3-Array and String

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Data Structures and Algorithms


One dimensional array

Processing an array

Two-dimensional array

One dimensional array
• An array is a collection of the same type of data items,
which are stored in consecutive memory locations under
a common name.
• The size of an array signifies the number of elements of
the array. That number should be a positive integer
• An one-dimensional array is one in which only one
subscript is needed to specify a particular element of
the array.
• Arrays in programming are similar to vectors or matrices
in mathematics
One dimensional array - Declaration
• Syntax:
data_type array_name [size];
• Example:
int a[10];

• The subscript will be used to specify a single element

of an array in form of

array_name [index]
One dimensional array
Array in Memory
int a[6];

• Size of One-
Dimensional Array:
One dimensional array - Initialization

• Can not assign values to all elements of an array at

once using an assignment expression
• Can initialize some or all elements of an array when
the array is defined:
int a[10] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
int children[4] = {2, 12};
float b[] = {5.5, 12.1, 11.3};
One dimensional array
Reading array elements
• Can not assign values to all elements of an array at
once using an assignment expression.
• Assign values for each element in the array
• Example
int a[10];
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
scanf (“%d”, &a[i]);
One dimensional array
Reading array elements
• Example:
int a[10];
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
printf (“%d”, a[i]);
Operations Perform on Arrays
Operations Perform on Arrays
Traversing a Linear Array

• Traversing: Accessing and processing each element of

the array
• Example: Write the algorithms to complete these tasks:
+ Count the number of even elements of the array with 10
elements (integer).
+ Find the max value of given array
Operations Perform on Arrays
Traversing a Linear Array

Algorithm: Traverse (A, N)

[A is the name of the array and N = 10 is the number of elements of the array]
1. Set I=0, count =0;
2. Repeat steps 3 and 4 while I < N
3. If(A[I]%2 == 0) count++;
4. Set I=I+1
[End of loop]
5. Return the value of count
Operations Perform on Arrays
Inserting an Element into a Linear Array
Inserting an Element to a Specific Inserting an Element in a sorted
Position Array
• Move each element from • Find the correct position to
the back up one position insert the key element.
until getting the specified • When the position cannot
position be found, then insert at the
• Insert a key element end.
into a given position. • Otherwise, insert the key
• Increase array size by one element to the found
position (Same as previous
Operations Perform on Arrays
Inserting an Element into a Linear Array (Specific Position)

Algorithm: Insert (A, N, P, KEY)

[A is an array of N elements; P is the position of the inserted item,
KEY is the inserted item]
1. Set I=N-1;
2. Repeat steps 3 and 4 while I>=P
3. Set A[I+1]=A[I]
4. Set I=I-1;
[End of loop]
5. Set A[P]=KEY
6. Set N=N+1
7. Return
Operations Perform on Arrays
Inserting an Element into a Linear Array (in a sorted Array)
• Example: Insert 50 to the sorted array with 5 elements: 14,
21, 40, 77, 84
1. Find the correct position of key element (50):
Since 50 is greater than 2nd element, the correct position is 3rd
2. Insert 50 to 3rd position

Merge two
steps into
Operations Perform on Arrays
Inserting an Element into a Linear Array (in a sorted Array)

Algorithm: Insert (A, N, KEY)

[A is the sorted array of N elements and KEY is the inserted item]
Set I = N – 1
2. Repeat steps 3 and 4 while A[I]>KEY
3. Set A[I+1]=A[I]
4. Set I=I-1
[End of loop]
5. Set A[I+1]=KEY
6. Set N=N+1
7. Return
Operations Perform on Arrays
Deleting an element from a Linear Array

• Deleting an element from a specific position

• Deleting an element by value

Operations Perform on Arrays
Deleting an element from a Linear Array

• Examples: Delete an element from 2rd position of the

array with 6 elements:
Operations Perform on Arrays
Deleting an element from a Linear Array

Algorithm to delete an element from a specific position

Operations Perform on Arrays
Deleting an element from a Linear Array

Algorithm to delete an element using by value

Operations Perform on Arrays
Deleting an element from a Linear Array

Algorithm to delete an element using by value

Example: Write the algorithm to solve these:
- Input a float array (10 elements) and the value of a
float variable X.
- Delete all the elements that equal to X from given
Time complexity of operations performing on arrays

