9089 Form

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OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Application for Permanent Employment Certification

Expiration Date: 05/31/2021

ETA Form 9089
U.S. Department of Labor

Please read and review the filing instructions before completing this form. A copy of the instructions
can be found at http://www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov/pdf/9089inst.pdf
Employing or continuing to employ an alien unauthorized to work in the United States is illegal and may
subject the employer to criminal prosecution, civil money penalties, or both.

A. Refiling Instructions
1. Are you seeking to utilize the filing date from a previously submitted
Application for Alien Employment Certification (ETA 750)? Yes No
1-A. If Yes, enter the previous filing date

1-B. Indicate the previous SWA or local office case number OR if not available, specify state where case was
originally filed:

B. Schedule A or Sheepherder Information

1. Is this application in support of a Schedule A or Sheepherder Occupation?

Yes No
If Yes, do NOT send this application to the Department of Labor. All applications in support of Schedule A or
Sheepherder Occupations must be sent directly to the appropriate Department of Homeland Security office.

C. Employer Information (Headquarters or Main Office)

1. Employer’s name
2. Address 1
Address 2
3. City State/Province Country Postal code
4. Phone number Extension
5. Number of employees 6. Year commenced business
7. FEIN( Federal Employer Identification Number) 8. NAICS Code
9. Is the employer a closely held corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship in which
the alien has an ownership interest, or is there a familial relationship between the owners, Yes No
stockholders, corporate officers, incorporators, or partners, and the alien?

D. Employer Contact Information (This section must be filled out. This information must be different from the
agent or attorney information listed in Section E).
1. Contact’s last name N/A First name N/A Middle initial N/A
2. Address 1

Address 2

3. City State/Province Country Postal code

4. Phone number Extension
5. E-mail address

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page 1 of

ETA Case Number:

OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Application for Permanent Employment Certification
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
ETA Form 9089
U.S. Department of Labor
E. Agent or Attorney Information (If applicable)

1. Agent or attorney’s last name First name Middle initial

2. Firm name
3. Firm EIN 4. Phone number Extension
5. Address 1
Address 2
6. City State/Province Country Postal code
7. E-mail address

F. Prevailing Wage Information (as provided by the State Workforce Agency)

1. Prevailing wage tracking number (if applicable) 2. SOC/O*NET(OES) code
3. Occupation Title 4. Skill Level
5. Prevailing wage Per: (Choose only one)
$ Hour Week Bi-Weekly Month Year
6. Prevailing wage source (Choose only one)
OES CBA Employer Conducted Survey DBA SCA Other
6-A. If Other is indicated in question 6, specify:
7. Determination date 8. Expiration date

G. Wage Offer Information

1. Offered wage
From: To: (Optional) Per: (Choose only one)
$ $ Month Year
N/A N/A Hour Week Bi-Weekly

H. Job Opportunity Information (Where work will be performed)

1. Primary worksite (where work is to be performed) address 1
Address 2

2. City State Postal code

3. Job title
4. Education: minimum level required:
None High School Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate Other
4-A. If Other is indicated in question 4, specify the education required:
4-B. Major field of study
5. Is training required for the job opportunity? 5-A. If Yes, number of months of training required:
Yes No

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page 2 of

ETA Case Number:

OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Application for Permanent Employment Certification
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
ETA Form 9089
U.S. Department of Labor
H. Job Opportunity Information Continued
5-B. Indicate the field of training:
6. Is experience in the job offered required for the job? 6-A. If Yes, number of months experience required:
 Yes  No
7. Is there an alternate field of study that is acceptable?
 Yes  No

7-A. If Yes, specify the major field of study:

8. Is there an alternate combination of education and experience that is acceptable?  Yes  No

8- A. If Yes, specify the alternate level of education required:

None  High School  Associate’s Bachelor’s  Master’s  Doctorate Other
8-B. If Other is indicated in question 8-A, indicate the alternate level of education required:

8-C. If applicable, indicate the number of years experience acceptable in question 8:

9. Is a foreign educational equivalent acceptable?  Yes  No
10. Is experience in an alternate occupation acceptable? 10-A. If Yes, number of months experience in alternate
occupation required:
 Yes  No
10-B. Identify the job title of the acceptable alternate occupation:
11. Job duties – If submitting by mail, add attachment if necessary. Job duties description must begin in this space.

