Sinav Kampi Yds Mi̇ni̇ Deneme-3
Sinav Kampi Yds Mi̇ni̇ Deneme-3
Sinav Kampi Yds Mi̇ni̇ Deneme-3
A) accompany A) out/over
B) magnify B) in / through
C) diminish C) from / at
E) evoke E) for / on
7. Researchers ----- the possibility that certain 10. Seasonal affective disorder is a form of depression
chemicals or other toxins in the environment ----- a that typically occurs during the winter months and
role in causing or triggering Alzheimer's disease. goes away during the spring and summer, and
sufferers are treated with light therapy ----- enough
A) are studying / must have
daylight is available.
B) have been studying / may have A) so that
C) will have studied / could have B) while
D) were studying / will have C) whether
E) study / should have D) until
E) since
8. As the internationalisation of business life ------- 11. .---- the directions of the rising and setting of the
dramatically throughout the world, new kinds of sun, which varied with place and season, the most
requirements -------- on employees' task performance noticeable directions that could help a sailor were
and adjustment to other cultures. those of the winds.
A) had increased / would be set A) Apart from
B) increases / were set B) Due to
C) has increased / are being set C) As a result of
D) was increasing / would have been set D) In case of
E) will increase / had been set E) As opposed to
9. ---- the number of colleges and universities in the 12. . Biological therapy is sometimes used to treat
USA was impressive in the second half of the 20th cervical cancer, ----- alone ----- in combination with
century, few of these institutions could meet the chemotherapy.
definition of a place of higher education.
A) either / or
A) Just as
B) neither / nor
B) Because
C) so / that
C) While
D) the more / the more
D) Once
E) such / that
E) Only if
Individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) may have varying 15.
difficulties with movement, muscle tone, and posture.
(13)----- the disease is a result of injury to the brain, A) except for
mental retardation often occurs. This has significant B) prior to
impacts (14)----- a child's ability to function in daily life
and to learn in the academic environment. For C) irrespective of
example, pupils with CP may face many challenges in
D) despite
school (15)----- language and articulation difficulties
resulting from limited muscle movement around the E) due to
mouth and throat. Impairments in muscle movement,
posture, and balance (16)----- the use of assistive
devices such as wheelchairs, scooters, or braces.
Communication devices such as communication
boards and computerised talkers can help children A) would have required
with CP to ‘’talk‘’ with others in the hopes of gaining
the social, emotional, and academic benefits that B) have to require
often (17)----- communication.
C) must have required
E) may require
A) Although
B) Because
A) compromise
C) In case
B) disturb
D) As if
C) accompany
E) Unless
D) allocate
E) convey
A) to
B) over
C) on
D) via
E) at
18. . Although there are global conservation measures 20. While much importance has been put on
taken by authorities, ----. chemicals and environmental pollutants as
carcinogens (agents that cause cancer), ---.
A) zoologcal parks have helped to save some sea
turtle species from extinction A) it actually turns out that the predominant factors in
determining cancer are associated with lifestyle
B) it is forbidden to breed some rare species of sea
turtles and tortoises commercially B) the knowledge gained in cancer biology over the
past 20 years has allowed for the discovery of new
C) human activities such as hunting predators have a drugs to treat cancer
positive effect on sea turtle populations
C) it is estimated that with dietary improvements
D) sea turtle fossils are found frequently in ancient there could be a 50% reduction in colon and rectal
sedimentary deposits from the Jurassic eras cancers
E) the dramatic decline in sea turtle populations is yet D) pomegranate juice, which is rich in tannins, has
to cease in many parts of the world recently been studied as a potential cancer prevention
D) threatened species of trees are mostly elderly, and B) although they must follow the requirements stated
infested with worms and other organisms in the course syllabus
E) tree species in forests vary greatly depending on C) so that they are often captivated by the pictures
the climate of the region and graphics accompanying the texts in coursebooks
25. When someone is exposed to a new culture, ----. C) people lose their appetites and so become
A) he/ she can find that the challenge is not as great
as he believed D) one tends to start believing one is physically ill
when one is not
B) it often does not live up to his / her expectations
E) the person may be suspicious of what he eats and
C) he/ she becomes very homesick, especially for drinks
his/her favourite foods
A) induce
B) undertake
C) compile
D) plunder
E) envisage
Cats will try to get into every space, they will climb 30. It is stated in the passage that cats ----
your curtains, and end up on the highest shelf. It is
important to ensure your home is safe for your cat to A) are humble animals that can sleep throughout the
play and explore without breaking things or hurting day.
themselves. The most important thing you can do is B) pose dangers to your home as they like to chew on
make sure that all chemicals, cleaning products and furniture.
other harmful items are away where they can’t get to
them; just somewhere that you keep closed is fine. C) are likely to hurt themselves as they like exploring.
