TL 081
TL 081
TL 081
December 1995
TL/H/8358 – 1
Connection Diagram
TL/H/8358 – 2
Dual-In-Line Package
TL/H/8358 – 4
Order Number TL081CP
See NS Package Number N08E
Typical Performance Characteristics
Input Bias Current Input Bias Current Supply Current
TL/H/8358 – 5
Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued)
Open Loop Voltage Gain (V/V) Output Impedance Inverter Settling Time
TL/H/8358 – 6
Pulse Response
Small Signal Inverting Small Signal Non-Inverting
TL/H/8358 – 7 TL/H/8358 – 13
Large Signal Inverting Large Signal Non-Inverting
TL/H/8358 – 14 TL/H/8358 – 15
TL/H/8358 – 16
Application Hints
The TL081 is an op amp with an internally trimmed input will cause large currents to flow which can result in a de-
offset voltage and JFET input devices (BI-FET II). These stroyed unit.
JFETs have large reverse breakdown voltages from gate to Exceeding the negative common-mode limit on either input
source and drain eliminating the need for clamps across the will force the output to a high state, potentially causing a
inputs. Therefore, large differential input voltages can easily reversal of phase to the output.
be accommodated without a large increase in input current.
Exceeding the negative common-mode limit on both inputs
The maximum differential input voltage is independent of
will force the amplifier output to a high state. In neither case
the supply voltages. However, neither of the input voltages
does a latch occur since raising the input back within the
should be allowed to exceed the negative supply as this
Application Hints (Continued)
common-mode range again puts the input stage and thus resulting forward diode within the IC could cause fusing of
the amplifier in a normal operating mode. the internal conductors and result in a destroyed unit.
Exceeding the positive common-mode limit on a single input Because these amplifiers are JFET rather than MOSFET
will not change the phase of the output; however, if both input op amps they do not require special handling.
inputs exceed the limit, the output of the amplifier will be As with most amplifiers, care should be taken with lead
forced to a high state. dress, component placement and supply decoupling in or-
The amplifier will operate with a common-mode input volt- der to ensure stability. For example, resistors from the out-
age equal to the positive supply; however, the gain band- put to an input should be placed with the body close to the
width and slew rate may be decreased in this condition. input to minimize ‘‘pick-up’’ and maximize the frequency of
When the negative common-mode voltage swings to within the feedback pole by minimizing the capacitance from the
3V of the negative supply, an increase in input offset voltage input to ground.
may occur. A feedback pole is created when the feedback around any
The TL081 is biased by a zener reference which allows nor- amplifier is resistive. The parallel resistance and capaci-
mal circuit operation on g 4V power supplies. Supply volt- tance from the input of the device (usually the inverting in-
ages less than these may result in lower gain bandwidth and put) to AC ground set the frequency of the pole. In many
slew rate. instances the frequency of this pole is much greater than
The TL081 will drive a 2 kX load resistance to g 10V over the expected 3 dB frequency of the closed loop gain and
the full temperature range of 0§ C to a 70§ C. If the amplifier consequently there is negligible effect on stability margin.
is forced to drive heavier load currents, however, an in- However, if the feedback pole is less than approximately 6
crease in input offset voltage may occur on the negative times the expected 3 dB frequency a lead capacitor should
voltage swing and finally reach an active current limit on be placed from the output to the input of the op amp. The
both positive and negative swings. value of the added capacitor should be such that the RC
time constant of this capacitor and the resistance it parallels
Precautions should be taken to ensure that the power sup-
is greater than or equal to the original feedback pole time
ply for the integrated circuit never becomes reversed in po-
larity or that the unit is not inadvertently installed backwards
in a socket as an unlimited current surge through the
Detailed Schematic
TL/H/8358 – 8
Typical Applications
Supply Current Indicator/Limiter Hi-ZIN Inverting Amplifier
TL/H/8358 – 9
# VOUT switches high when RSIS l VD TL/H/8358 – 10
Parasitic input capacitance C1 j (3 pF for TL081 plus any additional
layout capacitance) interacts with feedback elements and creates un-
desirable high frequency pole. To compensate, add C2 such that:
R2C2 j R1C1.
TL/H/8358 – 11
4.8 b 2VS
# tOUTPUT HIGH & R1C fin
4.8 b VS TL/H/8358 – 12
2V b 7.8 * Low leakage capacitor
# tOUTPUT LOW & R2C fin S
VS b 7.8 # 50k pot used for less sensitive VOS adjust
where VS e V a a l Vb l
*low leakage capacitor
TL081 Wide Bandwidth JFET Input Operational Amplifier
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters)
1. Life support devices or systems are devices or 2. A critical component is any component of a life
systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant support device or system whose failure to perform can
into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life
failure to perform, when properly used in accordance support device or system, or to affect its safety or
with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can effectiveness.
be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury
to the user.
National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.
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