Structures in The Great Attractor Region
Structures in The Great Attractor Region
Structures in The Great Attractor Region
Accepted 2006 March 21. Received 2006 March 20; in original form 2006 February 27
To further our understanding of the Great Attractor (GA), we have undertaken a redshift
survey using the 2-degree Field (2dF) instrument on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT).
Clusters and filaments in the GA region were targeted with 25 separate pointings resulting
in approximately 2600 new redshifts. Targets included poorly studied X-ray clusters from
the Clusters in the Zone of Avoidance (CIZA) Catalogue as well as the Cen–Crux and PKS
1343−601 clusters, both of which lie close to the classic GA centre. For nine clusters in the
region, we report velocity distributions as well as virial and projected mass estimates. The
virial mass of CIZA J1324.7−5736, now identified as a separate structure from the Cen–Crux
cluster, is found to be ∼3 × 1014 M , in good agreement with the X-ray inferred mass. In
the PKS 1343−601 field, five redshifts are measured of which four are new. An analysis of
redshifts from this survey, in combination with those from the literature, reveals the dominant
structure in the GA region to be a large filament, which appears to extend from Abell S0639
(l = 281◦ , b = +11◦ ) to (l ∼ 5◦ , b ∼ −50◦ ), encompassing the Cen–Crux, CIZA J1324.7−5736,
Norma and Pavo II clusters. Behind the Norma cluster at cz ∼ 15 000 km s−1 , the masses of four
rich clusters are calculated. These clusters (Triangulum Australis, Ara, CIZA J1514.6−4558
and CIZA J1410.4−4246) may contribute to a continued large-scale flow beyond the GA. The
results of these observations will be incorporated into a subsequent analysis of the GA flow.
Key words: galaxies: clusters: general – galaxies: distances and redshifts – large-scale
structure of Universe.
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Kraan-Korteweg & Staveley-Smith 2005; Koribalski 2005; Kraan- discuss errors and completeness. Analysis of the identified struc-
Korteweg et al. 2005b). Because the ZoA is effectively transparent tures are presented in Section 3 and in Section 4 we summarize our
to 21-cm radiation, these surveys are able to trace the full extent findings.
of the local large-scale filaments as they pass through the plane.
Notably, between galactic latitudes of −5◦ and +5◦ , Henning et al.
(2005) find evidence for an extension of the Norma supercluster at
cz ∼ 5000 km s−1 , running from b = 300◦ to 340◦ . Observations were carried out in two runs on the 3.9-m Anglo-
The X-ray selected ‘Clusters in the Zone of Avoidance’ (CIZA) Australian Telescope (AAT). The 2dF was configured using the same
project has revealed several new X-ray clusters at low galactic lati- set up as that used for the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS;
tudes (Ebeling, Mullis & Tully 2002; Kocevski et al. 2005). In the Colless et al. 2001). This included using the 300B gratings with the
GA region, this survey has identified CIZA J1324.7−5736 as an- 1024 × 1024 24-μm pixels on the Tektronix CCDs, resulting in a
other potentially sizeable contributor to the GA’s mass. Lying at dispersion of 178.8 Å mm−1 or 4.3 Å pixel−1 . At the centre of the
(307◦ , +5◦ , 5700 km s−1 ) this cluster has been associated with the chip, the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the focus is about
overdensity previously identified as the Cen–Crux cluster (Woudt 2 pixels, hence the typical spectral resolution is 9 Å. Additionally,
1998). X-ray measurements suggest that the structure is comparable a central wavelength of 5800 Å was chosen to cover a range of
in mass to the Norma cluster (Mullis et al. 2005). about 3650–8050 Å. Seeing over the course of the two runs was
Another important cluster in the GA region may exist around ∼1–1.5 arcsec.
PKS 1343−601, an extremely strong radio source lying in the ZoA In total, we observed 25 separate fields as listed in Table 1. A
(Kraan-Korteweg & Woudt 1999). The host galaxy is a large E0 repeat observation of one field was also taken in order to assess
(Laustsen, Schuster & West 1977; West & Tarenghi 1989) located systematics. Field centres were chosen to maximize the number of
at ∼(310◦ , +2◦ , 3900 km s−1 ). Despite the lack of an associated X- targeted galaxies, whilst fully encompassing known clusters and
ray source (Ebeling et al. 2002), recent near-infrared surveys are noticeable overdensities. Target galaxies were taken from the 2 Mi-
consistent with the presence of an intermediate mass cluster centred cron All Sky Survey Extended Source Catalogue (2MASS XSC;
on the radio source (Nagayama et al. 2004; Kraan-Korteweg et al. Jarrett et al. 2000) and the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED).
