07 Chapter 1
07 Chapter 1
07 Chapter 1
Genesis, 1:3
that a novelist has to give shape and significance to the immense panorama of
over the years. He is a dissenting voice, accepting the role of a critic, of social,
economic, cultural and moral order. His role entails an effort to grasp the
society in its entirety, to seek a critical point of view and to resist pressures to
novel. The Argentinian writer Jorge Louis Borges has wielded considerable
influence over the philosophical outlook of America and Europe. The split in
the soul of modern man, as visualized and projected by Des Cartes, has
activities of human beings. "For what his allegiance is, is what he is writing
about", so says Walker Percy, the American novelist, in his essay, "A Novel
About the End of the World". It is a clear statement about the allegiance of a
dimensions of human life. The inclinations, the dispositions and the leanings
D.H. Lawrence, novel matters more than other forms of writing because "the
novel is the one bright book of life" and the novelist is "superior to the saint,
the scientist, the philosopher and the poet. (20th Century Literary
Criticism p. 133). A novelist should see something other people do not see or
atleast do not pay much attention to. He should not be an alien in a hostile
better view of the battle than those still fighting. Patrick W h i t e believes that a
men, shocking them with his moralistic outbursts about the end of the world,
that is the passing of one order and the beginning of another. He shares the
view of Walker Percy that a novelist, "is like the canary that coal miners used
to take down into the shaft to test the air. W h e n the canary gets unhappy,
utters plaintive cries and collapses and it may be time for the miners to surface
and think things over (Walker Percy, The Message in the Bottle, p. 101).
Therefore it should be the ultimate concern of the novelist to warn the present
measures are taken. The "either/or" situation is too serious because "the
psychical forces presently released in the post modern consciousness open
modern society becomes all the more compelling since like the canary he gives
precautionary cries to avert the impending disaster. This prophetic role or the
with this situation the novelist "calls on every ounce of cunning, craft and
guile he can muster from the darker regions of his soul. The fictional use of
violence, shock, comedy, insult, the bizarre are the every day tools of his
The ultimate concern of a novelist should be the nature of man and the
pilgrim, the man on the exit, a stranger in a strange land where the sign posts
are enigmatic because "the ways [are] deep and the weather sharp/The very
for in his novels. In this connection the words of the Duke Senior referring to
the 'Wise Fool" Touchstone become relevant. "He uses his folly like a stallcing
horse, and under the presentation of that he shoots his wit". (As y o u Like It,
Act V Scene IV). This Touchstone-type role fits Patrick W h i t e well to spit his
Australia was brought to the light of the literary world by the wonderful
due to the cumulative effect of the spade work carried out by Australian
human psyche in order to fishout the lighter as well as the darker sides of
encounter the true self. His interest is wide and varied. The aesthetic arts of
music and painting, the sensuousness of Nature replete with all shades of
emotions and feelings, the use of symbolic language to bring out the hidden
meaning of life, are the various attractions one finds in his novels. His interest
through the particular. In this connection the words of Brian Kjernan become
Kiernan, p . l )
His love for the universal through the local is considered to be an imaginative
as he sees it, instead, he goes deeper and deeper to unearth the common
heritage of all humanity, highlighting its strength and weakness, thoughts and
emotions, the cross-currents of psychic order and disorder. The tension, the
restlessness and uneasiness presented in his novels are due to the dichotomy
between the higher perceptions his characters seek and the mundane reality
they encounter in actual life. There are conflicting opinions about Patrick
genuine writer cannot be pigeon-holed into one particular category since his
concern is not one aspect of life but the entire bee-hive of human sympathies.
one discovers in them. He makes it credible that many people behind their
social wall are endowed with a life-enriching consciousness and a person who
which caused the flowering of his genius. Patrick Martindale W h i t e was born
honeymoon tour covering nearly two years. He spent his early childhood in
Patrick W h i t e " quote his words describing his state of mind in England.
