Eclipse Phase - Character Questionnaire
Eclipse Phase - Character Questionnaire
Eclipse Phase - Character Questionnaire
Original By ShadowDragon8685
This questionnaire is meant as a tool to aide in roleplaying and character creation: to not see
a character as a pile of numbers on a nicely-formatted spreadsheet, but to explain the all-
important who they are and why they are who they say they are.
It is not mandatory. However, Rez will be awarded for filled-out questionnaires indicating the
player who filled it out has a good, solid grasp on the Eclipse Phase setting, and bones
may/will be tossed in-play based on the information given. Write me a novella if you feel like
- the more information you give, the better.
That said, let’s dive right in. Please, copy this document and edit your copy as much as you
like. Or, alternatively, refer to this copy I filled out for my character Angela Moira Delaware,
if you want to see how I do it.
1: How did the Fall affect you, and where were you when it happened?
It was only a decade ago, but were you even around at the time, or did you come into being
afterwards? Do you vividly remember it, or was it largely something that happened to other
people far, far away from you? Or is it a mysterious gap in your memories?
6.1f2: Anarcho-Collectivism.
The heart and soul of the Autonomist Alliance, anarcho-collectivists are by no means a
unified lot. What they all agree upon, however, is that nobody has the right to tell anybody
what to do without that anybody’s say in the matter. Their detractors call them, well,
anarchists, and argue that anarcho-collectivism is unsustainable and will quickly devolve
into the eating-itself-alive, war-of-all-against-all, violence-rape-and-murder kind of anarchy
that the word conjures in the heads of more traditionally-minded folk.
6.1f3: Extropians.
Many, some would say most, of those who hold to the Autonomist Alliance Points of Unity,
would consider Anarcho-Capitalism to be even more of the odd-man-out than the Titanian
Commonwealth. The Extropians narrowly avoided being expelled from the Alliance in a vote
not too long ago, as the overwhelming opinion is that their continued practice of indenture
amounts to the same sort of slavery the Planetary Consortium, LLA and Morningstar Alliance
practice, and more and more Autonomists are coming to the conclusion that indenture
practices are the inevitable result of capitalism in any form. Extropians, of course, defend
these practices, saying that nobody is coerced into doing anything, a claim which the most
vocal Autonomists deride as utterly ludicrous. Where do you stand?
6.2 I’m going to name some polarizing issues, which are different from polarizing
politics, per se. Again: Where do you stand?
6.2a: Indenture.
Touted by the PC, its biggest proponents, as the means by which those who have nothing,
often not even a body, may work their way back into the economic system, indenture is
universally reviled by everyone out-system that isn’t an Extropian as modern-day slavery,
citing horrific (and in many cases, ongoing,) abuses wherein the indentured person finds
their indenture extended indefinitely due to tripping hidden penalty clauses in their massive
contracts or by being teased with goodies like simulspace vacations that add massive
amounts of time to their indenture contracts.
6.2b: Uplifts.
In the decades before the Fall, the science came about to uplift the intelligence of animals
(at least, the higher-order animals that already possessed massive amounts of brainpower,)
to sapience. Most inner-system polities refuse to recognize Uplifts as legally equal to
humans, even if there’s no denying they’re as sapient as humans. Many consider them
property of the entity that created them; the Jovian Junta views them as an abomination and
has any that come within its borders put to death. Perhaps as a result, Mercurials are often
radical Uplifts-rights champions, and most everyone out-system agrees that Uplifts are
people, too.
6.2d: Neotenics.
There are some good, rational, logical explanations to be made as regards the utility of
Neotenic bodymorphs - in space they’re often more efficient, as brute strength is seldom
necessary (and can be provided by a drone when it is,) meanwhile they provide a biomorph
that doesn’t require as many resource inputs, is smaller and thus requires less living space
and generally less resources for its equipment, and so forth and so on. That said, let’s not
beat around the bush: only people in denial deeper than Jupiter’s gravity well will say that
Neotenic morphs aren’t used as a slightly-more-socially-acceptable form of pedophilia. Some
find this as heinous as the real deal, others would argue that if the ego in the morph is
experienced enough to give informed consent, the size and shape of the morph is
6.2d: Mercurialism.
Not, strictly speaking, the simple conglomeration of Uplifts and Infolifes, the Mercurial cause
is that of those who wish to be as different from baseline transhumanity as possible.
