Volume 4, Number 1, March 2023, pp.40-60
Abstract. The Schnakenberg model is thought to be the Caputo fractional derivative. A discretiza-
tion process is first used to create caputo fractional differential equations for the Schnakenberg model.
The fixed points in the model are categorized topologically. Then, we show analytically that a frac-
tional order Schnakenberg model supports a Neimark-Sacker (NS) bifurcation and a Flip-bifurcation
under certain parametric conditions. Using central manifold and bifurcation theory, we demonstrate
the presence and direction of NS and Flip bifurcations. The parameter values and the initial conditions
have been found to profoundly impact the dynamical behavior of the fractional order Schnakenberg
model. Numerical simulations demonstrate chaotic behaviors like bifurcations, phase portraits, period
2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 16, 20 and 40 orbits, invariant closed cycles, and attractive chaotic sets in addition to val-
idating analytical conclusions. To support the system’s chaotic characteristics, we also quantitatively
compute the maximal Lyapunov exponents and fractal dimensions. Finally, the chaotic trajectory of
the system is stopped using the OGY approach, hybrid control method, and state feedback method.
1. Introduction
Differentiation and integration to arbitrary order, commonly known as fractional calculus, has re-
ceived a lot of interest from researchers. A mathematical notion from the 17th century is fractional calcu-
lus. But it may be regarded as a new research subject. Due to their close resemblance to memory-based
systems, which are present in most biological systems, fractional-order differential equations (FD) are
the most often employed [13]. It is possible to successfully explain fractional-order differential equations
in several fields, including science, engineering, finance, economics, and epidemiology[16, 17, 18, 19, 30].
Switching from an integer-order model to a fractional-order one necessitates accuracy in the order of
differentiation; even a slight change in α might greatly influence the final result[7]. Fractional Differen-
tial Equations can describe phenomena that IDEs can’t wholly model [20]. The complicated dynamics
of chaos and bifurcation may be seen in a nonlinear fractional differential system, much like in a non-
linear differential system. It’s fascinating and engaging to study disorder in fractional-order dynamical
systems[1, 4, 8, 9, 13].There are several strategies to apply the concept of differentiation to arbitrary or-
der. The most popular definitions are those by Riemann-Liouville, Caputo, and Grünwald-Letnikov[35].
Along with these definitions, researchers constantly look for the most effective strategy when developing
or altering their models, including specific numerical approaches[6, 21, 31].
Numerous discrete systems have aroused the interest of academics investigating the Neimark-Sacker
and flip bifurcations, stable orbits, and chaotic attractors (see [24, 25, 36, 37]). The center manifold
theory and standard form can mathematically quantify these phenomena.
Received by the editors 3 October 2022; accepted 3 March 2023; published online 22 March 2023.
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. 37C25, 37D45, 39A28, 39A33.
Key words and phrases. Fractional order Schnakenberg model, flip and Neimark-Sacker bifurcations, maximum Lya-
punov exponent, fractal dimension, chaos control.
There are numerous cyclical and oscillatory processes in nature. Circadian rhythms, present in almost
every aspect of life, are possibly the most well-known of these recurring occurrences. A device made in
1979 by J. Schnakenberg demonstrated sustained oscillations for a straightforward glycolysis model (a
metabolic process that transforms glucose into cellular energy) [38], remarkably similar to a system of
four reactions called the ”Brusselator”[11]. A semi-analytical approach (see [5]) was used to investigate
the Schnakenberg model of a reaction-diffusion cell.
A chemical Schnakenberg model was investigated [23], which depicts autochemical processes with
rhythmic behavior that may have various biological and biochemical applications. A variable-order
space-time fractional reaction-diffusion Schnakenberg model’s numerical solutions were studied in [15].
In addition,the Schnakenberg model was described in [23, 29, 28], where a variety of numerical methods
were employed to get approximations of solutions.
The Schnakenberg model is an oscillatory chemical reaction model that Schnakenberg developed from
a number of hypothetical tri-molecular autocatalytic processes. In order to find the fewest possible
reactions and reactants that display limit-cycle behavior, this model has been developed. Schnakenberg
established that this kind of model needs at least three reactions, including one auto-catalytic reaction.
Thus, the following reaction scheme is developed for generic chemicals A, X, Y , and B:
m1 m m
X A, B →2 Y, 2X + Y →3 3X,
where X, Y represent chemicals with different concentrations and A, B have constant concentrations.