2005a; Schröder et al. 2005). Additional targets in the Cen–Crux and PKS 1343−601 fields were
Attempts to analyse the extent and mass of the GA from pecu- identified using J, H and Ks observations taken with the 1.4-m In-
liar velocity measurements have remained inconclusive. To date, no fraRed Survey Facility (IRSF; Nagayama et al. 2004, 2005) and
clear sign of any backside infall has been detected (Mathewson, Ford I-band images from the Wide Field Imager (WFI) at the ESO 2.2-m
& Buchhorn 1992; Hudson 1994). This has been attributed to a con- telescope at La Silla (Kraan-Korteweg et al. 2005a). Suitable guide
tinuing high-amplitude flow, possibly due to the gravitational pull stars were selected from the Tycho 2 Catalogue (Høg et al. 2000).
of the Shapley supercluster (SSC; Raychaudhury 1989; Scaramella 2MASS positions were used for both targets and guide stars, with
et al. 1989; Branchini et al. 1999; Hudson et al. 2004). Centred counterparts identified from the 2MASS Point Source Catalogue
on Abell 3558 (312◦ , 31◦ , 14 500 km s−1 ), the SSC is an extremely (Cutri et al. 2003) for sources with no equivalent 2MASS XSC
rich concentration of galaxies. Dynamical analysis by Reiseneg- position.
ger et al. (2000) of the collapsing core of the SSC, indicates that After acquiring each target field, a flat field and an arc exposure,
the mass contained within the central 8 h −1 Mpc is between 2 × using copper–argon and copper–helium lamps, were taken for fibre
1015 and 1.3 × 1016 h −1 M . However, different estimates of the identification and wavelength calibration. Three 900-s exposures of
SSC’s mass, derived from various surveys of the region, vary signif- the fields yielded signal to noise ratios of ∼15–30. However, seven
icantly due to differing assessments of the extent and geometry of 900-s exposures of targets in the PKS 1343−601 field achieved
the structure (see Bardelli et al. 2000). Furthermore, recent analysis an average signal-to-noise ratio of only ∼5 due to high galactic
suggests that intercluster galaxies may compose up to two thirds extinction (AB ∼ 10).
of the SSC’s mass, thus severely biasing previous estimates based The data were reduced using the 2DFDR automatic data reduction
solely on summed cluster masses (Proust et al. 2005). Accounting program as described in Colless et al. (2001). The default settings
for all the galaxies in their 285 deg2 survey of the SSC, Proust et al. were used with the exception of the use of sky flux methods for fi-
(2005) estimate an enclosed mass of 5 × 1016 h −1 M . bre throughput calibration, as no off-sky measurements were taken.
This uncertainty in the relative masses of the GA and the SSC Once reduced, redshifts were measured using the RUNZ program
has led to much dispute over the predicted source of the bulk developed for the 2dFGRS (also described in Colless et al. 2001).
flow observed in the local Universe and hence the source of the This program uses the Tonry & Davis (1979) technique to cross-
Local Group’s (LG) own motion. Ettori, Fabian & White (1997) and correlate nine templates with the observed spectra in order to obtain
Rowan-Robinson et al. (2000) estimated that the SSC was only re- the best absorption redshift. Where available, the program also de-
sponsible for approximately 5 per cent of the LG’s motion. However, termines emission redshifts by matching O II, Hβ, O III, Hα, N II and
Bardelli et al. (2000) placed the contribution closer to ∼15 per cent S II features.
whilst others have advocated values of up to 50 per cent (e.g. Smith
et al. 2000; Kocevski et al. 2005; Lucey, Radburn-Smith & Hudson
2.1 Redshifts
In order to further understand the nature of the GA, and hence A total of 3053 redshifts were measured, 2603 of which are not
the role it plays in the LG’s motion, we have undertaken a red- listed in NED (as of 2006 February 15). Table 2 lists a representative
shift survey with the 2-degree Field (2dF) multifibre spectrograph. sample of the complete table which can be found online.1
Targets include five of the CIZA clusters (including the Cen–Crux
cluster), the PKS 1343−601 region and overdensities located along 1The full table is published online in the electronic edition of this jour-
the proposed filamentary structures. We describe these observations nal. The data can also be obtained from the CDS via http://cdsweb.
and present the redshift measurements in Section 2 where we also . .
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Table 1. Summary of 2dF observations. The (l, b) coordinates for each targeted field are listed. These are not necessarily identical to the coordinates
of cluster centres, as small adjustments were made to maximize the number of galaxies available to fibres in each field.
