Black Hole in Discrete Gravity: Ali H. Chamseddine, Ola Malaeb, Sara Najem
Black Hole in Discrete Gravity: Ali H. Chamseddine, Ola Malaeb, Sara Najem
Black Hole in Discrete Gravity: Ali H. Chamseddine, Ola Malaeb, Sara Najem
C (2024) 84:284
Received: 8 November 2023 / Accepted: 6 March 2024 / Published online: 19 March 2024
© The Author(s) 2024
Abstract We study the metric corresponding to a three- discretize the continuous metric of the black hole coset space.
dimensional coset space S O(4)/S O(3) in the lattice setting. We investigate the domains in the proximity of the singu-
With the use of three integers n 1 , n 2 , and n 3 , and a length larities and away from them, and numerically compare the
scale, lμ , the continuous metric is transformed into a discrete discrete values of the curvature tensor with the expected con-
space. The numerical outcomes are compared with the con- tinuous ones.
tinuous ones. The singularity of the black hole is explored
and different domains are studied.
2 Black hole coset space metric
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We note that we can compare with the discrete case by observ- Consider the product
ing that:
1 μ i 1 μ i
cos ωμ (n) + i
ωμ (n) sin ωμ (n) σ
R . . 13 = −R . . 2 , R . . 13 = −R . . 2 , 2 2
13 13 12 12
1 ν 1
R . . 23 = R . . 1, R . . 23 = R . . 1 , cos ων (n +
μ) + i μ) sin ν ων (n +
ωνi (n + μ) σ i ,
23 23 12 12 2 2
R ..
= R . . 3, R ..
= R . . 3, R . . 12 = R . . 3 .
13 13 23 23 12 12
Eur. Phys. J. C (2024) 84:284 Page 3 of 6 284
this can be rewritten as: + i jk Bμν
j k
(n) Bνμ (n) . (8)
1 1 The connection ων (n) is determined from the zero torsion
cos μ ωμ (n) cos ν ων (n + μ) − ωμi (n)
ωνi (n +
2 2 condition, which is given by
1 1
sin μ ωμ (n) sin ν ων (n + μ) 1
2 2 Tμν (n) = μ μ (n) eν (n + μ) −1
μ (n) − eν (n)
+ i cos μ ωμ (n) ωνi (n +
μ) sin ν ων (n + μ) −μ ↔ ν, (9)
2 2
i (n) sin 1 μ ω (n) cos 1 ν ω (n +
where this equation is written in a contracted form where the
+ ωμ μ ν μ) vielbeins eαa are incorporated into the Clifford algebra. Upon
2 2
i jk j 1 μ k 1 ν computing this, we get
ωμ (n) sin ωμ (n) ων (n + μ) sin ων (n + μ) σ i
2 2 1 1 μ 1 μ
0= μ ωμ (n) sin ωμ (n) σ σ k
cos ωμ (n) + i i i
i σi,
≡ Aνμ + i Bμν 2 2
1 μ 1
ωμ (n) sin μ ωμ (n) σ j eνk (n +
cos ωμ (n) − i μ)
2 2
where −eνi (n) σ i − μ ↔ ν) .
1 1
Aμν (n) = cos μ ωμ (n +
ν) cos ν ων (n) −
ωμj (n +
ωνj (n) By expanding and grouping terms, we get the following
2 2
1 1
sin μ ωμ (n +
ν) sin ν ων (n) ,
2 2
Tμν i (n) = cos μ ωμ (n) eνi (n + μ) − i jk
sin μ ωμ (n)
ωμj (n) eνk (n +
μ) + 2 ωμ i
1 1 1
Bμν (n) =
(n) sin μ ωμ (n) cos ν ων (n +
μ) ωμj (n) sin2 μ ωμ (n) eνj (n +
μ) − eνi (n)
2 2 2
+ ωνi (n +
μ) − (μ ↔ ν) .
1 ν 1
sin ων (n + μ) cos μ ωμ (n) − i jk
ωμj (n) The vanishing of Tμν i provides 9 conditions to solve for
2 2
1 1 the 9 unknowns ωμ i (n) . The values of the spin connections
sin μ ωμ (n) μ) sin ν ων (n +
ωνk (n + μ) .
2 2 are obtained numerically, and hence, the three-dimensional
discrete curvatures are obtained using Eq. (8).
Similarly, the next pair gives Equation 3 gives the expression of the scalar curvature in
the continuous case. We are going to compare it with what
1 1 we get from the discrete case. In the latter, the expression of
cos μ ωμ (n +
ν) − i
ωμ ν) sin μ ωμ (n +
i (n + ν) σ i
2 2 the scalar curvature is given by:
1 1
cos ν ων (n) − i
ωνi (n) sin ν ων (n) σ i 1 1 1
2 2 R=2 R 3. . + R 1. . + R 2. . ,
i (n) .
= Aμν (n) − i Bνμ e1. e2. 12 e2. e3. 23 e3. e1. 31
1 2 2 3 3 1
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Fig. 1 The rms error between the continuous and discrete values of the
scalar curvature in the limit of large z are plotted as a function of for Fig. 2 R continuous and discrete for N = 35 and = 0.15
different N , where denotes the distance away from u = 0 where the
discretization is expected to hold. We note that the approach to = 0
where the locus of the singularity leads to a blow-up in the RMS
tends to zero. Further, in order to show the well-behavedness along with its expected limiting behavior, which is −4N 2 .
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1 4 Conclusion
Fig. 6 Rdiscr ete is compared with its limiting value −4N 2 for z ≈ 1
and x = 0
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