Maserati. A Racing History

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Maserati is one o f the greatest marques

in the history o f m otorsport and the

company’s cars were raced by famous

drivers such as Tazio Nuvolari, Juan

MASERATI Manuel Fangio and Stirling Moss. This

deeply researched and lavishly illustrated
book chronicles the design, development
and com petition history o f the Maserati
racing and sports cars, from the first
appearance o f a Maserati in the 1926
Targa Fiorio road race in Sicily to the
final entry o f a rear-engined car at Le
Mans in 1965.
These com petition cars were built by
racing enthusiasts for racing enthusiasts.
Drawing on his own memories o f 1950s
Grand Prix racing, from factory archives
and the memories o f drivers, engineers
and mechanics, Anthony Pritchard
chronicles the full story o f the Maserati
brothers and their early days, how Alfieri
Maserati and his brothers created the
first racing cars, their successes and
failures, their battles w ith the British
ERAs in the 1930s, the contest between
Maserati, Ferrari and Mercedes-Benz in
post-war days and Fangio’s final World
Championship in 1957.
Maserati drivers - including Emmanuel
de G raffen ried, Roy Salvadori and Bruce
Halford - describe racing w ith this
marque and the story is rounded o ff
w ith information on the works
Cooper-Maseratis from 1966-67, other
Maserati-powered cars, and the de
Tomaso-sponsored Barchetta
com petition cars built in 1992.
Appendices provide details o f key
personalities, Grand Prix car chassis
information and specifications o f the
com petition cars. The 230 monochrome
photographs o f the Maserati brothers
and Maserati cars from the turn o f the
20th century are supplemented by 20
period colour photographs o f these great
cars in action in the 1950s.
Anthony Pritchard is a much-published
w riter o f m otor racing history, w ith a
preference for Italian subjects. He has an
1 85960 871 X encyclopaedic knowledge o f the cars,
drivers and racing o f the past half

859'608715 ANTHONY PRITCHARD £35.00 / $49.95


Haynes Publishing
© Anthony Pritchard, 2003

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First published in Ju n e 2 0 0 3

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Front endpaper: On 2 October 1927 Diego di Sterlich, accompanied by Carlo Tonino, was the
outright winner with this 2-litre Tipo 26B in the Vermicino Rocca di Papa hill climb. (Guy Griffiths

Rear endpaper: Juan Fangio with this ‘Lightweight’ 250F finished second in the 1957 Italian Grand
Prix held at Monza on 8 September.
Preface 6
The Maserati brothers 9
The early years, 1 9 2 6 -3 1 14
The death of Alfieri Maserati and afterwards, 1 9 3 2 -3 4 30
Radical new designs, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 50
Adolfo Orsi 60
The later thirties, 1 9 3 7 -4 1 63
The Maserati brothers and OSCA 79
Industrial problems and the split-up of the Orsi Group 81
The immediate post-war years, 1 9 4 6 -5 1 83
The dawn of a new era, 1 9 5 2 -5 3 102
A new Grand Prix formula, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 116
The zenith of Maserati power, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 141
Colour section 161
Financial failure 185
The decline of Maserati, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 187
The Cooper-Maseratis, 1 9 6 6 -6 7 209
Citroën, de Tomaso and after 213
Maserati drivers - their stories 215
Emmanuel de Graffenried 215
Roy Salvadori 224
Bruce Halford 229
Cameron Millar’s Maserati 250Fs 236

Dramatis Personae: A guide to the more important personalities 238

Maserati Grand Prix car chassis information 242
Specifications o f Maserati competition cars 246

Bibliography 2 50
Index 251
very special about following the introduction of the G T3500 entered on a somewhat irregular basis. It

h er e is s o m e t h in g

Italian cars of the classic years. They in 1957. And after de Tomaso’s take-over of was only between 1953 and 1957 that
possess an allure, a mysticism of their own. the company they were built in numbers Officine Alfieri Maserati entered a works
They were built to high engineering stan­ that amounted to mass production. Now, team - race after race, season after season.
dards. They have individualism and charac­ with Maserati firmly established as part of Even then there is confusion as to which
ter. They are a delight to look at and watch the Fiat empire, they have become what were works cars and which were not. For
in action, and an even greater delight to might be described as an important part of example, in the 1956 Supercortemaggiore
drive. Maserati is one of the greatest of all the Fiat specialist car division. Grand Prix, a very popular 1,000-kilometre
Italian marques. Until recent years they were Maserati competition cars were built by race for sports cars up to 2 ,0 00cc at Monza,
built in only very small numbers, no two racing enthusiasts for racing enthusiasts a total of 26 Maseratis was entered. Of
were identical and, like dogs from the same and over the years the far greater number of these, nine were entered in the name of the
litter, each had its own personality and its cars built were for sale to private owners, works, seven in the name of Mimo Dei’s
own idiosyncrasies. most of whom had an excellent relationship Scuderia Centro-Sud and the remainder by
This is a racing history of Maserati from with the factory. The help offered by the independents. So, when was a Maserati a
the time when Alfieri Maserati lined up with factory in support, spares and assistance is proper works entry and when was it not,
the Tipo 26 on the dusty road near Cefalu perhaps matched only by Jaguar in their but ju st another car prepared at the works?
on 2 May 1926 for the start of the Targa racing days when ‘Lofty’ England had such It is, on occasion, impossible to determine.
Fiorio until the third lap of the Le Mans 24 a fine rapport with private competitors. It is Sometimes, especially with regard to cars
Hours race on 19 June 1965, when Jo remarkable that the Maserati brothers, in raced in the early days, it is extremely diffi­
Siffert ended the story by clouting the bank their small workshops, could build such cult to identify the exact model accurately,
with the hastily built Tipo 65. By way of a outstanding cars and that they could pro­ even when a photograph is available. The
post-script 1 have also included the works duce so many of the components them­ reason is that the same basic cars were
Cooper-Maseratis of the years 1 9 6 6 -6 7 and selves. They all had very remarkable talents. raced with different engines and there are
I have made brief mention of certain other The private Maserati entrants ranged from no external identifying features. Likewise,
Maserati-powered cars for which the factory true independents such as Whitney Straight, Maserati designations are complex and con­
supplied the engines directly to the user. In ‘J ohnny’ Wakefield and Reggie Tongue in fusing, for there were eight different typing
addition I have dealt very briefly with the de pre-war days, to teams that included systems during their racing history and
Tomaso-sponsored Barchetta competition Scuderia Subalpina in the 1930s and Scuderia some cars had more than one designation.
cars built in 1992. Milano and Scuderia Ambrosiana in the years For example, the 8C -2500 was also the
This book is concerned only with the following the Second World War. All these Tipo 26M. An interesting example of
competition side of Maserati activities and teams received considerable works support another kind of confusion is the Maseratis
Maserati competition cars. The touring cars, and Scuderia Ambrosiana during the 4CL raced by Toulo de Graffenried in pre-World
the first of which appeared in 1949, were and 4CLT years was to all intents and pur­ War Two days.
originally - like their racing counterparts - poses the works team. Between 1936 and 1939 de Graffenried
built in very small numbers, but they Once Maserati had established them­ raced Maserati voiturettes in partnership
became a major part of Maserati’s income selves in the early 1930s, works cars were with American, John du Puy. It is generally


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Luigi Fagioli’s beautifully turned-out 8C-2500 seen in October 1930 at the Verminicino-Rocca di
Papa hill climb. Fagioli won the event outright. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
Chapter 1

The Maserati brothers

in many different of the new Italy was due to the efforts of parts trying to make a whole. Even now,
o many c o m pa n ies

fields have been run as a form of dicta­ Giuseppe Garibaldi. At this time both Rome travelling through Italy, north to south,
torship where customers were treated with and Venice remained outside the new king­ resembles passing through three different
diffidence, sometimes indifference, and dom, but these papal states later joined, countries; the industrial north, the central
were expected to think themselves grateful Venice in 1866 and Rome in 1870. area steeped in Roman antiquity and
that the company was prepared to deal with It was, however, and remained so for a Renaissance splendour and the relatively
them. This has' been especially true of considerable period of time a country of impoverished south. There is little doubt
motor racing and, for instance, buying a car
from Enzo Ferrari could be a humiliating, The eldest o f the Maserati brothers, Carlo, with the single-cylinder motorcycle that he built in about
rather than a pleasant, experience. 1900. Later he became General Manager at the Bianchi concern, but he died in 1910. (Guy
The atmosphere at Bologna - and later at Griffiths Collection)
Modena - was very different. Maserati was a
family concern run by enthusiasts for
enthusiasts, and dealing with owners who
raced was for many years the basis of the
business. It was only later when, under
Alberto Orsi’s control, vast sums were
expended on development and running a
works team, that it became a leading
marque. Even then, customers were treated
as friends, given credit and welcomed at the
factory by employees who had worked
there for many years and were totally loyal
to Maserati. Under Orsi rule, administration
and organisation improved, but in some
respects Maserati still remained delightfully
In its early days the company was headed
by Alfieri Maserati. Ambitious and able, he
was one of six brothers, four of whom were
actively involved in the business. W hen the
Maserati brothers were bom , Italy was still a
very young country. It had broken away
from Austrian domination and the Kingdom
of Italy was not proclaimed until 17 March
1861. Much of the credit for the founding


Vincenzo Trucco at the wheel of an Isotta Fraschini and accompanied by Alfieri Maserati. This photo­ after birth and the same name was given to
graph was taken shortly before the 1908 Targa Fiorio. (Guy Griffiths Collection) the fourth and most distinguished son bom
in 1887), Mario (1890), Ettore (1894) and
that as a newly united country the Italian an atmosphere that encouraged a strong Ernesto (1898).
people were hungry for national prestige interest in engineering. Their father Rodolfo Mario became a well-established artist,
and success and this, later, helped promote Maserati, a locomotive driver on Italian rail­ but all the other boys followed mechanical
the growth of Fascism, under Benito ways, lived in Piacenza to the south of pursuits. There is little doubt that Carlo
Mussolini. Il Duce promised to make Italy a Milan. At this time engine drivers, even if possessed considerable mechanical talent.
great European power and his empty still artisans, ranked high in both income It is said that by the time he was 14, he was
promises inevitably tempted and won over and status. In his home-town Rodolfo met building working model steam engines. At
so many of the Italian people against their and married Carolina Losi. They had seven the age of 17 Carlo was apprenticed to a
better judgment. children, all boys, Carlo (bom 1881), Bindo bicycle manufacturer at Affori close to
The Maserati brothers were brought up in (1883), Alfieri (1885, but he died not long Voghera, to the west of Piacenza. Seventeen


was then quite a mature age to be appren­
ticed and it is likely that he had been well
It was at Affori that in 1897 he built a
four-stroke, single-cylinder motorcycle,
using a strengthened cycle frame and with
drive by belt and pulley to the rear wheel.
His efforts attracted the attention of the
Marchese Carcano di Anzano del Parco,
who put some money into the project.
Carlo raced the machine, now called the
Carcano, in local events with some success.
Further development work followed and
Carlo won a 35-mile (56km) race from
Brescia to Orzinuovi. In 1900 he and the
Marchese took first and second places in
the motorcycle class of the 127-mile
(204km ) Brescia-Mantova-Brescia race.
Carlo moved on to Fiat in Turin, result­
ing, it is believed, from a meeting with
Vincenzo Lancia, then a Fiat employee.
Lancia had quickly recognised Carlo’s abil­
ity and urged him to join the company.
After a spell at Fiat, Carlo moved to Isotta Alfieri Maserati at the wheel of the Isotta Fraschini-hased special which he built while he was working
Fraschini in Milan, then a substantial car at the Isotta Fraschini depot in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
builder, as an engineer and tester. His time
with Isotta Fraschini was short and he soon Alfieri Maserati at the wheel o f a 2-litre Diatto complying with the then 2-litre Grand Prixformula of
moved to Bianchi, which was also based in 1922-25. The car is seen at the 1922 Italian Grand Prix. Diattos were driven in this race by Guido
Milan, as tester and occasional racing driver. Meregalli and Alfieri.
Bianchi’s racing record was poor, but Carlo
drove the company’s cars into ninth place
in the 1907 Coppa Fiorio held at Brescia
over a distance of 3 0 2 miles (486km ) and
in the same year finished 17th in the
Kaiserpreis qualifying race. The position
was too low to qualify for the race itself.
Sadly, Carlo was taken ill and died in 1910.
While he was at Isotta Fraschini, Carlo
arranged for three of his brothers, Alfieri,
Bindo and Ettore, to join the company.
Alfieri made rapid progress and became a
tester and then a service engineer. Both
Alfieri and Ettore went on to work at Isotta
Fraschini’s depot in Buenos Aires and,
while they were there, Alfieri raced in local
events in what is believed to have been an
FE Isotta of the type entered in the 1908
Voiturette Grand Prix at Dieppe. They spent
a while in London before returning to Italy.


Alfieri was then based at Bologna where he
looked after Isotta’s service department.
ft is difficult to realise that Isotta
Fraschini was such a substantial concern in
the early years of the motor industry. In
1906 it is recorded (Lord Montagu’s Lost
Causes of Motoring: Europe Volume 1 , Cassell
& Company 1969) that 650 cars were sold
and that two years later the company had
reduced its labour force to 700.
On 1 December 1914 Alfieri took small
rented premises in the Via del Pepoli in
Bologna and set up his own garage business,
calling it Officina Alfieri Maserati. However,
he still maintained close relations with Isotta
Fraschini. Apart from offering ordinary
service facilities for Isotta Fraschini cars, he
race-prepared Isotta engines. Both Ettore The 1925 straight-eight 2-litre Diatto built by the Maserati brothers. It formed the basis o f the Tipo
and Ernesto worked with him in the busi­ 26 Maserati that made its first racing appearance in the 1926 Targa Fiorio.
ness where they employed five mechanics.
In May 1915 Italy entered the First World and Ottoman Turkey. Alfieri and Ettore (67.52kph) from Brilli-Peri (Fiat) and
War as a member of the Allies against the returned to Isotta Fraschini where Bindo Masetti (Bugatti).
Central Powers, Germany, Austro-Hungary was still to work for many years. During the In 1921 Alfieri became consultant devel­
war years Isotta was primarily occupied with opment engineer for Automobili Diatto in
aero-engine development and construction Turin. This company, originally a railway
and Alfieri worked on design development, engineering concern, had started building
while his brothers were engaged in produc­ cars in 1906. Alfien developed a 3-litre car
tion and testing. However, Ernesto contin­ and raced it in Italian events. In 1922 Diatto
ued to run the business in Bologna. had introduced their Tipo 20 with a 4-cylin­
During this time Alfieri was also develop­ der 2-litre shaft-driven overhead camshaft
ing mica-insulated sparking plugs. After the engine, developing around 40bhp in pro­
armistice in November 1918, Alfieri set up duction form and with a 4-speed gearbox.
premises in Milan and commenced spark­ Alfieri extensively modified this engine
ing plug manufacture under the name and it then had an output of 70bhp. In this
Trucco e Maserati. Isotta Fraschini driver form it was known as the 2 OS. Alfieri drove
Vincenzo Trucco was a close friend of Alfieri it in a number of races and was holding
and not only allowed the use of his name, third place in the 386-m ile (621km ) San
but is believed to have put some capital Sebastian Grand Prix when he retired with
into the business. engine problems. At the Rabassada hill
Alfieri’s interest in motor racing was as climb in Spain in 1924 it was discovered
enthusiastic as ever. He built an Isotta that his 20S, supposedly a 2-litre car, was
Fraschini special, originally powered by a 4- running with the 3-litre engine used in
cylinder engine, although, later an 8-cylin­ Diatto’s Tipo 25 and 35 models. As a result
der unit was substituted. He raced this of this blatant infringement of the regula­
extensively and successfully between 1921 tions, he was initially banned from racing
Alfieri Maserati, the undoubted leader o f the and 1923 and his best performance was in for five years. Somehow he managed to
brothers. Maserati would have been a very the 1922 Circuit of Mugello at Florence. He wriggle out of the situation and the ban was
different company if Alfieri had not died follow­ won this 242-m ile (390km ) race over a very lifted. W ith a Tipo 20S, Meregalli won the
ing an operation. slow but difficult circuit at 41.94m ph Circuit of Garda in 1 9 2 3 -2 4 .


For 1925 Alfieri designed for Diatto a able at this time and his doctors advised Il Duce, it was impossible for either Maserati
completely new car complying with the surgery. Alfieri died on 3 March 1932 while or Alfa Romeo to challenge the might of the
then 2 ,0 0 0 cc Grand Prix formula. It in the operating theatre. German Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union
followed contemporary design practice and Up until Alfieri’s death, the trident badge teams, which were then dominating Grand
featured a supercharged, straight-eight, twin on Maseratis had been oblong, but after Prix racing. In Italy there was neither the
overhead camshaft l,9 8 0 c c (62 x 82mm) that the oval shape was adopted and this money nor the resources available.
engine and very neat, slim body. A single has been retained ever since. Maseratis were Financial assistance for Maserati came
car was entered in the 1925 Italian Grand also distinguished by cast pedals that incor­ from Gino Rovere who became President in
Prix held over a distance of 4 9 7 miles porated the Trident symbol. These were 1936, but unfortunately his resources were
(800km ) at Monza. One report says that used on most cars from pre-war days insufficient to turn the company round.
the car was ready so late that there was only through to 1 9 4 6 -4 7 . Interest in a take-over was expressed in
time to apply one coat of paint. This was so Despite the success of the Voiturettes in early 1936 by Count Adolfo Orsi, an indus­
thin that the Diatto looked pink rather than the 1930s, Maserati’s financial position trialist based in Modena. Orsi had to nego­
Italian racing red. The driver was Emilio deteriorated and the income from selling tiate with various parties, including Rovere,
Materassi, but the car was insufficiently and maintaining l,1 0 0 c c and l,5 0 0 c c cars who held shares in Maserati and eventually
developed and retired early in the race was inadequate. The company’s financial an agreement was signed and this took
because of sheared supercharger bolts. situation was made worse by the cost of effect on 1 January 1937. The agreement
Diatto had been expecting rather too building and developing the dismally unsuc­ itself is not dated, but it is quite likely that a
much on the new car’s first appearance, but cessful Tipo 6C/34 and V8RI Grand Prix date was added when the document was
they were already in financial difficulties cars of 1 9 3 4 -3 6 . Despite the aspirations of notarised.
and ceased car production in 1927. In late
1925 it was agreed that Alfieri should take Bindo, Ettore, Ernesto and Mario Maserati outside the Maserati works at Bologna. To a certain
over the project. He now worked on the extent the photograph can he dated by the car on the left of the photograph, which is a Lancia
eight-cylinder car at Bologna and the Augusta introduced in 1933 and built until 1937. The upper part of the premises was residential.
following year Maserati appeared as a
marque in its own right. The cars wore a
badge designed by brother Mario, which
incorporated the symbol of Bologna,
Neptune’s trident, and was inspired by the
statue of Neptune in the Piazzo Nettuno in
Bologna. The firm became known as
Officine Alfieri Maserati (note the change to
workshops in the plural).
After the first racing appearance in 1926,
Maserati grew rapidly in success, quickly
building a strong following and received
considerable financial injection. Alfieri
Maserati was given the Fascist title of
Cavaliere (‘Knight’) by Dictator Benito
Mussolini, whose enthusiasm for motor
racing was almost obsessive. Because of
Maserati’s racing successes, outside finance
was attracted and the issued capital of the
company rose to one million lire from the
original 5 0 ,0 0 0 lire. In late 1931 Alfieri’s
health deteriorated. He had crashed badly
in the 1927 Coppa Messina and lost a
kidney. Now his other kidney had begun to
fail. There was of course no dialysis avail­


Chapter 2

The early years, 1926-31

on record as to of 2,000cc and with a minimum weight of events, including the Targa Fiorio which

h er e is n o in f o r m a t io n

the terms on which Alfieri Maserati took 650kg. In 1925 there were the additional along with the Italian Grand Prix were Italy’s
over the straight-eight Diatto or the precise requirements that a two-seater body with a most important races.
date when this took place. It seems likely minimum width of 80cm be fitted, although The Grand- Prix Diatto built by Alfieri
that Automobile Diatto were content to rid no mechanic was carried in races. For Maserati had a twin overhead camshaft
themselves without payment of a project 1 9 2 6 -2 7 maximum capacity was reduced to engine driven by a train of gears from the
that they could not afford to continue l,5 0 0 c c , minimum weight to 600kg and front of the crankshaft and a Roots-type
and as the 1925 Italian Grand Prix was held two-seater bodies were still required. For supercharger, also driven directly from the
on 6 September, that at least fixes the earli­ 1927 the minimum weight requirement was front of the crankshaft. The 4-speed gear­
est date on which a handover could have increased to 700kg. It would be wrong to box was bolted to the engine crankcase.
taken place. say that only major Grands Prix were held to The chassis was the usual channel-section
During 1 9 2 2 -2 5 the Grand Prix formula these rules, but only marginally so, because structure of the period with rigid axles front
had been for cars with a maximum capacity so many races were held as Formule Libre and rear and suspension by semi-elliptic
leaf springs. It is always assumed that there
The first Tipo 26 with Alfieri Maserati at the wheel outside the Bologna works in 1926. The figure was only one of these cars built, which may
with dark curly hair, seventh from left, is bodybuilder Menando Fantuzzi. or may not be correct, but there would
certainly have been spares, including prob­
ably spare engines.
The first Maseratis were typed as the ‘2 6 ’
and were identical to the Diatto in most
respects. It is obvious that when Alfieri
planned the Diatto, he had in mind the
building of a l,5 0 0 c c engine to comply
with the new Grand Prix formula that came
into force in 1926. The merits of adopting
an engine of this capacity for the first
Maserati seem marginal at best, but Alfieri
opted for an engine of both shorter bore
and stroke than the original l,9 8 0 c c unit,
60 x 66mm, giving a capacity of l,4 9 2 c c .
This engine is said to have developed
115bhp at 5,300rpm and the maximum
speed is reckoned to have been around
1 OOmph (161kph).
W hen the Tipo 26 appeared at the begin­
ning of May, the Trident badge was mounted


on the mesh grille of the radiator, but was
later transferred to a position in the centre of
the top of the radiator intake surround. The
shapely tail of the Diatto had been truncated
and now the tail terminated at the back of
the fuel tank and two spare wheels were
mounted vertically. In road racing punctures
were frequent and carrying spare wheels,
together with the equipment to change them,
was essential. There remains one matter for
speculation, whether the first Maserati was
the Diatto and speculation it must remain.
Alfieri Maserati, accompanied by Guerino
Bertocchi, first appeared with the Tipo 26 in
the Targa Fiorio on 2 May. Between 1919
and 1930 the race was held over the
Madonie circuit with a length of a little over
70 miles (113kph) and in 1926 it was a 5-
lap event. It was a Formule Libre race and
riding mechanics were carried. At this time
Sicilian roads were quite appalling, badly
surfaced, where there was a surface, and A very fam iliar photograph, but one that captures well the conditions o f racing at the time. The Tipo
almost as dusty as in the early days of racing. 26 is seen in the 1926 Targa Fiorio. In a cloud o f dust Alfieri Maserati drives to ninth place and a
It was expected that the Type 3 5 Bugattis ■class win, while mechanic Bertocchi crouches low in the cockpit.
would dominate the race and they did so,
with cars driven by Constantini (who had The Tipo 26 during its refuelling stop in the 1926 Targa Fiorio. Bertocchi in white linen helmet, very
also won in 1925), Minoia and Goux taking slim compared to the familiar, rather more portly figure o f the 1950s, supervises operations. (Guy
the first three places. There were only 12 Griffiths Collection)
finishers and Alfieri’s ninth place and class
win was creditable, if not outstanding.
Maserati competed in a number of other
Italian events that year. By the Italian Grand
Prix at Monza on 5 September a second car
had been completed and the two cars were
driven by Alfieri and Emilio Materassi. Two
Bugattis were the only finishers in this race
and both Maseratis retired because of super­
charger trouble. On 13 June Ernesto Maserati
won outright a sprint event over a distance
of a kilometre, called the Chilometro
Lanciato di Bologna. In September Ernesto
drove the Tipo 26 in the Coppa Collina
Pistoiese hill climb and won his class.
It is believed that nine Tipo 26 cars were
built between 192 6 and 192 8 when the
model was superseded by the improved SC-
1500. Some of these cars would later have
been re-engined with the 2-litre unit from
the otherwise identical 26B. Chassis

THE EARLY YEARS, 1926-31 / 15

Mellaha circuit on 6 March. Between 1911
and 1942 Libya was under Italian rule and
racing there attracted strong Italian entries.
The first two places went to Materassi and
Condii with Bugattis, but Ernesto finished
third overall and won the 1,500cc class from
a brace of French Salmsons. Later that
month Carlo Tonini drove a Maserati to a
class win in the Coppa Gallenga.
This year the Targa Fiorio was held on 24
April over the same distance as in 1926 and
the new 2-litre car, typed the 26B, was
driven by Alfieri. The engine capacity was
l,9 8 0 c c (62 x 82mm) and it was claimed
that power output was 150bhp at
5,500rpm . Maximum speed was well in
excess of lOOmph (161kph). The race was
again Bugatti-dominated and Materassi and
Condii with Type 35 cars took the first two
places, but Alfieri drove a good race to finish
third. Ernesto and Count Aymo Maggi drove
Tipo 26 Maseratis. Ernesto retired because
of a broken front axle, while, embarrassingly,
Maggi’s car broke its chassis.
Shortly after this Alfieri competed in a
race at Messina in Sicily with a 2-litre car.
Following another car closely he was
unsighted by the cloud of dust that it was
throwing up, misjudged a comer and
crashed heavily. His injuries included
crushed kidneys and one had to be
removed. Although he was racing again
within two months, it was an accident with
the most serious long-term consequences
for both Alfieri and the Maserati company.
In the main the Maseratis ran in minor
events during 1927, but the Tipo 26 and
26B were among the few over-the-counter
The works Maseratis at the Targa Fiorio. Number 10 is the l,500cc Tipo 26 of Ernesto Maserati, racing cars available at the time and were
nearer the camera the Tipo 26 o f Count Aymo Maggi and, behind them, the 2,000cc Tipo 26B of now seen frequently in Italian events.
Alfieri Maserati. Alfieri drove a good race to finish third behind the Bugattis of Materassi and Condii. Tonini won his class in the 204-mile
(Guy Griffiths Collection) (328km) Perugina Cup race at the end of
May and in July the Marquis Diego de
Sterlich won the Vittorio-Cansiglio hill
numbering commenced at number 10 1927 climb outright. A week after that, on 21
(without a capacity prefix which was added
later) and for the usual reason that the Maserati undertook a much more active July, Baconin Borzacchini competed with a
number 17 was considered unlucky in competition programme in 1927. The Maserati for the first time and in the Coppa
Italian sporting and gambling circles, no team’s first race was the 262-mile (422km) Collina Pistoiese hill climb he won outright,
chassis was given that number. Formule Libre Tripoli Grand Prix held on the while Alfieri took the l,5 0 0 c c class.


In the 317-m ile (510km ) Coppa Acerbo
on 6 August Campari won with a 2-litre
Alfa Romeo P2, but Tonini (Maserati) drove
a good race to finish second ahead
of Marano (Bugatti). Later de Sterlich
gained further successes; he won two hill
climbs, the Trento-Monte Bondone on
18 September and the Vermicino-Rocca di
Pappa on 2 October. A week later de
Sterlich gained another success with his
Maserati, winning his class in the Coppa
Leonardi and on 16 October Borzacchini
drove a Maserati again, winning the Temi-
Passo della Somma event. Maserati won
the l,5 0 0 c c class of the Italian
At this time Maserati was competing
only inside Italy and the cars were largely Count Maggi retired his Tipo 26 in the 1927 Targa Florio after it had broken its chassis. In all fair­
unknown in the rest of Europe. It is ness, it was as much an indictment of the poor conditions o f Sicilian roads as Mdserati weakness.
not clear how many Tipo 26Bs were built, (Guy Griffiths Collection)
but it is suggested that there were as many
as 11, although this sounds improbable. The 2-litre Maserati shared by Ernesto Maserati and Count Maggi in the 1928 Mille Miglia is seen
These were numbered in series with the front right of this line of cars waiting to move up to the start. It proved fast, but retired early in the
Tipo 26 and, inevitably, this adds a degree race, fo r reasons probably associated with the pool o f oil that has formed under the front o f the car.
of confusion. On the left is the OM of Bucchetti/Turner.

THE EARLY YEARS, 1 9 2 6 -3 1 / 17

Maserati entered a single 2-litre car for Opposite: The start o f the 1928 Targa Fiorio.
1928 Ernesto and Count Maggi. Reliability was a Nearest the camera is the l,980cc Tipo 26B
Although it was of little import to Maserati, major Maserati problem at the time and at Maserati o f Diego di Sterlich. He retired
there was a change in the Grand Prix regula­ the line-up of cars moving off to the start of because of supercharger problems. Behind him
tions for 1928 and the only requirement the race shown on page 17, a large pool of is the Type 35C Bugatti of Count Gaston Brilli-
now was that cars weighed between 550 oil has already gathered under the Maserati. Peni.
and 750kg. In addition there was a mini­ It could, of course, have been dropped by
mum race distance of 600km (373miles). another car . . . Ernesto set a cracking pace,
There were no significant Maserati develop­ although never managing to lead on time,
ments other than that the 8 C -1500, with but retired early in the event because of
detail improvements, replaced the Tipo 26. unknown mechanical problems.
It is believed that four 8C -1500s were built. The next important event for the team
During the year Maserati won two events was the Targa Fiorio on 1 May. A total of five
outright and scored class wins in ten others. cars were entered; 2-litre models were
O f greater interest, however, are two more driven by Ernesto, Borzacchini and de An early lady driver of a Maserati, Donna
important events in which the Maseratis Sterlich, while Fagioli and Marano handled Antonietta Avanzo, competed with this Tipo
failed. 1.5-litre cars. The race turned into a straight 8C-1500 in the third Coppa Gallenga and had
The Mille Miglia road race over a distance fight between Alfa Romeo and Bugatti and Guenino Berlocchi as riding mechanic. She
of 1,018 miles (l,639k p h ) was held on 31 Divo (Bugatti) won from Campari (Alfa finished second in ha' class, which was won by a
March-1 April. There were strong entries Romeo) and Condii (Bugatti). The sole male Maserati driver. (Guy Griffiths
from Bugatti, Alfa Romeo and OM, while Maserati finisher was Luigi Fagioli who took Collection)
THE EARLY YEARS, 1 9 2 6 -3 1 / 19
The 1928 Targa Florio again, with Ernesto Maserati at the wheel of an 8C-1100 and, alongside him, 100km, which worked out at about 14h
Guerrino Berlocchi. The car was retired because of front axle problems. miles per gallon (3.19km per litre).
Commercial fuel was compulsory, there was
seventh place. The other four Maseratis Towards the end of the racing season a minimum weight requirement of 900kg
were eliminated in this race because of Maserati achieved its two outright wins. On and two-seater bodies with a minimum
supercharger problems. 30 September Luigi Fagioli won the width of 100cm had to be fitted. A bolster
Two 2-litre cars for Alfieri Maserati and Tolentino-Colle Paterno hill climb and in fuel tank was compulsory.
Count Maggi were entered in the 373-m ile the Coppa Leonardo on 21 October In the early part of the season some
(600km ) European Grand Prix at Monza on Borzacchini was the outright winner, while minor successes were gained. In the 260-
9 September. The Maseratis lacked the Fagioli won the l,5 0 0 c c class. At this stage mile (418km ) Tripoli Grand Prix on 24
speed of the rebuilt 2-litre Alfa Romeo P2s in their development the Maseratis were March Borzacchini finished second behind
and the 2.3-litre Type 35B Bugattis. Chiron neither fast enough nor reliable enough. Brilli-Peri (Talbot), but beat Nuvolari
(Bugatti) won the race from Campari/Varzi The lack of reliability was not caused by (Bugatti) into third place. Maserati once
(Alfa Romeo) and Nuvolari (Bugatti). inadequate preparation, but the failure of again entered the Mille Miglia, held on
Maggi and Alfieri finished in fifth and sixth components. Alfieri was well aware of the 1 3 -1 4 April, with a single car shared by
places. The race was marred by a terrible shortcomings of his cars and the matter of Borzacchini and Ernesto Maserati. Various
accident that badly affected the drivers and speed he tackled in dramatic style in 1929. engine capacities have been attributed to
officials, as well as the paying public. this car, but it must have been a 2-litre 26B.
Materassi at the wheel of one of his ex- They turned in a sterling performance, lead­
works l,5 0 0 c c Talbots swerved to avoid a 1929 ing the race at Bologna, having set a record
collision with Foresti’s Bugatti and left the speed of a little under 80m ph (129kph).
road at well over lOOmph (161kph). W hen A change in Grand Prix regulations was They were still in front when they reached
the Talbot ploughed into a spectator enclo­ made for 1 9 2 9 -3 0 . Gone were engine Rome and were four minutes ahead of
sure, the driver and about 20 spectators capacity limits, but instead there was a fuel Campari/Ramponi with the first of the
were killed. and oil consumption limit of 14kg per l,7 5 0 c c Alfa Romeos. Unfortunately, the


Maserati retired because of gearbox failure
and Campari/Ramponi went on to win the
race from Morandi/Rosa (OM).
The following weekend the 159-mile
(256km ) Bordino Grand Prix was held at
Alessandria. Borzacchini and Ernesto
Maserati took second and third places with
26Bs behind Varzi at the wheel of his ex-
Campari Alfa Romeo P2. Borzacchini and
Ernesto drove 26Bs in the Targa Fiorio on 4
May and Borzacchini broke the circuit
record on his first lap. Unfortunately all the
Maserati entries retired in this race, which
was won by Divo (Bugatti) from Minoia
(Bugatti) with Brilli-Peri (Alfa Romeo) in
third place.
Maserati revealed their new Formule
Libre contender at the Monza Grand Prix at
Monza on 15 September. The new car was With this Maserati, said by some to have a lJOOcc engine, Baconin Borzacchini partnered by
the Tipo V4, also known as the Sedici Ernesto Maserati led this year’s Mille Miglia from the start at Brescia until they were through Rome
Cilindri, which used a 26B chassis, length­ and had reached Terni. There the gearbox failed. They had shown speed that the 6C 1750 Alfa
ened in wheelbase by 6.5in and strength­ Romeos could not match. They are seen on the Raticosa Pass between Bologna and Florence.
ened, and it was powered by a V I 6 engine.
This engine consisted of two 2-litre units tant races. This happened again when
mounted side-by-side at an included angle Alfieri drove the Sedici Cilindri in the Monza
of around 25 degrees, with geared crank­ race. That year there was no Italian Grand
shafts and on a light alloy common crank­ Prix as such. The Monza race was run in
case. The left-hand cylinder block was three 62-mile (100km ) heats and a final on
standard, but the right-hand block had the the banked 2.82-m ile (4.54km ) circuit. The
inlet and outlet ports reversed so that the heats were for cars up to l,5 0 0 c c , 2,000cc
exhaust ports and manifold were on the and unlimited capacity. In his heat Alfieri
outside of the engine. There was a Roots- was beaten into second place by August
type supercharger at the front of each Momberger at the wheel of a 7-litre
engine and these compressed at 151b psi Mercedes-Benz SSK, but the margin was
(L ib a r). Maserati claimed a power output only a fifth of a second and one suspects
of 305bhp at 5,200rpm . The original that Alfieri was saving his car for the final.
clutch, gearbox, prop-shaft and final drive In the final Alfieri retired, but set a new lap
were retained. record of 124.2m ph (200kph), which was
It was a very ambitious project for a small never bettered because the banked circuit
concern like Maserati and it was to prove on its own was so rarely used.
very fast and very successful. Nor was it At Cremona on 29 September the V4 was
a fearsome monster. Guy Griffiths drove shared by Borzacchini and Alfieri Maserati,
it in later days and while it was not docile, while Ernesto drove a 26B. Over this week­
it was tractable, manageable and handled end Borzacchini with the V4 was timed at
well. Taking into account, the V 4’s modest 152.9m ph (246.17kph), a Class F World The 16-cylinder engine based on 2-litre straight-
origins, it was a remarkably sophisti­ record, during a private testing session over eight units that powered the 1929 V4 Sedici
cated car. the ten kilometre-straight of this 25-kilo- Cilindri, a twin-engined car that proved fa r
All season Maserati achieved successes in metre circuit. In the race Alfieri set fastest more successful than the twin-engined Alfa
minor events, but failed to shine in impor- lap at 124.4m ph, but the V4 was retired Romeo Tipo A.

THE EARLY YEARS, 1 9 2 6 -3 1 / 21

because of tyre problems, not surprising in
view of the speeds that the car was attain­
ing. The race was won by Brilli-Peri (Alfa
Romeo) from Varzi (Alfa Romeo), but
Ernesto brought the 26B across the line in
third place.
The new Tipo 8C -1100 first appeared at
the Cremona meeting. It was almost identi­
cal to the 8C -1500, but with the engine
linered down to 51mm and retaining the
existing stroke of 66m m to give a capacity
of l,0 7 7 c c . Power output was said to be
lOObhp at 5,500rpm . The fuel tank was
slightly smaller, but even the tyre size was
the same as that of the 8C -1500. Maximum
speed was around lOOmph (161kph). The
8C -1100 was no match for the 8-cylinder
Salmson which had appeared in 1927. The
French cars had a similar power output, but
were substantially lighter.

This photograph from the factory archives was, presumably, issued at the time the V4 was announced. 1930
The three vertical strips on the radiator grille —unique to this car —are clearly visible and the Sedici
Cilindri also had exhaust pipes on both sides. The V4 can also be distinguished by the bulges in the During the 1920s there had been strong
sides o f the bonnet to give clearance fo r the outside cylinder heads. support for Grand Prix Racing from
substantial manufacturers including Delage
Baconin Borzacchini, one of the g'eatest drivers of his era, at the wheel of the Tipo V4 Sedici in France, the Sunbeam-Talbot-Darracq
Cilindri. This photograph was taken at the works shortly before Borzacchini achieved 152.9mph over Group based in both France and Britain,
the timed ten kilometres of the 25-mile (40km) Germana circuit at Cremona to the east of Milan. and Fiat and Alfa Romeo in Italy. Mainly
because of worsening economic conditions,
most of them had quit racing and so Grand
Prix racing temporarily degenerated, the age
of the independent entrant began and many
races were held to Formule Libre rules. It
only began to stabilise in 1930 when
Maserati introduced their Tipo 26M , also
known as the 8C -2500, and when other
manufacturers began to re-enter racing on a
serious basis, and through the 1930s Grand
Prix racing grew again both in technical
interest and national and public support.
There was also a small change in the
racing regulations and 30% benzole/70%
commercial fuel was now allowed. The fuel
consumption formula was of interest to
almost no one and even the 1930 French
Grand Prix was held as a Formule Libre
race. The year was to be the turning point


in Maserati fortunes and for a short while At Monaco on 6 April 1930 Arcangeli with a 2-litre Maserati leads a group o f Bugattis up the hill
the Bologna company became the domi­ from Ste Devote. Note the tramlines. Both Arcangeli and Borzacchini, also with a 26B, retired and
nant force in Grand Prix racing. Bugattis took the first three places.
Maserati’s principal rivals remained
Bugatti in France and Alfa Romeo in Italy. slightly increased to 2,006cc. In effect that was common to all examples of its
Bugatti was still building the straight-eight, Maserati was the only company racing up- type. Although it was an improved car,
single overhead camshaft supercharged to-date cars. many of the features described below were
2 ,2 6 2 cc Type 35B introduced in late 1926. The 8C -2500 first appeared in the Targa the same on earlier cars.
Bugatti did not publish power figures, but Fiorio in May. It represented a development Engine capacity of the new car had been
output was believed to be around 135bhp. of the existing straight-eight 2-litre model, increased to 2 ,4 95cc (65 x 94mm). The
Alfa Romeo was racing the Jano-designed with similar chassis and retaining two-seater twin overhead camshafts were driven from
1924—25 P2 straight-eight Grand Prix cars, bodywork. The 8C -2500 was produced in the front of the crankshaft by a train of
which had been rebuilt at the factory The greater numbers than its predecessors and gears. The detachable aluminium-alloy
engine capacity of the P2s had now been it was a setded design, with a specification cylinder head featured hemispherical

THE EARLY YEARS, 1 9 2 6 -3 1 / 23

centre-section and a three-point mounting
for the engine. Front and rear suspension
was by rigid axles and semi-elliptic leaf
springs. Like the Sedici Cilindri the 8C -2500
had a sloping radiator, but without the three
vertical strips that identified the 16-cylinder
car, and a shapely tail incorporated the fuel
tank. Technically, the 8C -2500 was a
simple, straightforward design, but it was
the most powerful single-engined racing car
of the period.
It is believed that Maserati built eight of
these cars in 1 9 3 0 -3 1 and, in addition, two
earlier cars were also fitted with the engine.
During the 8 C -2 5 0 0 ’s first racing year the
works pursued a very active racing pro­
gramme. Although Grand Prix races were
increasing in number, they were held mainly
in France and Italy, but that year French
events continued to be dominated by
Bugatti, although on Italian soil Maserati
emerged as the most successful marque. In
all the new 8C -2500s won six races.
Maserati’s season started on 23 March
The 8C-2500, still fitted with a two-seater body, was new fo r 1930. Luigi Arcangeli stands alongside with the Tripoli Grand Prix, run over four
his 8C-2500 before the Naples Grand Prix which he won. During 1930 the new cars won four impor­ laps of the long 16-mile (25.7km ) Mellaha
tant races. circuit. In the absence of serious opposition
Bozacchini with the Sedici Cilindri scored an
combustion chambers and there were two Power output was 175bhp at 5,300rpm , easy win from Arcangeli with a 2-litre car.
valves per cylinder at an angle of 90°. A which gave it a comfortable margin over The same drivers ran in the Monaco Grand
single magneto fired the plugs mounted in its rivals. Prix on 6 Apnl. The race was again Bugatti-
the centre of the cylinder head. Alloy As on previous Maseratis, there was a dry dominated and although Borzacchini with a
pistons were used and the connecting multiple-plate clutch and this fed the power two-litre car held fourth place for a while,
rods were tubular. The compression ratio to the 4-speed gearbox, which was bolted to both Bologna entries retired. Arcangeli,
varied from 7:1 to 8:1 - a high figure for the engine crankcase and had an Elektron partnered by Pastore, led the Mille Miglia
the period. alloy casing made for Maserati by Isotta on 1 2 -1 3 April with a 2-litre Maserati in
The crankshaft ran in five bearings, with a Fraschini — relations between the two sports trim, but ju st past Bologna, quite
centre roller bearing, plain outers. It was companies were still good. From the gear­ early in the race, he retired because of a
carefully balanced to keep vibration to a box the drive was taken by a torque-tube broken piston. A Maserati in the l,1 0 0 c c
minimum and no crankshaft damper was enclosed prop-shaft to the final drive, which class driven by Tamburi also retired. Alfa
fitted. Because it was short, it was very ngid incorporated an Elektron central casing Romeo drivers, headed by Nuvolari/
and this helped to keep the overall length of also made by Isotta Fraschini. Other items Guidotti, took the first four places in
the engine to a minimum. Lubrication was made for Maserati by Isotta included the general classification.
by dry-sump, with two pumps, one feeding brake shoes and drums, which had a dia­ Four 8C -2500s were entered in the 336-
the oil to the bearings and the other, a scav­ meter of 15.68in (400m m ) and a width of mile (541km ) Targa Fiorio on 6 May, driven
enge pump, drawing oil back to the tank. 1.96in (50mm). by Arcangeli, Borzacchini, Fagioli and
There was a single Weber carburettor and In most respects the chassis was similar Ernesto Maserati. On the tough Sicilian
the Roots-type supercharger was driven to those of the earlier Maseratis. It was of roads the Bologna cars had no serious
directly from the front of the crankshaft. channel-section construction, with dropped prospects of success. The race was fought


out between Bugatti and Alfa Romeo and the rivalry between Varzi and Nuvolari. Varzi (both at the wheel of 8C -2500s).
the only Maserati drivers to finish were Varzi scored a convincing win with his 8C- Despite an off-course excursion and outside
Ernesto and Borzacchini in eighth and 11th 2 5 0 0 at Pescara, while Ernesto Maserati help to get him back on the track Ernesto
places. Alfa Romeos took first and second brought another 8C -2500 across the line in Maserati with the Sedici Cilindrii, won the
places. Pastore drove an 8C -2500 in the second place and Borzacchini finished an heat for cars between 3 ,0 0 0 and 8 ,0 00cc
189-mile (304km ) Circuit of Caserta on 18 unhappy third with his P2. A week later from Rudolf Caracciola (Mercedes-Benz).
May, but he fell out of contention with Fagioli, with an 8C -2500, won the 186- Then came the non-qualifiers heat in which
mechanical problems. Luigi Fagioli finished mile (300km ) Circuit of Avellino from P2s took the first two places and, finally, the
fourth with a 2-litre car. Arcangeli (Alfa Romeo). l,1 0 0 c c heat in which Klinger and Chilean
There was a strong six-car Maserati entry For Maserati the most important race of Juan Zanelli finished third and fourth with
in the 162-mile (260km ) Rome Grand Prix the year was .the Monza Grand Prix on 7 Maseratis behind a brace of Salmsons.
held on the Tre Fontana circuit on 13 May. September. The race was held in capacity Arcangeli with his Maserati moved into the
This ranged from an 8 C -2500 driven by heats on the 4.263-m ile (6.86km ) Fiorio lead on the first lap of the final, the P2s
Arcangeli to an 8C -1100 with Alfieri at the combined road and banked track circuit in were forced to stop early in the race for new
wheel. Arcangeli battled with Chiron the Royal Park, with a 149-mile (240km ) tyres and Varzi, Arcangeli and Ernesto
(Bugatti) throughout the race and passed final regardless of engine capacity. The first Maserati took the first three places.
him on the finishing straight on the last lap four from each of the heats, which included Two 8C -2500s for Varzi and Count Maggi
to win at 83.60m ph (134.6kph). Alfieri also an extra heat for those who had not quali­ were entered in the 323-m ile (520km )
won the l,1 0 0 c c class from two Salmsons. fied, were eligible to run in the final. There Spanish Grand Prix at San Sebastian on 5
Two Maseratis had been dispatched to were two Maseratis in the heat for cars of October. The opposition came only from
compete in the Indianapolis 500 Miles race up to 2 ,0 0 0 cc and Pedrazzini finished third Bugattis, as the P2s had been withdrawn
on 30 May. The race at this time had a 6- with his Bologna entry behind two Bugattis. from racing. Varzi and Maggi led until Varzi
litre capacity limit, but superchargers were In the heat for cars between 2,0 0 0 and stopped to refuel, both Etancelin and
banned. Borzacchini drove the Sedici 3 ,0 0 0 cc Maserati dominated, despite strong Dreyfus overturned their Bugattis, and the
Cilindri, but with the blowers removed it Alfa Romeo and Bugatti entries. Maserati drivers came through to take the
was emasculated, and after a slow drive he Arcangeli with his 8C -2500 won from first two places ahead of Stoffel and Ferrand
retired early in the race because of engine Borzacchini (Alfa Romeo P2), Fagioli and with elderly 4-litre Peugeots.
problems. The second Maserati was a 2-litre
car with local driver Lettorio Piccolo Ernesto Maserati drove this 8C-2500 into second place in the 1930 Coppa Acei'bo at Pescara behind
Cucinotta (known to the crowds as ‘Piccolo Varzi with another 8C-2500.
Pete’) at the wheel. He finished 12th out
of 14. The race was won by Harry Hartz in
a Miller.
On 29 June Fagioli with an 8C -2500
finished second to Nuvolari (Alfa Romeo
P2) in the difficult, 40-mile (64km) Cuneo-
Colle della Magdalena hill climb, a round in
the Championship of the Mountains, which
had been inaugurated that year. On 3
August the 139-mile (224km ) Coppa Ciano
was held at Livorno and Fagioli scored the
8 C -2 5 0 0 ’s second win of the year at
54.47m ph (87.69kph) from Campari (P2).
By the time of the 159-mile (256km )
Coppa Acerbo at Pescara on 17 August,
Achille Varzi had left Scuderia Ferrari to
drive the 8 C -2500 and Borzacchini had
been lured into joining the Alfa Romeo
team. This was a situation prompted by

THE EARLY YEARS, 1 9 2 6 -3 1 / 25

working in Friderich’s Bugatti agency at
1931 Molsheim produced two new models, the
Nice and raced a Bugatti as an amateur. Of
Type 51, which was in simple terms a twin
For 1931 the governing body of motor overhead camshaft version of the long- the Maserati brothers Dreyfus wrote (My
sport, the Alliance Internationale de established Type 35, and the Type 54, which Two Lives), ‘How unlike each other they
Automobile Clubs Reconnus had to all intents combined a Type 50 4.9-litre twin overhead appeared, not like brothers at all. Alfieri was
and purposes thrown in its hand and for camshaft engine with a lengthened Grand the most Italian in looks, a very pleasant but
that year and during the following two Prix chassis. Alfa Romeo introduced a new strong and simple face; Ernesto was consid­
years, Grand Prix racing was held on a twin overhead camshaft, straight-eight 2.3- erably taller, and with a face more like an
Formule Libre basis. Minimum race litre design by Vittorio Jano built in three Englishman; Bindo was the oldest . . . and
distance was now ten hours. Although both forms, the fastest of which, the short-wheel- he was a little more refined, white hair,
the Italian and French Grands Prix were of base model that became known as the always well dressed. They were all very kind
this duration, many organisers of other Monza, was phenomenally successful in the to me. ’
races ignored the ruling and ran their races hands of Scuderìa Ferrari. W hat had in effect happened was that
to whatever distance they chose. In the For 1931 the Maserati team was joined by Italian driver Achille Varzi had left Maserati
meantime, the AIACR considered the future Frenchman René Dreyfus who had been to drive for Bugatti, so Maserati had signed
of Grand Prix racing and the formula that
was eventually to be announced proved The start o f the 1930 Spanish Grand Prix at San Sebastian. The front row o f the grid, left to right,
spectacularly successful. Maserati’s domina­ consists of Arrigio Sartorio (Tipo 26B), Stoffel (Peugeot) and David (Bugatti Type 35B). The SC-
tion of racing was challenged in 1931 by 2500 cars of Varzi (number 8) and Maggi (number 12) took the first two places in this 323-mile
both Alfa Romeo and Bugatti. (520km) race. (Guy Griffiths Collection)


up a Frenchman. Dreyfus was very familiar The Maserati team o f 8C-2500s at the 1931 Monaco Grand Prix. In the order that the cars are lined
with the substantial and busy factory at up, the drivers were René Dreyfus, Carlo Pedrazzini and Luigi Fagioli. Young Fagioli, who was still
Molsheim and in contrast he described the racing twenty years lata] finished second, sandwiched between Louis Chiron and Achille Varzi, both
Maserati factory as . small, more remi­ o f whom were driving Bugattis. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
niscent of a racing shop in Nice . . .
Maserati was a comparative newcomer, 292-mile (470km ) Tunis Grand Prix on 29 rather than a Maserati.’ He was shaken, but
building a few race cars . . . a year.’ The March, but the previous day a six-hour otherwise unhurt. Varzi with his Bugatti
other members of the works Maserati team sports car race was held on the same won from Fagioli with another 8C -2500
at this time were Ernesto Maserati, Fagioli, circuit. Dreyfus/Castelbarco won this with Maserati. Clemente Biondetti finished
Maggi and Biondetti. As part of the deal an 8C -2500 in sports trim. In the Grand fourth with the V4 behind Lehoux (Bugatti
with Dreyfus he was set up with small Prix, Dreyfus (8C -2500) battled with Varzi Type 35B).
garage premises in Nice from which he until he was forced to stop in the pits for a On 1 1 -1 2 April Tuffanelli partnered by
operated the first and only French Maserati loose oil line to be tightened. He rejoined Bertocchi, drove an l,1 0 0 c c Maserati in the
agency. He recalled that he sold two or the race and pursued Varzi until he crashed Miglia Miglia. They won their class, averag­
three cars. through an error of judgement. As Dreyfus ing 51.6m ph (83.1kph) and broke the class
The first Grand Prix of the year was the put it, ‘My car resemble [d] an accordion record by the margin of 1 hour 40 minutes.

THE EARLY YEARS, 1 9 2 6 -3 1 / 27

Alfieri must have been working hard on 8C -2500 in stark fabric-bodied sports form. his Bentley. Birkin won from Campari, and
achieving reliability, for the little Maserati It was probably the first time that a Maserati the Hon. Brian Lewis (Talbot 105) and
had raced for nearly 20 hours and it was the was seen in the UK. After a delayed start, it Eyston, whose car had been misfiring for
first time that an example of the marque had began lapping at over 1 OOmph (161kph), much of the race and who lost a place in a
completed the course. Second and third but it was retired because of axle problems late stop for fuel. In the final results based
places in the class went to an Austin Seven just before the end of the first day’s racing. on the two races Campari was fourth.
(Goodacre/Trevisan) and a Rally (Carnevali/ Three works Maseratis ran in the Targa The Maserati team was out in force for
Concony). Fiorio held on 10 May. The race was held the 149-mile (240km ) Rome Grand Prix
The third Monaco Grand Prix was held as over four laps of the 92.5-m ile (149km) held on 7 June in a series of heats and a
a 195-mile (314km ) Formule Libre race on Long Madonie circuit, which had last been final on the Littorio circuit. Ernesto drove
19 April. The positions on the starting grid used in 1911. The reason for this was that the Sedici Cilindri, René Dreyfus and Luigi
were settled by ballot and Dreyfus led away storms in March had resulted in a section of Fagioli were at the wheel of 8C -2500s and
at the start, staying in front for the first the usual Madonie circuit collapsing in a Clemente Biondetti appeared with a 2-litre
three laps. He dropped back to fourth landslide. Dreyfus was driving his 8C -2500 car. The only Maserati driver to win his heat
because of fuel pump trouble and retired solo, with an oil tank where the mechanic was Ernesto, but his opposition in the over
shortly before the finish because the igni­ would have otherwise sat. He survived only 3 ,0 0 0 cc class was limited to di Vecchio
tion points had broken off in the magneto. two laps before retiring with sparking plug with an ancient Hispano-Suiza-engined
Chiron won with his Type 51 Bugatti from problems. The other two Maseratis went off Itala. The Maserati drivers had been saving
Fagioli (8C -2500) and Varzi (Type 51). Next the road, turned into a slippery, slimy mud- their cars for the final. Varzi with his Bugatti
came the Bordino race run over a distance bath after heavy rain had started to fall. led intitially, but a tyre failed and while he
of 174 miles (280km ) at Alessandria on 26 Nuvolari (Alfa Romeo) won from Varzi was stopped at the pits, Ernesto went ahead
April. None of the leading Maserati drivers (Type 51). For reasons that are not known with the Sedici Cilindri. Varzi was soon back
took part, but Count Luigi Castelbarco, Maserati withdrew from the Italian Grand in the race, only to retire because of engine
who was the orchestra conductor Arturo Prix (also that year given the title of problems. Ernesto averaged 94.65m ph
Toscanini’s son-in-law, finished fourth with European Grand Prix) held at Monza as a (152.39kph) to win from Dreyfus,
a 8C -2500, once again behind Varzi ten-hour race on 24 May. Biondetti, Ruggeri (Talbot) and Cerami with
(Bugatti Type 51), Minozzi and von Morgen The last Irish Grand Prix meeting in a private 8C -2500.
(both with Type 35 Bugattis). Phoenix Park, Dublin was held on 5 - 6 June Three works-entered 8C -2500s driven by
The following month Toscanini refused to and two 8C -2500s in sports trim com­ Ernesto Maserati/Fagioli, Dreyfus/Ghersi
play the Fascist anthem, Giovinezza, at a peted. Eyston appeared again with the car and Biondetti/Parenti ran in the French
concert in Bologna and insisted that he that he had driven at Brooklands and Grand Prix, another ten-hour race held at
would play only the Italian National Campari drove a four-seater with Ramponi Montlhéry on 21 June. Birkin/Eyston drove
Anthem. The concert was stopped, as co-driver. The rules were rather complex a private 8C -2500. Both Bugatti and
Toscanini was beaten up by Fascists, impris­ as the final results were decided on the Scuderia Ferrari entered strong teams. These
oned in his house in Milan and his passport results of the handicap Saorstat Cup for long Grands Prix became endurance races,
was confiscated. He refused to give up his sports cars up to l,5 0 0 c c held on the first hard on all components, especially brakes.
anti-Fascist views and in June, after his day and the handicap Eireann Cup for Fagioli set a searing pace and turned in a
passport was returned, he went into exile. unlimited capacity sports cars on the new lap record of 85.50m ph (137.65kph),
This may have little to do with motor second day, both over a distance of 300 but Chiron (Bugatti) was battling with him
racing, but it indicates the atmosphere in miles (484km). all the way. It was ju st like a Le Mans race in
which all artists and sportsmen operated in Despite heavy rain Campari pulled out a which drivers from two teams were sent out
Italy during the 1930s. good lead in the Eireann Cup, but stopped to set the pace and break the opposition
The JC C Double Twelve race was held on at the pits after a stone had smashed his during the first couple of hours.
a special circuit at Brooklands on 8 - 9 May. goggles and a piece of glass entered his eye. Chiron was the winner of this duel, as
Because of the ban on night-time racing it While he was receiving medical attention, Fagioli and Ernesto could not maintain the
was held over two days in two stages of 12 Ramponi took the wheel, but dropped back pace and eventually they withdrew because
hours and was a sports car handicap. An steadily. Campari rejoined the race despite of brake problems. Louis Chiron and
interesting contender was Captain George blurred vision and tried desperately to catch Achille Varzi, an incredibly formidable pair­
Eyston partnered by Giulio Ramponi with an up with Birkin who was now leading with ing, won from Campari/Borzacchini


(.Scuderìa Ferrari Alfa Romeo Monza), In the handicap Tourist Trophy at Ards September. Fagioli was leading when he
Biondetti/Parenti and Birkin/Eyston. After on 22 August two 8C -2500s in sports trim lost control and collided with the stanchion
delays caused by mechanical problems, were entered by M.C. Morris for Eyston and of a bridge over the circuit, and the bridge
Dreyfus/Ghersi finished eighth. Luis Fronteras. On scratch the race was promptly collapsed. The second and
René Dreyfus with an 8C -2500 was the completely dominated by the Scuderia third-place runners, Varzi (Bugatti) and
only Maserati driver entered in the 248-mile Ferrari 2.3-litre Alfa Romeos in long-chassis Nuvolari (Alfa Romeo) hit the debris and
(400km ) Marne Grand Prix at Reims on 5 Le Mans form, but Black (MG) won on were eliminated. Chiron (Bugatti) won the
July. Dreyfus battled with a strong Bugatti handicap and the Alfas of Borzacchini and race. Some minor successes by private
entry and finished second, two minutes Campari were classified fourth and sixth. owners followed before the end of the
behind Lehoux at the wheel of a Type 51. Fronteras retired early in the race, while season and these included a win by Birkin
There were no Maseratis entered in the Eyston was classified eighth. in the BARC Mountain Championship at
Belgian Grand Prix on 12 July and the Maserati fought back at the Monza Grand Brooklands on 17 October. Sir Malcom
Officine next ran in the 255-m ile (410km ) Prix on 6 September. Bologna had Campbell (Mercedes-Benz) and Clifton
German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring a produced an enlarged version of the Penn-Hughes (Bugatti) took second and
week later. Fagioli and Dreyfus drove works straight-eight engine with a capacity of third places.
8C -2500s and Birkin was at the wheel of 2 ,7 9 5 cc (68 x 94mm) said to develop Maserati won the Italian Champion­
the private entry belonging to Eyston. 198bhp at 6,000rpm . W hen this engine ship for the second time in 1931 and
The race was run in torrential rain. Fagioli was fitted, the 26M was known as the 8C- Il Duce expressed his appreciation of
made a superb start and led the field away, 2 8 0 0 and it was claimed to have a maxi­ Maserati racing efforts by granting Alfieri
but was passed on the first lap by mum speed of 145mph (233kph). The the Fascist title of Cavaliere, the equivalent
Caracciola (7-litre Mercedes-Benz SSKL). power output figure of 198bhp is suspect, of a knighthood. Although the 8C -2500s
Chiron (Bugatti) also passed Fagioli on lap for some authorities give the power output were to be raced for many years, none
eight and the Maserati driver went off the of the 8C -2500 as 175bhp (quoted earlier) was made after late 1931. Eight were built,
course a few laps later. Dreyfus also retired and some as 195bhp. An extra 300cc together with one road car, and the chassis
his 8C -2500. As the race neared its end, would not increase power by 23bhp and numbers ran from 2 5 1 0 to 2518. The
the circuit began to dry out and Caracciola 3bhp represents nothing more than a typi­ road car was a saloon by Castagna and
won the race for the third time, with Chiron cal variation of outputs between two although it was the only example built,
in second place. Birkin had been delayed by engines of the same type. others were planned, including a cabriolet
plug trouble and was well down the list of The Monza race was run on the same by Castagna and both open and closed
finishers in tenth place. circuit as in 1930 and there was again a bodies by Zagato.
Maserati’s domination of racing with the series of heats. Fagioli and Dreyfus with the The decline in Alfieri’s health was marked
8C -2500 had been short-lived and another 8C -2800s took the first two places in the in 1931 by his absence from the wheel of
defeat followed in the 135-mile (217km) up to 3 ,0 0 0 cc heat, but Ernesto was a poor his cars and, sometimes, by his absence
Coppa Ciano at Livorno on 2 August. fifth with the Sedici Cilindri in the heat for from races. He produced his last new
Nuvolari won with an Alfa Romeo Monza cars over 3 ,0 0 0 cc and failed to qualify for design in the latter part of the year, the first
entered by Scuderia Ferrari, Chiron (Bugatti) the final. The biggest threat to the Maseratis 4-cylinder Maserati, intended for sale to
was second and Fagioli was beaten into in the final came from Chiron and Varzi private owners and much easier to maintain
third place. The following day was August with the 4.9-litre Bugatti Type 54s, but they than the straight-eight cars. This was the
Bank Holiday Monday in Britain and Birkin were plagued by tyre failure and dropped two-seater 4C TR-1100, with a super­
drove the Eyston 8C -2500 at Brooklands. out of the battle for the lead. Despite a tyre charged l,0 8 8 c c (65 x 82mm) engine. A
There were hopes that he might beat the problem of his own, which meant a pit stop power output of 125bhp at 6,600rpm is
Outer Circuit lap record, which at this time for a wheel-change, Fagioli won from quoted in factory data, but that figure is
stood to the credit of Kaye Don (Sunbeam Borzacchini (Alfa Romeo Monza), Varzi and improbably high and around lOObhp is
Tiger 4-litre) at 137.58m ph (221.5kph). Nuvolari (who had taken over Minoia’s more likely. All 4-cylinder Maseratis had a
Conditions were too windy for record- Monza). Dreyfus retired because of a burnt 4-speed gearbox based on that of the Fiat
breaking, but Birkin lapped at 135.45m ph piston. 522. The chassis was lighter and more
(218.07kph) and the same day also set a The Maserati team’s last race of the compact and it had a shorter wheelbase.
new lap record for the Mountain circuit at season was the 308-m ile (496km) The 4CTR-1100 was first raced by Klinger
75.21m ph (1 2 1 .lk p h ). Czechoslovakian Grand Prix at Brno on 27 in the 1931 Monza Grand Prix.

THE EARLY YEARS, 1 9 2 6 -3 1 / 29

Chapter 3

The death of Alfieri Maserati

and afterwards, 1 9 3 2 -3 4
l fie r i fo llo w ed the advice
m e d ic a l to develop 90bhp at 5,300rpm and with a local driver, Joly, won with an old Tipo 26

A that he had been receiving and agreed

to a kidney operation. This took place on 3
lengthened wheelbase. It is believed six of
these cars were built. Tuffanelli partnered by
In the 195-mile (314km) Monaco Grand
March 1932 but, sadly, he died during Bertocchi again won the l,1 0 0 c c class of Prix on 17 April Maserati entered three
surgery. He was only aged 44. He had years the Mille Miglia held on 9 -1 0 April. They cars. Amadeo Ruggeri retired one of the SC-
of greatness ahead of him, and if he had averaged 55.1m ph (88.71kph) and their 2 0 0 0 because of mechanical problems and
lived a full life, Maserati would have been a time of 18hr 35m in 2.2sec was more than Fagioli with the other finished an uncom­
different company. It is almost certain that an hour quicker than the class winner in petitive third behind Nuvolari and
it would have remained independent, but 1931. The car was one of the older 8-cylin­ Caracciola (both driving Alfa Romeo
the extent to which Alfieri could have der models. Monzas). Dreyfus retired when his car shed
produced new and competitive designs to Maserati also developed the 4C M -1100 a wheel. On 24 April Joly and Pierre
keep abreast of technical developments is a with monoposto body and the Tipo 4CM- Veyron, both with Tipo 26 cars, finished in
matter for speculation. Following Alfieri’s 1500 with a four-cylinder l,4 9 6 c c (69 x first and second places in the l,5 0 0 c c class
death, Ernesto became president and Bindo 100mm) engine in the same chassis. Power of the three-hour race held at Oran in
left Isotta Fraschini to join the surviving output was claimed to be 150bhp at Algeria. Veyron’s car was owned and
brothers at Bologna. 6,100rpm . These l,5 0 0 c c cars, of which entered by André Vagniez.
Prior to his death, Alfieri had been work­ about 12 were built, were allotted various Maserati had been developing a second
ing on the development of a front-wheel- chassis numbers between 1514 and 1559. Sedici Cilindri, typed the V5 and much more
drive car, thereby following in the tyre- The model had a claimed maximum speed powerful than the V4. The design approach
tracks of Alvis, Miller and Tracta, whose fwd of 132mph (212.5kph). The last 4CM of was unchanged, but this car had two
cars had all attracted great interest and this type was delivered in 1935. straight-eight 2.5-litre engines giving a
indeed, achieved a measure of success. The In Grand Prix racing it was to be a poor capacity of 4 ,9 05cc mounted on a common
prototype fwd Maserati, designated the TA- season for Maserati and very few successes crankcase in the same way as the V4. Again,
28 0 0 , was powered by a 2.8-litre engine. were gained. The Bugatti Type 51s were a various power outputs have been quoted,
Some time after Alfieri’s death, Ernesto match for the 8C -2800s and these were but a figure of 360bhp at 5,500rpm seems
tested the TA on the Via Emilia, lost control completely outpaced by the new Vittorio accurate, as does a maximum speed of
and ploughed through the boundary wall of Jano-designed straight-eight 2.6-litre Alfa 156mph (251kph). The real problem with
the San Lazaro di Savena cemetery. Romeo Tipo B Monoposti (which were both V I 6 cars was that they were suitable
Although there were expectations that the entered by the works team, Alfa Corse). The only for relatively short races on fast
TA would run in a couple of races, this 8C -2800 driven by Fagioli in the Tunis circuits, because of their handling limita­
never happened and the fwd project was Grand Prix on 3 April was plagued by plug tions and high level of tyre wear.
quietly forgotten. and supercharger problems that caused its One such race was the Rome Grand Prix
During 1932 a number of new Maserati retirement. He took over Dreyfus’s car to on 24 April and held in four 62-mile
models were seen. The first of these was a finish seventh. Alfa Romeo did not enter (100km ) qualifying heats and a 149-mile
sports version of the 4CM known as the this race and Bugattis took the first two (240km ) final. W ith the V5 Fagioli won
4C S-1100, with a less powerful engine said places. There was a l,5 0 0 c c class which a both his heat and the final, when he aver-


aged 98.59m ph (158.73kph) and was
followed across the line by an Alfa Romeo
and three Bugattis. In this race the 4CM-
1100 made its debut in the hands of
Tuffanelli. The only Maserati in the Targa
Fiorio, run over eight laps of the new and
shortened 44.7-m ile (72km) Little Madonie
circuit on 8 May, was an 8C -2800 driven by
Ruggeri. He finished fifth behind the
Scuderia Ferrari-entered Alfa Romeos of
Nuvolari and Borzacchini, the Bugatti of
Chiron/Varzi and an Alfa 6C 1750 driven
by Ghersi.
A new event on the racing calendar was
the 126-mile (203km ) Nimes Grand Prix
on 16 May. This race was held on a street
circuit through the town and Dreyfus with
an 8C -2800 finished second behind
Falchetto (Bugatti). The Casablanca Grand
Prix held over a distance of 2 58 miles
(415km ) incorporated a l,5 0 0 c c class and
Veyron won this with his Tipo 26 from
Durand (Bugatti Type 37A).
At Avus on 22 May Dreyfus was entered
with the V5 Sedici Cilindri and like all the
other runners was plagued by tyre prob­
lems. He vied for the lead and set fastest
lap, but the Maserati developed a sticking
throttle and the carburettor butterfly
broke off. Ernesto Maserati was most
anxious that he should complete the race,
for otherwise the fastest lap would not
count. So repairs were bodged and Dreyfus
rejoined the race to finish last. Lehoux won
with his Type 5 4 Bugatti. Fagioli with a
works 8 C -2800 also retired. After this race
Dreyfus, feeling that he was jinxed by bad
luck at Bologna, left the Maserati team to
drive a Type 51 Bugatti belonging to Louis
The Italian Grand Prix at Monza on 5 Maserati was one of several companies to experiment with front-wheel-drive in the period covering the
June was a five-hour race, half the distance late 1920s to the early 1930s. The front-wheel-drive Maserati had a 2,800cc 8-cylinder engine and
specified in Grand Prix regulations, and was was built in 1932. It was typed the TA-2800 (TAfo r Trazione Anteriore).
held over the full 6.214-m ile (10km) road
circuit and banked track. Maserati entered Romeos making their race debut in the that he pitted Fagioli was stationary for
the V5 Sedici Cilindri for Fagioli and an SC- hands of Nuvolari and Campari. The race twice as long as Nuvolari. Despite his furi­
2 8 0 0 for Ruggeri. Castelbarco and Premoli was fought out between Fagioli and ous driving and a new lap record of
drove private 8C -2500s. The opposition Nuvolari and lost for Maserati by their inef­ 112.2m ph (180.6kph), Fagioli was about
included two of the new Monoposto Alfa ficient pit work when, on the two occasions 2 Yi minutes behind Nuvolari at the finish.


The V5 Sedici Cilindri driven by Luigi Fagioli is seen at the Rome Grand Prix on 24 April. Fagioli Coppa Ciano on the Montenero circuit at
waits while the mechanics work on the car. Fie won the race from Tariffi (Alfa Romeo) and von Livorno on 31 July, there were no works
Morgen (Bugatti). (Guy Griffiths Collection) Maseratis entered and the highest placed
Bologna entry was the 8C -2500 driven into
Ruggeri and Premoli finished eighth and Caracciola with a Monoposto won from tenth place by Castelbarco. Some consola­
ninth. Nuvolari with a similar car. Alfa Romeo tion came from the fact that Cerami and
Veyron scored another success with his Monoposti driven by Nuvolari won the next Ruggeri finished first and third with l,1 0 0 c c
elderly Maserati in the Lorraine Grand Pnx three races. Ernesto Maserati/Ruggeri Maseratis in the 99-mile (160km ) Voiturette
at Nancy on 26 June and won this 79-mile finished third in the l,5 0 0 c c class behind race at the same circuit. Cerami was to
(127km) race with another Maserati driven Tauber (6C 1500 Alfa Romeo) and become that year’s Italian l,1 0 0 c c
by Valette in fourth place. Maserati missed Hartmann (Bugatti Type 37A). Champion. The same day the Comminges
the French Grand Prix at Reims on 3 July, A week later Veyron with his Tipo 26 Grand Prix was held on the St. Gaudens
won by Nuvolari, and Ruggeri drove the finished second in the very short, 20-mile circuit. There were separate races for 1,100
sole Maserati entered in the German Grand (32km) race at Nice for l,5 0 0 c c cars. and l,5 0 0 c c cars and Veyron won the 196-
Prix on 17 July, but retired. Ruggeri did Fagioli with an 8C -2800 finished a humili­ mile (315km ) l,5 0 0 ccra ce .
however take over the works l,1 0 0 c c ating third in the 155-mile (250km ) Circuit At Pescara on 14 August the highest
Maserati with which Ernesto Maserati, of Avellino on 24 July, beaten by Nuvolari placed Maserati in the Coppa Acerbo was
running in the l,5 0 0 c c category, had (Monoposto) and DTppolito with an Alfa an 8C -2800. Fagioli was at the wheel, but a
started the race. In the German race Romeo Monza. In the 124-mile (200km) front tyre threw a tread, the flailing rubber


hit his arm, injuring him quite badly, and so The l,496cc Tipo 4CM appeared in late 1932 and achieved reasonable success in Vetturette racing.
Ruggeri took the Maserati over to finish This photograph shows a very youthful Roy Salvadori competing with an early 4CM-1500 at
fifth. In the 63-mile (101km ) Voiturette race Stanmer Park hill climb near Brighton in June 1948. (Guy Griffiths)
Scaron (Amilcar) and Chambost (Salmson)
beat Matrullo with his Maserati into third Ernesto was able to carry on to finish fifth. W hen the Monoposti failed to appear in
place. Fagioli drove the V5 Sedici Cilindri again the parade before the start, the spectators
Maserati fared rather better in the 3 08- in the Monza Grand Prix held on the full protested noisily. At this point Roberto
mile (495km ) Czechoslovakian Grand Prix 6.214-m ile (10km) circuit on 11 Farinacci, Secretary of the Italian Fascist
at Bmo on 4 September. Nuvolari was September. In his heat Fagioli battled wheel- party intervened and, it would seem,
plagued by ignition problems on his to-wheel with Nuvolari, until the Monoposto pointed out the wisdom of Alfa Corse
Monoposto, Borzacchini retired his new driver went off on lap six and rejoined to competing - which they did. Fagioli
Alfa Romeo and Chiron won the race finish second after a pit stop to change a finished second behind Caracciola
with his Type 51 Bugatti. In this race, run wheel. Alfa Corse entered a protest that (Monoposto) and Nuvolari, who was forced
in heavy rain, Fagioli took second place, Fagioli had forced Nuvolari off the road and to make a pit stop, took third place. Ruggeri
while a struggling Nuvolari finished third, said that if Fagioli were not disqualified, finished ninth with his 8C -2800.
half an hour behind the winner. In the they would withdraw their cars from the The final race of the European season was
l,5 0 0 c c class Ernesto Maserati led initially final. The chief race commissioner, the the 250-m ile (402km ) Marseille Grand Prix
but his car caught fire. Burggaller Marchese Pietro Parisio, said that he was held on the Miramas circuit. Fagioli was
(Bugatti) won the class from Veyron and not minded to support the protest. entered with the V5 and Ruggeri drove an


One of the problems facing the Maserati brothers in late
1932 was what to do with the V4. They decided that as an
old racing car it was unsaleable and, as many others did
afterwards (including Whitney Straight), decided to have it
converted into a touring car. Zagato was commissioned to
build the body and the result was an exceptionally handsome
and formidable two-seater sports car. In this form it was sold
to Professore Riccardo Galliazi who lived at Civitavecchia, on
the coast not far north of Rome. Galliazi entered the car in
the 1932 Tripoli Grand Prix for Carlo Grazzabini to drive, but
he retired after five laps for reasons unknown.
After this nothing was heard of the V4 until just before
the Second World War, when 'a well known racing driver'
drove it to Brussels for delivery to Eric Verkade. The driver
was Tazio Nuvolari, but apparently he failed to impress the
authorities, as he was allegedly imprisoned for having no
papers with the car. Verkade is reported to have stripped
the car, packed the components and had them transported
to Holland. He is said to have reassembled the car towards
the end of the war, possibly with the help of Dutch trader
and vintage car expert Bert Loyens, and in 1946 Verkade
The V4 was fitted with a Zagato sports body in 1932 and sold to an Italian buyer.
used the V4 to drive to events in which he was competing.
Shortly before the Second World War Tazio Nuvolari delivered it to Eric Verkade in By 1947 the car was in England, apparently for repair, but
Brussels. Nuvolari, cigarette in hand, explains the details of the car. (Guy according to a letter that Loyens wrote on 21 October 1947
Griffiths Collection) it should have been returned to Holland, as it had only a
carnet de passage issued by the Royal Dutch Automobile
The V4 Maserati in sports forni with Charles Lewis at the wheel in the 1952 Club. At this time V4 was in the custody of Charles and
Brighton Speed Trials. It was a formidable, but controllable car to drive on the David Lewis and on 6 September 1952 Charles drove it from
road, even under busy traffic conditions. (Guy Griffiths) London to Brighton to compete in the Speed Trials. His best
time was 35.37sec compared with the 32.50sec achieved by
Ronnie Symondson with his highly tuned sprint Bugatti Type
57SC. It was an impressive performance for such a heavy car,
which probably retained its 165mph-plus (265kph plus)
In around 1955-56 Charles Lewis entered into an
arrangement with John Howell for him to race the car and
be responsible for expenses and maintenance. In a race at
Snetterton in 1956 the engine blew up and was extensively
damaged. The Lewis brothers were unable to recover the
car from Howell and always felt bitter about it. Eventually
legal proceedings were issued and in 1968, it was settled
that Howell would make a payment of £800 to Charles
Lewis and retain the car. Early in 1999 the car was sold for
£1 'A million, restored by Maserati expert Sean Danaher in his
workshop at Newmarket and then shipped to the United
States for the body to be restored.

(T h is in fo r m a tio n a b o u t th e V 4 w a s k in d ly s u p p lie d by G u y G riffith s)


8.C-2800. There was another closely fought
battle between Fagioli and Nuvolari, which E SSIG *
ended when the Sedici Cilindri dropped back
because of mechanical trouble. The Scuderia
Ferrari pit staff, however, were a little too
confident that Nuvolari would win. Their pit
work was too leisurely and Sommer with his
private Monza built up a good lead. W hen
Nuvolari’s Monoposto punctured a tyre any
hope of him winning was lost. Fagioli
finished a poor sixth.
In December Maserati took the V5 to
Montlhéry for an attempt on the one-hour
record with Ruggeri at the wheel. As his per­
formances during the year had shown,
Ruggeri was no ace and he probably paid for
his drives in the Maserati team. Ruggeri lost John Crampton with 8C-3000, engine number 3002, at Goodwood on 17 September 1949. It was
control of the V5 and was killed. Amadeo the ex-Rubin car, which Birkin drove into third place in the 1933 Tripoli Grand Prix. This car was
Ruggeri was the father of the Ruggeri broth­ always kept in immaculate condition and driven both quickly and sympathetically. (Guy Griffiths)
ers who ran Scuderia Milano in early post-war
days. although the brothers were quite happy for
car production to jog along, the new car Giuseppe Campari at the wheel oj his Tipo
increased production by a good measure. 8C-3000, with engine number 3001, at the
1933 The 8CM with Monoposto body had a chas­ Parma-Poggia di Bercetto hill climb on 21
sis based on that of the 4C M -1100, a model March, 1933. In May he drove this car in the
It has been estimated that during the period that had about half the power of the 8 CM. Tripoli Grand Prix, but retired because o f a
1 9 2 6 -3 3 Maserati built only 61 cars or there­ The chassis frame, which used the seven loose oil tank. The following month he won the
abouts, a relatively small number indeed, but leaf-spring suspension of the smaller car, French Grand Prix at Montlhéry. The car has
the brothers were not concerned because the was only 24.40in (620mm) wide. The the older, square badge, because both 8C-3000s
sparking plug business was still very success­ height to the top of the aero-screen was a were earlier 26M chassis in which the latest
ful. Then - despite the death of Alfieri - mere 3 7.79in (960m m ) and the width of engines had been installed. (Guy Griffiths
production was increased, and in 1933 the the very narrow aluminium-alloy body was Collection)
Maserati brothers introduced both the Tipo 20.98in . (533m m ).
8C -3000 and the Tipo 8C -3000M Although the 4-speed gearbox with
(.Monoposto) with single-seater body. ’change between the driver’s legs was
Only two examples of the 8C were built, claimed to be Maseratis own, it incorpor­
using the Type 26M chassis, with the 2,992cc ated Fiat Tipo 522 components. Maserati
(69 x 100mm) engine that according to were to use Fiat gearbox components for
factory data developed 230bhp at 5 ,5 0 0 rpm. many years. The steering column was in the
This engine differed from earlier straight-eight centre of the car with the clutch pedal to its
engines in having a narrower crankcase. A left and the accelerator and brake pedal to
maximum speed of 144m ph (232kph) is its right. The steering box was also of Fiat
quoted. There were only two examples of this manufacture. The first cars retained
model, chassis number 3 0 0 1 , which was a mechanical brakes, but hydraulic brakes
works car driven by Campari and Fagioli, and were soon adopted, re-introducing these
3002, which was bought by Bernard Rubin into Grand Prix racing for the first time
for Tim Birkin to race. since Duesenberg had used them in 1921.
The Tipo 8C M -3000 was, with certain These cars had enormous Elektron brake
reservations, to prove a great racing car, and drums with Elektron shoes.


sure by ordering an Alfa Romeo Monza.
Fagioli enjoyed a wild race with the works
8CM, often mounting the pavement and
causing officials and photographers to run
for their lives. He retired because of
magneto trouble. Zehender’s feet were
badly blistered by heat from the engine and
after stopping at the pits, he resumed with
thicker-soled shoes to take sixth place. Varzi
(Type 51 Bugatti) won from Borzacchini
(Monza) and Dreyfus (Type 51).
Undergraduate Whitney Straight sat an
examination at Cambridge on Saturday, 6
May and then flew to Brooklands where he
drove his black, ex-Birkin 8C -2500 in the
JC C International Trophy. The race was a
Formule Fibre event over a distance of 263
miles run on a special circuit. Straight soon
pulled away into the lead and set fastest lap
at 92.07m ph (148.23kph), lapped the field
and then retired because of final drive fail­
ure. The Hon Brian Lewis (Monza) won the
The Tipo 8CM engine, but fitted, apparently, with an SU carburettor in place of the usual Memini. race from Eddie Hall (MG K3 Magnette).
The engines o f these cars were so reliable that they were rarely seen at race meetings with the bonnet The following day the Tunis Grand Prix
was held over a distance of 2 4 4 miles
open. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
(393km ) on the new and very fast, much
The 8CM ’s biggest weakness was lack of they were put into store at the company’s shorter 8-mile (13km) Mellaha circuit.
chassis rigidity and the cars were inferior, so Portello, Milan headquarters and he had to The main Maserati contenders were
far as roadholding was concerned, to the make do with the 2.3-litre Monza bored out Campari and Birkin with the two 8C-
Alfa Romeo Tipo Bs. In 1933 Maserati also to just under 2.6 litres. 3000s. This was the notorious occasion
introduced the Type 4C S-1500 sports Maserati’s first Grand Prix of the season when, or so it is alleged, Nuvolari, Varzi
model with engine said to develop 90bhp on 26 March was the 292-m ile (470km) and Borzacchini, together probably also
at 5,500rpm . Only about half-a-dozen of Tunis Grand Prix on the Carthage circuit, with Campari, and in league with ticket-
these cars were built and they were largely consisting of fast bends that could holders, struck a deal whereby they shared
completed with both stark cycle-wing and be taken almost flat-out. Campari drove the a national sweepstake based on the results
fairly sleek aerodynamic bodies. works 8C -3000, while Raymond Sommer of the race. Campari retired because of a
W hen the two models eventually raced and Goffredo Zehender drove the two loose oil tank, but Birkin drove a brilliant
against each other, the 8C M -3000 and the 8CMs that Sommer had ordered following race, leading initially and then chasing
original 2.6-litre Alfa Romeo Tipo B were his appointment as Maserati agent in Campari hard before his retirement. He had
closely matched, but at the beginning of France. Both Campari and Sommer retired arranged for a Maserati mechanic to help in
1933 Alfa Romeo announced that they because of sheared magneto drives, while his pit, but when he came in to refuel,
were withdrawing the Tipo B Monoposti Zehender drove a slow race to finish third mechanic was there none and Birkin had to
from racing. It was a decision that saved behind the Scuderia Ferrari Monzas of refuel the car himself.
Alfa Romeo a great deal of expenditure at a Nuvolata and Borzacchini. By the time he was back in the race, he
time when the company was running at a Another disappointing performance was too far behind to catch the leaders. As
loss, but it strongly enhanced Maserati followed on 23 April in the 195-mile he was not a member of the cartel’, it
prospects of success. Enzo Ferrari had (314km) Monaco Grand Prix. Sommer would have been unfortunate if he had won
hoped that Scuderia Ferrari would be retired his 8CM early in the race with a the race and it seems that the absence of
allowed to race the Monoposti, but instead holed crankcase and showed his displea­ the mechanic was arranged’. Birkin


finished third behind Varzi (Bugatti) and Campari built up a two-minute lead over number one Maserati driver and stormed off
Nuvolari (Monza). It was during this race Etancelin (private Monza), but had to stop to join Scuderìa Ferrari.
that Birkm burnt his arm on the Maserati’s for tyres again - and stopped once more for Nuvolari first appeared with the 8CM at
exhaust pipe and contracted blood poison­ tyres when it started to rain. Etancelin the 370-mile (595km) Belgian Grand Prix at
ing. It was, however, possible that the blood seemed all set to win and would have won, Spa-Francorchamps on 9 July. For what were
poisoning was the result of mosquito bites if his gearbox had not jammed and he had almost certainly contractual reasons, his
to which he was allergic after contracting to stop out on the circuit for some energetic entrant was Scuderia Ferrari. During practice
malaria during the 1 9 1 4 -1 8 War. Financial porridge-stirring. Campari went on to score he was horrified by the chassis whip of the
worries had been affecting him badly and a lucky win for Maserati, 42sec ahead of 8CM and he concluded that the chassis was
may have caused a lack of will to fight for Etancelin. W hat made it even luckier was not strong enough to withstand the stresses
recovery. Birkin, who was one of Britain’s that Campari had received an illegal push- of really high-speed cornering. He took the
greatest drivers of the inter-war years, died start after his third pit stop, but instead of Maserati off to the Imperia car factory at
on 22 June. disqualifying him, the organisers fined him Nessonvaux where he had additional stiffen­
Both the Avusrennen and the Picardie lOOOfr. Zehender retired because of ing members welded into position. The
Grand Prix were held on 21 May and both mechanical problems. starting grid was arranged by a draw and
races incorporated a Voiturette class. There W hitney Straight made his first appear­ Nuvolari started from the back row. He soon
were no Maseratis in Berlin, but André ance in a Grand Prix when he entered the worked his way into the lead and won by a
Vagniez and Devaud took second and third Marne race held over a distance of 248 margin of three minutes from Varzi (Bugatti
places in the 90-mile (145km ) Picardie miles (400km ) at Reims on 2 July. Campari Type 51) with Dreyfus (Type 51) in third
Voiturette race. The winner was Madame again drove the works 8C -3000, while place. The highest placed Monza was fifth..
Rose Itier with a recently delivered Type both Zehender and Biondetti were at the On the following Sunday the 149-mile
51A Bugatti. On 4 June the 64-mile wheel of 8CMs. Campari battled with (240km ) Coppa Ciano was held on the
(103km ) Circuit of Nîmes incorporated Etancelin for second place, ju st managing Montenero circuit and Nuvolari scored an
l,1 0 0 c c and l,5 0 0 c c classes in the race for to keep the well-driven Monza at bay, but easy victory, eight minutes ahead of Brivio
cars up to 2 ,000cc. There were only five he was forced to retire after he was struck (Scuderia Ferrari Monza) and with Campari
l,1 0 0 c c starters and nine in the l,5 0 0 c c in the eye by a stone. Biondetti pulled out at the wheel of a 4C M -2000 in third place.
class and although Vagniez with the old of the race for the same reason. Etancelin, Feminando Barbieri, Guido Landi and
Tipo 26 won the l,5 0 0 c c class, he was Wimille and Sommer took the first three Giuseppe Furmanik took the first three
substantially slower than Chambost places, while Straight brought his 8C -2500, places with their Maseratis in the l,1 0 0 c c
(Salmson) who won the l,1 0 0 c c class. now painted green to comply with Voiturette race. Barbieri was at the wheel of
On 11 June the French Grand Prix was International race regulations, across the a 4CM entered by Scuderìa Capredoni which
held over a distance of 311 miles (500km) line in fourth place. was based in Genoa. Furmanik’s main
on the full 7.7-mile (12.4km ) Montlhéry Nuvolari retired his Monza at Reims interest was record-breaking and with
road and banked track near Paris. Campari because of differential failure for the second Maseratis he was a very successful expo­
drove the works 8 C -3000 and Zehender race in succession. There had been secret nent of this during the 1930s. There is little
was at the wheel of his 8CM. The Bugatti negotiations between Nuvolari and the doubt that Furmanik’s efforts inspired the
team had withdrawn because they had been Maserati brothers, for the great Italian later and very successful record-breaking
planning to run the new Type 59 cars, but disliked the regimen imposed at Scuderìa attempts of ‘Goldie’ Gardner with MG cars.
these were not ready, and they had not Ferrari by egoist Enzo and also thought that Furmanik was employed as principal tester
prepared the Type 51s. So serious opposi­ he should get a bigger slice of the financial of parachutes for the Reggia Aeronautica
tion came only from Scuderìa Ferrari with cake. Tazio set up his own team with (the Italian Air Force).
Monzas for Nuvolari, Taruffi and Chiron. Borzacchini, which they called Gruppo San Nuvolari’s third successive win with the
Nuvolari led initially, but both he and Giorgio, bought the Sommer 8CM -3000 8CM came in the 199-mile (320km ) Nice
Chiron were eliminated by broken differen­ and became a works-supported Maserati Grand Prix on 6 August. Alter a battle with
tials. Both the Maseratis looked dangerously driver. It was only later that he became an Etancelin, Nuvolari had forged ahead in the
unstable, but Campari led until a stop for official works driver. Bologna fortunes were lead, but a pit stop for brake adjustment
tyres and then Taruffi went ahead. Campari transformed so long as he drove one of their dropped him to third place. Once he had
passed Tarufli and took the lead again when cars. Fagioli was more than a little miffed rejoined the race, he soon regained second
the Alfa driver stopped for tyres. that Nuvolari had usurped his role as the place from Lehoux (Bugatti) and moved


back into the lead when Etancelin stopped his Type 51 Bugatti. Borzacchini and ensured that he was in front at the appropri­
out on the circuit because of brake prob­ Zehender retired. ate times. As the race progressed, Nuvolari
lems. After the race sailors from the Italian There was also a 63-mile (101km) pulled out a fairly comfortable lead, but he
fleet, which was visiting Golfe Juan, carried Voiturette race for l,1 0 0 c c cars at Pescara. It retired when the rear axle broke, 20 laps
Nuvolari shoulder-high along the Promenade was expected that this would prove a from the finish. Borzacchini retired because
des Anglais, the sea-front road. In this race Maserati benefit. Whitney Straight, how­ of a broken hub. Chiron and Fagioli with
Campari drove a 4-cylinder car with ever, entered his MG Magnette K3, which their Tipo Bs took the first two places.
l,9 6 9 c c (80 x 98mm) engine said to had been tuned by Thomson & Taylor and Zehender, exhausted by the effort of control­
develop 155bhp at 5 ,5 0 0 rpm. After a slow, fitted by them with a Lightweight racing ling the skittish 8CM through the circuit’s
troubled race, he finished eighth and last. body. There were only eight starters and the succession of curves, handed over to Parenti
Zehender also ran his 8CM, but it was Italians were shocked by the speed of the and they took fifth place.
plagued by a multitude of problems, MG and Straight’s win at 75.91m ph At Monza on 10 September the Italian
including driver ennui, and was retired (122.22kph), ju st under 20sec ahead of Grand Prix was staged over 50 laps, a
because of overheating. Barbieri (Maserati), with other Maserati distance of 311 miles (500km) in the morn­
Borzacchini now joined Maserati, and drivers in third and fourth places. After the ing, but during the afternoon the Monza
Campari who considered that he had been race there was a protest that Straight was Grand Prix was also held with three 14-lap
given a real ‘dog’ of a car for Nice, shifted running an oversize engine, but measure­ heats and a 14-lap final. It had the makings
his rather vast bulk to Scuderia Ferrari. It ment of the MG engine dimensions of a great day’s racing, but it was to be
was a timely move, for during the first week resulted in this being speedily rejected. As marred by tragedies. In the morning
in August Alfa Romeo, in the face of what David Venables has pointed out, this was Nuvolari, Taruffi and Zehender all drove
was becoming Nuvolari/Maserati domina­ the first-ever victory by a British racing car 8CMs and Chiron and Fagioli were at the
tion - and with the new Type 59 Bugatti on an Italian road circuit. wheel of Tipo Bs. Straight entered his SC-
soon to be raced - did an about-turn and The works Maseratis had been entered in 2500. It was an unpleasant, wet day, but the
made six P3 Monoposti, together with the 239-mile (385km ) Comminges Grand racing was close and exciting. Initially
spares, available to Scuderia Ferrari. Prix held on 20 August, but telegraphed to Nuvolari led from Fagioli, but Fagioli made a
In the 190-mile (305km ) Coppa Acerbo say that they could not arrive in time for the pit stop for fuel after only six laps, so presum­
on 13 August, four 8CMs driven by race. So the only Maserati drivers were ably he had started with a half-full tank.
Nuvolari, Borzacchini, Taruffi and Zehender, Zehender with his 8CM and Whitney Taruffi led Nuvolari briefly, but put himself
faced two Tipo Bs entrusted to Fagioli and Straight with his 8C -2500, which had been out of the race when he went off the course
Campari. From the moment that the Duke extensively modified. Because of the consid­ and broke a wheel. For the remainder of the
of Aosta dropped the flag, there was a furi­ erable effort needed to change gear on the race Nuvolari battled with Chiron and Fagioli
ous batde between Nuvolari and Campari. standard gearbox, a W ilson self-change and the lead changed as the drivers made
Campari had accelerated away first, but gearbox had been installed and gear selec­ their pit stops. Chiron spent a long while in
Nuvolari took the lead on the first 15.27- tion was by a vertical cranked lever. the pits while his exhaust was repaired and
mile (24.6km ) lap. The battle lasted until Supercharger pressure had been increased Nuvolari now led Fagioli by 30 seconds and
the Monoposto broke on lap 8 and Nuvolari and power output was said to be close to with two laps to the finish. The Maserati
came past the pits with a comfortable lead 200bhp. Straight retired and Zehender was threw a tyre tread, Nuvolari lost the lead and
over Fagioli. disqualified for receiving a push-start after resumed to finish 40sec behind Fagioli.
At the end of lap 11 Nuvolari brought the he had spun off. Luigi Fagioli scored an Zehender took third place, two laps in
8CM into the pits with blue smoke pouring easy win with his Monoposto, from Wimille arrears, and Straight finished 11th.
from an overheated universal join t in the and Guy Moll with Monzas. The track was still damp at the start of the
transmission. The Maserati mechanics did Nuvolari reappeared with his 8CM in the Monza Grand Prix. In the first heat Count
the only thing possible in the circumstances 311-mile (500km ) Marseille Grand Prix at Czaikowski (Type 54 Bugatti) led Count
and poured a bucket of water over it. Miramas on 27 August. Borzacchini and Trassi (Scuderia Ferrari-entered 4.5-litre
Nuvolari screeched back on to the circuit, Zehender also drove 8CMs. There was a Duesenberg) until, apparently, a connecting
but Fagioli had passed him while he was in prize for the leader at the end of every fifth rod broke on Trossi’s car and it may have
the pits and the Maserati driver was still lap and the canny Nuvolari, who was deposited a trail of oil round the South
2min 26sec behind at the flag. Taruffi took battling for the lead with Chiron Curve. In the second heat Borzacchini drove
third place and Varzi finished fourth with (.Monoposto) and Dreyfus (Type 54 Bugatti), the 8C, while Campari was at the wheel of a


Scuderia Ferrari Alfa Romeo. Campari passed
Borzacchini at the South Curve, but a rear
wheel mounted the top of the retaining wall,
ran along the wall for 100 yards or so, then
the Monoposto went over the top of the wall
and overturned. Borzacchini braked heavily
to avoid hitting the Alfa Romeo, locked a
wheel and, like Campari’s car, the Maserati
mounted the wall and overturned.
Both drivers were killed, although
Borzacchini survived for a few minutes after
the crash. Campari in particular was greatly
loved in Italy and it was all the more tragic
that at 41 he was just about to retire from
racing. There was a two-hour delay before
the third heat was run and it proved almost
as tragic. Count Czaikowski, a Polish émigré
residing in France, lost control of his Bugatti
at the same point on the circuit, it too
mounted the retaining wall of the South
Curve and overturned. The difference was
that the car caught fire, Czaikowski was
trapped in it and was burnt to death. It
mattered little on such a terrible day, but
Marcel Lehoux (Bugatti) won the final from A cockpit view o f a Tipo 8CM with narrow chassis seen at Shelsley Walsh hill climb in October 1946.
Guy Moll and Felice Bonetto, both at the This was the ex-Howe car, which was fitted with a pre-selector gearbox, the quadrant o f which, on the
wheel of Monzas. Tazio Nuvolari was dis­ right-hand side of the steeling column, seems to do a good job in masking the tachometer from the
traught over Campari’s death, for they been driver’s view. At this time the car belonged to Kenneth McAlpine. (Guy Griffiths).
close friends and team-mates for many years.
Nuvolari raced the 8CM once more in places, ahead of Lehoux (Type 51 Bugatti) (139.9kph). ‘Freddie’ Zehender also went
1933, in the 323-m ile (520km ) Spanish and Varzi (Type 59 Bugatti). record-breaking with his 8CM at Montlhéry
Grand Prix at San Sebastian on 24 During the year Whitney Straight with his in late 1933 and broke records previously
September. The race was notable for the 8C -2500, had finished second to Braillard held by Bugatti. These ranged from 50 kilo­
long-awaited - and very disappointing - (Bugatti) in the 126-mile (203km ) Albi metres at 130.50m ph (210.1kph) - the
debut of the Type 59 Bugattis in the hands Grand Prix, and he won the Mont Ventoux previous record was 129.17m ph
of Varzi and Dreyfus. It quickly became hill climb near Avignon, setting a new (208.97kph) - to 100 miles (161km) at
obvious that, in original form, they were no course record. W ith twin-rear wheels fitted 132.43m ph (213.21kph) - previously
match for either the 8CM or the Monoposto. to the Maserati, Straight set FTD at the 124.15m ph (199.98kph).
At the start of the race Nuvolari took the Brighton Speed Trials, and at Shelsley Walsh Although the 8C M -3000 was barely a
lead from Fagioli and he retained it through hill climb on 30 September he broke Hans match for the Alfa Romeo Monoposto, it had
both his refuelling stop and another quick Stu cks record with an Austro-Daimler set been one of Maserati’s most successful
stop to have the fuel cap secured. Rain back in 1930. seasons, with - thanks to Nuvolari - wins
began to fall and the track became increas­ At Montlhéry on 26 October the Swiss in four important races. In addition, private
ingly slippery. Nuvolari was driving a little driver, Hans Ruesch, with his 8CM set a Maserati drivers had scored a large number
harder than circumstances made necessary, new world record for the standing-start kilo­ of successes during the year in hill climbs
he lost control, went off the road and the metre with a speed of 88.33m ph and minor races. Two Maserati strengths
Maserati overturned. Fie was very lucky to (142.21kph). The previous record stood to were the wide range of competition cars
escape with minor injuries. Chiron and the credit of the late Parry Thomas at the offered and their close relationship with
Fagioli (Alfa Romeos) took the first two wheel of Babs with a speed of 86.90m ph private owners.


or tyres. Secondly, the bodywork of the car requirements of the new formula and the
1934 should present a minimum cross-sectional cars raced in 1934 had the engine capacity
The face of motor racing changed in 1934 area of 85 x 25cm at the driving seat. Race increased to 3 ,2 5 7 cc from the Monaco race
with the introduction of a new Grand Prix distances were to be over a minimum of onwards.
formula. In November 1932 the Commis­ 500km (311 miles). So initially in Italy and France the racing
sion Sportive of the AIACR had met to The Alfa Romeo Monoposto complied car manufacturers were anticipating no real
decide the future of Grand Prix racing. The with the requirements of the new formula changes that would affect them. At this
AIACR wanted, in effect, to maintain the and so did the 8C M -3000 Maserati, once stage they were not aware of impending
status quo whereby racing would be con­ the chassis had been widened from 620m m developments in Germany, where Adolf
tested by such cars as the Alfa Romeo to 850m m to facilitate the fitting of body­ Hitler had been appointed Chancellor of
Monoposto and the Bugatti Type 51. It work that complied with the cross-sectional Germany on 30 January 1933. Although
wanted to outlaw the very fast, very heavy requirement. W ith the original narrow chas­ both Germany and Italy were undertaking
cars such as the Maserati Sedici Cilindri and sis, modifications to make the body wider rearmament programmes, that in Germany
the Bugatti Type 54, as it considered these were necessary to ensure compliance with was massive and the two companies that
to be dangerous. It was agreed that the best the new rules. The Maserati was however wanted to enter Grand Prix racing, Auto
way to do this would be by imposing a marginal as far as the maximum weight Union, recently formed, and Mercedes-
weight limit. limit was concerned. Because Alfa Romeo Benz, were encouraged by receiving military
So it was decided to introduce a maxi­ would not sell the Monoposto to private contracts that incorporated a more than
mum weight of 750kg (14.73cw t), whereas, buyers, the Officine received a large number adequate margin to underwrite a Grand
previously, minimum weight limits had of orders for 8CMs and some of these, Prix programme.
been imposed. W hen full details were because chassis were already in stock, Grand Prix racing had now become a
published, it became known that the limit retained the original narrow frame width. political instrument in both Germany and
of 750kg was without driver, fuel, oil, water The Bugatti Type 59 also complied with the Italy, and both Hitler and Mussolini
exploited its propaganda value to the full,
At Monaco in 1934 Eugenio Siena drove the ex-works 8C-3000. Here he leads Marcel Lehoux although Mussolini was genuinely a great
(Scuderia Ferrari Alfa Romeo Monoposto). He finished in seventh place. (Guy Griffiths racing enthusiast and the Italian racing car
Collection) manufacturers, Alfa Romeo and Maserati,
never possessed the financial resources to
challenge the German onslaught on even
terms. The period 1 9 3 4 -3 9 was to prove
one of the most exciting eras in the history
of the sport, but always lurking in the back­
ground and increasingly overshadowing
racing were the political ambitions of the
Nazi party, the creeping tentacles of the
Third Reich and a growing pan-European
concern about the threat of war.
There was naturally apprehension at
Molsheim, Modena and Portello when
information about the new Mercedes-Benz
and Auto Union Grand Prix cars was
received, but little that could be done in the
short term and - as events were to prove —
little in the longer term. Vittorio Jano at Alfa
Romeo carried on with the Monoposto in
2 ,9 05cc form in 1934, but, hampered by
financial restraints, he produced new cars
for 1935 onwards that proved no match for
SNT the German opposition.


