Intern Final
Intern Final
Intern Final
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` Acknowledgment
First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty for his showers of
blessings throughout my time of working as an intern and preparation of this
I would like to sincerely thank Hawassa University main campus ICTD for it was
voluntary to accept our request letter from Bahir Dar University Industrial Linkage
(UIL). Next I would like to explain our deepest respect for Mr. Asnake because of
their comment and knowledge share at field and in lab. Hence they qualify us to
know more on network installation and maintenance area.
I would like to extend my deepest gratitude for Mr. Yesuneh for fruitful advice and
on initiating me to do all projects and good advice, how to write my document,
directing the way how I shall work there and encouragement for whole work in the
organization which gives me a chance to believe in our self, point out my weakness
and step forward.
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` Acknowledgment iii
List of Figures vi
Executive Summary ix
1.1.1 Vision of HU 11
1.1.2 Mission of HU 11
1.1.3 Objectives of HU 11
1.5 The overall organization structure and work flows of The Company 14
2.3 The Section of the HU ICTD Office network and ICT Infrastructure Team We have been
working 17
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2.5.1 Network installation and maintenance 20
2.6 Procedures we have been using while performing our work tasks 35
2.8 The challenges we have been facing while performing our work task? 36
2.9 The measures we have taken in order to overcome our work task 36
Chapter Three 38
Internship project 38
3.2 Introduction 38
3.5 Objective 39
3.8 Methodology 40
Chapter four 53
5.1 Conclusions 58
5.2 Recommendation 58
References: 61
List of Figures
Fig 1 1 structure of company .................................................................................................................... 14
Fig 1 2 structure of company..................................................................................................................... 14
Fig 1 3 structure of company..................................................................................................................... 15
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Fig 2 9 Straight through cable arrangement........................................................................................... 27
Fig 2 10 48 Port switch ............................................................................................................................... 29
Fig 2 11 PVC Trunks ................................................................................................................................. 29
Fig 2 12 Cable ties ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Fig 2 13 Screw drivers ............................................................................................................................... 30
Fig 2 14 Hack saw Fig 2 15 Drill ...................................................................................................... 31
Fig 2 16 Tester ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Fig 2 17 Crimper ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Fig 2 18 fiber optics cable .......................................................................................................................... 33
Fig 2 19 Patch Panels ................................................................................................................................. 34
Fig 2 20 Rack (Switch placement)............................................................................................................. 35
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List of Tables
table 3 1 Configure steps of NAT ............................................................................................................. 51
List of Acronyms
HU Hawassa University
ACA Awassa College of Agriculture
ICTD Information Communication and Technology Development
ICT Information Communication and Technology
LAN Local Area Network
DNS Domain Name Server UTP- Unshielded Twisted Pair
IP internet protocol
OSI Open System Interconnection
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
HTTP Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol
POE Power over Ethernet
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
FTP File Transfer Protocol
DNS Domain Name Server
RJ45 Registered jack
IP Internet protocol
NAT Network Address Translation
ISP Internet service provider
ULI University industry linkage
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Executive Summary
Internship is one of the best experience any student can go through. It is the time where you get to
explore and see for yourself what the real world is like and try to figure out where you fit in it.
Thus, you learn how you can utilize the knowledge and skills that you learnt from school to be
valuable in this dynamic world. As being completely new to practical, startup world setting, every
hour spent working gave me some amount of experience all the time all of which cannot be
explained in words. But nevertheless, they were all useful for our future start up!
This internship report is based on the four months’ internship period I spent at HU ICTD. I
have worked under the supervision of our mentor Mr. Asnake. I worked under the ICTD section
of the company where I worked on the development of network and ICT Infrastructure.
My internship experience has been so priceless in equipping and helping me in refining most of
my skills and gaining new ones. Since, the main purpose of internship is to make students get a
glimpse of the real world work life and prepare themselves to be competent and ready to join the
workforce. Thus, I had a productive internship period in gaining the necessary knowledge
and have become proficient in completing my task. Overall, I can say that our internship is a
successful one in equipping me both technical and non-technical Knowledge’s and skills.
This report consists of five chapters. First chapter gives overview of HU, about its Background
and Structure. Second chapter discusses the task we have been preforming at HU ICTD. The Third
chapter includes all about our internship project, it’s about design of enterprise networking. In the
fourth chapter it describes benefits gained from internship program such as theoretical, practical
team playing skill, inter personal skill and leadership skills. The last chapter contains conclusions
and recommendation. I have briefly summarized what is expected in the next chapters in this
report. Generally I have tried to list general concepts during my internship
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At the moment, Hawassa University (HU) is one of the first-generation universities in Ethiopia
encompassing 9 colleges, 3 institutes, and 7 campuses set in and outside of Hawassa City. Four of
its seven campuses (the Main campus, Institute of Technology, College of Agriculture, and
College of Medicine and Health Sciences) are situated in Hawassa City while College of Forestry
and Natural Resources, College of Business and Economics, and Daye Campus are located in
Wondogenet, Yirgalem and Bensa Daye, respectively.
