Euclid, Elements
Euclid, Elements
Euclid, Elements
Presented to
The Library of
The Ontario College of
Education |
t>^ -*.-<.<::. <e'
V \ ^
u Q
St John's College,
October 1862.
Introductory Remarks xv
Book I I
Book II 52
Book III 71
Book IV , 113
Book V 134
Book VI 173
Book XI 220
Book XII 244
Notes on Euclid's Elements 2 50
Appendix 292
Exercises in Euclid 340
straight lines AB, CB is named the angle ABC, or CBA ;
13. A term or boundary is the extremity of any thing.
15. A
circle is a plane figure
contained by one line, which is
called the circumference, and is
such, that all straight lines drawn
from a certain point within the
fig'ure to the circumference are
equal to one another
; : : , :
25. An isosceles triangle is that
which has two sides equal A
Of four-sided figures,
a right anglefe : ,^
33. A
rhomboid is that which has
itsopposite sides equal to one another,
but all its sides are not equal, nor its
angles right angles
Let it be granted,
1. That a straight line may be drawn from any one
point to any other pomt
1. Tilings which are equal to the same thing are equal
to one another.
Let AB
be the given straiglit line: it is required to
describe an equilateral triangle on AB,
From the point C, at which the circles cut one another, draw
the straight lines CA and CB to the points A and B. [Post. 1.
ABC shall be an equilateral triangle.
Because the point A is the centre of the circle BCD,
ACis equal to AB. [Definition 15.
From a given 2^oint to draio a straight line equal to a
given straight line.
Let A bo the given point, and BC the given straight
line : it is required to draw from the point A a straight
line equal to BC.
From the point A to -Bdraw
the straight line AB ;
[Post. 1.
And because the point Z> is the centre of the circle GKL^
DL is equal to DG ;
[Definition 15.
If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two
sides of the other, each to each, and have also the angles
contained hg those sides equal to one another, thcg shall
also have their bases or third sides equal; and (he two
triangles shall be equal, and their other angles shall be
equal, each to each,namclg those to ichich the equal sides
are opjjosite.
Let ABC, DEFhc two triangles which have the two sides
AB,ACcqv[al to the two aidcsDE, DF, each to cacli, nauiclv,
AB to DE, and to AC
DF, and the angle BAO
equal to the angle EDF:
the base -C6' shall be equal
to the base EF, and tho
triangle ABCto the tri-
angle DEF, and the other
angles shall be equal, cacli
to each, to which the equal
sides are opposite, namelv. the angle ABC to the angle
DEF, and the angle AOB
to the angle DFE.
For if the triangle ABC be applied to the triangle DEF,
so that the point Amay be on the point Z>, anil the
straight line ABon the
^ -^
straight line DE, the f\ /\
point Bwill coincide with / \ '
at the base of an isosceles triangle are equal
The angles
to one another; and if the equal sides be j^i'odticed the
angles on the other side of the base shall be equal to one
be an isosceles triangle, having tho side AB
equal to the side AG, and let the straight Hues AB, AC
be produced to D
and E: the angle ABC
shall be equal to
the angle AGB, and the angle CBD
to the angle BCE.
In BD take any point F,
and fromyl^the greater cwioS AG equal toyl^the less, [1.3.
; ;
BOOK L 5. 11
andjoini^C, G^^.
Because -4i^is equal to ylG^, [Constr.
And since it has been sliewn that the whole angle ^i?^'
is cr|ual to the whole angle ACF,
and that the parts of these, the angles CBG, BCF
are also
equal ;
Therefore AB
is not unequal to AC, that is, it is equal to it.
to one another, and likewise their sides CB^ DB, wliich arc
terminated at B.
Join CD. In the case in which the vertex of each tri-
angle is without the other triangle ;
But the angle ACD is greater than the angle BCD, [Ax. 9.
If ttco triangleshare two sides of the one equal to two
sides of the other, each to eadi,^ and have liketcise their
bases equalf the angle which is contained by the two sides
of the one shall be equal to the angle which is contained by
the two sides, equal to thein, of the other.
Let ABC, DEF be two triangles, having the two sides
AB, AC equal to the two sides DE, DF, each to each,
namely ^^ to DE, and AC to DF, and also the base BC
equal to the base EF: the angle BAC be equal to the
angle EDF.
To bisect a given rectilineal angle, that is to divide it
into two equal angles.
BOOK I. 9, 10. 15
Join AF. The straight line AF shall bisect the angle BAG.
Because AB is equal to AE, [Construction.
and AFis common to the two triangles BAF, EAF,
the two sides BA, AF Si,Ye equal to the two sides EA, AF,
each to each
and the base BF is equal to the base EF; [Definition 24.
therefore the angle BAF is equal to the angle EAF. [I. 8.
To draw a straight line at right angles to a gicen
straight line, from a gieen F
point in the same.
Let ABbe the given
straight line, and C tiio given
point in it it is required to
the two sides DC^ CF are ecpial to the two sides EC, CF,
each to each
and the base DFh equal to the base EF-, [Definition 24.
therefore the angle DCF is equal to the angle ECF; [I. 8.
therefore the angles CBE, EBD are two right angles. [Dr/lO.
Now the angle CBE is equal to the two angles CBA, ABE;
to each of these equals add the angle EBD ;
At the point Bin the straight line AB, let the two
straight lines BC, BD, on the opposite sides of AB, make
the adjacent angles ABC, ABD together equal to two
right angles : BD shall be in the same straight line with CB.
For if BD be not in _/V.
But the angles ABC, ABD are also together equal to two
right angles. [Hypothesis.
therefore BD
is in the same straight line with CB.
Let the two straight lines AB, CD cut one another at
the point i5J; the angle AEG shall be equal to the angle
DEB, and the angle CEB
to the angle ED.A
Because the straight line
yl^ makes with the straight A E\^ 13
the two sides AE, EB are equal to the two sides CE, EF^
each to each
The greater side of every triangle has the greater
angle opposite to it.
Let ABC he a triangle, of which the side ACh greater
than the side AB the angle ABC is also greater than the
angle ACB.
Because ^C is greater than
AB, make AD equal to AB, [I. 3.
and join BD.
Then, because -<4i>-5 is the ex-
terior aii^'^lo of the triangle BDC,
But the angle BCD is greater than the angle ACD. [Ax. 9.
Therefore the angle BCD is greater than the angle BDC.
And because the angle BCD of the triangle BCD is
greater than its angle BDC, and that the greater angle is
subtended by the greater side [I. 19.
Let ABGbe a triangle, and from the points B^ C,
the ends of the side BC,
let the two straight lines
BD, CD be drawn to the
point D
witliin the triangle
BD, DC shall be less
than the other two sides
BA, AG of the triangle,
but shall contain an angle
BDC greater than the
angle BAC.
Produce BD to meet AC ai E.
Because two sides of a triangle are greater than the
third side, the two sides Bxi, AE
of the triangle are ABE
greater than the side BE. [I. 20.
For the same reason, the exterior angle CEB of the tri-
angle ABE is greater than the angle BAE.
and make DG
equal to ^C or DF, [1.3.
and join EG, GF.
Because ABis equal to DEj [ITypothesM.
2ind AC to DG; [Construction.
the two sides BA^ AC are equal to the two sides ED, DG,
each to each ;
But the angle DGF is greater than the angle EGF. [Ax. 9.
greater than the base of the other, the angle contained by
the sides of that which has the greater base, shall be
greater than the angle contained by the sides equal to
them, of the other.
be two triangles, which have the two
sides AB, equal to the two sides DE, DF, each to
each, namely, AB
to DE, and AC
to DF, but the base
BC greater than the base EF\ the angle shall BAG
be greater than the angle
For if not, the angle
^^Cmust be either equal
to the angle EDF or less
than the angle EDF.
But the angle BAG \& not
equal to the angle EDF,
for then the base BG
would be equal to the base EF; [!• 4.
to ciicli, to
iiaiiicly, ADC and DEF,
to JET/'Z) and BOA ;
let them havealso one side equal to one side and first let ;
and join GC
Then because GB is equal to £>E, [Constmction.
and BC to EF ; VlypotTiesis.
the two sides GB, BC are equal to tlie two sides DE, EF^
each to each ;
therefore the two sides AB, BC arc equal to the two sides
DE, EF, each to each ;
For if BC be not
equal to EF, one of them
must be greater than
the other.
Let BG be the greater,
and make BH
equal to
EF, [I. 3.
the two sides AB, BHare equal to the two sides Z>^, EF,
each to each ;
therefore the two sides AB, BG are equal to the two sides
DE, EF, each to each ;
Let the straight line EF, which falls on the two straight
lines AB^ CD, make the alternate angles AEF, EFD
equal to one another : AB shall be parallel to CD.
For AB and CD, being produced, will meet
if not,
either towards B,D or towards A, C. Let them be pro-
duced and meet towards B, D at the point O.
Therefore GEF
is a triangle, and its exterior angle AEF
isgreater than the interior opposite angle [1. 16,EFG ;
Let the straight lino EF, which falls on the two
straight lines AB, CD, make the exterior angle EGB
equal to the interior and opposite angle GHD
on the same
side, or make the interior angles on the same side BGH,
GHD together equal to two right angles AB
shall be
parallel to CD.
Because the angle EGB is
equal to the angle GHD, \_Hyp.
Straight lijies which arc parallel to the same straight
line are parallel to each other.
[I. 29.
that is, together with four right angles. [I. 15. Corollary 2.
Therefore all the interior angles of the figure, together with
four right angles, are equal to twice as many right angles
as the figure has sides.
the two sides AB, BC are equal to the two sides DC, CB,
each to each
and the angle ABC was shewn to be equal to the angle
therefore the base AC
is equal to the base BD, and the
triangle ABCto the triangle BCD, and the other angles
to the other angles, each to each, to which the equal sides
are opposite ;
[I. 4.
The and angles of a parallelogram are
ojjposite sides
equal to one another, and the diameter bisects the par-
allelogram, that is, divides it into two equal parts.
Note. A
parallelogram is a four- sided figure of which the
opposite sides are parallel ; and a diameter ia the straight line
joining two of its opposite angles.
be a parallelogram, of which is -a BC
diameter the opposite sides and angles of the figure shall
Because AB is parallel
to CD, and BG meets them,
the alternate angles ABG,
BGD are equal to one an-
other. [I. 29.
and diameter
tlie BG divides the parallelogram AGDB
into two equal parts.
Wherefore, the op2)osite sides &c. q.e.d.
; ;
therefore the two sides EA, AB are equal to the two sides
FD, DC each to each ;
through B
draw BE
parallel to CJ, and through G draw
C/^ parallel to ^Z>. [1.31.
. Then each of the figures EBGA, DBCF
is a parallelo-
gram ;
therefore AD is parallel to BC
Wherefore, equal triangles &c. q.e.d.
Join AD.
^2) shall be parallel to BF.
For if it is not, through A
draw AG parallel to BF,
meeting ED
at G [I. 31.
and join GF.
isdouble of the triangle ABC,
because the diameter yl (7 bisects the parallelogram. [!. 34.
join AE, and at the point
E, in the straight line EC,
make the angle C^i^ equal
ioD-y [1.23.
through A draw AFG
parallel to EC, and through
G draw CG
parallel to
EF. [I. 31.
BE is equal to EC,
And, because [Construction.
and it has one of its angles CEF equal to the given angle
D. [Construction.
Because ABCD is a
parallelogram, and AC its
diameter, the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle
ADC. [I. 34.
produce FG to H;
through A draw AH parallel to BG or EF, [I. 31.
letthem meet at K.
Through K
draw KL parallel to EA or FH ;
[I. 31.
And because tlic angle GBE is equal to the angle A BM, [1.15.
and likcmse to the angle D ;
H Af
Be H
because at the point
in the straight line GH, the
two straight lines KH, HM, on the opposite sides of it,
make the adjacent angles together equal to two right angles,
KH is in the same straight line with H3L [I. 14.
BOOK I. 4G. 49
Let AB
be the given straiglit line : it is required to
describe a square on AB.
From tlic i)oint A draw AC
at right angles to AB; [1. 11.
AD equal to ^jS
and make ; [1. 3.
D draw DE parallel to
AB and through B draw BE
through A draw AL
parallel to BD or
CE) [1.31.
and join AD, FC.
Then, because the
angle BA
C is a right
angle, [Hypoth cs is.
and that the angle
BAG is also a right
angle, [Definition 30.
the two straight lines AC, AG, on the opposite sides of
AB, make with it at the point the adjacent angles equal
to two right angles ;
Now the angle DBC is equal to the angle FBA, for each
of them is a right angle. [Axiom 11.
