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The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
American University of Beirut

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

November 28, 2012

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

This document presents the new degree program requirements for both undergraduate degrees
offered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the American
University of Beirut (AUB).

Undergraduate Programs
The Department offers the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in two majors:
• Computer and Communications Engineering (CCE)
• Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

Mission of the ECE Department

The mission of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is to promote excellence in
undergraduate and graduate education, research, and service to the profession and community at
large; and to prepare students to be professionals capable of being leaders in their chosen careers,
committed to life-long learning, innovation, critical thinking, integrity, and civic responsibility.

Program Educational Objectives

The objectives of the CCE and ECE programs are to graduate students able to:
• Achieve their employment or postgraduate educational goals.
• Advance in their careers through leadership, life-long learning, innovation, critical thinking,
integrity, and civic responsibility.

Programs Outcomes
By the time of graduation with a BE degree, CCE and ECE students possess
a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g) an ability to communicate effectively
h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context
i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering

Programs Requirements
Undergraduate students admitted into the CCE and ECE programs are expected to complete the
degree requirements in 11 terms (eight 16-week semesters and three 8-week summer terms),
spanning over four calendar years. The undergraduate curricula of the two programs consist each of
143 credits as shown in the following tables.

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

CCE Program Requirements

Course Title Credits
ARAB 2-- Arabic course 3
ENGL 206 Technical English 3
ENGL 2-- One other English course (excluding 204 and 208) 3
ENMG 400 Engineering Economy 3
General Education
Two Social Sciences courses (refer to the University
(30 credits) SOC. SCI. 6
General Education Requirements)
Three Humanities courses (refer to the University
HUM. 9
General Education Requirements)
ENMG 504 Engineering Ethics (or another Ethics course) 3
MATH 201 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III 3
MATH 202 Differential Equations 3
MATH 211 Discrete Structures 3
MATH 218 Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications
or or 3
Mathematics MATH 219 Linear Algebra I
(18 credits) STAT 230 Introduction to Probability and Random Variables 3
Must be one of:
o MATH 210: Introduction to Analysis
o MATH 224: Fourier Analysis and Applications
MATH 2-- 3
o MATH 227: Introduction to Complex Analysis
o MATH 251: Numerical Computing
o MATH 261: Number Theory
PHYS 210 Introductory Physics II 3
PHYS 210L Introductory Physics Laboratory II 1
CHEM 201 Chemical Principles
or or 3
CHEM 202 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry
Sciences CHEM 203 Introductory Chemical Techniques
(12 credits) or or 2
CHEM 205 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory
Must be one of:
BIOL 201, BIOL 202, BIOL 210, CHEM 201,
CHEM 211, GEOL 201, GEOL 205, GEOL 211, PHYL 3
246, PHYS 212, PHYS 217, PHYS 223,
PHYS 235, or PHYS 236
EECE 200 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering 3
EECE 210 Electric Circuits 3
EECE 230 Introduction to Programming 3
EECE 290 Analog Signal Processing 3
Required Courses for EECE 310 Electronics 3
CCE EECE 311 Electronic Circuits 3
(36 credits) EECE 320 Digital Systems Design 3
EECE 321 Computer Organization 3
EECE 330 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
EECE 340 Signals and Systems 3
EECE 350 Computer Networks 3
EECE 380 Engineering Electromagnetics 3
EECE 310L Electric Circuits Laboratory 1
Required Laboratories
EECE 321L Computer Organization Laboratory 1
(3 credits)
EECE 410L System Integration Laboratory 1

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

Four restricted elective courses from the list of CCE Focus Area
Courses with no more than three courses from any given area.

CCE Focus Area Courses

Area 1: Computer Hardware Systems
• EECE 412: Digital Integrated Circuits
• EECE 421: Computer Architecture
• EECE 422: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
Restricted Elective • EECE 425: Embedded Microprocessor System Design
Courses for CCE Area 2: Communications and Networking 12
(12 credits)
• EECE 442: Communication Systems
• EECE 451: Mobile Networks and Applications
• EECE 455: Cryptography and Network Security
Area 3: Software Systems
• EECE 430: Software Engineering
• EECE 431: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
• EECE 432: Operating Systems
• EECE 433: Database Systems
• EECE 434: Programming Language Design and Implementation
Undergraduate EECE 4-- 400-level EECE course 3
Elective Courses
(6 credits) EECE 4-- 400-level EECE course 3

One restricted elective laboratory course from the list of CCE Focus
Area Laboratories.

