Module 4
Module 4
Module 4
Exam Duration : 3 hours CIE +Assignment +Activity+ SEE = Total No. of Contact Hours
40 + 5 + 5+ 50 =100 : 39
Course Objectives:
After completing the course, the students should:
1. Analyse the environment in which the wireless industry operates.
2. Understand the different propagation mechanisms of wireless signals.
3. Understand different modulation schemes used in wireless communications.
4. Understand the concepts of different multiple access techniques used for wireless
5. Become familiar with 3G technologies.
Unit Syllabus No of
No hours
1 Introduction to wireless communication system & Networks Cellular Concept : 07
Frequency reuse, Channel Assignment Strategies, Interferences and System Capacity,
Trunking and Grade of Service, Improving Capacity in Cellular Systems.
2 Mobile radio propagation( large scale path loss):Free space propagation model, 08
relating power to electric field, three basic propagation mechanisms, reflection, Two-
ray model, diffraction, outdoor and indoor propagation models
3 Mobile radio propagation( Small scale fading and multipath):Small scale 07
multipath propagation, impulse response model, small scale multipath measurement,
parameters of mobile multipath channels, types of small scale fading.
1. Unit 2 is identified for blended learning.
2. Three assignments are evaluated for 5 marks: Assignment – 1 from units 1 and 2.
Assignment - 2 from units 3 and 4 , Assignment – 3 from unit 5.
Course Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate cellular radio concepts in the design of wireless communication systems
2. Analyse different propagation mechanisms.
3. Study small scale propagation models and modulation scheme of wireless
communication systems .
4. Understand different multiple access schemes and speech coding
5. Learn about 3G wireless technology
1. Wireless communications –Theodore.S.Rappaport.PHI,Second edition.
Mobile Communiction Engineering - William C Y Lee, Second Edition,
1. Mobile Cellular Telecommunication – Lee W.C.Y, MGH, 2002.
2. Wireless communication – D P Agrawal: 2nd Edition, Thomson Learning,2007.
3. Fundamentals of Wireless Communication - David Tse, Pramod Vishwanath,
Cambridge Press.