Add to each the angle ABC.
Therefore the whole angle DBA is equal to the whole angle
FBC [Axiom 2.
And because the two sides AB, BD
are equal to the two
sides FB, BC, each to each ; [Definition 30.
and the angle DBA
is equal to the angle FBC ;
ABD, because they are on the same base BD, and between
the same parallels BD, AL, [I. 41.
and make AD
equal to BA; [T. 3.
and join DC.
Then because DA is equal to
BA, the square on DA is equal to
the square on BA.
To each of these add the square
on AC.
Therefore the squares on DA, AC are equal to the sauares
on B
A, AC. {Axiom 1.
But because the auglo DAG is a right angle, [Constmction.
the square ou DCia equal to the squares on DA, AC. [I. 47.
And, by hypothesis, the square on BCis equal to the squares
on B A, AC.
Therefore tlie square on Z>Cis equal to thesquare on BC.[Ax.l.
Therefore also the side DC equal to the side BC.
1. Every right-angled parallelogram, or rectangle, is
said to be contained by any two of the straight lines
contain one of tiie right angles.
2. In every parallelogram, anv of the parallelograms
about a diameter, together with the two complements, is
called a Gnomon.
he tico straight lines, one of 2chich is divided
If there
into any numher of jmrfs, the rectangle contained hg the
tico straight lines is equal to the rectangles contained by
the undivided line, and the several 2)arts of the divided line.
If a straight line he divided into any two parts, the
rectangle contained hy the whole and one of the parts, is
equal to the rectangle contained by the tico p>(i^^ts, together
with the square on the aforesaid part.
BOUK If. 3, 4. bb
On BC describe the
square CDEB \
H G / K
Then, because CF is parallel
AD, and
exterior angle
BD falls
on them,
to the interior and opposite an- E
gle ADB ;
[I. 29.
lateral therefore it is a square^ and
If a straight line he divided into two equal j^ftrfs and
also into tico uneqiuil j^ciyts, the rectangle contained hy the
; ;
BOOK II. 0. 57
If a straight li?ie be bisected, and produced to any
point, the rectangle contained hg the whole line thus ^.)ro-
duced, and the part of it produced, together with the
square on half the line bisected, is equal to the square on
the straight line ichich is made up of the half and the
part produced.
Let the straight line AB hQ
bisected at the point G,
and produced to the point D
the rectangle AD, DB,
If a straight line he divided into any two parts, four
times the rectangle contained hy the ichole line and one of
tlie parts, together with the square on the other part, is
equal to the square on the straight line which is made up
of the whole and that part.
Let the straight line AB
be divided into any two parts
at tlie point 6': four times the rectangle AB, BC, together
with the square on AC, shall be equal to the square on the
straight line made up oi AB
and ^6' together.
Produce AB to D, so
that BD may be equal ^^ ^ ^> ^
to CB and
on AD
[Post. 2.
describe the
I. 3.
square M G K / M
and construct two figures
X ? A
such as in the preceding
Then, because CB equal
is e ^ L J*'
to BD, [Construction.
that is to GP ;
[II. 4, Corollary,
And because CG
is equal to GP^ and to RO, tho PR
rectangle yl6^ is equal to the rectangle MP, and the rect-
angle PLto the rectangle RF. [I. 36.
If a straight line he divided into two equals and also
into ttco ttJiequal parts, the squares on the two unequal
parts are together double of the square on half the line
and of the square on tlie line heticeen the points of section.
Let the straight Ime AB
be divided into two equal
l)arts at the point C, and into two unequal parts at tlie
point D the squares on AD,DB shall be together double
D draw DF
parallel to CE, and
through F
draw FG parallel
to BA ;
[I. 31.
E draw EF parallel to
AB, and through D draw
Z>i^ parallel to CE. [1.31.
Then because the straight
line ^i^meets the parallels
EC, FD, the angles CEF^ EFD are together equal to two
right angles ; [I. 29.
therefore the remaining angle DGB ishalf a right angle, [1. 32.
make EF equal to EB ;
[I. 3.
AB shall be divided at II so
that the rectangle AB, BH is
equal to the square on AH.
Produce GHtoK.
Then, because the straight line
AC 19. bisected at E, and pro-
duced to F, the rectangle CF, FA, together with the
square on AE, is equal to the square on EF. [II. 6.
be any triangle, and the angle at an acute B
angle; and on BC
one of the sides containing it, let fall
the perpendicular AD
from the opposite angle: the square
on AC, opposite to the angle B, shall be less than the
squares on CB, BA, by twice the rectangle CB, BD.
First, let AD fall within the
triangle ABC,
Then, because the straight line
CB is divided into two parts
at the pomt D, the squares on
CB, BDare equal to twice the
rectangle contained by CB, BD
and the square on CD. [II. 7.
and the square on -4 C is equal to the squares on C7>, Z>^. [1. 47.
Therefore the squares on CB, BA are equal to the scjuare
on ^C and t\vice the rectangle CB, BD ;
and bisect BF
at G ;
[I. 10.
To find the centre of a given circle.
the two sides AD,DG are equal to the two sides BD, DG,
each to each ;
and the base GA is equal to the base GB, because they are
dra^m from the centre G fl. Definition 15.
Therefore the angle BDGis equal to the angle BDF, [Ax. 11.
the less to the greater which is impossible. ;
and since CE
bisected at F, any other point in
is CE
divides it into unequal parts, and cannot be the centre.
Therefore no point but Fis the centre ;
If any ttco poitifs be taken in the circumference of a
circle, the straight line ichich joins them shall fall within
the circle.
If a straight line drawn throiigJt the centre of a circle^
bisect a straight line in it which does not pass through tlie
; ; ;
BOOK III. 3. 75
through the centre, bisect any straight line AB, which does
not pass through the centre, at the point F\ CD shall cut
AB at right angles.
Take E the centre of the
circle ; andjoin£L4, EB. [III.l.
And the right angle AFE is equal to the right angle BFE.
Therefore in the two triangles EAF, EBF, there are two
angles in the one eiiual to two angles in the other, each to
and the side EF, which is opposite to ouo of the equal
angles in each, is common to both
therefore their other sides are equal [I. 20.
If in a circle tico straight lines cutone another, which
do not 2^ciss through the centre^ they do not bisect one
Let ABCD be a circle, and AC, two straight lines BD
in which cut one another at the pomt E, and do not both
therefore the angle FEA is equal to the angle FEB, [Ax. 11.
the less to the greater ; which is impossible.
Therefore AC, BD do not bisect each other.
Wherefore, if in a circle &c. q.e.d.
If two circles cut one another, they shall not have the
same centre.
Let the two circles ABC, CDG cut one another at the
BOOK III. 5, 6. 77
If iico circles touch one another internally^ they shall
not have the same centre.
Let the two circles ABC,
nally at the point G
touch one another inter-
they shall not have the same centre.
For, if it be possible, let
F be their centre join FC, ;
If any point"be taken in the diameter of a circle ichich
others FB
shall be greater than FC, and than FG. FC
Join BE, CE, GE.
Then, because any two sides
of a triangle are greater than the
third side, [I. 20.
therefore the base FB is greater than the base FC. [I. 24.
BOOK III. 7, 8. 79
If any jwint without a circUy and straight
he taken
lines be drawn from the circumference, one ofirhich
it to
convex circumference, the least is that heiiceen the j^oint
without the circle and the diameter; and of the rest, that
which is nearer to the least is always less than one more
remote ; and from the satne point there can he drawn to
the circumference tico straight lines, and only t?co, ichich
are equal to one another, one on each side of the shortest line.
be a circle, and D
any point without it, and
from D
let the straight lines DA, DE, DF, be drawn DC
to the circumference, of which jD^ passes through the centre
of those whicli fall on the concave circumference AEFC, the
greatest shall be DA
which passes through the centre, and
the nearer to it shall be greater than the more remote,
namely, Z)^ greater than DF, and DF
greater than DC \
therefore the base ED is greater than the base FD. [1. 24.
BOOK III. 8. 81
Therefore DA
is the greatest, and DE greater than DF^
and DF
greater than DC.
Again, because MK, KD are greater than MD, [T. 20.
the two sides KM, MD are equal to the two sides B3I, MD,
each to each ;
more remote
which is impossible by what has been already shewn.
"therefore, if any point he taken &c, q.e.d.
; ; ;
If d point he taken within a circle, from which
fall more than two equal straight lines to the circum-
ference^ that point is the centre of the circle.
Let the point D
be taken within the circle ABC, from
which to Uie circumference there fall more than two equal
straight lines, namely DA, DB, DC: the point shall be D
the centre of the circle.
For, if not, let E
be the centre
join i)j&and produce it both ways to
meet the circumference at i^ and (x ;
then FG
is a diameter of the circle.
therefore KB, KG, A'lFare all equal to each other. [I. Dcf. 15.
And because Avithin the circle DBF, the point is taken, K
from which to the circumference fall more than twoDEF
equal straight lines KB, KG, KF, therefore A" is the
centre of the circle DEF. [III. 9.
But A" is also the centre of the circle ABC. [Construction.
Therefore the same point is the centre of two circles
which cut one another
which is impossible. [III. 5.
"\^'herefore, one circumference &c. q.e.d.
Therefore Z>^ is greater than HG, the less than the greater
which is impossible.
Therefore the straight line which joins the points F, (7,
being produced, cannot pass otherwise than through the
point A,
that is, it must pass through A.
^Yherefore, if two circles kc. q.e.d.
If two circles touch one another externally^ the straight
line ichich joins their centres shall pass through the 2yoint
of contact.
Let the two circles ABC, ADE touch one another ex-
ternally at the point A ; and let F be the centre of the
circle ABC, and G
the centre of the circle the ADE:
straight line which joins the points F, G, shall pass through
the point A,
For, if not, let it
pass otherwise, if pos- /fT ^"^^ E
sible, as FCDG, and
join FA, AG.
Then, because i^ is
the centre of the cir-
cle ABC, FA
is equal
ioFC', [
and because G
is the
centre of the circle ADE, GA is ecjual to GD ;
which is impossible.
Therefore the straiglit line which joins the points F, G,
cannot pass otherwise than through the point A,
that is, it must pass through A.
Wherefore, iftico circles &c. q.e.d.
H —H B'
which is absurd.
Therefore one circle cannot touch another on the outside
at more points than one.
And it has been shewn that one circle cannot touch
another on the inside at more points than one.
Wherefore, one circle &c. q.e.d.
; ;;
the centre.
Take E, the centre of the
circle ABDC; [III. 1.
and for the like reason the squares on CG, GE are equal to
the square on CE;
therefore the squares on AF, FE are equal to the squares
on CG, GE, [Axiom 1.
But the square on ^i^ is equal to the square on CG,
because AF'\s equal to CG
therefore tlie remaining square on FE is equal to the re-
maining square on GE; [Axiom 3.
and therefore the straight line EF is equal to the straight
line EG.
But straiglit lines in a circle are said to be equally distant
; ;
AB is equal
Then, because
to BB, andED to BC, [l.Dcf. 1 5.
but BE, EC are greater than BC [I. 20.
therefore DIl is greater than DG, the less than the greater
which is impossible.
Therefore no straight lino can bo drawn from the point
A between AE
and the circumference, so as not to cut the
; ;
Wherefore, the straight line &c. q.e.d.
given point
First, let the A
be without the given circle
BCD: required to draw from
it is A
a straight line, which
shall touch the given circle.
Take E, the centre of the
circle, [III. 1.
If a straight line touch a circle, and from the point of
contact a straight line he drawn at right angles to the
touching line, the centre of the circle shall he in that line.
Let the straight line DE
touch the circle ABC at C,
and from G let CA be drawn at right angles to DE: tlio
centre of the circle shall be in CA.
For, if not, if possible, let be F
the centre, and join CF.
Then, because DE touches the circle
ABC, and FC is drawn from the
centre to the point of contact, FC
is perpendicular to [III.DE ;
Bisect ^(7 at D; [T. 10.
but DA is equal to DC ;
therefore DB is equal to DC. [Axiom, 1,
; ; ;;
than a semicircle.
"Wherefore, a segment of a circle heing giten, the circle
has been described of ichich it is a segment, q.e.f.
therefore the arc BK is equal to the arc BC, [Axiom 1.
therefore the two sides BK, KG are equal to the two sides
EL, LF, each to each ;
therefore tlie two sides BK, AX' are equal to the two sides
EL, LF, each to each
Join AB\
bisect it at (7; [1. 10.
from the point C draw CD at
right angles to ^i? meeting
the arc at D. [1. 11.
