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Cholesterol-lowering effects of dietary fiber: a meta-analysis1,2

Lisa Brown, Bernard Rosner, Walter W Willett, and Frank M Sacks

See corresponding editorial on page 1.

ABSTRACT Dietary fiber is a collective term for a variety of plant sub-

Background: The effects of dietary soluble fibers on blood cho- stances that are resistant to digestion by human gastrointestinal
lesterol are uncertain. enzymes (9). Dietary fibers can be classified in 2 major groups
Objective: This meta-analysis of 67 controlled trials was per- depending on their solubility in water. In humans, the structural
formed to quantify the cholesterol-lowering effect of major or matrix fibers (lignins, cellulose, and some hemicelluloses) are
dietary fibers. insoluble, whereas the natural gel-forming fibers (pectins, gums,
Design: Least-squares regression analyses were used to test the mucilages, and the remainder of the hemicelluloses) are soluble.
effect on blood lipids of pectin, oat bran, guar gum, and psyl- Studies have focused on soluble fibers such as oats, psyllium,
lium. Independent variables were type and amount of soluble pectin, and guar gum, and qualitative reviews suggested that
fiber, initial cholesterol concentration, and other important study these fibers lower total and LDL cholesterol (10, 11). Water-
characteristics. insoluble wheat fiber and cellulose have no effect unless they
Results: Soluble fiber, 2–10 g/d, was associated with small but displace foods supplying saturated fats and cholesterol (12).
significant decreases in total cholesterol [20.045 mmol · L21 · g There is debate as to the degree of cholesterol reduction
soluble fiber21 (95% CI: 20.054, 20.035)] and LDL cholesterol caused by soluble fibers. The range of effects on total cholesterol
[20.057 mmol · L21 · g21 (95% CI: 20.070, 20.044)]. The varies from 218% to 0% in trials of oat products, from 217% to
effects on plasma lipids of soluble fiber from oat, psyllium, or 3% for psyllium, from 216% to 25% for pectin, and from
pectin were not significantly different. We were unable to com- 217% to 4% for guar gum (12). Reasons for such large varia-
pare effects of guar because of the limited number of studies tions include small sample sizes, different dosages of fiber, dif-
using 2–10 g/d. Triacylglycerols and HDL cholesterol were not ferent background diets, concurrent changes in body weight,
significantly influenced by soluble fiber. Lipid changes were varying dietary control, and different types of subjects. It is also
independent of study design, treatment length, and background possible that certain fibers lower cholesterol more effectively
dietary fat content. than others. For example, Bell et al (13) examined the hypocho-
Conclusions: Various soluble fibers reduce total and LDL cho- lesterolemic effects of psyllium-and pectin-enriched cereals in a
lesterol by similar amounts. The effect is small within the prac- randomized, controlled study. They found that the psyllium-
tical range of intake. For example, 3 g soluble fiber from oats (3 enriched cereal lowered cholesterol more effectively than the
servings of oatmeal, 28 g each) can decrease total and LDL cho- pectin-enriched cereal. Also, trials of oat products suggested that
lesterol by <0.13 mmol/L. Increasing soluble fiber can make hypercholesterolemic patients are more responsive than nor-
only a small contribution to dietary therapy to lower cholesterol. molipidemic persons (14, 15).
Am J Clin Nutr 1999;69:30–42. Concurrent changes in fat and cholesterol caused by inade-
quate dietary control can confound the relation between
KEY WORDS Meta-analysis, humans, controlled trials, increased fiber intake and blood cholesterol concentrations. For
total cholesterol, low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL cho- this reason, quantitating the direct effect of fiber on cholesterol
lesterol, high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, lowering, in addition to that attributed to displacement of satu-
triacylglycerols, dose response, fiber rated and trans-unsaturated fat in the diet, is difficult.

From the Departments of Nutrition, Epidemiology, and Biostatistics,
Coronary artery disease is the major cause of death in the
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, and The Channing Laboratory,
United States and in most Western countries (1), and blood cho-
Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Harvard Med-
lesterol is a major risk factor (2). Dietary and pharmacologic ical School, Boston.
reductions in total and LDL cholesterol decrease the risk of coro- 2
Address reprint requests to L Brown, Harvard School of Public Health,
nary events (3–6), and dietary intervention is the first-line Department of Nutrition, 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115.
approach (7). Increasing dietary fiber has been recommended as Received July 30, 1998.
a safe and practical approach for cholesterol reduction (8). Accepted for publication July 31, 1998.