Maserati struggled on, but its new
1 9 3 4 -3 5 cars proved failures and thereafter
it withdrew from Grand Prix racing until a
new formula came into place for 1938, and
new ownership had taken over. Bugatti to
all intents and purposes also withdrew from
Grand Prix racing, making only occasional
appearances. The period 1 9 3 4 -3 5 marked
the decline of Maserati that made it vulnera­
ble to the Orsi takeover.
Following his very encouraging perfor­
mances with his 8C -2500, W hitney Straight
formed a limited company, Whitney
Straight Ltd, with Reid Railton and the Earl
of Brecknock dater the Marquis of Camden)
as directors. Giulio Ramponi, who had
apparently fallen out with both the Italian
Fascist Party and Enzo Ferrari, had come to
England and he now took control of the
Straight racing team. Straight retained the
8C -2500 and took delivery of three 8CM-
3000s. The last was delivered only after
Straight started legal action against
Maserati, because its arrival had been long
delayed and it was destroyed in an accident The sole works Maserati entered at Monaco in 1934 was this Tipo 4CM-2500 driven by Piero
before it could be modified like the other Taruffi. He was in fourth place on the last lap when he retired because of engine failure. It seems that
two cars. this was the only car built with a 4-cylinder 2,483cc engine.
The modifications to the first two of
Straight’s cars were made by Reid Railton, driven by Earl Howe, Whitney Straight and and he fought his way through to second
then with Thomson & Taylor at Philippe Etancelin. All these cars had the place, but lost control on a bad bump in
Brooldands. He strengthened and boxed original narrow chassis. Eugenio Siena the road, hit the sandbags at the Station
the chassis to improve rigidity, made sus­ drove the ex-works 8C -3000. The sole hairpin and broke his steering. On the last
pension modifications that helped eliminate works Maserati entry was the one-off Tipo lap Taruffi, in fourth place, retired with
the skittishness that plagued these cars, 4C -2500 with 4-cylinder 2 ,4 8 2 cc (84 x engine failure. Moll and Chiron took the
installed a W ilson pre-selector gearbox and 112mm) engine said to develop 190bhp at first two places for Scuderia Ferrari. Siena,
fitted bodywork of slightly lower weight. 5,300rpm and driven by Piero Taruffi. In Straight and Howe finished seventh, eighth
These cars were distinguished by a shield­ this race Nuvolari drove a Type 59 Bugatti and tenth.
shaped air intake and American racing of which he formed a very low opinion and The following weekend, 8 - 9 April, Taruffi,
colours of white with a blue chassis. said so vociferously. partnered by Bertocchi, was in action again
Straight preferred black as a racing colour, Etancelin’s car failed to pass the scruti­ with a l,1 0 0 c c Maserati in the Mille Miglia.
but had to comply with International racing neers until small alloy wings had been They faced strong opposition from a team of
colours. The 8C M -3000s were driven by attached to the body to bring its width to three MG K3 Magnettes, the model which
Straight and Hugh Hamilton, while the the minimum requirement. None of the 8- took first two places in the class in 1933.
existing 8 C -2500 was handled by R.E.L. cylinder cars complied with the minimum The Maserati was fitted with Pirelli
(‘Buddy’) Featherstonhaugh. weight requirement, despite draining oil Pneugrippa tyres with fine grooves cut across
The first important race of the European from even the gearboxes and back axles, the tread which gave greater stability in the
season was the 195-mile (314km ) Monaco but all scraped through after they had been wet. The MG team was offered the chance
Grand Prix held on Easter Monday 2 April. fitted with alloy wheels. Etancelin was the to use these tyres, but declined and was
There were three privately entered 8CMs only competitive Maserati driver in the race running on narrow-section high-pressure


Whitney Straight at the wheel o f one of his Tipo 8CM-3000s before the start o f the handicap JCC behind four Alfa Romeos and won the
International Trophy at Brooklands in 193d. Standing behind the car are engineer/head mechanic l,1 0 0 c c class at 64.16m ph (103.3kph).
Giulio Ramponi and mechanic Jock Finlayson. Straight won the race from the Hon Brian Lewis Lurani and Clifton Penn-Hughes with the
(8C-3000). other Magnette drove to finish and,
although their average was higher than that
tyres, ideal for high-speed racing, but known and even the chassis had been tested. . . . of the class-winning MG in the 1933 race,
to be unstable in the wet. And the race was Its driver was Piero Taruffi, a great driver they were 16th overall, second in class and
run for much of its distance in persistent who knew the course well.’ (Mille Miglia, over 80 minutes behind Taruffi at the finish.
rain. 1927-57, Automobile Year, 1981). Between The third MG driven by Eddie Hall and his
Count ‘J ohnny’ Lurani, one of the MG Bologna and Florence, on the Raticosa pass, wife retired.
drivers, described the Maserati and its Taruffi and Earl Howe battled wheel-to- Nuvolari was back at the wheel of his
driver in these terms: ‘It was light, stable, wheel, but the British driver aquaplaned 8C M -3000 in the Bordino Grand Prix run in
very manoeuvrable and had good brakes. into a large pylon near Florence. Taruffi two qualifying heats and a final at
Its engine had been tuned to perfection, with the Maserati, finished fifth overall Alessàndria on 22 April. The race was run in


the wet on lethally slippery roads. In the first
heat Carlo Pedrazzini, in his recently deliv­
ered 8CM entered by Scuderia Siena, mis­
judged the comer before the bridge over the
River Tanaro, hit the wall, was thrown out of
his car and suffered fatal injuries. Nuvolari
had been unable to match the speed of the
Alfa Tipo Bs in his heat and, trying rather
too hard in the final, he went off the road
very close to where Pedrazzini had crashed,
collided with a tree and suffered serious
injuries, including a leg broken in two
places. There were suggestions that he was
being baulked by Trossi and crashed in
avoiding a collision with the elegant Italian
banker. Varzi, Chiron, Tadini and Comotti
took the first four places with Tipo Bs.
A ‘second division’ event dominated by
Maserati was the 262-mile (422km ) JC C
International Trophy held on a special
circuit at Brooklands on 28 April. Whitney
Straight with his 8CM led away from the On the banking of the artificial circuit used for the 1934 JC C International race are the Hon Brian
start, splashing through puddles from rain Lewis with the ex-Rubin 8C-3000 and Featherstonhaugh with Whitney Straight’s black-painted SC-
that had fallen before the start and he built 2500. Lewis finished second. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
up a good lead over the Hon Brian Lewis
with the ex-Rubin 8C -3000. Unfortunately Another handicap race at Brooklands in 1934 was the British Empire Trophy held on an artificial
Straight clipped a barrel at the artificial road circuit. Earl Howe (8CM) leads Eccles (Bugatti Type 51) and John Cobb (Alfa Romeo Monza).
comer, damaged a tyre and had to stop at Howe retired his car after spinning off backwards into the straw bales. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
the pits for a wheel-change.
This allowed Lewis to build up a good
lead and when he stopped for fuel there
was blood smearing his face, the result of
cuts from stones thrown up by cars that he
was lapping. Straight was soon back in the
lead, but he had to ease up in the closing
laps of the race, as his right front tyre was
down to the white breaker strip. He led
Lewis across the line with four seconds in
hand and almost immediately after he took
the flag, the right front tyre threw a tread.
The 326-mile (525km) Tripoli Grand Prix
on 6 May was held as a Formule Libre race
on a new circuit at Mellaha. So Maserati
wheeled out the V5 Sedici Cilindri, com­
pletely rebuilt since the crash at Montlhéry
in 1933, for Piero Taruffi to drive. Straight,
Hamilton, Etancelin, Biondetti, Siena and
Zehender all drove 8CMs. Scuderia Ferrari
entered four Tipo Bs for Chiron, Moll, Trossi
Nuvolari, Ruesch and Siena drove 8CMs
in the Eifelrennen on 3 June. Nuvolari
pulled out of the race because he felt
unwell, while both Ruesch and Siena retired
because of engine problems. Von
Brauchitsch (Mercedes-Benz) won on the
debut of the new W 25 cars and Stuck
finished second with his Auto Union. From
this point onwards, while the Alfa Romeos
battled with the German cars, the Maseratis
became less and less of a force. The race
included a l,5 0 0 c c class and Castelbarco
with his Maserati won this from Schmidt
and Burggaller with Bugattis.
In the 186-mile (300km) Montreux
Grand Prix also held on 3 June, Etancelin
led from Whitney Straight, but had to ease
off because of braking problems. Straight
also slowed because of supercharger prob­
lems and oil being sprayed on to his face.
Trassi won for Scuderia Ferrari with the
Maserati drivers in second and third places.
Tazio Nuvolarì at speed with his works 8CM-3000 in the 1934 Marne Grand Prix at Reims. Zehender, entered by the works with the
Nuvolari was plagued by tyre trouble and was eventually forced out by rear axle problems. (Guy 4C -2500, finished sixth. On 9 June
Griffiths Collection) Whitney Straight at the wheel of an 8CM
fitted with twin rear wheels, reduced the
and Varzi. Taruffi seared away at the start, seven of the 15 entries were Maseratis, but Shelsley Walsh hill climb record to forty
reportedly attaining 165mph (266kph) on none was a works car. Etancelin at the peak seconds flat. The following day Falchetto
the straight, but as he entered a curve on the of his form battled with the Scuderia Ferrari with an Ecurie Braillard 8CM won the
fourth lap, the brakes locked. The tyre treads Alfa Romeos, led at one stage and finished poorly supported 121-mile (195km)
melted, Taruffi went off the track, demol­ second behind Chiron (Tipo B). Whitney Picardie Grand Prix from Sommer (Alfa
ished a hoarding and was flung out of the Straight had been in third place, but a tyre Romeo Monza) and Brunet (Bugatti).
car as it overturned. He was lucky enough to burst three laps from the end of the race Nuvolari led the 165-mile (265km) Penya
escape with a broken arm, but the V5 was a and he dropped back to finish fourth. Rhin Grand Prix, held on 17 June on the
write-off. The new German cars were scheduled to Montjuich Park circuit in Barcelona, until
Taruffi blamed himself for not applying appear in the 182-mile (293km ) pain forced him to ease off and he dropped
the brakes on and off in order to cool them. Avusrennen on 27 May, but only the Auto back to fourth place before retiring. Alfa
He told the full story of this incident in his Union team ran. Guy Moll won with a Romeos took the first three places. American
book, Works Driver (Temple Press Books, streamlined Tipo B from Varzi (Tipo B) and Peter de Paolo had agreed to drive an 8CM
1964). The Alfa Romeos of Varzi, Moll and Momberger (Auto Union). Earl Howe took for Ecurie Braillard during the remainder of
Chiron took the first three places, but fourth place and, incredibly, Nuvolari was the season, but he had crashed heavily in
Hamilton had held second place briefly and fifth - despite driving swathed in bandages practice in Spain, fracturing his skull. On 23
had chased the Ferrari-entered cars hard, and with the clutch pedal moved closer to June Whitney Straight, with an 8CM took
until the needle in the Maserati’s carburet­ the central accelerator, enabling him to second place behind Eyston’s MG in the
tor float chamber stuck. It was said that the operate both with his right foot. In the 122- handicap 300-mile (483km) British Empire
8CMs were achieving 160m ph (258kph) on mile (196km) Voiturette race held before the Trophy on a special circuit at Brooklands.
the straight. main race, Count Castelbarco with a 4CM While Scuderia Ferrari battled with the
In the 237-m ile (381km ) Casablanca finished third behind Veyron and Burggaller German teams, the only two Maseratis
Grand Prix on the Anfa circuit on 20 May with Bugattis. entered in the 310-mile (500m ) French


Grand Prix at Montlhéry on 1 July were There were three relatively minor races for ran in the 370-mile (595km ) Belgian Grand
also-rans. Etancelin with his 8CM was out Grand Prix cars on 22 July. The Dieppe Prix at Spa-Francorchamps on 29 July. The
after only 11 laps because of a broken oil Grand Prix was run in two one-hour heats Germans claimed that they wanted to give
pipe and Zehender, with a works-entered and a two-hour final. Etancelin was at the their drivers a rest, but the real reason was
8C M -3000, retired after his mechanics gave peak of his form, and he won his heat and the Belgian authorities had demanded an
up their attempts to re-secure the rear axle the final with Lehoux (Monoposto) second in outrageously high amount of duty on the
with the U-bolts that had buckled on both. Earl Howe finished third in the final special fuels, which Auto Union and
Mondhéry’s bumps. The German cars were with his 8CM. In the 166-mile (267km) Mercedes-Benz wanted to import for use in
still not fully sorted and Alfa Romeos took Albi Grand Prix the Maseratis dominated the race. The Germans gave the organisers
the first three places. the results in the absence of Scuderia Ferrari. only 48 hours’ notice by telegram of their
Misfortune dogged the strong Maserati After Hamilton’s Straight-entered 8CM- non-arrival. Nuvolari gave no explanation
entry in the 310-mile (500km) Marne Grand 3000 developed an engine misfire, why he was not at the race. There were
Prix the following weekend. The German Featherstonhaugh won with the Straight therefore only seven starters; Chiron
teams missed this race and Nuvolari’s efforts 8C -2500, Hamilton finished second, crashed his Scuderia Ferrari Alfa Romeo,
to get to grips with the Alfa Romeos were Veyron (Bugatti) third and Sommer (Alfa Varzi retired his in a cloud of blue smoke,
frustrated by a succession of tyre failures and Romeo) fourth. Nuvolari ran in the 149- Dreyfus and Brivio took the first two places
he retired because of a broken rear axle. The mile (240km ) Coppa Ciano that weekend with their Type 59 Bugattis - it was the last
Tipo Bs finished in the first three places, and finished third behind the Alfa Romeos Grande Epreuve to be won by Molsheim -
Hugh Hamilton was fourth with his Whitney of Varzi and Moll. In the accompanying 99- and Sommer finished third with his 8CM.
Straight car, but Etancelin, Sommer, Straight mile (160km) Voiturette race Romano On 5 August Whitney Straight with one
himself and Zehender retired. Malaguti and Federico Matrullo took the of his 8CMs fitted with twin rear wheels,
The 354-m ile (570km ) German Grand first two places with their Maseratis. made third fastest time in the Klausen hill
Prix at the Nürburgring on 15 July turned Neither the German teams nor Nuvolari climb held over 14 miles (22.5km ) of the
into a war of attrition between the two
German teams. Maserati was now little At Albi on 22 July 1934 Featherstonhaugh drove Whitney Straight’s old 8C-2500 to a win ahead of
more than an also-ran in major races and Pierre Veyron (Bugatti). (Guy Griffths Collection)
Nuvolari’s immense talents were being
wasted with the 8CM. After a hard race
Nuvolari took fourth place behind Stuck
(Auto Union), Fagioli (Mercedes-Benz) and
Chiron (Alfa Romeo). Zehender with a
works-entered car was classified sixth after
the disqualification of Maag (Alfa Romeo),
while both Hamilton and Ruesch retired.
The Vichy Grand Prix was run in two 44-
mile (71km) qualifying heats and an 88-
mile (141km ) final the same day and it was
the only occasion on which this event was
held. It was the sort of minor race in which
the 8CMs should do well, but their
hydraulic brakes were not all they were
cracked up to be and frequently gave prob­
lems on circuits on which there was much
heavy braking. The 1.46-mile (2.35km )
Vichy street circuit was such and but for
brake problems Etancelin would have won.
Etancelin led the final until forced to ease
off and was passed by both Trassi (Scuderia
Ferrari Tipo B) and Whitney Straight.


Klausenpass close to the border with Italy.
Caracciola was first for Mercedes-Benz with
a record time of 15min 22.2sec, Stuck
(Auto Union) was second fastest and Hans
Ruesch finished fourth with his 8CM.
Ten days later the German teams ran in
the 3 2 1 -mile (516km ) Coppa Acerbo.
Ferrari entered four Tipo Bs and there were
five 8CMs, one driven by Nuvolari, and
Secondo Corsi drove the V5 for the works
team. But the race was marred by the death
of the young and brilliant Algerian driver
Guy Moll who crashed his Scuderia Ferrari
Tipo B at high speed and was fatally
injured. In a race with a high level of retire­
ments Fagioli won for Mercedes-Benz and
Nuvolari finished second with his 8CM,
4min 38.2sec in arrears.
The disparity between the cars is indi­
cated in the speeds attained over the timed
kilometre of the Montesilvano straight. The
fastest Mercedes-Benz of Caracciola was
timed at 179.6m ph (289.1kph), Nuvolari
at 155.2m ph (249.87kph). Corsi crashed
the V5 without serious injury. Moll’s death
overshadowed the results of the race and on
this occasion even Enzo Ferrari was deeply
upset. In the Voiturette race the results were
dominated by the MG Magnettes which
took the first three places and Furmanik
with his Maserati trailed across the line to
finish fourth, nearly three minutes behind
the winner, Hugh Hamilton.
Maserati was expected to do well in the
199-mile (320km) Nice Grand Prix on 19
August and six 8CMs, and the 8C -3000
driven by Zehender, faced three Scuderia
Ferrari Alfa Romeos. Nuvolari was in second
place, chasing the leader, Varzi (Tipo B),
when a piston failed. Etancelin came
through to finish second, a lap behind
Varzi, after Chiron stopped at the pits for a
plug change on his Tipo B, and Trassi ran
out of fuel 200m short of the finish.
Nuvolari turned in another fine perfor­
mance in the first and very wet Swiss Grand
Prix held over a distance of 3 1 7 miles
Whitney Straight with his 8CM-3000 at the famous Mont Ventoux hill climh in 1934. He set second (510km ) on 26 August. The Bremgarten
fastest time to Hans Stuck (Auto Union). (Guy Griffiths Collection) circuit’s fast curves suited him well, but his


8CM developed a bad misfire and forced
his retirement. Stuck and Momberger took
the first two places for Auto Union. The
only Maserati finisher was Earl Howe in
ninth place. There was another tragic death
in this race. Hugh Hamilton at the wheel of
Whitney Straight’s latest 8CM was in
seventh place on the last lap when he went
off the road and was killed as his car
rebounded from tree to tree.
In the 63-mile (101km) Voiturette Prix de
Berne, run in heavy rain, the winner was
Dick Seaman with his K3 Magnette.
Malaguti had led initially with a 4CS
(sports) Maserati, but he fell back and
retired because of a misfire. The highest
placed Maserati driver was Castelbarco who
took sixth place. The same day Zehender
and Straight with their 8CMs finished
second and third behind Comotti (Scuderia
Ferrari Tipo B) in the 239-m ile (385km )
Comminges Grand Prix. On 2 September
the Circuit of Biella race was run in three
heats and a final and incorporated a
Voiturette category. Guiseppe Farina, with
a Scuderia Subalpina 4CM finished third
overall and won the Voiturette category.
Count ‘J ohnny’ Lurani finished second in
the class with a 4CS and Castelbarco took At the 1934 Italian Grand Prix Maserati produced their car fo r the new 750 Kilogram formula. This
third place. was the Tipo 6C/34, the 8CM initially with 3.3-litre engine. It is seen on its debut with Nuvolari at
The Maserati brothers had developed a the wheel. Berlocchi, wearing a cap, is on the left o f the car. Nuvolari finished a disappointingfifth.
new engine for the 8CM, but it was hardly
an encouraging response to the domination incorporating the slightly banked south almost inevitable that on such a slow circuit
by the German teams. Known as the Tipo curve, with chicanes to slow the cars and with a great deal of braking needed, there
6C/34, it was a 6-cylinder 3 ,3 2 6 cc unit that an acute hairpin bend. Known as the Short would be problems with the Maserati’s
combined the 84m m bore of the 4C -2500 Fiorio circuit, it did not allow the full hydraulic brakes. In the later stages of the
with the 100m m stroke of the 4C M -1500. potential of the cars to be exploited and in a race Nuvolari was slowing the 6C/34 on the
It followed the usual Maserati design prac­ 311-m ile (500km ) race the drivers found it gearbox only. Drivers who had retired
tice with gear-driven twin overhead very tiring. The German teams and Scuderia shared many of the cars and the finishing
camshafts, single Weber carburettor, Roots- Ferrari were out in force and in addition to order was Caracciola/Fagioli (Mercedes-
type supercharger and Scintilla magneto. In Nuvolari with the 6-cylinder car, Ruesch, Benz), who had averaged 65.35m ph
this initial form power output was 260bhp Straight and Zehender drove 8CMs. Before (105.21kph), Stuck/zu Leinigen (Auto
at 5 ,0 0 0 rpm and the engine slipped the start the cars and drivers paraded past Union), Trossi/Comotti, Chiron (with
straight into the 8CM chassis that Nuvolari the grandstands and the drivers and Monoposti) and Nuvolari in fifth place.
had been racing. mechanics raised their arms in a Fascist Straight and Howe finished eighth and
Following the terrible accidents at the salute as they passed in front of the official ninth, while Zehender retired because of
circuit in 1933, the organisers of the Italian stand. brake problems.
Grand Prix held on 9 September had Initially Nuvolari ran well with the new On the same day a series of races under
adopted a slow 2.485-m ile (4km) circuit car, being up with the leaders, but it was the impressive title Grand Prix de France,


Tazio Nuvolari at the wheel of his Tipo 6C/34 on the starting giidfor the 1934 Circuit o f Masaryk at Lehoux with a Straight-entered car finished
Brno. Number 30 is Wimille and number 28 Benoist, both at the wheel of Type 59 Bugattis. Nuvolari eighth, while Luigi Soffietti took ninth place
finished third behind Stuck (Auto Union) and Fagioli (Mercedes-Benz). (Guy Griffiths Collection) for Scuderia Siena. The two Ecurie Braillard
cars ran, but Falchetto retired his car and
were held on the 3.1-mile (5km) road and record. Straight was second fastest, with Brunet crashed. W ith one of his 8CMs
track circuit at Montlhéry known as the Falchetto third. painted black Straight competed at Shelsley
Circuit Routier. The day started with a match Despite his criticism of the model earlier Walsh hill climb on 29 September, but he
race between Falchetto (Ecurie Braillard in the year, Nuvolari drove a Type 59 had to settle for a class win and second
8CM) and Marcel Doret flying a Dewoitine Bugatti in the 323-m ile (520km ) Spanish FTD behind Raymond Mays (2-litre ERA)
aeroplane. The aeroplane won easily but Grand Prix on the Lasarte circuit at San who was in sparkling form and climbed
Falchetto had the compensation of winning Sebastian and finished third behind two two-fifths of a second quicker in 44.00sec.
the 55-mile (88.5km ) race for supercharged Mercedes. He also tried an Auto Union in There were two Tipo 6C/34 Maseratis
cars over l,5 0 0 c c . Both Straight and practice, clearly flagging his intention to entered in the 308-m ile (495km ) Circuit of
Falchetto competed in the Mont Ventoux drive for a team other than Maserati in Masaryk at Brno in Czechoslovakia on 30
hill climb, but despite a very slippery road 1935. There were four 8CM Maseratis September. Both cars were fitted with larger
Stuck (Auto Union) set FTD and a new hill entered, but none was competitive. Marcel 3 ,7 2 9 cc engines that had the cylinder


dimensions of the 4C -2500. Nuvolari drove second and third places by Raffaele Cecchi almost certainly untrue. The power output
one of these cars, but the second Maserati with an MG. in standard form for the 4C M -1100 was
driver would have made a suitable subject Seven days later Nuvolari drove the quoted by the factory as 125bhp at
for Ripley’s Believe It or Not strip that 6C/34 for the last time in the 124-mile 6,000rpm - and even that is difficult to
appeared regularly in the Sunday Express (200km ) Circuit of Naples and won from credit.
newspaper many years ago. The car was Brivio and Tadini with Tipo B cars. Farina In December Whitney Straight flew his
reported as having been bought from the took fourth place with a 4CM. There were own aircraft to South Africa to drive one of
factory by Josef Bradzil, a local 30-year old several Maseratis entered in the 151-mile his 8CMs in the South African Grand Prix. It
mechanic, without any known racing (243km ) Algerian Grand Prix on 28 was held on 27 December as a handicap
record. His manager, named Marie, had October, including Hans Ruesch with a race on the 16-mile (25.7km) Marine Drive
borrowed the money off his fiancée, but the newly delivered 6C/34. Wimille won the circuit at East London. He won the race with
engagement was broken off (whether before race with a Type 59 Bugatti from Chiron his brother Michael (allegedly The Fourth
or after she learned about the Maserati is (Monoposto) and Soffietti (8CM). Ruesch Man in the Philby saga many years later) in
not recorded) and she demanded the return drove a slow race to finish sixth. third place. It was the last race in Straight’s
of her cash. For obvious reasons it could After the racing season was over, very short motor racing career, as he was
not be paid back. Furmanik went record-breaking with his getting married and after this he concen­
She started legal proceedings against both two-year-old 4C M -1100. He removed the trated on flying and disposed of his equipe.
men and this led to their arrest and impris­ front brakes, attached streamlined fairings Although the Maseratis had been com­
onment. Two leading drivers (identities and fitted wheel discs. W ith the car in this pletely overshadowed by Auto Union and
unknown) pleaded that Bradzil should be form, he set International Class G records Mercedes-Benz, and partially overshadowed
released from jail for practice and the race. for l.lO O cc cars of 138.344m ph by Alfa Romeo, the company’s real
This was agreed but shortly after the start of (222.734kph) for the flying kilometre and strengths had been the skill and tenacity of
practice he took a comer at an estimated flying mile. This was a remarkable speed Tazio Nuvolari and, at lower level, the
125m ph (201kph), cleared a ditch, demol­ and the claim that for these record attempts enthusiasm and relatively minor successes
ished a couple of trees and the car broke in the car had a power output of 152bhp at of private owners. Not for many years did
two. Bradzil was killed and at the inquest a 6,700rpm is even more remarkable and Maserati enjoy such a good season.
verdict of suicide was recorded. Nuvolari
drove brilliantly on the very difficult 12.4- This is Francesco Matrullo at the wheel of his 4CM-1100 at the 12.95km Vermicio-Rocca di Papa
mile (20km) Bmo circuit and took third hill climb near Frascati in 1934. Although the car was a single-seater, it was fitted with mudguards
place behind Stuck (Auto Union) and Carac- and lighting. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
ciola (Mercedes-Benz). Giuseppe Farina,
very much an up-and-coming man, won the
l,5 0 0 c c class with his Subalpina 4CM.
There remained only minor races before
the season ended. Whitney Straight was
still achieving good successes with the
8CMs; he won the 20-lap Donington Park
Trophy on 6 October and a week later, at
Brooklands, won both the 12-mile (19km)
Mountain Championship and the 6-mile
(9.6km) Record Holders Mountain Handi­
cap. Nuvolari reappeared with the 6C/34 in
the 80-mile (129km) Circuit of Modena on
14 October. He won at 65.81m ph
(105.95kph) from Varzi and Tadini, both at
the wheel of Tipo Bs and rather complacent
about the potential of the Maserati. There
was also an l,1 0 0 c c Voiturette race in which
Farina and Malaguti were beaten into


Chapter 4

Radical new designs, 1 9 3 5 -3 6

1934 t h e A u t o U n io n and contracts, ju st as happened with the input was to lead to him becoming

u r in g

Mercedes-Benz cars had won a total of German teams. Although some remarkable President of Officine Alfieri Maserati.
seven races, despite missing the first events successes were achieved by Alfa Romeo, Maserati had of course lost the services of
of the season and early failures while they especially when the cars were driven by the great Tazio Nuvolari, who had been
were being ‘sorted’. Alfa Romeo and Tazio Nuvolari, in overall terms the level of pressured on all sides, and, despite a prefer­
Maserati, together with Bugatti in France, racing success achieved - except in minor ence to drive for Auto Union, eventually
took stock of their position. Bugattis still events - was slight compared to Auto signed once more with Scuderia Ferrari.
made occasional appearances in Grands Union and Mercedes-Benz. During the next two seasons, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 ,
Prix, but the company concentrated The situation at Bologna was very differ­ Maserati performances in Grand Prix racing
increasingly on sports car racing, a category ent. Maserati was a small company and were to prove abysmal. The existing 8-cylin-
being strongly encouraged in France. Not although racing activities could be sub­ der and 6-cylinder cars were uncompetitive,
only Bugatti, but Delage, Delahaye and sidised to an extent by sparking plug manu­ but the new V8 model was both uncompet­
Talbot all contested sports car events. The facture, the company badly needed major itive and unreliable. The Pau race was held
two-seater Type 59 was evolved into a financial support if it was to continue to take very early in 1935, on 24 February, and as
successful competition sports car and part in Grand Prix racing. W ith the benefit the Subalpina 6C/34 cars were not ready,
Bugatti’s streamlined ‘tank’ cars won at Le of hindsight, it must also be said that the Etancelin drove his 8CM. He chased hard
Mans in both 1937 and 1939. Maserati brothers lacked the technical ability after Nuvolari and Dreyfus with their
Alfa Romeo, now with government to design and develop a 750kg formula Scuderia Ferrari-entered Monoposti, but
contracts, stable finances and sound Grand Prix car that could successfully chal­ retired because of oil pump failure. The Alfa
management in the hands of Ubo Gobbato, lenge the might of the German teams. In Romeo drivers took the first two places,
who had been appointed managing director late 1934 Maserati announced that during ahead of Soffietti, Falchetto and Brunet, all
on 1 December 1933, was able to sanction the coming year the company would be driving 8CMs.
Jano to produce new designs. The 8C -35 represented in Grand Prix racing by Scuderia Although Achille Varzi had signed for the
chassis with fully independent suspension Subalpina, the team run jointly by Luigi della Auto Union team, he had arranged to drive
and straight-eight engine enlarged to Chiesa and the young, wealthy Torinese, a 3 ,7 2 9 cc Maserati 6C/34 in the Mille
3 ,8 2 2 cc was raced in 1935 and the follow­ Gino Rovere, a manufacturer of American Miglia held on 1 4 -1 5 April. As was so often
ing year the company built a new 60-degree cloth (cloth with a glaxed coating). the case with Maserati entries in the 1,000-
V12 4 ,0 6 4 cc engine. Rovere wanted to race himself, but also mile (1,610km ) race, the car had been very
Alfa Romeo had other advantages; backed the young Giuseppe Farina whom hastily prepared and it is said that the body
Scuderia Ferrari bore the cost of racing their he had entered in a number of Voiturette had only been completed on the eve of the
cars, and was dependent on starting money races during 1934. Philippe Etancelin also race. That and a sports version of the 2.9-
and prize money for survival; as a state- drove for Rovere’s team. Rovere was financ­ litre Alfa Romeo Monoposto entered by
owned company, Alfa Romeo was encour­ ing a new Grand Prix car but this was not Scuderia Ferrari were the two fastest cars in
aged by Benito Mussolini, and to a certain ready to race until the middle of the 1935 the race.
extent its racing activities were subsidised season, so, until the new car was available Varzi, partnered by mechanic Bignami
by the additional margin in government Rovere’s team entered 6C/34s. His financial (many years later head mechanic to Squadra


Achille Varzi) held second place in the eady
stages, but was slowed by oil scavenge
pump problems and disintegrating body­
work and was forced to give up not far past
Florence. Carlo Pintacuda, partnered by the
Marquis della Stufa as mechanic, won the
race with the Monoposto. The l,1 0 0 c c class
was won by Ettore Bianco at the wheel of a
Maserati and partnered by the indefatigable
Bertocchi. Brothers Emilio and Luigi
Villoresi finished second in this class with
the family-owned Fiat Balilla, but they were
over two hours behind the class winner.
At Monaco on 22 April Scuderia Subalpina
entered cars for Etancelin, Dusio and
Zehender. Zehender was at the wheel of an
8CM said to have had its capacity increased
to 3.2 litres, but what was more interesting
about this car was the front suspension,
which was inspired by the Porsche-designed
suspension of the Auto Union and was a
prototype of that to be used on the new
Maserati Grand Prix contender. This had
unequal-length wishbones and torsion bars
running parallel with and outside the chas­
sis frame, and right-angled arms to carry the
wheel pivots. The friction-type dampers
were mounted transversely and connected
to the forward ends of the torsion bars.
Etancelin drove a stirring race, moving up
into third place behind the Mercedes-Benz
of Fagioli and Caracciola and, after passing
Caracciola on the inside of the Gasworks
hairpin, pulled well ahead of the German
car. Caracciola repassed Etancelin, but
retired the Mercedes in a cloud of steam. It
was all too much, as well, for the rather frag­
ile Maserati, which dropped back because
of falling oil pressure and fading brakes. The
Frenchman finished fourth behind Fagioli,
Dreyfus and Brivio (both driving
Monopostos). Zehender, another victim of
Maserati brakes, took seventh place.
Six days later Barbieri drove a l,5 0 0 c c
Maserati in the Targa Fiorio, run over a
distance of 2 6 7 miles (430km ) and attract­
ing very little interest outside Italy. Brivio Achille Varzi partnered by Bignami drove this Tipo 6C/34 in the 1935 Mille Miglia. It was hastily
and Chiron took the first two places with prepared and although he was well up with the leaders in the early stages of the race, he retired at San
Scuderia Ferrari Alfa Romeos, but Barbieri Casciano, just after Florence, because o f lubrication problems. (Guy Griffiths Collection)

RADICAL NEW DESIGNS, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 / 51

V8RI (V8 engine, Ruote Independenti,
Independent Wheels). The type number
represented a new and logical form of desig­
nation, but it was used on only this model.
The specification in some respects followed
traditional Maserati practice, but in others it
was completely new.
The power unit of the new car was a
90-degree V8 cast in two blocks of four
cylinders, a configuration not used by
Maserati before, but its adoption was
inspired by the success of the V4 and V5
16-cylinder models. It was probably the
first ever V8 Grand Prix engine. There has
been uncertainty about the capacity of the
engine, but it seems that the 84m m bore
and 100m m stroke of the original 6C/34
were adopted to give a capacity of 4,329cc.
This Tipo 6C/34 with torsion bar front suspension and 3.7-litre engine was driven by Eugenio Siena There was a single overhead camshaft
in the 1935 Spanish Grand Prix at San Sebastian. He retired on the second lap. per bank of cylinders, gear-driven from the
nose of the crankshaft with the valves
drove a good race to take third place. In the Eifelrennen meeting was won by Raymond mounted in a single row and operated
313-m ile (504km) Tunis Grand Prix on 5 Mays in an ERA, but Hans Ruesch took directly from above.
May, Varzi won with the sole Auto Union second place with his 4CS Maserati. On their contemporary W 25, Mercedes-
entered; Wimille (Bugatti Type 59) took One of the Subalpina team’s better perfor­ Benz were using four valves per cylinder in
second place and Etancelin and Farina with mances was in the 311-mile (500km) pent-roof combustion chambers and twin
6C/34s finished third and fifth. French Grand Prix on 23 June and held on overhead camshafts per bank of cylinders,
There were only four starters, all the full 7.67-mile (12.4km ) Montlhéry road so, in comparison, the Maserati was a very
Maseratis, in the 3 1 -mile (50km) Voiturette and banked track circuit, but with chicanes unsophisticated design and the only advan­
Circuit of Biella on 9 June. Initially Rovere inserted at three points on the circuit to tage possessed by the V8RI was some
led with the ex-Furmanik record-breaker slow the cars. The Mercedes-Benz team saving in weight. A single Roots-type super­
that had been sold to Scuderia Subalpina dominated the race, while the two Scuderia charger was installed at the front of the
and fitted with a new l,5 0 0 c c engine. Ferrari Monoposti were plagued by transmis­ engine and the single Weber carburettor
W hen Siena challenged him for the lead, sion failure, as this was not strong enough was of the twin-choke type, probably the
they collided, although both rejoined the to cope with the power of the 3.8-litre first of its kind to be made by Weber. The
race. The finishing order was Count Lurani engines now fitted, and Auto Union also inlet manifolds were in the vee of the
(with his two-seater 4CS), Castelbarco failed. Although Zehender with his engine and the exhaust manifolds on the
(whose 4CM had now been fitted with Subalpina car had been slowed by gearbox outside, feeding into separate pipes which
a new, lighter chassis and torsion bar problems, he was able to snatch third place merged into long single tail-pipes. When
independent front suspension), Rovere in the closing stages of the race from the the V8RI appeared, there was talk in the
and Siena. misfiring Mercedes-Benz of Luigi Fagioli. Italian press of a power output of 400bhp,
In the next few races for Grand Prix cars In late June the eagerly awaited new but it was only talk and the true output was
nothing was gained by Maserati; the Tripoli Grand Prix Maserati made its first appear­ an uncompetitive 300bhp or so at
race and the Avusrennen were held on fast ance. Philippe Etancelin tested it on public 5,300rpm . By comparison the 1935
circuits on which the 6C/34s were roads and on 28 June it was claimed that he Mercedes-Benz straight-eight engine 4.3-
outpaced - and also proved unreliable — had achieved 300kph (186.4m ph) on the litre engine developed 455bhp.
and another failure followed in the Firenze-Mare Autostrada. In truth, the maxi­ The Maserati brothers had been having a
Eifelrennen at the Nürburgring on 16 June. mum speed was only around 150mph close look at the design practice of the
The 113-mile (182km ) Voiturette race at the (241.5kph). The new car was typed the German teams. As on the Mercedes-Benz


W 25, the final drive was mounted on the
chassis frame with the gearbox behind it
and was mounted on a tubular cross­
member at the rear. The gearbox was the
work of the Maserati brothers themselves,
although both the gear-cutting and casting
of the casing were contracted out. The half­
shafts were enclosed in tubes, which articu­
lated on the sides of the final drive housing
and at their outer ends carried the hubs and
brakes. As a result of this general layout the
driver sat very low in the car.
Longitudinal semi-elliptic leaf springs
were attached to the swinging half-axles and
the springs were pivoted on dual-direction
shackles. These allowed the springs to
follow wheel movement up and down and
also to move sideways with the arcing of the
swing-axles. The axle tube was located by a
Watts linkage. As on the prototype layout
seen on Zehender’s car at Monaco, the
front suspension was independent by On the front row of the grid at the 1935 Circuit of Modena are, left to right, Pintacuda, Comotti
double wishbones, with the upper wish­ (both with Scuderia Ferrari Alfa Romeo Monoposti), Giuseppe Farina (V8RI entered by Scuderia
bones attached to a torsion bar running Subalpina) and Marinoni (Scuderia Ferrari Monoposto). Farina led the opening laps, but retired
back parallel to the chassis. because of a split fuel tank.
The steering box, mounted centrally
behind the engine, was of the worm-and- smooth outline, with cowled radiator and, decided on the aggregate of two 110-mile
peg type, whereby a double-worm gear and on the first car only in its original form, a (177km ) heats. Barbieri (Maserati) won the
twin peg drives took the steering motion by streamlined headrest. Four of these cars first heat from Veyron (Bugatti) and he led
cross-shafts to the outside of each main were eventually built. the final until his engine blew after three
chassis member. Drag arms operated long The V8R1 was one of the least successful laps. Veyron won on aggregate with his
drag links to the steering arms on each stub models in Maserati’s long history. Part of Type 51 A. W hile the Maserati brothers
axle assembly. Each front wheel was steered this was attributable to the cars’ lack of contemplated what was to be done with
by its own mechanism and there were no power compared to their rivals. The model the V8RI, Scuderia Subalpina and the other
track rods. Maserati used this arrangement was inadequately funded, it lacked a full Bologna stalwarts struggled on with the
on later models until the 1948 4CLT/48. development and testing programme and it 8 and 6-cylinder cars, scoring places in
Because of the independent suspension, was raced before it was ready. The racing minor races. Etancelin with a V8R1 was
it was vital that the chassis should be very debut of the first of the new cars, 4501 entered by the works in the Coppa Acerbo
rigid. The Maserati brothers also had in entered by the works, was in the Marne on 15 August, but failed to start the race
mind that the 8CM and its 6-cylinder deriv­ Grand Prix held in two heats and a final at because of supercharger problems. Seaman
ative were often very uncomfortably close to Reims on 7 July. There were no German with his ERA won the 63-mile (101km)
the 750kg weight limit. The concept of entries in this race. Etancelin was at the Voiturette race at Pescara from Ettore Bianco
combining lightness with extreme rigidity wheel of the V8RI, but it suffered from (4CM), while Pietro Ghersi was fourth
was not something Maserati had practised wheelspin and lack of adhesion and after overall with his Maserati and won the
in the past, but they now practised it as finishing second to Dreyfus (Monoposto) in l,1 0 0 c c class.
best they could. The chassis was boxed his heat, he retired early in the final because The 90-mile (145km ) Voiturette Prix de
channel-section steel with cross-members of what was said to be a broken piston. Berne on 25 August was another poor race
of similar construction. The body, clearly The Albi Grand Prix on 14 July was held for Maserati, when ERAs took the first two
inspired by the Mercedes-Benz W 25, had a for the first time as a Voiturette race and places and the highest Maserati finisher was

RADICAL NEW DESIGNS, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 / 53

Tuffanelli, fourth with his 4CM. Etancelin was also a 50-mile (80.5km ) Voiturette race 1936
appeared with the first V8RI in the Swiss and eight of the starters were Maseratis.
Grand Prix held the same day, but crashed Berrone won with his 4C M -1500 and Although Mussolini was fervently sup­
on the first lap. There were two V8RIs at the Tuffanelli and Bergamini with l,1 0 0 c c cars ported by some Italians, many were simply
Italian Grand Prix held on 8 September on took second and third places. not interested in politics, merely grateful for
yet another variation of the Monza circuit. The V8RI was not raced again until the the economic improvements that had
These were to be driven by Etancelin 306-mile (492km ) Donington Grand Prix followed under Fascism and privately scorn­
(works car) and Giuseppe Farina (the on 6 October. Scuderia Subalpina entered ful of II D uces posing and posturing. On 2
Scuderia Subalpina entry, chassis 4502). their car for the young and forceful Farina, October 1935 the Italian army had invaded
Farina failed to start because of engine trou­ but also brought along a 6C/34. The 6- Abyssinia. Most Italians were content to
ble while the car was being warmed up cylinder car was shared by British driver Bill accept their government’s explanation that
before the start. Etancelin did start, but Everitt and Gino Rovere. The entry at it was a pre-emptive move to thwart
crashed heavily when the throttle link Donington Park was weak, for the German Emperor Haile Selassie’s intentions of
jammed and suffered injuries that put him teams gave the race a miss and the only invading the adjacent Italian colonies of
out of racing for the rest of the year. The car Monoposti were those of Sommer and Dick Eritrea and Somalia on the Red Sea coast­
was also very badly damaged. Shuttleworth. In heavy rain Farina pulled line of Africa. For many Italians further
On 15 September Farina appeared with steadily away from the rest of the field, the credence was given to the invasion when
the Subalpina V8R1 in the 119-mile Maserati, according to Motor Sport, Pope Pius XI blessed the Italian army before
(191.5km ) Circuit of Modena. He made a ‘woffling’ away like a Ford V8. On lap 41 it embarked.
brilliant start, but Nuvolari with a Scuderia Farina retired the V8RI because of a broken World opinion, however, was strongly
Ferrari Tipo B caught and passed him after half-shaft; Sommer dropped out for the hostile to the Italian invasion and the
six laps and very shortly afterwards Nino same reason and Dick Shuttleworth won League of Nations, French-influenced,
retired because of a split fuel tank. The the race with his British Racing Green- voted for economic sanctions against Italy.
Ferrari entries of Nuvolari, Tadini and painted Monoposto. Everitt/Rovere took Although these excluded an oil embargo,
Pintacuda took the first three places. There fourth place. they did include an embargo on the impor­
tation of iron and steel and other metals. In
Dick Seaman drove this works-entered V8RI in the 1936 German Grand Prix. It was not a successful the short term this caused major problems
outing and he retired because of brake problems. for car makers, and competition cars
builders such as Maserati and Alfa Romeo
were forced to use reconstituted alloy in
cylinder blocks, etc. This accounts for small
blow-holes and, as a result, poor finish in
castings of the period. Italy thus became
increasingly isolated; there was open hostil­
ity to Italian nationals and Mussolini was
driven more firmly into the arms of Hitler.
By 1936 the Maserati brothers had
realised that the V8RI Grand Prix car was a
lost cause, but nevertheless engine capacity
was increased to 4 ,7 88cc (84 x 108mm)
and power output rose slightly to 320bhp.
Scuderia Subalpina had now been renamed
Scuderia Torino and was run by Luigi della
Chiesa. This team retained 4 5 0 2 , but also
took over 4501 which had been completely
rebuilt since the Monza accident. There was
a new design of rear suspension with the
hubs mounted on the end of trailing arms
which pivoted on a cross-tube. There were


torsion bars on each side, each attached to
the trailing link and the chassis. The half­
shafts were universally jointed at each end.
A new body had been built with no head­
rest but with a radiator grille composed of
large vertical steel strips. On this car the
exhausts now curved downwards to run
under the rear axle. Count Trossi had joined
Scuderia Torino, mainly because his own
planned Grand Prix car, the Trossi-Monaco,
was turning into a fiasco. At a couple of
races the entry of these cars was taken over
by the works. Philippe Etancelin took deliv­
ery in February 1936 of a new Tipo V8RI,
chassis 450 3 , which was painted French
racing blue and had a number of minor
The first European race in 1936 was the
Swedish Winter Grand Prix, but the season
proper started with the 172-mile (277km)
Pau race held on 1 March. The German
teams missed the race and so did Scuderia Etancelin with this V8RI was the only Maserati driver to run in the 1936 Swiss Grand Prix at
Ferrari, as their team’s transporters were Bremgarten. He retired because o f throttle linkage trouble. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
stopped at the border with France by the
Italian authorities. The Pau organisers, the Despite a very rough-sounding engine, Bianco certainly enjoyed his motor racing.
Automobile Club de Basco-Beamais, received a Etancelin carried on to win at 51. OOmph At Monaco Count Trossi drove Torino
telegram from the Royal Italian Automobile (82.1 lkph) on this very slow street circuit V8RI 4502 and although he was involved in
Club stating that a ‘superior authority’ from Martin and Lehoux (Bugatti Type 51). the second-lap multi-car crash, caused by
(presumably Italy’s Foreign Affairs Minister, It was not much of a victory in a race oil dropped on a wet track by Tadini’s Alfa
Count Galeazzo Ciano, who was Mussolini’s limited to 12 entries and with only nine Romeo, he carried on until the distributor
son-in-law) had ordered that Italian teams runners, but it was the sole victory gained drive failed. Etancelin ran - and retired -
were not to race in sanctioned countries by the V8RI in Europe. his V8RI in the 326-m ile (525km) Tripoli
until after the meeting of the Feague of In the Mille Miglia on 5 - 6 April the race on 10 May. Count Trossi and Goffredo
Nations on 10 March. It should be added at Maseratis performed well and won two Zehender were entered with Torino V8RIs,
that meeting it was decided that sanctions classes. Racing motorcyclist Omobono but non-started. Etancelin appeared with
should remain in place, but this did not Tenni, accompanied by Guerrino Bertocchi, his V8RI at Tunis the following weekend,
prevent Scuderia Ferrari from racing at was at the wheel of a 4C S-1500. Tennis but again retired. Chilean Juan Zanelli
Monaco on Easter Monday, 13 April. driving was hairy in the extreme, but it was drove Scuderia Torino 4502 into tenth and
Initially Wimille (Type 59 Bugatti) led at also very quick. Despite a fairly minor crash last place in the wet and foggy 142-mile
Pau from Raymond Sommer (Monoposto), Tenni finished fifth overall behind four Alfa (228km ) Eifelrennen on 14 June. Zanelli
Charles Martin (Monoposto) and Etancelin Romeo Monoposti, kitted out as sports cars. usually drove a yellow-painted 8CM in
who had made a leisurely start. ‘Fi-fi’ Fie averaged 69.7m ph (112.2kph) and he 1936, but is best known for his drives with
Etancelin woke up as the race progressed won the class for supercharged cars up to the Spanish Nacional Pescara, which
and passed both Martin and Sommer, while 2 ,000cc. It was the fifth time that Bertocchi included a shared win in the 1931
Wimille, who had built up a good lead, had accompanied a class-winning driver. European Mountain Championship.
retired because of brake trouble. Sommer Ettore Bianco, who had won the l,1 0 0 c c The works entered British driver Dick
fought back, passed Etancelin and the two class with Bertocchi in 1935, won it again Seaman with 4502 in the 312-mile
French drivers scrapped and swapped the in 1936 accompanied by Boccali. As can be (502km ) German Grand Prix at the
lead until the Monoposto broke its rear axle. seen from the photograph on Page 59, Nürburgring on 26 July, while Trossi was

RADICAL NEW DESIGNS, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 / 55

A rare survivor, the V8RI, chassis number 4503, the engine of which was rebuilt by Tony Merrick, is Coppa Edda Ciano at Lucca on 16
seen at Donington Park in September 1989. Wing-Commander Douglas Man, seen here at the September, but retired yet again.
wheel, undertook a complete restoration. At the time of writing this car is in Germany. (Guy Three V8RIs were then shipped out to
Griffiths) the United States to compete in the 300-
mile (483km ) Vanderbilt Cup race at
relegated to the old and even less competi­ September Trassi drove 4501, but during Roosevelt Field, Long Island, New York on
tive 4C -2500. Seaman retired because of the race handed over to Bianco. However, 12 October. Etancelin drove his own car
brake problems and took over Trossi’s car, the car failed to finish because of engine and a second car was entered by B. de las
which he brought across the line in eighth problems. Piero Dusio, responsible for the Casas for French driver ‘Georges Raph’,
place. Seaman again drove works-entered Cisitalia in post-war years, was at the wheel whose real name was Raphael Bethenod de
4502 in the 257-m ile (414km ) Coppa of a Scuderia Torino 6C/34 and finished las Casas, so this driver was obfuscating
Acerbo on 15 August. He retired, reportedly sixth. Mercedes-Benz had scratched from matters by entering in one name and
because of sparking plug problems - which this race and Rosemeyer (Auto Union) was driving in another. This car, chassis 4504,
sounds like an ‘own goal’. the winner. Trossi made another appearance had been entered in a number of European
In the Italian Grand Prix at Monza on 13 with a Torino V8RI in the 73-mile (117km) races earlier in the year, but had failed to


show, even though it had been delivered as
early as June.
On the winding, badly surfaced Roosevelt
Field course Nuvolari (Alfa Romeo) won
from Wimille (Bugatti Type 59). Etancelin
finished eighth and ‘Georges Rapid was
disqualified for receiving a push-start after a
pit stop. After the race Etancelin sold his
car to Henry ‘Bob’ Topping, Jnr, who at the
time owned the New York Yankees baseball
team, and Raph’s car was bought by
wealthy socialite Townsend Bradley Martin.
Subsequently V8RIs performed reasonably
well in American events, in which the
competition was less intense.

Vetturette Racing

The most important Maserati development

in 1936 was the appearance of the new
Tipo 6CM Voiturette. Although Voiturettes —
cars of smaller engine capacity than the cars
of the current Grand Prix formula - had An under bonnet view o f the Tipo V8RI. The plugs are in the centre of the ‘vee’, carburettor and the
been competing since the dawn of motor exhausts on the outside. (Guy Griffiths)
racing, it was a class that had grown in
importance during the 1930s, especially The first o f the Tipo 6CM-1500 Voiturettes appeared in March 1936. This photograph o f a Tipo
following the introduction of the 750kg 6CM-1500 in front of a works transporter was takeri outside the Bologna factory at the end o f July
formula. Since 1926 there had been no offi­ that year.
cial capacity limit, although the class was
usually for cars of up to l,1 0 0 c c and
Maseratis had been very successful in these
minor races.
During the early 1930s the Voiturette
category was increasingly held for l,5 0 0 c c
cars, and it was especially attractive to
smaller teams and private owners because it
was so much less expensive than Grand
Prix racing. Maserati had introduced their
4C M -1500 4-cylinder car in 1932 and in
1934 the first of the British ERAs had
appeared. These cars with Riley-based
engines were soon offering a serious chal­
lenge in the class and in 1936 the Maserati
brothers responded with the Tipo 6CM.
The 6-cylinder l,4 9 3 .2 c c (65 x 75mm)
engine had the cylinders cast in pairs and
there were twin overhead camshafts driven
from the nose of the crankshaft in accord-

RADICAL NEW DESIGNS, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 / 57

This streamlined coupé was used for record-breaking by Giuseppe Furmanik. It is believed to have Officine Alfieri Maserati entered 6CMs for
been built on a 4CM-1100 chassis and used fo r breaking class records in January 1936. Felice Trassi and Laszlo Hartmann in the
170-mile (272km ) Eifelrennen Voiturette
ance with usual Maserati practice. A single 6CM was well boxed. The front suspension race on 14 June. At the start Seaman led
Weber carburettor was fitted and there was was similar to that of the V8RI, indepen­ away with his rebuilt 1927 Delage, but he
the usual Roots-type supercharger. Ignition dent by unequal-length wishbones and went off the road on the first lap, rejoined
was by a Scintilla magneto and lubrication torsion bars and with friction dampers. At the race, but had lost so much time that he
was dry sump. Factory data indicates that the rear a rigid axle was suspended on semi- cruised round to the pits to retire. The
power output was originally 155bhp at elliptic springs. The steering box was also of combination of Ramponi’s recognition of
6,200rpm , but was subsequently increased Fiat manufacture. The body of the 6CM the potential of the elderly Delage and the
to what was claimed as being 175bhp at was very similar to that of the V8RI with work that he carried out on it, had resulted
6,600rpm . Comment on these power cowled radiator and was neatly streamlined. in a car of greater performance than either
output figures is made later. In addition to the single-seater, a small the 6CM or contemporary ERAs. It was not
Transmission was by a 4-speed and number of cars were built as the 6C S-1500 long before it showed its true potential.
reverse Fiat gearbox with central change with wider chassis and intended to take Trassi stayed in front for the rest of this race
and Maserati’s own magnesium-alloy top two-seater sports bodywork. at the Nürburgring to win from Tenni
plate. As this gearbox was designed for use The first of the new cars was entered by (Torino 4CM), Prince Bira (ERA) and with
in the Fiat Tipo 5 22 taxi and to take only Scuderìa Torino in the 99-mile (160km ) Hartmann in sixth place.
34hp, lack of transmission reliability of Coupe Rainier at Monaco on the eve of the A week later the works team was in
Maseratis until they started to manufacture Grand Prix. The driver was Rovere, while action again and cars for Rovere and Trossi
their own gearboxes is hardly surprising. Tenni was at the wheel of a Torino 4CM. were entered in the Picardie Grand Prix,
The rear axle was, as usual, made by Isotta Tenni took the lead on lap four and headed a race run in two 61-miler (98km) heats
Fraschini and their axles can be identified the pack until his brakes began to fade, and a 91-mile (146km ) final. During
by the letters TF’ cast into the casing. causing him to hit the sandbags at the practice one of the works mechanics
Maserati were beginning to learn the Gasworks hairpin. Freddie Zehender crashed Rovere’s 6CM through a barbed
need for rigid chassis construction, espe­ relieved Rovere, but the 6CM succumbed wire fence and suffered serious head
cially when independent suspension was to engine problems. ERAs took the first injuries. Rovere had to drive a spare 4CM.
used, and the channel-section chassis of the three places. Trossi and Seaman won their heats, but


Seaman crashed in the final because of
steering failure (possibly the result of the
incident at the Nürburgring) and Trassi
dropped out because of clutch failure. The
ERAs of ‘B. Bira’, Pat Fairfield and Earl
Howe took the first three places. Australian
Frank McEvoy, who had ju st taken delivery
of the first 6CM in private ownership,
finished fourth.
A fortnight later Trassi with a works 6 CM
won the 65-mile (104km ) Circuit of Milan
Voiturette race on the Parco Sempione
circuit, but the race had a purely Italian
entry. Emilio Villoresi, who had just
completed his compulsory military service,
finished second with a 4CM, Belmondo
took third place with his Maserati and other
Maserati drivers occupied fourth to tenth
places. Next came the Albi Grand Prix held
on 12 July in two 110-mile (177km ) heats.
There were no works Maseratis entered, but
Hungarian driver Laszlo Hartmann
appeared with his new 6CM. A Swiss driver,
Luciano Uboldi entered a Maserati ‘special’
with 6CM engine in a chassis that was
claimed - somewhat improbably - to have
been designed by Vittorio Jano. ‘B. Bira’
with his ERA won on aggregate from Veyron
(Type 51A Bugatti) and Hans Rusech
(rebodied 4CS Maserati).
Seaman with the Delage was expected to
provide stiff opposition for the Maseratis in
the 65-mile (104km ) Coppa Ciano A really happy chappy! Ettore Bianco, partnered by Boccali, drove this 4CS-1100 into sixth place
Voiturette race at Livorno on 2 August. The overall and a win in the class fo r l,100cc supercharged cars in the 1936 Mille Miglia.
race was run on a new circuit in the
suburbs of the town, instead of the usual ‘not ready’ and they were withdrawn from second place in the 50-mile (80.5km )
mountain course. The British driver was the Prix de Berne on 23 August. Seaman Modena event on 21 September.
plagued by carburetion problems and won from three ERAs and the highest Despite problems with the Delage,
Trassi with a 6CM led throughout to placed Maserati driver was Ruesch in fifth Seaman had shown himself to be the
win from Embiricos (ERA). Young Luigi place. Maserati finished the Voiturette outstanding Voiturette driver of the year. The
Villoresi took third place with a 4CM. By season by competing in two Italian races better-driven ERAs, especially that of ‘B.
the 96-mile (154km ) Coppa Acerbo and Count Trossi with a works 6CM won Bira’, were also more than a match for the
Voiturette race on 15 August, Giulio both. The first was the 44-mile (71km) race 6CM and despite its advanced specification,
Ramponi had Seaman’s Delage fully sorted through the medieval city of Lucca for the the Italian car was proving something of a
and the British driver scored an easy win, Coppa Edda Ciano presented by disappointment. As David Venables neatly
finishing 39sec ahead of Trossi with the Mussolini’s daughter on 7 September. expresses it, ‘it seemed that by the end of
6CM, followed by Ruesch, McEvoy and Belmondo, Barbieri and Bianco took the the season, the works Maseratis were
Bergamini with other Maseratis. next three places with their Maseratis. content to seek out those races where the
Maserati claimed the works 6CMs were Behind Trossi, Biondetti (6CM) took opposition was less formidable.’

RADICAL NEW DESIGNS, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 / 59

Chapter 5

Adolfo Orsi
d o lfo O rsi man who
w as a se l f - m a d e collector (raccoglitore di stracci) in the after­ Armando, who was slightly handicapped,

A was largely responsible for the industri­

alisation of Modena. Bom on 23 March
noons, as well as selling fruit and vegetables
from his cart.
took no part in the business and died in
1957. Two other sisters died young,
1888, he came from a very impoverished Increasingly Adolfo concentrated on Carolina in 1912 and Ermina in 1921.
background. His father died when he was scrap metal and his small business soon It was not long before Adolfo Orsi was the
only 15. As Adolfo was the eldest son, the proved very successful. He bought a horse biggest dealer in scrap metal in the Emilia-
responsibility for keeping the family fell on and a proper cart and, later, horses and Romagna province. In 1922 he set up a steel
his shoulders. He was apprenticed to a carts for his brother Marcello and for his works in Modena. At that time there was
butcher, for whom he worked in the morn­ sisters, Eida and Bruna, so that they could none in Emilia Romagna and scrap iron and
ings, but he started work as a rag and bone join the business. Another brother steel had to be transported many miles for
reprocessing. As Italy had no natural iron
An example of the battery-powered three-wheeler commercial vehicles built by Maserati during the ore (or coal for that matter), all iron and
war years. An unusual feature fo r a vehicle o f this kind was that it had a mechanical gearbox. Also steel had to be imported or reprocessed.
built in four-wheel form, they were marketed under the name Elettrocarri Maserati. (Dottor Adolfo Orsi then set up his own foundry; bought
Orsi Collection) tramway companies (previously Belgian-
owned) in Emilia Romagna and Lombardy,
and even bought a railway, turning it into a
bus company and lifting the track for repro­
cessing in his steel works. He also owned
the Fiat dealership in Modena.
At the time Orsi was completing the
negotiations for the purchase of Maserati,
he was establishing a new business at
Tresigallo near Ferrara. This was a factory to
manufacture agricultural machinery -
mainly combine harvesters. As well as erect­
ing and opening the factory, he built houses
nearby for management and workers.
Another successful venture in 1938 was the
raising of the 8,400-ton liner Cesare Battisti,
which had caught fire and foundered at
Massawa in Eritrea blocking the harbour
facilities. W ith specialist assistance, the
ship was raised, patched and taken under
tow through the Suez canal to Trieste where
it was broken up.


The possibility of acquiring Maserati was Seen in 1943 are Ernesto Maserati, his wife, son Alfieri and the prototype l,500cc sports car.
suggested to him by well-known motor
racing journalist, Corrado Filippini. At this successes would boost the whole of the business. Adolfo Orsi became President of
time the Orsi organisation employed about Orsi group. Maserati and his brother-in-law Alceste
2 ,0 0 0 people, but it lacked a public image. W hen the takeover was completed, Giacomazzi, was appointed managing direc­
Maserati had several attractions for Orsi. He taking effect from 1 January 1937, Ernesto, tor. W ith Orsi finance behind them the
believed that he could expand the sparking Bindo and Ettore Maserati entered into ten- brothers produced the fast, but fickle 3-litre
plug business by obtaining a well known year contracts to act as consultants. This supercharged Tipo 8CTF Grand Prix car for
name under which to market all his prod­ gave them the opportunity to concentrate 1938. This was followed a year later by the
ucts, and he wanted a car product of his on car design and development, without all Tipo 4CL Voiturette which, together with
own, believing that Maserati racing the anxieties and problems of tunning a the 4CLT/48 that succeeded it, was the

fulfilled his ambition of establishing an
organic group of businesses, with good rail
connections. All three works were clearly
visible to passengers on trains on the main
line to Milan and this in itself helped publi­
cise the group.
Most Italians were badly shocked when
Mussolini declared war on the Axis side on
10 June 1940. It had been widely believed
that Mussolini would show sympathy and
moral support for the Fascist cause, but he
was thought to be too wily to commit
himself to hostilities and would remain
neutral, as Franco did in Spain. Instead he
fell victim to Hitler’s flattery and coercion,
allowing Italy to be manoeuvred into a war
that no one wanted. Despite a rearmament
programme, Italy was far too weak militarily
to fight the Allied powers.
Following the outbreak of war, Orsi
started production of milling machinery
and machine tools under the Maserati
name. The Maserati factory also serviced
and overhauled military vehicles during the
war years. Orsi put into production battery-
powered three and four-wheel light
commercial vehicles, the design rights to
which he had acquired when he bought the
The surviving Maserati brothers photographed at the Osca works in the early 1950s. They are, left to battery company. These were marketed
right, Bindo, Ettore and Ernesto. under the name Eletrocarri Maserati and
what made them very different from other
most successful racing car ever sold to distinguished by its two tall chimneys. This battery-powered vehicles was the fitting of a
private owners. As early as 1940 drawings building has only recently been demolished mechanical gearbox.
had been prepared for the proposed A6 and the site redeveloped. Maserati also experimented with battery-
production GT car. Adolfo Orsi also bought a battery maker, powered cars and during the war years
In late 1939 Orsi moved Maserati from which he merged with the Maserati spark­ Adolfo’s son Omer drove a Fiat 500
Bologna into new and much more spacious ing plug business to form Fabbrica Candele ‘Mouse’ powered by an enormous battery.
premises in the Viale Ciro Menotti in Accumulatori Maserati SpA. The combined Car development did not cease and the
Modena. Alberto Massimino, formerly with business was moved into premises in the company built a prototype l,5 0 0 c c A6
Alfa Romeo and Scuderia Ferrari, joined the Viale Generale Paolucci, on the opposite sports car, which was running in 1943. It
company as chief engineer in 1940. On the side of the main railway line from his other was intended for production once the war
opposite side of the road from the Maserati works in Modena. Adolfo’s sisters Eida and was over, but the A 6-1500 was only ever
car factory was Orsi’s iron and steel works, Bruna managed this business. Orsi had built in very small numbers.


Chapter 6

The later thirties, 1 9 3 7 -4 1

1937 the Abyssinian war nately, a very slow driver, lacking in ability. ‘J ohnny’ Lurani, patron of the newly formed
y t h e sta rt o f

was over, sanctions against Italy had The 6CMs were beautifully engineered; Scuderia Ambrosiana, and the young Luigi
been lifted and in the words of Count almost like a jewelled motion in compari­ Villoresi shared an l,1 0 0 c c Maserati. The
‘Johnny’ Lurani, ‘general elation was felt in son to the rather crude ERAs, and gave the race was run in wet, windy weather, with
Italy.’ Following Adolfo Orsi’s takeover of impression of being Grand Prix cars in the cars throwing up great clouds of spray
Maserati, there were initially few changes. miniature. There were times, however, and the roads made dangerous by liberal
The V8RI had already been abandoned, when Maserati cut comers in the standards coatings of mud. Lurani/Villoresi were
although the older 8-cylinder cars contin­ of assembly and in the main the British delayed by carburetion problems and
ued to be raced by private owners, mainly buyers were less than happy with their cars. retired at Temi, about halfway through the
in minor events and with some success. During 1936 the 6CMs in Continental race when the engine blew. It was the first
The Maserati brothers were working on a events had, on occasions, been very fast, race in which Scuderia Ambrosiana
design for the new Grand Prix formula of but British owners became unhappy with competed. Fiats took the first three places
1938 onwards, but that was a little way in the performance of their cars. Some clarifi­ in the l,1 0 0 c c sports class.
the future. In the meantime Maserati cation of this is needed. The first important Voiturette race of the
concentrated on Voiturette racing with the The works and works-supported 6CMs year was the 73-mile (117.5km ) Circuit of
6CMs and the cars were raced by both the ran on a 6.75:1 compression ratio, used a Turin held on the Valentino Park circuit on
works team and Scuderia Ambrosiana. 140m m blower running at a pressure of 18 April. Bianco and Dreyfus drove the
In all 2 7 6CMs were built with chassis 15—16psi (1.07—1 .1 4bar) and the true works Maseratis and held the first two
numbers running from 1531 to 1565, power output was 175-185b h p . In contrast places in that order on the opening laps.
which were not delivered until 1939. The the cars sold to British private entrants had Then Bira with his ERA forced his way past
number 1530 was an engine only supplied a lower 6:1 compression ratio, smaller Dreyfus and started to hassle Bianco.
to Hans Ruesch in Zurich in 1936 and two 130m m blower running at 11—12psi Bianco used every trick in the book to
other numbers in the series related to (0.8-0.86b ar) and at best developed baulk Bira and shut the door on him on
engines only. A few numbers were not used. 165bhp. Although not in the context of the every possible occasion. His tactics were
In 1936 Maserati had built only four of period, the comments of Sean Danaher blatant and both Trassi and Farina, who
these cars, including that shown at the (Trident Engineering, specialising in were watching the race, protested to the
1936 Milan Show and subsequently sold to Bologna Maseratis) are of considerable organisers.
Austin Dobson in the UK, Two more 6CMs interest: ‘As usual the real power comes Eventually Bira forced his way through to
were delivered to Dobson in 1937 and from attention to detail. Equalising mixture the front. All the fight had gone out of
another British buyer was ‘J ohnny’ distribution is the big problem and subse­ Bianco, mainly because he had lost his
Wakefield. One of the Dobson cars was sold quently spark plug heat range. Happily for goggles and oil was being sprayed onto his
on to Mrs Hall-Smith who entered it for us, plugs are now much better and our face. The Siamese driver built up a lead of
her nephew Robin Hanson. Mrs Hall-Smith stock [6CM] engines produce 2 0 5 - 2 lObhp 20sec, while Bjomstadt with his ERA
was an exceptionally good-looking woman, - which is enough to deal with the l,5 0 0 c c moved up into second place. Bira retired
only slightly older than her nephew, and ERAs.’ because of gearbox trouble and Bjomstadt
they lived together. Hanson was, unfortu­ In the 1937 Mille Miglia road race Count went on to win the race from Dreyfus.

THE LATER THIRTIES, 1 9 3 7 -4 1 / 63

then catch a ferry to North Africa, so the
l,5 0 0 c c category proved a Maserati proces­
sion. Dreyfus with a works 6CM won from
other Maserati drivers, Cortese, Severi (also
with a works 6 CM), Luigi Villoresi and
Dusio. The ERA drivers also missed the
Targa Fiorio held as a 195-mile (314km)
Voiturette race in Favorita Park, Palermo on
25 May. Severi (6CM), Lurani (6CM chassis
with 4C l,1 0 0 c c engine) and Bianco (6CM)
took the first three places.
A minor and rather parochial meeting,
despite its name, was the 75-mile (120km)
Voiturette race known as the Circuit Auto­
mobile della Superba held at Genoa on 30
May. Mainly because so many would-be
contestants had gone to the Avus meeting
held the same day, there was a thin field.
Milanese newcomer Aldo Marazza (with the
obsolete ex-Lurani four-cylinder, two-seater
Maserati) won from Severi (6CM) amd
Robin Hanson at the wheel of his 6CM in the 91-mile (146km) Picardy Grand Prix held in June Belmondo (4CM). In the main event for
1937. He was a slow driver and on this occasion finished fifth. (Guy Griffiths Collection) Grand Prix cars Trossi and Tadini took
the first two places with Scuderia Penaci
Dreyfus had been leading comfortably by a There were two Voiturette races over the Alfa Romeos.
lap-and-a-half when he made his refuelling weekend of 2 4 -2 5 April. The new Crystal There were both Formule Libre and
stop, but the Maserati pit failed to notice Palace circuit in South London held its first Voiturette races at Avus circuit in Berlin with
that Bjomstadt had unlapped himself while meeting on the Saturday, the Coronation its newly built, very steeply banked, brick­
the 6CM was stationary and having been Trophy scratch race in two 40-mile (64km) surfaced North Curve. Although Teagno
told to ease off by Ernesto Maserati, Dreyfus heats and a 60-mile (96.5km ) final. Fairfield and Cortese led away with their Maseratis at
let Bjomstadt sail past him! (ERA) won the first heat from Charles the start of the Voiturette race, Charles
Bianco had stopped to hand over to Brackenbury at the wheel of the 4CM Martin (ERA) soon took the lead in this
Rocco, so Tongue (ERA) took third place owned by E.K. Rayson. ERAs took the first 84-mile (135km ) race and won at
with Bianco/Rocco fourth. Of the 6CM three places in the second heat. In the final 119.68m ph (192.68kph). Cortese held
Dreyfus wrote, ‘It was as unlike the Fairfield and Arthur Dobson with ERAs second place until the last lap when he
Maseratis that I had driven for the team in took the first two places ahead of Robin spun off and the finishing order behind
1 9 3 1 -1 9 3 2 as can be imagined. You no Hanson with his 6CM. Martin was Luigi Plate (4CM) and Teagno
longer felt you were sitting on a pack of Trossi with a works-entered 6 CM won the (6CM). Alfa Romeo had withdrawn from
iron; the car was tight, compact and much, 76-mile (122km) Circuit of Naples on 25 the 96-mile (154km ) Formule Libre race,
much easier to drive. And quite fast too.’ April after a battle with Bira (ERA) and which was a straight fight between
However badly Bianco had behaved at Bjomstadt finished third. The poorly Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union. Lang
Turin, it had been an exciting race at the supported Naples Grand Prix took place the (Mercedes-Benz) won from Von Delius and
start of an exciting season and showed the same day and Scuderia Ferrari-entered Alfa Hasse, both with Auto Unions.
paying public that a good Voiturette race was Romeos took the first five places. The 277- Luigi Villoresi (entered with a 6 CM by
better than a poor Grand Prix. And the 109- mile (446km ) Voiturette Circuit of Tripoli Scuderia Ambrosiana) and de Graffenried
mile (175.5km ) event for Grand Prix cars was held as part of the Tripoli Grand Prix on (John du Puy-owned 4CM) competed two
was boring, as the Scuderia Penaci Alfa the Mellaha circuit on 9 May. The starting days later in the 195-mile (314km ) RAC
Romeos were unopposed and took the first money was not good enough for the ERA International Light Car race, held on the
four places. drivers to trek all the way across Europe and Douglas circuit on the Isle of Man. The race


was dominated by the ERAs, which took
the first five places, and de Graffenried
finished sixth. It was run in heavy rain and
when Villoresi retired out on the circuit,
apparently because of a blocked fuel line,
he had a long and wet walk back to the
pits. Both drivers stayed in Britain to
compete in the handicap 155-mile (250km)
Nuffield Trophy for cars up to l,5 0 0 c c at
Donington Park on 12 June. The race was
another Bourne benefit. Villoresi retired
because of supercharger trouble and de
Graffenried finished fifth behind Fairfield,
Dobson and Mays (all with ERAs) and
Maclure (Riley).
‘J ohnny’ Wakefield with his newly deliv­
ered 6CM, which for reasons that were far
from clear was painted blue, was one of 13
Maserati drivers to run in the 143-mile
(230km ) Circuit of Florence held on 13
June. Count Trossi drove a new Maserati
variant that combined a 6CM chassis fitted Mauri Rose is seen at the wheel o f Townsend Bradley Martin’s V8R1 Maserati during practice fo r the
with quarter-elliptic rear springs and a 1937 Vanderbilt Cup race over a course at the Roosevelt Raceway. The car failed to perform well in
modified 4CM engine. Four ERAs ran in the race. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
this race. Bira led initially with his ERA, but
was passed by Trossi and then as his brakes ahead of Reggie Tongue with an ERA. On better weather conditions. Mauri Rose
began to fade, both Bianco and Dreyfus this occasion the Voiturette race was almost drove socialite Townsend Bradley Martin’s
with works 6CMs overtook him. as boring as the event for Grand Prix cars in car into seventh place. The other V8RI,
This race was run in very hot weather which Nuvolari and Farina took the first purchased from amateur George Rand who
that affected a number of drivers, among two places ahead of the inexperienced had acquired it from Scuderia Torino, was to
them Trossi who came into the pits to hand Rudolf Hasse (Auto Union). have been driven by Enzo Fiermonte.
over to Rovere. Bira was forced to retire Another minor Voiturette race was the Fiermonte had been a former light-heavy­
because of his braking problems. Dreyfus Picardie Grand Prix, which was run in two weight boxer and was married to the
then led from Bianco, Bianco handed his 60-mile (96km) heats and a 90-mile considerably older and substantially wealth­
car over to Rocco, Trossi took over again (145km ) final on 27 June. It was another ier Madeline Force Astor.
from Rovere and he was in second place at Maserati versus ERA battle and another race Fiermonte had never driven a racing car
the finish behind Dreyfus, with Bologna lost. Dreyfus (works 6CM) won the before and arrived at the circuit with the
Bianco/Rocco third. The Eifelrennen was first heat from Hanson (6CM) and a V8RI after practising on the roof of the
held at the Nürburgring the same day, but remarkably sober John du Puy (newly premises of car dealer J.S. Insldp in Queens,
in 1937 there was no race for Voiturettes. acquired 6 CM). Mays with the works ERA New York (shades of the Fiat building in
There were again 13 Maseratis, together was the winner of the second heat, nearly a Turin) and on Long Island roads. He was
with three ERAs, in the 75-mile (120km) lap ahead of de Graffenried driving du Puy’s dismally slow in practice, 24th fastest, and
Circuit of Milan Voiturette race in the Parco old 4CM. Raymond Mays won the final clearly it would not have been safe for him
Sempione on 20 June. The only ERA driver from Dreyfus and Wakefield (private 6 CM). to compete in the race. At the last moment
to show real form in this race was Bira, but There was still a place for the V8RIs in Wilbur Shaw, that year’s Indianapolis
he was forced to retire because of engine American racing and two competed in the winner, was persuaded to drive the car and
trouble. Eugenio Siena (4CM) won the race 300-m ile (483km ) Vanderbilt Cup held at he flew his Beech ‘stagger-wing’ light
from Marazza (with his old 4CS two-seater Roosevelt Raceway and postponed from its aircraft into the nearby Roosevelt Field. He
Maserati) and Cortese (6 CM) finished third original date until 1 July in the hope of had very little opportunity to practise and

THE LATER THIRTIES, 1 9 3 7 -4 1 / 65

box problems and so Bianco went ahead,
but lost the lead at once when he slid
wildly. Rocco (works 6CM) won from
Bianco, Cortese and Severi.
Another Voiturette race followed on 22
August, the Prix de Berne at Bremgarten,
and this was run in two 60-mile (96km)
qualifying heats and a 90-mile (145km )
final. In another muted admission of the
superiority of the ERAs, Maserati withdrew
the works cars from the race, once again
claiming that they could not be made ready
in time. Emilio Villoresi won his heat with
an Ambrosiana 6CM, but it rained heavily
during the final and the ERAs seemed
much better suited to these conditions than
the Maseratis, which were sliding and slith­
ering badly. Although the circuit began to
dry out towards the end of the race, they
had lost too much ground. Arthur Dobson,
Mays and Bira took the first three places
with their ERAs and only then came the
first of the Maserati drivers, Cortese with his
Scuderia Ambrosiana 6CM.
Another V8R1 was entered by Enzo Fiermonte, seen here in practice about to be lapped by von Delius Joh n n y’ Wakefield persisted with his
(Auto Union). He was not experienced enough and is seen cruising round with his goggles round his now red-painted 6CM, although he had lost
helmet. Wilbur Shaw drove the car in the race. (Guy Griffiths Coflection) confidence in its potential to beat the ERAs.
In the Formule Libre JC C 200-mile
In the 204-mile (328km) JC C Inter­ (322km ) race at Donington Park on 28
shortly after the start the left exhaust pipe
national Trophy at Brooklands on 2 August, August he drove a good race to finish fourth
worked loose at the manifold, but despite
a handicap system was operated by direct­ behind Arthur Dobson (works ERA), Bira
being nearly asphyxiated by fumes, he
ing the cars through different channels (8CM 3011) and Peter Whitehead (ERA)..
struggled on to finish ninth. It was because
according to their engine capacity. Another rather parochial quasi-British event
of his experience with this car that Shaw
Raymond Mays (ERA) led throughout, Bira was the 100-mile (161km ) Formule Libre
persuaded Mike Boyle to buy an 8CTF to
was in second place with the ex-Straight race at Phoenix Park, Dublin on 11
run at Indianapolis. Rosemeyer (Auto
8CM (3011) until engine problems brought September. Raymond Mays won with a
Union) won the race from Seaman
his run to an end, and then Wakefield works ERA, followed across the line by
moved up into second place with his 6CM. Wakefield with his 6CM (yet again
At Albi on 11 July both Emilio Villoresi
The only opposition to Maserati in the repainted and now green).
and Luigi Villoresi drove Scuderia
96-mile (154km ) Coppa Acerbo Voiturette On 19 September the Circuit of Lucca
Ambrosiana 6CMs. It was a poor day for the
race on 15 August came from Tongue’s was held as an 88-mile (141km ) Voiturette
brothers, Emilio crashed, Luigi was fifth on
ERA. Pasquino Ermini (6CM) tried to pass race. There were no ERAs entered and the
the aggregate of the two heats and ERAs
Uboldi with a similar car, slid wide and race was dominated by the usual horde of
took the first three places ahead of Righetti’s
Tongue collided with the Maserati. Ermini Maseratis. Count Trossi won with a four-
Maserati. Another parochial Italian race was
spun into the crowd, injuring himself and cylinder car from Luigi Villoresi and Rocco
the San Remo Grand Prix on 25 July and in
killing four spectators. The British driver with 6CMs. Varzi had again been entered
this race, run in three heats and a short
was uninjured. W hile all this was going on, with a works 6CM, but dropped out
final, the great Achille Varzi made a return to
Villoresi and Bianco were battling for the because of engine problems. Despite the
racing and won with the works 4CM from
lead. Villoresi’s 6 CM then developed gear­ many attractions of the 6 CM, it had too
Dusio (Ambrosiana 6CM) and Rocco (6CM ).


frequently during the year proved no match an early retirement because of mechanical followed across the line by Maseratis driven
for the British ERAs. problems. by Taruffi, Luigi Villoresi and Bill Everitt.
There were two events in which Maserati Scuderìa Ambrosiana had brought their
Voiturettes competed on 26 September. The team of Maseratis to Britain in their OM
Ciruit di Campione D ’Italia was run in transporters before they were taken to 1938
three heats and a short 35-mile (56km) Southampton docks and shipped to South
final. Trassi (works 4CM) won the final Africa for a series of races held there in Under Orsi’s influence the Maserati broth­
from Severi (works 6CM) and Righetti December 1937 and January 1938. All the ers had put together a well thought-out and
(Ambrosiana 6CM). Both the 308-m ile South African races were handicap events cohesive development programme. The 6-
(495km ) Circuit of Masaryk and an 88-mile and the first of the series were two races cylinder Voiturettes would continue to be
Voiturette race were held at Brno. Charles held on the Lord Howe circuit at raced until a new and faster car was ready in
Martin with his ERA led the Voiturette race Johannesburg on 16 December. In the 121- 1939. In the meantime development work
until his engine developed a misfire and he mile (195km ) Rand Grand Prix Lurani was proceeding on a four-valve version of
dropped back to finish second behind Luigi finished third with his 6CM. Siena finished the 6CM engine, partly to enhance its
Villoresi with a 6CM entered by Scuderìa second to Meyer (Riley) in the 199-mile rather inadequate performance and partly in
Ambrosiana. Elungarian driver Laszlo (320km ) South African Grand Prix at East connection with the development of the
Hartmann at the wheel of a four-cylinder London on 1 January 1938. The final race 16-valve four-cylinder 4C L-1500 Voiturette
Maserati took third place. In the 750kg race was the 203-mile (327km) Grosvenor that appeared in 1939. This engine,
Caracciola and von Brauchitsch took the Grand Prix at Capetown on 15 January. Earl number 1558, still exists and although it
first two places with their Mercedes-Benz Howe won with his ERA, but he was was raced, details of when are not certain.
W 125 cars, while the outclassed Alfa
Romeos of Nuvolari and Brivio finished in It is believed that this photograph was taken outside the Miller works in Los Angeles in 1938. On
fifth and sixth places. the left is the 1930 Indianapolis-winning Miller, centre the current Miller and on the right Mike
Before the end of the season there were Boyle’s 6CM which Wilbur Shaw drove in the 1937 Vanderbilt Cup race. Left to right are Bill
two British races that attracted Maserati Cummings who won the 1934 Indianapolis race with a Boyle-entered Miller, Mike Boyle who regu­
entries. The German teams dominated the larly entered cars at Indianapolis in the name o f his company, Boyle Products, and Wilbur Shaw.
250-mile (402km ) Donington Grand Prix (Guy Griffiths Collection)
on 2 October and Scuderia Ferrari missed
the race. Rosemeyer (Auto Union) won
from von Brauchitsch and Caracciola (both
with Mercedes-Benz W 1 2 5 cars), but in
sixth place, albeit many laps in arrears,
came Bira with his 8CM.
The handicap Imperial Trophy at Crystal
Palace later in October attracted an entry
from Scuderia Ambrosiana, even though the
two 20-mile (32km) qualifying heats and
the 30-mile (48km) final amounted to little
more than sprints’. Lurani was beaten into
second pace in his heat by Arthur Dobson
(ERA) and Luigi Villoresi retired out on the
circuit because of mechanical problems,
although this did not stop him running
in the final. Trassi won the second heat
from Charles Martin and Bira with ERAs.
In the final Bira and Dobson took the first
two places ahead of Goodacre (Austin
Seven). Villoresi and Lurani trailed badly
to finish fourth and fifth and Trassi was

THE LATER THIRTIES, 1 9 3 7 -4 1 / 67

engines that could be adapted for Grand
Prix racing. There was a scale of minimum
weights according to engine and maximum
permitted capacities of 3 ,0 0 0 cc super­
charged and 4 ,5 00cc unsupercharged. The
minimum weight for cars of these capacities
was 850kg without wheels and tyres, while
another requirement was a minimum cock­
pit width of 85cm . The imbalance of capa­
cities between the supercharged and the
unsupercharged cars was such that, except
in very rare circumstances, the unblown
cars were hopelessly outclassed.
Maserati typed the new Grand Prix
contender the 8CTF (8 Cilindri Testa Fissa -
Fixed Head) and it was intended as an
interim car until a new engine could be
built based on the 4CL to be introduced in
1939. The power unit was a straight-eight
based on two l,4 9 6 c c (69 x 100mm)
blocks placed end to end with fixed cylin­
der heads and two separate Roots-type
The 1938 Targa Fiorio was held as a 107-mile (172km) Voiturette race in Palermo Park. Giovanni superchargers, each with a twm-choke
Rocco won with this 6CMfrom other Maseratis driven by Georges Raph and Luigi Villoresi. There Memini carburettor. Like the twin overhead
camshafts, the superchargers were driven
was no serious opposition to the Maseratis in this race.
from the nose of the crankshaft and each
On 6CM cars delivered in 1938, quarter- the outskirts of Cork, Luigi Villoresi supplied four cylinders. Ignition was
(Scuderia Ambrosiana 6CM) finished third provided by a Scintilla magneto mounted
elliptic rear springs were fitted and these
behind Bira and Arthur Dobson with ERAs. on the right-hand side of the engine.
later cars also had a lower nose-line. Finally
An interesting Maserati runner in this race Transmission was by a 4-speed gearbox and
work had been progressing on a new Grand
was Armand Hug who received works multi-plate clutch, which were mounted in
Prix contender that would appear in May.
Early in the year, on 2 April Wakefield support with his 4CM. A number of modifi­ unit with the engine.
cations had been carried out to this car, The channel-section chassis had inde­
and Hanson drove their 6CMs in the
Coronation Trophy at Crystal Palace. It was including the fitting of a modified cylinder pendent front suspension by the familiar
another Formule Libre handicap, run in two head, a new and stronger crankshaft and an Maserati torsion bar system, but the under­
heats and a final. Bira (ERA) largely domi­ experimental Memini carburettor. In the slung rear axle was rigid and suspended on
nated the proceedings, winning his heat race the car developed an engine misfire quarter-elliptic springs. The brakes were
and the final, but Wakefield took second and Hug finished fifth. Wakefield crashed Lockheed hydraulic, with 16in drums at
place in both. In the Pau Grand Prix the heavily with his 6CM and wrote it off. the front and 14in at the rear. In appear­
Mercedes-Benz team suffered a surprise The new Maserati Grand Prix contender ance, the 8CTF was a very attractive, well-
defeat. Only the one car driven by driven by Count Trassi appeared in the balanced car and looked like a lengthened
Caracciola started and because of unex­ 326-m ile (525km ) Tripoli Grand Prix at version of the 6CM. At this time Orsi lacked
pected problems and delays, it lost the lead Mellaha on 15 May. In 1938 a new Grand the funds to underwrite a full Grand Prix
to the unsupercharged V I 2 Delahaye driven Prix formula had come into force. The aim programme, as he was already committed
by Dreyfus. Comotti finished third with his was two-fold: to curb the speed of the very to the move to Modena and the other
Delahaye and ‘Georges Raph’, with his fast 750kg formula cars and to encourage developments mentioned earlier. So the
newly delivered 6CM, took fourth place. the racing of unsupercharged cars, espe­ 8CTF never enjoyed much opportunity to
In the 73-mile (117km ) Cork Light Car cially by French manufacturers, a number of show its true potential. It was undoubtedly
race held on 23 April at Carrigrohane on whom had built sports cars with unblown very fast, but the roadholding was some-


what primitive compared with that of Auto
Union and Mercedes-Benz, both now users
of de Dion rear axles. Nor was preparation
of the 8CTF cars to a high standard.
Count Trassi and Zehender drove the
8CTFs at Tripoli. Auto Union’s 3-litre
supercharged cars were not yet ready, so the
Maserati drivers faced three of the new
Mercedes-Benz W 1 5 4 cars, together with
four Alfa Romeos. Because the field would
have been so small otherwise, the organis­
ers combined the Voiturette race with the
Grand Prix and there were seventeen
l,5 0 0 c c Maseratis to complete the entry.
The speed differential was to contribute to
serious accidents in the race. Both 8CTF
Maseratis retired, but not before Trassi had
chased hard after the leading W 154s.
There were two fatal accidents. Eugenio
Siena (Alfa Romeo) lost control while
lapping Cortese’s 6CM - possibly caught
by a strong gust of crosswind - and crashed
into the side of a house. Fie was thrown out Two 8CTFs were entered in the Coppa Ciano held over a distance of 146 miles (235km) on the
of the car and died immediately. Shortly Montenero circuit on 31 July. Count Felice Trassi drove this car and led the Mercedes-Benz entries
afterwards Farina (Alfa Romeo) collided briefly before he retired because of engine problems.
with Hartmann’s four-cylinder Maserati
which he was lapping - he may have Howe in the first heat and finished third, a Grand Prix on 10 July was run as a
nudged the Hungarian in his impatience to lap behind. Mays and Wilson with ERAs Voiturette race with the results decided on
overtake - and both cars crashed. took the first two places in the second heat, the aggregate of two 110-mile (177km)
Hartmann suffered injuries to which he with Lanza (6CM) third. In the final Mays heats. Raymond Mays led the first heat
succumbed that evening, but Farina’s was the winner after ‘Bira’s ’ engine blew up until the casing of his ERA’s supercharger
injuries were only superficial. Lang, von and Bianco took second place. cracked. Ettore Bianco was in third place
Brauchitsch and Caracciola took the first Count Johnny’ Lurani was a great with his 4CM, but took a comer too
three places for Mercedes-Benz and then anglophile and he brought over a 4CM to exuberantly, rolled the car and felled a tele­
came Sommer (Alfa Romeo). Taruffi compete in the London Trophy, a Formule graph pole. He suffered serious injuries.
(Ambrosiana 6 CM) finished fifth overall and Libre handicap race at Crystal Palace on 25 Luigi Villoresi won the heat from
was the winner of the Voiturette category. June. He crashed heavily in practice and Edoardo Teagno and Luigi Soffietti, all three
Once again the Targa Fiorio on 22 May was unfit to race, but the car was repaired at the wheel of 6CMs. Although Armand
was held as a Voiturette race in Favorita Park, and driven by Bill Everitt. Everitt finished Hug had retired his Maserati in the first
Palermo, but over the shorter distance of fourth in his heat, but retired in the 32-mile heat, the field was so thin (there were only
106 miles (171km ). It was a race domi­ (51km) final. The following day, 26 June, six starters) that he was allowed to ran in
nated by Maserati and the 6CMs of Rocco, Marazza (works 6CM), Villoresi (Scuderia the second heat and won from Villoresi.
‘Georges Raph’ and Luigi Villoresi took the Ambrosiana 6 CM) and Pelassa/Dusio (4CM) Villoresi and Soffietti took the first two
first three places. The next Voiturette race took the first three places in the 152-mile places on aggregate from Luigi Plate (the
was the Picardie Grand Prix on 12 June, (245km ) Voiturette race at Naples. uncle of post-war entrant Enrico Plate) with
again held in two 60-mile (96km) heats and The works entered 8CTFs for both his old Talbot.
a 90-mile (145km ) final. Ettore Bianco with Achille Varzi and Count Felice Trossi in the Another minor Voiturette race in Italy was
a works-entered 4CM was unable to match French Grand Prix at Reims on 1 July, but the Circuit of Varese held in the foothills of
the speed of the ERAs of ‘B. Bira’ and Earl they failed to arrive at the circuit. The Albi the Alps on 17 July. It was mn in two heats

THE LATER THIRTIES, 1 9 3 7 -4 1 / 69

been lost by the continued failure of
Portello’s Grand Prix cars. The appearance
and success of the 158 at Livorno worried
Adolfo Orsi and he was all the more deter­
mined that the new 4CL should be ready
by the start of the 1939 season.
Maserati entered Trassi and Zehender
with 8CTFs in the main race of the day, the
146-mile (235km ) event for Grand Prix
cars. The Maseratis displayed an impressive
turn of speed and on lap two Trossi moved
up from third place into the lead, ahead of
the Mercedes-Benz W 154s of Caracciola
and Lang. It was a moment of glory for
Bologna, but it lasted only five laps before
Trossi brought his car into the pits due to
fading brakes and a rough-running engine
and he retired soon afterwards. Engine
problems also caused Zehender’s retire­
ment. Lang won for Mercedes-Benz from
Farina (works Alfa Romeo 312).
A week later Maserati were in action
In the Coppa Ciano Voiture tte race at the end o f July the Alfa Romeo 158s made their race debut. again on the fast Pescara circuit where they
With his Alfetta Francesco Seven (number 14) leads away from Emilio Villoresi (number 26) and competed in both the Voiturette race and
Luigi Villoresi with his 6CM (number 22). Luigi took the lead, but had retired shortly after half­ the main race to Grand Prix regulations.
distance. (Guy Griffiths Collection) The Alfettas were favourites to win the 96-
mile (155km) Voiturette race, but Luigi
of 33 miles (53km) and a 67-mile (108km) On 31 July the Coppa Ciano Voiturette Villoresi with his works 6CM took the lead
final and was Maserati-dominated. There race was held over a distance of 89 miles at the start, closely pursued by brother
were 21 starters, 20 of them Maseratis and (143km) over a shortened 3.6-mile (5.8km) Emilio with the first of the 158s. The carbu­
the exception, Conveali’s MB special, had a circuit. It was marked by the debut of the ration of the 158s was affected by the baro­
four-cylinder Maserati engine. On this very Alfa Romeo Tipo 158 cars with l,4 8 9 c c metric pressure difference between the long
tortuous 2.23-m ile (3.6km ) circuit Marazza straight-eight engines. In their 1938 form straight and the mountain sections of the
won the first heat and Villoresi was the these new cars had a power output of circuit. Emilio retired at the pits; Francesco
winner in the second. In the final Villoresi 195bhp and weighed 620kg. The works Severi with the other 158 spent a long time
retired because of mechanical problems and 6CMs developed up to 185bhp in their there and Luigi with the 6CM ju st soared
the finishing order was Cortese, Marazza, latest form and were somewhat heavier at on in the lead.
Ghersi and Pietsch. 650kg. The cards were stacked against Villoresi won from other Maseratis driven
The 312-m ile (502km ) German Grand Bologna. In practice the three Alfetta drivers by Paul Pietsch (4CM) and Barrieri, with
Prix at the Nürburgring on 2 4 July had a were fastest, but Luigi Villoresi took the Severi in fourth place. Significantly however,
class for Voiturettes. Maserati had originally lead on the first lap and stayed in front for Luigi Villoresi was timed at 135.9m ph
entered the 8CTFs, but they scratched. the next 14. Villoresi was overdriving his (218.8kph) over the flying kilométra of the
Dick Seaman won the race with his 6CM, it started to run very raggedly and he long Montesilvano straight, compared with
Mercedes-Benz from another Mercedes came into the pits to retire. a speed in excess of 140m ph (225kph) by
shared by Caracciola/Lang and Hans Stuck Emilio Villoresi and Biondetti took the Severi’s Alfetta when it was running well.
(Auto Union) was third. Paul Pietsch and first two places with 158s and Aldo Marazza Only a single 8CTF was entered in the 257-
Franco Cortese drove their 6CMs into sixth with his works 4CM finished third. The mile (413km ) main race and Trossi drove it
and ninth places, while Pietsch won the 158 was intended to regain Alfa Romeo - until he began to feel unwell. He pulled
Voiturette category. and Italy - some of the prestige that had into the pits and Luigi Villoresi took over,


setting fastest lap at 87.79m ph (141.5kph) tions prevented overseas drivers taking Prix. It was running badly, lacked its
before the 8CTF succumbed to the inevit­ starting and prize money out of the country, usual speed and after 18 laps Villoresi was
able engine problems. Caracciola won the there were only two foreign entries in the out of the race because of piston failure.
race for Mercedes-Benz with Farina (Alfa race. Sommer led initially, but stopped at The race was won for Auto Union by Tazio
Romeo) in second place. the pits because of plug trouble and Luigi Nuvolari from the only Mercedes-Benz to
The Prix de Berne, held on the morning Villoresi with his 6CM then went ahead. finish, shared by Caracciola and von
of the Swiss Grand Prix, was the season’s Once again he was over-driving his car and Brauchitsch.
most prestigious Voiturette race and specta­ a piston broke after four laps. Emilio The 109-mile (175km ) Voiturette Circuit
tors were expecting a three-sided battle Villoresi and Severi took the first two places of Modena on 18 September and
between Alfa Romeo, ERA and Maserati, ahead of Hug, Cortese and Marazza, all with it was another battle between Maserati
but the works team, Alfa Corse, withdrew Maseratis. and Alfa Romeo. The Alfetta drivers set the
their two 158 entries. W hile the 158s As Sommer, in tenth place with his 158, pace initially, but they were all plagued by
should have won the race, the Grand Prix crossed the line, a piston broke and the falling oil pressure. Emilio Villoresi led for
Alfas were no-hopers and it can only be French driver, his car enveloped in a cloud much of the race, but slowed because of
assumed that some political pressure had of blue, carried on to complete his slowing- fading brakes before the drop in his oil
been brought on the company. So it was down lap. Marazza - probably unsighted pressure caused his retirement. Luigi
another ERA versus Maserati race. Luigi by the smoke from Sommer’s car - spun Villoresi retired his 6CM after the gear-lever
Villoresi retired in the first heat, Paul wildly at Lesmo, went off the road and broke and Cortese went on to win with
Pietsch won with his 6CM and the second the Maserati overturned. The young Italian his works 6 CM from Hug (4CM) and
heat run in the wet was dominated by the was thrown out and impaled on the branch Dobson (ERA). None of the Alfa Romeos
ERAs. In the final Raymond Mays led of a tree. One of his lungs was pierced finished the race. On 22 October Villoresi
initially with his ERA, but both he and and he died of his injuries in hospital drove a 8CTF in the 250-mile 402km
Pietsch (6CM) retired. Armand Hug with some hours later. Only the one 8CTF for Donington Grand Prix, but retired because
his 4CM won from Bianco (4CM), ‘J ohnny’ Luigi Villoresi was entered in the Grand of piston problems.
Wakefield and Earl Howe both with ERAs.
On 28 August the La Baule sand-race The only Italian car entered in the 1938 Donington Grand Prix on 22 October was this 8CTF driven
meeting ju st north of St Nazaire included a by Luigi Villoresi. It lacked its customary speed and retired because o f the almost inevitable
race for l,5 0 0 c c cars. Armand Hug won engine trouble.
this 74-mile (119km ) race from Berg
(6CM). Two Alfettas were entered for the
88-mile (141km ) Coppa Edda Ciano at
Lucca on 4 September, but they no-showed
and so the race became a total Maserati
landslide. In heavy rain Luigi Villoresi and
Cortese took the first two places with their
Scuderia Ambrosiana 6CMs ahead of Pietsch
(4CM ). W ith this win Villoresi clinched the
Italian l,5 0 0 c c Championship.
The 109-mile (175km ) Milan Grand Prix
for Voiturettes and the 261-m ile 420km )
Italian Grand Prix were both held on 11
September at Monza on the 4.35-m ile
(7km) Fiorio Circuit now with chicanes. In
the Voiturette race the works Maseratis faced
four 158s driven by Attilio Marinoni,
Francesco Severi, Raymond Sommer and
Emilio Villoresi. W ith fears that the Second
World War was about to break out, together
with the fact that Italian currency regula­

THE LATER THIRTIES, 1 9 3 7 -4 1 / 71

Forming the end of the 1938 season, dentist resident in South Africa and a cousin because they had been making approaches
rather than the start of the new one, were of Nuvolari, with a works-supported 6CM. to 6 CM owners with a view to selling them
two scratch l,5 0 0 c c Voiturette races held in Cortese won the 203-mile (327km) the new cars. The 4CL first appeared in
South Africa in January 1939. The works Grosvenor Grand Prix at Cape Town on 16 Britain when Reggie Tongue drove his car in
shipped out 6CMs for Luigi Villoresi and January from the Hon Peter Aitken (ERA) the JC C International Trophy at Brooklands
Franco Cortese. Taruffi entered his 6CM and local driver Steve Chiappini (6CM ). on 6 May, although the model had been
and Hug and Pietsch drove their 4CMs. In seen in Italy during testing. In most
the 199-mile (320km) South African Grand respects the 4CL followed existing Maserati
Prix held on the 11-mile (17.5km ) Prince 1939 design practice, but a notable advance was
George circuit at East London on 2 January the adoption of four valves per cylinder —
Villoresi and Cortese led throughout and in That Maserati were introducing their new pioneered by Bugatti and Aston Martin in
third place came Dr Massacurati, an Italian Voiturette was common knowledge, largely the 1920s - and as the brothers had
reverted to four cylinders, the new car was
The streamlined 4CL-1500 driven by Luigi Villoresi in the 1939 Tripoli Grand Prix. This was the frequently referred to as the ‘sixteen-valve’
race to which the new Mercedes-Benz W165 Voiturettes came, saw and conquered. Although Maserati.
Villoresi lapped in practice at 134mph (216kph), he retired just after the start o f the race. The L in 4CL stands for Linguetta, which


literally means ‘Spline’, and was used purely
to distinguish the 1939 cars from their 4CM
and 8CM predecessors. The 4CL had
‘square’ cylinder dimensions of 78 x 78mm,
giving a capacity of l,4 8 9 c c , with the valves
at an angle of 90°; the twin overhead
camshafts driven as usual by a train of gears
from the nose of the crankshaft and single-
stage supercharging. The brothers had been
experimenting with twin-stage supercharg­
ing, but concluded that this was better put
on one side until a later date. The crankcase
was formed by two magnesium-alloy cast­
ings with stiffening webs, and the cylinders
were cast in two pairs of two. Tubular
connecting rods were used.
The Memini carburettor and single-stage
supercharger were at the front of the engine.
There was a single plug per cylinder and the
Scintilla magneto was driven from the front
of the crankshaft. The exhaust manifold
provided a take-off pipe for each exhaust
valve and these fed into a single tail-pipe. Another view of the streamliner with Luigi Villoresi - wearing his fam iliar hobble-hat - at the wheel.
The Elektron-alloy tank for the dry-sump (Guy Griffiths Collection)
lubrication was mounted under the driver’s
seat. In its original form claimed power earlier in the 1930s. The Tipo 158, with an Germany’s annexation of the Sudetenland,
output was 220bhp at 6 ,6 0 0 rpm. engine - in simple terms - based on the German troops occupied the remainder of
Transmission was by a 4-speed Fiat-based V 16 Tipo 316 2,9 5 8 cc Grand Prix engine the country on 15 March 1939. Mussolini,
gearbox and multi-plate clutch in unit with was intended purely as a works car and dictator of the first Fascist state in Europe,
the engine. The chassis was similar in most while the 158 was being raced by the was constantly tom between admiration for
respects to that of the 6CM, with a fraction­ works, none passed into private ownership. Hitler, disapproval of his methods and the
ally longer wheelbase, slightly wider track If power output figures quoted by the ambition that he, Il Duce, had a role to play
and unequal-length wishbones and torsion respective constructors are accurate, then the in raising Italy to a world power with its own
bars at the front. The rear suspension layout 225bhp at 7,500rpm developed by the 158 territorial ambitions. Despite his disapproval
followed that tried on a four-cylinder car in 1939 form was closely matched by the of Hitler’s occupation of Czechoslovakia, on
raced by Trossi in 1938 and fitted to later 220bhp of the 4CL. The 158 was said to 7 April, after the Italian navy had
6CMs; the rigid rear axle was mounted on weigh 1,364 pounds compared with the bombarded Albanian ports on the Adriatic
quarter-elliptic springs, but these were 1,390 pounds of the 4CL, not enough to Sea, Italian troops landed. Within a week
splayed outwards slightly. It was an arrange­ make a significant difference. In 1939 the this small, helpless country had been occu­
ment that Maserati retained until the end of two cars were closely matched, but Alfa Corse pied. Although motor racing continued in
the 1952 season. The body had been evolved already had most of a season’s experience of 1939, many of those taking part in the sport
from that of the 6 CM, but was smoother and racing the 158 and their standards of prepar­ — at all levels - were deeply apprehensive
featured a much deeper air intake. ation were higher. Although it was not obvi­ about the future.
Comparison of the 4C L-1500 with the ous at the time, the development potential of The Royal Italian Automobile Club had
Tipo 158 Alfa Romeo is inevitable. They the 158 was much greater than that of the announced that all single-seater races on
resulted from different philosophies. 4CL. Ten 4CLs were built in 1939. Italian soil would be held for cars of up to
Maserati wanted to sell their cars and the The belligerency of the Fascist powers was l,5 0 0 c c supercharged. As Libya was an Italian
design of the 4CL represented a logical becoming even more marked. Following the colony, this announcement included the
progression from Maserati Voiturettes built Czechoslovakian crisis in 1938 and Tripoli Grand Prix. The reason for the deci-

THE LATER THIRTIES, 1 9 3 7 -4 1 / 73

sion was mainly, but not entirely, to ensure Trophy was run over a distance of 202 miles In practice Villoresi made a supreme effort
Italian racing success. Another factor was (325km ) at Brooklands on 6 May. Bira won with the streamlined 4CL and set fastest lap
that the disparity between 3 ,0 0 0 cc super­ the race with his ex-Whitney Straight 8CM, in 3min 41.80sec - about 134mph (215kph)
charged and 4,500cc unsupercharged cars Leslie Brooke took second place with his - and this very high speed suggests that the
was so great that the AIACR was expected to Riley-powered Brooke Special and Tongue car’s claimed top speed of 170mph (274kph)
announce a change in the Grand Prix finished third. Then came Tripoli. was not exaggerated. It was all to no avail, for
formula to l,5 0 0 c c supercharged/4500cc The day after the Brooklands race, the Villoresi had difficulty in selecting a gear at
unsupercharged; but for the outbreak of Tripoli Grand Prix was held over a distance of the start and a piston failed before he had
hostilities, this would have happened for the 2 4 4 miles (393km) on the Mellaha circuit. completed the first lap. Trassi (4CL) and
1941 season. Mussolini also issued an edict Maserati entered four 4CLs; the streamlined Cortese (6CM, presumably with the 16-valve
that Italian teams could not compete in car for Luigi Villoresi and standard versions engine) were also eliminated by piston failure.
France in 1939. This reflected International driven by Felice Trassi, Giovanni Rocco and W hen the Governor of Libya, Marshall Italo
unrest, but also the dominant role played by Franco Cortese. From Alfa Corse came six Balbo, dropped the flag for the start of the
France at the League of Nations when sanc­ Tipo 158s, but the sensation of the race were race, Lang and Caracciola accelerated into the
tions had been imposed on Italy. the two V8 twin-stage-supercharged l,4 9 3 c c lead, Lang was never headed through­
In April 1939, as part of Maserati’s prepa­ Mercedes-Benz W 165s, looking like smaller out the race and they went on to take the first
rations for the Tripoli race, a 4CL with a versions of the 1939 W 163 Grand Prix cars two places. Farina (158) had forced his way
German-designed streamlined body built by and driven by Rudolf Caracciola and past Caracciola, but he and the Alfa drivers,
Stabilamente Farina was tested on the Hermann Lang. Although there had been Aldrighetti, Biondetti, Pintacuda and Severi
Firenza-Mare autostrada. Later that month rumours that Daimler-Benz was building a all retired because of overheated engines. The
Tongue took delivery of the first 4C L-1500 Voiturette, nothing firm was known until the surviving Alfa Romeo driver, Emilio Villoresi,
and ‘J ohnny’ Wakefield travelled to Bologna entry was made at Tripoli. Auto Union did finished third, two laps in arrears, and Piero
to keep a watchful eye during construction not have a l,5 0 0 c c car ready, but it later Taruffi (Scuderia Ambrosiana 6CM) took
of the 4CL which he had ordered. The became known that they too were working fourth place, two laps behind him.
Formule Libre handicap JC C International on a car of this capacity. Despite this debacle, Maserati was to enjoy
a successful year with the 4CLs - except
Wilbur Shaw at Indianapolis with the Tipo 8CTF entered as the Boyle Special. Shaw scored the first when they raced against the Alfa Romeo
of two wins with this car. He had also won the 1937 race with the Offenhauser-powered Gilmore- 158s. In the 142-mile (228km) Targa Fiorio,
Shaw and finished second in 1938. (Guy Griffiths Collection) ran again as a Voiturette race in Favorita Park,
Palermo on 14 May, Luigi Villoresi and Piero
Taruffi with works 4CLs took the first two
places ahead of Barbieri with a private 6CM.
Wakefield first drove his new 4CL in the 153-
mile (246km ) Naples Grand Prix on the
Posillipo circuit on 28 May and scored a fine
win ahead of the works cars of Taruffi and
A few days later, on 31 May, Maserati
scored one of their greatest victories. After
protracted difficulties with the Maserati
factory, Willbur Shaw drove an 8CTF in the
Indianapolis 500 Miles race. A car had been
ordered from the Bologna works in 1938 by
Cotton Henning, chief mechanic to regular
Indianapolis entrant ‘Umbrella Mike’ Boyle,
a Chicago labour leader with other business
interests. W hat the team had expected to
be shipped out was not clear, but certainly
6CM with chassis number 1552 was not a


suitable car for the 500-m ile (805km ) race. Paul Pietsch at the wheel of the Tipo 8CTF which he drove in the 1939 Gemian Grand Prix. He led
This car is shown outside the Miller works briefly and finished third behind a Mercedes-Benz and an Auto Union. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
on Page 67.
In any event an order was placed with German-Italian Axis on 21 May, a number of by Sommer (with the de Puy/de Graffenried
Maserati for a Tipo 8CTF to be shipped out races in Italy were cancelled because of anxi­ 6 CM) and Horvilleur (6CM).
in March 1938. W hen it was unloaded and ety that war was about to be declared. Two Because of Mussolini’s decree, neither
checked in the United States, it was discov­ works Maseratis were entered in the 200- Alfa Corse nor the works Maserati team
ered that Maserati had failed to drain the mile (322km) Nuffield Trophy race at could enter the French Grand Prix meeting
engine after the car had been tested at Donington Park on 10 June, but were with­ on 9 July. The Grand Prix proved a debacle
Modena, the water had frozen during ship­ drawn, and Tongue failed to start the race for Mercedes-Benz, as all three entries
ping and cracked the blocks. Another because of a broken final drive. Wakefield retired and Muller and Meier with Auto
engine was shipped out in time for the race, next drove his 4CL in the Picardie Grand Unions took the first two places. Earlier in
Shaw qualified third fastest at 128.977m ph Prix at Peronne on 11 June. Because of the the day at Reims Wakefield had dominated
(207.65kph) and won easily from Snyder small entry, this race was run in a 60-mile the Voiturette 186-mile (300km) Coupe de
(Thome Engineering Special) and Bergere (96km) heat and a 90-mile (145km ) final. Commission Sportive, but fell back because
(Offenhauser Special). In the face of very weak opposition of brake trouble to finish second behind
Following the signing in Berlin of the Wakefield won from other Maseratis driven Armand Hug (4CM with 4CL engine).

