Ladson Welton Erotic Transferences.
Ladson Welton Erotic Transferences.
Ladson Welton Erotic Transferences.
Drs. Ladson, Welton, and Gillig are from the Department of Psychiatry, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio.
Transference has been proposed
as a critical concept in
psychotherapy. The transference
may be positive, negative, or
sexualized. When the transference
becomes sexualized, there are
potentially damaging outcomes
depending on the management of
the transference. This paper
addresses the significance of early
experiences in residency training
with sexualized transference and
focuses on the therapeutic
relationship in which the
transference has become eroticized.
The author will explore the
potential benefits and challenges of
properly managing such
Transference has been described
as unconscious feelings that are
transposed onto another significant
individual.1 In the strictest sense,
this occurs only in therapy settings,
but in a more general sense it
occurs throughout life. The
experience of transference might be
thought of as a means used by the
brain to make sense of current
experience by seeing the past in the
present and limiting the input of
new information.2 Freud noticed the
unusually and sometimes ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: Darnell Ladson, DO, Department of Psychiatry, Wright State
irrationally intense feelings that University, 627 Edwin C. Moses Blvd., East Medical Plaza, First Floor, Dayton, OH 45408; Phone:
developed between patients and (937) 223-8840; E-mail:
their analysts. He initially
conceptualized the transference as KEY WORDS: psychotherapy, countertransference, transference, sexualized transference, erotic
the patient’s attempt to repress transference, eroticized transference
48 Psychiatry 2007 [ A P R I L ]
behavior that is reminiscent of early intense, vivid, irrational erotic boundaries between them. For
childhood relationships. A female preoccupation with the therapist many psychiatric patients, early
may become overtly flirtatious with characterized by overt, seemingly memories are plagued by episodes
her male therapist and inform her egosyntonic demands for love and of intimidation and victimization by
therapist that it would be more sexual fulfillment.1 The patient is important adults, and boundaries
comfortable to have therapy at a unable to focus on developing may need to be reaffirmed
local restaurant. In doing so, the appropriate insights and attends frequently to prevent
patient unconsciously attempts to the sessions for the opportunity to misinterpretations of activities and
equalize the power differential by
attempting to shift the frame under
which the original therapy had been
established. The therapist may view
The appropriate response [by the therapist] to
this as flattering or just a part of
the patient’s overall pathology.
erotic transference often is to address the
Nonetheless, being aware of the recent behavior in therapy without connecting
potential pitfalls of mismanaging
the transference may be critical to it to early life experiences. This is because
helping the patient understand
current and early childhood bringing behavior to conscious awareness
without interpretation can help to minimize the
risk of further “flirting” or other acting out.
Transference is a crucial
component in the therapeutic
relationship and should be be close to the therapist, with the comments in therapy sessions.
incorporated into psychotherapy hope that the therapist will Sexualized transference was
education from the beginning. reciprocate love. acknowledged initially in Freud’s
During most psychiatric early writings. Freud became aware
residencies, although transference PRACTICE POINT: The of the phenomenon while working
is discussed in a general way, Therapist’s Response to closely with the case of “Anna O,”
discussion on the management of Sexualized Transference but at the time he was reluctant to
sexualized transference often is Case example. After several acknowledge such transference. It
limited. months of therapy, the patient was not until several cases later
Types of sexualized begins to make flirtatious that he realized the significance of
transference. The term comments about the therapist’s this transference. He thought it
sexualized transference is often clothing and posture in the was important that analysts
used as the most general term and room. understand “transference love,” so
encompasses at least two more The therapist emphasizes, by that they were able to
specific experiences, erotic and words and actions, the boundaries appropriately manage it.
eroticized transference. of the psychotherapeutic Unfortunately, sexualized
Differentiating between the two relationship, while controlling any transference is usually discussed in
types of sexualized transference is outward display of anxiety or the context of a therapy case
important because the intensity, the discomfort. The purpose of this where the therapist presumably
underlying motivation, and the intervention is to create an mismanaged the transference.
appropriate interventions are environment where the patient Proper management of sexualized
different. feels comfortable spontaneously transference often can be
Erotic transference. The term expressing feelings without being therapeutic, however. The nature
erotic transference is generally judged, shamed, or rejected, while of transference is that it is
reserved for positive transferences still maintaining the structure and unconscious and thus out of the
accompanied by sexual fantasies limits of the relationship. patient’s awareness. A skilled
that the patient understands to be In psychoanalytic terminology, therapist can assist the patient to
unrealistic.7 This transference does Gabbard compares the relationship identify and work through the
not interfere with the patient’s goal between the male “analyst” and issues that are involved.9
to gain insight and mature female “analsyand” to that of father The appropriate response to
attachments. and adolescent daughter.8 A father erotic transference often is to
Eroticized transference. must remain sensitive and close to address the recent behavior in
Eroticized transference is an his daughter while maintaining the therapy without connecting it to