In terms of academic capacity, HU hosts more than 32,000 students enrolled in 309 academic
programs: 103 undergraduate; 195 graduate (141 Masters, 54 PhD); and 11 Medical Specialty (10
specialty and 1 sub-specialty) programs in the regular and continuing education programs.
Moreover, HU has 10,988 staff out of which 2,213 are academic (20 expatriates and 460 female)
staff. It has been recently differentiated by MoE as one of the 8 Research Universities in Ethiopia,
so it is working towards becoming one of the top ten research universities in East Africa by 2030.
With this vision, HU is engaged in: advanced level multidisciplinary teaching and learning;
conducting problem-solving research, and delivering research-informed services to the
HU has established a long-standing collaboration with different national and international partners
working closely on teaching, research and community services towards its goals. Hence, HU runs
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63 collaborative projects (53 international and 10 local) involving 101 global and 91 local partners.
Multiple collaborative projects in HU are predominantly financed by countries such as the USA,
Norway, Germany and UK, and other countries and global institutions such as the Netherlands,
Italy, Japan, Sweden, Australia, Belgium, the UN and EU are also financing one or two
collaborative projects in HU.
HU has been largely contributing its part to the overall development of the country through
teaching, training, research and community services over the last 46 years by establishing and
improving different centers of excellence at colleges, institutes and university levels.
1.1.2 Mission of HU
Hawassa University strives to produce efficient and internationally competent graduates and undertake
innovative works, rigorous research and technology transfer activities to foster social and economic
development of the country.
1.1.3 Objectives of HU
Four fundamental objectives set by the governmental authorities together form the basis of the
Hawassa University Development Framework
1. Hawassa University shall become a model university for Ethiopia emphasizing economic
development and university-enterprise cooperation according to the German paradigm.
2. Hawassa University shall become a model university for excellence in teaching, learning
and applied research.
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1.2.4 Core Values
1. Excellence: The University upholds excellence as the ruling standard in teaching, research,
community service and scholarship, and commits itself to the attainment of the highest
standards in academic performance.
2. Honesty: The University promotes honesty, integrity, ethical conduct, justice, fairness,
and nurtures a culture of teamwork, collegiality and mutual support among members of the
University community.
3. Inclusiveness: we champion diversity. We’re passionate about creating an inclusive
workplace that promotes and values a range of ideas and opinions. We embrace all types
of difference in the development of our organization.
4. Academic freedom: The University upholds academic freedom as its core value whereby
all its communities exercise the right to free expression of ideas and scholarship.
5. Accountability: The University is committed to ensure accountability at institutional,
group, and individual levels in an effort to implement its functions by openly displaying its
scholarly ideas and works to the society.
6. Collaboration: The University created a positive and inclusive culture that fosters open,
honest, and meaningful relationship. We celebrate and embrace our diversity, finding a
ways for everyone to belong.
7. Innovation: The University motives to take risk, encourage curiosity and new ideas, learn
from mistakes, and constantly strive to exceed expectation. Though Innovation, and
generate solution.
8. Internationalization: The University will strive to link to the international network of
universities and to support international links of economy. As such, the university will
continuously undertake all supportive and training actions to enable students and staff on
all levels to interact easily in the university's working and teaching language English.
Currently, Hawassa University has active 143 partnerships and collaborations with various national and
international organizations, research institutes, and universities.
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1.4.1 Local Partnerships and Collaborations
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1.5 The overall organization structure and work flows of The Company
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Fig 1 3 structure of company
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2. Over All Internship experience
2.1 Objective of the Internship
2.1.1 General objective
The general objective of internship is to provide student operational environments
which formulate and focus on their career objectives. It also to connects students with
potential employers and provides opportunities to explore the variety of career objectives
that are often available within in the hosting company. Such opportunities also help
students relate theories and knowledge acquired in the academic year with the skills and
attitudes found in the company and develop idea appreciate businesses area and provide
experience that many employers value.
› The students, during the internship, are aimed to play a great role in improving their
practical, theoretical, interpersonal communications, team playing, entrepreneurship
and leader ship skills, understanding about work ethics related issues, responsibility etc.
› To allow the student to prepare for their future non- internship job by seeking potential
places of employment, practicing resume and cover latter preparation, gaining
references, and interviewing if applicable.
