Work and Heat

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Basic Thermodynamics

Concepts of Work and Heat

Dr. Anjan Goswami

Assistant Professor,
Dept. of MPE, AUST

Department of Mechanical & Production Engineering

Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Work & Heat
› In Mechanics, Work is the energy transfer associated with force acting
through a distance. Mathematically work done is evaluated by
2  
W1® 2 = ò F • ds

› Heat is defined as the form of energy that is transferred between two systems
(or a system and its surroundings) by virtue of a temperature difference.

› Heat transfer and work transfer are the only mechanisms by which energy can
be transferred across the boundary of a closed system.

› Hence, if the energy crossing the boundary of a closed system is not heat, it
must be work.
Examples of Mechanical Work Concept
Thermodynamic Work
› Work can take on a number of forms (e.g., electrical, mechanical, or magnetic)
since it can result from a variety of potential differences. The following general
definition attempts to accommodate all forms of work in a general manner:

› Work (and only work) is performed by a system on its surroundings during a

process if the only effect external to the system could be the raising of a mass in
a gravitational field.

› The raising of mass is in effect of force acting through a distance, and so

the work concept of mechanics is included.
Thermodynamic Work

Thermodynamic Work
Examples of Work Interactions
Examples of Work Interactions
Sign Conventions for Heat & Work
Point Function and Path Function
› Point Function depends on the state only, and not on how a system reaches
that state.
› All properties (e.g. temperature, pressure, enthalpy, entropy etc.) are
point functions. The differential of a property is “exact” (designated by
the symbol d.) since it is independent of details of the process, e.g.

ò dT = T
2 - T1

› The cyclic integral of a point function is zero.

› The magnitude of Path Function depend on the path followed during a

process as well as the end states. Work (W), heat (Q) are path functions.
Point Function and Path Function
› The magnitude of Path Function depend on the path followed during a
process as well as the end states. Work (W), heat (Q) are path functions.
› Differential of path functions are “inexact,” (designated by the symbol δ)
the following integral can’t be evaluated without knowing details of the
2 2
ò dW = W ò dW = W2 - W1

› The cyclic integral of a path function is non-zero.

Understanding Heat & Work Interactions
› An Energy transfer can be heat or work depending on system selection.
Understanding Heat & Work Interactions
Comparison of Heat & Work
General Expression for Work
Forms of Work
Compression & Expansion Work (Boundary Work)
Work is not a Property!
Polytropic Expansion & Compression
› In Polytropic process the pressure-volume relationship can be described by

PVn= constant; n = constant

Polytropic Expansion & Compression
PVn= C; n = constant

V2 V2

W1® 2 = ò PdV = ò ( n )dV = ò (cV - n )dV

V1 V1 V V1

æ V2 - V1 ö
1- n 1- n
é V ù V2
1- n

= cê ú V1 = cç ÷
ë1 - n û è 1 - n ø

1 1 = PV
n n
but c=PV 2 2

= PV
æ V 1- n
- V 1- n
ö æ PV - ( PV n
)V 1- n
ö Now, applying PV n
= PV n
÷ =ç ÷
n 2 2 2 2 1
W1® 2 2 2 ç
2 1
2 2 1 1
è 1- n ø è 1- n ø

æ PV - PV1 1 ö
W1® 2 = ç 2 2 ÷ n ¹1
è 1- n ø
Polytropic Expansion & Compression

For n = 1 PV= c, P = c/V (Isothermal Process)

æ cö
V2 V2 V2
W1® 2 = ò PdV = ò ç ÷ dV =c[lnV ]
V1 V1 è V ø V1

æ V2 ö
= c(lnV2 - lnV1 ) = c lnç ÷
è V1 ø
æ V2 ö
W1® 2 = P1V1 lnç ÷ n=1
è V1 ø
Polytropic Expansion & Compression

For n = 0 P=c (Isobaric Process)


W1® 2 = ò PdV = P(V2 - V1 ) n=0

Polytropic Expansion & Compression

For n = ∞ V=c (Isochoric Process)

Polytropic Expansion & Compression
Adiabatic System and Process

› An adiabatic process should not be confused with an isothermal process. Even

though there is no heat transfer during an adiabatic process, the energy content
and thus the temperature of a system can still be changed by other means such
as work.

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