30 Am J Clin Nutr 1999;69:30–42. Printed in USA. © 1999 American Society for Clinical Nutrition

In this meta-analysis of controlled trials, we evaluated the cho- mary estimates were computed for each type of soluble fiber sep-
lesterol-lowering effects of several water-soluble fibers. We stud- arately and for all fibers combined. All effect sizes are presented
ied the influence on blood lipid changes of fiber type, dosage, ini- with 95% CIs based on the estimated variances (Appendix A). We
tial cholesterol concentration, concurrent changes in dietary fat assessed the homogeneity of effect sizes by the Q test (29), where
and cholesterol, and other aspects of the study designs. Q > x2k 2 1, 0.95 indicated that the individual estimates for k studies
were not estimators of one underlying effect.
For meta-analyses of each fiber type, we selected one set of
MATERIALS AND METHODS lipid results per study to avoid undue weighting of a study. For
Trials of the effects of dietary fiber on blood cholesterol con- instance, for the trial by Kestin et al (30), comparing oat bran,
centrations in adults were identified by a computerized literature wheat bran, and rice bran, we selected the effect size comparing
search (MEDLINE; National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, oat bran and wheat bran because wheat was the most often used
MD) of articles published from 1966 to June 1996 and examina- control fiber in the studies included in the meta-analysis. When
tion of cited reference sources. Only published trials reported in more than one dose was studied (31–33), the mean lipid change
English were considered; however, we included one unpublished across all doses was used to provide an average effect size.
trial by Beling et al (1991; provided by Quaker Oats, Chicago), However, each dose was represented separately in the dose-
which has been previously referenced in the literature (15). Stud- response analysis.
ies were selected for analysis if they met the following criteria: Weighted least-squares regression analyses were performed
1) they were controlled (insoluble fiber or low-fiber diet used for by using the general linear models procedure of the SAS pro-
comparison with a high-fiber diet or a placebo used for compar- gram (34) to test for differences in lipid changes (without divid-
ison with a pure fiber supplement) and had either a randomized ing by the dose of soluble fiber). In addition to the amount of sol-
crossover or a parallel design; 2) they provided lipid changes in uble fiber, the following independent variables were included in
the fiber and control groups to permit calculation of the treat- the model: initial cholesterol concentration; type of dietary fiber;
ment effect; 3) they had an intervention period ≥ 14 d (16–18); 4) study design (parallel or crossover); health status of study popu-
they used soluble fiber from a single source to permit analysis of lation (healthy, hyperlipidemic, or diabetic); mean age; back-
differences between fiber types; 5) the amount of soluble fiber ground diet (low-fat, low-cholesterol diet compared with usual
used was indicated or could be estimated from the published lit- diet); dietary changes (change in the high-fiber period minus
erature (19–21); 6) they had a minimum lead-in period of 14 d change in the low-fiber period) in total fat, saturated fat, and
for studies administering the fiber with a low-fat, low-choles- dietary cholesterol; type of control (low-fiber control product
terol diet to eliminate possible effects on plasma lipids due to compared with diet only); and treatment length. All models were
overall dietary changes (16–18); and 7) dietary changes for both weighted by using the inverse of the variance of each effect esti-
the fiber and control groups were made under isoenergetic con- mate. Models of dose response (dose of specific fiber and dose
ditions. This analysis was limited to primary sources of fiber for response stratified by initial cholesterol concentration) were
which there were > 5 trials per type: oat products, psyllium, examined by forcing the intercept through zero. Further model-
pectin, and guar gum. ing was done to determine the effects of variability of these
The net changes in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL covariates among studies as predictors of changes in blood lipids
cholesterol, and triacylglycerols are presented in units of after the amount of soluble fiber and initial lipid concentrations
mmol · L21 · g soluble fiber21. For studies with parallel group were controlled for. We did not assume a zero-intercept model to
designs, lipid effects were calculated by subtracting the mean examine the influence of these other covariates. A two-sided
change in the control (low fiber) group from that in the treatment significance level of 0.05 was used.
(high fiber) group. In crossover studies, the estimate represents We calculated predicted changes in blood cholesterol from
the difference in posttreatment lipid concentrations for the high- changes in dietary fatty acids and cholesterol by using the equa-
fiber and low-fiber periods. The net change was divided by the tions of Keys et al (18) and Mensink and Katan (35) when suffi-
daily dose of soluble fiber. cient dietary data were included in the published reports. This
Individual studies were weighted by the inverse of the variance calculation was used to determine whether lipid changes could
of the fiber effect. For each trial, we estimated the SE of the treat- be attributed to dietary changes other than the inclusion of solu-
ment effect for the lipid outcome measures by using the SDs of ble fiber in the diet. An adjusted effect size for soluble fibers was
paired differences (follow-up minus initial) for the treatment and computed for each trial by subtracting the expected lipid changes
control groups. If the SDs were not provided, we used the SE val- from the observed lipid changes (the combined effect of fat and
ues derived from the exact t ratios, P values, or 95% CIs (22). The fiber). A new summary effect size was then calculated by using
within-study SE was divided by the average daily dose for each the adjusted values for each trial.
study to estimate the SE of the treatment effect per gram fiber.
We were unable to calculate the correct within-study SEs for
more than two-thirds of the trials on the basis of the published RESULTS
data (few reported exact probability values or CIs for the group
differences described above). As an alternative, we estimated the Characteristics of the studies
SE by using previously published methods and data from the We reviewed 162 clinical studies reporting the effects of oat
Lipid Research Clinics (23–28; Appendix A). products, psyllium, pectin, or guar fiber on blood cholesterol. A
We computed summary estimates (effect sizes) of the net lipid description of the individual trials considered for this meta-analy-
changes by combining the mean effect sizes reported by individ- sis may be requested by contacting the corresponding author.
ual studies weighted by the inverse of the individual and between- Ninety-two studies were excluded: 81 were not sufficiently con-
study variance according to a random effects model (29). Sum- trolled, 8 had insufficient information, and 3 had a treatment