Traversing: O(n).
- The best case is O (1),
- The worst case is O (n),
- The average case is O (n).
Deleting: The best case is O (1),
- The worst case is O (n),
- The average case is O (n).
Applications of Array

 Linear array representation: mainly used for primitive

data types (Representation of polynomials)
 Array of Structure representation: used for structure
data types (information of students, array of strings)
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
• Multi–dimensional array is nothing but Array of Arrays.
• A two-dimensional array is an array of one-dimensional array.
• A three-dimensional array is an array of two-dimensional
• Similarly, any d dimensional array is an array of (d-1)
dimensional arrays.
• Generally, when we talk about multi-dimensional arrays, we
generally talk of two-dimensional arrays since more than two-
dimensional is rarely needed.
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
• There is a need to store and manipulate two-dimensional
data structure such as matrices and tables.
• A two-dimensional array is one in which two subscript
specifications are needed to specify a particular element of
the array.
• One subscript denotes the row and the other the column
Some concepts related to Multi-Dimensional Arrays

• Declaration of Two-Dimensional Array

• Address Calculation in two-dimensional Array
• Row-major Implementation
• Column-major Implementation
• Reading and Writing a two-dimensional array
• Operations Perform on two-dimensional Arrays
• Sparse matrix and Dense Matrix
Some concepts related to Multi-Dimensional Arrays

• Example: Write the algorithms to solve these following

- Input a two-dimensional array A (size of 3x3).
- Display given two-dimensional array A in the form of matrix
- Find the max values of each column in given two-
dimensional array.
• A string is a sequence of characters
• In C language, the end of the string is marked with a
special character, the null character
• The null or string terminating character is represented
by a character escape sequence ‘\0‘
• Any sequence or set of characters defined by double
quotation symbols is a constant string.
• Strings are stored in memory as ASCII codes of
characters that make up the string appended with ‘\0‘
• A string is a sequence of characters
• In C language, the end of the string is marked with a
special character, the null character
• The null or string terminating character is represented
by a character escape sequence ‘\0‘
• Any sequence or set of characters defined by double
quotation symbols is a constant string.
• Strings are stored in memory as ASCII codes of
characters that make up the string appended with ‘\0‘
STRINGS - Declaring and Initializing Strings
• Syntax: char string_name [size];
• Examples:
char name[30];
char city[25];
char class[20] = “BDA2022A”;
STRINGS – Operations on strings
• Input and display a string (in C):
scanf(“%s”, name); or gets(name);
printf(“\n %s”, name);
• Input and display a string (in C++):
cin>>name; or getline(cin,name);
STRINGS – Operations on strings
STRINGS – Operations on strings
• Length of a String: The length of a string returns the
total number of characters of the string
• String Copy: Copy the current value of the string into
another string that has the same value as the original
string. One cannot copy a string using the assignment
• Concatenation of two Strings: appends the contents
of one string at the end of another string.
STRINGS – Operations on strings

• Comparison of two Strings: Comparison of two strings

to decide whether they represent a same string or not by
comparing the characters in two strings one by one.
• String Reversal: The reverse of a string is a string with
the same characters, but in the reverse order. a string is
the reverse of itself is called a palindrome.
• String Matching: String matching (or string searching) is
an operation to find the position of all occurrences of a
pattern within a given string or text.
STRINGS – Operations on strings

• Example:
Write the algorithms to solve these problems
- Input a string str1.
- Find the length of str1.
- Input another string str2.
- Check if two these strings are the same. Display the
- Concatenate str2 to str1
 An array is a collection of variables of the same data type
that are stored in consecutive memory location under a
common name.
 An array can be an integer, character or floating-point data
type can be initialized only during declaration.
 An array name is an address of the first element of the array.
 A matrix is said to be Sparse Matrix if most of its elements
are having a relatively small number of non-zero elements.
 The string is a sequence of characters.
1. Complete the Exercises on pages 3.31, 3.32
2. Write the algorithms to solve following problems
2.1 Input an one dimensional integer array with N elements
(0<N<10) and an integer X. Find the position of X in given
2.2. Input a string and check if this string is palindrome
3. Write the algorithms to use an array of strings (size
0<=N<=6) (you can use the library “string”)
- Input the data for each element in the array
- Show the shortest string in this array

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