Final Reply All Pre Bid Queries
Final Reply All Pre Bid Queries
Final Reply All Pre Bid Queries
5. General 1. The inspection charges shall be borne by the The inspection carrying by the various 3rd parties
railways. as mentioned in relevant clauses will be borne by
2. We understand that payment for the RDSO/RITES the EPC contractor.
inspection charges will be paid by Railway
(Authority). Please confirm.
6. Inspection Charges We understand that payment for the RDSO/RITES No, it will be paid by EPC contractor.
inspection charges will be paid by Railway (Authority).
Please confirm.
7. General Machinery will be provided free of cost. Only Fuel & Yes, as per schedule-P, Machinery mentioned at
Signature Not Labour etc are in Contractor's Scope.What are these i.e. CSM/DUOMATIC/UNIMAT/DGS/BRM
Verified will be provided free of cost whereas Fuel & Labour
Digitally signed by
Date: 2024.07.27
10:43:36 IST
Location: New Delhi
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
charges mentioned here as Rs 2000/- or Rs 1000/- etc. are in Contractor’s scope. For Sl.No.2(a) to
(Per day or per hrs and on what account) 2(d), daily rate charges mentioned are to be paid by
contractor. For 2(e) Rail Crane shall be made
available by the Authority free of cost. However,
cost for crane operator, maintenance & operations,
fuels and lubricants consumptions shall be borne by
the contractor.
8. General Kindly clarify the total Utilities to be shifted if Yes, this will be paid under BOQ items.
applicable. If yes, whether this will be paid under BOQ
9. General Any delay in project due to Authority Engineer delay, As per cl. 10.2.8 of article 10 it is borne by the
bidder is liable for cost compensation. contractor.
10 General Please confirm rating and no. of pump to be provided It is not required.
in the section.
11. General Please confirm the following: 1. Details of trenching are covered in para2.6.2
1. Trench dimension for soil/Hard Rock schedule B.
2. Bidder understand same trench can use for 2. Yes, main as well as spare cables can be laid in
both cable main and spare cable. the same trench duly following stipulations laid
down in IRSEM.
12. General As per Bidder's understanding, the inspection Inspection charges will be borne by the contractor.
charges shall be borne by the authority. Kindly
13. General PPC cement can be used It may be used in other than structural works but it
will depend upon mix design as well as stipulations
of the relevant codes & will be done with the
approval of the Authority Engineer.
14. General As per Bidder's understanding, 107sqmm Hard Yes
Drawn Copper Contact Wire and 65 sq mm Copper-
Cadmium Catenary wire to be used. Kindly confirm.
15. General Kindly confirm whether any section is under polluted No
zone or marine. If yes, kindly provide details for
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
16. General Kindly confirm if steel galvanisation will be 1000gm/m2 610 gm/m2
or 610 gm/m2.
17. General Kindly provide the brief scope of General Electrical Please see amendment
18. General 1.Kindly confirm the employment schedule. 1. As per wind zone
3. Please confirm which type of insulators and wire for 3. 65 Sq. mm cd-cu catenary to be used for ACA for
ACA location to be used in the section under polluted polluted zone & insulator should be 1600 mm creep
zone. distance.
4.Please clarify, which type of jumper 4. Copper Jumper
(copper/Aluminium) to be used for DPI/ISO
5.Please share the section detail to provide the 5. At present, no section is defined for monkey
monkey menace protection. menace, however, if the same is recognized during
construction stage, contractor has to provide the
same in the newly constructed line only.
19. General Please confirm that there is no separate NMS No separate NMS would be required, existing NMS
required for Telecom Systems at division HQ should be connected to all newly
installed equipment.
20. General Please clarify that no new Telecom equipment will be STM and MUX would not be required at LC, IBH,
provided at LC gates, IBH, SP/SSP/TSS like new STM, SP, SSP, TSS but telephone connectivity should be
Mux etc. we have to make provision of termination of provided at all such locations.
OFC cables on FMS only.
21. General Please clarify that there is no provision of tools for Updated tender document would have the list of
telecom in this tender. inventories which has the list of equipment to be
22. General Please confirm that there is no requirement of The updated tender document has all such details.
passenger amenities in this tender for telecom system However, the clock is mandatory to be provided at
like PAS, PIDS, CLOCK etc. each platform of each station.
23. General Please provide the Geotech report for the project. EPC contractor has to prepare the Geo-
investigation report themselves before execution of
the work.
24. General Please provide the criteria of maximum gradient for As per Design & Drawing that has to be submitted
approach road of RUB. by EPC Contractor
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
25. General Provide geotech data at bridge Location The Geotech data of bridges is to be prepared by
the EPC contractor by soil investigation before
execution of the work.
26. General Please provided existing bridge drawing to evaluate There is no need to dismantle the existing bridge
dismantling requirment. proper. However, during extension, existing bridges
will be safeguarded by the EPC contractor by
suitable means to be approved by the Authority
27. General Bidder understand that we can re-use the existing If existing height gauge is found in good condition it
Height Gauge after extension of RUB's / LC/s, if the can be re used with proper fixing at extended
same is found in good condition. Please confirm. location with the approval of the authority engineer.
28. General Please provide the Hydrology Report for all MNBs and Hydrological report shall be prepared by the EPC
RUBs contractor before the execution of the work at
bridges based on the site details.
29. General Please provide the Geotech report of Bridges and Geo-Tech report shall be prepared by the EPC
structure contractor before the execution of the work at
bridges based on the site details.
30. General Please suggest whether Bidder are free to Design Box EPC contractor shall construct the minor bridges as
structure following all IRS code and specification per RDSO standard drawings, however in case no
instead of following RDSO drawing. RDSO drawing is available then EPC contractor can
submit his design for approval.
31. General Please provide the requirement of retaining wall from The details have been provided in the clause no.
chainage to chainage along with the height where 1.14 of Schedule B.
there is shortage of ROW .