period < 14 d. Seventy published reports were identified for a between soluble fiber and changes in HDL-cholesterol or tria-
quantitative analysis. Three of these studies were included only in cylglycerol concentrations.
the dose-response analysis because they did not use a true low-
fiber control but rather compared a high with a lower dose of the Effect of initial lipid concentration
same intervention fiber (36–38). The 67 trials included in the On the basis of weighted least-squares regression analyses,
analysis are summarized in Table 1 and included 25 trials of oat the initial total cholesterol concentration was not a significant
products (30–33, 39–59), 17 of psyllium (13, 60–74), 7 of pectin predictor of lipid changes after adjustment for dose when entered
(13, 75–80), and 18 of guar gum (81–98). Not all trials of differ- into the models as either a continuous variable (P = 0.18) or a
ent fiber sources provided total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, categorical (> compared with < 6.20 mmol/L) variable
HDL-cholesterol, and triacylglycerol concentrations. (P = 0.91). There was a greater decrease in LDL cholesterol in
The meta-analyses included 2990 subjects (1733 men, 1011 studies in which subjects had an average initial LDL-cholesterol
women, 246 sex not specified) whose average age was 50 y. concentration > 4.3 mmol/L [20.034 mmol/L (21.33 mg/dL),
The average dose of 9.5 g soluble fiber was administered over P = 0.02] compared with an average initial LDL-cholesterol con-
a mean treatment period of 49 d. Fifty-seven of 67 (85%) stud- centration < 4.3 mmol/L [20.015 mmol/L (20.58 mg/dL),
ies included in the meta-analyses used a control fiber that was P = 0.26]. However, this difference was only marginally signifi-
low in soluble fiber, such as wheat bran, cellulose-based cant (P = 0.05). Net lipid changes were not significantly related
placebo, or corn flakes. The remaining 10 trials (15%) com- to initial concentrations for either HDL (P = 0.38) or triacyl-
pared the fiber intervention with a diet that excluded the fiber glycerols (P = 0.53) after adjustment for dose.
intervention (diet only).
In 38 studies the background diets were the subjects’ usual Type of soluble fiber
diets, which were most often similar to conventional Western Soluble fiber from oat products, psyllium, pectin, and guar
diets in fat and cholesterol contents; in 29 studies the back- gum each significantly lowered total cholesterol (Figure 2, Table
ground diets were low in fat and cholesterol (< 30% of energy 2). One gram of soluble fiber from oats, psyllium, pectin, or guar
from fat and < 300 mg cholesterol/d). During the high-fiber inter- gum produced changes in total cholesterol of 20.037, 20.028,
vention, subjects consumed an average of 188 kJ more energy 20.070, and 20.026 mmol/L (21.42, 21.10, 22.69, and 21.13
than during the control period. Dietary fat and cholesterol were mg/dL), respectively, and in LDL cholesterol of 20.032,
slightly reduced during the high-fiber intervention: 22.8 g total 20.029, 20.055, and 20.033 mmol/L (21.23, 21.11, 21.96,
fat, 20.34 g saturated fat, and 22.5 g cholesterol. Both groups and 21.20 mg/dL), respectively. These values were slightly
receiving the high- and low-soluble-fiber interventions lost higher when the meta-analysis was repeated for the practical
weight, 0.19 and 0.64 kg, respectively. dose range. Psyllium and guar gum lowered HDL cholesterol
significantly but minimally (Table 2). None of the soluble fibers
Effect of soluble fiber affected triacylglycerols. Type of soluble fiber was not a signifi-
In the full dose range, soluble fiber significantly reduced both cant predictor of lipid changes after the initial lipid concentra-