The following differential equations are implied by mass action theory
dNX 2
= m1 NA − m−1 NX + m3 NX NY ,
dτ (1.1)
dNY 2
= m2 NB − m3 NX NY ,
where NA , NB , NX and NY represent numbers of molecules for fixed and varying concentrations A, B, X
and Y respectively.
The non-dimensional form of hypothetical Schnackenberg Model comes from the above system.
ẋ = a − x + x2 y,
ẏ = b − x2 y,
r r
m3 m3
x= NX , y = NY , τ −→ t = τ m−1 ,
m−1 m−1
r r
m1 m3 m2
a= NA , b = NB .
m−1 m−1 m−1
Due to their effective computational outcomes and complex dynamical behavior, discrete-time models
governed by difference equations are preferable to continuous ones[32, 2]. Additionally, this reasoning
holds true for nonlinear oscillatory behavior associated with chemical reactions[22, 34, 14]. As a result,
we research the stability, chaos management, and bifurcation analysis of discrete counterparts of(1.2) .
Recently, a few authors[1, 4, 8, 9, 13, 3, 12] use the well-known Caputo fractional derivative instead of
ordinary derivatives in continuous model. Instead of using regular derivatives, the Schnakenberg model
can employ fractional derivatives because it works the same way. In one sense, this may interpret that
the rate of change for the concentrations of the chemical products will be slower and this may lead a
better mathematical approximation. The fractional order Schnackenberg model is given as follows
Dα x(t) = a − x(t) + x2 (t)y(t),
Dα y(t) = b − x2 (t)y(t),
where α is the fractional order that satisfies α ∈ (0, 1] and t > 0. There are a lot of approaches for
discretize such kind of system. The piecewise constant approximation[3, 12] is one of them. The model
is discretized by using this method. The steps are listed below:
Let system (1.2) ’s starting conditions be x(0) = x0 , y(0) = y0 . The discretized version of system
(1.3) is given as:
t t t
Dα x(t) = a − x([ ]ρ) + x2 ([ ]ρ)y([ ]ρ),
ρ ρ ρ
α 2 t t
D y(t) = b − x ([ ]ρ)y([ ]ρ).
ρ ρ
First, let t ∈ [0, ρ), so ρ ∈ [0, 1). Thus, we obtain
Dα x(t) = a − x0 + x20 y0 ;
Dα y(t) = b − x20 y0 .
The solution of (1.5) is simplified to
x1 (t) = x0 + J α a − x0 + x20 y0 = x0 + a − x0 + x20 y0 ,
α (1.6)
α t
b − x20 y0 = y0 + b − x20 y0 .
y1 (t) = y0 + J
Second, let t ∈ [ρ, 2ρ), so ρ ∈ [1, 2). Then
Dα x(t) = a − x1 + x21 y1
Dα y(t) = b − x21 y1
which have the following solution
(t − ρ)α
a − x1 + x21 y1 ,
= x1 (ρ) +
y2 (t) = y1 (ρ) + Jρα b − x21 y1
(t − ρ)α
b − x21 y1 ,
= y1 (ρ) +
where Z t
Jρα ≡ (t − τ )α−1 dτ, α > 0.
Γ(α) ρ
The result of doing the discretization process n times over
(t − nρ)α
a − xn (nρ) + x2n (nρ)yn (nρ) ,
xn+1 (t) = xn (nρ) +
(t − nρ)α
b − x2n (nρ)yn (nρ) ,
yn+1 (t) = yn (nρ) +
where t ∈ [nρ, (n + 1)ρ). For t −→ (n + 1)ρ, system (1.9) is reduced to
a − xn + x2n yn ,
xn+1 = xn +
Γ(α + 1)
b − x2n yn .
yn+1 = yn +
Γ(α + 1)
An ecological system in the real world is not always stable. A small change of control parameter
may destabilize the system from locally stable coexistence to producing chaotic orbits. In a discrete
dynamical system, Flip bifurcation and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation are the important mechanisms for
the generation of complex dynamics. Because in the discrete predator-prey system, both bifurcations
cause the system to jump from stable window to chaotic states through periodic and quasi-periodic
states, and trigger a route to chaos. When a system undergoes a Flip bifurcation, a sequence of
period-doubling cascades leads the system from steady state to chaos. On the other hand, when system
undergoes Neimark-Sacker bifurcation, it instigates a route to chaos, through a dynamic transition from
a stable state, to invariant closed cycle, with periodic and quasi-periodic states occurring in between,
to chaotic sets.