32. General Please provide the filter media and approach slab Details have been shown in the GADs of the minor
miscellaneous dwg along with the cutoff wall/Drop bridges.
wall/toe wall details.
33. General Please mention RUB's retaining wall length The detailed GAD & Structural drawing shall be
requirement in the approach roads. prepared & submitted by the EPC contractor for
approval by the Authority Engineer before execution
of the work.
34. General GAD Drawings are not available. Please provide. GADs of the FOBs with the suitable launching
scheme are to be prepared by the EPC contractor
for approval by the Authority Engineer.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
35. General Nothing is mentioned about the formation width to be The typical cross section of the bank has been
adopted in the tender. Contractor understands that shown in the Annexure - 2/2(C) (Para 212) of
both in case of filling and cutting same shall be 7.85m. IRPWM 2020 for reference.
Employer needs to confirm contractor's understanding.
Also kindly provide the typical cross section of
formation in filling and cutting.
36. General Kindly confirm if the inspection charges shall be No, All the inspection charges shall be borne by the
reimbursable to the contractor. EPC contractor.
37. General Bidder understand that there is no new staff quarters Yes.
in the section. Please confirm.
38. General It is important to provide safety barricading while The provision of the safety barricading has been
execution of doubling lines. Kindly inform payment for kept in the scope of EPC tender. Nothing extra will
providing safety barricading shall be under which item be paid to the contractor for this.
of sch-G.
39. General Bidder understands that the replies of pre-bid Yes.
clarifications are under part of tender document. Kindly
40. General Bidder request to specify the location for handing over The released material & dismantled material shall
of released or dismantled material. Kindly provide. be stacked at the nearest station to the site.
41. General Bidder understands that full land width Yes.
available for construction of doubling line. Please
42. General Bidder understands that Query responses will be part Yes
of the Contract Agreement.
43. General Bidder understands that if any mismatch of ROW as Yes
available at site from the ROW specified in tender
document/ drawings shall be treated as variation and
any additional work resulting from this shall be paid
46. Part I Preliminary ARTICLE Please provide the GAD of Service buildings to be Tentative drawings are attached with RFP
10.3.2, p-55 Design and electrified.
Construction of the Railway
47. Part -I Preliminary ARTICLE Bidder understands that any delay in project due to Not agreed. The tender conditions shall hold good.
10.2.8, Design and Authority Engineer delay, bidder is liable for cost
Construction of the Railway compensation. Please accept.
Project p-44
Part-II: Scope of the Project
48. Clause no. -2.1 para (c) p-14 1. Bidder is assuming that some structures may be get 1. Yes
defected during uprooting. Hence please confirm
that all uprooted mast/upright structures of existing
OHE can be utilized in the project.
2. As per the clause, contractor can reuse the 2. On the assumption basis, it is taken that 80% of
dismantled items i.e. structures along with bracket, the material can be reused and the estimate for
insulators, etc. Hence, please confirm, how the the same is included in Schedule-G price.
payment adjustment of this reused material in this Hence. No price adjustment shall be done with
project will be done with the contractor, because in respect to dismantled items.
EPC project payment terms & conditions are not on
BOQ basis.
49. 3.9, p-21 Please confirm that the Training of Authority’s All stipulated training as per RDSO guidelines is in
personnel for any S&T system is not the scope of this the scope of work.
50. EPC Doc. Cl. 2.1 b Rails required for Check rails not mentioned as free of Rails for Guard Rails and Lead rails for turnout will
cost Supply by Authority. be provided by the Authority.
51. EPC Doc. Cl. 2.1 a Rails for Thick Web Switches shall be borne by EPC Yes.
Contractor. Kindly Confirm
Part-III: Construction
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
52. ARTICLE 10.3.2, Bidder understands that any delay in project due to It has been clearly mentioned in the clause no.
Construction of the Railway Force Majeure or for reasons attributable to the 10.3.2.
Project Authority, the cost for delay should not be on account
of Bidder. Please accept.
53. EPC / Article 8 Please provide the location plan and area details of No, New TSS, SP and SSP is being constructed
new TSS, SP and SSP. however only it is being modified. Hence, it is not
Part-IV: Financial
54. Article 17 p-87 Cl 17.8 Total price weightages are not forming a summation Since corrected.
of 100%, Kindly correct the same
55. Clause no 17.8, Price Bidder understands that "Earth work" mentioned in Yes. Earthwork stipulated in Table is comprising of
adjustment for works, p-73 table means "Item no 1.1 Earth work & 1.2 Blanketing Item 1.1 and Item 1.2 combined together in
combined together under Schedule-G, contract price Schedule-G.
weightages". Kindly confirm.
56. EPC Doc. p-90 PV Percentage for Auxiliary Transformers is coming Corrected in modified EPC document.
99% instead of 100%
57. Clause 18.1.5 p- 102 Clause 18.1.5 P-102, mentioned the third party It is mentioned in clause no. 18.1.6.
Insurance but the amount of insurance is not specified.
Kindly clarify.
58. EPC Doc. Article 17 Please Confirm the bidders have to quote lump sum Yes, The Bidder has to quote Lumpsum price
Payments, CI:17.1.2 price including applicable GST. Rates are inclusive of including all applicable taxes including GST.
59. EPC Doc., Article 17 We kindly request to recover the advance payment in Not agreed. Standard tender conditions shall hold
Payments, Cl:17.2 Advance which the cumulative payments certified shall have good.
Payment, Sub cl :17.2.5 reached 20% of the contract price and to be deducted
proportionately from each Interim Payment Certificate.
The total advance to be recovered till value of work
reaches 90% of Contract Price.
60. EPC Doc., Article 17 Any change in duties, taxes, royalties etc. that may be Yes
Payments, Cl:17.13 Change levied due to change in law during currency of the
in Law Contract shall be reimbursable by the Authority to the
Contractor. Please confirm.