›Student get opportunity to see the real problem of industry and when back to university
they can find a solution.
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But as we see in regional town there is small company that based on technology improvement in
both hardware and software almost none company. That why I said earlier difficult to student.
When I was 3rd year, I searched technology company round hawassa. Then I get some tech solution
and web developmental company. I try to contact some of them and many of them they don’t
accept internship students in this year but only one of them were accepted me. But the problem
was it wasn’t need physical presence in other word they want to work remotely. They give me a
task when it’s done sent to them via some email or other platform.
I realize before approval of internship company I have to find other company. At that time I try to
contact some of our senior students that work there internship round hawassa and shashemmene.
They give me some place and advice. As they told me I try to contact but it’s not much enough as
I expected because it is some government office and banks.
Finally I decide to out at hawassa university main campus in ICT directorate. I contact Mr. dawit
whose work on ICTD and asked him if they are willing to have interns from Bahir Dar
University and they were very thrilled and excited to host us and share their experience.
2.3 The Section of the HU ICTD Office network and ICT Infrastructure Team
We have been working
The Organization has Many Sections as we tried to locate in the above in Fig . We have
been working in the Network and ICT Infrastructure Team.
The work flow in the ICTD section looks like the Following
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Fig 2 1 structure of ICT Directorate
At the beginning, there is some tradition procedure that have been follow for the
internship students. Those procedure are :-
I. They give introduction about how the network and ICT Infrastructure Team
work and the ground rule for internship student must obey.
II. Lecture about introduction to computer networking and network device that
help us to remember our background knowledge.
III. They going to train us some simple networking skill. Such as crimping LAN
and making wall outlet. Device that found in the university where we are
going to use in next.
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IV. They going to show the core and essential work place like data-center and
server room.
V. Working with the staff member in network installation and maintenance all
over the university.
VI. They give project about network design and configuration. To demonstrate
our problem solving knowledge.
As describe above, after introduction and lecture class we are not directly go to work
because there is difference in knowledge and skill among us. So that to share our
knowledge and skill and also due to corona virus some of student don’t learn lab
session of computer networking because of that we have to take simple training.
On this training, simple networking skill like how to crimp local area network LAN,
how to make wall outlet and etc.
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After training before going to field work, they show us how the overall network
structure work’s, how network come from Internet service provider ISP or Ethiopian
telecommunication, how they distribute for all campus. We see each and every
components of datacenter, how datacenter bullet and how admin control datacenter.
In HU university there is three datacenter that control flow of network in all branches
an Institutes. These two datacenter are located in main campus and the other one
located in HU institute of technology.
This is one of task that I have participated during intern program. In this building
there is already installed network but they want to extend new office in 4th floor. So
that they need new local area network (LAN) installation. This task was given for
Network and ICT Infrastructure Team. Team leader give this task for intern students
to do the installation of this office.
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First we figure out easy, cost effective way of installation which is to extend nearly
office. We can also use to extend from access switch but the switch far from this
office and it’s difficult to drill the wall of building also it’s wastage of LAN cable.
There is four computer in office one and five computer in other. There is many kind
of topology to connect computer each other but we use bus topology to install
because it’s easy to install and maintenance the main reason it is cost effective, it’s
not necessary to install hub for only 9 computer. We do the following task.
There are 4 and 5 users in to office respectively. Generally there are 9 users in
this building.
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because of the network cables that are not working properly so we fixed it . And also
we repaired network in printing and duplication center for distance and extension
and we were able to change new node (outlet) which were not working.
At that time network and ICT Infrastructure Team took the task and give to asnake
tadele who is supervisor of intern students to take students and to work with them.
With network and ICT Infrastructure Team we were installed almost seven security
camera in the following places in entrance of head office, at the front and back of
department office, at entrance of female dorm, at the main gate of student, at the
office of ICT maintenance center.
I. Camera placement
Once you have identify the area they want to monitor, it is time to decide the exact
location for camera placement. We must concern the following things.
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Must place to watch front and back statically
In surveillance camera system at list there is two type of camera system which is
MPX analog camera and PoE camera system. MPX analog camera system is one of
the oldest camera types that transmit high-definition analog video over shielded or
RG59 cable to a digital video recorder (DVR).
In another hand PoE camera stand for power over Ethernet, much more like
traditional security camera it is wired system that requires cable for the power, video
transmission, and internet connection. PoE technology is used to transmit both data
and power through a single cable.
From those camera we work with PoE camera. PoE camera is easy to install and
control as well as it’s not require other hardware devise like power supply box and
power cable.
In PoE camera system there is some hardware system that used in integration of
camera to internet connection. We need to ready all the part of PoE system. Those
components are :-
NVR: - stands for network video recorder which is responsible for receiving
video feed from camera while supplying camera with the power using Ethernet.