Restricted Elective CCE Focus Area Laboratories

Laboratory for CCE   Area 1: Computer Hardware Systems
(1 credit)   1
• EECE 412L: VLSI Computer Aided Design Laboratory
  Area 2: Communications and Networking
• EECE 442L: Communications Laboratory
• EECE 451L: Internetworking Laboratory
Area 3: Software Systems
• EECE 435L: Software Tools Laboratory
Elective Laboratory
One EECE laboratory course 1
(1 credit)
Six courses, at least two of which must be EECE courses, subject to
Technical Elective approval of advisor.
Courses   No more than two technical electives may be taken from the same 18
(18 credits)   department, program, and/or track, other than ECE.
Refer to the List of Pre-Approved Technical Elective Courses.
Approved Experience
EECE 500 Approved Experience -
(no credit)  
Final Year Project   EECE 501 Final Year Project I 3
(6 credits)   EECE 502 Final Year Project II 3

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

ECE Program Requirements

Course Title Credits
ARAB 2-- Arabic course 3
ENGL 206 Technical English 3
ENGL 2-- One other English course (excluding 204 and 208) 3
ENMG 400 Engineering Economy 3
General Education
Two Social Sciences courses (refer to the University
(30 credits) SOC. SCI. 6
General Education Requirements)
Three Humanities courses (refer to the University
HUM. 9
General Education Requirements)
ENMG 504 Engineering Ethics (or another Ethics course) 3
MATH 201 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III 3
MATH 202 Differential Equations 3
MATH 211 Discrete Structures 3
MATH 218 Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications
or or 3
Mathematics MATH 219 Linear Algebra I
(18 credits) STAT 230 Introduction to Probability and Random Variables 3
Must be one of:
o MATH 210: Introduction to Analysis
o MATH 224: Fourier Analysis and Applications
MATH 2-- 3
o MATH 227: Introduction to Complex Analysis
o MATH 251: Numerical Computing
o MATH 261: Number Theory
PHYS 210 Introductory Physics II 3
PHYS 210L Introductory Physics Laboratory II 1
CHEM 201 Chemical Principles
or or 3
CHEM 202 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry
Sciences CHEM 203 Introductory Chemical Techniques
(12 credits) or or 2
CHEM 205 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory
Must be one of:
BIOL 201, BIOL 202, BIOL 210, CHEM 201,
CHEM 211, GEOL 201, GEOL 205, GEOL 211, PHYL 3
246, PHYS 212, PHYS 217, PHYS 223,
PHYS 235, or PHYS 236
EECE 200 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering 3
EECE 210 Electric Circuits 3
EECE 230 Introduction to Programming 3
EECE 290 Analog Signal Processing 3
Required Courses for EECE 310 Electronics 3
ECE EECE 311 Electronic Circuits 3
(36 credits) EECE 320 Digital Systems Design 3
EECE 321 Computer Organization 3
EECE 330 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
EECE 340 Signals and Systems 3
EECE 370 Electric Machines and Power Fundamentals 3
EECE 380 Engineering Electromagnetics 3
EECE 310L Electric Circuits Laboratory 1
Required Laboratories
EECE 321L Computer Organization Laboratory 1
(3 credits)
EECE 410L System Integration Laboratory 1

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

Four restricted elective courses from the list of ECE Focus Area
Courses with no more than three courses from any given area.

ECE Focus Area Courses

Area 1: Computer Hardware Systems
• EECE 412: Digital Integrated Circuits
• EECE 421: Computer Architecture
Restricted Elective • EECE 422: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
Courses for ECE 12
• EECE 425: Embedded Microprocessor System Design
(12 credits)
Area 2: Power and Energy Systems
• EECE 471: Fundamentals of Power Systems Analysis
• EECE 473: Power Electronics
• EECE 474: Electric Drives
Area 3: Control and Intelligent Systems
• EECE 460: Control Systems
• EECE 461: Instrumentation
• EECE 463: Artificial Intelligence for Control Systems
Undergraduate EECE 4-- 400-level EECE course 3
Elective Courses
(6 credits) EECE 4-- 400-level EECE course 3

One restricted elective laboratory course from the list of ECE Focus
Area Laboratories.