61. EPC Doc. Cl. 17.1.3 Yes
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
62. EPC Doc. Cl. 17.1.4 Refer Clause 17.13 Yes
Part-V: Force Majeure and
63. General Any delay in project due to Force Majeure or for Yes.
reasons attributable to the Authority, the cost for delay
should not be on account of Bidder
64. EPC Doc., Part V Article 19 Please consider time and 100% cost for all Force Not agreed. Standard tender conditions shall hold
Force Majeure, CI:19.6, Sub Majeure Events like Non-Political Event, Indirect good.
cl: 19.6.1(b) Political Event and Political Event.
65. Clause no-4.9/ Railway Please provide the list of staff quarters to be electrified. It is not in the scope of this tender.
stations /p-151
66. Clause no. 4/9 Railway Please confirm the scope of work related to Modification of Power line crossing is not in the
stations/p-153 Modification of powerline. scope of EPC tender.
67. Annex - III (Schedule-A) p- As mentioned in the document, sectioning Contractor has to propose the sectioning
159 arrangement is not attached along with tender arrangement as per ACTM for approval. Please see
document, requesting you to provide the same. amendment.
68. Annexure-III (Schedule-A) Requesting you to provide Tentative Project Sheet for Project Sheets have been attached.
Ch: 285000m to 286000m, since the project is starting
from Ch: 285860m
Requesting you to provide the pegging plans for the It is not available. However, KMZ file showing the
proposed double line, if available. alignment has been attached.
69. Annex - III (Schedule-A) p- 1. As per L-section sheet no. 27 of 28, the Oating It is 2-line station and future provision has been
160 station is modified to a 2-line station without any shown for 2nd loop.
crossovers & loop lines. But in ESP provided, it is
modified to a 3 line yard with all proposed cross overs
& loop lines mentioned as future lines. Please confirm
the scope of work in Oating station.
70. Annex - III (Schedule-A) p- Bidder understands that during the cut & connection Contractor has to devise own methodology and
160 work between proposed & existing lines, some drawing to avoid temporary work.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
temporary OHE locations to be erected and some
temporary cross overs may be required for allowing
the uninterrupted rail traffic, till both the lines become
Hence, please confirm how the payment of all these
temporary OHE items i.e. foundation, steel & SPS, etc.
will be done to the contractor.
71. Schedule-A, Annexure-I, p- Land width is given in the tender. Contractor Right of way has been mentioned correctly & Left
141 understands that Land width given in the tender is from hand side and right hand side from the existing track
existing main line spanning from LHS to RHS of the has been mentioned in the modified Tender
existing main track. Employer needs to confirm Document.
contractor's understanding. Kindly provide L-sections
so that the land width given in the tender can be
verified with the L- sections.
72. EPC Documents, Annex-II- We don't find no time limit of handing over of balance The land acquisition is in advanced stage. It will be
Schedule-A, PDF p-168 5% core Land. Please confirm. completed by within 6 months of issue of LOA.
73. Annex III, Schedule- A, para Annex III, Schedule A, para 1 says deviation Both clauses are clear & unrelated with each other.
1 [positive/negative] from the enclosed Engineering
Scale Plans, Approved Alignment plan, L section and
Signal Interlocking Plan will be treated as Change of
scope, whereas in Annex I, Schedule B para 5 says
Any change on account of existing ground conditions
mentioned in L-Sections/ Alignment/ Esps shall not be
considered as change of scope. Kindly Clarify.
74. Annex-1, Schedule A Bidder understand that provided land for construction Yes, provided land for construction will be
will be encumbrances free and only Cleaning and encumbrances free.
grubbing is required. Authority is requested to confirm
bidder understanding or convey in case of difference
in opinion.
75. Schedule-B (Annex-I), PDF 1) All usable excavated materials can be used free Yes, usable excavated material can be used free of
p-173/413 of cost. cost with the approval of the Authority Engineer well
in advance.
2) No royalty is payable on using the excavated Soil Royalty is payable as per the applicable laws.
/ Rock extracted from railway alignment.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
76. EPC Documents, Clause (ii) Bidder understand that Yes, usable excavated material can be used free of
of Schedule-B, Annex-I, p- 1) Usable excavated materials can be used free of cost with the approval of the Authority Engineer well
164 cost. in advance.
2) No Royalty is payable on using the excavated Soil / Royalty is payable as per the applicable laws.
Rock extracted from railway alignment. Please
77. Royalty, etc. Generally mining department claims DMF, AAPP, TCS The EPC contractor will have to pay the requisite
and environmental cess etc additionally with Royalty/ taxes, royalty, etc. as per the applicable laws.
Ownership charges on earth material / Aggregates /
Sand etc. Please confirm whether department has
considered all these charges other than Royalty/
Ownership while computing the cost against
Earthwork filling/ Concreting/ Ballast etc in their tender
Estimate not?
78. Annex-1, Sch- B, Description Bidder understands that Royalty charges are not Royalty & other taxes are payable by the EPC
of railway project, required to pay for using excavated earth/boulders contractor as per applicable laws.
coming prop. alignment for formation of embankment
or any other works in site. Kindly confirm.
79. Schedule-B, EPC Documents 1) Main Line Rails, Loop Line Rails, Siding Rails, 1) Yes, Loading, unloading of Class-I rails & wider
(p-199/413) Service Rails, Wider PSC Sleepers (Main Line, Loop PSC sleepers from nominated places will be paid
Line, Siding) will be provided by Railway free of Cost. under relevant item in Part-1 (Civil) of Sch. G1.
Loading / Unloading / Transportation of these items is
ins BOQ Scope & will be paid as actual.
2) Procurement of Special Sleepers is in Contractor's 2) Yes, Procurement of Special Sleepers and its
Scope. Transportation of the Same is covered in BOQ transportation including all lead, lift, etc. is in
Scope as actual (Item No-8 & 10 of G1B). Contractor's Scope for which no additional payment
will be made by the Authority.
