Maserati. A Racing History
Maserati. A Racing History
Maserati. A Racing History
drivers such as Tazio Nuvolari, Juan
Haynes Publishing
© Anthony Pritchard, 2003
First published in Ju n e 2 0 0 3
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 1 8 5 9 6 0 8 71 X
Tel: 0 1 9 6 3 4 4 2 0 3 0 Fax: 0 1 9 6 3 4 4 0 0 0 1
Int. tel: + 4 4 1963 4 4 2 0 3 0 Int. fax: + 4 4 1963 4 4 0 0 0 1
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Front endpaper: On 2 October 1927 Diego di Sterlich, accompanied by Carlo Tonino, was the
outright winner with this 2-litre Tipo 26B in the Vermicino Rocca di Papa hill climb. (Guy Griffiths
Rear endpaper: Juan Fangio with this ‘Lightweight’ 250F finished second in the 1957 Italian Grand
Prix held at Monza on 8 September.
Preface 6
The Maserati brothers 9
The early years, 1 9 2 6 -3 1 14
The death of Alfieri Maserati and afterwards, 1 9 3 2 -3 4 30
Radical new designs, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 50
Adolfo Orsi 60
The later thirties, 1 9 3 7 -4 1 63
The Maserati brothers and OSCA 79
Industrial problems and the split-up of the Orsi Group 81
The immediate post-war years, 1 9 4 6 -5 1 83
The dawn of a new era, 1 9 5 2 -5 3 102
A new Grand Prix formula, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 116
The zenith of Maserati power, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 141
Colour section 161
Financial failure 185
The decline of Maserati, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 187
The Cooper-Maseratis, 1 9 6 6 -6 7 209
Citroën, de Tomaso and after 213
Maserati drivers - their stories 215
Emmanuel de Graffenried 215
Roy Salvadori 224
Bruce Halford 229
Cameron Millar’s Maserati 250Fs 236
Bibliography 2 50
Index 251
very special about following the introduction of the G T3500 entered on a somewhat irregular basis. It
h er e is s o m e t h in g
Italian cars of the classic years. They in 1957. And after de Tomaso’s take-over of was only between 1953 and 1957 that
possess an allure, a mysticism of their own. the company they were built in numbers Officine Alfieri Maserati entered a works
They were built to high engineering stan that amounted to mass production. Now, team - race after race, season after season.
dards. They have individualism and charac with Maserati firmly established as part of Even then there is confusion as to which
ter. They are a delight to look at and watch the Fiat empire, they have become what were works cars and which were not. For
in action, and an even greater delight to might be described as an important part of example, in the 1956 Supercortemaggiore
drive. Maserati is one of the greatest of all the Fiat specialist car division. Grand Prix, a very popular 1,000-kilometre
Italian marques. Until recent years they were Maserati competition cars were built by race for sports cars up to 2 ,0 00cc at Monza,
built in only very small numbers, no two racing enthusiasts for racing enthusiasts a total of 26 Maseratis was entered. Of
were identical and, like dogs from the same and over the years the far greater number of these, nine were entered in the name of the
litter, each had its own personality and its cars built were for sale to private owners, works, seven in the name of Mimo Dei’s
own idiosyncrasies. most of whom had an excellent relationship Scuderia Centro-Sud and the remainder by
This is a racing history of Maserati from with the factory. The help offered by the independents. So, when was a Maserati a
the time when Alfieri Maserati lined up with factory in support, spares and assistance is proper works entry and when was it not,
the Tipo 26 on the dusty road near Cefalu perhaps matched only by Jaguar in their but ju st another car prepared at the works?
on 2 May 1926 for the start of the Targa racing days when ‘Lofty’ England had such It is, on occasion, impossible to determine.
Fiorio until the third lap of the Le Mans 24 a fine rapport with private competitors. It is Sometimes, especially with regard to cars
Hours race on 19 June 1965, when Jo remarkable that the Maserati brothers, in raced in the early days, it is extremely diffi
Siffert ended the story by clouting the bank their small workshops, could build such cult to identify the exact model accurately,
with the hastily built Tipo 65. By way of a outstanding cars and that they could pro even when a photograph is available. The
post-script 1 have also included the works duce so many of the components them reason is that the same basic cars were
Cooper-Maseratis of the years 1 9 6 6 -6 7 and selves. They all had very remarkable talents. raced with different engines and there are
I have made brief mention of certain other The private Maserati entrants ranged from no external identifying features. Likewise,
Maserati-powered cars for which the factory true independents such as Whitney Straight, Maserati designations are complex and con
supplied the engines directly to the user. In ‘J ohnny’ Wakefield and Reggie Tongue in fusing, for there were eight different typing
addition I have dealt very briefly with the de pre-war days, to teams that included systems during their racing history and
Tomaso-sponsored Barchetta competition Scuderia Subalpina in the 1930s and Scuderia some cars had more than one designation.
cars built in 1992. Milano and Scuderia Ambrosiana in the years For example, the 8C -2500 was also the
This book is concerned only with the following the Second World War. All these Tipo 26M. An interesting example of
competition side of Maserati activities and teams received considerable works support another kind of confusion is the Maseratis
Maserati competition cars. The touring cars, and Scuderia Ambrosiana during the 4CL raced by Toulo de Graffenried in pre-World
the first of which appeared in 1949, were and 4CLT years was to all intents and pur War Two days.
originally - like their racing counterparts - poses the works team. Between 1936 and 1939 de Graffenried
built in very small numbers, but they Once Maserati had established them raced Maserati voiturettes in partnership
became a major part of Maserati’s income selves in the early 1930s, works cars were with American, John du Puy. It is generally
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Luigi Fagioli’s beautifully turned-out 8C-2500 seen in October 1930 at the Verminicino-Rocca di
Papa hill climb. Fagioli won the event outright. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
Chapter 1
fields have been run as a form of dicta Giuseppe Garibaldi. At this time both Rome travelling through Italy, north to south,
torship where customers were treated with and Venice remained outside the new king resembles passing through three different
diffidence, sometimes indifference, and dom, but these papal states later joined, countries; the industrial north, the central
were expected to think themselves grateful Venice in 1866 and Rome in 1870. area steeped in Roman antiquity and
that the company was prepared to deal with It was, however, and remained so for a Renaissance splendour and the relatively
them. This has' been especially true of considerable period of time a country of impoverished south. There is little doubt
motor racing and, for instance, buying a car
from Enzo Ferrari could be a humiliating, The eldest o f the Maserati brothers, Carlo, with the single-cylinder motorcycle that he built in about
rather than a pleasant, experience. 1900. Later he became General Manager at the Bianchi concern, but he died in 1910. (Guy
The atmosphere at Bologna - and later at Griffiths Collection)
Modena - was very different. Maserati was a
family concern run by enthusiasts for
enthusiasts, and dealing with owners who
raced was for many years the basis of the
business. It was only later when, under
Alberto Orsi’s control, vast sums were
expended on development and running a
works team, that it became a leading
marque. Even then, customers were treated
as friends, given credit and welcomed at the
factory by employees who had worked
there for many years and were totally loyal
to Maserati. Under Orsi rule, administration
and organisation improved, but in some
respects Maserati still remained delightfully
In its early days the company was headed
by Alfieri Maserati. Ambitious and able, he
was one of six brothers, four of whom were
actively involved in the business. W hen the
Maserati brothers were bom , Italy was still a
very young country. It had broken away
from Austrian domination and the Kingdom
of Italy was not proclaimed until 17 March
1861. Much of the credit for the founding
h er e is n o in f o r m a t io n
the terms on which Alfieri Maserati took 650kg. In 1925 there were the additional along with the Italian Grand Prix were Italy’s
over the straight-eight Diatto or the precise requirements that a two-seater body with a most important races.
date when this took place. It seems likely minimum width of 80cm be fitted, although The Grand- Prix Diatto built by Alfieri
that Automobile Diatto were content to rid no mechanic was carried in races. For Maserati had a twin overhead camshaft
themselves without payment of a project 1 9 2 6 -2 7 maximum capacity was reduced to engine driven by a train of gears from the
that they could not afford to continue l,5 0 0 c c , minimum weight to 600kg and front of the crankshaft and a Roots-type
and as the 1925 Italian Grand Prix was held two-seater bodies were still required. For supercharger, also driven directly from the
on 6 September, that at least fixes the earli 1927 the minimum weight requirement was front of the crankshaft. The 4-speed gear
est date on which a handover could have increased to 700kg. It would be wrong to box was bolted to the engine crankcase.
taken place. say that only major Grands Prix were held to The chassis was the usual channel-section
During 1 9 2 2 -2 5 the Grand Prix formula these rules, but only marginally so, because structure of the period with rigid axles front
had been for cars with a maximum capacity so many races were held as Formule Libre and rear and suspension by semi-elliptic
leaf springs. It is always assumed that there
The first Tipo 26 with Alfieri Maserati at the wheel outside the Bologna works in 1926. The figure was only one of these cars built, which may
with dark curly hair, seventh from left, is bodybuilder Menando Fantuzzi. or may not be correct, but there would
certainly have been spares, including prob
ably spare engines.
The first Maseratis were typed as the ‘2 6 ’
and were identical to the Diatto in most
respects. It is obvious that when Alfieri
planned the Diatto, he had in mind the
building of a l,5 0 0 c c engine to comply
with the new Grand Prix formula that came
into force in 1926. The merits of adopting
an engine of this capacity for the first
Maserati seem marginal at best, but Alfieri
opted for an engine of both shorter bore
and stroke than the original l,9 8 0 c c unit,
60 x 66mm, giving a capacity of l,4 9 2 c c .
This engine is said to have developed
115bhp at 5,300rpm and the maximum
speed is reckoned to have been around
1 OOmph (161kph).
W hen the Tipo 26 appeared at the begin
ning of May, the Trident badge was mounted
This photograph from the factory archives was, presumably, issued at the time the V4 was announced. 1930
The three vertical strips on the radiator grille —unique to this car —are clearly visible and the Sedici
Cilindri also had exhaust pipes on both sides. The V4 can also be distinguished by the bulges in the During the 1920s there had been strong
sides o f the bonnet to give clearance fo r the outside cylinder heads. support for Grand Prix Racing from
substantial manufacturers including Delage
Baconin Borzacchini, one of the g'eatest drivers of his era, at the wheel of the Tipo V4 Sedici in France, the Sunbeam-Talbot-Darracq
Cilindri. This photograph was taken at the works shortly before Borzacchini achieved 152.9mph over Group based in both France and Britain,
the timed ten kilometres of the 25-mile (40km) Germana circuit at Cremona to the east of Milan. and Fiat and Alfa Romeo in Italy. Mainly
because of worsening economic conditions,
most of them had quit racing and so Grand
Prix racing temporarily degenerated, the age
of the independent entrant began and many
races were held to Formule Libre rules. It
only began to stabilise in 1930 when
Maserati introduced their Tipo 26M , also
known as the 8C -2500, and when other
manufacturers began to re-enter racing on a
serious basis, and through the 1930s Grand
Prix racing grew again both in technical
interest and national and public support.
There was also a small change in the
racing regulations and 30% benzole/70%
commercial fuel was now allowed. The fuel
consumption formula was of interest to
almost no one and even the 1930 French
Grand Prix was held as a Formule Libre
race. The year was to be the turning point
u r in g
Mercedes-Benz cars had won a total of German teams. Although some remarkable President of Officine Alfieri Maserati.
seven races, despite missing the first events successes were achieved by Alfa Romeo, Maserati had of course lost the services of
of the season and early failures while they especially when the cars were driven by the great Tazio Nuvolari, who had been
were being ‘sorted’. Alfa Romeo and Tazio Nuvolari, in overall terms the level of pressured on all sides, and, despite a prefer
Maserati, together with Bugatti in France, racing success achieved - except in minor ence to drive for Auto Union, eventually
took stock of their position. Bugattis still events - was slight compared to Auto signed once more with Scuderia Ferrari.
made occasional appearances in Grands Union and Mercedes-Benz. During the next two seasons, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 ,
Prix, but the company concentrated The situation at Bologna was very differ Maserati performances in Grand Prix racing
increasingly on sports car racing, a category ent. Maserati was a small company and were to prove abysmal. The existing 8-cylin-
being strongly encouraged in France. Not although racing activities could be sub der and 6-cylinder cars were uncompetitive,
only Bugatti, but Delage, Delahaye and sidised to an extent by sparking plug manu but the new V8 model was both uncompet
Talbot all contested sports car events. The facture, the company badly needed major itive and unreliable. The Pau race was held
two-seater Type 59 was evolved into a financial support if it was to continue to take very early in 1935, on 24 February, and as
successful competition sports car and part in Grand Prix racing. W ith the benefit the Subalpina 6C/34 cars were not ready,
Bugatti’s streamlined ‘tank’ cars won at Le of hindsight, it must also be said that the Etancelin drove his 8CM. He chased hard
Mans in both 1937 and 1939. Maserati brothers lacked the technical ability after Nuvolari and Dreyfus with their
Alfa Romeo, now with government to design and develop a 750kg formula Scuderia Ferrari-entered Monoposti, but
contracts, stable finances and sound Grand Prix car that could successfully chal retired because of oil pump failure. The Alfa
management in the hands of Ubo Gobbato, lenge the might of the German teams. In Romeo drivers took the first two places,
who had been appointed managing director late 1934 Maserati announced that during ahead of Soffietti, Falchetto and Brunet, all
on 1 December 1933, was able to sanction the coming year the company would be driving 8CMs.
Jano to produce new designs. The 8C -35 represented in Grand Prix racing by Scuderia Although Achille Varzi had signed for the
chassis with fully independent suspension Subalpina, the team run jointly by Luigi della Auto Union team, he had arranged to drive
and straight-eight engine enlarged to Chiesa and the young, wealthy Torinese, a 3 ,7 2 9 cc Maserati 6C/34 in the Mille
3 ,8 2 2 cc was raced in 1935 and the follow Gino Rovere, a manufacturer of American Miglia held on 1 4 -1 5 April. As was so often
ing year the company built a new 60-degree cloth (cloth with a glaxed coating). the case with Maserati entries in the 1,000-
V12 4 ,0 6 4 cc engine. Rovere wanted to race himself, but also mile (1,610km ) race, the car had been very
Alfa Romeo had other advantages; backed the young Giuseppe Farina whom hastily prepared and it is said that the body
Scuderia Ferrari bore the cost of racing their he had entered in a number of Voiturette had only been completed on the eve of the
cars, and was dependent on starting money races during 1934. Philippe Etancelin also race. That and a sports version of the 2.9-
and prize money for survival; as a state- drove for Rovere’s team. Rovere was financ litre Alfa Romeo Monoposto entered by
owned company, Alfa Romeo was encour ing a new Grand Prix car but this was not Scuderia Ferrari were the two fastest cars in
aged by Benito Mussolini, and to a certain ready to race until the middle of the 1935 the race.
extent its racing activities were subsidised season, so, until the new car was available Varzi, partnered by mechanic Bignami
by the additional margin in government Rovere’s team entered 6C/34s. His financial (many years later head mechanic to Squadra
Vetturette Racing
Adolfo Orsi
d o lfo O rsi man who
w as a se l f - m a d e collector (raccoglitore di stracci) in the after Armando, who was slightly handicapped,
fulfilled his ambition of establishing an
organic group of businesses, with good rail
connections. All three works were clearly
visible to passengers on trains on the main
line to Milan and this in itself helped publi
cise the group.
Most Italians were badly shocked when
Mussolini declared war on the Axis side on
10 June 1940. It had been widely believed
that Mussolini would show sympathy and
moral support for the Fascist cause, but he
was thought to be too wily to commit
himself to hostilities and would remain
neutral, as Franco did in Spain. Instead he
fell victim to Hitler’s flattery and coercion,
allowing Italy to be manoeuvred into a war
that no one wanted. Despite a rearmament
programme, Italy was far too weak militarily
to fight the Allied powers.
