ANN Casting Defect
ANN Casting Defect
ANN Casting Defect
2, December, 2021
Date of Submission: 24th November 2021 Revised:25th December 2021 Accepted: 30Th December 2021
Abstract - Sand casting defects appear unexpectedly and first layer. The output of this input layer will become the
prediction of defects can help decide the ranges of their input to the next hidden layer which consists of the number
responsible process parameters to reduce these defects. of neurons with some activation functions, the output of this
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is one of the famous hidden layer will become input to the output layer frame and
tools of Artificial Intelligence that can be utilised in a wide give the desired output (1).
extent of problems and are getting a wider application in
the foundry industries also. In this paper, a discussion The yearly casting production around the world from
about the prediction of three grey iron sand casting 2015 to 2019 has recognized remarkable growth (2), and
defects: Blow, Penetration and Erosion using ANN is India is the second-largest producer of castings just after
presented. This is a method of assessing the suitability of china (3). Metal casting is a versatile primary manufacturing
sand casting process parameters by finding correlations process that can produce products from a few grams to
between individual parameters and defects by means of several tons from molten metal (4). The sand casting
artificial neural network systems. The implementation of process generally means pouring molten metal into a
ANN was performed with the application of three refractory mould that contains a cavity of the required shape
programs first a statistical software SPSS, second another and allows it to solidify this final solidified object is called
software MATLAB and third using python programming casting. The sand-casting process is explained stepwise in
language. The data narrating to sand casting processing
Figure 1.
parameters and relevant defects in castings is raised from
a sand casting foundry. The ANN model gave better
results in terms of predicted accuracy. The systems are
fairly tested on real-life data acquired from the foundry,
attending to a significant decrease in the rejection rate of
the casting due to defects. The ANN prediction system can
help foundry engineers to take decisions regarding
preventing possible defects in advance.
The control of defects is an essential issue for the foundry
industry and utilized several Artificial Intelligence
Index Terms - Sand casting, Blow holes, Penetration, algorithms and proven their fruitfulness for making
Erosion, Artificial Neural Networks. decisions, by training AI models using past available data.
The defects in foundry can be significantly decreased by
predicting its occurrence and regulating the appropriate
process parameters through the utilization of comprehensive
domain knowledge. In work for the prediction of three grey
Artificial Neural Networks is one of the most popular iron sand casting defects: Blow, Penetration and Erosion the
algorithms in Artificial Intelligence and is the functional ANN is implemented using statistical softwires SPSS,
unit of deep Learning. ANN is a computing system that is MATLAB and using python programming language. The
designed to simulate the way the human brain analyses and data required for training and testing of ANN model is
processes information. ANN is a network of artificial collected from a foundry for grey cast iron component of
neurons (or nodes) arranged in different layers and (FG 250, Composition: C 3.3-3.7, Si 2.2-2.6, Mg 0.65-0.67,
connections between the nodes. The first layer is the input S 0.00-0.04, P 0.03-0.05, Induction furnace) overall size of
layer next multiple hidden layers the last layer is known as 1000 × 550 × 113 mm and weighs 200 kg; its wood pattern
the output layer. The input is provided to the neurons of the
Prediction of Sand-Casting Defects by Artificial Neural Network
weighs 27kg. The yield is between 70 and 75 %. The based models and witnessed that the neuro-fuzzy model was
detailed drawing of the component is shown in figure 2. more precise than the neural network model. (11) Indicated
that the Radial Basis Function Artificial Neural Network
(RBFANN) model could adequately estimate the parameter
values of phosphate graphite sand. To determine the
relationship between input-output parameters of cement-
bonded moulding system (12) used propagation algorithm
and a genetic algorithm, based neural networks and proved
it can be used for both forward and reverse mapping of input
and output parameters. (13) apply back-propagation neural
networks and genetic neural networks for both forward and
reverse modelling of input and output parameters of green
sand moulding after that (14) adopted back-propagation as
well as genetic neural network for determining the
Figure 2. Sand casting part considered in the study
relationship between input-output parameters of sodium
silicate bonded carbon dioxide hardened sand moulding.
