AASHTO Standard Specifications 17th Ed.
AASHTO Standard Specifications 17th Ed.
AASHTO Standard Specifications 17th Ed.
Part A
b' = width of stiffeners (Articles, d — depth of beam or girder, in. (Table l 0.32. IA
10.34.6,, 1, anti 111.55.2) and Articles 10.13, 10.ª8.2, 10.48.4. l, and
b‟ = width of a projecting ilange element, angle, 10.511. 1.1 2
or stiffener (Articles,, d = diametei ‹›f rocl‹ei or roller, in. (Aiticle, 1,,,
and 10.55.3) = beam depth (Article 10.56.3)
= web buckling coefficient (Artic les 10.34.4, — column depth (Article UN.56.3),, and 10.48.8) = spacing of iiitermediate stiffciier (Articles
= compressive forme in the slab (Article 10.34.4, 10.34.5,,, and
l 0.50. 1. 1.l) 10.48.8)
— e‹juivalent moment factor (Article 10.54.2. 1) = distance from the centerline of a plate longi-
— coiiipressive foice in top portion of steel sec- tudinal stiffener or the gage line of an angle
tion (Article longitudin:el stiffener t‹› the inner surface or
= bending coefficicnt (Table 10.32.lA and Ar- the lcg of the compression f1ang•e component
ticles 1 0.48.4. 1 and (Articles 1, 10.34.5. 1, 10.48.4. 1,
— column slenderness ratio dividing elastic and, and 10.61.1)
inelastic buckling (Table 10.32.IA) E — modulus of elasticity of steel, psi (Table
— coefficient about X axis (Article 10.36) 10.32. l A and Articles 10.IE.3, 10.36, 10.37,
— coefficient about the Y axis (Article 10.36), 10.54.1, and 10.55. 1)
= buckling stress coefficient (Article — modulus of elasticity of concrete, psi (Article
= Euler stress divided by a factor ofsafety (Ar- = computed axial compression stress (Articles
ticle 10.36) 10.35.2. 10, 10.36, 10.37, 10.55.2, and
— design stress for the noncontrolling flange at 10.55.3)
a point of splice (Article fb — computed compressive bending stress (Arti-
= design stress for the noncontrolling flange at cles 10.34.2, 10.34.3,, 10.37,
a point of splice (Article l) 10.39, and 10.55)
- computed bearing stress due to design load fb = factored bending sness in the compression
(Table 10.32.3B) flange (Articles 10.48,,
= limiting bending stress (Article 10.34.4), ,, 10.53, and
— allowable range of stress (Table 10.3.lA)
F,, — maximum factored noncomposite dead load
= reduced allowable tensile stress on rivet or
bolt due to the applied shear stress, ksi (Ar- compressive bending stress in the web (Arti-
ticles and cte 10.61.1)
— specified minimum yield point of the rein- = unit ultimate compressive strength of con-
forcing steel (Article crete as determined by cylinder tests at age of
= factor of safety (Table 10.32.l A and Articles 28 days, psi (Articles 10.38.l, 10.38.5. 1.2,
F.S. 10.32.1 and 10.36) 10.45.3, and 1)
= specified minimum tensile strength (Tables f,, — maximum flexural stress at the reid-thickness
10.2A, 10.32.lA and 10.32.3B and Article of the flange under consideration at a point of
10.18.4) splice (Articles and
= tensile strength of electrode classification — maximum flexural stress due to the factored
(Table 10.56A and Article 10.32.2) loads at the reid-thickness of the controlling
= maximum bending strength of the flange flange at a point ofsplice (Articles l
(Articles,, and and f,,, = noncomposite dead load stress in the com-
= allowable shear stress (Table 10.32.1A and pression flange (Articles and
10.32.3B and Articles, 10.32.2,
10.32.3, 10.34.4,, and f,,, = top flange compressive stress due to the fac-
= shear strength of a fastener (Article tored noncomposite dead load divided by the
= combined tension and shear in bearing-type factor Rb (Article 10.61.4)
connections (Article = totnl noncomposite and composite dead-load
= design shear stress in the web at a point of plus composite live-load stress in the com-
splice (Articles,, and pression flange at the most highly stressed section of the web (Articles and
— specified minimum yield point of steel (Arti-
cles, 10.15.3, 10.16.ll, 10.32.l, fu = top flange compressive stress due to non-
10.32.4, 10.34, 10.35,,, composite dead load (Articles and
10.38.5, 10.39.4,, 10.41 .4.6, 10.46,
10.48, J 0.49, 10.50, 10.51.5, 10.54, and fy, = flexural stress at the reid-thickness of the non-
10.61.4) controlling flange concurrent with fq (Articles
— specified minimum yield strength ofthe flange and
(Articles l , 10.48. 1.1, 10.53. l, = flexural stress due to the factored loads at the
10.57.1, and 10.57.2) reid-thickness of the noncontrolling flange at
= specified minimum yield strength of a a point of splice concurrent with f,, (Articles
transverse stiffener (Articles and l and = maximum flexural stress due to D + Q,(L + I)
= specified minimum yield strength ol‟ the web at the reid —thickness of the flange under
(Articles l,,, consideration at a point of splice (Articles
10.53.1, and 10.61.1) and
= specified mimimum yield strength of the web = flexural stress due to D + bL L + I) at the mid—
(Articles and thickness of the other flange at a point of
= the lesser of (f ,) or F, (Articles splice concurrent with f, in the flange under
10.48.2. l(b),, and 10.53) consideration (Article
f, — range of stress due to live load plus impact, K effective length factor in plane of buckling
in the slab reinforcement over the support (Table 10.32.1A and Articles 10.37, 10.54.1,
(Article 10.38.5. 1.3) and 10.54.2)
f, = modulus of rupture of concrete specified in = effective length factor in the plane of bend-
Article 8. 15.2.I .1 (Article ing (Article 10.36)
f, = maximum longitudinal bending stress in the k = constant: 0.75 for rivets; 0.6 for high-
flange of the panels on either side of the strength bolts with thread excluded from
transverse stiffener (Article shear plane (Artie le
f, = factored bending stress in either the top or k = buckling coefficient (Articles l,
bottom flange, whichever flange has the 10.34.4,,, 10.48.8,
larger ratio of (f,/F,) (Article, and 10.61.l)
f, = tensile stress due to applied loads (Articles — distance from outer face of flange to toe of and web fillet of member to be stiffened (Article
= allowable tensile stress in the concrete spec- 10.56.3)
ified in Article 8.15.2. 1.l (Article — buckling coefficient (Article
— unit shear stress (Articles, = distance between bolts in the direction of the, and applied force (Table 10.32.3B)
= maximum shear stress in the web at a point of L = actual unbraced length (Table 10.32.IA and
splice (Article Articles 10.7.4, 10.15.3, and 10.55. l)
= computed compressive bending stress about L l/2 of the length of the arch rib (Article
the x axis (Article 10.36) 10.37.1)
- computed compressive bending stress about L = distance between transverse beams (Article
f by
the y axis (Article 10.36)
= gage between fasteners, in. (Articles Lb — unbraced length (Table and Arti-
10.16.14, 10.24.5, and 10.24.6) cles 10.36, 10.4b.1. l, 10.48.2. l, 10.48.4.l,
= height of stud, in. (Article 10.38.5. l . l ) and
= horizontal design force resultant in the web L, — length of member between points of support,
at a point of splice (Articles and in. (Artie le L, = clear distance between the holes, or between
= overload horizontal design force resultant the hole and the edge of the material in the di-
in the web at a point of splice (Article rection ofthe applied bearing force, in. (Table 10.32.3B and Article 10.56.I .3.2)
= horizontal design force resultant in the web = limiting unbraced length (Article
at a point of splice (Articles = limiting unbraced length (Article 10.48.4. l)
and = member length (Table 10.32. lA and Article
= average flange thickness of the channel 10.35.l)
h flange, in. (Article M = maximum bending moment (Articles
- moment of inertia, in.‟ (Articles 10.34.4, 10.48.8,, and 10.50.1.l .2)
I 10.34.5,,, and — smaller moment at the end of the unbraced length of the member (Article
= moment of inertia of stiffener (Articles = moments at two adjacent braced points (Ta-
I, 10.37.2, l, and bles 10.32.lA and 10.3f›A and Articles
= moment of inenia of transverse stiffeners 10.48.4. 1 and
(Article = column moment (Article
— moment of inertia of member about the ver— = full plastic moment of the section (Articles
tical axis in the plane of the web, in Article 10.50.l . l .2 and
10.48.4. l) M, = lateral torsional buckling moment or yield
= moment of inertia of compression flange moment (Articles 10.48.2, 10.48.4. l,
about the vertical axis in the plane ‹›f the web,,, and 10.53. l .3)
in„ (Table 10.32.IA and Article M, = elastic pier moment for loading producing
— required ratio of rigidity of one transverse maximum positive moment in adjacent span
stiffener to that of the web plate (Anicles (Article 10.50.J . 1.2) and M, = maximum bending strength (Articles
= St. Venant torsional constant, in‟ (Table, 10.48, 10.49, 10.50. 1, 10.50.2,
10.32.lA and Article 10.51.1, 10.53.l,, and 10.61.3)
M, = design moment due to the eccentricity of the — allowable slip resistance (Article
design shear at a point of splice (Articles = maximum axial compression capacity (Arti— and cle 10.54.l .1)
— overload design moment due to the eccentric- = design force for checking the strength of a
íty of the overload design shear at a point of bolted splice in a tension member (Article
splice (Article 10.18.4.l)
= design moment due to the eccentricity of the = allowable bearing (Article
design shear at a point of splice (Articles = prying tension per bolt (Articles and and 10.56.2)
Mp = design moment at a point of splice represent- = statical moment about the neutral axis (Arti-
ing the portion of the flexural moment as- cle 10.38.5. 1.l)
sumed to be resisted by the web (Articles R = radius (Article and R — number of design lanes per box girder (Arti—
= overload design moment at a point of splice cle
representing the portion of the flexural mo- R — reduction factor for hybrid girders (Articles
ment assumed to be resisted by the web (Ar-,,,
ticle 10.,, 10.40.2. 1.1,
= design moment at a point of splice represent-, and
ing the portion of the flexural moment as- R = reduction factor applied to the design shear
sumed to be resisted by the web (Articles strength of fasteners passing through fillers and (Article 10.18. l .2. l)
M, — moment capacity at first yield (Articles = bending capacity reduction factor (Articles, 10.50. 1.1.2, and 10.61.3) 10.48.2,,,,
N, & N, — number of shear connectors (Article,, and 10.61.4)
= absolute value of the ratio of Fq to f,, for the
controlling flange at a point of splice (Articles
N — number of additional connectors for each and
beam at point of contraflexure (Article
= the absolute value of the ratio of F,, to fu for
the controlling flange at a point of splice
N, = number of slip planes in a slip-critical con—
(Articles and
nection (Articles and 10.57.3.l)
= a range of stress involving both tension and
= number of roadway design lanes (ArticJe Rev compression during a stress cycle (Table
10.39.2) 10.3.lB)
n = ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel to that R, = vertical force at connections of vertical stiff—
of concrete (Anicle 10.38.1) eners to longitudinal stiffeners (Anicle
n — number of longitudinal stiffeners (Articles,, and = vertical web force (Article
= allowable compressive axial load on mean- - radius ef gyration, in (Articles 10.35.l ,
bers (Article 10.35.l) 10.37.1,,, 10.54.l . l,
= axial compression on the member (Articles 10.54.2. 1, and 1 O.55. 1 ), 10.48.2. l, and 1tJ.54.2.1) rb = radius of gyration in plane of bending, in.
P, P,, Pp, = force in the slab (Article (Article 10.36)
&P = radius of gyration with respect to the Y-Y
P, — design force in the controlling flange at a point axis, in. (Article 10.48.1.l)
of splice (Article r' — radius of gyration of the compression flange
= design force for the controlling flange at a about the axis in the plane of the web, in.
point of splice (Article l) (Table 10.32.1A and Article 10.48.4. l)
Po› — overload design force in the flange at a point of = allowable rivet or bolt unit stress in shear
splice (Article (Article
net = d esign force for the n oncontoroollin g flan gee a t a = section modulus, in.' (Articles 10.48.2,
point of splice (Article 10.51.1,, and 10.53.l .3)
= design force in the noncontrolling flange at a = pitch of any two successive holes in the chain
point of splice (Article l) (Article
= design force for checking slip ofa bolted splice — range of horizontal shear (Article
in a tension member (Article
= section modulus of transverse stiffener, in.' 10.37.2, 10.48, 10.49.2, 10.49.3, 10.55.2,
(Articles and 10.56.3, and 10.61.l)
— section modulus of longitudinal or transverse = thickness of top flange (Article
stiffener, in.' (Article = thickness of outstanding stiffener element
— ultimate strength of the shear connector (Ar— (Articles l and
ticle V — shearing force (Articles 10.35.l,,
- section modulus with respect to the com— 10.48.8, and 10.51.3)
pression flange, in.' (Table 10.32. l A and V = maximum shear in the web at a point of
Articles 10.48.2, 10.48.4. l, , splice due to the factored loads (Article and
= section modulus with respect to the tension = maximum shear in the web atthe point ofsplice
flange, in.' (Articles 10.48.2 and 10.53. l .2) due to D + §, (L + I) (Article
= computed rivet or bolt unit stress in shear V, — shear yielding strength of the web (Articles
(Article 10.48.8 and
T = range in tensile stress (Table 10.3.l B) V, = range of shear due to live loads and impact,
T = direct tension per bolt due to external load kips (Anicle
(Articles 10.32.3 and 10.56.2) V, = maximum shear force (Articles,
T = arch rib thrust at the quarter point from 10.34.4,, 10.48.8, and 10.53.3)
dead+ live + impact loading (Articles V, — vertical shear (Article
10.37.l and 10.55.l) Vp = design shear for a web (Articles
= thickness of the thinner outside plate or and 10.51.3)
shape (Article 10.35.2)
Vp - design shear in the web at a point of splice
= thickness of members in compression (Arti—
(Articles,, and
cte 10.35.2)
= thickness of thinnest part connected, in (Ar—
Vp,, overload design shear in the web at a point
ticles and 10.56.2)
of splice (Article
= computed rivet or bolt unit stress in tension,
= design shear in the web at a point of splice
including any stress due to prying action (Ar—
(Articles,, and
= thickness of the wearing surface, in. (Article
10.41.2) W — length ot„ a channel shear connector, in. (Ar-
= flange thickness, in. (Articles, ticle 10.38.5. 1.2)
10.34.2. 1,,, 10.48, W, = roadway width between curbs in feet or bar-, 10.48.2,, 10.51.5. l, and riers if curbs are not used (Article
10.61.4) W, = least net width of a flange (Article
= thickness of a flange angle (Article W, = fraction of a wheel load (Article 10.39.2)
= thickness of the web of a channel, in. (Arti — w = length of a channel shear connector in inches
cle measured in a transverse direction on the
= thickness of stiffener (Articles and flange of a girder (Article 10.38.5.l .1) = unit weight of concrete, lb per cu ft (Article
= thickness of flange delivering concentrated
force (Article = width of flange between longitudinal stiffen-
= thickness of flange of member to be stiffened ers (Articles,, and
(Article J
— thickness of the flange (Articles 10.37.3, Y, = distance from the neutral axis to the extreme
10.55.3, and outer fiber, in. (Article 10.15.3)
= thickness of the concrete haunch above the y = location of steel sections from neutral axis
beam or girder top flange (Article (Article 10.50.l . 1.l)
= thickness of stiffener (Article l 0.37.2 and Z = pllastic sectiion modullu s (Articles l10.48.l,
10.55.2) 10.53. 1.l , and
= slab thickness (Articles, Z, — allowable range of horizontal shear, in
10.50.l . 1.l, and pounds on an individual connector (Article
= web thickness, in. (Articles 10.15.2. 1,,,, ‹x — constant based on the number of stress cycles
10., 111.34.3, J 0.34.4, TG.34.5, (Article 10.38.5. 1.l)
— minimum specified yield strength of the web pounds per square inch.) The modulus of elasticity of all
divided by the minimum specified yield grades of structural steel shall be assumed to be
strength of the tension flange (Articles 29,000,000 psi and the coefficient of linear expansion
10.40.2 and 10.40.4) 0.0000065 per degree Fahrenheit.
= factor for flange splice design equal to 1.0,
except that a lower value equal t M e M ) 10.2.3 Steels for Pins, Rollers, and Expansion
may be used for flanges subject to com- Rocl‹ers
pression at sections where M, does not ex-
ceed M, (Article 1) Steels for pins, iollers, and expansion rockers shah
= constant equal to 1.3 for members without a conform to one of the designations listed in Tables 10.2A
longitudinal stiffener and 1.0 for members and 10.2B, or shall be stainless steel conforming to ASTM
with a longitudinal stiffener (Article 10.61.1) A 240 or ASTM A 276 HNS 21800.
— area of the web divided by the area of the ten-
sion flange (Articles 10.40.2 and 10.2.4 Fasteners—Rivets and Bolts
— factor applied to gross area of flange, splice
plate or tension member in computing the Fasteners may be carbon steel bolts (ASTM A 307);
effective area (Articles and power-driven rivets, AASHTO M 228 Grades l or 2 (ASTM A 502 Grades 1 or 2); or huh-strength bolts,
= the ratio of A¡ Al (Article 10.1 8. 1.2.l) AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) or AASHTO M 253
= load factor equal to 1.3 (Article 10.61) (ASTM A 490).
= F,,/Fu (Article l 11.53. J .2)
— angle of inclination of the web plate to the
10.2.5 Weld Metal
vertical (Articles 1 0.39.3. l and 10.51.3)
— ratio of total cross-sectional area to the cross-
sectional area of both flanges (Article 10.15.2) Weld metal shall conform to the current require-
ments of the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS DI.5 Bridge Welding
— distance from the outer edge of the tension
flange to the neutral axis divided by the depth Code.
of the steel section (Articles 10.40.2 and 10.2.6 Cast Steel, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable
= amount of camber, in. (Article 10. 15.3) Castings, and Cast Iron
= dead load camber in inches at any point (Ar-
ticle 10.15.3) Cast Steel and Ductile Iron
= maximum value of ADL. in. (Article 10.15.3)
= reduction factor (Articles 10.38.5.J .2, Cast steel shall conform to specifications for Steel, and 10.56. 1.3) Castings for Highway Bridges, AASHTO M 192 (ASTM
— longitudinal stiffener coefficient (Articles A 486); Mild-to-Medium-Strength Carbon-Steel Cast- an‹l ings for General Application, AASHTO M 103 (ASTM
= slip coefficient in a slip-critical joint (Article A 27); and Corrosion-Resistant Iron-Chromium, Iron-
10.57.3) Chromium-Nickel and Nickel-Based Alloy Castings for
General Application, AASHTO M 163 (ASTIVI A 743).