total and LDL cholesterol: 20.028 (95% CI: 20.035, 20.022) tion was controlled for by linear regression. We were unable to
mmol · L21 · g soluble fiber21 [21.10 (21.34, 20.87) mg/dL] and compare effects of guar with those of the other fibers because of
20.029 (20.035, 20.023) mmol · L21 · g soluble fiber21 [21.13 the limited number of studies using 2–10 g/d.
(21.37, 20.89) mg/dL], respectively (Table 2). High-fiber diets
also significantly reduced HDL cholesterol, but by a much Effect of other variables
smaller amount: 20.002 (20.004, 20.0003) mmol · L21 · g solu- After dose of soluble fiber and initial lipid concentrations
ble fiber21 [20.07 (20.13, 20.01) mg/dL]. Soluble fiber intake were controlled for, none of the following factors was a signi-
did not significantly affect triacylglycerol concentrations: 0.001 ficant predictor of changes in blood lipids: type of study
(20.004, 0.006) mmol · L21 · g soluble fiber21 [0.07 (20.35, design, type of control, treatment length, background diet, type
0.50) mg/dL]. The tests for heterogeneity were highly significant of subject, weight change, or changes in dietary intake of fat
(all P < 0.001), indicating that the lipid changes may have been and cholesterol.
better characterized by separate estimates for studies similar in
design or subject characteristics such as type of soluble fiber. Dietary changes
For 22 of the 67 studies (33%), sufficient dietary data were
Dose response provided to calculate predicted changes in total cholesterol by
The net change in total and LDL cholesterol is plotted against using equations from Keys et al (18) or Mensink and Katan (35).
the mean daily dose of soluble fiber in Figure 1. The plot sug- There were 13 oat, 6 psyllium, and 3 pectin studies with doses of
gests a nonlinear dose response. To test for nonlinearity, an expo- soluble fiber ranging between 2.2 and 15 g. Most of the studies
nential term for dose (natural log of the amount of soluble fiber) reported reductions in total cholesterol that were greater than
was used in the weighted least-squares regression models. We predicted from changes in fatty acid or cholesterol intake. The
found significant nonlinearity with doses > 10 g/d for total cho- effect of fiber before adjusting for expected change in total cho-
lesterol and with doses > 8 g/d for LDL cholesterol. lesterol was 20.039 (20.042, 20.037) mmol/L [21.51 (21.58,
The meta-analyses in Table 2 were repeated for the practical 21.43) mg/dL] compared with 20.033 (20.035, 20.032)
dose range (≤ 10 g/d) and we found that the overall effects of mmol/L [21.30 (21.37, 21.23) mg/dL] after adjustment for
fiber were greater compared with the results for the total dose expected change as estimated by the Keys equation. Expected
range: 1 g soluble fiber/d produced a change in total and LDL change as estimated by the Mensink and Katan equation was
cholesterol of 20.045 and 20.057 mmol/L (21.73 and 22.21 20.036 (20.038, 20.034) mmol/L [21.40 (21.48, 21.32)
mg/dL). There was no significant dose-response relation mg/dL]. Thus, because the adjusted estimates were similar to the
Summary of trials included in the meta-analysis1
Fiber No. of No. of Average dose Average length Type of control Subject type Mean Background diet Mean initial
source trials subjects of soluble fiber of treatment (no. of trials) (no. of trials) age (no. of trials) lipid concentration2
g d y mmol/L
Oat products 25: 13P, 12X 1600: 817M, 598F3 5.0 (1.5–13.0)4 39 (14–84) 18 Low-fiber control, 10 Healthy, 48 (26–61) 12 LFLC, 13 usual TC: 6.31 ± 0.84
Parallel: 703T, 552C 7 diet only 13 hyperlipidemic, LDL: 4.40 ± 0.69
Crossover: 345T, 345C 1 DM+hyperlipidemic, HDL: 1.28 ± 0.15
1 other TG: 1.82 ± 1.98

