OPINE 2k24

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JAGANNATH COMMUNITY COLLEGE OPINE 2K24 vacy concerns and algorithmic bias must be addressed.

As AI continues to evolve, leveraging its power will be

Jagannath Community College (JCC) has come a long way essential for achieving marketing objectives in an ev-
as a School of Excellence in the field of management scienc- TRANSFORMING BUSINESS IN THE AI ERA: er-evolving landscape.
es and technical education. The College has always been CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES In this session, the speaker will discuss how AI is revolu-
proactive in tionizing digital and social media marketing, enabling
adapting to In the modern business landscape, adapting to the AI precise audience targeting, dynamic content optimiza-
the chang- era is imperative for sustained competitiveness. AI rev- tion, and advanced analytics. They will highlight AI’s role
ing needs of olutionizes industries, but its assimilation introduces in delivering personalized content, predicting trends,
the corporate complexities such as data privacy concerns and the and enhancing customer service through chatbots.
sector. It has need for workforce upskilling. This seminar aims to com-
been active- prehensively explore AI’s influence on businesses, from
AI Challenges to Triumphs -
ly involved in reshaping operational paradigms to fostering innova-
conducting tion. Discussions will delve into AI’s potential to boost A Motivational Expedition
research and productivity and efficiency across industries, alongside AI implementation offer benefits and problems to a va-
management challenges like data privacy and ethical considerations. riety of industries. The ethical and societal ramifications
development Attendees will gain insights into navigating these issues of AI, including concerns about privacy, bias, and job dis-
programmes for informed decision-making and agile adaptation. Em- placement, present a serious obstacle.
for corporate phasizing the strategic imperative for organizations, the
sector. Its pro- seminar underscores the criticality of staying abreast of AI-powered automation can streamline workflows, re-
grammes are structured to prepare managers and leaders AI-driven transformations to thrive in the evolving busi- duce errors, and free up human capital for more stra-
for a global economy. ness environment. tegic tasks. Furthermore, AI has the potential to revo-
lutionize healthcare, transportation, finance, and other
The syllabi for the programmes are under constant review industries, driving economic growth and societal pro-
with the syllabi of some of the world’s best B-Schools. The AI Unleashed New Business Platforms
gress. Embracing AI, while addressing its challenges is
process of excellence begins with the rigorous admission essential for realizing its full potential and maximizing
The advent of AI has sparked a paradigm shift in the fast-
process. The College has well qualified and experienced its benefits for all stakeholders.
paced corporate world of today, opening up a plethora of
faculty, which is supplemented by visiting faculty and
creative business platforms. These platforms use artifi- The speaker in this session would endeavour to examine
guest speakers from reputed academic and corporate
cial intelligence to transform conventional methods and the potential of AI to catalyse innovation and foster eco-
sector. An excellent learning environment is ensured at all
promote scalability, agility, and efficiency. AI has em- nomic growth. The emphasis would centre on strategic
times, including personal attention to students, personali-
powered organizations to create dynamic platforms that planning and concerted efforts aimed at surmounting
ty grooming and exposure to recent trends. Incorporating
cater to ever-evolving market demands. The potential is obstacles to ensure the comprehensive realization of AI’s
professionalism, effective communication and interper-
immense as we move further into the age of AI-driven benefits.
sonal skills in all students are the focus areas of the Insti-
innovation; these developments have the potential to
tute. JCC has always been a sought after Institute among
bring about revolutionary shifts that will influence busi-
the students for their overall development. PROGRAMME DETAILS
ness for years to come.
In this session, the speaker will discuss how AI has rev- TIME EVENT DETAILS
olutionized the business landscape, unleashing new
SEMINAR – OPINE 9:00AM - 9:45AM Students Registration
platforms that opened doors to new revenue streams
9:45AM - 10:00AM Welcome of Dias Members
Seminars, whether in academic, professional, or and business models, enabling companies to capitalize
community settings, serve as invaluable platforms on opportunities that were previously inaccessible. Fur- 10:00AM - 10:10AM
Lamp Lighting and Saraswati
for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and expertise. thermore, they will explore how AI-driven platforms fos- Vandana
The gathering brings together individuals with shared ter collaboration and synergy within ecosystems, paving 10:10AM - 10:20AM Welcome Address
interests or goals to explore a particular topic in the way for revolutionary shifts in the future of business.
10:20AM - 10:30AM Keynote Address
depth, often featuring presentations, discussions, and
interactive sessions. Opine offers a dynamic environment AI Revolutionizing Digital and 10:30AM - 11:15AM 1st Technical Session
where participants can engage with experts, learn about Social Media Marketing 11:15AM - 11:30AM Interactive Session of the Moderator
the latest developments in their field, and contribute
11:30AM - 12:15PM 2nd Technical Session
their own insights. Attendees benefit not only from Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing digital and
the information presented but also from networking social media marketing by enabling precise audience 12:15PM - 12:30PM Interactive Session of the Moderator
opportunities and the chance to connect with like- targeting, dynamic content optimization, and advanced 12:30PM - 1:15PM 3rd Technical Session
minded peers. The seminar serves as catalyst for analytics. Predictive analytics powered by AI allows mar-
intellectual growth, inspiring participants to expand their keters to forecast trends, anticipate customer needs, 1:15PM - 1:30PM Interactive Session of the Moderator
horizons, deepen their understanding, and stay abreast of and adjust strategies in real-time. Chatbots driven by AI 1:30PM - 1:40PM Vote of Thanks
emerging trends and ideas. In essence, Opine represent a enhance customer service on social media platforms,
1:40PM - 2:00PM Valedictory
nexus of knowledge-sharing and collaboration, enriching providing instant responses and improving user experi-
individuals and communities alike. ence. Despite its benefits, challenges such as data pri- 2:00 PM National Anthem
SPEAKERS FOR THE SEMINAR 2K24 Glimpses of Past Seminar - OPINE
Mr. Vijayendra Dwari
Over more than 15 years, Mr. Vijay-
endra has refined a diverse expertise
spanning digital business manage-
ment, marketing, and analytics. With
a track record of pioneering digital
strategies, he consistently achieves
favorable outcomes for top consum-
Department of Management
er brands. Holding dual master’s de-
grees, his academic background includes Business Ana- Organizes
lytics from the Indian School of Business and Technology