Following the outbreak of war, Orsi
started production of milling machinery
and machine tools under the Maserati
name. The Maserati factory also serviced
and overhauled military vehicles during the
war years. Orsi put into production battery-
powered three and four-wheel light
commercial vehicles, the design rights to
which he had acquired when he bought the
The surviving Maserati brothers photographed at the Osca works in the early 1950s. They are, left to battery company. These were marketed
right, Bindo, Ettore and Ernesto. under the name Eletrocarri Maserati and
what made them very different from other
most successful racing car ever sold to distinguished by its two tall chimneys. This battery-powered vehicles was the fitting of a
private owners. As early as 1940 drawings building has only recently been demolished mechanical gearbox.
had been prepared for the proposed A6 and the site redeveloped. Maserati also experimented with battery-
production GT car. Adolfo Orsi also bought a battery maker, powered cars and during the war years
In late 1939 Orsi moved Maserati from which he merged with the Maserati spark Adolfo’s son Omer drove a Fiat 500
Bologna into new and much more spacious ing plug business to form Fabbrica Candele ‘Mouse’ powered by an enormous battery.
premises in the Viale Ciro Menotti in Accumulatori Maserati SpA. The combined Car development did not cease and the
Modena. Alberto Massimino, formerly with business was moved into premises in the company built a prototype l,5 0 0 c c A6
Alfa Romeo and Scuderia Ferrari, joined the Viale Generale Paolucci, on the opposite sports car, which was running in 1943. It
company as chief engineer in 1940. On the side of the main railway line from his other was intended for production once the war
opposite side of the road from the Maserati works in Modena. Adolfo’s sisters Eida and was over, but the A 6-1500 was only ever
car factory was Orsi’s iron and steel works, Bruna managed this business. Orsi had built in very small numbers.
was over, sanctions against Italy had The 6CMs were beautifully engineered; Scuderia Ambrosiana, and the young Luigi
been lifted and in the words of Count almost like a jewelled motion in compari Villoresi shared an l,1 0 0 c c Maserati. The
‘Johnny’ Lurani, ‘general elation was felt in son to the rather crude ERAs, and gave the race was run in wet, windy weather, with
Italy.’ Following Adolfo Orsi’s takeover of impression of being Grand Prix cars in the cars throwing up great clouds of spray
Maserati, there were initially few changes. miniature. There were times, however, and the roads made dangerous by liberal
The V8RI had already been abandoned, when Maserati cut comers in the standards coatings of mud. Lurani/Villoresi were
although the older 8-cylinder cars contin of assembly and in the main the British delayed by carburetion problems and
ued to be raced by private owners, mainly buyers were less than happy with their cars. retired at Temi, about halfway through the
in minor events and with some success. During 1936 the 6CMs in Continental race when the engine blew. It was the first
The Maserati brothers were working on a events had, on occasions, been very fast, race in which Scuderia Ambrosiana
design for the new Grand Prix formula of but British owners became unhappy with competed. Fiats took the first three places
1938 onwards, but that was a little way in the performance of their cars. Some clarifi in the l,1 0 0 c c sports class.
the future. In the meantime Maserati cation of this is needed. The first important Voiturette race of the
concentrated on Voiturette racing with the The works and works-supported 6CMs year was the 73-mile (117.5km ) Circuit of
6CMs and the cars were raced by both the ran on a 6.75:1 compression ratio, used a Turin held on the Valentino Park circuit on
works team and Scuderia Ambrosiana. 140m m blower running at a pressure of 18 April. Bianco and Dreyfus drove the
In all 2 7 6CMs were built with chassis 15—16psi (1.07—1 .1 4bar) and the true works Maseratis and held the first two
numbers running from 1531 to 1565, power output was 175-185b h p . In contrast places in that order on the opening laps.
which were not delivered until 1939. The the cars sold to British private entrants had Then Bira with his ERA forced his way past
number 1530 was an engine only supplied a lower 6:1 compression ratio, smaller Dreyfus and started to hassle Bianco.
to Hans Ruesch in Zurich in 1936 and two 130m m blower running at 11—12psi Bianco used every trick in the book to
other numbers in the series related to (0.8-0.86b ar) and at best developed baulk Bira and shut the door on him on
engines only. A few numbers were not used. 165bhp. Although not in the context of the every possible occasion. His tactics were
In 1936 Maserati had built only four of period, the comments of Sean Danaher blatant and both Trassi and Farina, who
these cars, including that shown at the (Trident Engineering, specialising in were watching the race, protested to the
1936 Milan Show and subsequently sold to Bologna Maseratis) are of considerable organisers.
Austin Dobson in the UK, Two more 6CMs interest: ‘As usual the real power comes Eventually Bira forced his way through to
were delivered to Dobson in 1937 and from attention to detail. Equalising mixture the front. All the fight had gone out of
another British buyer was ‘J ohnny’ distribution is the big problem and subse Bianco, mainly because he had lost his
Wakefield. One of the Dobson cars was sold quently spark plug heat range. Happily for goggles and oil was being sprayed onto his
on to Mrs Hall-Smith who entered it for us, plugs are now much better and our face. The Siamese driver built up a lead of
her nephew Robin Hanson. Mrs Hall-Smith stock [6CM] engines produce 2 0 5 - 2 lObhp 20sec, while Bjomstadt with his ERA
was an exceptionally good-looking woman, - which is enough to deal with the l,5 0 0 c c moved up into second place. Bira retired
only slightly older than her nephew, and ERAs.’ because of gearbox trouble and Bjomstadt
they lived together. Hanson was, unfortu In the 1937 Mille Miglia road race Count went on to win the race from Dreyfus.
Ernesto, Ettore and Bindo left the and it was also much heavier, it achieved no with Paris-based Amédée Gordini, who was
company on 1 January 1947, following the success except a win in a 5-lap race at an Italian by birth. The 6-cylinder 2-litre
completion of their contractual consultancy Goodwood. A second car that combined engine of the Formula 2 Oscas built for the
period. On 1 December 1947 they set up this engine with the Osca’s own tubular, 1953 season had much in common techni
Officina Spedalizzata Costruzione Automobili ladder-type chassis was delivered to Franco cally with contemporary Gordinis. These
(OSCA, later more usually referred to as Rol in time for him to drive it in the Italian Oscas were raced by Monégasque veteran
Osca) with small premises in Bologna and Grand Prix in 1951, but it too, not unex Louis Chiron and Elie Bayol and although a
very little machinery. There they built an pectedly, was also a failure. small measure of success was achieved,
l,1 0 0 c c sports car, which Luigi Villoresi
drove to a win on its second appearance in For 1951 ‘B. Bira’ acquired this Grand Prix OSCA, which combined the Maserati brothers’ V12
the 1948 Naples Grand Prix, beating the 2- 4,472cc engine with a Maserati 4CLT/48 chassis. It was not powerful enough to achieve any worth
litre Ferraris. The brothers went on to build while success. Here the Siamese driver is seen with his OSCA in the International Trophy at
a range of twin overhead camshaft 4-cylin- Silverstone. He finished third in his heat but was trailing in seventeenth place when a torrential storm
der sports-racing cars in engine sizes from and flooded circuit caused abandonment of the final after six laps. (Guy Griffiths)
750cc to 2,000cc.
These cars won the l,1 0 0 c c sports car
class in the Mille Miglia in 1 9 5 0 -5 3 and
1 9 5 5 -5 7 (there was no l,1 0 0 c c sports
class in 1954). They finished second in the
l,5 0 0 c c class in 1 9 5 4 -5 5 and won this
class in 1956. Oscas also won the 750cc
class of the Mille Miglia in 1 9 5 6 -5 7 . The
company’s greatest success was an outright
win by Stirling Moss and Bill Lloyd with a
Briggs Cunningham-entered l,5 0 0 c c Osca
in the 1954 Sebring 12 Hours race.
Osca also built a V I 2 4.5-litre single over
head cam per bank, single-plug per cylinder
unsupercharged Grand Prix engine in 1951.
The design was traditional Maserati and it
retained the familiar 78 x 78mm bore and
stroke of the 4CL and 8 CL models. It was
installed in a 4CLT/48 Maserati chassis and
raced by ‘B. Bira’. As power output was only
300bhp at a time when the unblown Grand
For 1947 the new Formula A with engine
capacity limits of l,5 0 0 c c supercharged/
Luigi Villoresi drove this Scuderia Milano-entered 4CL-1500 into fourth place behind three works 4,5 0 0 cc unsupercharged was introduced.
Alfa Romeo 158s in the 1946 Milan Grand Prix. The circuit was in the Parco Sempione used fo r the Although this change banned the pre-war
Milan Trade Fair. 3-litre supercharged Grand Prix cars from
most races, it made no real difference to the
Louis Unser, uncle o f Bobbie Unser, with one of the ex-Lucy O ’Reilly Schell 8CTF Maseratis at pecking order - Alfa Romeo won the few
Pike’s Peak hill climb in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado on 8 November 1946. Fie won the event. races it entered and Maseratis won almost
(Guy Griffiths Collection) all the rest.
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Driving a smooth, restrained race Swiss driver Emmanuel de Graffenried, seen here, won the first In addition to Scuderia Ambrosiana, quite
British Grand Prix at Silverstone in 1949 with this 4CLT/48 Maserati. Bob Gerard took second place a number of other Maserati drivers com
with his venerable ERA. (Guy Griffiths) peted in the four Argentine races. The first
of these races was the 108-mile (290km)
the road with his A6GCS and his co-driver race at Belluna, with Villoresi in second International Grand Prix of Juan D. Peron
was killed, while Capelli was another victim place. He was also campaigning the car in held on the Palermo Park circuit in Buenos
of mechanical frailty. Clemente Biondetti long Italian hill climbs and scored a number Aires on 30 January. During practice the
won the race with a 2-litre Ferrari coupe. of wins, including the Aosta-Gran San great French driver and leading member of
The works entered the A6GCS in a Bernardo and Bolzano-Mendola events. the Alfa Romeo team, Jean-Pierre Wimille,
couple of Formula 2 races. On 18 July was fatally injured at the wheel of a Gordini-
Villoresi drove one of these cars in the entered Simca when he went off the circuit
Coupe des Petites Cylindrées at Reims. 1949 and hit a tree. Ascari and Villoresi led
Although it was a Formula 2 race, it did not throughout with their Ambrosiana cars and
follow the rules of the formula in that Maserati’s industrial problems and Orsi’s Oscar Galvez (3-litre supercharged Alfa
supercharged cars of up to l,1 0 0 c c were conflicts with the unions started in 1949 Romeo) finished third.
admitted. Villoresi never rose above sixth and this, together with another important A week later another race of the same
place and retired because of mechanical factor, led to a major reduction in factory length was held on the same circuit, but
problems. Ascari was entered with an racing activity. Before the end of 1948 both with the title International Grand Prix of
A6GCS in the 153-mile (246km ) Circuit of Ascari and Villoresi had signed up to drive Dona Eva Duarte de Peron. The race started
Naples on 19 September, but he retired for Scuderia Ferrari in 1949 and this caused in heavy rain; both Ascari and Villoresi
after setting fastest lap and the race was major, but not unexpected, problems for retired, Galvez won with his Alfa Romeo and
won by Villoresi, scoring the Maserati Maserati, Lurani and Scuderia Ambrosiana. Fangio with a 4CLT/48 finished second after
brothers’ first win with their new l,1 0 0 c c Both drivers appeared for the team in the an off-course excursion. The 87-mile
Osca. Giovanni Bracco was the most Argentine Temporada series, but thereafter (140km) Rosario race on 13 February was
successful A6GCS driver in 1948. He won Ambrosiana continued its lease deals and no also run in torrential rain and was won by
the 189-mile (304km ) Dolomite Gold Cup longer ran a front-line Grand Prix team. Farina with a 2-litre supercharged Ferrari
For the 1950 Argentinian Temporada races
Maserati developed the 4CLT/50 with
enlarged l,7 1 9 c c (78 x 90mm) engines
claimed to develop 290bhp at 6,800rpm .
Five cars were fitted with these engines, and
they were installed in existing chassis. The
precise number of San Remos built is not
known, but it seems that in 1948 through
to 1949 the team completed about 12 cars
and thereafter the occasional example was
built up until about the end of 1950. After
they had competed in the Temporada series,
the 4CLTs were fitted with l,4 8 9 c c engines
for European racing. In this latest form there
was a Weber twin-choke carburettor and Bignami, chief mechanic to the Squadra Achille Varzi, makes final adjustments to Fangio’s 4CLT/48
minor changes to the steering linkage. The at the 1949 Albi Grand Prix. Fangio won the race from Bira with another 4CLT/48.
2-litre supercharged Ferraris dominated the
1950 Argentine races and the only Maserati built two new cars, which had been commi- ened versions of the San Remo with a wheel
success was a third place by Piero Taruffi in sioned by Franco Rol for Indianapolis. These base of ju st under 9ft. These cars, chassis
the Mar del Plata Grand Prix. had straight-eight 2 ,9 84cc engines like the numbers 3 0 3 6 and 3 0 3 7 were to be driven
Development of the San Remo had ground 8CL and were said to develop 430bhp at by Farina and Rol at Indianapolis. One was
to a halt, mainly because of the Orsi 6,500rpm , the same as the output of the tested by Farina at Modena and although it
Group’s industrial problems, but Maserati 1 9 4 0 -4 1 8CLs. The chassis were length is believed that he attained a speed of close
Modifications to the A6GCM
for 1953
Massimino left Maserati at the end of 1952
and Vittorio Bellentani became chief engi
neer. Giaocchino Colombo, previously with
Alfa Romeo and Ferrari, joined Maserati as
technical consultant. His brief was the
design of the 250F for the 1954 2,5 0 0 cc
Grand Prix formula and once the general
details of this had been settled, his consult
ancy came to an end and he left Maserati in
about June 1953.
Initially Bellentani and Bertocchi had
difficulty in working together, as, to quote
Cozza, ‘both wanted to be boss.’ Both also
During 1952 Maserati had resumed work on the A6GCS sports-racing car and these became known realised that their attitudes were counter
as the ‘Second Series’. This is the cycle-wing car based on an A6GCM chassis which was completed in productive and Bellentani discussed the
late 1952. situation with Adolfo Orsi. W hat was in
effect agreed was that there should be a
using oversize liners achieved a bore of veteran Monégasque Louis Chiron went off split between design and the development
90mm, which coupled with the existing the road with a Plate-Maserati, the car of the cars when they were constructed.
stroke of 78mm gave a capacity of l,9 8 0 c c . caught fire and as a result of the bums he This allowed both to get on with their own
New camshaft, pistons, connecting rods suffered, he did not race again until 1953. jobs and at the same time maintain maxi
and crankshaft were made and once the De Graffenried finished sixth at Pau with a mum co-operation. Bellentani set up an
prototype had performed satisfactorily sick engine, fourth at Marseille, third in the Experimental Department with the approval
during testing, new cylinder blocks were International Trophy at Silverstone behind of Adolfo Orsi. This was headed by
cast. W ith two twin-choke Weber 35DCO Lance Macklin and Tony Rolt with HWMs, Bellentani, with Reggienti and Leoni as
carburettors and on the very high compres and sixth in the Swiss Grand Prix. senior assistants and the junior assistants
sion ratio of 14:1 power output was In June de Graffenried and Schell took were Cozza and Cavazzutti.
150bhp at 7,000rpm . Plate shortened the third and fourth place at Aix-les-Bains W hile Bertocchi’s role combined the
wheelbase by five inches, modified the behind Behra (Gordini) and Macklin development and racing of the cars, Aldo
steering geometry, fitted a smaller fuel tank (HWM). At Les Sables D’Olonne Schell’s Lugo, who was Maserati’s director of
in the tail and a new body that was both engine seized, he spun, was rammed by sport, continued to act as team manager
lighter and shorter. Ascari and triggered off a multi-car accident and to deal with administration, entries for
The Plate-Maseratis were a very neat and that eliminated a total of five cars. De races, etc. It was an arrangement that
professional job , as would be expected from Graffenried finished fifth at Comminges, was to work well, but the overall organisa
this talented engineer, but they rarely but the cars were too slow to qualify as tion of Maserati’s racing efforts was not
performed well. They were usually driven starters in the Italian Grand Prix and later in initially as smooth and as well co-ordinated
by de Graffenried and Harry Schell, but September de Graffenried rounded off an as at Maranello.
other drivers handled them on occasions. indifferent season by finishing third at For 1953 Maserati developed an
In practice for the Syracuse Grand Prix Cadours. The cars subsequently appeared improved version of the A6GCM with
In the French Grand Prix there was an intense battle between Ferrari and Maserati and this developed
The Grand Prix Year into a wheel-to-wheel battle fo r the lead between Hawthorn and Fangio. Here theyfight it out in the dos
ing laps of the race, which was won by Hawthorn after Fangio lost the use of first gear on his A6GCM.
The latest version of the A6GCM was not
ready at the beginning of the year and in
Argentina Maserati relied on the 1952 cars.