The arc ADB shall be bisected
at the point D.
Join AD, DB.
Then, because AC is, equal to CB, [Construction.
the two sides AC, CD are equal to the two sides BC, CD,
each to each
But equal straight lines cut off equal arcs, the greater
equal to the greater, and the less equal to the less ; [III. 28.
and each of the arcs AD, DB is less than a semi-circum-
ference, because DC, if produced, is a diameter [III. 1. Cor.
and when the adjacent angles are equal, they are right
angles. [I. Definition 10.
Then, because the straight line EFyvlndi passes through
the centre, cuts the straight line A C, which does not pass
through the centre, at right angles, it also bisects it ; [III. 3.
therefore AFis equal to FC.
therefore the two sides DE, EF are e(iual to the two sides
DB, BF each to each ;
and the base DF'\?> common to the two triangles DEF, DBF',
therefore the angle DEF is equal to the angle DBF. [I. 8.
but CE is equal to D ;
To inscribe a circle in a given triangle.
To inscribe a square in a giccn circle.
And for the same reason BC, DC are each of them equal
to BA, or DA.
Therefore the quadrilateral figure ABCD is equilateral.
It is also rectangular.
For the straight
line BD
being a diameter of the circle
a semicircle;
is [Construction.
therefore the angle BAD
is a right angle. [III. 31.
For the same reason each of the angles ABC, BCD, A CD
is a right angle
To describe a square about a given circle.
be the given circle: it is required to
describe a square about it.
Draw two diameters AC, BD
be the
li C X
square required.
Because FG touches the circle A BCD, and EA is drawn
from the centre E
to the point of contact A, [Construction.
and therefore GF\?> equal to HK, and GHio FK. [I. 34.
It is also rectangular.
For since AEBG is a parallel ogi\am, and AEB a right angle,
therefore AGB is also a right angle. [I. 34.
To inscribe a circle in a given square.
Let A BCD be the given square: it is required to in-
scribe a circle in A BCD.
Bisect each of the sides AB,
AD at the points F, E 10. ;
To describe a circle about a given square.
Let ABCD bo the given square: it is required to
describe a circle about ABCD.
Join AC, BDj cutting one an-
other at E.
Then, because AB \s equal to
and AC \9. common to the two tri-
angles BAC, DAC;
the two sides BA, AC are equal to
the two sides Z>-4, u4(7each to each
and the base BCh equal to the base DC;
therefore the angle BACis equal to the angle DAC, [I. 8.
and therefore the angle CAD is equal to the angle CDA. [1. 5.
therefore the five arcs AB, BC, CD, DE, EA are equal to
one another.
And equal arcs are subtended by equal straight lines ;
[III. 29.
therefore the five straight lines AB, BC, CD, DE, EA are
equal to one another ;
It is also equiangular.
For, the arc AB is equal to the arc DE ;
And the angle AED stands on the arc ABCD, and the
angle BAE on the arc BCDE.
Therefore the angle AED is equal to the angle BAE. [III. 27.
Far the same reason each of the angles ABC, BCD,
CDE is equal to AED or BAE;
the angle
therefore the pentagon ABCDE equiangular. is
and the angle BFC is double of the angle CFIl^ and the
angle CFD is double of the angle CFL ;
And the right angle FCIC is equal to the right angle FCL.
Therefore in the two triangles FCK, FCL, there are two
angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to
and the side FC, which is adjacent to the equal angles in
each, is common to both
therefore their other sides are equal, each to each, and the
third angle of the one equal to the third angle of the other
therefore the straight line CK
is equal to the straight line
It is also equiangular,
to the fourth a less ratio than the first has to the second.
sake of shortness, M
is said to have to N
the ratio com-
pounded of the ratios of E
to F, G to //, and to L. K
12. In proportionals, the antecedent terms are said to
be homologous to one another as also the consequents to
one another.
Geometers make use of the following technical words,
to signify certain ways of changing either the order or the
magnitude of proportionals, so that they continue still to be
than two, and as many others, such that they are propor-
tionals wlien taken two and two of each rank, and it is
inferred, that the first is to the last of the first rank of
magnitudes, as the first is to the last of the others.
last but two is to the last but one of the second rank and ;
the third is to the fourth of the first rank, as the last but
three is to the last but two of the second rank and so on ;
1 Equimultiples of the same, or of e(]ual magnitudes,
are equal to one another.
3. A
multiple of a greater magnitude is greater than
the same multiple of a less.
If any number of magnitudes he equimultiples qf as
many, each of each; whatever multiple any one of them is
of its part, the same multiple shall all the first magni-
tudes he of all the other.
If the first he the same multiple of the second that the
third is of the fourth, and the fifth the same multiple of
the second that the sixth is of the fourth; the first toge-
ther with the fifth shall he the same multiple of the second
that the third \ogetJier with the sixth is of the fourth.
BOOK V, % 3. 139
If the first have the same ratio to the second that the
third has to the fourth, and if there he taken any equi-
; ;
BOOK V. 4. 141
Let A
the first liave to the second, the same ratio B
that C the third has to the fourth and of Dand let ; A C
there be taken anv equimultiples whatever and F, and E
of B
and D
any equimultiples whatever and H\ shall G E
have the same ratio to that has to H. G F
Take and
of E any equi- F
multiples whatever and L, K
and of G and H
any equimul-
tiples whatever and N. M
Then, because E is the same
multiple of A that F is of C,
and of E and F have been taken
equimultiples A' and Z '
' '
tiple of A that Z is of C. [V. 3. L F c B H
For the same reason, 3/ is the
same multiple of ^ that is of D. N
And because yl is to ^ as G
is to i), [HifpotJicsis.
and of A
and C
have been taken
certain equimultiples and Z, K
and of B
and D
have been taken
certain equimultiples ]\f and N j
therefore if K
be greater than G, L is greater than H\ and
if equal,equal and if less, less.
; [V. Definition 5.
If one m.agnitude he the same multiple of another that
a magnitude taken from, the first is of a magnitude taken
from the other, the remainder shall he the same multiple
of the remainder that the ichole is of the whole.
Let AB
\)Q the same multiple of 6'Z>, that taken AE
from the first, is of CF taken from the other the remain- :
of CD;
therefore EG is equal to AB. [V. Axiom 1.
BOOK V. 5, 6. 143
Jf the first of four magnitudes have the same ratio to
the second that the tJiird has to the fourth, then, if the first
he greater than the second, the third shall also he greater
than the fourth, and if equal equal, and if less less.
Take any equimultiples of each of them, as the doubles
of each.
Then if the double of the first be greater than the double
of the second, the double of the third is greater than the
double of the fourth. [V. Definition 5.
But if the first be greater than the second, the double of
the first is greater than the double of the second
; ; ;
BOOK V. A, B. 145
If four magnitudes he projmrtioiials, they shall also be
2)ro2)ortionals ichen taken inversely.
Let A be to B as C
is to Z> : then also, inversely, B
shall be to A as D is to C.
But andE F
are any equimultiples whatever of B
and i), and G and // arc any equinuiltiples whatever of A
and C; [Comtruction.
therefore B is to .^4 as Z> is to 0. [V. Dffinitim 5.
Wherefore, if fur mnriiiifurl'n kc. q.k.p.
; ; ; ; ::
If the first he the same inultvple of the second, or the
same part of it, that the third is of the fourth, the first
shall he to the second as the third is to the fourth.
BOOK V. D, 7. 147
If the first
he to the second as the third is to the fourth,
and if the first he a multiple, or a j^art, of the second, the
third shall he the same multiple, or the same part, of tha
Let yl be to ^ as C is to D.
And first, let A be a multiple of ^:
C shall be the same luiiltiple of D.
Take E
equal to A and what- ;
and of B
the second and the D A 13 c D
fourth have been taken equimultiples E f
E and F; [CcHJStruction.
therefore yl is to Z^ as (7 is to
F. [V. 4, Corollary.
But A is equal to E; [Comtruction.
therefore C is equal to F. [V. A
And F is the same multiple of
D tliat A is of i^ ;
therefore G is D that A is of B.
the same multiple of
Xext, ^ be a part oi B: C shall be the same part of Z).
For, because A is to B as C is to D [Hypothesis. ;
Equal magnitudes have the same ratio to the same
magnitude ; and the same has the same ratio to equid
Let A and B be equal magnitudes, and C any other
magnitude each of the magnitudes A and B shall have
Then, because D
is the same mul-
tiple of A that E is of i?, {Construction.
and that -4 is equal to B ;
therefore D is equal to E. [V. ^a;tom 1.
Therefore if D
be greater than F, El's, B
E _
greater than i^; and if equal, equal; C F
and if less, less.
But D
and E are any equimultiples
whatever of A and B, and is any F
multiple "whatever of C ;
therefore A is to Cas i? is to C. [V. i)f/. 5.
Therefore if F be
greater than D, is greater than F E ;
Of unequalmagnitudes^ the greater has a greater
ratio to the the less has; and the same mag-
same than
nitude has a greater ratio to the less than it has to tJie
Let AB
and BC
be unequal magnitudes, of which AB
is the greater; and let D
be any other magnitude what-
ever : AB
shall have a greater ratio to than has D BG
to D and
; D
shall have a greater ratio to than it BC
lias to AB.
BOOK V. 8. 110
multiple of D
which is next
less than L.
Therefore AB
has to D a greater ratio F
than BGhas to D. [A'. Definition 7.
Magnitudes which have the same ratio to the same
maffnitude, are equal another ; and those to which
to o?ie
the same magnitude has the same ratio, are equal to one
BOOK V. 9. 151
let D and B
be the equimultiples
of A and B, and tlie multiple F
of so that
; is greater than D B
F, but B
is not greater than F.
and that F
the nmltiple of the first is greater than B the
multiple of the second, [Constructio}i.
therefore F
the multiple of the third is greater than D
the multiple of the fourth, [V, Definition 5.
let D
and E
be the equimultiples of
A and B, and the multiple of (7;
so that Z> is greater than E, but E
is not greater than E;
therefore E is greater than E.
And because andD E
are equimultiples of A and B, and
that E
is greater than E,
G H K-
A c E-
B D F-
L m: _ X-
equal, equal
G be greater than L,
H is greater than M ;
therefore if H
be gi-eater than M, is greater than N\ K
and if equal, equal and if less, less.
; [V. Definition 5.
a •
B D-
M N-
and K
is greater than N
and if equal, equal and if less,
; ;
[V. Definition 5.
Therefore, if G
be greater than L, then G, H, K together
are greater than Z, il/, N
together and ; if equal, equal
and if less, less.
and L, and L, M, N
together are any equimultiples what-
ever of B, and B, L>, F together. [V. 1.
A /-<
C/ E
N . jr
For, because C lias a greater ratio to than has to F, D E
there are some equimultiples of C and E, and some equi-
multiples of D
and F, such that the multiple of C is greater
than the nuiltiple of Z>, but the multiple of is not greater E
than the multiple of F. [V. Definition 7.
Let such multiples be taken, and let G and H be the equi-
multiples of C and E, and and K L the equimultiples of
D and F ;
so that G
is greater than A", but is not greater than L. H
And whatever multiple G is of (7, take the same mul- M
tiple of A and whatever multiple
; is of Z), take the K N
same multiple of B.
Then, because ^-i is to B as Cis to D, [HiipothesU.
A B C D A B C D A Ji C D
But A is to jS as C is to D. [Hypothesis.
Therefore C has to Z> a greater ratio than C has to B. [V. 13.
of two magnitudes, that to which the same has the
greater ratio is the less. [V. 10.
Therefore Z> is less than B ; that B is greater than Z>.
Let AB
be the same multiple of C that DB is of F:
C shall be to as F
is to BB. AB
For, because ^J5 is the same multiple of C that DB is
of i*^, [Ili/pothcsis.
Therefore as C is to i^ so is AB to DB.
"Wherefore, magnitudes &c. q.e.d.
Let A, B, C, D
he four magnitudes of the same kind
whicli are proportionals namely, as ;is to i? so let be ^ C
to D: they shall also be proportionals when taken alter-
nately, that is, A
shall be to as is to L>.C B
E — c
Take of A and B any equimultiples -whatever E and F,
and of C and Z> any equimultijDles whatever G and II.