ECE Focus Area Laboratories

Restricted Elective Area 1: Computer Hardware Systems
Laboratory for ECE   • EECE 412L: VLSI Computer Aided Design Laboratory
(1 credit)   1
Area 2: Power and Energy Systems
  • EECE 470L: Electric Machines Laboratory
• EECE 471L: Power Systems Laboratory
• EECE 473L: Power Electronics and Drives Laboratory
Area 3: Control and Intelligent Systems
• EECE 460L: Control Systems Laboratory
• EECE 462L: Industrial Control Laboratory
Elective Laboratory
One EECE laboratory course 1
(1 credit)
Six courses, at least two of which must be EECE courses, subject to
Technical Elective approval of advisor.
Courses   No more than two technical electives may be taken from the same 18
(18 credits)   department, program, and/or track, other than ECE.
Refer to the List of Pre-Approved Technical Elective Courses.
Approved Experience
EECE 500 Approved Experience -
(no credit)  
Final Year Project   EECE 501 Final Year Project I 3
(6 credits)   EECE 502 Final Year Project II 3

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

List of Pre-Approved Technical Elective Courses

• Any EECE course with a number equal to or greater than 400

• Any ENMG course with a number equal to, or greater than 500, with the exception of ENMG
• ACCT 210, 215
• BIOL 201, 202, 210, 223, 224, 225, 243, 244, 247, 260, 268, 290
• BUSS 211, 235
• CHEM 200, 201, 202, 206, 208, 211, 212, 215, 217, 218, 227, 228, 229
• CIVE 460, 461, 647, 652, 656, 657, 661, 662, 663, 664, 666, 672
• CMPS 251, 257, 272, 274, 277, 281, 283, 285, 286, 287, 288, 350, 357, 366, 367, 368, 372,
373, 378, 387
• DCSN 200, 205, 210
• ECON 214, 215, 217, 218, 222, 223/224, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240,
241, 242, 243
• ENTM 241/FINA 241, 220, 225, 235
• FINA 210, 215
• GEOL 201, 205, 211, 212, 213, 219, 221
• MATH 210, 212, 213, 214, 220, 223, 224, 227, 241, 242, 251, 261, 271, 281, 303, 304, 306,
314, 315, 341, 344
• MECH 310, 314, 320, 340, 550, 631,633, 634, 641, 642
• MKTG 210, 215, 225, 230, 238, 240
• MNGT 218, 220, 229, 230
• PHYL 246
• PHYS 212, 217, 223, 225, 226, 235, 236, 249
• Any STAT course with a number equal to, or greater than 234

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

ECE Course Descriptions

EECE 200: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering (3 cr.)
This course includes the following topics: an overview of electrical and computer engineering;
engineering as a profession; introduction to the different areas of ECE such as biomedical systems,
circuits, communications, computer design, control, distributed systems, electromagnetics, energy,
machines, and signal processing; basic computer tools such as SPICE, MATLAB, and LabVIEW;
basic laboratory instruments; laboratory experiments and a design project.

EECE 210: Electric Circuits (3 cr.)

This course includes the following topics: circuit variables and elements, Kirchoff’s laws, basic
analysis of resistive circuits, Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent circuits, circuit simplification,
sinusoidal steady-state analysis, linear and ideal transformers, power relations, Fourier series and
responses to periodic inputs, and circuit simulation using SPICE.

EECE 230: Introduction to Programming (3 cr.)

A course on the basic principles of programming and their application to the solution of engineering
problems using a high level programming language. This course introduces structured and object-
oriented programming, and covers the basic data types, control structures, functions, arrays, pointers,
and classes. Weekly laboratory assignments are an integral part of this course.

EECE 290: Analog Signal Processing (3 cr.)

A course on circuits’ solution and analysis in the S and frequency domains. It includes operational
amplifiers, step and steady-state response of RL, RC, and RLC circuits, Laplace transform and its
use in circuit analysis; frequency-selective circuits; active filter circuits; Fourier transform, and two-
port circuits; and circuit simulation using SPICE. Prerequisite: EECE 210.

EECE 310: Electronics (3 cr.)