This paper’s remaining sections are organized as follows.: Sect. 2 investigates the fixed point topo-
logical classifications. In Sect. 3, we explore analytically the possibility that the system (1.10) would
experience a Flip or NS bifurcation under a certain parametric condition. In Sect.4, we numerically
show system dynamics that includes bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, and MLEs to support our
analytical conclusions.To stabilize the chaos of the unmanaged system, we employ the OGY approach,
hybrid control method, and state feedback technique in Sect. 5. Sect. 6 presents a brief discussion.
(−a+b) ρα ρ α
(a + b)2 Γ(α+1)
1+ a+b Γ(α+1)
JE = 2b ρα
. (2.2)
− a+b Γ(α+1) 1 − (a + b)2 Γ(α+1)
The characteristic polynomial of the Jacobian Matrix can be written as
(−a + b) ρα
Tr(JE ) =2 + − (a + b)2 ,
a+b Γ(α + 1)
a3 (−1 + ρb)b
ρ + 3a2 b(−1 + ρb)b
ρ + a(−1 + ρb)(−1 + 3b2 ρb) + b(1 + ρb − b2 ρb + b2 ρb2 )
Det(JE ) = .
where ρb = ρα /Γ(α + 1).
Lemma 2.1. For every parameter value selection, the fixed point E is a
− sink if (i)L ≥ 0, ρ < ρ− (stable node),
(ii)L < 0, ρ < ρN S (stable focus),
− source (i)L ≥ 0, ρ > ρ+ (unstable node),
(ii)L < 0, ρ > ρN S (unstable focus),
− non-hyperbolic (i)L ≥ 0, ρ = ρ− or ρ = ρ+ ( saddle with flip),
(ii)(i)L < 0, ρ = ρN S ( focus),
− saddle: otherwise
3. Bifurcation Analysis
In this section, we will study the presence, direction, and stability analysis of flip and NS bifurcations
near to the fixed point E using center-manifold and bifurcation theory[26, 39, 40]. In other words, we
take ρ to be the bifurcation parameter.
3.1. Flip Bifurcation. We arbitrarily select the parameters (a, b, ρ, α) to locate in P DE . Consider
the system (1.10) at equilibrium point E(x∗ , y ∗ ). Assume the parameters lie in P DE .
Let L ≥ 0 and
√ ! α1
−A2e − L
ρ = ρ− = Γ(1 + α) .
Then, the eigenvalues of J(E) are given as
λ1 = −1 and λ2 = 3 + A2 ρ− .
Next, we use the transformation x̂ = x − x+ , ŷ = y − y + and set A(ρ) = J(x∗ , y ∗ ). We shift the fixed
point of system(1.10) to the origin. So the system(1.10) can be written as
x̂ x̂ F1 (x̂, ŷ, ρ− )
→ A(ρ− ) + (3.2)
ŷ ŷ F2 (x̂, ŷ, ρ− )
1 h √ i
a − b + (a + b)3 − L x̂ 2b3 ŷ + a2 (2a + x̂)ŷ + b2 (6a + x̂)ŷ
F1 (x̂, ŷ, ρ− ) = 5
(a + b)
1 h
√ i
L x̂ b(x̂ + 6a2 ŷ + 2ax̂ŷ) ,
+ 5
a − b + (a + b) −
(a + b)
√ i (3.3)
1 h
L x̂ 2b3 ŷ + a2 (2a + x̂)ŷ + b2 (6a + x̂)ŷ
F2 (x̂, ŷ, ρ− ) = − a − b + (a + b) −
(a + b)5
1 h √ i
a − b + (a + b)3 − L x̂ b(x̂ + 6a2 ŷ + 2ax̂ŷ) .
