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Look at the photos. What are the people doing? How much time each day do you
spend: a) studying or working, b) travelling, and c) relaxing with friends?

Look at question 1 in the exam task. Answer these questions.

1 How many speakers will you hear? What is the situation?
2 Part 1 questions may focus, for instance, on gist, detail, function, purpose, attitude,
opinion, genre or agreement. What is the focus of Whatdoes she say?

ead the recording script for question 1. Which is the correct answer (A, B or C)? Why?
Why are the other two wrong?

Back in my student days I often stayed up until well after midnight. I

needed the recommended eight hours' sleep so I had trouble getting
up the next day and I'd sometimes be late for lessons.NowadaysI can
manage on far less than that but I need an alarm clock in case I'm still
asleep at six. I also need to stick to a regular bedtime, switching off my
laptop and phone well before then or else I end up lyinq awake for ages.

Work in pairs. For each of questions 2—8,ask and answer the questions in
Exercise 2. Then listen and do the exam task.

Quick steps to Part 1

• Don't choose an answer until you've heard the whole extract.
You can always change your mind about an answer while you're listening or when
you listen again.

Exam task
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
I You hear a woman talking about her sleeping habits. 6 You hear a man telling a friend about a mistake he made.
What does she say? How does he feel now?
A She finds it easy to fall asleep at night these days. A amused
B She doesn't need to sleep as long as she used to. B relieved
C She always wakes up before six o'clock in the C worried
morning. 7 You hear a woman making a phone call.
2 You hear two people talking about weather conditions. Why is she calling?
What are they doing? A to cancel an order
A sitting in a railway station café B to make a complaint
B walking past a sports centre C to reschedulea delivery
C waiting at a bus stop 8 You hear two people talking about travelling into the city
3 You hear a teenager talking about her new home. centre.
What does she think about it? What do they agree about?
A It's too far from where she studies. A the time to set off
B It's in a very quiet part of the city. B the type of transport to use
C It's very similar to her previous home. C the road to take
4 You hear part of a radio programme about a coastal area.
What is the speaker doing?
A suggesting a beautiful place for people to live
B studying the wildlife next to the sea
C describing the local effects of climate change Exam tip
5 You hear a man talking about his work. Have you chosen an answer for every
What is his job? question? Even if you're not sure, you
A salesman could be right.
B language teacher
C office worker


Part 2 informal email Read the model email and answer these questions.

O 120 1 Is Lydia's email the right length?

2 Has she made any language mistakes?
Look at the exam task and answer these 3 How does she open and close her message?
questions. 4 What does she talk about in her introduction and conclusion?
1 Who has written to you? 5 Does she answer all of Alex's questions? In which main paragraphs?
2 What does this person want you to do? 6 What examples of informal language can you find?
3 What style is the extract from the email 7 What character adjectives does she use?
written in? Find examples of the following: 8 Which phrases of hers might be particularly useful when you write
other emails?
a contracted forms, e.g. I'm
b short, common words, e.g. got
c simple linking words, e.g. because
d informal punctuation, e.g. dash (-) Dear Alex,
e friendly expressions, e.g. tell me Many thanks for your message. It was great to hear from you!
The first thing I want to say is that I completely agree with you about friends. I
Exam task see some of mine almost every day and I really miss them when they're away.
My closest friend Nicole, who's also a student, is the same age as me and lives
just down the road. We've been best mates for many years and we tell each
This is part of an email from an English friend,
other everything, but I think we've got quite different personalities.
For instance, I can be a bit indecisive at times, but she's very practical and
coo gets everything done quickly. She's not bossy, though. In fact, she's really
thoughtful. Whenever I get upset she's always sympathetic and then she finds
Subject: a way to cheer me up - she's got a wonderful sense of humour!
I hope one day you can get to know her, and that I have the chance to meet your
I'm lucky because I've got really good friends friends, too. Please tell me more about them in your next email. Write soon!
—especially those I've known since I was a
Best wishes,
kid. I don't know what I'd do without them!
So tell me, how important are friends to you?
Who's your best friend and what do you like
about him or her? Think about these questions and note down some ideas for your
own email to Alex.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
1 What does friendship mean to you?
Write your email to Alex in 140-190 words. 2 How often do you see your friends?
Do not write any addresses. 3 Who are you going to write about?
4 How long have you known each other?
5 Which character adjectives best describe your friend?

Quick steps to Part2 informalemail a Make a plan for your email. Put your best ideas from Exercise 3
under these headings: 1 Friends in general, 2 Best friend: who, 3
•Look at the task, including any text, and Bestfriend:why.Then add some details, such as the person'sage
decide who you are writing to, why, and or job. You could put the points under each heading into main
which points to include. paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.
•Note down ideas and decide how many main
Write your email. When you have finished, check it for the
paragraphs you will need. Then put your following:
ideas under paragraph headings.
•Begin Dear (friend's first name) and thank correct length
all the content asked for in Exam tip
them for their last message.
the instructions
•Keep to your plan and use informal language In the exam, make sure
good organisation into paragraphs
throughout. you leave enough time
correct grammar, spelling
•Close in a friendly way, asking them to write at the end to check
and punctuation
back. End Lots of love, Best wishes, etc. your email for mistakes.
suitable style of language

