Membranes Description
Membranes Description
Membranes Description
Membrane – a selective barrier between two phases, the term “selective” being inherent to a membrane or a
membrane process.
• Thick or thin
• Structure can be homogeneous or heterogeneous
• Transport can be passive or active
• Active transport can be driven by a pressure, concentration or temperature difference
• Natural or synthetic
• Neutral or charged
“Cross flow” filtration is when the flow is applied tangentially across the membrane
surface. As feed flows across the membrane surface, filtrate passes through it while
concentrate accumulates at the opposite end of the membrane. The tangential flow of
the membrane creates a shearing effect on the surface of the membrane, which in
turn reduces fouling.
Membrane selectivity towards gas mixture and mixtures of organic liquids is usually expressed in terms of separation
factor (S):
𝑆 = 𝑥 ∙ 100%
Where: 𝑦𝐴 and 𝑦𝐵 are the concentrations of components A and B in the permeate and 𝑥𝐴 and 𝑥𝐵 are concentrations
of them in the feed.
• Liquid membranes
• Polimeric membranes
• Ceramic membranes
A liquid membrane (LM) is literally a membrane made of liquid.
It consists of a liquid phase (e.g. a thin oil film) existing either in
supported or unsupported form that serves as a membrane
barrier between two phases of aqueous solutions or gas
Reserved osmosis
Membrane distillation
Membrane extraction
• When particles of diameter is higher than 100 nm (and have to be retained) the hydrodynamic resistance of applied
membrane is low and small driving forces (low hydrostatic pressures) are sufficient to obtain high fluxes – the
membrane process is called MICROFILTARTION
• To separate macromolecules from aqueous solution, the membrane structure must be more dense and hence its
hydrodynamic resistance also increases. The applied pressure is greater than in microfiltration and this separation
• To separate very low molecular weight components a very dense membrane is used and it results in very high
hydrodynamic resistance. This process is called NANOFILTRATION or REVERSE OSMISIS
• Electrodialysis is a membrane process in which the driving force for (ions) transport is supplied by an electrical
potential difference. This process can use only when charged molecules are present. A typical (and logical) feature
of this process is that ionic or charged membranes are necessary
• Gas separation and pervaporation where dense membranes can be used – transport takes place via diffusion
Pervaporation is the only one membrane process where a phase transition occurs with the feed being a liquid and
the permeate a vapor.
• Two compensating phase transitions occur in membrane distillation. In this case, two aqueous solutions at different
temperatures are separated by microporous hydrophobic membrane and because of a difference in partial
pressure (i.e. temperature difference) vapor transport takes place through the pores of the membrane from the
hot the cold side.
• The solutions may not wet the membrane. Vaporization occurs at the high temperature side while the vapor
condenses at the low temperature side
• When a concentration difference is applied across a homogeneous membrane, the process is called dialysis.
Transport takes place by diffusion and separation is obtained through differences in diffusion rates because of
differences in molecular weight
Pressure-driven membrane processes and their separation characteristics
• In order to optimise microfiltration membranes, it is essential to ensure that the structural parameters are such
that the surface porosity is as high as possible with the pore size distribution as narrow as possible
• The convective flow described by these equations only involves membrane-related parameters and (none apply to
the solutes).
• To reduce fouling as much as possible it is important that careful control the mode of process operation
• Adsorption phenomena may also an important role in fouling and hence it is important to the select an appropriate
membrane material
• Ultrafiltration is a membrane process whose nature lies between nanofiltration and microfiltration
• The pore sizes of the membranes used range from 0.05µm to 1nm
• UF is typically used to retain macromolecules from a solution, the lower limit being solutes with molecular weights
of few thousand Daltons
• UF membranes (like MF ones) can be considered as porous membranes where rejection is determined mainly by
the size and shape of the solutes relative to the pore size in the membrane
and where the transport of solvents is directly proportional to the applied
pressure: 𝐽 = 𝐾 ∙ ∆𝑃
• The permeability constant K includes all kinds of structural factors.
• The value of this constant K for UF membranes is much smaller than for
microfiltration membranes.
• An important difference (between MF and UF) is that UF membranes have an
asymmetric structure where the hydrodynamic resistance is mainly
determined within a small part of the total membrane thickness, whereas in
microfiltration the whole of the membrane thickness contributes towards the
hydrodynamic resistance.