Emission line redshifts are reported for approximately 32 per 96 galaxies also observed by Woudt et al. (2004) yields an 89 km s−1
cent of the sample, whilst absorption-line-based cross-correlation uncertainty and +19 km s−1 offset. Hence, as with the 2DFGRS
redshifts are available for ∼96 per cent. For the ∼27 per cent iden- (Colless et al. 2001), we adopt an underlying random error of
tified through both absorption and emission features, the absorption 85 km s−1 on all our measurements.
redshift is found to be larger on average by ∼58 km s−1 . This differ- The completeness of the observed 2MASS galaxies as a func-
ence, which is usually attributed to gas outflows, is consistent with tion of the extrapolated J-band magnitude is shown in Fig. 2. The
offsets found in other galaxy surveys (e.g. Cappi et al. 1998). vast majority of targeted galaxies lie in the range 12 < J Ext <
In order to assess the combined reliability of the observations 16 mag. Typically 10 per cent of these yield no reliable redshift
and data reduction, a repeat observation of one field (Ara/CIZA due to dominant stellar contamination. Hence this survey has good
J1653.0−5943) was made. The difference between these measure- completeness to J = 13 mag, after which a steady decline is ob-
ments (shown in the top panel of Fig. 1) implies an rms uncertainty served down to an effective completeness of ∼60 per cent for the
on a single measurement of 81 km s−1 . faintest galaxies at J > 16 mag. To illustrate the depth of the survey,
The lower panel of Fig. 1 shows the residual differences between we calculate the characteristic magnitude at the distance of the GA
our data and those from ZCAT (Huchra et al. 1992, November 27, and the SSC. By fitting a Schechter function to the combined 2dF-
2005 edition). Coincident galaxies between the catalogues were GRS/2MASS infrared catalogue, Cole et al. (2001) find a magnitude
found through name matching and searching for separations of less corresponding to the characteristic luminosity L of M J − 5 log h =
than 4 arcsec. For the resulting 433 galaxies, a negligible offset of −22.36 ± 0.02. Using this value, we find an apparent magnitude of
only +2 km s−1 is found. A value of χ 2ν ∼ 1 is achieved by adopt- J ∼ 11 mag at the GA (cz ∼ 4500 km s−1 ) and ∼13.5 mag at the
ing an uncertainty of 89 km s−1 on our values and using the quoted SSC (cz ∼ 14 500 km s−1 ). Around the Norma cluster and the SSC,
ZCAT errors, which in the absence of multiple measurements are extinction is typically A J ∼ 0.17 and 0.05 mag, respectively.
taken directly from the original source. At cz ∼ 6500 km s−1 , the
comparison exhibits an excess of negative values (i.e. ZCAT values
significantly lower than the redshifts reported here). This can be
3 L A R G E - S C A L E S T RU C T U R E S I N T H E
attributed to the inclusion in ZCAT of redshifts for galaxies in Abell
S0639 as measured by Stein (1996). These measurements are offset
from the rest of the ZCAT Catalogue by ∼−140 km s−1 , causing The redshift distribution for each of the surveyed fields is shown
the enhancement around this value in the residual histogram that in Fig. 3. Immediately obvious are the large overdensities in fields
represents comparisons within 10 000 km s−1 . 1, 2 and 6–11 corresponding to the targeted clusters. The struc-
Comparison of the 221 galaxies in common with the 6dF Galaxy tures in which these clusters are embedded are also apparent in
Survey (6dfGS 2DR; Jones et al. 2005) indicates an error of many of the fields as features at redshifts of around 2000–6000 and
94 km s−1 with a mean offset of +3 km s−1 . Whilst analysis of the ∼15 000 km s−1 , corresponding to the GA and SSC, respectively.
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Table 2. A representative sample of the full table published online. Both
heliocentric absorption and emission redshifts are listed where measured.
Column 1 lists the galaxy identification. The 2MASS XSC name is given first
and then the equivalent NED identification.a J2000 equatorial coordinates
are listed as either part of the name of the target or after the colon in the first
column. The 2MASS J-band magnitude (j m ext), extrapolated from a fit
to the radial surface brightness profile, is listed in column 2 where available.
Columns 3 and 4 list the heliocentric velocities (cz km s−1 ) identified through
absorption and emission features, respectively. As discussed, the uncertainty
on each measurement is ±85 km s−1 .