3) All Other P-way Fittings, Turnout, SEJ, Derailing 3) Yes, it is in contractor’s scope. EPC contractor
switches, etc. Procurement, Supply, Transport etc is in has to procure the same from the RDSO approved
Contractor's Scope. vendors & cost of transportation including all lead,
lift, etc. are to be borne by the EPC contractor. Rails
only for check rail & guard rail will be provided by
the Authority.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
80. Schedule-B, EPC Documents Rails for check Rails, Guard Rail, Turnout, SEJ's, Rails for Guard Rails and Lead rails for turnout will
(p-199/413) Derailing switches etc. will be provided by Authority be provided by the Authority.
free of cost. Rails for switches, check rail, SEJ’’s will not be
provided by the Authority. EPC contractor will
procure the same from RDSO approved vendors &
no transportation cost will be paid by the Authority.
81. Schedule-B, EPC Documents LC No. ST-70, proposed as "FOB with Ramp". End to end FOB with ramp for 2 wheelers &
(p-187/413) pedestrian at Lumding end in lieu of Level crossing
no. ST-70 & FOB with escalator at Tinsukia end
(Shown in the ESP) will be constructed by the EPC
82. Schedule B Kindly Confirm the Location from where contractor has P. Way materials except Rails and wider sleepers
to transport P. Way Materials (line) are to be supplied by the EPC contractor from
the RDSO approved vendors & cost of
transportation including lead & lift is included in the
procurement cost.
83. Schedule-B p-187 Cl: 1.6 Payment Schedule for LC Extension It is under scope of EPC contract.
84. Schedule-B p-188 Cl: 1.6.3 Please specify the payment terms for Shifting of gate Nothing will be paid to the EPC contractor for
lodges in schedule G. shifting the Gate lodges. The cost of dismantling of
existing structure & construction of new gate lodges
will be borne by the EPC contractor.
85. Schedule-B The bidder understands 7 nos. of FOB's are required All the FOBs will be constructed by the EPC
to be constructed, kindly specify the payment terms contractor as per the drawings attached. No
for the construction of FOB's in schedule G. payment will be done to the EPC contractor.
The fixed component considered under track work is
'34%' where as the factor considered in the price
variation formulae is 0.85 ie (VTRK = 0.85 TRK x
[PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PC x (Ci – Co)/Co + PS
x(Si – So)/So + PF x (Fi –Fo)/Fo + PMACH x (MACHi This is as per standard EPC document of Railway
– MACHo)/MACHo + POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo Board.
+ PR x (Ri - Ro)/Ro]),
86. Clause no-1.10/ Service Bidder understand that approach at LC only need to Yes, it is required at LC only.
roads/internal be electrified. Please confirm.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
roads/approach roads and
87. Clause no-1.8.2 Service Please provide the GAD of Service buildings to be Tentative drawings are attached with RFP.
buildings/p-186 electrified.
88. Clause no-18.3/ Staff Staff quarters: Construction of staff quarters are not It is not in the scope of this tender.
quarters/p-186 included in the scope of work
89. Clause no-3.10/Electrification Bidder understand that electrification of control room Yes, it is not required.
of existing railway line/p-269 for SP, SSP is not required. Please confirm.
90. Cl. 3.1.1, p-269, Tender Kindly confirm the payment terms for dismantling and Payment terms shall be as under:
Document shifting of existing OHE. (i) For dismantling and shifting of existing OHE,
erection payment shall be made as per rate in
(ii) For supply if any in shifting of OHE of existing
track to shifted track and construction of OHE for
new track, payment shall be made under schedule-
G on pro-rata basis with reference to total RKM of
91. Cl. 3.1.1, p-281, Tender Kindly confirm if specification of SCADA to be Existing Specification to be used.
Document provided as130/133 or 134.
92. Clause no. -3.1 p-269 1.Please confirm whether 178 kgf/sqm wind pressure 1. Yes.
zone to be considered in the project area.
2. Kindly confirm the employment schedule RDSO drg. 2. Yes.
No. TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/00002/18/0 &TI/DRG/CIV/
ES/RDSO/00003/18/0(SheetNo.1 to 5) to be followed.
3.Kindly confirm minimum permissible implantation of
masts/uprights in yards. 3. Pls follow relevant RDSO/CORE guidelines.
4.Kindly confirm maximum no. of consecutive spans
permissible. 4. 02 span.
5.Please confirm about provision of OHE in all the
overrun lines (120MTR)/dead ends in each station. 5. Not required.
6.Please confirm whether any polluted zone in the
section. 6. No.
7. Already replied.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
7. Please confirm which type of insulators and wire for
ACA location to be used in the section under polluted
zone. 8. Already replied.
8.Please share the section detail to provide the
monkey menace protection. 9. Yes.
9. Kindly confirm whether contractor can cast
cylindrical foundation as per approved RDSO drawing,
wherever feasible. 10. Continuous type.
10. Please confirm the no. of protective screens
required one ach over line structure.
93. Clause no 3.2 & 3.5 pp:269 & Please confirm the proposed PTFE chainage on the Contractor has to propose the same. Normally, it
270 new double line for SP & TSS. should be near to existing.
94. Clause no. -3.1.1 p-269 At the mentioned page, total track km is shown as 45 Please see amendment.
whereas in various other places in the document, total
RKM is given as 45. Bidder is understanding that the
total RKM of project is 45. Please confirm the total
TKM of the doubling project.
95. Clause No. 3.1.1 p-269 1.Please confirm how the pro rate payment of 1. Please see amendment.
modification work will be done.
2. Please confirm whether the quantity (supply & 2. Please see the reply to Query No. 48.
erection of steel, copper & concrete) of modification
work in existing lines calculated item wise or TKM
3.In case of item wise payment, how the payment will 3. No change.
be done.
4.In case of open route modification work, how the 4. Please see the reply to Query No. 48.
quantities will be calculated & claimed for payment.
5. In case the payment is on pro rata basis for TKM, 5. Pro-rata basis will be RKM 45.318
please confirm the total TKM of modification in exisiting
6. As per Clause no. - 2.1 para (c) Page no.-14, please 6. Please see the reply to Query No. 48.
confirm the basis of payment of the materials used
after uprooting.