Industrial applications of UF:
They are both separation processes that use membranes for filtration
• MF/UF has been an integral part of pre-treating makeup water, as the technologies can help eliminate several
costly steps, like clarification and sand filtration
• Both MF and UF can be assembled into a system in similar ways. Depending on the facility’s needs, the MF/UF
system will generally include some type of:
1. Cartridge filter; to catch the large particles prior to MF/UF
2. Membrane module; whether MF or UF to separate out unwanted particles
3. Pressure pump; to help keep the liquid flowing through the process
4. Water supply; whether from a raw water source or other
5. Holding tanks; to store permeate
• MF/UF membranes can also be constructed similarly, separately from their overall system configuration.
Depending on the manufacturer and purpose for the membrane, both MF and UF membrane configurations can
include: Hollow fiber, Plate and frame, Spiral-wound, Tubular
• They can be made of the same materials
MWCO – Molecular weight cut-off or MWCO refers to the lowest molecular weight solute (in Daltons) in which 90% of
the solute is retained by the membrane or the molecular weight of the molecule (e.g. globular protein) that is 90%
retained by the membrane
PORE SIZE – Pore size is generally the distance between two opposite walls of the pore (diameter of cylindrical pores,
width of slip-shaped pores)
• During an actual separation, the membrane performance (or better a system performance) can change very much
with time, and often a typical flux-time behavior may be observed: the flux trough a membrane decreases over
• Flux decline can be caused by several factors, such as concentration polarization, adsorption, gel layer formation
and plugging the pores
• All these factors induce additional resistances on the feed side to the transport across the membrane
• The extent of these phenomena is strongly dependent on the types of membrane process and feed solution
𝐷𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 ∆𝑃
• The flux through a membrane can be written as: 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥 = =
(𝑉𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦∗𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒) (𝜂∗𝑅𝑡𝑜𝑡
• The various resistances contribute with
different extent to the total resistance (Rtot)
• Flux decline has a negative influence on the
economics of a given membrane process operation,
and for this reason measures must be taken to reduce
its incidence
• Because the membrane has an ability to
transport one component more readily than other
components, or in some cases completely retain the
solutes, there will be an accumulation of retained
molecules near the membrane surface
• This results in a highly concentrated near the membrane and this layer exerts a resistance towards mass transfer,
i.e. the concentration polarization resistance Rcp
• Polarization phenomena always occur and are inherent to membrane separation process
• The concentration of the accumulated solute molecules may become so high that a gel layer can be formed which
exert the gel layer resistance Rg
• This mainly happens when the solution contains proteins
• With porous membranes it is possible for some solutes to penetrate into the membrane and block pores, leading
to the block – pore resistance Rp
• Finally, a resistance can arise due to adsorption phenomena, i.e. the resistance Ra
• Adsorption can take place upon the membrane surface as well as within the pores themselves
• Under a pressure and during MF/UF separation near
the membrane surface a boundary layer is formed
where the concentration increases and reaches a
maximum value at the membrane surface (cm)
• The convective flow of solutes towards the
membrane may be written as J*C
• If the solute „p” is not completely retained by
membrane, there will be a solute flow through the
membrane equal to J*Cp
• The accumulation of the solute „p” at the membrane
surface leads to diffusive back flow towards the bulk
of the feed
• The solute concentration at the membrane surface attains a high value and a maximum concentration – the gel
concentration (cg)
• The gel concentration depends on the size, shape, chemical structure and degree
of solvation but is independent of the bulk concentration
• Continuous flux decline is a result of membrane fouling ((ir)revisable deposition
of retained particles, colloids, emulsions, suspensions, macromolecules, salts,
etc. on or in membranes)
• Fouling occurs mainly in MF/UF (porous membranes which are implicitly
susceptible to fouling)
• Fouling depends on physical and chemical parameter such as concentration,
temperature, pH, ionic strength and specific integrations (hydrogen bonding,
dipole-dipole interactions)
• The initial decline of flux is caused by concentration polarisation, further by
fouling mainly
Methods to reduce flux decline
• Membrane properties
─ Using a hydrophilic rather than hydrophobic membranes can also help (e.g.
