Christmas Made in Britain
Christmas Made in Britain
Christmas Made in Britain
Christmas madesets
in Britain Poziom podstawowy
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
Last week a famous film visited our school and talked about the secrets of filmmaking.
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the white and give up.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked stiff.
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-term effects on as a whole.
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
and which is the effect.
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Wymagana jest
1. Match the pełna
dates poprawność
to the gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
days of Christmas.
was surprised
Everybody Boxing Day Christmas Day of marketing. Christmas Eve
when she was appointed
Last week a famous film visited our school and talked about the secrets of filmmaking.
24th December –
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the white and give up.
25th December –
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?
26th December –
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.
2. Which day of Christmas is your favourite? Why? Tell your classmate.
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
was thecold
very textoutside,
so in theand
the UK
when fill in the
children gaps
came with
back the missing
home, parts given below.
they looked stiff.
Two extra options are given.
A. and it isPoland by four
an absolute English goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent
B. to watch the was
bigno match
‘switch for Barry, so he
on’ the game hands down.
C. in order to make Christmas dinner different from a regular meal
D. making it instantly popular
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
E. as they start Christmas Day earlier
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
F. therefore Christmas starts there at 5 am UK time
G. so he is not hungry when he visits them
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
Christmas in the UK
She is interested
In the in celebrate
UK, families acting, soChristmas
she became a member
together. Mostoffamilies
the drama
have a Christ-.
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-term effects on as a whole.
mas tree and the decorating of the tree is a family occasion. Homes are also
decorated with holly, ivy and mistletoe. Most cities, towns and vil-
can’tare decoratedwhy
understand withAlbert
sent lights. The most famous Christ-
me a hand-written instead of an email.
mas lights
Could in the on
you think UKan
on Oxford
wordStreet in London.
that begins withEvery
the year at Y?
the beginning of November thousands of people go (1) ________.
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
and which is the effect.
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Children jest pełna
believe thatpoprawność gramatyczna
Father Christmas i ortograficzna
or Santa Claus wpisywanych
leaves presents in stockingswyrazów.
or pillow cases. These
are usually hung up by the fire or by the children’s beds on Christmas Eve. Children sometimes leave some
sweets for Father Christmas (2) ________. The presents are opened on Christmas Day in the morning.
The main Christmas meal is usually eaten early afternoon on Christmas Day. It typically consists of roast
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
turkey, the centrepiece
Last week a famous film of Christmas dinner since the 16th century whenthe
visited our school and talked about Henry VIII ordered
secrets it for his meal,
of filmmaking.
(3) ________. The sides include pigs in blankets (pork sausages wrapped in bacon), and Yorkshire pudding
(a baked batter made of eggs, flour and milk). Vegetables are also served. Roast potatoes and Brussel sprouts
They have
are the mostnopopular.
chance Special
of winning, so are
sauces they should
also just wave
prepared the white
for Christmas and
dinner. Bread giveuses
sauce up. breadcrumbs
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?
as its main ingredient (4) ________. Cranberry sauce, also very popular, probably comes from the US as the first
printed recipe was found in an 18th century American cookbook. Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, mince
pies or
How trifle
long didare
hold for dessert.
as theThe dinner of
minister table is decorated with a Christmas cracker for each person.
At 3 p.m.
He works onhome
from Christmas Day, to
and goes thethe
Royal Christmas message
head is or
only once broadcast on TV. The tradition started in
twice a month.
1932 by King George V and in 1957 Queen Elisabeth II’s Christmas speech was broadcast for the first time
on TV. This year people will hear the first Royal Christmas message from King Charles III. As the speech is
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
now pre-recorded a few days before Christmas, it will be broadcast first in New Zealand and Australia (5)
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked stiff.
4. In pairs,Poland
Yesterday talk about howbyChristmas into
four goals Britain is different
one against from Christmas in your country?
His Think of: was no match for Barry, so he
opponent the game hands down.
– Christmas decorations
6. – presents
Last year they
– food on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
5. In pairs or in small groups, prepare a short presentation about the Christmas Eve supper.
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
Use a dictionary for the words you may need. Show your presentation to the rest of the class.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-term effects on as a whole.
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
and which is the effect.
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Key to Activity 3
1. B
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
2. G
Last week a famous film visited our school and talked about the secrets of filmmaking.
3. D
4. A
5. E have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the white
They and give up.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?
As an optional activity before the students read the text, you may encourage them to use their smartphones to
find images of the following:
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.
holly ivy mistletoe Christmas dinner pigs in blankets
4. Yorkshire pudding bread sauce cranberry sauce Christmas pudding Christmas cake
If you mince
are really
pieshungry, theretrifle
are still two or three boxes
Christmas of
cracker pizza.
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked stiff.
If you do not feel comfortable with students using smartphones in class (or if the school policy forbids them
Yesterday you can show them thegoals
by four images
toon theagainst
one screen or the whiteboard.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.
For Activity 5 tell the students that the presentations should be given orally, without the use of technology
(smartphones, projectors, etc.). They may use notes but they should not prepare a script to be read out.
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-term effects on as a whole.
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
and which is the effect.
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
Last week a famous film visited our school and talked about the secrets of filmmaking.
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the white and give up.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked stiff.
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-term effects on as a whole.
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
and which is the effect.