Then, because E is the same multiple of A that is of F
B, and that magnitudes have the same ratio to one another
that their equimultiples have; [V. 15.
therefore A is to B as E is to F.
But E and F
are any equimultiples whatever of A and
B, and G and // are any equimultiples whatever of G
and D. [Construction.
Therefore A is to C as B is to D. [V. Definition 5.
Wherefore^ iffour magnitudes &c. Q.E.D.
But if GH
be greater than XX, G A C
then, by adding the common mag-
nitude HK to both, GX is greater
than HX
therefore also LN is greater than MP ;
CD is to DF.
Take of A B, BE, CD, DF any equimultiples whatever
and, again, of BE, DF take any equimultiples whatever
Then, because KO and NP are equimultiples of BE
and DF, and that KH and iVil/ are also equimultiples of
BE and DF ; [Coj^s^ri/c^ion.
the remainders HO
and il/P are either equal to BE and
DF, or are equimultiples of them. [V. 6.
HO and MP
Suppose that O
arc equal toBE and Z>i^.
Then, because AE is to ^^ H
as CF is to jPZ>, [Hypothesis. P
and that G^A'' and XiV are
cquimultiiiles of AE and Ci^;
therefore G^A'is to EB as LN N
is to /Y>. [V. 4, Cor.
But /?^(9 is equal to BE, and
it//Ms equal to i>/^; [JInp.
therefore GKis to /TO as LN G
is to JfP.
; ;
if less, less ;
[V. Definition 5.
\\hich was likewise shewn on
the preceding supposition. G A
But GH ho greater than KO, then by taking the com-
mon magnitude KH from both, GK greater than HO is
But GH
and LM
are any equimultiples whatever of AB
and CD, and KO and NP
are any equimultiples whatever
of BE and DF, [Construction.
therefore, alternately,
EB is to FD as B b
^^ is to CF. [V. 16.
But AE is to CF as AB is to CD ;
hto FD asvli?isto CD. [V.ll.
therefore ^i?
Wherefore, if a whole &c. q.e.d.
Corollary. If the whole be to the whole as a mag-
nitude taken from the first is to a magnitude taken from
the other, the remainder shall be to the remainder as the
magnitude taken from the first is to the magnitude taken
from the other. The demonstration is contained in the
Iffour magnitudes he pi^oportionals, they shall also he
pi'ojyortiojialshy conversion ; that is, the first shall he to
its e.vcess ahove the second as the third is to its excess above
the fourth.
therefore, by division, AE is to EB as C
CF is to FD; [V. 17.
and, by inversion, EB is to AE as FD F
is to CF. [V. B.
Therefore, bv composition, AB is to AE
as CDis to (7/: [V. 18.
"Wherefore, if/our magn itudes &c. q.e.d. B D
therefore A
has to Ba greater ratio than
(7 has to i?. [V. 8.
But A is to B as D is to E; [Ift/potlicsis.
therefore D
has to E a greater ratio than
C has to B. [V. 13.
And because i? C as
is to E is to F, [Il>/p. A B
therefore, l)v inversion, C
is to i? as jP is d E
to E. [V. n.
And it was shewn that D has to jE" a
greater ratio than C has to B ;
than C lias
E has to i^ a greater ratio
to B. [V. 13. ABC
And because i? is to C as Z> is
D F> F
to E, [Hypothesis.
therefore, by mversion, (7 is to i? as
E is to D. [V. B.
shall be equal to F.
For, because yl is equal to C, and B
isany other magnitude,
But ^ is to i? as ^
A is to 7? as
C is
to i^
to i?. [V. 7. ABC
D E I^
and C is to ^ as ^ is to D ;
[Hyp. V. ^.
thereforeE is to /^ as E is to i> ;
[V. 11.
and therefore D is equal to F. [V. 9.
therefore A is to B as G is
And, for the same reason,
Ei^io Fas M is to N.
Then since there are three magnitudes G, II, L, and
other three K^ M, N, -which have the same ratio, taken two
and two in a cross order
therefore if G
be greater than L, K is greater than N\ and
if equal,equal ; and if less, less. [V. 21.
Let AB the
first have to C the second the same ratio
wiiich Di: the
third has to F
the fourth and let the ;
fifth have to C the second the same ratio Avliich UJl the
sixth has to F
the fourth AG, the first and fiftli togetlier,
shall have to C the second the same ratio which Ul/, the
third and sixth together, has to the fourth. F
For, because BG is to C as FH
is to F, [Ilyjiothesis. G
therefore, by inversion. C is to BG H
as Fis to F/I. [V. i>'.
And because AB is to C as DF is
to F, [Jlifpothasis. B
and a is toBG as i^is to FH; E-
therefore, ex a^quali, AB is to BG
as DF is to FH. [V. 22.
And, because these magnitudes are
proportionals, they are also proper- J^ D F
tionals when taken jointly [V. 18. ;
therefore AB is to CD AG sis
1. Similar rectilineal
Triangles and parallelograms of the same altitude are
to one another as their bases.
Let the triangles ABC, A CD, and the parallelograms
EC, CF have the same altitude, namely, the perpendicular
drawn from the point A to BD as the base BC is to the
base CDand the triangle ACD, the second and the fourth,
any equinmltiples whatever have been taken, namely, the
base CL and the triangle CL A ;
; ; ; ;
and since it has been shewn that if the base IFC be greater
than the base CL, the triangle A I/O is grreater than the
triangle A CL ; and if equal, equal ; and if less, less
and that magnitudes have the same ratio Avhich their equi-
nuiltiples [Y. 15.
therefore the parallelogram EC
is to the parallelogram CE
as the triangle ABCis to the triangle ACD.
If a straiffht lijie he drawn parallel to one of the sides
of a triangle, it shall cut the other sides, or those sides
produced, proportionalltj ; and if the sides, or the sides
produced, he cut j^roportionallg, the straight line ichich
joins the points of section, shall he jyarallel to the rc-
maining side of the triangle.
Let DE be drawn parallel to BC, one of the sides of
the triangle ABC: BD shall be to DA as CE is to EA.
If the vertical angle of a triangle he bisected by a straight
linewhich also cuts the base, the segments of the base shall
have the same ratio ichich the other sides of the triangle
have to and if the segments of the base have
one another ;
the same
ratio which the other sides of the triangle have to
one another, the straight line draicnfrom the vertex to the
point of section shall bisect the vertical angle.
Let ABC be a triangle, and let the angle BAC be
bisected bv the straight line AD, "which meets the at
D: BD shall be to DC as BA is to ^6'.
Through C draw CE
parallel to DA, [I. 31.
; ; ;
and therefore AC is
equal to AE. [I. 6.
And, because AD is
parallel to EC, [Constr.
one of the sides of the
triangle BCE,
therefore BD is to DC as BA is to AE [VI. 2.
and therefore the angle AEC is equal to the angle A CE. [1. 5.
But the angle -4 ^C is equal to the exterior angle 5^ Z>; [1.29.
andthe angle ^(7^ is equal to the alternate angle CJ Z> [1.29. ;
Jf the exterior angle of a triangle, made by producing
one of its sides, be bisected by a straight line which also
cuts the base produced, the segmods between the dividing
straight line and the extremities of the base shall have the
same ratio which the other sides of the triangle have to
one another ; and if the segments of the base 2)roduced
hare the same ratio which the other sides qf the triangle
have to one another, the straight line drawn from the
vertex to the point of section shall bisect the exterior angle
of the triangle.
Let ABC be a triangle, and let one of its sides BA be
Eroduccd to E and let the exterior angle CAE be
meeting AB at F.
Then, because the
straight line
the parallels AD,
angle A CF is
FC, the
equal to the
but the angle DAEh^a been shewn equal to the angle ^Ci^;
therefore the angle ^Ci^is equal to the angle AFC; [Ax. 1.
and therefore Ada equal to AF. [I. 6.
and therefore the angle A CFis equal to the angle AFC. [1. 5.
that is, the angle CAE is bisected by the straight line AD.
"Wherefore, if the exterior angle &c. q.e.d.
The sides about the equal angles of triangles which are
equiangular to one another are proportionals ; and those
which are opx)osite to the eciual angles are homologous sides,
that is, are the antecedents or the conseciuents of the ratios.
J5^(7equal to the angle CDE\ the sides about the equal angles
of the triangles ABC, DCE,
shall be proportionals ; and
those shall be the homolo-
gous sides, which are oppo-
site to the equal angles.
therefore the two angles ABGy BCA are equal to the two
angles ABC, CED ;
lAxiom 2.
but the angles ABC, BCA are together less than two
right angles; [I. 17.
therefore BA
and ED, if produced, ^vill meet. \Axioni 12.
Let them be produced and meet at the point F.
Then, because the angle ABC is equal to the angle
DCE, [Hypothesis.
BF is parallel to CD ;
[I. 28.
and because the angle ACB is equal to the angle DEC, [Hyp.
AC\^ parallel to FE. [I. 28.
but FD is equal to AC
therefore BC is to CE as AC is to DE ;
[V. 7.
If the sides of two about earJi of their angles,
he proportionals, the triauijles shall be equiauffular to one
another, and shall hare those angles equal which areopposite
to the homologous sides.
; ; ;
therefore DE is to EF as GE is to EF ;
[V. 11.
For the same reason, the angle ACB is equal to the angle
DFE, and the angle at A is equal to the angle at Z>.
Therefore the triangle ABC is equiangular to the triangle
^YhcvGforc, if the sides &c. q.e.d.
But BA to
is^(7 as ED to DF; is [Hiipothesis.
therefore ED to DF as GD
is to DF is \
[V. 11.
If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one
angle of the other, and the sides about ttco other angles
proportionals; then, if each of the remaining angles be
either less, or not less, than a right angle, or if one of
them be a right angle, the triangles shall be equiangular
to one another, and shall have those angles equal about
which the sides are proiyortionals.
Let the triangles ABC, DEF
have one angle of the
one equal to one angle of the other, namely, the angle
BA C equal to the angle EDF, and the sides about two
other angles ABC, DEF, pro])ortionals, so that is to AB
BC as DE is to EF and, first, let each of the remaining
angles at C and F
be less than a right angle the triangle :
BOOK VL 7. 185
have the angle ABC equal to the angle DBF, and the
angle at C equal to the angle at F.
For, the angles ^i? (7,
DBF be not equal, one of
them must be greater than
the other.
Let ABC be the greater,
and at the point B, in the
straight line AB^ make the
angle ABG equal to the angle DBF. [I. 23.
But AB BC as DE is to EF;
is to [Hypotkesis.
therefore BC is equal to BG ;
[V. 9.
and therefore the angle BCG is equal to the angle BGC [I. 5.
But the angle BCG is not less than a right angle [Hyp. ;
that is, two angles of the triangle BCG arc together equal
In a right-angled triayigle, if a perpendicular he draion
from the right angle to the base, the triangles on each side
of it are similar to the whole triangle, and to one anotlier.
be a right-angled triangle, having the right
angle BAC; and from the point A, let AD
be drawn per-
pendicular to the base BC\ the triangles DBA, DAG
shall be similar to the whole triangle ABC, and to one
For, the angle BAC
is equal
to the angle BDA, each of them
being a right angle, \_Axiom 11.
and the angle at B
is common to
the two triangles xiBC, DBA ;
DBA, and the sides about their equal angles are propor-
tionals ;
[VI. 4.
From a given straight line to cut off any part required.
Let AB\iQ the given straight line
it isrequired to cut off any part from it.
From the point A draw a straight
line AC, making any angle with AB\
va.AC take any point Z>, and take A (7 the
same multiple of AD, that is of the AB
part be cut off from it ; join
"SYhich is to
BC, and draw DE
parallel to it. AE
shall be the part required to be cut oflf.
For, because EI> is parallel to BC, [Construction.
one of the sides of the triangle ABC,
therefore CD is to I>A as BE is to EA ;
[VI. 2.
Let AB, AC
be the two given straight lines: it is re-
quired to find a third proportional to A 13, AC
Let AB, AC
be placed so
as to contain any angle produce ;
Let AB. BC
be equal parallelograms, which have the
angle FBD
equal to the angle EBG
the sides of the
shall be to AD as EA is to AB.
Let the triangles be placed so
that the sides GA, may bo AD
in the same straight line,
BOOK VI. 15, 16. 103
join BD.
Then, because the triangle ABC is equal to the trian-
gle ylZ)i7, [Hypothesis.
contained by A
and C is
equal to the rectangle contained by B and D.
But if the rectangle contained by the extremes be equal
to the rectangle contained by the means, the four straight
lines are proportionals [VI. 16.
therefore^ is to i? as 2) is to G.