10.2 MATERIALS Ductile iron castings shall conform to ASTM A 536.
These specifications recognize steels listed in the fol- Malleable castings shall conform to specifications for
lowing subparagraphs. Other steels may be usecl; how- Malleable Lon Castings, ASTM A 47, Gradc 35018 (min-
ever, theii properties, strengths, allowable stresses, and imum yield point 35,000 psi).
workability must be established and specified. Cast Iron
10.2.2 Structural Steels
Cast iron castings shall conform to specifications for„
Structural steels shall conform to the material desig- Gray Lon Castings, AASHTO M 105, Class 30.
nated in Table 10.2A. (The stresses in this table are in
TABI.E 10.2A
Minimum Material Properties
Pins, Rolleis, and Rockers
Expansion Rollers Shall be Not less Than 4 Inches in Diameter
AASHTO Designation M 169 M 102 M 102 M 102 M 102
with Size Limitations 4 in. in dia. or to 20 in. in dia. to 20 in. in dia. to 10 in, in dia. to 20 in. in dia.
ASTM Designation A 108 A 668 A 668 A 668 A 668„
Grade or Class Grades 1016 to
1030 incl. Class C Class D Class F Class G
Minimum Yield Point, psi
F, 36,000‘ 37,500 50,000
‘May substitute rolled material of the same properties.
For design purpose only. Not a part of the A 108 specificat ions. Supplementary material requirements should provide guarantee that material will
meet these values.
Part B
10.3 REPETITIVE LOADING AND TOUGHNESS except for sti uctuies wlieie other considei ations indicate
CONSIDERATIONS a substantially diffeient number of cycles, shall be
1011,000 cycles.
10.3.1 Allowable Fatigue Stress Ranges
Members and fasteners subject to repeated variations 10.3.3 Charpy V-Notch Impact Requirements
or reversals of stress shall be designed so that the maxi-
mum stress does not exceed the basic allowable stresses Main load carrying member components
gwen in Article 10.32 and that the actual range of stress subjected to tensile stress iequire supplemental impact
does not exceed the allowablc fatigue sti„ess range gwen properties as described in the Material Specificati‹›ns.*
in Table 1 0.3. l A for the appropriate type and location
of material gwen in Table 10.3.IB and shown in Fig- These impact requirements vary depending
ure l 0.3. l C. For mcmbers with shear connectors providcd on the type of steel, type of construction, welded or me-
throughout their entire length that also satisfy the provi- chanically fastened, and the average minimum service
sions of Article, the range of stress may be com- temperature to which the structure may be subjected. *'*
puted using the composite section assuming the concrete Table 10.3.3A contains the temperature zone designations.
deck to be fully cffective for both positive and negative
moment. Components requiring inaiidatory impact
For unpainted weathering steel, A709, all grades, the properties shall be dcsignated on the drawings and the ap-
values of allowable fatigue stress range, Table 10.3.IA, as propriate zone shall be designated in the contract docu-
inodified by footnote d, are valid only when the design ments.
and details are in accordance with the FHWA Technic ul
Advíso on Uncoated Weatheríng Steel in Structurvs,
dated October 3, 1989. 10.3.4 Shear
Main load carrying components subjected to tensile
stresses that may be considered nonredundant load path When longitudinal beam or girder members
members—that is, where failure of a single element could in bridges designed for Case I roadways are investigatcd
cause collapse—shall be designed for the allowable stress for “over 2 million” stress cycles produced by placing a
ranges indicate‹1 in Table 10.3.IA for Nonredundant Load single trucl‹ on the bridge (see footnote c of Table
Path Structures. Examples of nonredundant load path 10.3.2A), the total shear force in the beam or gircler undei
members are flange and web plates in one or two girder this single-ti ucl‹ loading shall be limited to 0.58 F,Dt,C.
bridges, main one-element truss members, hanger plates, The constant C, the ratio of the buckling shear stress to the
and caps at single or two-column bents. shear yield stress is defined in Article or Article
10.3.2 Load Cycles The number of cycles of maximum stress 10.4 EFFECTIVE LENGTH OF SPAN
range to be considered in the design shall be selected from
Table 10.3.2A unless traffic and loadometer surveys or For the calculation ol stresses, span lengths shall be as-
other considerations indicate otherwise. The fatigue live sumed as the distance between centers of bearings or other
load preferably shall not exceed HS 20 loading. points of support.
TABLE 10.3.IA Allowable Fatigue Stress Range 10.5.3 For trusses the ratio of depth to length of span
Redundant Load Path Structuresª preferably should n‹it be less than ”i»
D 28 16 10 7
E 22 13 8 4. 5 10.6 DEFLECTION
E' 16 9. 2 5.8 2.6
F 15 12 9 8 10.6.1 The term “deflection” as used herein shall be
the cleflection computed in accordance with the assump-
tien madc for loading when computing the stress in the
Nonredundant Load Path Structures member.
10.5.1 For beams or girders, the ratio of depth to length 10.6.6 The gross area of each truss member shall
of span preferably should not be less than "› be used in computing defleetions of trusses. If per-
forated plates are used, the effective area shall be the net
10.5.2 For composite girders, the ratio of the overall
depth of girder (concrete slab plus steel girder) to the
length of span preferably should not be less than “ ›, and *For considerations to be taken into Account when exceeding these
limitations, iefercnce is wade to “Bulletin No. 19, Critei„ia for„ the De-
the ratio of depth of steel girder alone to length of span flection of Steel Bridget,” availablc from the American kon anti Steel
preferably should not be less than “» Institute, Washington, D.C.
TABLE 10.3.1B
Stress Illustrative
Category Example
Kind of (See Table (See Figure
General Condition Situacion Stress 10.3. IA) 10.3. IC)
Plain Member Base metal with rolled or cleaned surface. Flame-cut edges T or Rev A 1,2
with ANSI smoothness of 1,O00 or less.
Built-Up Members Base rrietal and weld metal in members of built-up plates or T or Rev B 3,4,5,7
shapes (without attachments) connected by continuous full
penetration groove welds (with backing bars removed) or by
continuous fillet welds parallel to the direction of applicd
Base metal and weld metal in members of built-up plates or T or Rev B' 3,4,5,7
shapes (without attachments) connected by continuous full
penetration groove welds with backing bars not removed, or
by continuous partial penetration groove welds parallel to the
direction of applied stress.
Calculated flexural stress at the toe of transverse stiffener T or Rev 6
welds on girder webs or flanges.
Base metal at ends of partial length welded coverplates with T or Rev B 22
high-strength bolted slip-critical end connections. (See Note b
Base metal at ends of partial length welded coverplates
narrower than the flange having square or tapered ends, with
or without welds across the ends, or wider than flange with
welds across the ends:
(a) Flange thickness » 0. 8 in. T or Rev E
(b) Flange thickness V 0. 8 in. T or ReV E' 7
Base metal at ends of partial length welded coverplates wider T or Rev E‟
than the flange without welds across the ends.
Groove Welded Base metal and weld metal in or adjacent to full penetration T or Rev B 8, 10
Connections groove weld splices of rolled or welded sections having similar
profiles when welds are ground flush with grinding in the
direction of applied stress and weld soundness established by
nondestructive inspection.
Base metal and weld metal in or adjacent to full penetration T or Rev B
groove weld splices with 2 ft radius transitions in width,
when welds are ground flush with grinding in the direction
of applied stress and weld soundness established by
nondestructive inspection.
Base metal and weld metal in or adjacent to full penetration
groove weld splices at transitions in width or thickness, with
welds ground to provide slopes no steeper than 1 to 2?c, with
grinding in the direction of the applied stress, and weld
soundness established by nondestructive inspection:
(a) AASHTO M 270 Grades 100/100W (ASTM A 709) T or Rev B'
base metal
(b) Other base iiietals T or Rev B 11, 12
Base metal and weld metal in or adjacent to full penetration T or Rev 8, 10, 11,12
groove weld splices, with or without transitions having slopes
no greater than 1 to 2'Ze, when the reinforcement is not
removed and weld soundness is established by nondestructive
Groove Welded Base metal adjacent to details attached by full or partial T or Rev 6, 15
Attachments— penetration groove welds when the detail length, L, in the
Longitudinally direction of stress, is less than 2 in.
Loaded„ Base metal adjacent to details attached by full or partial T or Rev D
penetration groove welds when the detail length, L, in the
direction of stress, is between 2 in. and 12 times the plate
thickness but less than 4 in.
where S° is equal to the allowable stress range for Category C gwen in Table 10.3. lA. This assumes no penetration at the weld root.
'Gusset plates attached to girder flange surfaces with only transverse fillet welds are prohibited.
volume divided by the length from center to center of 10.7 LIMITING LENGTHS OF MEMBERS
10.7.1 For compression members, the slenderness
10.6.7 The foregoing requirements as they relate to ratio, KL/r, shall not exceed 120 íor main members, or
beam or girder bridges may be exceeded at the cliscretion those in which the majoi stresses result fi om dead or live
of the designer. * load, oí both; and shall not excecd 140 for secondary
members, or those whose primary purpose is to brace the
*For„ considerations to be takeii inte account when exceeding these structure against lateral or longitudinal force, or to brace
liinitations, reference is wade to “Bulletiii No. 19, Criteria for the De-
flection of Steel Bridges,” available fiom the American Iron and Steel or reduce the unbraced length of other members, main or
Institute, Washington, D.C. secondary.
« At End of Weld, Has No Length
10 End of Weld
TABLE 10.3.2A Stress Cycles TABLE 10.3.3A Tempei-ature Zone Designations for
Main (Longitudinal) Load Carrying Members Charpy V-Notch Impact Requirements
Truck Lane Minimum Temperature
pe of Road Case ADTT‘ Loading Loading‘ Service Temperature Zone Designation
Freeways, Expressways, I 2,500 or 2,000,000„ 500,000 0‘F and above 1
Major Highways, and more — 1‘F to —30 F 2
Streets —3l‘F to —60 F 3
Freeways, Expressways, II less than 500,000 100,000
Major Highways, and 2,500 length between panel point intersections or centers of
braced points or centers of end conncctions; for sec-
Other Highways and III
Streets not included in
ondary members, the length between the ccnters of the
Case I or II end connections of sitch members or centers of braced
Transverse Members
and Details Subjected to Wheel Loads 10.7.5 For tension members, except rods, eyebars, ca-
bles, and plates, the ratio of unbraced length to radius of
Freeways, Expressways,
Typeof Road I
Case 2,500
ADTT‘or over
Loadin8 gyration shall not exceed 200 for main members, shall not
Major Highways, and more 2,000,000
exceed 240 for bracing iiiembers. and shall not exceed
140 for main members subject to a reversal of stress.
Freeways, Expressways, II less than 2,000,000
Major Highways, and 2,500
Other Highways and III 500,000
Streets 10.8.1 Structural steel (including bracing, cross frames,
’Average Daily Truck Traffic (one direction). and all types of gusset plates), except for webs of certain
‘Longitudinal members should also be checked for truck loading. rolled shapes, closed ribs in orthotropic decks, fillers, and
Members shall also be investigated for “over 2 million” stress in railings, shall be not less than ?« inch in thickness. The
cycles produced by placing a single truck on the bridge distributed to
the girders as designated in Article 3.23.2 for one traffic lane loading. web thicl‹ness of rolled beams or channels shall not be
The shear in steel girder webs shall not exceed 0.58 F,DÇC for this less than 0.23 inches. The thickness of closed ribs in or-
single truck loading.
thotropic decks shall not be less than ”« inch.
10.7.2 In determining the radius of gyration, r, for the 10.8.2 Where the metal will be exposed to marked cor-
purpose of applying the limitations of the KL/r ratio, the rosive influences, it shall be increased in thickness or spe-
area of any portion of a member may be neglected pro- cially protected against corrosion.
vided that the strength of the member as calculated with-
out using the area thus neglected and the strength of the 10.8.3 It should be noted that there are other provisions
member as computed for the entirc section with the KL/r in this section pertaining to thickness for fillers, segmento
iatio applicable thereto, both equal or exceed the com- of compression member‟s, gusset plates, etc. As stated
puted total force that the member must sustain. above, fillers need not be ”« inch minimum.
10.7.3 The radius of gyration and the effective area for 10.8.4 For compression members, refer to “Trusses”
carrying stress of a member containing perforated cover (Article 10.16).
plates shall be computed for a transverse section through
the maximum width of perforation. When perforations are 10.8.5 For stiffeners and other plates, refer to “Plate
staggered in opposite cover plates, the cross-sectional Girders” (Article 10.34).
area of the member shall be considered the same as for a
section having perforations in the same transverse plane. 10.8.6 For stiffeners and outstanding legs of angles, etc.,
refer to Article 10.10.
10.7.4 Actual unbraced length, L, shall be assumed as
For the top chords of half-through trusses, the length
between panel points laterally supperted as indicated 10.9.1 The effective area of a single angle tension mem-
under Article 10.16.12; for other main members, the ber, a tee section tension member, or each angle of a ilou-
ble angle tension member in which the shapes are con- under Strength Design as specified in Articles 10.48.1,
nected back to back on the same side of a gusset plate shall 10.50. 1.1, and When computing the strength of
be assumed as the net area of the connected leg or flange a flexural member at a section with holes in the tension
plus one-half of the area of the outstanding leg. flange, an effective flange area, A,, specified by Equation
(10-4g) shall be used for that flange in computing the elas-
10.9.2 If a double angle or tee section tension member tic section properties. The diameter of the holes shall be
is connected with the angles or flanges back to back on op- taken as specified in Article In the case of the
posite sides of a gusset plate, the full net area of the shapcs strength design method, the strength of compact sections
shall be considered effective. with holes in the tension flange shall not be taken greater
than the moment capacity at first yield.
10.9.3 When angles connect to separate gusset plates, as
in the case of a double-webbed truss, and the angles are
connected by stay plates located as near the gusset as prac- 10.13 COVER PLATES
ticable, or by other adequate means, the full net area of the
angles shall be considered effective. If the angles are not 10.13.1 The length of any cover plate added to a rolled
so connected, only 809r of the net areas shall be consid- beam shall be not less than (2d+ 3) feet, where (d) is the
ered effective. depth of the beam in feet.
10.9.4 Lug angles may be considered as effective in 10.13.2 Partial length welded cover plates shall not be
transmitting stress, provided they are connected with at used on flanges more than 0.8 inches thick for nonredun-
least one-third more fasteners than required by the stress dant load path structures subjected to repetitive loadings
to be carried by the lug angle. that produce tension or reversal of stress in the member.
10.10 OUTSTANDING LEGS OF ANGLES 10.13.3 The maximum thickness of a single cover plate
on a flange shall not be greater than two times the thick-
The widths of outstanding legs of angles in compres- ness of the flange to which the cover plate is attached. The
sion (except where reinforced by plates) shall not exceed total thickness of all cover plates should not be greater
the following: than 2? times the flange thickness.
In main members carrying axial stress, 12 times the 10.13.4 Any partial length welded cover plate shall ex-
thickness. tend beyond the theoretical end by the terminal distance,
In bracing and other secondary members, 16 times the and it shall extend to a section where the stress range in
thickness. the beam flange is equal to the allowable fatigue stress
range for base metal adjacent to or connected by fillet
For other limitations, see Article 10.35.2. welds. The theoretical end of the cover plate, when using
service load design methods, is the section at which the
stress in the flange without that cover plate equals the al-
10.11 EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION lowable service load stress, exclusive of fatigue consider-
ations. When using strength design methods, the theoret-
In all bridges, provisions shallbe wade in the design to ical end of the covei plate is the section at which the flange
resist thermal stresses induced, or means shall be provided strength without that cover plate equals the required
for movement caused by temperature changes. Provisions strength for the design loads, exclusive of fatigue require-
shall be wade for changes in length of span resulting from ments. The terminal distance is two times the nominal
live load stresses. In spans more than 300 feet long, al- cover plate width for cover plates not welded across their
lowance shall be wade for expansion and contraction in ends, and lu times for cover plates welded across their
the floor. The expansion end shall be secured against lat- ends. The width at ends of tapered cover plates shall be
eral movement. not less than 3 inches. The weld connecting the cover
plate to the flange in its terminal distance shall be contin-
uous and of sufficient size to develop a total stress of not
10.12 FLEXURAL MEMBERS less than the computed stress in the cover plate at its the-
oretical end. All welds connecting cover plates to beam
Flexural members shall be designed using the elastic flanges shall be continuous and shall not be smaller than
section modulus except when utilizing compact sections the minimum size permitted by Article 10.23.2.
bridge; total camber loss will be complete after cover plates and at the bottom with perforated plates or
several months of in-service loads. Therefore, a stay plates and lacing.
portion of the camber increase (approximately Double Box sections, wade with side channels, beams,
509r) should be included in the bridge profile. angles and plates or side segments of plates only, con-
Camber losses of this nature (but generally smaller nected with a conventional solid web, together with t‹›p
in magnitude) ‹ire also known to occur in straight and bottom perforated cover plates or stay plates and
bcums and girders. lacing. For the calciilation of stresses, effective The design and details shall be such that secondary
depths shall be assumed as follows: stresses will be as small in praeticable. Secondary sti esscs
due to truss distortion or floor beam deflection usuull y
Riveted and bolted trusscs, distance between centers of need not be considei ed in any member, the width of
gravity of the chords. which, measured parallel to the plane of distortion, is less
Pin-connected trusses, distance between centers of than one-tenth of its length. If the secondary stress ex-
chord pins. ceeds 4,0011 pounds per square inch for tension membcrs
and 3,000 for compression members, the excess shall be
10.16.2 Truss Members
treated es a primary stress. Stresses due lo the flexural Chord and web truss members shall usu- dead load moment of the member shall be considered as
ally be wade in the following shapes: additional secondary stress.