Name J Ext cz ab cz em
Field: 1 (RA: 201.◦ 17, Dec.: − 57.◦ 68, l: 307.◦ 78, b: 4.◦ 90)
2MASX J13184671−5804502 13.00 14774
2MASX J13190643−5744311 12.38 5552 5507
2MASX J13200919−5725561 12.15 4578
2MASX J13203723−5752421 11.57 5469
2MASX J13211580−5827564 12.71 6155
2MASX J13212199−5718084 14.11 6949 6835
2MASX J13220594−5728001 12.15 5706
2MASX J13230235−5732041 12.15 5204
2MASX J13230489−5740301 12.38 5841 5798
2MASX J13231390−5709190 12.28 5763
2MASX J13232993−5744020 13.22 6068
NNSW71:J13233545−5747205 32701 Figure 1. The top panel shows the difference between repeat observa-
2MASX J13233881−5807500 12.19 5444 tions of the same field. A Gaussian fit to the dispersion yields a value
2MASX J13234325−5731460 13.20 6433 of σ = 114 km s−1 , corresponding to a single measurement rms uncer-
2MASX J13234503−5742550 12.65 4426 tainty of 81 km s−1 . The bottom panel plots the difference between coin-
2MASX J13235263−5723200 12.29 5967 5870 cident measurements from the ZCAT Catalogue. Histograms are plotted
... ... ... separately for data within 10 000 km s−1 and for data beyond as coincident
measurements primarily fall into two distinct velocity ranges around 6000
a As of 2006 March, seven galaxies are contained in neither the NED nor and 15 000 km s−1 . The mean offset of the points is +2 km s−1 and the scatter
2MASS XSC catalogues: two galaxies identified with the prefix KKOWA is consistent with an error of 89 km s−1 on our data points.
were found from ESO 2.2-m WFI I-band observations around PKS
1343−601 (Kraan-Korteweg et al. 2005a); two galaxies, labelled NNSW,
are taken from NIR IRSF observations around Cen–Crux (Nagayama et al.
2005); and a further three galaxies, labelled DJRS, are new identifications
from searches of DSS images.
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Structures in the GA region 1135
Figure 3. Distribution of radial velocities in each of the 26 targeted fields listed in Table 1. Dashed lines refer to redshifts derived through observed emission
lines, whilst solid lines indicate measurements made via cross-correlation with template spectra. Note that field 26 is a repeat observation of field 8.
2000 < cz 4000 km s−1 . Immediately apparent in the third Collectively, this structure is known as the ‘Norma supercluster’
panel is the Centaurus cluster (Abell 3526) lying at (302◦ , +22◦ ). (Woudt et al. 1997) and is discussed further in Section 3.3.
Extending down from this cluster and through the galactic plane is 6000 < cz 11 000 km s−1 . The Norma cluster ‘finger-of-God’
the Centaurus Wall. This wall crosses a large part of the southern is still evident in this panel. The linear feature at b = −10◦ that
sky and is one of the most prominent features in all-sky maps of extends from this overdensity towards lower galactic latitudes is
galaxies within 6000 km s−1 (Fairall 1998). As we lie close to the an artificial enhancement due to the survey limit (b −10◦ ) of
plane of the Centaurus Wall, the structure is seen edge-on (Fairall the combined southern Milky Way survey (Kraan-Korteweg et al.
1998). 1995; Fairall et al. 1998; Woudt et al. 1999). The Vela overdensity
Almost perpendicular to the Centaurus Wall is the Hydra Wall and continuation of the Cen–Crux structure are both seen as distinct
(Fairall 1998). This is seen here as a filament of galaxies reaching groups at (305◦ , +6◦ ) and (280◦ , +6◦ ), respectively. Also present
out from the Centaurus cluster, through the Hydra (270◦ , +27◦ ) and is the Ophiuchus cluster (Hasegawa et al. 2000; Wakamatsu et al.
Antlia (273◦ , +19◦ ) clusters before heading on to the Puppis cluster 2005) lying at the edge of the panel (360◦ , +9◦ , 8500 km s−1 ).
(240◦ , 0◦ ; Lahav et al. 1993) and down towards (210◦ , −30◦ ). 11 000 < cz 16 000 km s−1 . In the last panel, the massive con-
The Hydra–Antlia extension (Kraan-Korteweg & Woudt 1994) centration of clusters that constitute the SSC becomes apparent
forms a third filamentary structure in this slice. From the Hydra around (314◦ , +30◦ ). Also visible are the large Ara (329◦ , −10◦ ) and
cluster, this feature passes through the Antlia cluster, crosses the Triangulum Australis (325◦ , −12◦ ) clusters (lying almost directly
Galactic plane at l = 278◦ and ends in a group of galaxies at (280◦ , behind the Norma cluster), CIZA J1514.6−4558 at (327◦ , +10◦ )
−8◦ ). Kraan-Korteweg & Woudt (1994) suggested that an overden- and CIZA J1410.4−4246 at (318◦ , +18◦ ).