A course on semiconductors; PN junctions; diodes and diode circuits; MOS transistor and
applications such as amplifier and switch; bipolar junction transistor and applications such as
amplifier and switch; and circuit simulation using SPICE. Prerequisites: EECE 290, and pre- or co-
requisite: EECE 200.

EECE 310L: Electric Circuits Laboratory (1 cr.)

A laboratory course that covers passive electronic components; laboratory instruments; voltage-
divider circuits; sources and Thevenin’s theorem; RC lead-lag networks; series resonance; the
transformer; op-amp circuits; single-phase rectifier circuits; LEDs; Zener diode regulator; diode
clamping and clipping; BJT and MOSFET characteristics. Pre- or co-requisite: EECE 310.

EECE 311: Electronic Circuits (3 cr.)

A course on BJT amplifiers; MOSFET amplifiers; differential amplifiers; frequency response of
amplifiers; feedback; operational amplifiers; oscillators; digital CMOS circuits; SPICE simulations.
Prerequisite: EECE 310.

EECE 320: Digital Systems Design (3 cr.)

This course introduces digital systems design concepts. Topics include basic combinational building
blocks and design methods to construct synchronous digital systems; alternative representations for
digital systems; standard logic (SSI, MSI) vs. programmable logic (PLD, FPGA); finite state
machine design; digital computer building blocks as case studies; introduction to computer-aided
design software in VHDL. The course also includes a substantial design project. Prerequisite: EECE
210 and EECE 230.

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

EECE 321: Computer Organization (3 cr.)

This course covers single-core microprocessor computer organization and basic input/output
mechanisms used to connect computers to their external environment. Students learn how to program
microprocessors at the assembly level, and how to design the main core components of a von
Neumann computer system, including its instruction set architecture, datapath, control unit, cache,
and system buses. To consolidate the material presented in class, students work on a VHDL design
project of a single-cycle MIPS microprocessor core. Prerequisite: EECE 320.

EECE 321L: Computer Organization Laboratory (1 cr.)

A laboratory course with experiments in computer organization and interfacing techniques; digital
hardware design using CAD tools and FPGAs; program-controlled and interrupt-driven I/O; memory
organization; simple peripheral devices and controllers; bus interfaces; microcontroller-based
designs. Pre- or co-requisite: EECE 321.

EECE 330: Data Structures and Algorithms (3 cr.)

This course covers fundamental algorithms and data structures that are used in software applications
today. Particular emphasis is given to algorithms for sorting, searching, and indexing. Data structures
such as linked lists, binary trees, heaps, B-Trees, and graphs will also be covered along with their
associated algorithms. The course also covers basic algorithmic analysis techniques and seeks to
promote student programming skills. Prerequisite: EECE 230.

EECE 340: Signals and Systems (3 cr.)

This course covers basic concepts and methods related to continuous and discrete-time signals and
systems. The course includes: signals and systems and their properties, linear time-invariant systems,
stability analysis, sampling of continuous-time signals, z-transform, discrete Fourier transform, time
and frequency domain representations of discrete-time signals and systems, and introductory
concepts in communications. Prerequisite: EECE 290.

EECE 350/EECE 450: Computer Networks (3 cr.)

A course that outlines data communications; wide area networks; circuit and packet switching;
routing; congestion control; local area networks; communications architecture and protocols;
internetworking. Prerequisites: EECE 330 and STAT 230.

EECE 370/EECE 470: Electric Machines and Power Fundamentals (3 cr.)

This course covers three-phase circuits and power calculation, magnetic circuits, transformers:
single-phase ideal and real transformers, construction, operation, autotransformers, and 3-phase
transformers; fundamentals of AC machines: construction and basic concepts; synchronous
generators: construction, equivalent circuits, testing and performance characteristics; induction
motors construction, principle of operation, tests, power, torque, and efficiency expressions.
Prerequisite: EECE 210.

EECE 380: Engineering Electromagnetics (3 cr.)

