Civics Grade 10

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FOR GRADE 10, 2019

Time allowed: 1:30

I.Choose the correct Answer from the given Alternatives

1. Which one of the following is not the features of democratic system?
A. Free, fair and periodic Elections
B. The prevalence of rule of law
C. Passive participation of citizens
D. Democratic constitution
2. Of the following one is odd from the other?
A. Lakes B. rivers C. monolithic rock church of Lalibela D. Animals
3. A person who works in courts and administer Justice is called --------?
A. Judges B. police C. doctors D. engineers
4. --------is a form of state structure in which all powers are concentrated at the hand of central
A. Federalism B. unitary C. con federal D. None
5. Identify one which is odd among the following
A. The right to life
B. The right to privacy
C. The right to security
D. The right to form associations
6. Which one of the following is not true about Justice?
A. Treating citizens partially
B. Avoiding discrimination and treating individual based on law
C. Related with the idea of fairness
D. Fight for injustice
7. In Ethiopia, the term of office for president and prime minster is ------and----years respectively.
A. Five and six B. six and five C. four and seven D. unlimited
8. The legislative organ of federal and regional governments is represented by----&----respectively.
A. President and prime minster
B. Hof & HPR
C. State council &Hof
D. HPR & state council
9. A legal member ship of an individual to a particular state is termed as -------?
A. Citizen ship B. aliens C. visitors D. investors
10. I am something who can decide the production and distribution of goods and services to balance
the imbalance between demand and supply. who am I-------
A. Globalization
B. Economic system
C. Political system
D. Social system

11. The idea of universal suffrage could be under stood as------
A. Election should be conducted in a limited time
B. The right to vote for all legally able citizens without discrimination
C. Separation of state and religion
D. Exclusive Electoral system
12. Among the following one is not the responsibility of students?
A. Wearing school uniform
B. Arriving on time
C. Paying tax
D. Respecting school rules and regulations
13. The relationship of one country with the outside world is referred to as-----------
A. Foreign Relation
B. Foreign policy
C. Diplomacy
D. Negotiation
14. ------Refers accommodating differences and Being able to live with others peacefully?
A. Multiculturalism
B. Pluralism
C. Diversity
D. Tolerance
15. Promoting gender equality can be achieved through---------
A. Reducing the gap between boys & girls access to education
B. Reducing the gap between men & women in political participation,
C. Supporting women & Girls to exercise their rights
D. All
16. ----Refers the idea that state and Religion are separate
A. Secularism
B. Multiparty system
C. Multiculturalism
D. Universal suffrage
17. ------is a body of government responsible for implementing the law?
A. Legislative
B. Excutive
C. Judiciary
D. House of peoples Representatives

18. Which one of the following is not classified as a legal instrument of Justice ?
A. Courts B. ombudsman C. human rights commission D . court of elders
19. Which one of the following is true about sex and gender respectively ?
A. The former refers social difference while the latter refers biological deference
B. The former refers physical difference while the latter refers social difference
C. Sex refers biological difference while Gender refers social concept.
D. B&C

20. Democracy was first originated in ---------?
A. Sparta B. Athens C. USA D. France
21. Which one of the following does not reflect the right idea about equality?
A. Absolute similarity in wealth between individuals
B. Having similar right, benefits and opportunities
C. Indicates some similarity between individuals
D. Treating people without discrimination
22. A type of economic system in which all economic decisions are decided by the government is ---
A. Command economic system
B. Free market Economic system
C. Planned Economic system
D. A&C
23. A choice that you make about something after thinking several alternatives is -----
A. Decision
B. Decision making
C. Problem solving
D. None
24. Which one is true about constitution
A. Is a document that serves as a source for all other laws
B. Is a fundamental and supreme law of the land
C. Is a legal document that include social economic and political principles by which a
group of people are governed
D. All
25. Which of the following is true about dependency
A. Permanently rely on external support
B. Is a belief that people can not solve their problem with out others help
C. Is lack of self confidence to stand on one’s own
D. All
26. Identify one which is not the effect of absence of rule of law
A. Anarchism
B. Economic development
C. Gross violation of Human rights
D. Instability
27. Which of the following is the first step in decision making process
A. Evaluation
B. Action taking
C. Identifying the problem
D. Choosing the best option
28. A type of corruption committed for relatives and other nearest individuals is called ---------
A. Embezzlement B. Nepotism C. Bribery D. abuse of power
29. Which one of the following shows the right idea about rule of law
A. NO man is above the law
B. All citizens except government are governed by law
C. Every one is under the law
D. A and C