96. Clause no 3.2 & 3.5 pp:269 & 1. Please confirm that dismantling of existing 1. Only modification required.
270 SWS/TSS is not required. Only modification in the
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
existing SWS/TSS to be done to suit double line.
2. Please provide approved GAD so fall existing 2. Please visit the site for confirmation.
SP/SSP &TSS in the project.
3. Bidder understands that the rating of all proposed
equipments will be as per conventional SP, SSP 3. Yes
& TSS RDSO standards.
97. EPC Document 2.3 Please Provide the Coloured SIP of stations for Tentative Signalling scheme for complete yard of
assessment of Phase Working. stations are already attached. Preparation of SIP
including Phase working is under the scope of the
EPC contractor.
98. EPC Document 2.3 Please Provide the ESP of stations. Tentative drawings are attached with RFP.
99. EPC Document 2.3 Existing Indoor equipment at Naojan station can be
Bidder understand old signalling can be used and new
utilised as far as practicable with minimum
cables to be laid for the Doubling works. Likewise Point
interruptions to Train traffic with approval of
machines needs not to be replaced for the Point and
Crossover which are going to be intact in Yard Authority. New Clamp type point machines are
modification for Doubling. catered for UP & DN main line. Type of point
machines to be planned as per type of point &
crossing being provided.
At all other stations new cables/equipment are to
be planned.
100 EPC Document 2.3 As Tentative SIPs are showing IBHs in Between, New IBH are planned.
Please mention complete IBH detail and governing
Block sections. We understand only augmentation
needs to done in IBH Circuit suitable to Doubling
despite complete new Working indoor.
101 EPC Document 2.3 Please provide Typical Cable Core Plan/Cable Typical cable corrage plan already shared with
utilization policy stated in Tender Document NFR consultant. Only 12C, 6C & 2C cables are to be
technical Circular No.08/2022. provided as per NFR policy.
102 EPC Document 2.3 Please confirm the Architecture of Electronic Details are mentioned in Schedule B para 2.3.
Interlocking at stations whether Centralised of Furkating will be of distributed Architecture and all
Distributed. others are centralised EI.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
103 EPC Document 2.3. As per the Tender Document RCC Duct needs to be Duct/HDD for signalling purposes is planned from
Provided. Please confirm the vicinity of RCC Duct Home to Home signal. Normal trench/HDD is
(Home to Home or Distant to Distant). Please provide planned for Interlocked LC gates/IBH.
requirement of Cable protection clearly in case of IB
Hand Independent Interlocked LC gates.
104 EPC Document 2.3 Please provide the RCC Duct drawing which needs to RCC Duct drawing as per IRSEM can be adopted.
be utilised.
105 EPC Document 2.3 Please confirm the Capacity of Data Logger at Minimum 512 digital & 16 Analogue inputs at
stations. stations/OC etc.
121 2.3.1, p-204 Scope is not clear. Please confirm and clear that this STM and MUX equipment would be shifted however
clause talk about the shifting of STM, MUX, Power for making arrangement at “to be shifted location”
supply equipment or Supply of new STM, MUX & first new such equipment has to be made ready then
Power supply. only the existing equipment can be removed. Hence
in this package we have taken few sets of new
equipment and the equipment released from one
station would again be used at another station.
However, power supply should be new at all
122 2.3.1, p-204 Please confirm that new STM, MUX, Power supply STM, MUX, IPMPLS and their power supply would
equipments and any other telecom equipments to be be needed at stations only.
provided at stations only.
123 2.3.1, p-204 Please confirm that there is no requirement of new Power supply battery and chargers should be new
SMPS battery charger along with batteries as bidder at all stations.
can utilize the existing battery charger along with
batteries to power up the new STM, PD-Mux and other
Telecom equipments etc.
124 2.3.1, p-204 Please provide the Type and Model number of existing STM-1 are presently under used at stations, model
STM, PDMUX, Exchange or any other Telecom Items number of equipment should be taken by survey
for Integration with new Systems.
125 2.3.1, Page Number204 Please confirm our understanding that we have to shift All the communication system equipments and their
exisiting mentioned communication systems only and accessories like battery, charger etc should be new
there is no requirement of new communication at all station. New UTP PRS equipment etc. also
arrangements such as VHF, Control phone, auto have to be made available at new location as
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
phone, Hotline and selective calling phone, UTS, PRS running location cannot be closed for shifting
systems at new building. duration.
126 2.3.1, p-204 If new communication arrangements required than quantities would remain same existing at station;
please provide the quantities and detail specification of these should be taken by survey. Specification of all
each communication items such as VHF, Control equipment would be as per RDSO.
phone, auto phone, Hot line and selective calling
phone, UTS, PRS etc.
127, p-212 Please provide Nomination plan of fibres for various At LC gates OFC would not be required.
applications used in LC gates.
128, p-212 Please provide the detail specification for 42U Rack. There is no RDSO specification for 42 u rack,
however the dimensions and other details of these
racks can be taken by surveys at stations.
129 2.20.1, p-238 Please confirm that there is no provision of new CCTV In the updated tender document it has clear been
hardware along with software at stations. mentioned which station would have new CCTV and
which ones would be with shifted CCTV.
130 2.20.1, p-238 Please provide the detail specification for CCTV specification of CCTV would as per RDSO only.
131 Schedule B clause 1.7, p-178 provide ESP's and L-section of the project. Tentative ESP's and L-section of the project
132 Schedule B clause1.8.1, p- Please provide the drawing referred to in this clause. Tentative drawing has been attached with revised
182 EPC document.
133 Schedule B clause 1.8.1, p- Provide the flooring details Specified in clause no.1.8.2 in the revised EPC
182 document.
134 Schedule B clause 1.8.1, p- Please provide the approach road pavement Specified in clause no.1.8.2 in the revised EPC
184 composition. document.