Mercurial Uplifts don’t simply want uplifts to be treated as equal to transhumanity, they wear
on their sleeve the fact that they are fundamentally different. The mercurial cause
incorporates radical uplift and AGI rights activists, as well as some forms of Brinker which
are becoming something entirely unalike to transhumanity. The most radical Mercurials
actively resist any offers or efforts to assimilate them into “normal” transhuman societies,
even those in which they are considered fully equal as all sapient beings, preferring instead
to spurn transhumanity altogether in favor of attempting to forge a place for themselves
which does not include transhumanity at all.
6.2e: Hedonism.
Most everybody has an appreciation for having a good time, and most everybody has some form of a work ethic.
Some folk, on the other hand, push these to one extreme or another: most Scum will tell you that they don’t feel
like doing anything productive more than what they absolutely have to do to maintain their habitats, and that
transhumanity should simply focus on enjoying themselves until the heath-death of the universe. Workaholics sneer
at true hedonists, calling them lazy or self-indulgent, and believe that a transhuman should constantly be working,
whether to better their own lot in life or to the betterment of all. Where do you stand on this?
6.2g: Technoprogressivism.
Not even the staunchest technoprogressive can deny that without modern technology, the Fall would not have
happened. A lot of people these days have an uneasy feeling that transhumanity may be playing with technology
that it can’t control, and out-of-control technology is dangerous. You don’t have to be a full-on Jovian to feel at least
a little bit of fear as regards science blindly rushing forward. On the other hand, others would say that technology
isn’t inherently dangerous or evil, and if not misused, is no more harmful than a flashlight. Where do you stand?
6.2h: Suicide.
The Fall was traumatic, and a lot of things in the past ten years have been as well. For whatever their reasons,
some people don’t want to deal with existence anymore, and would sooner check out than continue to exist in a
state of fear or misery or pain. On the other hand, we've barely recovered from the near knockout punch that was
the Fall. Immediately after the Fall, in AF 0, humanity’s biologically instantiated population numbered less than 1%
of what it had been 18 months before the Fall, and even accounting for infugees, including those in cold storage,
transhumanity is still at just 8% of the wholly unique individual minds we once had. Under those sort of
circumstances, some would argue that people don’t have the right to self-terminate and by doing so, diminish the
6.2k: Forking.
When most folks who are are now forty or more chronological years old were children, they were told the same
thing that children had been told for hundreds of years: that they were unique. Special, in some way, that nobody
else could be. They were lied to: the transhuman brain is understood to a deep enough extent that we can rebuild
someone’s mind and personality from whole-cloth gray matter. The reasons a person might do this are
innumerable; some might prefer to send a (pruned) fork to a far-off place to hold a conversation in their place, then
bring it back and reintegrate it with themselves. Some might spin off a fork to handle purely electronic actions as
an infolife. Some just want the company of the one person who knows them best. How many of “you” being out
there, active, are you comfortable with? Do you feel there should be a limit on the number of forks of a single
person? How does it feel to realize that you can be copied, pasted, or deleted, with a computer command?
11: Let’s try some rapid-fire questions. You know this game: A quick question
with little if any explanation. Answer as you see fit.
11a: Your morph. Describe it (Gender, apparent ethnicity if any, general looks,
build, etcetera. Any mods from standard.)
11c: Family. Do you still have any? Are they still important to you?
11e: What religion, if any, do you follow? What are your thoughts on religions, both
old and new?
11f: Why do you do what you do that you don’t, necessarily, have to do?
11h: What won’t you do, no matter the reward offered or any pressing justification?
11i: Give me a short list of things not covered above or below (it’s okay to come
back to this one,) that you like, love, dislike, or hate.
11j: What is your name? Your full birth name/designation/etcetera, and any
nicknames, street names, and the like, including how you came by
11L: If you had to pick one person, cause, or group, to name as the one you love the
11q: Do you have a favorite color? It doesn’t necessarily need to be within the
ultraviolet spectrum human flats can perceive.
11r: If you eat and/or drink, what’s the best thing you’ve ever had, your favorite, if
you will?
11s: If you had the resources and means (credit, rep, the full reclamation of Earth,
whatever,) to go any one place in all of the galaxy, where would you
11u: If you consume any art at all, which is your favorite? Visual, acoustic, and
other, so don’t forget to mention the kind of music you bop to when
you’re going about your business.