This course covers the fundamentals of applied electromagnetics by emphasizing physical
understanding and practical applications in electrical and computer engineering systems. It deals
with the study of static electric fields in vacuum and dielectrics, conductors, capacitance,
electrostatic energy and forces, Poisson’s equation, static magnetic fields, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s
law, vector magnetic potential, inductance, Maxwell’s equations for time varying fields, Faraday’s
law, plane wave propagation, time-harmonic fields, propagation in lossless media, and wave
reflection and transmission at normal incidence. The bridge between electric circuits and
electromagnetics is done through the study of transmission lines and their lumped-element model,

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

transmission line input impedance, and power flow on lossless transmission line. Prerequisites:
EECE 210 and MATH 202.

EECE 401: Biomedical Engineering Seminar (1 cr.)

Bi-weekly seminars given by members of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture or by guest
speakers. The seminars cover a range of biomedical engineering topics of theoretical and
professional interest. Students are required to submit an assignment based on each seminar, which
will be graded. The seminar is required of all students taking the Biomedical Engineering Minor.
Prerequisite: EECE 601, or EECE 603, or MECH 633.

EECE 410L: System Integration Laboratory (1 cr.)

A laboratory course that introduces students to a variety of electronic systems that will help them
better realize a functional device. The laboratory covers a wide range of areas ranging from basic
electronics, motor control, communication, micro-controllers, human machine interface, signal
generation and measurement, and instrumentation. In addition to the mentioned topics, students are
introduced to C language programming for embedded systems and techniques of circuit design and
fabrication. Prerequisites: EECE 311, EECE 310L, and EECE 321L.

EECE 412: Digital Integrated Circuits (3 cr.)

This course includes the following topics: an introduction to digital electronic circuits; models,
current equations and parasitic of CMOS transistors for digital design; study of CMOS inverter and
logic gates, including analysis, design, simulation, layout and verification; advanced circuit styles.;
sequential circuits; and the advanced topics: semiconductor memories, power grid, clocking
strategies, datapath building blocks, deep-submicron design issues, and interconnect. Prerequisites:
EECE 310 and EECE 320.

EECE 412L: VLSI Computer Aided Design Laboratory (1 cr.)

A VLSI design course that introduces students to the basics of integrated circuits (IC) design using
computer aided design (CAD) tools. The laboratory familiarizes students with the IC design flow
using the industry-standard Cadence Design Systems tools. Custom design of basic ICs will be
covered at the physical layout, circuit, logic, and system levels. Laboratory assignments include
design and simulation projects using CAD tools for physical layout design, schematic capture, place-
and-route of standard cells, logic verification, circuit extraction and simulation. Pre- or co-requisite:
EECE 412.

EECE 421: Computer Architecture (3 cr.)

A course on the principles, techniques, and trade-offs used in designing modern processor core
architectures. Topics include: benchmarking and performance evaluation; hardware instruction level
parallelism techniques (pipelining, superscalar, out-of-order execution, branch prediction; software
instruction level parallelism techniques (loop unrolling, software pipelining, predicated execution,
EPIC architecture), virtual memory and high performance memory systems. To consolidate the
material presented in class, students work on a VHDL design project of a 2-wide superscalar
microprocessor core. Prerequisites: EECE 321.

EECE 422: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming (3 cr.)

A course on high-performance computer architectures with emphasis on shared memory and
distributed parallel architectures and programming models. Topics include: simultaneous
multithreading processors, multicore processors, SIMD processors, UMA, NUMA and COMA
shared-memory multiprocessors, distributed multiprocessors, snoopy and directory-based cache
coherence protocols, memory consistency models, high performance synchronization methods,

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

speculative lock elision, shared memory programming model, message passing programming model
and transactional memory programming model. To consolidate the material presented in class,
students work on designing parallel programs using the OpenMP threading environment and MPI
message passing programming standard. Prerequisite: EECE 321.

EECE 425: Embedded Microprocessor System Design (3 cr.)

A course on embedded hardware and software design. Topics include 1) The embedded system
design process: requirements, specification, architecture, hardware/software co-design, system
integration, testing; 2) Basic computing platform: hardware and software components, bus
organization and protocol, DMA, Interrupts, I/O, memory devices and system; 3) Program design
and analysis: program models, compilation process, performance analysis and optimization,
program level energy analysis and optimization, program validation and testing 4) Real-time
operating systems: multiple tasks and processes, context switching, task scheduling, interprocess
communication mechanisms; 5) System reliability and fault tolerance. To consolidate the material
presented in class, students work on an embedded design project using Xilinx FPGA board and
development tools. Prerequisite: EECE 320.