But B is equal to D ;
Therefore yl is to ^ as i? is to G. [V. 7.
but BH to BL as DE
is to DK; is [VI. 4.
then A B
has to 3/ the duplicate ratio of that which AB
has to FG. [V. Definition 10.
and this was shewn before for triangles. [VI. 19, Corollary.
AVherefore, universally, if three straight lines be propor-
tionals, as the first is to the third, so is any rectilineal
figure described on the first to a similar and similarly
described rectilineal figui*e on the second.
A is equiangular to
C, and A and C have
their sides about the
equal angles propor-
tionals. [VI. Def. 1.
Again, because B is
similar to 6', [//'//».
and A and B have their sides about the equal angles pro-
portionals; [V. 11.
therefore the figure A is similar to the figure B. [VI. Def. 1.
and ^5 is to CD as CD is to X; [Construction.
and EF to GH as GH is to
is ;
CD is to X as GH is to 0.
therefore [V. 11.
But as ylZ? to X, so
is is the rectilineal figure KAB to
the rectilineal figure LCD ;
[VI. 20, Corollary 2.
and as EF to 0, so
is is the rectilineal figure MF to the
rectilineal figure NH [VI. 20, Corollary 2.
be a parallelogram, of which \s a AC
diameter and let
; and EG HK
be parallelograms about
the diameter: the parallelograms and EG
shall be HK
similar both to the whole parallelogram and to one another.
For, because DC and
GF are parallels, A E B
the angle ADC is equal \ 7 7
to the angle AGF. [I. 29. r. /
And because i?(7and EF I 1^
are parallels, / /
the angle ABC
is equal
to the angle yi^i^. [1.29.
And each of the angles
BCD and EFG is equal to the opposite angle BAD, [1. 34.
therefore AB is to AD as AE is to AG,
and Z>C is to GF is to FE,
CB as
and CD is to DA as FG is to GA. [V. 7.
Therefore the sides of the parallelograms A BCD and
AEFG about their equal angles are proportional,
and the parallelograms are therefore similar to one an-
other. [VI. Definition 1.
For the same reason the
parallelogram A BCD is
A _E B
similar to the parallelogram
Therefore each of the pa-
rallelograms EGand HK
is similar to BD ;
therefore the figure is to the figure
rallclogi-am BEis to the parallelogram CM. [V. 11.
that is, GA has the same ratio to each of the straight lines
AK and AE,
and therefore AKis equal to AE, [V. 9.
Let ^^
be the given straight line: it is required to cut
it inextreme and mean ratio.
Divide AB
at the point C, so
thatthe rectangle contained by =^
may be C(pial to the square O ±J
on AC. [11.11.
Then, because the rectangle AB, BC is equal to the
square on AC, [Coiistrncliou.
and inversely, as BD
is to BC so is the figure described
on BA to tliat described on CB. [V. B.
In the same manner, as CD is to CB so is the figuro
described on CA to the similar figure described on CB.
Therefore as BD
and CD together are to CB so are the
figures described on BA and CA together to the figure
described on CB. [V. 2i.
But BD and CD together are equal to CB ;
and that of the arc BC
and of the angle have been BGC
taken any equimultiples whatever, namely, the arc and BL
the angle BGL ;
therefore the angle ^XCis equal to the angle COK. [III. 27.
and if the arc BL be greater than the arc EN^ the sector
BGL is greater than the sector EHN; and if less, less.
Therefore, since there are four magnitudes, the two
arcs BC, EF, and the two sectors BGC. EHF;
^X c
If the vortical angle of a triartglehe bisected hy a straight
line ichirh likewise cuts the base, the rectangle contained
by the sides of the triangle is equal to the rectangle con-
tained by the segments of the base, together tcith the square
on the straight line which bisects the angle.
be a triangle, and let the angle be BAG
bisected by the straight lino AD
the rectangle BA, : AC
shall be equal to the rectangle BDy i)6', together with the
square on AD.
Describe the circle ACB
about the triangle, [IV. 5.
and produce AD
to meet the
circumference at E, R^
and join EC.
Then, because the angle
BAD is equal to the angle
EA C, [IIyj)oth esis.
rectangle ED, DA is equal to the rectangle
^^' ^^ 5
[III. 35.
thprefore the rectangle BA, AC
equal to the rectangle is
HD. DC, together with the square on AD.
Wherefore, if the vertical angle &c. q.e.d.
If from the vertical angle of a triangle a straight line
he dr axon perpendicular to the base, the rectangle contained
hy the sides of the triangle is equal to the rectangle con-
tained by the 2yer2?endicular and the diameter of the circle
described about the triangle.
ABC be
Let a triangle, and let he the perpen-AD
dicular from the angle A to the base the rectangleBC :
The rectangle contained by the diagonals of a quadri-
lateral figure inscribed in a circle is equal to both the
rectangles contained by its opposite sides.
11. Similar solid figures are such as have all their solid
angles equal, each to each, and are contained by the same
number of similar planes.
12. A pyramid is a solid figure contained by planes
which are constructed between one plane and one point
above it at which they meet.
13. A
prism is a solid figure contained by plane figures,
of which two that are opposite are equal, similar, and par-
allel to one another and the others are parallelograms.
18. A
cone is a solid figure described by the revolution
of a right-angled triangle about one of the sides containing
the right angle, which side remains fixed.
21. A
cylinder is a solid figure described by the revo-
lution of a right-angled parallelogram about one of its sides
"which remains fixed.
26. A
tetrahedron is a solid figure contained by four
equal and equilateral triangles.
A. A
parallelepiped is a solid figure contained by six
quadrilateral figures, of which every opposite two are
One part of a straight line cannot he in a plane, and
another part without it.
If it be possible, let AB, part of the straight lino
ABC^ be in a plane, and the part BC
without it.
Two straight lines ichich cut one another are in one
plane; and three straight lines which meet one another
are in one plane.
If two jylanes cut one another their common section
is a straight line.
Let two planes AB, EG cut one another, and let BD
be their common section : BD shall be a straight line.
If it be not, from B to Z), draw
in the plane AB
the straight line
BED^ and in the plane the BG
straight line BED. [Postulate 1.
If a straight line stand at right angles to each of two
straight lines at the point of their intersection, it shall
also he at right angles to the plane ichich passes through
them, that is, to the jjlane in which they are.
BOOK XL 4. 225
And the angle AEG is equal to the angle BEH\ [I. 15.
Again, since it has been shewn that the two sides FA,
AG are e<iual to the two sides FB, BH, each to each,
and that the angle FAG is equal to the angle FBIl
therefore the base FG is equal to the base FH. [T. 4.
and the base FG has been shewn ecjual to the base FH;
tlierefore the angle FEG is e(]ual to the angle FEII. [I. 8.
; ;
If three straight lines meet all at one point, and a
straight line stand at right angles to each of them at that
point, the three straight lines shall he in one and the saine
Let the straight line AB stand at right angles to each
of the straight lines BG, BD, BE, at B the point where
they meet : BC, BD, BE shall be in one and the same
For, if not, let, if possible,
BD and BE be in one plane,
and ^(7 without let a plane it ;
BOOK XL G. 227
If t ICO straight lines he at right angles to the same plane,
they shall he jmrallel to one another.
Let the straight hues AB, CD be at right angles to the
same plane AB shall be parallel to CD.
and the angle ABD i.s equal to the angle EDB, each of
them being a right angle ;
[Axiom 11.
therefore the base AD equal to the base EB. is [I. 4.
AB h equal to ED,
Again, because [Consti'uclion.
therefore the two sides AB, BE arc equal to the two sides
ED, DA, each to each
and the base AE is common to the two triangles ABE,
therefore ED
is at right angles to
each of the three straight lines BD,
AD, CD, at the point at which
they meet
therefore these three straight lines
are all in the same plane. [XI. 5.
But AB is in the plane in which
are BD, DA ;
[XI. 2.
If two straight lines he X)arallel, the straight line drawn
from any point to any jjoiut in the other, is in the
in one
same plane icith the imrallels.
Iftico straight lines he parallel, and one of tliem he at
right angles to a /ylane, the other also shall he at right
angles to the same plane.
Let AB, CD be
two parallel straight lines; and let one
of tlieni AB beat right angles to a plane: the other CjL>
shall be at right angles to the same plane.
Let AB, CD meet the plane
at the points B, D ;
join BD •
straight lines which are each of them parallel to
the same straight line, and not in the same i)lane with it,
are parallel to one another.
Let AB
and CD be each of them parallel to EF, and
not in the same plane with it
AB shall be parallel to CD.
In EF take any point G ; in
the plane passing through EF
and A B, draw fi-om G the straight
line GH at right angles to EF;
and through
in the plane passing
EF and CD, draw from G the
BOOK XL 9, 10. 231
Let the two straight lines AB, BC, which meet one an-
other, be parallel to the two straiglit lines DE, EF, which
meet one another, and are not in the same plane with
AB, BC\ the angle ABC
shall be equal to the angle DEF.
and from the point A draw yli^ perpendicular to DE. [1. 12.
one another.
For, if not, they ^vill meet one
Smother when produced
let them meet, then their com-
mon section will be a straight
let GH be tliis straiglit line ; in
it take any point A", and join
Then, because AB is, perpen-
dicular to the plane EF^ [Hyp.
perpendicular to the straight
it is
line BK
which is in that
plane ;
[XI. Definition 8.
therefore the angle ^^A'is a right ang^e.
For the same reason the angle BAK a right angle.
through G draw GH
parallel to
ED, and (? A^parallel to EF. [1.31.
Then, because is per- BG
pendicular to the plane passing
through DE, EF, [Comtimction.
in that plane ;
[XI. Definition 3.
but the straight lines GH and GK meet it, and are in that
plane ;
therefore BA is parallel to GH ;
[XI. 9.
that plane.
third plane.
Fur, if not, from the point D,
draw the plane BA, the straight
line DEat right angles to AD,
the common section of the plane
BA with the third plane; [1. 11.
and from the point Z>, draw" in tlie
j)lane BC,
the straight line at DF
right angles to CD, the common
section of the plane BC
with the
third plane. [I. 11.
But the angle BAG is not less than cither of the angles
therefore the angle BAG
together with either of the other
angles is greater than the third.
Wherefore, (fa solid angle &c. q.e.d.
therefore all the angles of the triangles are equal to nil the
angles of the polygon, together with four right angles. {Ax. 1.
But it has been shewn that all the angles at the bases
of the triangles are together greater than all the angles of
the polygon
therefore the remaining angles of the triangles, namely,
those at the vertex, which contain the solid angle at A, are
together less than four right angles.
^Vherefore, every solid angle &c. q.e.d.
And if only the halves be taken away, the same thing may
in the same way be demonstrated.
Similar pohjgons inscrihed in circles are to one another
a^ the squares on their diameters.
Let ABCDE, FGHKL be two circles, and in them
the similar polygons ABCDE, and let FGHKL; BM,
GN ho the diameters of the circles: the polygon ABCDE
shall be to the polygon FGHKL
as the square on BM is
to the square on GM.
and BA AE as GF to FL.
\%io [VI. Definition
is 1.
Circles are to one another as the squares on their
Let A BOD, EFGII be two and BD, their
circles, FH
diameters the circle : ABOD be to the circle
shall EFGH
as the square on BD is to the square on FIT.
that the same angle may be greater than one right angle, and
less than another right angle, that is, obtuse and acute at the
same time.
The definition of a square assumes more than is necessary.
For if a four-sided figure have all its sides equal and one angle a
right angle, it may be shewn that all its angles are right angles
or if a four-sided figure have all its angles equal, it may be shewn
that they are all right angles.
Postulates. The postulates state what processes we assume
that we can effect, namely, that we can draw a straight line
between two given points, that we can produce a straight line to
any length, and that we can describe a circle from a given centre
with a given distance as radius. It is sometimes stated that the
postulates amount to requiring the use of a rider and compasses.
It must however be obsei-ved that the ruler is not supposed to
be a graduated ruler, so that we cannot use it to measure oflF
assigned lengths. And we do not require the compasses for any
other process than describing a circle from a given point with a
given distance as radius in other words, the compasses may be
the original Greek. They are objectionable, because lines and
angles are magnitudes to which the axiom may be applied, but
they cannot be said to fill space.
On the method of superposition we may refer to papers by
Professor Kelland in the Transactions of the Royal Society of
Edinburgh, Vols. xxi. and xxiil.