For him London was only a landscape for fun and frolic and Australia was the
land of his vision, since his serious literary career began only when he returned
to Australia, after his studies. He has compared this stage of his life to that of
the prodigal son, who returned to himself, to his father and the ancestral
home after spending days and nights in far away places. This return to the
through all his novels is expressed in many ways, chiefly through the 'journey
was to join the Royal Air Force in 1941. He was posted in the Middle East as
an intelligence officer. This enabled him to have direct encounter with the
vast Egyptian deserts, which changed his view of life. He later made use of all
It is only after returning to his native land, he produced serious literary works,
All these novels are brought together by the moral fibre running through
understood that the conventional, religious, social and scientific pieties are
one step further to mean that poetry also has failed and it is the onerous
world of man, his mind and all that are born within his thinking system form
the core of reality. It is the search of the protagonists for a higher order that
Percy of America and Muriel Spark of England share this view that man is
personal identity. Percy through the mouth of Binx Boiling, the protagonist of
his novel "The M o v i e g o e r (1961) expresses the idea that "the search is what
any one should undertake if he were not sunk in everydayness of his own life"
(The M o v i e g o e r p. 1 8).
These three great novelists of the three different continents come together to
considers life as something imposed on him, much against his will. Heidgger's
idea that man is incapable of coming out of his self as life itself is not of his
choice. The only reality that appears meaningful to him is "his own self". The
objectification of the self". Muriel spark is of the opinion that the 'soul', the
^self and the ^spirit' are treated now on par with objects of lesser values and
significance resulting in a great fall, the fall of the sublime to the ludicrous.
ludicrous fall is made more apparent in the contrasting lines of Marvel and
Eliot. Marvel! in his poem "To His Coy Mistress" points out what lies before
human life to the "forbidden tree with the serpent on it". Man allows himself
to be ridden by Satan and his evil plans. Patrick White's protagonists are
subjected to intense trials, physical, mental and spiritual. They gain enough
strength to survive the ordeals in order to gain the momentum that carries
poetry, "like the motion of a serpent which the Egyptians made the emblem of
intellectual power; or like the path of sound through the air, at every step he
pauses and half recedes, and from the retrogressive movement collects the
the main thread of moral responsibility on the part of the novelist runs
the literary world by setting all his novels, except The Living and the D e a d ,
certain geographical areas dearer to them. But Patrick white has not resorted
topography, culture and tradition as they are without changing them to the
moral and social problems that most urgently beset him and the locale and
capturing the "zeit-geist", and leaves the conclusion to the reading public. He
social values, and theories of morality, though he has his own pet theories and
So, the virtues, vices, the good and the evil find equal place in his novels. The
enlightened reader easily grasps the truth as he throws indirect light on his
The landscape becomes the subject of his writing and it represents a bigger
version of the different types of life led by the Australians during the
profound analysis of the human life and its moral condition, for which he is
justly loiown and admired. In range of style and structure, in the power of
literature. But this does not mean that Patrick White's vision of life is partial
or blurred. It only asserts that all that he could know, see, experience, read
and hear about the life in Australia found a substantia! representation in his
novels. Like most of the novelists of the time, Patrick W h i t e presents the
general attitude of the time, a time of freedom from the rigidity of the society.
time (p.283).
The first two novels Happy Valley and The Living and the Dead are
clear indicators of Patrick White's orientations. They are the hints of his pre-
occupations with the moral vision of life. These two novels present the crisis
in the life of man, his isolation and his search for meaning and identity. The
setting of the first novel is the rural Australia and the second novel is set in
But suffering without humility and humanity will not assure of the solution,
profession, decides to live in Happy Valley with his family. He is very much
attracted by the prefix "happy", but later he realises that it is not a place of
happiness, but of anguish and anxiety and it is like the unreal city of Waste
Land "removing itself into a world of allegory, of which the dominating motif
was pain" (HV p.77). His married life does not give him happiness as his
relationship with his wife and children does not help him to circumvent the
sense of alienation gnawing at his soul. For a brief period of time he finds
signs of progress when he establishes a new kind of affinity with the music
teacher, Alys Browne. At this point of time Oliver feels that he has achieved
considerable extent. She seems to him a guide, a guardian and above all an
else Like a lot of other illusions I've had for years, I've
guarantee for salvation. Suffering should make one meek, humble and
is with Voss. This Idnd of ordeal alone will lead to refinement and spiritual
returns to his wife but this re-union, though after much suffering, has not
effected the cause of salvation. Oliver's son, the unhappy school boy, also tries
feels that she is a sufferer like him. But the boy also leaves her when the
family moves out of the happy valley, reminding one of the idea that some
relationships are temporary like the bubbles and they do not take one forward
Patrick White's second novel also moves along the same line - the line
Waste Land, the land of the living dead. He wants to escape from such a
in which they find their meaning and purpose as part of a larger, more intense,
and intensifying divine whole", (Brady, "Difficult God", pp. 72-73). But he
has not grasped with the ultimate reality and his sense of alienation grows.
drama of life. Like an observer anchored to a place he views the entire scene.