“H” sections, wade with two side segments (composed 10.1ti.4 Diaphragms
of angles or plates) with solid web, perforated web, or
web of stay plates and lacing. There shall be diaphragms in the trusses at
Channel sections, wade with two angle segmento, with the end connections of floor beams.
solid web, per forated web, or web of stay plates and
lacing. 10.1ti.4.2 The gusset plates engaging the pedestal pin
Single Box sections, wade with side channels, beams, at the end of the truss shall be connected by a diaphragm.
angles, and plates or side segmento of plates only, con- Similarly, the webs of the pedestal shall, if practicable, be
nected top and bottom with pei foi ated plates ni stay connecte‹l by a diapliragm.
plates and lacing. There shall be a diaphragm between gusset
Single Box sections, wade with side channels, beams, plates engaging main members if the end tie plate is 4 feet
angles and plates only, connected at top with solid oí inoie from the point of intei section ot the members.
with Article 10.3. Terminations of butt welds shall be The diameter of fasteners in lacing bars
ground smooth. shall not exceed one-third the width of the bar. There shall
be at least two fasteners in each end of lacing bars con- The separate segments of tension members nected to flanges more than 5 inches in width.
composed of shapes may be connected by perforated
plates or by stay plates or end stay plates and lacing.
End stay plates shall have the same minimum length as 10.1ti.11 C×usset Plates
specified for end stay plates on main compression mem- Gusset or connection plates preferably
bers, and intermediate stay plates shall have a minimum
shall be used for connecting main members, except when
length of ?‹ of that specified for intermediate stay plates on
the members are pin-connected. The fasteners connecting
main compression members. The clear distance between
each member sh‹il1 be symmetrical with the axis of the
stay plates on tension membcrs shall not exceed 3 feet.
member, so far as practicable, and the full development of The thickness of stay plates shall be not the elements of the member shall be gwen consideration.
less than "» of the distance between points of support for The gusset plates shall be of ample thickness to resist
main members, and ?‹» of that distance for bracing mem- shear, direct stress, and fl exurc acting on the weakest or
bers. Stay plates shall be connected by not less than three critical section of maximum stress.
fasteners on each side, and in members having lacing bars Re-entrant cuts, except curves wade for
the last fastener in the stay plates preferably shall also pass
appearance, shall be avoided as far as practicable.
through the end of the adjacent bar. II the length of unsupported edge of
10.16.10 Lacing Bars a gusset plate exceeds the value of the expres-
sion 11,000/ , times its thickness, the edge shall be
When lacing bars are used, the following provisions stiffened.
shall govern their design.
i0.16.11.4 Listed below are the values of the expres- Lacing bars of compression members sion 11,000/ , for the following grades of steel:
shall be so spaced that the slenderness ratio of the portion
of the flange included betwcen the lacing bar connections 36,000 psi, Y.P. Min 58
will be not more than 40 or more than "› ol„ the slender- 50,000 psi, Y.P. Min 49
ness ratio of the member. 70,000 psi, Y. P. Min 42
90,000 psi, Y.P. Min 37 The section of the lacing bars shall be de-
100.000 psi, Y.P. Min 35
termined by the formula for axial compression in which
L is taken as the distance along the bar between its con-
nections to the main segments for single lacing, and as
709o of that distance for double lacing. 10.16.12 Hall-Through Truss Spans The angle between the lacing bars and the The top chord shall be considered as a
axis of the member shall be approximately 45‟ for double column with elastic lateral supports at the panel points.
lacing and 60„ for single lacing. The critical buckling force of the column, so determined,
shall exceed the maximum force from dead load, live load, Lacing bars may be shapes or flat bars. and impact in amy panel of the top chord by not less than
For main members, the minimum thickness of flat bars
shall be ?« of the distance along the bar between its con-
nections for single lacing and “« for double lacing. For
*For a díscussion of columiis with elastic lateral supports, refer„ to Tim-
bracing members, the limits shall be ½» for single lacing oslienl‹o & Geie, ”Theory of Elastic Stability,” McGraw-Hill Boolc Co.,
and /» for double lacing. First Edition, p. 122.
10.16.13 DIVISION I—DESIGN 271
10.16.13 Fastener Pitch in Ends of Compression shall be considered in determining the unit stress on the
Members net section.
In the ends of compression members, the pitch of fas- The diameter of the hole shall be taken as
teners connecting the component parts of the member ?› inch greater than the nominal diameter of the rivet or
shall not exceed four times the diameter of the fastener high-strength bolt, unless larger holes are permitted in ac-
for a length equal to l ? times the maximum width of the cordance with Article 10.24.
member. Beyond this point, the pitch shall be increased
gradually for a length equal to lu times the maximum
width of the member until the maximum pitch is
10.17.1 General
10.16.14 Net Section of Riveted or High-Strength
Bolted Tension Members
Bents preferably shall be composed of two supporting
columns, and the bents usually shall be united in pairs to The net section of a riveted or high-
form towers. The design of members for bents and towers
strength bolted tension member is the sum of the net sec-
is governed by applicable articles.
tions of its component parts. The net section of a part is
the product of the thickness of the part multiplied by its
least net width.
10.17.2 Single Bents The net width for any chain of holes ex-
tending progressively across the part shall be obtained by Single bents shall have hinged ends or else shall be de-
deducting from the gross width the sum of the diameters signed to resist bending.
of all the holes in the chain and adding, for each gage
space in the chain, the quantity:
10.17.3 Batter
10.17.5 Bottom Struts A = sum of the area of the fillers on the top and
bottom of the connected plate
The bottom struts of towers shall be strong enough to A, = smaller of either the connectccl plate area or
slide the movable shoes with the structure unloaded, the the sum of the splice plate areas on the top
coefficient of friction being assumed at 0.25. Provision for and bottom of the connected plate
expansion of the tower bracing shall be wade in the col-
umn bearings. The dcsign slip force, specified in Article 10.57.3. l in the
case of the strength design methocl and in Article
10.18 SPLICES 1 in the case of the service load design method,
for slip-critical connections shall not be adjusted for the
10.18.1 General effect of the fillers. Fillers inch or more in thickness
shall consist of not more than two plates, unless special Design Strength permission is gwen by the Engineer.
Splices may be wade by rivets, by high-strength bolts or For bolted web splices with thick—
by the use of welding. In general, splices whether in tension, ness differences of ½‹ inch or less, no filler plates are
compression, bending, or shear, shallbe designed inthe case required.
of the service load design or strength design methods for a
capacity based on not less than the average of the required Fillers for welded splices shall conform
design strength at the point of splice and the design strength to the requirements of the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS DI.5
of the member at the saine point but, in any event, not less Bridge Weldíng Code.
than 15ºfo of the design strength of the member, except as
specified herein. Bolted splices in flexural members shall
satisfy the requirements of Article 10.18.2. Bolted splices in Design Force for Flange Splice Plates
compression members shal! satisfy the requirements of Ar-
For a flange splice with inner and outer splice plates,
ticle 10.18.3. Bolted splices in tension members shall sat-
isfy the requirements of Article 10.18.4. Welded splices the flange design force may be assumed to be divided
shall satisfy the rcquirements of Aiticle 10.18.5. Where a equally to the inner and outer plates and their connec-
section changes at a splice, the smaher section is to be used tions when the areas of the inner and outer plates do not
io satisfy the above splice requirements. differ by more than 109o. When the areas of the inner and
outei plates differ by morc than 109o, the design force in Fillers each splice plate and its connection shall be determined
by multiplying the flange design forcc by the ratio of the 1 For lillers ½ inch and thickef in area of the splice plate under consideration to the total
bolted or riveted axially loaded connections, including area of the inner and outer splice plates. For this case, the
girder flange splices, additional fasteners shall be required shear strength of the connection shall be checked for the
to distribute the total stress in the member uniformly maximum calculated splice plate force acting on a sin-
over the com- bined section of the membei and the filler. gle shear plane. The slip resistance of high-strength
The filler shall either be extended beyond the splice bolted connections for a flange splice with inner
material and secured by additional bolts, or as an and outer splice plates shall always be checked for the
alternate to extending the filler, an equivalent number flange design force divided equally to the two slip
of bolts may be included in the connection. Fillers planes.
inch and thicker need not be ex- tended and developed
provided that the design shear strength of the Truss Chords and Columns
fasteners, specified in Article in the case of
the strength design method and in Table l 0.32.3B in the Splices in truss chords and columns shall be located
case of the service load design method, is reduced by the as near to the panel points as practicable and usually on
following factor R: the side where the smaller stress occurs. The arrange-
R— (10 - 4a) ment of plates, angles, or other splice elements shall be
such as to make proper provision for the stresses, both
axial and bending, in the coinponent parts of the mem-
where: y=
bers spliced.
10.I 8.2 DIVISION I—DESIGN 273 Flange Splices R,, = the absolute value of the ratio of Fq, to fq, for the
controlling flange. As a minimum, in the case of the strength — flexui al stress due to the factored loads at the reid-
design method, the splice plates on the controlling flange thickness of the noncontrolling flange at the point
shall be proportioned for a design force, P,,,. The control- of splice concurrent i h f u
ling flange shall be ta1‹en as the top or bottom flange for
the smaller section at the point of splice, whichever flange In calculating f u› f Muy M, and R, holes in the flange
has the maximum ratio of the elastic flexural stress at its subject to tension shall be accoiinted fer as specified in Ar-
reid-thickness due to the factored loads to its maximum ticle 10.12. For a flange splice with inner and outer splice
strength P u shall be taken equal to a design stress, Fq,, plates, the flange design force shall be proportioned to the
times the smaller effective flange area, A , on either side innei‟ and outer plates and their connections as specified
in Article 10. 18.1.3. The effective area, A,, of each splice
of the splice. A is defined in Article 10.18.2 2 4 Ud F u is
defined as follows: plate shall be sufficient to prevent yielding of the splice
plate under its calculated portion of the design force. A, of
each splice plate shall be taken as defined in Article
(10 - 4b) As a minimum, the connections for both the
top and bottom flange splices shall be proportioned to de-
where: velop the design force in the flange through shear in the
n = 1.0 except that a lower value equal ÍCt M u M ) bolts and bearing at the bolt holes, as specifie‹l in Article
may be used for flanges in compression at sec- 10.5G. 1.3.2. Where filler plates are required, the require-
tions where M,, is less than M,. ments of Article shall also be satisfied.
274 HIGHWAY BRIDGES As a minimum, in the case of the strength As a minimum, the splice plates for the noncontrolling
design method, high-strength bolted connections for both flange shall be proportioned íor » design force, P, P cf
top and bottom flange splices shall be proportioned to pre- shall be taken equal to a design stress, F,,,, times the
vent slip at an overload ilesign force, P,,. For the flange smaller effective flange area, A,, on either side of the
under consideration, P¡, shall be computed as follows: splice. F,,, is defined as follows:
(10 -
4d) where:
where: R,, = the absolute value of the ratio of Fq to f,, for the
controlling flange
f, — maximum flexural stress due to D + Q,(L + I) at f,,,, — flexural stress at the reid-thickness of the non-
the reid-thicl‹ness of the flange under considera- controlling flange at the point of splice concur-
tion for the smaller section at the point of splice, rent with fq
where Ç, is defined in Article 3.22
R = reduction factor for hybrid girders specified in In calculating Fq, f,,,¡ and R, holes in the flange subjcct to
Article R shall be taken equal to 1.0 tension shall be accounted for as specified in Article
when f, is less than or equal to F,q, where F,q is 10.12. For a flange splice with inner and outer splice
equal to the specified minimum yield strength of plates, the flange dcsign force shall be proportioned to the
the web. For homogeneous girders, R shall al- inner and outer plates and their connections as specified
ways be taken equal to 1.0.
in Article The effective area, A,, of each splice
Al — smaller gross flange area on either side of the
plate shall be sufficient to ensure that the stress in the
splice plate does not exceed the allowable flexural stress
under its calculated portion of the design force. A, of each
f, and R shall be computed using the gross section ol the
splice plate shall be taken as defined in Article
member. The slip iesistance of the connection shall be As a minimum, the connections for both the
computed from Equation (10-172).
top and bottom flange splices shall bc proportioned to de-
velop the design force in the flange through shear in the As a minimum, in the case of the service
bolts and bearing at the bolt holes, as specified in Table
load design method, the splice plates on thc controlling
10.32.3B. Where filler plates are iequired, the require-
flange shall be proportioned for a design force, P,¡. The
ments of Article shall also be satisfied. As a
controlling flange shall be taken as the top or bottom
minimum, high-strength bolted connections shall also be
flange for the smaller section at the point of splice,
proportioned to prevent slip at a force equal to the maxi-
whichever flange has the maximum ratio of the elastic
mum elastic flexural stress due to D + (L + I) at the reid-
flexural stress at its reid-thickness to its allowable stress. P,,
thickness of the flange under consideration for the smaller
shall be taken equal to a design stress, F, , times the smaller
section at the point of splice times the smaller value of the
effective flange arca, A,, on either side of the splice. A, is
gross flange area on either side of the splice. The slip re—
defined in Article and F,, is defined as follows:
sistance of the connection shall be determined as specified
ñ 0.75Fb (10 - 4e) in Article 1.
= flange or splice plate thickness As a minimum, in the case of the strength
Al 'gross area of the flange or splice plate design method, web splice plates and their connections
|3 = 0.0 for M 270 Grade 100/100W steels, or when shall be proportioned for a design moment, M,,,, due to the
holes exceed II inch in diameter. eccentricity of the design shear at the point of splice de-
— 0. 15 for all other steels and when holes are less fined as follows:
than or equal to II inch in diameter.
= design stress for the controlling flange at the
(10 - 4i) point of splice defined in Article 1
(positive for tension; negative for compression)
R — reduction factor for hybrid girders specified in
Article R shall be taken equal to 1.0
when f,, is less than or equal to F,,p, where F,, is
equal to the specified minimum yield strength of
2 the web. For homogeneous girders, R shall al-
where: ways be taken equal to 1.0.
Ryu thé absolute value of the ratio of F,, to f,, for the
V = maximum shear in the web at the point of splice controlling flange
due to the factored loads f cu' ÍÍéxural stress due to the factored loads at the reid-
u -' shear capacity of the web at the point of splice thickness of the noncontrolling flange at the
point of splice concurrent with f,, (positive for
tension; negative for compression)
"For an alternatíve approach for compact steel sections, refeience is
wade to Firas I. Sheikh-Ibrahim and I€ai1 H. Frank, “The Ultimate As a minimum, in the case of the strength
Strength of Symmeti ic Beam Boltecl Splices,” AISC Engincerin g Jour-
nal, 3rd Quarter, 1998, and “The Ultimate Strength of Unsymmetric design method, web splice plates and their connections
Beam Dolted Splices,” AISC Engineering Journal, 2nd Quarter, 2Ü01. shall be proportioned to develop the most critical combi-
nation of Vq,, M, Muy Ud H u' The connections shall be 6 As a minimum, in the case of the
proportioned as cccentrically loaded connections to de- service load design method, web splice plates and their
velop the resultant design force through shear in the bolts connec- tions shall be proportioned for a design shear
and bearing at the bolt holes, as specified in Article stress in the web at the point of splice, Fp, defined as In a‹ldition, as a minimum, high-strength follows:
boltecl connections for web splices shall be proportioned
as eccentrically loaded connections to prevent slip under
the most critical combinacion of: 1) an overload design
shear. Vq,, 2) an overload design moment, M , , due to the
eccentricity of the overload design shear, 3) an overload (10 - 4r)
design moment, M,,, applied at reid-depth of the web rep-
resenting the portion of the flexural moment that is as-
sumed to be resisted by the web, and 4) for sections where
the neutral axis is not located at the reid-depth of the web, (ll - 4s)
an overload horizontal design force resultant, Hg , applied
at reid-depth of the web, as follows:
f, = maximum shear stress in the web at the point of
(10 - 4n)
where: F, — allowable shear stress in the web at the point of
V = maximum shear in the web due to D + Ç,(L+ I)
at the point of the splice, where Ç, is defined in 7 As a minimum, in the case of the
Article 3.22 service load design method, web splice plates and their
connec- tions shall be proportioned for a design moment,
(10 - 4o) M,, due to the eccentricity of the design shear at the point
of splice defined as follows:
(10 - 4t)
(10 - 4p)
Fq = design shear stress in the web at the point of
splice defined in Article 10.
(10 - 4q) D = web depth
2 tp — web thickness
where: As a minimum, in cases of the service
f, = maximum flexural stress due to D + |3, (L + I) at load design method, web splice plates and their connec-
the reid-thickness of the 1Jan¿ce under consider- tions shall be pr oportioned for a desigii moment at the
ation for the smaller section at the point point of splice, Mg, representing the portion of the flex-
of splice (positive for tension: negative for com- ural moment that is assumed to be resisted by the web. Mp
pression) shall be applied at the reid-depth of the web. For sections
f = flexural stress due to D * Ç,(L + I) at the reid- where the neutral axis is not located at the ini‹l-depth of
thickness of the other flange et the point of splice the web, a horizontal design force resultant in the web at
concurrent with f, in the flange under considera- the point of splice, Hg, shall also be applied at the reid—
tion (positive for tension; negative for compres- depth of the web. Mp and H, may be computed as follows: Material of different widths spliced by butt design shall be designed for not less than the average of
welds shall have transitions conforming to Figure the required strength at the point of connection and the
10.18.5A. The type transition selected shall be consistcnt strength of the member at the same point, but, in any
with the Fatigue Stress Category fi om Table 10.3. IB for event, not less than 75 lo of the strength of the member.
the Groove Welded Connection used in the design of the
member. At butt-welded splices joining pieces of different Connections shall be wade symmGtrical
thicknesses, there shall be a uniform slope between the off— about the axis of the members iiisofar as practicable. Con-
set surfaces, including the weld, of noi more than 1 in 2“. nections, except for lacing bars and haiidrails, shall con-
tain not less than two fasteners or equivalent weld.
10.19 STRENGTH OF CONNECTIONS Members, including bracing, preferably
10.19.1 General shall be so connected that their gravity axes will intersect
in a point. Eccentric connections shall be avoided, if prac- Except as otherwise provided herein, con— ticable, but if unavoidable the members shall be so pro—
nections for main members shall be designed in the case portioned that the combinecl fiber stresses will not exceed
of service load design for a capacity based on not less the allowed axial design stress.
than the average of the calculated design stress in the
member at the point of connection and the allowable In the case of connections which transfer
stress of the member at the same point, but, in any event, total member shear at the end of the member, the gross
not less than 75 % of the allowable stress in the member. section shall be taken as the gross section of the connected
Connections for main members in the case of load factor elements.
