WHITE InfluenceTemperatureSeed 1993
WHITE InfluenceTemperatureSeed 1993
WHITE InfluenceTemperatureSeed 1993
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Journal of Experimental Botany
Common beau (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is grown over a wide range of environments, including sit
temperatures at sowing time. To describe the temperature response of seed germination, 20 bean
rolled paper towel system with 11 constant temperatures ranging from 12 to 34 °C. Germination
fitting cumulative counts using a maximum-likelihood analysis. Rate of germination increased fro
typically near 8 °C to an optimal development temperature (T0) of 29 to 34 °C. Tb did not differ
Mesoamerican germplasm showed slightly higher Ta than Andean germplasm, but there was lar
the two gene pools. The single accession of tepary bean (P. acutifolius) evaluated appeared to be
germination temperatures.
uiTUBTAi q a \in ucTHOnc cooling system plus resistance heaters to create the temperature
AINU MfcinuiJb gradient and increasing the size of the aluminium cabinet t
Seeds were obtained from field plots at the Palmira station of 1-2 m tall by 0-3 m by 0-3 m, permitting a vertical stack of
CIAT, which were managed to avoid nutrient and water deficits. chambers. A 12 °C treatment was obtained using a conventio
" Accession number for collection held by Genetic Resources Unit at CIAT.
b Genotypes with no origin listed are CIAT breeding lines.
"By CIAT standard evaluation system (Schoonhoven and Pastor Corrales, 1987) where I = determinate bush,
II = indeterminate, erect bush, III = indeterminate, prostrate bush, and IV = indeterminate climber.
d Races are as defined by Singh et al. (1991), except for the P. acutifolius accession Sonora 32 since races have
not been defined for this species.
Sonora 32 E
8-3 (0-6) 34-5 (1-4) 130-1 (5-3)
& 27
S. C. 83 »
O 26
conclusions of Scully and Waines (1987), where five A
accessions of tepary bean showed more rapid germination 25
at 32 °C than five common bean genotypes.
6 7 8 9 10
In the comparison of 16 genotypes, Tb varied from
Base temperature
5-8 °C to 8-9 °C while T0 ranged from 25-5 °C to 29-3 °C
(Table 3). Comparisons based on standard errors again Fig. 4. Comparison of ba
suggested no differences in Tb, but that T0 differed among tion for 19 common be
genotypes. Granada (•), Mesoameri
pooled standard errors of
No difference between the Nueva Granada and
Mesoamerican races were found for Tb or T0 reflecting
the large variation within races (Fig. 4). Nonetheless, for in temperatur
a mean germination temperature, calculated as the T0 mean appear to be insen
of Tb and Ta, the difference between the two races 1987; was Ellis and Butche
(Ellis and Butcher, 1
significant (PcO-Ol). The responses of the Mesoamerican
cultivars Carioca and San Cristobal were of particular BAT 881 stood out f
interest since their values of Ta were close to of those of germination (197
genotypes from the Nueva Granada race. Although small-seeded
these genoty
two cultivars are classified in the Mesoamerican race,
germination than la
their seed coloration patterns and other traitsno suggestassociation betw
they originated through inter-racial crosses with of thegermination. Lar
Nueva Granada race. Since all seed lots were obtained highest rate of the
from a single location and generally showed highseed final lot affects rate
percentage germinations, it seems unlikely that seed maximum
lot rate of
effects would have contributed significantly to the vari
attributed to the app
lots. The results thus support the possibility of improving within the Mesoamerican and Andean gen
rate of germination regardless of seed size. although there are still differences between
The selection of genotypes for this study was con The single tepary bean accession evaluated,
strained by the desire to use seed of uniform provenance had the highest values of T0. The methodol
and which would be free of seed-borne pathogens. This appeared satisfactory for characterizing lar
precluded inclusion of genotypes adapted to highland germplasm, assuming that seed of good qua
sites which do not grow well at the Palmira station of able, although there is a need to clarify the poss
CIAT. Thus the genetic variation described in this study of growing environment or seed lot on the
probably does not represent the full range available in temperature response of seed germination.
common bean.