PoE Injector: - small device that adds voltage in to the Ethernet output,
providing reliable PoE connection that can power the camera and receive data
Additional cat6e cable: - this cable is needed to deliver the power imbued
signal from the injector to the camera.
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Injector power adaptor: - is responsible for delivering power to PoE
Hard disk: - most NVR in the market sold with hard drive, typically one
terabyte. So if this was enough, it’s not needed another hard disk.
And there is some other hardware components but there is another option to
install that don’t need all above components. If we choose this method we have to
notice that using NVR make the system easier to use and control and cost effective,
it is possible to use PoE enabled network switch to connect all camera.
With regarding above statement we use the second method of installation. Because
there was PoE enabled switch already there. There for we use the following steps
Some installation step for PoE security camera using PoE enabled switch
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Fig 2 5 security camera that we installed
UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) Cables are the back bone of TCP/IP Computer
Networks. They have four pairs of copper conductors enclosed within an insulation
outer bracket and use RJ-45 Connectors (mostly) at the ends to terminate on the
network hardware equipment’s. Each pair supports full-duplex communications and
they are twisted around each other in order to cancel out the EMI (Electromagnetic
Interference) and to reduce the cross talk between the pairs Due to its low cost, UTP
cabling is used extensively for local-area networks; it is less expensive and easier to
work with.
In our situation, Ethernet cable act as delivery method for both power and
6e cable transmit significant amount of voltage and act like power supply for PoE
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Fig 2 6 UTP 6e Cables Fig 2 7 RJ-45 Plug
RJ45 is the acronym for Registered Jack 45. RJ45 connector is an 8-pin jack used by devices to
physically connect to Ethernet based local area networks (LANs).
Crossover Cable - A crossover cable means that the second and third pairs on one
end of the cable will be reversed on the other end. The pin-outs are T568A on one
end and T568B on the other end. All 8 conductors (wires) should be terminated with
RJ-45 modular connectors. Crossover cable conforms to the structured cabling
standards. As shown in the figure below describes the crossover color arrangement.
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Fig 2 8 Crossover color arrangement
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Switch is a network device that connects other devices to Ethernet networks through
twisted pair cables. It uses packet switching technique to receive, store and forward
data packets on the network. The switch maintains a list of network addresses of all
the devices connected to it.
The switch can be divided in to two parts. These are the managed switch and the
unmanaged switch.
Unmanaged Switches - works right out of the box. But it's not designed to be
configured. Usually, you will find unmanaged switches in home networking
equipment. It used for distribution.
Managed Switches - gives you greater flexibility because it can be configured. For
example, you can monitor a managed network switch and adjust it locally or
remotely. This gives you control over network traffic and who has access to the
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Fig 2 10 48 Port switch
PVC Trunks
The PVC Trunk is used to hide and protect the cable with a given range of PVC trunk and
accessories. All of the trunk, which we have worked with, is white as standard however special
colors can be supplied subject to color availability and quantity required.
Network trunks are also used for holds many trunks by one. It used to protect network cables from
much external damage. There are different kinds and shapes of network trunks. Like wide, mediate,
narrow, square, rectangular etc.
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Cable ties
the cable tie also known as a wire tie, zip tie is a type of fastener, for holding cables or wires. Cable
ties are generally viewed as single-use devices; they are typically cut off rather than loosened and
reused. However, if a closed loop needs to be opened again, rather than destroying the cable tie by
cutting, it may be possible to release the ratchet from the rack. We have used the cable tie that was
not reused as shown in the figure Fig 2.9 While some cable ties are designed for reuse with a tab
that releases the ratchet.
Screw drivers
the screw driver is a tool for screwing and unscrewing screws. A typical simple screw driver has
a handle and a shaft, we have used the screw drivers for assemble and dis assemble physical part
of computers as in the following figure
Tester is measurement which is used to check the color code arrangements and Miss understanding
measurement. It points miss places of color code arrangements. Testers are used for testing
network cables as shown below
The crimping tool is a device that is used to make cold weld joints between wires and a connector
through deforming one or both of them to hold the other. A special connector is used to join metals
together. The weld joint properties (mechanical and electrical) are strong as the parent materials
when the tool works and offer some result, which is known as crimp. An instance of crimping is
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to affixing a connector to the end of a wire. For example, a crimping tool is used to create network
cable to combine RJ45 connector to both end
Blower is important tool to remove any built-up dust from the inside of a computer, printer and
other devices on a regular basis as shown in the figure ------ below.