The eleventh axiom is not required before T. 14, and the
twelfth axiom is not required before I. 79 we shall not consider
lines coincide in two points they must coincide both beyond and
between those points.
I. I •2. Here the straight line is said to be of unlimited length,
in order that we may ensure that
shall meet the circle.
therefore the angle FFG coincides with the angle BAC, and is
equal to it.
I. I. 19.
1 8, In order to assist the student in remembering
which of these two propositions is demonstrated directly and which
indirectly, it may be observed that the order is similar to that
in I. 5 and I. 6.
conscious of this.
to consider, for F
may fall on EG, or above EG, or heloio EG. It
may be objected that even if >Simson's condition be added, it
ought to be shewn that F
wiU fall heloxv EG. Simson accordingly
says " is very easy to perceive, that DG being equal to DF,
the point G is in the circumference of a circle described from the
centre Dat the distance BF, and must be in that part of it
which is above the straight line EF, because DG
falls above DF,
the angle EDG being greater than the angle EDF:' Or we may
shew it in the following manner. Let H
denote the point of
intersection of DF
and EG. Then, the angle DHG is greater
than the angle DEG, by I. 16; the angle DEG is not less than
the angle DGE, by I. 19; therefore the angle DHG is greater
than the angle DGH. Therefore DH
is less than DG, by I. 20.
Therefore DH
is less than DF.
In the second case also the triangles are not necessarily equal,
as may he shewn by an example; in the figure of I. 11, suppose
the straight line FB drawn; then in the two triangles FBE,
FBD, the side FD and the angle FBC are common, and the side
FE is equal to the side FD, but
the triangles are not equal in
all respects. In certainhowever, the triangles will be
equal in all respects, as will be seen from a proposition which
we shall now demonstrate.
If tico triangles have iivo sides of the one equal to two sides of
ike other, each to each, and the angles opposite to a pair of equal
sides equal; then if the angles ojiposite to the other pair of equal
sides be both a^ute, or both obtuse, or if one of them he a right
angle, the tico triangles are equal in all respects.
Let A BC and DEF be
two triangles let A B ; be
equal to DE, and BC equal
to EF, and the angle A
equal to the angle D.
First, suppose the angles
C and F acute angles.
If the angle B
be equal to the angle E, the triangles A BC,
DEF are equal in by I. 4. If the angle B be not
all respects,
equal to the angle E, one of them must be greater than the
other suppose the angle B greater than the angle E, and make
and DEFare not unequal ; that is, they are equal. Therefore
the triangles ABC, DEF
are equal in all respects, by I. 4.
If the angles A and D
are both right angles, or both obtuse,
the angles C and F
must be both acute, by I. 17. If is less ^^
than BC, and DE
less than EF, the angles at C and must be F
both acute, by I. 18 and I. 17.
and one pair of right angles is equal to any other pair of right
angles. Then, by I. 32, the three angles of one triangle are
together equal to the three angles of any other triangle. Then,
by Axiom 2, the sum of the two angles of one triangle is equal to
the sum of the two equal angles of the other and then, by Axiom 3, ;
away the triangle DOE from each; then the figure is ABGD
equal to the figure EGCF\ add the triangle GBC to each; then
the parallelogram A BCD is equal to the parallelogram EBCF.
In the right-hand figure we have the triangle AEB equal to the
triangle DEC add the figure BE
\ DC
to each then the parallel-
divided into pairs of pieces admitting of superposition and coin-
cidence see also his Preface, page x.
of tu-o equal straight lines is equal to four times the square described
on one of the tu-o equal straight lines.
II. 5 and II. 6 may be included in one enunciation thus ; the
rectangle under the sum and difference of two straight lines is equal
to the difference of the squares described on those straight lines;
or thus, the rectangle contained by tu-o straight liyies together with
the square described on half their difference, is equal to the square
described on half their sum.
II. 7 may be enunciated thus; tJie square described on a
straight line which is the difference of two other straight lines is less
than the sum of the squares described on those straight lines by
twice the rectangle contained by those straight lines. Then from this
and II. 4, and the second Axiom, we infer tha,t the square described
on the sum of tico and the square described on
straight lines,
their difference, are together double of the sum of the squares
described on the straight lines; and this enunciation includes both
II. 9 and II, lo, so that the demonstrations given of these pro-
positions by Euclid might be superseded.
II. 8 coincides with the second form of enunciation which we
have given to II. 5 and II. 6, bearing in mind the particular case
of II. 4 which we have noticed.
II. I r. When the student is acquainted with the elements of
Algebra he should notice that II. 1 1 gives a geometrical con-
struction for the solution of a particular quadratic equation.
II. 12, II. 13. These are interesting in connexion with I. 47 ;
and, as the student may see hereafter, they are of great import-
ance in Trigonometry ; they are however not required in any of
the parts of Euclid's Elements which are usually read. The
converse of I. 47 is proved in I. 48; and we can easily shew that
converses of II. 12 and II. 13 are true.
Take the following, which is the converse of II. 12; if the
square described on one side of a triangle be greater than t/ie sum
of the squares described on the other tico sides, the angle opposite
to the first side is obtuse.
For the angle cannot be a right angle, since the square de-
scribed on the first side would then be equal to the sum of the
angles, &c. and he gives only the first case in the demonstration.
Next, suppose AC
perpendicular to BC. A
Then BC is the straight Hue intercepted be-
tween the perpendicular and the acute angle
at B.
And the square on A B is equal to the squares
on AC, CB. [I. 47-
E ',
this assumes that D is within the circle, which Euclid demon-
strates in III. 1.
III. 3. This consists of two parts, each of which is the con-
verse of the other ;and the whole proposition is the converse of
the corollary in III. i.
only Uco, which are equal to one another, one on each side of the
greatest line.
The first two parts of this proposition are contained in
III. 15 ;
three parts might be demonstrated in the manner of
the point K
be supposed to fall on the circumference of the circU*
DEF we obtain a contradiction of the proposition which we
have enunciated at the end of the note on III. 7 and III. S ;
which is absurd.
What isdemonstrated in III. 10 is that the circumferences of
two circles cannot have more than two common points there is ;
nothing in the demonstration which assumes that the cu-cles cut one
another, but the enunciation refers to this case only because
it is shewn in III. 13 that if two circles touch one another,
figure of that case ought not to have been omitted but the ;
construction in the Greek text would not have suited with this
figure so well, because the centres of the circles must have been
placed near to the circumferences; on which account another
construction and demonstration is given, which is the same with
the second part of that which Campanus has translated from the
Arabic, where, without any reason, the demonstration is divided
into two parts."
It would not be obvious from this note which figure Simson
himself supplied, because it is uncertain what he means by the
"same side" and "opposite sides." It is the left-hand figure
in the first part of the demonsti-ation. Euclid, however, set-ms
to be quite correct in omitting this figure, because he has shewn
in III. 1 1 that if two circles touch internally there cannot be a
point of contact out of the direction of the straight line which
joins the centres. Thus, in order to shew that there is only one
point of contact, it is sufficient to put the second supposed point
of contact ou the direction of the straight line which joins the
two circles which touch cannot have any arc common to both
circumferences. But it is shewn in III. lo that this is impos-
sible Walker appears to have supposed that III. lo is limited to
the case of circles which cat. See the note on III. 10.
III. 17. It is obvious from the construction in III. 17 that
tiL'o straight lines ^an be drawn from a given external point to
touch a given circle and these two straight lines are equal in
length and equally inclined to the straight line which joins the
given external point with the centre of the given circle.
After l-eading III. 31 the student will see that the problem
in III. 17 may be solved in another way, as follows: describe a
circle on AE as diameter; then the points of intersection of this
circle with the given circle will be tlie points of contact of the
two straight lines which can be drawn from ..l to tuuch the given
III. iS. It does not appear that HI. 18 adds anything
to what we have already obtained in 111. i6. For in 111. 16 it
BEA and CEA is double of the angle BFC. The sum of the
angles BEA and CEA is greater than two right angles we will ;
call the .sum, the re-entrant angle BEC. Thus the re-entrant
angle BEC is double of the angle BFC. (See note on I. 3-2).
If this extension be used some of the demonstrations in the third
book maybe abbreviated. Thus III. 21 maybe demonstrated
without making two cases III. 22 will follow immediately from
the fact that the sum of the angles at the centre is equal to four
right angles; and III. 31 will follow immediately from III. 20.
III. 21. In III. 21 Euclid himself has given only the first
case; the second case has been added by Simson and others.
In either of the figures of III. 2 1 if a point be taken on the same
side of BD as A , the angle contained by the straight lines which
join this point to the extremities of BD
is greater or less than the
this point to the vertex and the square on the side of the triangle.
This proposition isdemonstrated by Euclid, without
in fact
using any property of the circle if it were enunciated and de-
therefore select the two sides AB and AC such that ABC and
A CB may be acute angles.
IV. 10. The vertical angle of the triangle in IV. 10 is
equal parts and also into 5, 10, 20, 40, .... equal parts; and
also into 15, 30, 60, 120, equal parts. Hence also
regular polygons having as many sides asany of these nmnbers
may be inscribed in a circle, or described about a circle. Tliis
however does not enable us to describe a regular polygon of any
assigned number of sides ; for example, we do
know how to
describe geometrically a regular polygon of 7 sides.
It WHS first demonstrated by Gauss in iSor, in his Disqui-
that it is possible to describe geometrically
sitioncs Arithmcticce,
a regular polygon of 2"+ i sides, provided 2"+ i be a prime num-
ber the demonstration is not of an elementary character. Aa
Therefore J5 is to BE as CD is to DF.
The by Simson against Euclid's demonstra-
objection urged
tion is that "it depends upon this hypothesis, that to any three
magnitudes, two of which, at least, are of the same kind, there
may be a fourtli proportional Euclid does not d.-^mnn-
strate it, nor does he sliew how to find the fourth proportional,
before the 12th Proposition of the 6th Book
The following dexnonstration given by Austin in his Exami-
on VI. 5.
definition, see the note
VI. Def. 1. The second definition is useless, for Euclid
makes no mention of reciprocal figures.
for each side is divided into two parts, one of which is double of
the other; but DE
is not parallel to £0. It should therefore
be stated in the enunciation that the segments terminated at the
vertex of the triangle are to be homologous terms in the ratios, that
is, are to be the antecedents or the consequents of the ratios.
It will be obser\^ed that there are three figures corresponding
to three cases which may exist ; for the straight line drawn pa-
rallel toone side may cut the other sides, or may cut the other
sides when they are produced through the extremities of the base,
or may cut the other sides when they are produced through the
vertex. In all these cases the triangles which are shewn to be
equal have their vertices at the extremities of the base of the
given triangle, and have for their common base the straight line
which is, either by hypothesis or by demonstration, parallel to
the base of the triangle. The triangle \\dth which these two
triangles are compared has the same base as they have, and has
its vertex coinciding with the vertex of the given triangle.
VI. A. This proposition was supplied by Simson.
VI. 4. "We have preferred to adopt the term "triangles
which are equiangular to one another," instead of "equiangular
triangles," when the words are used in the sense they bear in
tliis proposition. Euclid himself does not use the term cqiiiau'
gnlar triangle in the sense in which the modem editors use it in
the Corollary to I. 5, so that he is not prevented from using the
term in the sense it bears in the enunciation of VI. 4 and else-
where but modern editors, having already employed the term in
" if two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of
the other, and the sides about two other angles proportionals, so
thai the sides suhtending the equal angles are homologous ; then if
each " The imperfection is of the same nature as that
wliich is pointed out in the note on VI. 5. Wallccr.
The proposition might be conveniently broken up and the
essential part of it presented thus if two triangles have two sides
of the one proportional to two sides of the other, and the angles
opposite to one peiir of homologous sides equal, the angles which are
opposite to the other pair of homologous sides shaU either be equal,
or he together equal
to two right angles.
either equal or unequal. If they are equal, then since the tri-
angles have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the
other, each to each, tliey are equiangular to one another. We
have therefore only to consider the case in which the angles in-
cluded by the proportional sides are unequal.
Let the triangles ABC, DEF
have the angle at ^ equal to
the angle at D, and A B to BC
as DE is to EF, but the angle
ABC wot equal to the angle DEF: tlie angles id CjB and !>/'£'
shall be together equal to two right angles.
For, one of the angles A BC,
DEF must be greater than
the other ; suppose A BC the
greater ; and make the angle
ABG equal to the angle DEF.
Then may
be shewn, as in
VI. 7, is equal to
that BG
BC, and the angle BGA equal to the angle EFD.
