The Story of MIMIC: Roger Mark
The Story of MIMIC: Roger Mark
The Story of MIMIC: Roger Mark
Roger Mark
Patients in hospital intensive care units (ICUs) are physiologically fragile and
unstable, generally have life-threatening conditions, and require close monitoring
and rapid therapeutic interventions. They are connected to an array of equipment
and monitors, and are carefully attended by the clinical staff. Staggering amounts of
data are collected daily on each patient in an ICU: multi-channel waveform data
sampled hundreds of times each second, vital sign time series updated each second
or minute, alarms and alerts, lab results, imaging results, records of medication and
fluid administration, staff notes and more. In early 2000, our group at the
Laboratory of Computational Physiology at MIT recognized that the richness and
detail of the collected data opened the feasibility of creating a new generation of
monitoring systems to track the physiologic state of the patient, employing the
power of modern signal processing, pattern recognition, computational modeling,
and knowledge-based clinical reasoning. In the long term, we hoped to design
monitoring systems that not only synthesized and reported all relevant measure-
ments to clinicians, but also formed pathophysiologic hypotheses that best
explained the observed data. Such systems would permit early detection of complex
problems, provide useful guidance on therapeutic interventions, and ultimately lead
to improved patient outcomes.
It was also clear that although petabytes of data are captured daily during care
delivery in the country’s ICUs, most of these data were not being used to generate
evidence or to discover new knowledge. The challenge, therefore, was to employ
existing technology to collect, archive and organize finely detailed ICU data,
resulting in a research resource of enormous potential to create new clinical
knowledge, new decision support tools, and new ICU technology. We proposed to
develop and make public a “substantial and representative” database gathered from
complex medical and surgical ICU patients.
Bedside clinical data were downloaded from archived data files of the CareVue
Clinical Information System (Philips Healthcare, Andover, MA) used in the ICUs.
Additional clinical data were obtained from the hospital’s extensive digital archives.
The data classes included:
5.2 Data Acquisition 45
• Patient demographics
• Hospital administrative data: admission/discharge/death dates, room tracking,
billing codes, etc.
• Physiologic: hourly vital signs, clinical severity scores, ventilator settings, etc.
• Medications: IV medications, physician orders
• Lab tests: chemistry, hematology, ABGs, microbiology, etc.
• Fluid balance data
• Notes and reports: Discharge summaries; progress notes; ECG, imaging and
echo reports.
Physiological data were obtained with the technical assistance of the monitoring
system vendor. Patient monitors were located at every ICU patient bed. Each
monitor acquired and digitized multi-parameter physiological waveform data,
processed the signals to derive time series (trends) of clinical measures such as heart
rate, blood pressures, and oxygen saturation, etc., and also produced bedside
monitor alarms. The waveforms (such as electrocardiogram, blood pressures, pulse
plethysmograms, respirations) were sampled at 125 Hz, and trend data were
updated each minute. The data were subsequently stored temporarily in a central
database server that typically supported several ICUs. A customized archiving
agent created and stored permanent copies of the physiological data. The data were
physically transported from the hospital to the laboratory every 2–4 weeks where
they were de-identified, converted to an open source data format, and incorporated
into the MIMIC II waveform database. Unfortunately, limited capacity and
46 5 The Story of MIMIC
The Social Security Death Master files were used to document subsequent dates of
death for patients who were discharged alive from the hospital. Such data are
important for 28-day and 1-year mortality studies.
A major effort was required in order to organize the diverse collected data into a
well-documented relational database containing integrated medical records for each
patient. Across the hospital’s clinical databases, patients are identified by their
unique Medical Record Numbers and their Fiscal Numbers (the latter uniquely
identifies a particular hospitalization for patients who might have been admitted
multiple times), which allowed us to merge information from many different hos-
pital sources. The data were finally organized into a comprehensive relational
database. More information on database merger, in particular, how database
integrity was ensured, is available at the MIMIC-II web site [1]. The database user
guide is also online [2].
An additional task was to convert the patient waveform data from Philips’
proprietary format into an open-source format. With assistance from the medical
equipment vendor, the waveforms, trends, and alarms were translated into WFDB,
an open data format that is used for publicly available databases on the National
Institutes of Health-sponsored PhysioNet web site [3].
All data that were integrated into the MIMIC-II database were de-identified in
compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act standards to
facilitate public access to MIMIC-II. Deletion of protected health information from
structured data sources was straightforward (e.g., database fields that provide the
patient name, date of birth, etc.). We also removed protected health information
from the discharge summaries, diagnostic reports, and the approximately 700,000
free-text nursing and respiratory notes in MIMIC-II using an automated algorithm
that has been shown to have superior performance in comparison to clinicians in
detecting protected health information [4]. This algorithm accommodates the broad
spectrum of writing styles in our data set, including personal variations in syntax,
abbreviations, and spelling. We have posted the algorithm in open-source form as a
general tool to be used by others for de-identification of free-text notes [5].
5.4 Data Sharing 47
5.5 Updating
In 2008 the hospital made a major change in the ICU information system technology
and in ICU documentation procedures. The Philips CareVue system was replaced
with iMDsoft’s MetaVision technology. In 2013 we began a major update to MIMIC
to incorporate adult ICU data for the period 2008–2012. The effort required learning
the entirely new data schema of MetaVision, and merging the new data format with
the existing MIMIC design. The new MetaVision data included new data elements
such as physician progress notes, oral and bolus medication administration records,
etc. Updated data were extracted from hospital archives and from the SSA death files
for the newly added patients. Almost two years of effort was invested to acquire,
organize, debug, normalize and document the new database before releasing it.
48 5 The Story of MIMIC
MIMIC-III includes 20,000 new adult ICU admissions, bringing the total to
approximately 60,000. The new database is known as MIMIC-III, and the acronym
has been recast as “Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care” [7].
5.6 Support
Table 5.1 Health data 1. The availability of digitized ICU and hospital data including
requirements structured and unstructured clinical data and high resolution
waveform and vital sign data
2. A cooperative and supportive hospital IT department to assist
in data extraction
3. A supportive IRB and hospital administration to assure both
protection of patient privacy and release of de-identified data
to the research community
4. Adequate engineering and data science capability to design
and implement the database schema and to de-identify the
data (including the unstructured textual data)
5. Sophisticated signal processing expertise to reformat and
manage proprietary waveform data streams
6. Cooperation and technical support of equipment vendors
7. Adequate computational facilities for data archiving and
8. Adequate technical and administrative personnel to provide
user support and credentialing of users
9. Adequate financial support
5.8 Future Directions 49
The MIMIC-III database is a powerful and flexible research resource, but the
generalizability of MIMIC-based studies is somewhat limited by the fact that the
data are collected from a single institution. Multi-center data would have the
advantages of including wider practice variability, and of course a larger number of
cases. Data from international institutions would add still greater strength to the
database owing to the even larger variations in practice and patient populations.
Our long-term goal is to create a public, multi-center, international data archive
for critical care research. We envisage a massive, detailed, high-resolution ICU data
archive containing complete medical records from patients around the world. The
difficulty of such a project cannot be understated; nevertheless we propose to lay the
foundation for such a system by developing a scalable framework that can readily
incorporate data from multiple institutions, capable of supporting research on
cohorts of critically ill patients from around the world.
Acknowledgments The development and maintenance of the MIMIC and PhysioNet resources
have been funded by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)
and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) over the period 2003 to present.
Grants R01EB1659, R01EB017205, R01GM104987, and U01EB008577.
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