Butt J oint
Butt Joi nt Width of Width of
Width of
Narrower Plate Narrower Plate
Wider Plate
Width of
Wider Plate
10.19.2 End Connections of Floor Beams and be at least ? and preferably ?‹ the girder depth. Cross
Stringers frames shall be as deep as practicable. Intermediate cross
frames shall preferably be of the cross type or vee type. The end connection shall be designed for End cross frames or diaphragms shall be proportioned to
the calculated member loads. The end connection angles adequately transmit all the lateral forces to the bearings.
of floor beams and stringers shall be not less than ?i inch Intermediate cress frames shall be normal to the main
in finished thicl‹ness. Except in cases of special end floor members when the supports are skewed more than 20„
beam details, each end connection for flooi- beams and Cross frames on horizontally curved steel girder bridges
stringers shall be wade with two angles. The length of shall be designed as main members with adequate pro-
these angles shall be as great as the flanges will permit. visions for transfer of lateral forces from the girder
Bracl‹et or shelf angles which may be used to furnish sup- flanges. Cross frames and diaphragms shall be designed
port during erection shall not be considered in determining for horizontal wind forces as described in Article
the number of fasteners required to transmit end shear. 10.21.2. End-connection details shall be designed 10.20.2 Stresses Due to Wind Loading When Top
with special care to provide clearance for making the field Flanges Are Continuously Supported
connection. Flanges End connections of stringefs and floor
beams preferably shall be bolted with high-strength bolts; The maximum induced stresses, F, in the bottom flange
however, they may be riveted or welded. In the case of of each girder in the system can be computed from the fol-
welded end connections, they shall be designed for the lowing:
vertical loads and the end-bending moment resulting from
the deflection of the members. F — RF,b (10-5) Where timber stringers frame into steel
floor beams, shelf angles with stiffeners shall be provided where:
to carry the total reaction. Shelf angles shall be not less
R = [0.2272L — 11] S)"' when no bottom lateral
than "« inch thick. bracing is provided
(10 - 6)
10.19.3 End Connections of Diaphragms and Cross R = [0.059L — 0.64] S)"' when bottom lateral
Frames bracing is provided
(10 - 7) The end connections for diaphragms or
cross frames in straight rolled—beam and plate-girder
bridges shall be designed for the calculated member loads. (10 - 8)
Rolled beam and plate girder spans shall be provided Diaphragms and Cross Frames
with cross frames or diaphragms at each support and
with intermediate cross frames or diaphragms placed in The maximum horizontal force (FDA in the transverse di-
nll bays and spaced at intervals not to exceed 25 feet. aphragms and cross frames is obtained from the following:
Diaphragms for rolled beams shall be at least “› ancl
preferably ? the beam depth and for plate girdeis shall Fp = 1.l4WS, with or without bracing (l 0-10)
10.20.3 Stresses Due to Wind Load When Top 10.22 CLOSED SECTIONS AND POCKETS
Flanges Are Not Continuously Su.pported
10.22.1 Closed sections and pockets or depressions that
The stress shall be computed using the structural sys- will retain water, shall be avoided where practicable.
tem in the plane of the flanges under consideration. Pockets shall be provided with effective drain holes or be
filled with waterproofing material.
10.22.2 Details shall be so arranged that the destructivo
10.21.1 The need for lateral bracing shall be investi- effects of bird life and the retention of dirt, leaves, and
gated. Flanges attached to concrete decks or other decks other foreign matter willbe reduced to a minimum. Where
of comparable rigidity will not require lateral bracing. angles are used, either singly or in pairs, they preferably
shall be placed with the vertical legs extending down—
10.21.2 A horizontal wind force of 50 pounds per ward. Structural tees preferably shall have the web ex-
square foot shall be applied to the area of the super- tending downward.
structure exposed in elevation. Half of this force shall be
applied in the plane of each flange. The stress induced
shall be computed in accordance with Article 10.20.2. 1.
The allowable stress shall be factored in accordance with 10.23.1 General
Article 3.22. Steel base to be welded, weld metal, and
10.21.3 When required, lateral bracing preferably shall welding design details shall conform to the requirements
be placed in the exterior bays betwcen diaphragms or
of the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS DI.5 Bridge Welding Code.
cross-frames. All required lateral bracing shall be placed
in or near the plane of the flange being braced. Welding symbols shall conform with the
latest edition of the American Welding Society Publication
10.21.4 Where beams or girders comprise the main
AWS A2.4
members of through spans, such members shall be stiff-
ened against lateral deformation by means of gusset plates Fabrication shall conform to Article 11.4—
or knee braces with solid webs which shall be connected Division II.
to the stiffeners on the main members and the floor beams.
If the unsupported length of the edge of the gusset plate
(or solid web) exceeds 60 times its thickness, the plate or 10.23.2 Effective Size of Fillet Welds
web shall have a stiffening plate or angles connected
along its unsupported edge. Maximum Size of Fillet Welds
10.21.5 Through truss spans, deck truss spans, and The maximum size of a fillet weld that may be assumed
spandrel braced arches shall have top and bottom lateral in the dcsign of a connection shall be such that the stresses
bracing. in the adjacent base material do not exceed the values al-
lowed in Article 10.32. The maximum size that may be
10.21.6 Bracing shall be composed of angles, other used along edges of connected parts shall be:
shapes, or welded sections. The smallest angle used in
bracing shall be 3 by 2? inches. There shall be not less (1) Along edges of material less than ?‹ inch thick, the
than two fasteners or equivalent weld in each end con- maximum size may be equal to the thickness of the ma-
nection of the angles. terial.
(2) Along edges of material ?‹ inch or more in thick-
10.21.7 If a double system of bracing is used, both sys- ness, the maximum size shall be ?« inch less than the
tems may be consiclered effective simultaneously if the thickness of the material, unless the weld is especially
members meet the requirements both as tension and com- designated on the drawings to be built out to obtain full
pression members. The members shall be connected at throat thickness.
their intersections. l\Minimum Size of Fillet Welds
10.21.8 The lateral bracing of compression chords
preferably shall be as deep as the chords and effectively The minimum fillet weld size shall be as shown in the
connected to both flanges. following table.
The minimum effective length of a fillet weld shall be (1) Joints subject to fatigue loading.
four times its size and in no case less than lu inches. (2) Joints with bolts installed in ovcrsized holes.
(3) Except where the Engineer intends otherwise and
10.23.4 Fillet Weld End Returns so indicates in the contract documeiits, joints with bolts
installed in slotted holes where the force on the joint is
Fillet welds which support a tensile force that is not in a direction other than normal (between approxi-
parallel to the axis of the weld, or which are proportioned mately 80 and 100‟) to the axis of the slot.
to withstand repeated stress, shall not terininate at corners (4) Joints subject to significant load reversal.
of parts or members but shall be returned continuously, (5) Joints in which welds and bolts share in transmit-
full size, around the comer for a length equal to twice the ting load at a common faying surface.
weld size where such return can be wade in the same (6) Joints in which, in the judgment of the Engineer,
plane. End returns shall be indicated on design ancl detail any slip would be critical to the performance of the
drawings. joint or the Structure and so designated on the contract
plans and specifications.
10.23.5 Seal Welds High-strength bolted connections subject
Seal welding shall preferably be accomplished by a to computed tension or coinbincd shear and computed
continuous weld combining the functions of sealing and tension shall be slip-critical connections.
strength, changing section only as the required strength or
the requirements of minimum size fillet weld, based on 10.24.1.ti Dolted bearing-type connections using huh-
material thic1‹iiess, may necessitate. strength bolts shall be limited to members in com-
pression and secondary members.
10.24 FASTENERS (RIVETS AND BOLTS) The effective bearing area of a fastener
shall be its diameter multiplied by the thickness of the
10.24.1 General metal on which it bears. In metal less than ”› inch thick,
countersunk fasteners shall not be assumed to carry In proportioning fasteners, for shear and stress. In metal ”› inch thicl‹ and over, one-half the depth
tension the cross-sectional area based upon the nominal of countersink shall be omitted in calculating the bearing
diameter shall be used. area. High-strength bolts may be substituted for In determining whether the bolt threads are
Grxde 1 rivets (ASTM A 502) or ASTM A307 bolts. When excluded from the shear planes of the contact sui faces,
AASH"f O M 164 (ASTM A 325) high-strength bolts are thread length of bolts shall be calculated as two thread
substituted lór ASTM A 307 bolts they need not be in- pitches greater thxn the specified thread length as an al-
stalled to the i equirements of Article, Division II, lowance for thread runout.
282 HIGHWAY BRIDGES In bearing-type connections, pull-out shear the load is applied approximately normal (between 80 and
in a plate should be investigated between the end of the 100„) to the axis of the slot. Long slotted holes may be
plate and the end i ow of fasteners. (See Table 10.32.3B, used in one of the connected parts at any individual fay-
footnote h). ing surface without regard for the direction of applied load
on connections which satisfy the requirements of Article
10.24.2 Hole Types 1 or Article, as applicable.
Hole types for high-strength bolted connections are 10.24.3 Washer Requirements
standard holes, oversize holes, short slotted holes and
long slotted holes. The nominal dimensions for each type Design details shall provide for washers in high-
hole shall be not greater than those shown in Table strength bolted connections as follows:
10.24.2, except as may be permitted under Division II, Ar-
ticle Where the outer face of the bolted parts has
a slope greater than 1:20 with respect to a plane normal to In the absence of approval by the Engineer the bolt axis, a hardened beveled washer shall be used to
for use of other hole types, standard holes shall be used in compensate for the lack of parallelism.
high-strength bolted connections. Hardened washers are not required for When approved by the Engineer, oversize, connections using AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) and
short slotted holes or long slotted holes may be used sub- AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 490) bolts except as required
ject to the following joint detail requirements. in Articles through Long slotted holes may be used in one of When AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 490)
the connected parts at any individual faying surface in bolts over 1 inch in diameter are to be installed in an over-
high-strength bolted connections designed on the basis of size or short slotted hole in an outer ply, hardened wash-
Table 10.32.3B or Table 10.56A, as applicable, provided ers conforming to ASTM F 436 except with ”i‹ inch min-
imum thickness shall be used under both the head and the
TABLE 10.24.2 Nominal Hole Dimension nut in lieu of standard thickness hardened washers. Mul-
tiple hardened washers with combined thickness equal to
Hole Dimensions
or greater than ?« inch do not satisfy this requirement.
Bolt Standard Oversize Short Slot Long Slot
(Dia.) (Dia.) (Dia.) (Width X Length) (Width X Where AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325)
bolts of any diameter or AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 490)
bolts equal to or less than 1 inch in diametei are to be in-
stalled in a long slotted hole in an outer ply, a plate washer
or continuous bar of at least ”« inch thickness with stan-
dard holes shall be provided. These washers or bars shall
have a size sufficient to completely cover the slot after in- DIVISION I—DESIGN 283
stallation and shall be of structural grade material, but For ‹-inch fasteners, 2” inches
need not be hardened except as follows. When AASHTO For ”‹-inch fasteners, 2"‹ inches
M 253 (ASTM A 490) bolts over l inch in diameter are to
be used in long slotted holes in external plies, a single Minimum Clear Distance
hardened washer conforming to ASTM F 436 but with ”i‹ Between Holes
inch minimum thicluie ss shall be used in lieu of washers
or bars of structural grade material. Multiple hardened When oversize or slotted holes are used, the minimum
washers with combined thickness equal io or greater than cleai distance between the edges of adjacent bolt holes iii
?i‹ inch do not satisfy this rcquirement. the dii ection of the force and transverse to the direction of
the force shall not be less than twice the diameter of the
10.24.4 Size of Fasteners (Rivets or High- bolt.
Strength Bolts) Maximum Spacing of Fasteners Fasteners shall be of the size shown on the
drawings, but generally shall be ‹ inch or ”› inch in di- The maximum spacing of fasteners shall be in
accordance with the provisions of Article 10.24.6, as ap-
ameter. Fasteners ”‹ inch in diameter shall not be used in
members carrying calculated stress except in 2“-inch legs plicable.
of angles and in flanges of sections requiring ”›-inch fas-
10.24.6 Maximum Spacing of Sealing and Stitch
Fasteners The diameter of fasteners in angles carry- Sealing Fasteners
ing calculated stress shall not exceed one-fourth the width
of the leg in which they are placed. For sealing against the penetration of moisture in joints,
the fastener spacing along a single line of fasteners adjacent In angles whose size is not determined by to a írce edge of an outside plate or shape shall not exceed
calculated stress, ”›-inch fasteners may be used in 2-inch 4 inches + 41 or 7 inches. Ii there is a second line of fas—
legs, ü‹-inch fasteners in 2"-inch legs, ?›-inch fasteners in 3- teners uniformly staggered with those in the line adjacent
inch legs, and l -inch fasteners in 3“-inch legs. to the free edge, at a gage “g” less than lu inches × 4t
therefrom, the staggered spacing in two such lines, consid— Structural shapes which do not admit the ered together, shall not exceed 4 inches 3- 4t — 3g/4 or 7
use of ?›—inch diameter fasteners shall not be used except inches, but need not be less than one-hall the iequirement
in handrails. for a single line, t = the thickness in inches of the thinner
outside plate or shape, and g — gage between fasteners in
10.24.5 Spacing of Fasteners inches.
The pitch of fasteners is the distance along the line of In built-up members where two or more plates or
principal stress, in inches, between centers of adjacent fas- shapes are in contact, stitch fasteners shall be used to en-
teners, measured along one or mode fastener lines. The gage sure that the parts act as a unit and, in compression mem-
of fasteners is the distance in inches between adjacent lines bers, to prevent bucl‹1ing. In compression members the
of fastener s or the distance from the back of angle or other pitch ef stitch fasteners on any single line in the direction
shape to the first line of fasteners. of stress shall not exceed 121, except that, if the fasteners on
adjacent lines are staggered and the gage, g, between the Minimum Spacing of Fasteners line under consideration and the farther adjacent line (if
there are more than two lines) is less than 24t, the staggered
The minimum distance between centers of fxsteners in pitch in the two lines, considered together, shall not exceed
standard holes shall be three times the diameter of 12t or 151 — 3g/8. The gage between adjacent lines of fas-
the fastener but, preferably, shall not be less than the teners shall not exceed 24t; t = thc thickness, in inches, of
following: the thinner outside plate or shape. In tension members the
pitch shall not exceecl twice that specified for compression
For l —inch fasteners, 3" inches members and the gage shall not exceed that specified for
For "›—inch fasteners, 3 inches compression members.
The minimum distance from the center of any fastener
in a standard hole to a sheared or thermally cut edge shall 10.25.1 Net Section
In pin-connected tension members other than eyebars,
For l-inch fasteners, 1"‹ inches the net section across the pin hole shall be not less than
For "›-inch fasteners, lu inches 140 o, and the net section back of the pin hole not less
For ”‹-inch fasteners, 1"‹ inches than 100 c of the required net section of the body of the
For ”›-inch fastener s, 1/‹ inches member. The ratio of the net width (through the pin hole
transverse to the axis of the member) to the thickness of
The minimum distance from the center of any fastener the segment shall not be more than 8. Flanges not bearing
in a standard hole to a rollcd or planed edge, except in on the pin shall not be considered in the net section across
flanges of beatrix and channels, shall be: the pin.
For 1 -inch fasteners, 1“‹ inches Pins shall be proportioned for the maximum shears and
For 7 inch fasteners, 1/› inches bending moments produced by the stresses in the mem-
For ”‹-inch fasteners, 1 inch bers connected. If there are eycbars among the parts con-
For ?›-inch fasteners, ?‹ inch nected, the diameter of the pin shall be not less than
nected by enough rivets, bolts, or fillet and plug welds to Intersecting diagonal bars not far enough
transmit the bearing pressure, ancl so arrangcd as to dis- apart to clear each other at all times shall be clamped to-
tribute it unifoi mly over the full section. gether at the intersection.
means to prevent lateral movement, skewing, and creep- bearings, this distance shall be measured from the center
ing. The rollcrs and bearing pl ‹ites shall be protected from ef the pin. In built-up pedestals and shoes, the web plates
dirt and water as far as practicable. ancl the design shall be and angles connecting there to the base plate shall be not
such that water will not be rctained and that the roller less than ”› inch thick. If the size of the pe‹iestal permits,
nests may be inspected and clean casil y. the webs shall be rigidly connected transversely. The min-
imum thicl‹ness of the metal in east steel pe‹1esta1s shall
10.29.4 Sole Plates and Masonry Plates be l inch. Pedcstals and shoes shall be so clesigned that the
load will be distributed uiiifoi inly over the eiitire bearing. Sole plates and niasonry¡›lates shall have
a minimum thickness of ?‹ inch. Webs and pin holes in the webs shall be
arranged to keep any eccentricity to a minimum. The net For spans on inclined grades greater than
section thi ougli the hole shall provide 1411% of the net sec-
I ºfo without hinged bearings. the sole plates shall be
ti r›n required for the actual stress transmitted through the
beveled so that thc bottom of the sole plate is level, unless
pedestal or shoe. Pins shall be of sufficient length to secure
the bottom of the sole plate is radially curved.
a full bearing. Pins shall be secured in position by appro-
10.29.5 Masonry Bearings priate nuts with washers. AU portions of pedestals and
shoes shall be held against lateral movement of the pins.
Be:tres, girders, or trusses on masonry shall be so sup-
ported that the bottom chords or fl‹tnges will be above the
bridge seat. preferably not less than 6 inches.
10.30.1 Stringers
10.29.6 Anchor Bolts
Stringers preferably shall be framed into floor beams. Trusses, girders, and rolled beam spans Stringers supported on the top flanges of floor beams
preferably shall be securely anchered to the substructure. preferably shall he continuous over two or mora panels.
Anchor bolts shall be swedged or threaded to secure a Sítt-
isfactory grip upon the maten:rt used to einbcd there in the 10.30.2 Floor i3eams
Floor beams preferably shall be at right angles to the The following are the minimum require- ti usses or main girders and shall be rigidly connected
ments for each bearing: thercto. Flooi beam connections preferably shall be lo-
For rolled beam spans the outer beams shall be an- cated so the lateral bracing system will engage both the
chored at each end with 2 bolts, 1 inch in diameter, set floor beam and thc main supporting member. In pin—con-
10 inches in the masonry. nected trusses, if the flooi beams arc located below the
bottom chord pins, the vertical posts shall be exteiided
For ti usses and girders: sufficiently below the pins to make a rigid connection to
Spans 50 feet in length or lew : 2 bolts, 1 inch in the floor beam.
diameter, set 10 inches in the masonry.
Spans 51 to 100 feet; 2 bolts, 1“‹ inches in diame- 10.30.3 Cross Frames
ter, set 12 inches in the masonry.
In bridges with wooden floors and steel stringers, in-
Spans 101 to 150 feet; 2 bolts, I “› inches in diame- termediate cross frames (or diaphragms) shall be placed
ter, set 15 inches in the masonry. between stringers more than 20 feet long.