Houseplants can pose a threat to your cat also. It is
D) don’t get poisoned from chemicals such as cleaning
crucial that you know what plants are in your home
and whether they are toxic to cats. Cats use plants to
aid in digestion and will chew whatever plants are in E) can climb up anything but curtains.
your home. Providing cat grass can help with this, but
it is best not to risk them ingesting a toxic plant.
Lastly, make sure that you do not have random items
lying around that may look like a fun toy. Elastics,
pennies, nails and more may seem like a play thing to 31. What does the writer focus on?
your cat, but can cause major health problems if
ingested. If you think your cat ate something it A) The cats being curious all the time.
shouldn’t, take them to the vet immediately.
B) The plants that can be harmful for cats in case they
try to chew on them.
29. We can understand from the passage that plants -- C) How cats communicate with humans.
D) The dangers your house may be posing to your cat.
A) are crucial to have in your home since cats love
E) What to do when cats eat something wrong like a
chewing on their leafs
nail on pennies.
B) can help cats to feed since cats see them as a fun
32. It can be understood from the passage that ...
C) doesn’t like cats as they pose them a threat with
their toxic saliva A) You should make sure to keep chemicals on high
shelves out of your cat’s reach.
D) which you don’t know the genre of may be deathly
for your cat. B) You must have a cat to have random things laying
around your house.
E) are toxic and dangerous to ingest
C) You shouldn’t have any plants if you already have a
Kemal: Kim:
Can you have a look at this headline? It says ear genes Hey! Look at what I've just read. Did you know that
are linked to musical talent. What does that mean? the game darts evolved in the 20th century from
military training?
Well, it suggests musical talent may partly be due to
genes determining the structure of the inner ear. - Well, I don't think that's correct. Darts were in use as
early as the Middle Ages. Archers used these heavily
Kemal: weighted hand arrows in close combat.
Onur: - How could you possibly know so much about darts? I
OK. If you have an excellent inner ear structure, you didn't know you were a fan!
can play the tunes you hear without looking at the
- ----
A) What do you mean in layman's terms?
- Oh, now I know where that interest comes from.
B) Do you think this can change later with new
research? A) Everyone in England knows how darts became a big
pub sport about a hundred years ago.
C) Are you interested in the link between genes and
talent? B) I was reading a book about Anne Boleyn which has
a long part explaining the origins of darts.
D) Do you really believe that genes can have an
impact on musical talent? C) The traditional setting of darts are pubs and bars
and this has created several misconceptions about it,
E) Doesn't it sound incredible that genes can be that
concealing its origins in military training
D) You need to read more history so you can know
how almost everything we modern people do already
existed in this or that form thousands of years ago.
B) It is advisable for individuals with chronic medical C) If people want to enhance their mood, they should
conditions to see their healthcare specialist prior to laugh heartily and tolerate pain better, which helps
taking saffron treatments despite there being no side them release endorphins.
effects in healthy people when taking the herb in D) To be able to laugh heartily by releasing
suggested amounts. endorphins that enhance their mood, people have to
C) While little is known about the dangers for healthy tolerate pain better.
individuals taking saffron preparations, it is certain E) When people laugh heartily, their bodies release
that people with chronic medical conditions should endorphins that enhance their mood, and they can
approach their healthcare professional before tolerate pain better.
consuming the herb.
B) Fortunately, there are a few diagnostic tests to B) Fertilisers that can be used for the growth of crops
detect an incidence of arthritis. are derived from many different types of raw
C) Traditionally the burden of arthritis in the
population has been underestimated. C) Some fertiliser Chemicals are specifically designed
to dissolve slowly or to delay reaction within the soil.
D) Orthopaedists usually suggest physical exercise
every day in order to delay the onset of the condition. D) Plants may show toxic responses to certain
elements including some of the micronutrients
E) The symptoms are considered by many older
present in soil.
people to be a normal part of ageing.
E) All these fertiliser elements, along with other
Chemical elements. occur naturally in agricultural
soils in varying concentrations.
39. (I) Archaeologists need to make sense of how the
archaeological record fits together in time and space.
(II) The locations that ancient people chose for their
settlements and ritual activities are very important for
understanding how ancient societies developed and
declined. (III) A simple tool for organising this
information is a chronological chart, which can be
thought of as a timeline running vertically, with the
oldest developments at the bottom and the most
recent at the top. (IV) The vertical lines indicate the
duration of cultures and people, whose date of first
appearance is indicated by the label at the bottom of
the line. (V) The horizontal lines indicate cultures and
events that spanned more than one geographic
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
1. A
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. E
16. E
17. C
18. E
19. C
20. A
21. D
22. D
23. B
24. D
25. D
26. B
27. E
28. A
29. D
30. C
31. D
32. E
33. A
34. B
35. B
36. E
37. C
38. C
39. B
40. C