Psyllium 17: 11P, 6X 757: 515M, 242F 9.1 (4.7–16.2) 53 (14–112) 16 Low-fiber control, 5 Healthy, 51 (44–59) 13 LFLC, 4 usual TC: 6.41 ± 0.68
Parallel: 279T, 276C 1 diet only 12 hyperlipidemic LDL: 4.37 ± 0.70
Crossover: 202T, 202C HDL: 1.23 ± 0.32
TG: 1.79 ± 0.72

Pectin 7: 3P, 4X 277: 216M, 61F 4.7 (2.2–9.0) 34 (28–42) 5 Low-fiber control, 4 Healthy, 50 (31–65) 1 LFLC, 6 usual TC: 5.62 ± 0.73
Parallel: 95T, 94C 2 diet only 1 hyperlipidemic, LDL: 4.01 ± 0.59
Crossover: 88T, 88C 1 DM, 1 other HDL: 1.48 ± 0.36
TG: 1.45 ± 0.44

Guar gum 18: 5P, 13X 356: 185M, 110F 17.5 (6.6–30.0) 66 (28–168) 18 Low-fiber control 2 Healthy 52 (27–63) 3 LFLC, 15 usual TC: 6.49 ± 0.88
Parallel: 69T, 59C 4 hyperlipidemic, LDL: 4.12 ± 0.80
Crossover: 228T, 228C 8 DM, HDL: 1.27 ± 0.21
4 DM+hyperlipidemic TG: 1.76 ± 0.64

Total5 67: 32P, 35X 2990: 1733M, 1011F3 9.5 (1.5–30.0) 49 (14–168) 57 Low-fiber control, 21 Healthy, 50 (26–65) 29 LFLC, 38 usual TC: 6.23 ± 0.88
Parallel: 1146T, 981C 10 diet only 30 hyperlipidemic, LDL: 4.25 ± 0.72
Crossover: 863T, 863C 9 DM, HDL: 1.27 ± 0.21
5 DM+hyperlipidemic, TG: 1.76 ± 0.64
2 other
P, parallel; X, crossover; T, treated; C, control; hyperlipidemic, initial cholesterol >6.2 mmol/L (>240 mg/dL); DM, diabetes mellitus; LFLC, low-fat, low-cholesterol diet (typically 30% of energy from
fat; #10% each from saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats; and <300 mg choleserol); TC, total cholesterol; TG, triacylglycerol.
To convert values for cholesterol to mg/dL, divide by 0.02586; to convert values for TG to mg/dL, divide by 0.01129. Not all studies of different fiber sources provided total, LDL-, and HDL-cholesterol
and triacylglycerol concentrations.
The number of male and female subjects does not equal the total number of subjects because some studies did not specify the sex of the subjects.
Range in parentheses.
Meta-analysis included 67 trials; however, studies did not necessarily report measurements of all 4 lipid changes (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triacylglycerol).

Net change in blood lipids in subjects consuming diets high in soluble fiber compared with low-fiber diets1
Full dose range (2–30 g/d) Practical dose range (2–10 g/d)2
Lipid measured No. of No. of Net change per Heterogeneity No. of No. of Net change per Heterogeneity
and fiber source studies subjects gram soluble fiber3 (Q) studies subjects gram soluble fiber3 (Q)
mmol · L21 · g21 mmol · L21 · g21
Total cholesterol
Oat products 25 1600 20.037 (20.051, 20.022)4 62.65 22 1512 20.040 (20.054, 20.026) 43.46
P: 703T, 552C P: 680T, 527C
X: 345T, 345C X: 305T, 305C
Psyllium 17 757 20.028 (20.037, 20.020) 27.57 12 535 20.037 (20.049, 20.025) 15.1
P: 279T, 276C P: 231T, 226C
X: 202T, 202C X: 78T, 78C
Pectin 7 277 20.070 (20.117, 20.022) 32.65 7 277 20.070 (20.117, 20.022) 32.65
P: 95T, 94C P: 95T, 94C
X: 88T, 88C X: 88T, 88C
Guar gum 17 341 20.026 (20.038, 20.015) 180.55 28 40 — —
P: 69T, 59C P: 20T, 20C
X: 213T, 213C X: 0T, 0C
All fibers9 66 2975 20.028 (20.035, 20.022) 260.45 43 2364 20.045 (20.054, 20.035) 91.45
P: 1146T, 981C P: 1026T, 867C
X: 848T, 848C X: 471T, 471C
LDL cholesterol
Oat products 22 1439 20.032 (20.047, 20.017) 79.710 13 867 20.037 (20.040, 20.034) 75.810
P: 641T, 493C P: 347T, 259C
X: 305T, 305C X: 261T, 261C
Psyllium 17 757 20.029 (20.045, 20.025) 123.25 4 151 20.067 (20.146, 20.014) 29.55
P: 279T, 276C P: 43T, 48C
X: 202T, 202C X: 60T, 60C
Pectin 4 117 20.055 (20.087, 20.022) 7.37 4 117 20.055 (20.087, 20.022) 7.37
P: 20T, 19C P: 20T, 19C
X: 78T, 78C X: 78T, 78C
Guar gum 12 218 20.033 (20.048, 20.017) 76.65 18 16 — —
P: 49T, 40C P: 8T, 8C
X: 129T, 129C X: 0T, 0C
All fibers9 55 2531 20.029 (20.035, 20.023) 193.65 22 1151 20.057 (20.070, 20.044) 35.611
P: 989T, 828C P: 418T, 334C
X: 714T, 714C X: 399T, 399C
HDL cholesterol
Oat products 24 1542 20.002 (20.007, 0.003) 70.05 18 998 20.001 (20.007, 0.008) 43.45
P: 674T, 523C P: 400T, 305C
X: 345T, 345C X: 293T, 293C
Psyllium 17 757 20.002 (20.004, 20.0003) 15.8 12 535 20.004 (20.008, 20.001) 10.0
P: 279T, 276C P: 231T, 226C
X: 202T, 202C X: 78T, 78C
Pectin 7 277 20.004 (20.028, 0.020) 84.75 7 277 20.004 (20.028, 0.020) 84.75
P: 95T, 94C P: 95T, 94C
X: 88T, 88C X: 88T, 88C
Guar gum 15 302 20.003 (20.005, 20.002) 11.3 28 40 — —
P: 69T, 59C P: 20T, 20C
X: 174T, 174C X: 0T, 0C
All fibers9 63 2878 20.002 (20.004, 20.0003) 167.35 39 1850 20.003 (20.006, 0.001) 134.85
P: 1117T, 952C P: 746T, 645C
X: 809T, 809C X: 459T, 459C
Oat products 20 1374 0.008 (20.005, 0.022) 24.1 16 882 0.006 (20.006, 0.018) 17.5
P: 656T, 508C P: 382T, 290C
X: 210T, 210C X: 210T, 210C
Psyllium 16 720 0.003 (20.007, 0.013) 17.6 11 498 0.003 (20.013, 0.020) 13.8
P: 260T, 258C P: 212T, 208C
X: 202T, 202C X: 78T, 78C
Pectin 6 247 20.021 (20.066, 0.025) 17.65 6 247 20.021 (20.066, 0.025) 17.65
P: 81T, 78C P: 81T, 78C
X: 88T, 88C X: 88T, 88C
Continued on next page