135 Schedule B As per Schedule B Clause 1.8.1, there are 7 Nos. As per clause 1.8.1 FOBs are to be provided. As per
Clause 1.8.1, p-182 FOB's proposed on stations, whereas as per Clause clause no.1.9 Pedestrian bridge 6m wide for road
& 1.9, no pedestrian bridges are proposed in the project. users (2 wheelers only) shall be constructed in lieu
Clause 1.9 p-187 Please clarify as both clauses are contradictory to of LC no. ST-70 in Furkating Yard. It is corrected in
each other. revised EPC document.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
136 Schedule B clause 1.8.5, p- Please provide the capacity requirement of water tank At each station 4 nos. of PVC water tank of capacity
186 at each station. 2,000 litre each shall be provided by the EPC
137 Schedule B clause 1.8.6, p- Please provide the length of the drainage system It is mentioned in clause 1.13 of Schedule B.
187 required for the project.
138 1.8.6 /p-187 Drainage Length not given. Pls Provide. Details have been mentioned in clause no. 1.13
mentioning the length of the drainage along the
railway line. However, efficient drainage system for
disposal from the service building as per site
condition should be designed & provided by the
EPC contractor duly approved by the Authority
Engineer & no extra cost will be paid to the
139 1.8.7 /p-187 Sewerage Length not given. Pls Provide. Efficient sewerage system for disposal of the
sewerage from the service building as per the site
condition should be designed & provided by the
EPC contractor duly approved by the Authority
Engineer & no extra cost will be paid to the
140 Schedule-B / 1.4.7 Bidder understands that the span type minor bridges No. Type of superstructure & spans of each minor
upto 6m clear length can be converted to box type bridges have been mentioned specifically In Clause
minor bridges. Please confirm. no. 1.4.7. EPC contractor has to construct the
bridges as mentioned in the clause.
141 Schedule-B / L-section Formation Level and Bed Level mentioned in L-section This are tentative drawings. Final drawing to be
do not match with the MNB GAD's Level. Please prepared by the EPC contractor.
142 Schedule-B Please provide GAD of RUB. Tentative drawing has been attached now.
142 Schedule - B Annex-1 p-163 It has been mentioned that proposed track to be Track centre has been mentioned in the L-section
constructed at 5.3m track centre from the existing and it will vary as per site condition with minimum
track. Employer needs to confirm whether this track track centre of 5.3 m.
centre is to be maintained from KM 285.860 to KM
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
144 Schedule- B, Annex-1.2.1, p- We request to kindly share the AutoCAD files for Tentative ESPs have been uploaded in pdf format.
164 Alignment Plan & Profile & ESPs in UCS global The alignment is being shared in the form of KMZ
coordinate system. file.
145 Schedule-B, Clause Please provide drawing for drainage arrangement at There is no specific drainage arrangement in Minor
No.1.4.10 p-174 MNB'S and RUB's bridges. The drainage system of extended RUB
should match with the drainage system of the
existing RUB.
146 Clause 1.4 Bridges, Annex-1, Bidder requests to provide as built drawings of existing As built drawing of the existing RUB is not readily
Sch- B, p-174 RUB/LHS to understand works to be executed under available, the bidder should examine the site at its
this contract like approaches etc., Please provide. own.
147 Clause 1.4 Bridges, Annex-1, Bidder understands that under this contract existing Yes. The RUB shall be extended by the EPC
Sch- B, p-174 RUBs are to be extended for accommodating prop. contractor for accommodation of proposed doubling
Double line incl. regrading of approaches etc., Please track including regrading/extension of approaches
confirm. as per prevailing site condition.
148 Annex-1, Sch B, 1.5 Track, Kindly provide tentative sketch of Track machine siding The track machine sidings have been shown in the
EPC document, p-176 showing details like Fencing/wall, water & power respective ESPs. Other details are available on
supply arrangements and Approach Road etc. relevant Manuals/Codes.
149 1.8.1 p-182 PF Wall drawing not available. Please arrange to PF wall drawing has been shared for reference.
150 1.8.1 and 1.9 pp:182 and 187 Both Clause are contradictory with respect to scope of Pedestrian bridge 6m wide for road users (2
FOB. Please Clarify. wheelers only) shall be constructed in lieu of LC no.
ST-70 by the EPC contractor in Furkating yard. At
other locations as mentioned in clause no. 1.8.1
FOBs shall be constructed by the EPC contractor.
151 1.8.1/ p-182 Platform surface finish for both HL and RL platforms Specifications for PF surface finish has been
not given. Pls provide. mentioned in clause no. 1.8.2 Annexure-I of Sch. B
of the revised EPC tender document.
152 (16) / p-185 Surface finish, length and width for trolley paths not Specifications for PF surface finish has been
given. Pls Provide. mentioned in clause no. 1.8.2 Annexure-I of Sch. B
of the revised EPC tender document.
153 Service Building Please provide the drawings of Station Service Tentative plan for service building of station has
Building & ESPs of stations. been attached with RFP for guidance for showing
the requirement of Railway & passengers. However,
EPC contractor shall submit the GAD, detailed
design, structural drawing & Plan of the station
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
buildings for approval by the Authority Engineer
before execution of the work. ESPs have been
attached with RFP.
154 Service Building The bidder understands 7 nos. of station buildings are 456 Sqm of each building have been mentioned for
required to be constructed, kindly specify the 'area' of guidance only. However, EPC contractor shall
each building to be constructed. submit the GAD, detailed design, structural drawing
& Plan of the station buildings for approval by the
Authority Engineer as per the requirement of
Railway & passengers before execution of the work.
155 General/Design Please provide tentative GAD/Area and list of all Tentative drawings are attached with RFP and
buildings which need to be electrified. newly constructed Service Building/RBG Room and
LC Goomties are to be electrified by the EPC
156 Schedule B clause 1.8.2, p- Please provide the NFR drawings for station buildings. GAD of Station building has been attached for
186 reference. However, the detailed GAD, structural
drawing, architectural drawing will be prepared by
the EPC contractor for approval by the Authority
157 Schedule B clause 1.8.2, p- Please provide the plinth area, flooring details and Plinth area has been mentioned in the GAD
186 structure drawings for the buildings. attached. Specification for flooring for station
building has been mentioned in clause no. 1.8.1.