Spans greater than 150 feet; 4 bolts, l " inches in di-
ameter, set 15 inches in the masonry. 10.30.4 Expansion Jaints Pcdcstals and shoes preferably shall be Apron plates, when used, shall be designed
iiiade of cast steel or structural steel. The difference in to bridge the joint and to ¡Prevent, so far as practicable, the
width between the top and bottom bearing surfaces shall accuinulation of roadway debi4s upon the br idge seats. Pre-
not exceed twice the distance between there. For hinged ferably, they shall be connected rigidly to the end floor beam.
There shall be end floor beams in all square-ended Concrete Deck Panels
trusses and girder spans and preferably in skew spans. End
floor beams for truss spans preferably shall be designed to When precast prestressed deck panels are used as per-
permit the use of jacks for lifting the superstructure. manent forms spanning between beams, stringers, or gird-
For this case, the allowable stresses may be increased 50%. ers, the requirements of Article 9.12, Decl‹ Panels, andAr-
ticle 9.23, Deck Panels, shall be met,
10.30.6 End Panel of Skewed Bridges Metal Stay-in-Place Forms
In skew bridges without end floor beams, the end panel When metal stay-in-place forms are used as permanent
stringers shall be secured in correct position by end struts torres spanning between beams, stringers, or girders, the
connected to the stringers and to the main truss or girder. The forms shall be designed to support, as a minimum, the
end panel lateral bracing shallbe attached to the main tmsses weight of the concrete (including that in the corrugations,
or girders and also to the end struts. Adequate provisions if applicable), a construction load of 50 psf, and the weight
shall be wade for the expansion movement of stringers. ofthe form. The forms shall be designed to be elastic under
construction loads. The elastic deformation caused by the
10.30.7 Sidewalk Brackets dead load of the torres, plastic concrete and reinforcement
shall not exceed a deflection of greater than L/180 or
Sidewalk brackets shall be connected in such a way ? inch for form work spans (L) of 10 feet or less, or a
that the bending stresses will be transferred directly to the deflection of L/240 or ?‹ inch for form work spans (L)
floor beams. over 10 feet.
Part C
Allowable stresses for steel shall be as specified in When detailing fillet welds for quenched and tenipered
Table 10.32.IA. steels—the designer may use electrode classifications
with strengths less than the base metal provided that
10.32.2 Weld Metal this requirement is clearly specified on the plans.
lug Welds:
Unless otherwise specified, the yield point and ultimat º
strength of weld metal shall be equal to or greater than min- F, = 12,4110 psi for resistance to shear stresses only,
imum specified value of the base metal. Allowable stresses where,
on the effective areas of weld metal shall be as follows: F. = allowable basic shear stress.
TABLE 10.32.IA Allowable Sti-esses—Structural Steel (In pounds per square inch)
Quenched and
Structural Tempered High-Yield Strength
Carbon High-Strength Lew-Alloy Quenched and Tempered
Type Steel Low-Alloy Steel Steel Alloy Steel‟
AASHTO Designatio bbl M 270 M 270 M 270 M 270 M 270
Grade 36 Grade 50 Grade 50W Grade HPS70W& Grades 100/100W
Grade 70W
Equivalent AS‟i"M Designation° A709 A709 A709 A709 A709
Grade 36 Grade 50 Grade 50W Grade HPS70W& Grades 100/100W
Grade 70W
Thickness of Plates Upto Upto Upto Upto Upto Over 2?i in.
4 in. incl. 4 in. incl. 4 in. incl. 4 in. incl. 2'Z in. incl. to 4 in. incl.
Shapes All Groups All Groups All Groups Not Applicable Not Applicable
Axial tension in members with no 0.55F, 20,000 27,000 27,000 38,000 Not Applicable
0.46F Not Applicable 50,600 46,000
Section 26,700 29,900 32,200 41,400 50,600 46,000
Axial compression, gross section: 20,000 27,000 27,000 38,000 55,000 49,000
stiffeners of plate girders. Compres-
sion in splice material, gross section
Fb d_ 0.55F
= I . 75 + I .05 (M¡/M ) + 0. 3 (M¡/Mj)' ñ 2. 3 where M; is the smaller and M the larger end moment in the unbraced segment
of the beam; M¡/Mi is positive when tht2 moments cause reverse curvature and negative when bent in single curvature.
C5 = 1.0 for unbraced cantilevers and for members where the moment within a significant portion of the unbraced segment is greater
than or equal to the larger of the segment end moments.
TABLE 10.32.1A Allowable Stresses—Structural Steel (In pounds per square inch) (Continued)
Quenched and
Structural Tempered High -Yield Strength
Carbon High-Strength Low-Alloy Quenched and Jémpered
Type Steel Low-Alloy Steel Steel Alloy Steel„
ir'E _ 135,000,740
F:S.(KL/r)' (KL/r)'
with FS. = 2. 12
Shear in girder webs, gross section F, = 0.33F, 12,000 17,000 17,000 23,000 33,000 30,000
Bearing on milled stiffeners and other 0. fl0F, 29,000 40,000 40,000 56,000 80,000 72,0110
steel parts in contact (rivets and bolts
Stress in extreme fiber of pins' 0. 80F, 29,000 40,000 40,0011 56,000 80,000 72,000
Bearing on pins not subject to rotation" 0. 80F, 29,000 40,000 40,000 56,000 80,000 72,000
Bearing on pins subject to rotation 0.40F, 14,000 20,000 20,000 28,000 40,f100 36,1100
(such as used in rockers and hinges)
TABLE 111.32.3A Allowable Stresses for Low-Carbon In bearing-type connections, pull-out
Steel I3olts and Power Driven Rivets (in psi) shear in a plate should be investigated between the end of
Shear the plate and the end row of fasteners. (See Table
Bearing- pe 10.32.3B, footnote g.)
pe of Fastener Tension„ Bean gb Connectio
(A) Low- Carbon Steel 18,000 2e,ooo i i ,oo0 d All bolts except high-strength bolts,
Bolts‟ Turned Bolts tensioned to the requirements of Division II. Tabla 11.5A
(ASTM A 307) or Table 11.5B, shall have single self-locking nuts or
Ribbed Bolts double nuts.
(B) Power-Driven Rivets
(rivets driven by
pneumatically or 0.32.3. 1.6 Joints, utilizing high-strength bolts,
electrically operated requiied to resist shear between their connected parts arc
hammers are designated as either slip-critical (See Article 10.24. 1.4)
considered power or bearing-type connections. Shear connections sub-
jected to stress reversal, or where slippage would be un-
Structural Steel Rivet — 40,000 13,500
Gi‟ade 1 (ASTM A 502 desirable, shall be slip-critical connections. Potential slip
Grade 1)
Structural Steel Rivet — 40,000 20,000
(high-strength) TABLE 10.32.3B Allowable Stresses on High•Strength
Grade 2 (ASTM A 502 Bolts or Connected Material (ksi)
Grade 2)
‘Applied to fastener cross-sectional area based upon nominal body M 164 M 253
diameter. (ASTM (ASTM
‘Applied to nominal diamcter of fastener multi¡ilied by the thickness Load Condition A 325)‟ A 490)'
of the metal. Applied Static Tension"' 38„ 47
‘ASTM A 307 bolts shall not be used in connections subject to Shear, F., on bolt with threads in
shear plane"'
ª In connections transmitting axial force whose length between ex-
Bearing, F,, on connected material
treme fasteners measured parallel to the linc of force exceeds 50 inches, the
in standard, oversize, short-slotted
tabulated value shall be reduced 20 percent. 0.5L
holes loaded in any direction, or
long-slotted holes parallel to the d
applied bearing force
10.32.3 Fasteners (Rivets and Bolts) Bearing, F,, on connected material
in long-slotted holes perpendicular
to the applied bearing force
Allowable stresses for fasteners shall be as listed in Ta-
'AASHTO M lb4 (ASTM A 325) and AASHTO M 253 (ASP
bles 10.32.3.A and 10.32.3.B, and the allowable force on A 490) high-strength bolts are available in three types, designated as
a slip-critical connection shall bc as provided by Article types 1, 2, or 3. Type 3 shall be required on the plans when using 1. unpainted AASHTO M 270 Grade 50W (ASTM A709 Grade 50W).
‘ Bolts must be tensioned to requirements of Table 11.5A. Div II.
'See Article for bolts subject to tensile fatigue.
1ü.32.3.1 General ‘The tensile strength of M 164 (A 325) bolts decreases for diameters
greater than 1 inch. The design values listed are for bolts up to 1 inch 1 In pr opoitioiiing fasteners for diameter. The design values shall be multiplied by 0.875 for diametérs
greater than 1inch,
shear or tension, the cross—sectional area based upon the • In connections transmítting asial force whose length between ex-
nominal diameter shall be used except as otherwise treme fasteners measured parallel to the line of force exceeds 50 inches,
tabulated values shall be reduced 20 percent. For flange splices, the
noted. 50-inch length is to be measured between the extreme bolts on only
one side of the connection. The effective bear ing area of a fastener 'If material thickness or joint details preclude threads in the shear
shall be its diameter multiplied by the thickness of the metal plane, multiply tabulated values by 1.25.
on which it bear s. In metal less thilll ³ ‟8 inch thick, counter- ' u 'specified minimum tensile strength of connected material.
‘ Connections using high-strength bolts in slotted holes with the load
sunl‹ fastenei s shall not be assumed to carry stress. In metal applied in a direction other than approximately normal (between 80 and
³ ‟s inch thicl‹ and over, one half of the depth of the counter- HO degrees) to the axis of the hole and connections with bolts in
oversízed holes shall be designed for resistance against slip in accord-
sink sha1l 1›e omitted in calculating the beaiing area. ance with Article 1.
' L, is equal to the clear distance between the holes or between the
10..?2.3. 1.3 In determining whether the bolt threads hole and the edge of the mateñal in the direction of the applied bearing
are excluded from the shear planes of the contact surfaces, force, in. and d is the nominal diameter of the bolt, in.
'The allowable bearing force for the connection is equal to the sum
thrcad length of bolts shall be calculated as two thread of the allowable bearing forces for the individual bolts in the connec-
pitcher greater than the specified thread length as an al- tion.
lowance for thread iunout.
TABLE 10.32.3C Nominal Slip Resistance for Slip-Critical Connections (Slip Resistance per Unit of Bolt Area, F,, ksi)
Slip Coefficient for Coatings Used in Bolted Joints” as = 105 kei for M 164 (A 325) bolts over l-inch
adopted by the Research Council on 5tructural Connec- diameter;
tions. Sec Appendix A of Allowablc Stress Design Speci- = 150 ksi for M 253 (A 490) bolts.
fication for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490
Bolts published by the Research Council on Structural Where rivets or high-strength bolts are
Connections. subject to both shear and tension, the tensile stress shall not
exceed thc value obtained from the following equati‹›ns: Applied Tension, Combined Tension,
and Shear
(10-16) 1 High-strength bolts preferably
shall be used for fasteners subject to tension or combined
tension and shear.
(10 - 17) 2 Bolts required to support applied
load by means of direct tension shall be so proportioned where
that their average tensile stress coiriputed on the basis of f = computed rivet or bolt shear stress in shear, ksi;
nominal bolt area will not exceed the appropriate stress F = allowable shear stress on rivet or bolt from Table
in Table l 11.32,3B. The applied load shall be the sum of 10.32.3A or Table 10.32.3B, ksi;
the exter- nal load and any tension resulting from prying F, = allowable tensile stress on rivet or bolt fi om
action. The tension due to the prying action shall be Table 10.32.3A or Table 10.32.3B, ksi;
F{ = recluced allowable tensile stress on rivet or bolt
due to the applied shear stress, kei.
- T (10 - 14)
Note: EQuation (111-18) has been removed.
Q — the prying tension per bolt (taken as zero when Fatigue
T = the direct tension per bolt due to external load; When subject to tensile fatigue loading, the tensile
a — distance from center of bolt to edge of plate in stress in the bolt due to the set vice load plus the pry—
inches; ing force resulting from application of service load
b — distance from center of bolt undei consideration shall not exceed the following design stresses in kips
to toe of fillet of connected part in inchcs; per squai c inch. The nominal diameter of the bolt shall
= thickness of thinnest part connected in inches. be used in calculating the bolt strGss. The prying
force shall not exceed 609r of the externally applied For combined shcar and tension in slip- load.
critical joints using high-strength bolts whcre applied
forces reduce the total clamping force on the fric- AASHTO AASHTO
tion plane, the slip resistance per unit area of bolt, f,, shall M l6ª M 253
not exceed the value obtained from the following equation: (ASTM (ASTM
Number of Cycles A 325) A 490)
AASHTO Designation with Size — M 169 4 in. in M 102 To 20 M 102 To 20 M 102 To 10M 1í12 To 20
Limitations dia. or less in. in dia. in. in dia. in. in dia. in. in dia.
ASTM Designation Grade or Class — A 108 A 668 A 668 A 668 A 668"
Grades 1016 Class C Class D Class F Class G
1030 incl.
Minimum Yield Point, psi F, 36,000„ 33,000 37,500 50,000 50,000
Stress in Extreme Fiber, psi 0. 80F, 29,000„ 26,000 30,000 40,000 40,000
Shear, psi 0.40F, 14,000„ 13,000 15,000 20,000 20,000
Bearing on Pins not Subject to Rotation, 0. 80F, 29,000„ 26,000 30,000 40,000 40,000
Bearing on Pins Subject to Rotation, psi 0.40F, 14,000‘ 13,000 15,000 20,000 20,000
(such as used in rockers and hinges)
which it bears. When parts in contact have different yield Malleable Castings
points, F, shall be the smaller value.
Malleable castings shall conform to specifications for Design stresses for Steel Bars, Carbon Cold Malleable Iron Castings, ASTM A 47 Grade 35018. The
Finished Standard Quality, AASHTO M 169 (ASTM A following allowable stresses in pounds per s‹juare inch
108), and Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for General shall be used:
Industrial Use, AASHTG M 102 (ASTM A 668), are gwen
in Table T
Bending in Extieme Fiber 18,000
Modulus of Elasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000.000
10.32.5 Cast Steel, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable
Castings, and Cast Iron Cast Iron Cast Steel and Ductile Iron Cast iron castings shall conform to specifications for
Gray kon Castings, AASHTO M 105 (ASTM A 48), Class For cast steel conforming to speci- 30B. The following allowable stresses in pounds per
fications for Steel Castings for Highway Bridges, square inch shall be used:
AASHTO M 192 (ASTM A 486), Mild-io-Medium- Bending in Extreme Fiber 3,000
Strength Carbon—Steel Castings for General Application, Shear 3,000
AASHTO M 103 (ASTM A 27), and Corrosion-Resistant Direct Compression, Short Columns . . . . . . . 12,000
Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel and Nickel-
Based Alloy Castings for General Application, AASHTO Bronze or Copper-Alloy
M 163 (ASTM A 743), and for Ductile Iron Cast-
ings (ASTM A 536), the allowable stresses in pounds 1 Bronze castings, AASHTO M
per square inch shall be in accordance with Table 107 (ASTM B 22), Copper Alloys 913 or 911, or
10.32.5. IA. Copper- Alley Plates, AASHTO M 108 (ASTM B 100),
shall be specified. When in contact with castings or steel of
a different yield point, the allowable unit bearing stress of The allowable unit-bearing stress in
the material with the lower yield point shall govern. For pounds per square inch on bronze castings or copper-alloy
riveted or bolted connections, Article 10.32.3 shall govern. plates shall be 2,000.
HIGHWAY BRIDGES For allowable unit-bearing stress on con- The compression flanges of plate girdeis
crete masonry, rcfer to Article 8. supporting timbei floors shall not be considered to be
laterally supported by the flooring unless thi floor ancl
111.33 ROLLED BEAI\IS fastenings are specially designed to provide support. Rolled beams, including those with welded Welded Girders
cover plates, shall be designed by the moment of inertia
method. Rolled beams with riveted cover plates shall be Each flange may comprise a series ‹›f
designed on the same basis as riveted plate girders. plates joined end to end by full penetration butt welds.
Changes in flange areas may be accomplished by vaiying The compression flanges of rolled beams the thickness and/or wiclth of the flange plate, or by adding
supporting timber floors shall not be considered to be cover plates. Where plates of varying thicl‹nesses or
laterally supported by the flooring unless the floor and fas- widths are connected, the splice shall be wade in accor-
tenings are specially dcsigned to provide adequate support. dance with Article 10.18 and welds ground smooth before
attaching to the web. The compression-flange width, b, on
fabricated I-shaped girders pr eferalily shall not be less
10.33.2 bearing Stiffeners than 0.2 times the web depth, but in no case shall it be less
than 0. J 5 times the web depth. If the area of the compres-
Suitable stiffeners shall be provided to stiffen the webs sion flange is less than the area of the tension flange, the
of rolled beams at l›earings when the unit shear in the web minimum flange width may be based on two times the
adjacent to the bearing exceeds 75°o of the allowable depth of the web in compression ratlier than the web
shear for girder webs. See the related provisions of Arti- depth. The compression-flange thickness, t, preferably
cle 10.3ª.6. shall not be less than 1 .5 times the web thickness. The
10.34.2. l DIVISION I—DESIGN 295
width-to—thickness ratio, b/t, of flanges subject to tension 70. Where the calculated compressive bend-
shall not exceed 24. ing stress equals 0.55 F,, the 6'/t ratios for the various
grades of steel shall not exceed the following: When cover plates are used, they shall be
designed in accordance with Article 10.13. 36,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b'/t = 11
50,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b'/t — 10 The ratio of compression flange plate 70,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b'/t — 8.5
width to thicl‹ness shall not exceed the value determined 90,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b'/t = 7.5
by the formula 100,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b'/t — 7
In the above b is the flange plate width, t is the thickness, The gross area of the compression
and f b is the calculated maximum compressive bending flange, except for composite design, shall be not less than
stress. (See Article 10.40.3 for Hybrid Girders.) the gross area of the tension flange. In the case of a composite girder the ratio 6 Flange plates shall be of equal
of the top compression flange plate width to thickness thicl‹ness, or shall decrease in thicl‹ness from the flange
shall not exceed the value determined by the formula angles out- ward. No plate shall have a thickness greater
than that of the flange angles.
but in no case shall (¡0 - 20) 7 At least one cover plate of the top
b/t exceed 24 flange shall extend the full length of the girder except
when the flange is covered with concrete. Any eover plate
that is not full length shall extend beyond the theo-
where fu, is the top flange compressive stress due to non—
retical cutoff point far enough to develop the capacity
composite dead load.
of the plate or shall extend to a section wheie the stress
in the remainder of the girdei flange is equal to the al- Riveted or Bolted Girders
lowable fatigue stress, whichever is greater. The theo-
retical cutoff point of the cover plate is the section at Flange angles shall form as large a part which the stress in the flange without that cover plate
of the area of the flange as practicable. Side plates shall equals the allowable stress, exclusiva of fatigue con-
not be used except where flange angles exceedin g 7/s inch siderations.
in thickness otherwise would be required. The number of fasteners connecting the Width of outstanding legs of flange flange angles to the web plate shall be sufficient to ble-
angles in compression, except thosc reinforced by velop the increment of flange stress transmitted to the
plates, shall not exceed the value determined by the for„ flange angles, combined with any load that is applied di-
mula rectly to the flange.
b‟ 1, 62Ñ butin no case shal i0 - 21) Legs of angles 6 inches or greater in
t fb b‟/t exceed 12 width, connected to web platcs, shall have two lines of
web plate thickness of plate girdeis
without longitudinal stiffeners shall not be less than that
determined by the formula
36,000 psi, Y.P. Min. D/165 WEB TH ICK NESS AND GIRDER DEPTH
' (a fu net ion of bending stress)
50,000 psi, Y.P. Min. D/140
D = depth of web
70,000 psi, Y.P. Min. D/l 15 !w ' !ªi¢k ness of web
90,000 psi, Y.P. Min. D/105 b Cál0U ldt d c ompress›ve bend ing stress in flange
100,000 psi, Y.P. Min. D/100 FIGURE 10.34.3.IA Web Thickness vs. Girder Depth for
Noncomposite Symmetrical Sections Girders Stiffened Longitudinally
compression flange component, D, is the depth of the 1 The web plate thickness of plate web in compression calculated by summing the stresses
girders equipped with longitudinal stiffeners shall not be from the applicable stages of loading, and f, is the calcu-
less than that determined by the formula lated flange bending stress in the compression flange.
