MLSP Reviewer
MLSP Reviewer
MLSP Reviewer
1578: San Lazaro Hospital was built by the December 8, 1941: Japan attacked Manila: Medical
Franciscans for the poor and lepers Laboratory Unit of the US Army provided medical
services, perform routine water analysis, examination
1596: Hospital de San Juan de Dios: for poor of food supplies, culture media, distribution of
Spaniards reagents or solutions, investigation of epidemics and
epizootics, post mortem examination and preservation
1641: Hospital de San Jose: Cavite of pathological specimens.
History of Medical Technology in the Philippines: Dr. Tirso Briones joined Dr. Pio de Roda & Dr.
American Public Health System Prudencia Sta. Ana
1898: Spanish Military Hospital was converted into the 1954: Bureau of Private Education approved a 4 year
First Reserve Hospital by Lt. Col. Henry course in BS Medical Technology. Manila Sanitarium
Lipincott: chief surgeon of the Division of the and Hospital opened the first school of Medical
Pacific & Eighth Army Corps. Richard P. Technology under the leadership of Mrs. Willa
Hedrick. Internship program was affiliated with Loam
1901: Established a Bureau of Government Linda University in California
Laboratories under the Philippine Commission
Act No. 156: located in Calle Herran (Pedro Gil) 1954: Philippine Union College in Baesa Caloocan
Ermita Manila. now Adventist University of the Philippines took over
MSH School of Medical Technology.
Paul Freer: The bureau's first director: ensured that
the Dr. Jesse Umali: first graduate of medical technology
biological laboratory was well equipped program
The building was destroyed during World War II UST: 1957 offered medical technology as an elective
Now the National Institutes of Health of for pharmacy students. 1961 Medical Technology was
University of the Philippines occupies the area. recognized as official program.
PASMETH (1970)
• Circle - represents the continuity of learning and the
never-ending quest for excellence in the field of
• Diamond - represents the four objectives of the
• Microscope - represents the field of Medical
Technology and Public Health
PASMETH Objectives
• To encourage a thorough study of the needs and
problems of Medical Technology and public health
education and to offer solutions to them
• To work for the continuous development of MT and
PH education in order that the profession will be of
maximum service to the country
• To take a united stand in matters which affects the
interest of MT and PH education
• To seek the advice, aid and assistance from any
government or private entity for the fulfilment of the
aims and purposes of the association
PROFESSIONALS WITHIN THE CLINICAL evaluating employee performance.
• To isolate the effect of sex on demand,
factors such as age and health status are considered
in a model specification.
• The effect of family size on the use
of health services is unpredictable.
A large family has a higher
frequency of illness since it has
more potential patients.
• Greater amount of education may
enable a person to recognize early
symptoms of illness, resulting in
the patient’s greater willingness to
seek early treatment. The patient
spends more for preventive
services and less for curative
• Demand for health care is based upon felt needs.
Doctors assess whether felt needs are actual
needs. Some turn out to be so. Self-perceived
need determines whether or not an individual is in
the market for health care. It is the immediate
cause of decision to seek medical care.