They were driven by Fangio, Gonzalez and
another Argentinian, Oscar Galvez. The
main event was the 3-hour Argentine Grand
Prix, the first round in the 1953 World
Championship. Inevitably the race was
Ferrari-dominated, but Gonzalez and Galvez
took third and fifth places. Fangio had held
second place behind Ascari until he blew up
his engine.
Throughout the year Fangio went out to
beat the Ferraris or bust and it was a tactic
that eventually paid off. On 1 February the
The Sports Car Year in races at Agadir in Morocco and Dakar in Musso accompanied by Donatelli to the
Sénégal — at this time both countries were 671-m ile (1,080km ) Tour of Sicily on 4
The first appearance of a works-entered French colonies. In the 45-mile (72km) race April. Count Gravina, a Sicilian nobleman,
A6GCS in 1 9 5 4 was the single entry for at Agadir on 28 February Simone finished also drove an A6GCS with Pinin Farina
Emilio Giletti and Luigi Musso in the third in the 2,000ce class behind Picard Beriinetta body. This car built in 1953 was
Buenos Aires 1,000-km race on 2 4 January. (Ferrari) and Guelfi (Gordini). A week later the first of four of the type, which became
This was Giletti’s own car, which had been on 7 March he took third place overall in known as the Mille Miglia. Examples were
loaned to de Graffenried to drive in Brazil the two-hour race at Dakar, the capital of exhibited at the Turin and Paris shows in
the previous month (see pages 222). There Sénégal, behind Farina and Scotti with 1954. Umberto Maglioli (4.9-litre Ferrari)
was no 2-litre class, but the two Italians larger-capacity Ferraris. On the same day the led initially from Piero Taruffi (Lancia D24),
finished sixth overall behind larger-capacity works entered an A6GCS for Musso and but after Maglioli overturned the 3 7 5 Plus,
cars, fourth in the 3 ,0 0 0 c c class and theirs Gatta in the Sebring 12 Hours race. The Taruffi scored an easy win. In third and
was in fact the only 2 ,0 0 0 cc runner. Florida airfield circuit was notoriously hard fourth places came Gerino Gerini (4.5-litre
In February Colonel ‘J ohnny’ Simone, on brakes and the A6GCS was withdrawn Ferrari coupé) and Musso. Both had been
who later became Maserati distributor in on lap 47 because of complete brake failure. humbled by Piero Carini with a modified
France, shipped out an A6GCS to compete Maserati sent only a single A6GCS for Alfa Romeo 1900 saloon who finished
was topped up with fuel and fitted with
new rear tyres, Fangio dropped to third
place, around a minute behind Collins and
Hawthorn with Lancia-Ferraris.
During the next three laps Fangio made
little dent in the deficit on the leaders, but
then he began to close up at the rate of 8 - 9
seconds a lap, breaking the lap record
several times and finally reducing it to 9min
17.4sec - 91.53m ph (147.36kph). By the
start of lap 21 of this 22-lap race, he passed
the pits about 100 yards behind the leading
Ferraris and by halfway round that lap he
was in the lead. At the finish he was 3.6sec
ahead of Hawthorn, with Collins third,
Musso fourth, Moss fifth and Behra sixth.
Schell took seventh place and Scarlatti
finished tenth. In Fangio’s long career there
were many outstanding performances, espe
cially with the blown Alfa Romeos in
1 9 5 0 -5 1 , so it is unfair to describe this
drive as his greatest, but it was certainly one
of the most outstanding.
Another o f Juan Fangio’s greatest drives came in the 1957 German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring As a result of the cancellation of the
where he trounced the Lancia-Ferraris and substantially reduced the lap record. Fiere he crosses the Belgian and Dutch races, Italy was allowed
start/finish line. It was Fangio’s last World Championship race victory. to stage a second Championship race in
1957. This was the 286-mile (460km)
(Lancia-Ferrari). Other Lancia-Ferraris 2501. Facing Modena were two Vanwalls for Pescara Grand Prix held on 18 August over
driven by Fiawthom and Trintignant/Collins Moss and Brooks and four Lancia-Ferraris. the daunting 15.9-mile (25.6km ) road
took third and fourth places. Moss and In practice Fangio took pole position, slash circuit. The race was to prove near enough
Brooks had achieved the first Grande ing the lap record for the 14.17-mile a straight fight between Maserati and
Epreuve win by a British car since Segrave’s (22.81km ) circuit from 9min 41.6sec to Vanwall, as Ferrari had - only with great
victory with a Sunbeam at Tours in 1923. It 9min 25.6sec. The Vanwalls were uncom reluctance - sent only a single car for
was a bad day for Maserati and the sole petitive on this circuit because the team had Musso. He was still under pressure from
25 0 F to finish was the old Gilby car driven never raced there before and had been the authorities enquiring into de Portago’s
into ninth and last place by Ivor Bueb, but unable to set up the suspension to suit it. fatal crash in the Mille Miglia and had
too far behind to be classified. Maserati sometimes favoured the half-full wanted to miss the race. The usual Maserati
There were no works Maseratis in the tank approach, which rarely paid off, as it drivers handled the usual cars and the latest
186-mile (300km) Caen Grand Prix on 28 was usually not possible to build up a suffi V I 2 car, 25 3 1 , appeared in practice. It is
July and so Behra was free to drive a BRM. cient lead to compensate for the time lost in known that Maserati used nitro-methane
He won from Salvadori (Cooper-Climax) making a pit stop. Although they adopted it fuel additive from time to time on the
and Bruce Halford with his private Maserati. at the Nürburgring and Fangio won, he 250Fs and there is little doubt that Fangio
The works Maserati team next appeared in would certainly have won in any event if he was running on it when he set fastest lap at
the German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring had started the race with a full tank and run Pescara in 9min 44.6sec. Moss recorded
on 4 August. The usual three ‘Lightweight’ through on the one set of rear tyres. Fangio 9min 54.7sec and they were the only two
cars were driven by Fangio, Behra and did not take the lead until the third lap, drivers to break ten minutes.
Schell, while Scarlatti was at the wheel of steadily reduced the lap record and he Musso led for the first of the 22 laps,
Opposite: Another 250F entered by Scuderia Centro-Sud in the 1958 International Trophy was
chassis 2522 driven by Wolfgang Seidel. Although the 250Fs entered by this team were often ‘old
nails’, they had late engines developing around 270bhp. Seidel’s car was not running well and he
finished at the tail o f the field in 17 th place. (T.C. March)
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Opposite: Joakim Bonnier’s mechanic pushes 2524 out to the start of the 1958 British Grand Prix
at Silverstone. (TC. March)
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Opposite: Willie Green with a 761 2.8-litre ‘Bird-cage’ Maserati on his way to a win in the round of
the JCB Historic Championship held at Silverstone in April 1972. (Author’s Collection)
This photograph o f Pedro Rodriguez at Spa in 1967 with the T81 Cooper-Maserati gives a good view
o f the four overhead camshaft Maserati V12 engine fitted to these cars. At half-distance he held third
place, but he retired because o f a broken piston and was classified ninth. (Author’s Collection)
for the driver to accelerate through the low ‘Jenks is shouting in Moss’s ear as they sit on the ramp at Brescia fo r the start of the 1957 Mille
set of gears into fifth and then operate the Miglia. Their race with the 450S was short and they retired soon after the start because of a broken
push-pull control to select high fifth. In this brake pedal.
form the maximum speed of the 450S was
over 180m ph (290kph). The two 450S cars 150mph (241.5kph) when he came upon a was powered by an experimental V I 2
were to be driven by Moss/Jenkinson and lorry blocking the road and a collision was engine based on the castings for the Grand
Behra, but the Frenchman non-started unavoidable. Prix engine with cylinder dimensions of
because of a wrist injury he suffered in a In addition there were two works 300S 73.8 x 68mm, giving a capacity of 3,490cc,
testing accident. He was driving at around entries, but one of these was very special. It and developing 330bhp at 7,500rpm . This
Financial failure
s M aserati a c h iev ed the greatest High import duties made it difficult to
A successes in its long history, so financial
disaster was overtaking the company.
sell milling machinery and machine tools in
Argentina, but Orsi persuaded Peron that
ers. Machine tools were ordered in sub
stantial quantities from Maserati and they
were delivered from 1955 onwards on
Because of the split of assets in 1953, the import duties should be relaxed, as the deferred credit with payment not due until
Orsi group had been weakened and Adolfo import of this equipment would benefit 1957. It is believed that the total value of
Orsi was determined to rebuild its financial Argentinian industry. A Maserati company the Argentinian debt was $3 million. Peron
strength. There appeared to be excellent was set up in Argentina and this also repre was deposed in 1955 and the new govern
opportunities for expanding the company’s sented other Italian machinery manufactur ment reneged on the debts.
business in Argentina and in 1954 Orsi had
long talks with Juan Peron at the presiden The 3500GT production road car was a great commercial success and the high level of sales
tial palace, Casa Rosada. contributed to Maserati’s financial recovery. This is an early 1958 car with coupé body by Touring.
2 5 2 9 , w hich in fact
was stated in the
paperw ork to be
chassis 2 5 0 4
A d i s c h i m u l t i p l i a se c c o
Lloyd ‘Lucky’ Casner was an opportunistic
A 5 v e l o c i t à . ® r e t r o m a r c i a . I l cambio é i n gruppo car-dealer from Miami. He sniffed the possi
unico con i l d i f f e r e n z i a l e t i p o Z.P. bility of a good racing deal and succeeded
in putting together a very remarkable pack
Con s e m ia s s i d i t r a s m i s s i ó n e o s c i l l a n t i e s c a t o l a age. He persuaded the Goodyear tyre
rig id a a l te la io . company, at this time completely unknown
as a force in European racing, to finance a
TELAIO team of Tipo 61 cars, including paying for
Estremamente le g g e r o con r e t i c o l a z i o n e d i tubo
che l o rende r i g i d i s s i m o their support by the factory. It was not
P asso .................................................................................................. mm. 2200 2200 quite the deal that Casner would have
C a r r e g g i a t a a t e r r a a n t e r i o r e ........................................ " 1250 1250 liked, for there was never enough money for
C a r r e g g i a t a a t e r r a p o s t e r i o r e ...................... .. " 1200 1200
him to do everything he wanted and when
Goodyear withdew their support for 1961,
A n t e r i o r e : in d ip en d e n te con m o lle : e i i c o i d a l i , he was really left struggling.
b a r r a d i compensazione, ammortizza Still, there was enough money to order
to r i te le sco p ie i. three more cars for delivery in 1960 and the
P o s t e r i o r e : a b a l e s t r a t r a s v e r s a l e e ammortizza
team operated under the name Camoradi
to ri te le sco p ici.
USA (Casner Motor Racing Division). The
STERZO : a c r e m a g l i e r a con c o r r e z i o n e d e l l a s t e r z a t a
cars were, of course, painted in United
FRENI: a n t e r i o r i e p o s t e r i o r i a d is c o con 0 335 e 314 msi* States racing colours of white with a dark
RUOTE: a r a g g i - c e r c h i o a n t . 4 .5 0 x1 6 - P o s t. 4 .5 0 x 1 6 blue stripe. W hat the Tipo 61 and the deal
PNEUMATICI: a n t e r i o r i 5 * 5 0 x 1 6 — p o s t e r i o r i 6 . 5 0 x 16 did was to inject some interest in sports car
PESO DELIA VETTURA A SECCO................-.......................... .. Kg" 570 600 racing at a time when otherwise there
mod. 3 bis ~éóòb * 1 '
would have been complete Ferrari domina
tion. A change in sports car regulations
A specification sheet issued by Officine Alfieri Maserati fo r the Tipo 60 and 61 ‘Bird-cage’ cars. required cars to be fitted with windscreens
The Cooper-Maseratis,
1 9 6 6 -6 7
ow M aserati re - e n t e r e d racing as a
H supplier of engines to a major Grand
Prix contender is closely linked to their ties
director of Chipstead Motors, along with
David Hodge and Mario Tozzi-Condivi. They
were keen to expand the business and
drove to a win in the 1966 United States
Grand Prix.
Cooper pondered the possibility of strik
with their British concessionaires. Adolfo acquired Taylor & Crawley, Roy Salvadori’s ing a deal with Maserati. Mario Tozzi-
Orsi had wanted to sell touring Maseratis in two car businesses in Surrey, together with Condivi, who had served in the Italian air
the UK, but one of the problems was British the famed Thomson & Taylor at Cobham. force during the Second World War and had
financial regulations in early post-war days They wanted to be more involved in motor known Maserati since 1947, had long talks
which severely restricted car imports. In the racing and after the death of Charlie Cooper with Adolfo Orsi. Maserati proposed an
late 1950s Maserati appointed Colin in October 1964, Sieff made Charlie’s son updated version of the 1957 V12 Grand
Murray in Lancashire as British Maserati John an offer to buy the Cooper Car Prix engine, which had already been raced
concessionaire. He had raced a 6CM and a Company. Jonathan Sieff remembers that in 3-litre form in sports car events and
Cooper-Jaguar and his business was selling the price paid was £ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 . At this time Giulio Alfieri set to work on this. There are
Pontiacs on a tax-free basis to US service Cooper was floundering in Formula 1 and different stories as to the financial deal that
men stationed in the UK. There were hopes its last World Championship win had been was struck. Jonathan Sieff says that Cooper
that he would also be able to sell them Bruce McLaren’s victory at Monaco in 1962. bought the engines and paid Maserati to
Maseratis, but he made very few sales. Roy Salvadori became racing manager maintain them. This seems likely, because
Subsequently Taylor & Crawley in and the team struggled through 1965, the Maserati still worked within tight financial
London became concessionaires. This was a last year of the l,5 0 0 c c Grand Prix formula, restraints.
very successful company headed by Clifford with its uncompetitive Coventry Climax- In Cooper Cars (Osprey Publishing, 1983)
Taylor whose agencies included Alfa Romeo powered cars. Cooper concentrated on Doug Nye quotes Tozzi-Condivi who tells
and Mercedes-Benz. Clifford Taylor’s son, development of a new car for 1966 when a the story differently: \ . . the works engines
Michael, had been a very promising racing 3 ,0 0 0 cc Formula 1 came into force. would be Maserati property. They would
driver until he was critically injured when Different entrants had very different ideas commit themselves to provide sufficient
the steering failed on his Lotus 18 at Spa in as to the type of power unit required for engines for three works cars, to develop
1960. He ran the company on a day-to-day the new formula; from Brabham who chose ment to keep them competitive and all
basis. In May 1962 he held a ‘drinks and the Australian Repco V8 single cam per necessary servicing. We would pay them a
drive party’ at which guests were invited to bank engine based on a General Motors fixed fee per rebuild, irrespective of the
have a drink and then take a Maserati GT Oldsmobile/Buick block to BRM who amount of work necessary. It was around
car for a few laps round Grosvenor Square. developed an incredibly complicated H I6 £ 7 0 0 per rebuild, I think . . .’
The event was so successful that he placed eight overhead camshaft engine derived In its latest form the Maserati V I 2 engine
a single order for 60 Maserati GT cars. from two of their 1 9 6 1 -6 5 V8 units. Truly was known as the Tipo 9/F1. The cylinder
Jonathan Sieff (a family member of one of the sublime to the ridiculous. Brabham dimensions were those of the engine used
the founders of Marks and Spencer) who won the Drivers’ and Manufacturers’ in the first V I 2 Tipo 63 sports-racing cars,
had also been a racing driver until his near- Championships in 1 9 6 6 -6 7 and the BRM namely, 70 .4 x 64m m to give a capacity of
fatal accident during practice at Le Mans in engine only achieved one success, when 2,9 8 9 .4 8 cc. Fuel injection was fitted and
1960, had a shareholding in and was a installed in the Lotus that Jimmy Clark Alfieri used separate dell’Orto motorcycle
long-term security of the company. hydraulics, self-levelling pneumatic suspen bureaucratic. The workforce increased to
Demand for expensive road cars was fickle sion and self-centring steering. Maximum about 1,000 from the 3 6 0 at the time
and subject to economic conditions, and speed was in excess of 135mph (217kph) Citroën took over and instead of two men
changes in taste and fashion. The introduc and the same engine was used in Ligier working on a chassis throughout its assem
tion of United States safety and emission competition cars. The SM was built in bly, there was now a production line with
regulations was making the marketing of Citroën’s Paris factory and later in the Ligier each workman carrying out a simple, repeti
cars there expensive and difficult. The works. Maserati’s own production included tive task. The Orsi family was unhappy with
student and workers’ strikes and demon two mid-engined models, the V8 4.7-litre the way in which the company was being
strations, prevalent in both France and Italy Bora introduced at the 1971 Geneva Salon run and sold their remaining shares to
in 1968, made drivers of expensive cars and the V6 3-litre Merak with bored-out SM Citroën in 1971. Guerino Bertocchi left the
such as Maseratis concerned for their engine that appeared at the Paris Show company to work for de Tomaso and, sadly,
personal safety. Adolfo Orsi was now 80 in 1972. he was killed in a road accident in 1981.
years old and Omer suffered from ill-health During Citroën control the whole culture Citroën was finding itself in worsening
in the form of kidney problems. of Maserati operations changed. Citroën financial difficulties and in 1974 its owner,
During 1968 Adolfo Orsi received an had no experience of running a small Michelin, disposed of it to Peugeot. The
approach from Citroën, owned by the
Michelin tyre company, asking whether Alessandro de Tomaso, partnered by fiancée Isobel Haskell, drove this l,500cc Osca into sixth place
Maserati would be interested in designing in the 1957 Buenos Aires 1,000-km race. De Tomaso played an important, if ultimately damaging,
and building the engine for their proposed role in Maserati history.