sity of galaxies, named the Vela overdensity and located at (280◦ ,
+6◦ ), formed part of the Hydra–Antlia extension. However, subse-
quent observations of this group have revealed that it lies signifi-
cantly behind the extension at cz = 6000 km s−1 (Kraan-Korteweg, 3.2 Clusters
Fairall & Balkowski 1995). Of great importance in studying the GA flow is an assessment of
4000 < cz 6000 km s−1 . The fourth panel reveals the massive the relative masses of the rich clusters in the region. Notably, the
Norma cluster of galaxies lying at (325◦ , −7◦ ). Below this and CIZA survey has identified several new X-ray clusters in the GA
connected by a trail of galaxies is the Pavo II cluster (Abell S0805, direction. We targeted six of these sources, which together with
l = 332◦ , b = −24◦ ). Additionally, two smaller filaments of galaxies noticeable overdensities in the 2MASS XSC, made up nine fields
are seen extending down from the Norma cluster to both lower and containing possible clusters.
higher galactic longitudes. To determine if these systems were indicative of relaxed clus-
A less pronounced linear feature is also observed in this panel. ters, their velocity dispersions, culled by an iterative 3σ clipping
Continuing from the connection between the Pavo II and Norma procedure about their median, were tested for Gaussianity. With no
clusters, the structure extends across the Galactic plane and on prior on the mean or standard deviation, the Shapiro–Wilk W statis-
through CIZA J1324.7−5736 (307◦ , +5◦ ) and the Cen–Crux tic (Shapiro & Wilk 1965) is able to test the null hypothesis that
(305◦ , +5◦ ) cluster before ending at Abell S0639 (281◦ , +11◦ ). data is indeed sampled from a normal distribution. We accept this
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Figure 4. Aitoff projections of redshift slices containing galaxies in the range 240◦ < l < 360◦ and −30◦ < b < +30◦ from this survey and the NED data
base (as of 2006 February 15). The projected circles in the first panel represent the actual size of each 2dF target field located in the region. The dashed circle
represents the core radius used in the spherical GA model of Faber & Burstein (1988) centred on (306◦ , +9◦ ). Panels 3b and 4b illustrate the key features
observed in the corresponding redshift slices. Abell clusters within 8000 km s−1 are labelled in panel 7, whilst in panel 8, Abell clusters between 8000 and
16 000 km s−1 are plotted and the clusters comprising the SSC are indicated.
hypothesis if the associated p value, calculated via the analytical errors on individual redshifts (Danese, de Zotti & di Tullio 1980).
approach of Royston (1995), is greater than 0.05. Uncertainties on the derived values were calculated by bootstrap
If the W statistic for a sample indicates that the redshifts were resampling.
taken from a normal distribution, the corresponding velocity dis- The masses of the corresponding systems were calculated using
persion was determined using a method that includes measurement the classical virial mass estimator, defined by Heisler, Tremaine &
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Structures in the GA region 1137
Bahcall (1985) as associated with the X-ray source. Shown in the field 1 histogram on
the right-hand side of Fig. 6, the velocity dispersion of these galaxies
3πN (vi − v̄)2
Mvir = i −1
, is 539 ± 80 km s−1 centred on 5570 ± 92 km s−1 . The Shapiro–Wilk
2G i, j<i
Ri j test on this distribution yields a p value of 0.1176 and the estimated
where virial mass is (3.5 ± 1.0) × 1014 h −1 M . Hence the interpretation
of a large relaxed cluster is supported here by the observed Gaussian
Ri j = |Ri − R j | velocity distribution.
is the projected galaxy separation. This virial method has been Comparison with the Norma cluster velocity dispersion of
shown to be a reliable first-order approximation to the mass of a 897 km s−1 (Kraan-Korteweg et al. 1996) suggests that CIZA
dynamically relaxed system which is fully contained within the ob- J1324.7−5736 is approximately 0.3–0.5 times as massive. This is
served field (e.g. see Rines et al. 2003). The projected mass estimator in agreement with the Mullis et al. (2005) comparison of XMM–
for each cluster was also calculated: Newton observations of CIZA J1324.7−5736 with the X-ray tem-
32 perature of the Norma cluster inferred by Tamura et al. (1998). Using
Mproj = Ri (vi − v̄)2 . the mass–temperature scaling relations, they conclude that CIZA
N πG
i J1324.7−5736 contains about a third of the mass of the Norma
Errors on both mass estimates were again assigned by bootstrap re- cluster. A future study of the extinction-corrected KS -band lumi-
sampling. With their sample of nine clusters in the CAIRNS project, nosity function should provide further constraints on the relative
Rines et al. (2003) find that the projected mass is only 1.18 ± 0.05 mass (Nagayama et al. 2005).