− 5
(a + b)
1 1
Xn+1 = AXn + B (Xn , Xn ) + C (Xn , Xn , Xn ) + O kXn k
2 6
B1 (x, y) C1 (x, y, u)
B(x, y) = and C(x, y, u) =
B2 (x, y) C2 (x, y, u)
X δ 2 F1 (ξ, ρ) 1 h
√ i 3
B1 (x, y) = xj yk = a − b + (a + b) − L a (x2 y1 + x1 y2 )
δξj δξk (a + b)5
3a2 b(x2 y1 + x1 y2 )
+ 5
(a + b)
b3 (x2 y1 + x1 y2 ) + 3a2 b(x2 y1 + x1 y2 ) + bx1 y1 ,
+ 5
(a + b)
X δ 2 F2 (ξ, ρ) 1 h √ i
a − b + (a + b)3 − L (a + b)3 (x2 y1 + x1 y2 ) + bx1 y1 ,
B2 (x, y) = xj yk = 5
δξj δξk (a + b)
X δ 2 F1 (ξ, ρ) 1 √
C1 (x, y, u) = xj yk ul = 3
a − b + (a + b)3 − L (u1 x1 y2 )
δξj δξk δξl (a + b)
+ a − b + (a + b) − L (u1 x1 y2 ) ,
(a + b)3
X δ 2 F1 (ξ, ρ) 1 √
C2 (x, y, u) = xj yk ul = − 3
a − b + (a + b)3 − L (u2 x1 y1 + u1 x2 y1 )
δξj δξk δξl (a + b)
− a − b + (a + b) − L (u1 x1 y2 ) .
(a + b)3
Let q1 , q2 ∈ R2 be two eigenvectors of A and AT for eigenvalue λ1 (ρ− ) = −1 such that A (ρ− ) q1 = −q1
and AT (ρ− ) q2 = −q2 . Then by direct calculation we get
3 3
√ !
(−a−3b−+(a+b) −
− (a+b)2b(a−b+(a+b) L)
3 − L)
q1 = = ,
1 1
√ !
− a+3b−(a+b) + L
a−b+(a+b)3 − L
q2 = = .
1 1
In order to get hq1 , q2 i = 1, where hq1 , q2 i = q11 q21 + q12 q22 , we have to use the normalized vector
q2 = γF q2 , with γF = 1/(1 + q11 p11 ).
To obtain the direction of the flip bifurcation, we have to check the sign of l1 (ρ− ), the coefficient of
critical normal form ([26]) and is given by
1 1
q2 , B q2 , (A − I)−1 B(q1 , q1 ) .
l1 (ρ− ) = hq2 , C(q1 , q1 , q1 )i − (3.4)
6 2
In light of the reasoning above, the following theorem may be used to demonstrate the direction and
stability of Flip bifurcation.
Theorem 3.1. Suppose (3.1) holds and l1 (ρ− ) 6= 0, then Flip bifurcation at fixed point E(x∗ , y ∗ )
for system (2.1) if the ρ changes its value in small neighbourhood of P DE . Moreover, if l1 (ρ− ) <
0 (resp. l1 (ρ− ) > 0), then there is a smooth closed invariant curve that can bifurcate from E(x∗ , y ∗ ),
and the bifurcation is sub-critical (resp. super-critical).
3.2. Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation. When the parameters (a, b, α, ρ) ∈ N SE and L < 0, then the
eigenvalues of system (2.3) are given by
T r(JE ) ± i 4Det(JE ) − T r(JE )2
λ, λ̄ = (3.5)
(a − b)(a − b + (a + b)3 ) a − b + (a + b)3
T r(JE ) = 2 − − , Det(JE ) = 1.
(a + b)4 a+b
Let ρN S = −A2e /A1e . Then, the transversality and non-resonance conditions respectively read
d|λi (ρ)|
dρ |ρ=ρN S = − A22e 6= 0;
A22 (3.6)
−(T r(JE ))|ρ=ρN S 6= 0 ⇒ A1e 6= 2, 3.
Using the transformation x̂ = x − x+ , ŷ = y − y + and setting A(ρ) = J(x∗ , y ∗ ), we move the system(
1.10)’s fixed point to the origin. So the system(1.10) can be written as
X → A(ρ)X + F (3.7)
where X = (x̂, ŷ)T and F = (F1 , F2 )T are given by
(a − b + (a + b)3 )x̂ 2b3 ŷ + a2 (2a + x̂)ŷ + b2 (6a + x̂)ŷ + b(x̂ + 6a2 ŷ + 2ax̂ŷ)
F1 (x̂, ŷ, ρN S ) = ,
(a + b)5
(a − b + (a + b)3 )x̂ 2b3 ŷ + a2 (2a + x̂)ŷ + b2 (6a + x̂)ŷ + b(x̂ + 6a2 ŷ + 2ax̂ŷ)
F2 (x̂, ŷ, ρN S ) = − .