SM high-performance luxury model.
Negotiations took place and during these
Adolfo suggested that Citroën should buy a
controlling interest in Maserati. This led to
the agreement that Citroën should buy a
60% stake. Adolfo Orsi became Honorary
President, while Omer remained a director
and was appointed Commercial Manager.
Giulio Alfieri remained in control of the
technical department.
Under Citroën control the company
produced some fine cars. Citroën’s own SM
model introduced in 1970 was an excep
tionally sophisticated design powered by an
Alfieri-engineered, four overhead camshaft
V6 2 ,6 7 0 cc engine and with a specification
Cameron Millar’s
Maserati 250Fs
great M aserati e n t h u sia st and Patron at Modena, supplied him with many of the Of the cars built, three are of the T1 type
Dramatis Personae
A guide to the more important personalities
Alfieri, Guilio, 1924-2002 Tavoni at Reims. He was killed when he crashed his cars and he was killed at the wheel of one of these
Bom at Parma, Alfieri joined Maserati on 1 August Porsche sports car at Avus in August of that year. cars in the Carrera Panamericana Mexico road race in
1953, he became chief engineer in 1955 following 1953.
the departure of Bellentani and was responsible for Bellentani, Vittorio, 1906-68
the later development of the 250F, together with the He was bom in Modena and died in Modena. He Borzacchini, Mario Baconin 1899-1933
300S, 150S, 450S and ‘Bird-cage’ sports cars. He worked for Moto Mignon, a motorcycle manufacturer Named Baconin after a Russian revolutionary, but
stayed with Maserati until he was sacked by de in Modena. He joined Maserati on 11 January 1948, after meeting the Italian Crown Prince Umberto at
Tomaso on his take-over in July 1975. He subse became head of the Technical Department in 1951 Monza, he changed his first names to Mario
quently worked for other companies including and left the company on 31 May, 1955. His main Umberto. He started racing at the age of 21 and
Lamborghini. achievement at Maserati was the development of drove for both Alfa Romeo and Maserati. He was
the 250F. He worked for Ferrari between 1956 and killed when he crashed his 8C Maserati in the second
Arcangeli, Luigi, 1902-1931 1959. heat of the Monza Grand Prix on 10 September
Bom at Forli, he drove Maserati Tipo 26B and SC- 1933.
2500 cars in 1930. With 8C -2500s he won the Bertocchi, Cavaliere del Lavoro Guerino,
Rome, Monza and Spanish GPs. He joined Scuderia 1907-1981 Campari, Cavaliere Giuseppe, 1892-1933
Ferrari for 1931, but he was killed at Monza that year Bom in Bologna, Bertocchi joined Alfieri Maserati in Known as ll Neger (the ‘black one’) or according to
at the wheel of one of the twin-engined Alfa Romeo 1922 at the age of 15. He rode many times with some sources, El Negher, which was. the same in
Tipo A cars. drivers in the Targa Fiorio and Mille Miglia. He later Spanish. He was an outstanding and exceptionally
became head mechanic and chief tester. In 1974 he popular and Alfa Romeo driver from pre-World War
Ascari, Alberto, 1918-55 joined de Tomaso. As a passenger in a car driven by a One days until 1932. He had great ambitions to be
Son of Antonio Ascari who was killed in a crash with de Tomaso customer, he was killed in a head-on an opera singer. He joined Maserati in 1933 because
an Alfa Romeo P2 in the 1925 French GB He started crash. His son, Aurelio, also worked for Maserati and of tensions and dissension in Scuderia Ferrari between
racing shortly before the outbreak of war and drove a joined De Tomaso. He too was killed as a passenger in Enzo Ferrari and Tazio Nuvolari. He was planning to
6CM, as well as appearing with one of Ferraris a de Tomaso in 1985. retire from racing, but was killed when he crashed his
AutoAvia 815 cars in the 1940 closed-circuit Mille 8C -3000 Maserati in the second heat of the Milan
Miglia. Drove 4CLT/48s for Scuderia Ambrosiana in Birabongse, Prince Bhanubandh, 1914-1985 Grand Prix on 10 September 1933.
1 9 4 7 -4 8 . He joined Ferrari for 1949, was second in Cousin of Prince Chula Chakabongse of Siam (now
the Drivers’ World Championship in 1951 and won it Thailand) who bought him an ERA for his 21st birth Casner, Lloyd, 1928-1965
in both 1952 and 1953. Signed for Lancia for 1954, day. He raced three different ERAs, the ex-Seaman Graduate of Miami University, became a civil airline
but their new D 50 GP car was not ready until the Delage and Maserati 8CM 3011 in pre-war days. Post pilot. As a Florida car dealer he persuaded the
Spanish GP at the end of the season and was released war he drove 3011 for a short while, then 4CL, Goodyear tyre company to sponsor the Camoradi
to drive 250Fs in the French and British GPs. In the 4CLT/48, Osca V12, Maserati 250F-engined A6GCM team of ‘Bird-cage’ Maseratis in 1960. Continued
1955 Monaco GP his Lancia plunged into the and 250F cars. He retired from racing in 1955. He racing ‘Bird-cage’ Maseratis without Goodyear
harbour because of a locking brake while he was lead later ran an airline in Thailand. He returned to the support in 1 9 6 1 -6 2 . He was killed when he crashed
ing the race. He was apparently unharmed, but he UK and died in poverty on Earls Court station in the Maserati-France Tipo 151/1 Maserati at the Le
was killed a few days later while practising with a London. Mans test weekend in April 1964.
Ferrari Monza sports car at Monza.
Bonetto, Felice, 1903-53 Colombo, Giaocchino, 1903-87
Behra,Jean, 1921-1958 Drove as a private owner with Alfa Romeos in pre-war He was bom at Legnano and he joined Alfa Romeo as
Bom at Nice and originally raced motorcycles. Works days. Post-war, he drove for Alfa Romeo (1 9 5 0 -5 1 ), a draftsman in 1924. He became number two to
Cordini driver 1 9 5 1 -5 4 . Drove for Maserati also appeared with the Milano on occasions in 1950. Vittorio Jano in the Design Department and after Jano
1 9 5 5 -5 7 . Joined BRM for 1958, Ferrari for 1959, but He was a member of the works Maserati team in was sacked in 1937 he designed the Alfa Romeo 158
he was sacked after striking team manager Romolo 1 9 5 2 -5 3 . In 1953 he also drove works Lancia sports Alfetta and other racing cars. He became consultant
APPENDIX 1 / 2 3 9
Halford, Bruce, 1931-2001 Maserati, Mario, 1890-1981 Nuvolari, Tazio, 1892-1953
Amateur British driver with ex-Bira Maserati 250F. His He studied at the Fine Arts Academy in Brera, Milan. Bom at Casteldorio, 10 miles from Mantua. One of
full story of racing this car is told on Pages 2 2 9 -2 3 5 . He became a talented and established artist, his first the greatest drivers of all time and undoubtedly the
exhibition was held in 1921, he moved to Bologna greatest Italian driver of the inter-war years. Originally
Mantovani, Ingeniere Sergio, 1929-2001 and he designed the Maserati badge. In 1943 he and raced motorcycles, formed partnership with Varzi,
In 1953-54 raced his own A6GCS as a works car. his wife moved again, to her home town, Novi Ligure, 1 9 2 7 -2 9 , thereafter raced for Alfa Corse and Scuderia
He shared a works A6GCM with Luigi Musso in Alessàndria. Their only son Rodolfo died in 1945. His Ferrari. He had difficult relations with Enzo Ferrari
the 1953 Italian GE He bought his own 250F in work covered a wide field including still life, land and in 1933, following the withdrawal from racing of
1954 and ran it as a member of the works team scapes, portraits, male and female nudes and reli the Alfa Romeo Monoposti, he left to join Maserati and
from June onwards. He crashed the spare team gious paintings in a variety of styles from literal to raced for them during the remainder of 1933 and in
250F in practice at Turin at the end of March 1955 impressionist. He remains a highly respected and most races in 1934. Nuvolari returned to Scuderia
and it proved necessary to amputate his left leg. He regarded artist and an exhibition of his work in Ferrari in 1935 and despite the strength of the
and his brother ran a large Lancia agency in Milan private collections was held in Canelli, Piedmonte not German opposition achieved some remarkable
until the 1980s. He acted as technical officer to far south of Alessandria in April 2001. successes. He left Scuderia Ferrari in early 1938 and
both the Monza circuit and the Italian Automobile shortly afterwards joined Auto Union with whom he
Club. He was also a consultant to the Maserati Massimino, Alberto, 1895-1975 remained until the outbreak of war. In post-war days
Register. Bom in Turin, Massimino worked for Fiat, Alfa he raced 4CLs for Scuderia Milano, but he was a sick
Romeo, AutoAvia/Ferrari and joined Maserati in man, suffering from emphysema. He died at Mantua
Marimon, Onofre, 1 924-54 1940. He was primarily responsible for the develop on 11 August 1953.
Argentinian whose father, Domingo, was a close ment of the improved 4CLT/48 GP car and the 6-
friend of Fangio. First appeared in Europe in 1951, cylinder models that led to the A6GCM Formula 2 Orsi, Adolfo, 1888-1972
drove for Talbot at Le Mans and also occasionally for car. He left Maserati in late 1952 and thereafter Successful Modena-based industrialist. He had three
Scuderia Milano. He raced a sponsored works worked as a consultant for Ermini, Ferrari, children, a son Omer and daughters Laura and Idina.
A6GCM in Argentinian blue and yellow colours in Stanguellini, de Tomaso and Serenìssima. He also He bought Maserati from the Maserati brothers with
1953. He became a works driver proper in 1954 carried out work at Fiat on aero engines. effect from 1 January 1937 and controlled it until its
and unofficial team leader after Fangio left. He was eventual sale to Citroën in 1968. Orsi’s control of
killed when he crashed his 2 5 OF in practice for the Moss, Sir Stirling, 19 2 9 - Maserati lasted almost three times as long as that of
German GE Outstanding British driver of the period from 1948 the Maserati brothers.
onwards. Raced own Maserati 250F in 1954, becom
Maserati, Cavaliere Alfieri, 1887-1932 ing part of the works team later that year. Drove for Orsi, Dottor Adolfo, Jnr, 1951-
Worked for Isotta Fraschini, founded Maserati spark Mercedes-Benz in 1955 (won Mille Miglia accompa Grandson of Adolfo Orsi, qualified as a lawyer and is
ing plug company with Trucco in 1918, raced Diattos nied by Jenkinson and was second in World now an expert on all aspects of Maserati. Currently
and acted as consultant development engineer. Championship). Returned to lead Maserati in 1956, writing a book on Maserati touring cars.
Founded Officine Alfieri Maserati in 1926. Died won Monaco and Italian GPs, finished second in the
following a kidney operation in 1932. World Championship and continued to drive works Orsi, Omer, 1918-1980
Maserati sports cars in 1957. Drove in Grands Prix for Son of Adolfo who became managing director of
Maserati, Bindo, 1883-1980 Vanwall (1 9 5 7 -5 8 ) and Rob Walker (Cooper and Officine Alfieri Maserati in 1954. He was in control of
Worked for Isotta Fraschini and joined Officine Alfieri Lotus, 1 9 5 9 -6 2 ). Tested works Maseratis and raced the company during its most successful racing years.
Maserati after the death of Alfieri in 1932. Stayed at sports cars on one occasion. Drove for Camoradi team He suffered ill-health, including kidney problems.
Maserati until the end of 1946 and thereafter and with Dan Gurney won the 1960 Nürburgring
founded OSCA with brothers Ernesto and Ettore. 1000-km race. Retired from racing after a serious acci Panini, Dottor Matteo, 1971-
dent with a Lotus at Goodwood on Easter Monday, Father, Umberto, worked with the motorcycle divi
Maserati, Carlo, 1881-1910 1962. sion of the battery and sparking plug company. The
Worked at Fiat, Bianchi and Isotta Fraschini with family runs a very successful printing business. Panini
whom he had a limited racing career. Musso, Luigi, 1924-58 has close connections with the Maserati factory and
Bom in Rome and raced private A6GCS as a works has a superb collection of Maseratis in his museum at
Maserati, Ernesto, 1894-1975 entry in 1 9 5 3 -5 4 and achieved considerable success the family’s Parmesan cheese farm near Modena.
Joined Alfieri at his original business, Officina Alfieri in Italian sports car races. Shared an A6GCM with Apart from touring cars, the collection includes 6CM
Maserati. Became President on Alfieri’s death and Mantovani in the 1953 Italian GE Became a works chassis number 1545, ex-Camoradi Tipo 61 chassis
stayed with Maserati until the end of 1946. Then Formula 1 driver in mid-1954 and finished second in number 2472 (the 1960 Nürburgring-winning car
with brothers Bindo and Ettore he founded OSCA in the Spanish GE Stayed with Maserati in 1955, but rebodied by Drogo) and ex-Scuderia Serenissime^ Tipo
Bologna. achieved only limited success, including third in 63 chassis number 63008.
Dutch GP and winning the Supercortemaggiore sports
Maserati, Ettore, 1894-1990 car race with Behra. Joined Ferrari for 1956 and had Perdisa, Cesare, 1932-1998
Joined Isotta Fraschini and then joined Alfieri at origi close rivalry with Eugenio Castellotti until the latter The Perdisa family was involved in agriculture and
nal Officina Alfieri Maserati. Stayed with Maserati until was killed in a testing asccident at Modena in April publishing and they were friends of the Orsis. Cesare
the end of 1946 when he left to form OSCA with 1957. Musso was killed with a Ferrari Dino in the raced sports Maseratis before becoming a member of
brothers Bindo and Ernesto. 1958 French GP at Reims. the works team in 1955 and he stayed until the end
APPENDIX 1 / 241
Appendix 2
APPENDIX 2 / 243
3 0 3 3 : Engine constructed only and supplied to 250 6 : Works team car raced in 1954 by Marimon. 2514: Built in September 1954 for Luigi Musso and
Cotton Henning to replace frost-damaged engine in Sold to Louis Rosier and raced consistently by him. It retained as works team car in 1955. Crashed by
3032. spent a long period in the Henri Malartre museum in Mantovani during practice at Turin in April 1955. It was
Rochetille-sur-Saône and then went to the Schlumpf rebuilt and sold in late 1955 to Horace Gould. It was
Collection. raced by him during 1 9 5 6 -5 8 and then retained. It was
The Tipo 8CL sold to H.C. Spero who raced it in VSCC Historic
2 5 0 7 : Built for Gilby Engineering and raced by Roy events, masquerading as 250F-engined A6GCM chassis
3 0 3 4 : Shipped to the United States after completion
Salvadori, 1 9 5 4 -5 6 , Jim Russell, Ivor Bueb and number 2 5 0 4 as cars built later than 1953 were not, at
in 1940 and driven in the Indianapolis 500 Miles
17-year-old Keith Greene (son of Gilby boss Sid this time, admitted by the Vintage Sports Car Club into
race by veteran Argentinian driver Raoul Riganti who
Greene), 1957. Sold through Performance Cars, Historic racing. It was later sold in Japan.