It is a material used to stick the trunk and rack with screw to the wall or floor.
node is a plastic or metal plate, cover on the face (front) of a device or
surface. It may be single outlet network or double outlet network based on the
port like structure that it contains, but I have done the installation by using the
double one when we have work in installation for new office in teachers building. It can also be
used for a safety covering of the connection point of the female Rj45 and the unshielded twisted
pair cable.
Punch down
A Punch down tool is a small hand tool used by telecommunication and network
technicians. It is used for inserting wire into insulation-displacement connectors on punch down
blocks such as patch panels and female Rj45.
A fiber optic cable defined in IEEE 802.8 is cable that contains optical fibers (usually
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glass) coated in plastic that are used to send data by pulses of light. The coating helps
protect the fibers from heat, cold, electromagnetic interference from other types of wiring, as well
as some protection from ultraviolet rays from the sun. Fiber optics allow for a much faster data
transmission than standard copper wires, because they have a much higher bandwidth. There are
two types of fiber optics cable.
Multimode fiber: -The term “multimode” refers to the fact that the light takes multiple paths
(modes) through the glass fiber core, as opposed to “single-mode” where the light takes a single
path. Because the light travels different paths, the longer the cable is, the different paths arriving
at the receiving end at slightly different times cause the more distortion. Multi-mode is generally
orange, grey, with a cream, or black connector and a shorter transmission distance Multimode
cables have a larger diameter glass core than single-mode cables and are typically used for shorter
distances and/or lower speeds.
RJ-45 Connectors
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RJ45 is a type of connector commonly used for Ethernet networking. It looks similar to a telephone
jack, but is slightly wider. Since Ethernet, cables have an RJ45 connector on each end, Ethernet
cables are sometimes also called RJ-45 cables. RJ45 cables can be wired in two different ways.
One version is called T-568A and the other is T-568B. However, we have used by T-568B
arrangement. Look at the RJ-45 connector.
Patch Panels
The patch panel is essentially an array of ports on one panel. Each port connects, via a patch cable,
to another port located elsewhere in your building. Patch panels bundle multiple network ports
together to connect incoming and outgoing lines - including those for local Area networks and
communications. When patch panels are part of a LAN, they can connect computers to other
computers and to outside lines. Those lines, in turn, allow LANs to connect to wide area networks
or to the Internet. The primary advantage of using patch panel is improved organization and easier
management of the wired network. For most new patch panel designs, the main focus is on cable
management. Patch panels are usually attached to network racks, either above or below network
switches. Patch panels can be based on the number of ports they contain, with 48-port, 24-port and
12-port panels. See a 48-port patch panel
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Fig 2 20 Rack (Switch placement)
Console cable
Every Cisco router or a switch has a console port (also known as the management port) on its
backside. Console port is used to connect a computer directly to a router or switch and manage
the router or switch since there is no display device for a router or switch.
2.6 Procedures we have been using while performing our work tasks
They are some fixed step by step sequence of activities or course of actions that must be
followed in the same order to correctly perform a task must follow producers for
performing work tasks.
As I describe earlier as rule they follow the above steps that listed in part 2.5 under the section of
The task I have executed for new intern students. So that am not confused when we work in site
work like security camera installation because they already told us about work flow and steps.
While I was performing my task in each day, I used to ask my friend and monitor everything that
I didn’t understand they also tell me everything they know. As we come from different university
and collage we also share many things during we were work.
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2.7 How good we have been in performing our work tasks
We believe we did great at performing all the task that we have been assigned to do and the
reason behind that is we were fast learners and adaptive to the technologies. We were introduced
to many new concepts and managed to master all of them within this internship period.
We believe we have added prominent value to the startup we worked for and also
done a good work for our host HU. It is not enough if only us witnessed our work so we have
asked the same question both our mentor Asnake about how well we performed our task and
they give good feedback and suggestion to improve our skill.
2.8 The challenges we have been facing while performing our work task?
The challenge that most commonly face during my internship session which have their own
matter of influence directly or indirectly. So, some of the major challenges are as follows:
Lack of office to work and study in our free time. We CISCO lab as office so the lab has so
many purpose like teaching for student, training center for staff and other member and so on.
The team workers have no permanent scheduled program for their work.
Some of students that applied in HU ICTD doesn’t match their internship period as we come
from different university and collage almost we have different at all. When they finish their time
all work load fall in me and some student.
During in project work some of our group student didn’t participate well.
The main challenge that I have been face during this internship session was matter of
transportation. I live in shashemene my intern work place was 20Km away from my town. So it’s
difficult to get there on time as well as it not easy to pay 50 birr per a day in five day in a weak.
2.9 The measures we have taken in order to overcome our work task
As we have seen the challenges we faced above we had to take different measures to overcome
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Because of lack of schedule we were enforced check presence of work twice a day
and ask them to make call
To solve those problems we discus with supervisor and we solve time schedule.