(a + b)5
The system(3.2) can be expressed as
1 1
Xn+1 = AXn + B (Xn , Xn ) + C (Xn , Xn , Xn ) + O kXn k
2 6
2(a − b + (a + b)3 )
(a + b)3 (x2 y1 + x1 y2 ) + bx1 y1 ,
B1 (x, y) = 5
(a + b)
2(a − b + (a + b)3 )
(a + b)3 (x2 y1 + x1 y2 ) + bx1 y1 ,
B2 (x, y) = − 5
(a + b)
2(a − b + (a + b)3 )
C1 (x, y, u) = (u2 x1 y1 + u1 x2 y1 + u1 x1 y2 ) ,
(a + b)5
2(a − b + (a + b)3 )
C2 (x, y, u) = − (u2 x1 y1 + u1 x2 y1 + u1 x1 y2 ) .
(a + b)5
Let q1 , q2 ∈ C2 be two eigenvectors of A(ρN S ) and AT (ρN S )for eigenvalue λ(ρN S ) and λ̄(ρN S ) such
ζ1 + iζ2
q1 = ,
ξ1 +iξ2
1+(ξ1 +iξ2 )(ζ1 −iζ2 )
q2 = 1 .
1+(ξ1 +iξ2 )(ζ1 −iζ2 )
We break down X ∈ R2 as X = zq1 + z̄ q¯1 by considering ρ vary near to ρN S and for z ∈ C. The
precise formulation of z is z = hq2 , Xi. As a result, the system (2.3) changed to the following system
for |ρ| near ρN S :
Theorem 3.2. Suppose (3.6) holds and l2 (ρN S ) 6= 0, then NS bifurcation at fixed point E(x∗ , y ∗ )
for system (1.10) if the ρ changes its value in small neighbourhood of N SE . Moreover, if l2 (ρN S ) <
0 (resp. l2 (ρN S ) > 0), then there is a smooth closed invariant curve that can bifurcate from E(x∗ , y ∗ ),
and the bifurcation is sub-critical (resp. super-critical).
4. Numerical Simulations
In this part, we will carry out numerical simulations to corroborate our theoretical findings for system
(1.10) that include bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, MLEs and FDs.
Example 1: These are the chosen parameter values: a = 1.5, b = 0.5, α = 0.58 and, ρ fluctuates in
the range 0.3 ≤ ρ ≤ 0.5. Also the initial condition is (x0 , y0 ) = (1.998, 0.121). We identify a fixed point
E(x∗ , y ∗ ) = (2, 0.125) and bifurcation point for the system (1.10) is evaluated at ρ− = 0.349411.
and the eigenvalues of A(ρ− ) are λ1,2 = −1, 0.256747.
Let q1 , q2 ∈ R2 be two eigenvectors of A(ρ− ) and AT (ρ− ) corresponding to λ1,2 , respectively. There-
q1 ∼ (−1.43845, 1)T and q2 ∼ (0.179806, 1)T .
For hq1 , q2 i = 1 to told, we take normalized vector as q2 = γF q2 where, γF = 1.34887. Then we get
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1. Flip Bifurcation diagram in (a) (ρ, x) plane, (b) (ρ, y) plane, (c) MLEs, (d) FDs .
From (3.4), we obtain the Lyapunov coefficient l1 (ρ− ) = 3.93558 > 0. Therefore, the Flip bifurcation
is sub-critical and the requirements of Theorem 3.1 are established.
The bifurcation diagrams in Fig. 1 (a-b) demonstrate that fixed point E stability takes place for
ρ < ρ− , loses stability at ρ = ρ− , and a period doubling phenomenon results in chaos for ρ > ρ− . Fig.1
(c-d) displays the calculated MLEs and FDs associated to Fig.1(a-b).We see that different choices of
ρ result in the chaotic set with period −2, −4, −8, and −16 orbits. Dynamical states that are stable,
periodic, or chaotic are compatible with the sign in Fig.1(c-d), in accordance with the highest Lyapunov
exponent. For various values of ρ, the phase portraits of the bifurcation diagrams in Fig.1(a-b) are shown
in Fig.2.
Example 2: The following parameter values are chosen: a = 0.5, b = 0.5, α = 0.58 and, ρ fluctuates
in the range 0.45 ≤ ρ ≤ 0.6. Also the initial condition is (x0 , y0 ) = (0.998, 0.498). We obtain a fixed
point E(x∗ , y ∗ ) = (1, 0.5) and bifurcation point of the system (1.10) is evaluated at ρN S = 0.820228.
and the eigenvalues are λ1,2 = 0.5 ± 0.866025i. Also
Figure 2. Phase picture for various ρ values matching to Figure 1 a,b. Red ∗ is the fixed
point E0 .