Brentford to Portuguese collector. Later it was
returned to the UK. 2515: Factory team car for 1955. It was sold to
3 0 3 5 : Completed in 1941 and stored during the war
Scuderia Guastalla in 1956 and driven by Gelino
years. It was shipped to the United States by Scuderia
2508: Built for Stirling Moss and raced by him in Gerini. Bought by Swiss enthusiast Count Ottorino
Milano and driven by Luigi Villoresi in the 1946
1954, becoming part of the works team from the Caen Volonterio in 1957, it was raced little and ultimately
Indianapolis 500 miles race. Shipped back to Europe
GE Fitted with SU fuel injection over winter of sold to Tom Wheatcroft for the Donington Grand Prix
and raced in two events by Villoresi.
1 9 5 4 -5 5 , together with Dunlop disc brakes and Car Collection. At some stage the car was fitted with
magnesium-alloy disc wheels. Entered by Moss in 1957 Lightweight-style body and it is painted red with
The Tipo 250F 1955 for various drivers including Mike Hawthorn, a yellow noseband, colours used by Fangio in some
‘J ohnny’ Claes, Lance Macklin, John Fitch and Bob 1957 races.
There were 3 4 250Fs built (including the Tec-Mec), Gerard. Raced again by Moss in 1956 and then sold
but there have been so many fakes and forgeries that, to Ross Jensen in New Zealand, with paperwork iden 251 6 : Factory team car for 1956. This car was sold to
as Matteo Panini has commented, if you gathered all tifying it as 2513. It spent many years in Australia, it Reg Hunt after the 1956 Australian Grand Prix. It was
the 250Fs in the world in one place, there would was returned to standard form, came to England and raced extensively and then imported back into the UK
between 50 and 60 cars present. then the United States. by Cameron Millar. It was sold to Anthony Mayman at
a later date.
2 5 0 1 : Number originally used on 250F-powered 250 9 : Built for Owen Racing Organisation and raced
A6GCM built up for Roberto Mieres. 250F with this by them until the new BRM P25 was ready. It was 2 5 1 7 : Unlucky number in Italy, especially in gambling
number built m id-1954. Works team car 1 9 5 5 -5 7 extensively modified, including the fitting of Dunlop circles. Number not used.
and used as development car. Rebuilt in 1958, re disc brakes and magnesium-alloy wheels. It was sold
numbered 2526 and sold to Moto Guzzi factory to Jack Brabham in 1956 and then to New Zealand 251 8 : Streamlined car driven by Behra in the 1955
rider, Keith Campbell. Little raced by him. where Chris Amon raced it. Later it was in a New Italian Grand Prix. It was later seriously damaged in a
Zealand museum. The Schlumpf Collection has a car fire at the works. The surviving components appar
2 5 0 2 : Number first used on 250F-powered A6GCM numbered 2511 built up with chassis frame 2509. ently stored. It appears that paperwork relating to this
supplied to Jorge Daponte. One of the first two BRM (Ron Flockhart at the wheel) crashed 2504 while chassis was supplied to a German enthusiast who
250Fs raced in the Argentine in 1954 also had this on loan from Bira and chassis frames were swapped. applied it to a CM replica.
number. Later in 1954 this new car was owned and
raced by Sergio Mantovani. Its ultimate fate is not 2 5 1 0 : Chassis number not used. 2 5 1 9 : Built for Luigi Piotti tn 1956. It was sold to
known. Scuderia Centro-Sud in 1958 and raced by Gelino
2 5 1 1 : Factory team car driven by Mantovani. It was Gerini. Was apparently returned to the factory. Parts of
2 5 0 3 : Number not used. sold to Scuderia Centro-Sud. Raced by them exten it may have been among those acquired by Cameron
sively and retained, but dismantled. Parts obtained by Millar.
2 5 0 4 : Number used for 250F-engined A6GCM raced Cameron Millar and built up again into 250F chassis
by Prince Birabongse to replace his 250F-engined number 2511. Sold in Japan. 2 5 2 0 : Factory team car for 1956. Sold to Stan Jones
A6GCM. Engine transferred to new 250F with this after the 1956 Australian Grand Prix. Later raced in
number to 250F raced by Bira m id-1954 to mid- 251 2 : Works team car in which Marimon was killed Historic events in the UK and subsequently sold in
1955, then ‘loaned’ to Horace Gould for a few races. in practice for the 1954 German Grand Prix. Rebuilt Italy.
Sold by Bira to Bruce Halford. Fitted with new chas and driven by Mantovani. Believed sold by factory at
sis frame at factory after being crashed by Halford. a later date as 2518. It should not to be confused 2 5 2 1 : Factory team car for 1956. Sold to John du Puy,
Raced in New Zealand in 1960 with Chevrolet with the CM jeplica that masqueraded under this American resident in Switzerland. Raced by Jean
engine. chassis number. Lucas, André Testut and, on one occasion, by Bruce
Halford. Sold to Serge Pozzoli.
2 5 0 5 : Driven by Fangio to a win in the 1954 2 5 1 3 : Supplied to Tony Vandervell as rolling chassis,
Argentine Grand Prix. Works team car through 1954. less engine and body, for design study purposes in 252 2 : Factory team car for 1956. Sold to Scuderia
Sold to André Simon and then Joakim Bonnier. Spent connection with Vanwall development. After Centro-Sud in 1957 and they raced it extensively.
a long period at Modena before being refurbished Vandervell’s death and some time after the acquisi Formed part of the collection of spares and compo
and presented to ■the Turin museum as chassis tion of VP Products by GKN, David Sankey, son of a nents bought by Cameron Millar and rebuilt on a new
number 2500. GKN director, completed the car for Historic racing. ‘Lightweight’ chassis made in the UK. Sold in Holland.
APPENDIX 2 / 245
Appendix 3
Specifications of Maserati
competition cars
Tipo 8CM -3000, 1933 onwards developing approximately 360bhp at 5,500rpm.
Engine: As 8C -3000 above, except power output Transmission, chassis and dimensions: As V4 above,
increased to 260bhp at 5,800rpm. except dry weight 2,0291b (920kg).
Tipo 26, 1926 Onwards
Engine: Straight-eight l,4 9 2 .6 c c (60 x 66mm), twin
overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears from the Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
nose of the crankshaft, single Roots-type super
charger; power output approximately 115bhp at Chassis: Channel-section, suspension by rigid axles
and semi-elliptic springs front and rear. Tipo 4C M -1100, 1931 onwards
Engine: In-line 4-cylinder l,0 8 8 c c (65 x 82mm), twin
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 7.1in (2,570m m ). Front overhead camshafts driven from the nose of the
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
track: 4ft 4.5in (1,330m m ). Rear track: 4ft 3.2in. crankshaft, Roots-type supercharger, power output
Chassis: Channel-section, suspension by rigid axles (1,300m m ). Dry weight: 1,5431b (700kg). approximately 105bhp at 6,600rpm.
and semi-elliptic springs front and rear.
Tipo 6C/34, 1934 onwards Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 8.3in (2,650m m ). Front Engine: In-line 6-cylinder 3 ,326cc (84 x 100mm),
track: 4ft 4.8in (1,340m m ). Rear track: 4ft 5.5in Chassis: Channel-section, suspension by rigid axles
twin overhead camshafts driven from the nose of the
(1,360m m ). Dry weight: 1,4331b (650kg). and semi-elliptic springs front and rear.
crankshaft, single Roots-type supercharger, power
output approximately 260bhp at 5,000rpm. In 1935
Tipo 26B , 1927 onwards these cars had a 3 ,729cc (84 x 112mm) engine devel
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 10.5in (2,400m m ). Front
As Tipo 26 above, except engine l,9 8 0 c c (62 x track: 3ft 11.2in (1,200m m ). Rear track: 3ft 11.2in
oping 280bhp at 5,300rpm.
82mm) developing 150bhp at 5,500rpm. (1,200m m ). Dry weight: 1,0581b (480kg).
Transmission, chassis and dimensions: As for 8CM-
Tipo 8C -1500, 1928 onwards 3000. Note: 4C S-1100 sports version built from 1932
Developed version of the Tipo 26 and similar specifi onwards with wider chassis, two-seater body and
cation except developing 120bhp at 5,000rpm. Dry engine developing 90bhp at 5,300rpm.
weight 1,5211b (690kg). THE 16-CYLINDER CARS
Tipo 4C M -1500, 1932 onwards
Tipo 8C -1100, 1929 onwards V4, 1929 onwards As 4CM -1100 above, except engine l,4 9 6 c c (69 x
As 8C -1500 above, except engine l,0 7 7 c c (51 x Engine: 90° V16 3 ,960cc (62 x 82mm), four overhead 100mm) power output approximately 130bhp at
66mm) developing lOObhp at 5,000rpm. camshafts driven by a train of gears from the noses of 6,100rpm and dry weight of 1,1001b (500kg).
the crankshafts, two Roots-type superchargers, power
Tipo 26M 8C -2500, 1930 onwards output approximately 305bhp at 5,500rpm. Note: 4C S-1500 sports version built from 1933
As 8C -1500 above, except engine 2,495cc (65 x onwards with wider chassis, two-seater body and
94mm) developing 175bhp at 5,300rpm. Dry Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox. engine developing 115bhp at 5,000rpm.
weight: 1,5901b (720kg). Chassis: Channel-section, suspension by rigid axles
and semi-elliptic springs front and rear. Tipo 4C M -2000, 1933 onwards
Tipo 26M 8C -2800, 1931 onwards As 4CM -1100 above, except engine l,9 6 9 c c (80 x
As 8C -2500 above, except engine 2,795cc (68 x Dimensions: Wheelbase: 9ft 2in (2,750m m ). Front 98mm) developing 155bhp at 5,500rpm.
94mm) developing 198bhp at 5,300rpm. track: 4ft 5in (1,350m m ). Rear track: 4ft 6in
(1,370m m ). Dry weight: 1,9801b (900kg). Tipo 4C M -2500, 1934 onwards
Tipo 26M 8C -3000, 1933 onwards As 4CM -1100 above, except engine 2,482cc (84 x
As 8C -2500 above except engine 2,992cc (69 x V5, 1932 onwards 112mm) developing 175bhp at 5,300rpm and dry
100mm) developing 230bhp at 5,500rpm. Engine: As V4 above, except 4,905cc (69 x 82mm) weight of 1,2781b (580kg).
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
Tipo 8CTF, 1938 onwards SUPERCHARGED CARS
Engine: In-line 8-cylinder, 2,992cc (69 x 100mm),
Chassis: Channel-section with independent front
with twin overhead camshafts driven from the nose of 4CLT/48, 1948 onwards
suspension by unequal-length wishbones and torsion
the crankshaft, two separate Roots-type superchargers Engine: In-line 4-cylinder l,4 8 9 c c (78 x 78mm), twin-
bars and rear suspension by rigid axle suspended on
with Memini twin-choke carburettors, power output overhead camshafts driven from the nose of the crank
quarter-elliptic leaf springs. Note: In 1947 some cars
approximately 360bhp at 6,000rpm. shaft, four valves per cylinder, single Weber twin-
were fitted with a tubular chassis and in this form
were known as the 4CLT choke carburettor, twin-stage supercharging, power
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox. output approximately 260bhp at 7,000rpm. Note:
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 2.4in (2,500m m ). Front 4CLT/50 had l,7 1 9 c c (78 x 90mm) engine with a
Chassis: Channel-section, with independent front power output of 290bhp at 6,800rpm. By 1950 the
track: 4ft 1.2in (1,250m m ). Rear track: 4ft 2in.
suspension by unequal-length wishbones and torsion 4CLT/48 had a power output of about 280bhp.
(1,272m m ). Dry weight: 1,3901b (630kg).
bars, rear suspension by underslung rigid axle and
quarter-elliptic springs. Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft llin . (2,720m m ). Front Chassis: Twin-tubular, with independent front suspen
track: 4ft 4.8in (1,340m m ). 4ft 5.4in (1,360m m ). sion by unequal-length wishbones and inclined coil
Dry weight: 1,5401b (700kg). Tipo A6-1500, 1 947-48 springs, rigid rear axle suspended on quarter-elliptic
Engine: In-line 6-cylinder l,4 8 8 c c (66 x 72.5mm), springs.
Tipo 8CL, 1940 onwards single overhead camshaft gear-driven from the nose of
Engine: As for 8CTF above, except 2,978cc (78 x the crankshaft, unsupercharged, power output approx Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 2.2in (2,500m m ). Front
78mm), four valves per cylinder, developing approxi imately 65bhp at 4,700rpm. track: 4 ft 1.2in (1,250m m ). Rear track: 3ft 11.2m
mately 420bhp at 6,400rpm. (1,200m m ). Dry weight 1,4201b (645kg).
Transmission: Single-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
Transmission, Chassis and Dimensions: As for 8CTF, 8CLT/50, 1950
except wheelbase 9ft 1.8in (2,790m m ) and dry Chassis: Twin-tubular with independent front suspen Engine: In-line 8-cylinder 2,978cc (78 x 78mm), twin
weight 1,5211b (690kg). sion by unequal-length wishbones and coil springs and overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears from
rear suspension by rigid axle suspended on coil springs. the nose of the crankshaft, four valves per cylinder,
twin-staging supercharging, power output approxi
THE V O IT U R E T T E S OF THE Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 4.4in (2,550m m ). Front mately 430bhp at 6,500rpm.
LATER 1930S track: 4ft 2.2in (1,274m m ). Rear track: 4ft 1.3in
(1,252m m ). Dry weight: 1,2571b (570kg). Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
Tipo 6CM-1500, 1936 onwards
Engine: In-line 6-cylinder l,4 9 3 c c 65 x 75), twin Tipo A6G, 1947 Chassis: Twin-tubular structure, with independent
overhead camshafts gear-driven from the nose of the Engine: As for A 6-1500 above, except l,9 5 4 c c (72 x front suspension by unequal-length wishbones and
crankshaft, single Roots-type supercharger, power 80mm), power output approximately 90bhp at inclined coil springs, rigid rear axle suspended on
output approximately 155bhp at 6,8 0 0 (later 4,700rpm. quarter-elliptic springs.
APPENDIX 3 / 2 4 7
Dimension: Wheelbase: 8ft 8in (2,720m m ). Front available from 1955 and subsequently fitted to most 300S, 1955 onwards
track: 4ft 6.7in (1,390m m ). Rear track: 4ft 5.3in cars). Engine: In-line 6-cylinder, 2 ,992.5cc (84 x 90mm),
(1,355m m ). Dry weight: 1,9841b (900kg). twin overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears
Chassis: Multi-tubular chassis, with independent front from the nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition,
suspension by unequal-length double wishbones and power output of approximately 245bhp at
THE UNSUPERCHARGED coil springs, de Dion rear axle with the tube running 6,200rpm.
SINGLE-SEATERS in front of the final drive/gearbox unit and suspended
on transverse semi-elliptic leaf spring. Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox
A6GCM, 1952-53 in unit with and behind the final drive (5-speed in
Engine: In-line 6-cylinder l,9 8 8 cc (75 x 75mm), 1952; Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 5.8in (2,280m m ), 1958).
l,9 7 8 cc (76.2 x 72mm), 1953; twin overhead cam 1 9 5 4 -5 6 ; 7ft 3.4in (2,225m m ); 1957; 7ft 2.6in
shafts driven by a train of gears from the nose of the (2,200m m ), 1958. Front track: 4 ft3 .2 in (1,300m m ), Chassis: Multi-tubular, whth front suspension by
crankshaft, single-plug ignition (twin-plug from 1 9 5 4 -5 7 ; 4ft 3.6in (1,310m m ), 1958. Rear track: 4ft unequal-length whshbones and coil springs, de Dion
September, 1952), power output approximately 1.2in (1,250m m ). Dry weight: 1,3891b (630kg), rear axle with the tube running in front of the final
165bhp at 7,000rpm (1952), 177bhp at 7,000rpm 1 9 5 4 -5 6 ; 1,2121b (550kg), 1958. drive/gearbox unit suspended on transverse semi-
(Iwin-plug form, late 1952); 190bhp at 8,000rpm elliptic leaf spring.
(1953). The Tipo 420/M /58
Engine: 90-degree V8, 4,190cc (93.8 x 75.8mm), Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 6.9in (2,310m m ). Front
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox. twin overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears track: 4ft 3.2in (1,300m m ). Rear track: 4ft 1.2in
from the nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition, (1,250m m ). Dry weight: 1,7201b (780kg).