In our project we discus to work in individual and at some point together we can merge and
combine our best part of our project.
Occasionally, we faced the above listed challenges and propose the above listed solutions from
our point of view, some of our problems faced effectively. Here the effort that we and some
responsible team members in the company help us to resolve the challenge.
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Chapter Three
Internship project
3.1 Project title
Enterprise Network Design Using IP Sub netting
3.2 Introduction
Enterprise networking refers to the physical, virtual and logical design of a network, and how the
various software, hardware and protocols work together to transmit data. When it comes to
enterprise networking, every organization has different needs, and in the era of digital
transformation, modern enterprises are relying more on software-driven solutions to power
intelligent network architecture, automation and design.
In our hyper-connected world, a stable, reliable network is regarded as a given, and the
consequences of an unreliable network are only getting more severe. In fact, according to Gartner,
the approximate cost of network downtime is $5,600 per minute, and can be much higher for
technology-dependent organizations. (David Gewirtz, 2017) As enterprise network architectures
grow more complex, many organizations are finding it difficult to keep up. Thankfully, a number
of networking solutions are available to simplify the process, like unified wired/wireless
infrastructures, automated campus and agile data center networking solutions.
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by interchanging data. To design a networking architecture for the company which connect various
departments to each other, it puts forward communication among different departments.
Cisco Packet Tracer (CPT) is a multi-tasking network simulation software that can be used to
perform and analyze various network activities such as implementation of different topologies,
selection of optimum path based on various routing algorithms, creation of appropriate servers,
sub-netting, and analysis of various network configuration and troubleshooting commands. In
order to start communication between end user devices and to design a network, we need to select
appropriate networking devices like routers, switches, make physical connection by connecting
cables to serial and fast Ethernet ports from the component list of packet tracer. Networking
devices are costly so it is better we perform first on packet tracer to understand the concept and
behavior of the network.
Generally, in this project I use mostly network address translation (NAT) because the branch are
found across in the world so it’s is impossible to connect using local area networks or LAN. But I
didn’t ignore local area networks or LAN at all I used to share networks with in branch itself.
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The general objective of the project is to design a secure, efficient and an all-time working
network infrastructure.
After the completion of this project, the presence of the enterprise network (LAN) eases the burden
of human power, decreases operating cost and makes the tasks much more efficient. In addition to
these advantages, LAN servers have built-in security features, like firewalls, that improve the
security for online access. At the same time, a LAN server lets us control which users have access
to what data based on their need. These features can prevent unauthorized data access and
accidental data corruption.
3.8 Methodology
I will be using Cisco packet tracer to design and simulate the network architecture. The method I
plan to follow in order to address the problem statement and do the project, which is derived from
Cisco, can be classified in 6 phases.
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Fig 3. 1 Cisco’s PPDIOO methodology to network design
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In this network design, a hierarchical network design model is intended to be used due to the reason
it lets us break the complex flat network into multiple smaller and more manageable networks.
Each level or tier in the hierarchy is focused on a specific set of roles. (Press, 2016)
The hierarchical model can be a 2-tier or 3-tier model. The former model is relevant in a
network where there are not many nodes to communicate or when the functions of the core
and distribution layers (which will be discussed in the following section) can be combined into
one layer. Whereas the latter can be used for mid to large size network spans and as the name
3.9.1 Components of the 3-tier model
1. Access layer
The access layer is the first tier or edge of the campus. It is the place where end devices attach
to the wired portion of the network. It is also the place where devices that extend the network
out one more level are attached—IP phones and wireless access points (APs) being the prime
two key examples of devices that extend the connectivity out one more layer from the actual
access switch. (Cisco, 2008)
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Components in the access layer
- Printers
- Laptops
- Voice over IP
- Layer 2 switches
- Personal Computers
2. Distribution layer
The distribution layer in the network design has a unique role in that it acts as a services and
control boundary between the access and the core. Both access and core are essentially
dedicated special purpose layers. The access layer is dedicated to meeting the functions of
end-device connectivity and the core layer is dedicated to providing non-stop connectivity
across the entire campus network. The distribution layer on the other hand serves multiple
purposes. It is an aggregation point for all of the access switches and acts as an integral member
of the access-distribution block providing connectivity and policy services for traffic flows
within the access-distribution block. It also provides aggregation, policy control and isolation
demarcation point between the network distribution building block and the rest of the network.
The network core is in some ways the simplest yet most critical part of the network. It provides
a very limited set of services and is designed to be highly available and operate in an alwayson
mode. In the modern business world, the core of the network must operate as a non-stop
7x24x365 service. It is critical for interconnectivity between distribution layer devices (for
example, interconnecting the distribution block to the WAN and Internet edge).