"He had no part in anything. It frightened him a little. He could feel himself
tremble... It began to occupy him more and more, his not being part of
when he stands a mute witness to the bus accident when the bus ran over a
drunken man. At the time of the accident "the whole neighbourhood moved,
except his feet. He was anchored where he stood. He was the audience to a
piece of a distant pantomime" (LD p. 10). Elyot could not make a meaningful
association with his sister Eden, when she decided to go to Spain in order to
participate in the civil war. He understands that he has the right and the
power to dissuade her from going away, but some sort of numbness has set in
and he does not do anything, either good or bad - to stop her. In his case he
failed to extend his mind to his sister and also to the dead drunken man and
Elyot does not take any one into his mind and heart lovingly and
with his Jewish mistress Muriel. But these contacts could not deliver him out
of his alienation. He even feels confused and awe-struck when he thinks of his
affairs with women. He considers his relationship with Muriel only as "the
last flicker of boredom experienced by two people that habit kept united"
(LD p.277). His association with the third woman Connie Tiarks also ended
in failure. He takes asylum in the world of the dead, that of books. He wants
to run his life on one rail leaving out the other, that is, he wants to be labelled
presents Elyot as "the intellectual who does not make use of his opportunities
to become alive, and for whom there is no rooted existence in the future or in
his own mental make-up. His security is the past, a world of the dead",
Elyot when he discovers that his sister Eden's travel to Spain to participate in
war after the death of her lover when she was convinced of "the rightness of
different, if not the end. You were aware of the same end.
The next novel, which Patrick White has published, is The Aunt's Story after a
gap of seven years, in 1948. This novel is the starting point of Patrick White's mature
vision of life, the moral vision that teaches the world that the ultimate solution lies in
ultimate suffering, the kind of suffering that is capable to chastise and chasten the erring
soul. The protagonist undergoes various ordeals, physical and mental and ultimately
destroys herself in order to create herself This is the story of Theodora Goodman, a
woman who is neither here nor there and as such she is in a predicament. She is not a
girl or a boy, but she has both the qualities and she knows that she cannot be both but
only one. She walks with a long-legged masculine stride "dry, leathery and yellow"
(p. 12). A black moustache completes her crisis. "She should have been a boy, they said
.... Life was divided, rather, in to the tender moments and the cruel" (p.32). She cannot
easily identify herself with the personages that surrounded her except her father. Her
attachment to her father has evoked cruel responses from her mother, and for which the
mother hates her more and loves her sister Fanny. And her father Mr. Goodman had his
own pre-occupations and he did not try to understand her. She was secretly undergoing
a spiritual crisis without much external symptoms. She felt that "she was oppressed by a
weight of sadness that nobody would lift, because nobody would ever know that she was
shouldering it. Least of all [her] father, who was thick and mysterious as a tree, but also
hollow..." (pp.25-26). Only through a close intimacy of spiritual stature can the wall of
alienation be penetrated. But nobody ever tries, nor shows real concern towards her.
Her two suitors Frank Parrot and Huntly Clarkson also failed to tackle with her
alienation and as such their affair with her does not fructify. So, she broke her
relationship with them as she has the desire to create through crises.
The death of her father was a great blow and the pleasant experiences of her
childhood collapsed. Meroe, the geographical area of her childhood days also lost its
magic and it looked ordinary after the death of her father. The visionary gleam is over
and she tries to find answer for the question "where is it now, the glory and the dream".
The only one who made an attempt to understand her is her school mistress. She utters
b a r r e n , y o u will be b o t h h o n o u r e d a n d d e s p i s e d . . . . But
t h e r e will b e m o m e n t s of p a s s i n g affection, t h r o u g h w h i c h
t h e o p a q u e w o r l d will b e c o m e t r a n s p a r e n t . . . . ( p . 6 3 ) .