Chassis: Twin-tubular structure, with independent power output of approximately 410bhp at 8,000rpm. Note:
front suspension by unequal-length double wish The 350S (Tipo 53), 1956, used an enlarged version
bones and coil springs compressing on rubber Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 2-speed gearbox of this engine; 3,483cc (86 x 100mm), with an
blocks, rigid rear axle suspended on quarter-elliptic mounted in unit with and behind the final drive. approximate ultimate power output of 325bhp at
springs. 6,000rpm. This car also had a revised chassis and a
Chassis: Multi-tubular structure with front suspension 5-speed gearbox in front and in unit with the final
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 6.9in (2310m m ). Front by unequal-length whshbones and coil springs, de drive.
track: 4ft 0.2in (1,225m m ). Rear track: 3ft 9.7in Dion rear axle with the tube running in front of the The same designation 350S (Tipo 57) was used for
(1,160m m ). Dry weight: 1,1001b (500kg). final drive/gearbox unit and suspended on transverse a version of the 300S that appeared in 1957, 60-
semi-elliptic spring. degree V 12, 3 ,4 9 5 cc (73.8 x 68mm), with a power
250F, 1954 onwards output of approximately 335bhp at 9,000rpm.
Note: The 250F was built in three series generally Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 10.5in (2,400m m ). Front Driven in the 1957 Mille Miglia by Herrmann and
known as follows: track: 4ft 3.2in (1,300m m ). Rear track: 4ft 1.2in entered at that year’s Venezuelan Grand Prix, but
Tl: The original model built 1 9 5 4 -5 6 , used by the (1,250m m ). Dry weight: 1,6711b (758kg). withdrawn. Other V12 engines with different cylinder
works and sold to private owners. During this period dimensions were installed experimentally in this
there were also two works cars built for the 1956 chassis.
Italian Grand Prix whth engine and transmission THE SPORTS CARS O F THE 1950S The Tipo 58, 1958 was a 300S chassis with 60-
angled in the frame and lower overall height. degree V12 3,000cc (68.2 x 68mm) engine develop
T2: The 1957 ‘Lightweight’ cars of which three were A6GCS, 1953 onwards ing approximately 305bhp at lO.OOOrpm. It was
built for use by the works team. In 1957 Maserati Engine: In-line 6-cylinder, l,9 8 5 .6 c c (76.5 x 72mm), intended for World Sports Car Championship racing,
also introduced the V12-engined 250F which ran in twin overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears but not used.
a couple of races. from the nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition,
T3: The 1958 lighter, shorter Piccolo cars. power output of approximately 165bhp at 7,300rpm. Tipo 150S, 1955 onwards
Engine: In-line 4-cylinder l,4 8 4 .1 c c (81 x 72mm),
Engine: In-line cylinder 2 ,493.8cc (84 x 75mm), twin Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox. twin overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears
overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears from from the nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition,
the nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition, power Chassis: Twin-tubular, with independent front suspen power output of approximately 140bhp at
output of about 220/240bhp at 7,200rpm (1954), sion by unequal-length wishbones and coil springs, 7,500rpm.
270bhp at 8,000rpm (1956), 280bhp at 8,000rpm rigid rear axle suspended on quarter-elliptic springs.
(1957), 290bhp at 8,000rpm (1958). The 60-degree Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox
V12 engine had a capacity of 2,490cc (68.7 x Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 6.9in (2,310m m ). Front mounted in unit with and behind the final drive
56mm), twin overhead camshafts per bank of cylin track: 4ft 4.5in (1,335m m ). Rear track: 4ft 0.3in (5-speed available from 1956).
ders driven by a train of gears from the nose of the (1,220m m ). Dry weight: 1,2781b (580kg).
crankshaft, twin plugs per cylinder and a power of Chassis: Multi-tubular, with independent front
approximately 310/320bhp at 10,000rpm. 250S, 1954 suspension by unequal-length wishbones and coil
As A6GCS above, except for 2 ,493.8cc (84 x 75mm) springs, de Dion rear axle with the tube running in
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed in unit engine, developing approximately 220bhp at front of the final drive/gearbox unit and suspended
with and behind the final drive (5-speed gearbox 7,000rpm. on transverse semi-elliptic leaf spring.
APPENDIX 3 / 2 4 9
Beaulieu, Lord Montagu of Lost Causes of Jenkinson, Denis A Story of Formula 1 Salvadori, Roy and Pritchard, Anthony Roy
Motoring: Europe, Volume 1, (Cassell & (Grenville Publishing Company, 1960) Salvadori, Racing Driver (Patrick Stephens
Company, 1969) Limited, 1985)
Jenkinson, Denis The Maserati 250F
Blunsden, John, Formula Junior (Motor (Macmillan, 1975) Taruffi, Piero Works Driver (Temple Press
Racing Publications, 1961) Books, 1964)
Jenkinson, Denis Directory o f Historic Racing
Cholmondley-Tapper TP Amateur Racing Cars (Aston Publications, 1987) Venables, David The Racing Fifteen-Hundreds
Driver (G.T Foulis, 1954) (Transport Bookman Publications, 1984)
Jenkinson, Denis Maserati 3011, The Story of
Clutton, Cecil, Posthumus, Cyril and a Racing Car (Aries, 1987) Venables, David First Among Champions, The
Jenkinson, Denis The Racing Car, Alfa Romeo Grand Prix Cars (Haynes
Development & Design (B.T Batsford, 1956) Lewis, Peter Alf Francis, Racing Mechanic Publishing, 2000)
(G.T Foulis, circa 1958)
Costin, Michael and Phipps, David Racing Yates, Brock (with photographs by Smith
and Sports Car Chassis Design (B.T Batsford, Lurani, Giovanni Mille Miglia, 1927—57 Hempstone Oliver) Vanderbilt Cup Race
1961, 1965, 1974) (Automobile Year, 1981) Photo Archive, 1936 and 1937 (Icongrafix
Photo Archives Series, 1997)
Crump, Richard and Box, Rob de la Rive Mathieson, TA.S.O. A Pictorial Survey of
Maserati Sports, Racing and GT Cars from Racing Cars Between the Years 1919 and 1939 Il Tridente, Stona Della Maserati (Third
1926, (Second Edition, Foulis/Haynes, (Motor Racing Publications, 1963) edition, Editoriale II Borgo, 1964)
Monkhouse, George and King-Farlow, Maserati: Una Storia nella Storica dalle origini
Dreyfus, René (with Beverley Rae Kimes) Roland Grand Prix Racing Facts and Figures, al 1945 (Editrice, Milano, 1980)
My Two Lives (Aztex Corporation, 1983) 1894-1963 (Third Edition, G.T Foulis, 1964)
Vittorie Maserati, 1926—54 (Officine Alfieri
Eason Gibson, John Motor Racing 1947 Moss, Stirling with Nye, Doug My Cars, My Maserati)
(Motor Racing Publications Limited, 1949) Career (Patrick Stephens Limited, 1987)
Magazines include The Autocar, Autocourse,
Fangio, Juan Manuel My Twenty Years of Nye, Doug Cooper Cars (Osprey Publishing, Autosport, Classic & Sports Car, The Motor,
Racing (Temple Press Limited, 1961) 1983) Motor Racing, Motor Sport, Road & Track.
Fusi, Luigi Alfa Romeo, Tutte Le Vetture Dal Pritchard, Anthony Maserati, A History Annuals: The Motor Year Book (Temple Press
1910 (Emmetigrafica, Third Edition, 1978) (David & Charles, 1976) 1 9 4 9 -5 7 )
Hull, Peter and Slater, Roy Alfa Romeo, A Reggiani, Giancarlo Racing Maseratis
History (Cassell & Company, 1964) (Giorgio Nada Editore, 2001)
INDEX / 251
Brown, Alan: 129 Chilometro Lanciato di Bologna speed trial: Cortese, Franco: 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, Dickson, Tom: 235
Brunet, Robert: 44, 49, 50 1926, 15 74, 76, 78, 84, 9 0 Dieppe Grand Prix: 1 9 3 4 : 45
Brynfan Tyddn races, USA: 1 953, 115 Chiron, Louis: 20, 25, 28, 29, 31 , 33 , 37 , 38, Costin, Frank: 182 Divo, Albert: 18, 21,
Bueb, Ivor: 160, 180, 2 2 8 , 2 3 5 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 79, 85, Coupe Deiamare Debouteville, Rouen: 197 Dobson, Arthur: 64, 65, 67, 68, 71
Buell, Temple: 180, 183, 191, 192, 193 88, 89, 91, 96, 98, 106, 142, 217, 221 Coupe de Paris races: 1939, 216 Dobson, Austin: 63
Buenos Aires City Grand Prix: 1 953, 107; Chrysler Corporation: 2 14 Coupe des Petits Cylindre (es, Reims: 1948, 94 D ’Oliveira, Casimiro: 115
1954, 118, 2 2 2 -2 2 3 ; 195 5 , 130; 1 956, Ciano, Count Galeazzo (Italian Foreign Affairs Coupe du Commission Sportive, Reims: Dolomite Gold Cup race: 1 9 4 8 , 94 ; 1 950,
141; 1 957, 155; 1 958, 1 8 8 -1 8 9 Minister): 55 1 9 3 9 , 75 99; 1 9 5 5 , 137
Buenos Aires 1 0 0 0 Km race: 1954, 127; 1955, Circuit Automobile della Superba, Genoa: Coupe Rainier Voiturette race, Monaco: 1936, Don, Kaye: 29
136; 1956, 147; 1957: 180; 1960, 199 1 937, 64 58 Dona Eva Duarte de Peron, International
Bugatti, Ettore: 216 Citroen SA: 213 Coventry Climax engines: 204, 208, 2 10 Grand Prix of: 1 9 4 9 : 94
Bugatti, Jean: 216 Citroen SM car: 213 Cozza, Ermanno: 106, 116, 129, 178, 236 Donington Grand Prix: 1 9 37, 67; 1 9 3 8 , 71
Bugatti company: 26, 27, 2 9 , 40, 50 Claes, ‘J ohnny’: 108 Crawford, Bill: 199 Donington Park Trophy: 1 9 3 4 , 49; 1 9 3 5 , 54
Bugatti cars Clark, Jim : 2 1 0 , 235 Cremona, Circuit of: 1 9 2 9 , 2 1 Dönitz, Admiral Karl: 83
Generally: 12, 18, 72, Collins, Peter: 118, 125, 126, 131, 133, 143, Crystal Palace: August B an k H oliday M onday Doret, Marcel (pilot): 48
Type 3 5 (all variants): 15, 16, 17, 2 0 , 21, 144, 146, 147, 150, 151, 155, 156, 1 9 5 4 , 225: S ep tem ber 1 9 5 4 , 2 2 6 ; W hit D ’Orey, Fritz: 196
25, 2 7 . 159, 160, 183, 189, 222, 226, 227, M onday 1 9 5 5 , 2 2 6 ; August B an k H oliday Douglas, Kirk: 2 23
Type 37A: 32 2 2 8 , 229 Satu rday 1 9 5 5 , 226 Dragoini, Eugenio: 210
Type 50: 26 Coloni, Valerio: 102, 116, 178, 180, 196, 197 Cuban Grand Prix: 1 9 5 7 : 180; 1958, 193; Drake, Bob: 201
Type 51: 26, 2 7 , 28, 3 0 , 31, 3 3 , 3 6 , 3 7 , Colombo, Giaocchino: 106, 116 1 9 6 0 ,1 9 9 Dreyfus, René: 25, 26 , 27, 28, 29, 30 , 32 ,
39, 40, 44, 88 Comotti, Gianfranco: 43, 47, 68, 101 Cucinotta, Lettorio Piccola: 25 36 , 38, 39 , 45, 50, 51, 53, 6 3 -6 4 , 65,
Type 51A: 3 7 , 4 4 , 53, 59 Comminges Grand Prix, 1 9 3 2 , 32 ; 1 9 3 3 , 38; Cumberland races, USA: 1 9 5 3 , 115 68, 77, 78
Type 5 4 : 2 6 , 29, 3 1 , 3 8 , 40 193 4 , 47; 1947, 89, 2 1 6 ; 1 9 4 8 , 93; Cuneo-Colle della Magdalena hill climb: Drogo, Piero, coacbuilder: 195, 196, 205, 20 7
Type 55: 2 1 6 195 2 , 221 1 9 3 0 , 25 Dubonnet, André: 232, 233
Type 57SC: 3 4 Condii, Count Caberto: 16, 18, Cunningham, Briggs: 199, 2 0 1 , 2 0 2 , 203, Du Puy: Joh n : 64, 65, 75, 151, 215, 2 34
Type 59: 3 7 , 3 8 , 3 9 , 40, 41, 45, 48, 49, Connaught cars 204, 205 Duesenberg cars: 35 , 3 8
55, 57 Generally: 155 Cunningham-Reid, Noel: 182 Duncan, Dale: 183
Burgess, Ian: 196 A Series F2 car: 118, 221 Czaikowski, Count Stanislas: 38, Dusio, Piero: 51, 56 , 64, 69
Burggaller, Ernst: 3 3 , 44 B Senes F I cars: 132, 133, 134, 141, 142, Czechoslovakian Grand Prix: 1 9 3 1 , 29 ; 1 932, Dutch Grand Prix: 1 9 50, 99 ; 1 9 5 3 , 108, 222;
145, 146, 2 2 6 , 227, 228, 231 33 1 9 5 5 , 133
Cabianca, Giulio: 150 Coombs, John: 195
Cabral, Mario: 196 Cooper, Charlie: 209 Daigh, Chuck: 20 0 Ecurie Bleue: 76
Caen Grand Prix: 195 4 , 1 2 3 ; 1956, 144, Cooper, John: 209 D aily Telegraph Trophy, Aintree: 1 9 5 5 , 2 2 7 Ecurie B raillard, 44, 48
2 2 8 , 2 3 1 ; 1 957, 160, 2 3 3 -2 3 4 ; 1 958, Cooper-Bristol F2 car: 221, 222, 229, 231 Dakar races: 1 9 5 4 , 127; 1 9 5 6 , 147 Ecurie Ecosse: 152, 157, 193, 2 35
