2024 TERM 4 Final Asssessment Letter Updated-1
2024 TERM 4 Final Asssessment Letter Updated-1
2024 TERM 4 Final Asssessment Letter Updated-1
BOX 17233
Fax : (011) 913-3524 SUNWARD PARK
E-mail : principal@sphs.co.za 1470
Website : www.sphs.co.za
20 October 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian
Please note that all learners will be writing final Assessments for the end of the year which will
be used to calculate the final Promotion Mark.
Please note the importance of the SBA marks, that is a combination of all the tests and tasks
done by learners throughout the year.
The final assessments will begin on the Thursday 24 October 2024. Please study the attached
timetable for all subjects and when they will be written.
All Grade 8 & 9 learners will be dismissed at 11h00 every day from the 24th October 2024.
Grade 10 & 11 will be dismissed at 11h00 if there are two sessions and they write in the first
session only. Any changes in times will be communicated. Learners writing in the second session
will be dismissed as soon as they are done writing depending on the length of the examination
paper. Venues will be posted the day before learners write on parents groups. Please make the
necessary transport arrangements to avoid having learners loitering around the area and
becoming a nuisance to the neighbours. The expectation is that all learners should go home and
adequately prepare for the next assessment.
It was made very clear in numerous district meetings that ALL Promotion
Requirements are still in place.
No learner will be automatically promoted to the next grade. Learners must meet all the
requirements for promotion. Parents must play a very active role in ensuring that learners’ study
and prepare well. Learners who did not submit all the SBA tasks cannot be promoted if the
requirements are not met.
A clear scope of all work to be studied will be provided. Parents will receive the breakdowns via
the electronic channels. It will also be posted onto Google Classroom for learners. It is vital that
learners study. Parents must ensure this. All learners should have a study time table. All learners
will also be trained in exam rules to avoid irregularities which can result in a Zero for an exam.
Late coming (candidates will not be allowed to write if they arrive more than an hour after the
commencement time and no extra time will be given to candidates who arrive late)
Bringing unauthorised material into the examination room (crib notes, cellphones, other
electronic devices etc.)
Removing pages from the answer book or damaging the answer book (all rough work to be done
in the answer book in pencil, a line put across it and “rough work” written)
7. Writing the incorrect name on answer book
8. Accepting answers from invigilators or any other official
Failing to submit the answer script and loose answer sheets to the invigilator at the end of the
examination session
Being drunk or under the influence of any illegal substance and disorderly behaviour by
11. Any form of intimidation
Getting the question paper from another source prior to the stipulated writing date and time and
12. distributing the question paper in hardcopy or electronically using social media (e.g. WhatsApp
Failing to check with the invigilator about the correctness of the paper (number of pages, number
of questions, duration of paper, correcting errata – if any)
Any act or behaviour on the part of the candidate or any other person that will allow him/her to
gain an unfair advantage during the writing of the examination
Failing to report any knowledge or possession of a leaked paper or gaining direct or indirect
access to a leaked paper
Failing to report direct or indirect access to a leaked paper through WhatsApp and failing to
reveal the source thereof.
Please also note the following arrangements for the Final Assessments:
• Learners must be seated in their venues no later than 07h45 every day. Learners must
arrive at school BEFORE 07h30. There is a tendency amongst the senior learners to arrive
very late. This will not be tolerated.
• Learners must be dressed in full school uniform. No deviations from the Code of Conduct
are allowed. Learners will be expected to rectify all uniform offences BEFORE entering
the venues.
• Should a learner make him/herself guilty of infringing upon any of the Examination Rules,
the parents and learner will have to meet with the School Assessment Irregularity
Committee (SAIC) where a learner’s results may be nullified. Following all the rules is very
• Dates of collection of term 4 reports will be communicated.
Sunward Park staff continue to offer our learners the best possible education. We trust that all
learners will reap the rewards of their own input and efforts.
We thank you for your continued support and wish our learners well in preparing for the final
Yours faithfully
GRADE 8 Social Science Afr/ isiZulu Science Maths
History Eng FAL Tech NS EMS P1 LO CA EMS P2 Maths P2
Geog P1
Social Social
Science Science EMS Afr/ isiZulu
GRADE 9 Tech EMS P1 CA Maths P2 Eng LO Maths P1 NS FAL
History Geog P2
GRADE 10 Tour
Physical Sc
Religion Afr/ Physical Sc Eco/ Maths/Lit Maths/Lit Eco/ Afr/isiZulu Bus St P2/ Acc P1/ Vis
Eng P1 P1/ Hist Eng P2 Life Sc
Studies P1 Tour CAT P1 isiZulu P2 P2 Geog P1 Bus St P1 P1 P2 Geog P2 P1 Life Sc P1 EGD P2 CAT P2 Civil Tech Art Acc P2
Cons St P1 P2
Religion EGD
Studies P2 Hist P2 LO