EECE 430: Software Engineering (3 cr.)

A course that teaches students the formal processes employed for carrying out software projects,
including the design, development, testing, and deploying of practical software systems. Students
are exposed to the realities involved in developing software for clients and the requirements this
imposes on quality, timing, and coordination. Students will develop hands-on experience with
practical tools used in real-life applications. The course requires the completion of a group-based
real-life software project. Prerequisite: EECE 330.

EECE 431: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3 cr.)

This course covers techniques for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms. Topics include:
sorting algorithms including merge-sort, quick-sort, and counting-sort; median and order statistics
algorithms; sorting lower bound; divide-and-conquer design strategy; polynomial and matrix
multiplication algorithms; balanced search trees; hash tables; augmenting data structures; number-
theoretic algorithms; dynamic programming; greedy algorithms; graph algorithms including graph
traversal algorithms and applications, minimum spanning tree, shortest path algorithms; introduction
to NP-completeness and intractability; selected topics. Prerequisite: EECE 330.

EECE 432: Operating Systems (3 cr.)

This course covers the principles of operating systems and systems programming. The topics
discussed in class are processes, threads, concurrency and synchronization, scheduling, deadlocks,
memory management, file systems, i/o devices, parallel and distributed systems, and security. The
course will be accompanied with hands on assignments involving contemporary Linux kernels.
Prerequisites: EECE 321 and EECE 330. Students cannot receive credit for both EECE 432 and
CMPS 272.

EECE 433: Database Systems (3 cr.)

This course covers the nature and purposes of database systems and an introduction to data
modeling: entity relationship model, relational model with relational algebra, relational calculus and
SQL, integrity constraints, file organization and index files, and normalization. Prerequisite: EECE
330. Students cannot receive credit for both EECE 433 and CMPS 277.

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

EECE 434: Programming Language Design and Implementation (3 cr.)

This course will provide an introduction to the design and implementation of various programming
paradigms, namely object-oriented (Java, C++ and C#), functional (Haskell), and logic (Prolog).
Compiler construction will be covered, in addition to topics such as, virtual machines, intermediate
languages, and concurrency. Prerequisite: EECE 330. Students cannot receive credit for both EECE
434 and CMPS 258, or for both EECE 434 and CMPS 274.

EECE 435L: Software Tools Laboratory (1 cr.)

This course introduces software tools that enable engineers to become more effective and productive
at writing quality code. The students will be grouped into teams of two (or three) that each will
undertake a software project guided by a set of several designed laboratory experiments. The project
will reinforce object oriented programming concepts, and will involve software tools that expose
students to source control, documentation, debugging, build automation, testing, profiling,
configuration and deployment. The Java language will be overviewed, and students have the choice
of using Java or C++ to conduct their work. Prerequisite: EECE 330.

EECE 442: Communication Systems (3 cr.)

This course introduces the students to the transmission and reception of analog signals; performance
of analog communication systems in the presence of noise; analog to digital conversion and pulse
coded modulation; transmission and reception of digital signals; performance of digital
communication systems in the presence of noise and inter-symbol interference. Prerequisites: EECE
340 and STAT 230.

EECE 442L: Communications Laboratory (1 cr.)

A laboratory course with experiments covering the following topics: AM and FM
modulation/demodulation, sampling and quantization, digital modulation (PSK, FSK, MSK,
GMSK), digital demodulation, and inter-symbol interference. Prerequisite: EECE 442.

EECE 450: Computer Networks (3 cr.)

Same as EECE 350.

EECE 451: Mobile Networks and Applications (3 cr.)

This course covers mobile networking topics with focus on wireless networking technologies and
mobile computing applications. It addresses the following topics: fundamentals of mobile network
design, mobile communications technologies and standards, mobile networking protocols, mobile
device platforms, and mobile applications. Prerequisite: EECE 350 or EECE 450.

EECE 451L: Internetworking Laboratory (1 cr.)

This laboratory course covers the technologies and protocols of the internet. The experiments cover
the internet protocol (IP), address resolution protocol (ARP), internet control message protocol
(ICMP), user datagram protocol (UDP), and transmission control protocol (TCP); the domain name
system (DNS), routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, BGP), network address translation (NAT), dynamic
host configuration (DHCP), network management protocols (SNMP), and IP multicast. Prerequisite:
EECE 350 or EECE 450.