THE LATER THIRTIES, 1 9 3 7 -4 1 / 75

happened to be in the vicinity of the Führer.
This was the only race in which Maserati
entered the works 8CTFs in 1939.
After the German Prix the 8CTFs were
sold to the Ecurie Lucy O’Reilly-Schell. This
was the husband and wife team of Laury
Schell, who is believed to have been brought
up by a French stepfather, and Lucy O ’Reilly,
the wealthy daughter of Irish-American entre­
preneur Francis O ’Reilly. Their eldest son,
Harry, was bom in 1921 and was to become
a racing driver of considerable ability. Laury
and Lucy had forged strong links with
Delahaye and raced these cars under the
name Ecurie Bleue. An 8CTF was to make
one more appearance in Europe, but Laury
Schell was killed in a road accident in
October. His widow then shipped both cars
to the United States.
The Coppa Ciano and the Coppa Acerbo
Wilbur Shaw with Mike Boyle’s 8CTF takes the chequered flag to win at Indianapolis in 1940for the were held to Voiturette rules, as the Italian
second successive year. (Guy Griffiths Collection) Grand Prix would have been, had it taken
place. Villoresi, Cortese and Taruffi drove
The same day the 93-mile (150km ) Grand Prix at the Nürburgring on 23 July works 4CLs in the 216-mile (348km ) race at
Circuit of Carnaria was held over a 3.7-m ile and were driven by Luigi Villoresi (3030) Livorno on 30 July. Four Alfettas with new
(6km) circuit at Abbazia (after the Second and Paul Pietsch (3031). Pietsch drove and much more shapely bodies were
World War it was ceded to Yugoslavia and magnificently, holding second place on the entered. Farina led throughout with his 158,
became known as Opatija). There was no second lap and then taking the lead on the trailed by the works 4CLs. Bionde tri brought
foreign opposition and it was inevitably third lap when Lang (Mercedes-Benz) his 158 through to second place, but was
another Maserati-dominated race. Compet­ pulled into the pits. He was closely forced to stop at the pits. Villoresi retired his
ing for the first time since his brother’s followed by a fist-waving Nuvolari (Auto 4CL because of a broken half-shaft, but
death while demonstrating an Alfa Romeo Union), who went ahead before the end of Cortese took second place and Taruffi
158, Luigi Villoresi (works 4CL) won from the lap. Pietsch kept going fast enough, (Scuderia Ambrosiana 6CM) was passed by
Cortese with another works 4CL. Rocco despite two spins and four pit stops, to Biondetti, fighting back after his pit stop, in
finished fourth with a 6CM, believed to finish third, a lap behind Caracciola the closing laps of the race.
have the 24-valve engine. (Mercedes-Benz) and Muller (Auto Union). Another battle between Maserati and Alfa
On 16 July the Voiturette Albi Grand Prix Villoresi was also fast, but spun back­ Romeo followed in the 224-mile (360km)
attracted entries that included the 4CLs of wards into a ditch on lap eight and after the Coppa Acerbo on 13 August. There was
Reggie Tongue and ‘J ohnnie’ Wakefield. Maserati had been pushed back on to the another tragedy on the first of the three prac­
During practice in the wet Armand Hug road, he drove slowly back to the pits to tice days when Mario Aldrighetti lost control
overturned his 4CL-engined 4CM and retire. Adolf Hitler watched the race and of his 158 on a winding section of the course
suffered injuries that included a fractured presented the prizes. At the prize-giving and overturned into a ditch. The car caught
skull and resulted in partial paralysis. The Hitler told Pietsch in strong terms of his fire and Aldrighetti, trapped inside it, suffered
race was run in two 100-mile (161km ) displeasure that a German had led the severe bums to which he succumbed the
heats and the results were the same in both, Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union entries following day. Despite this, Alfa Corse decided
Wakefield first with Tongue in second place with an Italian car. Later Pietsch com­ to run in the race. The two 4CLs driven by
and ‘Bira’ (ERA) third. mented that the last thing he wanted to do Cortese and Villoresi put up a stiff fight and
The two 8CTFs were entered by the was upset Hitler, so he said nothing and were in second and third places behind
works in the 312-m ile (502km ) German afterwards kept a very low profile if he Farina (158) on the last lap, but, through a


stupid miscalculation of the quantity of fuel
needed for the race, both ran out on the last
lap and were posted as retirements.
On 20 August the Swiss Grand Prix and
the Prix de Berne, which were incorporated
in it, were held at Bremgarten. By now the
clouds of war were looming low over
Europe and the atmosphere at the circuit
was gloomy and bleak. There were two 85-
mile (137km ) heats, one for Grand Prix cars
and one for Voiturettes and the first six
finishers in the Voiturette heat ran in the
final. Alfa Corse had brought along two
158s, but the works Maseratis were not
entered. Officine Alfieri Maserati had issued a
statement that it was not prepared to race
the 4CLs against Grand Prix cars. Wakefield
and Rocco entered their 4CLs and Pietsch
was at the wheel of his 4CM.
Farina and Biondetti took the first two
places in the l,5 0 0 c c heat and Wakefield
was third with his private 4CL. Pietsch and
Rocco took fourth and fifth places. Rain
had started to fall ju st before the final and
in these conditions Farina with his 158
held second place for six laps, but as the
track dried the bigger cars were able to pass
him. Fie finished sixth and won the Prix de
Berne from Biondetti (158) and Wakefield.
René Dreyfus drove an 8CTF for the Ecurie
Lucy O’Reilly-Schell and finished eighth.
Eleven days later, in the evening of 31
August, a dozen German convicts were
dressed in Polish uniforms and ordered to
attack a German radio station at Gleiwitz in
Upper Silesia, ju st over the border from
Polish territory. The following morning
German radio stations broadcast the
dishonest and incredible news that Poland
had attacked the Third Reich. Already the
German invasion of Poland had begun,
Panzer divisions were rolling across the
Polish countryside and attacks on Polish
cities from the air had begun. In March
1939 Britain, with reluctance, had aban­
doned its policy of appeasement and a joint
Franco-British pledge had been given to This is the second Tipo 8CL built by Maserati in late 1941 but not raced until 1946. With 32
support Poland if it was threatened by valves and cylinder dimensions of 78 x 78mm, the engine was an 8-cylinder version o f that used in
armed aggression. the 4CL.

THE LATER THIRTIES, 1 9 3 7 -4 1 / 77

The British and French governments gave Brescia to Cremona, then to a point near ships took place. On 10 June II Duce, failing
Germany an ultimatum that if it did not Mantua and back to Brescia. Despite the totally to appreciate the consequences,
withdraw from Poland by 10am on 3 state of hostilities BMW entered the race declared war on France and Great Britain
September, they would be at war with and one of their 32 8 cars with a coupé and invaded southern France. W ithin a
Germany. On that day, after the official body by Carrozzeria Touring driven by von month Marshall Balbo, Governor of Tripoli
commencement of hostilities, the last pre­ Hanstein/Baumer won the race from the and a famous aviator, was killed when his
war Grand Prix took place. This was the Alfa Romeo of Farina/Mambelli. aircraft was shot down at Tobruk. Before the
Yugoslav Grand Prix at Belgrade, held that While Maserati did not enter this race, end of the year British forces under General
year only, and the German teams were both it and the Targa Fiorio were to play Wavell had routed the Italians at Sidi
already at the circuit when the invasion of important roles in post-war Maserati Banani and were close to driving them out
Poland started. They expected to receive history. Like the Mille Miglia, the Targa of Libya.
orders to return to Germany, but instead Fiorio had been emasculated since 1937 On 7 December 1941 the Japanese
received confirmation from Minister for and run as a race for Voiturettes in Favorita attacked Pearl Harbor, and the following day
Sport Hühnlein that they should run. The Park, Palermo. After the war, in changed the United States and Britain declared war
race was reduced in length to 8 6 .9 9 miles political and social circumstances, both on Japan. Three days later Germany and
(140km ) and did not start until 5pm in the races were to be restored to their traditional Italy, ju st as the German forces were being
afternoon. Tazio Nuvolari (Auto Union) form. repulsed in the outskirts of Moscow,
won from von Brauchitsch (Mercedes- In the absence of Grand Prix racing, Tazio declared war on the United States. The
Benz). Another European Grand Prix would Nuvolari contemplated driving a 4CL in the Indianapolis 500 Miles race took place in
not be held for more than five years. 244-mile (392km ) Tripoli Grand Prix on 12 1940 and 1941, but thereafter was not held
May. He tested one of these cars, but until 1946.
decided that it was not fast enough. Both Four Maseratis were entered in the 1940
1940-41 Alfa Corse and Maserati entered the Tripoli Indianapolis 500 Miles race held on 31
race. Luigi Villoresi with his works 4CL May, but only three of them started. Wilbur
Initially Italy did not declare war on the battled for the lead with Farina (158), but Shaw drove the 1939-winning 8CTF,
Axis side and most Italians, whatever their then Farina went ahead and had built up a veteran Argentinian driver Raoul Riganti
political orientation, hoped that it would lead of 17sec by the time both stopped to was entered with the 8 CL and the two ex-
not. For the Italian teams it was business as refuel at the end of lap 17. Farina was works 8CTFs were to be driven by René
usual and racing continued in Italy. By early stationary for only 24sec, but Villoresi’s Dreyfus and René Le Begue. Dreyfus could
1940 Maserati had settled into their factory stop lasted all of 57sec while the Maserati not lap fast enough with his car to qualify as
in the Via Ciro Menotti in Modena and had mechanics fumbled with the fuel chums. a starter, so he went out in Le Begue’s. The
produced a new Grand Prix contender. This He had lost any prospect of winning the engine blew up, putting a connecting rod
was the Tipo 8CL, similar in most respects race and finished third behind Farina and through the side, the engine from Dreyfus’
to the 8CTF, but with a 32-valve 2 ,9 7 8 cc Alfa Romeo team-mate Biondetti. Cortese car was installed in Le Begue’s car and
(78 x 78mm) engine said to develop retired his works Maserati and Ascari shared by both drivers in the race. Shaw
430bhp at 6 ,4 0 0 rpm. The wheelbase had brought his outdated 6CM across the line won again at the slightly lower speed of
also been increased slightly. As there were in ninth place. On 23 May Villoresi, 114.28m ph (184kph) from Mays (Bowes
no European Grands Prix, this car, 3 0 3 4 , Cortese and Rocco - in the absence of the Seal-Fast) and Rose (Wheeler-Miller). The
was shipped out to the United States to run Alfettas - took the first three places with Lucy O’Reilly Schell car finished tenth.
at Indianapolis. their works 4CLs in the 142-mile (228km) Riganti crashed the 8CL.
The Italian government had banned the Targa Fiorio. In the 1941 Indianapolis race Wilbur
traditional Mille Miglia road race in 1938 The Tripoli and Palermo races were held Shaw was leading with the Boyle 8CTF and
after a Lancia Aprilia had left the road at in blissful insensitivity to events in Western seemed likely to gain a third successive
Bologna, running into the crowd, killing ten Europe. By the end of May the German victory, but he crashed after a wheel col­
spectators and injuring another 23. On 20 Panzer divisions had broken through the lapsed. Apparently this had been damaged
April 1940 the Mille Miglia was revived as a Belgian Ardennes and in their drive to the in a pre-race garage fire, but the damage had
closed-circuit race over nine laps of a course English Channel had trapped the British not been noticed by the mechanics. During
roughly triangular in shape, with a length of Expeditionary Force at Dunkirk, where an 1941 Maserati completed a second 8CL, but
103 miles (166km ) and running from incredible rescue operation by an armada of this was not raced until 1946.


Chapter 7

The Maserati brothers

and OSCA
M aserati bro th er s, Prix Ferrari engine was developing 380bhp The Maserati brothers had close links
he su r v iv in g

Ernesto, Ettore and Bindo left the and it was also much heavier, it achieved no with Paris-based Amédée Gordini, who was
company on 1 January 1947, following the success except a win in a 5-lap race at an Italian by birth. The 6-cylinder 2-litre
completion of their contractual consultancy Goodwood. A second car that combined engine of the Formula 2 Oscas built for the
period. On 1 December 1947 they set up this engine with the Osca’s own tubular, 1953 season had much in common techni­
Officina Spedalizzata Costruzione Automobili ladder-type chassis was delivered to Franco cally with contemporary Gordinis. These
(OSCA, later more usually referred to as Rol in time for him to drive it in the Italian Oscas were raced by Monégasque veteran
Osca) with small premises in Bologna and Grand Prix in 1951, but it too, not unex­ Louis Chiron and Elie Bayol and although a
very little machinery. There they built an pectedly, was also a failure. small measure of success was achieved,
l,1 0 0 c c sports car, which Luigi Villoresi
drove to a win on its second appearance in For 1951 ‘B. Bira’ acquired this Grand Prix OSCA, which combined the Maserati brothers’ V12
the 1948 Naples Grand Prix, beating the 2- 4,472cc engine with a Maserati 4CLT/48 chassis. It was not powerful enough to achieve any worth­
litre Ferraris. The brothers went on to build while success. Here the Siamese driver is seen with his OSCA in the International Trophy at
a range of twin overhead camshaft 4-cylin- Silverstone. He finished third in his heat but was trailing in seventeenth place when a torrential storm
der sports-racing cars in engine sizes from and flooded circuit caused abandonment of the final after six laps. (Guy Griffiths)
750cc to 2,000cc.
These cars won the l,1 0 0 c c sports car
class in the Mille Miglia in 1 9 5 0 -5 3 and
1 9 5 5 -5 7 (there was no l,1 0 0 c c sports
class in 1954). They finished second in the
l,5 0 0 c c class in 1 9 5 4 -5 5 and won this
class in 1956. Oscas also won the 750cc
class of the Mille Miglia in 1 9 5 6 -5 7 . The
company’s greatest success was an outright
win by Stirling Moss and Bill Lloyd with a
Briggs Cunningham-entered l,5 0 0 c c Osca
in the 1954 Sebring 12 Hours race.
Osca also built a V I 2 4.5-litre single over­
head cam per bank, single-plug per cylinder
unsupercharged Grand Prix engine in 1951.
The design was traditional Maserati and it
retained the familiar 78 x 78mm bore and
stroke of the 4CL and 8 CL models. It was
installed in a 4CLT/48 Maserati chassis and
raced by ‘B. Bira’. As power output was only
300bhp at a time when the unblown Grand


The most successful OSCA was the 4-cylinder l,453cc sports car. Veteran Monégasque driver Louis powered by a l,5 9 8 c c version of the same
Chiron is seen at the start o f the 1954 Carrera Panamericana road race in which he took a class third engine. Like the contemporary MG A Twin-
behind two of the new Porsche 550 Spyders. Cam, these cars had a reputation as oil-
burners and the bodies also corroded
they were once again too heavy and insuffi­ races on the European mainland. A couple rapidly. The Maserati brothers used the
ciently powerful. of these cars were sold to private owners. As same engines in their own limited produc­
Following the recognition of Formula was so often the case with the Maserati tion GT cars with bodywork by Fissore,
Junior as an International formula in brothers’ efforts, the Formula Junior cars Vignale and Zagato.
October 1958, Osca built a prototype Fiat- were too heavy and all Italian cars built for By 1963 the youngest surviving Maserati
powered car for this category of racing and this category of racing were soon eclipsed brother, Ernesto, was 65 and the brothers
it appeared late in 1959. W ith this car by British rear-engined cars, particularly the decided to retire. They sold OSCA to
Colin Davis, son of Bentley driver and The Lotus 18 and its derivatives. Meccanica Vergherà based at Gallarate and
Autocar sports editor ‘Sammy’ Davis, was During 1959 Fiat put into production a makers of MV-Agusta racing and road
virtually unbeatable in Italian Formula l,4 9 1 c c version of the Osca twin-cam motorcycles and, from 1964, helicopters.
Junior events in 1960 and won that year’s engine and this powered their 1500S open MV continued Osca production, however,
Italian-sponsored International ‘World two-seater and coupé. From 1962 to 1966 until 1966, but then closed the company
Trophy’ based on the results of a series of when production ceased, they were down.


Chapter 8

Industrial problems and the

split-up of the Orsi Group
n t h e im m e d ia t e po st -w a r years Alberto remain politically neutral, Ferrari had been Alceste Giacomazzi and they were pressing
I Massimino carried out intensive design
work which included development of a
an active supporter of the Fascist govern­
ment. Ferrari now collaborated with the
for a split-up in the group. This was partly
because they wanted to control their own
range of 6-cylinder cars, and the much Communist unions and the development business operation, but another factor was
improved 4CLT/48 version of the original and production of Ferrari cars was uninter­ that they objected to the very large sum
16-valve 4CL. After 1948, however, devel­ rupted. A workers’ co-operative had taken paid to World Champion Juan Manuel
opment of the cars temporarily stagnated. over the running of the Fonderie di Modena, Fangio to drive for Maserati in 1952.
Throughout Italy there was widespread and it was not until 1951 that Orsi reached Because of Fangio’s bad crash at Monza in
industrial unrest, largely promoted and agreement with the unions and was able June in 1952 - when he was lucky to
supported by the Italian Communist party. to regain control of his business - on the survive, suffering a broken neck vertebra
In Modena their focus was on the Orsi same terms that he had offered the workers after being thrown from the car - and his
Group, the largest employer. This led to a originally. inability to race for the rest of the year, they
lock-out of the management of Maserati in During this period development of the 6- considered the money to have been wasted.
February 1949. cylinder competition cars was abandoned. In February 1953 Adolfo Orsi reluctantly
The situation became much worse the A small number of A 6-1500 touring cars agreed to the break-up of the Orsi Group.
following year. In January a Communist were assembled, mainly in the Turin coach­ He retained around 35% of the business,
march on the Orsi foundry turned from building works of Pinin Farina who built including Officine Alfieri Maserati, the
potential violence to tragedy when the the majority of bodies for these cars. Work milling machinery company, the iron and
Carabinieri lost control of the situation and on the 4CLT/48s had to be undertaken steel trading company and the SAIMM agri­
shot six of the protesters, none of whom was away from the factory and these cars were cultural equipment business. Adolfo’s
in fact an Orsi employee. By adopting the overhauled and rebuilt in the old Fiat deal­ sisters received the iron and steel factory,
son of one of the workers shot by the police, ership by workers who were loyal to Orsi. including the foundry, together with the
the Secretary of the Italian Communist party Light trucks with twin-cylinder two-stroke sparking plug and battery business.
made considerable political capital out of engines were built in the car works in the The same year Fabbrica Candele
the situation. However, the workers Viale Ciro Menotti from 1947 onwards and Accumulatori Maserati started to manufac­
remained in occupation of the factories and according to Georgano, production of these ture motorcycles. It was a time of high
Adolfo Orsi would not come to terms with ceased in 1950. demand for motorcycles in Italy and
them. He was a man of principle and not Dissension had been building within the Maserati was only one of many new manu­
expediency. His attitude was that the facto­ Orsi family for some while and this came to facturers to enter the market. The Maserati
ries were his, it was his money that had a head in 1953. The ultimate downfall of products ranged from 48cc and 123cc two-
funded the business and it would be he and Maserati can be traced back to the split in strokes to single-cylinder four-strokes rang­
not the unions who would decide how the group and Adolfo Orsi’s subsequent ing from 123cc to 246cc. The majority of
things would be run. attempts to rebuild the business. Adolfo’s the machines built were based on the prod­
In contrast Enzo Ferrari was a man of sisters Bruna and Eida held substantial ucts of the Italmoto company based in
expediency and not principle. Whereas shareholdings in the group, but Bruna was Bologna and to which the production rights
Adolfo Orsi had tried in pre-war days to strongly influenced by her husband Ing had been acquired.


In the 1949 British Grand Prix at Silverstone, Siamese driver Prince Bira with a Maserati 4CLT/48 batteries. Adolfo made it clear that they had
leads two similar cars through the chicane. Because of Maserati’s industrial problems, all factory no rights to use the Maserati name for
work on the 4CLT/48s was carried out in the workshops o f Adolfo Orsi’s old Fiat dealership. (Guy motorcycles, but he did not make an issue of
Griffiths) it as he wished to avoid further friction
within the family. It only became a matter of
The 246 cc Tipo 250-T4 with single cylin­ of distinctly sporting pretensions. Initially importance in 1964, following the financial
der, single overhead camshaft engine was Maserati motorcycles sold well, but pro­ collapse of the sparking plug and battery
very different and the company designed duction ceased in 1960. company, when the liquidator offered for sale
this model in its entirety. The Maserati When the Orsi sisters took over the the right to use the Maserati name for motor­
range was véry typical of the period, company, they had the right to use the cycles and the use of the trademark was then
ranging from commuter bikes to machines Maserati name only for sparking plugs and finally resolved.


Chapter 9

The immediate post-war years,

r itish a n d A m erica n t r o o p s invaded with a small number of 3-litre supercharged
B Sicily in July 1943 and southern Italy
two months later. Mussolini was deposed International racing resumed in 1946 and
Alfa Romeos and the unblown Talbots.
Maserati built about 14 new 4CLs to
and arrested in July 1943 and the Italian for this one year the Grand Prix formula supplement those racing since pre-war
government surrendered on 8 September remained, as in pre-war days, 3,0 0 0 cc days, but changes were limited to an exter­
1943. German troops in Italy fought on supercharged/4,50Qcc unsupercharged. The nal oil cooler, a larger carburettor air scoop
stubbornly and Rome was not liberated majority of cars raced however were pre-war and an additional scoop to cool the
until June 1944. Before the end of the war Voiturettes, Maseratis and the works Tipo magneto. The strongest Maserati team was
Italy had changed sides and its troops were 158 Alfa Romeos which were entered in the Ruggeri brothers’ Scuderia Milano,
fighting alongside the Allies. Mussolini was only four events during the year, together which raced several of the 4CLs that they
rescued from imprisonment by German
paratroopers and put in control of the In 1946 one of the most consistent 4CL drivers was Reg Parnell with the ex-Johnny Wakefield car.
puppet Italian Social Republic would-be Here Parnell is competing with the 4CL at Shelsley Walsh hill climh on 22 September 1946. (Guy
government. The Italian resistance captured Griffiths)
Mussolini in 1945, shot him - his corpse
being publicly displayed in Como and
W ith Russian troops only a few hundred
yards away, Hitler committed suicide in his
Berlin bunker by shooting himself on 30
April 1945. German forces in Italy surren­
dered unconditionally on 2 May and on 7
May Admiral Karl Dönitz, appointed Führer
by Hitler on his death, unconditionally
surrendered on behalf of Germany. On 6
August 1945 the Americans dropped an
atomic bomb on Hiroshima and dropped
another atomic bomb on Nagasaki three
days later. At long last, on 8 August, Russia
had declared war on Japan and invaded
Manchuria. Japan surrendered on 14
August 1945. The first post-war motor race
meeting was held in the Bois de Boulogne
in Paris on 9 September 1945, ju st over
three weeks after Japan’s unconditional


Scuderia Milano entered three 4CLs in the 1946 Marseille Grand Prix. Here Nuvolari leads and Cortese took over from Ruggeri to bring
Sommer and they were both at the wheel of Milano entries. Nuvolari set fastest lap before retiring the other surviving Milano car across the line
and Sommer went on to win the race. (Guy Griffiths Collection) in fifth position.
Three weeks later on 12 May the Marseille
had stored during the war years. In Britain, were nominally, at least, private entries. Grand Prix was held in two 30-mile (48km)
Reg Parnell had acquired chassis number The International season started with the qualifying heats and a 60-mile (96km) final
1569 that had been raced by ‘J ohnny’ 123-mile (198km) Nice Grand Prix on 22 on the Prado street circuit. The three Milano
Wakefield and who had been killed during April. Milano entered 4CLs for Luigi Villoresi, 4CLs were driven by Nuvolari, Sommer and
the war. Reggie Tongue had retired from Franco Cortese and Arialdo Ruggeri, together Ruggeri. The Swiss Autosport team entered
racing and Bob Ansell bought his 4CL, with a 6CM for Philippe Etancelin. The main 4CLs for de Graffenried and Basadonna and
chassis number 1567. opposition came from Raymond Sommer Enrico Plate was at the wheel of his own
W ithout doubt the Alfa Romeo 158 and with a 3-litre supercharged Alfa Romeo 8C 4CL. It was at this meeting that de
159 Alfettas were the most successful Grand 308. Villoresi dominated the race, leading Graffenried and Plate first met and Toulo
Prix cars in post-war years, the Maseratis until he made a rather lengthy 3-minute pit agreed to drive for Plate later in the year. The
could never beat them, but the Alfa Romeos stop, rejoining the race 90sec behind final was a boring procession and Sommer
ran only a limited number of races and in Sommer and then retaking the lead to win by won from Plate. Ruggeri and de Graffenried
terms of the sheer number of races won, the a clear 1.9-mile (3km) lap. Chaboud and finished fourth and fifth, while Nuvolari led
Maseratis achieved a much higher score rate Grignard with 3.5-litre unsupercharged his heat and set a new lap record before
and all these successes were gained by what Delahayes finished in third and fourth places retiring because of valve trouble.


fourth. The only other finisher was de
Graffenried. Nuvolari was obviously a very
sick man, for he crossed the line at the end
of the first heat holding a bloodstained
handkerchief to his mouth and he was
forced to retire in the second heat after only
three laps.
During 1946 the second 3-litre 8CL,
chassis number 3 0 3 5 , was raced for the first
time. Scuderia Milano entered it for Luigi
Villoresi at Indianapolis on 31 May. His
finish in seventh place was lower than the
team expected. This Maserati was shipped
back to Europe and on 25 August Sommer
and Henri Louveau shared it in the 157-
The second Tipo 8CL seen outside the Maserati works before being shipped to compete in the 1946 mile (253km ) Circuit des Trois Villes at
Indianapolis race with Villoresi at the wheel. Lille. There was not much in the way of
opposition and they finished a clear lap
The 93-mile (150km ) Paris Cup was held Geneva. In the final, the Alfas of Farina, ahead of ‘Levegh’ with a Talbot. Villoresi
in the Bois de Boulogne on 30 May and was Trassi and Wimille took the first three
won by Jean-Pierre Wimille (3-litre super­ places. On the first lap of the final Villoresi
charged Alfa Romeo) from Ruggeri. Another tried to pass Trossi, then in third place, but
Paris race followed on 9 June, the 112-mile a brake grabbed, he mounted the pavement
(180km ) St Cloud Grand Prix on a street and collided with a lamppost. There was
circuit through the suburb of that name obviously no love lost between Wimille and
and incorporating a reasonably well lit half- Nuvolari, for when Wimille, then leading,
mile tunnel. This is now part of the A13 lapped Nuvolari, Tazio deliberately rammed
Paris-Rouen Autoroute. The works Alfa him. The Frenchman spun, but he kept his
Romeo 158s made their first post-war engine running to rejoin the race, having
appearance; the Alfettas led, but retired and dropped two places.
Sommer with his Milano 4CL won from The racing scene now moved to Italy and
Louis Chiron with the still very competitive on 1 September the Turin Grand Prix was
monoplace Talbot that had first raced in the held over 174 miles (280km ) of the
1939 French Grand Prix. Valentino Park circuit near the River Po.
There was a strong Maserati entry in the Varzi and Wimille led throughout with their
Albi Grand Prix run in two 93-mile Alfas to take the first two places, but
(150km ) heats on 14 July. For this race Sommer drove a gutsy race with his 4CL to
Scuderia Milano had borrowed Plate’s 4CL finish third. Nuvolari had a very nasty
which was driven by Nuvolari. The great moment when his 4CL shed a wheel while
Tazio won the first heat and was second to travelling flat-out along a section of the
team-mate Villoresi in the second heat. course beside the river.
Villoresi had however non-started in the Next came the Milan Grand Prix on 28
first heat, so II Mantovano was the overall September and staged over a tight 1.9-mile
winner. It was the last win in Nuvolari’s (3km) circuit in the Parco Sempione in two Luigi Villoresi seen at Indianapolis with the
great racing career. 34-mile (54.7km ) qualifying heats and a previously unraced 8CL, chassis number 3035.
A week later the Scuderia Milano drivers 57-mile (92km) final. Trossi, Varzi and It was entered by Scuderia Milano. The
met up with the works Alfas again in the Sanesi took the first three places for Alfa 8CL did not run as well as expected and
Grand Prix des Nations run in two qualify­ Romeo, and Villoresi, still not fully recov­ Villoresi finished seventh. (Guy Griffiths
ing heats and a final on a street circuit in ered from his crash at Geneva, finished Collection)


drove the 8 CL in the 194-mile (312km)
Penya Rhin Grand Prix held on the
Pedralbes street circuit at Barcelona on 27
October. He led easily before a pit stop
enforced by engine problems, rejoined the
race, but retired shortly afterwards. Four-
cylinder Maseratis took the first three places
in the order Pelassa, Basadonna and

For 1947 the new Formula A with engine
capacity limits of l,5 0 0 c c supercharged/
Luigi Villoresi drove this Scuderia Milano-entered 4CL-1500 into fourth place behind three works 4,5 0 0 cc unsupercharged was introduced.
Alfa Romeo 158s in the 1946 Milan Grand Prix. The circuit was in the Parco Sempione used fo r the Although this change banned the pre-war
Milan Trade Fair. 3-litre supercharged Grand Prix cars from
most races, it made no real difference to the
Louis Unser, uncle o f Bobbie Unser, with one of the ex-Lucy O ’Reilly Schell 8CTF Maseratis at pecking order - Alfa Romeo won the few
Pike’s Peak hill climb in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado on 8 November 1946. Fie won the event. races it entered and Maseratis won almost
(Guy Griffiths Collection) all the rest.


However, Scuderia Milano had dispatched
two 4CLs to Argentina to compete in the
first of the Formule Libre races which
became known as the Temporada series,
because they were held in the heat of the
South American summer. Argentine
President, Juan Domingo Peron, was a great
motor racing enthusiast. As a soldier he had
played a leading role in the military coup
that had overthrown the government in
1943, and gained very wide support for the
social reforms that he had introduced. He
became President in 1946.
Increasingly Peron was to run the country
as his own private fiefdom and it was to
result in his downfall and eventual exile.
Because of Peron’s enthusiasm for motor
sport, leading Argentinian drivers were
sponsored by the government thorough the
Automovil Club Argentino and this was to
lead to Juan Fangio, Froilan Gonzalez,
Onofre Marimon and others having the
opportunity to compete in Europe and Ascari with a Tipo A6-1500 in 1947. This l,488cc 6-cylinder car was the last design fo r Maserati by
establish reputations that attracted works the surviving brothers. Once again, bodybuilder Menardo Fantuzzi stands alongside Ascari and to his
teams. left, in white overalls, is Luigi Villoresi.
In the first of the Argentine races, the 87-
mile (140km ) Rosario Grand Prix held on Ambosiana headed by Count ‘J ohnny’ the lease payments and about the real iden­
2 February, Villoresi with a Milano 4CL Lurani, a well-known team and driver tity of certain cars known to have bogus
finished second to the great Achille Varzi at combination in pre-war days, and this was chassis plates.
the wheel of a supercharged 3-litre Alfa primarily a commercial operation. The team The leading British driver to take part in
Romeo 8C 308. The scene then switched to fielded cars for Luigi Villoresi and Alberto one of these schemes was Reg Parnell, who
the new Palermo Park circuit in Buenos Ascari, which were looked after by Maserati had been racing since pre-war days and he
Aires where on 9 February Villoresi won the mechanics with Guerino Bertocchi in and Bob Gerard were the outstanding
75-mile (121km ) Juan Peron Cup race from charge of operations, thus the cars received British drivers of the period. Parnell was a
Alfa Romeos driven by Varzi and Brazilian the latest factory modifications. fast, brave driver, physically very strong, but
‘Chico’ Landi. Six days later the Eva Peron Ambrosiana also made a business of leas­ he handled his cars with a marked lack of
Cup race was held over the same distance ing cars to drivers, who chose this way of mechanical sympathy that resulted in
on the same circuit and again Villoresi won going racing either because of their relatively unnecessary breakages and mechanical fail­
from Pessatti (3-litre supercharged Alfa limited finances or, in the case of British ures. During the war years Parnell had
Romeo) and Palmieri (also with a Milano drivers, as a means of circumventing the collected a large number of racing cars
4CL). very strict Board of Trade regulations relat­ which, afterwards, he was able to sell at
Scuderia Milano continued racing in 1947 ing to the expenditure of money overseas by a profit and this helped fund the lease of
and their technical chief, Mario Speluzzi, British Nationals. If a car was brought into an Ambrosiana 4CL for 1947. Ironically,
carried out his own development work on the United Kingdom on a short-term basis, Bob Gerard who had a small stable of
the 4CLT/48s, but Milano cars became import duty was not payable and, likewise, pre-war ERAs that - in comparison - cost
notoriously unreliable, not because of if lease payments were made within the UK, very little, was consistently the more
Speluzzi’s modifications, but because of this was also legal. It was, of course, a successful driver.
sloppy preparation work. From 1947 the system open to abuse and raised questions Just as 100 years previously small fairs and
main Maserati entrant was Scuderia as to how the owners of these cars exported circuses had travelled round Europe - and


official timekeepers became confused.
Scuderia Milano entered a protest, claiming
that Chiron had won, but this was rejected.
On 18 May, Chaboud with a Talbot won
the 191-mile (307km) Marseille Grand Prix
from Plate with his 4CL, and a week later ‘B.
Bira’ was the winner in the 81-mile (130km)
Grand Prix des Frontières in Belgium from
Peter Monkhouse with an elderly Bugatti
Type 51. The next important race was the
Swiss Grand Prix on the Bremgarten circuit at
Bern on 8 June and here four Alfa Romeos
faced a horde of 4CLs. At this race the
Ambrosiana car driven by Villoresi was fitted
with works-developed two-stage supercharg­
ing, while two of the Milano entries also now
had two-stage supercharging. The race was
held in two 85-mile (137km) qualifying
heats and a 128-mile (206km) final. The
158s took the first three places in the final,
but Sommer with a Milano 4CL was fourth
ahead of Sanesi with another 158, and
Villoresi with the A6G streamlined saloon in the 89-mile (143km) Circuit o f Varese in which he Villoresi finished fifth.
retired and Cortese won with a V12 Ferrari. For an Italian circuit the spectators are being very In Motor Racing 1947 John Eason Gibson
restrained by not encroaching beyond the park wall on to the corner. wrote, . i f only the Scuderia Milano
prepared their cars a bit better they might
France especially - setting up in towns and charged Delage) and Louveau (with another have a chance with the two-stage cars of
villages, so from the 1930s they were joined 4CL). Arialdo Ruggeri crashed heavily in this getting in among the Alfas. The prize giving at
by the motor racing ‘circus’ and there were race, fracturing both legs. Three weeks later the Bellevue-Palace later in the evening was
innumerable races of varying importance Villoresi with an Ambrosiana 4CL built up a terrific, as following the custom at the better
held on makeshift road and street circuits. At good lead in the Perpignan race, but retired continental races practically everyone got
the more important, better-financed venues because of mechanical problems and Eugène some souvenir of the race. One of the better
permanent facilities had been installed. Chaboud won with the monoplace Talbot. sights was watching Count “Johnny” Lurani,
Drivers were able to tour Europe making Unlike the United Kingdom mainland, as director of the Squadra Ambrosiana, trying
their entries as they went and paying their legislation had been passed in Northern to lever Villoresi’s cheque out of him after the
way from starting and prize money. This Ireland, Jersey and the Isle of Man permit­ prize ceremony was finished. ’
pattem resumed after the war and continued ting public roads to be closed so that motor The Alfettas were out again three weeks
through to the m id-1950s, amid growing racing could take place. The 160-mile later in the Belgian Grand Prix at Spa-
anxiety about the safety of racing. (258km ) Jersey Road Race was held on 8 Francorchamps where they finished in the
Once again in 1947 the Alfa Romeo 158s May and attracted a strong entry that first three places. Sommer with his Milano
ran in only four races - and won them all - included Scuderia Milano cars driven by 4CL was in second place at the end of the
and this left the field open to the 4CLs. The Sommer, Chiron and Pagani. Sommer’s car first lap and he held on to third place until
greatest problem faced by the Maseratis was was fitted with two-stage supercharging, he retired because of a broken chassis on lap
their often inadequate preparation and the before it had appeared on the ‘works’ 12. At the 248-mile (400km ) Marne Grand
resulting lack of reliability. The first Grand Ambrosiana cars. Sommer, ‘B. Bira’ (with Prix at Reims on 6 July, Alberto Ascari,
Prix of the season was at Pau on 7 April and another 4CL) and Pagani all retired and number two in the Ambrosiana team, drove
motorcycle-racing champion Nello Pagani Parnell went on to win from Chiron. In the the latest Maserati, the first of the 4CLT cars
with a 4CL won this 190-mile (306km) latter stages of the race Parnell made several which featured a tubular chassis. Both
street race from ‘Levegh’ (3-litre unsuper­ stops for oil and everyone, including the Villoresi and Ascari retired and Christian


Kautz, pre-war Auto Union and Mercedes- a dual carriageway, the cars then went Ambrosiana car won from Wimille (Gordini-
Benz driver, won the race with his 4CL. through a hairpin bend, came back on the entered Simca) and de Graffenried. Reg
Chiron finished second with the monoplace other side of the dual carriageway and then Parnell had been invited to drive a Scuderìa
Talbot. went off round the rest of the circuit. Chiron Milano car, which proved to be a 4CLT with
The Maseratis failed at Albi, where Rosier won with the monoplace Talbot from Henri tubular chassis, but only a single blower. It
with his Talbot was the winner, and Villoresi Fouveau (4CF). Pierre ‘Fevegh’ with another was late in arriving at the circuit, oil was
and Ascari with their Ambrosiana cars took 4CL crashed into the crowd, killing two leaking from the frame, which acted as the
the first two places at Nice after Sommer’s spectators. oil reservoir and cooler, and it was not fit to
two-stage Milano car had caught fire. The last Formula A race of the year was race. Reg did his best with this ill-prepared
Villoresi won again at Strasbourg, but he the 181-mile (291km ) Lausanne Grand Prix heap, but was forced to retire because of
crashed in the Comminges Grand Prix on on 5 October and Villoresi with his lack of brakes and vague steering geometry.
the St Gaudens circuit. Won by Chiron
with the monoplace Talbot, this was Alberto Ascari drove the new and very quick 2-litre A6GCS Monofaro in the Turin Grand Prix in
described by The Autocar as ‘a shocking Valentino Park in October. He ran third to Somma' (Ferrari) and team-mate Villoresi with another
race.’ If anything, that was an understate­ A6GCS. Both Maseratis retired because of broken gearboxes. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
ment, for in the motorcycle races held
during the morning three riders were killed
and in the Grand Prix a car ran into a spec­
tator enclosure, killing six onlookers.
Dorino Serafini, former Gilera motorcycle
team member, also had an horrendous
crash. Serafini, at the wheel of one of the
Swiss Autosport team 4CLs, was in second
place ahead of Ascari and had set fastest
lap, when the steering wheel complete with
column came away in his hands while he
was driving flat-out on the straight. The car
left the road and hurtled through trees until
it came to rest as a crumpled heap of metal
and caught fire. Serafini suffered bum s, as
well as broken arms, legs and ribs, but he
was very tough and made a complete recov­
ery. Enzo Ferrari, who recognised a man
when he saw one, asked him to join his
company and Serafini was to become
Ferrari chief tester and a works driver.
The Italian Grand Prix was held on
7 September in Milan on the site of the
Milan Trade Fair in the Parco Sempione. The
Alfa Romeos took the first four places. Ascari
with a twin-stage supercharged Ambrosiana
4CF held third place for many laps, but had
to make a series of pit stops for a loose fuel
tank to be sorted out and eventually finished
fifth. Another important 1947 race was the
314-mile (505km) French Grand Prix at
Fyon on 21 September, a race that Alfa
Romeo missed. It was held on a 4.49-mile
(7.22km) circuit with the start on one side of


An integral part of Adolfo Orsi's plans for There was also the competition version of car that had two different engine and chas­
Maserati had been the production of a which a couple of examples were built, sis numbers!). An early works car was fitted
Grand Touring car. The first technical draw­ fitted with bodies by Fantuzzi. One of these with a coupé body and another two cars
ings for the A6 1500 were produced in cars was tried with a supercharged Tipo 6CM had the wings integral with the body. These
November 1940; a prototype was built and engine. The next stage in development was three cars were all bodied by Carraroli.
this was tested in 1943. The design of the to increase engine capacity to 1,954cc (72 x At this time Ferrari and Maserati were
engine was based on that of the 6CM, but 80mm) and power output in this form was following similar lines of development, both
with revised cylinder dimensions of 66 x 90bhp at 4,700rpm. The model was desig­ had started with 1.5-litre engines (in
72.5mm, giving a capacity of 1,488cc, a nated the A6G ('G' for g h i s a , the cast-iron of Ferrari's case a V12 of course), both had
single overhead camshaft, a cast-iron block the cylinder block) and it was fitted with a increased capacity to two litres and both
and there was, of course, no supercharger. streamlined coupé body. had then stretched the capacity by a
In original form, with a single Weber carbu­ Testing did not take place until April smidgen. Both factories had in mind the
rettor, power output was 65bhp at 1947, but the first post-war M i l l e M i g l i a unsupercharged 2-litre Formula 2 that was
4,700rpm. road race was postponed from its usual date likely to be introduced for 1948 and in
The chassis was a twin-tubular structure in April to 21 June to give opportunity for sports-car racing the two models were very
with unequal-length double wishbone and road repairs to be carried out and the works closely matched. Ferrari did, of course, pro­
coil spring front suspension and at the rear, teams longer to prepare their cars. The new duce a single-seater Formula 2 car for 1949,
a rigid axle was suspended on semi-elliptic Maserati was driven by Luigi Villoresi, part­ but Maserati's industrial problems pre­
leaf springs. Transmission was by a Fiat- nered by Bertocchi, but it was never a seri­ vented any such development at Modena.
based 4-speed gearbox with synchromesh on ous contender and retired early in the race. Two of the new cars made their debut in
third and top gears and a dry single-plate Eight days later Villoresi drove the new car the Circuit of Modena on 28 September.
clutch. In the designation the 'A' stood for at Varese, but it again retired. Initially Villoresi led from Cortese (Ferrari)
A l f i e r i , a tribute to the company's founder, The next stage in development was the and Ascari; Cortese went ahead and then
but also symbolic of a completely new A6.GCS sports-racing car ('C for c o r s a , race, stopped at the pits because of mechanical
Maserati line of cars, while the '6' of course and 'S' for s p o r t ) . The full stop was another problems. Ascari took the lead from Villoresi
referred to the number of cylinders. This quirk of Maserati model typing and in prac­ whose engine had started to overheat and
system of designation was, however, to get tice was usually omitted. Engine capacity the Maserati drivers were still in these places
more complicated. was slightly increased to 1,978.7cc by length­ when the race was stopped after 48 miles
Most of the early work on the A6 was ening the stroke to 81mm, triple Weber (77km) because of a bad accident. At
carried out by the Maserati brothers, but all 36D04 carburettors were fitted, the Modena the pits were, foolishly, sited on a
later development was the responsibility of compression ratio was increased from 7.5:1 curve; Bracco lost control of his Delage
Alberto Massimino who had joined Maserati to 11:1 and power output was now claimed when he swerved to avoid Cortese, who was
in late 1939. There were in effect two separ­ to be 130bhp at 5,200rpm. pulling into the pits, and he crashed into a
ate lines of development. The touring chas­ The wheelbase was shortened and the crowded spectator enclosure. Bracco was
sis fitted with Pinin Farina body was first A6GCS was usually fitted with a very neat thrown out of the car and suffered quite
exhibited at the Geneva Salon in 1947. It open, cycle-wing, two-seater body by bad injuries, but five spectators were killed.
entered limited production and the majority Fantuzzi. A conspicuous feature was a single A fortnight later the two Maserati drivers
of cars were bodied by Farina, although a headlamp mounted in the centre of the ran in the 313-mile (504km) Circuit of Turin,
few had coachwork by other builders. radiator grille and this led to the model but both retired because of the frailty of
Maximum speed in this form was 85-90mph becoming known as the M o n o f a r o . Another their Fiat gearboxes. Raymond Sommer
(137-145kph). Purchasers included Prince prominent feature was the deeply cut away (2-litre Ferrari) scored an easy win from
Bira who brought his car to the 1949 British cockpit sides. Between 1947 and 1950 Chaboud (3-litre Delahaye) and Pozzi (4-litre
Grand Prix. Maserati built 13 of these cars (including the Talbot).


1948 Jersey Road Race on 29 April, but both made with the mixture from the single twin-choke
long pit stops and Bob Gerard (ERA) won the Weber carburettor fed into the right-hand
In 1948 Orsi’s plans for the development of race from George Abecassis (Maserati 6CM) side of the lower, primary supercharger and
Maserati were coming together well. The with Parnell, Bira and Bob Ansell (also with a then transferred by an external manifold on
A6GCS had proved to be a car of consider­ 4CL) in third, fourth and fifth places. The the left to the upper, secondary super­
able potential and by now Massimino had 147-mile (237km) Grand Prix des Nations at charger. It was claimed that power output
developed an improved version of the 4CL Geneva on 2 May was won by Farina with a was now 260bhp at 7,000rpm .
that was to appear in June. Milano-entered 4CL and de Graffenried with A strengthened 4-speed Fiat-based gear­
As part of Peron’s efforts to boost his Plate-entered car finished second. A fort­ box was retained, but as the whole build of
Argentina as a power in motor racing, in late night later Farina scored another win for the car was lower, the transmission line had
1947 the Automovil Club Argentino was Milano in the 195-mile (314km) Monaco to be stepped up to the height of the final
induced to buy two 4CLs from the factory. Grand Prix from Chiron (with a new Talbot- drive by a train of gears mounted in front of
These were to be driven by Juan Fangio and Lago) and de Graffenried. the differential housing. The tubular chassis
Oscar Galvez in the Temporada series of At the relatively unimportant San Remo first seen in 1947 was used for the latest
races. There were now four races in the Grand Prix run over 178 miles (287kms) of version. This had two four-inch main tubu­
series. The first was the Juan Peron Cup race the Ospedaletti circuit on 27 June, Villoresi lar members, which sloped upwards at the
held in two qualifying heats and a final on 17 and Ascari drove the latest 16-valve front and passed under the axle at the rear.
January, over the Palermo Park circuit in Maseratis for Scuderia Ambrosiana. These Two large transverse tubes were located
Buenos Aires. The final was won by Villoresi improved cars were designated the close to the rear spring mountings and other
with a Scuderia Ambrosiana 4CL from 4CLT/48, but immediately became known tubes in ‘X ’ configuration provided cross­
Brazilian Chico Landi at the wheel of a as the San Remo. The engine was largely bracing. There were additional small-dia­
supercharged 3-litre Alfa Romeo. unchanged, apart from twin-stage super­ meter tubes acting as cross-members ahead
The cars and drivers then travelled some charging and H-section machined connect­ of and to the rear of the engine crankcase.
65 0 miles (l,046k m s) to Mar del Plata on ing rods. The two blowers were mounted in The new front suspension retained the
the Atlantic coast, to the south of Buenos front of the engine, one above the other, existing wishbones, but had coil springs
Aires. The 92-mile (148km ) race was won by
Nino Farina with an 8CL Maserati (presum­ Bob Ansell is seen with his ex-Reggie Tongue 4CL in the British Empire Trophy held on the Isle of
ably the car raced at Indianapolis in 1946), Man in May 1948. He retired before half-distance. Following is Reg Parnell who dropped out while
followed across the line by Varzi with a pre­ leading because the feed from his auxiliary fuel tank failed. (Guy Griffiths)
war supercharged 4.5-litre Alfa Romeo.
Wimille (supercharged 3-litre Alfa Romeo)
and Galvez (pre-war supercharged 3.8-litre
Alfa Romeo) finished third and fourth and
Fangio took fifth place.
Then, on 1 February, came the 87.2-m ile
(140km ) Grand Prix at Rosario, to the north­
west of Buenos Aires on the Parana river, and
in this race Villoresi finished third behind
Wimille (Simca) and Landi (3-litre super­
charged Alfa Romeo). Finally, it was back to
Buenos Aires for the Eva Peron Cup race,
held in two heats and a final and here
Villoresi scored another win from Galvez
(Alfa Romeo) and ‘Raph’ (Maserati).
The Pau Grand Prix on 20 March was again
the first important race of the European
season and Pagani won for the second year in
succession. Parnell and ‘B. Bira’ with their
4CLs were the leading contenders in the


The 4CLT/48 Maseratis entered by Scuderia Ambrosiana in the 1948 RAC Grand Prix arrived too
late fo r practice and started from the back row of the grid. They soon worked their way to the front head. On the second lap of the race Swiss
and are seen here after the finish. Villoresi led Ascari across the line. (Guy Griffiths) driver Christian Kautz was killed when his
4CL collided with a tree. The Alfa Romeos
mounted at 45° from the vertical instead of and they were very heavy cars. Their main raced despite Varzi’s death and Wimille and
torsion bars. The rear suspension was largely asset was their fuel economy and the ability Trossi took the first two places. Farina had
unchanged, but there were now longer quar­ to run through a race in excess of 3 0 0 miles held second place with his Milano 4CL, but
ter-elliptic springs and these were splayed (483kms) without making a refuelling stop retired because of engine problems and
out more. The body was neater and lower, or a tyre change. Farina led initially at San Villoresi and Ascari with the 4CLT/48s
with a shorter and flatter version of the Remo with his Milano 4CL, but retired finished third and fifth, sandwiching the
familiar Maserati air intake that can be because of broken throttle linkage and so third 158 driven by Sanesi.
described as apple-shaped. Dry weight had Ascari and Villoresi went ahead to take the Only one Ambrosiana 4CLT/48 for
risen to about 1,4201b. Although the new first two places with the new cars. Villoresi ran in the 310-mile (500km) French
cars were faster and handled better than Alfa Romeo again entered only four races Grand Prix at Reims, for at this race Ascari
their predecessors, they were still far short of in 1948 and the first was the 181-mile had been offered a drive by Alfa Romeo.
being a match for the Alfa Romeo 158s. (291km ) Swiss Grand Prix on 4 July. It was Villoresi chased the Alfa team hard, holding
The Maseratis also faced new opposition to prove a tragic race that cost the lives of on to the tail of Ascaris car for many laps,
in the Talbot-Tago T26 with unblown two drivers. During practice the great but then fell back down the field because of
4,4 8 2 cc engine! In original form these Achille Varzi crashed with the latest Tipo plug problems. Nuvolari then took the wheel
Talbots had a power output of only 240bhp 158/47 Alfa, the car rolled and crushed his of Villoresi’s car, although he had not prac-


tised for the race, and he was soon lapping as entries from both Alfa Romeo and Ferrari A fortnight later on 17 October the
fast as Villoresi. He handed the car back with a team of three of his new V I 2 1.5-litre Monza Grand Prix was held on the newly
before the finish and Villoresi crossed the line supercharged cars. It was an unpleasant race reconstructed road circuit in the Royal Park.
to take seventh place. After the race Nuvolari run in heavy rain and Wimille led through­ The entry in this 315-m ile (507km) race
said that the 4CLT/48 was the best Maserati out to win for Portello. Villoresi (4CLT/48) included four Alfa Romeos and two Ferraris.
that he had ever driven, but this was a compli­ drove a good race to finish second ahead of The 158s took the first four places, both
ment of rather dubious value. Raymond Sommer with the only surviving Ferraris retired and Ascari finished fifth with
A number of less important races followed. Ferrari, while Ascari and Parnell took fourth his 4CLT/48. The final important race of
In the 205-m ile (330km ) Comminges Grand and fifth places with their 4CLT/48s. the year was the 194-mile (312km) Penya
Prix on the St Gaudens circuit on 1 August The inaugural meeting at Goodwood, the Rhin Grand Prix on the Pedralbes circuit at
Villoresi scored an easy win for Scuderia former Westhampnett RAF airfield, took Barcelona. There were no Alfa Romeos
Ambrosiana from a trio of Talbot-Lagos. Six place on 18 September and Reg Parnell won entered, but three Ferraris ran and retired
days later in Holland the Zandvoort Grand the 5-lap Goodwood Trophy from Bob and Villoresi won from Parnell (also now
Prix was organised by the British Racing Gerard (ERA). On 2 October the first post­ driving a 4CLT/48). It was a good finish to a
Drivers’ Club in two qualifying heats and a war RAC Grand Prix (usually, but not most satisfactory season.
108-mile (174km ) final. Zandvoort was an strictly correctly, described as the British Although the A6GCS was an established
artificial circuit constructed in the sand Grand Prix) was held over a distance of 250 and successful model, these cars ran in
dunes near Haarlem and at the time it was miles (402km s) on the Silverstone airfield comparatively few races in 1948 and for the
probably the safest circuit in Europe. The circuit in Northamptonshire. Neither Alfa time being Maserati took no steps to
entry was weak, Parnell (4CL) won the first Romeo nor Ferrari entered and although the develop a single-seater Formula 2 version.
heat and ‘B. Bira’ (4CL) the second. In the Scuderia Ambrosiana Maseratis arrived too Three cars were entered in the Mille Miglia
final Tony Rolt with his 3.4-litre Alfa Romeo late for official practice and started from the on 1 May and that driven by Ascari, part­
finished only a length behind ‘B. Bira’ and back of the grid, Villoresi and Ascari soon nered by the long-suffering Bertocchi, was a
Parnell was a less than satisfactory third. came through to the front of the pack and strong contender. Initially Ascari led, but he
Then came the Albi Grand Prix held on 29 finished in first and second places. was passed by Nuvolari (Ferrari) on time
August on the superb Les Planques road Bob Gerard took third place with his and retired with the inevitable gearbox
circuit which incorporated a long and pre-war ERA. problems at Florence. Amendola went off
bumpy straight lined by plane trees. In this
race the Ambrosiana 4CLT/48s were driven ‘B. Bira drove this 4CLT/48 in the 1948 RAC Grand Prix, but it was running raggedly and he
by Villoresi and British driver Leslie Brooke finished a poor fifth. (Guy Griffiths)
(who had obviously paid Lurani a hefty
‘bung’ for the privilege). The race was yet
another run in qualifying heats and a final,
on this occasion with a length of 189 miles
(304km s). Villoresi and Brooke each won
their heats, Villoresi led the final until forced
to stop at the pits because of plug problems,
but fought his way back to challenge Brooke
who had assumed the lead. Brooke went off
the road during the course of their struggle
(and later retired with engine problems), so
Villoresi won comfortably from a brace of
Minor changes to the valve timing and
supercharging of the 4CLT/48s had been
made by the time of the Italian Grand Prix on
5 September. This race was held over a
distance of 2 2 4 miles (360kms) on the
Valentino Park circuit at Turin and received



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Driving a smooth, restrained race Swiss driver Emmanuel de Graffenried, seen here, won the first In addition to Scuderia Ambrosiana, quite
British Grand Prix at Silverstone in 1949 with this 4CLT/48 Maserati. Bob Gerard took second place a number of other Maserati drivers com­
with his venerable ERA. (Guy Griffiths) peted in the four Argentine races. The first
of these races was the 108-mile (290km)
the road with his A6GCS and his co-driver race at Belluna, with Villoresi in second International Grand Prix of Juan D. Peron
was killed, while Capelli was another victim place. He was also campaigning the car in held on the Palermo Park circuit in Buenos
of mechanical frailty. Clemente Biondetti long Italian hill climbs and scored a number Aires on 30 January. During practice the
won the race with a 2-litre Ferrari coupe. of wins, including the Aosta-Gran San great French driver and leading member of
The works entered the A6GCS in a Bernardo and Bolzano-Mendola events. the Alfa Romeo team, Jean-Pierre Wimille,
couple of Formula 2 races. On 18 July was fatally injured at the wheel of a Gordini-
Villoresi drove one of these cars in the entered Simca when he went off the circuit
Coupe des Petites Cylindrées at Reims. 1949 and hit a tree. Ascari and Villoresi led
Although it was a Formula 2 race, it did not throughout with their Ambrosiana cars and
follow the rules of the formula in that Maserati’s industrial problems and Orsi’s Oscar Galvez (3-litre supercharged Alfa
supercharged cars of up to l,1 0 0 c c were conflicts with the unions started in 1949 Romeo) finished third.
admitted. Villoresi never rose above sixth and this, together with another important A week later another race of the same
place and retired because of mechanical factor, led to a major reduction in factory length was held on the same circuit, but
problems. Ascari was entered with an racing activity. Before the end of 1948 both with the title International Grand Prix of
A6GCS in the 153-mile (246km ) Circuit of Ascari and Villoresi had signed up to drive Dona Eva Duarte de Peron. The race started
Naples on 19 September, but he retired for Scuderia Ferrari in 1949 and this caused in heavy rain; both Ascari and Villoresi
after setting fastest lap and the race was major, but not unexpected, problems for retired, Galvez won with his Alfa Romeo and
won by Villoresi, scoring the Maserati Maserati, Lurani and Scuderia Ambrosiana. Fangio with a 4CLT/48 finished second after
brothers’ first win with their new l,1 0 0 c c Both drivers appeared for the team in the an off-course excursion. The 87-mile
Osca. Giovanni Bracco was the most Argentine Temporada series, but thereafter (140km) Rosario race on 13 February was
successful A6GCS driver in 1948. He won Ambrosiana continued its lease deals and no also run in torrential rain and was won by
the 189-mile (304km ) Dolomite Gold Cup longer ran a front-line Grand Prix team. Farina with a 2-litre supercharged Ferrari


from Parnell, Ascari and Villoresi with wheel of the team’s blue and yellow April. Bob Gerard won with his elderly ERA,
Maseratis. The final race of the Argentine 4CLT/48s before a European audience and but de Graffenried took second place, having
series was the 88-mile (142km) Mar del Plata led directly to the invitation for him to drive lost the lead because of an unscheduled re­
event on 2 7 February and Fangio (Maserati) a works Alfa Romeo in 1950. The Argentine fuelling stop. Another victory followed for
won this from ‘B. Bira’ (Maserati) and Galvez team did not complete a full season and Fangio in the Grand Prix du Rousillon run at
(supercharged 3-litre Alfa Romeo). returned to South America in July. Perpignan in two 79-mile (127km) heats on
There followed two races in Brazil, the Ing Speluzzi of the Milano team produced 8 May and 4CLT/48 drivers took the first six
140-mile (225km) Sao Paulo Grand Prix on developments of the 4CLT/48, but they places in this race.
the Interlagos Autodrome on 20 March and proved interesting rather than successful. For The entry for the British Grand Prix at
the 59-mile (95km) Rio de Janeiro Grand various reasons Alfa Romeo did not compete Silverstone was not strong, but de
Prix on the Gavea circuit on 2 7 March. in 1949, but the Talbot-Lago opposition, Graffenried scored what was a remarkable
Villoresi won both these races. These events now more numerous, proved the greatest victory for a driver entered by a small team.
in South America were very strongly sup­ challenger to the anticipated Ferrari domina­ Toulo tells the story of this win on Page
ported by European entrants during the early tion. Overall, the year proved very successful 217. The Maseratis met up with the works
post-war years because the starting money for private Maserati Grand Prix entrants. Ferraris for the first time in 1949 in the 315-
was very high and it gave the opportunity to Fangio made a brilliant start to his mile (507km ) Belgian Grand Prix on 19
continue racing during the European winter. European season. He won both the 178-mile June. Among the Maserati drivers were
The success of Maserati Grand Prix entries (287km) San Remo race on 3 April from ‘B. Fangio and Farina who had returned to race
in Europe depended on the newly formed Bira’ (also with a 4CLT/48) and the 189-mile a Milano entry and was to revitalise Maserati
Squadra Achille Varzi, Scuderìa Milano, which (304km) Pau Grand Prix on 18 April from de after Fangio returned to Argentina. At Spa
continued racing in its familiar haphazard Graffenried. The Maserati drivers all had their both Fangio and Farina retired and Ferrari
way, and private drivers such as Baron Toulo problems in the 176-mile (283km) Jersey drivers Villoresi, Ascari and Peter Whitehead
de Graffenried. The Argentine-financed Road Race on the St. Helier circuit on 28 (a private entry) could not make up the
Achille Varzi team was named in memory of
the great Italian driver and it was based in his Reg Parnell had led fo r some while at Silverstone with this 4CLT/48 entered by Scuderia
former workshops. It gave Fangio the oppor­ Ambrosiana, but dropped back because of mechanical problems and retired. Parnell’s cars usually
tunity to display his exceptional skills at the looked scruffy, but on this occasion the San Remo is remarkably pristine. (Guy Griffiths)


time lost in the pits in refuelling stops. Louis
Rosier drove his Talbot-Lago non-stop to take
an unexpected win.
There was another clash between Ferrari
and Maserati in the 181-mile (291km) Swiss
Grand Prix at Bremgarten on 3 July. Once
again the leading Maserati drivers dropped out
of contention, although Farina had the satis­
faction of setting fastest lap, just as he had at
Spa-Francorchamps. Ascari and Villoresi took
the first two places with their Ferraris ahead of
Sommer and Etancelin with Talbot-Lagos. A
week later Fangio won the 186-mile (300km)
Albi Grand Prix from ‘B. Bira’. The French
Grand Prix was held as a sports car race at
Comminges, but the Automobile Club de
Champagne organised the 310-mile (500km)
Grand Prix de France on the fast Reims circuit
on 17 July. Villoresi retired his Ferrari early in
the race and although Fangio and Campos
were the fastest Maserati drivers with their
Squadra Achille Varzi cars, both retired. Louis
Chiron (Talbot-Lago) won from ‘B. Bira’.
At the end of July the Zandvoort Grand Prix
was again held in two 63-mile (101km) heats
and a 104-mile (167km) final. Villoresi won
the final with his Ferrari from de Graffenried,
‘B. Bira’, Farina, Etancelin (Talbot-Lago) and
Fangio with his Squadra Achille Vazi-entered 4CLT/48 in the pits in the 1949 Belgian Grand Prix at Parnell. Both Giuseppe Farina and Reg Parnell
Spa-Francorchamps. Chief mechanic Bignami is on the left of the car. Fangio retired on the first lap. had been penalised a minute for jumping the
(Guy Griffiths Collection) start. A new British race was the Daily Express-
sponsored International Trophy at Silverstone
The 4-cylinder engine o f the 4CLT/48 with The rear end of a 4CLT/48, showing the rigid rear on 20 August. It was another event run in two
eight individual exhausts merging into a single axle. The final drive was one of the weakest features qualifying heats and a final. The Ferraris of
tail-pipe. At the front of the engine is the twin- of the design. This Scuderia Ambrosiana car is at Ascari and Villoresi set the pace in both their
stage supercharger. (Guy Griffiths) the 1948 RAC Grand Prix. (Guy Griffiths) heats and the final, but Farina with his Milano
4CLT/48 gave them a good run for their
money. After a slow start in the final, he passed
Villoresi and challenged Ascari until he spun
and hit the straw bales. He kept his engine
running and carried on to finish second.
There were two new Italian designs at the
Italian Grand Prix. One was the four overhead
camshaft, twin-stage V I 2 Ferraris and the
other was the latest Milano (see Page 101)
which had been developed by Mario Speluzzi.
The drivers of the Milanos were Giuseppe
Farina and Piero Taruffi. Initially Ascari and
Villoresi with the new Ferraris led from Farina,


but after 18 laps Farina lost interest in the
race because of his inability to catch them
and pulled into the pits. If he had kept going,
he would probably have finished second
following Villoresi’s retirement. The highest
placed Maserati finisher was ‘B. Bira’ in third
place behind Etancelin (Talbot-Lago).
That the 4CLT/48 was in decline was
undoubted and although the cars continued
to be raced over the next two seasons by
private owners, their successes were few.
Because of Maserati’s inability to maintain
development of the A6GCS, the cars were
rarely seen in major events. Three of these
cars ran in the Mille Miglia, but the sole
finisher was that of Aprile/Bossetti, who
finished seventh overall and third in the
International Sports category. Piero Carini,
who had retired his A6GCS in the Mille
Miglia, won the Bolzano-Mendola and Susa-
Moncenisio hill climbs. Maserati racing
prospects looked far from bright.

For the 1950 Argentinian Temporada races
Maserati developed the 4CLT/50 with
enlarged l,7 1 9 c c (78 x 90mm) engines
claimed to develop 290bhp at 6,800rpm .
Five cars were fitted with these engines, and
they were installed in existing chassis. The
precise number of San Remos built is not
known, but it seems that in 1948 through
to 1949 the team completed about 12 cars
and thereafter the occasional example was
built up until about the end of 1950. After
they had competed in the Temporada series,
the 4CLTs were fitted with l,4 8 9 c c engines
for European racing. In this latest form there
was a Weber twin-choke carburettor and Bignami, chief mechanic to the Squadra Achille Varzi, makes final adjustments to Fangio’s 4CLT/48
minor changes to the steering linkage. The at the 1949 Albi Grand Prix. Fangio won the race from Bira with another 4CLT/48.
2-litre supercharged Ferraris dominated the
1950 Argentine races and the only Maserati built two new cars, which had been commi- ened versions of the San Remo with a wheel­
success was a third place by Piero Taruffi in sioned by Franco Rol for Indianapolis. These base of ju st under 9ft. These cars, chassis
the Mar del Plata Grand Prix. had straight-eight 2 ,9 84cc engines like the numbers 3 0 3 6 and 3 0 3 7 were to be driven
Development of the San Remo had ground 8CL and were said to develop 430bhp at by Farina and Rol at Indianapolis. One was
to a halt, mainly because of the Orsi 6,500rpm , the same as the output of the tested by Farina at Modena and although it
Group’s industrial problems, but Maserati 1 9 4 0 -4 1 8CLs. The chassis were length­ is believed that he attained a speed of close


to 190mph (306kph), it was decided that
the cars were not competitive and they were
withdrawn from the race. They were eventu­
ally sold in New Zealand over a year later.
In 1950 the cars of Scuderia Argentina (the
successor to Squadra Achille VarzO were reck­
oned to be developing 280bhp, but Alfa
Romeo had returned to racing and the 158
Alfettas in their latest form developed around
350bhp. The Milan team entered 11 races
and won them all. Ferrari’s supercharged cars
were also overwhelmed by the Alfa Romeos,
but at Maranello Aurelio Lampredi had devel­
oped an unsupercharged V I 2 Grand Prix
engine and when this finally appeared in full
4,500cc form at the 1950 Italian Grand Prix,
the gap between these two teams was greatly
narrowed. It was the year of the first Drivers’
World Championship, in which Alfa Romeo
drivers took the first three places. Fangio still
drove Maseratis for Scuderia Argentina when
his commitments to Alfa Romeo permitted.
Mainly because of the reduced racing
For 1950 Maserati built two 8-cylinder 3-litre supercharged cars to the order o f Franco Rol and to be efforts of Scuderia Ambrosiana, the works
driven by himself and Farina at Indianapolis. They were uncompetitive and scratched from the race. returned to racing and entered cars for Louis
This car was exhibited at the Turin Show. Chiron and Franco Rol. It was to little
purpose, for the 4CLT/48s were reduced to
Fred Ashmore at the wheel o f his 4CLT/48 in the 1950 International Trophy at Silverstone. He drove mere makeweights on the grids of Grands Prix
a slow race and failed to finish. (T.C. March). and although the cars were still favoured by
many private entrants, successes were few and
limited to minor events. In World Champion­
ship events the only points scored by Maserati
drivers were at Monaco (Sommer third, ‘B.
Bira’ fifth) and the Swiss Grand Prix (‘B. Bira’
fourth and Bonetto with the Milano fifth). In
contrast, drivers of the slow, unblown Talbot-
Lagos took points in the British, Swiss,
Belgian and Italian races. Fangio with a
4CLT/48 scored a second successive victory at
Pau on Easter Monday, defeating Villoresi with
a works single-stage supercharged Ferrari and
the same day Parnell and de Graffenried took
the first two places with their 4CLT/48s in the
Richmond Trophy at Goodwood.
One of the more interesting, performances
by the Argentinian team was in the Albi race
on 17 July and decided on the aggregate of
two 94-mile (151km ) heats. Fangio led the
first heat easily, he set a new lap record of


106.63m ph (171.67kph), but his car 1951
caught fire on the last lap; he kept going,
despite his anxiety about the fuel tank Private owners continued to persevere with
exploding. Before the finish Fangio was their San Remos in 1951, but the only
passed by Sommer (Talbot-Lago) and after successes were all gained by Farina, who
crossing the finishing line, he abandoned drove for Scuderia Milano when he was not
ship as rapidly as he could and while the needed by the Alfa Romeo team. He finished
car was still moving at more of a gallop than third in the Pau Grand Prix on 26 March,
a trot. beaten by Villoresi (Ferrari) and Rosier
Fangio’s new team-mate Froilan (Talbot); won the poorly supported 200-mile
Gonzalez, already used to playing ‘second (322km) Paris Grand Prix in the Bois de
fiddle’ to Fangio, finished fourth in the first Boulogne on 20 May and scored another win A cockpit view o f the 4CLT/48 that shows
heat, but he pulled out the stops in the in a minor race at Goodwood on Whit clearly the central gear-change for the Fiat-based
second heat to win from Rosier (Talbot- Monday. The Maserati factory was concentrat­ gearbox and the limited cluster o f instruments
Lago). It was not good enough and Rosier, ing on developing a new 6-cylinder Formula 2 to the right o f the cockpit. (Guy Griffiths).
who had finished third in the first heat, won
on aggregate. The following weekend Fangio Franco Rol with his A6GCS at the start o f the 1950 Dolomite Gold Cup race. It was the last
led the poorly supported Dutch Grand Prix Monofaro to be delivered. Giovanni Bracco with another A6GCS finished second to Giannino
at Zandvoort and set fastest lap before retir­ Marzotto (Ferrari) and Rol took fourth place. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
ing because of shock absorber failure.
Development of the sports cars had
ceased, although factory records show that
two cars were delivered in 1950. In
comparison Ferrari development work had
been intensive but the Maseratis were by
now competitive no longer. The best
Maserati performance was in the 189-mile
(304km ) Dolomite Gold Cup at Belluna in
which Giovanni Bracco with a Monofaro
finished second to Paolo Marzotti’s Ferrari,
and Franco Rol with his Maserati took
fourth place. However, successes were also
gained in minor Italian events.
There was an interesting and successful
use of the A6GCS engine by Scuderia
Argentina. Head mechanic Bignami installed
one of these units in a 4CLT/48 chassis and
Juan Fangio drove it to a win at 43.20m ph
(69.55kph) in the very slow and tortuous
103-mile (166km ) Formula 2 Circuit des
Remparts at Angoulême. André Simon
(Simca) finished second and Gonzalez
(Ferrari) was third. Musmeci finished fourth
with an A6GCS in the Formula 2 Naples
Grand Prix and former racing motorcyclist
Bruno Ruffo took third place behind the
works Ferraris of Ascari and Serafini in the
183-mile (295km ) Formula 2 Circuit of


In the Eva Peron Cup race at Buenos Aires on 24 February 1951, Jorge Daponte (4CLT/48) follows Eva Peron, Juan Fangio and Juan Peron,
Karl Kling (Mercedes-Benz W163). Daponte finished fourth. Sadly he was the driver involved in the President of Argentina at Buenos Aires on 24
fatal accident to Enrico Plate in January 1954. (Guy Griffiths Collection) February 1951. But for Peron s enthusiasm for
motor racing and, as a result, government
Eira with his 4CLT/48 in the Syracuse Grand Prix in March 1951. He retired and Ferraris took the support, drivers like Fangio and Gonzalez would
first three places. The day o f the San Remo was almost over. (Guy Griffiths Collection) never have been able to enter European racing.
(Guy Griffiths Collection)

Nino Farina was entered by Scuderia Milano

with this 4CLT/48 at Goodwood on Whit
Monday, 1951. He finished second to Parnell
with the Ferrari Thin Wall Special in the final
o f the Formule Libre Festival o f Britain Trophy,
but also won the Daily Graphic-sponsored
Goodwood Trophy with a works Alfa Romeo
159. (Guy Griffiths)


the race to finish fifth. The latest version of
the Milano appeared at the Grand Prix des
Nations at Geneva on 30 July. The Speluzzi
engine now had a single, very large Roots-
type supercharger.
Later Speluzzi introduced a twin-plug
cylinder head with twin magnetos driven
from the rear of the camshafts and in this
form power output was claimed as being
320bhp at 7,000rpm . The Milano had a new
tubular chassis with front suspension by
double wishbones and torsion bars, as fitted
to the original 4CL, and at the rear a de
Dion axle and a transverse leaf spring. The
final drive was mounted on the chassis
frame. New and even larger hydraulic brakes
were fitted. There was also new and lower
bodywork and a near-oval air intake.
Five days after Goodwood, Farina with his Scuderia Milano 4CLT/48 won the 194-mile (312km) Comotti drove the Milano at Geneva, but
Paris Grand Prix in the Bois de Boulogne from Gonzalez and Rosier with Talbot-Lagos. (Guy retired because of carburetion problems.
Griffiths Collection) Bonetto drove the less modified car in the
Pescara Grand Prix in August, but dropped
car, which was to have only limited success, Prix. The main change was the installation out of the race after ten laps. At Pescara the
but which eventually evolved into one of the of the 4CLT/48 engine designed for motor- cars were timed over a flying kilometre of
greatest Grand Prix cars of all time. boat record-breaking by the team’s technical the ten-kilometre Montesilvano straight and
chief, Mario Speluzzi. Engine capacity, these times indicated ju st how uncompeti­
The Milanos according to Denis Jenkinson — aka ‘J enks’, tive was the Milano. Fangio (Alfa Romeo
was l,4 9 3 c c , although the precise cylinder 159) was timed at 192.5m ph (310kph),
Between 1947 and 1951 Scuderia Milano dimensions are not recorded. Twin-stage Bonetto at 152.9m ph (246.17kph).
raced their own developments of the 16- supercharging was of course fitted and Comotti was at the wheel at the Italian race,
valve Maseratis alongside standard factory power output was said to be 306bhp. but retired yet again. Scuderia Milano contin­
cars, but they proved largely unsuccessful. Other changes included larger brakes and ued to enter the car in 1951 races without
In 1947 the team produced a slightly modi­ a bulbous nose without Maserati badging. success.
fied 4CL with twin-stage supercharged Weight was said to be 1,435 pounds, which
engine, an intake resembling that of the was about the same as for the 4CLT/48. The Milano in its final form seen at the 1951
Tipo 158 Alfa Romeo, a full-width instru­ Farina withdrew from the Italian Grand Prix European Grand Prix at Reims where Onofre
ment panel and a left-hand gear-change with his Milano in a fit of pique because he Marimon drove it. It was slow in both practice
instead of the usual central ’change. It was could not catch the latest four overhead and race and failed tofinish.
an obvious improvement on the standard camshaft, twin-stage supercharged Ferraris.
4CL (although as recorded earlier, the Piero Taruffi drove the second Milano and he
factory introduced its own twin-stage super­ finished seventh after mechanical problems.
charging shortly afterwards), but it did not Speluzzi made further modifications to
achieve any success. one of the Milanos in 1950, but in the
In 1949 Scuderia Milano purchased two meanwhile Bonetto drove one of the 1949
4CLT/48s from the factory and they were cars in the Swiss Grand Prix at Bremgarten
rebuilt as new models. They won a prize of on 4 June. During a pit stop, the Milano,
six million lire (approximately £ 3,000) which was running on nitromethane fuel
offered by the Italian Automobile Club to the additive, had a fuel explosion in the pits.
entrant of two new cars at the Italian Grand The pit was destroyed, but Bonetto rejoined

THE IMMEDIATE POST-WAR YEARS, 1 9 4 6 -5 1 / 101

Chapter 10

The dawn of a new era,

1 9 5 2 -5 3
fter the O rsis aba n d o n ed , albeit The A6GCM camshafts, the twin oil pumps and, by a
A temporarily, development of the 6-cylin­
der cars, no serious development work took The designation A6GCM’ adopted for
double-vee belt, the generator and water
pump mounted on the left side of the block.
place until 1951, apart from minor changes the single-seater was initially correct, as the The crankcase was split on the centre-line
to the 4CLT/48 cars. Then Alberto first four or five engines had cast-iron (ghisi) and the crankshaft ran in seven main
Massimino completely reworked the 6-cylin­ cylinder blocks. Thereafter the cylinder bearings.
der engine. The main aim was the develop­ blocks were cast in aluminium-alloy, but The block had steel liners, wet at the top,
ment of a 2 ,0 0 0 cc unsupercharged Formula the designation was not changed. Alberto but dry throughout the rest of their length.
2 car and this project achieved great impor­ Massimino adopted cylinder dimensions of The outlet from the water pump was split so
tance when the various race organisers 75 x 75m m (l,9 8 8 c c ), following the that it delivered water partly to the block
decided that all World Championship races Maserati tradition of using square cylinder and partly to a manifold which fed water to
and most other Grands Prix in 1 9 5 2 -5 3 dimensions. A gear train at the nose of the the exhaust valve area of the cylinder head.
would be held to Formula 2 rules. crankshaft drove the twin overhead Ignition was by a single Marelli magneto
driven from the front of the engine to a
single plug per cylinder mounted in the
centre of each combustion chamber. Three
Weber 3 8D CO carburettors were fitted and
there were two three-branch exhaust mani­
folds feeding into two long straight pipes. In
original form it is doubtful whether power
output exceeded 150bhp, but by the time a
full team of cars was ready, it had been
increased to 165bhp at 7,000rpm.
Transmission was by a dry multi-plate
clutch and a 4-speed and reverse, constant-
mesh gearbox through an open prop-shaft to
the final drive, which incorporated a ZF
limited slip differential. This gearbox was the
work of Colotti, who had joined Maserati
from Ferrari, and it was much stronger than
the Fiat-based gearboxes used previously.
The engine was offset to the left of the chas­
sis frame, so that the prop-shaft ran at an
angle to the nose of the final drive in the
A view o f the 1952 A6GCM Formula 2 car with body removed. The photograph reveals the twin- centre of the rear axle, and the height of the
tubular chassis with hoop-shape bracing at the front and in the cockpit area. drive was lowered by spur reduction gears.


The simple chassis was derived from that
of the 4CLT/48 and consisted of two 3.15-
inch (80mm) chrome-molybdenum tubes
with cruciform cross-bracing. At the front
Maserati used unequal-length double wish­
bones, coil springs compressing against
rubber blocks, Houdaille vane-type
dampers and an anti-roll bar. A rigid axle
suspended on quarter-elliptic springs,
which were splayed outwards, was fitted at
the rear. The springs were connected to the
frame by light alloy castings on which were
also mounted the radius rods.
Steering was by a worm and sector box
with a long push-pull rod that ran along the
right side of the engine crankcase. This rod
was connected to a centrally mounted bell-
crank with two half-track rods to the
wheels. Fuel capacity was 44gal (Imperial).
Hydraulic two-leading shoe brakes in 13-
inch (330m m ) light alloy drums were used.
These drums, which had shrunk-in liners,
had transverse fins at the front and circum­ Following Fangio’s serious crash at Monza, coupled with the obvious inadequacy o f the Maseratis
ferential fins at the rear. The body resem­ compared with the Ferraris, Modena abandoned its plans fo r a full season’s racing. The Brazilian
bled a lower and slimmer version of that Escuderia Bandeirantes continued to race their cars and Bianco is seen in the British Grand Prix.
fitted to the 4CLT/48. The dry weight was Fie had a poor race and finished 18th. (TC. March)
about 1,1001b.
W hile the A6GCM was a neat-enough Janeiro Grand Prix on the Gavea circuit on were still eligible. On the day before the
car, it was obvious that it would not, in its 20 January 1952, Pagani finished third Monza race Fangio had driven a BRM in -
original form, prove a match for Ferrari’s behind the supercharged V I 2 Ferraris of and retired in - the Ulster Trophy on
Tipo 500 4-cylinder car that had first Fangio and Landi. Pagani retired the new the Dundrod circuit in Northern Ireland.
appeared at Modena in 1951. By the start of car for reasons unknown in the two races After the race he had flown from Belfast to
the 1952 season the Tipo 5 00 had a power held at the Buenos Aires Autodrome. Paris to connect with a flight to Milan. At he
output of 170bhp at 7,500rpm and, thanks Maserati had signed up Juan Fangio, Bourget he had learned that all flights to
to its de Dion rear axle, superior road­ 1951 World Champion at the wheel of Alfa Italy were grounded because of fog, so
holding. Romeos, available now that the Portello he contacted Louis Rosier and borrowed
team had withdrawn from racing, Froilan a Renault 750, which he drove overnight to
Gonzalez (previously with Ferrari) and Milan. Fangio arrived at the circuit
Racing the A6GCM Felice Bonetto (also a former Alfa Romeo exhausted, and had to start from the back
driver). After the Argentine races it had of the grid because he had not practised.
The first car was completed in late 1951 been realised that intensive work was Maserati were expecting the improbable
and was shipped out to compete in the required to make the A6GCM race-worthy from him, if not the impossible. A total
South American Temporada races in which it and the team’s drivers had to kick their of five much improved A6GCMs were
was driven by former racing motorcyclist heels, at least so far as Formula 2 was entered in the Monza race, three of which
Nello Pagani. There is no available specifica­ concerned, until the Autodrome Grand Prix were works cars. The other two cars were
tion for this car, nor has it been possible to at Monza on 8 June. entered by Escuderia Bandeirantes, a team
trace a photograph, so it is not known how Both Fangio and Gonzalez were also sponsored by the Brazilian government,
closely it resembled the definitive A6GCM contracted to drive the V I 6 BRMs in the and these were driven by Chico Landi and
that appeared later in the year. In the Rio de comparatively few races for which these cars Gino Bianco.

THE DAWN O F A NEW ERA, 1 9 5 2 -5 3 / 103

the A6GCM. The valve gear finger pivots
were moved outboard from their original
inboard positions, there was a second
magneto installed at the rear of the exhaust
camshaft and twin sparking plugs. In this
form output was claimed as being 177bhp
at the same engine speed of 7,000rpm .
Gonzalez, Bonetto and Franco Rol were
entered with these cars. The Argentinian
was fifth fastest in practice, 1.9sec slower
than Ascari (Ferrari). The team made the
decision that Gonzalez would start the race
with a half-full tank, in the hope that the
reduced weight would give sufficient extra
speed for him to make a quick pit stop to
top up the tank without losing the lead.
The plan worked up to a point. The
improved Maserati proved very competitive
in the race, Gonzalez led for the first 36 laps
of this 80-lap race and he had a lead of
16sec when he stopped at the end of the
37th lap. But the time lost in slowing
down, refuelling and building up speed
Harry Schdl is also seen in the British Grand Prix with a Plate-Maserati, a 4CLT/48 rebuilt in 2-litre again meant that Gonzalez dropped to fifth
unsupercharged form. His race was almost as bad as that of Bianco and he took 17th place. place, close to a minute behind Ascari.
(IC . March) Driving furiously he worked his way back
up to second place, but was still ju st over a
The Monza race was run in two qualifying the majority of the season’s races. The minute behind the winner at the flag.
heats and a final. On the second lap of the Brazilian team continued racing and Bonetto took fifth place, a lap in arrears.
first heat Fangio, trying too hard to fight his appeared in the British Grand Prix and The twin-plug A6GCM appeared in one
way to the front, ran wide at Lesmo. He hit other events, but was uncompetitive. more race in 1952. A week after Monza,
a straw bale, was thrown out of the car on Despite this, they took delivery of a third Gonzalez drove the only works A6GCM to
to the edge of the track and suffered severe A6GCM during August. A single works start in the 147-mile (237km ) non-
injuries that included broken vertebrae in A6GCM for Bonetto was entered in the Championship Modena Grand Prix. In the
the neck. At one stage it was thought that German Grand Prix, but a tyre threw a tread opening laps the Maserati was overheating
he would never race again, but although he on the first lap and necessitated a stop for and Gonzalez was forced to stop for the
was out of racing for the remainder of the a wheel-change, which was done very blanking plate across the radiator to be
season, he made a complete recovery. None quickly. On the second lap the engine removed. After rejoining the race, he chased
of the other Maserati drivers performed started to run rough and he retired at Villoresi (Ferrari) hard and despite the loss
well. Gonzalez retired in the first heat the end of the lap. There is a much-seen of third gear passed him into the lead. Only
because of magneto failure, Bonetto photograph of Bonetto coasting back to two laps from the finish Gonzalez was badly
finished fourth, Landi was 15th and Bianco the pits, with an unlit pipe jammed and deliberately baulked by Piero Carini
retired. Only Bonetto started the second between his teeth. On more than one occa­ (HWM) when trying to lap him. Villoresi
heat and he held third place until the fuel sion the caption to the photograph has slipped ahead again and won by four-fifths
pump failed. He pushed his car across the foolishly suggested that he was smoking of a second.
line to finish ninth and took seventh place while racing. Formula 2 in 1952 had been a total
on the aggregate of the w o heats. By the 313-m ile (504km ) Italian Grand Ferrari landslide and Maranello won every
The incident at Monza put the Maserati Prix at Monza on 7 September Massimino race that it entered except the Reims Grand
team in complete disarray and they missed had made some important modifications to Prix in which the winning car was a Gordini


driven by Jean Behra. Gonzalez’ late-season The Plate-Maseratis Plate decided to rebuild two 4CLT/48s as
drives at Monza and Modena gave hope Formula 2 cars. It was the Milanese engi­
that the 1953 World Championship would Enrico Plate and Toulo de Graffenried had neer’s opinion that the 4CLT/48 engine was
be much more strongly contested. There hoped to race one of the new A6GCMs in overstressed in later forms and would prove
were at least six A6GCMs built in 1952, 1952, but the factory had made it clear that much more reliable with the supercharger
three works cars and three for Escuderia it could not promise a firm delivery date. So removed. Plate bored out the block and
Bandeirantes. Of these one was rebuilt as a
sports car, one was used as a development By the Italian Grand Prix at Monza in September 1952, Maserati had ready a new and more power­
car and was raced by de Graffenried in ful version o f the Tipo A6GCM with twin-plug cylinder head. Gonzalez drove the new car, but the
early 1953 and three passed into private team was running the ‘light fuel load’ technique and after a pit stop to refuel, he finished second
ownership. behind Ascari’s Ferrari.

THE DAWN O F A NEW ERA, 1 9 5 2 -5 3 / 105

in the film Such Men are Dangerous in which
they posed as ‘Buranos’, a mythical marque
created for the film.