235 Cooper-Aka F2 car: 222 Dakar Sports Car Grand Prix, 1 9 5 5 , 136 Ecurie Lucy O ’Reilly-Schell: 7 6 , 77
Cadours, Circuit of: 1 9 5 2 , 106, 221 Cooper-Bristol sports car: 129, 22 9 Danaher, Sean: 34, 63 Edgar,John: 180
Calabria, Circuit of: 1954, 129 Cooper-Maserati 2-litre car: 115 Daponte, Jorge: 114, 223 Eifelrennen: 1 9 3 4 , 44; 1 9 36, 55; 1 9 3 7 , 65;
C am oradi USA: 196, 197, 198, 199, 20 0 , Cooper-Climax sports car: 228 Davis, Cliff: 114, 129 1 9 5 3 , 108, 222
2 0 1 ,2 0 2 ,2 0 4 , Cooper-Climax F I and F 2 cars: 160, Davis, Colin: 80, 196, 2 04 Eifelrennen Voiturette race: 1 9 3 5 , 52; 1 9 3 6 , 58
Campagna, coachbuilder: 2 3 2 1 8 7 -1 8 8 , 189, 2 0 1 , 2 3 3 , 235 Davis, SCH ‘Sammy’: 80 Elva car: 138
Campari, Giuseppe: 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 28, Cooper-Maserati 2 5 0 0 cc F I cars: 196, 201 DB cars: 129, 133, 137 Embiricos, Nicholas :59
2 9 , 3 1 , 3 5 , 3 6 , 3 7 , 3 8 ,3 9 Cooper-Maserati 1500cc F I cars: 2 0 4 De Filippis, Marie-Therese: 137, 139, 195 EM W cars: 140
Campbell, Sir Malcolm: 29, Cooper Monaco cars: 195, 196, 204, 2 35 De Graffenried, Baron Emmanuel: 6 4 -6 5 , E n sley jack: 147
Campbell Trophy, Brooklands: 1938: 215 Cooper T80-Maserati car: 2 10 75, 84, 85, 89, 91, 95, 96, 98, 105, E quipe D evon e: 2 29
Campione d’Italia, Circuit of: 1 9 3 7 , 67 Cooper T81-Maserati car: 210, 211, 212 106, 107, 115, 117, 127, 137, ERA cars: 48, 52 , 53 , 57 , 58, 59, 63, 65, 66,
Campos, Benedicto: 2 1 7 Cooper T86-Maserati car: 212 2 1 5 -2 2 3 , 2 3 4 67, 68, 71, 72, 76, 87, 91, 93, 95, 215,
Canonica, André, 223 Copenhagen Grand Prix: 1 9 5 8 : 194 De Las Casas, Raphael Bethenod (‘Georges 2 1 7 , 219
Caracciolia, Rudolf: 25, 2 9 , 3 0 , 32, 3 5 , 46, Coppa Acerbo: 1 9 2 7 , 17; 1930, 25 ; 1 9 3 2 , Raph’), 5 6 -5 7 , 68, 69, 91 Erlen, Circuit of: 1 9 5 0 , 218
47, 49, 51, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 76 3 2 - 3 3 ; 1 933 , 3 8 ; 1 9 3 4 , 46; 1 9 3 5 , 53; De Paolo, Peter: 44 Ermini, Pasquino: 66
Carini, Piero: 97, 104, 109, 127 1936, 5 6 ; 1 9 3 8 , 7 0 -7 1 De Portago, Marquis Alfons: 128, 144, 150, Escuderia B andeiran tes: 103, 104, 105, 107
Camaria, Circuit of: 193 9 , 76 Coppa Acerbo Voiturette race: 1 9 3 2 , 33; 153, 160, 180, 182, 223 Etancelin, Philippe: 25, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44,
Carraroli, coachbuilder: 90 1933, 3 8 ; 1934, 46; 1 9 35, 53 ; 1 9 3 6 , 59; DeSterlich, Marquis Diego, 16, 17, 18 45, 46, 50, 51 , 52, 53, 54 , 55 , 5 6 -5 7 ,
Carrera Panamericana-Mexico road race: 193 8 , 70; 1 9 3 9 , 77 De Tomaso, Allesandro: 146, 2 1 4 84 , 96, 97, 2 1 8 , 219
1 953, 115 Coppa Ciano: 1 9 3 0 , 25 ; 1931, 29 ; 1 9 3 2 , 32; De Tomaso, Isobel (neé Haskell): 2 14 Eva Peron Cup race, 1 9 4 7 , 87; 91
Casablanca Grand Prix: 1 9 3 2 , 3 1 ; 1 9 3 4 , 44 193 3 , 3 7 ; 1934, 45 ; 1 9 3 8 , 70 De Tomaso cars: 2 14 Everitt, Bill: 54, 67, 69
Caserta, Circuit of: 193 9 , 2 5 ; 1 9 5 3 , 114 Coppa Ciano Voiturette race: 1 9 3 2 , 3 2 ; 1933, Dei, Giuglielmo: 188, 192, 196, 223, 2 36 Eyston, Captain George: 28, 29 , 44
Casner, Lloyd: 198, 199, 2 0 1 , 2 0 2 , 203, 3 7 ; 1 9 3 6 , 5 9 ; 1 9 3 8 , 7 0 ,2 1 5 ; 1939, 76 Del Parco, Marchese Carcano di Anzanio: 11
2 0 4 , 20 5 , 2 0 6 , 2 0 7 , 2 0 8 Coppa Collina Pistoiese hill climb: 1927, 16 Delage cars Fagioli, Luigi: 18, 24, 25 , 27, 28, 29 , 30 , 31,
Castagna coachwork, 29 Coppa Edda Ciano: 1 9 3 5 , 56 ; 1 9 3 6 , 59 ; Generally: 22, 50, 88, 90 33 , 35 , 36, 3 7 , 38 , 39 , 45, 46, 47, 51,
Castelbarco, Count Luigi: 27, 28, 3 1 , 3 2 , 44, 1 938, 71 Delage V8 1500cc: 5 8 -5 9 52, 218
47, 52 Coppa Fiorio: 19 0 7 , 11 Delahaye cars: 50 , 68, 76, 8 4 Fairfield, Pat: 59 , 64, 65
Castellotti, Eugenio: 1 3 0 ,1 3 1 , 133, 134, Coppa Galenga: 1 9 2 7 : 16, Delamont, Dean: 231 Falchetto, Bruno: 48, 50
135, 138, 143, 145, 150, 151, 155, 180 Coppa Leonardi: 1927,17, 1 9 2 8 , 20 Della Chiesa, Luigi: 50, 54 Fangio, Juan Manuel: 81, 87, 91, 95, 96 , 98,
Castle Combe: O ctober 1 955, 2 2 7 Coppa Messina: 1 927, 13 Della Stufa, Marquis de: 51 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110,
Cecei, Raphaele: 49 Cork Light Car race: 1 9 3 8 , 68 Del Parco, Marchese Carcano di Ananzo: 11 111, 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119,
Chaboud, Eugene: 84, 88, 90 Coronation Trophy, Crystal Palace: 1 9 3 7 , 64; Dewoitine (aircraft): 48 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
Chambost, Robert: 3 3 , 3 7 1 938, 68 Diatto company:12, 14 129, 130, 132, 134, 135, 136, 139,
Chapman, Colin: 197 Corsi, Secondo: 46 Diatto cars: 12, 13, 14 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 150,
INDEX / 253
Landi, Guido: 37, Marimon, Onofre: 87, 107, 108, 110, 112, 6C M -1500: 5 7 -5 8 , 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 10/F1 engine: 211
Lang, Hermann: 64, 69, 70, 74, 76, 111, 113, 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 6 7 -6 8 , 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, A6G/54 GT: 149, 186
112, 114 123, 124 84, 90, 91, 216 3 5 0 0 GT: 148, 186
Lausanne Grand Prix: 1947, 89, 21 7 ; 1949, Marinoni, Attilio: 71 6C S-1500: 58 Bora: 213
218 Mar del Plata Grand Prix: 1 9 4 8 , 91; 1950, 6CM with 4CM engine: 65, 66, 67, 69, Merak: 213
Lehoux, Marcel: 27, 29, 31, 3 7 , 3 9 , 45, 48, 97, 2 1 8 70, 71, 72, 75 Biturbo: 2 1 4
Le Begue, René: 78 Mario, Carlo: 2 0 4 4C L-1500: 61, 7 2 -7 3 , 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, B arch etta: 2 1 4
Le Mans 2 4 Hours race: 1 9 5 4 128; 1955, Marne Grand Prix: 1 9 3 1 , 29; 1 9 3 3 , 3 7 ; 1934, 81 , 83, 84, 85 , 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, Maserati motorcycles: 81
133, 137; 1 956, 1 5 1 -1 5 2 ; 1 957, 4 5 ; 1 935, 53; 1 9 4 8 , 88 93, 101, 2 1 6 , 22 4 Maserati commercial vehicles: 81
1 8 2 -1 8 3 , 2 3 2 : 1 9 6 0 , 2 0 0 -2 0 1 , 2 3 5 ; Marseille Grand Prix: 1932, 33, 35 ; 1933, 38; 8CTF: 61, 66, 6 8 -6 9 , 7 0 -7 1 , 74, 75, 76, Eletrocarri Maserati: 61
196 1 , 2 0 3 , 2 3 5 ; 1 962, 2 0 5 - 2 0 6 ; 1963, 1 946, 8 4 , 2 1 6 ; 1 9 4 7 , 88 ; 1 9 5 2 , 106, 78 Masetti, Giulio: 12
2 0 7 ; 196 4 , 2 0 8 ; 1 9 6 5 , 208 221 8CL: 78, 85 , 86, 91 Massacurati, Dr: 72
Le Mans Practice Weekend, 1961: 2 0 3 ; 1963: Martin, Charles: 55, 64, 67 4CLT: 88, 2 1 6 , 2 17 Massimino, Alberto: 61, 81, 90 , 102, 104,
2 0 7 ; 196 4 , 2 0 8 ; 1 965, 208 Martin, Townsend Bradley: 57, 65 4CLT/48: 53 , 61, 81, 9 1 -9 2 , 93, 94, 95, 106, 115
Les Sables d’Olonne, Circuit of: 1 952, 106; Marzotto, Paolo: 99, 128 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 217, 2 1 8 , 219, Materassi, Emilio: 13, 15, 16, 20
1 9 5 6 (sports cars ), 151 Marzotto, Vittorio: 128, 136 220 Matrullo, Frederico: 33 , 45
‘Levegh’ (Pierre Bouillon): 88, 8 9 ; 135 Masaryk, Circuit of: 1 9 3 4 , 4 8 -4 9 ; 1 9 3 7 , 67 4CLT/50: 97 Mays, Raymond: 48, 52, 65, 66, 69, 71
Lewis, Hon. Brian: 28, 36, 43 Masaryk Circuit of, Voiturette race: 1 9 3 7 , 67 8CLT/50: 9 7 -9 8 Mays, Rex: 78
Lewis, Charles: 3 4 Maserati, Alfieri: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, A 6-1500: 61, 81, 90 McAfee, Ernie: 114
Lewis, David: 3 4 1 6 , 2 0 ,2 1 , 2 5 , 26, 28, 29, 3 0 ,3 5 A6G: 90 McDill Field race, Tampa Florida: 1953, 114
Lewis-Evans, Stuart: 158, 159, 177, 228 Maserati, Bindo: 10, 11, 12, 26, 30, 61, 79, A6GCS: 90, 9 3 -9 4 , 97, 99 McEvoy, Frank: 59
Ligier, Guy: 210 90 A6GCM: 1 0 2 -1 0 3 , 104, 105, 1 0 6 -1 0 7 , McLaren, Bruce: 201, 203, 2 0 4 , 205
Liguori, Ralph: 194 Maserati, Carlo: 10 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 221, Menditeguy, Carlos: 133, 141, 142, 147,
Lisbon Sports Car Grand Prix: 1953, 110; Maserati, Caroline (n eé Losi): 10, 222, 2 2 4 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 180, 182,
1 9 5 5 , 137, 223 Maserati, Ernesto: 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, A6GCM/250F: 117, 118, 119, 123, 125, 188
Lister, Brian: 2 3 4 2 1 , 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 , 29, 30 , 31 , 32, 126, 222, 223 Mercedes cars: 13
Lister-Bristol car: 115 3 3 , 61, 63, 79, 90, 117 A6GCS (Second Series): 1 1 3 -1 1 4 , 115, Mercedes-Benz cars:
Lister-Maserati car: 115, 153 Maserati, Ettore: 10, 11, 12, 61, 79, 90 127, 128, 129, 135, 136, 137, 138, Generally: 40
Lister-Jaguar car: 193, 2 3 4 -2 3 5 Maserati, Mario: 10, 13 139, 150, 151, 152, 153, 222, 223, 2 24 SSK: 21 , 25
Lloyd, Bill: 153 Maserati, Rodolfo: 10 A6GCS M ille M iglia: 127 SSKL: 29
Lockboume Air Base races, Ohio, USA: 1953, Maserati company: 26, 27, 41, 49, 50 , 54, Tipo 250S: 1 2 8 -1 2 9 , 149 W 25: 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 , 52,
115 59, 61, 75, 78, 133, 144, 2 1 2 , 213, 4CF2 engine: 115 56
Loens, André: 151, 232 214 250F/1: 106, 1 1 6 -1 1 7 , 118, 119, 120, W 125: 64, 66, 67
London Trophy Formule Libre race, Crystal Maserati Corporation of America: 186 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, W 154: 68, 69, 70, 71
Palace: 1938, 69 Maserati-France: 206, 20 8 1 2 9 -1 3 0 , 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, W 163: 74, 76, 78
Lorraine Grand Prix: 1 932, 32 M aserati SpA, F abbrica C an d ele A ccm ulatori: 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 153, W 165: 74
Lotus Eleven cars: 153, 197, 231 62, 81, 82 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, W 196: 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123,
Lotus 15 car: 197 Maserati cars: 177, 178, 188, 189, 192, 193, 201, 125, 126, 127, 130, 132, 133, 134,
Lotus 16 cars: 192, 197, 235 Tipo 2 6 : 14, 15, 16, 17, 3 0 , 31 , 3 2 , 33, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 225
Lotus 49 cars: 2 1 0 , 211 37 230, 2 3 1 ,2 3 2 ,2 3 3 , 2 3 4 , 235 300SLR: 130, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139
Louveau, Henri: 85, 88, 89 Tipo 26B: 16, 17, 2 0 , 2 1 ,2 4 , 25 2 5 0 F V 1 2 : 1 5 4 -1 5 5 , 156, 157, 158, 159, Meregalli, Guido: 12
Loyens, Bert: 3 4 8 C -1 1 0 0 : 2 2 , 24, 25 160, 177, 189, 222 Merrick, Tony: 161
Lugo, Aldo: 106 8 C -1 5 0 0 : 15, 18, 20 2 5 OF Piccolo: 189, 191, 192, 193, 196 Messina-Vinci Cup race, 1 9 2 7 , 16
Lucas, Jean: 152, 223 8 C -2 5 0 0 (Tipo 26M ): 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 27, 300S: 129, 1 3 5 -1 3 6 , 137, 138, 139, 140, Messina 10-Hour Night Race: 1 9 5 4 , 129;
Lucca, Circuit of, Voiturette race: 193 7 , 66 2 8 , 2 9 , 3 1 , 3 2 , 38, 41 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 1 9 5 5 , 137
Lurani, Count ‘J ohnny’: 42, 47, 52, 63, 64, 8 C -2 8 0 0 : 2 9 , 3 0 , 3 1 , 3 5 , 3 7 153, 178, 180, 182, 183, 184, Messina sports car race: 1 9 5 9 , 196
67, 69, 8 7 , 88, 9 3 , 94 TA-2800: 30 1 9 3 -1 9 4 Metternich, Prince: 151
8 C -3 0 0 0 : 3 5 , 3 6 ,3 8 , 4 1 , 4 3 ,4 6 350S: 1 4 7 -1 4 9 , 151, 152, 178, 179 Mexican Grand Prix: 1 9 6 6 , 210
Mackay Fraser, Herbert: 159 8C M -3000: 3 5 -3 6 , 37 , 38, 39, 40, 41, 150S: 129, 1 3 9 -4 0 , 146, 147, 150, 151, MG cars
MacHin, Lance: 106, 133, 221 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 , 47, 48, 49, 50 , 55, 152, 1 5 3 ,2 3 0 Generally: 29, 37 , 44
Maclure, Percy: 65 66; 67 200S: 140, 1 4 6 -1 4 7 , 151, 180, 189 MG Magnette cars: 36 , 38 , 4 1 -4 2 , 47, 49
Madrid 1100 cc Sports Car race: 1 949, 2 1 8 4CTR -1100: 29 200SI: 146, 151, 152, 153 MG A Twin-Cam: 80