Components in the distribution layer
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- High speed network devices
- Core Switches
- Servers
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2460-24PT switch
365024PS Multilayer switch
I have tried to state above the project consists of different services and protocols that
should be to be configured in each layer and integrated to have a functional Local Area
Those department or branch of company located across in the world so the problem was how do
we connect those braches? In local area networks? That impossible to install and starch LAN from
country. Shall we use internets? Yes we can use internets but how do secure our data and
information. To solve this issue we have two option to use
1. Cost Savings
When using NAT with private IP addresses, the organizations don't need to purchase IP
address for each and every computer out there. Same IP address can be used for multiple
computers. Thus, this can lead to significant cost reduction.
2. Flexible Connection
By implementing multiple tools, backup tools and load balancing tools, NAT can
overall increase the flexibility and reliability of the network.
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3. Consistent Network
NAT provides a consistent network addressing scheme. Whenever there is a use of
public IP address, there should be proper address space assigned. This is because if the
network is enlarged, more of the IP address will be required.
4. Network Security
All the original source and destination address in NAT is hidden completely. Unless the
user wants to, the hosts inside the NAT cannot be reached by hosts on other networks.
Therefore, NAT provides additional layer of network security.
5. Private Addressing
NAT has its own private IPv4 addressing system even if you move to a new public
addressing scheme. Al though if you change the Internet Service Provider, the changes
in the internal address will be prevented.
Disadvantages of NTA
1. Decreased Performance
Whenever a guest makes a request to a remote server, it will make sure that the
connection belongs to the NAT router.
2. Application Usage
Since hosts inside the network is unreachable at times, some applications tends to
have compatibility issues with NAT. These applications depend on end to end
functionality which the network fails to supply.
3. Troubleshooting
Always when using NAT, the end to end traceability slowly reduces. In here the IP
addresses are changed constantly over multiple NAT hops. This makes
troubleshooting more difficult or almost impossible especially in remote locations.
4. Service Usage
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Most often when using NAT, services that require TCP or UDP are affected making
them unstable. Incoming packets will have problems reaching their destinations. The
only way to achieve them is by configuring NAT router.
Cost savings – organizations are able to use cost-effective Internet transport instead of expensive
dedicated WAN links.
Security – VPN uses advanced encryption and authentication protocols that protect data from
unauthorized access.
Scalability – organizations are able to add new users without making significant changes to their
Disadvantage of VPN
A safe, top-quality VPN will cost you money
Your privacy isn’t always guaranteed
VPN almost always slow your connection speed
Because of above explanation we use NAT to connect all branches of company. And also in
NAT protocol there are different types of NAT such as
Dynamic network address translation DNAT
Static network address translation SNAT and
Port address translation PAT
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Among those we use Dynamic network address translation DNAT to configure branch routers to
connect to the main.
Dynamic translation establishes a mapping between an inside local address and a pool of global
addresses. It’s useful when multiple users on a private network must access the Internet. The
dynamically configured pool IP address may be used as needed. It is released for use by other users
when access to the Internet is no longer required. We will see configuration step in Implementation
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Before configuration we must subnet public address then Create 5 network
address (private).
And then Create VLANs in each Distribution and Access Switches and Assign
Configure DHCP Pool it consists default gateway ,DNS server ,start IP address
,subnet mask ,maximum number of user on DHCP Server .And Then Make sure
all users can get IP Address
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Fig 3. 6 FTP configuration
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Step 6 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters the interface
configuration mode
Step 7 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Step 8 ip nat inside Connects the interface to the inside network, which
is subject to NAT.
Step 9 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to
global configuration mode
Step 10 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters the interface
configuration mode.
Step 11 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
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Server Specifications: Since all workstations are connected circularly, there is no need
for network servers. Therefore, each workstation on the ring topology has its unique
connectivity. The only element necessary here is the use of special cables to connect each
device on the topology structure.
Disadvantages of Ring Topology
Expense: Ordinarily, a ring topology architecture needs expensive hardware components
for establishing the network. Without the proper cables and network cards, you cannot
link the workstations, making the installation process pretty high. Hence, for users with a
fixed budget, it is desirable to try some other options.
Cable Breakdown: The entire network in a ring topology depends heavily on a single
cable. Several network nodes are placed circularly on this cable. By accident, if the
connector experiences any failure, the signals will face a blockage and stop traveling
In this Enterprise Network design and network architecture I have been trying to everything that
needed to accomplish best project. So I have made these progress and result of the project.