times greater than the estimated virial mass. Hence, given the ex- The second distinct feature observed in the fields is that of the
pected errors on the dispersions, the two estimators should be con- Cen–Crux overdensity itself. This appears as a filament like trail of
sistent. galaxies separated from the X-ray source both spatially on the sky
Table 3 lists the mean redshift, velocity dispersion, mass esti- and in redshift. Although no connective structure is evident between
mate, W statistic and associated p value for the best fit to each of this overdensity and CIZA J1324.7−5736, their close proximity
the observed clusters. These fits are plotted with the corresponding suggest that they are gravitationally bound. As the structure is not
velocity histograms in Fig. 5. dynamically relaxed, virial theorem does not apply. However, the ex-
tent of the Cen–Crux structure and the number of galaxies contained
within it implies a mass similar to that of the CIZA J1324.7−5736
3.2.1 Cen–Crux/CIZA J1324.7−5736 cluster.
Multi-object spectroscopy of the GA region revealed an overden-
sity of galaxies at (305◦ , +5◦ , 6214 km s−1 ), which was named the 3.2.2 PKS 1343−601
Cen–Crux cluster (Fairall et al. 1998; Woudt 1998; Woudt et al.
2004). Later, an associated X-ray cluster signature was detected by PKS 1343−601 is the second brightest extragalactic radio source
the CIZA survey at (307◦ , +5◦ ). Preliminary analysis of the X-ray in the southern sky (Mills 1952). The associated galaxy, lying at
source (CIZA J1324.7−5736) suggested that it was comparable in (309.◦ 7, +1.◦ 7, 3872 km s−1 ; West & Tarenghi 1989), is a large ellip-
mass to the Norma cluster (Ebeling et al. 2002). tical galaxy (Laustsen et al. 1977; West & Tarenghi 1989), typical of
We have observed one field centred on the X-ray source and three those found in cluster cores. Hence it has been suggested that PKS
further fields targeting the surroundingoverdensities (see Fig. 6). Of 1343−601 may mark the centre of another highly obscured (AB ∼
the 223 identified redshifts in the targeted fields, 110 are within 12) cluster (Woudt 1998; Kraan-Korteweg & Woudt 1999).
7500 km s−1 . Two distinct structures are observed within these X-ray studies have yet to reveal any indication that such a hidden
fields. cluster exists. No corresponding source is seen in the CIZA survey
Ebeling et al. (2002) noted that the appearance of the X-ray emis- and the point-like X-ray emissions reported by Tashiro et al. (1998)
sions in the region and their association with the brightest cluster are consistent with the radio lobes of PKS 1343−601 rather than
galaxy WKK2189 (cz = 5585 km s−1 ) were suggestive of a dynam- intracluster gas (Ebeling et al. 2002). However, in HIPASS observa-
ically relaxed cluster. 40 of the observed galaxies are found to be tions, a small overdensity around the radio galaxy has been detected
Table 3. Parameters for the fits to the velocity distributions of the observed clusters as detailed in Section 3.2.
CIZA J1324.7−5736 5570 92 618 72 (3.5 ± 1.0) × 1014 (3.9 ± 0.7) × 1014 0.9555 40 0.1176
Abell S0639A 6501 61 405 40 (1.2 ± 0.3) × 1014 (1.7 ± 0.4) × 1014 0.983 40 0.7987
Abell S0639B 14125 66 412 39 (3.6 ± 0.8) × 1014 (5.3 ± 0.6) × 1014 0.951 41 0.0648
Triangulum Australis 15060 97 1408 67 (5.7 ± 0.6) × 1015 (6.9 ± 0.5) × 1015 0.9855 220 0.0242
(corrected) 14898 90 1246 59 (4.4 ± 0.4) × 1015 (5.4 ± 0.4) × 1015 0.9919 210 0.2945
Ara 14634 76 881 48 (2.0 ± 0.3) × 1015 (2.6 ± 0.2) × 1015 0.9840 147 0.0850
CIZA J1514.6−4558 16715 50 601 35 (1.2 ± 0.1) × 1015 (1.5 ± 0.1) × 1015 0.9953 149 0.9145
CIZA J1410.4−4246A 15574 63 497 40 (5.2 ± 0.9) × 1014 (6.2 ± 0.8) × 1014 0.9761 66 0.2328
CIZA J1410.4−4246B 20463 53 345 37 (5.3 ± 1.3) × 1014 (7.5 ± 0.8) × 1014 0.9569 45 0.0922
Cluster 1 (field 9) 21445 78 925 52 (3.1 ± 0.3) × 1015 (3.8 ± 0.3) × 1015 0.9851 151 0.1023
Cluster 2 (field 25) – – – – 0.9685 85 0.0354
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Figure 5. The radial velocity dispersions and corresponding virial fits for the observed clusters are shown in the upper panel. The lower panel shows the
combined velocity distribution for the 11 non-cluster fields.
