MunSci Hymn
MunSci Hymn
MunSci Hymn
The pulse of the music in terms of how fast or slow it flows by (the pulse you tap
your foot to while listening to a song)
Measured in beats per minute (bpm)
60 bpm = 1 beat per second - a song at 60 bpm would be considered slow
120 bpm = 2 beats per second - a song at 120 bpm would be twice as fast as
60, a medium speed
240 bpm = 4 beats per second - a song at 240 bpm would be considered very
*NOTE* When someone says “I love the beat of that song” … what they mean is
that they love the rhythmic structure/pattern … but what they’re actually saying
in musical terminology is that they love how fast or slow it goes
The speed of the beat (slow, medium, fast, etc.). Tempo is most easily
determined by the use of a METRONOME, an analog or digital device that clocks
the number of bpms by clicking/tapping at the same speed as the music. You
can download free metronome apps to your phone. In fact, you should do this
for the purpose of this course :)
How beats are grouped into small patterns within a larger song. Musical phrases
are broken down into segments that show rhythmic groupings known as
MEASURES. Measures can have any number of beats in them, but most
commonly have 2, 3, or 4 beats. 2-beat measures are in duple meter, 3-beat
measures are in triple meter, and 4-beat measures are in quadruple meter. To
complicate things even more, every beat can be SUBDIVIDED into two equal
halves (simple) or three equal thirds (compound). When listening to songs
subdivided into simple meter, they sound even and “straight”; songs in
compound subdivision sound “swung”.
You can take any meter grouping and subdivide it by simple or compound to
get completely different rhythmic feels. These are each represented by a TIME
SIGNATURE - which you won’t be tested on and don’t need to learn for the sake
of this course - but for those of you who already know music, let’s review how
they work …
The word RHYTHM specifically refers to how pitches in music are organized
(compressed or elongated) over a consistent beat. A notational system allows
musicians to write and read rhythms precisely at any given tempo.
Timbre - The character of a sound distinct from its pitch, length, or intensity;
tone color. - Harvard Dictionary of Music
If two or more voices or instruments are performing the exact same melody,
how do you tell them apart? Their timbre/tone color. Timbre is the result of the
following factors:
MATERIAL OF INSTRUMENT: wood, metal, animal skin, plastic, vocal cords,
and other materials. How hollow or solid, thin or thick, how large or small?
The materials play the biggest factor in timbre.
ATTACK/ARTICULATION: what does the beginning of the note sound like?
What is the instrument struck or played with? Is the attack soft or hard?
SUSTAINED PITCH: what does the note sound like after the attack?
Intensity of sound? Is there the presence of VIBRATO (a rapid variation of
pitch adding richness to a sound)?
For harmony to exist, there needs to be more than one note sounding at once.
INTERVAL: two notes sounded at once and the distance between them.
CHORD: three or more notes sounded at once. Chords create a musical
mood by the interactions of all the intervals within them.
TRIAD: most classical and popular music uses triadic harmony - harmony
developed by the use of three-note chords.