TABLE 2 (Continued)
Full dose range (2–30 g/d) Practical dose range (2–10 g/d)2
Lipid measured No. of No. of Net change per Heterogeneity No. of No. of Net change per Heterogeneity
and fiber source studies subjects gram soluble fiber3 (Q) studies subjects gram soluble fiber3 (Q)
mmol · L21 · g21 mmol · L21 · g21
Guar gum 17 338 20.001 (20.009, 0.006) 48.95 28 40 — —
P: 69T, 59C P: 20T, 20C
X: 128T, 128C X: 0T, 0C
All fibers9 59 2679 0.001 (20.004, 0.006) 181.75 35 1667 0.003 (20.015, 0.021) 85.315
P: 1066T, 903C P: 695T, 596C
X: 710T, 710C X: 376T, 376C
P, parallel study; X, crossover study; T, treated; C, control. Average daily dose of soluble fiber: oat products, 5.0 g; psyllium, 9.1 g; pectin, 4.7 g: guar
gum, 17.5 g; all fibers combined, 9.5 g.
Linear regression analyses were restricted to studies that used a dose #10 g/d for total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triacylglycerol because of non-
linearity of the dose response. Analysis of LDL changes was restricted to studies that used a dose #8 g/d.
Net change expressed as the value during the high-fiber diet minus that during the control (low fiber) period. To convert values for cholesterol to mg/dL,
divide by 0.02586; to convert values for triacylglycerol to mg/dL, divide by 0.01129.
95% CI in parentheses.
P < 0.001.
P < 0.002.
P < 0.05.
We were unable to analyze guar studies separately because of the limited number of studies within the restricted dose range.
Meta-analysis included 67 trials; however, studies did not necessarily report measurements of all 4 lipid changes (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol,
HDL cholesterol, and triacylglycerol).
P < 0.005.
P < 0.03.