Therefore the angles ACB and DFE are together equal to the
angles BGC and A GB, that is, to two right angles.
the results enunciated in VI. 7 will readily follow. For
if A CB and
the angles DFE
are both greater than a right angle,
or both less than a right angle, or if one of them be a right
angle, they must be equal.
VI. In the demonstration of VI, 8, as given by Simson,
it is inferred that two triangles which are similar to a third
triangle are shuilar to each other; this is a particular case of
VI. 21, which the student should consult, in order to see the
validity of the inference.
VI. 9. The word 'part is here used in the restricted sense of
the first definition of the fifth Book. VI. 9 is a p.articular case
of VI. 10.
VI. 10. The most important case of this proposition is that
in which a straight line is to be divided either internally or ex-
ternally into two parts which shall be in a given ratio.
Tlie case in which the straight line is to be divided infernally
is given in the text suppose, for example, that the given ratio is
c /6,
and therefore the angle CAE is equal to the angle AFE, [I. 5.
and therefore the angle C^-lA'is equal to the angle BAC. [I. 29.
Therefore the angles BAC and DAE are together equal to two
right angles.
Similarly the proposition may be demonstrated if the angle
DAE than the angle DAF".
is less
I. 45, by which it is shewn that KII and IIM are in one straight
line, and also FG and GL.
It seems that VI. 25 is out of place, since it separates pro-
positions so closely connected as VI. 24 and VI. 26. AVe may
enunciate VI. 25 in familiar language thus: to make a figure
which shall have the form of one figure and the size of anotho'.
VI. 26. This proposition is the converse of VI. 24 it ;
join OF. Then the triangle CDF will satisfy all the conditions
in Euclid's enunciation, as well as the triangle CDE but CF ;
and Cli are not in one straight line. It should be stated that
the bases must lie on corresponding sides of both the parallels
the bases CF and BC do not lie on corresponding sides of the
parallels AB and DC, and so the triangle CDF would not
fulfil all the conditions, and would therefore be excluded.
The rule for the volume of a prism involves the fact that
prisms on eqtial bases and between the satne parallels arc equal m
vol lime.
Aparallelepiped is a particular case of a prism. The volume
of a pyramid is one third of the volume of a prism on the same
base and having the same altitude.
For an account of what are called the ^fire regular solids the
student is referred to the chaj^ter on Polyhedrons in the Treatise
on Spherical Trigonometry.
This Appendix consists of a collection of important pro-
positions which will be found useful, both as affording
geometrical exercises, and as exhibiting results which are
often required in mathematical investigations. The student
will have no diflBculty in drawing for himself the requisite
angles ADC and BDC, one must be obtuse and one acute.
Suppose the angle A7JC obtuse. Then, by II. 12, tho
square on AC equal to the squares on AD, DC, toge-
ther with twice the rectangle ylD, DE; and, by II. tho 1.'},
so described at G. Join AC
and produce it to meet the
circumference at D. Draw the radius BE
parallel to A D,
and on the same side oiAB\ and join DE. Then shall BE
touch both circles.
two straight lines which are tiuis drawn to touch the two
given circles can be shewn to meet AB, produced through
Bj at the same point. The construction is api)licable when
each of the given circles is without the other, and also
when they intersect.
When each of the given circles is without the other v/c
can obtain two other solutions. For, describe a circle with
A as a centre and radius equal to the sum of the radii of
the given circles and continue as before, except tliat
; BE
and AD will now be on opposite sides of AH. The two
straight lines which arc thus drawn to touch the two given
circles can be shewn to intersect AB
at the same poiut.
5. To describe a circle which shall j^dss through three
given points not in the same straight line.
and join DII. Then the triangles EITD and ECG are
similar; and therefore the rectangle EG, ED is equal to
the rectangle EG, EH (III. 31, VI.
4, YI. \CA Thus the
rectangle EA, EF equal to the rectangle EH,
is andEG ;
By joining DA
instead of EA
we can obtain two solu-
tions in which the circles described touch the given circle
T, K, L, M, N
are in this order. Then the straight line^
shall he respectively parallel to the
straight lines BM, MD, DN, NB; and the rectangle
TK, TN shall he equal to the rectangle TL, TM, and
equal to the rectangle TC, TD.
Now TM is to TD as Ti) is to TN
(III. 37, VI. 16);
and TM'\s tori> as TK is to TC
(VI. 4); therefore TK
is to TC as 77> is toTN; and therefore the rectangle
TK, TN is equal to the rectangle TC, TD. Similarly the
rectangle TL, TM
is equal to the rectangle TC, TD.
For, let F
be any other point in the given straight line.
Then, because AC
is equal to DC, and EC is common to
the two triangles ACE, DCE\ and that the right angle
ACE is equal to the right angle DCE\ therefore AE is
20. A and B
are tico gicen ^joints on the same side of
a giveti straight line, and AB
produced meets the given
straight line at C\ of all 2'>oints in the given straight line
on each side of C, it is required to determine thai at
which ABsubtends the greatest angle.
produced cuts the given circle, both the circles
obtained by 10 touch the given circle externally in this ;
be a triangle bisect at D, bisect CA at
; BG
E, and bisect AB
at F; join and OF meeting at G;BE
28. The perpendiculars drawn from the ancfles of a
triangle on the opposite sides meet at the same point.
Let ADC be a triangle and ; first suppose that it is not
obtuse angled. From draw B BE x)erpendicular to CA ;
from (7 draw OF
perpendicular to AB
let these perpen- ;
diculars meet at G
join AG, and produce it to meet
at D: then AD
shall be perpendicular to BC.
29. If from any j^oint in the circumference of the
circle described round a triangle x>eri:endlculars he drawn
to the sides of the triangle^ the three points of intersection
are in the same straight line.
be a triangle, P
any point on the circum-
ference of the circumscribing circle; from P
draw Pi>,
[We will suppose that is on the arc cut off by AB, on
the opposite side from C, and that E
is on CA produced
For, let BD
and CE meet at O then if the angle ;
be not equal to the angle OCB^ one of them mnst be
greater than the other let the angle OBC be the greater.
angle AB, DC, together with the rectangle BC, AD, shall
be greater than the rectangle AC, BD.
For. make
the angle ABE equal to the angle DBC,
and the angle BAE equal to the angle BDC; then the
triangle ABE is similar to the triangle BDC
(VI. 4);
therefore ABis toAE as DB is to DC
and therefore the
is to and therefore the rectangle CB,
; is DA
equal to the rectangle CE, DB.
Therefore the rectangle AB, DC, together with the
rectangle BC, AD
\^ equal to the rectangle AE, BD
together with the rectangle CE, BD
that is, equal to the
rectangle contained by BD
and the sum of and EC. AE
But the sum of AE
and EC
is greater than AC
(I. 20);
therefore the rectangle AB, DC, together with the rect-
angle BC, ADis greater than the rectangle AC, BD,
The figure will vary slightly according to the situation
of the given points, but corresponding to an assigned
situation there will be only one point such as is required.
For suppose there could be such a point P, besides the
point O which is determined by the construction given
above and that the points are in the order A, C, JD, B, O, P.
rectangle PC, and therefore PA is to PC as
; PD is
to PB. But PA is to PC as PE is to PG (VI. 2) there-
fore PD
to PB as PE
is to PG (Y. 11); therefore BG
is parallel to DE.
But, by the construction, BF parallel to ED there-
fore BG and BF are themselves parallel
30) which
; is
absurd. Therefore P not such a point as
is required.
35. Tlie substantives analysis and synthesis, and the
corresponding adjectives analytical and synthetical, are of
frequent occurrence in mathematics. In general analysis
means decomposition, or the separating a whole into its
parts, and synthesis means composition, or making a whole
out of its parts. In Geometry however these words are
used in a more special sense. In synthesis we begin with
results already established, and end' with some new result
thus, by the aid of theorems already demonstrated, and
problems already solved, we demonstrate some new theo-
rem, or solve some new problem. In analysis Ave begin
with assuming the truth of some theorem or the solution of
some problem, and we deduce from the assumption con-
sequences which we can compare with results already esta-
blished, and thus test the validity of our assumption.
We will now give some examples of Geometrical ana-
triangles BEF and GEF are equal in all resi3ects (I. 26)
therefore FG is FB.
equal to
This result shews how we may synthetically solve the
problem. Draw BF perpendicular to CD, and produce
it to G, so that FG may be equal to FB; then join AG^
and AG will intersect CD at the required point.
In like manner we may solve the problem, to produce
a gh'en straight line so that the square on the whole
straight line made ap of the given straight line and the
part produced^ may exceed the square on the p>art pro-
duced hy a given square, ichich is not less than the square
on the given stt^aight line.
The two problems may be combined in one enunciation
thus, to divide a given straight line internally or exter-
nally so that the difference of the squares on the segments
tnay be equal to a given square.
41. To find a jooint in the circumference of a given
segment of a circle, so that the straight lines ichich join
the p)oint to the extremities of the straight line on which
the segment stands inay he together equal to a given
straight line.
on AC.
Therefore AB is divided at C in the manner required
in II. 11.
Hence the s}iithetical solution of the pntblem is evident.
43. To inscribe a square in a given Unangle.
ABC be the
given triangle, and
suppose DEFG the
required square.
Draw AR perpen-
dicular to BC^ and
yl A" parallel to BG\
and let BF produc-
ed meet AK
at K.
Then BG is to GF
as BA is to AK, and BG is to GD as BA is to AH(YI. 4).
But G^i^is equal to GD, bv hypothesis.
Therefore BA
is to ^A" as is to BA AH
(V. 7, V. 11).
Therefore AH
is equal to AK{V.
Hence we have the following synthetical solution. Draw
^ A' parallel to BG, and equal to AH;
and join BJT. Then
BK meets AC
at one of the corners of the required square,
and the solution can be completed.
44. Through a given point
heticeen two given straight
required to draw a straight line, such that the
lines, it is
rectangle contained hy the parts between the given point and
the given straight lines may be equal to a given rectangle.
Let P be the given point,
and AB and AC the given
straight lines ; suppose MPN
the required straight line, so
that the rectangle MP, PN
is equal to a given rectangle.
Produce AP
to Q, so that
the rectangle AP, may PQ
be equal to the given rect-
angle. Then the rectangle
MP,PN is equal to the
rectangle AP, PQ. Therefore a circle Avill go round
AMQN {Note on III. 35). Therefore the angle PNQ
necessary to meet AB at F.
If the point F were known
the problem might be con-
sidered solved. For EX3f is a kno^^'n angle, and therefore
the chord EMis known in magnitude. And then, since F
is a kno>Mi point, and E^f is a known magnitude, the posi-
tion of31 becomes known.
We have then onlv to shew how F is to be determined
'llie ansjle MEN is the ansxle
cipial to MFA
(I. 29). The
angle JifEN is equal to the angle MPN
(III. 21). Ilcnco
MAF and BAP are similar triangles (VI. 4). Therefore
MA is to AF BA
as is to A P. 'Hiercfore the rectangle
MA, AP is equal to the rectangle BA, AF
(VI. IC). ]5ut
since A is a giri'ii point tlic rectangle MA, AP
is known j
47. A locus consists of all the points which satisfy cer-
tain conditions and of those points alone. Thus, for exam-
ple, the locus of the points which are at a given distance
Let A
and B
be the two given points; join andAB\
draw a straight line through the middle point of at AB
right angles to AB;
then it may be easily shewn that this
straight line is the required locus.
53. a fixed point from which any straight line
is drawn meeting the circumference rf a fixed circle at P
in OP a point Q is taken such that OQ is to OF in a fixed
ratio : determine the locus of Q.
AVe shall shew that the locus is the circumfcrcuce of a
a point D
such that OD
is to OC in the fixed ratio, and
55. Reqtiired the locus of the vertices of all the tri-
angles ABC ichich stand on a given base AB, and hace
the side AC to the side BC in a constant ratio.
If the sides AC and BC are to be equal, the locus is
56. "We have hitherto restricted ourselves to Euclid's
Elements, and propositions which can be demonstrated
by strict adherence to Euclid's methods. In modem times
various other methods have been introduced, and have
led to numerous and important results. These methods
may be called semi-gcomctrical, as they are not confined
"within the limits of the ancient pure geometry; in fact
the power of the modern methods is obtained chiefly by
combining arithmetic and algebra with geometry. The
student who desires to cultivate this jiart of mathematics
may consult Townsend's Chapters on the Modern Geo-
metry of the Point, Line, and Circle.