Although Tb and Ta were estimated using methods
somewhat different from those of Covell et al. (1986) for
chickpea, lentil, soyabean, and cowpea, the values of Tb
Brain P, Butler R. 1988. Cumulative count data. Genstat
and T0 for common bean appear consistent with expecta
Newsletter 22, 38—45.
tions for comparisons with the other species. The mean
Covell S, Ellis RH, Roberts EH, Summerfield RJ. 1986. The
value of Tb (7-8 °C) indicated that bean requires warmer
influence of temperature on seed germination rate in grain
temperatures than chickpea (0-0 °C), lentil (2-5 °C) and
legumes. I. A comparison of chickpea, lentil, soybean, and
soybean (4-0 °C), but that it tolerates cooler temperatures cowpea at constant temperatures. Journal of Experimental
Botany 37, 705-15.
than cowpea (8-5 °C). Values of T0 of common bean
Dickson MH. 1971. Breeding beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L. for
(25-5 °C to 29-3 °C) were higher than lentil (24-0 °C to improved germination under unfavourable low temperature
24-4 °C), but lower than the other species (minimum of conditions. Crop Science 11, 848-50.
31-8 °C for chickpea). This comparison thus suggests that Ellis RH, Butcher PD. 1988. The effect of priming and
common bean has a narrower range of adaptation for 'natural' differences in quality amongst onion seed lots on
the response of germination to temperature and the identifica
seed germination temperature than the other legumes.
tion of the characteristics under genotypic control. Journal of
The simulation model BEANGRO assumes a value of
Experimental Botany 39, 935-50.
Tb of 5 °C for all developmental processes and values Ellis of
RH, Covell S, Roberts EH, Summerfield RJ. 1986. The
30 °C and 18 °C (according to ecotype) for Ta of vegetative
influence of temperature on seed germination rate in grain
development (Hoogenboom et al., 1991). These valueslegumes. II. Intraspecific variation in chickpea (Cicer
indicate a large discrepancy with our values of Tb arietinum
and L.) at constant temperatures. Journal of
Experimental Botany 37, 1503-15.
T0. Thus, either seed germination shows a temperature
Ellis RH, Hong TD, Roberts EH. 1987. Comparison of
response that is distinct from other phases of vegetativecumulative germination and rate of germination of dormant
development, or the inconsistency is due to the differentand aged barley seed lots at different constant temperatures.
methods used to estimate the two sets of coefficients. Seed Science and Technology 15, 717-27.
The genotype showing the strongest effect of temper Ellis RH, Roberts EH. 1981. The quantification of ageing and
ature on maximum germination was WAF 10, where only survival in orthodox seed. Seed Science and Technology
9, 373^109.
23% germination was obtained in one replicate ofGarcia-Huidobro
the J, Monteith JL, Squire GR. 1982. Time,
34-5 °C treatment. However, the highest germination in
temperature and germination of pearl millet (Pennisetum
the replicate was only 77% (at 12-0 °C) suggesting typhoides
that S. & H.). I. Constant temperature. Seed Science and
Technology 33, 288-96.
poor seed quality may exacerbate effects of temperature
at extreme temperatures. Further evidence for this was V Committee. 1987. Genstat 5 reference manual. UK,
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
provided by NEP Bayo 22, where germination at 34-5 °C
Hardwick RC, Andrews DJ. 1980. A method of measuring
was 86% and 69% in the two replicates, and maximum
differences between bean varieties in tolerance to sub-optimal
among all temperatures were 98% and 97%, for temperatures.
the Annals of Applied Biology 95, 235—47.
respective replicates. For all other genotypes, 100% ger G, McSmith DS. 1992. Temperature sensitivity
of common bean during germination. Annual Report of the
mination was always achieved for at least one temperature
in each replicate. The data of Ellis et al. (1986) Bean
for Improvement Cooperative 35, 72-3.
Hoogenboom G, White JW, Jones JW, Boote KJ. 1991.
chickpea genotypes L 550 and K 850 suggest a similar
Beangro VI 01 dry bean crop growth simulation model user's
effect of seed quality on maximum germination, and the
guide. Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal No.
results agree with the basic principles of seed ageingN-00379.
survival as described by Ellis and Roberts (1981). Hunter EA, Glasbey CA, Naylor REL. 1984. The analysis
of data from germination tests. Journal of Agricultural Science
CONCLUSION 102, 207-13.
Laing DR, Jones PG, Davis JHS. 1984. Common bean
Our study confirms previous reports of cultivar differences
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.). In: Goldsworthy PR, Fisher NM, eds.
in the response of germination to temperature, and further
The physiology of tropical field crops. New York: Wiley &
Sons, 305-51. exists
suggests that considerable variation in response