Theodora's mother was harsh and violent towards her. Her mother did
not nourish fine sentiments and she was a born destroyer. Theodora
considered her mother as inimical to her progress. She believed that her
mother was "born with an axe in her hand" (p. 121) and this opinion
prompted her to think of spilling her blood. But the decision was averted
because she felt the seriousness of such an action and threw back the thin
knife. But the very "thought of murder' is repulsive because she knew the
Biblical precaution that sin is not in deeds but in thoughts. Sin is a state of
the mind and not the act of the hand. So she felt guilty and uttered these
painful words: "I am guilty of murder that has not been done. It is the
death of her mother, Theodora lived faithfully to her and did all that could be
The death of her mother offered her physical freedom to move about.
But she realized that the real enemy for her pilgrimage to perfection lies
abnegation and self-denial are the only steps to reach the redemptive shore of
emptiness and nothingness. So her name was torn out by the roots, just as
she had torn the tickets, rail and steamship, on the mountain road" (p.269) in
order to be closer to meaning and purity. One can assume that by "this way
being" (p.269). This novel is Patrick White's first successful novel, which
Patrick White's next novel The Tree of Man was published in 1956.
It deals with Stan Parker's encounter with himself and the world. Stan Parker
did not wait for long to marry Amy and they started their life like anybody
absolute perfection" (TM.p 111). But the discrepancy between the husband
and the wife in their attitude to life, nature and human relationships soon
emerged. The husband looked for something enduring though visionary, but
the wife sees things right under her nose. Stan Parker's association with
Nature and its forces and Amy's hesitation and disregard for the Natural
forces are symbols of their discord. The blowing wind has flung together
As in the case of Job, who utters that "God gave and God took back", the
wind representing the omnipotence of G o d " took back what it gave" (p.27).
Amy asks Stan whether the wind blows heavily in these parts. But Stan
"made a motion with his mouth, [since] it was not one of the things to
(p.27). The difference between Amy and Stan is still clear as "this was
something she did not, and perhaps never would. She had begun to hate the
wind, and the distance, and the road, because her importance tended to
dwindle" (p.27). He is one level higher than his wife as he started looking up
her to the next plane of existence. Therefore the crisis continues and Stan
Parker feels alienated. The stage has not come for him either to see the glory
He was unable to find out the significance of "the orange fire of evening,
The Parker's had to face a natural disaster in the form of a flood and it
possession is at the highest and she wants to own the helpless and hapless
child. But the boy left the home unnoticed, leaving behind his only
possession - a coloured glass. The child does not belong to anybody, it does
not attach itself to anybody as it is "homeless" and an "orphan" like the status
of man on the earth. Stan might have looked at the child as a "rarefied
version of ... himself" (David Tacey, p. 132). But later the Parkers had two
children of their own, Ray and Thelma. But the parental love on these
children was not equal and just and as such Ray showed signs of violence,
the self 'was so acute with Amy that she wanted to "possess" her husband as
she possesses an object. Stan Parker on the other hand tried to be elusive
from the clutches of his wife, but was, in the initial stage, attracted by the
beauty of Madeline. He wanted to enter into her and hide there eternally. He
that the sweat of his body was drugging her, and that
But this affection and attraction did not last long. Stan saw her beauty
^shrunk^ and ^shrivelled up'. Step by step Stan Parker started distancing
himself from human habitation and was dragged 'by the mystery of stillness'
reflected in Nature.
The estrangement from his son Ray and daughter Thelma was further
everything has proved that he is lone and his family life, or earthly ties would
not be of any help in his solitary sojourn towards eternity. Now his only
consolation is to move towards the right direction in search of his main stay,
The spiritual phase dawned on him and "a communion of soul and scene was
taking place", (p.397). He felt that he had a part in Nature and Nature is a
part of him. He is moving near the ultimate domain of the pure spirit, of the
transcendent God. His enlightened soul could not communicate his vision to
his wife. He was speechless and silent when he experienced the turmoil of
passion within him. He understood that there were many things remaining
with him unsaid than said. He was not able to "express the poem that was
locked inside him" (TM p.29) and he died with the poem as a pregnant lady
with a child inside. But he had his visions clear and he reached the religious
mode of existence. He understood that the tree of man was made unholy by
the presence of Satan and to fight against the arch rival is the chief end of life.