12. Are the job opportunity’s requirements normal for the occupation?
 Yes  No
If the answer to this question is No, the employer must be prepared to
provide documentation demonstrating that the job requirements are
supported by business necessity.
13. Is knowledge of a foreign language required to perform the job duties?
 Yes  No
If the answer to this question is Yes, the employer must be prepared to
provide documentation demonstrating that the language requirements
are supported by business necessity.
14. Specific skills or other requirements – If submitting by mail, add attachment if necessary. Skills description must
begin in this space.

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page 3 of

ETA Case Number:

OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Application for Permanent Employment Certification
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
ETA Form 9089
U.S. Department of Labor
H. Job Opportunity Information Continued

15. Does this application involve a job opportunity that includes a combination of
Yes  No

16. Is the position identified in this application being offered to the alien identified
 Yes  No
in Section J?

17. Does the job require the alien to live on the employer’s premises?
 Yes  No
18. Is the application for a live-in household domestic service worker?  Yes  No

18-A. If Yes, have the employer and the alien executed the required employment  Yes  No  NA
contract and has the employer provided a copy of the contract to the alien?

I. Recruitment Information
a. Occupation Type – All must complete this section.
1. Is this application for a professional occupation, other than a college or
university teacher? Professional occupations are those for which a bachelor’s  Yes  No
degree (or equivalent) is normally required.

2. Is this application for a college or university teacher?

If Yes, complete questions 2-A and 2-B below. Yes  No
2-A. Did you select the candidate using a competitive recruitment and
 Yes  No
selection process?
2-B. Did you use the basic recruitment process for professional occupations?
Yes  No

b. Special Recruitment and Documentation Procedures for College and University Teachers –
Complete only if the answer to question I.a.2-A is Yes.
3. Date alien selected:

4. Name and date of national professional journal in which advertisement was placed:

5. Specify additional recruitment information in this space. Add an attachment if necessary.


c. Professional/Non-Professional Information – Complete this section unless your answer to question B.1 or
I.a.2-A is YES.
6. Start date for the SWA job order 7. End date for the SWA job order
8. Is there a Sunday edition of the newspaper in the area of intended employment?  Yes  No
9. Name of newspaper (of general circulation) in which the first advertisement was placed:
10. Date of first advertisement identified in question 9:
11. Name of newspaper or professional journal (if applicable) in which second advertisement was placed:

N/A  Newspaper  Journal

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page 4 of

ETA Case Number:

OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Application for Permanent Employment Certification
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
ETA Form 9089
U.S. Department of Labor
I. Recruitment Information Continued

12. Date of second newspaper advertisement or date of publication of journal identified in question 11:

d. Professional Recruitment Information – Complete if the answer to question I.a.1 is YES or if the answer to
I.a.2-B is YES. Complete at least 3 of the items.
13. Dates advertised at job fair 14. Dates of on-campus recruiting
From: N/A To: N/A From: N/A To: N/A
15. Dates posted on employer web site 16. Dates advertised with trade or professional organization
From: N/A To: N/A From: N/A To: N/A
17. Dates listed with job search web site 18. Dates listed with private employment firm
From: N/A To: N/A From: N/A To: N/A
19. Dates advertised with employee referral program 20. Dates advertised with campus placement office
From: N/A To: N/A From: N/A To: N/A
21. Dates advertised with local or ethnic newspaper 22. Dates advertised with radio or TV ads
From: N/A To: N/A From: N/A To: N/A
e. General Information – All must complete this section.
23. Has the employer received payment of any kind for the submission of this  Yes  No
23-A. If Yes, describe details of the payment including the amount, date and purpose of the payment :
24. Has the bargaining representative for workers in the occupation in which the
 Yes  No ✔ NA
alien will be employed been provided with notice of this filing at least 30 days
but not more than 180 days before the date the application is filed?
25. If there is no bargaining representative, has a notice of this filing been posted
Yes  No ✔ NA
for 10 business days in a conspicuous location at the place of employment,
ending at least 30 days before but not more than 180 days before the date the
application is filed?
26. Has the employer had a layoff in the area of intended employment in the
occupation involved in this application or in a related occupation within the six  Yes  No
months immediately preceding the filing of this application?
26-A. If Yes, were the laid off U.S. workers notified and considered for the job
opportunity for which certification is sought?  Yes  No ✔ NA

J. Alien Information (This section must be filled out. This information must be different from the agent
or attorney information listed in Section E).