Maggi, Count Aymo: 16, 18, 20, 25, 2 7 4C S-1100: 30, 41, 47, 51, 55, 63 250S; 195 Mieres, Roberto: 117, 118, 119, 123, 126,
Maglioli, Umberto: 109, 114, 125, 127, 128, 4C M -1100: 3 0, 31 , 32 , 35 , 49, 53 , 54 450S: 152, 153, 157, 1 7 8 -1 7 9 , 180, 181, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 137, 139,
129, 136, 137, 144, 150, 199, 202, 4C M -1500: 30 , 37 , 38 , 44, 47, 49, 51, 182, 183, 184, 187 141
203 52, 5 3 , 54, 57 , 58 , 59; 64, 65, 68, 69, 350S V12 (Tipo 57): 1 8 1 -1 8 2 , 183, 187 Milan Grand Prix: 1 9 4 6 , 85, 2 16
Mainwaring, Dick: 138 215 420/M58 Eldorado Special: 1 9 0 -1 9 1 , 194 Milan Voiturette Grand Prix: 1 9 3 8 , 71
Mairesse, ‘W illy’: 203 4C S-1500: 51, 52, 55, 59, 65 V I 2 3-litre (Tipo 58), 194 Milan, Circuit of: 1937, 65
Malaguti, Romano: 45, 47, 49 4 C -2 0 0 0 : 3 7 , 38 60 ‘Bird-cage’: 197, 198, 201, 2 04 Milan, Circuit of, Voiturette race, 1 9 3 6 , 59;
Mallory Park: B R SC C m eetin gju ly 195 6 , 231 4 C -2 5 0 0 : 41, 44, 56 61 ‘Bird-cage’: 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 1937, 65
Maloja hill climb: 194 6 , 2 1 6 V 4 Sedici Cilindri: 21 , 24, 25, 27 , 28 , 29, 2 0 3 , 204, 205 M ilano cars: 96, 98, 101, 131, 21 8
Mancini, Luigi: 114, 140 3 4 , 52 63 ‘Bird-cage’: 201, 202, 2 0 3 -2 0 4 , 205 Millar, Cameron: 180, 2 3 6 -2 3 7
Mantovani, Sergio: 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, V5 Sedici Cilindri: 30 , 31, 33 , 35, 40, 43, 6 4 ‘Bird-cage’: 2 0 4 Mille Miglia: 1 9 2 8 18; 1 9 2 9 , 20 ; 1 9 3 0 , 24;
123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130 44, 46, 52 65 ‘Bird-cage’: 208 1 9 3 1 , 2 7 ; 1 9 3 2 , 30 ; 1 9 3 3 , 41; 1 9 3 4 ,
Manzon, Robert: 121, 142, 150, 153 6C/34: 13, 47, 4 8 -4 9 , 50, 51, 52 , 54, 56, 151: 205, 206 5 0 - 5 1 ; 1 9 3 5 , 55; 1 9 3 7 , 63; 1 9 3 8 , 78;
Mar de Plata Grand Prix; 1949, 95 215 151/1: 206, 207, 208, 2 09 1 9 4 0 , 78; 1 9 4 7 , 90; 1 9 4 8 , 9 3 - 9 4 ; 1 949,
Marazza, Aldo: 64, 65, 6 9 , 70 V8RI: 13, 5 2 -5 3 , 5 4 -5 5 , 5 6 -5 7 , 58, 8/F1 engine; 2 0 7 -8 97 ; 1 9 5 3 , 114; 1 9 5 4 , 128; 1 9 5 5 , 136;
Margulies, Dan: 137 6 5 -6 6 9/F1 engine: 2 0 9 -2 1 0 1 9 5 6 , 1 4 9 -1 5 0 ; 1 9 5 7 , 1 8 0 -1 8 2
INDEX / 2 5 5
Scotti, Piero: 127 Spanish Grand Prix: 1 9 3 0 , 25; 1 9 3 3 , 39 ; Terni-Passo della Somma hill climb, 1 9 2 7 , 17 31, 36 , 38 , 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50-
Scu deria A m brosian a: 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 71, 1 934, 48 ; 1 9 5 1 , 2 2 0 ; 1 9 5 4 , 126, 223 Thomas, Parry: 39 5 1 ,5 2 ,6 6 ,8 5 ,8 7 ,9 1 ,9 2 ,2 1 6
74, 76, 87, 88, 8 9 , 91, 92, 9 3 , 94, 98, Speluzzi, Ing Mario: 87, 95, 96, 101 Thompson, Dick: 2 0 1 , 204, 2 06 Venables, David (author): 3 8 , 59
118 S qu ad ra Achille Varzi, 50, 95, 96, 98 Thompson, New England, USA races: 1 9 53, Venezian, Bruno: 128
Scu derìa Argentina, 98, 99, 101 Stabilamente Farina, coachbuilders: 74 115 Venezuelan Grand Prix: 1 9 5 5 , 139, 147, 223;
Scu deria C alce d o n i: 37 Stacey, Alan: 197 Thomson & Taylor: 38 , 41, 1 9 56, 153; 1 9 5 7 , 183
Scu deria C en tro-S ud: 142, 144, 155, 157, Stanguellini car: 2 1 8 , 232, 2 3 4 Thom e Engineering Special car: 75 Verkade, Eric: 3 4
177, 178, 188, 189, 192, 195, 196, Stoffel, Henri: 25 Titterington, Desmond: 134, 2 27 Vermicino-Rocca di Pappa hill climb: 1 9 27,
2 0 1 ,2 0 4 , 236 Storez, Claude: 137 Tojeiro-Bristol car: 114 17
Scuderia El Salvador: 193 Straight, Michael: 49 Tolentino-Colle Paterno hill climb: 1 9 2 8 , 20 Veyron, Pierre: 30, 31, 3 2 , 33 , 44, 53, 59
Scuderia F errari: 25, 28, 29, 3 5 , 3 6 , 3 7 , 3 8 , Straight, Whitney: 34 , 36, 37 , 39 , 40, 43, Tomasi, Carlos: 128, 129, 147 Vichy Grand Prix: 1 9 3 4 , 45
41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 5 0 , 51, 5 2 , 54, 4 5 , 47, 48, 49 Tongue, Reggie: 64, 65, 66, 72, 75, 76, 8 4 Vignale coachwork: 114, 2 14
55, 64, 67, 94, 115, 2 2 7 , 228 Strasbourg Grand Prix: 1 947, 89 Tonini, Carlo: 16, 17, Vila Real sports car race: 1 9 5 8 , 194
Scuderia Felipe Pem etti: 2 1 0 Stuck, Hans: 39 , 45, 46, 47 , 48, 49, 70 Toscanini, Arturo: 28 Villoresi, Emilio: 51, 59, 66, 70, 71, 74, 76
Scu deria G u astalla: 144 Such M en are D angerous (film): 223 Touring coachwork (C arrozzeria Touring): 7 8 Villoresi, Luigi: 51, 59, 63, 6 4 -6 5 , 66, 67,
Scu deria M ilano: 3 5 , 8 3 , 85, 8 7 , 88, 89, 91, Sunbeam-Talbot-Darracq Group: 22 Tourist Trophy: 1 9 3 1 , 29 ; 1 9 5 4 , 129; 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 78, 79, 84, 85,
92, 9 5 , 99, 101, 112 Sunbeam 2-litre Grand Prix car: 160 1955,138 87 , 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99,
Scuderia Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia: Sunbeam Tiger 4-litre car: 29 Tozzi-Condivi, Mario: 2 09 104, 108, 111, 117, 120, 121, 122,
195, 2 0 1 , 2 0 2 , 20 3 , 2 0 4 , 2 0 7 S u percortem aggiore Sports Car Grand Prix: Tracta cars: 3 0 123, 125, 126, 130, 132, 135, 139,
Scu deria S ien a: 4 3 , 48 1 9 5 3 , 114; 1 9 5 4 , 1 2 8 -1 2 9 , 135; 1955, Trento-Monte Bondone hill climb: 1 9 27, 17 145, 152, 153, 2 1 7 , 218, 2 19
Scuderia Su balpina: 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 133, 137, 223; 1 9 5 6 , 1 5 0 -1 5 1 Trintignant, Maurice: 118, 119, 123, 126, Vittorio-Consiglio hill climb: 1 9 2 7 , 16
Scu deria Sud-A m ericana : 188 Surtees, John: 2 1 0 , 211 129, 132, 147, 160, 178, 189, 193, Voiturette Grand Prix, Dieppe: 1 9 0 8 , 11
Scu deria Torino: 54, 5 5 , 58, 65 Susa-Moncenisio hill climb: 1949, 97 2 0 2 , 203, 2 0 6 , 208, 218, 225 Volonterio, Count Ottorino: 159, 223
Seaman, Richard: 47, 53, 5 5 - 5 6 , 5 8 - 5 9 , 66, Swedish Grand Prix: 1955, 137; 1 9 5 6 , 152; Tripoli Grand Prix: 1 9 27, 1 6 , 1 9 2 9 , 2 0 , 1 9 3 0 , Volpi, Count Giovanni: 195, 201
70 1 9 5 7 , 183 2 4 -2 5 ; 1 9 3 2 , 34 ; 1 9 3 4 , 4 3 -4 4 ; 1 935, Volpini, Gianpaolo: 131
Sebring 12 Hours race: 1 953, 114; 1 954, Swedish Summer Grand Prix: 1 9 4 8 , 21 8 52 ; 1 9 3 6 , 55; 1 938, 6 8 -9 ; 1 9 3 9 , 7 3 -7 4 ; Von Brauchitsch, Mannfred: 44, 67, 69, 71,
127, 153; 1955, 13 6 ; 1 956, 147; 1 957,Swedish W inter Grand Prix: 1 9 3 6 , 55 1 9 4 0 , 78 78
180; 1 960, 199; 1 961, 2 0 1 ; 1 962, 2 0 4 Swiss Grand Prix: 1 9 34, 4 6 -4 7 ; 1 9 3 5 , Tripoli, Circuit of: 1 9 3 7 , 64 Von Delius, Emst: 64
Segrave, Sir Henry de Hane: 160 5 4 ; 1 9 3 9 , 77, 215, 216; 1 9 4 7 , 88, Triumph TR2 car: 186 Von Frankenberg, Richard: 140
Selassie, Emperor Haile (of Abyssinia) : 54 2 1 6 ; 1 9 4 8 , 92 , 2 1 7 ; 1949, 96, 101, Trois Villes, Circuit des: 1 9 4 6 , 85 Von Hanstein, Huschke: 78, 150
Senigallia races: 1 9 5 4 , 129 2 1 8 ; 1 9 5 0 , 98, 2 1 8 ; 1 9 5 1 ,2 2 0 ; Trassi, Count Felice: 38, 43, 44, 45, 46, Von Morgen, Heinrich-Joachim: 28,
Serafini, Dorino: 89, 99 1 952, 2 2 1 ; 1953, 1 1 1 -1 1 2 ; 1 954, 5 5 -5 6 , 58, 59, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, Von Trips, Wolfgang: 177, 182, 191, 199,
Settember, Tony: 196 125 85, 92, 2 16 203
Severi, Francesco: 64, 66, 67, 7 1 , 74 Swiss National Grand Prix: 1937, 2 1 5 ; 1939, Trossi-Monaco car: 55
Sgorbati brothers: 129 216 Trucco, Vincenzo: 12 Wakefield, ‘J ohnny’: 63, 65, 66, 68, 71, 74,
Shaw, Wilbur: 6 5 -6 6 , 74, 78 Symondsön, Ronnie: 34 , Tuffanelli, B: 27, 3 0 , 31, 5 4 75, 76, 77, 8 4
Shawe-Taylor, Brian: 2 1 9 Syracuse Grand Prix: 1952, 106, 2 2 1 ; 1953, Tunis Grand Prix: 1 9 3 1 , 27 ; 1 9 3 2 , 30 ; 1933, Walker, Peter: 138, 2 27
Shelby, Carroll: 136, 78, 147, 180, 192, 193, 10 8 ; 1954, 118; 1955, 1 3 4 -1 3 5 , 227; 3 6 ; 1 9 3 5 , 52 ; 1 9 3 6 , 55 Walker, R R C ‘Rob’: 188, 189, 210, 2 2 7 ,
198, 199, 19 5 6, 142; 1957, 155, 232 Tunis Six Hours sports car race: 1 9 3 1 , 2 7 228
Shelsley Walsh hill climb: 1933 S eptem ber, Tadini, Mario: 43, 49, 54, 5 5 , 6 4 Turin, Circuit of, 1 9 3 7 , 64 ; 1 9 4 7 , 90 Walsh, Dick: 234, 235
3 9 ; 1 9 3 4 Ju n e, 4 4 ; 1 9 3 4 S eptem ber, 48 Talbot cars Turin, Circuit of, Voiturette race: 1 937, 64 Walters, Phil: 136
Shuttleworth, Richard: 54 Generally, 20, 2 8 , 69, 90, 105, 28 Turin Grand Prix: 1 9 4 6 , 85 Wavell, General Archibald Percival: 78
Sicily, Tour of: 1 9 5 4 , 1 2 7 -1 2 8 ; 1955, 136, 4.5-litre two-seater F I cars: 80 Turner Air Base races, Albany Georgia: 1 953, Wharton, Ken: 123, 125, 151, 153, 222,
147; 1 9 5 6 Monoplace: 85, 88, 89 115 225
Sicilian Gold Cup race: 1 9 5 3 , 115 Talbot-Lago T 26 F I : 89, 91, 93, 96, 97 , 98, Wheeler-Miller Special car: 78
Sieff, Jonathan: 2 0 9 , 212 99, 146, 217, 218, 2 19 Uboldi, Luciano: 59, 66 Whiteford, Doug: 146
Siena, Eugenio: 41, 43, 44, 52, 65, 67, 69 Talbot-Lago sports: 50, Ugolini, ‘Nello’: 118, 129, 143, 180, 190, Whitehead, Graham: 150
Siffert, Jo : 2 0 8 , 210 Talbot-Maserati sports: 152, 183, 232 194, 195, 202, 2 30 Whitehead, Peter: 66, 95, 130, 146, 2 19
Sighinolft, Sergio: 129 Tanner, Hans (journalist and racing manager): Ulster Trophy, Dundrod: 1 952, 103; 1953, 2 2 2 W hite M ouse Stahle, 2 24
Simca-Gordini cars, 89, 91, 94, 9 9 , 2 1 7 , 2 1 8 193, 194, 196 United States Grand Prix: 1 9 5 9 , 196; 1 9 66, Whitney Straight Ltd: 40
Simon André: 99, 132, 133, 144, 183, 2 0 7 , Tanner, Reg (Esso Competitions Manager) : 210; 1967, 21 2 Wilson, Norman: 69
2 0 8 , 228 224 Wimille, Jean-Pierre: 38, 52, 55 , 57, 85, 89,
Simone, Colonel ‘J ohnny’ (French Maserari Targa Fiorio race: 1 9 2 5 , 15; 1 9 2 6 , 15; 1 9 27, Vaccarella, Nino: 199, 202, 2 0 4 91, 92 , 9 3 , 9 4 ,2 1 5 , 2 1 6 ,2 1 7
agent): 127, 2 0 6 , 2 0 8 16; 1 9 2 8 , 18; 1 9 2 9 , 2 1 ; 1 9 3 0 , 23 ; 1 9 31, Vagniez, André: 30, 3 7 WRE-Maserati car: 196
Snetterton: Ju n e 195 4 , 2 2 5 ; M arch 1 955, 2 2 6 ; 2 8 ; 1 9 3 2 , 3 1 ; 1 9 3 7 , 64 ; 1 9 3 8 , 69 ; 1 9 39, Valentino Grand Prix: 1 9 5 5 , 130
Whit Satu rday 195 5 ; 2 2 6 ; August 1955, 74; 1 9 4 0 , 78; 1 9 5 3 , 114; 1 9 5 4 , 128; Valenzano, Piero: 114, 137 Yugoslav Grand Prix: 1 9 3 9 , 7 8
2 2 7 ; July, 1 95 6, 2 2 8 ; S ep tem ber 1959 1955, 139, 140; 1 9 5 6 , 150; 1 9 6 0 , 1 9 9 ; Vanderbilt Cup race: 1 9 3 6 , 5 6 - 5 7 ; 1 9 37,
(Silver City Trophy): 235 1 961, 2 0 2 ; 1 9 6 2 , 2 0 4 6 5 -6 6 Zagato coachwork: 29, 34 , 1 8 2 -1 8 3 ,
Snyder, J : 75 Taruffi, Piero: 37 , 38 , 41, 43, 67, 69, 72, 76, Vandervell, Guy A nthony‘Tony’: 125 Zandvoort Grand Prix: 1 9 4 8 , 93 ; 1 9 4 9 , 96,
Soffietti, Luigi: 48, 49, 50, 69 9 6 , 97, 101, 114, 127, 128, 136, 143, Vanwall Special car: 125, 126, 226 218
Sommer, Raymond: 3 5 , 3 6 , 3 7 , 4 4 , 45, 54, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 182, 200, Vanwallcars: 132, 134, 142, 145, 154, 155, Zandvoort Sports Car race: 1 9 5 4 , 129
55, 69, 71, 75, 8 4 , 85, 88, 89, 9 0 , 93, 2 1 9 , 220 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 178, 182, Zehender, Goffredo: 36, 37 , 38 , 39 , 43, 44,
96, 98, 9 9 ,2 1 5 ,2 1 8 Tauber, Henri: 32, 188, 191, 226, 2 2 7 , 2 3 4 45, 46, 47, 51, 52 , 53, 55 , 58, 69, 70,
South African Grand Prix: 193 4 , 49; 1938, Teagno, Edoardo: 64, 69 Varese, Circuit of: 1 9 3 8 , 6 9 -7 0 ; 1 9 4 7 , 90 1 5 2 ,2 3 2 - 2 3 3
67; 1 939, 72; 1 967, 211 Tec-Mec F/415 car: 1 9 6 -1 9 7 Vargas, Getulio (Brazilian dictator) : 2 22 Zanelli.Juan: 25, 55
Spa Sports Car Grand Prix: 1955, 136 Tenni, Ombono: 55 , 58 Varzi, Achille: 20 , 21, 2 2 , 25, 26, 27, 28 , 29, Zu Leinigen, Prince Hermann: 47
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