−(T r(JE ))|ρ=ρN S 6= 0 ⇒ = 1 6= 2, 3.
Let q1 , q2 ∈ C2 be two complex eigenvectors corresponding to λ1,2 , respectively. Therefore,
q1 ∼ (−0.5 − 0.866025i, 1)T and q2 ∼ (0.5 − 0.866025i, 1)T .
For hq1 , q2 i = 1 to hold, q2 is normalized vector q2 = γN S q2 where, γN S = 0.5 − 0.288675i. Also, by
(3.11), the Taylor coefficients are
gb20 = 2.0 + 0.57735i, gb11 = 0.5 − 0.288675i, gb02 = 0.5 − 2.02073i, gb21 = −2 + 0.i.
From (3.12),The Lyapunov coefficient is obtained as l2 (ρN S ) = −0.75 < 0. As a result, the conditions
of Theorem 3.2 are met and the NS bifurcation is super-critical.
The NS bifurcation diagrams are shown in Fig.3(a,b), which reveals that the fixed point E is stable
while ρ < ρN S , but loses stability when ρ = ρN S , and exhibits an attractive closed invariant curve when
ρ > ρN S . Because of the presence of MLEs (3(c)), system dynamics are not stable.
The behavior of the smooth invariant curve as it separates from the stable fixed point and expands
in radius is nicely illustrated by the phase portraits (Fig.4) of the bifurcation diagrams in Fig.4 for
various values of rho.The closed curve abruptly vanishes as ρ increases, and for different values of ρ,
orbits with periods of −7, −10, −20, and −40 arise.
Example 3: As other parameter values change (e.g. parameter a), the Schnakenberg model may
exhibit more dynamic behavior in the Neimark-Sacker bifurcation diagram. A new Neimark-Sacker
bifurcation diagram is created when the parameter values are set as in Example 2 with ρ = 0.53145 and
a range between 0.1 ≤ a ≤ 0.3, as shown in Figure (5) (a-b). The system experiences a Neimark-Sacker
bifurcation at a = aN S = 0.11. The maximal Lyapunov exponent, which corresponds to Figure5(a-b),
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3. NS Bifurcation diagram in (a) (ρ, x) plane, (b) (ρ, y) plane, (c) MLEs, (d) FDs.
is calculated and shown in Figure5(c), confirming the existence of chaos and the period window as a act
as a variable parameter. A thorough explanation of the behavior of the smooth invariant curve may be
found in the phase portrait of the bifurcation diagrams for different values of a illustrated in Figure6.
This diagram illustrates how the stable fixed point breaks off the smooth invariant curve as its radius
rises. Figure(7) displays the plot of the maximum Lyapunov exponents for two control parameters as a
2D projection onto the (ρ, a) and (ρ, b) plane. We note that the dynamics of system (1.10) shift from
chaotic to non-chaotic phase when the values of the control parameters a and b grow.
4.1. Fractal Dimension. The measurement of the fractal dimensions (FD) serves to identify a system’s
chaotic attractors and is defined by [10]
j=1 tj
bL = k + (4.1)
|tk+1 |
where k is the largest integer such that
X k+1
tj ≥ 0 and tj < 0,
j=1 j=1
(j) (k)
Figure 4. Phase picture for various ρ values matching to Figure 3 a,b. Red ∗ is the fixed
point E0 .
Because the chaotic dynamics of the system (1.10) ( see Fig. 2) are quantified with the sign of
FD (see Fig. 3 (d)), it is certain that as the value of the parameter ρ increases, the dynamics of the
Fractional Order Schnakenberg system become unstable.
5. Chaos Control
It is believed that dynamical systems will be optimized in relation to some performance criterion and
will prevent chaos. In physics, biology, ecology, chemical engineering, telecommunications, and other
fields, chaotic behavior is studied. Additionally, the practical chaos management techniques can be
used in a variety of fields, including physics labs, biochemistry, turbulence, and cardiology, as well as
in communication systems. Recently, a lot of scholars have become quite interested in the problem of
managing chaos in discrete-time systems.