Structural Drawing with detailed design of building
has to be prepared by the EPC contractor.
158 1.8.2 /p-186 Service Building drawings not available. Pls provide. Tentative plan for service building of station have
been attached with the RFP for guidance for
showing the requirement of Railway. However, EPC
contractor shall submit the GAD, detailed design,
structural drawing & Plan of the station buildings for
approval by the Authority Engineer before execution
of the work. Tentative drawings for RBG rooms,
Location huts and Gate lodges have been shared
for reference.
159 EPC Documents, Clause Bidder understand that if Approach Length more Yes.
1.10 of Schedule-B, PDF p- than1.90Km will be required at site, then it will be
187 covered under change of scope. Please confirm.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
160 EPC Documents, Clause Bidder understand that if drain require more than Yes.
1.13 of Schedule-B, PDF p- mentioned in table at site during execution, then it will
189 be covered under change of scope. Please confirm.
161 Kindly provide a typical side drain section drawing for The typical cross section of the drainage along the
reference purpose. We understand that the drain shall railway line in Cutting locations has been shown in
Schedule- B, 1.13, p-189 be provided on both sides of the proposed line in the Annexure - 2/2(C) (Para 212) of the IRPWM. At
Cutting locations, wherever required. We understand embankment locations the drainage shall be
for Fill locations only ROW side drainage is to be constructed as per the direction of the Authority
provided by the Contractor. Employer to confirm our Engineer as per local site conditions.
understanding or convey in case of difference in
162 Clause 1.14, Annex-1, Sch- Kindly provide the length of retaining wall is to be Then length & location of the RCC retaining wall has
B, p-189 constructed in this project. been mentioned in the clause no.1.14.
163 EPC Documents, Clause Bidder understand that:- List of materials to be provided by EPC Agency and
1.15 of Schedule-B, PDF p- (1) Supply of P.way materials for work(approximate)- to be supplied by Railway are indicated in the Table
190 at Clause 1.15. Actual quantity may vary as per site
will be used by EPC contractor: the list of materials is condition.
only for reference. Bidder has to procure the materials
as per actual site requirement.
164 Clause 1.17.12 Reference Employer is requested to share a typical cross section The typical cross section of the catch water drain
drawings p-199 of catch water drain. has been mentioned in Annexure - 2/2(C) (Para
212) of IRPWM 2020, Same is attached for
reference. However detailed design & drawing shall
be prepared by the EPC contractor & will be used
after approval by the Authority engineer.
165 EPC Doc. P-270 Scope of work is required. There is no payment in Modification of TSS feeding arrangement to be
Schedule-G & No provision in Contract. made suitable for feeding double line including
associated cabling work in TSS yard and control &
relay panel.
Provision of payment already made in Schedule-G.
166 EPC Documents, Clause Authority is requested to
1.17.2 Materials for linking of (1) Please confirm the location of sleeper plant for 1.The transportation of wide PSC sleepers from
track providing Free PSC line sleepers, as it will help us to Concrete sleeper Factory, NF Railway has been
calculate the transportation cost and prepare the kept in the schedule G1B. The actual transportation
competitive bid. cost will be paid.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
(2) Bidder understand that the loop line rails will be 2.Yes.
provided by authority, kindly clarify.
167 RUBs Please confirm Max & Min. gradient allowed in RUB's Design and drawing of RUB has to be submitted by
for the approaches. EPC Contractor
168 Schedule-B, Clause No. 1.4.7 Please provide barrel length for MNB structures. Barrel length of the minor bridges have been shown
in Tentative GAD. The detailed GAD & Structural
drawing shall be prepared & submitted by the EPC
contractor for approval by the Authority Engineer
before execution of the work.
169 Schedule-B, Clause No. Br No. 345A drawing required. Sketch is attached for reference.
170 Annex-1, Sch- B, Description Bidder understands that any change in Yes.
of railway project, original/existing ground levels provided in L- Section
will not be considered as change in scope of works.
Kindly confirm.
171 Annex-1, Sch B, 1.15 Supply Bidder request for Inventory for civil & track works of The details of the P way fittings required for the track
of materials and stores, Schedule- G. Kindly confirm. work has been mentioned in the clause 1.10 of the
annexure I sch. B of the document.
172 Execution of RUBS Kindly clarify whether RUBs are to executed as cast- The decision for the type of construction of the RUB
in-situ or precast depending upon traffic condition & will be taken based on the traffic condition as well
locat condition as the site condition.
173 Annex - I (Schedule-B) Cl No. There is varying track centre of 5.3m, 5.4m, 5.75m, The drainage arrangement will be as per the site
1.2 & 1.2.1 15m and so on in the alignment plan attached. Kindly conditions & will be proposed by the EPC
provide Cross-section elucidating the drainage contractor. KMZ file is being shared for alignment
proposal at various track centres. AutoCAD files for the plan. L-section & ESPs have been attached with
attached files- Alignment Plan & Profile & ESPs to be RFP for reference.
shared with the Contractor in UCS global coordinate
174 Annex - I (Schedule-B) Cl No. From the referred clause Contractor would like to No changes in the horizontal as well as vertical
1.2 & 1.2.1 confirm that whether the Contractor has the right to alignment is allowed.
change the Horizontal and Vertical alignment within No change in the Rail level is allowed.
RoW. No, Further we also like to confirm that at the
structure location, does the Contractor has the right to
reduce the rail level while maintaining all the design
criteria as provided in the sub structure code.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
175 Annex - I (Schedule-B) Cl No. The Employer to deliberate the position of crown over Tentative L-section showing proposed Rail level has
1.1 & 1.1.1 the embankment top: been attached for reference.