Modifications to the A6GCM
for 1953
Massimino left Maserati at the end of 1952
and Vittorio Bellentani became chief engi­
neer. Giaocchino Colombo, previously with
Alfa Romeo and Ferrari, joined Maserati as
technical consultant. His brief was the
design of the 250F for the 1954 2,5 0 0 cc
Grand Prix formula and once the general
details of this had been settled, his consult­
ancy came to an end and he left Maserati in
about June 1953.
Initially Bellentani and Bertocchi had
difficulty in working together, as, to quote
Cozza, ‘both wanted to be boss.’ Both also
During 1952 Maserati had resumed work on the A6GCS sports-racing car and these became known realised that their attitudes were counter­
as the ‘Second Series’. This is the cycle-wing car based on an A6GCM chassis which was completed in productive and Bellentani discussed the
late 1952. situation with Adolfo Orsi. W hat was in
effect agreed was that there should be a
using oversize liners achieved a bore of veteran Monégasque Louis Chiron went off split between design and the development
90mm, which coupled with the existing the road with a Plate-Maserati, the car of the cars when they were constructed.
stroke of 78mm gave a capacity of l,9 8 0 c c . caught fire and as a result of the bums he This allowed both to get on with their own
New camshaft, pistons, connecting rods suffered, he did not race again until 1953. jobs and at the same time maintain maxi­
and crankshaft were made and once the De Graffenried finished sixth at Pau with a mum co-operation. Bellentani set up an
prototype had performed satisfactorily sick engine, fourth at Marseille, third in the Experimental Department with the approval
during testing, new cylinder blocks were International Trophy at Silverstone behind of Adolfo Orsi. This was headed by
cast. W ith two twin-choke Weber 35DCO Lance Macklin and Tony Rolt with HWMs, Bellentani, with Reggienti and Leoni as
carburettors and on the very high compres­ and sixth in the Swiss Grand Prix. senior assistants and the junior assistants
sion ratio of 14:1 power output was In June de Graffenried and Schell took were Cozza and Cavazzutti.
150bhp at 7,000rpm . Plate shortened the third and fourth place at Aix-les-Bains W hile Bertocchi’s role combined the
wheelbase by five inches, modified the behind Behra (Gordini) and Macklin development and racing of the cars, Aldo
steering geometry, fitted a smaller fuel tank (HWM). At Les Sables D’Olonne Schell’s Lugo, who was Maserati’s director of
in the tail and a new body that was both engine seized, he spun, was rammed by sport, continued to act as team manager
lighter and shorter. Ascari and triggered off a multi-car accident and to deal with administration, entries for
The Plate-Maseratis were a very neat and that eliminated a total of five cars. De races, etc. It was an arrangement that
professional job , as would be expected from Graffenried finished fifth at Comminges, was to work well, but the overall organisa­
this talented engineer, but they rarely but the cars were too slow to qualify as tion of Maserati’s racing efforts was not
performed well. They were usually driven starters in the Italian Grand Prix and later in initially as smooth and as well co-ordinated
by de Graffenried and Harry Schell, but September de Graffenried rounded off an as at Maranello.
other drivers handled them on occasions. indifferent season by finishing third at For 1953 Maserati developed an
In practice for the Syracuse Grand Prix Cadours. The cars subsequently appeared improved version of the A6GCM with


revised cylinder dimensions of 76.2 x 72mm
and developing 180bhp. By the end of 1953
these cars had a power output of 190bhp at
9,000rpm . There were minor suspension
modifications, including the adoption of an
A-bracket to locate the rear axle. These cars
were fitted with smoother, more aerodynamic
bodies. The 1953 A6GCMs were as fast as
the Tipo 5 00 Ferraris, but the road-holding
was slightly inferior.
Fangio had made a complete recovery
from the serious injuries suffered at Monza
the previous year and again led the Grand
Prix team in which he was backed up, as
before, by Froilan Gonzalez and Felice
Bonetto. A fourth car was entered later in
the season in Argentinian blue and yellow
colours for Onofre Marimon, who was spon­
sored by the Argentinian government
through the Automovil Club Argentina. One Private owners continued to race the 1952 cars. ‘B. Bira’ drove this A6GCM o f the Autocourse team
new car was sold to Enrico Plate for into fourth place in the International Trophy meeting at Silverstone in May 1953. (TC. March)
Emmanuel de Graffenried to drive.
The 1952 A6GCMs continued to be raced. Maseratis competed in the Formule Libre bit, pressing for delivery of the new A6GCM
‘B. Bira’ appeared in the International Trophy Buenos Aires City Grand Prix, but Ferrari for Emmanuel de Graffenried to drive. W hen
at Silverstone in May with an ex-Escuderia was using 2.5-litre engines in the Tipo 500s, it became clear that this could not be ready
Bandeirantes car entered by the Autosport so the A6GCMs were outclassed. Gonzalez, for the start of the European season,
team and subsequently raced it under his Galvez and Fangio (who was delayed by Maserati lent him the development car,
own name. Chico Landi also raced one of the throttle trouble) took fourth, sixth and which in looks was a cross between the
former Brazilian team cars. Neither driver ninth places. 1952 and 1953 versions and featured a high
achieved much in the way of success. Enrico Plate had been champing at the tail, but it had the 1953 mechanical modifi-

In the French Grand Prix there was an intense battle between Ferrari and Maserati and this developed
The Grand Prix Year into a wheel-to-wheel battle fo r the lead between Hawthorn and Fangio. Here theyfight it out in the dos­
ing laps of the race, which was won by Hawthorn after Fangio lost the use of first gear on his A6GCM.
The latest version of the A6GCM was not
ready at the beginning of the year and in
Argentina Maserati relied on the 1952 cars.
They were driven by Fangio, Gonzalez and
another Argentinian, Oscar Galvez. The
main event was the 3-hour Argentine Grand
Prix, the first round in the 1953 World
Championship. Inevitably the race was
Ferrari-dominated, but Gonzalez and Galvez
took third and fifth places. Fangio had held
second place behind Ascari until he blew up
his engine.
Throughout the year Fangio went out to
beat the Ferraris or bust and it was a tactic
that eventually paid off. On 1 February the

THE DAWN O F A NEW ERA, 1 9 5 2 -5 3 / 107

fitted with protective gauze screens in front
of the aero-screens and retained by the rear­
view mirrors.
Zandvoort was another, relatively slow
Ferrari circuit and the race was dominated
by Ascari. Fangio retired because of rear
axle failure, Gonzalez was eliminated by a
broken drive-shaft and he took over
Bonetto’s car to finish third behind Ascari
and Farina. De Graffenried came across the
line in fifth place. It was, unfortunately, a
typical 1953 Maserati race.
A fortnight later the Belgian Grand Prix
was held over a distance of 315 miles
(507km ) at Spa-Francorchamps. It was a
high-speed circuit, but it had fast, sweeping
curves and the tight La Source hairpin bend
before the start/finish line and the pits. At
this race the A6GCMs ran with their intake
grilles removed. Four works Maseratis were
driven by Fangio, Gonzalez, Marimon and
local driver, ‘Johnny’ Claes, leader of the
popular Belgian jazz band, The Clay Pigeons.
The works Maseratis line up fo r scrutineering at the 1953 British Grand Prix. They were driven by The sheer speed of the circuit suited the
Marimon (number 26), Bonetto (number 25) and Fangio (number 23). Not seen in this photograph Maseratis, but they were noticeably less
is number 24 driven by Gonzalez (Guy Griffiths) stable than the Ferraris through the
Bumenville and Stavelot fast curves. In
cations. De Graffenried was remarkably Two works A6GCMs ran on the very practice Fangio took pole position in 4min
successful with this car and his perfor­ tortuous 2.55-m ile (4.1km) Posillipo circuit 30sec, two seconds faster than Ascari and
mances included wins in the Syracuse - not suited to the Maserati’s engine char­ Gonzalez.
Grand Prix (after the retirement of the acteristics - and for this race Fangio’s car Gonzalez led from Fangio early in the
works Ferraris), in two races at Goodwood was fitted with a small headrest and a large race, trailed by Ascari and Farina with their
on Easter Monday and in the Eifelrennen at fuel tank that extended either side of the Ferraris, but Gonzalez retired on lap 11 for
the Nürburgring. driver’s seat. Fangio took the lead when reasons that varied from report to report,
Maserati had the latest A6GCM cars Ascari stopped at the pits because of a and a lap later Fangio was out of the race
ready in time for the 153-mile (246km ) broken accelerator, but he was passed by because of engine trouble. After lengthy
Naples Grand Prix on 10 May. In early races Farina (Ferrari) and finished second, despite consultation in the Maserati pit about the
in 1953 it was obvious that the cars still a pit stop to change a punctured front tyre. realpolitik of the situation, Claes was called
needed considerable development work Team-mate Gonzalez finished third ahead of in to hand over to Fangio, who fought his
and throughout the season they were Villoresi and Ascari. way back to second place, only to hit a
steadily improved. It was also obvious that By the Dutch Grand Prix at Zandvoort on patch of oil on the last lap at Stavelot, spin,
the high-rewing Maserati engine was best 7 June, Plate had taken delivery of the new take to the grass and crash. Ascari and
suited to very fast circuits such as Reims car for de Graffenried to drive. Three works Villoresi took the first two places with their
and Monza - in fact the A6GCM could be cars were entered for Fangio, Gonzalez and Ferraris ahead of Marimon and de
described as something of a ‘screamer’ — Bonetto. Rather foolishly the organisers had Graffenried, both a lap in arrears. Gonzalez
and that the power did not come in suffi­ the circuit resurfaced only a week before the set fastest lap of the race at 115.52m ph
ciently far down the rev range for the race, so it had no opportunity to settle and (186kph). That the Maserati challenge was
A6GCM to match the Tipo 500s on slow bed down. It soon began to break up in strengthening was beyond doubt.
and medium-speed circuits. practice and for the race the A6GCMs were The breakthrough that Maserati needed


would have happened in the French race at needed for a quick exit from Thillois, but cooler, holed by a stone thrown up by
Reims, but for the outstanding driving of this does not detract from the performance Ascari’s Ferrari. Autosport called the 1953
Mike Hawthorn with his Ferrari. Preceding of Hawthorn, who had coolly assessed the French Grand Prix ‘The Race of the
the Grand Prix was a 12-hour sports car situation, had left his vastly more experi­ Century’, which was something of a hyper­
race in which the works Ferrari Tipo 3 75 Le enced team-mates, Ascari and Villoresi, a bole, but it was a race so tense and closely
Mans coupé of Carini and Maglioli was few seconds behind and turned in the fought that it left the spectators as well as
disqualified for a number of infringements greatest performance of his career. the drivers completely exhausted.
of the rules, including switching the lights Almost as remarkable was the perfor­ Normality restored itself in the British
off before the permitted time and being mance of Gonzalez, who had rejoined the Grand Prix a fortnight later on the
pushed in the pits by the mechanics before race in sixth place and passed Marimon, Silverstone circuit. Ascari took pole position
the engine was fired up. As a result of this Villoresi and World Champion Ascari to with his Ferrari and led throughout this
disqualification Ferrari threatened to with­ hold station less than a sec behind the lead­ 263-m ile (423km) race. Maserati were
draw from the Grand Prix and until the last ers. Hawthorn started the last lap of the reconciled to defeat even before the start of
moment it was unknown whether or not 5.19-m ile (8.36km ) Reims circuit very practice, well aware that the A6GCM could
the Ferraris would start. Team-manager slightly ahead of Fangio, he held the lead not match the superior torque of the Tipo
Ugolini had spoken on the telephone to throughout the lap and won by a margin of 50 0 Ferraris on this medium-speed circuit.
Ferrari and it had been agreed that the team one sec. Gonzalez, Ascari and Farina took Fangio took second place, a minute in
would not be withdrawn, but uncertainty third, fourth and fifth places and only arrears, outpaced and with the AGCM
would be maintained by not pushing the 7.6sec separated the first five cars. conspicuously less steady than the Ferraris
cars out until the last moment. De Graffenried finished seventh, while through the comers. Farina (Ferrari)
At this race Bonetto was back in the Marimon was classified ninth, five laps in finished third with Gonzalez in fourth
Maserati team. Gonzalez, probably at his arrears, after a stop to repair a leaking oil place. It had not been a good race for the
own suggestion, started the race on a half-
full tank and at the fall of the flag acceler­ In the Swiss Grand Prix at Bremgarten in August, Fangio took over Bonetto’s A6GCM when his own
ated through from the second row of the lost the use o f third gear. Fangio blew up the engine of Bonetto’s car in spectacular fashion, but
grid into the lead. But any hopes of the veteran Bonetto, seen here, carried on to bring the maestro ’s form er mount across the line in
Gonzalez breaking up the Ferrari opposition fourth place.
were over-optimistic, for while he was able
to pull out a lead which he extended to
19sec, behind him Ascari, Hawthorn,
Villoresi, Fangio and Farina were locked in a
closely fought battle, jockeying for position
and sometimes with only inches separating
On lap 20 of this 60-lap race Fangio
launched his attack and by lap 30, when
Gonzalez pulled into the pits to refuel, the
former World Champion assumed the lead
for Modena. Lap after lap Hawthorn, whose
performance earlier in the season had disap­
pointed Enzo Ferrari, attacked the leading
Maserati, overtaking Fangio under braking
for the brick-paved Thillois hairpin and
smoothly accelerating away from him out of
the comer. Lap after lap, Fangio turned on
the power of the Maserati between the pits
and the start of the Thillois straight and
went ahead again. Much later it was learned
that Fangio had lost the use of first gear,

THE DAWN O F A NEW ERA, 1 9 5 2 -5 3 / 109

burly Argentinian, as he was black-flagged
for allegedly dropping oil and rejoined the
race after an argument in the pits with the
stewards. Bonetto took sixth place and both
Marimon and de Graffenried retired.
In his review of the race in Autosport, John
Bolster, the Technical Editor, wrote, ‘Fangio is
consistently faster through comers than any­
body else. He has only a tiny margin over the
first-line drivers, and one might almost ques­
tion the accuracy of hand timing if the same
results had not been obtained over and over
again. Gonzalez can comer as quickly on
occasions, but shows considerable variation.’
The weekend after Silverstone the 150-
mile (241km ) Circuit of Aix-les-Bains was
mn in two heats on a triangular circuit round
Lac Bourget, close to the French/Swiss
border. Ferrari had entered the race, but then
pulled out. The reason was the disqualifica­
tion of his entry in the Reims 12 Hours race
and Ferrari had indicated a refusal to
compete in France until his appeal against
that decision had been heard. Almost need­
less to say, Ferrari’s appeal was eventually
rejected. Maserati sent only a single red
A6GCM for Marimon, rather than his usual
blue and yellow car, and de Graffenried was
at the wheel of his private entry.
The race should have been a walkover for
Marimon, but Toulo rather strained his close
relationship with the factory by dropping
most of the contents of his oil tank on the
circuit and this resulted in Marimon’s elimi­
nation from the race. The young Argentinian
had been battling with the Gordinis, which
were competitive on this circuit, and had just
taken the lead when he hit the oil at one of
the hairpin bends. The Maserati spun wildly
and collided with a brick wall. French driver
Elie Bayol won the race on the aggregate of
the two heats with his 6-cylinder Osca.
The same weekend Gonzalez crashed
heavily with a works Lancia in the sports car
Lisbon Grand Prix and put himself out of
racing for the rest of the year. Only three
A very relaxed Froilan Gonzalez. The Argentinian was a leading member o f the Maserati team in works Maseratis ran in the German Grand
1952-53, but left and rejoined Tenari fo r 1954. His best performance fo r Maserati was second place Prix on 2 August. Maserati had offered the
in the 1952 Italian Grand Prix. (Guy Griffiths Collection) spare seat to two veteran German drivers


Hermann Lang and Paul Pietsch, but both The battle fo r the 1953 Italian Grand Prix at Monza. Fangio (A6GCM) leads Ascari and Farina
declined as they considered that they had (Tipo 500 Ferraris), while Marimon brings up the rear, four laps behind with his A6GCM.
insufficient time before the race to famil­
iarise themselves with the A6GCM. In prac­ although steadily losing ground to the lead­ as comprehensively as Fangio managed in
tice Fangio was second fastest in 10min ing Ferrari. Ascari took over Villoresi’s car, the Swiss Grand Prix at Bremgarten on 23
3.7sec, 3.9sec slower than Ascari. Ascari but driving at the limit, he over-rewed the August. The circuit in a public park at Bern
again pulled out a commanding lead, while engine, which blew up as he passed the pits was one of the most challenging, very much
Fangio scrapped for second place with on lap 14. Fangio’s Maserati shed its to Fangio’s tastes and talent. At this race
Hawthorn. exhaust on that lap, but he carried on with Hermann Lang, who had driven for
W hen Ascari crawled into the pits at the a rather odd note from the engine and the Mercedes-Benz between 1934 and 1939
end of lap 4, minus the right-hand front bodywork scorched black. At the finish of and again in sports car racing in 1952,
wheel, Hawthorn took the lead, harried by this 255-mile (411km ) race, he was 64sec agreed to appear for Maserati, but he was
Fangio, with Farina hot on the Maserati behind Farina. Bonetto took fourth place past his best and not expected to be
driver’s exhausts. Two laps later Farina and, despite almost no brakes, de competitive. Fangio took pole position in
passed both Hawthorn and Fangio. Fangio Graffenried finished fifth, a lap in arrears. practice, but although he made a good
then went ahead of the British driver, Few drivers have blown up their engine start, Ascari took a narrow lead on the first

THE DAWN O F A N EW ERA, 1 9 5 2 -5 3 /1 1 1

Fangio crosses the line in the 1953 Italian Grand Prix to take his and Maserati’s only Championship Maserati again entered four cars in the
race win of the year. 312-m ile (502km) Italian Grand Prix at
Monza and brought into the team young
lap. Ascari started to pull away from the ease off. W hen he pulled into the pits to Luigi Musso and Sergio Mantovani, both
Argentinian at the rate of about a second a retire at the end of the lap, the engine had promising ‘cub’ drivers who were to share a
lap, Fangio was struggling with his gearbox disintegrated so thoroughly that there were car. De Graffenried drove his own car as
and on lap 11 when he lost the use of third specks of alloy over the splash-guards. The usual and the Maserati entry list was
gear altogether, and so vital on this circuit, mechanics lifted the bonnet, shuddered completed by Scuderia Milano, making one
he pulled into the pits and Bonetto stopped and pushed the A6GCM away. Maserati of its occasional appearances with two
for him to take over. gave out ‘valve failure’ as the official reason 1952 A6GCMs driven by Francisco Landi
A lap later Fangio was back in the pits for for retirement. and ‘B. Bira’. In practice the Ferraris and
a wheel-change and it seems that Bonetto Marimon turned in a very encouraging the Maseratis were very closely matched.
had been indulging in some kerb-clouting. performance, holding third place ahead of Ascari took pole position in 2min 2.7sec,
Then Fangio started a furious and futile Hawthorn, before dropping back and then Fangio was next fastest in 2min 3.2sec and
chase through the field from tenth place. spinning out of the race because something the front row of the grid was completed by
On occasions the over-revved engine could had seized in the transmission. Ferraris took Farina with a time of 2min 3.9sec. Marimon
be heard almost screaming and at the end the first three places, but Bonetto finished was fourth fastest in 2min 4.1sec.
of lap 28 he passed the pits, the engine clat­ fourth with the car he had taken over from A one minute silence was observed
tering and laying such a vast bank of blue Fangio and Lang crossed the line in fifth before the start of the race in memory of the
smoke that drivers behind were forced to place, albeit three laps in arrears. great Tazio Nuvolari who had died on 11


August 1953. The race produced another Modena Grand Prix, held a week later on The A6GCS Sports-Racing Cars
fantastic battle between the two Italian 20 September, on the circuit formed by the
marques. Maserati had a definite ‘edge’ in perimeter roads of the local airfield. Ferrari Late in 1952 Maserati had completed two
speed, but this was balanced by the Ferraris’ had announced his withdrawal from racing 2 ,0 00cc A6GCS sports-racing cars. They
superior road-holding. From the fall of the at the Italian Grand Prix, but although this were what are often described as ‘second
flag Ascari, Fangio, Farina and Marimon was simply a ploy to raise more financial series’ cars, derived from the original
battled for the lead, racing in close support for 1954, there were no works 1 9 4 7 -4 8 2-litre sports cars, but with the
company, swapping positions several times Maranello entries at Modena. An unusual A6GCM chassis and engine. W ith the intro­
on each lap. At no time did more than a feature of the Modena race was a rolling duction of the World Sports Car Champion­
couple of seconds cover the four leading start. At this race the fourth Maserati was ship for 1953, there was a change in the
cars; they were always in close line ahead or driven by Emilio Giletti, more usually seen rules that in International races cycle-wings
tucked in wheel to cockpit as the drivers at the wheel of an A6GCS. There were only were no longer permitted. The reason
jockeyed for position. 13 starters, Fangio, Marimon, de behind the change is difficult to understand
Constantly one car or another would pull Graffenried and Bonetto were the four and it was not always strictly enforced. On
out of the slipstream and thrust into the fastest in practice and the race was a cars such as the Frazer Nash Le Mans
lead. As the race progressed, the noses of Maserati landslide. Replica, which had cycle-wings as standard,
the leading cars and the faces and helmets Fangio won so easily that both his aver­ it was easy to circumvent the mie by tacking
of their drivers became increasingly coated age speed and fastest lap were slower than aluminium-alloy strips between the wings
with rubber dust and exhaust dirt. On lap the 1952 times. Marimon finished second, and body. Although later A6GCS cars had
46 Marimon pulled into the pits because of although he dropped well back in the clos­ full-width bodies, the first car retained
suspension problems. Fie returned to the ing laps because of suspected piston trou­ cycle-wings and the second had what might
fray, stopped again two laps later and, ble. De Graffenried took third place, two be described as a ‘compromise’ body.
although he was four laps in arrears, laps in arrears. Bonetto retired because of Initially Maserati rebuilt one of the 1952
rejoined the leaders to give support to transmission problems and Giletti retired Formula 2 cars, chassis number 2038, as a
Fangio. As the race moved towards its close, his Maserati because of piston failure. sports-racing car and this was supplied with
Ascari and Farina held the first two places
consistently and Fangio’s chances of a win The second of the twin overhead camshaft A6GCS cars delivered in early 1953 to Fritz de Koster and
seemed to have evaporated. raced extensively by him in the United States. In appearance the car resembled the late pre-war 8C
W hen the leading quartet, in the order 2900B Alfa Romeo with Touring body.
Ascari, Farina, Marimon, Fangio, swept into
the last comer of the last lap, the Curva Sud,
Ascari spun wildly, twice; Farina swerved
wide on to the grass, Marimon crashed head-
on into the spinning Ferrari and Fangio took
to the inside of the track. Fangio crossed the
line to take Maseratis only Championship
Grand Prix win of the year, followed by an
exceedingly angry Farina and with Villoresi
and Flawthom in third and fourth places.
Bonetto retired and the Musso/Mantovani
duo drove their shared car into seventh
place, four laps in arrears. Fangio set fastest
lap at 113.126m ph (1 8 2 .1 3kph). In the
Drivers’ World Championship Ascari was the
clear winner for the second year in succes­
sion with 34K points and Fangio was in
second place with 28 points.
There was one more race before the end
of the season, the 143-mile (230km)

THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA, 1 9 5 2 -5 3 / 113

a cycle-wing body to a private team. The Musso, Mantovani and Giletti. These cars problems and finished seventh. Third place
second car, chassis number 2 0 3 9 , was built were all owned by their drivers and through­ went to Milanese pilot, Franco Bordoni,
to the order of Dutch National, Fritz Koster, out the year they were raced regularly as who raced French Gordini cars with consid­
who was resident in the United States and works entries. Giletti was accompanied in erable success.
was a partner with his brothers in a beeswax the 1,000-m ile (1,610km ) race by Guerino The Pescara 12 Hours race on 15 August
business in Sayville in New York State. It was Bertocchi, who had of course, brave man, was won by Hawthorn and Maglioli with a
an interim car, but it was generally regarded been riding with Maserati drivers for 27 works Ferrari 375LM coupé, but the high
as the definitive production model, even by years. Musso crashed while leading the level of retirements brought the Maseratis
Tony Pompeo, the American importer, at least 2 ,0 00cc sports category, but Giletti won the through to second and third places. Luigi
until improved cars ran in the Mille Miglia. class and finished sixth overall. Musso was lying second with his younger
This Maserati had the wider chassis devel­ Mantovani/Palazzi finished second in the brother Giuseppe, but their engine failed on
oped for the A6GCS for 1953, but it class, but tenth overall, a little over 13min the last lap. He pushed the car to the finish,
retained a 1952 engine of 75 x 75mm and behind. It was a very promising racing but was passed by another A6GCS shared
was believed to have a power output on debut for the new model. by Mancini and Dal Cin. Maserati entered a
pump fuel of 14-Obhp at 7,000rpm . The The Maserati A6GCS was seen mainly in team of three A6GCS cars in the first
body had an air intake similar to that of the Italian events in 1953, races that were Nürburgring 1,000 Kilometres race on 30
1952 Formula 2 cars and the bonnet was important at a national level, but which August. These were fitted with Vignale
heavily louvred. There were separate front attracted very little outside interest. Two cars bodies with cutaway wings at the front and
and rear wings permanently bolted to the were entered in the Targa Fiorio on 14 May. the exhausts running along the left side of
body. In profile it resembled a pre-war Alfa The Sicilian road race was held over eight the body; the styling was very similar to
Romeo 8C 2900B. laps of the 44.7-mile (71.97km ) Little Vignale’s work on contemporary Ferraris.
Koster first entered the car at MacDill Madonie circuit and was largely dominated It was not a successful outing for the
Field, Tampa, Florida on 21 February, but by the new sports-racing Lancia 2.9-litre Maserati team. Giletti/Marimon were lead­
non-started because of mechanical prob­ D20 coupés. Piero Taruffi crashed his Lancia ing their class when their engine failed on
lems. It then appeared in the Sebring 12 while leading, but then his team-mate the 44th and final lap. Hermann Lang, part­
Hours race in which it was co-driven by Maglioli assumed the lead and won the race nered by Gianni Bertoni, also retired
Argentinian Jorge Daponte. Koster and from Giletti. Sergio Mantovani with the other because of engine problems and the car
Daponte ran well, but retired because of works A6GCS, had a problem in getting to shared by Hans Herrmann and American
further mechanical problems. The A6GCS grips with the difficult circuit and the car Ernie McAfee was disqualified because it
was then shipped back to Europe for an was taken over and brought across the line was repaired with a part from the pits and
overhaul at the factory. in third place by Juan Fangio, who was at the not carried on the car. The Supercorte-
The production version of the A6GCS circuit only as a friend of the factory. maggiore Grand Prix was held on 6
(also known as the A6GCS/53) had the 1953 On 7 June, the day of the Dutch Grand September over a distance of 168 miles
76.2 x 72mm Formula 2 engine in slightly Prix at Zandvoort, there was first a one-hour (270km ) at Merano in the Italian Alps. After
detuned form with a power output of race for sports cars up to 2,0 0 0 cc and the retirement of the complete works
165bhp at 6,750rpm . New and much more Koster entered his A6GCS. Juan Fangio also Lancia team, Fangio won with a 3-litre Alfa
stylish bodywork designed and built by drove this car in practice. Koster led away Romeo from Mantovani with his A6GCS.
Medardo Fantuzzi was adopted. In this form from the Le Mans start, but his brakes Giletti took eighth place.
the A6GCS was the most powerful and started to fade and he was eventually caught In September an A6GCS with the stan­
successful car in its class of endurance and passed by Cliff Davis with his very fast dard production body was imported into
racing, more than a match for the Ferrari V I 2 and nimble Tojeiro-Bristol. Subsequently in the UK by Sid Greene of Gilby Engineering
Tipo 166 Milk Miglia. But Ferrari was plan­ June Musso won the 238-mile (383km) for Roy Salvadori to drive. It was looked
ning the 4-cylinder, 2-litre Mondial, which Perugina Cup race at Perugia near Lake after by an Italian mechanic and painted
first appeared in the Moroccan 12 Hours Trasimeno, from the Lancia Aurelia GTs of British Racing Green. Roy first drove the
race on 20 December 1953, and thereafter Piodi and Valenzano. That was on 20 June new acquisition at the September
the scales were much more finely balanced. and a week later the works-entered A6GCS Goodwood meeting. Although some
In its latest, improved form the A6GCS cars ran in the Circuit of Caserta. Mantovani successes were gained in 1954, the A6GCS
first ran in the Mille Miglia on 2 5 - 2 6 April. and Musso took the first two places, but proved too heavy for British short-circuit
The works entered three A6GCS cars for Giletti dropped back because of mechanical events, the power came in a narrow band


between 5 ,0 0 0 and 6,700rpm , its peak
engine speed. Another disadvantage was
the left-hand drive, for British circuits were
clockwise with mainly right-hand bends.
The A6GCS was rarely a match in the
2,0 0 0 cc class for Archie Scott-Brown with
the new Lister-Bristol. For 1955 the engine
was fitted to a Cooper chassis, but this
suffered from extreme understeer and it was
not a success.
In the meanwhile Koster had shipped
2 0 3 9 back to the United States where he
competed in SCCA (Sports Car Club of
America) races. At Cumberland on 19 July
he won his class in a 25-lap race, but retired
in a later event that day. A week later he
competed at Giant’s Despair hill climb and
set fifth fastest time. The following day he
ran at Brynfan Tyddyn, a very difficult,
tortuous circuit, and won his race. He ran
at Lockboume Air Force Base, Columbus,
Ohio on 9 August and won his class in a
100-mile (161km ) race. He won his race At the Nürburgring 1OOO-km race at the end of August the works entered a team o f three A6GCS
outright at Thompson, New England on 11 cars with Vignale bodies. All three retired. The body was less aesthetically pleasing than the standard
October and rounded off his season with a body by Fantuzzi. This car is seen in Modena before the race.
class win in the 250-m ile (402km ) Strategic
Air Power Trophy at Turner Air Force Base at could expand the competition side of the Carrera Panamericana Mexico road race.
Albany, Georgia. In this event the Maserati business. Excluding the coupés and the There proved to be a shortage of drivers in
was timed on the straight at 128mph engine sold for use in the Lister-Maserati, 1954 and probably Maserati would have
(206kph). 52 A6GCS cars had been built by the time wished to retain his services, even if not for
By late 1953 production of the A6GCS that production ceased in 1955. Sales of every race. And at the end of the year Aldo
was well under way and at the Sicilian Gold competition cars generated far more than Lugo, who had been director of sport and
Cup race at Siracusa, the usual three works- ju st the selling price of the car, but also a acted as team manager at Maserati since
entered cars were joined by four private continuing demand for spares, repair work 1937, left to join the Maserati brothers at
A6GCS entries. The race was run in two and race preparation. OSCA.
heats and a 6 1 -mile (98km) final in which Over the next couple of years Maserati Mention also needs to be made briefly of
Musso and Giletti finished third and fourth was to come close to matching Ferrari’s the Tipo 4C F2 engine. This was a 4-cylin-
behind Portuguese driver de Oliveira sales of competition sports cars. It was to der twin overhead camshaft l,9 8 7 c c (88 x
(Ferrari 4.1-litre) and Bordoni (Gordini 2.3- sell Formula 1 cars when Ferrari was unwill­ 82mm) unit designed by Massimino and
litre). Emmanuel de Graffenried borrowed ing to do so and it was to rival Ferrari in possibly inspired by the Tipo 500 Ferrari.
Giletti’s A6GCS to compete in two races in both Formula 1 and sports car racing. One Power output is said to have been 182bhp
Brazil in December 1953 and he won both major advantage that Maserati possessed at 7,000rpm . It is believed that it was only
(see Page 222). over Ferrari was that its associate company bench-tested and it was never run in a
In 1953 Maserati had become a very possessed its own foundry and at this time chassis. The precise date that this engine
changed company, far more active, far more many Ferrari castings were made at was built is not known, but it was before
eager for success, both racing and commer­ Modena. the 2 ,0 0 0 cc Formula 2 came to an end.
cial - and for the next few years the two ran A sad event in November 1953 was the Giulio Alfieri carried out experimental
hand in hand. Now that there was a steady death of Felice Bonetto at the wheel of his fuel injection work on it, but this was at a
trickle of orders for the A6GCS, Maserati sports-racing Lancia on the fourth stage of later date.

THE DAWN O F A NEW ERA, 1 9 5 2 -5 3 / 115

Chapter 11

A new Grand Prix formula,

1954 O m e r O r s i , Adolfo’s son bom in stroke were increased to give a capacity of was subject to excessive vibration and
1918, became managing director of 2 ,4 9 3 .8 cc (84 x 75mm). Farger Weber engine heat prevented the oil from cooling
Maserati, although he had been working at 4 2 D C 0 3 carburettors were fitted and adequately. From mid-season it was moved
Maserati for some while. Ermanno Cozza despite Maserati’s claim of a power output to the tail of the car behind the 44-gallon
remembers Orsi coming, red-eyed into the of 240bhp at 6,500rpm , the output of the fuel tank. Subtle changes to the styling of
factory in the mornings, after sleepless 250F in its earliest form was around the A6GCM body made the 250F one of
nights because of the constant crying of his 220bhp. This was in fact adequate for the the best-looking Grand Prix cars of its era.
baby son Adolfo. He also remembers young cars to be competitive in the early part of Between June and December 1953 the
Adolfo from about the age of seven coming the 1954 season. engineering team worked from 8am to
to the factory after school to wait to return The 4-speed gearbox was retained, but midnight in their efforts to complete devel­
home with his father. Adolfo Junior, now Colotti proposed that it should be mounted opment of the 250F. Much of the effort
Dottor Adolfo Orsi, is a pre-eminent expert behind the final drive; the idea was concentrated on compression ratios and
on all matters Maserati. accepted and he carried out the design fuel mixture. The 250F was first tested at
The new Grand Prix formula for 1954 work. The cars were very difficult to get Modena on 26 December 1953 and at this
onwards had capacity limits of 2 ,5 0 0 cc away from the start, especially when there time it was claimed to be capable of
unsupercharged or 750cc supercharged. It was a full fuel load on board, without using 174mph (280kph) at 7,400rpm .
had been thought possible that BRM would a vast amount of revs. This problem was In early 1954 Maserati approached
build a 750cc car based on one half of their solved only when a 5-speed gearbox Bosch, the German electrical and ignition
V I 6, but this never happened and there became available. The chassis had been specialist, to ask whether they would
were no serious supercharged contenders. completely redesigned and was now a develop a fuel-injection system for the
It proved a very successful formula, with a multi-tubular structure (but not a fully 250F. W ith regret Bosch declined because
close battle between at least two major triangulated space-frame as such). It of their commitments to Mercedes-Benz
contenders every year. It also gave scope for retained two main, 1.57in (40mm) side- who were to use Bosch fuel injection on
private entrants and the ‘also-ran’ teams to members with a superstructure of upper their 1 9 5 4 -5 5 W 196 Grand Prix cars. So
enjoy a piece of the action. Maserati were to tubing and a total of eight cross-members. Bellentani started work on Maserati’s own
have their ups and downs, but overall they For the period it was a very stiff structure. fuel-injection system, which used a pump
were to prove one of the most successful At the rear there was now a de Dion axle from an OM diesel engine. W hen Bellentani
teams competing during this era. with the tube passing in front of the final left to join Ferrari, Giulio Alfieri carried on
How much of the work on the new drive housing and located laterally by a with the work and after Mercedes-Benz
250F/1 (more usually known as the 250F) pivot block sliding in a channel plate, withdrew from racing at the end of the
had been completed before Colombo left which was bolted to the housing. In the 1955 season, Bosch became free to assist
Maserati is not known for certain, but prob­ early part of 1954 this tube showed a Maserati. The results were seen in 1956
ably far less than often supposed. The 25 0 F tendency to break and so had to be when a fuel-injected works 2 5 OF ran in a
was a development of the A6GCM, but it strengthened. A transverse leaf spring was few races.
was so different from the 1953 single-seater used. Originally the oil tank was mounted Another area of experimentation at this
that it was a new car. Both the bore and beneath the carburettors. In this position it time was desmodromic valves (that is cam-


operated valves without springs). Maserati
had prepared drawings of desmodromic-
valve operation as early as 1 9 4 2 -3 , and in
1954 a similar arrangement was built and
tested on the 250F. Although it proved
generally satisfactory, Bellentani concluded
that the system was insufficiently reliable
and was abandoned. Later Ernesto Maserati
adopted the same system on his sports
Maserati had made it known that they
were prepared to sell the 2 5 OF and an order
list soon built up. This was not simply
because of the merits of the new car, but
because no other manufacturer was offering
a Grand Prix car for sale at the time. Ferrari
had sold a small number of Formula 2 cars
in 1952, so these were upgraded for 1953
and rebuilt with 2 ,4 9 0 cc engines for 1954.
But Maranello would not now sell new cars.
Orders for the 2 5 OF were received from
Gilby Engineering (for Roy Salvador! to The Maserati 250F twin overhead camshaft engine with three twin-choke Weber carburettors and
drive), Stirling Moss (who would be driving twin-plug ignition. (TC. March)
a competitive Grand Prix car for the first
time thanks to the support of his family and ‘quick’ handling which most drivers combination of his exceptional skill and
the BP oil company) and the Owen disliked. During the year Ferrari tried differ­ determination.
Organisation (so that they would have a ent engine permutations to achieve a Another new contender was the Lancia
competitive car to race until the new BRM combination of performance and reliability, D 50, designed and built under the supervi­
was ready). while the 2 50F was steadily developed sion of the great Vittorio Jano. It combined
Other drivers who ordered 250Fs were without major changes. a V8 engine with an advanced chassis
‘B. Bira’ and Emmanuel de Graffenried, but In July, at the French Grand Prix, the design which proved too advanced for tyre
the Swiss privateer’s order was cancelled Mercedes-Benz team returned to Grand Prix technology of the period. Alberto Ascari
after the death of Enrico Plate. Bira raced an racing for the first time since pre-war days and Luigi Villoresi had left Ferrari to drive
A6GCM fitted with a 2 5 OF engine in the with their new W 196 cars. The German the new car, but it was many months before
early part of the season until his new car company had opted for a straight-eight twin it was regarded as sufficiently developed to
could be completed and Argentinian overhead camshaft engine with desmod- race and it did not appear until the last
Roberto Mieres and Flarry Schell also raced romic valves and, in the form in which the round in the World Championship at
250F-engined A6GCM cars in 1954. W 196 first appeared, full-width aerody­ Barcelona in late October.
At the beginning of the season the main namic bodywork. By the German cars’ third
opposition came from the works 4-cylinder race Mercedes-Benz had ready conven­
Ferraris, of which there were two types. The tional, unstreamlined bodies. Although The 1954 Grand Prix season
Tipo 6 25 was simply the 1 9 5 2 -5 3 Formula these cars were more powerful than the
2 car with a 2 ,5 0 0 cc engine and had been Italian opposition and proved the most Maserati were undecided whether to field a
first raced in this form in 1951. At the 1953 successful in 1954, they were not without works Formula 1 team in 1954 and initially
Italian Grand Prix Ferrari had raced the their problems; the swing-axle rear suspen­ decided to do so only while Fangio was
Tipo 5 53 Squab in 2-litre form and was sion proved less than adequate, as did their available prior to the appearance of the
hoping to rely on this with 2 ,5 0 0 cc engine. German Continental tyres. Juan Fangio had Mercedes-Benz W 196. In the Argentine
It had a markedly over-square engine, signed up to drive the W 196 and much of Grand Prix held on the Buenos Aires
pannier fuel tanks and very sensitive, Mercedes’ success was attributable to the Autodrome on 18 January, Fangio and

A NEW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 117

erator pedal, but had a chassis cross­
member moved so that the dash was
further forward and Moss could adopt his
usual, reclined driving position. He was still
familiarising himself with the new car and,
conserving the engine, took fourth place
behind the Ferraris of Gonzalez, Manzon
(private entry) and Trintignant.
Six days later Moss ran in the
International Trophy at Silverstone. In his
heat held in the wet, he finished third
behind Gonzalez (works Ferrari) and ‘B.
Bira’ (250F-engined A6GCM), but he was
saving his car for the final. Moss worked his
way up into second place in the final
behind Gonzalez, but retired on lap 25
In the Argentine Grand Prix, which he won, Fangio looks over his shoulder at the Ferrari of Giuseppe when the de Dion tube broke. In the 207-
Farina. Note the large cooling inlet made in the nose cowling. (Guy Griffiths Collection) mile (333km ) Bari race on 23 May the
works entered Marimon and Mantovani.
Marimon drove works 250Fs, while Musso and stalled his engine. Maurice Trintignant Gonzalez and Trintignant took first and
was at the wheel of a 250F-powered with a private Ferrari entered by Louis second places with their Ferraris ahead of
A6GCM. Ferrari dominated the early laps of Rosier won from Roberto Mieres. Jean Behra (Gordini). Marimon was a poor
this three-hour race, but heavy rain showers Maserati were very encouraged by fourth after stopping for water and then
made the circuit very wet and slippery. Fangio’s win and the decision was now again to take on extra fuel. Mantovani
Fangio came into the pits for the fitting of a made to ran in all the year’s World retired.
set of rain tyres which had been hand-cut Championship races, although it was On 29 May Moss ran his car in the
by the mechanics when the rain began realised that finding suitable drivers would Formule Libre Aintree ‘2 0 0 ’ race at the
to fall. be a problem. Before the next round, the newly-opened Liverpool circuit where, on
Nello Ugolini, manager of the Ferrari Belgian Grand Prix, there were a number of this occasion only, the racing was held in an
team, lodged a protest that five mechanics minor events. On 11 April Marimon and anti-clockwise direction. He finished third
had worked on Fangio’s car - the maxi­ Mantovani were entered in the 268-mile in his 51-mile (82km) heat, but took the
mum permitted number was three — and (431km) Syracuse Grand Prix. Farina set lead in the final as Peter Collins with the
after entering his protest, he slowed his the pace and led with his works Ferrari, but 4b-litre Ferrari Thin Wall Special pulled into
drivers down on the blithe, but erroneous, Marimon chased him hard until he was the pits with engine problems. Moss went
assumption that his protest would be forced out by mechanical problems. on to win by a margin of ju st over 50sec
upheld. Fangio passed the leading Ferraris Mantovani finished third behind Farina and from Reg Parnell (Scuderia Ambrosiana-
and won by the comfortable margin of Trintignant, the latter now a member of the entered Tipo 625 Ferrari). On 6 June the
41 sec from the works Maranello entries of works Ferrari team. Rome Grand Prix was held over 212 miles
Farina and Gonzalez. Both Marimon and Only a single works car was entered for (341km ) of the new Castelfusano circuit at
Musso retired. Marimon in the three-hour Pau Grand Prix Ostia. Ferrari missed this race and Marimon
A fortnight later the Formule Libre held nine days later on Easter Monday. He and Mantovani with works 250Fs finished
Buenos Aires City Grand Prix was held on was rammed at the start by Farina (Ferrari), first and third, sandwiching Harry Schell
the same circuit of the Buenos Aires the de Dion tube was damaged and this (A6GCM/250F). Musso retired his works
Autodrome. Marimon crashed in practice, caused his retirement when he was running 250F. The same day ‘B. Bira’ won the
took over Musso’s car for the race and then well in third place. Moss had taken delivery poorly supported 153-mile (246km ) Grand
went off at the first comer. Fangio retired of his 250F shortly before the 187-mile Prix des Frontières at Chimay in Belgium
because of rear axle failure. Flawthom was (301km ) Bordeaux Grand Prix on 9 May. with his A6GCM/250F from Pilette
all set to win with his works Ferrari, but he This differed from other 250Fs, not only in (Gordini) and Beauman (2-litre
spun off at the last comer on the last lap having a right-side (instead of central) accel­ Connaught).


The first important Formula 1 race of the For the remainder of this race Fangio overcome by an exhaust leak. Mantovani
European season, the 315-m ile (507km) stayed in front, in the latter stages of the was seventh and last after two pit stops.
Belgian Grand Prix at Spa-Francorchamps race nursing the car home because the Maserati had won the first two Champion­
took place on 13 June. Fangio was still suspension had collapsed and he won by ship races of the year, but now their promis­
available and he led the Maserati team, the comfortable margin of 24.2sec from ing season began to disintegrate.
backed up by Marimon and Mantovani. Trintignant, with Moss third, a lap in The issue of the British weekly Autosport
Moss ran his 250F and ‘B. Bira’ also arrears. The Argentinian also set official for 25 June 1954 contained a cutaway
appeared with his newly delivered 250F. fastest lap at 119.01m ph (191.6kph), drawing by Theo Page of what was said to
The only opposition came from Ferrari, led slightly slower than his 1951 outright lap be an experimental Grand Prix Maserati
by Gonzalez and Farina with the latest record. Farina had retired because of engine with full-width body and coupé top. It
Squabs, and with Hawthorn and Trintigant trouble and Hawthorn, who had been in showed a 1953 chassis with the gearbox in
at the wheel of Tipo 625s. second place, came into the pits, almost unit with the engine. This was a complete
Gonzalez set the pace in practice, lapping
in 4min 23.6sec, but towards the end of
the first session, when temperatures had
fallen Fangio went out again. Private owners
such as Moss and ‘Bira’ were advised by the
factory not to exceed 7,200rpm , to
conserve the engine so that it could
complete several races without overhaul.
The 2 5 0 F engine could, however, be revved
to over 8,000rpm in short bursts without
breaking, but at the expense of a very high
rate of wear. Driving at his hardest and
bravest on this very fast and difficult circuit,
Fangio lapped in 4min 22.1sec, faster than
his own outright circuit record of 4min
23.0sec set with a supercharged Tipo 159
Alfa Romeo in the 1951 race. W hen he
came into the pits, the engine was smoking,
the brakes were red hot and it was obvious
that the mechanics would have to do a vast
amount of work before the race.
At the fall of the flag Fangio made a poor
start; he was in third place behind Farina
and Hawthorn, but he took the lead on the
third lap. Already there had been retire­
ments. Just after the start, Mieres’s 250F-
engined A6GCM caught fire because a
mechanic had failed to close the fuel filler
cap properly and fuel had splashed on to
the exhaust. W ith flames licking round the
back of his neck, he bravely stayed in the
cockpit until the rest of the field had passed
and then jumped clear. Gonzalez retired
because of engine trouble on the second In this carefully posed photograph of a 250F taken at Buenos Aires in 1954, President Juan Peron is
lap, and after three pit stops because of a in the driving seat, with Juan Fangio on the left and Adolfo Orsi, head of Maserati, together with
rough engine Marimon retired after Onofre Marimon partially visible on the right. YPF was the Argentinian state oil company. (Guy
completing only three laps. Griffiths Collection)

A NEW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 119

In 1954 Stirling Moss finally launched himself into Grand Prix racing with a competitive car. With flight of fancy on Autosport’s part, but what
financial support from BP, his family bought this 250F, chassis number 2507, seen in the wet at the is interesting is that, that month at Monza,
International Trophy meeting at Silverstone in May. He was in second place in the final behind Maserati tested a standard 2 50F fitted with
Gonzalez (Ferrari) when the de Dion tube broke. Note the prominent trident badge affixed to the air an aluminium-alloy ‘cupola’ top. It was
intake grille. The cars were rarely raced with this in place. (T.C. March) soon abandoned because of driver
complaints about lack of visibility, the heat
Juan Fangio and Giuseppe Farina fight for the lead in the opening laps of the Belgian Grand Prix. and claustrophobia.
The Argentinian went on to win from Maurice Tnntignant (works Ferrari Tipo 625). A fortnight later the Mercedes-Benz
W 196s made their debut in the 315-mile
(507km) French Grand Prix at Reims.
Fangio led the German team and for this
race Maserati was short of both cars and
drivers. The driver situation was resolved
when Lancia agreed to release Alberto Ascari
and Luigi Villoresi so that they could drive
works 250Fs alongside Marimon. Moss’s
mechanic, Alf Francis, had been working on
his 250F at the factory and Omer Orsi
asked him if they could borrow the car for
Villoresi to drive at Reims. As Moss was
committed to drive a works D-type Jaguar in
the 12 Hours race that preceded the Grand
Prix at Reims, he had sensibly not entered
the Maserati. Francis accepted and, appar­
ently, only told Stirling later.


Mercedes-Benz made a glorious race In the British race at Silverstone the works Maseratis started from the hack of the grid after arriving
debut at Reims, but for the Italian teams too late fo r official practice. Ascari and Villoresi drove Maseratis with the consent o f Gianni Lancia
the French race was a complete debacle. (the bulky figure at the back with his hands in his pockets). Ascari (on the right of the photograph)
Fangio and Kling with the W 1 9 6 s were has already retired his own 250F because of a broken inlet valve. He is about to take over Villoresi s
fastest in practice, with Ascari alongside car. He retired this out on the circuit because of a broken connecting rod. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
them on the front row of the grid. Initially
Fangio led from Gonzalez (Squab Ferrari) averaged a record 115.90m ph (186.6kph), Ferrari and ‘B. Bira’ and Villoresi with their
and Kling. After two laps Ascari was out won in a staged finish, leading team-mate 250Fs took fourth and fifth places.
with engine failure, the Ferraris of Kling across the line by a mere metre. The British Grand Prix was held over 263
Hawthorn and Gonzalez were eliminated Young Hans Herrmann with the third miles (423km ) at Silverstone on 16 July. At
for the same reason on laps 10 and 14 and W 196 set a new lap record at 121.46m ph this time the former airfield was a bleak,
Marimon also pulled out with engine prob­ Q 95.55kph) before retiring. Third place flat, medium-speed circuit with the comers
lems after a poor race. Fangio, who had went to Robert Manzon with his private marked by oil drums. It was to prove

A N EW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 121

In the British Grand Prix at Silverstone Marimon drove a fine race from the hack o f the grid, passing Mercedes’ downfall, but the Maserati team
19 cars on the first lap to hold sixth place and eventually finishing third. He had all the makings of failed to benefit. The team left Modena late
becoming a great driver. (TC. March) and because of some cock-up it had trav­
elled to the wrong Channel port and arrived
Ken Wharton is seen with the Maserati 250F o f the Owen Organisation in the 1954 British late at the circuit. Ascari and Villoresi were
Grand Prix. He spun wildly on a damp track at Abbey Curve, but recovered to finish eighth. (T.C. again in the team alongside Marimon. The
March) Maserati drivers missed official practice and


had to start from the back of the grid. Most
of the preparation work seemed not to have
been done and the mechanics worked on
the cars overnight before the race, helped
by Alf Francis.
Omer Orsi was deeply worried by the
slump in the team’s fortunes and the loss of
morale since Fangio left. He came to a deal
with Moss that Stirling would drive his
250F as hard as possible and Maserati
would foot the bill for engine repairs. Other
private 250Fs were driven by ‘B. Bira’, Roy
Salvadori and Ken Wharton (at the wheel of
the Owen Organisation BRM car on its race
debut). Mieres and Harry Schell had
entered 250F-powered A6GCMs. The
Mercedes-Benz team soon found that
Silverstone did not suit the streamlined
body of the W 196, its inadequate swing-
axle rear suspension or its Continental
tyres. At the expense of bodywork battered
by oil drums, Fangio took pole position in
lm in 45sec, the first lOOmph (161kph) lap
of Silverstone by an unsupercharged After Fangio left Maserati, Argentinian Onofre Marimon became team leader. He was one o f the most
2 ,5 0 0 cc Grand Prix car. cheerful and good-natured of all the leading drivers of his time. It was a devastating blow to Maserati
Alongside Fangio on the front row of the when he crashed his 250F in practice fo r the European Grand Prix and suffered fatal injuries.
grid were Gonzalez and Hawthorn, both of
whom had recorded lm in 46sec, and Moss mature race. On the first lap he passed 19 already been invited to drive his own car as
who was a further second slower. By the cars to hold sixth place and 12 laps from a member of the works - not at the
end of the first lap Gonzalez was in the lead the finish he slipped ahead of Fangio. The Nürburgring as Stirling himself has written.
with his Tipo 625 Ferrari and he stayed Argentinian’s W 196 was badly battered by After a close battle with Trintignant (works
there for the remaining 89 laps. Behind him contact with the oil drums, it was jumping Ferrari), the handling of the 2 5 OF deterio­
Fangio fought off Hawthorn who was out of gear, the brakes had faded and it was rated because of weakened rear dampers,
battling with Moss. Moss passed Hawthorn leaking oil. On lap 80 Moss slowed to a halt and Moss finished 3.6sec behind the
and then overtook Fangio who was strug­ because a final drive reduction gear had Frenchman driving in his home town.
gling with his ill-handling W 196. Hawthorn loosened on its shaft, slid out of engage­ There were four works Maserati entries to
also went ahead of the Argentinian. ment and left him without drive to the back be driven by Marimon, Villoresi, Mantovani
Ascari failed to distinguish himself, over­ wheels. Gonzalez won from Hawthorn, and Moss (with his own car hastily painted
driving his 250F in his efforts to prove that Marimon (a lap in arrears), Fangio and red, but retaining a green noseband) in the
he had lost none of the skill that had Trintignant. Other Maserati finishers were 312-m ile (502km ) European Grand Prix at
brought him two World Championships. Mieres sixth, Wharton eighth and Schell the Nürburgring on 1 August. Roberto
He broke a valve on the engine of his own 12 th. Seven drivers, Ascari, Behra Mieres had a works car on loan. The cars
car and then broke a con-rod on the car he (Cordini), Fangio, Gonzalez, Hawthorn, driven by Villoresi, Marimon and Mieres all
took over from Villoresi. Having abandoned Marimon and Moss shared fastest lap at had the new oil tank arrangement, with the
Villoresi’s 250F, he returned to the pits, 95.79m ph (154.22kph). tank mounted in the tail behind the fuel
blue crash helmet swinging in his hand, On 25 July Moss ran his 250F in the tank. Facing the Maseratis were four W 196
and wryly asked Bertocchi, ‘Ci sono ancora 131-mile (211km ) Caen Grand Prix. He Mercedes (three of them with new
delle altre Maserati?’ (Any more Maseratis?). was entered in the name of Officine Alfieri unstreamlined bodies) and four works
In contrast Marimon drove a superb, Maserati, so it would appear that he had Ferraris, all of them Tipo 625s.

A NEW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 123

But tragedy struck the Maserati team in
practice. During the second day’s practice
Onofre Marimon lost control just past the
Wehrseifen bridge, crashed heavily and
suffered injuries from which he died very
shortly afterwards. The 30-year-old
Argentinian had been under some pressure,
as he was Maserati number one following
the departure of Fangio to Mercedes-Benz.
He had been forced to put up with the
farcical performances of Ascari and he was
now facing a challenge from Moss’s pres­
ence in the team. It seems that he was
simply trying too hard when he crashed.
Omer Orsi was in Argentina on business
where he was informed of the accident and
he decided that the works Maseratis should
During 1954 Stirling Moss and his 250F were brought into the works Maserati team. Here they are be withdrawn as a mark of respect. Both
seen in the Italian Grand Prix at Monza where Stirling drove brilliantly and was leading the race by Moss and Mantovani, who owned their
20 seconds when an oil pipe broke. He pushed the car across the line into tenth place. cars, decided to run as private owners.
Moss was third fastest in practice, held
This photograph captures well the atmosphere of the Pedralbes circuit through the streets of third place in the race, but retired because
Barcelona, the settingfo r the 1954 Spanish Grand Prix. At this time Barcelona was like a third-world of big-end failure on the second lap. After
city, neglected because its Catalan population had supported the government during the civil war. It Hawthorn had retired his own Ferrari, he
still showed the ravages of war, it smelt o f rotting vegetables and stale garlic was on everyone’s breath. took over that of Gonzalez, because the
Only the garlic is the same now. Musso, who finished second with his 250F, leads Ken Wharton with Argentinian was too upset by Marimon’s
the Owen Organisation 250F and de Graffenried with the 250F-engined A6GCM that he was about death to drive a competitive race. He
to sell to Volonterio. (Guy Griffiths Collection) finished second to Fangio (unstreamlined


W 196). Mantovani, in fifth place, was the dropped into the tank and been swept On lap 68 of this 80-lap race Moss pulled
highest Maserati finisher. through to the pressure pump which it into the pits, trailing a cloud of blue smoke
For the Daily Dispatch meeting at Oulton damaged. Fangio won the race from and with falling oil pressure. The oil tank
Park on 7 August Maserati loaned Moss the Gonzalez, Herrmann (Mercedes-Benz), was refilled, the car deposited most of the
2 5 OF that Villoresi should have driven at Mieres and Mantovani. In sixth place in this new oil on the pits road and by the Curva
the Nürburgring and, although the car race, two laps behind the winner, was Ken Grande, the first comer after the pits, Moss
arrived too late for him to be able to prac­ Wharton with the Owen Organisation car. had again lost oil pressure. Shortly after­
tise, he came through from the back of the The BRM team had substantially modified wards the engine seized and Moss pushed
grid to win both the 99-mile (159km) this and it now featured Dunlop magne­ the car all the way to the finishing line to
Formula 1 Gold Cup race and the 55-mile sium-alloy disc wheels and discs brakes, the take tenth place, nine laps in arrears. An
(88km) Formule Libre event. A week later oil tank repositioned in the cockpit along­ aluminium-alloy oil pipe, which had been
Moss and Musso were both in action with side the driver and shorter exhaust tail-pipes. clamped too tightly to the chassis, had
works cars in the 255-m ile (410km ) Pescara The next round in the World Champion­ cracked because of vibration. So Fangio
Grand Prix. No works Ferraris were entered ship was the Italian Grand Prix held over won the race from the Ferraris of Hawthorn
and Moss led with his own car until an oil 3 13 miles (504km ) of the Monza circuit on and Maglioli/Gonzalez. The highest placed
pipe feeding the rear axle’s reduction gear 5 September. The Maserati entry had now Maserati finisher was Rosier in eighth place,
broke on the fourth lap. Musso won from grown to six cars; Musso had replaced Harry six laps in arrears.
‘Bira’ and Schell with a 250F-engined 1953 Schell, Villoresi had been brought into the Before the last round in the World
car. Although it was nominally a private team and the 25 0 F about to be delivered to Championship there was the Berlin Grand
entry, Schell’s car was fitted with the French privateer Louis Rosier was entered as Prix and two minor International races in
throttle on the right so that Moss could a works car. There was a general feeling of Britain. Moss and Mantovani were entered
take it over if necessary. relief that Ascari had opted to drive a Ferrari in the Berlin race on 19 September, but
The Swiss Grand Prix on 22 August was in this race. Two streamlined Mercedes failed to appear at Avus because, so
the last in the series, as motor racing in W 196s were entered on this very fast circuit Maserati said, the cars could not be
Switzerland was to be banned after the Le for Fangio and Kling, while Herrmann drove prepared in time. The racing became a
Mans disaster the following year. In this an exposed-wheel car. There were five works Mercedes-Benz demonstration for the belea­
240-mile (386km) race on the difficult Ferraris. Almost inevitably Fangio was fastest guered city and Kling was allowed to win
Bremgarten circuit near Bern Maserati in practice in Im in 59.0sec and he was from Fangio and Herrmann.
entered four cars for Moss, Mantovani, joined on the front of the grid by Ascari Both the British races were of particular
Mieres and Schell, but the British driver was (lm in 59.2sec) and Moss (1min 59.3sec). interest because Tony Vandervell’s Vanwall
the only one with serious prospects of It was so nearly a Moss and Maserati race. Special was raced in 2.5-litre form for
winning. Mercedes-Benz ran three un­ It was also, probably, the most exciting the first time. At Goodwood on 25
streamlined W 196 cars and there were four Grand Prix of an exciting season. Initially September Moss was entered by the works,
works Ferraris. Gonzalez was fastest in prac­ Fangio led, then team-mate Kling went but at the wheel of his own car, and he
tice with his Squab Ferrari in 2min 39.5sec, ahead and when Kling spun off, Fangio led won the 21-lap Goodwood Trophy from
Fangio was two-fifths of a second slower and from Gonzalez, Ascari and Moss. Ascari then Peter Collins with the Vanwall. He also
Moss completed the front row with a time of went through into the lead, Moss passed finished third in the 10-lap Woodcote Cup
2min 41.4sec. The times of the other works Gonzalez and Gonzalez retired his Ferrari Formule Libre race behind Peter Collins
Maserati drivers ranged from 2min 56.9sec because of a failed oil seal. Fangio repassed (Ferrari Thin Wall Special) and Ken Wharton
(Mantovani, ninth fastest) to 3min 12.1sec Ascari, then Villoresi made his supreme (V I6 BRM).
(Schell, 13th fastest out of 16 starters). effort, screaming through from fourth into The following Saturday, 2 October, there
Moss settled into second place behind second place, but he retired because of was an International meeting at the Aintree
Fangio, but retired on lap 16 of this 66-lap clutch problems. Moss now passed Fangio circuit and two works Maseratis were
race because of loss of oil pressure. Schell and Ascari to take the lead, Ascari went in entered, for Moss with his own car and
was called in for Moss to take over his car, front again and then his engine failed. Moss Mantovani. Moss won the 17-lap Formula 1
but when he came into the pits this too had now led the Italian Grand Prix, gaining Daily Telegraph Trophy from Hawthorn with
lost its oil pressure. On both cars a nut ground on Fangio even after responding to a the Vanwall, Schell (private 250F) and
retaining a spring-loaded collar inside a new signal from Alf Francis in the pits to slacken Mantovani. In the Formule Libre race over
design of oil filler cap had vibrated off, his pace. the same distance Moss and Mantovani

A N EW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 125

took the first two places ahead of Ron straight the very bumpy Avenida with the fifth as a spare and to be driven by
Flockhart with a V I 6 BRM. Generalissimo Franco, the main west-east Spaniard Francesco Godia-Sales if it was not
The Spanish Grand Prix was held on route through the city, and so traffic, as needed by any of the other drivers for the
26 October over a distance of 3 13 miles much as there was, was badly disrupted. race.
(505km) on the Pedralbes street circuit in the Maserati brought along five 250Fs, one of The spare car was new chassis 2501
Catalan capital of Barcelona. It was a remark­ which was a new car. Four cars were driven (using the same number as the A6GCM
able circuit in that it incorporated as its main by Moss, Mieres, Mantovani and Musso, driven by Mieres in the early part of the
season) and it had been exhibited earlier in
On a winding, bleak and isolated section o f the Mille Miglia course between Florence and Bologna, the month at the Paris Salon. It had
Musso guns his A6GCS through a bend. Although Italian roads were much improved compared with smoother bodywork without the usual
earlier years, the swface o f this stretch is liberally coated with mud. (Guy Griffiths Collection) louvres and openings and neater pipework
for the oil tank. Flarry Schell also drove a
250F loaned by the works and prepared by
them. He had agreed that he would follow
the old and usually none-too-successful
half-tank routine to try to break up the
Of the other entries, the most significant
were the V8 Lancia D50s making their race
debut in the hands of Ascari and Villoresi.
Mercedes-Benz entered unstreamlined cars
for Fangio and Kling, while Herrmann had
to make do with a streamlined model. Only
two Ferraris were entered for Hawthorn
(with the latest Squab having coil spring
front suspension) and Trintignant (Tipo
625). Peter Collins drove the Vanwall
Special, but non-started after a practice
crash. Moss and Hawthorn also both
crashed in practice, the former at the wheel
of the spare car with central accelerator,
which had confused him. It was repaired in
time for Godia-Sales to drive it in the race.
Fastest in practice was Ascari with the new
Lancia in 2min 18.1sec and alongside him
were Fangio (a second slower), Hawthorn
and Schell who had turned in the surpris­
ingly quick time of 2min 20.6sec.
Initially Ascari led from Schell, but the
Lancia was retired after nine laps, while
Moss was eliminated early in the race by
scavenge pump failure and Schell spun
before retiring with transmission problems.
Hawthorn and Trintignant were left battling
for the lead, until the Frenchman fell back
because of an engine that had gone off-song
and this was to cause his retirement. So
Hawthorn led comfortably from Fangio who
was struggling with the W 196 on this


circuit, with Musso and Mieres in third and
fourth places. Fangio’s Mercedes began to
run roughly, the air intake had sucked in
litter discarded by the spectators and
started to overheat and in the closing laps
the W 1 9 6 developed an oil leak. As Fangio
fell back, Musso closed on him and took
second place six laps from the finish and
Mieres finished fourth.
In the Drivers’ World Championship,
decided on the best five results, the winner
was Fangio with 42 points (net) from
Gonzalez (25 points) and Flawthom (24^
points). The Mercedes-Benz W 1 9 6 had a
definite edge in terms of speed on the faster
circuits, but succeeded elsewhere through
the tenacity and outstanding ability of
Fangio and the better preparation of cars
at Stuttgart than at Modena and Maranello.
Fangio’s two wins with Maseratis gave
Modena an enormous boost, followed
by bitter disappointment as the 250Fs
failed again and again. Maserati believed
that with Moss in the team they could
achieve substantial success in 1955, but
Moss left to drive for Mercedes-Benz
and the Italian team sank into lethargy.
Musso had driven for Maserati in Formula 1
on only a few occasions, but his second
place at Barcelona revealed his immense Luigi Musso with his works-entered A6GCS at the Ravenna control in the 1954 Mille Miglia. Co-
potential. driver Zocca is about to get back into the car. Musso finished third overall, only nine seconds behind
Vittorio Marzotto who won the 2,000cc sports class with a Ferrari Mondial.

The Sports Car Year in races at Agadir in Morocco and Dakar in Musso accompanied by Donatelli to the
Sénégal — at this time both countries were 671-m ile (1,080km ) Tour of Sicily on 4
The first appearance of a works-entered French colonies. In the 45-mile (72km) race April. Count Gravina, a Sicilian nobleman,
A6GCS in 1 9 5 4 was the single entry for at Agadir on 28 February Simone finished also drove an A6GCS with Pinin Farina
Emilio Giletti and Luigi Musso in the third in the 2,000ce class behind Picard Beriinetta body. This car built in 1953 was
Buenos Aires 1,000-km race on 2 4 January. (Ferrari) and Guelfi (Gordini). A week later the first of four of the type, which became
This was Giletti’s own car, which had been on 7 March he took third place overall in known as the Mille Miglia. Examples were
loaned to de Graffenried to drive in Brazil the two-hour race at Dakar, the capital of exhibited at the Turin and Paris shows in
the previous month (see pages 222). There Sénégal, behind Farina and Scotti with 1954. Umberto Maglioli (4.9-litre Ferrari)
was no 2-litre class, but the two Italians larger-capacity Ferraris. On the same day the led initially from Piero Taruffi (Lancia D24),
finished sixth overall behind larger-capacity works entered an A6GCS for Musso and but after Maglioli overturned the 3 7 5 Plus,
cars, fourth in the 3 ,0 0 0 c c class and theirs Gatta in the Sebring 12 Hours race. The Taruffi scored an easy win. In third and
was in fact the only 2 ,0 0 0 cc runner. Florida airfield circuit was notoriously hard fourth places came Gerino Gerini (4.5-litre
In February Colonel ‘J ohnny’ Simone, on brakes and the A6GCS was withdrawn Ferrari coupé) and Musso. Both had been
who later became Maserati distributor in on lap 47 because of complete brake failure. humbled by Piero Carini with a modified
France, shipped out an A6GCS to compete Maserati sent only a single A6GCS for Alfa Romeo 1900 saloon who finished

A N EW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 127

driven by Bellucci and Scarlatti finished
third and fourth. The same three drivers
appeared with A6GCS cars in the Targa
Fiorio held on 30 May and run over eight
laps of the 44.7-m ile (72km) Little Madonie
circuit. Initially Musso led from Taruffi with
a 3.3-litre Lancia, but then pulled into the
pits, feeling very unwell, the result of a meal
that he had eaten the previous evening, and
he proposed retiring. He was persuaded to
carry on, but Taruffi had passed him during
his long pit stop, and he finished 7min
33sec behind the Lancia driver.
Another A6GCS was ordered by the
Marquis de Portago, who had entered it in
the Le Mans 24 Hours race held on 1 2 -1 3
June. The invoice dated 27 April, 1954 was
in the sum of Lire 5,2 0 0 and was sent to
the Spanish nobleman’s family home in the
Avenue Foch in Paris. The notepaper on
which the invoice was typed stated that
Maserati was capitalised at Lire 4,500,
lower than the cost of the car! The Italian
currency had been revalued several times
over the years. At Le Mans de Portago, soon
to become a familiar name in racing, was
In the 1954 Targa Fiorio, Musso was leading from Taruffi (Lancia) when he pulled into the pits feel­ partnered by Argentinian Tomasi, but they
ing ill. He was persuaded to continue, hut had dropped hack to second place. retired early on the Sunday morning
because of loss of oil pressure.
second, albeit nearly an hour behind as were three of the four Lancias. Alberto On 20 June the Imola Grand Prix over a
Taruffi. Gravina crashed badly and his co­ Ascari won with the surviving 3.3-litre distance of 159 miles (256km ) was held at
driver was killed. Lancia D 24 at 86.72m ph (139.62kph), the newly opened autodrome and was for
Three A6GCS cars were entered by the over half an hour ahead of Marzotto. cars of between 1,100 and 3,000cc. Musso
works in the Mille Miglia on 1—2 May. Both Musso, accompanied by Zocca, drove a fine led the opening laps with his A6GCS, but
Musso and Venezian drove their own cars, race to finish third overall, a mere nine then Maglioli and Musitelli passed him with
but Sergio Mantovani was at the wheel of seconds behind Marzotto, and second in their Ferrari Mondials and he had to settle
an experimental works car fitted with a the 2 ,0 00cc class. Despite going off the for third place. Other Maseratis driven by
2 ,4 9 3 .8 cc Grand Prix engine in slightly road, battering the front of his car and newcomer Cesare Perdisa and Bellucci took
detuned form and known as the Tipo 250S. losing the bonnet, Venezian, partnered by fourth and fifth places.
It was reported that Musso’s car was fitted Orlandi, took fifth place overall, over 27 An important Italian race was the
with Porsche baulk-ring synchromesh on all minutes behind Musso, and third in class. Supercortemaggiore Grand Prix, sponsored
four gears. The most serious opposition in On 16 May Musso won the 153-mile by the oil company of that name, and held
the 2 ,0 0 0 cc class came from Vittorio (246km) Naples Grand Prix for sports cars at Monza on 27 June. The race distance was
Marzotto with the new 4-cylinder Tipo 500 up to 3,0 0 0 cc, but only after the retirement 1,000 kilometres and it was limited to cars
Mondial Ferrari and the battle for outright of Paolo Marzotto s Tipo 250M M Ferrari of 3,000cc. A total of five cars ran as official
victory was between the 4.9 and 4.5-litre because of a broken differential. Musso entries of Officine Alfieri Maserati, but three
Ferraris and the 3.3-litre Lancia D24s. averaged 63.918m ph (102.9kph) over the were privately owned. The two true works
Mantovani retired early in the race and all difficult Posillipo circuit and set fastest lap entries were 250S models of the type that
the large-capacity Ferraris were eliminated, at 65.90m ph (106.1kph). Other Maseratis had run in the Mille Miglia, which were


driven by Fangio/Marimon (a new car with Sgorbati’s Osca and this bounced into Tipo 300S 6-cylinder 3-litre car based on
right-hand drive) and Mantovani/Musso. Musy’s car and out of the race. Musso won the 250F was shown to the press in
The race started at 4pm and finished in comfortably at 96.58m ph (155.5kph) from December 1954 and work on the Tipo
the dark and was run in intermittent rain, at Sighinolfi and American Bob Said (Ferrari). 150S 4-cylinder car was well advanced.
times very heavy. Two new Ferrari 3-litre Perdisa retired and Musy took fifth place.
sports cars, the Tipo 735S, interim models On 15 August Musy finished second in his
that preceded the Monza, were driven by class in a 65-mile (105km ) race at 1955
Hawthom/Maglioli and Gonzalez/Trintignant Zandvoort in Holland behind Alan Brown
and these took the first two places. The 2 h- with a Cooper-Bristol. Grand Prix Racing
litre Maseratis lacked the speed of the new The British round in the World Sports
Ferraris and both retired. All three A6GCS Car Championship, the Tourist Trophy was Maserati’s 1955 Grand Prix season proved
cars completed the race and that of Perdisa held on the 7.4-mile (11.9km ) Dundrod lack-lustre, mainly because there could
and Giovanardi in seventh place was the first road circuit near Belfast on 11 September. It be no adequate replacement for either
2-litre finisher. Two private A6GCS cars ran was run as a handicap event, with a Fangio or Moss, and with no prospects of
in the Reims 12 Hours race on 4 July, but distance on scratch of 6 9 7 miles (1,122km ) outright wins - save in very minor races -
only the car driven by Tomasi/Lopez and Championship points awarded on a the team lost both drive and determination.
finished, well down the field in 15th place scratch basis. The race on scratch was Former racing motorcyclist Jean Behra left
and beaten in the 2,000cc class by a V12 closely fought between Ferrari, Lancia, the Gordini team after three seasons to
Ferrari and the three works Bristol 450s. Aston Martin and Jaguar, but Maserati become Maserati number one driver. But
Three A6GCS cars were entered by the entered a team of three A6GCS cars for although he was a very brave, gutsy driver
works in the Messina 10-hour Night Race Musso/Mantovani, Bellucci/Scarlatti and he was not World Championship material.
held on 2 4 -2 5 July, but none was among Perdisa/Musy. Cliff Davis/Horace Gould Luigi Musso drove his heart out for the
the classified finishers. Luigi Musso had the drove the Gilby Engineering A6GCS team and was probably the most consistent
small consolation of setting fastest lap at because Roy Salvadori was a member of the Grand Prix driver that year - Fangio and
79.18m ph (127.48kph), but his A6GCS, works Aston Martin team. Moss apart.
shared by his younger brother Giuseppe, The 2-litre cars had a target speed of Also included in the team were young
spent a long time in the pits while a leaking 80.85m ph (130.17kph) and Musso and Sergio Mantovani and Argentinian Roberto
fuel tank was repaired and they finished the Mantovani drove superbly to ju st exceed Mieres. Mantovani’s promising career
race outside the maximum time limit. The this with a race average of 80.88m ph ended abruptly at Turin on 27 March when
winners were the Sgorbati brothers with a 2- (1 3 0 .21kph). This gave them third place on he crashed the team’s spare car heavily and
litre Osca. On the Sunday of the same handicap, behind the 745cc DB of a leg had to be amputated above the knee.
weekend Perdisa finished fifth in the 198- Armagnac/Loreau.and the Ferrari Monza of He remained involved in the administrative
mile (319km ) Portuguese Sports Car Grand Hawthom/Trintignant, and fourth on side of motor sport for many years.
Prix on the Monsanto circuit, ju st ahead of scratch. The other three Maseratis in this Thereafter, another young Italian, Cesare
Duncan Hamilton (Jaguar C-type). Works 3- race failed to finish. Bellucci/Scarlatti were Perdisa, was elevated to the works team. In
litre Ferraris took the first two places. eliminated by a broken water pump, June 1955 the team was joined by Nello
Generally Musso continued to do well in Perdisa/Musy were disqualified for receiving Ugolini, one of the most highly respected
Italian events. In the 339-m ile (546km) outside assistance to restart the car in the racing managers; until then Ferrari racing
Circuit of Calabria on 1 August and limited pits and Davis/Gould retired because of manager and also with considerable experi­
to 2,0 0 0 cc cars, he finished third behind transmission problems. ence in managing football clubs. He was
Giardini (Osca) and Biondetti (Ferrari). A During 1954 the A6GCS had performed famed for his timekeeping and Cozza says
week later a series of races was held at with great consistency and a good measure that he could time as many as six or seven
Senigallia on the Adriatic coastline between of success. There were however very few cars with two chronometers.
Rimini and Ancona. The 87-mile (140km) Ferrari Mondials being raced in Europe and Changes to the 250Fs for 1955 were few.
race for 2 ,0 0 0 cc sports cars was hard these cars were slightly more powerful than A 5-speed gearbox was introduced, with
fought. Initially Musso and Perdisa led with the A6GCS and had better mid-range bottom gear for starting and the cars were
their A6GCS cars. Swiss amateur Benoit torque. The A6GCS was considered to be now much easier to get off the line. The
Musy (A6GCS) collided with Sergio faster in a straight line. Maserati were devel­ works cars had bodywork without louvres —
Sighinolfi (works Ferrari Mondial) who hit oping a new range of sports-racing cars. The as raced by Francesco Godia-Sales in the

A NEW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 129

Bira’ with his private 250F won from Peter
Whitehead and Tony Gaze with 3-litre
Monza-engined Ferrari Tipo 625s. It was
Bira’s last win in a long racing career. The
Argentine Grand Prix was memorable for
the intensely hot conditions in which it was
run and only two drivers, both Argentinian,
were able to complete the race without
relief. Fangio won, almost inevitably, for
Mercedes-Benz and although Mieres led
briefly with his works 250F, he spent ten
minutes in the pits and was classified fifth
behind two Ferraris and another Mercedes-
Benz. The other works 250Fs shared by
Schell/Behra and Musso/Mantovani finished
sixth and seventh. Mercedes-Benz, using
W 196 cars powered by 300SLR 3-litre
engines also dominated the Formule Libre
Buenos Aires City Grand Prix and the high­
est placed Maserati driver was Behra in fifth
Mercedes-Benz entered none of the early-
season European races and these were
fought out between the Italian teams. The
first of these races was the 235-mile
(378km ) Valentino Grand Prix held at Turin
on 27 March. The works Maserati drivers
acted in concert for once and blocked
Ascari (Tancia) at the first comer. But Ascari
was able to forge ahead, Musso crashed and
both Behra and newcomer to the team
Perdisa retired because of broken de Dion
tubes. Ascari won by a margin of over 20
seconds from Roberto Mieres and Villoresi
and Castellotti with their Lancias took third
and fourth places.
As usual, on Easter Monday there were
International meetings at both Goodwood
and Pau. Moss drove his private Maserati
running on SU fuel injection at the British
Omer Orsi, managing director of Maserati from 1954 onwards. He was above all a great racing meeting. Moss had retained Alf Francis as
enthusiast and the drivingforce behind the company’s racing successes in the mid-1950s. his personal mechanic and there was now
the time to work on development of the
1 9 5 4 Spanish race - and a single large-bore three new cars were built, one with full- 250F and much of this was carried out in
exhaust was adopted, initially only at some width aerodynamic body, and no new SU ’s experimental department. The advan­
races. The works had been continuing single-seaters were sold to private owners. tages of the system proved marginal, as
development work on fuel injection with A minor success at the beginning of the although maximum power was increased,
Alf Francis, Stirling Moss’s mechanic, but year was in the 204-mile (328km ) New there was a power loss between 4,5 0 0 and
this never really came to anything. Only Zealand Grand Prix at Ardmore where ‘B. 6,000rpm , so acceleration was affected.


Moss abandoned fuel injection after this The Maserati-Milano-based Arzani-Volpini. It is seen in Milan near the workshop in which it was
meeting. Other changes to the car included built. It was a good-looking and professionally built car. Inexperienced driver Mario Aldrighetti
Dunlop magnesium-alloy wheels and disc crashed it at Taxi with fatal results. The car was not raced again, although it was entered fo r Luigi
brakes. The brakes had a booster pump Piotti in the Italian Grand Prix, but failed to start.
mounted on the left side of the gearbox and
driven from the primary shaft. Behra’s 2 50F was fitted with a new cylinder with the final drive. At the front there was
At Goodwood Moss and Salvadori head having slightly inclined inlet ports, the Milano double wishbone and torsion
finished second and third behind Peter larger valves and three larger Weber bar suspension and at the rear an indepen­
Collins with the lighter Mark II super­ 4 5 D C 0 3 carburettors and these features dent system combining a transverse leaf
charged V I 6 BRM in the Formule Libre were to become standard. spring and trailing links. It was overweight
race. Moss led the Formula 1 Richmond An interesting car in the Pau race was the and underpowered, but it was a good-look­
Trophy, but retired because of fuel injector Arzani-Volpini built by Egidio Arzani and ing car and very competently built.
pump trouble and Salvadori with the Gilby Gianpaolo Volpini who had done a ‘Plate’ Unfortunately it was too powerful for the
2 5 OF was the winner. In the shadow of the by rebuilding a 1950 Milano in unblown inexperienced Mario Aldrighetti who when
Pyrenees mountains Behra won for form. Engine capacity had been increased he went off the road during the race, killed
Modena, taking the lead when Ascari made to 2 ,4 9 0 cc (94 x 90mm), there were four himself and injured nine spectators. This
a late pit stop because of a fractured brake single-choke Weber carburettors and power car appeared in practice at Monza in
pipe, and Mieres drove another steady race output was claimed to be 220bhp at September, but was not raced again.
to finish third behind Castellotti (Lancia). 6,500rpm . The 4-speed gearbox was in unit In the 188-mile (303km ) race at

A NEW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 131

Bordeaux on 24 April three works Maseratis
and two Ferraris were entered, but both
Ferraris dropped out and the works 250F
drivers took the first three places in the
order Behra, Musso and Mieres. Moss, who
had chased Behra’s works car until a fuel
tank retaining strap broke, and ‘B. Bira’
took fourth and sixth places with their
private 250Fs. There were no works
Maseratis in the 176-mile (283km)
International Trophy race at Silverstone on
7 May, but six private 250Fs faced new cars
from the British Connaught and Vanwall
teams. The British opposition soon disap­
peared, as did Moss with his 250F, and
Peter Collins won with the Owen
Organisation 2 50F from Roy Salvadori
(Gilby 2 5 OF), André Simon and Rosier
(both with 250Fs entered by Louis Rosier).
The following day the 153-mile (246km)
Naples race was a straight Lancia-Maserati
As number two in the Maserati team in 1955, Luigi Musso drove with skill and restraint - the latter fight. Ascari led with his Lancia from start
quality conspicuously absent in his subsequent years with Ferrari. Here he is seen with his 250F in to finish and Musso, who seemed particu­
the British Grand Prix at Aintree. He took fifth place behind the four Mercedes-Benz W196 entries. larly comfortable on this difficult road
(TC. March) circuit through a suburb of the city, took
second place, but he was well over a minute
Peter Collins with the 250F of the Owen Organisation in the 1955 British Grand Prix. Alcohol fuel behind the former World Champion. Early
splashing from the filler has removed paint from the tail o f the car. Modifications to this car included in the race Behra clouted a kerb very hard,
Dunlop magnesium-alloy wheels and disc brakes. He held eighth place ahead of Musso before he damaging a rear wheel and hub and this
retired because of clutch failure. (Geoffrey Goddard) cost him five laps. He set fastest lap at
70.83m ph (114.04kph) and finished fourth
behind Villoresi (Lancia). There were no
other finishers.
Fangio and Moss with their extra-short-
wheelbase Mercedes-Benz W 196 cars domi­
nated much of the Monaco Grand Prix held
on 22 May as a Formula 1 race for the first
time since 1950. In the early laps Behra was
part of the chasing pack until his engine
began to run rough. He stopped at the pits
and swapped cars with Perdisa. It proved a
race of attrition; the two leading Mercedes
were eliminated by engine failure and Ascari
with his Lancia assumed the lead briefly,
but plunged into Monte Carlo harbour
because of a locking brake. Unexpectedly,
Trintignant (Ferrari) won from Castellotti
(brakeless Lancia) and a steady drive
brought Perdisa through to finish third.


Behra spun and stalled Perdisa’s car
because of clutch failure and Mieres was
eliminated by rear axle trouble.
There followed a series of events that
were to change motor racing for ever. On 26
May, only four days after his Monaco acci­
dent, Ascari was killed while practising with
a Ferrari Monza for the Supercortemaggiore
sports car Grand Prix at Monza. Lancia
were in dire financial trouble and after
running a single D50 for Castellotti in the
Belgian Grand Prix on 5 June, withdrew
from racing. Four-and-a-half hours after the
start of the Le Mans race on 11 June,
‘Levegh’s ’ Mercedes-Benz 300SLR collided
with Macklin’s Austin-Healey, ricocheted
into the parapet of a tunnel running under
the track, and exploded into a crowded
spectator area killing the driver and at least
82 spectators.
Motor racing was banned in France for a
short while and in Switzerland permanently.
The short-term effect was the cancellation
of the French, German and Spanish Grands
Prix. On 26 July the entire Lancia Grand In his years with the HWM team Lance Macklin was rated as having almost as much potential as
Prix équipe was handed over to Ferrari who Stirling Moss, but he failed to fulfil it. In the 1955 British race Macklin drove the Moss Maserati.
now received a subsidy from Fiat. After he spun off and stalled, he received an illegal push-start. He held eighth place before he retired
Maseratis position was that they would because o f clutch trouble. At this time the Moss 250F was painted rather strange shades o f grey with
have liked the money, but not the cars, as the stripes o f the Union flag round the air intake. (TC. March)
they were convinced that the 25 0 F had just
as much potential as Jan o’s V8 D50. June and Musso drove a superb race to on 11 September, and the last of the 1955
Throughout this turmoil the Maserati finish third on the same lap as Fangio and season. The works 250Fs were not raced
works team and private owners had contin­ Moss with their W 196 Mercedes-Benz again until Monza and the race was held on
ued racing as normally as circumstances entries. Mieres took fourth place. At Le a circuit that combined the newly restored
permitted. In the poorly supported Albi Mans Behra had been ‘run over’ on the pits banked track with the existing road circuit.
Grand Prix on 29 May the private 250Fs of road by a French DB and was badly bruised Maserati joined the ranks of Mercedes-Benz
Simon, Rosier and Gould (the last-named and shaken. He finished sixth at Zandvoort, and Connaught by entering a streamlined
with 2 5 0 4 leased from Bira) took the first but was not really fit enough to race. The car. This was chassis 2 5 1 8 with full-width
three places. There were four works British Grand Prix on 16 July was held at nose and tail-sections and pontoons
Maseratis in the Belgian race, but Modena Aintree and Maserati fielded four cars for between the front and rear wheels. It was
turned in another poor performance. Behra Behra, Musso, Mieres and André Simon. driven by Jean Behra. The other team cars
crashed his car heavily just before La Source The Mercedes-Benz team completely domi­ were driven by Mieres, Musso, Peter Collins
hairpin, walked back to the pits and took nated the race and took the first four places, and Carlos Menditeguy. British privateer
over Mieres’ car to drive in an understand­ but Musso drove another good race to Horace Gould was planning to buy 2 5 1 4
ably lack-lustre fashion to finish fifth. finish fifth, albeit nearly two minutes and he was also entered by the works in
Musso and Perdisa took seventh and eighth behind fourth-place man Taruffi. The other this race. Both Collins and the Argentinian
places. three works 2 5 OF entries all retired. Menditeguy were being given trial drives by
Despite the Le Mans tragedy, the Dutch Two months elapsed before the next the team with a view to the possibility of
Grand Prix was held at Zandvoort on 19 Championship Grand Prix, the Italian race signing them on for 1956.

A N EW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 133

The streamlined 250F seen in unpainted form before the 1955 Italian Grand Piix at Monza. September attracted a remarkably strong
entry that included two works 250Fs, two
The works Maseratis had minor modifica­ Musso was again the star of the Maserati Ferrari-entered Lancia D50s, two works
tions. All except Menditeguy’s car had team and after a bad start had come Vanwalls and two works Connaughts,
slightly downdraught carburettors. Larger through to hold sixth place ahead of Behra. together with Peter Collins at the wheel of
fuel pumps were belt-driven from the prop- The streamlined 250F had proved disap­ the new BRM P25 Formula 1 car. Stirling
shaft. The two exhaust manifolds fed into a pointingly slow and Behra was struggling Moss was in negotiations with the Orsis
single large-bore tail-pipe (as seen earlier in with it. Musso was having gearbox prob­ about rejoining Maserati as team-leader in
the year) and there were slighdy wider front lems, dropped back and became a very 1956 so a car was entered for him and there
brakes. They were also fitted with 5-speed reluctant retirement. Behra’s engine began was another for Musso. Stirling took the
gearboxes. Ferrari was planning to race the to run rough; by the last lap it sounded lead on the first lap and soon outstnpped
D 50s for the first time, but they had to be terrible and he crossed the line to take the field to win by over a minute from
withdrawn because of tyre problems. Early fourth place with the car enveloped in blue Hawthorn (Lancia D50) and Titterington
in the race the Mercedes team held the first smoke. Menditeguy finished fifth, Mieres (Vanwall). Musso retired near the end of the
four places, but both Moss and Kling retired seventh and Collins retired. race because of gearbox trouble, but was
their cars and Fangio and Taruffi won from The works 250Fs ran in two other races classified eighth and last.
Castellotti, who had had driven a strong, in 1955. The 161-mile (259km ) Gold Cup On 23 October the 243-mile (391km)
hard race with his SuperSqualo Ferrari. race at Oulton Park in Cheshire on 24 Syracuse Grand Prix was held on a road


Circuit in Sicily lined for much of its sports cars designated in this series. The Alfieri and his colleagues were feeling their
distance by low stone walls. Maserati evolution of the 300S was progressive and way, but the next and definitive engine built
entered a team of five cars for Musso, started with the 250F-engined versions of with a capacity of 2 ,9 9 2 .5 cc (84 x 90mm)
Villoresi, Carroll Shelby, Luigi Piotti and, the A6GCS seen in 1954. Alfieri first devel­ developed 245bhp at 6,200rpm and was
with the streamlined car, Harry Schell. oped a 2.8-litre engine with cylinder dimen­ adopted for the production 300S. Apart
Conspicuous by his absence was Jean Behra sions of 89 x 75mm, but this proved from a starter motor, lower compression
who had crashed heavily in the Tourist unsatisfactory so a revised 2.8-litre unit with ratio, cylinder head and capacity, this
Trophy the previous month. His presence in dimensions of 92 x 75mm was built. Power engine was pure 250F. The transmission
the team could have made a very big differ­ output on alcohol fuel was 280bhp and and chassis were similar to the 250F except
ence to the outcome. The race was held during testing at Monza Villoresi with this outrigger tubing extended the frame to
only after Maserati had confirmed their engine installed in an A6GCS chassis permit full-width bodywork to be fitted.
entry and a reasonably good field was lapped in Im in 59sec, compared with Right-hand drive steering was adopted
obtained by offering exceptional starting Gonzalez’ fastest lap with a 3-litre Ferrari and Fantuzzi produced a neat and sleek
money. Connaught entered cars for Tony Monza in the 1954 Supercortemaggiore body. As was often the case, it seems that no
Brooks and Les Leston and there were four Grand Prix of 2min 8.5sec. two bodies were quite identical and there
private 250Fs. Subsequently, in 1954 Maserati built a 3- were different arrangements of side vents on
Musso and Villoresi were fastest in prac­ litre engine with cylinder dimensions of 92 different cars. Brake cooling inlets either side
tice, but alongside them on the grid was the x 72mm, but power output was now only of the main air intake and a streamlined
young and inexperienced dental student 225bhp at 6,000rpm . It is obvious that headrest were added before the cars were
Tony Brooks with the latest unstreamlined
Connaught. From a slow start Brooks came An unusual view of Musso with his 250F on the banking at the 1955 Italian Grand Prix at Monza.
through to challenge Musso for the lead; The combined banked track and road circuit at Monza was being used fo r the first time since the
they passed and repassed and then Brooks banked track had been rebuilt and there were no chassis problems. It had deteriorated badly by the
went ahead to win by a margin of close to time the 1956 race was held.
50 seconds. Brooks’ driving was outstand­
ing, Maseratis defeat humiliating, but a
significant factor was the Dunlop disc
brakes of the British car which were vastly
superior to the drums of the Maserati. It
was fading brakes that compelled Musso to
give up the fight. Villoresi, Gould (private
250F), Schell and Shelby in third to sixth
places completed the list of official finishers.
In 1955, the works 250Fs were no match
even for the struggling Ferraris and while
the Mercedes-Benz W 1 9 6 and Lancia D 50
were undoubtedly faster cars, it was the
absence of a Fangio or Moss in the Maserati
team that made the real difference.

1955 Sports Car Developments

The 300S, which was first seen in December

1954, was a brilliant development by Giulio
Alfieri of the 25 0 F for sports car racing. In
Maserati literature the car was designated
the 300/S, but usually it is referred to with­
out the slash. The same applies to other

A N EW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 135

Sénégal, Behra led with his works 300S
until forced out by transmission problems.
Two cars had been shipped out to the
United States and they ran the same day in
the Sebring 12 Hours race. Both cars ran
steadily and with great reliability.
Driven by Spear/Johnston (entered by Bill
Spear) and Valenzano/Perdisa (entered by
Briggs Cunningham with drivers nominated
by the factory) they took trouble-free third
and fourth places behind the Jaguar D-type
of Hawthom/Walters and the Ferrari Monza
of Phil Hill/Shelby. It was a particularly
good race for Cunningham, as he was also
the entrant of the winning works-prepared
D-type and it was his l,5 0 0 c c Osca that
had won the race in 1954. Another 300S
was delivered that year to Briggs
Cunningham and Tony Panavano also took
delivery of one of these cars.
In the Tour of Sicily on 3 April Maserati
fielded a single 300S for Musso and private
entrant Vittorio Marzotto, who had
switched his allegiance from Fenari, also
drove a 300S. Neither could match the
pace of the Fenaris driven by Taruffi and
Maglioli and they took third and fourth
places. The Mille Miglia on 30 April-1 May
was dominated by the Mercedes-Benz
300SLRs of Moss/Jenkinson and Fangio,
which took the first two places ahead of a
Fenari driven by Maglioli. Maserati entered
a single 300S for Perdisa and although he
was in second place at Bologna, with much
of the course covered, he was forced to give
up not long afterwards because of gearbox
trouble. Maserati A6GCS drivers took the
Musso’s 250F is pushed away from the pits in the 1955 Italian Grand Prix at Monza after he was first three places in the 2 ,0 0 0 cc sports class
forced to stop because of gearbox problems and retirement was inevitable. He had been holding a in the order Giardini (a superb fourth over­
great fourth place, but in this race he had overdriven his car. all) , Beliucci (ninth overall) and Sbraci.
The same weekend as the Mille Miglia
first raced. The 300S was a delightful The A6GCS was still being raced in 1955 Swiss privateer Benoit Musy with his
competition car, with safe, predictable and and in the Buenos Aires 1,000km race on A6GCS won the 2,0 0 0 cc class of the
progressive handling, excellent traction and 23 January, a privately entered car driven by Production Sports Car race at Spa-
a performance that matched that of the Grandio/Faraoni finished third overall Francorchamps. The 172-mile (277km)
Ferrari Monza without the handling foibles behind private 4.9-litre and 4.5-litre Bari Grand Prix was held a fortnight later as
of the Maranello car - unlike the Monza you Ferraris. The 300S made its racing debut on a night race and after the retirement of
could almost trust the girlfriend to drive it 13 March on both sides of the Atlantic. In Taruffi (Fenari), Behra and Musso with
when she went to the hairdressers! the 228-mile (367km ) Dakar Grand Prix in 300S entries won from Masten Gregory


(Ferrari Monza). Perdisa, Scarlatti and Jaguar D-type) and won this 253-mile dominated by Ferraris which took the first
Valenzano with A6GCS cars finished first, (407km ) race comfortably from Masten two places. But, for the first time the name
third and fourth in the 2 ,0 0 0 cc class. On Gregory (Ferrari Monza) and Hamilton. of Marie-Thérèse de Filippis appeared in the
22 May Sicilian private owner Gaetano Musso drove an A6GCS but retired because results of an International race and, part­
Starrabbia with an A6GCS won the 249- of lubrication problems. nered by Musitelli she brought her A6GCS
mile (401km ) Sardinia Trophy road race The Dolomite Gold Cup race was held at across the line in third place. The 300S
from Bomigia (Ferrari Monza) and Danny Belluna on 10 July and had a capacity limit entries had a less than trouble-free race,
Margulies (Jaguar C-type) whose of 2 ,0 0 0 cc for sports cars and 3 ,0 0 0 cc for Mieres, partnered by pilot Franco Bordoni,
‘mechanic’ Graham Hill, double World GT cars. The only serious Maserati entry took fourth place and Musso retired the car
Champion to be, rode with him. was an A6GCS driven by Piero Valenzano, that he was sharing with Perdisa.
Another fine success followed in the but sadly the former Lancia GT and sports The same weekend the 186-mile
1,000-kilometre Supercortemaggiore Grand car driver crashed with fatal results. A good (300km ) Lisbon Grand Prix was held on
Prix limited to 3-litre cars and held at result for Maserati followed in the 107-mile the Monsanto circuit. Shortly after the start
Monza on 29 May. After a race-long duel (172km ) Circuit of Reggio Calabria on 17 - apparently while he was still in first gear -
Behra/Musso won with their 300S by a July. W ith works A6GCS entries Bellucci, the transmission seized on Swiss driver
margin of only 17 seconds from Hawthorn/ Musso and Giardini took first, second and Benoit Musy’s new 300S and he was
Maglioli (works Ferrari Monza). Mieres/ fifth places. rammed by Masten Gregory. Gregory
Perdisa (works 300S) took third place, but There is something peculiarly exciting carried on with his battered Ferrari Monza
Franco Bordoni crashed his new 300S that about night races and one of the most excit­ to win from veteran Emmanuel de
he was sharing with Valenzano after a brake ing of these events was the Messina Ten Graffenried at the wheel of a borrowed
locked up. It may have meant little else­ Hours race held in Sicily, ju st across the 300S. Behra drove the only works Maserati
where, but in Italy this was an important straights from the toe of Italy. In the 1955 entry in the 130-mile (209km ) Swedish
and prestigious race. race held on 2 3 - 2 4 July, the results were Grand Prix at Kristianstad on 7 August.
Two 300S works cars were entered at the
disastrous Le Mans race for Behra/Musso On the hanked track at Monza Jean Behra with the streamlined 250F leads Harry Schell (Vanwall),
and Mieres/Perdisa. During practice Jean Horace Gould (works-entered 250F) and Jean Lucas (Gordini).
Behra was quietly minding his own - and
Maserati’s - business in the pits when
Moss’s Mercedes-Benz 300SLR and Storez’
DB collided and he was hurled against the
pit counter. He was injured badly enough to
be taken to hospital and Valenzano took his
place in the race. Both 300S cars retired
because of transmission problems (the
Achilles’ heel of the model), but
Musso/Valenzano had risen to second place
before retiring in the 20th hour.
On 20 June private A6GCS entries were
well to the fore in the 159-mile (256km )
Imola Grand Prix limited to 2 ,0 0 0 cc sports
cars. Luigi Beliucci led initially with his
works-entered A6GCS, but it developed
engine trouble and Perdisa went ahead with
another works car to win from Ferrari
Mondials driven by Maglioli and Schell. A
single 300S for Behra was taken to the
Portuguese Grand Prix at Porto on 26 June.
On the second lap the Frenchman took the
lead from Duncan Hamilton (ex-works

A NEW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 137

Fangio and Moss took the first two places
with Mercedes-Benz 300SLRs; Castellotti
drove a good race to finish third with a 4.4-
litre 6-cylinder Ferrari and Behra took a
steady, but unspectacular fourth place.
Maserati sent three cars to the Tourist
Trophy, a round in the World Sports Car
Championship and held over the Dundrod
circuit near Belfast on 17 September. For the
first time the event was held as a scratch
race. The efforts of teams such as Maserati
and Aston Martin were completely over­
shadowed by the titanic battle between the
sole works D-type Jaguar of Flawthom and
Desmond Titterington and the Mercedes-
Benz team, the ultimate 1-2-3 finish by the
300SLRs and the horrific and stupid acci­
dent that cost the lives of two drivers early
in the race. There was a further fatal acci­
dent later in the race when Dick Mainwaring
crashed his Elva. The Modena team entered
300S cars for Behra/Bordoni and Musso/
Musy, together with an A6GCS for Bellucci,
but without nominating a co-driver.
It did not really matter, as Maserati
followed the usual Italian practice of nomi­
nating every driver as reserve for every car
and caused endless confusion to those jour­
nalists who reported races from the saloon
bar. Bellucci retired the A6GCS early in the
race because of engine failure. On lap 64
Behra, who was in fourth place at one stage,
crashed heavily at Leathemstown Bridge. He
suffered severe arm injuries and his head
was trapped under the car. The road surface
wore through his helmet and destroyed
most of an ear. Afterwards he wore a false
ear which was almost undetectable.
The surviving 300S, which had been
shared by Musso, Bordoni and Behra, took
fifth place, two laps behind the works Aston
Martin DB3S of Peter Walker/Dennis Poore.
There was not often the opportunity to see
the 3-litre Maseratis and Aston Martins
matched against each other, but, certainly, at
Dundrod the British cars were faster.
Another view of Behra and the streamlined 250F on the banking at Monza in the 1955 Italian Maserati’s best lap of 4min 50sec and best
Grand Prix. He is following two other 250Fs. He finished fourth after his engine failed on the last lap speed over the flying kilometre of 140. lm ph
and crawled to the line with the Maserati belching out blue smoke. (225.56kph) were bettered by the David


Brown team with a best lap of 4min 45sec Bellentani. It was powered by a 4-cylinder engine was tested in the same chassis. In
and a speed of 142.1m ph (228.8kph). 1 ,4 8 4 .lc c (81 x 72mm) derivative of the October 1954 one of these engines was
On 16 October Luigi Musso and Luigi 250F engine said to be capable of running installed in the speedboat Maria Luisa IV
Villoresi co-drove the only works 300S up to 8,000rpm and developing around raced by Liborio Guidotti. In this form it
entered in the Targa Fiorio. Villoresi was 140bhp. The 4-speed gearbox had Porsche had a compression ratio of 11.5:1, but a
racing for the first time since the death of his baulk-ring synchromesh on all gears. Some rather lower 9:1 was used in the cars.
great friend Alberto Ascari. The Mercedes- later cars had a 5-speed gearbox. The chas­ Although the final version with de Dion
Benz team dominated the race and although sis followed existing Maserati practice, but rear axle and slightly lengthened chassis is
the 300S held fifth place at one stage, it at the rear there was a de Dion axle with the believed to have been completed as early as
retired before half-distance because of rear tube located by a central sliding pivot April 1955, commitments to Formula 1 and
axle failure. The A6GCS entries fared rather mounted below the level of the tube itself, the 300S had necessitated shelving it until a
better and those driven by Giuseppe Musso in accordance with the arrangement used 500 kilometre race for sports cars up to
(younger brother of LuigO/Giuseppe Rossi by Lancia on their D 50 Grand Prix car. The l,5 0 0 c c was held at the Nürburgring on 28
and Francesco/Giardini took fifth and sixth body looked like a scaled-down version of August. Between 1955 and 1957 Maserati
places overall and were first and second in that of the 300S and was the work of built 2 4 of these cars with chassis numbers
the 2,0 0 0 cc class. Marie-Thérèse de Filippis Celestino Fiandri. between 1651 and 1675. The last three cars
shared an A6GCS with Luigi Bellucci and The model had been under development had more streamlined bodies built by
they finished ninth overall and fourth in since early 1954. Originally Maserati experi­ Fantuzzi. One car built in 1957 had a
their class. mented with a 4CLT/48 engine, from which coupé body by Fantuzzi and it seems that
A team of three 300S cars was shipped the blower had been removed, in a chassis Maserati was contemplating a produc­
out to compete in the first Venezuelan with a rigid rear axle. Subsequently the new tion road-going version, but with which
Grand held over a distance of 2 13 miles
(343km ) at Caracas on 6 November. It was This works Tipo 300S sports-racing car was driven at Le Mans in 1955 by Musso and Valenzano. It
a confusing race in a confusing country had risen to second place behind the winning Jaguar D-type o f Hawthorn/Bueb, but it retired because
governed by a military junta. Initially it was of transmission problems four hours before the finish. (TC. March)
announced that Fangio had won with one
of the Maserati entries, but the organisers
released no other results. Musso with
another works 300S had chased him hard,
but the young Italian had retired because of
mechanical problems three laps from the
finish. The reporters of Venezuelan newspa­
pers persuaded their editors to suppress all
reports of the race. There would have been
problems with the government if reports
critical of the organisers had been
published, so they were forced to resort to
this mode of attack. It was later announced
that Ferraris had taken the next four places
with the 300S shared by Villoresi and
Mieres in sixth position.

The Tipo 150S and 200S

On 28 August another new Maserati sports

car had appeared at the Nürburgring. This
was the Tipo 150S, the design of which was
largely the responsibility of Vittorio

A NEW GRAND PRIX FORMULA, 1 9 5 4 -5 5 / 139

for unknown reasons they did not proceed.
At the Nürburgring Jean Behra had the
choice of what was to be the definitive car
with the de Dion rear axle or the rigid axle
prototype. He chose the de Dion car; was
fastest in practice and after a poor start took
the lead towards the end of the first lap. In
a strong field that included both works
Porsche 5 5 0 Spyders and the very potent
East German EMWs, he won by ju st under
two minutes from von Frankenberg’s
Porsche at an average of 77.11m ph
(1 2 4 .15kph) and set a new class lap record.
There were serious expectations that the
Tipo 150S would dominate the l,5 0 0 c c
sports car class, but that did not happen
and Behra’s win in the Nürburgring was the
only outstanding success that the model
Jean Behra with the new Tipo 150S won the Nürburgring 500-km race on 28 August and defeated a By the Targa Fiorio in October the
strong works Porsche entry. Despite the great promise shown in this race, the Tipo 150S proved to be Maserati factory had developed the Tipo
too heavy and achieved little success in its later races. 200S version (also known as the Tipo 52).
This was powered by a l,9 9 4 .3 c c (92 x
The works entered this A6GCS fo r Bellucci in the 1955 Tourist Trophy on the Dundrod circuit, but, 75mm) engine developing around 186bhp
oddly, no second driver was nominated. It was retired because o f engine problems. (Guy Griffiths at 7,500rpm . Early cars had a 4-speed gear­
Collection) box, but later a 5-speed ’box was fitted.
There was a rigid rear axle on some cars,
but on most later cars it was a de Dion. The
first five cars had bodies by Fiandri, but
thereafter a sleeker design by Fantuzzi was
used. Two of these cars were entered in the
Sicilian race, a works entry for Bracco/
Bordoni and another by American enthusi­
ast Tony Parravano for Mancini/Musy.
Bracco crashed the works car in both prac­
tice and the race and the American entry
had an oil pipe break, lost most of its oil
and ran its bearings.
During 1 9 5 4 -5 5 Maserati had been
transformed into an exceptionally busy, at
times hectic, competition organisation. It
may not have made much impact in Grand
Prix racing in 1955, but the sports cars,
especially the 300S, had achieved an envi­
able competition record, mainly in Italian
events. Although the management structure
was beefed up in 1956, Maserati’s workload
continued to expand until the bubble
finally burst at the end of the 1957 season.