11v: What is your greatest goal? If you or forks of you live ten thousand years, what
would you, now, like to be able to look back upon in AF 10,010 and
say “I did that. It was me. I brought that event/thing/place about.”
11w: What is the greatest, most important thing you have accomplished in your
11y: Under what circumstances would you betray a confidence or break a promise?
12: Your Muse. Almost everybody has one. What’s yours like, how long has it
been with you?
13: The following questions are about sex, and are optional, but encouraged.
13a1: Even these days, most people born or created are assigned a physical (or electronic) sex and a
gender to match when they are created.
Most tend to stick with what they know, some come to realize their internalized gender is more fluid than that
simple binary choice. Some undergo a slow and frequently painful realization that their own gender identity doesn’t
match the sex/gender they were born with, and may change their physical selves to match it, change their mental
selves to match their morph, or do something else. Some make a conscious choice to try something new and find
they like it. How did you come to possess the current combination of internal gender identity and external sexual
characteristics you possess?
13a2: What gender were you born/created as, if it’s different from that you currently consider yourself?
13b: The true nature of transhuman gender and sex identity can run an almost infinite
rainbow. But in the broad strokes, it can boil down to the following options. What are your opinions of those
13b1: Female
13b2: Male
13b3: Hermaphrodite (Some form and combination of male or female, and can outwardly present as
either or somewhere in between)
13b5: Wintered (Presenting as thoroughly androgenous, neither male nor female nor combination
thereof, yet with specially engineered sexually erogenous zones to enable sexual
13c: Perhaps you’d answer some questions about sexuality, specifically yours, and
your opinions.
13c1: How would you describe your sexual orientation, assuming you have one? (If you don’t have a
sexual orientation, being completely uninterested in sexuality, please share your
opinion on the topic of sexuality itself. It must be interesting.)
13c2: How flexible are you as regards your orientation? Can you imagine (voluntary) circumstances
that would result in you engaging in sexual behavior outside of your orientation, or
do you consider it to be more a hard and fast part of your psyche?
13c3: It’s reasonably safe to say that almost nobody can be completely described as “normal,” and
never is this more true than in a discussion of their sexuality. What would you say is
true about your personal sense of sexuality that is not true of the majority of
transhumanity? This could be your personal kinks/fetishes, or hang-ups, or both.
13c4: What are your opinions on orientations that aren’t yours? Do you have particularly strong feelings
about any of them?
13c5: What are your opinions as regards infolife forms and sexuality?
13c6: Literally as long as human beings have had the capability to create art, they’ve been depicting
sex. With XP and simulspace, the variety and intensity of pornography has never
been better. Do you have any opinions on the matter?
13c7: What are your opinions on sexual relationships? Is there, in your opinion, an ideal form of
relationship, or not? Are you open to the idea of deviating from such a relationship
ideal if you meet a/several partners who hold different ideals, or must any
prospective partners of yours share your notions of how a relationship should go?
13c8: What are your opinions on the matters of love and sexuality and relationships? Relationships
don’t have to involve love, by necessity, but many people still hold an ideal that
there should be at least some element of love to an ideal relationship. For that
matter, what do you think love is?
13c9: Relationships, love, sex, and politics. Need I say more to prompt your next opinion?
13d: Most people wouldn’t express a positive opinion of any of the following things.
Still, it’s worth asking your opinions on these matters.
13d1: Rape, both forceful and otherwise. And where do you draw the line between what is and isn’t?
13d2: Bestiality. Most people would say that sexuality with nonsapient critters is a big no-no, but some
would also consider sex with sapient uplifts to be the same - and some uplifts would
consider sex with sapients of a different race to be bestiality. On the other hand,
literally anybody can sleeve into an uplift body if they want to - does that change
the nature of it?
13d3: Pedophilia and ephebophilia are defined as sexual attraction (in an even more strict definition,
exclusively so,) to juveniles and adolescents, respectively. On the other hand, these
days, a young ego can easily be sleeved into an adult morph; or vice-versa. And of
course, there’s neotenic morphs, which will reach a maximum maturity of
somewhere between the baseline human ages of 10 and 13, in terms of size, build
and appearance. What do you think?
13d4: What are your thoughts on habitat laws/rules/norms which govern sexuality?
