Question Bank

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Define the following terms

1. Values: Value means importance or the participation. The value of any unit in this
existence is its participation in the larger order of which it is a part. E.g. value of a pen is
that it can write.

2. Human Values: The value of a human being is the participation of human being in this
order. Hence to understand the human values, we need to understand the human reality
along with all that is there in that existence constituting the larger order, and the role of
human being in the relationship with each and every unit in the existence.

3. Value Education: Character oriented education that instils basic values and ethnic values
in one‟s psyche are called „Value Based Education‟. The subject that enables us to
understand „what is valuable‟ for human happiness is called value education.

4. Self Exploration: Self exploration is the process to find out what is valuable to me by
investigating within myself, what is right for me, true for me, has to be judged within
myself. Through self exploration we get the value of ourself. We live with different
entirety (family, friends, air, soil, water, trees, etc.) and we want to understand our
relationship with all these. For this we need to start observing inside.

5. Natural Acceptance: Natural acceptance is a mechanism of self exploration. Natural

acceptance is process to understand ourself first. Natural acceptance
implies unconditional and total acceptance of the self, people and environment. It also
refers to the absence of any exception from others. In other words, Natural acceptance is
way to accept the good things naturally.

6. Experiential Validation: Experiential validation is a process that infuses direct

experience with the learning environment and content. When what we already believe to
be true of us is validated by some situations, phenomena or outcomes. We may term it as
experiential validation. It may be regarded as a philosophy and methodology in which the
direct experience and focused reflection of the individual helps to increase knowledge,
develop skill and clarify values. Most of what we know about our self is not only through
our own opinion of our self but also because of how others view us.

7. Svatva: Swatva means innateness of self – the natural acceptance of harmony. When I
identify my innateness, what I really what to be.
8. Swatantrata: Swatantrata means being self- organized – being in harmony with
oneself. When I identify my innateness, what I really what to be and establish a dialogue
with it, it enables me to become self organised, i.e. I attain harmony in myself. This is

9. Swarajya: Swarajya means self-expression, self- extension – living in harmony with

others. When I identify my innateness, what I really what to be and establish a dialogue
with it, it enables me to become self organised, i.e. I attain harmony in myself. When I
start living with this harmony, it starts expressing itself through my harmonious
behaviour and work, and it naturally extends to my participation with the surroundings.
This is working towards swarajya.

10. Happiness (Sukh): Happiness may be defined as being in harmony/synergy in the state/
situation that I live in. “A state or situation in which I live, if there is harmony in it then I
like to be in that state / situation. The state of liking is happiness.” It is a holistic and all
encompassing state of the mind that creates inner harmony.

11. Prosperity: The feeling of having or making available more than required physical
facilities is prosperity. For prosperity, two things are required- (1) Identification of the
required quantity of physical facilities, and (2) Ensuring availability / production of more
than required physical facilities.
We can be prosperous only if there is a limit to the need for physical facilities. If there is
no limit what so ever be the availability the feeling of prosperity cannot be assured.
Secondly, just assessing the need is not enough. We need to be able to produce or make
available more than the perceived need.

12. Right Understanding: Understanding the harmony at four levels of living from self to
existence. This refers to higher order human skills – the need to learn and utilize our
intelligence most effectively.

13. Physical Facilities (Suvidha): This includes the physiological needs of individuals and
indicates the necessities as well as the comforts of life. Suvidha implies that it is looking
for physical comforts and all the sources of attaining such comforts.

14. Animal Consciousness: (a) Living of human being only on the basis of physical
facilities, and not with right understanding and relationship. Working only for physical
facilities is living with Animal Consciousness. (b) living with assumption for oneself as

15. Human Consciousness: (a) Living with all three: right understanding, relationship, and
physical facilities. Working for right understanding as the first priority followed by
relationship and physical facilities implies living with Human Consciousness. (b) living
with views of justice, resolution and truth. (c) understanding human being as coexistence
of self (jivan, „I‟) and body.
16. Value Domain: Value domain means the domain of wisdom, this helps us to identify and
set the right goals and to proceed in the right direction.

17. Domain of Skills: Domain of skill means our competence or ability to learn methods and
practice to actualize the goals, to develop the techniques to make this happen in real life
in various dimensions of human endeavour.

Q 18. Explain the process of value education.

