Wavelength Division Multiplexing

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Aim: To design Coarse and Dense WDM Systems and to analyze the BER performance.

Software Required: Optisystem


Wavelength-Division Multiplexing is now one of the most widely used technology for high-
capacity optical communication systems. Figure:1 schematically shows a typical WDM
transmission system. At the transmitter side, multiple optical transmitters – each emitting at a
different wavelength – individually send signals and these signals are multiplexed by a
wavelength multiplexer (MUX). The multiplexed signals are then transmitted over one main
transmission line (optical fiber cable). At the receiver side, the signals are de-multiplexed by a
wavelength de-multiplexer (DEMUX) and sent to multiple receivers.

CWDM (Coarse WDM)
The need for a tight channel spacing in DWDM technology mainly arises from the relatively
narrow gain bandwidth of EDFA (compared to the entire optical telecommunication bands).
On the other hand, if the transmission distance is less than 100 km and no amplifiers are
needed, a wider channel spacing can be an option.
A wider channel spacing allows the use of inexpensive components such as:

 Uncooled transmitter laser diode (LD) with a large wavelength variation

 MUX and DEMUX with a relaxed channel spacing

and as a result, the total cost for installation and operation becomes less expensive. Such
WDM systems are called coarse WDM (CWDM), and ITU-T G.694.2 defines one wavelengths
allocation for CWDM systems. There are 18 center wavelengths with 20 nm spacing from
1271 nm to 1611 nm, covering the O-, E-, S-, C- and L-bands. All the 18 wavelengths are not
necessarily be used.
Dense WDM (DWDM)
In order to transmit optical signals over a long distance (> 100 km), optical fiber
amplifiers are needed to compensate the loss of an optical fiber. As the gain bandwidth of an
optical fiber amplifier is rather limited, tight wavelength spacing is needed to put a large
number of channels into the gain bandwidth. The dense WDM (DWDM) technology has been
developed for long distance transmission systems, fully utilizing the gain bandwidth
of erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). EDFA has optical gain in the C-band and L-band and
for example, a total of 115 wavelength channels are transmitted in one fiber with 100-GHz
(~0.8 nm) frequency spacing. Several different frequency spacings for DWDM applications are
defined in ITU-T G.694.1, and an appropriate spacing is chosen depending on system
requirements (total capacity, bit rate per channel, distance, etc.).

Use of WDM technology in telecom network

Telecom networks are roughly classified into three categories, the core, metro, and access networks .
The core network connects major cities (>100 km) and DWDM technology is often used. The metro
network is used inside a metropolitan area, typically 50~80 km, and CWDM may be used. The access
network rarely uses WDM technology at present, as the requirement for transmission capacity is much
less than the core and metro networks.


Bit Rate- 2.5 Gbps
Line Encoding: NRZ (Max amplitude- 5V)
Modulation: Direct
Fiber Length – 20 km

λ1= 1525 nm
λ2= λ1+ 20 nm= 1545 nm
λ3= λ2 nm+ 20 nm= 1565 nm
λ4= λ3 nm+ 20 nm= 1585 nm

Bit Rate- 10 Gbps
Line Encoding: NRZ (Max amplitude- 5V)
Modulation: External
Fiber Length – 100 km

f1= 193 THz

f2= f1+ 100 GHz = 193.1 THz
f3= f2+ 100 GHz = 193.2 THz
f4= f3+ 100 GHz = 193.3 THz
Block Schematic:


1. Create a new project and save it.

2. Drag and drop the components into the GUI from the use library as shown inthe

block diagram.

3. Edit the parameters according to the design specifications.

4. Run the schematic and analyze the BER and eye pattern.



S.NO wavelengths (nm) BER Q-Factor

1. 1525

2. 1545

3. 1565

4. 1585


S.NO Frequency(THz) BER Q-Factor

1. 193

2. 193.1

3. 193.2

4. 193.3
Extend both tables to 8 wavelengths and vary the Multiplexer and De-Multiplexer
Bandwidth less than Channel BW and greater than channel BW and tabulate the
Result and Inference.

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