Fringe of Leaves (1956) and The Vivisector are the three novels selected for
aimed at. Voss is the name of a German explorer who feels compelled to
vision" (Vp.29). He, as in the Old Testament period, when Israel was the
encounter and experience. His travel into the desert ultimately turns out to be
a travel into himself, seeking l<jiowledge and revelation. At the end, by an act
of humility he overcomes the Evil within and passes on to the spiritual world
and good man, "an easy shadow to wear" (Vp.31). He is a good follower,
subservient and obeying. The others are Le Mesurier, a poet who can
prophesy their fate, Palfreyman who believes that Voss is a kind of deliverer, a
god-head, Judd the convict, Angus and Turner. Laura was with Voss
spiritually and she too participated in the expedition through the landscape of
her mind. Their travel to conquer the desert is equal to Hemingway's old
man's attempt to conquer the powers of the sea. But the difference is that the
old man stood against the elements like King Lear in the open heath
earth'. Whereas Voss could not fight against the Desert as he thought himself
to be a God. His pride and arrogance worked against him and in turn he was
above humility" (Vp.90) and in the same vein he continued to utter his words
of arrogance. He says, "I am not in the habit of setting myself limits" and to
Mr. Bonner he replies that he has not studied the map of the desert because "I
The journey started like the journey of the three wise men from the
East insearch of Infant Jesus in dead of winter. The camels refracted and
those accompanied the Magi grumbled and rebelled. It is also like the
rebellion of the Israelites against Moses and Aaron in the Desert when they
were confronted with painful experiences. Here also, the party accompanying
Voss was split. Voss asked Palfreyman to face the inimical Aborigines. He
moves forward trusting to his faith and ruminating over his past life. " over
the dry earth he went, with his springy exaggerations" (p.324) and met death
when the spear of an Aborigine struck him in his side. The death of
Palfreyman tragically opened the eyes of the others and they understood what
was instored for them. Judd, the convict, Turner and Angus decided not to
accompany Voss any further. But Turner and Angus also die leaving Judd
physically alive, but tortured in mind. Voss also meets his end in the desert
but he is humanised by the loving memories that he had about Laura and he
becomes a legend as his soul has joined with the wind his body with the dust.
The legend is that "Voss did not die. He is there still, it is said, in the country
revealed through the life and experiences of four personages namely Mary
named Alf Dubbo. All these four characters arrive at a stage in their life
through individual and collective experiences when they find good in every
thing like the Duke Senior of As y o u Like It and God in everything' like
other some spark of divinity and it makes them believe that they are the riders
of the chariot of God. In order to understand how they reached the level of
Mary Hare is one with Nature and she considers Nature as her "path of
existence" ( R C p . l 2 ) . She feels proud to say that all in Nature, the land, stick
and stone are better understood by her than anybody else. Her love of Nature
is the result of her being rejected by her father saying that she was ugly to look
at and her mother's uncertain and drifting kindness. She, like the flora and
fauna in Nature, expresses the beauty of divinity as a prism refracts the ray of
light into beautiful rainbow colours. She believes that divinity passes through
the blue sky, the round ocean and the mind of man as Wordsworth claimed.
Eden and here in the garden of Xanadu it is the housekeeper Mrs. Jolley.
MaryHare's Icnowledge leads to identify the evil within and without. She
knows that she too nourished some human element secretly beneath the show
of divinity. Some times she discovers this fact and utters in despair "it is I
The spark of Divinity was first kindled in her by her father's reference
to the chariot of the Sun God in the setting time. The chariot in the western
She was asked by her father to identify the riders of the chariot. But she
could not unfathom the mystery behind such a reference. But after her
father's death, she is haunted by the reference of the chariot and she pays
battered cheeks [and] she was lifted up [to the sky] (p.37),
and later identifies herself with one of the riders of the chariot. The other
rider-be is Mrs.Ruth Godbold. She too has her share of tragic experiences.