13d5: The topic of people forming sexual attachments with their muses can be a hotly-debated one at
times. On the one hand, most people consider muses to be nonsapient AIs; on the
other, a muse can and often is the nearest, dearest, and longest-lasting relationship
a person has, more real to them than the vast majority of transhumanity. What do
you think?
13e: Experiences, specifically your own sexual experiences. Interested in sharing?
13e1: Most people remember their first sexual encounter, for better or for worse. A lot of people
wouldn’t describe it as a particularly positive experience. What would you say was
your first time, and what did you think of it?
13e2: What’s your sex life like now? Is it parallel to your love life, separate from it, or do you even
have one without the other?
13e3: Have you ever tried anything (sexual) you have no more interest in doing?
13e4: Is there anything specific you might like to try, but haven’t, either for a lack of partners or social
13e5: Have you had any sexual experiences that would be considered extreme or even taboo by large
segments of transhumanity, perhaps your own? If so, was it simply experimental, or
has it become a regular part of your sexuality?
14b: Music.
Find someone who doesn’t like music in some form or another, and you have found someone who is an extreme
statistical outlier. Whether it’s the work of centuries-old maestros whose music was considered so culturally and
historically critical to transhumanity that entire special operations teams laid down their lives to evacuate the
originals from Earth during the Fall, to something straight out of the synthcore grind-pop squealie-wheelie synthbox
of someone who couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket but is convinced his own music is the most glorious thing to ever
vibrate through the air, to even newer and wilder forms of experiencing music such as listening to the background
radiation of the universe transcribed as sound and listened to in a medium of pure gaseous sulfur hexaflouride,
virtually everybody alive likes something in the way of music, and would probably go nuts if forced to spend more
than a few days without the benefit of their tunes.
14f: Skinning.
Modern entopic technology allows a person to override reality at will, “skinning” their perceptions of reality in the
way that some ancient computer programs would allow you to reskin the user interface. This skinning can be
indiscernible from the real thing; your trude down stark metal corridors can be transformed into a pleasant midday
stroll down a narrow hedge maze, or you can turn your world into a thunderous hellscape to harmonize with a foul
mood for cathartic release. You can enjoy the floral scents of a botanical garden whilst standing literally knee-deep
in the habitat’s septic tanks, or turn nutrient paste into something that actually tastes like something you enjoy.
You can, of course, share your skins with others, whether it’s simply whatever audio tracks you’re jamming to, or to
share the custom skin you’ve spent days working on with all your friends. Or, alternatively, you can use it to censor
out parts of reality that you find distressing or aggravating, such as almost never having to observe any evidence
that that rotten bastard you’d as soon airlock as talk to still exists.
14g: Drugs.
It can be accurately stated that a greater percentage of transhumanity is enjoying a narcotically-induced altered
state of consciousness at any given moment now than at any other point in transhumanity’s history. From timeless
classics such as alcohol and nicotine to brand-new forms of never-before seen brainbenders which just came off the
workbench in the last ten minutes, to knowingly ingesting substances which are lethally toxic (with or without the
medichines to prevent the lethality part,) what do you like?
15a: Gatecrashing.
Some people say the Pandora Gates are artifacts of the TITANs evacuation of the solar system and should be left
the hell alone. The Factors - the first confirmed alien race humanity made first contact with - gave humanity a stark
warning against playing with the gates, which humanity promptly ignored. For better or worse, multiple entities,
including the PC’s Pathfinder hypercorp, the ostensibly-neutral Gatekeeper hypercorp, the unaffiliated TerraGenesis
hypercorp, the Love and Rage Collective, and the Go-Nin hypercorp, control Pandora Gates in the solar system, and
frequently send gatecrashers through the gates. Now, there are several large exosolar colonies of humanity. Do you
feel humanity is exposing itself to unnecessary existential risks by playing with the gates, or helping to preserve
themselves against a system-wide extinction event?
Please don’t remove the link to the original document at the top. You can
axe this ugly-ass legalese disclaimer for copies used for characters, if you
want to, but please maintain the disclaimer if you make an adaptation of my
original questionnaire to be used for independent distribution, such as if you
modify it for use to distribute to the players of your own campaign. You’ll
need to change the attribution to attribute me as the creator of the
document you adapted for your own use, and note that I adapted my
document from Eclipse Phase. Theoretically, this could get very Inception if
someone then remixes yours, which would be awesome.