The foundry typically carried out 4–5 heats (cycles of (15) Presented a method of selection of the proper kind of a
melting and pouring) on each working day, each heat being neural network for prediction a sand moistness on the bases
used to pour 4-5 castings. For each heat, 7 data items were of certain moulding sand properties such as: permeability
identified for collection included Moisture percentage, and friability. To analyse the influence of input variables on
Permeability, Binder Percentage, Pouring Temperature, compressive strength of Furan No-bake mould system (16)
Grain Fineness Number, Mould Hardness, Green Strength formed ANN modal. Artificial Neural Network has also
and assurance of the three defects. The data from 493 heats been applied in the foundry industry to control melting
(approximately 1590 castings) were collected over six processes in furnaces. (17) presented Artificial Neural
months. The sample dataset of 494 data entry which Network-based model to determine the active bentonite
content in green moulding sand based on sand properties
contains the total seven parameters for evaluation propose
such as permeability, compactibility and the compressive
from that we can predict the output variables like blow,
strength, and letter (18) applied Neural Networks for
Penetration and Erosion. Each record has a class value that controlling the quality of bentonite moulding sand. ANN
indicate whether the casting suffered any defect or not has been used in the sand-casting industries for defect
within six-month measurements. identification, quality assessment of the castings, prediction
of possible defects, selection and control of sand mould
The created sand-casting data has certain characteristics properties and for optimization of casting input parameters.
that makes the analysis very challenging and attractive as
well. The next Literature review about ANN in the realm To summaries Artificial Neural Networks have been used
of metal sand casting defect reduction is discussed. to carry out input-output modelling of the metal sand
casting process. That Artificial Neural Networks are
excellent in the sand-casting quality and mould quality
LITERATURE REVIEW predictions and for optimization of casting input parameters.
Next in this work discussion about data collection from sand
To support sand foundry production researchers have casting foundry is presented.
adopted different types of Neural Networks differently.
Now a review about the relevance of ANN in foundries for ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK AND SAND-
casting defect reduction is presented. For cause detection of CASTING DEFECT PREDICTION
gas porosity defects in sand casting (5) trained ANN using
process parameters, materials used and workers involved. To see whether the input parameters can predict the
(6) Applied a backpropagation neural network to predict defects blow, penetration and erosion using the available
some significant defects in sand castings. For shrinkage data, an artificial neural network (ANN) is built using SPSS
location recognition(7) trained back propagation neural program (a statistical software). A Multilayer perceptron
network with the results of Finite Element Methods.(8) neural network is built in SPSS, with the seven input
Used artificial neural network-based methodology to the variables. The information about the network is given in the
identification of flaws in the aluminium alloy castings by table 2.
radio graphical image analysis. (9) Offered an Artificial
Neural Network based model to foresee collapsibility of
CO2 sand moulds. To assess the green compressive strength
Table 2 Network Information
of clay bonded moulding sand (10) offered neuro-fuzzy
Input Covariates 1 x1
Copyrights @Muk Publications Vol. 13 No. 2, December, 2021
International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control
Anjul Rai, S. K. Ganguly and R.L. Shrivastava
Error computations based on the training sample of the Fig. 4 R2 values for Blow, Penetration and Erosion
overall modal is represented in table 3. The sum of square
error of the training data is 3.880 and for testing data is
1.851 which shows the Built neural network is performing Nest residual of the model is estimated. Residual is the
well. difference between the observed value and the predicted
value. The values for a good predictive model should have
less residual or error. The residue charts are shown in the
Figure 5. For Blow, penetration and erosion. It can be seen
there is random scatter in all the data and the residue is near
TABLE 3. MODEL SUMMARY about zero for the predicted values of blow, penetration and
Training Sum of Squares Error 3.880
Copyrights @Muk Publications Vol. 13 No. 2, December, 2021
International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control
Prediction of Sand-Casting Defects by Artificial Neural Network
Nest residual of the model is estimated. Residual is the
difference between the observed value and the predicted
value. The values for a good predictive model should have
less residual or error. The residue charts are shown in the
Figure 5. For Blow, penetration and erosion. It can be seen
there is random scatter in all the data and the residue is near
about zero for the predicted values of blow, penetration and Figure 6. Network topology
For training of the ANN Levenberg Marquard Training
algorithm is used. The validation performance of the neural
network is displayed in figure 7 the error was changing for
different iterations starting from zeroth iteration, the best
validation performance is 0.0061801 at the tenth epoch.
Anjul Rai, S. K. Ganguly and R.L. Shrivastava
Prediction of Sand-Casting Defects by Artificial Neural Network
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conclusion may review the main points of the paper, do not
replicate the abstract as the conclusion. A conclusion might
elaborate on the importance of the work or suggest AUTHOR INFORMATION
applications and extensions.