The depth of web in compressioR, D c. in composite sec-
tions subjected to negative bending may be taken as
D f (10 — 24) the depth of the web in compression of the composite
„4, 050 section without summing the stresses from the various
D stages of loading. When both edges of the web are in
for ñ 0.4 k = 5. 17 compression, k shall be taken equal to 7.2.
D, Intermediate stiffeners preferably shall be Transverse intermediate stiffeners need not
wade of plates for welded plate girders and shall be wade be in bearing with the tension flange. The distance be-
of angles for riveted plate girders. They may be in pairs, tween the end of the stiffener weld and the near edge of
one stiffener fastened on each side of the web plate, with the web-to-flange fillet welds shall not be less than 4tq or
a tight ht at the compression flange. They may, however, more than 6tp. Stiffeners at points of concentrated loading
be wade of a single stiffener fastened to one side of the shall be placed in pairs and should be designed in accor-
web plate. Stiffeners provided on only one side of the web dance with Article 10.34.6. However, transverse stiffeners
must be in bearing against, but need not be attached to, the which connect diaphragms or crossframes to the beam or
compression flange for the stiffener to be effective. How- girder shall be rigidly connected to both the top and bot-
ever, transverse stiffeners which connect diaphragms or tom flanges.
crossframes to the beam or girder shall be rigidly con-
nected to both the top and bottom flanges. The width of a plate or the outstanding
leg of an angle intermediate stiffener shall not be less than The moment of inertia of any type of trans- 2 inches plus '×so the depth of the girder, and it shall prefer-
verse stiffener with reference to the plane defined in Arti- ably not be less than '/4 the full width of the girder flange.
cle shall not be less than The thickness of a plate or the outstanding leg of an angle
intermediate stiffener shall not be less than 'Xis its width.
Intermediate stiffeners may be AASHTO M 270 Grade 36
31) steel.
D = unsupporte‹i distance between flange compo- OH both sides of the web plate. Bearing stiffeners shall
nents in inches; bé designed as columns, and their connection to the web
tp — thickness of the web plate in inches ¡ Shltll be designed to transmit the entirc end reac-
d, = actual distance betwecn transverse stiffeners in tion te tlié bearings. For stiffeners consisting of two
inches. ÍíttéS, the column section shall be assumed to comprise
the two plates and a centrally located strip of the web plate The thickness of the longitudinal stiffener whose width is equal to not more than 18 times
t, shall not be less than its thickness. For stiffeners consisting of tour or were
plates. the column section shall be assumed to comprise
the four or more plates and a centrally located strip of
„34 the web plate whose wiclth is equal to that enclosed by
the four or m‹›re plates plus a width of not more than 18
where times the web plate thickness. (See Article 10.40 for
Hybrid Girders.) The radius of g•yration shall be computed
b‟= width of stiffener about the axis through the center line of the web plate. The
F, — yield strength of the longitudinal stiffcner stiffeners shall be ground to fit against the flange through
which they receive their reaction, or attached to the flange The stress in the stiffener shall not be
by full penetration groove welds. Only the portions of the
greater thanthe basic allowable bending stress forthe ma-
stiffeners outside the flange-to-web plate welds shall be
terial used in the stiffener.
considered effective in bearing. The thickncss of the bear-
ing stiffener plates shall not be less than Longitudinal stiffeners are usually placed
on one side only of the web plate. They need not be con-
tinuous and may be cut at their intersections with the b' F
transverse stiffeners. 12 33, 000
10.35 TRUSSES (Note: b is the distance from the edge of plate or edge of
perforation to the point of support.)
10.35.1 Perforated Cover Plates and Lacing Bars When the compressive stress equals the
The shearing force normal to the member in the planes limiting factor of 0.44 F , the b/t ratio of the segments in-
oflacing or continuous perforated plates shall be assumed dicated above shall not be greater than the ratios shown
divided equally between all such parallel planes. The for the following grades of steel:
shearing force shall include that due to the weight of the
36,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 12
member plus any other external force. For compression
50,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 11
members, an additional force shall be added as obtained
70,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 9
by the following formula:
90,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 8
100,íl00 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 7.5
(10 - 37) Plates supported on two edges or webs of
main component segmento—for members of box shape
consisting of main plates, rolled sections, or wade up
In the above expression component seginents with covcr plates, the b/t ratio of the
V = normal shearing force in pounds; main plates or webs of the segments when used in com-
P = allowable compressive axial load on members in pression shall not be greater than the value obtained by
pounds; use of the formula
P = length of member in inches;
r = radius of gyration of section about the axis per—
b 4, 000
(111 - 39)
pendicular to plane of lacing or perforated plate t
in inches;
F = specified minimum yield point of type of steel but in no cuse shul l b/t be greater than 45.
being used. (Note: b is the distance between points of support for the
plate and between roots of flanges f‹›r the webs of rolled
111.35.2 Compression Members—Thicl‹ness of
Metal When the compressive sti esses equal the
limiting factor of 0.44 F,, the b/t i„atio of the plates and Compression members shall be so designed
segments indicated above shall not be greater than the ra-
that the main elements of the section will be connected
tios shown for the following grades of steel:
directly to the gusset plates, pins, or other members.
36,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 32 The center of gravity of a built—up section
50,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t — 27
shall coincide as nearly as practicable with the center of
70,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t — 23
the section. Preferably, segments shall be connected by
90,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 211
solid webs or perforated cover plates.
100,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 19 Plates supported on one side, outstanding Solid cover plates supportGd on two edges
legs of angles and perforated plates—for outstanding
or webs connecting main members or segmento—for
plates, outstanding legs of angles, and perforated plates at
members of H or box shapes consisting of solid cover
the per forations, the b/t ratio of the plates or angle seg-
plates or solid webs connecting main plates or segmento,
mento when used in compression shall not be greater than
the b/t ratio of the solid cover plates or webs when used in
the value obtained by use of the formula
compression shall not be greater than the value obtained
by use of the formula
(10 - 40)
(Note: b is the unsupported distance between points of rolled segments the point of support may be taken as the
support.) weld whenever the ratio of outstanding flange width to
flange thickness of the rolled segment is less than seven. When the compressive stresses equal the Otherwise, point of support shall be the root of flange of
limiting factor of 0.4ª F,, the b/t ratio of the cover plate rolled segment. Terminations of the butt welds are to be
and webs indicated above shall not be greater than the ra- ground smooth.
tios shown for the following grades of steel:
36,0Cl0 psi, XP. Min. b/t = 40
50,0110 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 34 All members subjected to both axial compression and
70,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t — 28 bending stresses shall be proportioned to satisfy the fol-
90,0110 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 25 lowing requirements
100,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 24
but in no case shall b/t be greater than 55.
(Note: b is the distance between points of support. Atten- (10 - 44)
tion is diiec ted to rcquirements for plate thickness at per-
forations, namely. plate supported on one side, which also
shall be satisIied.J f, = computed axial stress;
f,, or fu = computed compressive bending stress When the compressive stresses equal the about the x axis and y axis, respectively;
limiting factor of G.44 F,, the b/t ratio of the perforated F, — axial stress that would be pcrmitted if axial
covei plates shall not be greater than the ratios shown for force alone existed, regardless of the plane
the following grades of steel: of bending;
F,,, Fu — compressive bending stress that would be
36,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 48 permitted if bending moment alone existed
50,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 41 about the x axis and the y axis, rcspec-
70,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 34 tively, as evaluated according to Table
90,000 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 30 10.32. l A;
100,0110 psi, Y.P. Min. b/t = 29 = Euler buckling stress divided by a factor of
E = modulus of elasticity of steel;
In the above cxpressions—
K, = effective length factor in the plane of bend—
f, = computed compressive stress; ing (see Appendix C);
b = width (defined as indicated for each expres— L, — itCttial ilHbraced length in the plane of
sion); bending;
= plate or web thickness. r, — radius of gyiation in the plane of bending;
C Cmy COefficient about the x axis and y axis, re- The point of support shall be the inner line spectively, whose value is taken from
of fasteners or fillet welds connecting the plate to the main Table 10.36A;
segment. For plates butt welded to the flange edge ol F.S. = factor of safety — 2. 12.
10.37 SOLID RIB ARCHES The arch rib shall be proportioned to sat-
isfy the following requirement:
10.37.1 Moment Amplification and Allowable Stress Live load plus impact moments that are de- (10 - 47)
termined by an analysis which neglects arch rib deflection
shall be increased by an amplification factor A, where
Euler buckling stress) (10 - 46)
2. 12
L = one-half of the length of the arch rib;
A = area of cross section; where KL is as dcfinecl above.
r — radius of gyration;
K — factor to account for effective length. The effccts of lateral slenderness should be
investigated. Tied arch ribs, with the tie and roadway sus-
K Values for Use in Calculating F, and F, pended from the rib, are not subject to moment amplifica-
tion, and En shall be based on an effectivc length equal to
Rise to Span 3-Hinged 2-Hinged
the distance along the arch axis between suspenders, tor
Ratio Arch Arch Fixed Arch
buckling in the vertical plane. However, the smaller cross-
0. 1—0.2 1.16 1.04 0.70 sectional area of cable suspenders may result in an effec-
1.10 11.70 tive length slightly longer than the distance between sus-
0.3—0.4 1.16 1.lii 11.72 peiiders.
maximum D/tp = 90 (10 - 50) This section pertains to structurcs com-
posed of steel girders with concrete slabs connected by
shear connectors.
and the moment of inertia of the stiffener about an axis
parallel to the web and at the base of the stiffener shall be General specifications pertaining to the de-
equal to sign of concrete and Steel structures shall apply to struc-
tures utilizing composite girders where such specifica-
I, = 0.75 Dtp tions are applicable. Composite girders and slabs shall be
designed and the stresscs computed by the composite mo- If two longitudinal stiffeners are used at ment of inertia method and shall be consistent with the
the one—third points of the web depth D, ma›:imum D/tp predetermined properties of the various materials used.
shall be as follows: The ratio of the moduli of elasticity of steel
(29,000,000 psi) to those of normal weight concrete (W =
D/tq = 120 (10 — 52) 145 pcfl of various design strengths shall be as follows:
f j = unit ultimate compressive strength of concrete as
and the moment of inertia of each stiffener shall be determined by cylinder tests at the age of 28 days
in pounds per square inch.
I, = 2.2 Dtp (10-53) n — ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel to that of
concrete. The value of n, as a function of the ul- The width to thickness ratio b'/t, of any
timate cylinder strength of concretc, shall be as-
outstanding element of the web stiffeners shall not exceed
sumed as follows:
the following:
f j = 2,000—2,300 n = 11
b‟ 1,625 2,400—2,800 10
maximum b‟/t, — 12 (10 - 54) 2,900—3,500 9
3,600—4,500 8
4,600—5,900 7 Web plate equations apply between limits 6,000 or more 6
fb The effect of creep shall be considered in
the design of composite girders which have dead loads
acting on the composite section. In such structures,
10.37.3 Flange Plates stresses and horizontal shears produced by dead loads act-
ing on the composite section shall be computed for n as The b/t, ratio for the width of flange plates gwen above or for this value multiplied by 3, whichever
between webs shall be not greater than gives the higher stresses and shears.
HIGHWAY BRIDGES If concrete with expansivo characteristics The capacity ol stitd and channel shear
is used, composite design should be used with caution and connect‹›rs welded to the girders is gwen in Article
pr‹›visioii must be wade in the design to »ccommodate the 10.30.5. Channel shear connectors shall have at least ‟‟ic-
expansion. inch fillet welds placed along the heel and toe of the
channel. Composite sections in simple spans and
the positive moment regi‹›ns of continuous spans should The clear clepth of concrete cover over the
preferably be proportioned so that the neutral axis lies tops of the shear connectors shall be not less than 2 inches.
below the top sur face of the Steel beam. Concrete on the Shear connectors shall pcnetrate at least 2 inches above
tension sido of the neutral axis shall not be considered in bottom of slab.
calculating resisting moments. In the ncgative moment re-
gions of continuous spans, only the slab reinforcement The clear distance between the edge of a
can be c onsidered to act compositely with the steel beams girder flange and the edge of the shear connectors shall be
in calculating resisting moments. Mechanical anchorages not less than 1 inch. Adj‹tcent stud shear connectors shall
shall be pr ovicted in the composite regions io develop not be closer than 4 diiuricters center to center.
stresses on the plane joining the concrete and the steel.
Concrete on the tension mide of the neutral axis may be 10.38.3 Effective Flange Width
considered in cc»mputing moments of inertia for deflection
calculations, for determining stiffness factors used in cal- In composite girder constriiction the as-
culating moments and shears, and for computing fatigue sumed effective width of the slab as a T-beam flange shall
stress i anges and fatigue shear ranges as permitted under not exceed the fo11‹›wing:
the pr‹›visions of Articles 10.3.1 and
(1) One-fourth of the span length of the girder. The steel beams or girders, especially if not (2) The distance center to center of girders.
supported by intermediate falsework, shallbe invcstigated (3) Twelve times the least thickness of the slab.
for stability and strength for the loading applied during the
time the concrete is in place and before it has hardencd. For girders having a ílange on one side
The casting or placing sequence specified in the plans for only, the effective flange width shall not exceed ut of the
the composite concrete deck shall be considered when cal- span length of the girder, or six times the thickness of the
culating the moments and shears ‹›n the steel section. The slab, or one-half the distance center to center of the next
maximum flange compression stress shall not exceed the girder.
value spccified ir Table 10.32.J A for partially supported
or unsupported compressi‹›n flanges multiplied by a factor 10.38.4 Stresses
of 1.4, but not to exceed 0.55F,. The sum of the noncom-
posite and composite dead-load shears in the web shall not Maximum compressive and tensile
exceed the shear-buclding capacity of the web multiplied stresses in girders that are not provided with tcmporary
by 1.35, nor the allowable shear stress, as follows: supports during the placing of the permanent dead load
shall be the sum of the stresses produced by the dead loads
acting on the steel girders alone and the stresses produced
by the superimposed loads acting on the composite girder.
where C is specified in Articlc 10.3ª.4.2. When girdeis are provided with effective intermediate
supports that are kept in place until the concrete has at-
10.38.2 Shear Connectors tained 75 °o of us required 28-day stiength, the dead and
live load stresses shall be computed on the basis of the The mechanical means used at the junction composite section.
of the girder and stat› for the purpose of devcloping the
shear resistance necessary to produce composite action A continuous composite bridge may be
shall conform to the specifications of the respectivo mate- built with shear connectors either in the positive moment
rials as provided in Division II. The shear connectors shall regions or throughout the length ol the bridge. The posi-
be of types that permit a thorough conipaction of the con- tive moment regions may be designed with composite
crete in or‹íer to ensure that theii entire surfaces are in sections as in simple spans. Shear connectors shall be
contact with the concrete. They shall be capable of resist- provided in the negative moment portion in which the re-
ing both horizontal and vertical movement between the inforcement steel embedded in the concrete is considered
concrete and the steel. a part of the coiiiposite section. In case the reinforcement DIVISION I—DESIGN
B — 4,000 for l00,00Il cycles The number of connectors, N,, required between the
3,000 for 500,000 cycles points of maximum positive moment and points of adja-
2,400 for 2,000,000 cycles cent maximum negative moment shall equal or exceed the
2,100 for over 2,000,000 cycles; number gwen by the formula
H = height of stud in inches.
The required pitch of shear connectors is determined
by dividing the allowable range of horizontal shear of all At points of maximum negative moment the force in
connectors at one transverse girder cross-section (XZ,) by
the slab is taken as
the horizontal range of shear 5,, but not to exceed the max-
imum pitch specified in Article Over the inte-
rior supports of continuous beams the pitch may be mod- ( J 0-65)
ified to avoid placing the conlléctors at locations of high
stresses in the tension flange provided that the total num-
ber of connectors remains unchanged. — total area of longitudinal reinforcing steel at
the interior support within the effective flange
F}" = specified minimum yieIc1 point of the reinforc—
The number of connectors so provided for fatigue shall
ing steel.
be checked to ensure that adequate connectors are pro-
vided for ultimate strength. The ultimate strength of the shear connector is gwen as
The number of shcar connectors required shall equalor follows:
exceed the number gwen by the formula
At points of maximum positive moment, the force in S, = ultimate strength of individual shear connector in
the slab is tal‹en as the smaller value of the formulas pounds;
A,, — cross-sectional area of a stud shear connector in
P — A,F, (10-62)
square inches;
h = average flange thickness of the channel flange in
P, = 0.85f jbt, (10-63) = thickness of the web of a channel in inches;
W — length of a channel shear connector in inches;
fj — compressive strength of the concrete in 28 days
A, — total area of the steel section including cover- in pounds per square inch;
plates; d = diameter of stud in inches;
F, — specified minimum yield point of the steel being w = unit weight of concrete in pounds per cubic foot.
f/ — compressive strength of concrete at age of 28
b = effective flange width gwen iii Article 10.38.3; *When reinforcement steel enibedded in the top slab is not used in
t, = thickness of the concrete slab. computing section properties for negative moments, P is equal to zero.
