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Evaluación para el acceso a la Universidad

Curso 2024/2025

Materia: Inglés

- La prueba consta de cuatro partes: hay que hacer las partes I y II sobre la
lectura, elegir 6 frases de rephrasing (parte III) y escribir una redacción
eligiendo una opción de las dos propuestas (parte IV).
- Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas en inglés, en el cuadernillo que se
- No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningún otro material didáctico.
- Las faltas de coherencia, ortografía, gramática y vocabulario penalizarán la
nota del ejercicio de redacción (parte IV) hasta -1,5 puntos.
- Duración de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.


Mobile phones to be banned in schools

Nowadays, smartphones are something most people can’t live without, young or
old. We use them to text friends, watch videos, surf websites, play games, take pictures,
etc. Yet, the question remains as to what role they play in education. Should schools ban
smartphones, or should they be allowed?
In a recent radio interview, the Catalan Minister of Education, Anna Simó,
announced that primary education in Catalonia will be “free of smartphones” from the
next school year. The ban on mobile phones in primary education, which covers students
between the ages of six and 12, is expected to take effect at the beginning of the 2024-
2025 school year to give schools time to adapt. Meanwhile, Simó announced that mobile
phones will not be banned in high schools, which include students between the ages of
12 and 16. The minister said that each school will decide on its own policy.
The secretary of the Secondary School Teachers' Union, Xavier Massó, criticized
the decision not to ban mobile phones in high schools and demanded that they be
prohibited at least in classrooms. He argues that leaving the decision up to the schools
“will create more problems than there already are,” since one school might ban it while
the one next door might not.
Some parents have also united against early cell phone use. In November, a
group of families from Barcelona’s Poblenou neighbourhood met together to ensure that
their children would not have smartphones until the age of 16. Soon, the organization
spread to other neighbourhoods in Barcelona and different cities in Catalonia through
WhatsApp and Telegram groups, under the initiative ‘Mobile phone-free youth’.
In a few days, thousands of other families joined the groups, and the main
Telegram group now has more than 10,000 members. Parents say they are not against
the use of new technologies, but they are concerned about its use at an early age. They
point out that there is a lot of peer pressure to buy a phone for their children, because if
they don’t, their children will be the only ones in the class without one, which in turn
complicates the parent-child relationship.
Adapted from

1. READING COMPREHENSION. (2 POINTS) (0.5 points for each correct
answer). Add TRUE or FALSE and copy the evidence from the text to support
Evaluación para el acceso a la Universidad
Curso 2024/2025

Materia: Inglés
your answer. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE. No marks are given
for T or F.

1. Mobile phones won´t be allowed in primary education in Catalonia next

academic year.
2. Xavier Massó agrees with the idea of not banning mobile phones in high
3. The organization against early cell phone use spread through many cities
in Spain.
4. Parents agree they may feel forced to buy a phone for their children.


A. LEXICON. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)
Find a synonym for each of the following words.

1. Forbid:
2. Plan, procedure:
3. Ordered, requested:
4. Worried:

B. PHONETICS. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)

Answer these four questions.

1. How is the “T” pronounced in PICTURES: / tʃ /, / t / or / dʒ /?

2. How is the “E” pronounced in REMAINS: /ɪ /,/ i:/ or /ə / ?
3. How is the “S” pronounced in NEIGHBOURHOODS: /s/, /z/ or /ɪz/?
4. How is the “TH” pronounced in THROUGH: / ð / or / θ /?


USE OF ENGLISH. (3 POINTS) (0.5 points for each correct answer).

Choose SIX of these sentences and rewrite them starting with the words
given. Only the first six will be corrected. No points will be given for the
extra ones. Clearly identify the sentences you choose using the numbers

1. John was so dirty because he had fallen in the mud.


2. I can´t drink this tea. It is very hot.

This tea
Evaluación para el acceso a la Universidad
Curso 2024/2025

Materia: Inglés
3. All the students are interested in the lecture.
All the students find

4. Someone will iron Mary´s dress.

Mary´s dress

5. “Where are my keys?”, my mum asked.

My mum wondered

6. I am sorry I can´t play the guitar.

I wish

7. Your father became a teacher fifteen years ago.

Your father

8. This yellow bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour.
This yellow bus,

9. They have sent a bunch of beautiful flowers to the secretary.

The secretary


Write ONE of these two compositions (3 POINTS). If you write two, no points
will be given to the second one. Your composition must have at least 125

OPTION 1: “Does society place too much importance on body image?”.

OPTION 2: Advantages and disadvantages of early smart phone use.

Esta propuesta NO ES DEFINTIVA y puede sufrir modificaciones tras

las reuniones con los compañeros de educación secundaria.

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