EECE 455: Cryptography and Network Security (3 cr.)

This course provides an overview of encryption and network security. The topics include: Classical
encryption techniques, block ciphers and the data encryption standard, finite fields, advanced
encryption standard, confidentiality using symmetric encryption, public-key cryptography, key

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

management, hash and MAC algorithms, digital signatures, authentication applications, Web
security, email security, and IP security. Prerequisites: EECE 350 or EECE 450.

EECE 460: Control Systems (3 cr.)

This course seeks to impart in students a sound understanding of fundamental principles in control
engineering, based on analog technologies. The course includes: mathematical modeling of linear
continuous time invariant single input, single output dynamical systems; transfer functions and state
space models, performance specifications, analysis and design of closed loop analog control systems.
Prerequisite: EECE 340.

EECE 460L: Control Systems Laboratory (1 cr.)

This course involves students in the practical implementation of the concepts acquired in EECE 460
by analyzing different types of dynamical systems, designing and understanding controllers suitable
to specific models, simulating system responses, and experimentally verifying the effectiveness of
various control schemes. Pre- or co-requisite: EECE 460.

EECE 461: Instrumentation (3 cr.)

A design course for complete instrumentation systems, including measurements, sensors, data
acquisition, and component integration. Application areas and course projects include industrial
control, laboratory measurements, automation systems, and the like. This course is completed with a
set of laboratory experiments. Prerequisite: EECE 460.

EECE 462L: Industrial Control Laboratory (1 cr.)

A laboratory that addresses topics related to industrial automation and process control. Experiments
include Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA), Human Machine Interface (HMI), Industrial Networks, Machine Vision and Motion
Control Applications. Prerequisite: EECE 460 or MECH 431.

EECE 463: Artificial Intelligence for Control Systems (3 cr.)

An introductory course in the evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI) in control systems. It aims
at giving students a solid foundation in AI by covering basic techniques such as A* searching,
reasoning under uncertainty, probabilistic reasoning over time, multi objects tracking, path planning,
scheduling, communicating, perceiving and learning as applied to control systems, robotics and
manufacturing. The group project and individual laboratory assignments will provide students with
hands on implementation experience of an intelligent control agent capable of basic learning.
Prerequisites: EECE 460 and EECE 330.

EECE 470: Electric Machines and Power Fundamentals (3 cr.)

Same as EECE 370.

EECE 470L: Electric Machines Laboratory (1 cr.)

Transformers: open circuit, short circuit, and load test; unbalanced loading and parallel operation of
transformers; speed control and load characteristics of shunt, series and compound DC machines;
induction machines: blocked rotor, no-load, and loading tests; operation of single-phase induction
motors; operation of a synchronous machine connected to a large external source. Prerequisite:
EECE 370 or EECE 470.

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

EECE 471: Fundamentals of Power Systems Analysis (3 cr.)

This course covers the basic concepts of three-phase systems, generation modeling review, and
generation capability curve; transformers, autotransformers, three-winding transformers, and
regulating transformers. calculation of transmission line parameters, evaluation of steady state
operation of transmission lines, reactive power compensation, line capability, power flow analysis
using Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson methods, economic load dispatch with generation limits
and line losses, symmetrical fault analysis, symmetrical components and unsymmetrical fault
analysis. Prerequisite: EECE 370 or EECE 470.

EECE 471L: Power Systems Laboratory (1 cr.)

This laboratory course includes nine experiments to study various aspects of power systems:
measurement of the characteristics data of a transmission line and an assessment of its voltage drop
and losses; synchronization and steady state operation of a generator connected to an infinite bus
system; load characteristics of a synchronous motor and effect of field excitation on reactive power
load; effect of voltage levels on power transmission and effects of various load types on power
plants; load flow data preparation and system study; system analysis of symmetrical and
unsymmetrical faults; Transient stability data preparation and system study. Prerequisite: EECE 471.

EECE 473: Power Electronics (3 cr.)