1. If crown is to be positioned at the centre of existing Drainage will be provided by the EPC contractor as
track: The embankment shall be extended for the new per site conditions.
the line If yes, then may please also convey if the rail The cross section of the doubling line will be as per
level is to be maintained in tandem with the existing IRS:0004 (September 2020).
since in such a case the ballast cushion under the new
line will be compelled to be approx. (390mm to 450
2. If the new crown is to be positioned at the centre of
the new track, in such a case a valley would be created
in between the tracks for which provision of drainage
is required or not? Please clarify.
185 Sch -C, Project facilities p- EPC contractor has to provide various site facilities like It is in the scope of the EPC tender. No extra
272 site offices, site huts, equipment and furniture. The payment has been kept in the schedule G1B.
value of these items is substantial and there is no
provision for payment in Sch- G. Kindly provide item in
Sch- G
186 Sch -C, Project facilities, II. Bidder understands that full number of vehicles as Yes, it has been mentioned in clause no. 9.4.7.
Transport, p-281 mentioned in sub clause 9.2 & 9.3 is not required to
mobilize during defect liability period and moreover,
contractor can provide vehicle as and when required
during DLP. Kindly confirm our understanding.
187 Schedule-G of EPC Please clarify whether payment for Earthwork will be The payment for Earthwork will be released on
Documents (PDF p-333/413) released on Completion of Continuous Stretch of 100 Completion of Continuous Stretch of 100 M, it is
M or 50 M. being corrected.
188 Schedule-G p-340 Cl: 9.0 Authority is asking for Small Track Machineries which Now, List is available at 1.15.1 of Schedule-B in the
are mentioned in Point no. (o), of Clause 1.7 of revised tender documents.
Schedule-B (Given on PDF Page no -190/413). (i.e.
Abrasive rail cutter, rail drilling machine etc…..)
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
189 Schedule-G Track Works Please confirm the period of track maintenance after Two years (Defect Liability Period) as mentioned in
commissioning. Article 15 vide clause 15.1.1 or handing over to
Open line whichever is earlier.
190 Schedule-G Contract weightage for civil works mentioned is Since corrected.
'71.03%' but the total sum of civil works breakup is
forming as '71.13%',
191 Schedule-G The total amount mentioned by client has calculation Since corrected.
error, kindly clarify the same.
192 Clause no 4 SCHEDULE- Requested to make the payment on pro-data basic It is modified and included in Civil work of Schedule-
G/CONTRACT PRICE with reference to total number of work exceuted. G.
193 EPC Doc. SCH-G p-322 Now it corrected in Revised document.
194 EPC Doc. SCH-G p-322 Now it corrected in Revised document.
195 EPC Doc. SCH-G p-350 Yes, Extension of LT power supply for CLS Work at
09 Locations is required.
196 EPC Doc. SCH-G pp:353 & This is not required.
197 Schedule-G, contract price Bidder request to provide a separate item in Schedule- Nothing will be paid extra for the above items.
weightages, G for works like validation of data, topographic survey,
designs & drawings, geo technical investigations since
the cost of all these works is of a substantial value.
Kindly consider.
198 Schedule-G Weightages Weightages for Project Facilities: EPC contractor has to provide free of cost as
specified in clause 1 of schedule– C.
Weightage were given only for hiring of vehicles in
Schedule-G and weightage are not provided for site
offices, office furniture and equipment for the authority
Please clarify the same.
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
199 Schedule–G1 The Bidder understands the extensions of minor Nothing will be paid separately. The EPC contractor
bridges requires dismantling, Kindly clarify the will safeguard the existing bridges while
payment terms considered for dismantling constructing the extension bridges.
200 Schedule - G, pp:332 & 356, The total % for Electrical (TRD) Works is given as Amendment done.
Tender Document 9.54% on Page No. 332 whereas it is given as 7.85%.
Kindly check.
201 Schedule - G, pp:332 & 362, The total % for Electrical (General) Works is given as Amendment done.
Tender Document 1.56% on Page No. 332 whereas it is given as 1.28%
& 1.74%. Kindly check.
202 Schedule - G, pp:356-361, The total Weightage in percentage to the Contract Amendment done.
Tender Document Price is103.1%. Kindly check.
203 Schedule - G, p-356, Tender The total Weightage in percentage weightage of Amendment done.
Document Overhead Equipment Work is 99%. Kindly check.
204 1.8 Other Engineering Works The scope of construction of Platform Platform wall shall be constructed by the EPC
of Schedule-G fencing/wall has not been given in the tender doc, contractor. The detailed design & drawing shall be
neither marked in the ESP Dwgs. Kindly provide the prepared by the EPC contractor for approval by the
scope of Platform fencing/wall construction along with Authority Engineer.
ref dwg showing layout plan of wall, and elevation &
foundation details etc at High Level PF, at Ramp and
at RL Platform locations. Kindly clarify the scope of
Concrete Pathway proposed at Track Machine Siding
for each station.
205 Schedule - G1(B), pp:370- As per Bidder's understanding, the cost of BOQ items Yes, the cost of BOQ items of Schedule G1(B) is
373, Tender Document is included in the total contract price. included in total Contract Price mentioned only in
Clause 17.1.1 of Article 17.
206 Schedule-G1 Table(B) p-360 As mentioned, please provide the explanatory notes. Note is mentioned in Revised EPC document.
207 Schedule - P, p-406, Tender Kindly confirm if the Hiring charges includes fuel As per schedule-P, Machinery mentioned at
Document charges and crew charges. i.e. CSM/DUOMATIC/UNIMAT/DGS/BRM will be
provided free of cost whereas Fuel & Labour etc.
are in Contractor’s scope. For Sl.No.2(a) to 2(d),
daily rate charges mentioned are to be paid by
contractor. For 2(e) Rail Crane shall be made
available by the Authority free of cost. However,
Sl. Type of Query Query Reply
cost for crane operator, maintenance & operations,
fuels and lubricants consumptions shall be borne by
the contractor.
208 Schedule-P Kindly confirm if the Hiring charges includes fuel No.
charges and crew charges.