Controlling chaos is a challenging issue. For controlling chaos in fractional order Schnakenberg model
we introduce OGY [33], Hybrid control strategy [41] and state feedback[27] . In OGY method we can
not use ρ as a control parameter. We use a as a control parameter to implement OGY method.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5. NS Bifurcation diagram in (a) (a, x) plane, (b) (a, y) plane, (c) MLEs , (d) FDs
where a represents the chaos control parameter. In addition, it is presumable that |a − a0 | < ν̃, where
ν̃ > 0 and a0 represents the nominal parameter, lies in the chaotic areas. We employ a stabilizing
feedback control strategy to steer the trajectory toward the desired orbit. If the system (1.10) has
an unstable fixed point at (x+ , y + ) in a chaotic zone created by the formation of a Neimark-Sacker
bifurcation, the system (5.1) can be approximated in the area surrounding the unstable fixed point at
(x+ , y + ) by the following linear map:
xn+1 − x+ xn − x+
≈ A˜ee + B˜ee [a − a0 ] (5.2)
yn+1 − y + yn − y +
∂ f˜1 (x,y,a) ∂ f˜1 (x,y,a)
ρα α
" # (−a+b)
1+ (a + b)2 Γ(α+1)
A˜ee = ∂x
∂ f˜2 (x,y,a)
∂ f˜2 (x,y,a)
= −2b
(a+b) Γ(α+1)
ρα ρ α .
∂x ∂y a+b Γ(α+1) 1 − (a + b)2 Γ(α+1)
Figure 6. Phase picture for various a values matching to Figure 5 a,b. Red ∗ is
the fixed point E0 .
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Maximum Lyapunov exponents projected in two dimensions onto the (a) (ρ, a)
plane (b) (ρ, b) plane
∂ f˜1 (x,y,a) ρα
" # " #
B˜ee = ∂a
∂ f˜2 (x,y,a)
= Γ(α+1) .
Following that, we define the system’s 5.1 controllability matrix as follows:
ρα ρα ρα
h i Γ(α+1) 1 + (a+b) Γ(α+1) Γ(α+1)
C˜ee = B˜ee : A˜ee B˜ee = α 2 .
−2b ρ
0 a+b Γ(α+1)
xn − x+
[a − a0 ] = −K˜ee
yn − y +
xn+1 − x+ xn − x+
≈ [A˜ee − B˜ee K˜ee ] .
yn+1 − y + yn − y +
Additionally, the suitable controlled system of (1.10) is offered by
(a0 − σ˜e1 (xn − x+ ) − σ˜e2 (yn − y + )) − xn + x2n yn ,
xn+1 = xn +
Γ(α + 1)
b − x2n yn .
yn+1 = yn +
Γ(α + 1)
The fixed point (x+ , y + ) is additionally locally asymptotically stable if and only if both of the matrix’s
eigenvalues (A˜ee − B˜ee K˜ee ) are located within an open unit disk. Also,
ρα ρα α
1+ − Γ(α+1) σ˜
e1 (a + b)2 Γ(α+1) − Γ(α+1) σ˜
A˜ee − B˜ee K˜ee = −2b
(a+b) Γ(α+1)
ρα ρ α .
a+b Γ(α+1) 1 − (a + b)2 Γ(α+1)
The Jacobian matrix (A˜ee − B˜ee K˜ee ) has the following characteristic equation:
(−a + b)
λe 2 − 2 − (a + b)2 + − σ˜e1 λe
(a + b) Γ(α + 1)
2 !
ρα ρα
1 3 2 2
3 3
+ a + b − a + a − b − 3a b + 3ab − b − (a + b) (5.4)
a+b Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1)
2 !
ρα α α
1 ρ ρ
+ (a + b) −1 + (a + b)2 σ˜e1 − 2bσ˜e2 = 0.
a+b Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1)
If we consider eigenvalues λe1 and λe2 of the characteristic equation (5.4), we obtain
(−a + b)
λe1 + λe2 = 2 − (a + b)2 + − σ˜e1 ,
(a + b) Γ(α + 1)
a + b − a + a3 − b − 3a2 b + 3ab2
λe1 λe2 =
a+b Γ(α + 1)
ρα ρα ρα
1 3 3
+ − b − (a + b) + (a + b) −1 + (a + b) σ˜e1
a+b Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1)
2 !