1. Alien’s last name First name Full middle name

2. Current address 1
Address 2
3. City State/Province Country Postal code
4. Phone number of current residence
5. Country of citizenship 6. Country of birth
7. Alien’s date of birth 8. Class of admission
9. Alien registration number (A#) 10. Alien admission number (I-94)
11. Education: highest level achieved as required by the requested job opportunity:
 None  High School  Associate’s ✔ Bachelor’s  Master’s  Doctorate  Other

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page 5 of

ETA Case Number:

OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Application for Permanent Employment Certification
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
ETA Form 9089
U.S. Department of Labor
J. Alien Information Continued
11-A. If Other indicated in question 11, specify

12. Specify major field(s) of study

13. Year relevant education completed
14. Institution where relevant education specified in question 11 was received
15. Address 1 of conferring institution
Address 2

16. City State/Province Country Postal code

17. Did the alien complete the training required for the requested job opportunity,
Yes  No ✔ NA
as indicated in question H.5?

18. Does the alien have the experience as required for the requested job
opportunity indicated in question H.6?  Yes  No ✔ NA
19. Does the alien possess the alternate combination of education and experience
as indicated in question H.8?  Yes  No 
✔ NA
20. Does the alien have the experience in an alternate occupation specified in
question H.10?  Yes  No ✔ NA

21. Did the alien gain any of the qualifying experience with the employer in a
position substantially comparable to the job opportunity requested?  Yes  No ✔ NA
22. Did the employer pay for any of the alien’s education or training
necessary to satisfy any of the employer’s job requirements for this position? Yes  No
23. Is the alien currently employed by the petitioning employer?
 Yes  No

K. Alien Work Experience

List all jobs the alien has held during the past 3 years. Also list any other experience that qualifies the alien for
the job opportunity for which the employer is seeking certification.
a. Job 1
1. Employer name
2. Address 1

Address 2

3. City State/Province Country Postal code

4. Type of business 5. Job title
6. Start date 7. End date 8. Number of hours worked per week
Job 1 continued on next page

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page 6 of

ETA Case Number:

OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Application for Permanent Employment Certification
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
ETA Form 9089
U.S. Department of Labor
K. Alien Work Experience Continued
9. Job details (duties performed, use of tools, machines, equipment, skills, qualifications, certifications, licenses, etc.
Include the phone number of the employer and the name of the alien’s supervisor.)
PROJECT MANAGER: BILLY GRAHAM +2348035670366 billy.graham@ariosh.com
HEAD OF MAINTENANCE: CEDRICK HERNANDEZ: +2347070178451 cedrick.hernandez@total.com

• Engineering Configuration, Process Automation, Optimization, Production, Storage and Offloading to Export Tankers.
• Provides technical support in relation to process queries and operability problems on the FPSOs.
• Provides daily support to the Process Operations departments on the FPSOs.
• Produces and Monitor the Key Performance Indicators of the process plant.
• Monitors and coordinates actions related to the Risks & Opportunities management of the unit.
• Ensures the optimization of process throughput and economic results of the Performance.
• Performs troubleshooting on the hardware and software of the ICSS, PLC, etc.
• Prepares with Company process Engineer, Company ICSS Specialist Engineer, and SMC vendors corrective actions and modifications of the ICSS.
• Implement routine monitoring and maintenance of hardware and software of the ICSS equipment.
• Performs repairs and replacement of consumables and straightforward equipment or by re-initialization.
• Maintains an auditable log of all systems faults (short term and long term).
Takes part in daily, weekly, and coordination meetings on site.
• Execution of modifications of the application's configuration.
• Regular backup of system and applications software and restore when required.
• Issue incident and troubleshooting reports of any hardware and software failure or other abnormal behavior in the system.
• Use of SAP for activities preparation and follow up
• Assist and supervise new and upgraded ICSS/PLC systems installations across the platforms.
• Cyber security Administrator

b. Job 2

1. Employer name
2. Address 1
Address 2
3. City State/Province Country Postal code
4. Type of business 5. Job title
6. Start date 7. End date 8. Number of hours worked per week
SEPTEMBER 2022 JULY 2024 84
9. Job details (duties performed, use of tools, machines, equipment, skills, qualifications, certifications, licenses, etc.
Include the phone number of the employer and the name of the alien’s supervisor.)
PHONE: +244932103973
Email: m.palabost@spie.com


