10 2 4 9 3 7 81 6 5 10 2 4 9 3 7 81 6 5 DAY-TO-DAY Day-to-day are basic self-care practices that are simple, inexpensive and usually done everyday. 10 2 4 9 3 7 81 6 5 SLEEP RESILIENCE 10 2 4 9 3 7 81 6 5 Examples: Brushing your teeth NUTRITION ENVIRONMENT Voiding when called Drinking when thirstySpending time with loved ones Getting adequete restful sleep Participating in physical activity Eating nutritious foods with regular frequency SPIRITUALITY MOVEMENT 10 2 4 9 3 7 81 6 5 10 2 4 9 3 7 81 6 5 FROM TIME TO TIME RELATIONSHIPS 10 2 4 9 3 7 81 6 5 From time to time self-care practices that address symptoms SLEEP or health needs that come up (illness, mental health, physical consistently getting adequate restful sleep injury, etc.) The health benefits of getting adequate and restful sleep impacts all aspects of our mental, physical, emotional, Examples: social and spiritual selves. Extra rest/fluids/nutrition when recovering Using non-prescriptive over-the-counter or herbal product MOVEMENT appropriately being active Inhalation or application of an appropriate essential oil Regular physical activity helps improve our overall health and Applying an herbal compress fitness while reducing our risks for many chronic diseases IN-DEPTH SELF-CARE NUTRITION In-depth self-care practices may involve activities that eating whole non-processed nutritious foods require outside professionals or additional training and Evidence shows that cultures around the world that consume guidance whole, non-processed, unadulterated food are healthier Examples: RELATIONSHIPS Prayer, meditation, journaling interacting respectfully with ourselves & other Massage appointments Healthy socializing and relationships are essential to healthy De-cluttering important spaces living. As social beings, studies show that we live longer, are Doing a physical, spiritual or emotional cleanse healthier and happier when we are with those that we love and TCM, ayurvedic, or other CAM sessions share our lives with. Use of aromatherapy
practicing stress protective activities Partnering with healthcare professionals and following an As we address our stress, have fun, practice relaxation, and use agreed upon approach to improve one’s health. healthy coping skills, we build our resilience to future stress and avoid the harm stress can incur. Examples: Taking a medication or herbal formula as prescribed by your SPIRITUALITY PCP values and beliefs about ourselves & the world Follow a modified diet as recommended by your Acknowleding and honoring the role of spirituality (purpose and dietitian/nutritionist meaning) in our health -- what we do in life, as well as how and Performing prescribed PT exercises post-surgery why we do it. Working with a spiritual advisor on a personal healing ceremony ENVIRONMENT Working with a fitness/physical activity instructor managing our physical surroundings The emphasis of interconnectivity reminds us that if our internal or external environment is out of balance, we are out of balance.