(Kraan-Korteweg et al. 2005b). The nature of this overdensity has a mean velocity of 6194 ± 78 km s−1 and a velocity dispersion of
recently been examined by three near-infrared surveys (Nagayama 431 ± 52 km s−1 . Using a sample of 40 galaxies with a mean cz =
et al. 2004; Kraan-Korteweg et al. 2005a; Schröder et al. 2005). 6501 ± 61 km s−1 , we find a similar dispersion of 409 ± 55 km s−1 .
Through radial velocity studies, simulated sky projections and ex- An additional feature is located in the same field, offset from Abell
trapolation of luminosity functions, these surveys are all consistent S0639 by 1.◦ 5. At 14 065 ± 69 km s−1 , the structure lies at the same
with the notion of a low-mass group or poor cluster centred on PKS distance as the SSC and is not inconsistent with a normal distri-
1343−601. bution (p value = 0.0648). The measured virial velocity disper-
Unfortunately, of the 84 targets we identified in the 2dF field, sion is 597 ± 91 km s−1 , corresponding to a mass of (4.9 ± 1.2) ×
our 6300-s observation yielded only five reliable redshifts. Of these 1014 h −1 M .
is a reconfirmation of the redshift of PKS 1343−601. At 4065 ±
85 km s−1 , this is in agreement with the West & Tarenghi (1989)
value. Of the other four new measurements, all identified through 3.2.4 Triangulum Australis, Ara, CIZA J1638.2−6420, CIZA
emission lines, two are located within 500 km s−1 of the radio galaxy. J1514.6−4558 and CIZA J1410.4−4246
NWN2004 45 and NWN2004 51 are both taken from the Nagayama
et al. (2004) catalogue and lie at 3861 and 3571 km s−1 , respectively. In the extended CIZA Catalogue, Kocevski et al. (2005) have iden-
These galaxies, together with those identified both optically and in tified several X-ray sources located at z ∼ 0.05, which they suggest
H I by Schröder et al. (2005), brings the number of galaxies with form an extension to the SSC. In Ebeling et al. (2002), the same au-
known redshifts that are associated with the PKS 1343−601 group thors argue that these clusters may be responsible for the observed
up to 20. continued flow towards a point behind the GA. Of these sources
we have targeted the four largest: CIZA J1638.2−6420 (the Trian-
gulum Australis cluster) at (324.◦ 5, −11.◦ 6, 15 060 km s−1 ), CIZA
J1653.0−5943 (the Ara cluster; Woudt 1998) at (329.◦ 3, −9.◦ 9,
3.2.3 Abell S0639
14 634 km s−1 ), CIZA J1410.4−4246 (318.◦ 0, +17.◦ 8, 15 574
The Abell S0639 cluster, which lies at (281◦ , +11◦ ), was first stud- km s−1 ) and CIZA J1514.6−5736 (327.◦ 3, +10.◦ 0, 16 715 km s−1 ).
ied in detail by Stein (1994, 1997), who for 32 galaxies measured All four structures have clearly identified Gaussian velocity
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Structures in the GA region 1139
Figure 6. Galactic longitude and latitude of galaxies measured by this survey for the four denoted 2dF fields in the Cen–Crux region. The large cross marks
the centre of the X-ray source CIZA J1324.7−5736. The right-hand panels show the corresponding velocity histograms for each of the fields between 3000
and 9500 km s−1 .
distributions from which we are able to infer virial and projected of 0.094, the mean distance and the velocity dispersion of the feature
masses as listed in Table 3. The Triangulum Australis cluster yields are likely overestimated.
a noticeably low p value (0.0242). This is due to the overdensity seen The Triangulum Australis and Ara clusters are physically sep-
in the right-hand tail of the dispersion. Removing the 10 galaxies arated by only ∼13.7 h−1 Mpc and lie in approximately the same
with cz > 18 000 km s−1 from the field results in a more respectable plane as the CIZA J1514.6−4558 and CIZA J1410.4−4246 clus-
p value of 0.2945 (listed as corrected in Table 3). With a correspond- ters. Abell 3558, the core of the SSC, lies only 38 Mpc from CIZA
ing virial mass of (5.7 ± 0.6) × 1015 h −1 M , this large cluster is J1410.4−4246 and so these clusters may well form an extension to
similar in mass to the Norma cluster. the SSC. Nevertheless, the presence of such large masses in close
Despite a p value of 0.0850, the Ara cluster appears to display proximity to each other has a sizeable influence on the X-ray based
a bimodal velocity distribution. Fitting two Gaussian profiles to dipole (Kocevski, Mullis & Ebeling 2004). The effects of this will
the data results in velocity dispersions of 498 ± 68 and 731 ± be studied in more detail by a subsequent paper.
