OPINE 2k24
OPINE 2k24
OPINE 2k24
Management from the Indian Institute of Technology in
Delhi. With a blend of theoretical knowledge and practi-
cal skills, he is widely respected as a leader in the digital
enterprise landscape.
tor For Change with Niti Ayog, and Chair of Haryana for Prospects and Challenges”
G100-Coaching & Mentoring. Opine 2K19- “Intergenerational Trends and
Technology Adoption”
Opine 2K18- “Retail Revolution: A plethora of BUSINESS
Mr. Shwetabh S Verma
Mr. Shwetabh’s career journey from
Opine 2K17- “Exploring Synergy between Change
SAP Labs India to founding Veja
Du, a management consulting firm,
Management and Entrepreneurship” CONTEMPORARY
Opine 2K16- “Implementation and Impact of GST on
reflects his dynamic exploration of Indian Economy”
technology, design, branding, con-
sulting, and management disci-
plines. He transitioned from employ-
ee to entrepreneur, exploring roles as
an intrapreneur, freelancer, and solopreneur. He’s actively
engaged in community initiatives, leading city chapter Saturday, 20th April, 2024
efforts for global brands such as OpenIDEO, CMX, and Timings: 9:30am to 2:00pm
Global Goals Jams in Bengaluru. He has remained con- Jagannath Community College Venue: Shah Auditorium,
nected to the education sector as mentor and engag- Community Center, Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085 Rajniwas Marg, Near Civil Lines Metro
es with students at various national and international Ph.: 011-45184100 Station, Delhi-110054, India
institutions. www.jims.in | Follow us on: