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Primary Longman Express Test Bank 6A

End of term (Ch 1–7)


Name: ________________________ ( )
Class: ________________________
Date: ________________________

Part Language focus and skills

A  extracting information from a recording of a conversation
B  extracting information from a recording of a news report
C  extracting information from a magazine article
D  extracting information from a story
E  prepositions
F  proofreading
 need to / want to
 connectives
H  tenses review
I  writing an open-ended story

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Part A
Sam and his classmate are booking the school hall for a Charity Club
event. Listen carefully and complete the venue booking form for Sam. The
recording will be played once only.

Eastern Bay Primary School

Hall booking form

Applicant: Charity Club

Contact person: ❶ ___________________ (Club Chairperson)

Type of function: ❷ ___________________

Date of function: ❸ _________ ❹ ______ / ______

Day of the week Day Month

Time of function: (Please circle ‘a.m.’ or ‘p.m.’)

❺ ______ a.m. / p.m. – ______ a.m. / p.m.

Facilities needed:

 hi-fi system

 ❻ _____________________

 ❼ _____________________

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Part B
Tom is listening to a news report on the radio. Listen to the news report. It
will be played once only. Choose the best answer by blackening ● the
1 Which of the following is true about the earthquake?
 A. It lasted for seven minutes.
 B. It hit north-east Indonesia four days ago.
 C. The victims have medicine but no food.
 D. It has killed four hundred people.

2 Listeners who want to help the earthquake victims can either ____ .
 A. donate money or give away clothes
 B. raise money or give away food
 C. give money or collect food
 D. organise or take part in a charity event

3 Which of the following is NOT true about Mr Chan?

 A. He is the security guard at a jewellery shop.
 B. He chased the robber.
 C. The robber shot at him with a gun.
 D. He was seriously hurt in the robbery.

4 The film Robot Killers 4 _____ .

 A. opened in the US last week
 B. has a Chinese star in the main role
 C. was made in Hong Kong
 D. was directed by Stanley Reeves

5 The director says, ‘This is great.’ What is ‘This’?

 A. the Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui
 B. the film Robot Killers 4

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 C. the number of fans at the premiere
 D. the performance of the main actor

Part C
Sue is reading an article in a magazine. Read the article and answer the questions.

Lumos: A charity for children

By James Fan

(i) (iii)

We all know J.K. Rowling as the author Growing up in orphanages isn’t good for
of Harry Potter, but she is also known children. They may get neither care nor a
for her charity work. Before her good education. Staff can’t give them 25

success, Rowling was a poor single enough attention since they have so many
5 mother. Now she has a fortune, and she other children to look after. Often staff
wants to use it to help others, don’t have enough training. Children may
particularly children. In 2005, she set not have enough food to eat or clean,
up the charity Lumos. Its aim is to close warm clothes to wear. Without the care of 30
all orphanages by 2050. a family, these children have little hope.

(ii) (iv)
10 Around 8 million children live in Lumos works to return children to their
orphanages around the world but 80 parents or another family member. If that
per cent of them have a parent. This isn’t possible, it tries to find them a home
means they aren’t actually orphans. So with another family so that they can grow 35
why are they there? Poverty is the main up feeling loved and cared for. So far, the
15 reason. Parents send their children to charity has taken thousands of children
orphanages since they don’t have out of orphanages and placed them in
enough money to look after them. This proper homes. Lumos is named after a
may be because of natural disasters, Harry Potter spell that witches and 40
war, too few jobs. Many of the children wizards use to bring light to dark and
20 are disabled. This makes it difficult for frightening places. For these children, it
the family to care for them without has lived up to its name.

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Blacken ● the circle next to the correct answer and write long answers.
1 In line 5, ‘fortune’ means ____ .
 A. charity  B. good luck
 C. riches  D. time

2 According to the article, which of the following is NOT true about children
living in orphanages?
 A. J.K. Rowling wants to help them.
 B. Only about 20 per cent of them are orphans.
 C. Some are there because they are disabled.
 D. There are 8 million of them in the UK.

3 The article says that children in orphanages may be _____ .

1 cold 2 hungry 3 sick 4 uncared for

 A. 1 and 3  B. 3 and 4
 C. 1, 2 and 3  D. 1, 2 and 4

4 Read lines 36‒39: So far, the charity … and placed them in proper homes.
What does “proper” mean?

proper /ˈprɒpə/
1. polite; socially acceptable
 It isn’t proper to cough without covering your mouth.
2. correct
Little Amy needs to learn the proper way to clean her teeth.
3. suitable
 You can’t wear sandals hiking. You need proper shoes.
4. complete (spoken)
 I forgot my lines and made a proper fool of myself.

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 A. 1  B. 2  C. 3  D. 4

5 What has Lumos done to ‘bring light’ to children? It has given them ____ .
 A. an education
 B. Harry Potter books to read
 C. hope for the future
 D. money

6 Match the following headings with paragraphs (i) to (iv) on p. 7. Write A, B,

C or D in the blanks.
A. Bringing light
B. Children need families
C. Putting wealth to good use
D. The price of being poor

(i) ______ (ii) ______ (iii) _____ (iv) ______

7 Read lines 13 and 14: So why are they there? Who are ‘they’?



8 What is the main goal of Lumos?


9 Sue is writing in her diary. Help her complete the sentences. Use only
ONE word for each blank. Make sure your answers are grammatically

Dear Diary,

I read about J.K. Rowling’s (i) ______________ Lumos today.


(ii) _______________ homes for children who are living in

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orphanages. I’d like to help raise funds for it.
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Part D
Sue is reading a story. Read the story and answer the questions.

The Shoemaker and the Elves

Once there was a shoemaker, Hans, and his wife Elsa who were
hard-working but poor. One evening Hans said, ‘I have enough leather to
make one last pair of shoes tomorrow. After that, I don’t know what we’ll do.’
He put the piece of leather in his workroom and sadly went to bed.
5 When Hans went into his workroom the next morning, his eyes were like
saucers. In place of the leather was a pair of shoes!

Elsa put them in the shop window. Soon a young woman who was walking by
stopped and exclaimed, ‘They’re beautiful!’ They fit her perfectly. ‘How much
are they?’ she asked.
10 ‘Ten coins,’ Elsa replied.

‘No, they’re too beautiful,’ said the young woman. ‘Here’s twenty.’ Now Hans
could buy leather for two pairs of shoes. Once again, he left the leather in his
workroom and the next morning he found two pairs which were as beautiful
as the first. When Elsa sold them, Hans could buy leather for four pairs!
15 This continued as people came from all over town to buy Hans’ shoes. Hans
and Elsa were no longer poor. But who was helping them?

One night, they hid in Hans’ workroom. When the clock struck twelve, the
window opened and two elves, only twenty centimetres tall, climbed in! Their
clothes were old and although it was snowing, they had neither shoes nor
20 coats. As Hans and Elsa silently watched, they made pairs and pairs of
shoes. When the sun rose, they left.

‘We must make something for them!’ said Elsa. So Hans made tiny shoes
while Elsa sewed tiny coats as well as new trousers, vests and shirts.

The next night, the elves appeared again. When they saw their gifts on the
25 table, they put them on and jumped for joy. Hans and Elsa, who were
secretly watching, were very pleased.

The elves never returned, but Hans and Elsa were never poor again.

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Blacken ● the circle next to the correct answer and write long answers.
1 What is the main idea of paragraph 1 of the story?
 A. Leather is expensive.
 B. Shoes are made of leather.
 C. The shoemaker and his wife are poor.
 D. The shoemaker’s name is Hans.
2 In lines 5‒6, ‘his eyes were like saucers’ means that Hans ____ .
 A. couldn’t see well
 B. felt disappointed
 C. had blue eyes
 D. was amazed

3 Why did the young woman pay twenty coins for the shoes?
 A. She thought ten coins wasn’t enough.
 B. She wanted Hans to buy more leather.
 C. That was the price of the shoes.
 D. The shoes were her size.
4 In line 14, ‘the first’ means the first ____ .
 A. morning  B. pair of shoes
 C. piece of leather  D. young woman

5 Which one of the following is true? The first time Hans and Elsa hid in the
workroom, the elves _____ .
 A. appeared at midnight
 B. finished two pairs of shoes
 C. made themselves some shoes
 D. worked for twelve hours

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6 In line 22, who does ‘them’ refer to?
 A. Hans and Elsa
 B. the elves
 C. the new clothes
 D. the townspeople

7 This story happens in _____ .

 A. spring  B. summer
 C. autumn  D. winter

8 What do we learn from the story?

 A. It is good to show others we are thankful for their help.
 B. It is important to be hard-working.
 C. We shouldn’t be too proud to ask for help.
 D. We shouldn’t give up when times are hard.

9 Sue is writing a description of the story. Read the description and

complete the sentences. Use only ONE word for each blank. Make sure
your answers are grammatically correct.

When the shoemaker and his wife find out that elves are
making shoes for them, they decide to give the elves some
clothes and shoes to keep them

(i) _______________ in the cold weather. After that, the elves

don’t ever

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Part E
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

Sophie has been a social worker ❶ ________ 10 years. She helps people
❷ ________ need. For example, sometimes people cannot get on ❸ ________ their
family members so they get help ❹ ________ Sophie. She listens ❺ ________ their
problems attentively and gives good advice.

Sophie likes doing volunteer work ❻ ________ her free time. ❼ ________
Saturdays, she either visits a home for the elderly or a children’s home. She talks
❽ ________ the elderly people and plays ❾ ________ the children. She also helps
poor people ❿ ________ other countries by donating money ⓫ ________ them. She
has also done volunteer work overseas ⓬ ________ 2016. Recently, there was an
earthquake ⓭ ________ the Philippines. Sophie will go there to help the villagers
⓮ ________ the reconstruction work ⓯ ________ two weeks’ time.

Part F
There is a mistake on each numbered line. Underline the mistakes and
write the correct words in the blanks.

One day, Keith said to his mum, ‘I want to do a ❶ _______________

fireman when I grow up. If I become a fireman, I would ❷ _______________
rescue people in danger.’ ‘Firemen need to being ❸ _______________
strong. You are to weak to be a fireman,’ his mum ❹ _______________
said. ‘I’m afraid you are neither fit and strong.’ Ken ❺ _______________
said, ‘I’m going to do exercise every day so I want to ❻ _______________
be strong. I’ll try mine best.’ ❼ _______________
Every weekend, Ken neither went swimming or ❽ _______________
jogging. He become fit and strong. Because he was ❾ _______________
stronger, he felt braver either. ❿ _______________

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Part G
Fill in the boxes with ‘want to’ or ‘need to’. Fill in the blanks with the
correct connectives. You can use some words more than once.
although but because so so that either … or if neither … nor

Give a helping hand!

Ah Mei lives in a poor village in Gansu. Her school is far away
from her house ❶ ____________ every morning she has to walk two
hours to school.
❷ ____________ walking to school is difficult and tiring, Ah Mei never
complains. Instead she studies very hard ❸ ____________ she can
get a good job in the future. She ❹ be a teacher
when she grows up.
Ah Mei’s health isn’t very good ❺ ____________ she only has
little food to eat every day. She always has a headache. There are
❻ ___________ doctors ________ nurses in her village. ❼ ____________
the villagers want to see a doctor or nurse, they have to walk to
the nearest town. They also ❽ save up a lot of
money to pay the doctor or nurse.
What can you do for children like Ah Mei? You can ❾
____________ donate money ________ sponsor a child like her. You
may think you can’t do much
❿ ____________ every little effort counts. Let’s all help ⓫
Looking for talent
The Charity Club is going to hold its annual charity show in June.
Last year’s show was a great success and raised $12,000 ⓬
____________ this year we’re going to have two shows. What does this
mean? We need more helpers! Do you ⓭ join this
fun event? Performers can
⓮ ____________ sing a song ________ perform a dance. We also need
people who can make props for us. These people ⓯
be creative and good at making crafts. ⓰ ____________ you’re
interested, please sign the form outside Room 208.
Mark So, Secretary of the Charity Club

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Part H
Finish the magazine article with the correct form of the verbs given.

A man with a heart of gold

Jacky Wu was born in Hong Kong. His parents ❶ ___________
(be) neither rich nor poor but they ❷ ____________ (give) him the
best education. Jacky
❸ ____________ (make) models and ❹ ____________ (do) puzzles
when he was free. His parents never allowed him to buy
expensive toys. As a boy Jacky said to himself, ‘I want to be a
businessman when I grow up. If I become a businessman, I ❺
____________ (make) a lot of money. I can buy all the toys I want.’

Now Jacky ❻ ____________ (have) his own toy shop. ‘I still

want to make money so that I have enough to help others,’ said
Jacky. In the past, Jacky
❼ ____________ (be) selfish and only ❽ ____________ (think) about
himself but now he ❾ __________ (care) for others. Why has he
‘I ❿ __________ (take) a trip to Mainland China and ⓫
_________ (see) two little children, Tai Man and Siu Fa. Tai Man ⓬
___________________ (look) for food in a dustbin while Siu Fa ⓭
____________________ (get) water from a dirty river nearby. Later I
learned that Tai Man and Siu Fa ⓮ ____________ (cannot) read or
write because their parents ⓯ _________________ (not have) enough
money to send them to school. I ⓰ ___________ (feel) so upset
about this. I ⓱ ___________ (tell) myself to think of some ways to
help them,’ said Jacky. Since 2012, Jacky ⓲ _______________
(sponsor) them.
Later, Jacky set up his own charity, Care for Children. His
22 23
⓳ ____________ (collect) old clothes and toys for poor people in
China every three months. Jacky also ⓴ ____________ (donate) new
toys to them. ‘We
__________________ (help) poor children in China for three
said Jacky. ‘We want
Longman Express 6A to do
/2 13more for them.’
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23 24 25
Part I
Write a story about what happened to Amy. Use the following pictures to
write the story in about 50–60 words.

Visit Star Home for the Elderly Sing a song Perform a play
1 2
on Saturday
Sing a song Perform a play 




3 On Saturday … 4

 What did Miss Chan and Paul say in Picture 1?
 What did Amy say in Picture 2? How did she feel?
 What did the children do for the elderly people in Picture 3?
 What did Amy do? What happened in the end?

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The Charity Club was having a meeting on Monday afternoon.


















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