Chapter 12

The zenith of Maserati power,

1 9 5 6 -5 7
TIRLING MOSS rejoined Maserati, making seconds ahead of Tony Gaze (3-litre Ferrari Moss practised with both the works car and
S an early decision after Mercedes-Benz
withdrew from racing at the end of the
Tipo 625). Moss then flew to the Argentine
to join the works Maserati team.
his 1954 250F and was only two-fifths of a
second slower with his older car. The fuel
1955 season. Jean Behra and Cesare Perdisa In the Argentine Grand Prix there were injection-engine suffered from poor torque
remained with the team, while Luigi Musso six works-entered Maseratis. Excluded from characteristics and Moss would have
left to drive for Ferrari. Roberto Mieres, who the list of drivers was Perdisa, but added preferred to drive his own car. He chased
was a very consistent and unflappable were Carlos Menditeguy, Luigi Piotti, Archie-Scott Brown (Connaught) hard in
Argentinian also left Maserati, allegedly for Francesco Landi and the once-great Froilan the race, but when the British car slowed
financial reasons, but there may well have Gonzalez. There were only 11 starters in with mechanical problems, Moss went on
been more deep-seated causes. this race. Moss soon worked his way into
Only slight changes were made to the the lead, but was forced to retire because of In 1955 Nello Ugolini had joined Maserati as
250F at the beginning of the season, but a piston failure. Fangio won with what was racing manager. He was highly respected and
number of experiments were tried during now popularly known as a Lancia-Ferrari, very able, probably one of the great team
the year and at the last Championship race followed across the finishing line by Behra managers o f all time. He is seen here at
Alfieri produced two new cars that were in and Mike Hawthorn (driving the Owen Siracusa in 1954 checking the tachometer ‘tell­
effect prototypes of the 1957 T2 or Organisation-entered 250F). Fangio also tale’ o f Hawthorn’s Tipo 625 when he was still
‘Lightweight’ cars. The 5-speed gearbox was won the Formule Libre Buenos Aires City at Ferrari.
now standard, as were the wider brake Grand Prix from Moss, Behra and
drums with larger and deeper stiffening and Menditeguy. The Championship would
the large-bore single exhaust pipe. During clearly be a two-horse battle.
the early part of the year three new cars From April onwards there were the usual
were completed for use by the works team non-Championship races in Europe. In the
and more cars appeared in the hands of Richmond Trophy at Goodwood on Easter
private owners. Monday Stirling Moss drove one of the new
1956 works cars fitted with experimental
fuel injection. This incorporated an
The Grand Prix Year OM/Bosch fuel injection pump mounted on
the exhaust side of the engine and driven by
Maserati scored its first victory of the year chains and sprockets from the timing gear.
when Stirling Moss drove his own 2 5 0 F to On the inlet side of the engine six inlet
a win in the 204-m ile (328km ) New pipes, each with a vertical throttle slide,
Zealand Grand Prix at Ardmore. Moss had were linked to injector nozzles mounted on
built up a good lead, so when a fuel line the tops of the air intake tubes.
started to leak, he had time to make a stop During practice a piston seized and a
in the pits for a little over 30 seconds while replacement engine had to be sent hastily
the tank was topped up and still finish 23 from Modena. On the morning of the race

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 141

Collins. The only hiccup came when Moss
was lapping Perdisa, his team-mate over­
braked and Moss ran up the back of
Perdisa’s car; the nose of the leading
Maserati was crumpled, fortunately without
blocking off the air-flow, but it allowed
Fangio to close the gap a little. Behra drove
a good race to finish third, albeit a lap in
arrears. It was Maserati’s first World
Championship race win since the 1954
Belgian Grand Prix and only its fourth
since the Championship was inaugurated
in 1950.
At the Belgian Grand Prix on the very fast
Spa-Francorchamps circuit Maserati made a
total of five entries, which included Godia-
Sales and Mike Hawthorn. Hawthorn was
contracted to BRM, but this British team
At Monaco Moss took the lead on the first lap with his 250F and led throughout this 100-lap race to was in mechanical disarray and did not race
win from Fangio who had taken over Peter Collins’s Lancia-Ferrari. Later in the race the nose of the again until the British event in July. The real
Maserati was dented as the result of a collision with team-mate Cesare Perdisa who over-braked to let truth of what happened over Hawthorn’s
Moss lap him. Spa entry is far from clear, but certainly
Enzo Ferrari was angered that Hawthorn, a
to win by a little over three seconds from Vanwall, while on the Posillipo circuit long-term Ferrari driver, should appear for
Salvadori with the Gilby Engineering 250F. Robert Manzon with a works 6-cylinder the opposition, so Mike withdrew from the
The relatively poor performance of the Gordini was the totally unexpected winner. race. Godia-Sales drove the team’s spare car,
works 2 50F at Goodwood convinced Maserati entered three cars at Monaco for after he had blown-up in practice the
Maserati - and Moss - that a great deal of Moss, Behra and Perdisa. There would have team’s ‘hack’ engine fitted to his new
development work was still needed before been an additional entry for Argentinian car, 2524.
the Monaco race on 13 May. So it was polo-player Carlos Menditeguy, but he had Moss drove 2501, which was becoming
proposed to scratch from the Syracuse crashed heavily at Sebring and put himself Maserati’s development car. Alfieri had aped
Grand Prix, to be held on 15 April, but out of racing for the rest of the year. Moss Vanwall practice by fitting 2501 with a long
Behra who lived near the circuit persuaded drove a car specially fitted with a 4-speed tapering nose, a high-sided cockpit and a
the team to let him run in the race. He gearbox for this circuit and it also had a wrap-round Perspex screen; the radiator
drove chassis 2501 with a fuel injection new cylinder head with 10mm instead of was mounted more towards the front of the
engine, but retired on the first lap because the usual 14mm sparking plugs. Perdisa’s car with ducting to ensure that hot air did
of a broken oil pipe. car was fitted with a right-hand throttle, ju st not enter the engine bay or the cockpit.
At Aintree on 21 April, Moss won the in case Moss needed to take it over. Veteran, Moss practised the car with both fuel injec­
‘2 0 0 ’ race with his old Maserati after the one-time great Monégasque driver Louis tion and carburettor engines, concluding
retirement of Scott-Brown (Connaught) and Chiron brought his racing career to a humil­ that there was nothing to choose between
Hawthorn (BRM), and Brooks (BRM) had iating end by breaking in practice both his them in performance, but used the carbu­
been forced to ease right back because of Scuderia Centro-Sud 250F and the works rettor engine in the race because it was
failing brakes. There were no works spare car. more economical. The team’s spare car,
Maseratis entered in either the International Moss drove a superlative race, taking the 2 5 2 3 , also had the long tapering nose, but
Trophy at Silverstone on 5 May or the lead on the first lap and staying ahead for the radiator header tank was mounted on
Naples Grand Prix the following day. Ferrari the remaining 99 to win by a margin of the bulkhead.
entered both races and failed in both. At 6.1sec. He had maintained a pace that kept At the start Moss accelerated into the
Silverstone the winner was Moss who had him comfortably ahead of the Lancia-Ferrari lead, chased by the Lancia-Ferraris; he was
been released to drive the much-improved that Fangio had taken over from Peter passed by Fangio on the fifth lap and on lap


10 at FEau Rouge Bridge, Moss’s Maserati 2 5 1 8 , the streamlined car not raced since the gear-lever snapped and took over
shed the nearside wheel complete with hub Monza the previous year. It was now fitted Perdisa’s car - cockpit awash with oil - to
and brake drum. Moss sprinted back to the with a fuel injection-engine and Dunlop finish fifth. Behra drove a steady race to take
pits, took over Perdisa’s car, which was disc brakes. It had a 4-speed gearbox, as it third place behind the Lancia-Ferraris of
already a lap in arrears, but fought his way was not possible to use a brake servo with Collins and Castellotti. Taruffi was never up
back to finish third behind Collins and Paul the 5-speed gearbox, but a 5-speed ’box with the leaders and retired because of
Frère with Lancia-Ferraris. Fangio had built was essential for Reims, so the car was mechanical problems. On this high-speed
up a substantial lead with his Lancia- pushed to one side. At this race a fourth car circuit the 250Fs were simply not fast
Ferrari, but transmission problems forced was entered for veteran Piero Taruffi. enough to challenge for the lead. Alfieri and
his retirement. Because of a rough-running Moss retired 2501 early in the race after Ugolini were forced to rethink their strategy
engine Behra lapped slower and slower and
eventually finished 12th. In the British Grand Prix at Silverstone Moss drove anotherfine race. He took the lead on lap 16 and
Among the works Maseratis at the French led fo r the next 50 laps until his engine lost power. He retired seven laps from the finish because of
Grand Prix at Reims held on 1 July was gearbox problems and was classified eighth. (TC. March)

THE ZENITH OF MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 143

after Reims and the team’s performances in to be a disappointing day for Modena, for entry which he should have driven non-
Grand Prix racing improved during the Salvadori ran into problems and retired, started. Fangio led initially from team-mate
remainder of the season. Moss dropped to second place behind Collins, but when he retired, Moss main­
So the teams moved on to Silverstone Fangio after a pit stop caused by ignition tained second place for the remainder of
and the British Grand Prix on 14 July. problems and retired seven laps from the the race. Jean Behra finished an almost
Silverstone was still a medium-speed circuit finish when his gearbox broke. So Fangio inevitable third, Godia-Sales was fourth and
and Moss, Behra, Perdisa and Godia-Sales and Collins (who had taken over de Rosier with his private 2 5 OF fifth.
drove standard 250Fs. Alfieri had decided Portago’s car) took the first two places with The number of minor Grands Prix staged
to concentrate on reliability with the 250F Lancia-Ferraris, Behra was a consistent third during the year had been dwindling, but
running on carburettors and had, for the and an uncompetitive Perdisa took a less the 153-mile (246km ) Caen Grand Prix
time being at least, abandoned experiments than satisfactory seventh place. took place on 26 August. Maserati had
with fuel injection. A total of seven private In the German Grand Prix at the made a single works entry, but this was
250Fs were entered in this race in which Nürburgring on 5 August Moss drove the taken over by Scuderia Centro-Sud who ran
there was no limit on the number of long-nose car that he had raced at Spa, the much-raced 2511 for Harry Schell. The
starters. while Behra and Perdisa had normal 250Fs. race was held in rain for most of its
Moss took pole position in lm in 41sec, Godia-Sales again ran as a works entry. In distance. Salvadori with the Gilby car took
with the Lancia-Ferraris of Fangio, the sports car race preceding the Grand an early lead and set a new lap record on
Flawthom and Collins alongside him on the Prix, Perdisa had crashed his Tipo 15 OS and the second lap. W hen the rain intensified,
front row. Moss was in the lead by lap 14 was not fit to drive in the Grand Prix. Roy had the misfortune to spin off, but he
and eight laps later Salvadori was up into Umberto Maglioli was hastily brought into rejoined to finish third behind Schell and
second place with his elderly 250F. It was the team and the Scuderia Guastalla 250F Simon (6-cylinder Gordini).
Giulio Alfieri displayed the fruits of his
This works 250F was driven in the British Grand Prix at Silverstone by Jean Behra, who turned in labours at Monza with two new 250Fs that
consistent if not outstanding performances all season. He finished third behind Fangio and de were lower, had a reduced centre of gravity,
Portago/Collins with Lancia-Ferraris. (TC. March) were more aerodynamic and gave the
Maserati drivers better prospects of match­
ing the speed of the Lancia-Ferraris on the
very fast banked track and road circuit.
They also won for Maserati the substantial
financial prize offered by the organisers to
the Italian manufacturer who raced a new
design. The usual 250F suspension was
unchanged and there were few alterations
to the chassis, but the engine was angled in
the frame with the nose of the crankshaft
pointing to the right of the car and the
transmission was redesigned. The prop-
shaft now ran from the left side of the gear­
box bevel housing across the car at an angle
to join the final drive.
The driver was seated on the under-tray
alongside the prop-shaft, about eight inches
lower than in the standard 250F, and Alfieri
lowered the bonnet-line by mounting the
steering box on the main cross-member
behind the engine instead of its usual place
on top of the clutch housing. At the rear
there was a redesigned fuel tank, which
formed the driver’s headrest and was


mounted on rubber blocks secured by spring- In the Silverstone race, the third works 250F was as usual driven by Cesare Perdisa. He was at the
loaded bolts. The Vanwall influence was again wheel of car 2501 which had been rebuilt with long nose and high cockpit sides. He finished well down
prominent in the adoption of a long tapering the field in seventh place. Here he is about to be lapped by Peter Collins. (TC. March)
nose and the carburettor intakes were in a
long tubular duct on the bonnet. The cars entered 250Fs of which six started. Facing Moss was to achieve his second
would not fit Maserati’s transporter because the Maseratis were five Lancia-Ferraris and Championship race win of the year, but for
of the length of the noses and so they were practice showed that they still had the edge once there was more than a little good luck
made to be quickly detachable. in speed. The field was completed by three involved for the man who was usually
The new cars were driven by Moss and Connaughts, three Gordinis and three singled out for misfortune. Ferrari drivers
Behra, while ordinary 250Fs were entered Vanwalls. Fangio took pole position in 2min Casteflotti and Musso destroyed their own
for Luigi Villoresi (deputising for Perdisa who 42.6sec and Behra and Moss were back on prospects in their high-speed duel at the
was still not fit) and Godia-Sales with his the second row with times of 2min 45.6sec front of the field, each determined and
own car. There were also eight privately and 2 min 45.9sec. undisciplined in his ambition to win his

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 145

home Grand Prix. The Lancia-Ferraris had Three laps from the finish the steering sports car Australian Tourist Trophy on 25
never raced on the banking at Monza previ­ arm broke on Musso’s Lancia-Ferrari, a tyre November and the Formule Libre Australian
ously and were plagued by problems with burst and after spinning wildly he came to Grand Prix on 2 December. In the 248-mile
their Belgian Englebert tyres and steering- rest only a few inches from the pit counter. (400km) Grand Prix held in Albert Park,
arm breakages. Moss won by a margin of 5.7sec from Melbourne, Moss (2501) and Behra (2523
By lap five Moss was in the lead, he lost it Fangio, who had taken over Peter Collins’s with 3-litre engine) took the first two places
briefly to Musso on lap ten and then was in Lancia-Ferrari. Behra had retired because of ahead of Peter Whitehead (Ferrari
front again between laps 12 and 45 of this magneto failure, although as the car was SuperSqualo with 3.4-litre engine). As
50-lap race. He set a new lap record of being pushed away it was noticed that fuel explained later, there was more than one
135.50m ph (218.15kph) and seemed was gushing out of its split tank, and chassis 2523 and the car raced in Australia
assured of victory in the race that meant so Villoresi was eliminated early in the race by had been built up on a new chassis in
much to the Maserati team. Then the engine failure. Ron Flockhart took an excel­ August 1956. After the race it was sold to
engine faltered and cut out. The fuel tank lent third place with his British Connaught Australian Doug Whiteford who had previ­
had developed a slight split and run dry. In and Godia-Sales’s fourth place was one of ously raced a Talbot-Lago.
his mirror Moss saw private Maserati driver his better performances. In the Drivers’
Piotti, gesticulated furiously and the tubby World Championship Moss finished second
Italian, quick to grasp the point, man­ with 27 points to the 30 of Juan Fangio. Sports Car Racing in 1956
oeuvred behind the works car and gently The works 250Fs made one more appear­
pushed it so that it rolled towards the pits. ance in 1956. Attracted by the high level of At this time sports car sales were booming
Fuel was hastily poured in to the tank and starting money offered and the possibility of at Modena. The Tipo 300S, which was such
Moss rejoined in second place behind selling the cars after they had raced, a delightful car to drive, remained in
Musso. Maserati sent works cars to compete in the production for a considerable time and
between the appearance of the prototype in
At Monza Stirling Moss takes the chequered flag to win with his new lower car. It was a close-run December 1954 and the roll-out of the last
thing, however, for he ran out o f fuel because of a split tank and Luigi Piotti with his private 250F example in early 1958 about 2 7 examples
gave him a push that kept him rolling to the pits to take on extra fuel. were built. These have chassis numbers
running between 3051 and 3 0 8 0 . Early cars
had a chassis made by Maserati themselves,
but later construction was contracted out to
Gilco in Milan, the specialist chassis-build­
ing company founded by Gilberto
Colombo. After the first six cars larger
Weber 4 5 D C 0 3 carburettors were fitted
and the fuel system was modified. In 1956
a lengthened, more aerodynamic nose was
adopted from chassis number 3063
onwards. The 300S was to achieve consid­
erable success during 1956.
The 150S cannot be regarded as a
success because it was too heavy and it
never, after its so promising debut in 1955
at the Nürburgring, proved a real match for
the Osca and Porsche opposition. There
was considerable demand for the 200S and
this proved rather more successful than its
smaller-capacity stable-mate. Chassis
numbers ran from 2401 to 2 4 3 3 , but these
include the 200SI to which reference is
made later. Of these about eight were the


original version. (This total includes a re­
engined Tipo 150S.)
W ith his range of 4-cylinder and 6-cylin-
der engines, what Alfieri had created was a
modular engine design, a concept so loved
by modem designers. The large number of
cars sold by Maserati increased the pressure
on the competition department, for not
only did owners in Italy (the majority of
sales were in Italy and the United States)
expect the works to maintain and repair
their cars, but it was also very lucrative
business for the company. It was a pressure
that Maserati could not really cope with and
it was a problem that was never solved.
It is believed that the two 300S works
entries in the Buenos Aires 1,000km race,
the first round in the 1956 World Sports
Car Championship, had competed in the
Venezuelan Grand Prix in late 1955. In the
Argentine they were driven by Moss/
Menditeguy and Jean Behra partnered by
Froilan Gonzalez. They faced strong works
Ferrari opposition that included two 4.9-
litre cars built specially for this race and a Stirling Moss, partnered by Denis Jenkinson, was the reluctant driver o f this ill-handling, underdevel­
new 3.5-litre V I 2 car. Both the 4.9s retired oped Tipo 3505 6-cylinder 3.5-litre car in the 1956 Mille Miglia. They were in fifth place when they
and Moss/Menditeguy scored Maserati’s went off the road shortly after the Pescara control.
first ever win in a round in the Champion­
ship. Gendebien/Phil Hill with the 3.5-litre set fastest lap at 125.47m ph (202.01kph), Peter Collins with a works Ferrari took
Ferrari finished second ahead of Behra/ the highest lap speed to that date ever first place in the 671-m ile (1,080km ) Tour
Gonzalez. In fourth place - and winning recorded in a sports car race. of Sicily on 8 April, but Piero Taruffi, who
the l,5 0 0 c c class - were Alessandro de The Sebring 12 Hours race on 24 March had won for Maserati in 1955, finished
Tomaso, a name to become important in proved a great disappointment for Maserati. second, only 53 seconds behind. Giuseppe
Maserati history, partnered by Tomasi at the There were two works 300S entries driven Musso drove a works 200S, he was in a very
wheel of his 150S. by Behra/Taruffi and Menditeguy/Perdisa. At nervous state before the race and, in the
The Agadir and Dakar races provided a this race Stirling Moss was in the Aston words of Denis Jenkinson, . . shot up the
good break from the European winter and Martin team. Moss was committed to Aston starting ramp at speed and knocked all the
also offered good starting money. Behra was Martin for sports car racing, but did not in officials for six . . .’.H e crashed out of the
happy to return to North Africa in 1956. At fact drive in many events for the team. race. The 300S made its first appearance in
Agadir on 26 February he was leading in Menditeguy crashed very heavily in the Britain when Swiss private entrant Benoit
this 206-m ile (332km ) race when the steer­ Esses and completely wrecked his car. His Musy drove his 300S in the British Empire
ing failed and he spun to a halt, fortunately injuries were bad enough to keep him out Trophy at Oulton Park. The race was run in
without hitting anything. Trintignant and of racing for the rest of the year. The three scratch heats and a handicap final and
Schell (Ferraris) took the first two places. In Behra/Taruffi car was slow compared to the after winning his heat, he retired in the final
the Dakar race in Sénégal Trintignant won Ferrari opposition and they finished a poor because of engine problems.
with a Ferrari, Harry Schell (Ferrari) was fifth behind two of the latest Maranello Alfieri had produced a new sport-racing
second and Behra took third place. A cars, the private D-type Jaguar of Sweikert/ car typed the 350S (also known as the Tipo
second works 300S driven by Perdisa Ensley and the works-entered Aston Martin 53) and this amounted to an interim model
retired. On this very fast circuit Trintignant DB3S of Salvadori/Shelby. until the V8 450S was ready. It combined a

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 147

British private owner Brian Naylor at the wheel o f his Tipo 150S in the l,500cc sports car race at mounted in front of the rear axle-line. (On
the International Trophy meeting at Silverstone in May 1956. The car proved to be too heavy fo r the 300S the gearbox was mounted on the
British short, airfield-circuit races and Naylor transferred the engine and gearbox to a Lotus Eleven. side of the differential). The multi-tubular
(T.C. March) chassis had been considerably redesigned
and was of more substantial construction
3 ,4 8 5 cc (86 x 100mm) engine developed made, including the adoption of dry-sump than that of the 300S. There were additional
from that of the 300S, but incorporating lubrication and power rose to about shock absorbers at the front and the de
many new components and was intended 290bhp. Dion axle at the rear was located vertically
for use in the planned production 3500G T Behind the clutch a pair of step-down by the central guide of the tube running in
model. Power output was initially 270bhp gears lowered the line of the prop-shaft and the rear cross-member. Both the gearbox
at 5,800rpm , but many changes were a new gearbox with five usable gears was and rear suspension were intended for use


with the 450S. There was a main 40-gallon
fuel tank in the tail and a supplemental 18-
gallon tank on the left side of the cockpit.
It was intended that Moss, partnered by
‘J en ks’, and Taruffi should drive Tipo 350S
cars in the Mille Miglia on 2 8 -2 9 April. The
veteran Italian insisted on driving a 300S,
but Moss, who would really have liked to
have done the same, succumbed to pres­
sure from Bertocchi who was very keen that
the new car should be raced. While
Maserati frantically worked to complete
their 350S, Moss and Jenkinson practised
over the Mille Miglia circuit with a Zagato-
bodied A6G/54 GT car and a 1954 A6GCS
fitted with a 2 ,4 9 3 .8 cc engine, one of the
cars used in the 1954 Supercortemaggiore
race at Monza.
Two days before the race the mechanics
were still working on the car, but the follow­
ing morning Bertocchi and Moss tested it at
Modena Aeroautodromo. Before Moss
arrived a spoiler had been added under the
air intake in an unsuccessful effort to elimi­
nate front-end lift. Moss also did a back-to-
back comparison with a 300S on the
Raticosa Pass. The superb balance of the
300S was lost, the handling was unforgiv­
ing, although the 3 5 OS was undoubtedly a
much faster car. In the race, run for much of
the way on wet roads, Moss battled with
the 350S, working his way up to fifth place.
He went off the road on the Via Salaria ju st
after Pescara and a little short of half­
distance. It was a bad accident, precipitated
by locking brakes and Moss and Jenkinson
were fortunate to escape without injury.
The full story of Moss and the 350S is
narrated in Stirling Moss, My Cars, My
Career, Stirling Moss with Doug Nye
(Patrick Stephens, 1987).

A view of the 4-cylinder Tipo 150S engine when

still installed in Naylor’s Maserati chassis. Like
all Maserati engines of the period it was a twin
overhead camshaft unit with twin plugs per
cylinder and twin-choke Weber carburettors.
(TC. March)

THE ZENITH OF MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 149

Behra took the wheel, one of the mountings
for the rear transverse leaf spring failed. The
Perdisa/Manzon car had retired early in the
race because of a broken shock absorber
Behra took over the Taruffi/Schell 300S
and brought it from third to second place
before handing over to Moss at the end of
lap 32. Moss rejoined the race 66 seconds
behind the Fangio/Castellotti Ferrari with
12 laps to the finish. In one of those chases
which he always enjoyed so much he
rapidly closed the gap, went into the lead
when Fangio stopped to refuel and was just
over 26 seconds ahead at the finish. In the
World Sports Car Championship Maserati
had scored 18 points to the 22 of Ferrari.
The 447-mile (720km) Targa Fiorio on
10 June was a rather parochial Italian event.
Maserati sent a single 300S for veteran Piero
Taruffi. The two works Ferraris were again
the most formidable opponents, but
Castellotti retired the car he was sharing
Another Maserati engine installation: the 6-cylinder A6GCS engine fitted in the works Lister sports with Collins and Gendebien was badly
car raced in 1956 by Archie Scott-Brown. It proved to be a very fast combination, but the Maserati delayed by a puncture. The Porsche of
engine was rather unreliable. (TC. March) Maglioli/von Hanstein moved up into the
lead and went on to win. Taruffi was in
In all there were 2 7 Maseratis entered in unlimited capacity sports car race at the second place, dropped to third behind
the 1956 1,000-m ile (1,601km ) race. International Trophy meeting at Silverstone Cabianca (Osca) because of delays caused
Works 300S cars, with large supplemental on 5 May. This was the controversial race in by a broken fuel tank mounting, and was
fuel tanks on the left side of the cockpit, which a collision triggered by Desmond then elevated to second place in the results
were driven by Taruffi and Perdisa. Taruffi Titterington (works Jaguar) eliminated two when the Osca driver was disqualified.
was leading the race when he went off the other Jaguar D-types and two works DB3S On the same day French veteran Louis
road due to brake problems, ju st past Forli Aston Martins. Despite a depleted field, Rosier partnered by Jean Behra at the wheel
on the southern run down the Adriatic Musy could manage no better than fifth of his new 30 OS scored a comfortable win
coastline. Initially Perdisa ran well with his place. On 20 May Musy ran in the 149- in the Paris 1,000-km race at Montlhéry
300S, at one stage he was swapping places mile (240km ) sports car Grand Prix des from two privately entered Ferraris. There
on the road with Moss, but he fell back Frontières at Chimay and won from were four Tipo 15 OS cars entered in this
because of mechanical problems and Duncan Flamilton (Jaguar D-type) and race, but the highest placed finisher driven
although well down the field, he won the Graham Whitehead (Aston Martin DB3S). by Comet/Mougin was a poor 12 th overall
3 ,0 0 0 cc sports class. In the 2 ,0 0 0 cc sports The third round in the World Sports Car and was headed in the l,5 0 0 c c class by a
class Scarlatti and Giardini took the first Championship was the Nürburgring 1,000- Porsche, a Gordini and another Porsche.
two places with their A6GCS entries. Behra km race on 27 May, having last been held in Musy took his 30 OS to Portugal for the 207-
with a 150S was thrashed in the l,5 0 0 c c 1953, its inaugural year. Three 300S cars mile (333km) Porto Grand Prix on 17 June
class by Cabianca (Osca) and was over half- were entered for Moss/Behra, Taruffi/ and drove a good race to finish third behind
an-hour behind him at the finish. Ferraris Schell and Perdisa/Robert Manzon. The de Portago and Collins, both at the wheel of
took the first five places overall. main opposition came from the Ferrari Ferraris.
Benoit Musy was very active with his team running both 4-cylinder and V I 2 cars. The 1000-km Supercortemaggiore Grand
300S and brought it to Britain to run in the Moss built up an early lead, but soon after Prix on the combined banked track and


road circuit at Monza on 2 4 June now had a ued on the car that Moss drove in the Mille 14 July at the British Grand Prix meeting at
2 ,0 00 cc capacity limit. At this race Maserati Miglia, and intensive work on the engine Silverstone a single works 300S was entered
entered the improved 200SI (Sport increased power output to 325bhp at for Moss and he won easily from Roy
Internazionale) with a chassis built from 6,000rpm . The chassis was also fitted with Salvadori with a works DB3S Aston Martin.
lighter-section tubing, an extended nose new double wishbone and coil spring, The following day Musy with his 300S won
cowling and ducted radiator. Power output suspension having different geometry to a 97-mile (156km ) race at Les Sables
was slightly higher at 190bhp at 7,800rpm that of the 300S. d’Olonne on the Atlantic coast of France
and there was a 5-speed gearbox (this was An interesting race was the 203-mile from Belgian driver André Loens at the
optional on cars sold to private owners). (327km ) Rouen Grand Prix run on the wheel of an A6GCS. On 22 July, Behra with
Production of these cars continued through delightful Circuit des Essarts on 8 July and a 200S won the 93-mile (150km ) 2-litre
1957, some were supplied with hood and limited to 3-litre cars. Behra and Perdisa race at the Bari Grand Prix held on a street
windscreen wiper to comply with the drove works 300S entries, while the Aston circuit, while in the unlimited capacity
Appendix C regulations of 1957 onwards Martin team included Moss, Collins, event over 124 miles (199.6km ) Maserati
and in all about 20 were built. Salvadori and Brooks. Castellotti drove a took the first four places with works cars- in
During practice for the Monza race the works Ferrari Monza. Perdisa led initially, the order Moss (300S), Behra (20QS),
new car was crashed by Farina who broke a then Behra went ahead and stayed in front Perdisa (2.00S) and Taruffi (300.8).
collarbone in the accident. A 200S with until the handling of his 3O0S deteriorated, In 1956 Le Mans was postponed until
rigid rear axle, but the latest body, was allegedly because a stone thrown, up by 2 8 - 2 9 July because, of the length of time-
substituted. This was driven by Perdisa/ another competitor had damaged a shock needed for circuit modifications following
Bellucci, while Moss shared a Tipo 150S absorber. Castellotti won from Moss and the 1955 disaster. That year the race was
with Taruffi. Ferrari entered three 2-litre Behra while Perdisa retired because of a not a round in the World Sports Car
Testa Rossa cars. Collins/Hawthom with broken prop-shaft. Championship because of its own special
their Ferrari dominated the race from start A succession of minor races followed. On regulations that limited prototypes to
to finish, while Maserati struggled but
performed quite well. Moss was out on the Very experienced private owner Peter Whitehead acquired a Tipo 300S fo r the 1956 season. He is
first lap when the prop-shaft broke on his seen alongside Hans Davids (Aston Martin DB3S) in the unlimited capacity sports car race at the
150S and thrashed through the reserve fuel International Trophy meeting at Silverstone in May 1956. It was not one of his better peformances
tank in the left side of the cockpit. So when and he finished 11th. (T.C. March)
Perdisa stopped to refuel, Moss took over
and then drove a great race to finish
second, a little under half-a-minute behind
the winning Ferrari.
The 350S that Taruffi should have driven
in the Mille Miglia was sold to Luigi Piotti
and he entered it for himself and Maglioli in
the 12 Fiours race at Reims at the beginning
of July. The race started at midnight and the
350S was fifth at the end of the first hour,
but was withdrawn during the second hour
because it was almost uncontrollable on the
fast straights in the dark and the rain that
had started to fall. American Joh n du Puy
entered a 300S at Reims for Prince
Metternich and Ken Wharton, but it retired
because of a broken prop-shaft, an increas­
ingly common Maserati weakness.
As far as can be ascertained, only two
350S cars were built, chassis numbers 3501
and 350 2 . Development work had contin­

THE ZENITH OF MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 151

cars were hopelessly under-geared. So after
driving at his hardest, he could only
manage second place, 3.2 seconds behind
Herrmann (Porsche). Behra rather lost inter­
est in the proceedings and finished sixth.
At the last round in the World Sports Car
Championship, the Swedish Grand Prix at
Kristianstad, Maserati brought along the
prototype 4 5 OS to try in practice and raced
three 300S cars driven by Moss/Behra/
Villoresi/Schell/Taruffi in whatever permuta­
tion Ugolini decided. On the first lap Taruffi
ran up the back of Ron Flockhart’s Ecurie
Ecosse D-type Jaguar when it locked its
brakes and put himself out of the race. In
the meanwhile Moss moved up to lead the
field and the Ferraris in magnificent style,
but soon after he handed over to team-mate
Behra the leading 300S developed brake
problems and lost considerable time in the
pits. By the time that this had been sorted
as best it could be, the Villoresi/Schell car
was fifth and Moss/Behra had dropped to
Maserati brought this 300S to Silverstone in July 1956 fo r Stirling Moss to drive in the sports car sixth place.
race at the Grand Prix meeting. Moss scored an easy win from Roy Salvadori with a worlzs Aston Moss was now switched to the car driven
Martin DB3S. (T.C. March) so far by Villoresi and Schell, while Behra
carried on until he handed over his now
2,500cc. It was something of a nonsense Freddie Zehender early in the race, but the brakeless 300S to Villoresi. As fuel was
that Aston Martin’s DB3S should be admit­ other car driven by Behra/Rosier was in being taken on board, petrol was splashed
ted as a production car (100 built or inten­ eighth place when it retired because of rear on to the hot exhaust. The fire was quickly
tion to build) with only 3 0 built, while axle trouble in the 21st hour. It was the extinguished, although both car and pit
Ferrari had certainly constructed more than intention that Talbot would construct cars staff were well dowsed with foam. It was
30 Ferrari Monza and Maserati close to 30 powered by Maserati 2.5-litre engines built realised that the fuel tank had split and
of their 300S cars. It was not so much a under licence, but the prospects of this there was no alternative but retirement.
case that the Ferrari and Maserati models getting off the ground were slim, because Soon afterwards brake problems struck the
should have been accepted, but that the Anthony (‘Tony’) Lago’s company had been surviving 300S with Moss at the wheel; he
Aston Martin DB3S and Jaguar D-type cars more or less insolvent ever since the end of took to the escape road and out of the race.
should, under the peculiar race regulations, the Second World War. Ferraris finished in the first three places and
have been refused. A l,5 0 0 c c sports car race, the 99-mile Maranello won the World Sports Car
Maserati was represented in the race by (160km ) Rheinland Cup preceded the Championship with a net 24 points to the
the French Talbot concern, which entered German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring on unchanged 18 of Maserati.
two cars powered by detuned 2 5 OF engines 5 August. Maserati entered two Tipo 150S To all intents and purposes the serious
and with A6GCS gearboxes. These cars had cars for Moss and Behra. Moss has racing season was over, but there remained
a simple, ladder-type tubular chassis, inde­ expressed the view that the 150S was very a number of minor races. On 19 August the
pendent front suspension by wishbones underpowered (‘struggling’ was his expres­ works entered 200SIs for Behra and Taruffi
and a transverse leaf spring, rigid rear axle sion), but it could perform well if the driver in the 224-mile (361km ) Pescara Grand Prix
suspended on semi-elliptic leaf springs and tried hard enough. Stirling took pole posi­ for sports cars up to 2,000cc. There were no
neat, very typical Talbot-style bodies. Jean tion in practice, but overnight before the works Ferraris entered and the Maserati
Lucas crashed the car he was sharing with race the team changed the gearing and the drivers were expected to win easily. Instead


Manzon (Gordini) scored an unexpected seven, took the lead again on lap 15 of this number 192, for design study purposes.
win for the struggling Paris concern. Behra 85-lap race and stayed in front until the The Chapman-designed multi-tubular
lost a lap because of mechanical problems finish. Fie was 19.2 seconds ahead of space-frame inspired Alfieri when he
and finished at the tail of the field. Taruffi Fangio who had made strenuous efforts to designed the later and much more complex
led until the last comer of the last lap, but, catch him. Behra drove a poor race to finish ‘Bird-cage’ chassis.
partially overcome by fumes from a leaking fifth. The works Maseratis were sold to local During 1956 Maserati had been
exhaust manifold, he had not realised how drivers after the race. extremely active in both racing works cars
close was Manzon until the Frenchman In the 100-mile (161km ) Australian and building and selling cars to private
surged through into the lead. Tourist Trophy held on 25 November on buyers. The team had won two Champion­
On 7 October the Coupe du Salon was the Albert Park circuit in Melbourne, Moss ship Grands Prix and two rounds in the
held in torrential rain on the 3.9-mile and Behra took first and second places with World Sports Car Championship, rather
(6.28km ) combined banked track and road works 300S cars ahead of Ken Wharton fewer than anticipated, but with the new
circuit at Montlhéry. The weather was so (private Ferrari Monza). After the race the cars planned for 1957 the team’s prospects
bad that the race should not have been Maseratis were sold to local drivers, as in were great. Most importantly, Maserati had
started. Two drivers lost their lives in this Venezuela. From Australia, Moss flew to a very profitable year, financially, and the
24-lap event. Rosier (Ferrari) crashed on the Nassau in the Bahamas to drive a 300S in company’s future seemed assured.
first lap and died three weeks later in the 210-m ile (338km ) Nassau Trophy. The
Arpajon hospital. Benoit Musy, at the wheel car was made available by Bill Lloyd, who
of a newly delivered 200S1, was leading had been Moss’s co-driver at the wheel of 1957
when he lost control on the banking - pos­ the winning Osca in the 1954 Sebring 12
sibly because of a burst tyre - went over the Hours race. It was a rather tired example In 1957 Maserati was at the peak of its
top and on hitting a wall was killed instantly. and had been damaged in a collision earlier racing power. Juan Fangio returned to the
Godia-Sales with a 300S won the race from in the meeting, but Moss scored yet team to win his fifth World Championship
Duncan Flamilton (Jaguar D-type). another win, heading across the line the and Maserati was only narrowly beaten by
The Rome Grand Prix was held on the Ferraris of Masten Gregory and the Marquis Ferrari in the World Sports Car Champion­
very fast Castelfusano circuit on 2 0 -2 1 de Portago. ship. The company had also built up an
October as six one-hour races, including Two cars powered by Maserati engines excellent customer base and was still selling
events for sports cars of up to l,5 0 0 c c and had performed well in minor British events competition cars in good numbers. There
2,000cc. Behra was entered with a 150S, in 1956. Brian Naylor, a motor trader and were exciting new cars, the V12-engined
but the car was so uncompetitive in prac­ enthusiast from Stockport in Lancashire, 250F which Alfieri struggled to make race­
tice compared with the Osca and Cooper- had bought a 150S to race in British events, worthy all year and the V8 4.5-litre sports-
Climax opposition that it was scratched. but soon realised that it was too heavy for racing car seen in prototype fonn at the
Jean Behra and Flarry Schell with 200SIs British short-circuit races. So he transferred 1956 Swedish Grand Prix. Development of
won the 2 ,0 0 0 cc race, but this was marred the engine and gearbox to a Lotus Eleven, a a production GT car was well advanced and
by a bad crash when Villoresi, lying third car usually raced with the Coventry Climax Alfieri was also working on new competition
with another 200SI, went off the road, engine. The car proved phenomenally cars for sale to private owners. It was the
stm ck some straw-bales and overturned. successful and during the 1956 season team’s greatest year, but it was also the year
The veteran Milanese was seriously injured Naylor won many races with it. in which the company’s financial fortunes
and never raced again. After two seasons of racing his Lister plummeted and Maserati’s involvement in
On 3 November the Venezuelan Grand sports cars with Bristol engines, Brian Lister racing would never be so great again.
Prix was held over a distance of 213 miles built a new and very low car powered by an
(343km ) at Caracas and if the Venezuelan A6GCS engine bought from the factory.
organisation came up to scratch, the coun­ Although the engine was not without its The Grand Prix Year
try would stage a round in the World Sports problems, works driver Archie Scott-Brown
Car Championship in 1957. Works 300S won the 2-litre class at several British events Following the successful appearance of the
Maseratis were entered for Moss and Schell that year. Probably impressed by Naylor’s two much modified 250Fs at the 1956
and there were works 3b-litre Ferraris for successes, during the late summer of 1956 Italian Grand Prix, Alfieri developed the
Fangio, de Portago and Schell. Moss led the Maserati factory bought from Lotus an definitive ‘Lightweight’ or T2 cars for 1957
away, was passed by de Portago on lap Eleven Series 1 sports-racing car, chassis and only three of these were built for use by

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 153

remainder of the year Giorgio Scarlatti took
Menditeguy’s place in the team.
Maserati had been developing a V I 2
Formula 1 engine, which was always known
at the factory as the dodici (twelve). This
had originally been designed as a horizon­
tally opposed unit, but once this had been
largely completed in 1956, Alfieri realised
that there was insufficient time to build a
new chassis for 1957. It was decided that
the dodici would be redesigned as a 60-
degree V I 2, which would then fit a modi­
fied 250F chassis. This does seem to reflect
thinking that was rather less than logical.
The V I 2 car was known as the Tipo 250F
T2, which was confusing, as the 1957
‘Lightweight’ cars were also known as T2s.
The V I 2 engine had a capacity of
2 ,4 9 0 cc (68.7 x 56mm) and there were
twin overhead camshafts per bank of cylin­
ders driven by a train of gears from the nose
Juan Fangio in an extreme four-wheel-drift in the 1957 Argentine Grand Prix as he tries to shake off of the crankshaft, as were the fuel, oil and
Stirling Moss with another Lightweight 250F. In fact Moss was many laps behind as he had been water pumps. There was a deep crankcase,
forced to make a pit stop immediately after the start to sort out a throttle linkage problem. Fangio which extended up to surround pressed-in
won the race from team-mate Behra. cylinder liners, and there were separate
cylinder heads. Dry sump lubrication was
the works team. Alfieri adopted a much styled body incorporated a tapering nose, of course used. Alfieri originally intended to
lighter and stronger, multi-tubular chassis of there was a riveted-alloy fuel tank in the tail mount six Weber twin-choke carburettors
smaller-diameter tubing and with the and this formed the driver’s headrest. An of the normal pattern in the vee’ of the
comers between main tubes reinforced by intake on the top of the scuttle fed cool air engine, but soon realised that there would
tubular struts. The arrangement of having to the driver’s feet. These three cars were be insufficient space.
the engine angled in the frame and trans­ given chassis numbers 2527, 2 5 2 8 and He solved this problem by using inlet
mission offset was abandoned. No changes 2529. Pirelli had officially withdrawn from ports that rose vertically from the valves,
were made to the suspension, other than racing, but for 1957 agreed to continue to alongside the centrally located twin spark­
that one of the team cars, as an experiment, supply tyres to Maserati, and were per­ ing plugs per cylinder. Weber made up a
had welded tubular wishbones in place of suaded to do the same for Vanwall. set of special twin-choke carburettors
the forged wishbones usually fitted. As on Juan Fangio, in his last full season of and these were given the designation
the 1956 Monza cars, the steering box was racing and glad to be back at Maserati after 35IDM. There were separate Marnili motor-
mounted on the chassis frame to minimise the repression of Ferrari, usually drove cycle-type coils for each plug and special
vibration. There were new wider and stiffer 2 5 2 9 ; Jean Behra, now in his third season distributors, which had 12 sets of contacts
brake drums and these had cooling cross­ with the team was usually seen with 2528; and were mounted at the front of each inlet
ribs grouped in threes. and Harry Schell, who had joined Maserati camshaft. It is believed that during initial
Steady development work on the 6-cylin- after two seasons with Vanwall, was usually testing power output was about 300bhp,
der engine had increased power output to at the wheel of 2527. Maserati entered a but this was later increased to about
around 280bhp. A very distinctive tubular fourth car at most races, often 2501, the 320bhp. The V12 engine was said to peak
intake on the right side of the bonnet fed air team’s development car. Up until the at 12,000rpm .
to an aluminium-alloy box in which the German Grand Prix Argentinian Carlos A new 5-speed gearbox with five fully
trumpets of the Weber carburettors were Menditeguy, now fully recovered from 1956 usable gears was used, but this was not
sealed from the engine bay. The newly accident, drove the fourth car. For the ready until the Monaco race in May. Chassis


2523 was adapted to take the V I 2 engine de Tomaso drove a Centro-Sud 2 5 OF into The first Formula 1 race of the European
and extensive modifications were needed. ninth place. season was the Syracuse Grand Prix on 7
The steering box was mounted behind the The Buenos Aires City Grand Prix was April. Behra drove a ‘Lightweight’ car,
radiator, which was of a larger type than decided on the aggregate of the results of Schell was at the wheel of 2501 and the
standard, and the steering column ran two heats, each of about 85 miles (137km). dodici made its first public appearance.
down the ‘vee’ of the engine. The chassis The race was run in oppressively hot condi­ Behra, Schell and Scarlatti drove it in prac­
was fitted with 1957 2 5 0 F brake drums tions, Moss led the first heat for a while, but tice, but too much development work was
and there were two air scoops on the his engine was down on torque and pulling needed for it to be raced. Both Behra and
bonnet. The dodici was instantly distin­ badly at the lower end of the power range, Schell retired, while Moss dominated the
guishable by the exhausts on both sides, the brakes started to lock up and he race with his Vanwall until a fuel-injection
curving over the rear axle line. became badly affected by the heat. Moss pipe split and after a pit stop he rejoined
Early testing revealed many problems for, pulled into the pits, while Fangio and Behra the race to finish third behind the Lancia-
apart from the fact that there was a time lag took the first two places ahead of Castellotti Ferraris of Collins and Musso
before the power came in on heavy use of and Hawthorn with Lancia-Ferraris. Peter After an interval of two years the Pau
the throttle, the power in the middle of the Collins won the second heat with the Grand Prix was restored to the calendar and
rev range was deficient and was too great Lancia-Ferrati that Musso had driven in the held, as usual, on Easter Monday. The only
for most drivers to be able to handle. Alfieri first heat. Fangio and Behra took second works Maserati was a ‘Lightweight’ car
had given birth to something of a monster. and third places and first two places on driven by Behra. In the absence of Ferrari
The season proved to be a direct fight aggregate. opposition he won from Schell (Centro-Sud
between Maserati and the vastly improved
British Vanwalls driven by Stirling Moss and One of the greatest Grand Prix drives in Fangio’s long career was in the French Grand Prix at Rouen.
Tony Brooks. Up until the Vanwall break­ Fie was the complete master of the circuit’s fast sweeps and curves and won by a margin of 50secfrom
through at the European Grand Prix at Musso (Ferrari Tipo 801). The dent in the nose happened when Fangio made his one mistake o f the
Aintree, it was a rather one-sided battle, as race and indulged in a small off-course excursion.
the British cars were faster, but still very
unreliable. As for the other contenders, the
Lancia-based Ferrari V8s were no longer
competitive and failed to win a single
Championship race during the year, while
BRM remained in technical disarray, despite
the great promise of their P25 4-cylinder
cars. Both Gordini and Connaught with­
drew from racing early in the season.
Vanwall missed the Argentine Grand Prix
on 13 January, so Moss was offered a drive
by Maserati, and Flarry Schell dropped out
of the works team and instead appeared
with a 25 0 F entered by Scuderia Centro-Sud.
Behra led initially from Castellotti (Lancia-
Ferrari) and Fangio, but Moss - who had
been fastest in practice - went straight into
the pits because of a bent throttle linkage
and lost nine laps. Castellotti took the lead
from Behra, but dropped out when his car
lost a wheel. Fangio assumed the lead and
the finishing order was Fangio, Behra,
Menditeguy and Schell. Moss took eighth
place, having made up two laps and chased
Fangio ju st for the hell of it. Alessandro

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 155

250F) and Ivor Bueb (Connaught). It was
Behra’s third successive win in this race.
There were no works Maseratis in the
Naples Grand Prix on 28 April and Collins
and Hawthorn took the first two places
with Lancia-Ferraris, ahead of Musso with
the new Ferrari Formula 2 V6 car. Horace
Gould brought his private 250F slowly
across the line to take fourth place after a
valve had broken.
Maserati was out in force at the Monaco
Grand Prix, the first European round of the
World Championship, held on 19 May.
Behra was not fit to take part in the race
after a road accident and Fangio, Schell and
Menditeguy drove the three ‘Lightweight’
cars. The team also entered 2501, which
was driven by Scarlatti in the race after he
had lapped faster than Hans Herrmann in
practice. All the drivers tried the V12 car,
now fitted with the two pipes per bank of
cylinders terminating just ahead of the rear
wheels and fitted with megaphone ends.
Although Fangio hurled the V I 2 round
Monaco with great verve, it was clearly still
a long way from being ready to race.
The Vanwall team was coming closer and
closer to a major victory and at the Monaco
race Moss accelerated into the lead at the
start, heading Fangio and Collins. The
young British driver took his Lancia-Ferrari
up into second place on lap two. On lap
four Moss had the front brakes fail on the
Vanwall and he hit the barricades at the
chicane. Collins swerved to avoid the
Vanwall and hit the barricades on the other
side of the track. Both Fangio and Brooks
(Vanwall) negotiated around the crashed
cars, but Hawthorn hit a rear wheel of
Brooks’ Vanwall and slid up the tail of
Collins’ car.
W hat had the makings of a close and
exciting race was over. Fangio led for the
remaining 101 laps of the race and consoli­
dated his lead in the World Championship.
Brooks finished second with his Vanwall,
his left hand raw and bleeding because of
In the pits before the 1957 European Grand Prix at Aintree, Guerino Bertocchi and Juan Fangio the vast number of gear-changes needed on
discuss plugs. (TC. March) this circuit, and Kansan Masten Gregory


brought his Centro-Sud 2 5 0 F across the line
in third place, two laps in arrears. The other
three works Maserati drivers all retired.
Menditeguy had driven exceptionally well
and had risen to third place, but crashed
into a lamppost at the chicane on lap 51,
suffering minor injuries that included a frac­
tured nose.
Formula 1 was in financial difficulties in
1957 and this resulted in the cancellation
of both the Belgian and Dutch Grands Prix.
There was however a new and short-lived
addition to the calendar; the Monza 500
Miles race for the ‘Two Worlds’ Trophy’ on
the banked circuit on 29 June. The race,
run to United States Automobile Club
256cu in (4,200cc) unsupercharged/
170cu in (2,800cc) supercharged rules, was
intended to provide a contest between
European and American racing teams.
Through the newly formed UPPI (Union of
International Professional Drivers) most
European drivers boycotted the race and
ultimately the only European team to
contest the event was Ecurie Ecosse with a
trio of D-type Jaguars.
Maserati did however try to compete in
the event and produced two cars, both of
which Jean Behra drove during qualifying.
The V12 Formula 1 car, chassis 2 5 2 3 , was
fitted with the 3 ,4 9 0 cc (73.8 x 68mm) V12
engine used by Hans Herrmann in the Mille
Miglia, Halibrand magnesium-alloy disc
wheels on modified Maserati hubs and 18-
inch Firestone track tyres. In this form the
car handled atrociously and was withdrawn.
Maserati also produced a 450S sports-
racing car with the engine having a shorter
stroke of 75.8m m to give a capacity of
4,190cc. W hen one of these engines was
supplied to Parravano in early 1957 it was
said to develop 425bhp on alcohol fuel.
This also suffered from handling problems
and was withdrawn after a split rubber
gaiter on a rear universal join t caused the
pot-joint to seize up.
The next Grand Prix was the French race
held on 7 July on the 4.06-m ile (6.54km ) A Maserati mechanic works on the engine of Jean Behra s Lightweight 250F in the pits at Aintree
Circuit des Essarts at Rouen, a circuit of fast before the 1957 European Grand Prix. (TC. March)

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 157

A car that had seen better days: Ivor Bueb in the 1957 European Grand Prix with the Gilby alongside them on the front row of the grid
Engineering 250F which was then in its fourth season o f racing. Bueb finished ninth on the road, but was Musso. Neither Moss (with sinusitis)
was too fa r behind to be classified. (T.C. March) nor Brooks (recovering from injuries
suffered at Le Mans) was fit enough to drive
curves, downhill swerves and with no transmission. A long, tapering nose cowl and their places in the Vanwall team were
straights of any real length. In addition to was fitted, an aluminium-alloy tray enclosed taken by Roy Salvadori and Stuart Lewis-
the three ‘Lightweight’ cars with the usual the carburettor intakes to act as a heat- Evans. Fangio was firmly established in the
drivers, Menditeguy was at the wheel of shield from the engine, and sunken ducts lead by lap four and he gradually extended
2501 and Maserati also brought along a replaced the bonnet-top air scoops. There it, as he drove at top form, broadsiding
new version of the V I 2, chassis number was a strict limit on the number of starters through the downhill curves after the pits
2530. In most respects it was similar to the at Rouen and the only private entrant and switching from lock to lock as need be.
1957 6-cylinder chassis, but spur gears accepted was Gould with his 250F. Towards the end of the race there were
behind the clutch lowered the line of the Fangio and Behra dominated practice and indications in the Maserati pit that Fangio


would have to stop for new tyres, but it was sion. Musso won from Behra, Lewis-Evans, Moss had resumed the race in ninth place
a feint and he carried on to win from Musso Schell and Salvador! (with the second and then began a furious, ‘against the odds’
by a margin of 50 seconds, with Collins and Vanwall). Menditeguy retired the V I 2 car chase of the leaders. W hen Collins retired
Hawthorn in third and fourth places with because of gearbox trouble. his Lancia-Ferrari because of a water leak on
their Lancia-Ferraris. Schell, whose engine In the next two races Fangio’s driving was lap 53, Moss moved up into fourth place,
had started to run rough, finished fifth and to contrast strongly between mediocrity at but it seemed to be Behra’s day and he
Behra, soaked in oil, stopped ju st short of Aintree, where he complained of aches looked uncatchable. Just as Moss was about
the finishing line to push his car across into following the Reims shunt, and complete to take third place from team-mate Lewis-
sixth place when Fangio took the supremacy at the Nürburgring. Moss, back Evans, the clutch on Behra’s Maserati disin­
chequered flag. at the wheel of the Vanwall, was fastest in tegrated completely, spreading bits of metal
A week later, Maserati - and the other practice for the 270-mile (435km) over the track.
leading teams - contested the non- European Grand Prix at the Liverpool Hawthorn punctured a tyre on the debris
Championship 315-m ile (507km ) Reims circuit on 20 July and he led until the end and headed into the pits and Moss and
Grand Prix. The European Grand Prix at of lap 22 when he pulled into the pits Lewis-Evans were now in first and second
Aintree was only a week away and while because of an engine misfire. Behra now led places. Lewis-Evans stopped out on the
two of the 1957 cars were being overhauled from Hawthorn and Collins, while Fangio, circuit because a ball-joint in the throttle
at Modena, Maserati entered Fangio with in seventh place, carried on until lap 49 of linkage had become disconnected, but he
one of the 1956 Monza cars in slightly this 90-lap race when he retired because of resumed the race, only to be disqualified for
modified form, Behra with 2 5 0 1 , Harry engine trouble. Brooks had not fully recov­ not refitting the bonnet panel. Moss had
Schell with a ‘Lightweight’ car and also ered from his Le Mans crash and on lap 26 time for a precautionary refuelling stop and
brought along two V I 2 cars, with the inten­ came in to the pits to hand over to Moss. went on to win by nearly 36sec from Musso
tion that one should be driven by
Menditeguy. Never a lucky driver, Jean Behra was leading the 1957 European Grand Prix with his Lightweight
One of the Maserati V I 2s was a new car 250F and seemed assured of victory when the clutch disintegrated. He failed to win a single World
with a chassis similar to that of the 1956 Championship Grand Prix before he was killed at Avus in August 1959. (TC. March)
Monza cars with the engine offset and a
diagonal prop-shaft. Behra was at the wheel
of the new car when a piston broke and so
choice was taken away. That nine private
250Fs were entered was indicative of the
extent to which the model had become an
established part of the Grand Prix scene.
One of these was Swiss Count Ottorino
Volonterio’s car, which would have been
driven by Herbert Mackay Fraser if he had
not been killed at the wheel of a Lotus in
the earlier Formula 2 race at this meeting.
Stuart Lewis-Evans, second fastest in
practice with his Vanwall, led initially
chased by Musso and Fangio. The slim
young Welshman fell back because an oil
leak spread over his gloves and goggles, and
Musso, Fangio and Behra all overtook him.
The two Maserati drivers scrapped for
second place until Fangio’s brakes locked
up at the Thillois hairpin, he aimed for the
straw bales to slow the car, but they hid an
earth bank and the World Champion was
out of the race with wrecked front suspen­

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 159

pulled into the pits at the end of lap 11
with a lead of 28 seconds. While his car

was topped up with fuel and fitted with
new rear tyres, Fangio dropped to third
place, around a minute behind Collins and
Hawthorn with Lancia-Ferraris.
During the next three laps Fangio made
little dent in the deficit on the leaders, but
then he began to close up at the rate of 8 - 9
seconds a lap, breaking the lap record
several times and finally reducing it to 9min
17.4sec - 91.53m ph (147.36kph). By the
start of lap 21 of this 22-lap race, he passed
the pits about 100 yards behind the leading
Ferraris and by halfway round that lap he
was in the lead. At the finish he was 3.6sec
ahead of Hawthorn, with Collins third,
Musso fourth, Moss fifth and Behra sixth.
Schell took seventh place and Scarlatti
finished tenth. In Fangio’s long career there
were many outstanding performances, espe­
cially with the blown Alfa Romeos in
1 9 5 0 -5 1 , so it is unfair to describe this
drive as his greatest, but it was certainly one
of the most outstanding.
Another o f Juan Fangio’s greatest drives came in the 1957 German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring As a result of the cancellation of the
where he trounced the Lancia-Ferraris and substantially reduced the lap record. Fiere he crosses the Belgian and Dutch races, Italy was allowed
start/finish line. It was Fangio’s last World Championship race victory. to stage a second Championship race in
1957. This was the 286-mile (460km)
(Lancia-Ferrari). Other Lancia-Ferraris 2501. Facing Modena were two Vanwalls for Pescara Grand Prix held on 18 August over
driven by Fiawthom and Trintignant/Collins Moss and Brooks and four Lancia-Ferraris. the daunting 15.9-mile (25.6km ) road
took third and fourth places. Moss and In practice Fangio took pole position, slash­ circuit. The race was to prove near enough
Brooks had achieved the first Grande ing the lap record for the 14.17-mile a straight fight between Maserati and
Epreuve win by a British car since Segrave’s (22.81km ) circuit from 9min 41.6sec to Vanwall, as Ferrari had - only with great
victory with a Sunbeam at Tours in 1923. It 9min 25.6sec. The Vanwalls were uncom­ reluctance - sent only a single car for
was a bad day for Maserati and the sole petitive on this circuit because the team had Musso. He was still under pressure from
25 0 F to finish was the old Gilby car driven never raced there before and had been the authorities enquiring into de Portago’s
into ninth and last place by Ivor Bueb, but unable to set up the suspension to suit it. fatal crash in the Mille Miglia and had
too far behind to be classified. Maserati sometimes favoured the half-full wanted to miss the race. The usual Maserati
There were no works Maseratis in the tank approach, which rarely paid off, as it drivers handled the usual cars and the latest
186-mile (300km) Caen Grand Prix on 28 was usually not possible to build up a suffi­ V I 2 car, 25 3 1 , appeared in practice. It is
July and so Behra was free to drive a BRM. cient lead to compensate for the time lost in known that Maserati used nitro-methane
He won from Salvadori (Cooper-Climax) making a pit stop. Although they adopted it fuel additive from time to time on the
and Bruce Halford with his private Maserati. at the Nürburgring and Fangio won, he 250Fs and there is little doubt that Fangio
The works Maserati team next appeared in would certainly have won in any event if he was running on it when he set fastest lap at
the German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring had started the race with a full tank and run Pescara in 9min 44.6sec. Moss recorded
on 4 August. The usual three ‘Lightweight’ through on the one set of rear tyres. Fangio 9min 54.7sec and they were the only two
cars were driven by Fangio, Behra and did not take the lead until the third lap, drivers to break ten minutes.
Schell, while Scarlatti was at the wheel of steadily reduced the lap record and he Musso led for the first of the 22 laps,


Above: Very Mille Miglia. Tony Merrick has
only recently completed the restoration o j this
Tipo 4CS-1100 Maserati which was probably
the first of the type to be built. It was sold in
chassis form to the Rome Maserati agent, De
Silva. It was bodied by Brianza, the name
adopted and used by Zagatofor three years after
that company’s financial collapse and prior to
refinancing in 1933. It was exhibited at the
1932 Milan Show.

Right: A view of the 4-cylinder supercharged

engine o f the 4CS-1100. By 1938 this car was
fitted with a single-seater body and was being
raced by Count Luigi Castelbarco. It later went
to Eritrea, was found during the British occupa­
tion in the Second World War, by when it again
had a two-seater body, and was brought back to
the UK.


One of a number of allegorical advertise­
ments published by Maserati in 1940—41.
This 1941 advertisement shows the range
of Maserati products: racing car and the
projected GT car; sparking plug and
battery; and milling machine. The two
chimneys top left represent those of Orsi’s
steel factory in the Viale Ciro Menotti
opposite the car factory.

Opposite above: Prince Bira with his

4CLT/48 San Remo in the 1949 British
Grand Prix at Silverstone. He was leading
the race with his Plate-entered car, but
overshot a corner and buckled his front
suspension. (Guy Griffiths)

Opposite below: The Plate-Maserati was

a largely unsuccessful attempt by Enrico
Plate to rebuild 4CU/48s as 2,000cc
unsupercharged Formula 2 cars.
Emmanuel de Graffenried is seen with his
Plate-Maserati in the 1952 International
Trophy at Silverstone. On this occasion the
car went well and he finished third behind
two HWMs. (TC. March)


Left: ‘B. Eira with a 1952 AGCM entered by
the Autosport team in the 1953 International
Trophy race. It was out o f character fo r the
Siamese Prince to drive anything but the latest
Maserati available to private owners. He
finished fourth. (TC. March)

Below: Emmanuel de Graffenried at the wheel

o f his private A6GCM before the start o f the
1953 British Grand Prix at Silverstone.
Although Toulo had a good season in 1953, he
was out o f luck in this race. After being plagued
by a misfiring engine, he retired because the
throttle pedal broke off. (TC. March)
Right: Argentinian Froilan Gonzalez is seen
with his works A6GCM in the 1953 British
Grand Prix and despite being black-flagged for
allegedly dropping oil, he finished fourth. He
was a fine, but often underrated, driver. (TC.

Below: Felice Bonetto was a works Maserati

driver in 1952-53. With this A6GCM he
finished sixth in the 1953 British Grand Prix.
Here he is leading Tony Rolt (Connaught). (TC.
Above: At the 1957 European Grand Prix at
Aintree the Maserati mechanics get ready to
push one of the ‘Lightweight’ 250Fs out to prac­
tice. (TC. March)

Right: Reigning World Champion Juan Fangio

at the wheel of his ‘Lightweight’ Maserati 250F
at the 1957 European Grand Prix at Aintree.
(TC. March)

Opposite: In the 1955 International Trophy at

Silverstone there was a strong entry that
included works Connaughts and Vanwalls,
together with private Maseratis. The race
turned into a duel between Roy Salvadori
(Gilby Engineering 250F), seen leading here,
and Peter Collins (Owen Organisation 250F)
who won. (TC. March)


Left: The mechanics work on a ‘Lightweight’
250T at the 1957 European Grand Prix at
Aintree. (TC. March)

Below: A tail view o f the 1956 250F entered by

the works fo r Carlos Menditeguy at the 1957
European Grand Prix at Aintree. (T.C. March)


Above: Changing the plugs on Scarlatti’s
Lightweight 250F at the 1958 International
Trophy at Silverstone. The wooden plug box on
the 250F was of the type used by most
Continental teams in the 1950s and often iden­
tified the driver to whose car it related. (T.C.

Right: Masten Gregoiy in the 1958

International Trophy at Silverstone with a 250F
entered by Scuderia Centro-Sud. This car,
2511, is painted in a semblance of American
racing colours. Gregory, a very fast driver,
finished third behind Collins (Ferrari Dino) and
Salvador! (Cooper-Climax). (TC. March)


In the 1958 International Trophy at Silverstone, Giorgio Scarfiotti with his Lightweight 250F, 2529,
leads the Formula 2 Cooper-Climax o f Stuart Lewis-Evans. Scarfiotti retired because o f rear suspen­
sion problems. (T.C. March)

Opposite: Another 250F entered by Scuderia Centro-Sud in the 1958 International Trophy was
chassis 2522 driven by Wolfgang Seidel. Although the 250Fs entered by this team were often ‘old
nails’, they had late engines developing around 270bhp. Seidel’s car was not running well and he
finished at the tail o f the field in 17 th place. (T.C. March)


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Joakim Bonnier with his private 1956 250F in the 1958 British Grand Prix at Silverstone. The
bonnet-top air-intake appears to be detaching itself. He retired because o f gearbox trouble. (TC.

Opposite: Joakim Bonnier’s mechanic pushes 2524 out to the start of the 1958 British Grand Prix
at Silverstone. (TC. March)


7 .
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Nick Faure with the Hexagon-owned 761 ‘Bird-cage’ in 1972. This car is fitted with the long sloping
windscreen and longer, more aerodynamic tail used at Le Mans. (Author’s Collection)

Opposite: Willie Green with a 761 2.8-litre ‘Bird-cage’ Maserati on his way to a win in the round of
the JCB Historic Championship held at Silverstone in April 1972. (Author’s Collection)



This photograph o f Pedro Rodriguez at Spa in 1967 with the T81 Cooper-Maserati gives a good view
o f the four overhead camshaft Maserati V12 engine fitted to these cars. At half-distance he held third
place, but he retired because o f a broken piston and was classified ninth. (Author’s Collection)


then Moss went ahead. Musso chased Moss
hard, but Fangio, in third place, steadily
lost ground. Behra was out of the race on
lap four because of engine trouble. On lap
nine Musso retired because of a split oil
tank, depositing oil all over the track;
Fangio spun on the oil and buckled two
wheels. He made his way back to the pits,
the wheels were changed, but at the flag he
was over three minutes behind Moss. Schell
finished third and Masten Gregory was
fourth with a Scuderìa Centro-Sud 250F. The
Vanwall team had now found the reliability
to match the speed of their cars.
So the teams moved on to Monza for the
311-mile (500km) Italian Grand Prix on 8
September, the last round in the
Championship and held on the road circuit
only. Since Pescara the latest V I 2 car had
been extensively tested and it was entered
for Jean Behra, while Fangio and Schell
drove their usual cars and Scarlatti was at
the wheel of 2501. The three Vanwalls were
fastest in practice and Fangio joined them In the 1957 Italian Grand Prix at Monza, Jean Behra with the V12-engined Maserati 250F leads
on the front row of the starting grid. In prac­ Moss (Vanwall), Fangio, Lewis-Evans (Vanwall) and Brooks (Vanwall).
tice both Fangio and Behra drove the V I 2
with great élan and they were cornering in In the Italian Grand Prix Fangio, who finished second behind Moss (Vanwall), comes up to lap
long slides, with the engine screaming at Bonnier (Scuderia Centro-Sud 250F) and Collins (Lancia-Ferrari).
high revs and the wheels spinning. Behra
was fifth fastest in lm in 43.4sec, a second
slower than Lewis-Evans in pole position.
Before the race a priest, wearing an official
Maserati armband, blessed the works 250Fs.
In the opening laps there was a furious
battle between the Maseratis and the
Vanwalls, Moss and Behra swapped the lead
several times, Fangio went ahead, then
Moss re-passed him, established himself in
front and stayed there for the remainder of
this 87-lap race. Both Tewis-Evans and
Behra retired and Brooks lost time in the
pits because of a jammed throttle on his
Vanwall. At the finish Moss led Fangio by
41.2seconds, von Trips (Lancia-Ferrari)
took third place and Gregory was fourth
with his Centro-Sud 250F. Fangio won his
fifth World Championship with 40 points
to the 25 of Moss.
There remained three minor races before

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 177

these were, of course, the results on aggre­
gate. It was a very dull race.
The final Formula 1 race of the season
was the 261-mile (420km ) Moroccan
Grand Prix held at Casablanca on 27
October and if the event was successfully
organised, the race was to be a round in the
World Championship in 1958. Maserati
entered the usual four cars for the usual
four drivers, there were the three Vanwalls
and two of the V6 Ferraris; in 2.4-litre form
for Collins and 2.2-litre form for Flawthom.
Moss non-started after he developed
influenza during practice and Fangio,
Collins, Hawthorn and Schell were all
suffering from flu symptoms to a greater or
Another view of Behra in the 1957 Italian Grand Prix with the very poweiful, but difficult-handling lesser extent. Although Collins led initially,
V12-engined 250F. He led on several laps early in the race, but retired because of engine failure at a Behra went ahead on lap 8 and stayed in
little after half-distance. front for the remainder of the race to win
from Trintignant (BRM) and Fangio who
the Formula 1 season ended. The came Joakim Bonnier and Masten Gregory had spun off and been push-started.
International Trophy at Silverstone had been with their Scuderia Centro-Sud 250Fs.
postponed from its usual date in May to 14 Maserati entered four cars in the Modena
September, the result of the Suez crisis in Grand Prix held in two 40-lap heats on the The Sports Car Year
late 1956 and the ensuing petrol rationing Aeroautodromo on 22 September. Fangio
in Britain. The race had reverted to its origi­ was to have driven a Maserati, but non- That the 300S was a great success was
nal format of two qualifying heats and a started after a road accident on the way to undoubted, but it lacked the power and
final. The Vanwalls non-started and the the circuit. In both heats Behra, Musso speed to win major sports car events.
Italian works teams failed to enter, so the (with the new V6 Ferrari in 2-litre form), Maserati were determined to rectify this
results were dominated by BRM who took Schell, Collins (with another V6 Ferrari) situation and there was, in effect, a two-
first three places in the final. Behind them and Scarlatti took the first five places and stage development programme. The first
stage was the Tipo 350S that appeared in
Maserati had first introduced the 4-cylinder l,993cc Tipo 200S in 1956, but the following year 1956 and has been described earlier. The
announced this improved Tipo 200SI model with sleeker body, ducted radiator and an increased chassis of this model was intended to be
power output of 190bhp at 7,800 rpm. used for the new Tipo 54 or 450S model on
which engine development had started
in 1956.
Engineers Ascari and Taddeucci carried
out most of the work on the 90-degree V8
engine of 4,4 7 7 cc (93.8 x 81mm) with
twin overhead camshafts per bank of cylin­
ders driven from a train of gears at the front
of the crankshaft. Technically, Alfieri was in
overall control, but both Colotti and
Taddeucci resented having to follow the
young man’s instructions. Despite this fric­
tion, there was close liaison between Alfieri
and Taddeucci and there were long discus­
sions about the configuration of the crank-


shaft. Testing had started with a crankshaft A trio o f private Maserati owners in the 1957 Italian Grand Prix. Horace Gould leads Francesco
designed by Alfieri, but this proved unsatis­ Godia-Sales and Bruce Halford. Halford retired, but Godia-Sales and Gould finished at the tail of the
factory and Taddeucci’s design was field in ninth and tenth places. The photograph emphasises the large number of private 250Fs
adopted. Alfieri was, in the opinion of competing in Grand Prix racing at this time.
Ermanno Cozza’s who had worked for
Maserati since 1951, a great theorist but The first blocks of the 450S engine were with larger, heavily ribbed drums were
not as practical as other Maserati engineers. cast in April 1956 and the first completed fitted. There were slots at the front of the
The cylinder head design of the 450S had engine was installed in the chassis of the rear wings to feed air to the brakes and to
much in common with that of the 200S. 350S driven by Moss in the 1956 Mille allow inspection of the tyre treads. As with
The inlet ports were in the vee’ of the Miglia. The 300S body was retained and all sports-racing Maseratis that followed the
engine and four Weber 451DM carburettors this resulted in a very high bulge in the A6GCS, right-hand drive was fitted. The
were fitted. There were two sparking plugs bonnet to clear the carburettors. At this main fuel tank was in the tail with an auxil­
per cylinder, with one set of plugs fired by a stage there were four stub exhausts each iary tank to the left of the gearbox/final
magneto driven from the gear train of the side that emerged ju st behind the front drive unit, and the tank for the dry sump
left bank of cylinders and the other fired by wheels. This car was taken to Anderstorp in system to the right.
a pair of coils and a distributor driven from August and tried in practice for the Swedish It is believed that around ten or eleven
the gear train of the right bank of cylinders. Grand Prix. Although the 450S prototype cars were built, with chassis numbers
The exhaust manifolds fed into twin tail­ proved largely trouble-free, the standard between 4501 and 4520. Chassis number
pipes on each side of the car and then into 300S brakes were hopelessly inadequate. 4502 was delivered to Tony Parravano in
small expansion boxes and exit pipes imme­ Work then started on a new chassis, California and he was also supplied with
diately ahead of the rear wheels. Power which was of neater construction, and a spare 4.2-litre and 4.7-litre engines, the
output was about 400bhp at 7,500rpm . new body was built. Much improved brakes former for possible use at Indianapolis.

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 179

John Edgar was another 450S buyer and he Costanera circuit, which had been used seconds behind the winning Ferrari shared
took delivery of 4506. A car was also deliv­ before the construction of the Autodrome, by Perdisa, Gregory and Castellotti.
ered to Hollywood resident, Temple Buell. with a long stretch of very bumpy, dual The first Cuban Grand Prix was held on
Parravano was an Italian by birth, but he carriageway on which the faster cars were 25 February. It was run over a distance of
emigrated to the United States where he attaining 150mph (241kph). This was 313 miles (504km) over a 3.47-mile
made his fortune, firstly in the cement and generally considered to be dangerous and at (5.59km) circuit at Havana with a long, fast
concrete business and, later, from property the last moment the organisers installed a section along the seafront. Because of a
construction. However, he amassed consid­ diamond-shaped chicane on the main dock-strike in New York many of the cars did
erable debts and came under enquiry by the straight. As usual the principal opposition not arrive. One of the cars that did though
1RS. In 1958 the Parravano stable, consisting came from Ferrari who fielded a team of was the works 300S for Fangio, who took
of the 450S and several competition Ferraris four 3.5-litre V12 cars. the lead when de Portago’s Ferrari made a pit
was taken secretly to Mexico. Parravano Fangio was fastest in practice with the stop because of a fractured fuel line. Moss
disappeared in April 1960 and his body was 450S and Moss, who started the race with borrowed a 200S, but retired this; took over
never discovered. It seems that he may have this car, built up a lead of almost a lap the borrowed 300S that Schell was driving
found his destiny in the concrete which at before the clutch failed and although and retired again because of engine failure.
one time made him so much money. The Fangio carried on making clutchless gear- At Sebring on 23 March Fangio/Behra
1RS recovered the cars and the 45 OS was changes, the transmission gave up under drove a 450S and there were 300S entries
sold at auction to an American owner. It was the strain. Moss was then switched to the for Moss/Schell and Carroll Shelby/Roy
acquired in the 1970s by Cameron Millar fourth-place 300S shared by Behra and Salvadori. They faced two new works four-
who imported it into the UK and it now Menditeguy and started a chase up the cam V12 3.8-litre Ferraris, but the
belongs to a German collector. field. If Ugolini had decided that Moss Maranello machinery lacked the speed of
The works shipped out both a 4505 and should take over the 300S as soon as he the 450S and was also plagued by tyre and
a 300S to compete in the Buenos Aires knew there were problems with the 4 5 OS, brake problems. Fangio/Behra won easily
1,000-km race on 20 January. The 6.2 9 4 - the smaller Maserati might have won. As it from Moss/Schell and Hawthom/Bueb took
mile (10.13km ) course combined the was the 300S finished second, 23.5 third place with a works-prepared Jaguar
D-type. The other 300S was disqualified for
A view of the main workshop area at Modena in 1957. At the rear on the left are three works 250Fs. refuelling after 18 laps, instead of complet­
To the right are two 250Fs undergoing overhaul and their engines are being worked on in the right- ing the minimum of 20. Of Maserati at this
hand corner. In the foreground is a line-up of300S cars. (Guy Griffiths Collection) race, Salvadori wrote, ‘W hen we arrived at
Sebring, no one in the Maserati team
seemed to take much interest in us, there
was a complete lack of organisation and no
one told us when to practise or for how
long; this chaotic state of affairs was to have
repercussions in the race
The main thrust by Maserati in the Mille
Miglia on 1 1 -1 2 May was the entry of two
450S cars fitted with a supplementary two-
speed gearbox mounted between the clutch
and the normal gearbox and operated by a
push-pull control that emerged through the
central panel and was to the left of the gear-
lever. It enabled the driver to select either a
high set of ratios or a low set and Colotti,
who had designed it, anticipated that it
would be used only when the car was
stationary and the set of ratios chosen
according to the terrain that came next.
Moss soon discovered that it was possible


S lIiT O W

for the driver to accelerate through the low ‘Jenks is shouting in Moss’s ear as they sit on the ramp at Brescia fo r the start of the 1957 Mille
set of gears into fifth and then operate the Miglia. Their race with the 450S was short and they retired soon after the start because of a broken
push-pull control to select high fifth. In this brake pedal.
form the maximum speed of the 450S was
over 180m ph (290kph). The two 450S cars 150mph (241.5kph) when he came upon a was powered by an experimental V I 2
were to be driven by Moss/Jenkinson and lorry blocking the road and a collision was engine based on the castings for the Grand
Behra, but the Frenchman non-started unavoidable. Prix engine with cylinder dimensions of
because of a wrist injury he suffered in a In addition there were two works 300S 73.8 x 68mm, giving a capacity of 3,490cc,
testing accident. He was driving at around entries, but one of these was very special. It and developing 330bhp at 7,500rpm . This

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 181

any time. Ugolini had the choice of Fangio,
Moss, Schell, Bonnier, Herrmann, Scarlatti,
Godia-Sales and Horace Gould. In practice
the 450S entries were fastest and headed
the line-up of starters and Fangio had set
the times for both.
Initially Schell drove the faster 450S and
Moss was at the wheel of the second of
these cars. Moss’s car showed the not
uncommon reluctance of the 45 OS engine
to fire up, but did so eventually and by lap
eight he had worked his way through the
field to lead from Brooks (Aston Martin
DBR1). Two laps later this 450S was out of
the race - a hub-shaft broke causing the car
to shed the left rear wheel together with
brake drum, and Moss spun out of the race.
Seen in the Le Mans race is the 450S Beriinetta with Costin-designed, Zagato-huilt body. Although Fangio brought the other 450S into the pits
the design possessed superb aerodynamics, the construction of the body was bad and the car lacked with a loose oil tank, this was repaired and
the edge in performance that had been anticipated. It retired early in the race. Moss rejoined the race in 17th place, only
to retire two laps later. Moss now took over
car was fitted with the new gearbox with Herrmann ran well with the 3.5-litre V I 2 the works 300S, but he found the handling
five fully usable ratios that was to be intro­ car until he reached Ferrara, less than 100 so bad that he brought it back in again after
duced on the V I 2 Grand Prix car at miles (161km) from the start, where he was only two laps. Moss was then switched to
Monaco. This car was driven by Hans forced to retire because the bumpy roads had Godia-Sales’s 300S, which was back in
Herrmann, Giorgio Scarlatti drove a 3 0 OS holed the bottom plate of the engine. The 11th place, and he and Fangio brought it
with larger 4 5 OS brakes. Maserati had works Ferraris took the first three places in through to finish fifth behind the Aston
learned from their mistakes in 1956, when the order Taruffi, von Trips and Gendebien/ Martin of Brooks/Cunningham-Reid, two
the cars were badly prepared and a great Wascher (the last-named at the wheel of a works Ferraris and a l,5 0 0 c c Porsche.
deal of time had been spent on develop­ 250GT). Scarlatti was not a sufficiently On 9 June there were two works 300S
ment and detail preparation. There was a inspired driver, nor was his 300S fast entries in the 185-mile (298km) Portuguese
strong Ferrari entry and yet again, despite enough for him to be able to challenge for Grand Prix on the Monsanto circuit at
Maserati’s efforts, Maranello was to domi­ the lead, but he drove well to finish fourth, Lisbon. These were driven by Fangio and
nate the results of the last Mille Miglia. 33 minutes behind the winner. Following de Menditeguy, who was racing for the first time
At the start Moss drove the 45 OS gently Portago’s fatal crash with a Ferrari, costing since Monaco. Initially Masten Gregory led
down the starting ramp at Brescia and then the lives of the driver, his companion Eddie with his Ferrari Monza, but then Fangio went
accelerated hard. He and Jenkinson knew Nelson and ten spectators, it was the last ahead to win by 16 seconds. Menditeguy
that they had the fastest car in the race, Mille Miglia to be held. took third place. Godia-Sales had been
even if Moss was less than happy with the Maserati made another big effort in the running third with his private 300S, but
brakes, and he soon had the car up to next Championship round, the Nürburgring retired because of engine problems.
6,700rpm in high top - very close to l.OOOKm event on 26 May. The entry For Le Mans on 2 2 -2 3 June a special
180m ph (290kph). He believed that his consisted of two 450S cars, the 300S that 450S Beriinetta was built. At Moss’s sugges­
prospects of winning were great, but only Scarlatti had driven in the Mille Miglia and tion Maserati had commissioned aerody-
seven miles (11.2km ) from the start the Godia-Sales’s 300S was brought into the namicist Frank Costin, renowned for his
brake pedal broke ju st above the pivot, he team for this race. The 3.5-litre V12 car ran bodies on early Lotus cars and the Vanwall,
brought the car to rest with great difficulty in practice only. Under the race regulations to design this coupé. In the drawings it was
and then when the last runners had passed, any pair of drivers could be switched to any a gloriously smooth, aerodynamic design,
rumbled back to the start. It was a terrible other car during the race, which led to but the late and hasty execution of the work
blow for the whole team. confusion as to who was driving what car at by Zagato was a travesty. The cooling open­


ings were in the wrong position, the full- was soon out of the race because of a seized Duncan. Ferrari fielded two 4.1-litre V12 cars
length under-tray had been omitted and the universal joint, a problem that was becom­ and two 3-litre V I 2 models. The V I 2 3.5-
result was an interior that was fume-filled as ing all too familiar, while Moss/Behra went litre Maserati non-started after it had devel­
well as incredibly noisy, and an inability to on to win from the Ferrari of Phil Hill/Peter oped transmission problems in practice.
pull more than 6,200rpm in top, instead of Collins. The 300S, which had been driven At the start both Moss (450S) and Brooks
the usual 7,000rpm . Windscreen wipers by Bonnier, Scarlatti, Schell and, in the clos­ (300S) had difficulty in inducing their cars
were added at the last moment and these ing stages of the race, Moss, took third to fire up and the 4 .1 -litre Ferraris led from
made contact with the screen - and place. At this stage Ferrari had accumulated Gregory with the Buell car. Gregory took
smeared it - only under braking! Moss 33 points and Maserati 27 points. Only the the lead on the first lap, but on the second
shared the car with Harry Schell, while best four results counted. However, because lap he clipped one of the sandbags lining
Behra/Simon drove an open 450S. A 300S of the reinstatement of the Venezuelan the road and rolled the car. Shortly before
was entered for Scarlatti/Bonnier. Grand Prix, it was still possible for Maserati the race Gregory had insisted that this
The Maserati challenge was short-lived. to win the Championship. 450S be fitted with a roll-over bar and there
Moss held second place briefly, but the Maserati sent a very strong team to the is little doubt that this saved his life.
coupé lost a lot of time in the pits while an race at Caracas on 3 November. There were Moss with his 450S was the next Maserati
oil pipe was changed and retired in the two 450S cars, both with the supplementary driver to be eliminated. He had worked
fourth hour when a rear universal joint two-speed gearbox, the V12 3.5-litre and a his way into the lead, but on lap 33, while
seized. Already Behra/Simon were out. In 300S. The drivers were Moss, Behra, Schell, he was travelling at about 170mph
the second hour Behra was leading the race Bonnier and Scarlatti, joined for this race by (273kph) along the dual carriageway that
when the steel ring retaining a universal Tony Brooks. There was to be the usual situa­ formed parallel straights, an AC-Bristol
join t shot off and holed the fuel tank. The tion of drivers jumping in and out of differ­ pulled across his path and the cars collided.
300S lasted until the sixth hour when the ent cars. In addition Temple Buell entered The Ace hit a lamppost and was cut in
clutch failed. The works Ferraris also failed, his 450S for Masten Gregory and Dale two, while the battered 4 5 OS spun down
but Jaguar D-types took the first four places
and scored the model’s third successive win A view of the massive 4.5-litre V8 Tipo 450S engine, showing the mounting o f the four twin-choke
in this race. One of the 1956 Talbots in re­ Weber carburettors in the vee’ of the engine and the sparking plugs mounted outside the ‘vee. This is
bodied form lined up for the start of this an engine in a restored car.
race and the story of the misfortunes of this
car is told on Pages 2 32—233.
It seemed that there was only one more
round in the 1957 World Sports Car
Championship, the six-hour Swedish
Grand Prix on 11 August. The Venezuelan
Grand Prix to be held in November had
been cancelled, although it was later rein­
stated. On the basis that the last round was
at Kristianstad, Maserati could still win the
Championship, provided that they won in
Sweden and Ferrari finished no higher than
fifth. Modena sent two 4 5 OS cars to
Sweden, one the Le Mans Beriinetta, now
with standard body, and the other with the
two-speed supplementary gearbox, together
with a 300S.
Initially Hawthorn with a 4.1-litre Ferrari
led the race, but then Moss took the lead
with the ex-Le Mans coupé. Moss stopped
to hand over to Schell and took over from
Behra when he came into the pits. Schell

THE ZENITH O F MASERATI POWER, 1 9 5 6 -5 7 / 183

Jean Behra at the wheel of the 450S he shared with André Simon at Le Mans in 1957. After two something close to £1 million. It was a bad
hours they were leading the race when the steel ring retaining the rear prop-shaft universal joint came end to the short works racing career of the
off and holed the fuel tank. 450S, although these cars continued to race
successfully in American events. Maserati
the road until Moss could finally bring it Bonnier with the 300S, a rear tyre on the was about to withdraw from racing and the
to rest. slower car burst and the cars collided. reasons are explained in the next chapter.
Stirling made his way back to the pits Bonnier hit a lamppost, which collapsed on The 300S was above all a safe car for even
where he saw the surviving 45 OS catch fire to the car, seconds after he had jumped out the most inexperienced drivers to handle
when Behra, who was relieving Schell, of it. Schell hit another lamppost, the 450S and lacked vicious tendencies. In contrast
pressed the starter. Guerino Bertocchi, hair burst into flames and then hit a concrete the 4 5 OS was a vicious, ill-handling bmte.
and overalls on fire, dowsed the burning car wall; the Franco-American suffered bums to Only the most able drivers could exploit its
from a fire extinguisher and then dowsed the face and arms. potential and if they did so they faced the
himself. Behra had burnt his arms and Ferrari took the first four places and on problem that the drum brakes were not
neck, so Moss took the car out. He soon the basis of the best four performances won really capable of retarding the car from the
discovered that the driving seat was still the Championship with 30 points to the 25 high speeds of which it was capable. The
burning and so he went back into the pits of Maserati. It was a dismal, appallingly majority of classic racing enthusiasts who
where the fire was extinguished, he received unlucky result for Modena. Maserati had have had the chance to drive a 450S admit
treatment for bums and Schell resumed the also hoped to sell the cars after the race and that they find the car difficult to control in
race with the 4 5 OS. As Schell was lapping in modem money the accidents cost them the dry and impossible in the wet.


Chapter 13

Financial failure
s M aserati a c h iev ed the greatest High import duties made it difficult to
A successes in its long history, so financial
disaster was overtaking the company.
sell milling machinery and machine tools in
Argentina, but Orsi persuaded Peron that
ers. Machine tools were ordered in sub­
stantial quantities from Maserati and they
were delivered from 1955 onwards on
Because of the split of assets in 1953, the import duties should be relaxed, as the deferred credit with payment not due until
Orsi group had been weakened and Adolfo import of this equipment would benefit 1957. It is believed that the total value of
Orsi was determined to rebuild its financial Argentinian industry. A Maserati company the Argentinian debt was $3 million. Peron
strength. There appeared to be excellent was set up in Argentina and this also repre­ was deposed in 1955 and the new govern­
opportunities for expanding the company’s sented other Italian machinery manufactur­ ment reneged on the debts.
business in Argentina and in 1954 Orsi had
long talks with Juan Peron at the presiden­ The 3500GT production road car was a great commercial success and the high level of sales
tial palace, Casa Rosada. contributed to Maserati’s financial recovery. This is an early 1958 car with coupé body by Touring.


more expensive — then a V12 4.1-litre or
4.5-litre Ferrari was the answer.
Operating the Maserati works team was
horrendously expensive and whereas Ferrari
received an annual subsidy of 50 million lire
from the Italian Automobile Club
(provided, it is believed, by Fiat), Maserati
received nothing. Maserati withdrew from
racing at the end of 1957 and it was
decided that all future racing projects would
have to be customer-funded. This policy
was adhered to rather loosely. Alfieri had
been working on a new road car design, the
Tipo 101 3500GT, which was first seen at
the Geneva Salon in March 1957. It entered
production in 1958 and proved remarkably
Unlike Grand Touring Ferraris of the
period, which were ‘weekend cars’ (as
Dottor Adolfo Orsi neatly expresses it), the
GT Maseratis were practical cars for busi­
nessmen who drove long distances. They
were soundly built, reliable and incor­
porated many tried and tested British com­
There were only 36 Tipo 103 5000GT cars with 4941cc engine derived from the Tipo 450S sports- ponents, including the suspension units
racing car and built from 1959 onwards. This is a second series car with Lucas fuel injection, ZF and Girling disc brakes. Maserati also
5-speed gearbox and disc brakes at all four wheels. Carrozzeria Touring was responsible fo r the considered the creature comfort of the
bodywork, with exceptionally ugly frontal treatment, on this example. drivers and was one of the first European
manufacturers to install equipment such as
But this was not the only problem. At of America based at Westfield in New York electric windows and air conditioning. Close
the invitation of the Mexican government State. It was mainly established to market to 2,0 0 0 of these cars were built before
Orsi had studied plans for setting up a milling machines produced by both production of the type ceased in 1964.
factory in Mexico to manufacture motor­ Maserati and other Italian manufacturers, The 3500G T appeared too late to save
cycles and scooters. These had no connec­ but also sold Maserati racing cars and the Maserati in the short term and on 1 April
tion with the Maserati motorcycles made in A6G/54 2 ,0 00cc GT model. It had to be 1958 the company was put into Admin­
Modena. A deal had been reached with shut down in 1958. The American com­ istrative Control, a form of insolvency
Renzo Rivolta who built Iso scooters and pany was badly managed and it could not management that protected the interests of
motorcycles at Bresso, Milan and these sell enough GT cars, mainly because creditors and allowed the company to con­
machines with double-piston two-stroke prospective buyers thought that the capac­ tinue to trade. Adolfo Orsi responded vigor­
engines were to be built under licence at the ity of the engine was too small for the price ously to the problem. He sold his
new Mexico plant. They were to be known asked. machine-tool interests and many personal
as Maseratis, but the badge, in addition to At this time the sports car market in the assets, including land with considerable
the usual trident, portrayed a 2 5 OF in United States was largely dominated by development potential in Modena. He
profile. The Mexican government failed to much lower-priced British cars, such as the cleared Maserati’s debts and by the end of
conclude the deal and the project was aban­ 3.4-litre Jaguar XK range, the Austin-Healey 1958 had regained control of the company.
doned after a great deal of money had been 100 and the Triumph TR2. These were of Although Maserati was to become a manu­
spent. course mass-produced in large numbers facturer of road cars only, competition cars
Another failure was the company set up in and sold at a much lower price. If buyers continued to be built in small numbers
the United States, the Maserati Corporation wanted something more exotic - and much between 1958 and 1965.


Chapter 1 4

The decline of Maserati,

1 9 5 8 -6 5
1957 Maserati Avgas, a compromise between the teams two hours (instead of 300km or 3 hours).
N late N o vem ber
announced its withdrawal from racing who wanted the status quo, a free choice This led to a general shortening of races,
and there were obvious reasons in addition zof fuel, and the fuel companies who which now tended to last a little over two
to the catalogue of financial woes that was wanted the teams to use pump fuel so that hours. It also encouraged the development
to emerge. As early as 1956, even before the they could maximise advertising from racing of smaller, lighter cars carrying less fuel and
450S was raced, the Fédération Inter­ successes. Another important change was in was a major factor in the success of the
nationale de VAutomobile had been talking to the minimum race distance, which became Cooper-Climaxes, which won their first
manufacturers on the basis that there 30 0 to 500km (instead of 300km ) and Championship races in 1958. Grand Prix
should be a capacity limit of 3 ,0 0 0 c c or
3 ,5 0 0 c c in World Sports Car Champion­ Juan Fangio and Carlos Menditeguy drove Lightweight 250Fs entered by Scuderia Sud-Americana
ship events. Through 1957 it had become in the 1958 South American races. Fangio is seen in the wet first heat o j the Fonnule Libre Buenos
known that there would be such a limita­ Aires City Grand Prix. He finished second to Hawthorn’s Ferrari Dino in his heat, but won on the
tion for 1958, but it was not until October aggregate o f the two heats.
of that year that it was officially announced
that the limit would be 3,000cc.
It meant that the racing career of the 45 OS
was at an end, in Europe at least, but
Maserati had been aware for some time that
the model’s potential was limited. There was
reason to suppose that Maserati had antici­
pated a 3 ,5 0 0 cc limit, which would have
suited Jaguar, and this is supported by the
appearance in the 1957 Mille Miglia of the
3,5 0 0 cc V12 car driven by Hans Herrmann.
Maserati continued to develop the 450S V8
engine and it was used in hydroplane racing
in various capacities up to 5.4 litres
So far as Grand Prix racing was con­
cerned, the sheer cost was a major problem,
especially as financial conditions in Europe
had resulted in a protocol in early 1957 that
restricted both starting and prize money.
This was in itself a deterrent from continu­
ing to race in Formula 1. Another problem
for all the teams was the requirement for
1958 that cars ran on 100/130-octane

THE DECLINE O F MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 187

Stirling Moss at speed with the 4.2-litre Tipo 420/M58 Eldorado in the 1958 Two Worlds Trophy on Neither BRM nor Vanwall ran in South
the hanked Monza circuit. This photograph shows the car on the Pista de Alta Velocita main America.
straight, shortly before the steering failed on the banking. Fangio was fastest in practice and the
‘Lightweight’ 250F had the power and the
racing in 1958 was, however, primarily a (312km ). Fangio was undecided about his speed to beat the new Ferraris, but
battle between Ferrari and Vanwall, with plans for 1958 and so the Maestro’s racing although he led initially he fell back to
Hawthorn winning the Drivers’ World manager Marcello Giambertone leased two finish fourth because of engine overheating
Championship at the wheel of the new V6 of the ‘Fightweight’ 250Fs for this and the and the need for new rear tyres. The race
Ferrari Dino-, Stirling Moss beaten into Formule Libre Buenos Aires City Grand was won - unexpectedly - by Stirling Moss
second place by one point and Vanwall Prix. These were entered in the name of with Rob Walker’s 2-litre Cooper-Climax
winning the newly inaugurated Manufac­ Scuderia Sud-Americana and were driven by from Musso and Hawthorn with Ferraris.
turers’ Championship. Although only very Fangio and Menditeguy. Moto Guzzi works Behra finished fifth and Menditeguy took
limited success was gained during the year, motorcycle rider Ken Kavanagh had bought seventh place. The Formule Libre Buenos
the Maserati 250Fs were as numerous as the third ‘Lightweight’ car, 25 2 7 , and Jean Aires City Grand Prix on 2 February was
ever in the hands of private owners and Behra drove this in Argentina. Scuderia held in two 87-mile (149km ) heats and
three new 250Fs were seen racing. Centro-Sud entered 250Fs for Masten Fangio won on aggregate, having finished
Gregory and Joakim Bonnier and through­ second to Hawthorn in the first heat and
out the year ‘Mimmo’ Dei’s team was to be winning the second. Behind Fangio came
Early Grand Prix Racing the most active entrant of 250Fs. Musso and Godia-Sales/Menditeguy (the
Alterations had been made to the compres­ Spaniard started the race with the Sud-
As usual, the racing year started with the sion ratio and carburetion to suit the new Americana car because Menditeguy arrived
Argentine Grand Prix, held on 19 January fuel requirements, but otherwise the late at the circuit).
and now shortened in distance to 1 94 miles Maseratis were unchanged from 1957. Once the European season started,


Fangio was conspicuous by his absence and
the 250Fs by their lack of success. Bonnier
with his 25 0 F finished second a lap behind
Musso’s Ferrari - the sole Maranello entry -
at Siracusa on 13 April, while Masten
Gregory with a Centro-Sud car drove a good
race to take third place behind Collins
(Ferrari) and Salvadori (Cooper) in the
International Trophy meeting at Silverstone
on 3 May. Nine drivers with 250Fs were
entered at Monaco on 18 May. Of these
Fangio failed to appear, six Maserati drivers
failed to qualify as starters and the two
starters, Bonnier and Scarlatti (who had
bought 2 5 2 9 ), failed to finish. The race
provided another unexpected Cooper win
as Trintignant took first place with a car
entered by Rob Walker.
Amongst the private Maserati entrants
was Marie-Thérèse de Filippis who had
bought 2 5 2 3 with 6-cylinder engine from
the factory. Despite her valiant efforts with
her 250F, her season was dismally unsuc­
cessful, as might be expected. Her best Fangio at the wheel oj the 1958 experimental version o f the 250F alongside Moss (Vanwall) in the
performance was at Siracusa where she 1958 French Grand Prix. It was the reigning champions last Grand Prix and he finished fourth.
finished fifth, albeit four laps in arrears. She
failed to qualify as a starter at Monaco and Masten Gregory with the Scuderia Buell Piccolo 250F in the 1958 Italian Grand Prix. He was
she was 11th and last, two laps in arrears, racing fo r the first time since a bad crash and handed over to Carroll Shelby. They finished fourth, a
in Belgium. In Portugal her own car broke very good result, but the car was disqualified because Shelby was not a nominated substitute driver.
in practice, so she drove a Scuderia Centro-
Sud entry, only to retire early in the race
because of mechanical problems. Her last
outing was at Monza where she again
retired. De Filippis would have apppeared
more frequently, if she had been able to
obtain entries. She continued to race this
250F again in 1959. For many years she has
been secretary of the Association des Pilotes
Anciens de Grand Prix et Formule 1.
The Maserati transporter was an unex­
pected sight in the paddock at the Belgian
Grand Prix. The team had brought along
what appeared to be a new and lighter
250F with chassis number 253 2 . It seemed
that it was the first of the T3 Piccolo cars,
but it later became known that it was V I 2
chassis 2 5 3 0 with a 6-cylinder engine and
in effect a development car for the T3. It
was not entered in the race and was driven

THE DECLINE OF MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 189

for a few laps by Masten Gegrory, before
Ugolini and Bertocchi took it off to the
Nürburgring where on the Monday after the
Belgian race Stirling Moss tested it.

The Two Worlds Trophy

On 29 June the second Two Worlds Trophy

was run on the banked Monza track.
Interest by European manufacturers was
somewhat greater than in 1957 and both
Ferrari and Maserati built cars for the event.
The Maserati was commissioned by the
Eldorado ice cream company and was to be
driven by Stirling Moss. It had a new 7ft
10.5in (2,044mm)-wheelbase multi-tubular
chassis longer than that of the 250F, Tipo
45 OS double wishbone and coil spring front
suspension, stronger steering arms and
track rods and a strengthened 25 0 F de
Dion axle with twin Houdaille dampers
each side. The brakes were as on the 1957
250F and there were Firestone-shod
Seen at the Italian Grand Prix at Monza in 1958 are lady 250F driver Marie-Thérèse di Filippis and Flalibrand magnesium-alloy wheels with
that fine Kansan driver Masten Gregory. These days Gregory is both underrated and falsely maligned. 6-pin drive mounted on modified Maserati
This car, known as the Tipo 58, combined the 300S chassis with a V12 3-litre engine. Stirling Moss The engine was the Tipo 450S in 4,190cc
tested this car at the Nürburgring in 1958 and formed a poor view o f its capabilities. The model was form running on alcohol fuel. Although fuel
never raced. injection was tried during qualifying the car
was raced with four twin-choke Weber
carburettors. The engine was mounted nine
centimetres to the left of the centre of the
car and drove through an open prop-shaft
to a two-speed gearbox mounted at the rear.
A pair of bevel gears took the drive through
a right-angle and straight-cut gears raised
the drive to the height of the rear axle. No
differential was fitted and the drive was
then taken through universal joints and
heavy-section drive-shafts to the rear
wheels. The driver sat alongside the prop-
shaft and the gear-change was mounted
high up on the left side. The body was simi­
lar to that of the 250F, but there was a large
scoop on the bonnet and a very prominent
tail-fin. It was painted gleaming white with
Eldorado Italia slogans, cartoon figures and
Stirling Moss’s name on the bonnet. This


car was typed the Tipo 420/M/58 and had
chassis number 4203. It was usually known
as the Eldorado Special.
For this event racing was in an anti-clock­
wise direction and as is usual in American
racing, qualifying was on the basis of three
flying laps. The race was held in three 63-
lap heats, 166 miles (267km ) each, to give
the appropriate total of about 5 0 0 miles
(805km ). Although the Maserati was
adequately powerful compared to the
American opposition, it bounced about
badly on the notorious bumps of Monza’s
banked track. Moss qualified ninth fastest
at 164.39m ph (264.67kph). He finished
fourth in the first heat, fifth in the second,
but he had an horrific accident on the 41st
lap of the third heat when the Maseratis
steering failed, he hit the retaining wall at
the top of the banking, three of its concrete
posts were demolished and three of the Marie-Thérèse de Filippis is seen with her 250F entered by Scuderia Ugolini in the 1959
Maseratis tyres burst. Very fortunately, he International Trophy race at Silverstone in May 1959. She retired because o f mechanical problems.
was unhurt. Moss was officially classified (TC. March)
During 1959 quite a number o f Cooper chassis were fitted with Maserati 2.5-litre 4-cylinder engines.
Roy Salvadori drove this Cooper-Maserati for C.T Atkins, but only when the Aston Martin Formula 1
The P ic c o lo team did not need him. Fiere, in the Gold Cup race at Oulton Park, he finished fourth. (TC. March)

At the French Grand Prix at Reims on 6 July

there was a Maserati 2 5 OF for Fangio and
entered in his own name. This car had
chassis plate 2 5 3 2 , but, in fact, it was a new
car and the true prototype of the T3 Piccolo
(‘Diminutive’) cars. Early in the race
Hawthorn (Ferrari) led from Brooks
(Vanwall), while Fangio battled for third
place with Moss (Vanwall) and Schell and
Behra (BRMs). Brooks retired, both the
BRMs dropped back because of mechanical
problems and Fangio made a brief pit stop
to complain to Bertocchi about gear-selec­
tion problems. He rejoined this very fast
race to finish fourth behind Hawthorn,
Moss and von Trips (Ferrari). It was
Fangio’s last Grand Prix.
A new Maserati, looking very like the car
that Fangio had driven at Reims, was
entered by Temple Buell in the Portuguese
Grand Prix on 2 4 August for Masten

THE DECLINE OF MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 191

Gregory. This 250F, chassis number 2533,
was the first of the Piccolo cars that Buell
had ordered. The price invoiced to Buell on
25 June 1958 was $1 4 ,5 0 0 . The wheelbase
of the Piccolo was about an inch shorter
than that of the Lightweight 2 50F and
weight had been reduced by about 1601b
(71.43kg). It is believed that the compres­
sion ratio was increased to 11:1 and power
output is said to have been 290bhp at
8,000rpm .
The five-speed gearbox was smaller and
lighter with a fully usable first gear, the
front suspension incorporated fabricated
tubular wishbones and larger coil springs
with Girling dampers, there were Koni
dampers at the rear and large brakes were
used. It was, however, merely an update of
an obsolescent model. Shelby drove a
steady race at Oporto, holding fifth place
until he spun off and crashed near the end
of the race, but he was classified ninth.
A last-minute driver of a Scuderia Centro-
The Tec-Mec seen in Valeiro Colotti’s workshop in Modena shortly after it had been completed Sud 250F in Portugal was works Lotus
team-member Cliff Allison. In practice he
Roy Salvadori drove this Cooper Monaco with Maserati 2.5-litre engine fo r John Coombs during the had crashed his new Climax-powered
1959 season. Here, at Silverstone in May, he won the race for sports cars up to 3,000cc from Stirling front-engined Lotus 16 when he lost
Moss (Aston Martin DBRI) at 98A0mph (158Akph). As the race progressed, the handling deterior­ control after crossing tramlines. He and
ated and afterwards it was found that the rear o f the chassis had broken. (TC. March) Guglielmo Dei put their heads together and
Allison drove the team’s spare car, 2522,
on the basis that they split the starting
money, and Allison started from the posi­
tion on the grid that he had gained with
the Lotus. Cliff has commented that,
‘Compared to the Lotus, the Maserati was a
lorry, but a very fast one.’ He was running
only for the starting money and he retired
after 15 laps.
Both Buell cars, 2533 and 2 5 3 4
appeared at Monza for the Italian Grand
Prix on 7 September, but only one, to be
driven by Masten Gregory, was entered.
History has done the Kansan an injustice.
Gregory was a very fast, very able and very
brave driver of great determination and one
of the very best American drivers racing in
Europe in the 1950s. That he was hyperac­
tive is undoubted, but because of his some­
times erratic behaviour, there have been


scurrilous and untrue allegations that he petrol and water and that there are no the Batista government was struggling to
took drugs. That he leapt out of cars about batteries on the cars.’ It was stated that suppress. Fangio’s car was driven in the
to crash on more than one occasion has 2 5 3 4 was to be exported and so there was race by Maurice Trintignant and the World
also led to an unfair notoriety. no carnet permitting its return to Italy. Champion was released unharmed at the
Gregory started from the third row of the Bertocchi travelled out to look after the Argentinian embassy in the evening of the
grid (eighth fastest) and fought his way cars. Shelby, relieved by Harry Schell, day following the race.
through to hold fourth place. It was his first finished fourth and Ross Jensen with the The race was a disaster and was aban­
race since he had crashed the Ecurie Ecosse other car entered in the name of Scuderia El doned after six laps following a fatal acci­
Lister-Jaguar in practice at Silverstone in Salvador took place fifth place after his dent when a local Ferrari driver slid off the
July and he was so exhausted that he engine went off song. track and killed five spectators. The track
brought the 2 5 OF into the pits for Shelby was almost awash with oil; Stirling Moss
to take over. Shelby carried on to finish Sports Cars in 1958 said that he had never seen so much oil on
fourth, but the car was disqualified because a track anywhere and there were sugges­
he was not a nominated reserve driver. In February, Fangio hit the world headlines tions of sabotage. Moss, leading with a 4.1-
Gregory was entered with the car again in in a way never achieved throughout his litre Ferrari when the race was abandoned,
the last round of the World Championship earlier racing career. He was to drive a was awarded first place. Despite not starting
at Casablanca on 19 October and despite privately entered Maserati 450S in the the race, Fangio still received the equivalent
damper problems he drove steadily to Cuban sports car Grand Prix, but on the of £ 1 ,7 8 5 guaranteed appearance money,
finish sixth. eve of the race he was kidnapped at more than Moss received for winning the
The two Piccolos together with Joakim gunpoint in the lobby of his hotel. The race!
Bonnier’s ex-Scarlatti Lightweight, 2529, kidnap was made ‘in the name of the Although Maserati 300S cars, together
were then fitted with shark-mouth noses Twenty-sixth of July Movement’. This was with the smaller-capacity models, continued
and peculiarly shaped tail fins inspired by an organisation which supported Fidel to be raced by private owners, they were
journalist Hans Tanner who was managing Castro and was trying to focus world atten­ now outdated and achieved little. At the
the team. The work was carried out by tion on Castro’s political movement, which Nürburgring on 16 June 1958, the day that
Fantuzzi. These cars were to be shipped out
to compete in the 150-mile (241km) The first Tipo 60 2-litre ‘Bird-cage’ car undo' construction in the Maserati workshops early in 1959.
Formule Libre New Zealand Grand Prix at The photograph makes a sharp contrast with that shown on Page 180 when Maserati racing activity
Ardmore on 10 January 1959. Hans Tanner, was at its busiest.
writing from the Strand Palace Hotel in
London, arranged the shipping through
LEP Transport and the prices quoted were
as follows:

2 5 3 4 (Insurance value Freight and insurance

o f $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 ). charges £ 5 2 3 5 .

2 5 3 3 (Insurance value Freight and insurance

of $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 ). charges £ 4 8 0 0 .

2 5 2 9 , w hich in fact
was stated in the
paperw ork to be
chassis 2 5 0 4

(Insurance value of Freight and insurance

$ 8 0 0 0 ). charges £ 3 7 5 0 .

