The Walschaerts Valve Gear
The Walschaerts Valve Gear
The Walschaerts Valve Gear
In a previous time, CACV No.2 was Virginia Blue Ridge Railway No.8. Here she is at Piney River (Va.) in March 1960. But is she going backward or forward? Read our valve gear article and you'll know immediately. (Photo by Don Barbeau)
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position, as in the third cut-away, the angle steam that is retained in the cylinder for comof the link would be reversed and the spool pression in order to cushion the piston as it valve would be at the rear of the steam chest. nears the end of its stroke. (The more the The piston would then be pushed forward, . gear is hooked up, the faster the locomotive driving the locomotive forward also, as it can run.) should. Thus far we have neglected the function The other function of the of the combination lever. This device, somecontrol the speed of the locom times known as the "lap and lead" lever, is trolling the four cylinder "ev activated by the crosshead through the union link. The combination lever imparts addiradius rod is raised part way ional travel to the spool valve, but unlike ("hooked up"), the amourr 0 raidus rod and spool valve is ret::ncee.. zravel imparted by the link, this lever's directly affects (1) the amount ofseeara th,,e.; constant It is primarily responsible for supplying the necessary valve "lead" that is admitted to the cylinder; (_) which the steam flow is cut off: ellh"~ nf1~ the steam to the cylinder an instant at which the expanded steam is Irl!~~ as ore the piston completes its previous exhaust; and (4) the amount 0 e" This supplies an additional "kick" at
the outset of the return stroke. Since the right side driving wheels are a quarter turn ahead of the left side wheels (relative to crank pin position), the valve gear on each side functions independently. Yet the lifting levers are fastened to a common shaft to ensure identical settings on both sides so as to avoid unequal power thrusts. Regarding CACV No.2, whose valve gear we used for our explanation, she is on static display in Cooperstown at the railroad station. If you're ever in that area, stop by and take a look at her and her valve gear. P.S. Check the photo again. The radius rod is up. The little locomotive was backing over the crossing.