She loses her mother and brother. Her father's second marriage drives her out
Robinson. All who move closely with her easily identify her piety, charity and
"the most positive evidence of good" (p.64). Mrs. Chalmers Robinson herself
praises her as a woman too good and almost "a Idnd of saint" (p.485). She
plays the good Samaritan to Mary Hare, the drunken Aborigine and the
seriously wounded Himmelfarb. She two has the vision of the chariot. The
hymns that she sings in the church open her curiosity to see her Christ in the
The very vision of the chariot has changed her attitude and she feels
that she is gifted with "the wings of love and charity" (p.489) as it touches the
> e r y centre' of her being. Her marriage with Tom is a failure, as she finds
unable to redeem him and make him "strong enough to suffer the full force of
his wife's love" (p.286). Therefore he leaves her and does not return. On his
death she feels 'reduced by half and she pours out her heart in a cry that is
typical of the concern that Christ showed when he found the crying Martha
and Mary at the death of their brother Lazarus. In this sense she is raised to
the level of divinity and she has become a 'Christ-figure' crying for every
erring man. She cries at the sight of the dead body of her husband, but this
but for the condition of men, for all those she had loved,
at the hem and finding it come away in her hand, for her
even for the black fellow she had met at Mrs. IChalil's... She
cried, finally, for the people beside her in the street, whose
The next ~ rider in the chariot' is Mordecai Himmelfarb, the Jew. The
jews, by the nature of their ordeal from the past to the present are looking for
some signs of the Second Coming of Christ to get themselves redeemed. So,
anxiety and anguish as his parents were divided in their spiritual vision. The
secular rationalism of his father and the traditional and devout piety of his
conversion of his father to Christianity leaving aside the Jewish tradition is the
last blow on the fragile mind. But he stood steadfast in his Jewish religion and
he married Reha, a Jewish girl. His mystical experiences make him visualize
the chariot and he wants to share his moments of enlightenment with his wife.
He speaks to her:-
by the Old Testament prophet Ezelciel. The second World War and the
Jewish suffering at the hands of Hitler, his loss of his wife and the resultant
distracted thoughts are the common inherited traits of all Jews, their legacy of
suffering. "He would drift for hours in a state between spirit and substance,
and he does not think of death as there is no " purpose in dying twice",
(p. 157). He miraculously escaped from the Germans and comes to Australia
and the second phase of the saga of suffering starts. His experience in
Australia especially in Sarsaparilla helps him to come to contact with the other
riders in the chariot, that is the other visionaries of the chariot. Their similar
"zaddik" who knows everything far deep into the life of things. A sense of
and race, they [the riders] were, and always had been, engaged on a similar
now he works, leads him to contact AJf Dubbo, the fourth rider of the chariot.
The four riders form a secret understanding among themselves and they share
the common vision. All of them undergo bitter experiences and finally enter
Alf Dubbo, the fourth rider of the chariot, also has his own share of
loneliness and alienation. He was an artist and as such he has become a social
out-caste. He is "neither the actor, nor the spectator, [but] was the most
adopted by Rev. Timothy Calderon and his sister, Mrs. Pask, a widow. Dubbo
art were ununderstood and often misunderstood. He was not tolerated by the
average and was considered a "brute that no decentman would touch, only
with a broom"(p.309). Mrs. Pask and the Rector of the church misunderstand
his genius and he leaves them drifting towards infinity. "Dubbo is the
educated half black owned neither by the whites nor by the blacks. His
alienation continues. But finally he comes out of himself through his art.
mist in his mind" (p.325). But finally be becomes a rider in the chariot and is
published in 1966, The Solid Mandala. This novel adds to Patrick White's
almost like getting back the divine light of the childhood through physical and
mental ordeals. The Brown brothers, Arthur Brown and Waldo Brown live in
total bliss, one considering the other as his counterpart, the other self. Their
childhood was the perfect and the ideal one, which everyone wishes to have.
The proposed marriage will give him physical support and enough time and
study'Xp. 1 50). This selfish and ego-centric calculation had a jolt when he got
their responses to the emotional need of Mrs. Poulter. She longs for a child
and Waldo presents a plastic doll whereas Arthur offers himself as her child.