30. Which one of the following shows excessive and unwise use of resources?
A. Saving B. planning C. extravagancy D. Greedy
31. A Government that is not accountable for the people is called ------
A. Limited government
B. Democratic government
C. Unlimited government
D. Responsible government
32. The total amount of money and other resources that a person accumulates over a long period of
time is best expressed as-----
A. Wealth
B. Revive
C. Expense
D. budget
33. Identify one that is the major source of rule of law
A. Constitution
B. Domestic laws
C. International laws
D. Rules & Regulations
34. -------- refers the existence of different groups in a certain society
A. Mono culture
B. Tolerance
C. Diversity
D. None
35. ------is thinking, identifying and stating what to be done to the future
A. Budget
B. Planning
C. Goal
D. None
36. Work is important to get the following benefits, except-----
A. Happiness
B. Satisfaction
C. Economic development
D. Less income
37. Which one is not the feature of direct democracy?
A. Citizens participate in decision making through their representatives
B. Exercise in areas where small size population exist
C. Citizens directly participate in decision making process
D. Can be exercised in the form of referendum
38. -------refers illegal use of force by a person or a group to promote their selfish interest against
people or property?
A. Legalism
B. Patriotism
C. Voluntarism
D. Terrorism

39. Which of the following is the main features of civic societies? they are-----organizations
A. Non –political
B. Non - profit making
C. Non – governmental
D. All
40. -------------means a through enquiry in to a subject area
A. Reading
B. Studying
C. Information gathering
D. learning
41. Which of the following is the major cause of extravagancy?
A. absence of planning
B. religious dogmatism
C. funeral ceremony
D. All
42. Which place is best and preferable to conduct formal learning
A. schools
B. courts
C. family
D. community
43. which one of the following is not a political participation
A. Voting
B. Participate in political meetings
C. Financing election campaigns
D. Involve in Iddir
44. Of the following, one is the best level of community participation
A. Maximum level
B. Medium level
C. Minimum level
D. None
45. Which one of the following is false about saving. it is-----------
A. Wise use of resources
B. Putting something for future at the expense of today′s basic consumptions
C. A way of managing money and other resources using a plan
D. Avoiding unnecessary expenses and putting for tomorrow aside from the present income
46. Of the following, one is not classified as a form of knowledge?
A. Facts B. Generalization C. Wisdom D. concept
47. Equality between citizens helps to bring all of the following, except
A. National consensus
B. Dispute & disagreement
C. Peace
D. Stability

48. Which one of the following is true about concepts, It is ----------
A. An idea or thought based on the analysis of
B. Involve analysis, Evaluation and comparison
C. The combination of different thoughts
D. All
49. Which one of the following is not true about the 1987 PDRE constitution?
A. Introduced a federal form of state structure
B. Introduced socialism as the ideology of the state
C. Allowed a one party system
D. Introduced secularism
50. Improving work skills is important to----------------
A. Produce better products
B. Compete with others
C. Get better in come
D. All
51. Which one of the following is not the role of civic societies?
A. Compete in election
B. Educate the community
C. Lobby the government
D. Conducting research
52. --------refers the good use of knowledge
A. Wisdom
B. Truth fullness
C. Information
D. Generalization

53. ----------is excessive and blind form of patriotism associated with an exaggerated belief that one
group is superior over the other
A. Patriotism
B. Chauvinism
C. Terrorism
D. War monger
54. ---------is a pledge that you give to someone to do some thing
A. Honesty
B. Promise
C. Loyalty
D. integrity
55. one is the best mechanism to remove dependency behavior
A. developing self confidence
B. developing strong work culture
C. Being motivative and initiative to work
D. All