In their letter LEP commented, ‘We further

note that these cars have all been drained of

THE DECLINE O F MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 193

Stirling Moss tested the modified 250F seen On 10 August Moss competed in the Temple Buell at his address in California,
at Spa-Francorchamps, he also tested the Kannonloppet at Karlskoga in Sweden with reminding him that they were still owed
Tipo 58 sports car. This was a 300S fitted a 300S which he had borrowed from the $ 1 0 ,5 0 0 and requesting settlement at his
with a 3-litre (68.2 x 68mm) V I 2 engine factory. He won easily from locally entered early convenience. Hans Tanner was
said to develop 305bhp at 10,000rpm . His Ferraris. He then travelled with the 300S to endeavouring to sell the Piccolo cars and he
report to Ugolini was disappointing, for he Roskilde to compete in the Copenhagen wrote to wealthy New Zealand amateurs
considered that the car lacked power high in Grand Prix, run in six heats over the two Arnold Glass and Ross Jensen, pointing out
the rev range and that it oversteered. This days of 1 5 -1 6 August. He retired because of that Buell was giving up racing, and in the
car was never raced. engine trouble in the first heat and then letter to Glass said that a deal could be
Just under a month later, on 13 July, borrowed Brian Naylor’s 2-litre Maserati- done ‘el cheapo.’ Tanner also revealed that
Maserati made a one-off entry with two engined JBW Special for his other two heats there was a new and lighter Maserati space-
3 0 OS cars, now fitted with five-speed gear­ and won them both. Overnight the 300S frame available to which the components of
boxes, in the 150-mile (241km ) Vila Real was fitted with a replacement engine and one car could be transferred. He added in
race in Portugal. The cars were driven by after the three heats on the Sunday he took the letter to Glass that he would still have a
Moss and Behra on this combined road and second place overall behind Carlsson (Ferrari good chance with the cars, especially if he
street circuit and in the absence of serious Monza), beaten by less than a second. lost some weight!
opposition they put on a show for the spec­ Neither driver was interested; Jensen had
tators, passing and re-passing. Moss has already driven one in New Zealand, Glass
commented that it was a circuit on which 1959 had presumably seen them and both had
he never engaged top gear, but went up to the chance then to buy a car. Tanner was
6,500rpm in fourth. He won at 84.73m ph Early in 1959 all three Buell cars had been also corresponding with Ugolini at his
(136.42kph) from Behra with Francesco shipped back to Genoa, but 2 5 3 4 remained private address in Modena, seeking advice
Godia-Sales at the wheel of his private 300S at the docks because of the absence of a about fitting the Piccolos with disc brakes.
in third place. carnet. On 15 March Maserati wrote to Ugolini took the view that fitting disc
brakes would add too much weight and so
Stirling Moss with the 2-litre Tipo 60 ‘Bird-cage’ on its debut in the Coupe Deiamare Debouteville at the idea was dropped. Eventually 2 5 3 4
Rouen in 1959. He was fastest in practice, led throughout and set fastest lap. joined 2533 at the factory and presumably
some ‘horse deal’ was done over the money
W ith a view to running at Indianapolis,
the 1958 Eldorado car that had competed in
the Two Worlds Trophy was rebuilt for
1959. The body was neater, without a tail-
fin, and the gear-change was now mounted
conventionally on the left of the cockpit
and much more convenient to use. It has
been stated that a 4.7-litre V8 engine was
fitted, but this is wrong as there was still a
170cu in/4,200cc capacity limit for unsuper­
charged cars at Indianapolis. During qualify­
ing Ralph Liguori could not lap with the
Eldorado faster than 136mph (219kph), far
too slow to qualify - at this time the slowest
qualifier was lapping at over 141mph
(227kph) and so it was, inevitably, a non­
Although most of Maserati’s resources
were now directed towards the production
of GT cars, experimental work on competi-


tion cars continued. It was not enough to The Tipo 61 ‘Bird-cage’ car with 2,890cc engine appeared late in 1959 and two oj them ran at the
keep everyone occupied and Nello Ugolini Nassau Speed Week in December o f that year. This is the first of the cars to be completed seen outside
had left to run the short-lived Scuderia the Modena works.
Ugolini. He formally entered Giorgio Scarlatti
and Marie-Thérèse de Flippis, who had run Alfieri had developed the 250S, a version not required by the Aston Martin Grand
their 250Fs under their own names in 1958, of the 200S sports-racing car, but with Prix team and has commented that
but the team did not complete a full season 2 ,4 8 9 cc (96 x 86mm) engine developing although the Maserati engine was less
of racing. By 1960 Ugolini had become 230bhp at 7,000rpm . Four of these powerful than the 2 ,4 9 5 cc Coventry
racing manager of Count Volpi’s Scuderia 160mph cars were built and sold during Climax FWA, it was readily available, while
Serenissima di Repubblica de Venezia, which late 1958 to early 1959. Far more engines the British engines were in short supply.
entered Ferraris, including the famous of this type, known as the Tipo 250/S4 Another user was John Coombs who
‘Breadvan version of the 250G T bodied by were sold than complete cars and among installed one of these engines in a Cooper
Drogo. Scuderia Centro-Sud had an ever- the first buyers of engines were Brian Naylor Monaco sports car chassis, again for Roy
increasing collection of 250Fs and a large who installed one in his JB W Special single- Salvadori to drive, and it was very success­
stock of parts. The team competed regularly seater, and ‘Tommy’ Atkins’ High Efficiency ful in British events. These engines were
through the year, but without much success, Motors team who raced one in a 1958 much more difficult to maintain than the
as not only were the cars obsolete, but they Cooper T45 chassis. Climax FWA and many of the components
were often far from well prepared. Roy Salvadori drove this Cooper when had a very short life. They had to be used

THE DECLINE O F MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 195

small gearbox organisation that Colotti had
set up near the Maserati factory after leaving
the company at the end of 1957. Colotti
carried out all the work on the project at his
Tanner had grandiose ideas and wanted
to set himself up as a team principal. He
issued press statements saying that
Automobili Tec-Mec was a company of
which he was racing director, Gordon
Pennington commercial Director and
Colotti chief engineer. The team planned to
run two new Maserati-powered Grand Prix
cars of advanced specification to be driven
by Jack Fairman (a driver of reasonable
competence) and Colin Murray (whose
Maserati built quite a number of children’s versions of the Competition cars. This battay-powered
experience was limited to minor British
model 250F - with one-piece body/chassis by Fantuzzi, forward and reverse gears, adjustable pedals
events, but was also, for a short while,
and 4'A hours’ endurance - was constructed in 1957. The factory retained it until 1959 when it was
British Maserati agent). The new company
presented to one Pagliani, a friend o f the Orsi family.
also offered a sports car powered by a 5.9-
with Colotti gearboxes (see below) and achieved a small measure of success, litre version of the 45 OS engine and the
these proved very troublesome. including a win in the sports car Naples Poggi Formula Junior car, which was in fact
Scuderìa Centro-Sud took delivery of two Grand Prix by Tony Settember in 1959 and built by another firm.
new T51 rear-engined Cooper chassis into by Mennato Boffa in the 1960 Naples race. Both Colotti and Scarlatti disassociated
which Maserati engines were installed. During 1957 Maserati had been working themselves from Tanner’s plans. It was
These cars made their debut in the French on what would have been the 1958 team claimed that Piero Drogo and Boris ‘Bob’
Grand Prix at Reims where they were driven car if Modena had continued to race. Work Said had covered 500 miles (805km ) in
by Ian Burgess and Colin Davis (son of was abandoned after one space-frame chas­ testing at Modena with the Tec-Mec and the
‘Bentley boy’ and The Autocar sports editor sis with transverse leaf spring and wishbone car was also tested by Scarlatti and Joaldm
‘Sammy’ Davis). Other drivers of ‘Mimmo’ independent rear suspension had been Bonnier. As he went past the pits, Scarlatti
Dei’s Coopers during the year were Hans completed. It must be stressed that this was extended his arms outwards. W hen he
Herrmann and Mario Cabral. They were not a different project from the Piccolo, which came into the pits, he was asked why he
successful and the best performance by a was merely a lighter and shorter version of had done this. ‘To demonstrate the straight-
Maserati-powered single-seater in 1959 was the existing 250F. It was this chassis that line stability,’ he replied. Even so, the
Salvadori’s fourth place in the International Hans Tanner was offering to New Zealand proposed entry for Scarlatti in the Italian
Gold Cup race at Oulton Park at the end of drivers. After they had failed to respond to Grand Prix was abandoned. Tanner took
September. A Cooper Monaco was also his offers, Tanner, together with Scarlatti the car to the United States and it eventu­
supplied to Scuderia Centro-Sud and Colin and Valerio Colotti, both of whom also ally appeared at the US Grand Prix at
Davis drove this car to a win in the 186- provided finance, decided that they would Sebring on 12 December in the name of
mile (300km ) Messina sports car race in build up the space-frame chassis. Camoradi USA (see below) and was driven
August. A very handsome body was built by by young hopeful Fritz D ’Orey. D ’Orey was
Another interesting Maserati-powered car Gentilini, who had worked with Fantuzzi at third slowest qualifier and after six laps
at this time was the WRE (the initials stood Maserati, and the 250F engine was the orig­ trailing round at the back of the field he
for World Racing Enterprise), three of which inal number 2523 that had been removed retired because of an oil leak.
were built, powered by 200SI engines. They from that chassis when it was first fitted The Camoradi team entered the Tec-Mec
were the work of former W illment Racing with a V I 2 engine and since then had been in one more race, an American National
Team mechanic John Wadsworth. These in store at Modena. The car was fitted with event at Daytona early in 1960. It may have
were front-engined sports-racing cars and Girling disc brakes. It became known as the been painted in American white and blue
were raced almost exclusively in Italy. They Tec-Mec F/415. Studio Tec-Mec was the colours and it ran on 16in (40.64cm )


wheels. The Tec-Mec simply lacked devel­ tubes is no mere gimmick, but a serious deals with suspension and steering loads.
opment and many years later Colotti told attempt to obtain an extremely rigid Light­ Without being churlish one might well ask
present owner Barrie Baxter, who competes weight structure. The chief disadvantage of whether the same job might not be done by
very successfully with the car, that in origi­ this type of chassis is its complexity and the a straightforward space fram e having the
nal form it had been fitted with 15in amount of work involved in making it. minimum necessary number o f members.
(38.1cm ) wheels and that the larger wheels Distortion during welding would also seem
fitted in the United States had made the to be unavoidable. And . . . accessibility is Stirling Moss was invited to the factory the
roll-centre too high. hardly the Maserati strongpoint. Tubes have day after the 1959 Monaco Grand Prix to see
Over the winter of 1 9 5 8 -5 9 Alfieri had to be cut and bent to make way fo r vital the Tipo 60 and the following day he tested
been building another sports car, to be components, oil pipes writhe in and out of it at Modena AeroAutodromo. It was then
known officially as the Tipo 60, but more the chassis members and most of the engine taken to the Nürburgring for him to test
familiarly as the ‘Bird-cage.’ Alfieri had accessories have to be dismantled before the during practice for the 1,000-km race, but
taken on board the lessons learned from the engine can be removed from the frame. the engine seized on the first lap. Moss
Lotus Eleven space-frame chassis and then With such thin tubing, bays accommo­ persuaded Maserati to enter the car in the
gone a stage further. The chassis of the Tipo dating large loads need considerable rein­ 186-mile (300km) Coupe Deiamare
60 was formed by a multitude of small- forcement, and as carried out on this type Debouteville for 2-litre sports cars on 12 July,
diameter tubes welded to form a frame that 61 Maserati many of these leave much to be a meeting at Rouen where he was already
was both very stiff and very light, and with desired from the structural viewpoint. The committed to drive a Formula 2 car. He took
additional rigidity provided by the lower rear radius arms, fo r example, are located pole position in practice, led throughout, set
body panels. amid a maze o f tubes whence the load paths fastest lap and won easily from Alan Stacey
At the front the suspension was by out into the chassis are extremely tortuous. (Lotus 15). After this the Tipo 60 went into
double wishbones and coil springs, while at Traditional Italian brackets, copiously production, but only six cars were built in
the rear there was a de Dion axle suspended drilled, support the front suspension units all, believed to be chassis numbers 2451,
on a transverse leaf spring and located by and an extremely complex front bulkhead 2460, 2462, 2465, 2466 and 2468.
radius rods. Dunlop disc brakes were fitted
front and rear. The dry-sump l,9 8 9 c c (93.8 Brian Naylor with his very potent JBW special leads Masten Gregory with a Cooper entered by
x 72mm) engine was a development of that Scuderia Centro-Sud in the 1960 International Trophy race at Silverstone. Gregory finished sixth
used in the 200S, power output was and Naylor, plagued by mechanical problems, 11 th. Both of these cars were powered by 4-cylinder
200bhp at 7,800rpm and it was canted in 2.5-litre Maserati engines. (TC. March)
the chassis at an angle of 45 degrees. This
worked, whereas when Colin Chapman
canted Climax FWA engines in his Lotus 15
sports and Lotus 16 Formula 2 cars, it did
not work. Transmission was by a five-speed
gearbox in unit with the final drive. Very
skimpy alloy bodywork was fitted.
The sheer complexity of this Altièri-
designed chassis was staggering and in their
superb book, Racing and Sports Car Chassis
Design, Michael Costin and David Phipps

One of the most interesting cars produced in

recent years is the type 60-61 Maserati,
which very quickly earned itself the nick­
name ‘bird-cage’ because of its extremely
complicated chassis construction. Race
results have shown that the use in this way
of very large numbers of small diameter

THE DECLINE O F MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 197

Another early success gained by the Tipo
60 was in the Pontedecimo-Gioir hill climb
O F F I C I N E A L F I E R I MASERATI S.p.A. ’ MODENA in which Govoni set fastest time of the day,
defeating Scarlatti at the wheel of a 2-litre
CAEATTSEI STICHS DELIS NUOVE VETTURE SPORT MASERATI - d C i l i n d r i Ferrari D ino V6. The Tipo 61 was the next
step, with 2,8 9 0 cc (100 x 92mm) engine
Tipo 60_____Tipo 61
developing 250bhp at 7,000rpm . The Tipo
61 was first revealed in September 1959
n . 4 c i l i n d r i in l i n e a - I n c l i n a t o , a 45° and these cars were very modestly priced at
A le sa g g io ..........................................................................................131111• 100 the equivalent of £ 3 ,9 0 0 ex-factory and
Corsa ................................................................................................... " 15 92 £ 4 ,4 0 0 delivered in the United States. Two
C i l i n d r a t a t o t a l e ..................................................................... c o - 1SS4 2890
cars were delivered in time for the Nassau
Camera d i combustione e m i s f e r i c a - Doppio a lb e r o
a cammes in t e s t a — Comando v a l v o l e con l i n g u e t t e Speed Week in the Bahamas in December.
e m o lle a s p i l l o - A l b e r i a cammes comandati da Lloyd Casner entered one of these cars for
in g r a n a g g i e l i c o i d a l i - A cce n sio n e doppia con Carroll Shelby, but he retired in his race
s p in te rp g e n o — L u b r i f i c a z i o n e f o r z a t a con pompa
because of mechanical problems. The other
ad in g ra n a g g i e s e r b a t o i o ad e l e m e n t i i r r a d i a t i t i * -
Raffreddamento con pompa c e n t r i f u g a e r a d i a t o r e . was driven by Gaston Andrey and he was
P oten za ...............................................................................................TP 195 250 fighting for second place when a slight colli­
Regime massimo di r o t a z i o n e .................... ..................... .. 8000 6500
sion put him out of the race.
Rapporto di compressione .................................................... 9,5 x 1 9,7x1
C arbu ran te: N.O. 100 RM.

A d i s c h i m u l t i p l i a se c c o
Lloyd ‘Lucky’ Casner was an opportunistic
A 5 v e l o c i t à . ® r e t r o m a r c i a . I l cambio é i n gruppo car-dealer from Miami. He sniffed the possi­
unico con i l d i f f e r e n z i a l e t i p o Z.P. bility of a good racing deal and succeeded
in putting together a very remarkable pack­
Con s e m ia s s i d i t r a s m i s s i ó n e o s c i l l a n t i e s c a t o l a age. He persuaded the Goodyear tyre
rig id a a l te la io . company, at this time completely unknown
as a force in European racing, to finance a
TELAIO team of Tipo 61 cars, including paying for
Estremamente le g g e r o con r e t i c o l a z i o n e d i tubo
che l o rende r i g i d i s s i m o their support by the factory. It was not
P asso .................................................................................................. mm. 2200 2200 quite the deal that Casner would have
C a r r e g g i a t a a t e r r a a n t e r i o r e ........................................ " 1250 1250 liked, for there was never enough money for
C a r r e g g i a t a a t e r r a p o s t e r i o r e ...................... .. " 1200 1200
him to do everything he wanted and when
Goodyear withdew their support for 1961,
A n t e r i o r e : in d ip en d e n te con m o lle : e i i c o i d a l i , he was really left struggling.
b a r r a d i compensazione, ammortizza­ Still, there was enough money to order
to r i te le sco p ie i. three more cars for delivery in 1960 and the
P o s t e r i o r e : a b a l e s t r a t r a s v e r s a l e e ammortizza­
team operated under the name Camoradi
to ri te le sco p ici.
USA (Casner Motor Racing Division). The
STERZO : a c r e m a g l i e r a con c o r r e z i o n e d e l l a s t e r z a t a
cars were, of course, painted in United
FRENI: a n t e r i o r i e p o s t e r i o r i a d is c o con 0 335 e 314 msi* States racing colours of white with a dark
RUOTE: a r a g g i - c e r c h i o a n t . 4 .5 0 x1 6 - P o s t. 4 .5 0 x 1 6 blue stripe. W hat the Tipo 61 and the deal
PNEUMATICI: a n t e r i o r i 5 * 5 0 x 1 6 — p o s t e r i o r i 6 . 5 0 x 16 did was to inject some interest in sports car
PESO DELIA VETTURA A SECCO................-.......................... .. Kg" 570 600 racing at a time when otherwise there
mod. 3 bis ~éóòb * 1 '
would have been complete Ferrari domina­
tion. A change in sports car regulations
A specification sheet issued by Officine Alfieri Maserati fo r the Tipo 60 and 61 ‘Bird-cage’ cars. required cars to be fitted with windscreens


not less than 25cm (1ft) in height and for
luggage accommodation to be provided.
The windscreen requirement was particu­
larly stupid, as it was impossible to keep
screens clear from circuit filth and dead
insects, and caused vision problems for
In January the single car so far in the
Camoradi team’s possession was entered in
the Buenos Aires l,000K m race for Masten
Gregory and Dan Gurney. In practice
Gurney was second fastest behind Phil Hill
(Ferrari Testa Rossa), a second slower. There
were only 23 starters. Initially Gurney built
up a lead over the Hill/Allison Ferrari and
this continued after Gregory had taken over.
The handling of the Maserati started to
deteriorate and by lap 50 it had dropped to
third place and it retired not long after­
wards. All interest went out of the race and
works Ferraris took the first two places
ahead of five l,6 0 0 c c Porsche RSKs. Dan Gurney at the wheel of the Camoradi Tipo 60 which he co-drove with Masten Gregory in the
The following month Stirling Moss was 1960 Buenos Aires 1,000-km race. They led the works Testa Rossa Ferraris until forced out of the
asked to drive a Camoradi Tipo 61 in the race by transmission problems.
Cuban Grand Prix at Havana on 28
February. On a circuit consisting of part- Maserati. One of the Camoradi cars non- entry from the Targa Fiorio on 8 May, but
airfield and part-roads Moss took pole posi­ started after breaking its engine in practice - Alfieri and Bertocchi were convinced that
tion, set a lap record and won from Pedro probably con-rod failure. the Tipo 61 now had the reliability to
Rodriguez (Ferrari) and Masten Gregory Stirling Moss and Dan Gurney with match its speed and eventually Camoradi
(Porsche). This was despite the ‘Bird-cage’ another Camoradi car built up a staggering entered a single car for Umberto Maglioli
being fitted just before the start with lead, only to retire four hours before the and Nino Vaccarella.
unsuitably hard tyres, the seat working finish because of rear axle failure. The third In this 10-lap, 447-mile (720km ) race
loose and the exhaust system falling apart. team car driven by Gregory/Shelby the Tipo 61 held second place for the first
Quite how long the race was, is not entirely succumbed to a broken piston. Nor did the four laps, then moved up into the lead. Two
clear, for it was scheduled to run for 63 Cunningham-entered cars fare any better; laps from the finish Vaccarella ran out of
laps, the drivers were told at the start that it the Tipo 61 driven by Causey/Steer was in petrol, he managed to cadge some off a
had been cut to 50 laps and the chequered third place when the rear axle failed about spectator and carried on until the engine
flag was waved after 51 laps. It appears to half-an-hour before the finish, while the cut out in the middle of a comer and he
have been the first and only motor race held Hansgen/Crawford car also retired because crashed. It was discovered afterwards that
in Cuba after the Fidel Castro Communist of transmission problems after an excursion the fuel tank had split, possibly because of
take-over in 1958. into the sand. Porsche entries took the first damage caused by a rock. Bonnier/
By the Sebring 12 Hours race on 25 March two places ahead of six private Ferraris. Herrmann won with a Porsche from the
there were quite a number of Tipo 61s in As a paying customer, who was himself surviving works Ferrari of von Trips/Hill.
circulation. The Camoradi team entered three being paid, Casner turned on Alfieri and Rarely have conditions been so appalling
cars and Briggs Cunningham fielded two. demanded that the cars were made race­ at the Nürburgring, as they were on 22
Ferrari refused to enter as the Amoco fuel worthy. In a short space of time Maserati May, the day of the 1,000-km race. Race
company sponsored the race and a require­ had developed stronger con-rods, together morning dawned to persistent drizzle that
ment was that competing cars used its prod­ with stronger gearbox internal components lasted for much of the race and then was
ucts. The race proved a complete debacle for and final driye. Casner had scratched his succeeded by mist that turned into drifting

THE DECLINE OF MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 199

fog chat reduced visibility in places to less
than a hundred metres. Visibility was so
bad that drivers passing the pits could not
see the spectators in the stands. Two
Camoradi Tipo 61 cars were entered for
Moss/Gumey and Gregory/Gino Munaron.
At this race Piero Taruffi managed the
Camoradi team. Initially Moss led and then
Gregory moved up into second place ahead
of the works Ferraris, but it was not to be a
trouble-free race. On lap 20 Gurney
brought the leading Tipo 61 into the pits
because of a broken oil pipe. Conditions
were very cool, causing a rise in oil pressure
on the Tipo 61 and this led to the breaking
of the pipe.
Over five minutes were lost while the
pipe was replaced and a blanking plate
fixed across the air intake. Gurney rejoined
At the Nürburgiing in May 1960 this Tipo 61 was entered by the Camoradi team fo r Stirling Moss the race, climbed back into the lead and
and Dan Gurney. They won the race by a margin of over three minutes from a 2-litre Porsche. held it despite his goggles being broken by
a stone two laps before he came back into
The remarkable Le Mans Tipo 61 with long sloping windscreen and a more aerodynamic tail. Here it the pits. Moss rejoined the race in third
is being driven by Jeffords at Laguna Seca in late 1960 place and he went on to win by a margin of
ju st over two minutes from the Porsche of
Bonnier and Gendebien. The other Tipo 61
of Gregory/Munaron had slowed as the race
progressed and finished fifth, a lap in
arrears. It was Moss’s third successive win
in the Nürburgring race - he had won with
Aston Martins in 1958 and 1959.
At Le Mans one of the Camoradi Tipo 61s
was fitted with much more aerodynamic
bodywork consisting of a long sloping
windscreen that extended from almost the
nose of the car to the scuttle and a longer
and more aerodynamic tail. The new wind­
screen effectively circumvented the problem
of the minimum windscreen height by
combining the necessary depth with
improved aerodynamics and also gave hope
that because of its slope insects and much
of the dirt would be swept over the top.
Masten Gregory/Chuck Daigh drove this
car and two other standard Tipo 61s were
entered by the Camoradi team.
Gregory showed the modified car to be
the fastest in the race by a considerable
margin and pulled out a good lead over the


opposition. At the first routine pit stop the
engine refused to fire and 12 laps were lost
while the trouble was traced to a broken
wire in the starter motor and the problem
cured. The car was now in 46th position,
but it had climbed back to 29th when the
electrics failed early on the Sunday morn­
ing. Both the other Camoradi entries retired
and works Ferraris took the first two places.
That the Tipo 61 suffered from teething
troubles was undoubted, but Alfieri was
moving on to new projects without getting
the model fully sorted. It is believed that 17
of these Tipo 61 cars were built with chassis
numbers running between 2451 and 2472
(excluding the six numbers alotted to the
Tipo 60 cars). All the Tipo 61s were sold to
drivers based in the United States and they One of the most successful drivers o f Tipo 61 ‘Bird-cage’ cars in the United States was Boh Drake.
enjoyed many successes in the hands of Here he is seen at Riverside Raceway, New York State in I960.
private entrants.
Maserati was no longer any force at all in horse would push the cart. The chassis of has now been restored by Matteo Panini
Grand Prix racing and the 2 ,5 0 0 cc formula the Tipo 63 followed the general design of with a 4-cylinder unit.
finished at the end of 1960. Scuderia the Tipo 60/61, with the same wheelbase The first round of the Championship was
Centro-Sud continued to race their Maserati- and similar track and it retained the same the Sebring 12 Flours race on 25 March and
powered Coopers without success. Owners front suspension layout. At the rear the de six ‘Bird-cages’ faced a horde of Ferraris.
of 250F s could no longer readily obtain Dion rear axle had been replaced by coil Casner had now lost his Goodyear sponsor­
entries in World Championship events and springs and wishbones. The engine was the ship and he was trying to run the team
the only Championship races in which they same 4-cylinder 2,8 9 0 cc unit used in the without money. Stirling Moss and Graham
appeared during 1960 were the Argentine Tipo 61. Hill were entered to drive the new Camoradi
and United States Grands Prix. W hen Bob Maserati also built an experimental V8 Tipo 63, while there was a Tipo 61 for
Drake finished 12th in the United States 2 ,9 3 0 cc (81 x 72mm) engine for use in the Gregory and Krasner. Moss was far from
race at Riverside Raceway on 20 November, Tipo 63 and this was said to develop happy with the twitchy handling of the
the 2 5 0 F became the only Grand Prix car to 290bhp at 7,500rpm , but it was not Tipo 63, so he and Hill swapped cars with
compete in the first and last races of the proceeded with. Instead Maserati made their team-mates. Cunningham made three
seven-year 2 ,5 0 0 cc Formula. available a development of the V I 2 engine entries, a Tipo 63 for Walt Hansgen/Bruce
used in the prototype 1958 Tipo 58 sports McLaren, a Tipo 61 for Joh n Fitch/Dick
car. This had a capacity of 2 ,9 8 9 cc (7 0.4 x Thompson and a Tipo 60 for himself and
1961 64mm) and was said to develop 320bhp at Bill Kimberley. Rallye Motors also entered a
8,500rpm . So far as can be ascertained, Tipo 61 for Causey/Steer.
Alfieri continued development work on the four Tipo 63 cars were built with 4-cylinder At the start Moss was left on the line with
‘Bird-cage’ and in December 1960 Giorgio engines and three or four with V I 2 the Camoradi Tipo 61 because of a flat
Scarlatti tested a new rear-engined version engines. The Tipo 63 had considerable battery and six minutes were lost before the
designated the Tipo 63. By the latter part of potential in the World Sports Car 4-cylinder engine could be induced to fire
1960 most constructors had followed Championship. These cars were ordered by up. Moss started his usual fast chase
Cooper’s very successful lead and adopted Volpi’s Scuderia Serenissima Repubblica de through the field, was in second place by
a rear-engined configuration for their cars. Venezia, Briggs Cunningham and Tloyd the end of the second hour, but shortly after
Everybody, including Enzo Ferrari, had Casner. At least one of these cars, belong­ Hill took the wheel, he came into the pits
concluded that the era of the front-engined ing to Serenissima, started life with a 4- partially overcome by exhaust fumes and
racing car was at end. From now on the cylinder engine, then had a V I 2 fitted and the Tipo 61 was retired because of a broken

THE DECLINE OF MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 201

exhaust manifold. Moss and Hill were now
switched to the Tipo 63, but it was soon
out because of broken rear suspension.
Casner had pinned his hopes on a good
result finding more funding, but Camoradi
had let itself down by bad preparation. The
other three three-litre Maseratis retired and
Ferraris took the first four places.
Cunningham/Kimberley finished 11th after
delays while the exhaust system was
The 447-mile (720km ) Targa Fiorio held
on 5 May was the next round in the
Championship and the Serenissima team
entered their two 4-cylinder Tipo 63s.
Maglioli/Scarlatti drove a car with Borrani
This is the first of the Tipo 63 cars with rear-mounted 4-cylinder engine seen at Modena shortly before disc wheels at the front, Dunlop disc
delivery to Briggs Cunningham. The driving position is very fa r forward and the windscreen is wheels at the back and a streamlined tail-fin
enormous. incorporating a head-rest. The car driven by
Vaccarella/Trintignant, which had been
This rear-engined V12 Tipo 63 ‘Bird-cage’ was entered by Briggs Cunningham at Le Mans in 1961 completed a little later, had wire-spoked
and driven into fourth place by Augie Pabst and Dick Thompson. It was one of the few races in which front wheels, Dunlop disc rear wheels and
these unreliable cars lasted the full distance. Alfred Momo, well-known American car preparer, is lacked the tail-fin/head-rest. On this circuit
helping to push the car. the Maseratis could not match the speed of
the Ferrari and Porsche opposition and
finished fourth, Vaccarella/Trintignant, and
fifth, Maglioli/Scarlatti, behind a Ferrari and
two works Porsche entries.
Once again the weather did not favour
the Nürburgring 1000-km race and much
of this long race was run in snow and sleet
and on a very slippery surface. It should
have proved another Ferrari benefit, but,
instead, there was a very unexpected result.
The penurious Camoradi team entered a
very scruffy Tipo 61, running on wider rear
wheel rims and with increased rear wheel
camber, and this was driven by Gregory/
Casner. Serenissima ran both their Tipo 63s
for Trintignant/Maglioli and Scarlatti/
Vaccarella. This team was now being
managed on an occasional basis by Nello
Ugolini and it was supported by a full
complement of works mechanics. Reporters
commented on how very different the two
Maseratis looked from each other.
The Camoradi Tipo 61 was not expected
to last long, but ran steadily in the appalling
weather conditions, gradually moving up


the field and closing the gap on the leading
and very rough-running Ferrari of Phil
Hill/von Trips. On lap 25 the Ferrari went
off the road and caught fire. After a routine
pit stop Gumey/Casner led by two and a
half minutes and as the race progressed
gradually extended their advantage. At the
end of this 44-lap race they were lm in
12.8sec ahead of the Ferrari driven by
Ricardo and Pedro Rodriguez.
Neither of the Serenissima entries lasted
the distance. Maglioli came into the pits on
lap 17 and the car was retired because of a
split final drive casing. It had lost all its oil
and must have been very hot, as the
mechanics poked at it with bits of stick
before pushing it away. Trintignant was
switched to the other Tipo 63. Fie buckled
the nose in an off-course excursion and this
car was also retired because of final drive With this 2-litre Tipo 60 car Menarto Boffa scored many successes in Italian events. Here he is on his
failure, four laps before the finish. way to a class win in the 1961 Pescara Four hours race. The bodies of these cars were very flimsy and
A week later Casner drove the Tipo 61 in splits round the rear wheel arch can be seen.
the Rouen Grand Prix run in two two-hour
heats. He faced little opposition apart from Count Volpi’s Scuderia Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia raced this rear-engined V12 Tipo 63 in
the potential unreliability of his car and, various events in 1961. In this photograph Guerino Berlocchi is testing the car at Modena.
after being delayed four minutes at the start
because of starter switch-failure, he finished
second in the first heat to Mairesse (250G T
Ferrari). He won the second heat easily and
was the overall winner on aggregate.
The V12-engined Tipo 63 had first
appeared at the Le Mans Practice Weekend,
8—9th April, when a single example painted
light green ran in the name of Scuderìa
Serenissima. W ith Scarlatti at the wheel it
was fourth fastest behind a trio of different
Ferraris in 4min 3.3sec (124.10m ph/
199.8kph). Cunningham entered two V12
Tipo 63s at Le Mans on 1 0 -1 1 June and
there was also a V I 2 Tipo 63 from Scuderìa
While these cars were experimental, it
was odd that each should have different
cylinder dimensions. By this time so few
competition Maseratis were being built that
they were little more than ‘specials’, with
rather more sophisticated input than most
of their kind. The Cunningham cars were
driven by Hansgen/McLaren (cylinder

THE DECLINE OF MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 203

dimensions of 70 x 64mm) and Pabst/ works Ferrari. Bonnier retired his Tipo 63 died through lack of interest. Initially there
Thompson (75.2 x 56m m - dimensions early in the race because of a broken drive- was no replacement Championship and the
later used in the 1957 V I 2 engines shaft and Vaccarella worked his way up to sports categories were now for Prototype
supplied to Cooper). There was also a Tipo second place ahead of Casner, only to retire GT Cars with a capacity limit of 4 litres (in
60 2-litre car with long sloping windscreen with engine problems. Not long after 1962 only) and, as in the past, GT cars.
and long tail driven by Cunningham part­ Ginther had handed the leading Tipo Then the organisers of the leading races got
nered by Jim Kimberley. The Serenissima 246SP Ferrari over to Baghetti, the rear together and promoted the Prototype GT
V I 2 had cylinder dimensions of 68.2 x suspension broke. So Casner led and Championship. As there were very few of
68m m and was driven by Vaccarella and seemed uncatchable, but he went off the the new cars around, most races still had a
Scarlatti. road in avoiding a slower car that had sports car category
The Hansgen/McLaren car was in third crossed his line. The Maserati rolled into a The new Tipo 64 with neater Cooper
place after two and half hours when field and Casner was badly burned by water Monaco-style body, modified suspension
Hansgen lost control in the wet at Tertre leaking from the radiator header tank. and 7 0.4 x 64m m V12 engine had been
Rouge and rammed a sandbank. A blown Bandini/Scarlatti won the race at the wheel given shake-down tests at Modena by
cylinder head gasket, the result of overheat­ of a Ferrari Testa Rossa loaned by the works Bertocchi at the beginning of March and
ing, eliminated Vaccarella/Scarlatti in the to Scuderia Centro-Sud. Boffa finished third then was tested by Bruce McLaren and Walt
sixth hour, but the V I 2 of Pabst/ and won the 2 ,0 0 0 cc class. Hansgen, both of whom raced Maseratis for
Thompson, despite its overheating prob­ The l,5 0 0 c c Grand Prix formula came Briggs Cunningham.
lems, finished fourth, 182 miles (293km ) into force for 1961 and Maserati supplied At the Sebring 12 Hours race on 24
behind the winning Ferrari. Cunningham/ 4-cylinder 1,484. lc c engines developing March Briggs Cunningham entered a V I 2
Kimberley also finished with their Tipo 60, 165bhp at 8,500rpm , to a number of Tipo 63 for Hansgen/Thompson, and a
taking eighth place. entrants. These engines were known as the Cooper Monaco sports car with a 4-cylinder
Ferrari had easily won the World Sports Tipo 6. Principal users were Équipe 2.5-litre Maserati engine for McLaren/
Car Championship with the maximum of Nationale Belge (who fitted them in Penske (both of whom were later to become
24 points to the 14 of Maserati, but for the Emeryson chassis) and Scuderia Centro-Sud manufacturers in their own right). There
presence of Maserati this last Championship who used them to re-engine their 1959 T51 was also a 4-cylinder Tipo 63 from Scuderia
year would have lacked any interest at all. Cooper chassis, later adding a 1961-built Serenissima driven by Vaccarella/Carlo
There was one more round still to be run, T53 to their stable. Scuderia Serenissima also Mario. Vaccarella retired the 4-cylinder car
the Pescara Four Hours on 13 August, and used one in a 1959 Cooper chassis. Other early in the race because of gear-selector
this counted for half-points only because of users included Gaetano Starrabba who trouble and the Cunningham V I 2 was
its length. Four Maseratis were entered in fitted an engine in a 1960 Lotus 18 chassis, eliminated by rear suspension problems.
this race. There were two Tipo 63s from Renato Pirocchi/Pescara Racing Club (1959 The Cooper was plagued by brake trouble,
Scuderia Serenissima, a 4-cylinder for Cooper T51) and Doug Serrurier in South but McLaren and Penske persevered and
Vaccarella and what amounted to a works Africa (T51 Cooper). They were singularly finished fifth, 16 laps behind the winning
development V I 2 driven by Bonnier. At the unsuccessful, even against the old FPF 4- Ferrari.
rear Maserati had reverted to a de Dion axle, cylinder Climax engines used by the British Scuderia Serenissima turned up at the
with long struts, incorporating coil springs, teams and had largely disappeared by 1962 Targa Fiorio held on 6 May with the Tipo
running backwards from the bottom of the when the BRM and Climax V8 engines were 64, its appearance now marred by a very
hub carriers to a pivot point below the widely available. ugly divided air intake. It was driven in
centre of the axle and radius rods. The coil Sicily by Carlo Abate/Colin Davis, but it
springs were compressed by the struts, never showed any real form. Davis took
which shortened as the wheel rose. Casner 1962 over after three laps, but on his first lap at
entered the 1960 Nürburgring-winning the wheel he was slowed by steering prob­
Camoradi Tipo 61 (2472) and Mennato Maserati was in reality a spent force in lems. Then the engine cover flew open and
Boffa drove his Tipo 60. racing, although the company had become he drove back to the pits to retire, holding
Both the Serenissima cars displayed the well established as a manufacturer of luxury the engine cover down with one hand and
usual Maserati reluctance to start, but GT cars. Even so, a small number of steering with the other.
Casner, who made a quick start, held competition cars continued to be built. The Lloyd Casner reappeared at the
second place behind Richie Ginther in the World Sports Car Championship had now Nürburgring 1,000-km race with the Tipo


61, which he had crashed at Pescara the
previous year and which had been rebuilt at
the works with independent rear suspen­
sion and other major modifications. It had
been re-bodied in a very neat style by
Drogo, although apparently Drogo was
never paid for his work! Masten Gregory
was co-driver and although the Tipo 61 was
delayed by problems that included over­
heating, Casner and Gregory finished in
19th place, which was good enough to win
them the 3 ,0 0 0 c c Prototype class. Strictly
speaking the Maserati was not eligible as a
Prototype GT car, but Casner and Gregory
were good chaps and liked everywhere,
even in Germany.
Maserati produced a new front-engined
design, the Tipo 151, for Le Mans. It was
based on a simple, large-diameter tubular
chassis with front suspension by unequal-
length double wishbones and at the rear a
de Dion axle, twin-trailing arms and coil The Tipo 64 undergoing shake-down tests with Guerino Bertocchi at the wheel at the Modena
springs. The de Dion tube was located later­ AeroAutodromo early in 1962.
ally by a trunnion on the rear of the final
drive unit and there were arms at either end At Le Mans in 1962 the Briggs Cunningham team entered two front-engined Tipo 151 cars for
of the tube, which gave a limited degree of Hansgen/McLaren and Thompson/Kimberley. Hansgen and McLaren held second place with this car
independent mounting and increased roll at the end o f the third hour, but retired at half-distance because o f engine problems.
resistance. A neat, but stark body with
Kamm-type, cut-off tail was fitted. The
engine was a development of the V8 Tipo
450S in 3 ,9 4 3 c c (91 x 75.8m m ) form with
four twin-choke Weber carburettors and
power output was 360bhp at 7,000rpm . An
all-synchromesh 5-speed gearbox was
mounted in unit with the final drive.
The front-engined mounting was chosen
because, after all, it was a Prototype GT car
and so possessed a slight resemblance to
the production models. Alfieri also consid­
ered that handling problems could be
sorted out much more quickly and, as so
often the case with Maserati in later days,
the cars were produced in a hurry. Two
were entered by Cunningham and were to
be driven by McLaren/Hansgen and
Thompson/Salvadori. Salvadori found the
cockpit too cramped for his lanky frame
and swapped places with Kimberley due to
drive one of Cunningham’s E-type Jaguars.

THE DECLINE O F MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 205

Maserati France returned to Le Mans in 1964 with this Tipo 151/1 4.9-litre car driven by Maurice paddock before coming out to join the grid.
Trintignant and André Simon. It led fo r the first two hours, but was plagued by minor problems and Although Maserati prototypes were to be
retired in the fourth hour. raced during the next three years, Maserati
competition activities, to all intents and
French Concessionaire, Maserati-France, burnt out. The Maserati-France car also hit purposes, had come to an end.
also entered a Tipo 151 for Maurice a bank, deranged the left rear suspension
Trintignant and Lucien Bianchi. and this led to excessive tyre wear, which
It was obvious that with Maserati’s track enforced retirement in the tenth hour. The 1963
record at Le Mans they would not last the Hansgen/McLaren car survived until early
distance, but they were very impressive in on the Sunday morning when it was with­ Colonel ‘Johnny’ Simone of Maserati-
practice and were achieving over 180m ph drawn because of engine problems. Ferraris France wanted to have another go at Le
(290kph) on the Mulsanne straight, took the first three places ahead of two Mans, so Maserati built for him a revised
although they were conspicuously slower Jaguar E-types. version of the 1962 car and this was typed
than the Ferraris through the bends. The Maserati-France Tipo 151 was the Tipo 151/1. According to factory
Thompson/Kimberley were in second place entered for Lucien Bianchi in the Guards records, the wheelbase was the same as that
at the end of the second hour, but gradually Trophy race at Brands Hatch on Bank of the original Tipo 151, but most
fell back and ju st past the five-hour mark Holiday Monday, 6 August. Unfortunately, observers, including the writer, believe that
Thompson lost control in the Esses. The it non-started after an oil line fractured it was slightly shorter. It was also fitted with
Tipo 151 crashed, caught fire and was while it was being warmed up in the a different body, looking not dissimilar to


the ‘Breadvan’ Ferrari bodied by Drogo and the ‘Grand Prix’ during the first two hours found it a tremendous handful on this
raced by Scuderia Serenissima in 1962. The of the race, but they fell back to 18th at the circuit and finished a poor 13th.
engine was the 4 ,9 4 1 .3 cc (94 x 89mm) end of the third hour and shortly afterwards During 1963 Maserati bench-tested an
version of the Tipo 45 OS used in the the Maserati clattered into retirement. Not experimental 60-degree V12 l,5 0 0 c c
limited-production 2nd series 5000GT, but long after Le Mans, Simon with this car and Formula 1 engine designed by Alfieri and
fitted with fuel injection and said to Casner with his Tipo 61 appeared in a 25- known as the Tipo 8/F1. It had cylinder
develop 430bhp at 7,000rpm . lap race at Reims, but Simon went off the dimensions of 55.2 x 52mm, giving a
At the Le Mans Practice Weekend only road on the first lap and Casner retired capacity of l,4 9 3 .3 c c , twin overhead
the 1962 car appeared in the hands of because of mechanical problems. The car camshafts and during testing developed
André Simon. During practice before the again contested the Guards Trophy at 200bhp at 12,000rpm . It was intended for
race itself the new car was timed on the Brands Hatch, but driver Lucien Bianchi transverse mounting and a 6-speed gearbox
Mulsanne Straight at a shade under
181mph (291kph), very slightly faster than In 1964 Roy Salvadori drove this car based on a strengthened Cooper Monaco chassis and with a
the 4-litre Ferrari of Pedro Rodriguez/ Maserati 4,941cc V8 engine fo r C.T. Atkins. Roy is seen at the International Trophy meeting at
Penske, but its best lap was over six Silverstone in May. Although Salvadori finished second in the sports car race at this meeting, this
seconds slower. Simon and Casner led in Cooper-Maserati proved to be an almost unmanageable brute. (TC. March)

THE DECLINE O F MASERATI, 1 9 5 8 -6 5 / 2 0 7

W hen the Tipo 151/1 returned to Le Mans
for the Practice Weekend in April, Lloyd
Casner was at the wheel. It was intended
that he should be partnered by Masten
Gregory in the race. During the first day’s
practice, Saturday, Casner crashed at the
end of the Mulsanne Straight at an esti­
mated speed of 170mph (274kph) and was
killed. Despite this, ‘J ohnny’ Simone was
determined to run a Maserati at Le Mans
and Alfieri was persuaded to design a new
car. The result was the Tipo 65 built in
France between 1 May and early June.
The new car was in effect a redesigned
‘Bird-cage’ with a chassis constructed from
even smaller-diameter tubing and the
engine mounted at the rear. Suspension
at the front was by double wishbones and
coil spring/damper units and at the rear
there were double wishbones and longitu­
Following Casner’s fatal crash at the 1965 Le Mans Test Weekend with the Maserati-France Tipo dinal torsion bars. The rear disc brakes
151, this rear-engined 5-litre Tipo 65 car was hastily built to compete at that year’s Le Mans race. It were mounted inboard. A 5 ,0 4 6 cc (95 x
was entered at Le Mans for Siffert/Neerpasch, but went off the road on the third lap. 89m m ) V8 engine was fitted and like the
engine in its predecessor this was said
and final drive unit were incorporated within at the end of the fifth hour, but then fell to develop 430bhp at 7,000rpm . It was
the crankcase. The concept of a transverse back because of brake problems and even­ fitted with a neat, but rather uninspiring
engine did not appeal to constructors, tually retired because of alternator failure. open body.
because of the inevitable width of the instal­ The Tipo 151/1 reappeared in the Reims It is known that the car was tested at
lation, most were content to use Coventry 12 Hours race, again driven by Trintignant Modena before the race and driven by
Climax or BRM engines and it was never and Simon. After a slow start it climbed up Bertocchi. It lacked development and in
tested in a chassis. to fourth place, only to fall back again practice on the Sarthe circuit it was soon
because of an engine misfire. After pro­ found to handle badly at high speed,
longed efforts to cure the problem, it was presumably because of aerodynamic short­
1964 retired. Maserati-France again wheeled out comings. Jo Siffert and Jochen Neerpasch
the Tipo 151/1 for the Paris 1,000-kilo- drove it in the race, but on the third lap
Maserati-France persevered with the Tipo metres race on 11 October and the drivers Siffert spun at Tertre Rouge and crawled
151/1 and it ran at the Le Mans Test Days in were Trintignant/Simon as before. After back to the pits to retire because of
April 1964, driven by André Simon and only live laps Trintignant came into the pits damaged suspension and radiator. Maserati
Maurice Trintignant. It had been modified in because the oil pump mounting had racing history did indeed ‘end not with a
detail since 1963, but there were no substan­ worked loose and six laps were lost before bang but a whimper’ (TS. Eliot, The Hollow
tial changes. In the race in June it became he rejoined the race. The Maserati dropped Men, 1925). It should be added that
evident that more speed had been found further and further back and was eventu­ this car was subsequently revived as a
since 1963 and the car was fastest along the ally retired. The race was won by the 33 OP private venture and is believed to have
Mulsanne Straight at 191.30m ph (308kph). Ferrari entered by Maranello Concession­ competed in a couple of Interserie races in
It came through the field to hold third place aires for Graham Hill/Jo Bonnier. around 1970.


Chapter 15

The Cooper-Maseratis,
1 9 6 6 -6 7
ow M aserati re - e n t e r e d racing as a
H supplier of engines to a major Grand
Prix contender is closely linked to their ties
director of Chipstead Motors, along with
David Hodge and Mario Tozzi-Condivi. They
were keen to expand the business and
drove to a win in the 1966 United States
Grand Prix.
Cooper pondered the possibility of strik­
with their British concessionaires. Adolfo acquired Taylor & Crawley, Roy Salvadori’s ing a deal with Maserati. Mario Tozzi-
Orsi had wanted to sell touring Maseratis in two car businesses in Surrey, together with Condivi, who had served in the Italian air
the UK, but one of the problems was British the famed Thomson & Taylor at Cobham. force during the Second World War and had
financial regulations in early post-war days They wanted to be more involved in motor known Maserati since 1947, had long talks
which severely restricted car imports. In the racing and after the death of Charlie Cooper with Adolfo Orsi. Maserati proposed an
late 1950s Maserati appointed Colin in October 1964, Sieff made Charlie’s son updated version of the 1957 V12 Grand
Murray in Lancashire as British Maserati John an offer to buy the Cooper Car Prix engine, which had already been raced
concessionaire. He had raced a 6CM and a Company. Jonathan Sieff remembers that in 3-litre form in sports car events and
Cooper-Jaguar and his business was selling the price paid was £ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 . At this time Giulio Alfieri set to work on this. There are
Pontiacs on a tax-free basis to US service­ Cooper was floundering in Formula 1 and different stories as to the financial deal that
men stationed in the UK. There were hopes its last World Championship win had been was struck. Jonathan Sieff says that Cooper
that he would also be able to sell them Bruce McLaren’s victory at Monaco in 1962. bought the engines and paid Maserati to
Maseratis, but he made very few sales. Roy Salvadori became racing manager maintain them. This seems likely, because
Subsequently Taylor & Crawley in and the team struggled through 1965, the Maserati still worked within tight financial
London became concessionaires. This was a last year of the l,5 0 0 c c Grand Prix formula, restraints.
very successful company headed by Clifford with its uncompetitive Coventry Climax- In Cooper Cars (Osprey Publishing, 1983)
Taylor whose agencies included Alfa Romeo powered cars. Cooper concentrated on Doug Nye quotes Tozzi-Condivi who tells
and Mercedes-Benz. Clifford Taylor’s son, development of a new car for 1966 when a the story differently: \ . . the works engines
Michael, had been a very promising racing 3 ,0 0 0 cc Formula 1 came into force. would be Maserati property. They would
driver until he was critically injured when Different entrants had very different ideas commit themselves to provide sufficient
the steering failed on his Lotus 18 at Spa in as to the type of power unit required for engines for three works cars, to develop­
1960. He ran the company on a day-to-day the new formula; from Brabham who chose ment to keep them competitive and all
basis. In May 1962 he held a ‘drinks and the Australian Repco V8 single cam per necessary servicing. We would pay them a
drive party’ at which guests were invited to bank engine based on a General Motors fixed fee per rebuild, irrespective of the
have a drink and then take a Maserati GT Oldsmobile/Buick block to BRM who amount of work necessary. It was around
car for a few laps round Grosvenor Square. developed an incredibly complicated H I6 £ 7 0 0 per rebuild, I think . . .’
The event was so successful that he placed eight overhead camshaft engine derived In its latest form the Maserati V I 2 engine
a single order for 60 Maserati GT cars. from two of their 1 9 6 1 -6 5 V8 units. Truly was known as the Tipo 9/F1. The cylinder
Jonathan Sieff (a family member of one of the sublime to the ridiculous. Brabham dimensions were those of the engine used
the founders of Marks and Spencer) who won the Drivers’ and Manufacturers’ in the first V I 2 Tipo 63 sports-racing cars,
had also been a racing driver until his near- Championships in 1 9 6 6 -6 7 and the BRM namely, 70 .4 x 64m m to give a capacity of
fatal accident during practice at Le Mans in engine only achieved one success, when 2,9 8 9 .4 8 cc. Fuel injection was fitted and
1960, had a shareholding in and was a installed in the Lotus that Jimmy Clark Alfieri used separate dell’Orto motorcycle

THE COOPER-MASERATIS, 1 9 6 6 -6 7 / 209

piston slides to control airflow. Initially two big, bulky car with 8ft 2in (2,540m m ) As the race progressed, weather condi­
Lucas 6-cylinder fuel metering units were wheelbase, 5ft (1,270m m ) front track and a tions improved, but Rindt was forced to
fitted, but later in the season Lucas made rear track of 4ft 9.5in (1257m m ). At the ease off because of handling problems.
available a 12-cylinder unit. Transistorised, start of the season there were two works Surtees sailed into the lead to win by a
electronic ignition was used and power was cars and Cooper-Maseratis were sold to Rob margin of ju st over 42sec. The Coopers’
claimed as 360bhp at 9 ,0 0 0 rpm. This Walker (for Jo Siffert to drive), Joakim handling problems were originally - and
engine was mated with a ZF 5DS25 Bonnier and Scuderia Felipe Pemeti (Swiss- wrongly - diagnosed as an intermittent fault
combined gearbox and final drive, as used based for Guy Ligier). in the self-locking mechanism of the ZF
in the Ford GT40. The works Coopers first appeared at the limited slip differential. Later in the season
The engine, at that stage fitted with coil International Trophy at Silverstone in May, it was traced to the Dunlop tyres, which
ignition, was originally tested in the Cooper but nothing was gained until the team’s were fine in the wet, but lacked adequate
T80, a space-frame chassis built to take the third outing in the Belgian Grand Prix at grip on a drying oily surface.
Coventry Climax FW M W horizontally- Spa-Francorchamps. There was a torrential W hen the news broke that John Surtees,
opposed 16-cylinder l,5 0 0 c c engine that downpour ju st after the start; nine cars the 1964 Formula 1 World Champion, had
never became available. The T 81, as the went off the circuit and Jochen Rindt with quit Ferrari after an argument with team
1966 car was known, was a simple mono­ his works car spun wildly at about 150mph manager Eugenio Dragoni at Le Mans,
coque, with inboard front suspension by (241kph) at the kink on the Masta straight. Cooper had strong hopes that he would
upper rocking arms and lower wishbones He carried on in sixth place, but worked his join the team. They adopted a wait and
and, at the rear, reversed lower wishbones, way through to lead the race from John watch policy, building an additional car so
lateral top links, twin radius rods and Surtees (Ferrari) who was content to keep a that it would be available when he
outboard coil spring/damper units. It was a watching brief. contacted them, which he duly did. Surtees
first appeared for Cooper at the French
This view o f the V12 Maserati engine installed in the Cooper T81 chassis shows the three-into-one Grand Prix, but because of continuing
exhausts each side o f the engine, the twin-plug ignition and the protective gauze covers over the inlet problems with the cars it was some time
trumpets for the fuel injection system. before he won a race. By the Italian Grand
Prix at Monza there was a new version of
the Maserati engine with the inlet ports
inclined inwards and this made the engine
much more compact.
Rindt and Surtees took second and third
places in the United States Grand Prix at
Watkins Glen and Surtees won the last
round of the Championship at Mexico City.
W ith the combination of points gained with
both Ferrari and Cooper, Surtees on 28
points took second place in the Champion­
ship to Jack Brabham (42 points) and Rindt
was third with 22 points.
In 1967 Lotus introduced the new V8
Cosworth-powered 49, using the engine as
a stressed chassis member and Jimmy Clark
and Graham Hill raced these cars with great
success, despite early teething problems.
The 49 set new standards in Grand Prix
racing and made most of the opposition,
including the Coopers, obsolete. It was
powerful, light and handled superbly and
won on its first outing at Zandvoort.
Although the 49s lacked reliabilty in 1967,


they won four races. In contrast the The works Cooper-Maseratis o f John Surtees and Jochen Rindt in the 1966 British Grand Prix at
Cooper-Maseratis were too heavy and Brands Hatch. The cars ran well on a damp track, holding second and third places briefly. They fell
lacked sufficient power. back as the circuit dried out and while Surtees retired because o f differential trouble, Rindt took fourth
John Surtees had left to drive for Honda, place. (TC. March)
and Rindt was now in his third season with
the team. Pedro Rodriguez was given a trial This was Cooper’s last-ever Grand Prix cylinders could be enclosed in a single
drive in the South African Grand Prix on 2 victory. Alfieri struggled on at Modena to cover. The sparking plugs were relocated
January and scored a lucky and unexpected produce more powerful developments of beneath the exhaust ports in the side of the
win. At this race the Maseratis engines were the V I 2 engine and at Monaco there combustion chamber. Power output was
fitted with old-type cylinder heads and coil appeared the Tipo 10/F1 engine with 380/390bhp at 9 ,8 0 0 rpm. At a time when
ignition because of the high altitude of the revised cylinder dimensions of 75.2 x the Cosworth engine developed around
Kyalami circuit. After the South African race 56m m (2 ,9 8 3 .14cc), three valves per cylin­ 380bhp and the Totus 49 was lighter and
Rodriguez drove for the team on a regular der and the angle between the valves so had vastly superior handling, the Coopers
basis. narrow that the camshafts on each bank of remained outclassed.

THE COOPER-MASERATIS, 1 9 6 6 -6 7 / 211

In the 1967 British Grand Prix at Silverstone Jochen Rindt drove this prototype Cooper T86 with engines and switched to the new BRM V I 2,
magnesium-Elektron-skinned monocoque. This car was powered by the Maserati V12 engine in 36- but after another unsuccessful season Cooper
valve form. Rindt retired because of engine problems. (T.C. March) withdrew from racing, blaming lack of spon­
sorship. In May 1969 the Cooper closed its
At the British Grand Prix at Silverstone in driven b y jo ch en Rindt. Both Coopers blew racing operations and in June the team’s cars
July the Cooper team produced the new their engines at Watkins Glen. By this time were sold at auction. One 1967 Cooper-
T86 which had a lower, narrower and Rindt was totally disenchanted with Cooper Maserati, the T86, was entered in a few
lighter monocoque skinned in magnesium- and after the race he boasted that feeling his events in 1969 by Colin Crabbe’s Antique
Elektron. The Tipo 10/F1 engine was fitted engine was about to blow up, he had delib­ Automobiles Ltd team and driven by Vic
and was used with a Hewland gearbox. By erately booted the throttle as hard as poss­ Elford. Elford finished 12th with this car in
the United States Grand Prix Alfieri had ible so that it would blow up spectacularly the International Trophy at Silverstone and
produced yet another version of the Tipo and could never be used again. Rindt had seventh at Monaco. Crabbe and Elford then
10 engine, with three plugs per cylinder made it clear that he did not want to drive moved on to a Cosworth-powered McLaren
and these were accommodated on the for Cooper at the last race of the year in M7A/B. Jonathan Sieff admits that Cooper
inside of the ‘vee’ of the engine. This Mexico and was released from the team. had financial difficulties and these were
engine was installed in the T86 chassis For 1968 Cooper ceased using Maserati resolved with some help from his family.


Chapter 16

Citroën, de Tomaso and after

O rsi w as w o r r ie d about the that included front-wheel-drive, Citroën DS company and the management became
d o lfo

long-term security of the company. hydraulics, self-levelling pneumatic suspen­ bureaucratic. The workforce increased to
Demand for expensive road cars was fickle sion and self-centring steering. Maximum about 1,000 from the 3 6 0 at the time
and subject to economic conditions, and speed was in excess of 135mph (217kph) Citroën took over and instead of two men
changes in taste and fashion. The introduc­ and the same engine was used in Ligier working on a chassis throughout its assem­
tion of United States safety and emission competition cars. The SM was built in bly, there was now a production line with
regulations was making the marketing of Citroën’s Paris factory and later in the Ligier each workman carrying out a simple, repeti­
cars there expensive and difficult. The works. Maserati’s own production included tive task. The Orsi family was unhappy with
student and workers’ strikes and demon­ two mid-engined models, the V8 4.7-litre the way in which the company was being
strations, prevalent in both France and Italy Bora introduced at the 1971 Geneva Salon run and sold their remaining shares to
in 1968, made drivers of expensive cars and the V6 3-litre Merak with bored-out SM Citroën in 1971. Guerino Bertocchi left the
such as Maseratis concerned for their engine that appeared at the Paris Show company to work for de Tomaso and, sadly,
personal safety. Adolfo Orsi was now 80 in 1972. he was killed in a road accident in 1981.
years old and Omer suffered from ill-health During Citroën control the whole culture Citroën was finding itself in worsening
in the form of kidney problems. of Maserati operations changed. Citroën financial difficulties and in 1974 its owner,
During 1968 Adolfo Orsi received an had no experience of running a small Michelin, disposed of it to Peugeot. The
approach from Citroën, owned by the
Michelin tyre company, asking whether Alessandro de Tomaso, partnered by fiancée Isobel Haskell, drove this l,500cc Osca into sixth place
Maserati would be interested in designing in the 1957 Buenos Aires 1,000-km race. De Tomaso played an important, if ultimately damaging,
and building the engine for their proposed role in Maserati history.
SM high-performance luxury model.
Negotiations took place and during these
Adolfo suggested that Citroën should buy a
controlling interest in Maserati. This led to
the agreement that Citroën should buy a
60% stake. Adolfo Orsi became Honorary
President, while Omer remained a director
and was appointed Commercial Manager.
Giulio Alfieri remained in control of the
technical department.
Under Citroën control the company
produced some fine cars. Citroën’s own SM
model introduced in 1970 was an excep­
tionally sophisticated design powered by an
Alfieri-engineered, four overhead camshaft
V6 2 ,6 7 0 cc engine and with a specification

C ITR O E N , D E TO M A SO AND A FTE R / 2 1 3

mance, compact saloon powered by a twin-
turbo 2-litre V6 18-valve engine developing
180bhp and looking like an Italian-styled
BMW Despite a maximum speed of a little
over 130m ph (209kph) and with accelera­
tion from 0 -60m p h ( 0 - 9 6 .6kph) in 7.8sec,
the Biturbo was marred by turbo lag, indif­
ferent handling and poor build quality.
At one stage production of the Biturbo
attained 5 ,0 0 0 units a year and there was
an agreement whereby sales in the United
States were handled by Chrysler. De
Tomaso also used the Innocenti works in
Milan to assemble Chryslers, which were
marketed as ‘TC by Maserati’. The damage
to the prestige of the Maserati name was
substantial and de Tomaso had done much
the same with Benelli and Moto Guzzi
An early product of the fertile, but rarely commercially successful brain o f Alessandro de Tomaso. This motorcycles.
is a mid-engined de Tomaso Vallelunga with l,500cc Ford unit, built in about 1965. Under de Tomaso’s control Maserati
made one further effort to build a competi­
conservative Peugeot board’s sole aim was the United States in large quantities tion car. This was the Barchetta of 1992
to rationalise the group’s car production through Ford’s Lincoln Mercury Division. intended for amateur drivers in a six-event
and improve profits. On 23 May 1974 De Tomaso had acquired the Ghia and marque Championship. The Bi-turbo 90-
Peugeot announced that Maserati was to be Vignale coachbuilding companies and the degree V6 l,9 9 6 c c (82 x 63mm) four over­
put into liquidation, but it discharged all latter is said to have been bought for him by head camshaft engine developed 315bhp at
Maserati’s debts to make it a more attractive his wealthy American wife, Isobel (nee 7,200 rpm. Together with a 6-speed gear­
proposition should anyone be interested in Haskell). Isobel was a Coca-Cola heiress box it was installed in an aluminium-alloy
acquiring the assets. The workforce at and had herself raced Oscas. Later de beam-structure chassis, with strengthening
Maserati then numbered 795 and was suffi­ Tomaso sold Ghia to Ford. He also acquired panels in carbon-composite material.
cient, together with local and regional the ailing Benelli and Moto Guzzi motorcy­ There was independent suspension front
authorities, to exert pressure for the Italian cle companies and took over Innocenti in and rear by double wishbones and coil
government to intervene. Initially closure of Milan, which originally built Lambretta spring/damper units. A carbon-fibre Spyder
Maserati was extended by six months while scooters and, later, British Leyland cars body was fitted and maximum speed was
discussions with parties interested in the under licence. British Leyland had bought said to be 186mph (300kph). Michele
company took place. this concern in May 1972, but rapidly lost Alboreto tested the Barchetta at Monza and
The closure date was again extended and interest. The day that de Tomaso took over the company was optimistic about the car’s
eventually on 8 August 1975 a 30% share­ Maserati, Giulio Alfieri, peremptorily prospects. Unfortunately, only 15 cars were
holding was acquired by Alessandro de sacked, found his effects in the car park. sold (one fitted out as a touring car) and
Tomaso through his industrial group and he Alfieri was not short of work though; he after a few poorly supported races the
became chief executive. Argentinian De joined Lamborghini and also worked on a project was abandoned.
Tomaso, bom in 1928, was a former Osca number of other projects. He died on 19 In 1991 Fiat Auto acquired a 49% stake
and Maserati driver. He had an impressive, March, 2002 at the age of 78. in Maserati and took full control in May
but not particularly successful, record of Although existing models, together with 1993. In 1997 management passed to
taking over ailing companies. Since 1959 he Maserati-powered de Tomaso derivatives Ferrari, already part of the Fiat conglomer­
had been running his own de Tomaso car remained available in the short term, de ate, and there began the long haul to
company based in Modena, but its only real Tomaso was determined to tum Maserati restore Maserati reputation and prestige. It
success was the Ford-powered, mid- into a mass-production company. In 1981 seems that the rehabilitation of Maserati is
engined Pantera coupé which was sold in he introduced the Biturbo high-perfor­ steadily being achieved.


Chapter 17

Maserati drivers - their stories

EMMANUEL DE GRAFFENRIED mechanic and I worried about his safety if
Private Maserati driver 1937-1956 he raced in his boozed condition. We used
to let him practise, but ju st before the race
De Grajfenried was the most consistent and successful private driver of Maseratis, the marque to we would find some reason why the car
which he remained faithful throughout his racing career. He was born in Paris on 18 May 1914, to a could not run, for example, no oil pressure
Swiss father and American mother. In 1920 the family moved to Fribourg, as they wished their son to (because we had disconnected the pipe
be educated in Switzerland. Emmanuel was educated at Le Rosey school at Rolle near Morges and he leading to the gauge).
travelled instead o f going to university. The Barony o f the de Graffenried family was granted before I remember when he came to the drivers’
the First World War by the Austro-Hungarian government to Emmanuel’s grandfather, who was briefing for the Swiss Grand Prix in 1939 and
Swiss military attaché in Vienna. Emmanuel has always been known as ‘Toulo’, a nickname given to caused me great embarrassment. In front of
him by his nanny when he was about four years’ old. the Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union teams
he said in a loud voice, 1 can’t understand a
My father, who died in 1934, was a great where I took fifth place. The following year I fucking word they’re saying.’ [Despite his
horseman, but I was always keen on motor ran in the short, 23-mile (37km) Formule alcoholic tendencies, du Puy survived for
cars. I started my racing career in 1936 with Libre Campbell Trophy at Brooklands and many years and as late as 1957 he was the
an Alfa Romeo Zagato 1,500, quite a rare finished fourth with the 6CM behind Bira owner of the 250F driven by Bruce Halford
car. W ith this I won my class of the Swiss and Austin Dobson (both with ERAs) and in the Italian Grand Prix - AP].
National Grand Prix at Bremgarten and Hyde (Maserati). I also ran in the British For 1939 we moved on to a 6-cylinder
competed in a couple of hill climbs. For Empire Trophy race at Donington Park, but Tipo 6C/34 Maserati, an unusual car
1937 I went into partnership with an retired. Another event in which I competed because it was fitted with an aerodynamic,
American friend, John de Puy. He came that year was the Voiturette Coppa Ciano on streamlined body built in Turin and the
from a wealthy family in the steel business the Montenero circuit near Livorno, but engine was sleeved down to ju st under
in Pittsburgh and he never worked in his again retired. three litres so that it complied with the
life. We raced a Maserati 6CM and a 4CM An amusing break from our usual racing current Grand Prix regulations. The body
fitted with Tecnauto twisted coil spring was a downhill skiing race for drivers held was polished aluminium-alloy. I first drove
independent front suspension. I drove in 1938 at Auron, a resort in the Alpes it in the Pau Grand Prix on 2 April, but
these cars all over Europe and competed Maritimes above Nice. Christian Kautz, the retired. For reasons that I cannot remember,
with them in some British events. Swiss works Mercedes-Benz and Auto I was the entrant of Raymond Sommer’s
During 1937 I won the Swiss National Union driver, won easily from my friend Alfa Romeo in the Belgian Grand Prix, the
Grand Prix with the 4CM, but I retired in Raymond Sommer. I took third place ahead race in which Dick Seaman crashed,
the Naples Grand Prix. I drove in two British of Wimille and Chiron. sustaining fatal bums. Sommer also drove
races, the 195-mile (314km) Light Car race Although I regarded du Puy as a very one of our l,5 0 0 c c Maseratis in the Picardie
on the Douglas circuit on the Isle of Man in good friend, he had a major problem: he Grand Prix because he wanted to gain
June, an event dominated by ERAs, in boozed far too much. At one stage he was points in the French Championship.
which I finished sixth and the 153-mile drinking 30 bottles of beer a day. Although I then drove the 3-litre car in the German
(246km) Nuffield Trophy at Donington Park he was also supposed to be racing, our Grand Prix at the Nürburgring on 23 July.


This 312-m ile (502km ) race was dominated Ettore an expensive lunch in Paris. Sadly, racing. Plate and I talked, we got on well
by the German Mercedes-Benz and Auto Jean was killed while testing a Bugatti and he asked me, ‘Do you want to drive
Union cars. Rudolf Caracciola won with a competition sports car in August and with­ that car - 1 don’t want to drive it any more.’
Mercedes-Benz and I retired. I won the out his talent the company failed to recover So that is how I started my long relation­
Swiss National Grand Prix at Bremgarten, after the war. ship with Plate who was a very able engi­
but in the International Grand Prix I retired During the war I continued driving, but neer and had good relations with the
yet again. I also, competed with the 3-litre as a Corporal on the Swiss army staff. In Maserati factory. I, of course, had to invest
car in the famous La Turbie hill climb near 1944 I married Elsa, our son Leo was bom money in the team. We raced the various
Monte Carlo and finished second to the following year and we settled in 16-valve Maseratis through to the end of
Raymond Sommer who was driving a 3-litre Lausanne in 1949. For me racing resumed 1952 and their only real weakness was
Alfa Romeo. in 1946. Immediately after the war I, tendency of the aluminium-alloy cylinder
During 1939 I had been offered a Type together with an Italian friend based in block to crack. I drove Plate’s car for the
55 Bugatti, the twin-cam supercharged 2.3- Geneva, ‘Cyro’ Basadonna, formed the first time in the Grand Prix des Nations at
litre super sports model, at a very Autosport team and we had three cars Geneva. The circuit used then was quite a
favourable price and so I bought it. I including a 6CM and a 4CL. I drove a 4CL long one that incorporated two sides of a
decided to enter it at Montlhéry in the at Marseille, but retired. At that race I met a dual carriageway alongside the lake and at
Coupe de Paris races on 7 May. I knew Jean man called Enrico Plate who was also racing subsequent Geneva races this part of the
Bugatti well and both he and his father, a Maserati 4CL. He was an Italian from circuit was omitted for safety reasons. The
Ettore, bet me that I would not finish the Milan, a typical Milano chap. Enrico was the 1946 race was run in two qualifying heats
course, even though the races were only nephew of Luigi Plate who had raced and a final. The works Alfa Romeos of
over 62 miles (100km ). I was well down Talbots before the war and had long been Farina, Trassi and Wimille took the first
the field, but I did finish and that cost involved in the mechanical world of motor three places in the final, but I finished
fourth in my heat and fifth in the final
The Tipo 34 with streamlined body raced by de Graffenned in 1939. Toulo is on the left o f the photo­ behind Tazio Nuvolari who was also driving
graph, John de Puy on the right, with de Puy’s wife seated in the car. a Maserati. Later in the year I finished sixth
in the Milan Grand Prix behind Trossi, Varzi
and Sanesi (Alfa Romeos), Villoresi and
Sommer (Maseratis). I also won the Maloja
hill climb.
At the start of 1947 I continued to race
Plate’s 4CL, but during the year we took
delivery of a 4CLT For much of the year I
did not have much luck. I was ninth in the
Swiss Grand Prix, a race marred by poor
discipline by the crowd who were so close
to the track that drivers were forced to ease
off. In the second heat Leslie Johnson fatally
injured two spectators who still stood at the
edge of the track despite a warning from the
police. Shortly afterwards I retired because
of piston failure in the European Grand Prix
at Spa-Francorchamps in Belgium.
My engine started to run rough in the
Comminges race on the St. Gaudens circuit
and I fell back to finish fifth. I worked my
way up to fourth place in the Italian Grand
Prix held in Milan on a slow circuit round
the site of the Milan fair, but I was forced to
retire because of steering problems. In the


French Grand Prix at Lyon I was hit on the
forehead by a stone but carried on racing
with blood streaming down my face until 1
was forced to retire yet again because of a
cracked cylinder head. I finished the season
off with third place behind Villoresi
(Maserati) and Wimille (Simca) in my home
race at Lausanne.
We continued to race the 4CLT in 1948
and the season started well for me. At
Geneva I took second place behind Farina
who was driving a twin-stage supercharged
4CLT and I took a good third place behind
Farina and Louis Chiron (Talbot-Lago) in
the first post-war Monaco Grand Prix. At
the San Remo race in June Maserati had
brought out their new and much improved
4CLT/48 model and these cars driven by
Ascari and Villoresi meant that the opposi­
tion I faced as a private entrant was becom­
ing even greater.
My compatriot Christian Kautz was killed
when he hit a tree with his Maserati in the
Swiss race at Bremgarten. I collided with De Grajfenried first raced the 6-cylinder Maserati at Pau in April 1939. He retired, hut is seen here
debris from the accident and was forced to leading the Mercedes-Benz W163 o f Caracciola.
retire. I also retired in the French Grand
Prix and after mechanical problems I was work on two cars. Everything with Plate In the very wet Jersey Road Race I was
ninth in the very wet Italian Grand Prix was A l and I was very happy racing with beaten by Bob Gerard who drove his old
held at Turin. The RAC Grand Prix at him. He and his two mechanics had la ERA with exceptional skill. Early in May I
Silverstone in October was another poor passioni I always went to the Maserati took fourth place in the Grand Prix de
race for me. I went off the track and 50 factory once a year, but Plate was there Rousillon, a street race held in two heats at
yards (45.7m ) into a field. I managed to often because his workshops were so close Perpignan. Ahead of me were Fangio, Bira
rejoin the race, but finished ninth after a to it. and Campos (another Argentinian driver),
lengthy pit stop for the car to be checked It was to prove a very satisfactory year for all with Maseratis.
over by Plate. me. I started at San Remo where I finished The British Grand Prix at Silverstone was
For 1949 Bira joined me in racing with third behind Juan Fangio who was driving a my best performance of the year. As Alfa
Plate and we both had the latest 4CLT/48 Maserati in his first full European season Romeo did not race in 1949 and Ferrari did
Maseratis. We, of course, paid for our cars and team-mate Bira. Later that month 1 not enter the British race, it was fought out
and participated in expenses, but I recall took two second places. At Pau Fangio won between the fastest Maserati drivers. It was
that I contributed rather more than Bira! again, but I was a satisfactory second. At of course a long, 311-m ile (500km ) race
We shared prize money and starting money. one stage I took the lead when Fangio’s and I took it very steadily in the early
It could be £ 6 0 0 or £ 7 0 0 for the two cars Maserati would not start after a pit stop. In stages, playing a watching game, as Bira led
because organisers liked to have a prince those days this sometimes happened when from Reg Parnell. Very stupidly Bira hit the
appearing in their races. For Plate racing the magneto overheated. I was told that the straw bales at a comer and damaged the
was a business and he had to make it pay. mechanic was struggling to restart the car suspension. Then I was second. Reg Parnell
He was a very good engineer and organiser on the handle, but Fangio was a strong had a lot of problems and abandoned. So
and he employed very good mechanics. man, he jumped out of the car, turned the that’s how I won. Bon ! - That’s racing. Bob
Plate had a very small workshop in the handle and the Maserati went vrooom! Very Gerard was second with his ERA, but there
centre of Milan, with ju st enough room to soon he shot past me into the lead again. was no way that he could catch me.


At the end of May we travelled north to Ferraris with twin-stage supercharging Argentine. The starting money was very
compete in the short Swedish Summer appeared at the Italian Grand Prix and I good and we thought that our chances
Grand Prix held at Skarpnack. It was held drove another good race, despite sinking oil would be improved because Maserati were
on a very slow circuit and there was not pressure, to take fourth place behind Ascari making available more powerful l,7 2 0 c c
much in the way of opposition. Bira and I with one of the Ferraris, Etancelin (Talbot) engines. Unfortunately our cars were still
took the first two places ahead of a locally and my team-mate Bira. At the end of not as fast as the 2-litre supercharged
entered ‘special’. Later I finished seventh in October a race was held on a short 2-mile Ferraris and we achieved very little. Bira
the Swiss Grand Prix at Bremgarten and (3.2km) street circuit at Madrid for l,1 0 0 c c took a fifth and a sixth place, but all I could
fourth at Albi. At the Zandvoort Grand Prix sports cars. There were two 20-lap qualify­ manage was fifth in the Mar del Plata Grand
both Farina and Parnell were penalised for ing heats and a 60-lap final. The organisers Prix.
jumping the start and I drove a very good had indicated that it would be regarded as a My first race of the European season was
race to take second place behind Villoresi sort of test race for drivers wanting to at Goodwood on Easter Monday and it was
(Ferrari). In August we ran in the Inter­ compete in the Argentine Temporada also my first visit to the new British circuit
national Trophy at Silverstone, staged in Formule Libre races early in 1950. I which had opened in 1948. Although it
two qualifying heats and a final. The lead in arranged to drive a Fiat-based Stanguellini was only the perimeter track of a former
the final was fought out between Ascari and and with this I was fourth in my heat and airfield, it was an interesting circuit, there
Villoresi with works Ferraris and Farina at third in the final behind Raymond Sommer was a good and enthusiastic atmosphere
the wheel of a Maserati. I drove a steady and Maurice Trintignant, both of whom and excellent hospitality. Race day was wet
and successful race to finish fourth. were driving Gordini-entered Simcas. For and miserable, with high winds, but I
A week later I was back on home terri­ me, running as a private entrant, it had finished second behind Parnell’s Maserati in
tory, racing in the Lausanne Grand Prix, been a very good year. the 11-lap Richmond Trophy, the main race
and again I drove a steady race to finish After long discussions Plate, Bira and I of the day.
third behind Farina and Ascari. The new finally decided that we would run in the Amédée Gordini invited me to drive one
of his l,2 2 0 c c Simcas in the Formula B
In the 1939 Swiss Grand Prix, another race in which Tondo retired, he leads the Auto Union of Circuit of Erlen held on 7 May in eastern
Nuvolari. Switzerland. He needed the starting money
and I always attracted good starting money
in my home country. The Simca had superb
roadholding and the engine was very
powerful for its size and usually very reli­
able. I set fastest lap and would probably
have won, if on this occasion a valve had
not broken. There were four works Alfa
Romeo 158s entered in the European
Grand Prix at Silverstone in May, these
completely dominated the race and I had
no prospects of repeating my 1949 victory.
Early in the race I held sixth place, but I fell
back because my engine was running badly
and I retired when a connecting rod broke.
In the Swiss Grand Prix on 4 June I
finished sixth behind Farina and Fagioli
(Alfa Romeos), Louis Rosier (Talbot-Lago),
team-mate Bira and Felice Bonetto with a
Milano. No more success came my way
until the 140-mile (225km ) British Empire
Trophy on the Douglas road circuit in the
Isle of Man on 15 June. Even by
Continental standards it was a difficult and


interesting circuit and one which I liked
very much. The race was run in steady, but
light rain that made the circuit very slip­
pery. I drove a cautious race and my tactics
paid off. Bira spun on mud on the road and
two other cars collided with him. My steady
driving earned me third place behind the
ERAs of Gerard and Harrison.
I raced again in Britain on 13 July in the
176-mile (283km ) Jersey Road Race,
another event on a road circuit that I liked.
1 worked my way up to second place
behind Peter Whitehead with his private
Ferrari, but Plate and I had made a tactical
error. We had decided that I should run
with a light fuel load, but although I made
one refuelling stop, I soon realised that I
would not complete the race without
another quick stop. Although this took only
17sec, thanks to Plate’s efficient pit work, I
dropped back behind Parnell (Maserati) and
finished third.
I had been asked by my good friend
Battista Guidotti, Alfa Romeo team
manager, if I wanted to drive a works 158.
My answer was, ‘My God - Yes!’ and so I Toulo: Emmanuel de Graffenried, the most consistent and successful driver of private Maseratis seen
was given a test at Monza. The 158 was so here at Silverstone in 1949 when he won the first British Grand Prix. (Guy Griffiths)
different from the Maserati, very much
more powerful and with a superb gearbox — race to take a very satisfactory second place Bira. In these wet conditions at Goodwood
the gearbox in the Maserati was a Fiat gear­ behind team-mate Fangio, but ahead of the old British ERAs were as fast as the
box with synchromesh on only third and Taruffi with another 158. I could hardly have Maserati, I battled furiously with Bob
top gears. The roadholding of the 158 was done better and Guidotti promised me Gerard and Brian Shawe-Taylor and fell back
much better and it drifted beautifully. It was another drive when the opportunity arose. to finish fourth after I went slightly wide at
so much faster and more powerful than the After that I returned to Plate and the a comer and Gerard slipped ahead of me.
Maserati on the straights. Maserati. The 1950 Italian Grand Prix was a My last race of the year was the Penya Rhin
I first drove the 158 in the Grand Prix des battle between the Alfa Romeos and the Grand Prix at Barcelona in which I took
Nations at Geneva on 30 July. It proved a new unsupercharged Ferraris. I drove fifth place behind three works Ferraris and
disastrous race, for the crankshaft broke on another steady race and took sixth place, a Etancelin’s Talbot.
Ascari’s new 4.1-litre Fenari and dropped a rather disappointing result, as Rosier and For 1951 Bira left Plate to race a new car
large quantity of oil on the road. Poor ‘Gigi’ Etancelin finished ahead of me with their that combined an Osca V I 2 engine with
Villoresi hit the oil, lost control and crashed unsupercharged and rather slow Talbot- the Maserati 4CLT/48 chassis. We were
heavily, killing four spectators and injuring Lagos. I returned to Goodwood for the now joined by Harry Schell. Plate and I
another 27. I also hit the oil and went off meeting on 30 September and it was were convinced that the 4CLT/48 was still
into the straw bales, stalling the engine. The another wet and rather miserable day. I the best car for a private team to race and
starting handle was kept in the cockpit finished third in a very short 5-lap race we continued to have the help and support
alongside the driver. I grabbed it, jumped out behind Reg Parnell with the V I 6 BRM and of the factory. We raced regularly through­
of the cockpit, inserted it, managed to pull it Bira. The main race of the day was the 12- out the year, but achieved no real success.
up and ‘roop’ - the engine was so well lap Goodwood Trophy. I led away from the My best results came from more drives for
tuned that it fired immediately. I rejoined the start, but was soon passed by Parnell and Alfa Romeo and I appeared with works 159s


- as they were known in their more powerful
1951 form - in three races. I was brought
into the team for the Swiss Grand Prix at
Bremgarten on 27 May. The most powerful
159 was to be driven by Fangio who was the
undisputed team leader - but only if the
race was dry. Race day proved very wet and
so I was given the most powerful car. I drove
a cautious and satisfactory race, as the cars
threw up great plumes of spray. Fangio won
from Taruffi (unsupercharged 4.5-litre
Ferrari), Farina and Sanesi and I was content
to finish fifth, having done what I was told -
drive steadily to finish.
I did not think that I would be getting
any more drives with the team, but they
came through Sanesi’s misfortune. During
pre-race testing at Monza prior to the Italian
Grand Prix, he was badly burnt when his
car caught fire during refuelling practice. So
I joined the team at short notice, but retired
after only a lap because of supercharger
problems. The last round in the 1951
Toulo de Graffenried at the wheel o f his 4CLT/48 on his way to a win in the 1949 British Grand Prix World Championship was the Spanish
at Silverstone. It was his greatest victory. (Guy Griffiths) Grand Prix on the Pedralbes street circuit at
Barcelona on 28 October and Guidotti
De Graffenried at Silverstone in May 1950, his 4CLT/48 emitting blue smoke. Behind is Giraud- again asked me to drive for the team. We
Cabantous (Talbot-Lago). Toulo was still driving a 4CLT/48 entered fo r him by Enrico Plate, but the thought that we would be beaten by the
car was no longer competitive and he had a poor season. (Guy Griffiths) Ferraris, as had happened at the three previ­
ous Championship races, but these un­
supercharged cars were plagued by tyre
problems. Fangio won from Gonzalez
(Ferrari) with Farina third, Bonetto fifth and
myself sixth. Sadly, there were to be no
more drives for Alfa Romeo as they with­
drew from racing at the end of the year.
Alfa Romeo’s withdrawal from racing was
the main reason why the decision was made
to hold all World Championship races and
most other Grands Prix to 2-litre Formula 2
rules in 1 9 5 2 -5 3 . Maserati were developing
a Formula 2 car, but it would not be ready at
the beginning of the season. So Plate
decided to develop his own Formula 2 car
based on the 4CLT/48. The Plate-Maseratis
had shortened chassis, engines with super­
charger removed and new cylinder blocks
cast with a bore of 90m m to give a capacity
of l,9 8 0 c c . They had fantastic roadholding


on small circuits, but they did not have
much speed along the straight. Two of these
cars were driven by myself and Harry Schell,
but we did not achieve much success.
At Pau on Easter Monday I set third
fastest lap in the race, but the engine went
off-tune and I fell back to finish sixth. I
finished fourth at Marseille and took third
place in the International Trophy at
Silverstone behind the British HWMs of
Lance Macklin and Tony Rolt. Shortly after­
wards I was sixth in the Swiss Grand Prix,
but achieved nothing more until
Comminges in August when I took fifth
place. The biggest disappointment of the
year was at the Italian Grand Prix on the
very fast Monza circuit where both Harry
and I were too slow in practice to qualify as
starters. I finished the season with third
place in a race at Cadours near Toulouse.
The 1952 season is better forgotten, espe­
cially when compared with 1953 when I
enjoyed one of my most successful years. We
had ordered one of the improved A6GCM In the International Trophy at Silverstone in May 1953 Toulo won his heat with the prototype 1953
cars from the Maserati factory, but it was not A6GCM, hut was penalized a minute fo r jumping the flag at the start o f the final. He pulled out of
ready by the start of the season. Plate was the race, although he was going well in second place. (Guy Griffiths)
well connected at the factory, so they lent us
the prototype and it was a wonderful car to De Graffenried crosses the line with Giletti’s A6GCS to win the Rio de Janeiro Grand Prix in
drive, very fast and with good roadholding. 1 December 1953.
first drove it at Siracusa on 22 March and I
faced a strong team of works Ferraris. The
latest Ferraris all retired because of mechani­
cal problems and I won the race from Louis
Chiron (Osca) and Rodney Nuckey (Cooper-
Bristol). It was a very pleasing win, because
as a private entrant it was only possible to
win occasionally.
We then travelled to Goodwood for the
meeting there on Easter Monday. It was a
day with a succession of short races and it
was for me very successful. My first race
was the 7-lap Lavant Cup for Formula 2
cars. I held second place, chasing hard Roy
Salvador! with a works Connaught, until he
slowed off near the end of the last lap
because of a broken throttle linkage, and I
then passed him to score my first win of the
day. Then I ran in a handicap race in which
I finished fourth.


Now rain had begun to fall and I remem­ retired because of a final drive problem on these with 3-litre engine was driven by the
ber sitting on the front row of the starting the first lap of my heat. Next came the Brazilian hero, Chico Landi. He was
grid in the middle between the V I 6 BRMs Eifelrennen, seven laps of the Nürburgring. expected to win the race, but he was too
of Ken Wharton and Reg Parnell. Each was No works Ferraris were entered and I won excited and at the first comer he hit the kerb
16-cylinder, twin-blown, revving with unbe­ my third race of the year from the HWMs of and burst a tyre. He had no spare wheel and
lievable noise and I had to take my hands Paul Frère and Peter Collins. had to drive all the way back to the pits on
off the wheel and start the race with my The first of the European World the rim. I took the lead and none of the
fingers in my ears! I accelerated away in the Championship races was the Dutch Grand other drivers were experienced enough to
lead, the BRMs were so difficult to drive in Prix on 7 June and by then we had taken challenge me. I won the race and at the
the wet and I won by ju st under a second delivery of the latest Maserati. The rest of prize-giving the Brazilian dictator Getulio
from Wharton. The big race of the day was the year was a battle fought out between Vargas was to present the first prize, a beau­
the 15-lap Richmond Trophy and 1 drove the works Ferrari and Maserati drivers, but I tiful Swiss Universal watch, to the winner.
another good race to finish third behind took some good places. We worked very W hen he handed me the trophy, he didn’t
Wharton (BRM) and Piero Taruffi (Ferrari closely with the factory, the Orsis regarded have a big smile and I wondered what I had
Thin Wall Special). Plate very highly and he could have what­ done to upset him. Later when I looked at
Then we ran at Bordeaux at the begin­ ever he wanted. As a result our car was the back of the watch, I saw that it was
ning of May where I retired because of a almost as good as those entered by the already inscribed with Chico Landis name.
broken half-shaft. A week later I ran in the works, but I always had to drive with [In 1954 Vargas committed suicide - AP.]
International Trophy at Silverstone, held in restraint to save the engine and keep the A fortnight later I drove Giletti’s car in
two heats and a final. I won my heat from bills as low as possible. I finished fifth at the Sao Paulo Grand Prix held over 40 laps
Stirling Moss with his new Cooper-Alta and Zandvoort, I took fourth place at Spa- of the very old Interlagos circuit. I made a
we jointly set fastest lap. Mike Hawthorn Francorchamps and fifth in the German poor start and initially was back in eighth
won the other heat with his works Ferrari at race at the Nürburgring. In addition I place. There was a terrible thunderstorm,
slightly higher speed. The line-up of the finished second in the Fribourg hill climb the Maserati had very good undershielding
front row of the grid was Hawthorn - behind Hans Herrmann and took third and the circuit was so flooded that it was
Wharton (Cooper-Bristol) — me - Moss. I place in the Modena Grand Prix at the end like driving a motor boat. I dropped back
was very tensed up because I knew that the of the year. It had proved to be one of our further and then began to make up ground,
race would be a battle between Hawthorn most successful years. passing driver after driver. I climbed up. to
and myself and I was anxious to make a We ordered a new 250F Maserati Grand second place, spun and then worked my
good start. Prix car for 1954, the first year of the new way up to second again. W hen Landi’s car
Very stupidly I jum ped the start, I 2 ,5 0 0 cc Grand Prix formula, but this would caught fire because of a detached carburet­
stopped immediately, but the stewards not be ready for some while and in the tor float chamber, I took the lead and won
penalised me a minute. I led Hawthorn for meanwhile we would race the 1953 car by a margin of nearly three minutes from
the first three laps of this 35-lap race, then fitted with the latest 2K-litre engine. I was another locally driven Ferrari.
he went ahead, but I was still chasing him invited to take part in two sports car races With the single-seater I finished in eighth
hard. W hen the organisers told Plate about in Brazil in December 1953, but I did not place in the Argentine Grand Prix on 17
the penalty, he argued with them furiously, have a suitable car. So I arranged to borrow January. Then Giletti drove it in the Buenos
but they would not relent. I did not know a 2-litre Maserati A6GCS from an Italian Aires City Grand Prix a fortnight later, but
that I had been penalised until Plate friend, Emilio Giletti, a woolmaker from retired because of loss of oil pressure. The
showed me a board and whilst I deserved a Biella. We would take the single-seater circuit was quite new and the pits were
small penalty, a whole minute spoilt the 2,500cc-engined 1953 car with us to South dangerously situated on a fast curve. It was a
race for me and the spectators. I simply America and after I had driven it in the very hot day and I said to Plate, ‘Tomorrow,
pulled into the pits to retire. Argentine Grand Prix, Giletti would be at we’re leaving for Europe. The race is over,
We stayed in the UK to compete in the the wheel in the Formule Libre Buenos let’s go and have a shower.’ He said, ‘No, I
Ulster Trophy on the Dundrod circuit the Aires City Grand Prix. want to watch the rest of the race. ’
following weekend. This was another race The first Brazilian race was the Rio de While 1 was showering, I heard a big yell
run in two heats and a final and should Janeiro Grand Prix run over 30 laps of the and some shrieks. I thought that there had
have provided another chance with me to 6.69-mile (10.7km) Gavea street circuit. been a bad accident and I went back to the
do battle with Hawthorn. Unfortunately I Most of the cars were Ferraris and one of pits. It was Enrico Plate who had been hit


and killed by an Argentinian driver, Jorge
Daponte. No one else was injured. It was
fate. If he hadn’t moved, he would not have
been hit, but he had moved instinctively
and that was why he was killed. I felt fatalis­
tic about it and said to myself that I must
quit racing. In his apartment in Milan, Plate
had a painting by Roy Nockolds of me and
Bira with the 4CLT/48s. The day before
Plate was killed his wife heard a bang and
found that it had fallen off the wall.
Plate’s death was a terrible blow and I did
give up racing. The order for the 25 0 F was
cancelled and we used the 250F-engined
A6GCM for filming in the making of Such
Men are Dangerous, based on Flans Ruesch’s
novel, The Racer. I was with 20th Century
Fox all year, acting as consultant on the film
and doing the driving scenes for Kirk
Douglas. Both and I and American driver
John Fitch drove camera cars in some
Grands Prix. The Plate-Maseratis were
brought out of storage and also used in the After winning the Sao Paulo Grand Prix at Interlagos in Brazil in December 1953, de Graff,enried
film. After that I raced only six more times. salutes the Swiss National Anthem.
I entered the 250F-engined A6GCM that
we had raced in the Argentine in the 1954 Prix and finished third behind Fangio In 1972 he was asked by Ronnie Thompson,
Spanish Grand Prix to be driven by Ottorino (Maserati) and de Portago (Ferrari). President o f Philip Morris Marlboro, to act as
Volonterio and myself. Volonterio, who was In June 1956 ‘Mimmo’ Dei of Scuderia consultant. He stayed with them fo r ten years
a fellow Swiss, was a keen, but inexperi­ Centro-Sud entered me and André Canonica and introduced them to the world of motor
enced, amateur and sharing the driving we with a Maserati A6GCS in the 1,000-kilo­ racing. Philip Morris’s involvement in Grand
ran steadily until we had mechanical prob­ metre Supercortemaggiore Grand Prix mn for Prix racing was to prove a substantial factor in
lems. Anyway, he bought the car. sports cars up to 2,0 0 0 cc at Monza. I it becoming such a popular sport and its spon­
At Bari in southern Italy on 15 May 1955 started the race well and was battling for sorship helped many drivers and teams that
I drove a Ferrari in the 186-mile (300km ) seventh place with Jean Lucas (Ferrari Testa included BRM, McLaren and Williams. Toulo’s
sports car Grand Prix and finished fourth Rossa) when the Maserati’s engine broke on son Leo also competed in racing with a Mini
behind Jean Behra, Luigi Musso (both with lap 17. My very last race was the 1956 Cooper and an Alpine-Renault.
Maseratis) and Masten Gregory (Ferrari Italian Grand Prix on the combined banked In 1962 de Graffenried, together with Fangio,
Monza). I next ran in the Lisbon Grand Prix track and road circuit at Monza. ‘Mimmo’ Farina, Paul Frère, Robert Manzon, Gianfranco
on 24 July, 1955 with a Maserati 300S Dei persuaded me to drive one of his old Comotti and Albert Divo founded the Club
belonging to a Swiss owner. I had a race- 2 5 OF Maseratis and we ran only for the International des Anciens Pilotes de Grand Prix
long battle with Masten Gregory and I was starting money. I finished eighth in a field et Fl. Toulo was Secretary until 1980 and then
beaten into second place by two-fifths of a that included four Lancia-Ferraris and two became President following the death of Louis
second after almost, but not quite getting new works Maseratis, which was reasonable Chiron. He supports it enthusiastically,
past the Kansan at the last comer. I could in the circumstances. It was not a bad note although regretting that so many drivers against
have won if I had been prepared to over-rev on which to end my 20-year racing career. whom he raced have now died. In May 2002 the
the engine. It was on the day of this race Association celebrated its fortieth anniversary at
that Masten Gregory’s second child was When he retired from racing, Toulo had for the Historic Grand Prix at Monaco and Toulo
bom. In November I drove a Ferrari Monza some time been the Alfa Romeo agent in decided it was time to retire. He and Elsa still
in the 213-m ile (343km ) Venezuelan Grand Lausanne. Later he obtained the Ferrari agency. live near Lausanne.


ROY SALVADORI Eventually I equalled the lap record set by
Racing the Gilby Engineering Maserati, 1954-1956 Ascari with a 4.5-litre Ferrari in 1952. By the
time that we left Modena both Sid and I had
Although he never won a Grand Prix, Salvadori was one of the most successful British drivers of the become good friends of the company and
1950s. Born on 12 May 1922, he first took part in motor sport in 1946 driving R-type MG and Riley Maserati were to support us consistently
2-litre cars. The following year he acquired an Alfa Romeo Monoposto, he moved on to a 4C over the next three seasons.
Maserati in 1948 and then raced a 4CL Maserati which he leased from Eira. Later he raced a Frazer At the beginning of 1954 the 250F devel­
Nash Le Mans Replica with which he had a near-fatal crash at Silverstone in 1951. He drove oped around 220bhp, which was more than
Ferraris for Bobby Baird in 1952 and was a member of both the Aston Martin and Connaught works enough to be competitive. It now also had a
teams in 1953. much wider power band than the 1953 car.
The adoption of a de Dion rear axle in place
I had discussions in the early part of 1953 I received a similar sum to Gilby for using of the rigid axle of the A6GCM had trans­
with Sid Greene of Gilby Engineering, Esso products exclusively, but even so Esso formed the roadholding. It was a very well
whose main business was machine work for would consent for me to drive for other balanced car (weight distribution was 48%
Ford. These led to one of my most enjoyable entrants, provided that there was no conflict front and 52% rear) with slight understeer
periods of racing, as well as one of the more of interest. In addition Sid split the starting which I preferred.
lucrative deals in my racing career. Sid was a money and prize money with me. Starting I had no problems with the central
great enthusiast for the sport, but he money for the 250F ranged from £ 2 5 0 or so throttle, a feature of most Italian competi­
believed in making his racing pay and he at small meetings up to about £ 6 5 0 for a tion cars of the time, and this was true even
liked to employ a professional driver. He had Grand Prix. at British race meetings where I switched
lost his left arm in an accident, so he was From my point of view it would have from car to car for as many as five events.
unable to race himself, although he was in been a difficult deal to better. Sid was very The right-hand gear-change working in an
fact an extremely quick and competent serious with regard to this project and for open gate was fairly light and precise, and
driver. 1954 he appointed Maurice Wilson as with only two turns lock-to-lock the steering
Sid was planning to import a 2-litre Competitions Manager. Later he even talked was positive and accurate. The large drum
Maserati A6GCS sports-racing car, no exam­ about Gilby building its own Formula 1 brakes were well able to withstand the
ple of which had been seen in the UK, and engine, but this never went beyond the rigours of a long race. Unlike most Italian
he later extended his plans to include a new discussion stage. cars it had a very roomy cockpit and this
250F Grand Prix car for the 1954 season. In I had been to the Maserati factory at suited my lanky frame.
the meanwhile I drove his Frazer Nash Le Modena back in 1949 when I had an Up until that time it was the fastest car
Mans Replica whenever my other commit­ arrangement with Prince Bira to race a that I had ever driven and I revelled in its
ments permitted. Maserati 4CL in the name of the White performance. As with all Grand Prix cars of
To make the project viable Sid needed Mouse Stable and so I already knew Le the period, there was a great deal of vibra­
substantial financial support and so I set up Patron, Adolfo Orsi, and the head tion, but it was essentially a reliable car,
a meeting with Reg Tanner, Competitions mechanic, Guerino Bertocchi. Sid and I had despite early teething problems that
Manager of Esso, who had backed me been there again in 1953 when the A6GCS included a weak clutch, drive-shafts, prop-
for several years. The project appealed to was ordered and after that year’s Italian shaft and, rather more serious, sticking
Esso and they funded the purchase of the Grand Prix when I test-drove the A6GCM throttle. Our 250F was also very slow off the
A6GCS, which cost about £ 3 ,0 0 0 , nearly single-seater. line and it was only at the end of the year we
doubled by import duty and purchase tax. We returned to Modena in late January discovered that for no obvious reason it had
The car, together with Italian mechanic, 1954 when Sid confirmed the order for the been fitted with a very high, non-standard
arrived in time for me to drive it at 250F. At this time the 250F was the only first gear.
the Goodwood meeting in September competitive Grand Prix car available for The 250F, painted British Racing Green,
1953. For 1954 Esso agreed to provide purchase by private owners. I had the was delivered in time for me to race it at
Gilby with a racing budget of about opportunity to drive the 2 5 OF with which the International meeting at Goodwood
£ 1 0 ,0 0 0 , which helped to fund the pur­ Fangio had recently won the Argentine on Easter Monday. Sid and I had agreed
chase of the 250F. This cost about £ 4 ,0 0 0 , Grand Prix. I really enjoyed the 250F and as our strategy for the season. We would
again nearly doubled by the time it had I familiarised myself with it I lapped the enter all the British races that Esso and our
been imported. Modena Autodrome faster and faster. other sponsors wanted and we would take


in the occasional Grand Prix. There was We entered the French Grand Prix in July, luck. I lost five minutes in the pits after the
little opportunity for taking part in many an historic event because it witnessed the fuel tank worked loose and later retired
overseas races as Sid and I both had busi­ racing debut of the Mercedes-Benz W 196 because the gearbox seized up. At the
ness commitments. In addition, on grounds ‘streamliners’, and then stayed in France to August Bank Floliday meeting at the Crystal
of cost, we had to conserve the 2 5 0 F ’s compete in the Rouen Grand Prix. This Palace I was second in both my heat and
engine as much as possible. We did very meant very little practice at either race final of the Formula 1 race behind my mate
little testing and I always tried to restrict because of the need to conserve the engine. Reg Parnell with his ex-Baird Ferrari now
the engine speed to less than 7,500rpm , I ran tenth on the very fast Reims circuit fitted with a 2b-litre engine. Later in August
whereas the works drivers consistently until the rear axle stripped, and I finished we ran the 250F in the first Gold Cup race
used 8,000rpm . This reduced bearing wear third at Rouen behind the Ferrari of at Oulton Park. Stirling Moss with a works
and tear and extended time between over­ Trintignant and the Maserati of Prince Bira, Maserati dominated the event, but I moved
hauls. For serious engine and chassis work despite an enforced pit stop when I was up into second place, the car was running
it was necessary to send the car back black-flagged for dropping oil. We had an oil beautifully and I was lapping faster and
to Modena. breather problem, so we had linked the faster.
At Goodwood I took second places with breather to a one-gallon oil tank in the tail. I Everything was fine until lap 15 when I
the 25 0 F in the Lavant Cup and the think that we were slopping some oil out on eased my foot on the accelerator as I
Chichester Trophy and also set fastest lap. comers, but there were no drips when I was approached Druids and there was a marked
In the main race of the day, the Formule stationary in the pits and I was allowed to change in the engine note as the throtde
Libre Richmond Trophy, I was stuck behind carry on. We did well financially out of these jammed open. Our 250F had been fitted by
Ken Wharton’s BRM V I 6, which was hold­ two events. Gilby with twin push-button cut-out
ing me up through comers and emitting Another Grand Prix followed, the British switches to enable each magneto to be
fuel and oil, which spread over my face, event at Silverstone, but again I was out of tested individually. I pushed in the
goggles and windscreen. I was having diffi­
culty in seeing my line through comers and Roy Salvadori is seen at the wheel of the Gilby Engineering Maserati 250F in the paddock at the
eventually I tried to pass Wharton at Lavant International Trophy meeting at Silverstone in May 1954. The car was not mnning well and he
Comer, hoping that he would give way, but finished tenth in the final. (TC. March)
this was an optimistic move and the cars
collided and spun. We both kept our
engines running and rejoined the race, but
on the next lap my clutch exploded with
such force that holes were punctured
through the bell-housing and bodywork.
This was a common enough problem on
early 250Fs, as the clutches were nowhere
near strong enough.
The 2 50F was not back in action until the
International Trophy at Silverstone the
following month and my performances were
mediocre both there and at Aintree later in
May. At Silverstone I was fourth in my heat
and a miserable tenth in the final after a
two-minute pit stop caused by a sticking
throttle. I was second in my heat of the
Aintree ‘2 0 0 ’ race and set fastest lap, but I
spun off in the final whilst in fourth place
and rejoined the race to finish a poor fifth.
In June I won the Formula 1 and Formule
Libre races at Snetterton, but the opposition
was weak.


switches, but mistakenly I only operated were happy to continue their sponsorship Vanwalls and six privately entered 250Fs.
one of them, so the engine was still running in 1955 on the same terms and I was Among these were Stirling’s car and the
flat-out. I entered Druids far too fast, the content to stay with Gilby. My terms with Owen Organisation 250F driven by Peter
2 5 OF slid sideways, mounted the grassy Sid were the same, except that he insisted Collins. I was jointly fastest in practice with
bank and rammed a tree. Smoke was pour­ on paying me a £ 1 ,0 0 0 retainer. The 250F Mike Hawthorn (Vanwall) in lm in 48sec.
ing out of the engine bay, but there was no was completely overhauled at Modena, but I expected Stirling to make the running in
fire, mainly because the top of the tree it remained essentially to 1954 specifica­ the race, but his Maserati had problems and
collapsed on to the engine. I had been tion. During 1954 the car had been looked he dropped out on lap 10. I was in front
thrown forward on to the steering wheel after by Italian mechanics from the factory, with Peter Collins snapping at my exhausts.
and although I was badly dazed by hitting but they soon became homesick. We We passed and re-passed constantly, but on
the thick Perspex windscreen, my face was decided that the car would now be lap 33 Collins started to establish a clear
protected by the visor that I was wearing prepared at my garage on the Kingston By­ lead and I was not able to get to grips with
because I had been expecting wet weather. pass by Les Wilson (ex-Thomson & Taylor) him again. At the finish I was 39sec behind.
My only other injuries were bad bruising and Michael Norris. As a result we achieved I had made a tactical enor, for I should have
and cuts around the knees and chest. better reliability and more success. allowed Peter to lead early in the race and
It seemed a disaster, though, because the I won a Formule Libre race at Snetterton then turned the pressure on him. During
car was badly damaged. We were going to in March 1955 and then came the Easter this race we both equalled the circuit
miss races at the height of the season and it Goodwood meeting. Goodwood was a record.
seemed that Gilby would face an enormous superb circuit and there was always a At the Whitsun weekend I won the
repair bill. All that could be done was to garden party atmosphere. It proved to be Formula 1 Curtis Trophy and the Formule
pack the 2 50F off back to Italy in the Gilby one of my best Goodwoods ever, as I drove Libre race at Snetterton on the Saturday,
transporter. Maserati discovered that the in six races, won three and finished second and at the Crystal Palace on the Monday I
engine had swallowed a valve and that the in two. W ith the 25 0 F I was second in the came up against Peter and the Owen 250F
valve had, somehow, gone through one of Chichester Cup Formule Libre race behind once more. I failed to offer a challenge as
the carburettors and wedged the butterfly Peter Collins (V I6 BRM) and I was also my 250F developed an oil leak and I was
open. The car needed a complete rebuild, second in an Easter handicap. My biggest forced to retire. Our problems continued at
including a new chassis frame, but it was success of the day was in the Richmond the British Grand Prix at Aintree where the
back in England after ju st over a month and Trophy Formula 1 race. I was in second 250F was plagued by low oil pressure
Maserati, much to Sid’s relief, presented place behind Stirling Moss with his 250F, I which we were unable to cure. Frankly, we
only a very modest bill of about £ 7 5 0 . pressed him hard at the chicane and spun only ran for the starting money and I retired
I raced the 2 5 0 F at the Crystal Palace at the exit. after a slow race.
again in mid-September, but retired I rejoined the race in sixth place, carved We ran the 250F at the Crystal Palace
because of a broken drive-shaft. Later that my way back to second and passed Stirling again on August Bank Holiday Saturday,
month I finished third in the Formula 1 ju st before he retired. I went on to win the but without its tail after a practice crash.
race at Goodwood behind Moss (250F) race and set fastest lap. Sid had negotiated The Formula 1 race was run in two heats
and Collins (Vanwall Special) and fifth in better starting money for us than any other and a final. I was second in my heat to
the Formule Libre event. My last race meet­ British driver/entrant except Moss. By Mike Hawthorn at the wheel of the Moss
ing with the 2 5 OF in 1 9 5 4 was at Ain tree taking part in six races at Goodwood, the Maserati, which was in fine fettle once
where I missed practice because of combination of starting money, prize more, and third in the final behind Mike
mechanical problems and started from the money and bonuses made it a very good and Harry Schell (Vanwall). On the
back of the grid. The car was still running day. Later in April I scored another win and Monday we were in action again at Brands
badly and I finished a poor seventh in the set a new circuit record with the 250F in Hatch, then only 1.24 miles (2km) long
Formula 1 event and fifth in the Formule the Formule Libre race at Ibsley near and very bumpy. We were worried about
Libre race. Bournemouth. the 25 0 F grounding, so after practice we
Overall we were disappointed by the Although the International Trophy at raised the suspension with distance pieces.
results achieved by the 2 5 0 F in 1954, Silvers tone in May attracted none of the Inevitably the handling was affected and
although very often we were running Continental works teams except Gordini, my third place on the aggregate of the two
against works cars and we had suffered there was a strong entry that included two heats was not a fair showing of the 2 5 0 F ’s
more than our fair share of bad luck. Esso of the new streamlined Connaughts, two capabilities.