ordeals and comes out tolerably successful, whereas Waldo fails with his
intellectual aridity and spiritual sterility. Waldo does not progress in his
"a symbol of totality" and like Wordsworth's 'round ocean' it becomes "the
Waldo, Dulcie and Mrs. Poulter forms the core of the search for perfection
symbolized by the solid and round glass marble. Arthur, the protagonist is
gifted with a sense of cordiality among the four and the whole narrative is
the round glass marble. The intellectual pursuit undertaken by Waldo never
connects him with any one and he develops paranoia and he believes that
others mistrust him though he is great by his own intellectual right. Arthur
tries to win over him by his loving words and meaningful movements. But
Waldo does not pay heed to his words and moves away form him. The
capable of turning Waldo, but his heart is hardened towards him like the heart
of the Egptian Pharaoh towards Moses. So, Arthur comes to the conclusion
that "he could never give out from his own soul enough of that love which was
there to give. So, his brother remained cold and dry" (SM p.286). Arthur
feels frustrated as he fails to save Waldo and morally takes the blame of
himself. The sense of moral guilt purifies Arthur and Mrs. Poultcr accepts him
as her own child. "It was necessary to take him in her arms, all the men she
had never loved, the children she had never had" (SM p.31 i ) . Finally he loses
himself a world class novelist. The chariot, the solid glass ball and here in The
Vivisector art, become the tools to discover divinity. Hurtle Duffield is the
protagonist who extends himself to the horizon of divinity through Art. Like
the tug o' war of opposing powers and are purified due to the mental conflict
and the suffering. The main thread of the conflict is between the 'heard
melodies and the unheard melodies', "creation' and Revelation' which fails to
achieves a higher level of existence only through the willing surrender of willto
the ultimate will of God. Man looks on the face, but God looks into the heart,
human soul in his own ways, different from the ways of man. Patrick W h i t e
considers an artist, a creator and in that sense shares the creative potential of
God and thus becomes a vivisector. The Painter becomes 'the painted', the full
painted with .... on and on" (Vs.p.639). The human potter becomes the clay
in the hands of the divine and master Potter, God. This Biblical imagery
opens up before our eyes Patrick White's commitments to the moral vision
Every true artist is a rebel, a ~misfit' in the social order and as such he
does not get immediate recognition. Christ has said that no prophet is
accepted in his own country and it is true with a genius also. The family
members, the social beings and the others surrounding an artist are dissatisfied
the ones they wanted. They looked puzzled, even hurt (p. 13).
individual. But people around him do not perceive the beauty found
trap him into the net of sexuality though he is her adopted son. This
Sunningdale and gets enlisted in the army. He flees from her as Joseph fled
pour out his ideals and beliefs. He states that every artist has the potentiality
she makes a direct reference to Hurtle Duffleld, the artist. She says, "you
Hurtle, you were born with a knife in your hand... no, in your eyes" (p. 150).
order to proceed to the level of artistic creativity. She offers him the model
for his paintings titled "Electric city" and "Marriage of Light". He penetrates
the outer covering of reality and enters into the core. He understands her
hadn't till now entered into her life as he had into her
body (p.257).
Hurtle Duffield realizes the immortal truth that "God is the Divine Vivisector"
The next novel that came out from the creative vision of Patrick White
discovery of humility takes her nearer to herself and she "discovers' her
identity. In the beginning she is self-centered and vainglorious. But when she
is caught in a storm in Brumby island where she was invited by the Warmings
to their summer palace along with her daughter Dorothy and Edward Pehl, a
Norwegian ecologist. She reaches the height of glory when she submits herself
to the supreme might of God as revealed in the storm. She grows in to a state
of awareness and understanding. Like Jonah from the stomach of the whale,
Elizabeth Hunter from the eye of the storm calls for God and admits her
redeeming elixir of life. She is taken to the centre of pure being and when the
novel opens she is in her death bed at the age of eighty six, travelling back to
her life through "the memory lane'. The narrative technique used by Patrick
intensified through the "storm scene' as in the case of King Lear. Lear
understands that he is no longer a king. But a 'frail, infirm' old man. This self
same time, existed, flaw and all, only by grace.... (ES p.424).
She changes her attitude since she has a glimpse of true life and true self. But
her love for man and matter has not advanced to the level of real salvation.
Yet she feels sorry for the ill-treatment meted out to her husband and children
and thus earns a place in paradise as the thief on the right side of crucified
Jesus. She starts very late the habit of loving her children Dorothy and Basil.
