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Mongodb m201 Performance v1

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Fecha: Firma:

Curso: MongoDB

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• Rendimiento

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1) Introduction: Hardware Considerations & Configurations

Regarding the performance implications, which of the following
statements are correct?
a. MongoDB does not benefit from adding more RAM to your servers.
b. Disk RAID architecture can impact the performance of your MongoDB
c. Switching from HDDs to SSDs does not bring a benefit to the
performance of MongoDB.
d. CPU availability impacts the performance of MongoDB, specially if
using the WiredTiger storage engine.

2) MongoDB Indexes: Introduction to indexes

Which of the following statements regarding indexes are true?
a. Indexes are used to increase the speed of our queries.
b. The _id field is automatically indexed on all collections.

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c. Indexes reduces the number of documents MongoDB needs to examine
to satisfy a query.
d. Indexes can decrease write, update and delete performance.

3) MongoDB Indexes: Single field indexes

Which of the following queries can use an index on the zip field?
a. db.addresses.find( { zip : 55555 } )
b. db.addresses.find( { city : "Newwark", state : "NJ" } )
c. db.addresses.find()

4) MongoDB Indexes: Sorting with indexes

Given the following schema for the products collection:
"_id": ObjectId,
"product_name": String,
"product_id": String
And the following index on the products collection:
{ product_id: 1 }

Which of the following queries will use the given index to perform the sorting of
the returned documents?

a. db.products.find({ product_id: '57d7a1' }).sort({ product_id: -1 })

b. db.products.find({ product_name: 'Soap' }).sort({ product_id: 1 })
c. db.products.find({}).sort({ product_id: 1 })
d. db.products.find({ product_name: 'Wax' }).sort({ product_name: 1 })
e. db.products.find({}).sort({ product_id: -1 })

5) MongoDB Indexes: When you can sort with indexes

Which of the following statements are true?
a. Index prefixes can be used in query predicates to increase index
b. Index prefixes can be used in sort predicates to prevent in-memory sorts.
c. We can invert the keys of an index in our sort predicate to utilize an
index by walking in backwards.
d. It's impossible to have a sorted query use a index for both sorting and

6) MongoDB Indexes: When you can sort with indexes

Given the following index:

{ name: 1, emails: 1 }

When the following document is inserted, how many index entries will be created?
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"name": "Beatrice McBride",
"age": 26,
"emails": [

Check all answers that apply:

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

7) MongoDB Indexes: Partial indexes

Which of the following is true regarding partial indexes?
a. Partial indexes represent a superset of the functionality of sparse indexes.
b. Partial indexes can be used to reduce the number of keys in an index.
c. Partial indexes don't support a uniqueness constraint.
d. Partial indexes support compound indexes.

8) MongoDB Indexes: Text indexes

Which other type of index is mostly closely related to text indexes?
a. Single-key indexes.
b. Compound indexes.
c. Multi-key indexes.
d. Partial indexes.

9) MongoDB Indexes: Collations

Which of the following statements are true regarding collations on
a. MongoDB only allows collations to be defined at collection level.
b. Collations allow the creation of case insensitive indexes.
c. Creating an index with a different collation from the base collection
implies overriding the base collection collation.
d. We can define specific collation in an index.

10) MongoDB Indexes: Wildcard index type

Using the wildcardProjection flag with Wildcard Indexes, we can:
a. Include a set of fields in the Wildcard Index.
b. Specify a set of fields in the Wildcard Index to project with $project.
c. Exclude a set of fields from the Wildcard Index.

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11) MongoDB Indexes: Wildcard index use cases
Which of the following are good reasons to use a Wildcard Index?
a. An application consistently queries against document field that use the
Attribute Pattern.
b. The query pattern on documents of a collection is unpredictable.
c. A collection has documents with many different fields.

12) MongoDB Indexes: Using indexes to sort

Given the following index:

{ "first_name": 1, "address.state": -1, "address.city": -1, "ssn": 1 }

Which of the following queries are able to use it for both filtering and sorting?





13) MongoDB Indexes: Optimizing compound indexes

Examinate this queries:

> db.people.find({
"address.state": "Nebraska",
"last_name": /^G/,
"job": "Police officer"

> db.people.find({
"job": /^P/,
"first_name": /^C/,
"address.state": "Indiana"
}).sort({ "last_name": 1 })

> db.people.find({
"address.state": "Connecticut",
"birthday": {
"$gte": ISODate("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
"$lt": ISODate("2011-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")

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If you had to build one index on the people collection, which of the following
indexes would best sevice all 3 queries?






14) Index operations: Building indexes
Which of the following are true of index build operations?
a. Foreground index builds block all reads and writes to the collection being
b. Foreground index builds block all reads and writes to the database that
holds the collection being indexed.
c. Background index builds do not impact the query performance of the
MongoDB deployment while running.
d. Background index builds take longer to complete that foreground index
e. Background index builds block reads and writes to the collection being

15) Index operations: Query plans

Which of the following is/are true concerning query plans?
a. MongoDB's query optimizer is statically based, where collection
heuristics are used to determine which plan wins.
b. Query plans are cached so that plans do not need to be generated and
compared against each other every time a query is executed.
c. When query plans are generated, for a given query, every index generates
at least one query plan.
d. If an index can't be used, then there is no query plan for that query.

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