safety Directorate, New Delhi Shri S. K. Nandy
Reliance Industries Limited, Mumbai Shri VaradendraKoti
Shri Umesh Khandalkar (Alternate)
RESQ Technologies, Ahmedabad Shri Rohit V. Shah
Safex Fire Services Limited, Mumbai Shri Jitendra Shah
Shri Sandip Shah(Alternate)
Shah Bhogilal Jethalal& Bros, Ahmedabad Shri Mukesh M. Shah
Shri Abhay D. Purandare (Alternate)
State Bank of India, Mumbai AGM and CFO
Fire Officer (Alternate)
Surex Production and Sales Private Limited, Kolkata Shri Debashis Neogi
Swastik Synergy Engineering Pvt Ltd, Mumbai Shri Mukesh D. Shah
Shri Kunal Zatakia (Alternate)
Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services Department, Chennai Shri S. Vijayasekar
Shrimati N. Priya (Alternate)
Tyco Fire & Security India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai Shri Manoj Shenoy
Shri Riyazuddin Siddiqui (Alternate)
UL India Pvt Limited, Bengaluru Shri Jagdish V.
Shri S. P. Tej Kumar Behara (Alternate)
Uttar Pradesh Fire Services, Lucknow Shri P. K. Rao
Shri Aman Sharma (Alternate)
West Bengal Fire and Emergency Service, Kolkata Shri D. P. Biswas
Shri G. K. Bhattacharya (Alternate)
In personal capacity (B-152, Ist Floor, East of Kailash, Shri Hemant Kumar
New Delhi)
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IS 4989 : 2018
Organization Representative(s)
In personal capacity (K-33-A, Green Park, New Delhi) Shri S. K. Dheri
In personal capacity (A-45, Sector-70, Noida) Dr H. S. Kaprwan
In personal capacity (A-347, Defence Colony, New Delhi) Shri R. C. Sharma
In personal capacity (SJR Verity, VIVA-305, Amrita Shri T. R. A. Krishnan
College Road, Bengaluru)
BIS Directorate General Shri Sanjay Pant, Scientist ‘F’ and Head (Civil Engineering)
[Representing Director General (Ex-officio)]
Member Secretary
Shri Srikanth Yajjala
Scientist ‘C’ (Civil Engg), BIS
Organization Representative(s)
In Personal Capacity (A-45, Sector-70, Noida) Dr H. S. Kaprwan (Convener)
ASKA Equipment Ltd, New Delhi Shri Ashok H. Garg
Ceasefire Industries Limited, New Delhi Shri Ashutosh Mangal
Centre for Fire & Explosive Environment Safety (DIFR), Shri K. C. Wadhwa
New Delhi Shri Pankaj Chawala (Alternate)
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, Chennai Shri J. P. K. Hepat
Chhatriya Rubbers Chemicals Industries, Mumbai Shri S. A. Haveliwala
Shri H. S. Haveliwala (Alternate)
Controllerate of Quality Assurance, Pune Col V. V. Kadam
Col N. K. N Rao (Alternate)
Delhi Fire Services, New Delhi Shri A. K. Sharma
Dr G. C. Misra (Alternate)
Devraj Engineers, Ahmedabad Shri Vaishnav B. Shah
Shri Devan B. Shah (Alternate)
Fire & Emergency Services, Goa Shri Ashok Menon
Shri Nitin V. Raiker (Alternate)
G. K. Engg. Co. Limited, New Delhi Shri A. K. Dhawan
Gunnebo India Pvt Limited, Chennai Shri K. Arul Prakash
Shri Rajesh Sharma (Alternate)
H. D. Fire protect Pvt Limited, Thane Shri Harish N. Dharamshi
Shri K. T. Chaudhari (Alternate)
Institution of Fire Engineers (India), New Delhi President
General Secretary (Alternate)
K. V. Fire Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd, Navi Mumbai Shri Rajesh H. Sabadra
Shri Uday K. Shroff (Alternate)
Kochi Refineries Limited, Ernakulam Shri A. K. Das
Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi Shri D. K. Shami
Deputy Fire Adviser (Alternate)
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Mumbai Chief Fire Officer
Deputy Chief Fire Officer (Alternate)
Newage Industries, Surendranagar Shri Ashok M. Shah
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mumbai Fire Brigade -
IS 4989 : 2018
Organization Representative(s)
Nitin Fire Proetection Industries Limited, Mumbai Shri Nitin M. Shah
Shri Kunal N. Shahi (Alternate)
Peter Autokits Pvt Limited, Mumbai Shri J. K. Shah
Shri Paresh Joshi (Alternate)
S & P Safety Products Pvt Limited, Kolkata Shri Tunir Chakrabarti
Safex Fire Services Limited, Mumbai Shri Jitendra Shah
Shri Sandip Shah (Alternate)
Shah BhogilalJethalal& Bros, Ahmedabad Shri Mukesh M. Shah
Shri Abhay D. Purandare (Alternate)
Super Star Fire Tech Pvt Limited, Vadodara Shri Rohit Mehta
Shri Tushar Mehta (Alternate)
Surex Production and Sales Private Limited, Kolkata Shri Debashis Neogi
Topaz Fire Systems Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru Shri Liaqut Ali Khan
In personal capacity (K-33-A, Green Park, New Delhi) Shri S. K. Dheri
In personal capacity (A-347, Defence Colony, New Delhi) Shri R. C. Sharma
In personal capacity (SJR Verity, VIVA-305, Amrita College Shri T. R. A. Krishnan
Road, Bengaluru)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mumbai Fire Brigade -
foam concentrates for top application to water-miscible liquids’. Following International practices a new
formulation of AFFF Foam Concentrate of 1 percent has been included. New clause of marking AFFF, FFFP,
FP and all AR types has been included to declare the percentage of fluorocarbon surfactant in the formulation.
Other types of foams such as medium expansion and high expansion foam (20 - 200 and 200 - 1 000 expansions)
which are produced from the synthetic foam are excluded from this standard as the principle for foaming method
of used and application in fire protection also differs appreciably.
The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of the standard is given in Annex N.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of specified value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mumbai Fire Brigade -
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 22 (8007).