Since they have grown up without their mother's genuine love, they reject her
love when she offers it very late. So Elizabeth says:- "When you are prepared
to love them they do not want it, when they do, it's you who can't bear the
idea "(ES p.I 1). At the end Elizabeth unwillingly accepts her children's plan
to take her to Thorogood village. This acceptance of the love of her children
makes her feel "a calm in which the self has been stripped of painfully, of its
human imperfections" (p.29) and she dies quite blissfully, submitting herself
A Fringe of Leaves (1976) and The Twyborn Affair, like The Eye
castaway off the Queensland coasts and is taken a captive by the tribals, but
finally she is rescued by Jack Chance, a convict. Her voyage to Van Diemen's
signifies man's journey to the waters beyond death. Her journey through the
order to l<jiow our frailties and faults. Before Ellen Roxburgh got the name,
she was a country girl living very close to Nature with the name Ellen Gluyas.
The primitive side of the individual is depicted in her role of Ellen Gluyas as
side when she marries Austin Roxburgh who refines her to the sphere of
Ellen Roxburgh's empathy with the suffering selves like Jack, the convict and
Holly, the scullery maid is the result of her own sufferings in the past. She
undergoes untold miseries and ordeals and in her hunger she becomes
cannibalistic. She remembers the moments of such a reversion and she was
forced to eat human flesh because the instinct for survival was too strong in
her. Her life with the aborigines is the worst part of her life as she had to live
like an animal. But better sense prevailed on her later and "in the light of
Christian morality, she must never think of the incident again" (FL.p.244),
though in the hour of crisis she "could not have explained how tasting flesh
from the human thigh-bone [was] in the stillness of a forest morning" (p.245).
By this act she had nourished not only her animal body, "but some darker
needs of the hungry spirit" (p.245). The reversal into bestiality and the
sudden shift to "cordiality" and civilization emphasise the mental tension and
the spiritual crisis she had undergone. But she overcomes her darker traits
and she is ready to be integrated into the civilized society. She passes from
the unreal to the real, from the outer to the inner and experiences a re-birth.
Thus through Ellen, Patrick White underlines his pre-occupation with his
moral vision - a vision that takes Christian from the city of Destruction to the
city of Salvation.
Divinity that manifests itself in all living and non-living things. This lustrous
element surfaces at some point in time, quite unknown to the human mind,
unheard by the human ears and unspoken and unseen. Eddie Twyborn, the
centre of consciousness in the novel is living, but partly living as he had a very
unhappy childhood. Ever since he was living between two worlds, "one dead
He moves between Paradise and Hell, order and chaos, life and death
and also like Tiresias of the "Waste Land' he moves between two principles,
"the male principle with hairs on his face and the female principle with
woman", (TA,p.298). His father does not loiow how to exhibit his love and
affection and his mother loves her dogs more than her children, like the
"sinister parent of the under world" (Frye, p.238). He wants to escape from
the past in to a future but "drawn back in to what I could not endure but long
for" (TA, p.40). He feels lonely and unclaimed. He has no one to call his own
and his diary is full of his notes on loneliness and despair. He makes a note
that "nothing of me is mine, not even the body I was given to inhabit, nor the
disguises chosen for it. The real E. has not yet been discovered, and perhaps
and his return to Australia helps him know "that he would emerge atlast from
the bombardment, not only of a past war, but the past"(p. 133). His
masculine affair with Marcia is an act of self satisfaction and 'an exercise in
feels as broken pieces which can be fixed together only in humility and
sexuality' are the three distinct roles he played. At first he exists as Edoxia
Vatatzes, living in France with his Greek lover and in Sydney as Eddie
the name Edith Trist. He plays hide and seek with his personality,
as a "mistake trying to correct itself", (p. 143), and an "aberration from the
normal' and "the reality of love, which is the core of reality itself, had eluded
Eddie undertakes a journey to findout his parents and thereby his roots
and origin. He failed to meet his father as he was dead already. He meets his
mother on a bench near a church, where Eddie came to pray. They are united
as mother and child, though the child shows ambivalent claims to be a son
and a daughter. But his mother is not concerned with masculine or feminine
form since she recognizes herself as a mother and accepts him whole-heartedly
matter which this fragment of myself that I lost is returned where it belongs"
is killed in a bomb blast before the actual reunion. This reunion is the perfect
characteristics. This meeting point between 'man' and 'woman' in one is the
meeting between Christ, the bridegroom and Church, the bride. In this way
Patrick W h i t e opens before our eyes his vision of morality and the ultimate