10.38.5. 1.3 DIVISION I—DESIC›N 307
10.38.5. 1.3 Additional C.onnectors to Develop Slab by two or more single cell composite box girders. The dis-
Stresses tance center-to-center of flanges of each box should be the
same and the average distance center-to-center of flanges
The number of additional connectors required at points
of adjacent boxes shall be not greater than 1.2 times and
of contraflexure when reinforcing steel embedded in the
not less than 0.8 times the distance center-to—center of
concrete is not used in computing section properties for
flanges of each box. In addition to the above, when nonpa-
negative moments shall be computed by the formula
rallcl girders are used, the distance center—to-center of ad-
N, — A)f,/ Z, (111-69) jacent flanges at supports shall be not greater than 1.35
times and not less than 0.65 times the distance center-to-
center of flanges of each box. The cantilever overhang of
N, — number of additional connectors for each beam the deck slab, including curbs and parapets, shall be lim-
at point of contraflexure; ited to 609o of the average distance ccnter-to-center of
A} = total area of longitudinal slab reinforcing steel flanges of adjacent boxes, but shall in no case exceed 6
for each beam over interior support; feet.
f,. — range of stress due to live load plus impact in
the slab reinforcement over the support (in lieu The provisions of Division I, Design, shall
of more accurate computations, f,. may be taken govern where applicable, except as specifically modified
as equal to 10,000 psi); by Articles 10.39.1 through 10.39.8.
Z,. — allowable range of horizontal shear on an indi-
vidual shear connector.
10.39.2 Lateral Distribution of Loads for Bending
The additional connectors, N,, shall be placed adjacent
to the point of dead load contraflexure within a distance The live load bending moment for each
equal to one-third the effective slab width, i.e., placed ei-
box girder shall be determined by applying to the girder,
ther side of this point or centered about it. It is preferable
the fraction Wp of a wheel load (both front and rear), de-
to locate field splices so that they clear the connectors.
termined by the following equation: Vertical Shear
WL „0 Í + 1.7R +
The intensity of unit-shearing stress in a composite
girder may be determined on the basis that the web of the
steel girder carnes the total external shear, neglecting the where
effects of the steel flanges and of the concrete slab.
The shear may be assumed to be uniformly distributed R= (10-71)
throughout the gross area of the web. Number
10.39.1 General The design shear Vp for a web shall be calculated using
thc following equation: J“his section pertains to the design of sim-
ple and continuous bridges of moderate length supported
1í1.39.4.2. 1 Unstiffened compression flanges de- d› = 0.07 l‹ n„ for values of n greater than l ;
signed foi the basic allowable stress of 0.55 F shall have d› — 0. 125 l‹' for a value of n = 1;
a width to thickness ratio ec¡ual to or less than the value t, = thickness of the flange;
obtained by the use of the formula w — width of flange between longitudinal stiffeners or
distance from a web to the nearest longitudinal
ii = number of longitudinal stiffeners;
k — buckling coefficient which shall not exceed 4.
1› = flange width between webs in inches; ‘'Iii solving these equations a value ‹›f k between 2 and 4 generally
= flange thickness in inches. should be assumed.
70 b
k =2.56
Fcr refers to Load FBCtor DesigT\
b refers to Workin e s« e» o »is•
k = 2.25
k = 1.78 33 bt³
i‹ = 1.78 k = 1.78
10000 15000 20000 40000
(fs = 0.47
f (Fs = 0.85
j E
B² f Fy
- 0.53 Fy)
a (fi = 0.55 Fy)
(Fç = Fy)
FIGURE Spacing and Size of Transverse Stiffeners (for Flange Stiffened Longitudinally and Transversely)
I, = 0, 10(n + 1) (10-81) For greater values ‹›f w/t but not exceed-
ing 60 or (6,65I1 )/ ,, whichever is lew, the stress in
the flange, including stiffeners, shall not exceed the value where
determined by the formula
A = area ot‟ bottom flange including longitudinal
a — spacing of transverse stiffeners;
f, = maximum longitudinal bending stress in the
flange of the panels on either side of the trans-
1 — sin (10—78)
3, 580Ük verse stiffener;
E — modulus of elasticity of steel. For values of w/t excceding (6,650 )/ For the flange, including stiffeners, to be
, but not exceeding 60, the stress in the flange, in-
cluding stiffeners, shall not cxceed the value gwen by the designed for the basic allowable stress of 0.55 F,, the ratio
formula w/t for the longitudinal stiffeners shall not exceed the
value gwen by the formula
f, — 14.4 l‹(t/w)' 5 10" (10-79)
(10—82) When longitudinal stiffeners are used, it
is preferable to have at least one transverse stiffener
p1acecl near the point of ‹lead load contraflexure. The stiff-
ener should have a size equal to that of a longitudinal stiff- where
_ [1+ (a / b)']' + 87.3 If the longitudinal stiffeners are placed at kI (10—83)
their maximum w/t ratio to be designed for the basic al- (al b)'[1 + 0.1 (n + l))
lowable design stresses of 0.55 F, and the number of lon-
gitudinal stiffeners exceeds 2, then transverse stiffeners For greater values of w/t, but not ex-
should be considered. ceeding 60 or (6,650 )/ ,, whichever is less, the
stress in the flange, including stiffeners, shall not exceed 7 Compression flanges stiffened longitudi- the value determined by the formula
nally shall also satisfy the provisions of Article
The effective flange plate width shall be used to calculate
the flange bending stress. The full flange plate width shall
be used to calculate the allowable bending stress. The width to thickness ratio of any out- 10.39.8 Access and Drainage
standing element of the flange stiffeners shall not exceed
the value determined by the foimula Consistent with climate, location, and materials, con-
sideration shall be gwen to the providing of manholes, or
other openings, either in the deck slab or in the steel box
b‟ 2, 600
(10—88) for form removal, inspection, maintenance, drainage, etc.
t‟ F Bending
R = 1— (10 - 89)
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
than in one or both of the flanges. It applies to composite The design of the web for a hybrid girder shall be in
and noncomposite plate girders, and composite box compliance with Article 10.34.3 except that Equation
girders. At any cross section where the bending stress in (10-26) of Article for the allowable average
either flange exceeds 55°o of the minimum specified shear stress in the web of transversely stiffened nonhybrid
yield strength of the web steel, the compression-flnnge girders shall be replaced by the following equation for the
area shall not be less than the tension-flange area. The allowable average shear stress in the web of transvcrsely
top-flange area shall include the transformed area of any stiffeneil hybrid girders:
portion of the slab or reinforcing steel that is considered
to act compositely with the steel girder. *Bottom flange ot orthotropic deck br idges.
314 HIGHWAY BRIDGES Wearing Surface vehicle fuels and oils, and (5) resistance to detcrioration
from deicing salts, oils, gasolines, diesel fuels. and
A suitable wearing suiface shall be adequately bonded kerosenes.
to the top of the deck plate to provide a smooth, n‹›nskid
riding surface and to protect the top of the plate against Closed Ribs
corrosion and abrasion. The wearing surface material
shall provide (1) sufficient ductility to accommodate, Closed ribs without access holes for inspection, clean-
without cracking or debonding, expansion and conrac ing, and painting are permitted. Such ribs shall be sealed
tion iinposed by the deck plate, (2) sufficient fatigue ít§ainst the entrance of moisture by continuously welding
strength to withstand flexural cracking due to deck-plate E l) the rib webs to the deck plate, (2) splices in the ribs,
deflections, (3) sufficient durability to resist rutting, shov- Itnd (3) diaphragms, or transverse beam webs, to the ends
ing, and wearing, (4) imperviousness to water and motor- of the ribs.
Part D
10.44.1 The moments, shears, and other forces shall be 10.46 DESIGN STRESS FOR STRUCTURAL=
determined by assuming elastic behavior of the structure STEEL
except as modified in Article
The design stress for structural steel shall be the spec-
10.44.2 The members shall be pi„oportioned by the ified minimum yield point or yield sti ength, F,, of the steel
methods specified in Articles 10.48 through 10.56 so that used as set forth in Article 10.2.
10.47 MAXIML*M DESIGN LOADS where b is the flange width and t is the flange thickness.
TABLE Limitations for Compact Sections f, = factored bending stress in the c ompression
flange, but not to exceed F,
36,000 50,000 70,000
For sections of rolled or fabricated flexural members Members with axial loads in excess of 0. 15 F,A should
not meeting the requirements of Article 10.48. 1.1 but be designed as beam-columns as specified in Article
meeting the requirements of Article 10.48.2. 1 below, the 10.54.2.
maximum strength shall be computed as the lesser of The limitations set forth in Artie le above are gwen in Table 10.48.2. IA.
10.48.3 Transitions
M, = F ,S,,R, (10-99)
The maximum strength of sections with geometric
subject to thc requirement of Article 10.48.2. 1(c) where properties falling between the limits of Articles 10.48.1
and 10.48.2 may be computed by straight-line interpola- A,, — area of compression flange (in.');
tion, ezcept that the web thickness must always satisfy Ar- M, - lateral torsional buckling moment, er yield
ticle 10.48.l . l(b). moment, defined below (lb-in.);
10.48.4 Partially Braced Members 5,, = section modulus with respect to compression
flange (in.'). Use S,, for live load for a com-
Members not meeting the lateral bracing requirement posite sections
of Article 10.48.2. 1(c) shall be braced at discrete locations k - 15,400 for all sections where D, is less than
spaced at a distance, L,, such that the maximum strength or equal to D/2;
of the section under consideration satisfies the require- — 12,500 for sections whef Di is greater than
ments of Article 10.48.4.l . Bracing shall be provided such D/2.
that lateral deflection of the compression flange is restrained
and the entire section is restrained against twisting. The moment capacity, M,, cannot exceed the yield mo-
ment, M,. In addition M, cannot exceed the lateral tor- If the lateral bracing requirement of Arti- sional buckling moment gwen below:
cle 10.48.2. l(c) is not satisfied and the ratio of the mo-
ment of inertia of the compression flange to the moment
of inertia of the member about the vertical axis of the web,
I,,/I,, is within the limits of 0. l I,,/I, « 0.9, the maxi- For sections with D‟ with longitudinally
mum strength for the limit state of lateral-torsional buck- stiffened webs º
ling shall be computed as
M, - M,R (10- l03a) 6 d '
R b = 1 for longitudinally stiffened girders if the web M, = 91 ›‹ 10 b 0.772 + 9.87
slenderness satisfies the following requirement: 'yc Lb
10.48.5 Transversely Stiffened Girders where F, ,,,,,,,,, is the yield strength of the stiffener;
B = 1.0 for stiffener pairs, 1.8 for single angles, and 2.4 For gu den not meeting the shear require— for single plates; and C is computed by Ai ticle 10.48.8. 1.
ments of Article 10.48.8. 1 (Equation 10- 113) transverse When values computed by Equation (10-106a) approach
stiffeners are required for the web. For girdcrs with trans- zero or are negative, then transverse stiffeners need only
verse stiffeners but without longitudinal stiffeners the meet the requirements of Equations (10-1 HS) and (10-107),
thickness of the web shall meet the requirement: and Article 10.34.4. 10.
The moment of inertia of transverse stiffeners with
reference to the plane defined below shall be not less
(10-104) than
subject to the web thickness requirement of Article
l Kl.49.2. For different grades of steel this limit is
where f, = factored bending stress iii either the top or 18, 250
bottom ílange, whichever flange has the
larger ratio of (f,/F,)
F, — maximum bending strength of either the top If the web slenderness D,/tp excecds the upper limit,
or bottom flange, whichever flange has the either the section shall be modified to comply with the
larger ratio of (f,/F,,) limit, or a longitudinal stiffener shall be provided. Where transverse intermediate stiffeners 10.49.3 Longitudinally Stiffened Singly Symmetric
are required, transverse stiffeners shall be spaced at a dis- Sections
tance, d,, according to shear capacity as specified in Arti-
ble 10.48.P. l, but not more than 3D. Transverse stiffeners Longitudinal stiffeners shall be required on
may be omitted in those portions of the girders where the singly symmetiic sections when the web thiclcness is less
maximum shear force is less than the value gwen by Ar- than that specified by Article 10.ª9.2. DIVISION I—DESIGN For girders with one longitudinal stiffener 10.50 COMPOSITE SECTIONS
ariel transverse stiffeners, the provisions of Article 10.4b.6
for symmctric:el sections shall be applicable in addition to Composite sections shall be so proportioned that the
the following following criteria are satisfied.
(a) The optimum distance, d , of a plate longitudinal (a) The maximum strength of any secti‹›n shall not be
stiffener or the gage line of an angle longitudinal stiff- less than the sum of the computed moments at that sec-
ener from the innei surface oí the l eg of the compres- tion multiplied by thé il Fopriate load factors.
sion flange componcnt is D/5 for a symmetrical girder. (b) The web of the steel section shall be dcsigned to
The optimum distance, d,, for a singly symmetric com- carry the total extei nal shear and must satisfy the ap-
posite girder in positive-moment regions may be de- plicable provisions of Articles 10.48 and 10.ª9. The
termined from the equation gwen below value of D, shall be taken as the cleai clistance between
the neutral axis and the compression flange. In posi-
tive-moment regions, the value of D, shall be calcu-
(ltl- 121) lated by summing the stresses due to the appropriate
loadings acting on the respective cross sections sup-
porting the loading. The depth of web in compression,
D , in composite sections subjected to negative bend-
where D,, is the depth of the web in compression of the
noncomposite steel beam or girder, fp,_ is the non- ing may be taken as the depth of the web in com-
pression of thé COlTlposite section witli(iut summing the
composite dead-load stress in the compression flange,
stresses from the various stages of loading. The web
and fpp+¡ p is the total noncomposite and composite
dead-load plus the composite live-load stress in the depth in compression, D,,, of secti‹›ns meeting the
compression flange at the most highly stressed section web compactness and ductility requirements ol Article
of the web. The optimum distance, d,, of the stiffener under the maximum design loads shall be
in negative-moment regions of composite sections is calculated from the fully plastic cross section ignoring
2D,/5, wheie D, is the depth of the web in compression the sequence of load application. Girdeis with a web
of the composite section at the most highly stressed slenderness exceeding the limits of Article 10.48.5. 1 or
section of the web. 10.49.2 shall either be modified to comply with these
(b) When D exceeds D/2, the web thickness, tp, shall limits or else shall be stiffened by one longitudinal
meet the requirement stiffener.
(c) The moment capacity at first yield shall be com-
puted considering the application of the dead and live
(10 - 122) loads to the steel and composite sections.
(d) The steel beam or girder shall satisfy the con-
structibility requircments of Article 111.61.
10.49.4 Singly Symmetric Braced Noncompact
in the span shall not exceecl M,, for the loading which pro-
duces the maximum negative moment at the adjacent
(10-1 29b) pier(s).
For composite sections in positive-moment regions not
satisfying the requirements of Equation (10-129) or Equa-
tion (10-129a), or of variable-depth members or with lon-
gitudinal wcb stiffeners. or with holes in the tension
( 10 - 129c) flange, the maximum bending strength shall be deter-
mined as specified in Article
where Noncompact Sections
M, = plastic moment capacity of the c‹›mposite posi-
tive moment section c alculated in accordance I When the steel section does not satisfy
with Article 10.50. 1. 1. 1; the compactness requircmcnts of Article 10.50. 1.1.2, the
M, = moment capacity at lii st yield of the composite sum of the bending stre.ases due to the appropriate load-
positive moment section calculated as F, times ings acting on the respective cross sections supporting the
the section modulus with respect to the tension loadings shall not exceed the maximum stiength, F,, of
flange. The modular ratio, n, shall be used to the tension flange taken equal to F, or the maximum
compute the transformed section properties.
strength, F,,, of the compression flange taken equal to
In continuous spans with compact composite positive— F,R b. where R, is the flange-strcss reduction factor deter-
moment sections, but with noncompact noncomposite or mined from the provisions of Article 10.48.4. 1. When R,
composite negative—moment pier sections, the maximum is determined from Equation (10-103b), f, shall be sul›sti-
bending strength, M,, of the composite positive-moment tuted for the term M,./S,, and Ap shall be taken as the ef-
sections shall be taken as either the moment capacity at fective combined transformed area of the top flange and
first yield cletermined as s¡›ecified in Article 10.50(c), or as concrete deck that yields D calculated in accordance with
Article 10.50(b). f, is equal to the factored bending stress
in the compression flange, but not to exceed F,. The re-
sulting R, factor shall be ‹distributed to the top flange and
concrete declc in proportion to their relative stiffness. The
provisions of Article 10.48.2.l(b) shall apply.
= the moirieni capacity at first yield of
the compact positive moment section /0. SO. /. 2. 2 When the girders are not pt ovided with
calculated in accordance with Article temporary supports during the placing of dcad loads, the
10.50(c); sum of the stresses produced by 1.30D acting on the stcel
(M,, — M,),,,, — moment capacity of the noncompact gu der alone with 1.30(D, + 5(L + I)/3) acting on the
section at the piei, M,, gwen by Arti-
composite girder shall not exceed yield stress at any point,
cle 10.48.2 or Article 10.48.4, minus
where D, and D, are the moments caused by the dead load
the elastic moment at the pier, M,, for
acting on the steel girder and composite giider, rcspec—
the loading producing maximum pos-
itive bending in the span. Use the
smaller value of the difference for the When the girders are provided with ef-
tWO-]OÍéT SéCtiClRS for interior spans;
fective intermediate supports that are kept in place until
A = l for interior spaans‟;
the conciete has attained 75 °o of its i equii ed 26-day
— distance from end suppoi‟t to the loca—
sti ength, sti esses pr oduccd by the loading, 1.30(D + 5(L
tion of maximum positive nioinent ili-
— I)/3), acting on the composite girder, shall not exceed
vided by the span length for end spans.
yield stress at any point.
M,, computed from Equation (10-129‹l) shall not exceed
10.50.2 Negative Moment Sections
the applicable value of M,, coiriputed from either„ Equation
(10-1296) or„ Equation (10- l 29c).
For continuous spans where the maximum bending The maximum bending strength of composite sections
strength ol the positive-moment sections is ‹letei mined in negative moment regions shall be computed in accor-
from Equation (l tl- 129d), the maximum positive moment dance with Article 111.50.2. 1 or, as applicable.
