Reviewer Lea 2
Reviewer Lea 2
Reviewer Lea 2
This research has revealed that police officials often operate outside the
borders of their countries.
Universal Declaration
In the law enforcement and security sphere, states respond with increased
repression to fragmentation, transnationalized civil war, and uncontrolled
global flow such as migrants and drug trafficking.
A. Folk-communal society
b. Urban-commercial society
- has civil law (some standards and customs are written down), specialized
police forces (some for religious offices, others for enforcing the King’s law),
and punishment is inconsistent, sometimes harsh, sometimes lenient. Most
of the Continental Europe developed along this path.
c. Urban-industrialized society
- has codified laws (statutes that prohibited), but laws that prescribe good
behavior, police becomes specialized in how to handle property crimes, and
the system of punishment is run on market principles of creating of
insensitive and disincentives. England and US followed this positive legal
e. Post-modern society
- where the emphasis is upon the meaning of words and the deconstruction
of institutions.
“An event is not the cause of the crime if it occurs when the crime rates are
- primarily rely upon oral system of evidence in which the public trial is a
main focal point.
- is for a judge to atleast suspend belief until the event of a trial is over.
- founded on the basis of natural law (respect for traditional custom and
- the ultimate expression of positive law design to move the state forward
toward perfectibility of state and mankind.
d. Islamic system ( Muslim or Arabic Justice) – derive all their procedures and
practices from interpretation of the Koran.
Various tribes – descendants of the ancient greeks and practice Urrf Law (law
of tradition) rather than the Harsher Shariah punishments.
Islamic system – characterized by the absence of positive law and are based
on the more concept of natural justice.
Most nations of this type are theocracies, where legal rule and religious rule
are together.
Each type of system has variation:
1. Canadian Justice – places more emphasis upon the right to a fair trial, free
from prejudicial publicity.
• with the exceptions of Japan and the Common Law nations, few countries
hold their police officers accountable for violations of civil rights
• Socialist and Islamic countries – police hold enormous political and religious
b. Developing Police System – those that are under from their former
practices but have adopted democratic form of governance.
•Conflicts are resolved by TRIBAL COUNCIL: there are no jails and prisons