unadjusted estimates, the observed lipid changes cannot be between fiber intake and change in lipids or residual confound-
attributed primarily to the substitution of dietary fats and choles- ing by other important factors, such as body weight or dietary fat
terol for dietary fiber within this subset of trials. changes, for which we were unable to adequately control. For
example, although we found that the changes in blood choles-
terol could not be attributed to the substitution of fiber for
DISCUSSION dietary fats and cholesterol in most of the studies with available
This analysis of 67 controlled clinical trials indicated that data, most of the published reports did not provide sufficient
diets high in soluble fiber decrease total and LDL cholesterol. dietary data. This lack of sufficient data limits our ability to con-
These findings are generally consistent with individual pub- clusively rule out this possibility. We also cannot rule out chance
lished reports because high intakes of soluble fiber were associ- as an explanation because the intercepts were not significantly
ated with significant decreases in total and LDL cholesterol in different from zero.
60–70% of the trials. Dietary fiber had a small HDL-lowering The mechanism by which fiber lowers blood cholesterol
effect at the borderline of statistical significance and did not remains undefined. Evidence suggests that some soluble fibers
affect triacylglycerol concentrations. bind bile acids or cholesterol during the intraluminal formation of
There was substantial heterogeneity among individual studies, micelles (99). The resulting reduction in the cholesterol content
suggesting that effects of fiber are not uniform. Differences in of liver cells leads to an up-regulation of the LDL receptors and
the dose of soluble fiber accounted for some of the variability in thus increased clearance of LDL cholesterol. However, increased
study results. Type of fiber apparently did not account for a bile acid excretion may not be sufficient to account for the
significant amount of variability; however, it is possible that observed cholesterol reduction (100). Other suggested mecha-
small differences between fibers of 20.02 to 20.03 mmol·L-1·g nisms include inhibition of hepatic fatty acid synthesis by prod-
soluble fiber-1 may not be detectable. ucts of fermentation (production of short-chain fatty acids such as
We found significant nonlinearity at higher doses, which may acetate, butyrate, propionate) (101); changes in intestinal motility
have been due to diminished adherence or a biological maximum (102); fibers with high viscosity causing slowed absorption of
being reached at higher doses (32). By analyzing lipid changes macronutrients, leading to increased insulin sensitivity (103); and
within the restricted dose range (≤ 10 g), we could assess lipid increased satiety, leading to lower overall energy intake (104).
effects within more practical ranges of soluble fiber intake and Our data do not support previous findings that patients with
within the range in which the dose response appeared linear. hypercholesterolemia are more responsive to dietary fiber than
Our primary dose-response analyses were conducted by are healthy individuals (14, 15). Subgroup analyses of initial
assuming a zero intercept. Analyses allowing a nonzero intercept cholesterol concentrations showed that persons with moderate or
produced a slightly smaller effect of fiber because the intercepts severe hypercholesterolemia (concentrations > 6.20 mmol/L, or
were negative. This suggests that cholesterol would decrease in > 240 mg/dL) showed only slightly larger decreases in total cho-
the treatment group even if there was no added fiber in the high- lesterol than did those with lower cholesterol concentrations. We
fiber group. This could result from nonlinearity of the relation did, however, find that initial LDL cholesterol was a moderately

FIGURE 1. Relation between dose of soluble fiber and mean lipid changes. For each study, the net change in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol
(expressed as the change during the high-soluble-fiber period minus the change during the low-soluble-fiber period) is plotted against the mean daily
dose of soluble fiber. All models were weighted by using the inverse of the variance of each effect size and forcing the intercept through zero. Plots
show an inverse association between dose of soluble fiber and mean changes in total and LDL cholesterol (P < 0.001). Individual studies with low vari-
ance in the meta-analysis are denoted with circles around the point estimates.

significant predictor of LDL-cholesterol changes, but the differ- effect on the risk of heart disease. For example, daily intake of 3
ence in responsiveness was small: 0.02 mmol/L (0.75 mg/dL) per g soluble fiber from either 3 apples or 3 bowls (28-g servings) of
gram of soluble fiber (P = 0.05). oatmeal can decrease total cholesterol by <0.129 mmol/L (5
Most of the available epidemiologic studies suggest that mg/dL), a <2% reduction. On the basis of estimates from clini-
dietary fiber is inversely related to coronary artery disease (5, cal studies of cholesterol treatment (110), this could lower the
105–109). Earlier studies suggested that the effects of fiber may incidence of coronary artery disease by <4%. These findings are
be larger than those shown in this meta-analysis. However, consistent with an earlier summary of the cholesterol-lowering
methodologic problems including small sample sizes, incom- effects of oat products (15).
plete dietary measures, and inadequate control of important con- Publication bias toward studies that showed positive results is
founders made it difficult to determine the effects of dietary fiber always a potential issue in meta-analyses and could be operating
independently of other dietary components and, more specifi- in this study. If this were true, then the small effect estimates
cally, the contribution of soluble compared with insoluble fiber. associated with intake of dietary soluble fiber would be further
The modest reductions in cholesterol expected from intakes of attenuated, further highlighting the need for conservative public
soluble fiber within practical ranges may exert only a small health claims. The major benefit from eating fiber-rich foods

FIGURE 2. Net change in total cholesterol. The net effect of consumption of different dietary fibers on total cholesterol concentrations for oat prod-
ucts, psyllium, pectin, and guar gum. Note that one guar study (85) did not include measures for total cholesterol. The bars represent the width of the
95% CIs for each study. The overall effect estimates and 95% CI are provided for each fiber.

FIGURE 2. Continued.