Management from the Indian Institute of Technology in
Delhi. With a blend of theoretical knowledge and practi-
cal skills, he is widely respected as a leader in the digital

enterprise landscape.

Ms. Debeshi Chakraborty

Ms. Chakraborty, an international-
ly certified Leadership & Strength
Coach accredited by Gallup and ICF,
specializes in guiding aspiring lead-
ers and CXOs. With over two decades
of experience, she holds a Gold med-
al in design from Jadavpur Universi-
ty and is a distinguished Common-
wealth Scholar from University College London. Formerly
with Fortune 500 companies, she now serves as a Lead- An
ership Coach at Landmark Education and is the Founder
of Dezinecareers. Recognized for her educational contri-
butions, she has received national-level awards like the Seminar
Herrising Award 2020 and the Iconic Women Award 2022.
Additionally, she holds key positions including Secretary
and board member of ICF Delhi Charter Chapter, Men- Opine 2K22- “Current Global Business Scenario:

tor For Change with Niti Ayog, and Chair of Haryana for Prospects and Challenges”
G100-Coaching & Mentoring. Opine 2K19- “Intergenerational Trends and
Technology Adoption”
Opine 2K18- “Retail Revolution: A plethora of BUSINESS
Mr. Shwetabh S Verma
Mr. Shwetabh’s career journey from
Opine 2K17- “Exploring Synergy between Change
SAP Labs India to founding Veja
Du, a management consulting firm,
Management and Entrepreneurship” CONTEMPORARY
Opine 2K16- “Implementation and Impact of GST on
reflects his dynamic exploration of Indian Economy”
technology, design, branding, con-
sulting, and management disci-
plines. He transitioned from employ-
ee to entrepreneur, exploring roles as
an intrapreneur, freelancer, and solopreneur. He’s actively
engaged in community initiatives, leading city chapter Saturday, 20th April, 2024
efforts for global brands such as OpenIDEO, CMX, and Timings: 9:30am to 2:00pm
Global Goals Jams in Bengaluru. He has remained con- Jagannath Community College Venue: Shah Auditorium,
nected to the education sector as mentor and engag- Community Center, Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085 Rajniwas Marg, Near Civil Lines Metro
es with students at various national and international Ph.: 011-45184100 Station, Delhi-110054, India
institutions. www.jims.in | Follow us on:

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