Next came another race at Snetterton.
I spun in the Formula 1 event and finished
a poor fifth. In the Formule Libre race
I battled for lap after lap with Peter Walker
at the wheel of Rob Walker’s new Formula
1 Connaught. It was certainly Peter’s day
and he was driving far harder than I
expected. I was leading on the last lap
when Peter had a final go at passing me,
locked his brakes and pushed my 2 5 0 F off
the road. I managed to rejoin the race to
finish second.
One of my best - and luckiest — races in
1955 was the 51-mile (82km) Daily
Telegraph Trophy at Aintree in September.
Although I made a dreadful start, I worked
my way through to third place behind Reg
Parnell (works Connaught streamliner) and
Moss (250F). I passed Moss as he pulled
into the pits to retire with mechanical prob­
lems, but with only four laps to the finish I
thought that I was too far behind Reg to be
able to catch him. I was still pushing the
250F as hard as I could and I made fastest The Güby Maserati is pushed out to the start of the 1956 British Grand Prix. Roy Salvadori has his
lap of the race. I bounced off the side of my arm round the shoulder of entrant Sid Greene. Tliere was a very dose bond between driver and
old mate John Young’s 2-litre Connaught entrant. (T.C. March)
when he was right on my line through Tatts
and ju st before the finish I shot past Reg’s Formula 1 and Formule Libre races, not very Long before the start of the 1956 season I
Connaught which was going at a crawling satisfactory performances. What was inter­ had agreed with Sid to drive the Gilby 250F
pace. I won the race and set fastest lap, esting was that both races were won by for a third year. Although it had again been
while Reg pushed the Connaught, which Harry Schell with a Vanwall and this British fully overhauled at the works, it was becom­
had broken its engine, across the line into Grand Prix contender was now showing very ing obsolescent and we raced it rather less
sixth place. I also finished second in the real potential. during the year. Our first race with the
Formule Libre race at Aintree behind Peter Later in the month I drove the 250F in 2 50F was at Goodwood on Easter Monday.
Collins’ V I 6 BRM. the Syracuse Grand Prix held in the south The entry for the Formula 1 Richmond
Before the end of the year I competed in of Sicily. We ran there because exceptionally Trophy included Moss with a works
two British races of especial interest. In the good starting money was offered, but it was Maserati, two of the new BRMs and three of
Daily Dispatch Gold Cup at Oulton Park later an incredibly long drive, especially for me at the ever-improving Connaughts, so I was
in September Scuderia Ferrari raced for the the wheel of my Morris Minor! While Tony not expecting a good result. Both BRMs
first time two of the Lancia D50s which the Brooks made history by defeating the works retired, as did Archie Scott-Brown whilst
team had taken over earlier in the year, and Maserati team and scoring a brilliant victory leading with his Connaught. I was faster
the new 4-cylinder BRM P25 made its debut with his works Connaught, I had a thor­ than the other Connaught drivers and took
in the hands of Peter Collins. I finished fifth oughly miserable race. In the opening laps I a very satisfactory second place behind
after an uneventful race behind Moss (works hit one of the stone walls that lined most of Stirling whose works Maserati was fitted
Maserati), Hawthorn (Lancia), Titterington the circuit and I had to stop to change a experimentally with fuel injection.
(Vanwall) and Parnell (Connaught), which badly damaged wheel and tyre. Shortly In the Aintree ‘2 0 0 ’ race I retired the
was not too bad in the face of such strong afterwards I retired because of a leaking oil 250F because of low oil pressure, but worse
opposition. At Castle Combe in Wiltshire at tank. It was a poor end to what had been problems followed in the International
the beginning of October I was fourth in the overall a very good year. Trophy at Silverstone. The strong entry


my retirement, I held second place behind was no longer possible to base the 250F at
Moss’ works Maserati for 26 laps of this Elmbridge Motors, the car was obsolete and
101-lap race, which pleased me considering at that time there was nothing reasonably
that our 250F was now three years old and sensible that Sid could buy to replace it.
unmodified. Stirling also retired and Fangio During my years with Gilby my driving
with a Lancia-Ferrari won the race. A week had matured a great deal, I was becoming
later we were racing at Snetterton and with more and more involved with Cooper and I
the 250F I won both the Formula 1 Vanwall was even foolish enough to sign up and
Trophy and the Formule Libre Sears Trophy drive works BRMs in 1957 (the relationship
race. was short-lived!). Gilby continued to race
After this we entered the 25 0 F in the the 250F in 1957 and it was driven by Ivor
German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring at Bueb, Jim Russell and Sid’s 17-year-old son
the beginning of August, a convenient Keith. W hile Gilby were to go on to
arrangement as I was also driving a works construct their own cars for Keith to drive,
Cooper in the sports car race that preceded the 2 50F eventually ended up in the stock
the main race. Inevitably I had to restrict of Performance Cars on London’s Great
practice with the 2 50F to conserve the West Road.
Roy Salvadori drove a fine race with the Gilby engine, but I was pleased with my driving The Maserati 2 50F was an outstanding
Engineering 250F in the 1956 British Grand in the Grand Prix and I held fifth place, Grand Prix car and ideal for the private
Prix. He led at one stage, hut retired because of battling with Jean Behra (works Maserati) owner. It handled extremely well, had excel­
a misfiring engine. (TC. March) until the rear transverse leaf spring broke. lent brakes and roadholding and no real
At the end of August we ran the 250F in vices; in addition it was relatively easy to
included two works Lancia-Ferraris driven the 153-mile (246km) Caen Grand Prix maintain. I was quite fond of the Gilby
by Fangio and Collins, two of the redesigned held on a typically rough and bumpy Con­ 250F and in the three years that I drove the
Vanwalls driven by Moss and Schell, tinental road circuit. I built up a substantial car it served me well, covering up many of
Flawthom with a BRM and five works lead, but a heavy downpour soaked the my mistakes, and, regardless of the treat­
Connaughts, together with Rob Walker’s circuit, already liberally coated with oil and ment it received, always remained user-
private Connaught. Stirling built up a good rubber, and I spun off where the road was friendly.
lead with the vastly improved Vanwall, but crossed by tramlines. It took me ages to
both of the Scuderia Ferrari entries retired bump-start the car on my own and I eventu­ Roy signed up to drive for BRM in 1957, but
and Flawthom was also eliminated. ally finished third behind Schell (works withdrew from the team at Monaco once he
After a poor start I came through to take Maserati 2 5 OF) and Simon (works Gordini), learned that the team had been tampering with
second place from Archie Scott-Brown but I had the consolation of setting a new the disc brakes - despite assuring him that they
(works Connaught) and we battled it out, lap record of 91.35m ph (147.07kph). had left all work on the brakes to the maker,
swapping places lap after lap, each of us From Caen we travelled on directly to Lockheed. He also drove Vanwalls in two races
with complete confidence in the other’s compete in the Italian Grand Prix held on when Stirling Moss was unfit to take part. He
driving. I was ahead of Archie on lap 49 the Monza combined road and banked had been a member of the Cooper team since
when a drive-shaft seized, the back end of track circuit. The banking was very bumpy 1956 and in 1958 finished third in the British
the 2 50F locked up, I hit the bank at Stowe and gave all the cars a bad hammering. My Grand Prix and second in the German race.
and the Maserati overturned. I was badly 250F was plagued by minor problems and He had continued to drive works Aston
bruised, injured a knee, burnt my left arm I finished 11th and last, but at least I Martins and won at Le Mans in 1959 with
on the 2 5 0 F ’s exhaust and was concussed. finished. My last race with the 2 50F was at Shelby as co-driver. In later years he drove
1 was racing again by the end of May, but Brands Hatch in October and in a short 19- Lolas in Grand Prix racing fo r the Bowmaker
the 2 5 0 F had to be rebuilt at the factory yet mile (30km) race I finished third behind team, raced extensively in British events fo r
again and it was not ready to race until the the works Connaughts of Scott-Brown and ‘Tommy’ Atkins and in 1962 won the Coppa
British Grand Prix in July. Lewis-Evans. Inter-Europa at Monza with a works Aston
My performance in the British Grand Prix For a number of reasons my years with Martin DB4GT Later he was involved in the
was probably my best that year. Although Gilby Engineering had come to an end. development of the Ford GT40 and became
caution about an engine misfire resulted in Because my car business was expanding it Cooper racing manager in 1965.


BRUCE HALFORD maintain, as you needed a mechanic for
Private 250F Owner, 1954-1956 both. You were not getting that much start­
ing money, but you were getting about two
As a private owner operating on the most limited o f means and dependent for survival on starting and a half times as much for a single-seater
money, Halford provides a complete contrast with the well-financed private teams. The sheer determi­ as you would for a sports car. So I decided
nation o f his efforts made him greatly respected by the Grand Prix ‘circus’ and he also received good to see whether I could get a single-seater
‘copy’from the British magazines. He was born on 18 May 1931 and educated at Blundells School. and the only one that an independent
His parents ran hotels in Bournemouth before moving to Torquay where they bought and ran the could sensibly buy, with any hopes of
Warberry hotel. getting anywhere, was a Maserati 250F. So
my dear mama, who was a canny Scots lady
My family ran hotels in the Torbay area. I — found it tough-going. He decided to buy and always had a couple of bob tucked
worked in the business. I was 22 in late a sports car and purchased an ex-works away, helped me and I bought Bira’s
1953 when I bought a Riley TT Sprite simi­ Aston Martin DB3S from Peter Collins. So Maserati at the end of 1955.
lar to that raced by Mike Hawthorn in his there was no longer room in the team for This car was chassis number 2 5 0 4 and
early days. I competed with this car in 1954 me and I had to make my mind up whether Horace Gould, who was a good mate of
at circuits such as Ibsley, Davidstow and to get a proper jo b or, by hook or by crook, mine, drove it in two or three races when
Silverstone and I drove it on the road to and buy myself a car to race that would be self­ he was thinking of buying it. He was then
from meetings. I remember that once when financing. made a better offer by the factory for one of
I was competing at Silverstone I stayed at Sports cars and single-seaters cost about their ex-works cars, 2514. So the Bira car
the Randolph Hotel in Oxford - so finances the same to buy and about the same to came back on the market. My father carried
could not have been that bad.
In 1954, when I still had the Sprite, a In the 1956 British Grand Prix, Brace Halford with his 250F leads Francesco Godia-Sales (works
local lad, Tom Kyffin, formed Equipe Devone. 250F) and Herrmanos da Silva Ramos (straight-eight Cordini). Halford retired because of piston
He had ju st come out of the navy where he failure. (T.C. March)
had reached the giddy height of ABS (Able
Bodied Seaman ). He got it all wrong; he had
looked at all these garagistes who were
racing. They had been successful garagistes
before they started racing. He got together a
racing team and then thought that he had
better become a garagiste and he set up
Torbay Speed Shop.
Kyffin had two single-seater Mark II
Cooper-Bristols and a sports version. I
pushed and pushed him to let me drive one
of the cars. His second-string driver had, I
understand, been one of his officers in the
navy, but he left Kyffin for whatever reason
and I took over his car. This single-seater
had been converted to look like a Ferrari for
a film and almost always overheated. We
raced every weekend from late 1954
onwards and I have no recollection of just
how many races we competed in. I accumu­
lated a vast amount of experience in a very
short space of time.
By the end of 1955 even Tom, who had
been left a lot of money in a trust fund - his
mother was one of the Wills tobacco sisters


out the negotiations with Bira together with problems with the car. If, for example, I was home, I paid him £1 a day in England and
his solicitor who kept an office in Admiralty. short of a carnet and wanted to compete at £2 a day if we were abroad. He could live
My father kept referring to me as ‘my little Pau, Moncalieri would go down there with on this - and pay for his hotel - and still
boy’ - I was 25 at the time! I flew out to his set of stamps and change the numbers put his wages in the bank. The Vanwall
Nice to see Bira. W hen we met and I stood to match one of the works carnets - it was mechanics and people like that were all
towering over him in my military British as easy as that. Maserati had an incentive, getting the same sort of money.
warm, he simply said, ‘My little boy!’ for all the work was done on credit and if I The bills from Maserati were on credit
We drove to Modena in the car belonging couldn’t compete, I couldn’t pay the bills. and Ugolini, the team manager at the time,
to Bira’s wife, an Aston Martin DB2/4 I contacted Ken Gregory, Stirling Moss’s would have a note from me to say that he
which had a gold plate on it stating that it racing manager, and asked him if he would could pick up my starting money; he
belonged to ‘Her Royal Highness Princess manage me. He agreed, but in fact he never subtracted what I owed Maserati and paid
Ceril Birabongse’. We stopped off at all the actually did and the one good thing that he me the rest. W hat held me back in my
little circuits, like San Remo on the way, but did do was to get me a mechanic. I teamed career was that I could not afford to blow
did finally make Modena. W hen we arrived up with Tony Robinson who was Moss’s up the 2 5 0 F ’s engine. I did not rev it above
there Bira, who spoke fluent Italian, con­ second mechanic to Alf Francis and we are 7,000rpm , while everybody else was
ducted all the conversations with Gianluigi still good chums today. He was never given revving their private cars to 7,600rpm for
Moncalieri who was the secretary and enough credit for the work he did, for he which they were designed. By 1957 the
finance director of Maserati at the time later designed cars for the British Racing works cars were being revved to 8,400rpm .
(he was company secretary, 1940-74 - AP). Partnership and in some ways he was better Other private owners would blow past me
I think that Bira owed them money and had than Alf Francis. I wasn’t sure that one on the straight and I had to make it up
to square up. mechanic would be enough, so I got hold through the comers.
So we went and looked at the 25 0 F of a local lad and off we set to do the 1956 It was a decision I had to make. Did I rev
which was patently no tatty old wreck. It season. Before that we fitted a right-hand the engine to 7,600rpm , hoping that it
had had a very good rebuild and at that throttle in place of the usual Maserati would hold together and I would finish in
time was to the latest specification. It had central throttle. the first five - which I was quite capable of
the sloping head on it rather than the My first race was the Aintree ‘2 0 0 ’ which doing - or did I save the engine? Later, in
straight head. I didn’t try it out at the time, was a total catastrophe. I had been running 1957, I wanted to run on nitro-methane
there was no point, a Maserati 25 0 F was a with Jack Brabham who was driving the ex- fuel additive, as the works did, but
Maserati 250F, and I knew what they would Owen Organisation 250F. He had a tank Berlocchi pointed out that I could not
do. Bira was obviously very anxious to get strap come loose and I was trying to gestic­ afford it, as it would have meant an engine
rid of this car and on the way back to Nice I ulate to him that he had a bit of a problem. overhaul after every race. I received free oil
rang my father from a restaurant at Monte I was not concentrating on my driving and and fuel and a discount on tyres, but that
Carlo. I told him that the car was fine and went into the wall at the bottom of the was all I got in the way of subsidies.
he said, ‘Right, we’ll do a deal.’ So that was straight. The car was badly bent, so it was The car was repaired in time for me to
that. I bought the lot for £ 2 ,5 0 0 , the car, back to the factory where 2 5 0 4 received a drive it in the North Staffs Car Club meet­
the transporter, the spares and even Bira’s new chassis and I received a big bill. I saw ing at Oulton Park on 9 June. I was entered
hat in a hatbox. The problem was that at them building up the chassis on a surface in a seven-lap Formule Libre race, but
this time if you bought a car like this in plate - there were no jigs. Both the because of the small number of entries it
England, it would come out at about mechanics went to Modena and the car had was combined with a l,5 0 0 c c sports car
£ 1 0 ,0 0 0 with import duty and purchase another total rebuild which I didn’t think it race over the same number of laps. I
tax. The moneys for the 2 5 OF changed needed. I had to borrow the money off the finished third behind the Cooper-Climax
hands in England, but I don’t want to say family. cars of Les Leston and Mike MacDowell
much about this. I had vowed that I would make my racing passing Brian Naylor (Maserati 15 OS) as he
The car was chassis number 2 5 0 4 , which pay for itself and that I would pay back to slowed on the last lap. I won the Formule
had also been used for the A6GCM with the family what I owed them and I did this. Libre category. I also took part in a ten-lap
250F engine that Bira had raced early in Starting money averaged about £ 2 5 0 and handicap, but it was shortened to seven
1954, so at one time there were two we lived very frugally. The standard money laps after the race had started which made
Maseratis with the same chassis number in at this time for a racing mechanic was £ 1 0 a nonsense of the handicapping and no
existence. Even so, there were never any week and when Tony was away from his results were published.


Next came the Ain tree ‘1 0 0 ’ race on 24 The 1958 International Trophy at Silverstone: Bruce Halford (on the outside, number M) and
June. Archie Scott-Brown with a Connaught Joakim Bonnier (number 11) with their 250Fs lead Stuart Lewis-Evans and George Wicken, both
led initially, but retired early in the race. I with Formula 2 Coopers. Halford finished at the tail of thefield in 16th place. (T.C. March)
finished third behind Horace Gould
(Maserati) and Bob Gerard (Cooper-Bristol). nudged me or not, but I ended up in the the middle of nowhere. I was kept waiting
It made me some money. I always liked ditch. Spectators came over and pushed me in the corridor like a naughty boy while
Aintree because I had a school chum who back into the race. they had a meeting. They eventually
was under-manager at the Adelphi Hotel in I was shown the black flag, then I got the decided they would fine me the equivalent
Liverpool and I always had a bit of fun there. red flag and all the British spectators were of sixteen quid.
Another British race followed, the 12-lap making signs at me to carry on. I was think­ Then I had to find my way home which I
event for unlimited capacity sports and ing here I am in fourth place in my first managed to do. I thought that Dean
racing cars at a BRSCC meeting at Mallory International Grand Prix - they can’t take Delamont of the RAC would be the next
Park on 7 July. Bob Gerard with his Cooper- that away from me, but of course they did. bloke I had to deal with. Alan Collinson,
Bristol led throughout, but once I had The exhaust had fallen off the 250F and who was the racing manager of Ferodo, said
fought my way clear of Reg Bicknell (Lotus landed in front of me. The car was burning he would take me to lunch with Dean. This
Eleven) I closed to 4.4sec behind the pure methanol, I was breathing in the he did and I explained everything to Dean
Cooper and took second place. Next came fumes and I felt rough. After I pulled out of and that was the end of the matter, thank
the British Grand Prix, but at Silverstone I the race, people asked me how I was feeling goodness.
retired because of piston failure and this and I told them that I didn’t feel too good. Caen was always a happy hunting ground
meant another fairly large bill, as well as They urged me to play it up with the for me and I used to give the car a few more
non-starting at Snetterton the following ACVD, who were making a fuss about me revs there than at other circuits. I was in
weekend and so losing out on starting ignoring the flags, and this was what I did. third place when I crashed — it wasn’t a
money. I did think that I would lose my licence. heavy crash, the track was very slippery, I
I had secured an entry for the German For the whole of the time that I was Grand slid into the barriers and couldn’t restart.
Grand Prix and I drove really well, getting Prix racing, I didn’t even have a private car. I We moved on to the Italian Grand Prix
up to fourth place, but I got pushed out of used to drive around in the transporter, but on the combined banked track and road
it. Fangio came up behind me in his Lancia- it had to go off to Caen for the next race. circuit at Monza. The banked track was very
Ferrari and I could hear his engine noise Anyway the Secretary of the Automobile bumpy and bounced you about in the seat
above that of my Maserati. I tried to get out Club von Deutschland took me to this above the airstream. In the ordinary way
of his way and I don’t know whether he meeting that was held in some Schloss in that big Perspex screen on the Maserati was


very effective in keeping the air off you. I bought at the border of each country, one I was back in action at Naples two weeks
retired with valve trouble, but we only reck­ to get in and then one to get out again. later where the entry included a full Ferrari
oned on finishing 50% of the races entered. My first race in 1957 was the Syracuse team. An odd feature of the Posillipo circuit
In my time with the 25 0 F it dropped valves Grand Prix in Sicily in early April. It was at Naples was that there were parts of the
on a couple of occasions and this is why I three days’ and three nights’ solid driving course that were so narrow that overtaking
never wore ear plugs. If a valve dropped I from Torquay in my transporter, an old was prohibited. Unusually racing also took
wanted to be the first, and not the last, to Royal Blue coach. This would only do place in an anti-clockwise direction. The
know. In that way I twice managed to stop 38m ph (61kph) flat-out and Tony was not Ferraris took the first three places and I
before too much damage was done and so too good at driving at night, so he drove finished sixth, which was not too bad,
saved the engine. All it needed then was a during the day and I drove at night. There except like the majority of Continental
liner, a piston and a rod. were no motorways at all in those days. We races, prize money was only paid down to
Maserati told us that the problems had used to go down the Adriatic side of Italy as third place.
been caused by a bad batch of valves. The the roads were better than on the At Le Mans I was entered to drive a
valve stem stretched until it wouldn’t close, Mediterranean side and it was an absolute Maserati-engined Talbot with Belgian 500cc
the piston hit the valve, bent it a little so pig of a drive. The usual starting money was driver André Loens. There were two cars
that it closed even less and ultimately about £ 2 5 0 and the maximum I got for any entered and I had carried out all the testing
nibbled a hole in the top of the piston, as race was £ 5 0 0 . I can’t remember exactly on them. They were the same Talbots that
well as having gone off song. By that time I how much we were paid at Syracuse, as it had gone quite well the previous year, but
had enough experience to realise that I was came in a great handful of lire that made they were now sponsored by André
losing a valve. W hat Maserati didn’t actually you feel a millionaire, but I think that it was Dubonnet. All the money had been spent
tell us was that if the clearances closed up, a bit over £250. on putting on very pretty new bodies built
we should throw the valves away and put In practice we had trouble and the engine by Campagna in Modena and modelled on
some fresh ones in. had gone-off song. The 250F engine had no that of a sports Stanguellini. Nothing else
My last event in 1956 was a short gaskets and if it overheated, the head had been done to the cars since 1956. The
Formula 1 race at Brands Hatch in October warped. Tony decided that he would have original intention was to use a new type of
and there I finished sixth behind two the head off. We used to carry with us two Dubonnet brake - he was of course the
Syracuse Connaughts, Salvadori’s Maserati great 1 bin-thick pieces of glass, one of designer of Dubonnet independent front
and another two Syracuse Connaughts. which was scored and one of which was suspension - but his design had been over­
The 25 0 F still had the original 1954 smooth. We used the scored glass as a taken by the success of disc brakes and was
body, which showed it to be an old dog. So grinder and the smooth glass to blue the never fitted to the Talbots.
I had a local bodyshop in Torquay build me head up. Tony worked all night, but 15 laps The team was headed by pre-war racing
new body parts including a bonnet with the from the finish the engine dropped a driver and Talbot man Freddie Zehender.
NACA-type ducts that Maserati were using bloody valve. He was convinced that with these sleek,
in place of the original bonnet with louvres A fortnight later I was in action at Pau aerodynamic bodies the cars could do
to make it looked newer than it actually and the gearbox broke when I was in fifth 200m ph (322kph) down the Mulsanne
was. That was the big tune-up for 1957. place. This was unusual because I had a 4- straight if they had a high enough axle ratio.
We were very worried about bringing the speed ’box which had a high first gear and So the team had put in such high rear axle
car home in case we were nicked by the was very tough. I could never be brutal ratios that the cars could not get off the
Customs & Excise for having no carnet. with it enough to do a decent start. With line. All you could do was to run the engine
Hans Tanner, who used to write for Motor- 54gal (2451) of methanol on board at the up to maximum revs and then gently ease
Racing magazine and lived in the same hotel start of a Grand Prix, what you were meant the clutch in. We knew that the buggers
as I did when in Modena, had a Swiss pass­ to do was to give the engine a lot of revs, were not going to get off the line, although
port and I spent most of the year taking the drop the clutch and get the back wheels Zehender would not accept this. It seemed
car round on a Swiss carnet - for which a spinning. Every time you did it, you bent that he was more interested in spending
small sum of money changed hands. The the half-shafts. You would get through the Dubonnet’s money. The team did every­
carnet was in effect an identification pass­ race, but you had to replace the half-shafts thing at Le Mans in great style and catering
port for the car. I could not get a carnet in afterwards. The latest cars had a 5-speed was by Maximes of Paris who had brought
England. We did much the same thing with gearbox, but I could never afford the their little Citroën van to the circuit.
triptyques (International passes), which we new ’box. Loens tried to persuade Zehender that he


should weld a piece of chain from the chas­ A satisfactoiy tail-piece fo r this book, if not fo r Bnxce Halford. He was entered with this 250F, chassis
sis to the rear axle. At least, he said, that 2514, belonging to Horace Gould in the Gold Cup race at Oulton Park on 26 September, 1959, but
will get us off at the start, even if we can’t non-started because of mechanical problems. As it can be seen, the car is fitted with a 1957-style
restart later. It was the only thing that bonnet and carburettor air intake. It was the last appearance by a 250F at a British Formula 1 race.
would stop us looking like a pack of idiots. (Jim Evans)
As it was, with such high gearing and no
torque-tube the axle would be twisted into was backing off and backing off in case the club, aided and abetted by the clerk to the
a ball until it knuckled against the prop- engine blew sky-high. I had problems council, and they usually didn’t start doing
shaft and the car stalled. Zehender would during the race, although I can’t remember anything about the race until about a
have none of this, but it was eventually what they were, and I made a pit stop. At month before it was held.
agreed the day before the race that one of the finish I was in 11th place, but too far I next ran at Caen at the end of July and I
the cars would be scratched. We did hope behind to be officially classified. always did well there. It was, I think, just
that after we had stalled a couple of times at My next race should have been the before the 1957 race that we had trouble
the start, the organisers would let a couple British Grand Prix at Aintree, but for some with the Royal Blue coach. It had mn a bear­
of fellows give us a push, but they wouldn’t reason I didn’t get an entry. It was pretty ing up in the Alps somewhere on its way
and so the car stayed on the line. grim not getting any entry for my own from Modena and when Tony finally
Afterwards I had to go to M. Dubonnet’s Grand Prix, but there was nothing I could managed to get hold of me, he told me that
house to get my money and it was all very do about it. One of the problems as an all we could do was hire a truck. The only
embarrassing. By then Freddie Zehender independent was that there was no way of problem was that the cost was going to be
had disappeared. guaranteeing that you would get an entry. I more than the starting money. So I went to
The French Grand Prix in 1957 was at had to sort out my entry and do a deal for see the secretary of the meeting, M. Achat
Rouen, a race that I missed, but I ran in the starting money by telegram when I was of the Automobile Club de VOuest, and
non-Championship Reims race the follow­ entering Continental races, as I did not persuaded him to increase the starting
ing weekend. I remember the circuit well. speak enough of any of the languages to do money so that we had enough to cover the
On the very fast straight down to Thillois it by telephone. Minor Grands Prix were cost of the tmck.
comer the revs were screaming away and I usually organised by the local motoring Tony finally arrived at the circuit in this


open truck - he didn’t even have a seat and coming off the mountain and a long pits thing had gone wrong, although I can’t
was lying in the back with a tarpaulin over straight in the middle of which they had remember what it was.
him and what few spares and tools he could put a chicane. It was as hot as hell - you Before the start of the 1958 season Tony
find room for. I finished third behind Jean couldn’t walk on the beach without shoes - came to see me and said, ‘Boss, Ken
Behra’s works BRM and Roy Salvadori’s and the race started at 9.30am to miss the Gregory’s offered me a job with BRP I’ll
works Cooper. I had earned some money, so heat of the day. never leave you, but it’s a marvellous
we had a decent dinner that evening and we It was as far as I can remember the only opportunity. ’ BRP or British Racing Partner­
then set of for the Nürburgring and the time that the works Maserati team took ship was a new team set up by Ken and
German Grand Prix. spare engines and changed them before the Stirling Moss’s father, Alfred. I told Tony,
I was persona non grata at the German race race. At least I was there and there were not ‘Off you go lad. W e’re reaching the end of
and I didn’t have an entry. I travelled there that many people who can say that. I went the road with this Maserati.’ I found a new
with Jenks and his lady friend in his little really well and I was in sixth place when the mechanic who was quite happy to live the
Porsche 356. The French lorry drivers could­ differential broke at half-distance. Stirling same way as Tony did.
n’t take the Maserati any further than the Moss won his second Championship Grand We had overhauled the car and carried
border and when we arrived there we saw Prix with the Vanwall from the Maseratis of out the latest modifications. For 1958 the
Tony sitting on his toolbox by the side of the Fangio and Harry Schell. Maserati had to be adapted to run on
road with the car. But he and the border We then moved on to Monza for the ‘Avgas’ (100/130-octane aviation fuel) and
guards had organised it all and a German Italian Grand Pnx and in this race I didn’t this meant rebuilding the engine with new
lorry came to pick us up and take us to the drive my own car. Someone called John du pistons, larger valves and a lower compres­
’Ring. I finally grovelled my way into the Puy owned 250F number 2521, a 1956 sion ratio. The great thing about the
race, but the bastards would only pay me works car, and was looking for a driver at methanol that we had been using was that
£ 1 0 0 starting money, to teach me a lesson. Monza. De Graffenried was acting on his it ran cool. To get any power out of it you
In fact I was sitting on the grid before they behalf and asked at the factory if they knew had to use a very high compression ratio
finally came and told me that I could start. I of someone who would drive it and share and it made the car a bugger to start. What
finished 11th after grinding the 25 0 F into the starting money. Maserati suggested me the power output was on Avgas’ I never
the deck for 311 miles (500km ). Still, it and as I had been offered very good starting knew, after all I was only a customer of the
hadn’t been a bad race and I had been faster money for the International Trophy at factory, and they never told me. I doubt
in practice than both Gould and Godia- Silverstone the following weekend, I think however if my 250F ever produced more
Sales, whose 250Fs were more modem and that it was £5 0 0 , the offer for Monza seemed than 220bhp.
to a more up to date specification. a very good deal and enabled me to save my By 1958 I was well into sports cars and I
Then it was back across the Alps and car. 1 was running well in ninth place when was driving a Lister-Jaguar, HCH 736,
down the Adriatic coastline of Italy to the it went off-song because a valve cam had entered by Dick Walsh who had been one
Pescara Grand Prix which, in 1957 only, broken. Moss won his third Championship of Tom Kyffin’s mechanics. He had been my
was a round in the World Championship, race of the year with the Vanwall. second mechanic when I started racing the
following the cancellation of the Belgian and The Silverstone race had been postponed 250F, but he wasn’t very good and I had to
Dutch races. It was a terrific road circuit, from its usual date in May because of the sack him. The car later became known as
15.9 miles (25.6km ) long, very fast and Suez crisis in late 1956 and the petrol the ‘flat-iron’ because of the shape of the
even faster and more exciting in pre-war rationing that followed it. I drove a good body built by Maurice Gomm, it still had
days before they put the chicanes in. I dare race, finishing fifth in my heat and seventh the 3.4-litre D-type engine, rather than the
not risk much practice with the 250F. I had in the final. We ran at Modena eight days more powerful 3.8, and it was the first non­
to do three compulsory laps to qualify and later. It was convenient anyway because we factory Lister-Jaguar approved by Brian
on this occasion I was, unusually, slower always spent the winter there. Modena was Lister. At British meetings I would some­
than all the other 25 0 F drivers. of course the home of Ferrari, Maserati, times drive both it and the 250F.
To leam the circuit I went round and Stanguellini and others so this race was a I also drove it at Le Mans where it was of
round in the Royal Blue. It was a typical road celebration for the town-folk more than course fitted with a 3-litre engine. The entry
circuit, with ju st a few straw bales and no anything else. I drove my own 250F, was in my name and I managed to obtain it
armco or other protection. It went through although some records say that I was at the because of my friendship with Raymond
two villages, turned right in the middle of wheel of du Puy’s car. I finished seventh, Achat of the Automobile Club de l’Ouest. My
them, there was a very, very long straight pushing the car across the line, so some­ co-driver was Brian Naylor. During the race


we replaced a broken camshaft - the Jaguar Cooper-Bristol. You could throw that about
mechanics looking after Duncan Hamilton’s how you wanted to and get it all back
D-type took 25 minutes to diagnose the under control again. The 2 5 0 F had to be
problem and we took 2 0 minutes to change driven with more respect and precision. It
it - and I virtually rebuilt the gearbox out probably took me a season to learn to drive
on the circuit. Although we were well down it properly, even though I could never drive
the field in 15th place, we were the only a 2 5 0 the way Fangio did!
drivers ever to finish the 2 4 hours’ race with In many ways the Lister-Jaguar was the
a 3-litre Jaguar engine. same, not with the best handling, but with
Years later I was sitting in my caravan at handling that the driver could fully exploit.
an Historic meeting with ‘J en k s’, having a At the end of 195 8 Walsh sold his Lister to
wee jar, when ‘Lofty’ England of Jaguar the Border Reivers team for Jim Clark to
passed by. We hailed him in to have a chat drive. I joined the works Lister team along­
and a jar. I mentioned what a catastrophe side Ivor Bueb in 195 9 and I also drove a
the 3-litre engine had been and he said that Formula 2 Lotus 16 for Portsmouth car
the problem had been the titanium con- trader Jo h n Fisher. At Snetterton in
rods. Even to ‘J en k s’ it came as a complete September BRM offered me a drive in a P25
surprise that Jaguar had been using tita­ Grand Prix car in the Silver City Trophy at
nium ’rods as far back as that. Snetterton and I took third place behind
My first race in 195 8 with the 2 5 0 F was Ron Flockart with another BRM and Jack
at Goodwood on Easter Monday, but I had Brabham with a Cooper. I never heard from
problems and finished 11th and last, too BRM again.
far behind to be classified. Then came the During 196 0 I shared an Ecurie Ecosse D~
Aintree ‘2 0 0 ’ where I retired because of type Jaguar at Le Mans with Ron Flockhart
a puncture and next the International and we were running steadily in fourth
Trophy at Silverstone. I ran well in practice place when the crankshaft broke. I also
with what was now ‘an old nail’ and started drove Coopers that year for Somerset trader
from the fourth row of the grid with a big Fred Tuck and Yeoman Credit. I pulled out
field. I finished 16th overall, but the race of racing at the end of the year to concen­
included Formula 2 cars, and I was 11th trate on earning a living. I did however
Formula 1 car. share the Ecurie Ecosse Cooper Monaco at Le
I didn’t run with the 2 5 0 F again until the Mans in 1961 with Tom Dickson, but
Caen Grand Prix in July and again I took during the second hour I lost control at
third place, behind Moss (Cooper-Climax) speed on a very slippery track at the
and Joakim Bonnier with another, more Dunlop curve past the pits. The car hit the
recent 250F. It was my last outing with my bank, somersaulted, I was thrown out and
250F. It was a good note on which to end was lucky to escape with bad abrasions.
my career with the car. I sold it to a New Later, I competed very successfully in The late Bruce Halford, seen in Maserati days
Zealand fellow who raced intermittently for Historic Racing with two different Lotus in front o f the ec-Royal Blue coach that he used
Lister, Ross Jensen. He paid £ 7 5 0 , but on 16s that I owned. as a transporter. (Guy Griffiths Collection)
the basis that he brought it back to
discharge the carnet - which he did. The full account o f how Tony Robinson over­ Brixham trawlers and supervised the restora­
The 2 5 0 F had the sort of handling that came the problem o f transporting the 250F tion o f a form er Biixham lifeboat. For many
enabled a driver to show how good he was. from the French Alps to Caen and then the years he and his wife ran the Lord’s Cafe at
It was beautifully balanced, it power-over- Nürburgring in 1957 is told by Denis Jenkinson Princetown next to Dartmoor prison. Sadly his
steered and if you took your foot off the on Pages 9 2 -9 7 o f A Story of Formula 1 only son Peter was killed in a road accident and
accelerator it gently understeered back (Grenville Publishing Company, 1960). After he his wife Patsy died shortly afterwards. Bruce
under control. It did however take me some gave up racing Bruce Halford concentrated on died o f leukaemia in December 2001, not long
while to get used to the Maserati after the the hotel business and sailing. He owned several after this interview was recorded.


Chapter 18

Cameron Millar’s
Maserati 250Fs
great M aserati e n t h u sia st and Patron at Modena, supplied him with many of the Of the cars built, three are of the T1 type

A (formerly President) of the Maserati drawings needed.

Club, Cameron Millar’s construction of a Not long after Millar bought the inven­
(the original 1 9 5 4 -5 6 design), four are T2s
(1957 Lightweight-type) and three are T3s
total of ten Maserati 250Fs has given rise to tory from Scuderia Centro-Sud, the Hon. (1958 Super-lightweight or Piccolo-type).
great enthusiasm and also great controversy. Patrick Lindsay crashed his 250F heavily at The last example was completed in 1996.
In his book Directory of Historic Racing Cars Thruxton and sold the remains to Innés All the first eight are recognised for historic
(Aston Publications, 1987) the great Denis Ireland. It was suggested to Ireland that he racing by the Vintage Sports Car Club and
Jenkinson categorises historic cars from should approach Millar about the rebuild, the Fédération Internationale de YAutomobile.
‘Original’ to ‘Duplication’ (by which Jenks as he had many original chassis jigs and, All ten cars were fitted with throttle pedals
meant forgery) and includes a ‘Facsimile’ after giving the matter some thought, on the right.
category into which the Millar cars Cameron expressed a willingness to under­ Some of the detailed information about
undoubtedly fit. take the project. He approached Frank the cars, Cameron Millar will not reveal, as
Cameron Millar’s cars have been given Coltman, who had built early Lotus and he has been planning a book about them
‘CM’ chassis numbers, they were built with Brabham chassis, and asked him if he for some considerable time. However most
support from the factory and all incorporate would undertake chassis construction. He of the relevant details are set out below:
a large number of genuine 2 5 0 F compo­ agreed, provided that Millar supplied the
nents. After he had acquired his first 25 0 F drawings and jigs, and quoted a reduction CM1: Tl-type. Commissioned by two
in the 1960s (and, eventually, a total of five in price of £ 5 0 0 if he ordered two chassis. Americans, Leydon and Reutter, and
spent time in his ownership), Millar made The Lindsay car was rebuilt and is entirely completed in the early 1970s. Original
regular visits with an old bus to the factory original apart from the chassis. 25 0 F apart from the chassis and powered
where he bought a vast quantity of spares. Millar received an approach from two by the engine from 2 5 2 0 blown-up in
At the time Maserati had virtually no Americans and used one of the Coltman- historic racing by Colin Crabbe and rebuilt
demand for these and were happy to sell constructed chassis to build CM1. Event­ at the factory. This engine was bought from
a cylinder head or crankcase for about ually a total of ten cars was built. Although the factory by Millar for around £ 1 ,0 0 0 .
£ 2 5 and a complete rear axle unit for the number of original 250F components The car was returned to the UK and at the
around £50. incorporated varies from car to car, all time of writing is in storage.
In the late 1960s Millar bought the contain a substantial number of 250F parts.
inventory of ‘Mimmo’ Dei’s Scuderia Engine work has been carried out by Cyril CM2: T2-type. Built for David Kergon and
Centro-Sud in Milan, the leading private Embury, apprenticed at Rolls-Royce, who Peter Martin. It was extensively raced by
entrant of 250Fs in the 1950s and operator later worked for BRM and Cosworth. Alan Cottam who had driven very success­
of a large racing drivers’ school in Italy. The Embury continues to build 2 5 OF engines fully in early historic racing with Connaught
inventory consisted of spares amounting to and many 250F drivers use these in Historic A-series ALIO. At the time of writing it is
about five-and-a-half 250Fs, together with racing. Most of the bodies were built by owned by Ian Duncan.
two accident-damaged chassis and a new Grand Prix Metalcraft. Many of their employ­
engine. Millar was able to obtain jigs from ees had worked for Handley Page aircraft, CM3: T3-type. Built for Dan Margulies,
the factory and Cozza, in the drawing office which went into liquidation in 1970. former C-type Jaguar driver and classic car


dealer. It was extensively raced for him by
Richard Bond. Fangio had wanted a 250F,
but Maserati had not been able to afford to
give him one after his 1 9 5 7 season. He
drove CM2 on the Birmingham Grand Prix
circuit, was unable to distinguish it from an
original car and Cameron Millar brokered
the sale of CM3 to him for £ 2 7 5 ,0 0 0 . It
remains in the Fangio museum at Balcarce,

CM4: Tl-type. Sold to a buyer in Italy and

then acquired by new owner. Powered by
250F engine number 2 5 0 5 and fraudu­
lently raced by the new owner with this
chassis number. After a FISA enquiry the
number 2 5 0 5 was removed and the car
returned to its original identity of CM4.
Currently owned by a Mr. Benz and retains
engine 2505.

CM5: Tl-type. There is considerable confu­

sion because two cars have this number for
which no explanation is known, even by
Cameron Millar. Millar supplied the car as a
kit to an old friend, Ray Fielding. Fielding,
who owned a garage at Forres, Morayshire Rob Hall at the wheel of CM10, the last o f the Cameron Millar 250Fs to be built, at the Goodwood
had hill-climbed for many years with cars Festival in 2001. Millar’s fascimiles are painstakingly accurate and were carefully numbered in the
that included the original works HWM- ‘CM’ series in an effort to prevent them being passed off as genuine cars. (Steve Welsh Racing
Jaguar HWM1 (which became YPG8 in his Photos)
ownership) and the only Emeryson-Climax
sports car. He had a Maserati agency at his was raced with great success by Rollason CM9: T2-type. Retained by Cameron
garage. He died in the m id-1990s before- and then sold to Tudovic Lindsay who Millar. It has a new engine apart from
the car was completed and it remains with raced it for many years. some ancillaries. The trans-axle, wheels
his family. and exhaust are all original. Bag-type fuel
CM8: Tl-type. This car was powered by tank with plug-in pipe-line for refuelling.
CM6: T3-type. This is the second CM5 Millar’s last remaining 25 0 F engine and was While building the car, Millar ran out of
which should be renumbered CM6. It supplied to David Sankey. A subsequent cash and came to a deal with Hall and
was built and assembled by Peter Shaw owner stripped the car of its genuine 250F Fowler whereby he supplied parts for the
for Cameron Millar who raced it. It was parts for the building of a fake 250F. Millar construction of CM10 and received
then sold to Bob Graves who raced it exten­ recovered all the remaining components payment sufficient to complete CM9.
sively in France. It was eventually sold to and rebuilt the car with an engine Featured in Auto Italia , November
Peter Gooch who is the owner at the time of constructed by Cyril Embury at a cost of 2001/issue 63.
writing. £ 7 0 ,0 0 0 . It was sold to Robin Lodge who
raced it and then sold on to Swedish owner CM10: T2-type. Built by Ricky Hall and
CM7: T3-type. Originally built for Ted Gunnar Elmgren and track-tested in the Fowler for Australian Clive Smith. Bag-type
Rollason. It is powered by a works experi­ magazine Auto Italia , issue 11. It incorpor­ fuel tank as CM9. Raced very successfully
mental engine with a long-stroke crankshaft ates the fuel tank from ex-Moss 2508. It has in Australia and driven at Goodwood by
giving a capacity of a little over 2,650cc. It now been sold again. Rob Hall in 2 0 0 0 and 2001.


Appendix 1

Dramatis Personae
A guide to the more important personalities
Alfieri, Guilio, 1924-2002 Tavoni at Reims. He was killed when he crashed his cars and he was killed at the wheel of one of these
Bom at Parma, Alfieri joined Maserati on 1 August Porsche sports car at Avus in August of that year. cars in the Carrera Panamericana Mexico road race in
1953, he became chief engineer in 1955 following 1953.
the departure of Bellentani and was responsible for Bellentani, Vittorio, 1906-68
the later development of the 250F, together with the He was bom in Modena and died in Modena. He Borzacchini, Mario Baconin 1899-1933
300S, 150S, 450S and ‘Bird-cage’ sports cars. He worked for Moto Mignon, a motorcycle manufacturer Named Baconin after a Russian revolutionary, but
stayed with Maserati until he was sacked by de in Modena. He joined Maserati on 11 January 1948, after meeting the Italian Crown Prince Umberto at
Tomaso on his take-over in July 1975. He subse­ became head of the Technical Department in 1951 Monza, he changed his first names to Mario
quently worked for other companies including and left the company on 31 May, 1955. His main Umberto. He started racing at the age of 21 and
Lamborghini. achievement at Maserati was the development of drove for both Alfa Romeo and Maserati. He was
the 250F. He worked for Ferrari between 1956 and killed when he crashed his 8C Maserati in the second
Arcangeli, Luigi, 1902-1931 1959. heat of the Monza Grand Prix on 10 September
Bom at Forli, he drove Maserati Tipo 26B and SC- 1933.
2500 cars in 1930. With 8C -2500s he won the Bertocchi, Cavaliere del Lavoro Guerino,
Rome, Monza and Spanish GPs. He joined Scuderia 1907-1981 Campari, Cavaliere Giuseppe, 1892-1933
Ferrari for 1931, but he was killed at Monza that year Bom in Bologna, Bertocchi joined Alfieri Maserati in Known as ll Neger (the ‘black one’) or according to
at the wheel of one of the twin-engined Alfa Romeo 1922 at the age of 15. He rode many times with some sources, El Negher, which was. the same in
Tipo A cars. drivers in the Targa Fiorio and Mille Miglia. He later Spanish. He was an outstanding and exceptionally
became head mechanic and chief tester. In 1974 he popular and Alfa Romeo driver from pre-World War
Ascari, Alberto, 1918-55 joined de Tomaso. As a passenger in a car driven by a One days until 1932. He had great ambitions to be
Son of Antonio Ascari who was killed in a crash with de Tomaso customer, he was killed in a head-on an opera singer. He joined Maserati in 1933 because
an Alfa Romeo P2 in the 1925 French GB He started crash. His son, Aurelio, also worked for Maserati and of tensions and dissension in Scuderia Ferrari between
racing shortly before the outbreak of war and drove a joined De Tomaso. He too was killed as a passenger in Enzo Ferrari and Tazio Nuvolari. He was planning to
6CM, as well as appearing with one of Ferraris a de Tomaso in 1985. retire from racing, but was killed when he crashed his
AutoAvia 815 cars in the 1940 closed-circuit Mille 8C -3000 Maserati in the second heat of the Milan
Miglia. Drove 4CLT/48s for Scuderia Ambrosiana in Birabongse, Prince Bhanubandh, 1914-1985 Grand Prix on 10 September 1933.
1 9 4 7 -4 8 . He joined Ferrari for 1949, was second in Cousin of Prince Chula Chakabongse of Siam (now
the Drivers’ World Championship in 1951 and won it Thailand) who bought him an ERA for his 21st birth­ Casner, Lloyd, 1928-1965
in both 1952 and 1953. Signed for Lancia for 1954, day. He raced three different ERAs, the ex-Seaman Graduate of Miami University, became a civil airline
but their new D 50 GP car was not ready until the Delage and Maserati 8CM 3011 in pre-war days. Post­ pilot. As a Florida car dealer he persuaded the
Spanish GP at the end of the season and was released war he drove 3011 for a short while, then 4CL, Goodyear tyre company to sponsor the Camoradi
to drive 250Fs in the French and British GPs. In the 4CLT/48, Osca V12, Maserati 250F-engined A6GCM team of ‘Bird-cage’ Maseratis in 1960. Continued
1955 Monaco GP his Lancia plunged into the and 250F cars. He retired from racing in 1955. He racing ‘Bird-cage’ Maseratis without Goodyear
harbour because of a locking brake while he was lead­ later ran an airline in Thailand. He returned to the support in 1 9 6 1 -6 2 . He was killed when he crashed
ing the race. He was apparently unharmed, but he UK and died in poverty on Earls Court station in the Maserati-France Tipo 151/1 Maserati at the Le
was killed a few days later while practising with a London. Mans test weekend in April 1964.
Ferrari Monza sports car at Monza.
Bonetto, Felice, 1903-53 Colombo, Giaocchino, 1903-87
Behra,Jean, 1921-1958 Drove as a private owner with Alfa Romeos in pre-war He was bom at Legnano and he joined Alfa Romeo as
Bom at Nice and originally raced motorcycles. Works days. Post-war, he drove for Alfa Romeo (1 9 5 0 -5 1 ), a draftsman in 1924. He became number two to
Cordini driver 1 9 5 1 -5 4 . Drove for Maserati also appeared with the Milano on occasions in 1950. Vittorio Jano in the Design Department and after Jano
1 9 5 5 -5 7 . Joined BRM for 1958, Ferrari for 1959, but He was a member of the works Maserati team in was sacked in 1937 he designed the Alfa Romeo 158
he was sacked after striking team manager Romolo 1 9 5 2 -5 3 . In 1953 he also drove works Lancia sports Alfetta and other racing cars. He became consultant


to Ferrari, joined him at Maranello in 1947 and Maserati in 1975 and is regarded, especially in Italy, Championship. Retired in 1958. Known in Italy as
stayed until Lampredi was promoted over his head. as destroying the marque’s reputation by turning it II Maestro and remains one of the most popular
Returned to Alfa Romeo, where he was responsible into a mass production manufacturer. He ceded drivers in that country.
for the 1952 Disco Volante sports-racing cars, but he control to Fiat in 1991.
also acted as consultant to Maserati, 1 9 5 2 -5 3 , on the Fantuzzi, Medardo, 1908-1986
design of the 250F. Subsequently he designed the Etancelin, Philippe, 1896-1981 Bom in Bologna and joined Alfieri Maserati in 1923.
unsuccessful Bugatti Type 251 Grand Prix car. Bom at Rouen, ‘Fi-Fi’ as he was known, was instantly He became Maseratis in-house coachbuilder and was
recognisable by his cap with the peak worn to the responsible for the majority of bodies on Maserati
Colotti, Valerio, 19 2 5 - back (he was almost a role model for today’s young­ racing cars until the team withdrew at the end of
Bom in Modena and originally employed by Ferrari, sters). He worked in the family wool business and 1957. In 1959 he joined Ferrari to build bodies, but
but joined Maserati to carry out design work on gear­ never devoted himself full-time to racing. did not stay long. Subsequently he worked for the
boxes and transmissions. Left Maserati at the end of He first raced in 1927 with a Bugatti and con­ Tecno company in Bologna. He had built the bodies
1957 and founded Studio Tec-Mec. He built up the tinued to drive Molsheim cars until 1931. He bought for model 250Fs produced by Maserati and used the
space-frame 250F-based Tec-Mec that ran in the 1959 the first Alfa Romeo Monza to be sold to a private same front-end design on the Tecno K250 go-kart in
United States Grand Prix. Colotti was a very success­ owner and raced it between 1931 and 1933. ‘Fi-fi’ 1968. He died in Modena.
ful maker of gearboxes and at the time of writing he raced Maseratis during 1 9 3 4 -3 6 , dropped out of
still works with his son in the technical office of racing in 1937 and returned to race Talbot cars Farina, Dottor Giuseppe, 1906-1966
Colotti transmissions. in 1 9 3 8 -3 9 . He ran Maserati and Delage cars Bom in Turin. His father and uncle ran the Stabila-
in 1 9 4 6 -4 7 and then bought one of the new mente Farina coachbuilding company. He raced
Cozza, Ermanno, 1933- Talbot-Lago GP cars. He was still racing one of these Maseratis for Gino Rovere’s Scuderia Subalpina in
He attended the Technical School in Modena and cars as late as the Gold Cup meeting at Oulton Park 1934—35. He joined Scuderia Ferrari for 1936 and
joined Maserati in 1951. He was apprenticed to in 1954. Alfa Corse in 1938. Raced Alfa Romeos again in
Bellentani, he worked under Bellentani in the Experi­ 1946, but he was sacked from team at the end of the
mental Department, later acted as mechanic at races Fagioli, Luigi, 1898-1952 year after withdrawing from the Milan GP as a protest
and worked in the drawing office at Maserati. He Fagioli was bom at Osimo near Ancona and his against Alfa Romeo choosing which of their drivers
continues to work there on a part-time basis as histo­ family ran a very successful pasta-making business. won the race. He dropped out of racing in 1947,
rian. He has enormous fund of knowledge of all He trained as an accountant before taking up motor but reappeared on the racing scene the following
matters Maserati. racing with a l,1 0 0 c c Salmson in 1925. For 1928 he year and drove Maserati 4CLT/48 cars for Scuderia
acquired a Tipo 26 l,5 0 0 c c Maserati and in 1930 Milano in 1 9 4 8 -4 9 and continued to do so occasion­
De Graffenried, Emmanuel, 19 1 4 - through to the early part of 1933 he was a works ally in 1 9 5 0 -5 1 . He also tested the new GP Ferrari
He was the leading private driver of Maseratis Maserati driver. W hen Nuvolari joined Maserati, and drove it in four races in 1948. He was a works
between 1937 and 1956. He won the 1949 British Fagioli took himself off to fill the vacant seat at Alfa Romeo driver, 1 9 5 0 -5 1 ; he won the first Drivers’
Grand Prix. He also drove Alfa Romeo Tipo 158/159 Scuderia Ferrari. For 1934 he joined Mercedes-Benz World Championship in 1950. He became a works
cars in four races in 1 9 5 0 -5 1 . He tells his own full and moved to Auto Union in 1937. He suffered badly Ferrari driver 1 9 5 2 -5 5 , but was badly injured in
racing story on Pages 2 1 5 -2 2 3 . from arthritis and was forced to retire after only three an accident with à sports car at Monza in 1954.
races for his new team. He did not race again until He was killed in an accident with his Lotus-Cortina
Dei, Guglielmo ‘Mimmo’, 1909-1983 1948 when he made a couple of appearances with a at Chambéry while he was driving to the 1966
Amateur racing driver, became Maserati agent in Maserati, but he became a surprising choice for the French GP
Rome. Ran Scuderia Centro-Sud, which was both a Alfa Romeo team in 1950. He stayed with Alfa
racing drivers’ school and a team entering mainly Romeo in 1951, but drove only in one race. In prac­ Gonzalez, Froilan, 1922-
Grands Prix with 250F Maseratis, but also sports car tice for the 1952 Prix de Monte Carlo 2-litre sports Bom in Argentina and drove in local events before
races. In the late 1950s to early 1960s he possessed a car race he crashed heavily in practice with a Lancia coming to Europe as part of Scuderia Argentina in
vast collection of 250F cars and spares, which were Aurelia GT and suffered head injuries to which he 1950. Works Ferrari driver, 1951 and won the British
sold on mainly to British enthusiasts m the early years succumbed three weeks later. GP He joined Maserati for 1 9 5 2 -5 3 . Returned to
of the 250F in historic racing events. Many ex- Ferrari in 1954, co-drove winning car at Le Mans and
Scudeiia Centro-Sud parts were incorporated in the Fangio, Juan Manuel, 1911-1995 won the British GP He crashed heavily in practice for
series of 250F replicas built by Cameron Millar. Bom at Balcarce in Argentina and raced in local the Tourist Trophy and thereafter raced in the
events before coming to Europe to drive for Temporada series only, apart from 1956 British GP in
de Tomaso, Alessandro, 19 2 8 - 4CLT/48s for Squadra Achille Varzi in 1949. Works which his Vanwall broke a drive-shaft at the start.
Bom in Argentina, de Tomaso raced sports Osca and Alfa Romeo driver, 1 9 5 0 -5 1 (won World Champion­ Now lives in Montevideo, Uraguay.
Maseratis. He married American heiress Isobel ship, 1951). Joined Maserati for 1952, but crashed
Haskell and came to Modena where he set up the de badly at Monza in June and did not race again until Gregory, Masten, 1922-1985
Tomaso car company. He made a large number of 1953. Finished second in the World Championship He was bom in Kansas City. After driving in American
acquisitions of failing Italian companies, including with A6GCMs in 1953, won two races with 250Fs in events, he came to Europe and raced a private Ferrari
coachbuilders Ghia (subsequently sold on to Ford) early 1954, thereafter joined Mercedes-Benz and Monza. In 1958 he drove 250Fs for Scuderia Centro-
and Vignale, motorcycle manufacturers Benelli and stayed through 1955. Won World Championship in Sud and Temple Buell. He raced Maserati ‘Bird-cage’
Moto Guzzi and the one-time BMC-owned Innocenti 1954, 1955 and 1956 (with Lancia-Ferraris). cars for the Camoradi team and co-drove the winning
car company. He acquired a 30% shareholding in Rejoined Maserati in 1957 and won fifth World Tipo 61 at the Nurburgring, 1961.

APPENDIX 1 / 2 3 9
Halford, Bruce, 1931-2001 Maserati, Mario, 1890-1981 Nuvolari, Tazio, 1892-1953
Amateur British driver with ex-Bira Maserati 250F. His He studied at the Fine Arts Academy in Brera, Milan. Bom at Casteldorio, 10 miles from Mantua. One of
full story of racing this car is told on Pages 2 2 9 -2 3 5 . He became a talented and established artist, his first the greatest drivers of all time and undoubtedly the
exhibition was held in 1921, he moved to Bologna greatest Italian driver of the inter-war years. Originally
Mantovani, Ingeniere Sergio, 1929-2001 and he designed the Maserati badge. In 1943 he and raced motorcycles, formed partnership with Varzi,
In 1953-54 raced his own A6GCS as a works car. his wife moved again, to her home town, Novi Ligure, 1 9 2 7 -2 9 , thereafter raced for Alfa Corse and Scuderia
He shared a works A6GCM with Luigi Musso in Alessàndria. Their only son Rodolfo died in 1945. His Ferrari. He had difficult relations with Enzo Ferrari
the 1953 Italian GE He bought his own 250F in work covered a wide field including still life, land­ and in 1933, following the withdrawal from racing of
1954 and ran it as a member of the works team scapes, portraits, male and female nudes and reli­ the Alfa Romeo Monoposti, he left to join Maserati and
from June onwards. He crashed the spare team gious paintings in a variety of styles from literal to raced for them during the remainder of 1933 and in
250F in practice at Turin at the end of March 1955 impressionist. He remains a highly respected and most races in 1934. Nuvolari returned to Scuderia
and it proved necessary to amputate his left leg. He regarded artist and an exhibition of his work in Ferrari in 1935 and despite the strength of the
and his brother ran a large Lancia agency in Milan private collections was held in Canelli, Piedmonte not German opposition achieved some remarkable
until the 1980s. He acted as technical officer to far south of Alessandria in April 2001. successes. He left Scuderia Ferrari in early 1938 and
both the Monza circuit and the Italian Automobile shortly afterwards joined Auto Union with whom he
Club. He was also a consultant to the Maserati Massimino, Alberto, 1895-1975 remained until the outbreak of war. In post-war days
Register. Bom in Turin, Massimino worked for Fiat, Alfa he raced 4CLs for Scuderia Milano, but he was a sick
Romeo, AutoAvia/Ferrari and joined Maserati in man, suffering from emphysema. He died at Mantua
Marimon, Onofre, 1 924-54 1940. He was primarily responsible for the develop­ on 11 August 1953.
Argentinian whose father, Domingo, was a close ment of the improved 4CLT/48 GP car and the 6-
friend of Fangio. First appeared in Europe in 1951, cylinder models that led to the A6GCM Formula 2 Orsi, Adolfo, 1888-1972
drove for Talbot at Le Mans and also occasionally for car. He left Maserati in late 1952 and thereafter Successful Modena-based industrialist. He had three
Scuderia Milano. He raced a sponsored works worked as a consultant for Ermini, Ferrari, children, a son Omer and daughters Laura and Idina.
A6GCM in Argentinian blue and yellow colours in Stanguellini, de Tomaso and Serenìssima. He also He bought Maserati from the Maserati brothers with
1953. He became a works driver proper in 1954 carried out work at Fiat on aero engines. effect from 1 January 1937 and controlled it until its
and unofficial team leader after Fangio left. He was eventual sale to Citroën in 1968. Orsi’s control of
killed when he crashed his 2 5 OF in practice for the Moss, Sir Stirling, 19 2 9 - Maserati lasted almost three times as long as that of
German GE Outstanding British driver of the period from 1948 the Maserati brothers.
onwards. Raced own Maserati 250F in 1954, becom­
Maserati, Cavaliere Alfieri, 1887-1932 ing part of the works team later that year. Drove for Orsi, Dottor Adolfo, Jnr, 1951-
Worked for Isotta Fraschini, founded Maserati spark­ Mercedes-Benz in 1955 (won Mille Miglia accompa­ Grandson of Adolfo Orsi, qualified as a lawyer and is
ing plug company with Trucco in 1918, raced Diattos nied by Jenkinson and was second in World now an expert on all aspects of Maserati. Currently
and acted as consultant development engineer. Championship). Returned to lead Maserati in 1956, writing a book on Maserati touring cars.
Founded Officine Alfieri Maserati in 1926. Died won Monaco and Italian GPs, finished second in the
following a kidney operation in 1932. World Championship and continued to drive works Orsi, Omer, 1918-1980
Maserati sports cars in 1957. Drove in Grands Prix for Son of Adolfo who became managing director of
Maserati, Bindo, 1883-1980 Vanwall (1 9 5 7 -5 8 ) and Rob Walker (Cooper and Officine Alfieri Maserati in 1954. He was in control of
Worked for Isotta Fraschini and joined Officine Alfieri Lotus, 1 9 5 9 -6 2 ). Tested works Maseratis and raced the company during its most successful racing years.
Maserati after the death of Alfieri in 1932. Stayed at sports cars on one occasion. Drove for Camoradi team He suffered ill-health, including kidney problems.
Maserati until the end of 1946 and thereafter and with Dan Gurney won the 1960 Nürburgring
founded OSCA with brothers Ernesto and Ettore. 1000-km race. Retired from racing after a serious acci­ Panini, Dottor Matteo, 1971-
dent with a Lotus at Goodwood on Easter Monday, Father, Umberto, worked with the motorcycle divi­
Maserati, Carlo, 1881-1910 1962. sion of the battery and sparking plug company. The
Worked at Fiat, Bianchi and Isotta Fraschini with family runs a very successful printing business. Panini
whom he had a limited racing career. Musso, Luigi, 1924-58 has close connections with the Maserati factory and
Bom in Rome and raced private A6GCS as a works has a superb collection of Maseratis in his museum at
Maserati, Ernesto, 1894-1975 entry in 1 9 5 3 -5 4 and achieved considerable success the family’s Parmesan cheese farm near Modena.
Joined Alfieri at his original business, Officina Alfieri in Italian sports car races. Shared an A6GCM with Apart from touring cars, the collection includes 6CM
Maserati. Became President on Alfieri’s death and Mantovani in the 1953 Italian GE Became a works chassis number 1545, ex-Camoradi Tipo 61 chassis
stayed with Maserati until the end of 1946. Then Formula 1 driver in mid-1954 and finished second in number 2472 (the 1960 Nürburgring-winning car
with brothers Bindo and Ettore he founded OSCA in the Spanish GE Stayed with Maserati in 1955, but rebodied by Drogo) and ex-Scuderia Serenissime^ Tipo
Bologna. achieved only limited success, including third in 63 chassis number 63008.
Dutch GP and winning the Supercortemaggiore sports
Maserati, Ettore, 1894-1990 car race with Behra. Joined Ferrari for 1956 and had Perdisa, Cesare, 1932-1998
Joined Isotta Fraschini and then joined Alfieri at origi­ close rivalry with Eugenio Castellotti until the latter The Perdisa family was involved in agriculture and
nal Officina Alfieri Maserati. Stayed with Maserati until was killed in a testing asccident at Modena in April publishing and they were friends of the Orsis. Cesare
the end of 1946 when he left to form OSCA with 1957. Musso was killed with a Ferrari Dino in the raced sports Maseratis before becoming a member of
brothers Bindo and Ernesto. 1958 French GP at Reims. the works team in 1955 and he stayed until the end


of 1956. He gave the Orsi family their first German story of racing the 250F is told on Pages 2 2 4 -2 2 8 . was closely involved with ‘Mimmo’ Dei’s Scuderia
Shepherd dog. Perdisa established the magazine After a long and varied racing career he was racing Centro-Sud racing school. He wrote two fine motor
Velocitas in 1956 (it ceased publication in 1964). He manager of the Cooper team when they were running racing books, The Technique o f Motor Racing (1962)
joined Ferrari for 1957, but retired from racing after Maserati-powered Formula 1 cars in 1966-67. and his autobiography Works Driver (1964).
the death of his close friend Eugenio Castellotti in
April 1957. After his retirement from racing he Schell, Harry, 1921-60 Tavoni. Romolo, 1926-
became the Maserati agent in Bologna. He ran the Bom in France to Laury Schell and Lucy O ’Reilly He was bom in Formigine, Modena and worked for
family Calderini publishing company following the Schell, Harry came from a strong motor racing back­ Maserati as a transport administrator in 1 9 4 8 -4 9 . He
death of his father. ground. Apart from racing, he ran a very expensive left to become Secretary to Enzo Ferrari. After Ugolini
but popular bar in Paris. He drove a 4CLT/48 for left, Tavoni became Ferrari team manager.
Peron,Juan Domingo, 1895-1974 Plate in 1951 and the 2-litre Plate-Maserati in 1952.
Argentinian soldier who took a leading part in the He made occasional appearances for Gordini, raced a Ugolini, Maestro Cavaliere Ufficiale Nello,
military coup in 1943. He gained widespread support 250F-engined-A6GCM in early 1954 and drove a 1905-2000
through his social reforms and became President in works 250F in the Spanish GE Harry was a works He was bom at Vignola, Modena in 1905 and in
1946. Peron married his second wife, radio and Vanwall driver in 1 9 5 5 -5 6 , but Tony Vandervell did 1923 became Secretary of Modena Football Club. He
screen actress Maria Eva Duarte de Peron in 1945. not think he was sufficiently thmsting and he was joined Scuderia Ferrari as Team Manager in 1936, but
Juan Peron gave great support to motor racing and it dropped from the team at the end of 1956. He left in 1939 to become head of the Alfa Romeo racing
was because of him that so many Argentinian drivers rejoined the works Maserati team for 1957. Fie was department and personnel manager. He managed
were able to come to race in Europe. His wife (on killed when he crashed his Yeoman Credit Cooper in Modena Football Club in 1 9 4 6 -4 7 and Firenze
whom the musical Evita is based) died in 1952. practice for the 1960 International Trophy at Football Club between 1947 and 1952. He returned
Adolfo Orsi negotiated with Juan Peron for the sale of Silverstone. to Ferrari as team manager in 1952, but in May 1955
large quantities of milling machinery and machine he left Ferrari for reasons that are considered confi­
tools to Argentina on extended credit from 1955 Tanner, Hans, 1927-1975 dential, joined Maserati and remained with them as
onwards. Peron was deposed in 1955 and the new He was bom at Schaffenhausen in Switzerland. He Team Manager until December 1958. In 1959 he ran
government reneged on payment. Peron married became involved in Italian motor racing and lived in a the Scuderia Ugolini team for 250Fs of Marie-Thérèse
Maria Estela Cartas (familiarly known as Isabelita) in hotel in Modena. Tanner was a familiar figure at de Filippis and Giorgio Scarlatti and also managed
1961 and he was re-elected President in 1973 with racing circuits in the 1950s and entered and managed the Bologna Football Club. Thereafter he managed
an overwhelming majority vote, but died the follow­ a number of different cars. He wrote for the British the Torino and Venezia Football Clubs, as well as
ing year. magazine Motor Racing under both his own name and being involved to a certain extent in the racing
the nom de plume of Coche. He was always one of the management of Scuderia Serenissima Repubblica di
Plate, Enrico, 1909-1954 first with information of new developments at Ferrari Venezia. He worked for de Tomaso between 1966 and
Nephew of pre-war amateur driver Luigi Plate, Enrico and Maserati. Tanner wrote a number of books of 1974 when he retired. He died in Modena.
was bom in Milan and was based there throughout which Ferrari became the standard work on the
his life. He formed a team with Emmanuel de marque. He managed the Temple Buell Maserati Villoresi, Luigi, 1909-1997
Graffenried and they raced 4CL and 4CLT/48 Piccolos in late 1958 and early 1959. He took part in Bom in Milan, both he and brother Emilio started
Maseratis, the Plate-Maseratis and A6GCMs very the émigré Bay of Pigs anti-Castro invasion in 1961 their racing with modified Fiats in 1931. From 1937
successfully together until January 1954 when Plate and afterwards became an editor of motoring books Luigi drove Maserati Voiturettes for Scuderia
was killed while standing in front of the pits at the in Los Angeles. He committed suicide in 1975. Ambrosiana and appeared with an 8CTF in both the
Buenos Aires City Grand Prix. Coppa Acerbo and at Donington. His brother
Taruffi, Piero, 1906-1988 became a member of Scuderia Ferrari and was killed
Salvadori, Roy Francesco, 1 9 2 2 - Bom in Rome, he had a long career that included while demonstrating an Alfetta at a reception for Alfa
Bom at Dovercourt near Harwich of Italian parents, driving Scuderia Ferrari entries in the early 1930s, Romeo customers at Monza in 1939. He had become
Roy was often thought to be Italian when he raced in writing off the V5 16-cylinder Maserati at Tripoli in mentor to Alberto Ascari and in post-war days they
Italy. He started racing after the war and among his 1934 and driving the works 4C -2500 at Monaco that both raced Scuderia Ambrosiana 4CLs and 4CLT/48s
early cars were a 4C -1500, which he raced in 1948, year. He signed up with Bugatti in 1935 and became and works sports cars. They ran a transport business
and a 4CL which he leased from Bira in 1949. The Gilera motorcycle racing manager. Taruffi later raced together. Both joined Ferrari for 1949 and stayed
4CL was rammed by an Alta, caught fire and was 6CM and 4CL Maseratis for Scuderia Ambrosiana. In until the end of the 1953. For 1954 Villoresi and
completely burnt out in that year’s Wakefield Trophy early post-war days he was manager, technical consul­ Ascari signed up to drive the new Lancia D50 GP car,
race. He drove Frazer Nash Le Mans Replicas in 1951 tant, tester and driver at Cisitalia. He returned to the but as it was not ready until the Spanish GP Gianni
and following a serious crash at Silvers tone was Gilera concern as racing manager and between 1948 Lancia released Luigi to drive for Maserati. Luigi
expected to die and given the last rites. He recovered and 1957 he broke 37 records with his twin-boom appeared with 250Fs in the French, British and
to drive Ferraris for Bobby Baird, whose family owned Tarf car. Taruffi was a member of the Ferrari team in Italian Grands Prix. The Lanctas were raced in the
the Belfast Daily Telegraph, in 1952, works 1 9 5 1 -5 2 , he drove works Lancia sports-racing cars in early part of 1955, but the team withdrew after
Connaughts in 1953 and began a long relationship 1 9 5 3 -5 4 , he returned to Ferrari in 1955 and signed Ascari’s fatal crash at Monza, primarily for financial
with Aston Martin in 1953. From late 1953 he drove up with Maserati for 1956. In 1957 he won the last reasons. Villoresi resumed racing with Maseratis in
a Maserati A6GCS sports car for Sid Greene’s Gilby Mille Miglia with a Ferrari and it was his 14th appear­ 1956, but retired after a bad crash with a 2-litre
Engineering and a Maserati 250F in 1 9 5 4 -5 6 . His ance in the race. He retired from racing in 1957, but sports car at Rome later that year.

APPENDIX 1 / 241
Appendix 2

Maserati Grand Prix car chassis

3008: 620mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes. Cholmondley Tapper (see Amateur Racing Driver, G.T
The 8C -3000, 8CM -3000 Delivered to Hans Ruesch, Zurich in October 1933. Foulis, circa 1954). Crashed heavily by A.B. Hyde in
and 6C /34 the 1938 German Grand Prix. Kenneth McAlpine
3009: 620mm-wide chassis frame. Mechanical brakes. competed with it for a short while in post-war days.
3001: Engine only installed in a Tipo 26M chassis in Delivered to Mme Nelly Braillard in January 1934 and Subsequently rebuilt as a sports car.
1932 to form 8C -3000. Driven by Campari to a win in driven to wins by Benoit Falchetto in the 1934 Picard
the 1933 French Grand Prix. Sold for 1934 to Eugenio GP and GP de France at Mondhéry. Peter de Paolo 3014: Believed to have 850mm-wide chassis frame.
Siena. crashed heavily with this car in practice for the 1934 Hydraulic brakes. Delivered to Carlo Pedrazzini in
Penya Rhin GP at Barcelona. March 1934. Owner killed at the wheel at Alessàndria
3002: Engine only installed in a Tipo 26M chassis in in April 1934.
1932 to form 8C -3000. Bought by Bernard Rubin and 3010: 620mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes.
driven by Tim Birkin to third place in the 1933 Tripoli Delivered to Philippe Etancelin in December 1933 3015: Believed to have 620mm-wide chassis frame.
Grand Prix, the race in which Birkin burnt his arm on and raced extensively. Sold to Armand Girard in Mechanical brakes. Delivered to Mme Nelly Braillard
the exhaust and subsequently incurred the blood 1935. Displayed at Musée Nationale/Collection in May 1934.
poisoning which proved fatal. Later raced by Austin Schlumpf at Mulhouse.
Dobson. John Crampton raced it in early post-war days. 3016: 620mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes.
3011: The most famous of all 8CMs. 620mm-wide Has been argued that it was the crashed 3 0 0 7 rebuilt
3003: Engine sold to Count Luigi Premoli, Milan and chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes. Delivered to Whitney after Whitney Straight commenced legal proceedings
installed by engineer Egidio Galimberti in a modified Straight in February 1934. Modified by Reid Railton for late delivery of the third car that he had ordered.
Bugatti Type 35 chassis. Known as the PBM (Premoli- with Armstrong Siddeley pre-selector gearbox, stiffened Delivered in May 1934. Written off in Hugh Hamilton’s
Bugatti-Maserati). Premoli competed with it extensively. chassis and strengthened suspension, restyled body fatal crash in Swiss Grand Prix in August 1934 before
with heart-shaped radiator cowl and grille. Originally Reid Railton’s modifications could be carried out.
3004: In factory listing as Off Maserati. Probably never painted white with blue chassis, repainted black later
built, but might have been supplied to Raymond in 1934. Bought by Prince Chula for cousin Prince Eira 3 0 1 7 : Believed not built, as 3 0 1 7 is an unlucky
Sommer in component form for spares. to drive and used by him until early post-war days. number in Italy.
Kenneth McAlpine drove it in sprints, hill climbs and
3005: 620mm-wide chassis frame. Elydraulic brakes. some races until 1950. McAlpine entered it as having a 3018: 850mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes.
Delivered to Raymond Sommer in March 1933 and 3,015cc engine to enable it to compete in unlimited Built as replacement for Nuvolari in place of 3007.
sold on to Piero Taruffi later that year. capacity classes. Later owners included H.C. Spero and Delivered in May 1934. Subsequently fitted with pre­
3006: 620mm-wide chassis frame. Mechanical brakes. Dan Margulies. selector gearbox supplied by Straight. Fitted with
Delivered to Raymond Sommer for Goffredo Zehender, 3,234cc Tipo 6C/34 engine for 1934 Italian Grand
raced throughout 1933 and used for record-breaking 3012: 850mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes. Prix. Restored to 8-cylinder form and now exhibited in
at Montlhéry. Crashed fatally by Chambost in late Delivered to Whitney Straight in March 1934. the Donington Grand Prix Car Collection.
1936. Rebuilt at factory with stainless steel chassis Modified by Reid Railton as above. Rebuilt and fitted
and sports body. with sports two-seater body by Gumey Nutting. 3019: 850mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes.
Rebuilt to single-seater form in the 1960s by Bill Black. Chromium-plated radiator cowl. Delivered to Count
3007: 620mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes. During Whitney Straight’s ownership 3012 was fitted José de Villapadiema in June 1934.
Delivered to Tazio Nuvolari in April 1933. Chassis with the engine from 3011, and 3011 with the engine
boxed and strengthened by Imperia. Nuvolari went off from 3012. David Heiman swapped the engines to the 3020: 620mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes.
the road with it at Alessàndria in April, 1934, broke original chassis when both cars were in his ownership. There are suspicions, mainly because it was a very late
his left leg in two places and the car was badly date for a narrow chassis frame, that it was chassis
damaged. It is debatable whether it was rebuilt and 3013: 850mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes. 3006 rebuilt. Delivered to Count José de Villapadiema
given new chassis number (see below). Delivered to Lord Howe in March 1934. Sold to T.R in June 1934.


3 0 2 1 : Maserati listings reveal nothing of this car, but 4 5 0 2 : Scuderia Subalpina took delivery of this car in Henry Banks drove it again at Indianapolis in 1940,
it could have been the car with Tipo 6C/34 engine September 1935. It passed to Scuderia Torino for 1936 but failed to qualify. George Weaver bought the car
supplied to Josef Bradzil and crashed fatally by him in and in 1937 was sold to George Rand in the United after the war for club racing. He retained the car until
practice for the Masaryk Grand Prix in September States. Enzo Fiermonte drove it in practice for the his death in 1990 and the car was loaned by his
1934. (See Pages 4 8 -4 9 .) 1937 Vanderbilt Cup race, but Wilbur Shaw took widow for an American enthusiast to drive at a VSCC
over the car for the race and finished eighth. Rand meeting at Donington Park. It suffered cylinder head
3 0 2 2 : 850mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes. drove it in minor events in 1938. Deacon Litz damage, was retained at Donington and is now
Delivered in July 1934 to Hans Ruesch. Subsequendy reduced the engine capacity to 3 litres, qualified at displayed on loan in the Donington Grand Prix Car
fitted with 6C/34 engine. Indianapolis in 1939 and retired with valve trouble Collection.
(classified 31st). Ran in minor events and thereafter
3 0 2 7 : 850mm-wide chassis frame. Hydraulic brakes. driven by Hinnershitz at Indianapolis in 1947, but
Said to have been delivered to Piero Taruffi in failed to qualify. It was bought in 1947 by the The Tipo 8CTF
October 1935 to compete in Circuit of Genoa. Granatelli brothers. Walt Brown drove it an
Claimed by Orsini to have modified engine develop­ Indianapolis in 1948, but failed ÿo qualify. In 1949 3 0 3 0 : Works car, 1938 (first appeared Tripoli Grand
ing 312bhp at 6,200rpm and to be a prototype for the Granatelli brothers fitted a 4 /2-litre Offenhauser Prix driven by Felice Trossi). Works car in 1939
8CTF engine (improbable). In lightened form it was engine and new body. The engine was sold to George (Villoresi in German Grand Prix only), thereafter
used by Giuseppe Furmanik for breaking class Weaver. Jim Rathmann drove it at Indianapolis in sold to Laury Schell. Ran at Indianapolis in 1940
records in January 1936. 1949, but failed to qualify. In 1954 the car was and again in 1941, then as Elgin Piston Pin Special.
rebuilt as a sports-racing car, with Chrysler engine Ran at Indianapolis in 1946 as Jim Hussey's Special,
3 0 1 8 : 6C/34. See under 8CM -3000 above. and many other mechanical changes. Later it became ran at Indianapolis in 1947 driven by Snowberger, ran
the subject of long-term restoration. at Indianapolis in 1948 as the Federal Engineering
3 0 2 3 : 6C/34. 3.2-litre engine originally, delivered to Special. Entered at Indianapolis in 1949, but failed to
Gino Rovere, Scuderia Subalpina in December 1934. 450 3 : Philippe Etancelin took delivery of this car in qualify with Sam Hanks at the wheel. Entered at
A 3.7-litre engine was fitted subsequently. February 1936, won at Pau and thereafter raced Indianapolis in 1950 with 3-litre Offenhauser super­
throughout the year without success. After the charged engine by Maserati Race Cars. Remained in
3 0 2 4 : 6C/34 3.7-litre engine, delivered to Hans Vanderbilt Cup, Etancelin sold the car to Henry ‘Bob’ the United States and at the time of writing owned by
Ruesch in February 1935. Topping, Jnr, owner of the New York Yankees. ‘Babe’ Dean Butler.
Stapp drove it at Indianapolis in 1937 by when it had
3 0 2 5 : 6C/34 3.7-litre engine, delivered to Gino the engine supposedly enlarged to 5 litres, a left-hand 3 0 3 1 : Works car, 1938 (first appeared in the Coppa
Rovere, Scuderia Subalpina in March 1935. This car drive sports body fitted and was entered as a Ciano driven by Goffredo Zehender). Works car in
was discovered only recently at the works, as a bare ‘Topping’. The regulations that year also required that 1939 (Pietsch in German Grand Prix only, finished
chassis and with the 4-valve Tipo 6CM engine, cars ran on pump fuel. Stapp qualified, retired third), thereafter sold to Laury Schell. Ran at
number 1558, installed. Drawings for the 6C/34 because of clutch problems and was classified 31st. Indianapolis in 1940. Ran at Indianapolis in 1941
engine are available and Matteo Panoni will be having Stapp drove it, now returned to its onginal form in and 1946 as Elgin Piston Pin Special. Entered at
this car fully restored. the Vanderbilt Cup race that year, but retired because Indianapolis in 1951 by Joe Barzda, but crashed by
of engine problems. Two years later Topping took the Bud Sennett during qualifying. Imported into the UK
3 0 2 6 : 6C/34 3.7-litre engine, delivered to Scuderia car to Hawaii where he used it on his estates with the by Cameron Millar. At the time of writing owned in
Subalpina in April 1935. supercharger removed and a Ford carburettor fitted. the United States b y jo e l Finn.
The car was dismantled in 1945, the components
were shipped to California and the engine was 3 0 3 2 : Supplied to Cotton Henning for Wilbur Shaw
The Tipo V8RI installed in a sprint car for Oval racing. Trevor Harris to drive at Indianapolis in 1939. Arrived in the
used some of the components in an Oldsmobile- United States with cracked cylinder blocks. Replace­
4 5 0 1 : Works car in 1935 driven by Philippe powered sports-racing ‘special’. Later all the parts ment engine supplied and fitted and Shaw won the
Etancelin. He crashed badly at Monza in September were reunited, a British dealer brought them to the race with the car entered as The Boyle Special. Shaw
and the car was completely rebuilt for 1936 with UK in 1977 and the following year Wing-Commander won at Indianapolis again in 1940. In 1941 Shaw led
new independent rear suspension and new body. Douglas Marr put in hand a complete restoration. The at Indianapolis until a wheel collapsed and he
Scuderia Torino bought the car, but it was raced very restoration was completed in 1989 and the car was crashed. Driven into third place by Ted Horn in the
little. In 1937 Alistair and Esmond Bradley-Martin later sold in Germany. 1946 Indianapolis race. Entered as the Bennett
in the United States bought the car. Deacon Litz Brothers Special in the 1947 race and again Horn
drove it in practice for the 1937 Vanderbilt Cup 4 5 0 4 : Raphael Bethenod de Las Casas took delivery finished third. Horn finished fourth with this car
race, but did not start. George Robson drove it with of this car and ran it only in the 1936 Vanderbilt Cup in 1948. Entered at Indianapolis in 1949 by
engine reduced to 4.5 litres and supercharger race. Townsend B. Martin bought the car in the Indianapolis Race Cars Incorporated and retired with
removed at Indianapolis in 1939, but failed to qual­ United States and Mauri Rose drove it in the 1937 Lee Wallard at the wheel. Entered again by the same
ify. Jim Brubaker failed to qualify with the car at Vanderbilt Cup, but retired because of rear axle fail­ team in 1950, but failed to qualify. Entered at
Indianapolis in 1 9 4 6 -4 9 . It was sold in 1950 to ure. Hollis Cheeseman entered it at Indianapolis in Indianapolis in 1951 by Maserati Race Cars, but no
George Weaver and then to Phil Cade. Cade later 1938, but failed to run. Henry Banks drove it as the attempts made to qualify it. Car restored to original
fitted a Chrysler V8 engine and retained the car in Cheeseman-Maserati and with engine reduced to 3 red colour finish and exhibited in the Indianapolis
this form. litres at Indianapolis in 1939, but failed to qualify. Speedway Museum.

APPENDIX 2 / 243
3 0 3 3 : Engine constructed only and supplied to 250 6 : Works team car raced in 1954 by Marimon. 2514: Built in September 1954 for Luigi Musso and
Cotton Henning to replace frost-damaged engine in Sold to Louis Rosier and raced consistently by him. It retained as works team car in 1955. Crashed by
3032. spent a long period in the Henri Malartre museum in Mantovani during practice at Turin in April 1955. It was
Rochetille-sur-Saône and then went to the Schlumpf rebuilt and sold in late 1955 to Horace Gould. It was
Collection. raced by him during 1 9 5 6 -5 8 and then retained. It was
The Tipo 8CL sold to H.C. Spero who raced it in VSCC Historic
2 5 0 7 : Built for Gilby Engineering and raced by Roy events, masquerading as 250F-engined A6GCM chassis
3 0 3 4 : Shipped to the United States after completion
Salvadori, 1 9 5 4 -5 6 , Jim Russell, Ivor Bueb and number 2 5 0 4 as cars built later than 1953 were not, at
in 1940 and driven in the Indianapolis 500 Miles
17-year-old Keith Greene (son of Gilby boss Sid this time, admitted by the Vintage Sports Car Club into
race by veteran Argentinian driver Raoul Riganti who
Greene), 1957. Sold through Performance Cars, Historic racing. It was later sold in Japan.
Brentford to Portuguese collector. Later it was
returned to the UK. 2515: Factory team car for 1955. It was sold to
3 0 3 5 : Completed in 1941 and stored during the war
Scuderia Guastalla in 1956 and driven by Gelino
years. It was shipped to the United States by Scuderia
2508: Built for Stirling Moss and raced by him in Gerini. Bought by Swiss enthusiast Count Ottorino
Milano and driven by Luigi Villoresi in the 1946
1954, becoming part of the works team from the Caen Volonterio in 1957, it was raced little and ultimately
Indianapolis 500 miles race. Shipped back to Europe
GE Fitted with SU fuel injection over winter of sold to Tom Wheatcroft for the Donington Grand Prix
and raced in two events by Villoresi.
1 9 5 4 -5 5 , together with Dunlop disc brakes and Car Collection. At some stage the car was fitted with
magnesium-alloy disc wheels. Entered by Moss in 1957 Lightweight-style body and it is painted red with
The Tipo 250F 1955 for various drivers including Mike Hawthorn, a yellow noseband, colours used by Fangio in some
‘J ohnny’ Claes, Lance Macklin, John Fitch and Bob 1957 races.
There were 3 4 250Fs built (including the Tec-Mec), Gerard. Raced again by Moss in 1956 and then sold
but there have been so many fakes and forgeries that, to Ross Jensen in New Zealand, with paperwork iden­ 251 6 : Factory team car for 1956. This car was sold to
as Matteo Panini has commented, if you gathered all tifying it as 2513. It spent many years in Australia, it Reg Hunt after the 1956 Australian Grand Prix. It was
the 250Fs in the world in one place, there would was returned to standard form, came to England and raced extensively and then imported back into the UK
between 50 and 60 cars present. then the United States. by Cameron Millar. It was sold to Anthony Mayman at
a later date.
2 5 0 1 : Number originally used on 250F-powered 250 9 : Built for Owen Racing Organisation and raced
A6GCM built up for Roberto Mieres. 250F with this by them until the new BRM P25 was ready. It was 2 5 1 7 : Unlucky number in Italy, especially in gambling
number built m id-1954. Works team car 1 9 5 5 -5 7 extensively modified, including the fitting of Dunlop circles. Number not used.
and used as development car. Rebuilt in 1958, re­ disc brakes and magnesium-alloy wheels. It was sold
numbered 2526 and sold to Moto Guzzi factory to Jack Brabham in 1956 and then to New Zealand 251 8 : Streamlined car driven by Behra in the 1955
rider, Keith Campbell. Little raced by him. where Chris Amon raced it. Later it was in a New Italian Grand Prix. It was later seriously damaged in a
Zealand museum. The Schlumpf Collection has a car fire at the works. The surviving components appar­
2 5 0 2 : Number first used on 250F-powered A6GCM numbered 2511 built up with chassis frame 2509. ently stored. It appears that paperwork relating to this
supplied to Jorge Daponte. One of the first two BRM (Ron Flockhart at the wheel) crashed 2504 while chassis was supplied to a German enthusiast who
250Fs raced in the Argentine in 1954 also had this on loan from Bira and chassis frames were swapped. applied it to a CM replica.
number. Later in 1954 this new car was owned and
raced by Sergio Mantovani. Its ultimate fate is not 2 5 1 0 : Chassis number not used. 2 5 1 9 : Built for Luigi Piotti tn 1956. It was sold to
known. Scuderia Centro-Sud in 1958 and raced by Gelino
2 5 1 1 : Factory team car driven by Mantovani. It was Gerini. Was apparently returned to the factory. Parts of
2 5 0 3 : Number not used. sold to Scuderia Centro-Sud. Raced by them exten­ it may have been among those acquired by Cameron
sively and retained, but dismantled. Parts obtained by Millar.
2 5 0 4 : Number used for 250F-engined A6GCM raced Cameron Millar and built up again into 250F chassis
by Prince Birabongse to replace his 250F-engined number 2511. Sold in Japan. 2 5 2 0 : Factory team car for 1956. Sold to Stan Jones
A6GCM. Engine transferred to new 250F with this after the 1956 Australian Grand Prix. Later raced in
number to 250F raced by Bira m id-1954 to mid- 251 2 : Works team car in which Marimon was killed Historic events in the UK and subsequently sold in
1955, then ‘loaned’ to Horace Gould for a few races. in practice for the 1954 German Grand Prix. Rebuilt Italy.
Sold by Bira to Bruce Halford. Fitted with new chas­ and driven by Mantovani. Believed sold by factory at
sis frame at factory after being crashed by Halford. a later date as 2518. It should not to be confused 2 5 2 1 : Factory team car for 1956. Sold to John du Puy,
Raced in New Zealand in 1960 with Chevrolet with the CM jeplica that masqueraded under this American resident in Switzerland. Raced by Jean
engine. chassis number. Lucas, André Testut and, on one occasion, by Bruce
Halford. Sold to Serge Pozzoli.
2 5 0 5 : Driven by Fangio to a win in the 1954 2 5 1 3 : Supplied to Tony Vandervell as rolling chassis,
Argentine Grand Prix. Works team car through 1954. less engine and body, for design study purposes in 252 2 : Factory team car for 1956. Sold to Scuderia
Sold to André Simon and then Joakim Bonnier. Spent connection with Vanwall development. After Centro-Sud in 1957 and they raced it extensively.
a long period at Modena before being refurbished Vandervell’s death and some time after the acquisi­ Formed part of the collection of spares and compo­
and presented to ■the Turin museum as chassis tion of VP Products by GKN, David Sankey, son of a nents bought by Cameron Millar and rebuilt on a new
number 2500. GKN director, completed the car for Historic racing. ‘Lightweight’ chassis made in the UK. Sold in Holland.


2 5 2 3 : There were two cars bearing this chassis Moto Guzzi factory rider Ken Kavanagh. Raced only a Prix. The car driven by Fangio in 1958 French GP
number and they can be differentiated as follows: few times and eventually brought to the UK for VSCC also had plate 2 53 2 , but was a different car. Both cars
The first car was built up by the factory, using the racing. Badly damaged in racing accident and rebuilt sold in South America, parts of 2530/2532 brought
damaged chassis frame from 2507. After a new 2523 with almost totally new chassis frame. Sold to an back to Britain and car rebuilt with new frame as
was completed in August 1956, the engine and gear­ American collector. 2532, but 2532 proper remains in South America as
box were removed and the car was put into ‘store’. far as the writer is aware.
This chassis was then used in 1957 as a mobile test­ 2 5 2 8 : T2 factory team car for 1957. Sold in 1958 to
bed for the new Grand Prix engine. After testing, the Francesco Godia-Sales. Later acquired by Neil Comer 2 5 3 3 : T3 6-cylinder Piccolo car built in 1958 for
V I 2 engine was removed and the rolling chassis again and raced extensively in VSCC Historic events. Temple Buell. Believed to be the car driven in the
stored. It was renovated in 1958 with 6-cylinder 1958 Italian Grand Prix. Raced in New Zealand GP in
engine and raced by Marie-Thérèse de Filippis. 2 5 2 9 : T2 factory team car for 1957. Driven by Fangio early 1959 by Buell Team and driven by Ross Jensen
Subsequently sold in South America. to wins in the French and German GPs. Sold in 1958 who ran under the name Scuderia El Salvador. Then
The new 2523 was a factory team car in 1956 and to Giorgio Scarlatti and then to Joakim Bonnier. Sold returned to factory. Sold in 1961 to Joe Lubin,
shipped out to the Australian Grand Prix. There is by Bonnier to American collector, then in United States and then sold on in 1984 to Don
some doubt whether it was returned to Italy, Cunningham Museum in California until sold to a Orosco.
although this is a view favoured by the writer. In any German collector.
event the car was later exported to New Zealand. A 2 5 3 4 : Second T3 6-cylinder Piccolo car built in 1958
car was built up in the United States based on what 2 5 3 0 : T2 chassis fitted with V12 engine and driven for Temple Buell and delivered in September. Raced
were said to be parts from this car. in practice at French Grand Prix by Fangio, in New Zealand, returned to Europe, sold to Italian
Menditeguy and Schell. Not seen again in this form. collector and then in 1972 to the JCB/Sir Anthony
2 5 2 4 : Built for Francesco Godia-Sales in 1956. Chassis number transferred to Antonio Creus on sale Bamford collection.
Subsequently was sold in 1958 to Joakim Bonnier. to him of 2526.
Taken to the United States and sold to Phil Cade. 2 5 3 5 : No Maserati chassis number issued, but it
253 1 : Chassis as for 1956 Italian GP cars and fitted would have been 2535. After the closure of the
2 5 2 5 : One of the two cars built for the 1956 Italian with V12 engine. Driven in 1957 by Behra in practice Maserati racing department, this car with space-
Grand Prix. Sold afterwards to Tony Panavano. After for French GP and by Fangio and Behra in practice for frame chassis was completed with 250F engine
many years it was imported into the UK to join the Pescara GP Modifications made and driven by Behra number 2523 as the Tec-Mec by Valerio Colotti. It
JCB (Sir Anthony Bamford) collection. Sold later to in 1957 Italian GP Subsequently appeared in practice was raced unsuccessfully by Fritz d’Orey in the 1959
an American collector. at Modena and Casablanca. Apparently sold in the United States Grand Prix and thereafter by the
Argentine with 6-cylinder engine and later discovered Camoradi team at Daytona in 1960. It was later aban­
2 5 2 6 : One of the two cars built for the 1956 Italian incomplete and minus engine. doned on a trailer in Florida. In about 1968 Tom
Grand Prix. It was refurbished in 1958 and sold to Wheatcroft acquired it for the Donington Grand Prix
Antonio Creus with chassis number 2530. Raced by 253 2 : 6-cylinder experimental car built in 1958 from Collection, it was restored and raced by Tony
him once and later sold to the Schlumpf brothers. chassis 2530 and with latest engine. In effect, it was Merrick. Later acquired by present owner Barrie
the Piccolo prototype, it was tested at the Nürburgring Baxter who had it completely restored and resolved
2 5 2 7 : T2 factory team car for 1957. Sold in 1958 to and appeared in practice at the 1958 Belgian Grand handling problems.

APPENDIX 2 / 245
Appendix 3

Specifications of Maserati
competition cars
Tipo 8CM -3000, 1933 onwards developing approximately 360bhp at 5,500rpm.
Engine: As 8C -3000 above, except power output Transmission, chassis and dimensions: As V4 above,
increased to 260bhp at 5,800rpm. except dry weight 2,0291b (920kg).
Tipo 26, 1926 Onwards
Engine: Straight-eight l,4 9 2 .6 c c (60 x 66mm), twin
overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears from the Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
nose of the crankshaft, single Roots-type super­
charger; power output approximately 115bhp at Chassis: Channel-section, suspension by rigid axles
and semi-elliptic springs front and rear. Tipo 4C M -1100, 1931 onwards
Engine: In-line 4-cylinder l,0 8 8 c c (65 x 82mm), twin
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 7.1in (2,570m m ). Front overhead camshafts driven from the nose of the
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
track: 4ft 4.5in (1,330m m ). Rear track: 4ft 3.2in. crankshaft, Roots-type supercharger, power output
Chassis: Channel-section, suspension by rigid axles (1,300m m ). Dry weight: 1,5431b (700kg). approximately 105bhp at 6,600rpm.
and semi-elliptic springs front and rear.
Tipo 6C/34, 1934 onwards Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 8.3in (2,650m m ). Front Engine: In-line 6-cylinder 3 ,326cc (84 x 100mm),
track: 4ft 4.8in (1,340m m ). Rear track: 4ft 5.5in Chassis: Channel-section, suspension by rigid axles
twin overhead camshafts driven from the nose of the
(1,360m m ). Dry weight: 1,4331b (650kg). and semi-elliptic springs front and rear.
crankshaft, single Roots-type supercharger, power
output approximately 260bhp at 5,000rpm. In 1935
Tipo 26B , 1927 onwards these cars had a 3 ,729cc (84 x 112mm) engine devel­
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 10.5in (2,400m m ). Front
As Tipo 26 above, except engine l,9 8 0 c c (62 x track: 3ft 11.2in (1,200m m ). Rear track: 3ft 11.2in
oping 280bhp at 5,300rpm.
82mm) developing 150bhp at 5,500rpm. (1,200m m ). Dry weight: 1,0581b (480kg).
Transmission, chassis and dimensions: As for 8CM-
Tipo 8C -1500, 1928 onwards 3000. Note: 4C S-1100 sports version built from 1932
Developed version of the Tipo 26 and similar specifi­ onwards with wider chassis, two-seater body and
cation except developing 120bhp at 5,000rpm. Dry engine developing 90bhp at 5,300rpm.
weight 1,5211b (690kg). THE 16-CYLINDER CARS
Tipo 4C M -1500, 1932 onwards
Tipo 8C -1100, 1929 onwards V4, 1929 onwards As 4CM -1100 above, except engine l,4 9 6 c c (69 x
As 8C -1500 above, except engine l,0 7 7 c c (51 x Engine: 90° V16 3 ,960cc (62 x 82mm), four overhead 100mm) power output approximately 130bhp at
66mm) developing lOObhp at 5,000rpm. camshafts driven by a train of gears from the noses of 6,100rpm and dry weight of 1,1001b (500kg).
the crankshafts, two Roots-type superchargers, power
Tipo 26M 8C -2500, 1930 onwards output approximately 305bhp at 5,500rpm. Note: 4C S-1500 sports version built from 1933
As 8C -1500 above, except engine 2,495cc (65 x onwards with wider chassis, two-seater body and
94mm) developing 175bhp at 5,300rpm. Dry Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox. engine developing 115bhp at 5,000rpm.
weight: 1,5901b (720kg). Chassis: Channel-section, suspension by rigid axles
and semi-elliptic springs front and rear. Tipo 4C M -2000, 1933 onwards
Tipo 26M 8C -2800, 1931 onwards As 4CM -1100 above, except engine l,9 6 9 c c (80 x
As 8C -2500 above, except engine 2,795cc (68 x Dimensions: Wheelbase: 9ft 2in (2,750m m ). Front 98mm) developing 155bhp at 5,500rpm.
94mm) developing 198bhp at 5,300rpm. track: 4ft 5in (1,350m m ). Rear track: 4ft 6in
(1,370m m ). Dry weight: 1,9801b (900kg). Tipo 4C M -2500, 1934 onwards
Tipo 26M 8C -3000, 1933 onwards As 4CM -1100 above, except engine 2,482cc (84 x
As 8C -2500 above except engine 2,992cc (69 x V5, 1932 onwards 112mm) developing 175bhp at 5,300rpm and dry
100mm) developing 230bhp at 5,500rpm. Engine: As V4 above, except 4,905cc (69 x 82mm) weight of 1,2781b (580kg).