This laboratory course includes an overview of power electronics devices used and their desired
characteristics; diode circuits and rectifiers, effect of source inductance, three-phase rectifiers; dc-dc
switched mode converters, buck, boost, and buck-boost circuits, bridge converter; pulse-width
modulated inverters, voltage control, harmonics, three-phase inverters; introduction to gate and base
drive circuits, snubber circuits. Prerequisites: EECE 310 and MATH 218 or 219.

EECE 473L: Power Electronics and Drives Laboratory (1 cr.)

This laboratory course includes experiments to study the following: induction motor torque-speed
curve and starting characteristic, induction motor speed control through a 4-quandrant drive, single
phase capacitor-start induction motor, ac to dc converter, dc to dc converters; buck, boost, and buck-
boost regulators, dc to ac inversion, ac to ac converter. Prerequisite: EECE 473.

EECE 474: Electric Drives (3 cr.)

A course that covers steady-state analysis of dc and poly-phase induction motors, starting, and
control; AC drives: solid-state control, dc link in adjustable speed drives, voltage and frequency
controls, braking and plugging; DC drives: rectifier and chopper drives, dynamic and regenerative
braking, plugging; stepper motors: types, operational characteristics, control algorithms, power drive
configurations; and special-purpose motors. Prerequisite: EECE 370 or EECE 470.

EECE 475: Industrial Electrification (3 cr.)

A course that outlines medium and low voltage installations; lighting, practical applications of
electric machines; motor control centers; emergency power supplies; and auxiliary systems.
Prerequisite: EECE 370 or EECE 470

EECE 476: Power System Protection and Switchgear (3 cr.)

A course that covers current and voltage transformer theories, construction, and applications,
electro-mechanical relay, solid state relay, and numeric relay; analogue to digital converter (ADC),
digital to analogue converter (DAC), memories, protection systems for electric machines,
transformers, bus bars, overhead and underground transmission lines; over-voltage protection
system; and a brief introduction to data transmission. Prerequisite: EECE 370 or EECE 470.

The Modified ECE/CCE Curricula

EECE 480: High Frequency Signal Transmission (3 cr.)

This course covers basic concepts and methods related to electromagnetic wave propagation in
particular for the purpose of signal transmission. The course includes: Review of Maxwell’s
equations, propagation and reflection of plane waves, transmission lines, propagation through optical
fibers, overview of wave guides, and wireless transmission. Prerequisite: EECE 380.

EECE 499: Undergraduate Research (3 cr.)

This course requires participation, under supervision of a faculty member, in a research project.
Before registering, the student must create a proposal regarding the nature of the research, the
specific goals of the research, and the desired final report outcome; this proposal must be submitted
to and approved by the supervising faculty member and the department before registering.
Prerequisites: Completion of 65 required credits in the major, and a cumulative average of 80.0 or

EECE 500: Approved Experience (1 b.)

This is an eight-week professional training course in electrical and computer engineering.

EECE 501: Final Year Project (3 cr.)

A supervised project in groups of normally 3 students aimed at providing practical experience in
some aspects of computer, communications and electrical engineering. Students are expected to
define the project, state its objectives, complete a literature survey, set project specifications and
select a design method. They are also expected to do some preliminary modeling and analysis and to
acquire the necessary material needed for the completion of the project in the spring term. A
professional report and an oral presentation are also required from the students. Prerequisite: EECE

EECE 502: Final Year Project (3 cr.)

This is a continuation of EECE 501. Students are asked to deliver a product that has passed through
the design, analysis, testing and evaluation stages. The course also requires the production of a
professional report that includes a description of the design process, implementation and testing,
verification and validation and a critical appraisal of the project. An oral presentation and a poster
are also within the project deliverables. Prerequisite: EECE 501.

EECE 503A: Special Topics in Audio Engineering (3 cr.)

The course is taught in a blended learning format and introduces students to the audio engineering
discipline. Topics include properties of sound sources (including musical instruments), the human
perception of sound (psychoacoustics), acoustical design of audio rooms (room resonance,
reverberation, isolation, etc.), study and design of various types of electro-acoustical transducers
(microphones, speakers, and analog tape recorders), operation of analog and digital audio production
consoles, digital audio principles (coding, standards, transmission, media, etc.), and musical
instrument digital interface (MIDI). The course introduces and uses Avid’s ProTools digital audio
production suite as a tool for audio applications. Prerequisite: EECE 340.


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