+ −2bσ˜e2 .
a+b Γ(α + 1)
Then, we must work out the solutions to the equations λe1 = ±1 and λe1 λe2 = 1 to get the lines of
marginal stability. Furthermore, these restrictions ensure that λe1 and λe2 are located inside the open
unit disk. Assume λe1 λe2 = 1 and from (5.5), we get
ρα ρα
1 3 3
Ke1 = −(a + b) − (a + b) + (a + b)
a + b Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1)
2 !
ρα ρα ρα ρα
1 1
+ (a + b) −1 + (a + b)2 σ˜e1 − 2bσ˜e2 .
a + b Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1) a + b Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1)
Next, consider λe1 = 1, we obtain
2 !
ρα ρα
1 3 3
Ke2 = 4(a + b) − 2(a − b + (a + b) ) + (a + b)
a+b Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1)
2 !
ρα ρα ρα
1 2
+ (a + b) −2 + (a + b) σ˜e1 − 2bσ˜e2 .
a+b Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1) Γ(α + 1)
Lastly, if λe1 = −1 , then
ρα (a + b)3 + (a + b)3 σ˜e1 − 2bσ˜e2
Ke3 = − .
Γ(α + 1) a+b
Stable eigenvalues are then found in the triangle in the σ˜e1 , σ˜e2 plane enclosed by the straight lines
Ke1 , Ke2 , Ke3 for a given parametric value.
Hybrid control strategy is applied to system (1.10) to control chaos. We rewrite our uncontrolled
system (1.10) as
Xn+1 = G(Xn , δ) (5.6)
where δ ∈ R is bifurcation parameter and Xn ∈ R2 , G(.) is non-linear vector function. Applying hybrid
control strategy, the controlled system of (5.2) becomes
a − xn + x2n yn + (1 − ωe )xn ,
xn+1 = ωe xn +
Γ(α + 1)
yn+1 = ωe yn + b − xn yn + (1 − ωe )yn .
Γ(α + 1)
An approach called state feedback control is used to stabilize chaos at the stage of the system’s
(1.10) unstable trajectories. System (1.10) may be made to take on a controlled form by introducing a
feedback control law as the control force uee and is given below.
a − xn + x2n yn + uee ,
xn+1 = xn +
Γ(α + 1)
ρα (5.9)
b − x2n yn ,
yn+1 = yn +
Γ(α + 1)
uee = −k1 (xn − x+ ) − k2 (yn − y + ),
where (x+ , y + ) represents the positive fixed point of the system (1.10) and k1 and k2 stand for the
feedback gains.
Example 4: We use (a0 , b, α, ρ) = (0.15, 1.8, 0.58, 0.53145) to implement the OGY feedback control
technique for system (1.10).The unstable system (1.10) in this case has a single positive fixed point
(x+ , y + ) = (1.95, 0.473373). Then, in accordance with these parametric values, we provide the following
controlled system
xn+1 = xn + 0.777474 (0.15 − σ˜e1 (xn − 1.95) − σ˜e2 (yn − 0.473373)) − xn + x2n yn ,
yn+1 = yn + 0.777474 1.8 − x2n yn .
6. Conclusions
In this study, a novel fractional order Schnakenberg model is discussed. The Caputo fractional
derivative idea is the basis for such a fractional order model. We show that the system (1.10) can
experience a bifurcation (flip or NS) at a specific positive fixed point E if fluctuations about the sets
P DE or N SE . The center manifold theorem and bifurcation theory are used to achieve this. The model
displays a range of complex dynamical behaviors as ρ and α are changed, including the appearance of
flip and NS bifurcations, period 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 20 and 40 orbits, and quasi-periodic orbits, as well as
attracting invariant circles and chaotic sets. By computing the maximal Lyapunov exponents and fractal
dimension, we can verify the existence of chaos. Typically, one of the traits that suggests the existence
of chaos is a positive Lyapunov exponent.We demonstrate that the values of the Lyapunov exponent
Figure 8. (i-iii) Stable region in OGY method, Hybrid method and state feedback
methods, (iv-vi) Stable system trajectories
can alternately be negative and positive. By creating pathways from periodic and quasi-periodic states,
the two bifurcations lead the system to quickly transition from steady state to chaotic dynamical
behavior. Alternatively, chaotic dynamics might occur or vanish concurrently with the appearance of
bifurcations. Finally, we reduce unstable system trajectories by employing an OGY, Hybrid, and state
feedback control technique. Though it remains a challenging topic, investigating multiple parameter
bifurcation in the system.
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Md. Jasim Uddin, Corresponding author, Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000,
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