THE LATER 8-CYLINDER CARS increased to 175bhp at 6,700rpm ). Note: At least one Transmission, Chassis and Dimensions: As for A 6-1500
engine was built with four valves per cylinder. except dry weight 1,2121b (550kg).
Tipo V8RI, 1935 onwards
Engine: 90° V8 4,329cc (84 x 100mm), with single Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox. Tipo A6GCS Monofaro, 1947 onwards
overhead camshaft per bank of cylinders driven from Engine: As for A 6-1500 above, except l,9 7 8 c c (72 x
the nose of the crankshaft, single Roots-type super­ Chassis: Channel-section with independent front 81mm), three carburettors, power output approxi­
charger, power output approximately 300bhp at suspension by unequal-length wishbones and torsion mately 130bhp at 6,000rpm.
5,300rpm. In 1936 these cars had 4,788cc (84 x bars, rear suspension by rigid axle suspended on semi-
108mm) engine with power output of approximately elliptic leaf springs. Transmission: Single-plate clutch and 4-speed gear­
320bhp at 5,300rpm. box.
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 2in (2,490m m ). Front
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox. track: 3ft 11.2in (1,200m m ). Rear track: 3ft 11.2in Chassis: Twin-tubular, with independent front suspen­
(1,200m m ). Dry weight: 1,3671b (620kg). sion by unequal-length wishbones and coil springs
Chassis: Channel-section steel-alloy, independent and rear suspension by rigid rear axle suspended on
front suspension by unequal-length wishbones and Tipo 4CL-1500, 1939 onwards semi-elliptic leaf springs.
torsion bars, independent suspension at the rear by Engine: In-line 4-cylinder l,4 8 9 c c (78 x 78mm), twin
swinging half-axles and semi-elliptic springs. overhead camshafts gear-driven from the nose of the Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 6.9in (2,310m m ). Front
crankshaft, four valves per cylinder, single Roots-type track: 3ft 11.6in (1,210m m ). Rear track: 3ft 9.7in
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 10in (2,700m m ). Front supercharger, power output approximately 220bhp at (1,150m m ). Dry weight: 1,2121b (550kg).
track: 4ft 5.1in (1,350m m ). Rear track: 4ft 5.9in 6,600rpm. Note: From 1947 some cars fitted with
(1,370m m ). Dry weight: 1,6541b (750kg). twin-stage supercharging.

Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
Tipo 8CTF, 1938 onwards SUPERCHARGED CARS
Engine: In-line 8-cylinder, 2,992cc (69 x 100mm),
Chassis: Channel-section with independent front
with twin overhead camshafts driven from the nose of 4CLT/48, 1948 onwards
suspension by unequal-length wishbones and torsion
the crankshaft, two separate Roots-type superchargers Engine: In-line 4-cylinder l,4 8 9 c c (78 x 78mm), twin-
bars and rear suspension by rigid axle suspended on
with Memini twin-choke carburettors, power output overhead camshafts driven from the nose of the crank­
quarter-elliptic leaf springs. Note: In 1947 some cars
approximately 360bhp at 6,000rpm. shaft, four valves per cylinder, single Weber twin-
were fitted with a tubular chassis and in this form
were known as the 4CLT choke carburettor, twin-stage supercharging, power
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox. output approximately 260bhp at 7,000rpm. Note:
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 2.4in (2,500m m ). Front 4CLT/50 had l,7 1 9 c c (78 x 90mm) engine with a
Chassis: Channel-section, with independent front power output of 290bhp at 6,800rpm. By 1950 the
track: 4ft 1.2in (1,250m m ). Rear track: 4ft 2in.
suspension by unequal-length wishbones and torsion 4CLT/48 had a power output of about 280bhp.
(1,272m m ). Dry weight: 1,3901b (630kg).
bars, rear suspension by underslung rigid axle and
quarter-elliptic springs. Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft llin . (2,720m m ). Front Chassis: Twin-tubular, with independent front suspen­
track: 4ft 4.8in (1,340m m ). 4ft 5.4in (1,360m m ). sion by unequal-length wishbones and inclined coil
Dry weight: 1,5401b (700kg). Tipo A6-1500, 1 947-48 springs, rigid rear axle suspended on quarter-elliptic
Engine: In-line 6-cylinder l,4 8 8 c c (66 x 72.5mm), springs.
Tipo 8CL, 1940 onwards single overhead camshaft gear-driven from the nose of
Engine: As for 8CTF above, except 2,978cc (78 x the crankshaft, unsupercharged, power output approx­ Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 2.2in (2,500m m ). Front
78mm), four valves per cylinder, developing approxi­ imately 65bhp at 4,700rpm. track: 4 ft 1.2in (1,250m m ). Rear track: 3ft 11.2m
mately 420bhp at 6,400rpm. (1,200m m ). Dry weight 1,4201b (645kg).
Transmission: Single-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
Transmission, Chassis and Dimensions: As for 8CTF, 8CLT/50, 1950
except wheelbase 9ft 1.8in (2,790m m ) and dry Chassis: Twin-tubular with independent front suspen­ Engine: In-line 8-cylinder 2,978cc (78 x 78mm), twin
weight 1,5211b (690kg). sion by unequal-length wishbones and coil springs and overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears from
rear suspension by rigid axle suspended on coil springs. the nose of the crankshaft, four valves per cylinder,
twin-staging supercharging, power output approxi­
THE V O IT U R E T T E S OF THE Dimensions: Wheelbase: 8ft 4.4in (2,550m m ). Front mately 430bhp at 6,500rpm.
LATER 1930S track: 4ft 2.2in (1,274m m ). Rear track: 4ft 1.3in
(1,252m m ). Dry weight: 1,2571b (570kg). Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox.
Tipo 6CM-1500, 1936 onwards
Engine: In-line 6-cylinder l,4 9 3 c c 65 x 75), twin Tipo A6G, 1947 Chassis: Twin-tubular structure, with independent
overhead camshafts gear-driven from the nose of the Engine: As for A 6-1500 above, except l,9 5 4 c c (72 x front suspension by unequal-length wishbones and
crankshaft, single Roots-type supercharger, power 80mm), power output approximately 90bhp at inclined coil springs, rigid rear axle suspended on
output approximately 155bhp at 6,8 0 0 (later 4,700rpm. quarter-elliptic springs.

APPENDIX 3 / 2 4 7
Dimension: Wheelbase: 8ft 8in (2,720m m ). Front available from 1955 and subsequently fitted to most 300S, 1955 onwards
track: 4ft 6.7in (1,390m m ). Rear track: 4ft 5.3in cars). Engine: In-line 6-cylinder, 2 ,992.5cc (84 x 90mm),
(1,355m m ). Dry weight: 1,9841b (900kg). twin overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears
Chassis: Multi-tubular chassis, with independent front from the nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition,
suspension by unequal-length double wishbones and power output of approximately 245bhp at
THE UNSUPERCHARGED coil springs, de Dion rear axle with the tube running 6,200rpm.
SINGLE-SEATERS in front of the final drive/gearbox unit and suspended
on transverse semi-elliptic leaf spring. Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox
A6GCM, 1952-53 in unit with and behind the final drive (5-speed in
Engine: In-line 6-cylinder l,9 8 8 cc (75 x 75mm), 1952; Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 5.8in (2,280m m ), 1958).
l,9 7 8 cc (76.2 x 72mm), 1953; twin overhead cam­ 1 9 5 4 -5 6 ; 7ft 3.4in (2,225m m ); 1957; 7ft 2.6in
shafts driven by a train of gears from the nose of the (2,200m m ), 1958. Front track: 4 ft3 .2 in (1,300m m ), Chassis: Multi-tubular, whth front suspension by
crankshaft, single-plug ignition (twin-plug from 1 9 5 4 -5 7 ; 4ft 3.6in (1,310m m ), 1958. Rear track: 4ft unequal-length whshbones and coil springs, de Dion
September, 1952), power output approximately 1.2in (1,250m m ). Dry weight: 1,3891b (630kg), rear axle with the tube running in front of the final
165bhp at 7,000rpm (1952), 177bhp at 7,000rpm 1 9 5 4 -5 6 ; 1,2121b (550kg), 1958. drive/gearbox unit suspended on transverse semi-
(Iwin-plug form, late 1952); 190bhp at 8,000rpm elliptic leaf spring.
(1953). The Tipo 420/M /58
Engine: 90-degree V8, 4,190cc (93.8 x 75.8mm), Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 6.9in (2,310m m ). Front
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox. twin overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears track: 4ft 3.2in (1,300m m ). Rear track: 4ft 1.2in
from the nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition, (1,250m m ). Dry weight: 1,7201b (780kg).
Chassis: Twin-tubular structure, with independent power output of approximately 410bhp at 8,000rpm. Note:
front suspension by unequal-length double wish­ The 350S (Tipo 53), 1956, used an enlarged version
bones and coil springs compressing on rubber Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 2-speed gearbox of this engine; 3,483cc (86 x 100mm), with an
blocks, rigid rear axle suspended on quarter-elliptic mounted in unit with and behind the final drive. approximate ultimate power output of 325bhp at
springs. 6,000rpm. This car also had a revised chassis and a
Chassis: Multi-tubular structure with front suspension 5-speed gearbox in front and in unit with the final
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 6.9in (2310m m ). Front by unequal-length whshbones and coil springs, de drive.
track: 4ft 0.2in (1,225m m ). Rear track: 3ft 9.7in Dion rear axle with the tube running in front of the The same designation 350S (Tipo 57) was used for
(1,160m m ). Dry weight: 1,1001b (500kg). final drive/gearbox unit and suspended on transverse a version of the 300S that appeared in 1957, 60-
semi-elliptic spring. degree V 12, 3 ,4 9 5 cc (73.8 x 68mm), with a power
250F, 1954 onwards output of approximately 335bhp at 9,000rpm.
Note: The 250F was built in three series generally Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 10.5in (2,400m m ). Front Driven in the 1957 Mille Miglia by Herrmann and
known as follows: track: 4ft 3.2in (1,300m m ). Rear track: 4ft 1.2in entered at that year’s Venezuelan Grand Prix, but
Tl: The original model built 1 9 5 4 -5 6 , used by the (1,250m m ). Dry weight: 1,6711b (758kg). withdrawn. Other V12 engines with different cylinder
works and sold to private owners. During this period dimensions were installed experimentally in this
there were also two works cars built for the 1956 chassis.
Italian Grand Prix whth engine and transmission THE SPORTS CARS O F THE 1950S The Tipo 58, 1958 was a 300S chassis with 60-
angled in the frame and lower overall height. degree V12 3,000cc (68.2 x 68mm) engine develop­
T2: The 1957 ‘Lightweight’ cars of which three were A6GCS, 1953 onwards ing approximately 305bhp at lO.OOOrpm. It was
built for use by the works team. In 1957 Maserati Engine: In-line 6-cylinder, l,9 8 5 .6 c c (76.5 x 72mm), intended for World Sports Car Championship racing,
also introduced the V12-engined 250F which ran in twin overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears but not used.
a couple of races. from the nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition,
T3: The 1958 lighter, shorter Piccolo cars. power output of approximately 165bhp at 7,300rpm. Tipo 150S, 1955 onwards
Engine: In-line 4-cylinder l,4 8 4 .1 c c (81 x 72mm),
Engine: In-line cylinder 2 ,493.8cc (84 x 75mm), twin Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox. twin overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears
overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears from from the nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition,
the nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition, power Chassis: Twin-tubular, with independent front suspen­ power output of approximately 140bhp at
output of about 220/240bhp at 7,200rpm (1954), sion by unequal-length wishbones and coil springs, 7,500rpm.
270bhp at 8,000rpm (1956), 280bhp at 8,000rpm rigid rear axle suspended on quarter-elliptic springs.
(1957), 290bhp at 8,000rpm (1958). The 60-degree Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed gearbox
V12 engine had a capacity of 2,490cc (68.7 x Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 6.9in (2,310m m ). Front mounted in unit with and behind the final drive
56mm), twin overhead camshafts per bank of cylin­ track: 4ft 4.5in (1,335m m ). Rear track: 4ft 0.3in (5-speed available from 1956).
ders driven by a train of gears from the nose of the (1,220m m ). Dry weight: 1,2781b (580kg).
crankshaft, twin plugs per cylinder and a power of Chassis: Multi-tubular, with independent front
approximately 310/320bhp at 10,000rpm. 250S, 1954 suspension by unequal-length wishbones and coil
As A6GCS above, except for 2 ,493.8cc (84 x 75mm) springs, de Dion rear axle with the tube running in
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 4-speed in unit engine, developing approximately 220bhp at front of the final drive/gearbox unit and suspended
with and behind the final drive (5-speed gearbox 7,000rpm. on transverse semi-elliptic leaf spring.


Dimensions: Wheelbase: 2,200m m (7ft 2.6in). Front damper units, rear suspension by de Dion axle sus­ Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 2.6in (2,200m m). Front
track: 4ft 1.2in (1,250m m ). Rear track: 3ft 11.2in pended on transverse leaf spring, Dunlop disc brakes. track: 3ft 11.2in (1,200m m ). Rear track: 3ft 11.2in
(1,200m m ). Dry weight: 1,3901b (630kg). (1,200m m ). Dry weight: 1,4111b (640kg).
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 2.6in (2,200m m ). Front
200S (Tipo 52), 1955 onwards track: 4ft 1.2in (1,250m m ). Rear track: 3ft 11.2in Tipo 65, 1965
Engine: As Tipo 150S above except, l,9 9 4 .3 c c (92 x (1,200m m ). Dry weight: 1,2571b (570kg). Engine: 90° V8 5 ,046cc (95 x 89mm), twin overhead
75mm), power output approximately 186bhp at camshafts per bank of cylinders driven from the nose
7,500rpm (Tipo 200SI introduced in 1956 had power Tipo 61, late 1959 onwards of the crankshaft, Lucas fuel injection, power output
output of approximately 190bhp at 7,800rpm). Engine: As Tipo 60 above, except 2,890cc (100 x approximately 430bhp at 7,000rpm.
92mm), power output approximately 250bhp at
Transmission, Chassis and Dimensions: As for Tipo 150S 6,500rpm. Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 5-speed gearbox
above, except for dry weight of 1,4771b (670kg). in unit with the final drive.
Transmission and Chassis: As for Tipo 60 above.
Tipo 450S (Tipo 54), 1957 Dimensions: As for Tipo 60 above except for dry Chassis: Multi-tubular space-frame construction from
Engine: 90-degree V8, 4,477cc (93.8 x 81mm), twin weight of 1,3231b (600kg). very small-diameter tubing, engine rear-mounted,
overhead camshafts per bank of cylinders driven by a independent front suspension by unequal-length
train of gears from the nose of the crankshaft, twin- Tipo 63, 1961 onwards double wishbones and coil spring/damper units,
plug ignition, power output of approximately 400bhp Engine: In-line 4-cylinder engine as for Tipo 61 above, independent rear suspension by double wishbones
at 7,500rpm. except for power output approximately 260bhp at and longitudinal torsion bars.
7,000rpm. Also fitted with 60° V I 2 engines as Tipo
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 5-speed gearbox 58 above, but of varying cylinder dimensions: Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 10.4in (2,400m m).
in unit with and in front of the final drive. Cars also 2,989cc (70.4 x 64mm), 290bhp at 7,500rpm. Also Front track: 4ft 7.1in (1,400m m ). Rear track: 4ft
raced with supplementary 2-speed gearbox mounted engines installed in these cars with 75 x 56mm 5.9in (1,370m m ). Dry weight: 2 ,1171b (960kg).
between clutch and normal gearbox and giving ranges engine.
of lower and high ratios.
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 5-speed gearbox THE FRONT-ENGINED GT
Chassis: Multi-tubular, independent front suspension in unit with the final drive. PROTOTYPES, 1 9 6 2 ONWARDS
by unequal-length wishbones and coil springs, de
Dion rear axle with tube running in front of final Chassis: Multi-tubular space-frame construction from Tipo 151
drive/gearbox and suspended on transverse semi- very small-diameter tubing, engine rear-mounted, Engine: 90° V8, 3 ,9 4 3 cc (91 x 75.8m m ), twin over­
elliptic leaf spring. independent front suspension by unequal-length head camshafts per bank of cylinders driven from the
wishbones and coil spring/damper units, rear suspen­ nose of the crankshaft, four twin-choke Weber carbu­
Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 10.5in (2,400m m ). sion by de Dion axle or fully independent. rettors, twin-plug ignition, power output approxi­
Front track: 4ft 5.1in (1,350m m ). Rear track: 4ft 3in mately 360bhp at 7,000rpm.
(1,300m m ). Dry weight: 1,7111b (786kg). Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 2.6in (2,200m m ). Front
track: 4ft 0.2in (1,225m m ). Rear track: 3ft 11.2in Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 5-speed gearbox
(1,200m m ). Dry weight: 1,4111b (640kg). in unit with the final drive.
Tipo 64, late 1961 onwards Chassis: Constructed from large-section tubes, engine
Tipo 60, 1959 onwards Engine: 60° V12, 2,989cc (70.4 x 64mm), twin over­ front-mounted, front suspension by unequal-length
Engine: In-line 4-cylinder, l,9 9 4 c c (92 x 75mm), twin head camshafts per bank of cylinders driven from the wishbones and coil spring/damper units, indepen­
overhead camshafts driven by a train of gears from nose of the crankshaft, twin-plug ignition, power dent rear suspension by de Dion axle, twin trailing
the front of the engine, twin-plug ignition, power output approximately 320bhp at 8,500rpm. arms and coil spring/damper units.
output approximately 195bhp at 8,000rpm.
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 5-speed gearbox Dimensions: Wheelbase: 7ft 6.5in (2,300m m ). Front
Transmission: Multi-plate clutch and 5-speed gearbox in unit with the final drive. track: 4ft 1.2in (1,250m m ). Rear track: 4ft 2.4in
in unit with the final drive. (1,280m m ). Dry weight: 2,1601b (895kg).
Chassis: Multi-tubular space-frame construction from
Chassis: Multi-tubular space-frame construction from very small-diameter tubing, engine rear-mounted, Note: The Tipo 151/1 of 1963 onwards had V8
very small-section tubing, engine inclined in the independent front suspension by unequal-length 4,941cc (94 x 89mm) engine with fuel injection and
chassis at an angle of 45°, independent front suspen­ wishbones and coil spring/damper units, rear suspen­ with a power output of approximately 430bhp at
sion by unequal-length wishbones and coil spring/ sion fully independent. 7,000rpm.

APPENDIX 3 / 2 4 9
Beaulieu, Lord Montagu of Lost Causes of Jenkinson, Denis A Story of Formula 1 Salvadori, Roy and Pritchard, Anthony Roy
Motoring: Europe, Volume 1, (Cassell & (Grenville Publishing Company, 1960) Salvadori, Racing Driver (Patrick Stephens
Company, 1969) Limited, 1985)
Jenkinson, Denis The Maserati 250F
Blunsden, John, Formula Junior (Motor (Macmillan, 1975) Taruffi, Piero Works Driver (Temple Press
Racing Publications, 1961) Books, 1964)
Jenkinson, Denis Directory o f Historic Racing
Cholmondley-Tapper TP Amateur Racing Cars (Aston Publications, 1987) Venables, David The Racing Fifteen-Hundreds
Driver (G.T Foulis, 1954) (Transport Bookman Publications, 1984)
Jenkinson, Denis Maserati 3011, The Story of
Clutton, Cecil, Posthumus, Cyril and a Racing Car (Aries, 1987) Venables, David First Among Champions, The
Jenkinson, Denis The Racing Car, Alfa Romeo Grand Prix Cars (Haynes
Development & Design (B.T Batsford, 1956) Lewis, Peter Alf Francis, Racing Mechanic Publishing, 2000)
(G.T Foulis, circa 1958)
Costin, Michael and Phipps, David Racing Yates, Brock (with photographs by Smith
and Sports Car Chassis Design (B.T Batsford, Lurani, Giovanni Mille Miglia, 1927—57 Hempstone Oliver) Vanderbilt Cup Race
1961, 1965, 1974) (Automobile Year, 1981) Photo Archive, 1936 and 1937 (Icongrafix
Photo Archives Series, 1997)
Crump, Richard and Box, Rob de la Rive Mathieson, TA.S.O. A Pictorial Survey of
Maserati Sports, Racing and GT Cars from Racing Cars Between the Years 1919 and 1939 Il Tridente, Stona Della Maserati (Third
1926, (Second Edition, Foulis/Haynes, (Motor Racing Publications, 1963) edition, Editoriale II Borgo, 1964)
Monkhouse, George and King-Farlow, Maserati: Una Storia nella Storica dalle origini
Dreyfus, René (with Beverley Rae Kimes) Roland Grand Prix Racing Facts and Figures, al 1945 (Editrice, Milano, 1980)
My Two Lives (Aztex Corporation, 1983) 1894-1963 (Third Edition, G.T Foulis, 1964)
Vittorie Maserati, 1926—54 (Officine Alfieri
Eason Gibson, John Motor Racing 1947 Moss, Stirling with Nye, Doug My Cars, My Maserati)
(Motor Racing Publications Limited, 1949) Career (Patrick Stephens Limited, 1987)
Magazines include The Autocar, Autocourse,
Fangio, Juan Manuel My Twenty Years of Nye, Doug Cooper Cars (Osprey Publishing, Autosport, Classic & Sports Car, The Motor,
Racing (Temple Press Limited, 1961) 1983) Motor Racing, Motor Sport, Road & Track.

Fusi, Luigi Alfa Romeo, Tutte Le Vetture Dal Pritchard, Anthony Maserati, A History Annuals: The Motor Year Book (Temple Press
1910 (Emmetigrafica, Third Edition, 1978) (David & Charles, 1976) 1 9 4 9 -5 7 )

Hull, Peter and Slater, Roy Alfa Romeo, A Reggiani, Giancarlo Racing Maseratis
History (Cassell & Company, 1964) (Giorgio Nada Editore, 2001)


AC Ace-Bristol car: 183 Andrey, Gaston: 198 Bayol, Elie: 79, 110 Bonnier, Joakim: 178, 183, 188, 189, 193,
Abate, Carlo: 2 0 4 Ansell, R E ‘Bob’: 84, 91 Beauman, Don: 118 196, 199, 200, 204, 2 0 8 , 2 35
Agadir races: 1954, 127; 1956, 147 Aosta Gran San Bemardo hill climb, 1948: 94 Beech ‘stagger-wing’ (aircraft): 65 Bordeaux Grand Prix: 1 9 5 3 ,2 2 2 ; 1954, 118;
Aitken, Hon. Peter: 72 Arcangeli: Luigi, 24, 25, Behra.Jean: 104, 118, 123, 129, 130, 131, 1 9 5 5 ,1 3 1 - 1 3 2
Aix-les-Bains, Circuit of: 1952, 106; 1953, Argentine Grand Prix: 1953, 107; 1954, 132, 133, 134,: 135, 136, 137,138, 140, Border Reivers, The: 2 35
110 1 1 7 -1 1 8 , 2 2 2 , 2 2 4 ; 1955, 130; 1956, 141, 142, 143, 144,145, 146, 147, 150, Bordoni, Franco: 114, 115, 137, 138, 140
Aintree '200’ race: 1954, 118, 2 2 5 ; Daily 141; 1957, 155; 1958, 188; 1960, 201 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, Bordino Grand Prix, 1929, 21; 1931, 28;
Telegraph Trophy 1954, 125; ‘200’ race Armagnac, Paul: 129 158, 159, 160, 161, 178, 180, 181, 1934, 4 2 -4 3 ;
1956, 142, 2 2 7 , 2 3 0 ; TOO’ race 1956, Arzani, Egidio: 131 183, 184, 188, 191, 194, 223, 228, 233 Bomigia, Mario: 137
2 3 1 ; ‘200’ race 1958, 235 Arzani-Volpini car: 131 Belgian Grand Prix: 1931, 29; 1933, 37; Borzacchini, Baconin: 16, 17, 18, 20 , 21, 24,
Albi Grand Prix: 1933, 3 9 ; 1934, 45; 1946, Ascan, Alberto: 78, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 1934, 4 5 (1 9 3 9 , 2 1 5 ; 1947, 88 , 216; 2 5 ,2 8 , 2 9 , 3 1 , 3 3 , 3 8 , 3 9
8 5 ; 1947, 8 9 ; 1948, 9 3 ; 1949, 96, 218; 93, 94, 95, 99, 104, 106, 108, 109, 111, 1949, 95-96; 1951, 119; 1953, 108, Bowes Seal-Fast Special: 78
1950, 9 8 -9 9 ; 1955, 133 112, 113, 117, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 222; 1954, 118, 119, 142; 1955, 133; Boyle, Mike ‘Umbrella’: 66, 74
Albi Voiturette Grand Prix: 1935, 5 3 ; 1936, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 149, 218, 219 1956, 1 4 2 -1 4 3 ; 1958, 189; 1966, 210 Brabham, Jack: 210, 230, 235
5 9 ; 1937, 66; 1938, 6 9 ; 1939, 76 Aston Martin cars, Bellentani, Vittorio: 106, 116, 117, 139 Bracco, Giovanni: 90, 94, 99, 140
Alboreto, Michele: 2 1 4 Generally: 72, 138, 147 Beliucci, Luigi: 128, 129, 136, 137, 138, Brackenbury, Charles: 64
Aldrighetti, Giordano: 74, 76 DB3S: 1 3 8 -1 3 9 , 147, 150, 151, 152, 2 29 139, 151 Bradzil, Josef: 49
Aldrighetti, Mario: 131 DBR1: 1 8 2 ,2 0 0 Benelli motorcycles: 2 14 Brands Hatch: August Bank Holiday Monday
Alfa Corse: 3 0 , 3 3 , 71, 74, 75, 76, 78 Astor, Madeline Force: 65 Bergere, C: 75 1955, 2 2 6 ; October 1956, 2 2 8 , 232
Alfa Romeo company: 13, 2 2 , 3 6 , 50, 5 4 , 99 Atkins, C T: 195 Berlin Grand Prix: 1954, 125 Brecknock, Earl of (later Marquis of
Alfa Romeo cars, Austin 7 cars: 28, 67 Bertocchi, Guerino: 15, 27, 30 , 41, 51 , 55, Camden): 41
Generally: 18, 24, 67, 69, 93, 103 Austin-Healey 100 car: 186 87, 90, 93, 106, 114, 123, 149, 184, Brescia-Mantova-Brescia race: 1900, 11,
P2: 17, 20, 21, 22, 25 Austin-Healey 100S car: 133 190, 191, 193, 199, 2 0 4 , 2 0 8 , 213, Brilli-Peri, Count Gaston, 12, 20, 21, 22,
6C 1500: 3 2 , 215 Australian Grand Prix: 1956, 146 224, 2 30 Brighton Speed Trials: 1933, 39
6C 1750: 2 0 ,3 1 , Australian Tourist Trophy, 1956, 146, 153 Bertoni, Gianni: 114 Bristol 4 5 0 cars: 129
8C 2 3 0 0 Le Mans: 29, Austro-Daimler car: 39 Bianchi company: 11, British Empire Trophy, Brooklands: 1934, 44
8C 2 3 0 0 Monza: 26, 29, 3 0 , 3 1 , 3 2 , 35, Auto Union cars: 13, 40, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, Bianchi, Lucien: 206 British Empire Trophy, Donington Park:
3 6 , 3 7 , 3 9 , 44, 45 50, 51, 52, 56, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, Bianco, Ettore: 51, 53, 55, 56, 59, 63-64, 1938, 215
Tipo B Monoposto: 3 0 , 3 1 , 3 2 , 3 3 , 3 5 , 36, 71, 74, 76, 78 65, 66, 69, 71 British Empire Trophy, Isle of Man: 1950,
3 8 , 3 9 , 40, 4 3 , 44, 4 5 , 46, 47, 4 9 , 50, Autodrome Grand Prix, Monza: 1952, 103-104 Bianco, Gino: 103 2 1 8 -2 1 9
5 1 , 52, 53, 54, 55, 5 7 , 64 Automobili Tec-Mec: 196 Bicknell, Reg: 231 British Empire Trophy, Oulton Park: 1956,
Tipo 8C 3 5 : 50 Automovil Club Argentina, 87, 91, 107 Biella, Circuit of: 1934, 47 147
Tipo 12C 36/37: 50, 91 Autosport team: 84, 89, 107, 216 Biella, Circuit of, Voiturette race: 1935, 52 British Grand Prix: 1949, 90, 95, 2 1 7 ; 1950,
Tipo 8C 3 0 8 : 83, 8 4 , 85, 8, 91, 94, 95 Avellino, Circuit of: 1930, 25 ; 1932, 32 Biondetti, Clemente: 27, 28, 29, 37, 43 , 70, 2 1 8 ; 1953, 1 0 9 -1 1 0 ; 1954, 1 2 1 -1 2 3 ,
Tipo 3 1 2 : 70, 71, Avusrennen: 1932, 31 ; 1933, 3 7 ; 1934, 44; 74, 76, 77, 78, 94, 129 2 2 5 ; 1955, 133; 1956, 144, 228; 1957,
Tipo 8C 2 9 0 0 B : 114 1935, 5 2 ; 1937, 64 Birabongse, Prince: 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 1 5 9 -1 6 0 ; 1967, 2 1 2 , 231
Tipo 158: 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 83, 84, Avusrennen Voiturette race: 1934, 44; 1937, 64 67, 68, 69, 74, 76, 79, 88 , 90, 91, 93, British Leyland Motor Corporation: 2 14
85, 88, 89, 92, 93, 98, 101, 160, 216, 95, 96, 97, 98, 107, 112, 117, 118, British Racing Partnership: 2 34
218, 219 Babs car: 39 119, 120, 121, 125, 130, 132, 133, Brivio, Antonio: 37 , 45, 49, 51, 67
Tipo 159: 84, 119, 160, 2 1 9 -2 2 0 Baghetti, Giancarlo: 2 04 217, 2 1 8 , 219, 224, 225, 2 2 9 -2 3 0 BRM P15 V 16 cars: 103, 125, 126, 131,
6C 2 5 0 0 : 78 Balbo, Marshal Italo (Governor of Libya): 74, Birkin, Sir Henry (Tim): 28, 29, 35 , 3 6 - 3 7 2 1 9 , 222, 2 2 5 , 226, 2 27
6 C 3 0 0 0 : 114 78 Bjomstadt, Eugen : 6 3 -6 4 BRM P25 2.5-litre cars: 134, 142, 155, 160,
190 0 saloon: 127 Bandini, Lorenzo: 2 0 4 Black, Norman: 29, 178, 191, 227, 228, 233, 235
Alfieri, Giulio: 115, 116, 135, 141, 142, Barbieri, Feminando: 3 7 , 3 8 , 5 1 -5 2 , 53, 59, BMW 3 2 8 cars: 78 BRM V8 1.5-litre engine: 204, 208
143, 144, 147, 153, 155, 178, 179, 74 Beffa, Mennato: 196, 2 0 4 Brooke, Leslie: 74, 93
199, 2 0 0 , 2 0 5 , 2 0 8 , 2 0 9 , 2 1 1 , 212, BARC Mountain Championship, Brooklands: Bois de Boulogne races: 1945, 83 Brooke Special: 74
2 1 3 ,2 1 4 1931, 29 Bolster, Joh n (journalist): 110 Brooklands, August Bank Holiday Monday,
Algerian Grand Prix: 1934, 49 Bari Grand Prix: 1954 118 Bolzano-Mendola hill climb: 1948, 94; 1949, 1931, 29
Allison, Cliff: 192, 199 Bari Sports Car Grand Prix: 1955, 136; 1956, 97 Brooks, C.A.S. ‘Tony’: 135, 142, 151, 155,
Alvis fwd cars: 30 151 Bonetto, Felice: 39 , 98, 101, 103, 104, 107, 156, 158, 159, 177, 182, 183, 191,
Amilcar cars: 33 Basadonna, ‘Cyro’: 84, 86, 216 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 22 0 2 27

INDEX / 251
Brown, Alan: 129 Chilometro Lanciato di Bologna speed trial: Cortese, Franco: 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, Dickson, Tom: 235
Brunet, Robert: 44, 49, 50 1926, 15 74, 76, 78, 84, 9 0 Dieppe Grand Prix: 1 9 3 4 : 45
Brynfan Tyddn races, USA: 1 953, 115 Chiron, Louis: 20, 25, 28, 29, 31 , 33 , 37 , 38, Costin, Frank: 182 Divo, Albert: 18, 21,
Bueb, Ivor: 160, 180, 2 2 8 , 2 3 5 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 79, 85, Coupe Deiamare Debouteville, Rouen: 197 Dobson, Arthur: 64, 65, 67, 68, 71
Buell, Temple: 180, 183, 191, 192, 193 88, 89, 91, 96, 98, 106, 142, 217, 221 Coupe de Paris races: 1939, 216 Dobson, Austin: 63
Buenos Aires City Grand Prix: 1 953, 107; Chrysler Corporation: 2 14 Coupe des Petits Cylindre (es, Reims: 1948, 94 D ’Oliveira, Casimiro: 115
1954, 118, 2 2 2 -2 2 3 ; 195 5 , 130; 1 956, Ciano, Count Galeazzo (Italian Foreign Affairs Coupe du Commission Sportive, Reims: Dolomite Gold Cup race: 1 9 4 8 , 94 ; 1 950,
141; 1 957, 155; 1 958, 1 8 8 -1 8 9 Minister): 55 1 9 3 9 , 75 99; 1 9 5 5 , 137
Buenos Aires 1 0 0 0 Km race: 1954, 127; 1955, Circuit Automobile della Superba, Genoa: Coupe Rainier Voiturette race, Monaco: 1936, Don, Kaye: 29
136; 1956, 147; 1957: 180; 1960, 199 1 937, 64 58 Dona Eva Duarte de Peron, International
Bugatti, Ettore: 216 Citroen SA: 213 Coventry Climax engines: 204, 208, 2 10 Grand Prix of: 1 9 4 9 : 94
Bugatti, Jean: 216 Citroen SM car: 213 Cozza, Ermanno: 106, 116, 129, 178, 236 Donington Grand Prix: 1 9 37, 67; 1 9 3 8 , 71
Bugatti company: 26, 27, 2 9 , 40, 50 Claes, ‘J ohnny’: 108 Crawford, Bill: 199 Donington Park Trophy: 1 9 3 4 , 49; 1 9 3 5 , 54
Bugatti cars Clark, Jim : 2 1 0 , 235 Cremona, Circuit of: 1 9 2 9 , 2 1 Dönitz, Admiral Karl: 83
Generally: 12, 18, 72, Collins, Peter: 118, 125, 126, 131, 133, 143, Crystal Palace: August B an k H oliday M onday Doret, Marcel (pilot): 48
Type 3 5 (all variants): 15, 16, 17, 2 0 , 21, 144, 146, 147, 150, 151, 155, 156, 1 9 5 4 , 225: S ep tem ber 1 9 5 4 , 2 2 6 ; W hit D ’Orey, Fritz: 196
25, 2 7 . 159, 160, 183, 189, 222, 226, 227, M onday 1 9 5 5 , 2 2 6 ; August B an k H oliday Douglas, Kirk: 2 23
Type 37A: 32 2 2 8 , 229 Satu rday 1 9 5 5 , 226 Dragoini, Eugenio: 210
Type 50: 26 Coloni, Valerio: 102, 116, 178, 180, 196, 197 Cuban Grand Prix: 1 9 5 7 : 180; 1958, 193; Drake, Bob: 201
Type 51: 26, 2 7 , 28, 3 0 , 31, 3 3 , 3 6 , 3 7 , Colombo, Giaocchino: 106, 116 1 9 6 0 ,1 9 9 Dreyfus, René: 25, 26 , 27, 28, 29, 30 , 32 ,
39, 40, 44, 88 Comotti, Gianfranco: 43, 47, 68, 101 Cucinotta, Lettorio Piccola: 25 36 , 38, 39 , 45, 50, 51, 53, 6 3 -6 4 , 65,
Type 51A: 3 7 , 4 4 , 53, 59 Comminges Grand Prix, 1 9 3 2 , 32 ; 1 9 3 3 , 38; Cumberland races, USA: 1 9 5 3 , 115 68, 77, 78
Type 5 4 : 2 6 , 29, 3 1 , 3 8 , 40 193 4 , 47; 1947, 89, 2 1 6 ; 1 9 4 8 , 93; Cuneo-Colle della Magdalena hill climb: Drogo, Piero, coacbuilder: 195, 196, 205, 20 7
Type 55: 2 1 6 195 2 , 221 1 9 3 0 , 25 Dubonnet, André: 232, 233
Type 57SC: 3 4 Condii, Count Caberto: 16, 18, Cunningham, Briggs: 199, 2 0 1 , 2 0 2 , 203, Du Puy: Joh n : 64, 65, 75, 151, 215, 2 34
Type 59: 3 7 , 3 8 , 3 9 , 40, 41, 45, 48, 49, Connaught cars 204, 205 Duesenberg cars: 35 , 3 8
55, 57 Generally: 155 Cunningham-Reid, Noel: 182 Duncan, Dale: 183
Burgess, Ian: 196 A Series F2 car: 118, 221 Czaikowski, Count Stanislas: 38, Dusio, Piero: 51, 56 , 64, 69
Burggaller, Ernst: 3 3 , 44 B Senes F I cars: 132, 133, 134, 141, 142, Czechoslovakian Grand Prix: 1 9 3 1 , 29 ; 1 932, Dutch Grand Prix: 1 9 50, 99 ; 1 9 5 3 , 108, 222;
145, 146, 2 2 6 , 227, 228, 231 33 1 9 5 5 , 133
Cabianca, Giulio: 150 Coombs, John: 195
Cabral, Mario: 196 Cooper, Charlie: 209 Daigh, Chuck: 20 0 Ecurie Bleue: 76
Caen Grand Prix: 195 4 , 1 2 3 ; 1956, 144, Cooper, John: 209 D aily Telegraph Trophy, Aintree: 1 9 5 5 , 2 2 7 Ecurie B raillard, 44, 48
2 2 8 , 2 3 1 ; 1 957, 160, 2 3 3 -2 3 4 ; 1 958, Cooper-Bristol F2 car: 221, 222, 229, 231 Dakar races: 1 9 5 4 , 127; 1 9 5 6 , 147 Ecurie Ecosse: 152, 157, 193, 2 35
235 Cooper-Aka F2 car: 222 Dakar Sports Car Grand Prix, 1 9 5 5 , 136 Ecurie Lucy O ’Reilly-Schell: 7 6 , 77
Cadours, Circuit of: 1 9 5 2 , 106, 221 Cooper-Bristol sports car: 129, 22 9 Danaher, Sean: 34, 63 Edgar,John: 180
Calabria, Circuit of: 1954, 129 Cooper-Maserati 2-litre car: 115 Daponte, Jorge: 114, 223 Eifelrennen: 1 9 3 4 , 44; 1 9 36, 55; 1 9 3 7 , 65;
C am oradi USA: 196, 197, 198, 199, 20 0 , Cooper-Climax sports car: 228 Davis, Cliff: 114, 129 1 9 5 3 , 108, 222
2 0 1 ,2 0 2 ,2 0 4 , Cooper-Climax F I and F 2 cars: 160, Davis, Colin: 80, 196, 2 04 Eifelrennen Voiturette race: 1 9 3 5 , 52; 1 9 3 6 , 58
Campagna, coachbuilder: 2 3 2 1 8 7 -1 8 8 , 189, 2 0 1 , 2 3 3 , 235 Davis, SCH ‘Sammy’: 80 Elva car: 138
Campari, Giuseppe: 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 28, Cooper-Maserati 2 5 0 0 cc F I cars: 196, 201 DB cars: 129, 133, 137 Embiricos, Nicholas :59
2 9 , 3 1 , 3 5 , 3 6 , 3 7 , 3 8 ,3 9 Cooper-Maserati 1500cc F I cars: 2 0 4 De Filippis, Marie-Therese: 137, 139, 195 EM W cars: 140
Campbell, Sir Malcolm: 29, Cooper Monaco cars: 195, 196, 204, 2 35 De Graffenried, Baron Emmanuel: 6 4 -6 5 , E n sley jack: 147
Campbell Trophy, Brooklands: 1938: 215 Cooper T80-Maserati car: 2 10 75, 84, 85, 89, 91, 95, 96, 98, 105, E quipe D evon e: 2 29
Campione d’Italia, Circuit of: 1 9 3 7 , 67 Cooper T81-Maserati car: 210, 211, 212 106, 107, 115, 117, 127, 137, ERA cars: 48, 52 , 53 , 57 , 58, 59, 63, 65, 66,
Campos, Benedicto: 2 1 7 Cooper T86-Maserati car: 212 2 1 5 -2 2 3 , 2 3 4 67, 68, 71, 72, 76, 87, 91, 93, 95, 215,
Canonica, André, 223 Copenhagen Grand Prix: 1 9 5 8 : 194 De Las Casas, Raphael Bethenod (‘Georges 2 1 7 , 219
Caracciolia, Rudolf: 25, 2 9 , 3 0 , 32, 3 5 , 46, Coppa Acerbo: 1 9 2 7 , 17; 1930, 25 ; 1 9 3 2 , Raph’), 5 6 -5 7 , 68, 69, 91 Erlen, Circuit of: 1 9 5 0 , 218
47, 49, 51, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 76 3 2 - 3 3 ; 1 933 , 3 8 ; 1 9 3 4 , 46; 1 9 3 5 , 53; De Paolo, Peter: 44 Ermini, Pasquino: 66
Carini, Piero: 97, 104, 109, 127 1936, 5 6 ; 1 9 3 8 , 7 0 -7 1 De Portago, Marquis Alfons: 128, 144, 150, Escuderia B andeiran tes: 103, 104, 105, 107
Camaria, Circuit of: 193 9 , 76 Coppa Acerbo Voiturette race: 1 9 3 2 , 33; 153, 160, 180, 182, 223 Etancelin, Philippe: 25, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44,
Carraroli, coachbuilder: 90 1933, 3 8 ; 1934, 46; 1 9 35, 53 ; 1 9 3 6 , 59; DeSterlich, Marquis Diego, 16, 17, 18 45, 46, 50, 51 , 52, 53, 54 , 55 , 5 6 -5 7 ,
Carrera Panamericana-Mexico road race: 193 8 , 70; 1 9 3 9 , 77 De Tomaso, Allesandro: 146, 2 1 4 84 , 96, 97, 2 1 8 , 219
1 953, 115 Coppa Ciano: 1 9 3 0 , 25 ; 1931, 29 ; 1 9 3 2 , 32; De Tomaso, Isobel (neé Haskell): 2 14 Eva Peron Cup race, 1 9 4 7 , 87; 91
Casablanca Grand Prix: 1 9 3 2 , 3 1 ; 1 9 3 4 , 44 193 3 , 3 7 ; 1934, 45 ; 1 9 3 8 , 70 De Tomaso cars: 2 14 Everitt, Bill: 54, 67, 69
Caserta, Circuit of: 193 9 , 2 5 ; 1 9 5 3 , 114 Coppa Ciano Voiturette race: 1 9 3 2 , 3 2 ; 1933, Dei, Giuglielmo: 188, 192, 196, 223, 2 36 Eyston, Captain George: 28, 29 , 44
Casner, Lloyd: 198, 199, 2 0 1 , 2 0 2 , 203, 3 7 ; 1 9 3 6 , 5 9 ; 1 9 3 8 , 7 0 ,2 1 5 ; 1939, 76 Del Parco, Marchese Carcano di Anzanio: 11
2 0 4 , 20 5 , 2 0 6 , 2 0 7 , 2 0 8 Coppa Collina Pistoiese hill climb: 1927, 16 Delage cars Fagioli, Luigi: 18, 24, 25 , 27, 28, 29 , 30 , 31,
Castagna coachwork, 29 Coppa Edda Ciano: 1 9 3 5 , 56 ; 1 9 3 6 , 59 ; Generally: 22, 50, 88, 90 33 , 35 , 36, 3 7 , 38 , 39 , 45, 46, 47, 51,
Castelbarco, Count Luigi: 27, 28, 3 1 , 3 2 , 44, 1 938, 71 Delage V8 1500cc: 5 8 -5 9 52, 218
47, 52 Coppa Fiorio: 19 0 7 , 11 Delahaye cars: 50 , 68, 76, 8 4 Fairfield, Pat: 59 , 64, 65
Castellotti, Eugenio: 1 3 0 ,1 3 1 , 133, 134, Coppa Galenga: 1 9 2 7 : 16, Delamont, Dean: 231 Falchetto, Bruno: 48, 50
135, 138, 143, 145, 150, 151, 155, 180 Coppa Leonardi: 1927,17, 1 9 2 8 , 20 Della Chiesa, Luigi: 50, 54 Fangio, Juan Manuel: 81, 87, 91, 95, 96 , 98,
Castle Combe: O ctober 1 955, 2 2 7 Coppa Messina: 1 927, 13 Della Stufa, Marquis de: 51 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110,
Cecei, Raphaele: 49 Cork Light Car race: 1 9 3 8 , 68 Del Parco, Marchese Carcano di Ananzo: 11 111, 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119,
Chaboud, Eugene: 84, 88, 90 Coronation Trophy, Crystal Palace: 1 9 3 7 , 64; Dewoitine (aircraft): 48 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
Chambost, Robert: 3 3 , 3 7 1 938, 68 Diatto company:12, 14 129, 130, 132, 134, 135, 136, 139,
Chapman, Colin: 197 Corsi, Secondo: 46 Diatto cars: 12, 13, 14 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 150,


153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, Florence, Circuit of: 1937, 65 Gordini, Ameé: 79, 218 142, 2 2 7 -2 2 8 ; Sports C a r race 1 9 56,
177, 178, 179, 182, 188, 189, 191, France, Grand Prix de: 1934, 4 7 -4 8 ; 1949, Gordini team: 129, 155, 2 26 150; 1 9 5 7 , 178, 2 3 4 ; 1 9 5 8 , 189, 2 3 5 ;
193, 2 1 7 , 21 9 , 2 2 0 , 2 2 3 , 2 2 4 , 228, 96 Gordini Formula 2 cars: 104 1 9 6 6 , 210
2 3 1 , 2 3 4 , 235 Francis, ‘A lf’; 120, 123, 125, 130, 2 30 Gordini Formula 1 cars: 111, 118, 123, 142, Irish Grand Prix meeting: 1 9 3 1 , 28
Fantuzzi, Medardo, coachbuilder: 90, 114, Franco, Francisco, Spanish Dictator: 61 144, 145, 22 8 Iso motorcycles and scooters: 186
135, 139, 140 Frazer Nash Le M ans R eplica cars: 113, 2 2 4 Cordini sports cars: 114, 115, 127, 153 Isotta Fraschini company: 11, 12, 24, 30 , 5 7
Farina, Dr. Giuseppe (‘Nino’): 47, 49, 50, French Grand Prix: 1 9 2 3 , 160; 1 9 3 1 , 28; Gould, Horace: 129, 133, 156, 158, 182, Isotta Fraschini cars: 11, 12
52, 54, 65, 69, 70, 71, 76, 77, 78, 91, 1 932, 3 2 ; 1 9 3 3 , 3 7 ; 1934, 4 4 -4 5 ; 1 9 3 5 , 229, 231, 233 Itala car: 28
92, 94 -9 5 , 96, 97, 99, 101, 108, 117, 5 2 ; 1 936, 6 9 ; 1 9 3 9 , 75, 85 ; 1947, 89, Grazzabini, Carlo: 3 4 Italian Grand Prix: 1 9 2 5 , 13, 14; 1 9 2 6 , 15;
119, 127, 151, 2 1 6 , 21 7 , 2 1 8 , 220 2 1 7 ; 1 9 5 3 , 109; 1954, 1 2 0 -1 2 1 , 225; Greene, Keith: 228 1 9 2 8 , 20, 1 9 3 2 , 3 1 ; 1 9 3 3 , 38 ; 1 9 3 4 , 47;
Farinacci, Roberto (Secretary, Italian Fascist 1 956, 143; 19 5 7 , 1 5 7 -1 5 8 ; 1 9 5 8 , 191; Greene, Sidney: 114, 224, 226, 2 2 7 , 2 28 1 9 3 5 , 54; 1 936, 5 6 ; 1 9 3 8 , 71; 1 9 4 7 , 89,
Party): 3 3 , 35 1 9 5 9 , 196; 19 6 6 , 21 0 Gregory, Ken: 2 30 2 1 6 ; 1 9 4 8 , 93; 1 9 4 9 , 96, 101, 218;
Featherstonhaugh, R.E.L. ‘Buddy’: 41, 45 Frere, Paul: 143, 222 Gregory, Masten: 136, 137, 153, 156, 177; 1 9 5 0 , 2 1 9 : 1 9 5 1 , 2 2 0 ; 1 9 5 2 , 104, 221;
Ferrari, Enzo: 36, 3 7 , 41, 46, 81, 89, 109, Fribourg hill climb: 1 9 5 3 , 2 22 178, 180, 182, 183, 188, 189, 190, 1 9 5 3 , 1 1 2 -1 1 3 ; 1 9 5 4 , 125; 1 9 55,
110, 113, 133, 142, 160, 201 Friderich, Ernst: 26, 1 9 1 -1 9 2 , 1 9 2 -1 9 3 , 199, 200, 201, 1 3 3 -1 3 4 ; 1 9 5 6 , 1 4 5 -1 4 6 , 228, 223,
Ferrari cars, Fronteras, Luis: 29 2 0 2 , 20 5 208, 223 2 3 1 -2 3 2 ; 1 9 5 7 , 177, 215, 2 3 3 ; 1958,
125/F1: 93, 95, 96, 97, 21 8 , 2 1 9 Frontieres, Grand Prix des: 1947, 88 ; 1954, Griffiths, Guy (motor racing photographer 1 9 2 -1 9 3 ; 1 9 6 6 , 210
166C : 9 4 -9 5 , 103 118; 1 9 5 6 (sports cars), 150 and historian): 21, 34, Italmoto motorcycles: 81
340F/1: 219 Furmanik, Giuseppe: 37 , 46, 49 Grignard, Georges: 84 Itier, Madame Rose: 3 7
3 7 5 F/l: 98, 99, 2 2 0 Grosvenor Grand Prix: 1 9 3 8 , 67; 1 9 3 9 , 72
Thin W all S pecial car. 118, 125, 2 2 2 Galliazi, Professore Riccardo: 3 4 Guards Trophy race, Brands Hatch: 1 962, Jaguar cars,
5 0 0 F2: 104, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, Galvez, Oscar: 8 7 , 91, 94, 95, 107 206 XK series: 186
113, 2 2 1 , 222 Garda, Circuit of: 1 9 2 3 , 12; 1924, 12; 1 9 50, Guidoni, Giovanni Battista: 24 , 219, 2 20 C-type: 129, 137
6 25 F I : 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 124, 99 Guidoni, Liborio, speedboat racer: 139 D-type: 136, 137, 138, 147, 150, 152,
125, 126, 1 3 2 ,2 2 5 Gardner, ‘Goldie’: 3 7 G ruppo S an G orgio : 37 153, 157, 180, 183, 235
6 25 (Monza-engined) : 130 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, Italian patriot: 9 Guelfi, André, 127 E-type: 205
5 53 S q u a b F I : 117, 119, 121, 125, 126 Gaze, Tony: 130 Gumey, Dan: 199, 2 00 Jano, Vittorio: 26, 30 , 40, 50, 59, 117
5 5 5 S u perS qu alo F I : 134 Gendebien, Olivier: 150, 182, 2 00 JB W cars: 194, 195
555 (Monza-engined): 146 Gentilini, coachbuilder: 196 Halford, Bruce: 160, 215, 2 2 9 -2 3 5 JC C Double Twelve race, Brooklands, 1931:
Lancia-Ferrari F I : 141, 142, 143, 144, Gerard, F R ‘Bob’: 87 , 91, 93 , 95, 217, 219, Hall, Eddie: 36 , 42 28
145, 146, 2 2 3 , 22 8 , 231 231 Hall-Smith, Mrs: 63 JC C International Trophy race, Brooklands,
801 (formerly Lancia-Ferraari): 155, 156, Gerini, Gerino: 127 Hamilton, Duncan: 129, 137, 150, 153, 2 35 1 9 3 3 : 3 6 ; 1 9 3 4 , 43; 1 9 3 7 , 6 6 ; 1 9 3 9 , 72,
159, 160, 177 German Grand Prix: 1 9 3 1 , 29 ; 1 9 3 2 , 32 ; Hamilton, Hugh: 41 , 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 74
156 D ino F2: 156 1934, 4 5 ; 193 6 , 5 5 - 5 6 ; 1 9 3 8 , 70; 1939, Hansgen, Walt: 199, 2 0 1 , 2 0 3 , 204, 205 JC C 200-m ile race, Donington Park: 1 9 37, 66
2 46 D ino F l : 178, 188, 189, 191 76; 1939, 2 1 5 -2 1 6 ; 1 9 5 2 , 104; 1 9 53, Hanson, Robin: 63, 65, 68 Jenkinson, Denis: 101, 139, 147, 149, 181,
312 F l: 210 1 1 0 -1 1 1 , 2 2 2 ; 1954, 123; 1 9 5 6 , 144, Harrison, T C: 2 20 182, 2 3 4 , 2 3 5 , 236
159: 90 2 2 8 , 2 3 1 ; 195 7 , 160, 2 3 4 Hartmann, Laszlo: 58, 59, 67, 69 Jensen, Ross: 193, 194, 235
166 M ille M iglia: 79, 93, 94, 99, 114, 129 Ghersi, Pietro: 28, 29, 31 , 53, 70 Hartz, Harry, 25 Jersey International Road Race: 1 9 4 7 , 88;
2 5 0 Mille M iglia: 128 Ghia coachwork: 2 1 4 Hasse, Rudolf: 64, 65 1 9 4 8 , 91, 2 1 7 ; 1 9 4 9 , 95; 1 950, 2 19
3 4 0 M exico: 115 Giacomazzi, Ing Alceste: 61, 81 Hawthorn, Joh n Michael (Mike): 109, 111, Juan D. Peron, International Grand Prix of:
3 7 5 L e M ans: 109, 114, 127 Giambertone, Marcello (Fangio's racing 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, 123, 124, 1 9 4 9 , 94
5 0 0 M on dial: 114, 128, 129 manager): 188 125, 126, 127, 129, 134, 136, 137, Juan Peron Cup race: 1 9 4 7 , 87 ; 1 9 4 8 , 91
7 35 Sport: 129, 135 Giardini, Francesco: 129, 139, 150 138, 142, 144, 151, 155, 156, 159,
750 M on za: 129, 133, 136, 137, 139, Gilby Engineering: 114, 117, 131, 132, 144, 160, 178, 180, 183, 188, 191, 222, Kaiserpreis qualifying race, 1 9 0 7 : 11
151, 152, 153, 182, 223 160, 2 2 4 , 2 2 5 , 226, 22 8 226, 227, 228, 229 Kannonloppet race, Sweden: 1 9 5 9 , 194
3 7 5 P lus: 127 Gilco chassis-building company: 146 Henning, Cotton: 74 Kautz, Christian: 8 8 -9 , 92 , 215, 21 7
4 10 Sport: 147 Giletti, Emilio: 113, 114, 115, 127, 222 Herrmann, Hans: 114, 121, 125, 126, 152, Kavanagh, Ken: 188
118 L e M an s , 136 Ginther, Richie: 2 0 4 156, 157, 182, 187, 196, 199 Kimberley Bill: 201, 202, 2 0 4 , 2 0 5 , 206
121 L e M ans, 138 Glass, Arnold: 194 Hill, Graham: 137, 201, 202, 2 0 8 , 2 10 Klausen hill climb: 1934, 45—46
2 9 0 M ille M iglia: 147, 153 Gobbato, Ubo (managing director of Alfa Hill, Phil: 147, 183, 199, 203 Kling, Karl: 121, 125, 126, 134
8 6 0 M on za: 150 Romeo): 50 Hitler, Adolf (Chancellor of Germany): 40, Klinger, Umberto: 25, 29
5 00 Testa R ossa: 151, 223 Godia-Sales, Francesco: 126, 129, 142, 144, 54, 61, 73, 76, 83 Koster, Fritz: 114, 115
3 1 5 Mille M iglia: 180 145, 153, 182, 188; 194, 233 Howe, Earl: 41 , 44, 45, 47, 59, 67, 69, 71 Kyffin, Tom: 2 2 9 , 2 3 4
3 3 5 Sport: 183, 193 Gomm, Maurice, coacbuilder: 2 34 Howell, John: 3 4
Di no 2 0 6 Sport: 198 Gonzalez, Froilan: 87, 99, 103, 104, 105, Hug, Armand: 68, 69, 71, 72, 75, 76 La Baule Sand Races: 1 9 3 8 , 71
2 5 0 Testa R ossa: 199, 20 0 , 2 0 3 , 2 0 4 107, 108, 109, 110, 118, 119, 120, HWM Formula 2 cars: 104, 106, 221 La Turbie hill climb: 1 9 3 9 , 2 16
D ino 2 4 6 : 199 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 129, Lago, Anthony: 152
Dino 246SP : 2 0 3 , 2 0 4 1 3 5 , 141, 147, 220 Ibsley: April 1 9 5 5 , 226 Lampredi, Aurelio: 98,
250G T, 182, 203 Goodacre, Charles: 28, 67 Imola Sports Car Grand Prix: 1 9 5 4 , 128; Lancia cars:
330P: 2 0 8 Goodwood Race Meetings: S ep tem ber 1 9 48, 1 9 5 5 , 137 Aprilia: 78
Fiandri, Celestine, coachbuilder: 139, 140 9 3 ; E aster M on day 1 9 5 0 , 98, 218; Imperia car factory: 3 7 Aurelia B 20 GT 114
Fiat company: 11, 22, 133, 2 1 4 S ep tem ber 1 950 , 2 1 9 ; Whit M onday 1951 : Imperial Trophy, Crystal Palace: 1 9 3 7 , 67 D 20 sports car: 114
Fiat cars: 1 2 , 5 1 , 6 1 , 6 3 , 8 0 9 9 ; E a ster M onday 1 9 5 3 , 108, 2 2 1 -2 2 2 ; Indianapolis 5 00 Miles race: 1 9 3 0 , 25 ; 1 9 39, D 23 sports car: 110
Fiermonte, Enzo: 65 S ep tem ber 1 953 , 114, 2 2 4 ; E aster 7 4 -7 5 ; 1 9 4 0 , 78; 1 9 4 1 , 78; 1 9 4 6 , 85 D 24 sports car: 115, 127, 128
Filippini, Corrado (journalist): 61 M onday 195 4 , 2 2 4 -2 2 5 ; S ep tem ber 1 9 54, Innocenti company: 2 14 D 50 F I car: 117, 126, 130, 131, 132,
Fisher, John: 235 125, 22 6 ; E aster M on day 1 9 5 5 , International Trophy, Silverstone: 1 9 4 9 , 96, 133, 134, 2 27
Fitch, John: 2 0 1 ,2 2 3 1 3 0 -1 3 1 , 2 2 6; E aster M on day 1 9 5 6 : 2 1 8 ; 1 9 5 2 , 106, 221; 1 9 5 3 , 107, 222; Landi, Francesco ‘Chico’: 87, 9 1 ,1 0 3 , 107,
Flockhart, Ron: 126, 146, 152, 235 141, 2 2 7 ; E aster M onday 1 9 5 8 , .235 1 9 5 4 , 118, 2 2 5 ; 1 9 5 5 , 132, 226; 1 9 5 6 , 112, 141, 2 22

INDEX / 253
Landi, Guido: 37, Marimon, Onofre: 87, 107, 108, 110, 112, 6C M -1500: 5 7 -5 8 , 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 10/F1 engine: 211
Lang, Hermann: 64, 69, 70, 74, 76, 111, 113, 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 6 7 -6 8 , 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, A6G/54 GT: 149, 186
112, 114 123, 124 84, 90, 91, 216 3 5 0 0 GT: 148, 186
Lausanne Grand Prix: 1947, 89, 21 7 ; 1949, Marinoni, Attilio: 71 6C S-1500: 58 Bora: 213
218 Mar del Plata Grand Prix: 1 9 4 8 , 91; 1950, 6CM with 4CM engine: 65, 66, 67, 69, Merak: 213
Lehoux, Marcel: 27, 29, 31, 3 7 , 3 9 , 45, 48, 97, 2 1 8 70, 71, 72, 75 Biturbo: 2 1 4
Le Begue, René: 78 Mario, Carlo: 2 0 4 4C L-1500: 61, 7 2 -7 3 , 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, B arch etta: 2 1 4
Le Mans 2 4 Hours race: 1 9 5 4 128; 1955, Marne Grand Prix: 1 9 3 1 , 29; 1 9 3 3 , 3 7 ; 1934, 81 , 83, 84, 85 , 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, Maserati motorcycles: 81
133, 137; 1 956, 1 5 1 -1 5 2 ; 1 957, 4 5 ; 1 935, 53; 1 9 4 8 , 88 93, 101, 2 1 6 , 22 4 Maserati commercial vehicles: 81
1 8 2 -1 8 3 , 2 3 2 : 1 9 6 0 , 2 0 0 -2 0 1 , 2 3 5 ; Marseille Grand Prix: 1932, 33, 35 ; 1933, 38; 8CTF: 61, 66, 6 8 -6 9 , 7 0 -7 1 , 74, 75, 76, Eletrocarri Maserati: 61
196 1 , 2 0 3 , 2 3 5 ; 1 962, 2 0 5 - 2 0 6 ; 1963, 1 946, 8 4 , 2 1 6 ; 1 9 4 7 , 88 ; 1 9 5 2 , 106, 78 Masetti, Giulio: 12
2 0 7 ; 196 4 , 2 0 8 ; 1 9 6 5 , 208 221 8CL: 78, 85 , 86, 91 Massacurati, Dr: 72
Le Mans Practice Weekend, 1961: 2 0 3 ; 1963: Martin, Charles: 55, 64, 67 4CLT: 88, 2 1 6 , 2 17 Massimino, Alberto: 61, 81, 90 , 102, 104,
2 0 7 ; 196 4 , 2 0 8 ; 1 965, 208 Martin, Townsend Bradley: 57, 65 4CLT/48: 53 , 61, 81, 9 1 -9 2 , 93, 94, 95, 106, 115
Les Sables d’Olonne, Circuit of: 1 952, 106; Marzotto, Paolo: 99, 128 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 217, 2 1 8 , 219, Materassi, Emilio: 13, 15, 16, 20
1 9 5 6 (sports cars ), 151 Marzotto, Vittorio: 128, 136 220 Matrullo, Frederico: 33 , 45
‘Levegh’ (Pierre Bouillon): 88, 8 9 ; 135 Masaryk, Circuit of: 1 9 3 4 , 4 8 -4 9 ; 1 9 3 7 , 67 4CLT/50: 97 Mays, Raymond: 48, 52, 65, 66, 69, 71
Lewis, Hon. Brian: 28, 36, 43 Masaryk Circuit of, Voiturette race: 1 9 3 7 , 67 8CLT/50: 9 7 -9 8 Mays, Rex: 78
Lewis, Charles: 3 4 Maserati, Alfieri: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, A 6-1500: 61, 81, 90 McAfee, Ernie: 114
Lewis, David: 3 4 1 6 , 2 0 ,2 1 , 2 5 , 26, 28, 29, 3 0 ,3 5 A6G: 90 McDill Field race, Tampa Florida: 1953, 114
Lewis-Evans, Stuart: 158, 159, 177, 228 Maserati, Bindo: 10, 11, 12, 26, 30, 61, 79, A6GCS: 90, 9 3 -9 4 , 97, 99 McEvoy, Frank: 59
Ligier, Guy: 210 90 A6GCM: 1 0 2 -1 0 3 , 104, 105, 1 0 6 -1 0 7 , McLaren, Bruce: 201, 203, 2 0 4 , 205
Liguori, Ralph: 194 Maserati, Carlo: 10 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 221, Menditeguy, Carlos: 133, 141, 142, 147,
Lisbon Sports Car Grand Prix: 1953, 110; Maserati, Caroline (n eé Losi): 10, 222, 2 2 4 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 180, 182,
1 9 5 5 , 137, 223 Maserati, Ernesto: 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, A6GCM/250F: 117, 118, 119, 123, 125, 188
Lister, Brian: 2 3 4 2 1 , 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 , 29, 30 , 31 , 32, 126, 222, 223 Mercedes cars: 13
Lister-Bristol car: 115 3 3 , 61, 63, 79, 90, 117 A6GCS (Second Series): 1 1 3 -1 1 4 , 115, Mercedes-Benz cars:
Lister-Maserati car: 115, 153 Maserati, Ettore: 10, 11, 12, 61, 79, 90 127, 128, 129, 135, 136, 137, 138, Generally: 40
Lister-Jaguar car: 193, 2 3 4 -2 3 5 Maserati, Mario: 10, 13 139, 150, 151, 152, 153, 222, 223, 2 24 SSK: 21 , 25
Lloyd, Bill: 153 Maserati, Rodolfo: 10 A6GCS M ille M iglia: 127 SSKL: 29
Lockboume Air Base races, Ohio, USA: 1953, Maserati company: 26, 27, 41, 49, 50 , 54, Tipo 250S: 1 2 8 -1 2 9 , 149 W 25: 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 , 52,
115 59, 61, 75, 78, 133, 144, 2 1 2 , 213, 4CF2 engine: 115 56
Loens, André: 151, 232 214 250F/1: 106, 1 1 6 -1 1 7 , 118, 119, 120, W 125: 64, 66, 67
London Trophy Formule Libre race, Crystal Maserati Corporation of America: 186 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, W 154: 68, 69, 70, 71
Palace: 1938, 69 Maserati-France: 206, 20 8 1 2 9 -1 3 0 , 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, W 163: 74, 76, 78
Lorraine Grand Prix: 1 932, 32 M aserati SpA, F abbrica C an d ele A ccm ulatori: 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 153, W 165: 74
Lotus Eleven cars: 153, 197, 231 62, 81, 82 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, W 196: 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123,
Lotus 15 car: 197 Maserati cars: 177, 178, 188, 189, 192, 193, 201, 125, 126, 127, 130, 132, 133, 134,
Lotus 16 cars: 192, 197, 235 Tipo 2 6 : 14, 15, 16, 17, 3 0 , 31 , 3 2 , 33, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 225
Lotus 49 cars: 2 1 0 , 211 37 230, 2 3 1 ,2 3 2 ,2 3 3 , 2 3 4 , 235 300SLR: 130, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139
Louveau, Henri: 85, 88, 89 Tipo 26B: 16, 17, 2 0 , 2 1 ,2 4 , 25 2 5 0 F V 1 2 : 1 5 4 -1 5 5 , 156, 157, 158, 159, Meregalli, Guido: 12
Loyens, Bert: 3 4 8 C -1 1 0 0 : 2 2 , 24, 25 160, 177, 189, 222 Merrick, Tony: 161
Lugo, Aldo: 106 8 C -1 5 0 0 : 15, 18, 20 2 5 OF Piccolo: 189, 191, 192, 193, 196 Messina-Vinci Cup race, 1 9 2 7 , 16
Lucas, Jean: 152, 223 8 C -2 5 0 0 (Tipo 26M ): 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 27, 300S: 129, 1 3 5 -1 3 6 , 137, 138, 139, 140, Messina 10-Hour Night Race: 1 9 5 4 , 129;
Lucca, Circuit of, Voiturette race: 193 7 , 66 2 8 , 2 9 , 3 1 , 3 2 , 38, 41 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 1 9 5 5 , 137
Lurani, Count ‘J ohnny’: 42, 47, 52, 63, 64, 8 C -2 8 0 0 : 2 9 , 3 0 , 3 1 , 3 5 , 3 7 153, 178, 180, 182, 183, 184, Messina sports car race: 1 9 5 9 , 196
67, 69, 8 7 , 88, 9 3 , 94 TA-2800: 30 1 9 3 -1 9 4 Metternich, Prince: 151
8 C -3 0 0 0 : 3 5 , 3 6 ,3 8 , 4 1 , 4 3 ,4 6 350S: 1 4 7 -1 4 9 , 151, 152, 178, 179 Mexican Grand Prix: 1 9 6 6 , 210
Mackay Fraser, Herbert: 159 8C M -3000: 3 5 -3 6 , 37 , 38, 39, 40, 41, 150S: 129, 1 3 9 -4 0 , 146, 147, 150, 151, MG cars
MacHin, Lance: 106, 133, 221 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 , 47, 48, 49, 50 , 55, 152, 1 5 3 ,2 3 0 Generally: 29, 37 , 44
Maclure, Percy: 65 66; 67 200S: 140, 1 4 6 -1 4 7 , 151, 180, 189 MG Magnette cars: 36 , 38 , 4 1 -4 2 , 47, 49
Madrid 1100 cc Sports Car race: 1 949, 2 1 8 4CTR -1100: 29 200SI: 146, 151, 152, 153 MG A Twin-Cam: 80
Maggi, Count Aymo: 16, 18, 20, 25, 2 7 4C S-1100: 30, 41, 47, 51, 55, 63 250S; 195 Mieres, Roberto: 117, 118, 119, 123, 126,
Maglioli, Umberto: 109, 114, 125, 127, 128, 4C M -1100: 3 0, 31 , 32 , 35 , 49, 53 , 54 450S: 152, 153, 157, 1 7 8 -1 7 9 , 180, 181, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 137, 139,
129, 136, 137, 144, 150, 199, 202, 4C M -1500: 30 , 37 , 38 , 44, 47, 49, 51, 182, 183, 184, 187 141
203 52, 5 3 , 54, 57 , 58 , 59; 64, 65, 68, 69, 350S V12 (Tipo 57): 1 8 1 -1 8 2 , 183, 187 Milan Grand Prix: 1 9 4 6 , 85, 2 16
Mainwaring, Dick: 138 215 420/M58 Eldorado Special: 1 9 0 -1 9 1 , 194 Milan Voiturette Grand Prix: 1 9 3 8 , 71
Mairesse, ‘W illy’: 203 4C S-1500: 51, 52, 55, 59, 65 V I 2 3-litre (Tipo 58), 194 Milan, Circuit of: 1937, 65
Malaguti, Romano: 45, 47, 49 4 C -2 0 0 0 : 3 7 , 38 60 ‘Bird-cage’: 197, 198, 201, 2 04 Milan, Circuit of, Voiturette race, 1 9 3 6 , 59;
Mallory Park: B R SC C m eetin gju ly 195 6 , 231 4 C -2 5 0 0 : 41, 44, 56 61 ‘Bird-cage’: 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 1937, 65
Maloja hill climb: 194 6 , 2 1 6 V 4 Sedici Cilindri: 21 , 24, 25, 27 , 28 , 29, 2 0 3 , 204, 205 M ilano cars: 96, 98, 101, 131, 21 8
Mancini, Luigi: 114, 140 3 4 , 52 63 ‘Bird-cage’: 201, 202, 2 0 3 -2 0 4 , 205 Millar, Cameron: 180, 2 3 6 -2 3 7
Mantovani, Sergio: 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, V5 Sedici Cilindri: 30 , 31, 33 , 35, 40, 43, 6 4 ‘Bird-cage’: 2 0 4 Mille Miglia: 1 9 2 8 18; 1 9 2 9 , 20 ; 1 9 3 0 , 24;
123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130 44, 46, 52 65 ‘Bird-cage’: 208 1 9 3 1 , 2 7 ; 1 9 3 2 , 30 ; 1 9 3 3 , 41; 1 9 3 4 ,
Manzon, Robert: 121, 142, 150, 153 6C/34: 13, 47, 4 8 -4 9 , 50, 51, 52 , 54, 56, 151: 205, 206 5 0 - 5 1 ; 1 9 3 5 , 55; 1 9 3 7 , 63; 1 9 3 8 , 78;
Mar de Plata Grand Prix; 1949, 95 215 151/1: 206, 207, 208, 2 09 1 9 4 0 , 78; 1 9 4 7 , 90; 1 9 4 8 , 9 3 - 9 4 ; 1 949,
Marazza, Aldo: 64, 65, 6 9 , 70 V8RI: 13, 5 2 -5 3 , 5 4 -5 5 , 5 6 -5 7 , 58, 8/F1 engine; 2 0 7 -8 97 ; 1 9 5 3 , 114; 1 9 5 4 , 128; 1 9 5 5 , 136;
Margulies, Dan: 137 6 5 -6 6 9/F1 engine: 2 0 9 -2 1 0 1 9 5 6 , 1 4 9 -1 5 0 ; 1 9 5 7 , 1 8 0 -1 8 2


Miller cars, 2 5 , 30 New Zealand Grand Prix: 1955, 130; 1 9 56, Pau Grand Prix: 1935, 50; 1936, 55; 1938, Reims 12 Hours race: 1 9 5 3 , 109, 110; 1 954,
Minozzi, G: 28 141; 195 9 , 193 68 ; 1939, 2 1 5 ; 1947, 88 ; 1948, 91, 129; 1 9 5 6 , 151: 1 9 6 4 , 208
Modena Grand Prix: 1 9 5 2 , 1 0 4 , 1 9 5 3 : 113, Nice Grand Prix: 19 3 3 , 3 7 - 3 8 ; 1934, 46; 2 1 7 ; 1949, 95 ; 1950, 98 ; 1952, 106, Remparts, Circuit des: 1 9 5 0 , 9 9
2 2 2 ; 1 957, 178, 2 3 4 1946, 8 4 ; 1 947 , 89 2 2 1 ; 1954, 1 1 8 -1 1 9 ; 1957, 1 5 5 -1 5 6 , Renault 75 0 car: 103
Modena, Circuit of: 1934, 49; 193 5 , 54; Nice Voiturette race: 1 9 3 2 , 32 2 32 Rheinland Cup, Nurburgring: 1 9 5 6 , 152
1947, 90 Nimes Grand Prix: 1 9 3 2 , 31 Pedrazzini, Carlo: 25, 43 Riganti, Raoul: 78
Modena, Circuit of, Voiturette race: 193 4 , 49; Nimes, Circuit of: 1 9 3 3 , 3 7 Pelassa, G: 69, 86 Riley cars: 65
1 9 35, 5 4 ; 193 8 , 71 Nuckey, Rodney: 221 Penn-Hughes, Clifton: 29, 42 Riley TT Sprite: 2 29
Moli, Guy: 3 8 , 3 9 , 41, 43, 4 4 , 45, 46 Nuffield Trophy, Donington Park: 1 9 3 7 , 215; Penya Rhin Grand Prix, 1934, 44; 1946, 86; Rindt, Jochen: 210, 211, 2 12
Monaco Grand Prix: 1931, 2 8 ; 1 9 3 2 , 3 0 ; 193 8 , 6 5 ; 1939, 75 1948, 93 ; 1950, 2 19 Rivolta, Renzo: 186
1 9 33, 3 6 ; 193 4 , 41; 1 9 3 5 , 5 1 ; 1 936; 55; Nurburgring 1 0 0 0 Km race: 1 9 5 3 , 114; 1 956, Perdisa, Cesare: 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, Rio de Janeiro Grand Prix: 1 9 4 8 , 95 ; 1 9 52,
1 9 4 8 , 91, 2 1 7 ; 1 950, 98: 195 5 , 1 3 2 -3 ; 150; 195 7 , 182; 1 9 6 0 , 1 9 9 -2 0 0 ; 1 9 6 1 , 136, 137, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 103; 1 9 5 3 (sports cars): 222
1 9 5 6 , 142; 1 957, 1 5 6 -1 5 7 ; 1 958, 189 2 0 2 ; 196 2 ; 2 0 4 147, 150, 151, 180 Robinson, Tony: 230, 232, 2 3 3 -2 3 4 , 235
Minoia, Ferdinando; 21, 29, Nurbrurgring 5 0 0 Km race: 1 9 5 5 , 139 Peron, President (of the Argentine) Juan Rocco, Giovanni: 64, 65, 66, 69, 74, 76, 77
Momberger, August: 21, 44 Nuvolari, Tazio: 20, 24, 25 , 28, 29, 31 , 32, Domingo: 87, 91, 185 Rodriguez, Pedro: 199, 203, 211
Monkhouse, Peter: 88, 3 3 , 3 4 , 3 5 , 3 7 , 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, Perpignan Grand Prix: 1 9 4 7 , Rodriguez, Ricardo: 203
Moncalieri, Luigi, 230 45, 46, 4 7 , 48, 49, 50 , 54, 57, 65 , 67, Perugina Cup race: 1 9 2 7 , 16; 1 9 5 3 , 114 Rol, Franco: 79, 97 , 98, 99, 104
Montlhery, record-breaking: 1933, 39 71, 78, 84, 8 5 , 9 2 -9 3 , 112, 216 Pescara Grand Prix, 1 9 5 1 , 101; 1954, 125; Rolt, A P R ‘Tony: 93, 106, 221
Mont Ventoux hill climb: 1933, 3 9 ; 1934, 47 1 9 5 7 , 160, 2 34 Rome Grand Prix, 1 9 3 0 , 25 ; 1931, 28 ; 1 9 32,
Montreux Grand Prix: 1934, 44 Offenhauser car: 75 Pescara 12 Hours race: 1 9 5 3 , 114 30 : 1 9 5 4 , 118
Monza Grand Prix: 1 9 2 9 , 2 1 ; 193 0 , 2 5 ; 1931, Officina Alfieri M aserati: 12, Pescara Sports Car Grand Prix: 1956, Rome Sports Car Grand Prix: 1 9 5 6 , 153
29 ; 1932, 3 3 , 3 5 ; 1933, 3 8 - 3 9 ; 1948, Officine A lfieti M aserati: 13, 29, 40, 50, 58, 1 5 2 -1 5 3 Rosa, A: 21,
93 60, 77, 123, 128 Pescara Four Hours race: 1961, 2 04 Rosario Grand Prix: 1 9 4 7 , 87 ; 1 9 4 8 , 91:
Monza ‘TwoWorlds’ Trophy: 1 9 5 7 , 157; OM cars: 18, 21, Peugeot, SA des Automobiles: 213, 2 1 4 1 9 4 9 , 9 4 -9 5
1 9 5 8 , 190 O ’Reilly, Francis: 76 Peugeot 4-litre cars: 25 Rose, Mauri: 65, 78
Moroccan Grand Prix: 195 7 ; 178; 1958, 193 O ’Reilly, Lucy: 76 Phoenix Park Formule Libre race: 1 9 3 7 , 66 Rosemeyer, Bemdt: 56, 66, 67
Moroccan 12 Hours race: 1953, 114 Oran Three Hours race (Algeria): 1932, 30 Picard, F: 127 Rosier, Louis: 89, 96, 99, 103, 118, 125,
Morris, M.C.: 29 Orsi, Adolfo: 9, 13, 41, 6 0 -6 2 , 63, 67, 68, Picardie Grand Prix: 1 9 3 4 , 44 132, 133, 144, 152, 153, 218, 219
Moss, Stirling: 117, 1 1 8 ,1 1 9 , 120, 123, 124, 70, 81, 90, 91, 94, 102, 106, 116, 134, Picardie Voiturette race: 1 9 3 3 : 3 7 ; 1 9 3 6 , Rouen Grand Prix: 1 9 5 4 , 225
125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 185, 2 0 9 , 2 1 3 , 2 2 4 5 8 - 5 9 ; 1 9 3 7 , 65; 1 9 3 8 , 6 9 ; 1 9 3 9 , 75 Rouen Sports Car Grand Prix: 1 9 5 6 , 151;
133, 134, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, Orsi, Dr Adolfo: 116, 186 Pietsch, Paul; 70, 71, 72, 77, 111 1 9 6 1 , 203
145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, Orsi, Armando, 60 Pilette, André: 118 Rousillon, Grand Prix de: 1 9 4 9 , 95, 2 17
155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 177, 178, Orsi, Bruna: 6 0 , 61, 81, 82 Pinin Farina coachbuilders: 81 , 90, 127 Rovere, Gino: 13, 50, 52 , 54, 58, 65
179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 188, Orsi, Carolina: 60 Pintacuda, Carlo: 51, 54, 74 Rubin, Bernard: 35
189, 191, 193, 194, 197, 199, 200, Orsi, Eida: 60, 61, 81, 82 R otti, Luigi: 141, 146, 151 Ruesch, Hans: 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 52,
201 , 20 2 , 2 2 3 , 2 2 5 , 2 2 6 , 2 2 7 , 228, Orsi, Ermina: 60 Plate, Enrico: 69, 84, 85, 88, 105, 107, 108, 59, 63
234 , 235 Orsi, Marcello: 60 117, 216, 217, 219, 221, 222, 223 Ruggeri, Amadeo: 28, 30, 31 , 32, 33 , 35
Moto Guzzi motorcycles: 2 1 4 Orsi, Omer: 61, 116, 120, 123, 124, 213 Plate, Luigi: 64, 69 Ruggeri, Arialdo: 84, 85, 88
Mountain Championship, Brooklands: 1934, OSCA (O fficina Specializzata C on stnizione Plate-Maserati cars: 1 0 5 -1 0 6 , 2 2 0 —221, 223 Ruggeri brothers: 83
49 A utom obili): 7 9 -8 0 , 115 Pompeo, Tony (US Maserati importer): 114 Russell, Jim : 228
Mugello, Circuit of: 1922, 12 Sports Cars: 79, 94, 129, 150, 153 Pontedecimo-Gioir hill climb: 1 9 59, 198
Munaron, Gino: 200 V12 Formula 1 car: 79, 2 19 Pope Pius XI: 5 4 Said, Boris ‘Bob’: 129, 196
Musso, Giuseppe: 114, 129, 139, 147 Fonnula 2 car: 7 9 -8 0 , 110, 221 Poore, Dennis: 138 St. Cloud Grand Prix: 1 9 4 6 , 85
Musso, Luigi: 112, 113, 114, 115, 118, 125, Formula Junior car: 80 Porsche 5 5 0 S pyder cars: 140, 150, 152, 182 Salmson cars: 16, 25 , 33 , 3 7
126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, GT cars: 80 Porsche R S K cars: 199, 200, 202 Salvadori, Roy: 114, 117, 123, 129, 131,
134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 145, Oulton Park: Gold Cup race, 1 9 5 4 , 125, Porto Grand Prix: 1 9 5 6 : 150 132, 144, 147, 151, 158, 159, 160,
146, 155, 159, 160, 178, 188, 223 2 2 5 -6 ; Form ule L ibre race, 1 9 5 4 , 125; Portuguese Grand Prix, 1 958, 1 9 1 -1 9 2 180, 189, 195, 2 0 5 ; 2 2 1 , 2 2 4 -2 2 8 ,
Mussolini, Benito (Italian Dictator): 10, 13, G old C up race, 1 9 5 5 , 134, 2 2 7 ; 1959, Portuguese Sports Car Grand Prix: 1 9 5 4 , 129, 233
29, 40, 50, 54, 61, 73, 74, 78, 83 196 1 9 5 5 , 137; 1 9 57, 182 Salon, Coupe du: 1 9 5 6 , 153
Musy, Benoit: 129, 136, 137, 138, 140, 150, Oulton Park: North Staffs. CC m eeting, 1 9 56: Pozzi, Charles: 90 San Remo Grand Prix: 1 9 3 7 , 66; 1 9 4 8 , 91;
153 230 Rem oli, L: 31, 32 1 9 4 9 , 9 5 , 2 17
MV (M eccanica Vergherà ) company: 80 Owen Organisation: 117, 123, 125, 132, Prix de Beme Voiturette race, 1 934, 47; 1935, San Sebastian Grand Prix, 1 9 2 4 , 12
141, 2 2 6 , 230 5 3 -5 4 ; 1 936, 59; 1937, 66 ; 1 9 3 8 , 71; Sanesi, Consalvo: 85, 88, 92, 216, 220
Nacional Pescara car: 55 1 9 3 9 , 77 Sao Paulo Grand Prix: 1 9 48, 95; 1953 (sports
Naples Grand Prix: 1 9 3 7 , 64, 2 1 5 ; 1 939, 74; Pabst, Augie: 2 0 4 cars), 222
1 9 5 3 , 108; 1 954, 132; 1 957, 156, 232 Pagani, Nello: 88, 91, 102 Rabassada hill climb: 1 9 24, 12 Sardinia Trophy road race: 1 9 5 5 , 137
Naples Formula 2 Grand Prix: 1 9 5 0 : 99 Palmieri, Pietro; 8 7 RAC Grand Prix: 1 9 4 8 , 93 , 21 7 Scarlatti, Giorgio: 128, 129, 137, 150, 154,
Naples, Circuit of: 1 934, 49; 1 9 3 6 , 64; 1 938, Panini, Matteo: 2 0 1 , 240, 242 RAC International Light Car race, Douglas: 156, 160, 178, 182, 183, 189, 193,
69; 1 948, 79, 94 Parenti, Rino: 29, 3 8 1 9 3 7 , 6 4 -6 5 , 215 195, 196, 202, 203, 2 04
Naples Sports Car Grand Prix: 1 954, 128 Paris Cup, Bois de Boulogne: 1946, 85 Railton, Reid: 41 Scaron, José, 33
Naples Sports Car races: 195 9 , 1 9 6 , 198; Paris Grand Prix: 1950, 99 Rallye Motors: 201 Schell, Harry: 76, 106, 117, 118, 123, 125,
1 9 6 0 , 196 Paris 1,0 0 0 Km race: 1956, 150; 1964, 2 08 Ramponi, Giulio: 20, 21, 28, 41, 58, 59 126, 130, 137, 144, 150, 152, 153,
Nassau Trophy; 1 9 5 6 , 153 Parisio, Marchese Pietro: 33 Rand, George: 65 154, 155, 156, 159, 160, 177, 178,
Nations, Grand Prix des: 194 6 , 85, 216; Pamell, Reg: 8 4 , 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96 , 98, Rand Grand Prix: 1937, 67 180, 182, 183, 184, 191, 193, 219,
1 9 4 8 , 2 1 7 ; 1 950, 101, 219 118, 2 1 7 , 21 8 , 2 1 9 , 220, 222, 225, Rayson, E.K: 64 2 2 1 ,2 2 6 , 2 2 7 ,2 2 8 , 2 34
Naylor, Brian: 153, 194,-195, 2 3 0 , 2 3 4 -2 3 5 227 Reggio Calabria, Circuit of: 1 9 5 5 , 137 Schell, Laury: 76
Neerpasch, Jochen: 208 Panavano, Tony: 140, 157, 179, 180 Reims Grand Prix: 1 9 5 2 , 104; 1957, 159, Scott-Brown, Archie: 115, 141, 142, 153,
Nelson, Eddie: 182 Pastore, Cesare: 24, 25, 233 227, 228

INDEX / 2 5 5
Scotti, Piero: 127 Spanish Grand Prix: 1 9 3 0 , 25; 1 9 3 3 , 39 ; Terni-Passo della Somma hill climb, 1 9 2 7 , 17 31, 36 , 38 , 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50-
Scu deria A m brosian a: 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 71, 1 934, 48 ; 1 9 5 1 , 2 2 0 ; 1 9 5 4 , 126, 223 Thomas, Parry: 39 5 1 ,5 2 ,6 6 ,8 5 ,8 7 ,9 1 ,9 2 ,2 1 6
74, 76, 87, 88, 8 9 , 91, 92, 9 3 , 94, 98, Speluzzi, Ing Mario: 87, 95, 96, 101 Thompson, Dick: 2 0 1 , 204, 2 06 Venables, David (author): 3 8 , 59
118 S qu ad ra Achille Varzi, 50, 95, 96, 98 Thompson, New England, USA races: 1 9 53, Venezian, Bruno: 128
Scu derìa Argentina, 98, 99, 101 Stabilamente Farina, coachbuilders: 74 115 Venezuelan Grand Prix: 1 9 5 5 , 139, 147, 223;
Scu deria C alce d o n i: 37 Stacey, Alan: 197 Thomson & Taylor: 38 , 41, 1 9 56, 153; 1 9 5 7 , 183
Scu deria C en tro-S ud: 142, 144, 155, 157, Stanguellini car: 2 1 8 , 232, 2 3 4 Thom e Engineering Special car: 75 Verkade, Eric: 3 4
177, 178, 188, 189, 192, 195, 196, Stoffel, Henri: 25 Titterington, Desmond: 134, 2 27 Vermicino-Rocca di Pappa hill climb: 1 9 27,
2 0 1 ,2 0 4 , 236 Storez, Claude: 137 Tojeiro-Bristol car: 114 17
Scuderia El Salvador: 193 Straight, Michael: 49 Tolentino-Colle Paterno hill climb: 1 9 2 8 , 20 Veyron, Pierre: 30, 31, 3 2 , 33 , 44, 53, 59
Scuderia F errari: 25, 28, 29, 3 5 , 3 6 , 3 7 , 3 8 , Straight, Whitney: 34 , 36, 37 , 39 , 40, 43, Tomasi, Carlos: 128, 129, 147 Vichy Grand Prix: 1 9 3 4 , 45
41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 5 0 , 51, 5 2 , 54, 4 5 , 47, 48, 49 Tongue, Reggie: 64, 65, 66, 72, 75, 76, 8 4 Vignale coachwork: 114, 2 14
55, 64, 67, 94, 115, 2 2 7 , 228 Strasbourg Grand Prix: 1 947, 89 Tonini, Carlo: 16, 17, Vila Real sports car race: 1 9 5 8 , 194
Scuderia Felipe Pem etti: 2 1 0 Stuck, Hans: 39 , 45, 46, 47 , 48, 49, 70 Toscanini, Arturo: 28 Villoresi, Emilio: 51, 59, 66, 70, 71, 74, 76
Scu deria G u astalla: 144 Such M en are D angerous (film): 223 Touring coachwork (C arrozzeria Touring): 7 8 Villoresi, Luigi: 51, 59, 63, 6 4 -6 5 , 66, 67,
Scu deria M ilano: 3 5 , 8 3 , 85, 8 7 , 88, 89, 91, Sunbeam-Talbot-Darracq Group: 22 Tourist Trophy: 1 9 3 1 , 29 ; 1 9 5 4 , 129; 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 78, 79, 84, 85,
92, 9 5 , 99, 101, 112 Sunbeam 2-litre Grand Prix car: 160 1955,138 87 , 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99,
Scuderia Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia: Sunbeam Tiger 4-litre car: 29 Tozzi-Condivi, Mario: 2 09 104, 108, 111, 117, 120, 121, 122,
195, 2 0 1 , 2 0 2 , 20 3 , 2 0 4 , 2 0 7 S u percortem aggiore Sports Car Grand Prix: Tracta cars: 3 0 123, 125, 126, 130, 132, 135, 139,
Scu deria S ien a: 4 3 , 48 1 9 5 3 , 114; 1 9 5 4 , 1 2 8 -1 2 9 , 135; 1955, Trento-Monte Bondone hill climb: 1 9 27, 17 145, 152, 153, 2 1 7 , 218, 2 19
Scuderia Su balpina: 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 133, 137, 223; 1 9 5 6 , 1 5 0 -1 5 1 Trintignant, Maurice: 118, 119, 123, 126, Vittorio-Consiglio hill climb: 1 9 2 7 , 16
Scu deria Sud-A m ericana : 188 Surtees, John: 2 1 0 , 211 129, 132, 147, 160, 178, 189, 193, Voiturette Grand Prix, Dieppe: 1 9 0 8 , 11
Scu deria Torino: 54, 5 5 , 58, 65 Susa-Moncenisio hill climb: 1949, 97 2 0 2 , 203, 2 0 6 , 208, 218, 225 Volonterio, Count Ottorino: 159, 223
Seaman, Richard: 47, 53, 5 5 - 5 6 , 5 8 - 5 9 , 66, Swedish Grand Prix: 1955, 137; 1 9 5 6 , 152; Tripoli Grand Prix: 1 9 27, 1 6 , 1 9 2 9 , 2 0 , 1 9 3 0 , Volpi, Count Giovanni: 195, 201
70 1 9 5 7 , 183 2 4 -2 5 ; 1 9 3 2 , 34 ; 1 9 3 4 , 4 3 -4 4 ; 1 935, Volpini, Gianpaolo: 131
Sebring 12 Hours race: 1 953, 114; 1 954, Swedish Summer Grand Prix: 1 9 4 8 , 21 8 52 ; 1 9 3 6 , 55; 1 938, 6 8 -9 ; 1 9 3 9 , 7 3 -7 4 ; Von Brauchitsch, Mannfred: 44, 67, 69, 71,
127, 153; 1955, 13 6 ; 1 956, 147; 1 957,Swedish W inter Grand Prix: 1 9 3 6 , 55 1 9 4 0 , 78 78
180; 1 960, 199; 1 961, 2 0 1 ; 1 962, 2 0 4 Swiss Grand Prix: 1 9 34, 4 6 -4 7 ; 1 9 3 5 , Tripoli, Circuit of: 1 9 3 7 , 64 Von Delius, Emst: 64
Segrave, Sir Henry de Hane: 160 5 4 ; 1 9 3 9 , 77, 215, 216; 1 9 4 7 , 88, Triumph TR2 car: 186 Von Frankenberg, Richard: 140
Selassie, Emperor Haile (of Abyssinia) : 54 2 1 6 ; 1 9 4 8 , 92 , 2 1 7 ; 1949, 96, 101, Trois Villes, Circuit des: 1 9 4 6 , 85 Von Hanstein, Huschke: 78, 150
Senigallia races: 1 9 5 4 , 129 2 1 8 ; 1 9 5 0 , 98, 2 1 8 ; 1 9 5 1 ,2 2 0 ; Trassi, Count Felice: 38, 43, 44, 45, 46, Von Morgen, Heinrich-Joachim: 28,
Serafini, Dorino: 89, 99 1 952, 2 2 1 ; 1953, 1 1 1 -1 1 2 ; 1 954, 5 5 -5 6 , 58, 59, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, Von Trips, Wolfgang: 177, 182, 191, 199,
Settember, Tony: 196 125 85, 92, 2 16 203
Severi, Francesco: 64, 66, 67, 7 1 , 74 Swiss National Grand Prix: 1937, 2 1 5 ; 1939, Trossi-Monaco car: 55
Sgorbati brothers: 129 216 Trucco, Vincenzo: 12 Wakefield, ‘J ohnny’: 63, 65, 66, 68, 71, 74,
Shaw, Wilbur: 6 5 -6 6 , 74, 78 Symondsön, Ronnie: 34 , Tuffanelli, B: 27, 3 0 , 31, 5 4 75, 76, 77, 8 4
Shawe-Taylor, Brian: 2 1 9 Syracuse Grand Prix: 1952, 106, 2 2 1 ; 1953, Tunis Grand Prix: 1 9 3 1 , 27 ; 1 9 3 2 , 30 ; 1933, Walker, Peter: 138, 2 27
Shelby, Carroll: 136, 78, 147, 180, 192, 193, 10 8 ; 1954, 118; 1955, 1 3 4 -1 3 5 , 227; 3 6 ; 1 9 3 5 , 52 ; 1 9 3 6 , 55 Walker, R R C ‘Rob’: 188, 189, 210, 2 2 7 ,
198, 199, 19 5 6, 142; 1957, 155, 232 Tunis Six Hours sports car race: 1 9 3 1 , 2 7 228
Shelsley Walsh hill climb: 1933 S eptem ber, Tadini, Mario: 43, 49, 54, 5 5 , 6 4 Turin, Circuit of, 1 9 3 7 , 64 ; 1 9 4 7 , 90 Walsh, Dick: 234, 235
3 9 ; 1 9 3 4 Ju n e, 4 4 ; 1 9 3 4 S eptem ber, 48 Talbot cars Turin, Circuit of, Voiturette race: 1 937, 64 Walters, Phil: 136
Shuttleworth, Richard: 54 Generally, 20, 2 8 , 69, 90, 105, 28 Turin Grand Prix: 1 9 4 6 , 85 Wavell, General Archibald Percival: 78
Sicily, Tour of: 1 9 5 4 , 1 2 7 -1 2 8 ; 1955, 136, 4.5-litre two-seater F I cars: 80 Turner Air Base races, Albany Georgia: 1 953, Wharton, Ken: 123, 125, 151, 153, 222,
147; 1 9 5 6 Monoplace: 85, 88, 89 115 225
Sicilian Gold Cup race: 1 9 5 3 , 115 Talbot-Lago T 26 F I : 89, 91, 93, 96, 97 , 98, Wheeler-Miller Special car: 78
Sieff, Jonathan: 2 0 9 , 212 99, 146, 217, 218, 2 19 Uboldi, Luciano: 59, 66 Whiteford, Doug: 146
Siena, Eugenio: 41, 43, 44, 52, 65, 67, 69 Talbot-Lago sports: 50, Ugolini, ‘Nello’: 118, 129, 143, 180, 190, Whitehead, Graham: 150
Siffert, Jo : 2 0 8 , 210 Talbot-Maserati sports: 152, 183, 232 194, 195, 202, 2 30 Whitehead, Peter: 66, 95, 130, 146, 2 19
Sighinolft, Sergio: 129 Tanner, Hans (journalist and racing manager): Ulster Trophy, Dundrod: 1 952, 103; 1953, 2 2 2 W hite M ouse Stahle, 2 24
Simca-Gordini cars, 89, 91, 94, 9 9 , 2 1 7 , 2 1 8 193, 194, 196 United States Grand Prix: 1 9 5 9 , 196; 1 9 66, Whitney Straight Ltd: 40
Simon André: 99, 132, 133, 144, 183, 2 0 7 , Tanner, Reg (Esso Competitions Manager) : 210; 1967, 21 2 Wilson, Norman: 69
2 0 8 , 228 224 Wimille, Jean-Pierre: 38, 52, 55 , 57, 85, 89,
Simone, Colonel ‘J ohnny’ (French Maserari Targa Fiorio race: 1 9 2 5 , 15; 1 9 2 6 , 15; 1 9 27, Vaccarella, Nino: 199, 202, 2 0 4 91, 92 , 9 3 , 9 4 ,2 1 5 , 2 1 6 ,2 1 7
agent): 127, 2 0 6 , 2 0 8 16; 1 9 2 8 , 18; 1 9 2 9 , 2 1 ; 1 9 3 0 , 23 ; 1 9 31, Vagniez, André: 30, 3 7 WRE-Maserati car: 196
Snetterton: Ju n e 195 4 , 2 2 5 ; M arch 1 955, 2 2 6 ; 2 8 ; 1 9 3 2 , 3 1 ; 1 9 3 7 , 64 ; 1 9 3 8 , 69 ; 1 9 39, Valentino Grand Prix: 1 9 5 5 , 130
Whit Satu rday 195 5 ; 2 2 6 ; August 1955, 74; 1 9 4 0 , 78; 1 9 5 3 , 114; 1 9 5 4 , 128; Valenzano, Piero: 114, 137 Yugoslav Grand Prix: 1 9 3 9 , 7 8
2 2 7 ; July, 1 95 6, 2 2 8 ; S ep tem ber 1959 1955, 139, 140; 1 9 5 6 , 150; 1 9 6 0 , 1 9 9 ; Vanderbilt Cup race: 1 9 3 6 , 5 6 - 5 7 ; 1 9 37,
(Silver City Trophy): 235 1 961, 2 0 2 ; 1 9 6 2 , 2 0 4 6 5 -6 6 Zagato coachwork: 29, 34 , 1 8 2 -1 8 3 ,
Snyder, J : 75 Taruffi, Piero: 37 , 38 , 41, 43, 67, 69, 72, 76, Vandervell, Guy A nthony‘Tony’: 125 Zandvoort Grand Prix: 1 9 4 8 , 93 ; 1 9 4 9 , 96,
Soffietti, Luigi: 48, 49, 50, 69 9 6 , 97, 101, 114, 127, 128, 136, 143, Vanwall Special car: 125, 126, 226 218
Sommer, Raymond: 3 5 , 3 6 , 3 7 , 4 4 , 45, 54, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 182, 200, Vanwallcars: 132, 134, 142, 145, 154, 155, Zandvoort Sports Car race: 1 9 5 4 , 129
55, 69, 71, 75, 8 4 , 85, 88, 89, 9 0 , 93, 2 1 9 , 220 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 178, 182, Zehender, Goffredo: 36, 37 , 38 , 39 , 43, 44,
96, 98, 9 9 ,2 1 5 ,2 1 8 Tauber, Henri: 32, 188, 191, 226, 2 2 7 , 2 3 4 45, 46, 47, 51, 52 , 53, 55 , 58, 69, 70,
South African Grand Prix: 193 4 , 49; 1938, Teagno, Edoardo: 64, 69 Varese, Circuit of: 1 9 3 8 , 6 9 -7 0 ; 1 9 4 7 , 90 1 5 2 ,2 3 2 - 2 3 3
67; 1 939, 72; 1 967, 211 Tec-Mec F/415 car: 1 9 6 -1 9 7 Vargas, Getulio (Brazilian dictator) : 2 22 Zanelli.Juan: 25, 55
Spa Sports Car Grand Prix: 1955, 136 Tenni, Ombono: 55 , 58 Varzi, Achille: 20 , 21, 2 2 , 25, 26, 27, 28 , 29, Zu Leinigen, Prince Hermann: 47




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