UNIT 1 13
sentences below are true or false.
WRITING PART 2: Read this task. Then decide if the
You see this notice in your college.
to raise money
Read the exam task. Who should event this summer
Our college wants to organise an
you write an email to? What Below are some of our ideas.
you write about in your email? for schools in developing countries. is the best idea and
which you think
What questions should you answer? Please email me to let me know the event, to make
why. Please also tell us how we should
You have received this email from sure it is a success.
3 a concert
your English-speaking friend,Jo. 1 a fun sports day 2 a quiz evening
I guess you've been in your new Thank you for your help.
home for about a month now. All Anna Bradley, Principal
your old friends are really keen
Write your email.
to know how you're getting on.
What's your new home like? And event.
1 You need to write a notice about the
are there lots of exciting things
2 You have to choose one idea.
to do in the city? Also, have you choosing this.
3 You should explain your reasons for
made plenty of new friends?
4 You should suggest a date for the event.
Write and tell me all about it!
5 Your email is to the college principal.
Jo 6 You should use an informal tone.
Writeyour email in 140-190 include in your email to
Choose the four sentences that are suitable to
words. the principal in Exercise 3. Why are they suitable?
in developing countries.
1 1think it's a great idea to raise money for schools
Study the model answer.Does it the best option.
2 1would suggest that a fun sports day would be
answer all the questions in Jo's email?
Is the tone formal or informal? 3 1think a quiz evening would be amazing!
4 Loads of people enjoy listening to live music.
5 Concerts are extremely popular with lots of people of different ages.
6 1think it would be a good idea to keep the ticket price fairly low.
7 Why don't you serve food during the event, too?
8 1'msure that the event will be a huge success and hopefully it will raisea
large amount of money.

21t ujas great to hear from goo! I miss all my old friends, bot I'm getting
osed to living here in Manchester now.
3My new flat is amazin ! It's modern and Uite bi and it's Ota lovely
I Use a suitable greeting.
balcony which looks oot over a park. There's also a large living room With
comfortable sofas and our new huge TV! My room's qoite small, bot I 2Give a reason for writing.

don't mind that because I'm oot during the day, so I only use it for sleeping. 3Answer the first question.
4Manchester's a really lively city. Did yoo know it's the biggest university
4Answer the second question.
city in Britain, so there are loads of young people here. There's always
something neu) and exciting to do. I've discovered some amazing music 5Answer the third question.
venues u)herethere are live bands. Oln an informal email/letter, use
Sl ive been lucky (Dith friends and I've met some really nice people here. I'
informal words and phrases.
seeing some of them this evening, to go to the cinema, and I know yoo'll
71.Jsea suitable ending phrase.
get on (Diththem (Dhenyoo meet them. When are yoo going to come and
visit me? Let me know (Dhen you're free and me can fig a date.
See yoo soon,

Choosethe correct options in this formal email. Correct the mistakes in the sentences
formal and informal letters/emails.
1 It was great hear from you.
(1) Dear Ms Copeland, / Hi Anne, 2 Why you don't come and visit me in July?
I am writing (2) because of/ in response to your advertisement 3 1would able to help with the arrangements.
for staff to work in your hotel this summer. I am (3) currently/ 4 1look forward hearing from you.
at the moment studying hotel management at college and (4) Read the exam task and use the table to plan
would love to work / would be interested in working in your hotel. your letter.
I have (5) learnt all about / studied different aspects of hotel work
You see this advertisement in your local
as part of my course, and I also have some experience of hotel
English-language newspaper.
work as I (6) was employed / had ajob in a large international
hotel in Spain for six weeks last summer. I worked mainly as Staff wanted for summer work
a waiter, but also (7) gained some experience as / had a go as a We require staff to work with our
receptionist when the regular receptionist was ill. English-speaking guests in our busy
hotel this summer.
I am friendly and hardworking, and work well as part of a team. I
We are looking for people for the
also understand that in a hotel, (8) keeping the customerhappy /
following roles:
customersatisfaction is the most important thing. •Waiter
(9) I would be grateful ifyou would / Please will you consider me •Coffee-bar assistant
for a position in your hotel. • Receptionist
(10) I look forward to hearing from you. / Writesoon! Write to Maria Simpson at Top Beach
Hotel saying which job interests you
Joseph Brown and why, and explain why you would
be suitable for the job.
Studythe words and expressions in the Key language box. Writeyour letter in 140-190 words.


Ideas Useful
Opening a formal email/letter: hrases
Dear (Mr/Mrs/Ms Edwards), Dear Sir/Madam, Writing to?
Giving reasons for writing:
Formal or
I am writing in response to ... I saw your notice/advert in informal?
Referring to something mentioned in the letter/notice/ Opening phrase
Yourletter/notice/advert mentioned that ... Yourletter/notice/advert Point I
asked for ... Point 2
Makingsuggestions / giving advice:
Point 3
It would be a good idea to ... It might be sensible to ... You might like
to consider ... Ending
Offering to do something:
Write your letter. Rememberto write
I would be able/willing to ... ifnecessary
between 140 and 190 words.
Making requests:
Would it be possible for you to ... ? Check your letter and make changes if
Asking for information:
• Have you covered all the points in the task?
Couldyou give me some information on ... ? Could you let me have
• Have you used an appropriate formal or
moredetails about ?
informal tone?
Have you used a range of phrases for giving
I would like to apologise for
advice, making suggestions, etc.?
Closing a formal email: Have you used a suitable opening and
Yourssincerely (after Dear Mr Edwards), Yours faithfully (after Dear ending?
Sir/Madam), I look forward to hearing from you, Kind regards • Have you used a wide range of language?
Tip: Only use Mrs if you are sure that the woman you are writing • Have you used between 140 and 190 words?
to is married. Otherwise, use Ms.

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