"We will give as specimens some important theorems,
taken from what is called the theory of transversals.
we sh:ill give, the lines will be straight lines, and the sys-
tem will consist of three straight lines forming a triangle.
AVewill give a brief enunciation of the theorem whith
we are about to prove, for the sake of assisting the memory
in retaining the result but the emmciation will not be
Therefore, by the principles of arithmetic, the following
products are equal, AF. BC DO AO DB
. . CE and
. .
22— 2
I. 1 to 15.
I. 16 to 26.
ABC is greater than the angle AEC, and the angle ECE
greater than the angle BAD.
20. If a straight line bo drawn through A one of the
angular points of a square, cutting one of the opposite sides,
and meeting the other ])roduced at F, shew that is AF
greater tiian the diagonal of the square.
21. The perpendicular is the shortest straight lino
that can be drawn from a given point to a given straight
line; and of others, that which is nearer to the peri)on-
dicular is less than the more remote; and two, and only
two, equal straight lines can be drawn from tlio given point
to the given straight line, one on each side of the perpen-
22. The sum of the distances of any ])oint from the
three angles of a triangle is greater than half the sum of
the sides of the triangle.
23. Tlie four sides of any quadrilateral are together
greater than the two diagonals together.
24. The two sides of a triangle are together greater
than twice the straight line drawn from the vertex to the
middle point of the base.
25. If one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of
the other two, the triangle can be divided into two isosceles
26. If the angle C of a triangle is equal to the sum
of the angles A
and B, the side AB
is equal to twice the
straight line joining C to the middle point oi AB.
X. 27. Construct a triangle, having given the base, one of
the angles at the base, and the sum of the sides.
28. The perpendiculars let fall on tw'o sides of a tri-
angle from any point in the straight line bisecting the angle
between them are equal to each other.
29. In a given straight line find a point such that the
perpendiculars drawn from it to two given straight lines
shall be equal.
30. Through a given point draw a straight line such
that the perpendiculars on it from two given points may be
on opposite sides of it and equal to each other.
31. A
straight line bisects the angle A
of a triangle
ABC; from B
a ]3erpendicular is dra\\Ti to this bisecting
straight line, meetmg it at D, and BD
is produced to meet
32. AB, AC
are any tw^o straight lines meeting at A :
I. 27 to 31.
I. 32.
I. 33, 34.
I. 35 to 45.
I. 46 to 48.
129. A drawn parallel to the hypotenuse
straight line is
of a right-angled triangle,and each of the acute angles is
joined with the j^oints where this straight line intersects
the sides respectively opposite to them: shew that the
squares on the joining straight lines are together equal to
the square on the hypotenuse and the square on the straight
line drawnparallel to it.
130. If any point P
be joined to A, B, C, D. the an-
gular points of a rectangle, the squares on andPA are PC
together equal to the squares on PB
and PP.
131. In a right-angled triangle if the square on one of
the sides containing the right angle be three times the
square on the other, and from the right angle two straight
lines be drawn, one to bisect the opposite side, and the
other perpendicular to that side, these straight lines divide
the right angle into three equal parts.
132. If ABCbe a triangle whose angle ^
is a riglit
angle, and BE, CF
be drawn bisecting the opposite sides
respectively, shew that four times the sum of the squares
on BE and CF is equal to five times the square on BC.
133. On the hypotenuse BC, and the sides CA., AB of
a right-angled triangle ABC, squares BDEC, AF, and
AG are described; shew that the squares on DG and EF
are together equal to five times the square on BC.
II. 1 to 11.
II. 12 to 14.
III. 1 to 1.5.
in. IG to 19.
they cut a parallel fixed straight line all touch a fixed circle.
200. Of all straight lines which can be drawn from two
given points to meet in the convex circumference of a
given circle, the sum of the two is least which make equal
angles with the tangent at the point of concourse.
201. C is the centre of a given circle, CA a radius, B
a point on a radius at right angles to CA join and ;
produce it to meet the circle again at Z>, and let the tan-
gent at D
meet CB produced at E: shew that is an BDE
isosceles triangle.
202. Let the diameter BjI of a circle be produced to
P, so that AP
equals the radius; through draw tho A
tangent A ED,
and from P
draw PEC touching the circle
at G and meeting the former tangent at E\ join BC and
produce it to meet at AED D
then will the triangle :
DEC be equilateral.
III. 20 to 22.
III. 23 to 30.
- 219. The straight lines joining the extremities of the
chords of two equal arcs of a circle, towards the same parts
are parallel to each other.
220. The straight lines in a circle which join the ex-
tremities of two pai'allel chords arc equal to each other.
2-21. AJi is a common cliord of two circles; through G
any point of one circumference straight lines CAD, CUE
are drawn terminated by the other circumference shew :
III. 31.
a circle is a square.
235. The hvpotenuse ^^ of a right-angled triangle
ABC is D, and EDF is drawn at right angles
bisected at
to AB, and DE and are cut off each equal to DA
DF ;
III. 32 to 34.
•^ 253. ^ is a point in
the circumference of a circle, whoso
centre is C PA,;a tangent at any point P, meets CB
produced at A, and PD
is drawn perpendicular to CB
shew that the straight line PB
bisects the angle APD.
254. If two circles touch each other, any straight line
dra^vn through the point of contact will cut oflf similar seg-
< 255. ABany chord, and ylZ> is a tangent to a circle
at A. DPQany straiglit line parallel to AB, meeting
the circumference at P
and Q. Shew that the triangle
PAD is equiangular to the triangle QAB.
III. 35 to 37.
by tlie part of it without tlio circle and the part within tlio
ciVcle may bo equal to a giveu square not greater than that
on the diameter.
IV. 1 to 4.
lY. 5 to 9.
^ 312. The diagonals of a given quadrilateral A BCD
intersect at O shew that the centres of the circles de-
touch these two straight lines and shall cut off from the
given circle a segment containing an angle equal to a given
319. Ois the centre of the circle circumscribing a
triangle yli? (7; D, E, F
t\\e feet of the perpendiculars from
A, B, C on the opposite sides shew that OA, OB,
: are 00
respectively perpendicular to EF, FD, DE.
320. from any point in the circumference of a given
circle straight lines be drawn to the four angular points
of an inscribed square, the sum of the squares on the four
straight lines is double the square on the diameter.
lY. 10.
332. Shew that the smaller t)f the two circles emph^yed
in the figure of IV. 10 is equal to the circle described
round the required triangle.
333. In the figure of IV. 10 if J i^ be the diameter of
the smaller circle, DFis equal to a radius of the circle
which circumscribes the triangle BCD.
IV. 11 to 16.
VI. 1,2.
sum is invariable.
34 1. Find a point within a triangle such that if straight
linesbe drawn from it to the three angular points the tri-
angle will be divided into three equal triangles.
345. From a jioint E
in the connnon base of two tri-
angles ACB, ADB, straight lines are drawn parallel to
AC, AD, meeting BC, BD
at F, G shew that is par- : FG
allel to CD.
346. From any point in the base of a triangle straight
lines are drawn
parallel to the sides shew that the inter- :
YI. 3, A.
VI. 4 to 6.
AC ^^EF IS to DF.
372. If through the vertex and the extremities of the
base of a triangle two circles be descril)ed intersecting
each other in the base or base produced, their diameters
are i)roportional to the sides of the triangle.
373. Find a point the perpendiculars from which on
the sides of a given triangle shall be in a given ratio.
374. (^n AB, AC, two adjacent sides of a rectangle,
two similar triangles are constructed, and perpendiculars
are drawn to AJi, AC horn the angles wliich they subtcml,
intersecting at the pomt P. If AB, AC be homologous
sides, shew that P
is in all cases in one of the diagonals of
the rectangle.
375. In the figure of I. 43 shew that if and EG FH
be produced they Avill meet on reproduced.
376. APB and CQD are j^arallcl straight lines, and
AP is to PB as DQ to- QC shew that the straight
is :
YI. 7 to 18.
that if P
be any point on the circmnference, the angles
are equal.
392. a fixed i)nint in a given straight line OA,
O is
YI. 19 to Z>.
XI. 1 to 12.
XL 13 to 21.
I. 1 to 48.
467. A BCD
is a rectangle of which A, C are opposite
angles E
is any point in
; and BC F
is any point in CD
shew that twice the area of the triangle AEF, together
with the rectangle BE, DF
is equal to the rectangle
468. ABC, DBC
a.rc two triangles on the same base,
and ABChas the side AB
equal to the side AC; a circle
passing through C and D
has its centre on CA, producedE
if necessary; a circle j>assing through B and h;us its D
centre /"' on BA, produced if necessary: shew that the
quadrilateral AEDFhan the sum of two of its sides equal
to the sum of the other two.
469. Two straight lines AB, AC arc given in position:
double of GD.
478. BAC is a right-angled triangle ; one straight line
is drawn bisecting the right angle A, and another bisecting
the base BC at right angles these straight lines intersect
that the triangle BFC half the triangle BAC, and that
the quadrilateral ADFE is equal to either of the triangles
484. ABC a triangle, having the angle C a right
angle ; the angle A
is bisected by a straight line which
meets BC at D, and the angle B
is bisected by a straight
linewhich meets AC xxi E AD ; and BEintersect at :
490. In a right-angled triangle, right-angled at A, if
the side A C be double of the side A 13, the angle is more B
than double of the angle C.
491. Trisect a parallelogram by straight lines drawn
through one of its angular points.
492. AHK
is an equilateral triangle is a
rhombus, a side of which is equal to a side of the triangle,
and the sides BC
and CD of which pass through and H
K respectively : shew that the angle A of the rhombus is
ten-ninths of a right angle.
493. Ti'isect a given triangle by straight lines drawn
from a given point inone of its sides.
494. In the figure of I. 35 if two diagonals be drawn
to the two parallelograms respectively, one from each ex-
tremity of the base, and the intersection of the diagonals be
joined with the intersection of the sides (or sides produced)
in the figure, shew that the joining straight line will bisect
the base.
II. 1 to 14.
III. 1 to 37.
AE, BD intersecting at P
shew th;it the angle
\ is APB
520. If anynumber of triangles on the same base BC^
and on the same side of it have their vertical angles equal,
and perpendiculars, intersecting at D, be drawn from B
and C ow the opposite sides, find the locus of Z> and shew ;
that all the straight lines which bisect the angle BDC
pass through the same point.
521. Let O and C be any fixed points on the circum-
ference of a circle, and OA any chord; then if AC be
joined and produced to B^ so that OB is equal to OA^
the locus of B is an equal circle.
522. From anv point P
in the diagonal of a BD
parallelogram ABCD, straight lines PE, PF, PG, PII
are drawn perpendicular to the sides AB, BC, CD, DA :
shew that EF
is parallel to GIL
523. Through any fixed point of a chord of a circle
other chords are drawn shew that the straight lines from
tion of APQ
and ARS, the straight line joining the mid-
dle points of PQ
and RS always remains parallel to itself.
636. another quadrilateral
If about a quadrilateral
can be described such that every two of its adjacent sides
are equally inclined to that side of the former quadrilateral
which meets them both, then a circle may be described
about the former quadrilateral.
537. Two circles touch one another internally at the
point A it is required to draw from A a straight line
equal parts.
544.E is the middle point of a semicircular arc AEB^
and CDE is any chord cutting the diameter at D, and tho
circle at C shew
: that the square on CE is twice tlic quad-
rilateral AEBC.
545. AB
is a fixed chord of a circle, is a movc- ^C
ahle chord of the same circle a parallelogram is described
of which AB
and ^16' are adjacent sides: find the locus of
the middle points of the diagonals of the parallelogram.
546. AB is a fixed chord of a circle, is a moveable AC
chord of the same circle a parallelogram is described of
the circles all pass through one point, and that their chords
of intersection are respectively perpendicular to the oppo-
site sides of the triangle.
IV. 1 to 16.
VI. 1 to D.
atD and E FB
; EGa pp.rt is cut off equal to FE. and
rectangle OP, OQ
is constant shew that the locus of Q is
a straight line.
614. The opposite sides of a quadrilateral inscribed in
a circle when produced meet at P
and Q shew that the :
615. ABCD
is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle ;
circle described on EF
as diameter cuts the circle ABCD
at rig-ht angles.
Gib'. From the vertex of a right-angled triangle a
perpendicular is drawn on the hypotenuse, and from the
foot of this perpendicular another is drawn on each side of
the triangle shew that the area of the triangle of which
\tf\^' •> "^••v^
/ c. :
/ t- (A^*^