Mdm4u 5
Mdm4u 5
Mdm4u 5
Normal Distribution
Continuous vs.
Share Your
When a company fills an aluminum
can with pop for sale, they print the
mL on the can. Often, a can is set to
fill up 355 mL of liquid.
by Coca-Cola Ltd.
Continuous vs.
The difference between the two is
whether or not they are obtained by
measuring or counting.
Continuous Data
Definition: Continuous data is data
that is obtained by measuring. You can
measure data in different ways, including
time and distance. Because there is
always a data point that can exist
between two data points and there is a
possibility of infinite data points,
measured data is continuous and
organized into intervals.
How long does it take you to get to
15-20 minutes,
20-25 minutes,
25-30 minutes.
Discrete Data
Definition: Discrete data is data that is
obtained by counting. This type of data
was what you focused on in the first half
of this course. Discrete data points,
unlike continuous ones, do not have
points between points. There are a finite
number of possibilities.
1. How many heads do you get
when you flip a coin 3 times? The
only possibilities are 0,1,2 and 3.
There are no values between
We have spent the first half of the course
learning about how to calculate
probabilities for discrete distributions, by
counting the total number of possible
ways to arrive at a specific outcome and
divide by the total possible ways to arrive
at all outcomes. As discrete variables
are measured by counting, discrete
probabilities are calculated by counting.
Record Your
1. 30%
2. 60%
3. 25%
4. 0%
Challenges with
Continuous Variables
Unlike discrete variables like the ones we
saw in the first half of this course,
continuous variables do not have
theoretical probabilities associated with
them. Often we can only base our
probabilities on past data and create a
histogram based on a sample of the
data. The length of time it takes you to
get to school, for example, can be
modelled after collecting a sample of the
times it takes you to get to school. There
will be some variability in the data,
requiring a measure of the mean and the
standard deviation, which we will see in
the remainder of the unit. There is also a
need to assume that the data will behave
in a certain way, by being normally
distributed around the mean.
Application and
Revisit the 100m results discussed
in the Introduction. Based on what
you have learned in this activity,
did Jeneba Tarmoh and Allyson Felix
actually tie for 3rd?