It shall be assumed that the concrete slab does not carry whenever the longitudinal tensile stress in the concrete
tensile stresses. In cases where the slab reinforcement is slab due to either the factored construction loa‹ls or the
continuous over interior supports, the reinforcement may overload specified in Article l 0.57 exceeds 0.9f,., where f
be considered to act compositely with the steel section. is the modulus of rupture specified in Article 8. 15.2. 1.1.
The area of the concrete slab shall be taken equal to the
i0.50.2.1 Compact Sections structural thickness times the entire width of the bridge
deck. The required reinforcement shall bc No. 6 bars or
Composite sections of constant-depth members in nega- smaller spaced at not more than 12 inches. Two-thirds of
tive bending without longitudinal web stiffeners and with- this required reinforcement is to be placed in the top layer
out holes in the tension flange qualify as compact when their of slab. Placement of distribution steel as specified in Ar-
steel section meets the requirements of Article, ticle 3.24. 10 is waived.
and has the demonstrated ability to réll h p téels such as
AASHTO M 270 Gra‹les 36, 50, and 50W (ASTM A709
Grades 36, 50, and 50W), and AASHTO M 270 Grade
HPS70W (ASTM A709 Grade HPS70W) meet these re- When shear connectors are omitted from the negative
quirements. M,, shall be computed as the resultant moment moment region, the longitudinal reinforcement shall be
of the fully plastic stress distribution acting on the section extended into the positive moment region beyond the an-
including any composite rebars. chorage connectors at least 40 times the reinforcement di-
If the distance from the neutral axis to the compression ameter.
flange exceeds D/2, the compact section requirements
gwen by Equations (10-94) and (10-95) must be modified
by replacing D with the quantity 2D,,, where D,,, is the 10.51 COMPOSITE BOX GIRDERS*
depth of the web in compression at the plastic moment.
This section pertains to the design of simple and con- Noncompact Sections tinuous bridges of moderate length supported by twe or
more single-cell composite box girders. The distance cen-
When the steel section does not satisfy the compactness ter-to-center flanges of adjaccnt boxes shall be not greater
requirements of Article 10.50.2. 1 but does satisfy all the re- than 1.2 times and not less than 0.8 times the distancc cen-
quirements of Article 10.48.2. 1, the sum of the bending ter-to-center of the flanges of each box. In addition to the
stresses due to the appropriate loadings acting on the re- above, when nonparallcl girdcrs are used the distance cen-
spectivo cross sections supporting the loadings shall not ex- ter-to-center of adjacent flanges at supports shall be not
ceed the maximum strenQÍh Fa› Of the tension flange taken gi„eatei than 1.35 times and not less than 0.65 times the
equal to F, or the maximum strength Fu› Of the compres- distance center-to-center of the flanges of each box. The
sion flange taken equal to F,,Rb. where F,,. is the critical cantilever overhang of the decl‹ slab, including curbs and
compression flange stress specified in Article 10.48.2 and parapet, shall be limited to 60°o of the distance between
R, is the flange-stress reduction factor determined from the the centers of adjacent top steel flanges of adjacent box
provisions of Article 10.48.4. 1. When R, is determined girders, but in no case greater than 6 feet.
from Equation (10-103b), f, shallbe substituted for the term
M;/S,,. f, is equal to the factored bending stress in the com- 10.51.1 Maximum Strength
pression flange, but noi to exceed F,. When all iequirements
of Article 10.ª8.2.1 are satisfied, except for the lateral brac- The maximum strength of box giiders shall be deter—
ing requirement gwen by Equation (10-101), F, of the mined according to the applicable provisions of Articles
compression flange shall be taken equal to F,,.R,, but not to 10.48, 10.49, and 10.50. In addition, the maximum
exceed M,/S,,, where M, and S,, aie determincd according strength of the negative moment sections shall be limited
to the provisions of Article 10.48.4. 1. In determining the by
factor C, in Article 10.48.4. l, the smaller and larger values
of f b at each end of the unbraced segment of the girder shall
be substituted for the smaller and larger end moments, M¡
and M,, respectively. where F,,. is the buckling stress of the bottom flange plate
as gwen in Article 10.51.5.
The minimum longitudinal reinfoi cement including *For tutor mation regardiiig the design of long-span steel box girdei
the longitudinal disti ibution i cinforcement must equal or bridget, Report No. FHWA-TS-80-205, “Pro]iosed Sesign Speciíica-
tíons ni Steel Dox Gii‟dei Bs idges” is available fi„oin the Fecleral High-
exceed 1 o of the cross-sectional area of the concrete slab way Administration.
10.51 .2 DIVISION I—DESIGN 327
The live-load bending moment for each box girder (10 - 135)
7, 160
shall be determined in accordance with Article 10.39.2. For values of
10.51.3 IVeb Plates
b 13, 300
(10 - 136)
The design shear Vq for a web shall be calculated using
the following equation
the buckling stress of the flange is gwen by the formula
where V — one—half of the total vertical shear force on one
box girder, and 8 = the angle of inclination of the web
plate to the vertical. If longitudinal stiffeners are used, they
The inclination of the web plates to the vertical shall shall be equally spaced across the flange width and shall
not exceed 1 to 4. be proportioned so that the moment of inertia of each stiff-
ener about an axis parallel to the flange and at the base of
the stiffener is at least equal to
10.51.4 Tension Flanges
I, = d› t‟w (10-138)
In the case of simply supported spans, the bottom
flange shall be considered fully effective in resisting bend— where
ing if its width does not exceed one-fifth the span length.
If the flange plate width cxceeds one-fifth of the span, d› 0.07l‹ n„ when n equals 2, 3, 4, or 5;
only an amount equal to one-fifth of the span shall be con— d› — 0.125k" when n = 1;
sidered effective. w — width of flange between longitudinal stiffeners or
For continuous spans, the requirements above shall be distance from a web to the nearest longitudinal
applied to the distance between points of contraflexure. stiffener;
n = number of longitudinal stiffeners;
k buckling coefficient which shall not exceed 4.
10.51.5 Compression Flanges
(10 - 139)
where b — flange width between webs in inches, and t —
flange thickness in inches. For greater b/t ratios, For greater values ol w/t
6, 140
(10 - 133)
(l tl - 140)
(10 - 141)
in which c shall be taken as 3, 580 Ok
328 HIGHWAY BRIDGES For values of when two or more interior intermediate diaphragms per
span are provided, the minimum size fillet welds specified
in Article may be used. Regardless of the type
(10 - 142) weld used, welds shall be deposited on both sides of the
connecting flange or web plate.
/0. 5/.5.4.4 When longitudinal stiffeners are used, it The horizontal shear at the interface between the con-
is prefei able to have at least one transverse stiffener siete slab and the steel girder shall be provided for by me-
placed near the point of dead load conti:iflexuie. The stiff- chanical shear connectors throughout the simple spans
ener should have a size equal to that of a longitudinal stiff- and the positive moment regions of continuous spans. In
ener. The number of longitudinal stiffeners preferably the negative moment regions, shear connectors shall be
shall not exceed 2. If the number of longitudinal stiffen- provided when the reinforcing steel embedded in the con-
ers exceeds 2, then the use of additional transverse stiff- crete is c onsidered a part of the composite section. In case
eners should be considered. the reinforcing steel embedded in the concrete is not con-
sidered in computing section properties of negative mo- The width-to-thickness ratio of any out- ment sections, shear connectors need not be provided in
standing element of the flange stiffeners shall not exceecl these portions of the span, but additional connectors shall
the value detei‟mined by the formula be placed in the region of the points of dead load con-
traflexure as specified in Article 10.38.5. 1.3.
10.51.ti Diaphragms This section pertains to the design of girders that uti-
lice a lower strength steel in the web than in one or both
Diaphragms, cross-frames, or other means shall be of the flanges. lt applies to composite and noncomposite
provided within the box gu den at each support to resist plate giiders and to composite box girders. At any cross
transverse rotation, displacement, and distortion. section where the bending stress in either flange caused by
Intermediate diaphragms or cross-frames are not re- the maximum design load exceeds the minimum specified
quired for box girder bridges designed in accordance with yield strength of the web steel, the compression-flange
this specification. ílTéil Shall not be less than the tension-ílange area. The top-
flange area shall include the transformed area of any por-
10.51.7 Design of Flange to Web Welds tion of the slab or reinforcing steel that is considered to act
compositely with the steel girder.
The total effective thickness of the web-flange welds The provisions of Articles 10.40 through 10.52,
shall not be less than the thickness of the web, except, 10.57.i , and 1 0.57.2 shall apply to hybrid beams and gird-
The provisions of Article, and the equation The effective length factor K shall be determined as
for A in Article are not applicable to hybrid follows
(a) For members having lateral support in both direc-
10.54 COMPRESSION MEMBERS tions at its ends
10.54.1 Axial Loading K = 0.75 for riveted, bolted, or welded end connec- Maximum Capacity tions;
K = 0.875 for pinned ends.
The maximum strength of concentrically loaded
columns shall be computed as (b) For members having ends not fully supported lat-
erally by diagonal bracing or an attachment to an adja—
P,, = 0.85A,F, cent structure, the effective length factor shall be de-
termined by a rational procedure. **
where A is the gross effective area of the column cross
section and F,, is determined by one of the following two 10.54.2 Combined Axial Load and Bending
formulas *: Maximum Capacity
(10 - 153)
ñ 1.0 (10 - 156)
r Equivalent Moment Factor C The b'/t ratio for the stiffeners shall be Welds
The déSi@R bearing force, ó›R, On the connected lTlitte- j g . High-strength bolts preferably shall be
rial in long-slotted holes perpendicular to the appliéd used for fasteners subject to tension or combined shear
bearing force shall be takéll áS and tension.
For combined tension and shear, bolts and rivets shall
‹hR = 0.75L,tF, J .5dtF,, ( J 0-166c) be proportioned so that the tensile stress does not exceed DIVISION I—DESIGN 333
Slip-critical joints shall be designen to prevent slip at When the thickness of the connection web is less than
the overload in accordance with Article 10.57.3, but as a that gwen by the above formular, the web shall be
minimum the bolts shall be capable of developing the strengthened by diagonal stiffeners or by a reinforcing
minimum strength requirements in shear and bearing of plate in contact with the web over the connection area.
Article 10.56. 1 .3 under the maximum desigll 1 í1d$. At joints where the flanges of one member are rigidly
Potential slip of joints should be investigated at inter- framed into one flange of mother membei„, the thickness
mediate load stages especially those joints located in com- of the web, tp, supporting the latter flange and the thick-
posite regions. ness of the latter flange, t,, shall be checked by the for-
mulas below. Stiffeners are required on the web of the sec-
10.56.2 Bolts Subjected to Prying Action by ond member opposite the compression flange of the first
Connected Parts member when
3b t‟ (10 - 168)
8a 20 T tp = thickness of web to be stiffened;
k = distance from outer face of flange to toe of web
where fillet of member to be stiffened;
tb = thickness of flange delivering concentrated force;
Q = prying tension pei bolt (taken as zero when nega- i, = thickness of flange of member to be stiffened;
tive); A, = area of flange delivering concentrated load.
T — direct tension per bolt due to external load;
a = distance from center of bolt to edge of plate; 10.57 OVERLOAD
b = distance from center of bolt to toe of fillet of con-
nected part; For AASHTO H or HS loadings, the overload is defined
= thickness of thinnest pait connected in inches. as D < 5(L + I)/3, except for beams and girdei s designed
for the Group IA load coinbination specified in Article stresses, the presence or absence of temporary supports
3.5.1 for which overload is defined as D ª 2.2(L+1) with during the constfuction shall be considered. For members
(L I) assumed to occupy a single lane without concur- with shear connectors provided throughout their entire
rent loading in any other lane. F'or beams and girders de- length that also satisfy the provisions of Article
signed for an overload vehicle selected by the operating, the overload flange stresses caused by loads
agcncy in accordance with the Group IB load combina- acting on the appropriate composite section may be com-
tion, the overload is defined as D + (L+ I). If moment re- puted assuming the concrete deck to be fully effective for
disti ibution is permitted under the provisions of Article both positive and negative moment, For this case, the re-
10.48. 1.3, the limitations specified in Articles 10.57.1 sulting stresses shall be combined with the stresses due
and 10.57.2 shall apply to the modified moments, but not to loads acting on the noncomposite section to calculate
to the original moments. Web bend-buckling shall be D, for checking web bend buckling.
chccl‹ecl for the overload according to Equation (10-173).
For composite sections, D, shall be calculated in accor- 10.57.3 Slip-Critical Joints
dance with Article 10.50(b). Sections that do not satisfy
Fquation (10-173) shall be modified to comply with the In acldition to the requirements of Arti-
requirement. cles and for fasteners, the force
caused by D + 5(L -f I)/3 on a slip-critical joint shall not
10.57.1 Noncomposite Sections exceed the design slip force (d›R,) gwen by
N b = number of bolts in the joint; F,, 120 ksi for M 164 (A 325) bolts rá› to l-inch
N, = number of slip planes; diameter;
Tb = specified tension in the bolt; — 105 ksi for M 164 (A 325) bolts over 1-inch
= slip coefficient; diameter;
= 0.33 for clean mill scale and Class A coatings = 150 ksi for M 253 (A 490) bolts.
= 0.50 for blast-cleaned surfaces and Class B
= 0.33 for hot-dip galvanized and roughened 10.58 F‟ATIGUE
= 1.0 for standard holes; 10.58.1 General
= 11.85 for oversized and short slotted holes;
= 0.70 for long slotted holes loaded transversely; The analysis of the probabil ity of fatigue ol stcel mem-
— 0.60 for long slotted holes loaded longitudinally. bers or connections under service loads and the allowable
range of stress for fatigue shall conform te Article 1(1.3,
Class A, B, or C surface con‹1itions of the bolted parts as except that the limitation imposed by the l›asic criteria
defined in Table 10.57A shall be used in joints designated gwen in Article 10.3.1 shall not apply. For mcm1›eis with
as slip-critical except as permitted in Article shear connectors provided throughout their entire length
that also satisfy the provisions of Aiticle 1 0.50.2,3, the Subject te the approval of the Engineer, range of stress may be computed using the composite sec-
coatings providing a slip coefficient less than 0.33 may be tion assuming the concrete deck ie be fully eftüctive for
used provided the mean slip coefI‟icient is established by both positive and negative moment.
test in accordance with the requirements of Article, and the slip resistance per unit area established. 10.58.2 Composite Construction
The slip resistance per unit area shall be ta1‹en as equal to
the slip resistance per unit area from Table 10.57A for Slab Ilcinforcement
Class A coatings as appropriate for the hole type an‹1 bolt
type times the slip coefficient determined by test divided When composite action is provided in the negative mo-
by 0.33. ment region, the range of stress in slab reinforcement shall
be limited to 20,000 psi. Paint, used on the faying surfaces of con-
nections specified to be slip critical, shall be qualified by Shear Connectors
test in accordance with “Test Method to Determine the
Slip Coefficient for Coatings Used in Bolted Joints” as The shear connectors shall be designcd for fatigue in
adopted by the Research Council on Structural Connec- accordance with Article 10.38.5. 1,
tions. See Appendix A of A llowable Stress Desi gu Speci-
fication for Structural lomts Using ASTM A 325 o r A 490 10.58.3 Hybrid Beams and Girders
Bolts, published by the Research Council on Structural
Connections. Hybrid girdei„s shall be designed for fatiguc in accoi‟-
dance with Article 10.3. For combined shear and tension in slip crit-
ical joints where applied forces reduce the total clamping
force on the friction plane, the design slip force shall not ex- 10.59 DEFLECTION
ceed the value d›R,' obtained from the following equation:
The control of deflection of steel or of composite steel
d›R( = d›R, (1 — 1.88f /F,) (10-172b) and concrete structures shall conform to the provision of
Ai ticle 10.6.
f = computed tensile stress in the bolt due to ap- 10.60 ORTHOTROPIC SUPERSTRUCTURES
plied loads including any stress due to prying
action, ksi; A rational analysis based on the Strength Llesign
‹bR, = design slip force specified in Equation (10-172a), Mcthod, in accoi dance with the specifications, will be
kips; considered as compliance with the specifications.
for < 0.4 k = 11.64
The moment and shear capacity ola steel beam or girder D,
shall meet the requirements specified below to control local
buckling of the web and compression flange, and to prevent
lateral torsional buckling of the cross section under the d, = the distance from the centerline of a plate longi-
noncomposite dead load prior to hardening of the deck tudinal stiffener or the gage line of an angle lon-
slab. The casting or placing sequence of the concrete deck gitudinal stiffener to the inner surface or the leg of
specified in the plans shall be considered in determining the the compression flange component.
applied moments ancl shears. A load factor of = 1.3 shall
For members with or without a longitudinal stiffener,
be used in calculating the applied moments and shears.
k shall be taken equal to 7.2 when both edges of the web
are in compression.
111.61.1 Web Bend Buckling
The web thickness requirements specified in Articles,, 10.49.2, and shall not
The maxiinuiri factored noncomposite dead load com- be applied to the constructibility load case.
pressive bending stress in the web shall not exceed the
value gwen below:
10.61.2 Web Shear Buckling
26, 200, 000ok
fb '
D ' The sum of the factored noncomposite and composite
dead-load shears shall not exceed the shear buckling ca-
pacity of the web specified in Article 10.48.8. 1 (Equation
where 10-113) .
F,, — specified minimum yield strength of the web
D, = depth of thc web of the steel beam or girder in 10.61.3 Lateral•Torsional Buckling of the Cross
compression Section
D = web depth
tq — thickness of web The maximum factorecl non-composite dead-load mo-
k — 9(D/D,)' for members without a longitudinal ment shall not exceed the value of M e calculated for the
stiffener steel beam or girder using the equations specified in Arti-
n = 1.3 for members without a longitudinal stiffener cle, rior M,.
n — 1.0 for members with a longitudinal stiffener
Sections without longitudinal stiffeners that do not satisfy 10.61.4 Compression Flange I.neal Buckling
Equation (10-173) shall either be modified to comply with
the requircment or a longitu‹linal stiffener shall be added The ratio of the top compression flange width to thick-
to the web at a location on the web that satisfies both Equa- ness in positive—moment regions shall not exceed the
tion (10-173) and all strength requirements, which may or value determined by the formula
may not correspond to the optimum location of the longi-
tudinal stiffener specified in Article For lon- b 4, 400
gitudinally stiffened girders, the buckling coefficient, k, is (10-174)
calculated as