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APPENDIX A V(x) = s2 = s2p 1 s2d /k (A4)

1. TREATMENT EFFECT CALCULATION The variance of the difference, D = total cholesterol 2 – total
cholesterol 1, may then be expressed as
Parallel studies: Dp = [Xtf 2 Xtb] 2 [Xcf 2 Xcb] (A1)
Var (D) = 2s2 (1 2 r) (A5)

1 Mean lipid change

in the treatment group 221 Mean lipid change
in the control group 2 where r is the observed tracking correlation between the choles-
terol measures at baseline and follow-up. This quantifies the asso-
where Xtf is the lipid value at the end of follow-up in the treat- ciation between initial and subsequent cholesterol concentrations.
ment group, Xtb is the lipid value before intervention in the treat-
ment group, Xcf is the lipid value at the end of follow-up in the Calculation of variance components
control group, and Xcb is the lipid value before intervention in the Total cholesterol
control group. By using estimates from the Lipid Research Clinics (2–4) and the
Crossover studies: Dx = [Xt 2 Xc] (A2) above formula, we obtained the following estimates for the variance
components, assuming that k = 2 (baseline and follow-up).

1 after treatment phase 2

Response average
2 1
after control phase 2
Response average
Day-to-day variation: s2d = 15.72 = 246.5

where Xt is the lipid value at the end of follow-up and Xc is Between-person variation:
the lipid value before intervention. The treatment effect was s2p = s2p observed 2 s2d = 352 2 15.72 = 978.5
divided by the average daily amount (dose in grams) of soluble
fiber. A negative effect size indicates a reduction during the LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triacylglycerol (mg/dL)
intervention phase. Day-to-day Between-person
variation: variation:
2. CALCULATION OF WITHIN-STUDY VARIANCE s2d (2,4) s2p observed 2 s2d = s2p
The primary endpoint is the change in total cholesterol, LDL
LDL cholesterol 15.52 = 240.3 332 2 15.52 = 848.8
cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triacylglycerol from the end of
HDL cholesterol 6.42 = 41.0 11.252 2 6.42 = 85.6
the dietary run-in period (if applicable) or the concentration
Triacylglycerol 51.02 = 2601.0 121.02 – 51.02 = 12040.0
before the intervention was initiated (total cholesterol 1) to the
end of the intervention period (total cholesterol 2).
To derive a model for the variance of total cholesterol change, Calculation of within-study variance
we first assumed the following variance component model of Total cholesterol
Rosner and Polk (1), which includes day-to-day variability and The observed tracking correlation between the initial and
subject-to-subject variability. (Within-day variability is also follow-up total cholesterol equaled 0.815 (4). This value was
included but it does not apply in our model because lipids were corrected for within-person variation by using the following for-
measured once per visit.) mula (5) and the variance components as calculated above. This
model assumes that the variance components remain constant
Total cholesterol = a + g + b (A3)
over time. The true mean for an individual is allowed to vary
where a is a fixed constant describing the true mean total cho- over time with a correlation Pts for measurements at time t and s.
lesterol concentration in the population, g ~ N (0, s2p) is the true
! (sp2 1 swt2) (sp2 1 sws2)
individual deviation about this population mean at the time of the Pts = P9ts 3 (A6)
measurements, and b ~ N (0, s2d) reflects the day-to-day varia- sp2
where Pts is the true tracking correlation between cholesterol
If we assume that both total cholesterol 1 and total cholesterol
measures at times t and s where s > t, P9ts is the observed track-
2 are computed as the mean of k measurements, then the variance
ing correlation between mean cholesterol measures between
of each of these measures is given by

times t and s (0.815), sp2 is the between-person variance as cal- indicates that individual estimates for k studies are not estimated
culated on the previous page (978.5), swt2 is the within-person by one underlying effect.
variance at time t (baseline), and sws2 is the within-person vari-
ance at time s (follow-up).
Pts = 0.815 3
!(978.5 1 246/1) (978.5 1 246/1) SOLUBLE FIBER)
Summary estimate: random effects model
Pts = 1 if the true tracking correlation is 1; eg, if for a short-term
period, the only source of variation is within-person variability. The weighted estimate of the overall mean yw is
Thus, we estimated that the SD of the change in total choles- k

terol would be 15.7 mg/dL for one measure taken at baseline and o wiayi
–y = i=1
one at the end of treatment as calculated below. w (A11)

Var (D) = 2[sp2 (1 2 r) 1 (sw2/2)] (A7) o wia


Thus, Var (D) = 2[978.5 (0) 1 (246/2)] = 246. SD = !246

= 15.7 mg/dL (0.41 mmol/L). 95% CI
–y ± 1.96 !var (y ) (A12)
LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triacylglycerol (mg/dL) w w

After where wia = 1/(s i 1 s )(d ), d is the daily amount of soluble

2 2 2 2

correction fiber in grams squared, and var –yw = 1/owia .

Observed for within-
tracking person Estimated
correlation variation pre 2 post REFERENCES
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