ANS. The process for value education has to be that of self-exploration, which includes two
things: verification at the level of natural acceptance and experiential validation in living. Self
exploration is the process to find out what is valuable to me by investigating within myself, what
is right for me, true for me, has to be judged within myself. Through self exploration we get the
value of ourself. Various aspects of reality facilitating the understanding of human values will be
presented as proposals. We need to verify these proposals for our self and examine our living in
this light.

Q 19. Illustrate the content of value education.

What should be the content of value education to make it complete? How do values relate to
our day to day living? (UPTU 2010-11)
ANS. The subject that enables us to understand „what is valuable‟ for human happiness is called
value education. The scope of value education includes all dimensions (thoughts, behaviour,
work and realization) and all levels (individual, family, society and nature – existence).
Accordingly, the content of value education will be to understand myself, my aspirations, my
happiness; understand the goal of human life comprehensively, understand the other entities in
nature, the innate inter-connectedness, the coexistence in the nature- existence and finally the
role of human being in this nature/existence entirely. Hence, it has to encompass understanding
of harmony at various levels and finally, learning to live in accordance with this understanding
by being vigilant to one‟s thoughts, behaviour and work.

Q 20. What is the content of self – exploration?

ANS. The main focus of self-exploration is myself - the human being. Content of self
exploration is just finding answers to the following fundamental questions of all human beings:
1. The Desire/Goal: What is my (human) Desire/ Goal? What do I really want in life, or what is
the goal of human life?
2. Program: What is my (human) program for fulfilling the desire? How to fulfil it? What is the
program to actualize the above?
In short, the above two questions cover the whole domain of human aspirations and
human endeavour. Thus, they form the content of self- exploration.

Q 21. What do you understand by the terms svatva, swatantrata and swarajya?
Svatva: Swatva means innateness of self – the natural acceptance of harmony.
Swatantrata: Swatantrata means being self- organized – being in harmony with oneself
Swarajya: Swarajya means self-expression, self- extension – living in harmony with others
Swatva ------------------ Swatantrata ------------------ Swarajya
Q 22. What do the abbreviations given as SVDD, SSDD and SSSS signify?
ANS. To achieve our basic aspirations we need to work for right understanding as the base on
which we can work for relationship and then physical facilities. Today we are not working
according to this that why we can see that there are two kind of people in the world:
1. Those that do not have physical facilities/ wealth and feel unhappy and deprived.
i.e. SVDD: SadhanViheenDukhiDaridra – Materially Deficient, Unhappy and Deprived.
2. Those that have physical facilities/ wealth and feel unhappy and deprived. i.e.
SSDD: SadhanSampannDukhiDaridra – Materially Affluent, Unhappy and Deprived.
But these are states we don‟t want to be in. We want to move from this to third category i.e.
3. Having physical facilities and feeling happy and prosperous
i.e. SSSS: SadhanSampannSukhiSamriddha – Materially Adequate, Happy and Prosperous.
Presently, as we look around, we find most of the people in the above two categories
called SVDD and SSDD, while the natural acceptance of all human beings is to be in the
category of SSSS.

Q 23. What is happiness?

“Mutual fulfilment in human relationships is something we want, we aspire for.” Explain
ANS. Happiness may be defined as being in harmony/synergy in the state/ situation that I live
in. “A state or situation in which I live, if there is harmony in it then I like to be in that state /
situation. The state of liking is happiness.” Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized
by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure or joy. Happiness may be described as consisting of
positive emotions and positive activities. There may be three kinds of happiness: pleasure,
engagement, and meaning. In other words, freedom from want and distress, consciousness of the
good order of things, assurance of one‟s place in the universe or society, inner peace and so
forth. Happiness is the state of mind, where we feel good in most of the walk of life.

Q 24. What is the meaning of prosperity? How can you say that you are prosperous?
ANS. The feeling of having or making available more than required physical facilities is
prosperity. Almost all of us feel that wealth alone means prosperity and try to explain this
phenomenon on this nonexistent or half fact. We are trying to achieve happiness and prosperity
by maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical facilities. It is becoming anti-
ecological and anti-people, and threatening the human survival itself. For prosperity, two things
are required-
1. Identification of the required quantity of physical facilities, and
2. Ensuring availability / production of more than required physical facilities.
We can be prosperous only if there is a limit to the need for physical facilities. If there is
no limit what so ever be the availability the feeling of prosperity cannot be assured.
Secondly, just assessing the need is not enough. We need to be able to produce or make
available more than the perceived need.

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