• Responsible for ensuring compliance with specifications and safety in ICSS, E&I, and process work.
• Review control narratives, automation system philosophy, and configurations on FGS, PAS system, block diagrams, network topology, PCS configuration typical, and functional design specifications.
• Extensive experience in various systems control narratives such as Gas Suction and Receiver manifolds, Booster compressors, Seal Gas systems, control panels, and Adjustable speed Drive. Booster compressor lube oil system. Pressure letdown to Gas metering
package, Gas export Analyzer package, Instrument Air Package, Nitrogen Generation Package, Krohne Flow Meter Package, Gas Booster Compressors, Gold flare Heater panels, Cold flare Drum, Gas Export, Flame front Generator, LP Fuel Gas Header, Fuel Gas
Tie-in to LGP. Open and Closed Drains Header, Vessel and Pumps, Diesel supply to Pedestal Crane, RIO Panel (FGS, SSRP, PCRP) ESS, PCS, F&G Systems. Fusible loop Panel, Interposing Relay Panels.
• Chief Control Room Operator in charge of all Loop checks to ensure conformity with Functional Design Specification and Control Narrative of the SLGC project.
• Supporting Yokogawa Engineers in the SMR implementation and testing of loops
• Integration of SLGC with SANHA (Existing Sanha Condensate Complex-SCC) in the Trip signal implementation and tie-up
• Graphic checks of SLGC and Sinha and making of compares to propose possible areas to modify with Client.
• Operation of Different Systems on the Panel and On-site to ensure they meet the expected functionality.
• Parameter Tuning as per RAT list and ensuring all Alarms and Trip are configured correctly.
• Cause and Effect testing chart modification.
• Intervention on Field Instrument Installation, termination and Calibration
• Supporting Pre-commissioning activities on site.
• Electrical Testing and Commissioning of Power and distribution of Main Power (LV), Tie-in to Existing platform PCP 4.16Kv System Tie-In To PPP, Load Shed system, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). Navaids. Tie-in to LGP UPS Distribution system, UPS
Distribution-Batteries, LV Essential power PCP to LGP tie-in.
• Graphic check and testing of Electrical Distribution to Booster Compressor Feeders and Main Motors.
• System completion (B02) check sheet database updating for Certification by Client.

E&I Supervisor Experiences

• Heat Trace LP Flare Header, PA-GA Advance cabinet, PCS Rio panel PDC-5000, Normal lighting panels, LGP Flare light controller and Boom lighting,
• MCC PDC-4000/5000 Building HVAC and F&G
• Contribute to risk analysis, assessment, and mitigation to ensure safe plant operations.
• Participated in control room operations during pre-commissioning and commissioning using Yokogawa Engineering workstations.
c. Job 3
• Coordinated and directed initial instrumentation checkout and operations of instrumentation equipment, F&G systems, and utilities.
• Report to the Lead Commissioning Engineer and Commissioning Manager.
• Monitor test sequences, calibrate devices, and monitor the process value simulated by the field technician.
• Uses iPIMS software for various tasks, including pre-commissioning, construction completion activities, engineering procurement, installation, factory acceptance test activities, inspection test records, P&ID updating, commissioning activities, systems completion,
1. Employer name
database management, quality assurance, and maintenance programs.
• Perform technical studies, follow up on technical problems, and coordinate resources provision and offshore training.
2. Address 1
Address 2

3. City State/Province Country Postal code

4. Type of business 5. Job title
6. Start date 7. End date 8. Number of hours worked per week
JANUARY 2016 MAY 2021 84
Job 3 continued on next page

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page 7 of

ETA Case Number:

OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Application for Permanent Employment Certification
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
ETA Form 9089
U.S. Department of Labor
K. Alien Work Experience Continued
9. Job details (duties performed, use of tools, machines, equipment, skills, qualifications, certifications, licenses, etc.
Include the phone number of the employer and the name of the alien’s supervisor.)
• Ensures all software modification and corrective actions on Triconex safety system are validated and conforms to functional analysis.
• Ensures Back-up of Triconex program Tristation 1131 project software is updated and available in case of an emergency.
• Proficient in Triconex Sequence of Event (SOE) recorder Software.
• Proficient in Triconex Enhance Diagnostic Monitor Software.
• Assist Instrumentation and production personnel on maintenance inhibitions on Triconex Systems and package Programmable Logic Control (PLC’s).
• Triconex Safety System: Tristation1131V4.5 Software and hardware troubleshooting and maintenance.
• Carried out Bi-Weekly preventive maintenance and daily checks on Yokogawa CS3000 R3 systems controllers, operators’ workstations, and system servers.
• Ensures all software modification and corrective actions on Yokogawa CS3000 R3 are validated and conforms to functional analysis.
• Ensure daily follow-up of systems logs (Enhance Diagnostic and Yokogawa operating system logs.
• Troubleshooting, Commissioning and Maintenance of DMCMS, HIPS, FM200 PDCS and HVAC Systems using Allen Bradley Logix5000 and Siemens STEP 7-400
• Ensures Back-up of Yokogawa CS300 R3 software is updated and available in case of an emergency.
• Troubleshooting and maintenance of Human Machine Interface (HMI), Software modifications and implementation.
• Carried out routine monitoring and maintenance of general Integrated Control and Safety Systems (ICSS)/Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) systems.
• Responsible for the hardware maintenance and software optimization of integrated control and safety systems (ICSS)/Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) Installations.
• Ensures accurate control authorization, verification, integrity, and effective follow-up of all ICSS software and hardware.
• Ensures that company policies HSE rules and procedures are adhered to.

L. Alien Declaration
I declare under penalty of perjury that Sections J and K are true and correct. I understand that to knowingly furnish
false information in the preparation of this form and any supplement thereto or to aid, abet, or counsel another to do so is
a federal offense punishable by a fine or imprisonment up to five years or both under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1001. Other
penalties apply as well to fraud or misuse of ETA immigration documents and to perjury with respect to such documents
under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1546 and 1621.
In addition, I further declare under penalty of perjury that I intend to accept the position offered in Section H of this
application if a labor certification is approved and I am granted a visa or an adjustment of status based on this
1. Alien’s last name First name Full middle name
2. Signature Date signed
Note – The signature and date signed do not have to be filled out when electronically submitting to the Department of Labor for
processing, but must be complete when submitting by mail. If the application is submitted electronically, any resulting certification
MUST be signed immediately upon receipt from DOL before it can be submitted to USCIS for final processing.

M. Declaration of Preparer

1. Was the application completed by the employer?

If No, you must complete this section.  Yes ✔ No

I hereby certify that I have prepared this application at the direct request of the employer listed in Section C and
that to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein is true and correct. I understand that to
knowingly furnish false information in the preparation of this form and any supplement thereto or to aid, abet, or counsel
another to do so is a federal offense punishable by a fine, imprisonment up to five years or both under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and
1001. Other penalties apply as well to fraud or misuse of ETA immigration documents and to perjury with respect to such
documents under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1546 and 1621.
2. Preparer’s last name First name Middle initial
3. Title
4. E-mail address
5. Signature Date signed

Note – The signature and date signed do not have to be filled out when electronically submitting to the Department of Labor for
processing, but must be complete when submitting by mail. If the application is submitted electronically, any resulting certification MUST
be signed immediately upon receipt from DOL before it can be submitted to USCIS for final processing.

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page 8 of

ETA Case Number:

OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Application for Permanent Employment Certification
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
ETA Form 9089
U.S. Department of Labor
N. Employer Declaration
By virtue of my signature below, I HEREBY CERTIFY the following conditions of employment:

1. The offered wage equals or exceeds the prevailing wage and I will pay at least the prevailing wage.
2. The wage is not based on commissions, bonuses or other incentives, unless I guarantees a wage paid on a
weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis that equals or exceeds the prevailing wage.
3. I have enough funds available to pay the wage or salary offered the alien.
4. I will be able to place the alien on the payroll on or before the date of the alien’s proposed entrance into the
United States.
5. The job opportunity does not involve unlawful discrimination by race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex,
religion, handicap, or citizenship.
6. The job opportunity is not:
a. Vacant because the former occupant is on strike or is being locked out in the course of a labor dispute
involving a work stoppage; or
b. At issue in a labor dispute involving a work stoppage.
7. The job opportunity’s terms, conditions, and occupational environment are not contrary to Federal, state or local
8. The job opportunity has been and is clearly open to any U.S. worker.
9. The U.S. workers who applied for the job opportunity were rejected for lawful job-related reasons.
10. The job opportunity is for full-time, permanent employment for an employer other than the alien.
I hereby designate the agent or attorney identified in section E (if any) to represent me for the purpose of labor
certification and, by virtue of my signature in Block 3 below, I take full responsibility for the accuracy of any
representations made by my agent or attorney.
I declare under penalty of perjury that I have read and reviewed this application and that to the best of my knowledge
the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that to knowingly furnish false information in the
preparation of this form and any supplement thereto or to aid, abet, or counsel another to do so is a federal offense
punishable by a fine or imprisonment up to five years or both under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1001. Other penalties apply as
well to fraud or misuse of ETA immigration documents and to perjury with respect to such documents under 18 U.S.C.
§§ 1546 and 1621.

1. Last name First name Middle initial

2. Title
3. Signature Date signed
Note – The signature and date signed do not have to be filled out when electronically submitting to the Department of
Labor for processing, but must be complete when submitting by mail. If the application is submitted electronically, any
resulting certification MUST be signed immediately upon receipt from DOL before it can be submitted to USCIS for
final processing.

O. U.S. Government Agency Use Only

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 212 (a)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended, I hereby certify
that there are not sufficient U.S. workers available and the employment of the above will not adversely affect the wages
and working conditions of workers in the U.S. similarly employed.
This Certification is valid from to

Signature of Certifying Officer Date Signed

Case Number Filing Date

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page 9 of

ETA Case Number:

OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Application for Permanent Employment Certification
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
ETA Form 9089
U.S. Department of Labor
P. OMB Information Paperwork Reduction Act Information Control Number 1205-0451
Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.

Respondent’s reply to these reporting requirements is required to obtain the benefits of permanent
employment certification (Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 212(a)(5)). Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing
and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate to the Office of
Foreign Labor Certification * U.S. Department of Labor * 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Box 12-200 *
Washington, DC * 20210. Do NOT send the completed application to this address.

Q. Privacy Statement Information

In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a), you are hereby notified
that the information provided herein is protected under the Privacy Act. The Department of Labor
(Department or DOL) maintains a System of Records titled Employer Application and Attestation
File for Permanent and Temporary Alien Workers (DOL/ETA-7) that includes this record.

Under routine uses for this system of records, case files developed in processing labor
certification applications, labor condition applications, or labor attestations may be released as
follows: in connection with appeals of denials before the DOL Office of Administrative Law
Judges and Federal courts, records may be released to the employers that filed such
applications, their representatives, to named alien beneficiaries or their representatives, and to
the DOL Office of Administrative Law Judges and Federal courts; and in connection with
administering and enforcing immigration laws and regulations, records may be released to such
agencies as the DOL Office of Inspector General, Employment Standards Administration, the
Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of State.

Further relevant disclosures may be made in accordance with the Privacy Act and under the
following circumstances: in connection with federal litigation; for law enforcement purposes; to
authorized parent locator persons under Pub. L. 93-647; to an information source or public
authority in connection with personnel, security clearance, procurement, or benefit-related matters;
to a contractor or their employees, grantees or their employees, consultants, or volunteers who
have been engaged to assist the agency in the performance of Federal activities; for Federal debt
collection purposes; to the Office of Management and Budget in connection with its legislative
review, coordination, and clearance activities; to a Member of Congress or their staff in response
to an inquiry of the Congressional office made at the written request of the subject of the record; in
connection with records management; and to the news media and the public when a matter under
investigation becomes public knowledge, the Solicitor of Labor determines the disclosure is
necessary to preserve confidence in the integrity of the Department, or the Solicitor of Labor
determines that a legitimate public interest exists in the disclosure of information, unless the
Solicitor of Labor determines that disclosure would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal

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ETA Case Number:

H. 11. Job duties

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ETA Case Number:

H. 14. Specific skills or other requirements

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ETA Case Number:

I. 5. Specify additional recruitment information in this space

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ETA Case Number:

K. 9. Job - Job Details

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page of

ETA Case Number:

K. Alien Work Experience Continued

1. Employer name
2. Address 1
Address 2
3. City State/Province Country Postal code
4. Type of business 5. Job title
6. Start date 7. End date 8. Number of hours worked per week

9. Job details (duties performed, use of tools, machines, equipment, skills, qualifications, certifications, licenses, etc.
Include the phone number of the employer and the name of the alien’s supervisor.)
PHONE: +2348134832258

PROJECT: Escravos Gas to Liquid Project is based in the Escravos region, Delta State, Nigeria. It is located about 300 km southeast of Lagos. The plant, once mounted, will receive gas from Chevron-Operated Escravos Gas Plant EGP. The plant is made to convert
natural gas into liquid petroleum product. The GTL plant costed more than US$12 billion and became operational by September 2013. Its initial capacity was 34,000 barrels per day (5,400 m3/d) of fuel, diesel. Within ten years the capacity has expanded to 120,000
barrels per day (19,000m3/d).
Link: https://www.jadgroup.org/en/GAS-To-Liquid-Project-Escravos
● Perform installation, inspections and testing & commissioning of Waukesha and
Caterpillar Generators, gas compressors, turbines and valves, and carry out electrical and
Instrumentation troubleshooting, predict, and document potential machinery part
● Prepare required electrical and instrumentation calculations and drawings ( voltage drop,
cable sizing, loop current and voltages, pressure, P&ID and single line diagram..).
● Participate in execution of projects, including generators and transmitters, control valve
installation and related electrical works (power distribution panels, power cables etc.).
● Carry out termination of cables, pipe or tubing liner hook-ups and commissioning.
● Prepare, organize, sort and analyze monthly/weekly maintenance reports and ensure
testing and measuring tools are calibrated and properly functioning and provide support
to staff with direct responsibility for maintenance and replacement of equipment.
● Carry out instrument and electrical pre-commissioning and commissioning and routine
inspection and testing activities on Transmitters, Fire & Gas Detectors, Control Valves,
Emergency Safety and Shutdown Valves.
● Install Impulse and air liners tubing across Valves and Pressurize lines
● Carry out Leak Tests to ensure good tightening and cleaning of process lines
● Interpret Piping and Instrument drawings and update same with any modification
● Punch clearing of omitted items during construction and pre-commissioning activities.
● Carry out Instrument Calibration according to standard calibration and testing procedures for
instruments including control valves, PSV/PRV, Transmitters, Switches, Controllers, Recorders,
Torque wrenches, F&G detectors, and Analyzers.
● Carry out installations of cable trays, cables, JB, transmitters, switches, F&G instruments, and
1. Employer name
heat trace tubing, PAGA and Telecom instruments.
● Report breaches of safety procedures to supervisors/management.
● Actively participate in and promotes company health and safety campaigns, policies and
procedures, and ensure personal safety and that of colleagues at all time
2. Address 1
● Provide support as part of the installation emergency response.
● Conduct Risk Assessments as part of Integrated Safe System of Work/ Permit to work
• Loop check, Calibration, and Function test of pneumatic and smart field instruments: Transmitters, Chromatograph/Microwave/Conductivity/PH analyzers, vibration detectors, metering, F&G instruments, control valves, on/off valves (MOV, SSV, BDV, ESDV & SDV),
limit/proximity switches, PAGA instruments, HVAC systems motors/diesel engines and steam turbines and Solo run of cooling fan Motors.
Address 2
• Chevron Escravos Gas Plant receives gas from other Chevron Locations and supply to EGTL hence there is need to ensure the facility is in optimal. Centum VP R6.03.01 deployed to upgrade from CS3000
• Activities being covered.
• DCS Engineering of Graphics and Testing their Functionality,
• Software Engineering of Function Blocks in line with control Philosophy
3. City
• Logic testing for compatibility after Upgrade
• Engineering GSGW, PRM, EXA-OPC upgrade and Testing
State/Province Country Postal code
• FAT Setup to test functionality with Customers
• Commissioning of New systems and Functionality test.

4. Type of business 5. Job title

6. Start date 7. End date 8. Number of hours worked per week

9. Job details (duties performed, use of tools, machines, equipment, skills, qualifications, certifications, licenses, etc.
Include the phone number of the employer and the name of the alien’s supervisor.)

ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from to Page of

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