Ordinal Utility Theory
Ordinal Utility Theory
Ordinal Utility Theory
❖ Indifference Curve Properties:
• Slope: Always negative due to trade-offs between goods.
• Convexity: Reflects diminishing MRS, indicating imperfect substitutability.
• Higher Preference: Higher curves offer more utility.
❖ MRS Calculation:
• Formula: 𝑴𝑹𝑺𝑿,𝒀 =
• Diminishing MRS: As more of one good is consumed, less of the other is needed to maintain
Ordinal Utility Theory offers a powerful lens to understand consumer preferences by focusing on
relative rankings rather than precise measurements. This approach uses tools like indifference
curves and the marginal rate of substitution to analyze consumer choices and behavior
effectively. Whether dealing with perfect substitutes or complements, this theory provides
valuable insights into how consumers allocate their resources to maximize satisfaction.
Ever wonder why some things just go perfectly together, like peanut butter and
jelly? That's the magic of perfect complements—two goods that are meant to be
consumed in perfect harmony, like a duet of deliciousness!