proteins adsorb more strongly at hydrophobic surfaces and are less readily
removed than at hydrophilic surfaces)
─ Fouling phenomena diminish as concentration polarisation decreases. Concentration polarisation can be reduced
by increasing the mass transfer coefficient (HIGH FLOW VELOCITIES)
─ Hydraulic cleaning
This methods include back-flushing (only applicable to MF and UF membranes), alternate pressurising and
depressurising and by changing the flow direction at given frequency
• After a given period of time, the feed pressure is released and the
direction of the permeate reversed from the permeate side in
order to remove the fouling layer within the membrane or the
membrane surface
• The flux through the membrane is as important as its selectivity towards various kinds of solute
• The flux through the membrane can be improved by reducing thickness
• The flux is approximately inversely proportional to the membrane thickness and for this reason most NF
membranes have an asymmetric structure with thin dense top layer (thickness ≤ 1µm) supported by a porous
sublayer (thickness ≈50 – 150µm)
• the resistance towards transport being determined mainly by the dense top layer
• Two different types of membrane with an asymmetric structure can be distinguish:
1. Integral – asymmetric membranes
2. Composite membranes
• In these membranes, both top layer and the sublayer consist of the same material
• They are prepared by phase inversion techniques
• An important class of asymmetric NF membrane prepared by this techniques are the cellulose esters, especially
cellulose diacetate and triacetate
• They are suitable for desalination because of their high permeability towards water in combination with a (very)
low solubility of salt
• Their stability against chemicals, temperature and bacteria is very poor
• Typical operations conditions of such membranes are over the pH range 5 to 7 at temperature below 30°C thus
avoiding hydrolysis of the polymer
• The extent of this hydrolysis decreases as the degree of acetylation increases (cellulose diacetate is less resistant
than cellulose triacetate)
• Other materials that have been used frequently for NF membranes are aromatic polyamides – these materials
also show a high selectivity towards salts but their water flux is lower (than cellulosic materials)
• Polyamides can be used over a wider pH range, approximately 5 -9
• The main drawback of polyamides (or of polymers with an amide group –NH-CO in general) is their susceptibility
against free chlorine Cl2 which causes degradation of the amide group
• Asymmetric membrane as well as symmetric membranes have been prepared from these polymers by melt or dry
spinning to obtain hollow fibbers with small dimensions (outside diameters of such hollow fibbers <100µm)
• The third class of material that have been used are the polybenzimiadazoles and polimides
Aplication of NF
• NF can be used in principle for wide range of applications, which can be roughly classified as solvent purification
(where the permeate is a product) and solute concentration (where the feed is the product)
• Most of applications are in the purification of water, mainly desalination of brackish and especially seawater to
produce potable water
• NF is used as a concentration step particularly in the food industry (concentration of fruit juice, sugar coffee), the
galvanic industry (concentration of waste streams) and the diary industry (concentration of milk prior to cheese
• An example of NF application in agave
juice concentration and agave fructants
Summary of nanofiltration
Main applications:
Reverse osmosis
• Basically, the transport of a gas, vapour or liquid trough a dense, nonporous membrane can be described in terms
of solution – diffusion mechanism, i.e.:
• Solubility is a thermodynamic parameter and gives a measure of the amount of penetrant sorbed by the membrane
under equilibrium conditions
• The diffusivity is a kinetic parameter which indicates how fast a penetrant is transported through the membrane
• Diffusivity is dependent on geometry of the penetrant
• The diffusion coefficient is concentration-dependent with
interacting systems
• Even large (organic) molecules having the ability to swell the
polymer can have large diffusion coefficient
With the smallest pores of all filtration membranes, RO and NF membranes can foul quickly if larger particles aren’t
removed by upstream filtration technologies, such as media filtration or MF/UF.
While RO and NF are fairly efficient purification technologies, both demand energy to move water across their
membranes. This is because their fine pores result in a high concentration of salts and other compounds on the
retentate side of the membrane, and as a result, enough pressure must be applied that the water is able to overcome
the osmotic pressure that causes water to resist flowing through the membrane.
Conventional water treatment trains typically consist of several unit processes, including: coagulation, flocculation,
sedimentation, clarification, ion exchange, and filtration.
While conventional treatment systems are effective in removing dissolved solids, they do so through a complex series
of steps that often demand a large footprint and investment in an assortment of specialized equipment and chemical
As RO/NF membrane technologies have become more efficient and affordable, they are increasingly being adopted as
more compact, efficient, and environmentally-friendly alternatives to conventional treatment trains.
• While RO and NF are very similar, they can be distinguished based on the size of particulates that each is able to
• Comparatively, RO and NF are capable of removing finer contaminates than MF and UF, with applications including
the removal of hardness, nitrates, sulfates, total dissolved solids (TDS), heavy metals, radionuclides, and organic
macromolecules from process and waste streams.