112 km s−1 centred on 14 016 ± 84 and 15 310 ± 124 km s−1 , re-
spectively. These fits are shown in the inset to the Ara cluster panel
3.2.5 Additional clusters
of Fig. 5. There is no discernible separation in the projected sky
distribution of the two populations, hence they may be two infalling Examination of 2MASS maps of the GA/SSC region reveals two fur-
clumps collapsing along the line of sight. A 7.5-ks ROSAT High ther overdensities centred on (314.◦ 5, +13.◦ 7) and (321.◦ 7, +13.◦ 4).
Resolution Imager (HRI) observation of the cluster supports this These were targeted in fields 9 (314.◦ 3, +13.◦ 9) and 25 (322.◦ 3,
argument, as two distinct peaks, separated by only 4 arcmin, were +13.◦ 6), respectively. Recently, Kocevski et al. (2005) have reported
observed in the elongated X-ray emissions (Ebeling et al. 2002). the presence of an X-ray source, identified as CIZA J1358.7−4750,
Summed in quadrature, the two velocity dispersions are similar to at (314.◦ 5, +13.◦ 5), coincident with the structure in field 9. At cz =
the dispersion of the overall fit (881 ± 48 km s−1 ); hence, even 21 445 ± 78 km s−1 this cluster is far enough removed to have lit-
though virial theorem is not strictly applicable to such a system, the tle influence (V LG < 3 km s−1 ) on local dynamics despite the large
mass derived from the total fit provides a likely upper limit to the predicted mass (∼3 × 1015 h −1 M ).
combined mass of the two clumps. As evident in the lower right-hand panel of Fig. 5, the galaxies
The results of the Shapiro–Wilk test for CIZA J1514.6−4558 between 21 000 and 27 000 km s−1 in field 25 are concentrated into
and CIZA J1410.4−4246 indicate that they are consistent with be- numerous subclumps loosely associated in a broad distribution. The
ing dynamically relaxed clusters as shown in Fig. 5. Behind CIZA associated p value of 0.0345 confirms that this is not consistent
J1410.4−4246 there appears a second group with a velocity disper- with a dynamically relaxed cluster and hence we do not assign it a
sion consistent with a normal distribution. However, with a skewness mass.
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1140 D. J. Radburn-Smith et al.
God’ at 86◦ and 108◦ along the strip. However, below the ZoA, the
3.3 The extended Norma supercluster extent of the structure is clearly evident as the broad wall of galaxies
Several large clusters are now known to reside in the GA region, extends out from the Norma cluster, through the Pavo II cluster and
i.e. Norma, Pavo II, Centaurus, Hydra and CIZA J1324.7−5736. on towards higher redshifts. In the Aitoff projection shown in the
However, the connections between these clusters are still poorly lower panel of Fig. 7, many additional, smaller filaments are seen
resolved. As shown in Fig. 4, the Pavo II and Norma clusters are branching off from the main structure, primarily at the location of
connected by a structure, which Woudt et al. (1997) have suggested the clusters. However, a major branch splits off at around ∼(345◦ ,
extends through the ZoA towards the Cen–Crux overdensity. This −35◦ , 5000 km s−1 ) and continues to ∼(17◦ , −22◦ , 6000 km s−1 ).
connection is highlighted by the noticeable peak around 5500 km s−1 The main filament appears to disperse at ∼(5◦ , −50◦ , 5000 km s−1 ),
in the combined velocity distribution of non-cluster fields shown in with apparent overdensities at greater galactic longitudes (5◦ < l <
the bottom panel of Fig. 5. To examine this feature further, Figs 7 30◦ , −60◦ < b < −45◦ ) resulting from the projection along the line
and 8 plot redshift slices of the filament below and above the Galactic of sight of clumps, including galaxies in the Centaurus Wall.
plane. Fig. 8 shows a possible extension of the Norma supercluster
Evident in the foreground of the diagram in the upper panel of filament through the plane to higher galactic latitudes. Here the
Fig. 7 is the Centaurus Wall. Appearing as a filament of galaxies progression to higher redshifts is hinted at as the filament extends
running across the sky at cz ∼ 2600 km s−1 , this structure is sep- from the Norma cluster (lying 11◦ along the strip), through CIZA
arated by some 2000 km s−1 from the Norma structure. This is in J1324.7−5736 (at 31◦ ) and the Cen–Crux feature (33◦ ) and on to-
contradiction with earlier studies that have suggested the Norma wards Abell S0639 (58◦ ). From this last cluster an extension to-
cluster is a nexus between the Centaurus Wall and the Norma su- wards another overdensity located off the panel at (268◦ , +17◦ ,
percluster (Woudt et al. 1997). The dearth of galaxies in the ZoA 9000 km s−1 ) may exist, but lack of redshifts makes this difficult to
is clearly seen as the gap in the wall between the Norma and CIZA
J1324.7−5736 clusters, which respectively appear as ‘fingers-of-
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Structures in the GA region 1141
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