Partial Correlation
Whereas the product moment or simple correlation is a measure of association describing the linear association between two variables,
a partial correlation coefficient measures the association between two variables after controlling for or adjusting for the effects of one or
more additional variables.
Nonmetric Correlation
At times, the researcher may have to compute the correlation coefficient between two variables that are nonmetric. It may be recalled
that nonmetric variables do not have interval or ratio scale properties and do not assume a normal distribution. If the nonmetric
variables are ordinal and numeric, Spearman’s rho, rs, and Kendall’s tau, t, are two measures of nonmetric correlation that can be used
to examine the correlation between them.
Regression Analysis
Regression analysis is a powerful and flexible procedure for analyzing associative relationships between a metric dependent variable and
one or more independent variables. It can be used in the following ways:
1. Determine whether the independent variables explain a significant variation in the dependent
variable: whether a relationship exists
2. Determine how much of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the
independent variables: strength of the relationship
3. Determine the structure or form of the relationship: the mathematical equation relating the
independent and dependent variables
4. Predict the values of the dependent variable
5. Control for other independent variables when evaluating the contributions of a specific
variable or set of variables.
Bivariate regression:
Bivariate regression is a procedure for deriving a mathematical relationship, in the form of an equation, between a single metric
dependent or criterion variable and a single metric independent or predictor variable. The analysis is similar in many ways to
determining the simple correlation between two variables. However, because an equation has to be derived, one variable
must be identified as the dependent and the other as the independent variable.
Conducting Bivariate Regression Analysis
The steps involved in conducting bivariate regression analysis are described .Suppose the researcher wants to explain attitudes toward
the city of residence in terms of the duration of residence.