56. ---------is a skilled work that a person develops over a period of time
A. Job
B. Work
C. Career
D. None
57. Among the following one is not true about patriotism?
A. It is appositive and supportive attitude that citizens have to wards to their country
B. It is only limited to defending the mother land
C. It is giving priority for common good above personal interest
D. Pride in the achievements and cultures of one’s country
58. Among the following one is your long term goal?
A. Passing Grade 10th
B. Joining to university
C. To buy a House
D. All
59. Which of the following is not a feature of self-reliant individuals?
A. Dependability
B. Open mindedness
C. Lack courage
D. Assertive ness
60. Which constitution of Ethiopia gave supreme power to its Notions Nationalities & people’s
A. The 1931 first written constitution
B. The 1955 revised constitution
C. The 1995 FDRE constitution
D. The 1987 PDRE constitution
61. Putting something for tomorrow at the expense of today’s basic consumption is called----
A. Saving
B. Greedy
C. Extravagancy
D. none
62. which one of the following is not purpose of a constitution? It helps to -------
A. Limit the power of government
B. Maintain peace and instability
C. Provide basic organs of government
D. Establish the relationship between state and society
63. Assume: Mr. Abdi, who is an administrator of a certain regional state is a Muslim faith
follower. He used his power in a wrong way and open an attack on the institutions of others
faith. Based on the above assumption which type of equality is violated by Mr. Abdi
A. Gender Equality
B. Religious Equality
C. Political Equality
D. Cultural equality

64. Of the following, one is truely matched
A. Zufan chilot ---- Derg
B. National shengo--- H/sellasie
C. PDRE –-----Derg
D. WPE –---H/sellasie
65. ----------refers the equality between sexes
A. Sex
B. Gender Equality
C. Economic Equality
D. Political equality
66. ----------is a formal written law enacted by the legislative organ of government
A. Natural law
B. Divine law
C. Statute law
D. Common law
67. ---------is the act of using public office to benefit one self illegally
A. Transparency
B. Corruption
C. Accountability
D. Honesty
68. Which one of the following is not the effect of lack of justice?
A. Social instability
B. Civil wars
C. Violation of rights
D. Promoting peace
69. ---------is a type of Justice concerned with How information is gather and decision is made ?
A. Corrective Justice
B. Procedural justice
C. Distributive Justice
D. administrative Justice
70. Which one of the following is a pre - condition to increase the patriotic feeling of citizens?
A. Tolerance of diversity
B. Fair distribution of resources
C. Equal treatment of citizens
D. All
71. ----------are courts that involve in setting less serious crimes and low financial values ?
A. Federal supreme court
B. State supreme court
C. High courts
D. First instance courts
72. Who is responsible to combat HIV/AIDS?
A. Government alone
B. Merchant alone
C. Students alone

D. All citizens
73. A percentage to be paid from the total amount of income is ------
A. Tax
B. Tax rate
C. Tax base
D. none
74. which of the following is a personal responsibility
A. Keeping personal hygiene
B. Leading one′s life properly
C. Self-governance
D. all
75. -------refers politeness or polite way of treating others
A. Civility
B. Open-mindedness
C. Civic mindedness
D. none
76. which one of the following is the benefits of planning. It helps to -----------
A. achieve our goal
B. properly use resources
C. conclude our tasks on a specified period of time
D. all
77. accepting all cultures groups as equal and gives equal opportunity for their development is
termed as----------
A. Tolerance
B. Diversity
C. Pluralism
D. Multiculturalism
78. Of the following one is the effects of corruption It --------
A. Retards economic development
B. Creates injustice
C. Reduces citizens positive attitude to words to their country
D. all
79. --------is an increase in interconnectedness of Nations across the world in Economic, political
and cultural areas
A. Globalization
B. Economic system
C. Foreign relation
D. culturalism
80. Among the following factors which one should be taken in to consideration in choosing the
appropriate economic system?
A. Economic potential of a country
B. Production system
C. Global Economic trend
D. All


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