CS Midterm Model Qpaper

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South Zone
Class : I PUC Subject: Computer Science (41)
Maximum marks : 70 Time : 03 Hrs.

(a) The question paper has Five parts namely A,B,C,D and E.
(b) For Part-A questions, only the first written answers will be considered for
(c) For question having diagram alternate questions are given at the end of the question
paper in a separate section (Part-E) for visually challenged students.


Answer ALL the questions, each question carries ONE mark. 20 x 1 = 20

I Select the correct answer from the choices given.

1. The processing power of computers increased exponentially by integrating around 3 million

components on a small-sized chip termed as
a) Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) b) Large scale integration(LSI)
c) Small scale integration(SSI) d) Very Small scale integration

2. The maximum number of bits that a microprocessor can process at a time is called
a) Memory size b) word size c) clock speed d) core

3. The software that provides the basic functionality to operate a computer by interacting directly with its
constituent hardware is termed as
a) Hardware b) software
c) system software. d) application software

4. A standard called UNICODE has been developed to incorporate till the characters of every written
language of the world.

5. The binary value of 64(10) is

a) 100000(2) b) 1000000(2)
c) 10000(2) d) 10000000(2)

6. The decimal value of the code “Main”

a) 77 97 105 110 b) 77 97 106 110
c) 77 97 105 111 d) 77 98 105 110
7. Algorithms that use data to learn on their own and make predictions
a) Modules b) Modes c) system d)models

8. This results in the generation of data sets of enormous volume and complexity called
a) Big data b) cloud c) grid data d) block chain

9. The resources are provided by companies on a pay per use basis are called
a) Big data b) cloud c) grid data d) block chain

10. A set of exact steps which when followed, solve the problem or accomplish the required task.
a) Flow chart b) algorithm c) solutions d) dry run

11. Guess the output for the following algorithm if the no is 45

Step1 : Input no
Step2 : if no<0 and no <100 then
Print “ accept”
Print “Reject”
Step 3 : stop
a) Accept b) Reject c) AcceptReject d) no output

12. Assertion : The method of taking an input and running through the steps of the algorithm is
sometimes called space complexity
Reasoning : Identify any incorrect steps in the algorithm, Figure out missing details or specifics
in the algorithm
a) A is true and R is a method involved
b) A and R both are false
c) A is false and R is a ture
d) A is true and R is not proper definition.

13. Mode allows execution of individual statement instantaneously

a) DOS mode b) windows mode c)script mode d)interactive mode

14. Assertion : Each word has a specific meaning to the Python interpreter,
Reasoning : We can use a word in our program only for the purpose for which it has been defined.
a) Both are true b) both are false c) A is True and R is false d) A is false and R is true

15. Find the valid reason of an identifier AmitSharma1a1

a) No error b) Name should be in small
c) numbers cannot be used d) a numbers are separated by letter
II Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in the brackets.
( Python, hexadecimal, Grid computing , microcontroller ,flowchart, pseudo code )

16. A fixed amount of RAM, ROM and other peripherals all embedded on a single chip is ----------
17. Color codes are written in _____________ form for compact representation.
18. ____________processing is moved from one PC to another as needed or a large task is divided into
subtasks and divided to various nodes for parallel processing.
19. A non-formal language that helps programmers to write algorithm.
20. __________ is a free and open source language.

III Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries TWO marks: 4 x 2 =8
1. Define data and information
2. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter
3. Write two applications of Hexa decimal number system.
4. Write about sensors
5. Define the term time and space complexity
6. Write short note on decomposition
7. Mention the two modes of execution


IV Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries THREE marks: 4 x 3 = 12

8. Explain the term primary , secondary and cache memory

9. Explain data and its types with an example.
10. 34.56(10) convert into binary
11. Explain different models or services of cloud computing?
12. Write an algorithm that reads 3 subject marks find its total and percentage?
13. Draw and name the symbols used in designing the flow diagrams?
14. Define keyword? name any two keywords?


V Answer any FOUR questions, each question carries FIVE marks: 4 x 5 = 20

15. Explain With neat diagram data transfer between memory and CPU?
16. Explain different functions of operating system
17. Convert 245.87(10) ___________(2), _________(16)
18. Explain the characteristics of big data?
19. Describe in detail the steps involved in problem solving?
20. Explain any five features of Python programming
21. What are the rules to define an identifiers?

Answer any TWO questions, each question carries FIVE marks 2 x 5 = 10

22. Encode the word ‘ScienCE’ using ASCII and convert the encode value into binary values.
23. Write an algorithm to find the sum of digit of a given number.
24. Which dentifier names are valid and give reason if its invalid?
i Serial_no ii 1st_Room
iii Hundred$ iv _Percentage
v. True


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