Adjective - Quality, Quantity, Number - 2

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Adjectives – 2

1) Adjec ves of Number: We can find out adjec ve of number by asking ques on
'how many' to the countable noun. Such adjec ves can be a number or indefinite
E.g.: Most boys like to play cricket.
Here 'boys' is a countable noun and we ask the ques on 'how many' to the
countable noun 'boys'. We get the answer 'most'. So we call 'most' an adjec ve
of number.
E.g.: Ten boys like to play cricket.
Here 'boys' is a countable noun and we ask the ques on 'how many' to the
countable noun 'boys'. We get the answer 'ten'. So we call 'ten' an adjec ve of
number. In this case 'ten' shows the exact number of boys. So both 'ten' and
'most' are adjec ve of number.

In the adjec ve of number, the noun has to be countable

A. Underline the Adjec ves of Number:

1) Hari won the second prize. 5) Few people a ended the rally.
2) There are twenty students in the class. 6) Every chair in the hall was occupied.
3) He was standing third in the row. 7) Are there any birds on the tree?
4) There are some chocolates in the jar. 8) Five ducks were in the pond.

Read carefully : I eat some rice.I have some pencils.

rice  = uncountable noun, so some = adjec ve of quan ty
pencils = countable noun, so some = adjec ve of number

B. Underline the Adjec ve and state its type.

1) There are twenty boys in this class. …………………....……………..

2) Raju has a long rope. …………………....……………..

3) He has much money.  …………………....……………..

4) Geeta is a good girl. …………………....……………..

4 Grammar - Adjectives
Name : Div: Roll no: Bus no: Date:
5) Four boys ran down the street.  …………………....……………..

6) There is li le hope of victory. …………………....……………..

7) That is a true story! …………………....……………..

8) Shakespeare wrote many plays. …………………....……………..

9) We are three brothers. …………………....……………..

10) There is enough water in the pond. …………………....……………..

11) Taj Mahal is wonderful. …………………....……………..

12) Many girls par cipated in the func on.…………………....……………..

13) Every word he spoke was a lie. …………………....……………..

14) Bombay is a crowded city. …………………....……………..

15) The girl has a sweet voice. …………………....……………..

16) You can take all the jewellery. …………………....……………..

17) Some cats have stripes. …………………....……………..

18) She came first in the race. …………………....……………..

19) There is li le sugar in my tea. …………………....……………..

20) Neela wore black shoes. …………………....……………..

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