As result this project perform and work HTTP , FTP , VLAN for management and DHCP for
dynamic routing . Also we can use this project for any company that needed Enterprise Network.
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Chapter four
During the time of internship, I gained so many benefits from our hosting company. This internship
program provided me a platform to introduce myself in professional field. I greatly benefited from
working with professionals.
To sum up my internship period has enabled to improve myself enormously. I have now
a different perspective of the technology world and the market demand. This internship program
have improved many skills and also acquired new such as:
Problem solving: - I develop problem solving skills and learn to think critically, observe
and analyze situations in order to form creative solutions based off of problems
Communication Skills: - Communication skills are crucial to any role. Through problem
solving, we learn to effectively communicate. I learn to say what I mean and explain
my ideas effectively.
Failure: - As we all know failure is an important part of finding solutions. I learn not to
give up to find a solution for problem. This kind of type of learning removes the stigma
that stems from failure, and encourages it as a positive way to learn.
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I have grasp theoretical knowledge during the period of internship that related to networking. I
have seen that in my internship period how the overall concepts of the courses are related and
applied exactly on practical works? I have learned and gained the following theoretical
knowledge from this internship program:-
I always discus with other internship students about so many things like how they good at
networking and other skill that require to become good at their fields, how they used to improve
their skill and other things. We share a lot of thing through this communication about our university
learning teaching process, about our courses and our future works.
Significantly, I worked with different students where they were learning in different streams such
as in computer science, electrical engineering, and software engineering so this scenario help me
to become Versatile person work in different areas.
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Working with them we learned how important it is to be a team player and
also worked to improve ours by working together. You can’t do all the task by yourselves we
learned to classify the task for each of us and work on it together on all the task we performed
specially In networking there is no individuality but only team because one person can’t do all task
by himself like drilling, install PVC trunk and other things. In networking team playing is the key.
1. Listening: - we have to listen to the ideas and concerns of your peers in order to be
an effective team. By asking questions for clarification, not interrupt while he/she is
talking. Show them that you care their ideas.
2. Reliability: - effective team will be reliable and responsible so that your coworkers
can trust you with sensitive tasks and private information. We have to stick to
deadlines and complete assignment on time.
3. Respectfulness: - people will be more open to work, communicate if we have
respect for them and their ideas. Giving acknowledgement, encouragement, patience
to others.
4. Commitment: - we have to be committed to our job. Committed people always be
on time, respect their colleagues. Work in full potential.
5. Openness: - a good team player always open to different ideas and express his idea
clearly and listen to others.
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✓ Trust building with Coworkers
✓ Decision making
✓ Team management
1. Strong work ethics: - learning the most efficient way to complete tasks &finding ways
to save time while completing daily assignments.
2. Dependable & responsible: - come on time, responsible for the actions.
3. Adaptability: - adapting to the personality & work habits of co- workers & supervisors.
Being open to change & improvements to complete work in more efficient.
4. Possessing a positive attitude: - to get the job done in a reasonable period of time,
motivates others to do the same within challenges.
5. Honesty & Integrity: - is the responsibility of each person to use their own individual
sense of moral & ethical behavior when working within the scope of their job.
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✓ Formal communication
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Chapter Five
Conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Conclusions
The most important element of internships is that they integrate classroom knowledge and theory
with practical application and skills developed in professional or community settings. They also
bring a wealth of benefits to students, both while completing a degree and when seeking a career
path post-graduation. Our internship period was also effective in equipping us the necessary skill
sets. We learn beyond our goal! I have done in this essay that HAWASSA UNIVERSITY ICTD
is the one which helped me to develop practical skills. Benefit of the internship has to improve
practical and theoretical knowledge.
This internship experience has been an excellent and rewarding experience. I can conclude
that there have been a lot of technical things that I have learnt from my work at HAWASSA
UNIVERSITY ICTD that my understandings of the work environment have improved
significantly. Although during my early days some of the technical parts of my job were a
little bit difficult, I managed to learn from them and improve them fast. In addition to the
knowledge and skills I have gained, I have also came out of this internship with a lot of gained
skill. So, it was one of the most productive experiences I have ever had.
5.2 Recommendation
They must prepare documented data that explain the working principles of different
section of the company.
They must prepare documented data that explain the working principles of different
section of the company.
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The company should prepare well organized time scheduled for intern students
The company should prepare identification card for intern students in order to supervise
the intern.
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Academic handouts
Company web site(
[ OpenCart Documentation ]
Michael Lawrence () The List of the Steps to Design & Implement a New Network for a Small
Manufacturing Company (
Cisco Press (August 23, 2016) Campus Network Design Models (
Cisco (April 15, 2008) Enterprise Campus 3.0 Architecture: Overview and Framework
Many blog site
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