Reverse osmosis
• RO is the finest of all membrane filtration systems, with extremely small pores capable of removing particles as
small as 0.1 nm
• RO is used chiefly for desalination, as in potable water generation from seawater or brackish water sources
• RO membranes are very efficient at removing all ions, large and small
• Pretreatment (1):
The incoming feed-water is pre-treated to be compatible with the membranes by removing suspended solids,
adjusting the pH, and adding an inhibitor to control scaling caused by constituents such as calcium sulphate.
• Pressurization (2):
The pump raises the pressure of the pre-treated feed-water to an operating pressure appropriate for the membrane
and the salinity of the feed-water.
• Separation (3):
The membranes inhibit the passage of dissolved salts while permitting the desalinated product water to pass through.
Applying feed-water to the membrane assembly results in a freshwater product stream and a concentrated brine
reject stream.
Because no membrane is perfect in its rejection of dissolved salts, a small percentage of salt passes through the
membrane and remains in the product water.
RO/NF membranes come in a variety of configurations. Two of the most popular are spiral wound and hollow fine
fiber membranes – they are generally made of cellulose acetate, aromatic polyamides.
• Stabilization (4):
The product water from the membrane assembly usually requires pH adjustment and degasification before being
transferred to the distribution system for use as drinking water. The product passes through an aeration column in
which the pH is elevated from a value of approximately 5 to a value close to 7. In many cases, this water is discharged
to a storage cistern for later use.
RO home system
• Dialysis is also membrane process where the concentration difference is a driving force but based on a different
• Whereas a MF, UF and NF are more or less similar processes, dialysis, gas separation, pervaporation and separation
use liquids membranes differ quite considerably from each other
• In gas separation and pervaporation to improve an effectiveness of process the pressure differences is applied as
well (to obtain a higher volume of permeate)
Gas separation
• Gas separation is possible even with the two extreme types of membrane considered, i.e. porous and nonporous
• The transport mechanisms through these two types of membrane are completely different
Permeability of gasses
• In gas separation there is hardly any interaction between the gas molecules and the
membrane material and the gas concentration in the membrane is very low
• The gas molecules must diffuse trough a rigid membrane structure with the state of the polymer being hardly
effected by their presence. In contrast, with liquid penetrants the solubility in the membrane may be appreciably
higher with results in an enhanced chain mobility.
Gas separation in porous membranes
Diffusivity (D)
Solubility (S)
• To describe the fundamentals of gas separation, however, other factors relating to the nature of the polymer (i.e.
chemical structure) need to be consider
• Two parameters are important in this context:
1. The glass transition temperature
2. The crystallinity
• The glass transition temperature determines whether a polymer is in the glassy state
• In general, permeability through a rubbery material (elastomer) is much higher relative to glassy polymers because
of the higher mobility of the chain segments
• In contrast, the selectivity of glassy polymers is higher
The typical schematic drawing of a gas separation process
• CO2/CH4
This kind of separation arises in many applications: the purification of CH4 from landfill drainage gas, the purification
of CH4 from natural gas and recovery of CO2 in enhanced oil recovery
Hydrogen and helium have relatively small molecular size compared to other gases and exhibit high selectivity ratios
in glassy polymers. Application can be found in the recovery of H2 from purge gas streams ammonia synthesis,
petroleum refineries and methanol synthesis
• H2S/CH4
• O2/N2
Methods of PV process
Applications of PV
• This process is used mainly to separate (or better remove) a small amount of liquid from a liquid mixture
• When highly selective membranes are used, only the heat of vaporisation of the almost pure permeate has to be
• This separation becomes very attractive when the liquid mixture exhibits an azeotropic composition (where the
liquid and vapour have the same composition)
• ‘Ordinary’ distillation can not be used to separate such mixtures
• Mixtures of an organic solvent with water exhibit an azeotrope in the composition region of the pure organic
solvent. This is very advantageous to use pervaporation to dehydrate these types of mixture
• They are also used in other areas such as food and pharmaceutical industries to concentrate heat-sensitive
products, for remove volatile organic contaminants from waste water or in analytical applications to enrich a given
component for quantitative detection
Two main classes can be distinguished as: either a small amount of water has to be removed from an organic solvent
(dehydration) or a small amount of organic solvent has to be removed from water
• Dehydration
- Removal of water from alcohols or other organic solvents. Even traces of water can be removed
• Polar/nonpolar
- Alcohols/aromatics (methanol/toluene)
- Alcohols/aliphatics (ethanol/hexane)
• Aromatics/aliphatics
- Cyclohexane/benzene
- Hexane/toluene
• Saturated/unsaturated
- Butane/butane
• isomers