Adjective - Quality, Quantity, Number - 2
Adjective - Quality, Quantity, Number - 2
Adjective - Quality, Quantity, Number - 2
1) Adjec ves of Number: We can find out adjec ve of number by asking ques on
'how many' to the countable noun. Such adjec ves can be a number or indefinite
E.g.: Most boys like to play cricket.
Here 'boys' is a countable noun and we ask the ques on 'how many' to the
countable noun 'boys'. We get the answer 'most'. So we call 'most' an adjec ve
of number.
E.g.: Ten boys like to play cricket.
Here 'boys' is a countable noun and we ask the ques on 'how many' to the
countable noun 'boys'. We get the answer 'ten'. So we call 'ten' an adjec ve of
number. In this case 'ten' shows the exact number of boys. So both 'ten' and
'most' are adjec ve of number.
4 Grammar - Adjectives
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5) Four boys ran down the street. …………………....……………..