COURSE PLAN 1 Semester Psychology

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THEORY: 3 Credits (60 Hours)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to enable the students to develop understanding about basic concepts of
psychology and its application in personal and community life, health, illness and nursing. It further provides students opportunity to
recognize the significance and application of soft skills and self-empowerment in the practice of nursing.

GENERAL OBJECTIVES: On completion of the course, the students will be able to

1. Identify the importance of psychology in individual and professional life.
2. Develop understanding of the biological and psychological basis of human behavior.
3. Identify the role of nurse in promoting mental health and dealing with altered personality.
4. Perform the role of nurses applicable to the psychology of different age groups.
5. Identify the cognitive and affective needs of clients.
6. Integrate the principles of motivation and emotion in performing the role of nurse in caring for emotionally sick client.
7. Demonstrate basic understanding of psychological assessment and nurse‘s role.
8. Apply the knowledge of soft skills in workplace and society.
9. Apply the knowledge of self-empowerment in workplace, society and personal life
Unit Time Learning Outcome Content Teaching/Learning Activity Assessment Methods
I 2 Describe scope, Introduction  Lecture cum  Essay
branches and  Meaning of Psychology Discussion  Short answer
significance of  Development of psychology –
psychology in
Scope, branches and methods of
 Relationship with other subjects
 Significance of psychology in
 Applied psychology to solve
everyday issues
II 4 Describe biology of Biological basis of behavior Introduction  Lecture  Short answer
human behavior  Body mind relationship  Discussion  Objective type
 Genetics and behavior
 Inheritance of behavior
 Brain and behavior
 Psychology and sensation –
sensory process – normal and
III 5 Describe mentally Mental health and mental hygiene  Lecture  Essay
healthy person and  Concept of mental health and  Case discussion  Short answer
defense mechanisms mental hygiene  Role play  Objective type
 Characteristic of mentally
healthy person
 Warning signs of poor mental
 Promotive and preventive mental
health strategies and services
 Defense mechanism and its
 Frustration and conflict – types
of conflicts and measurements to
 Role of nurse in reducing
frustration and conflict and
enhancing coping
 Dealing with ego
IV 7 Describe psychology Developmental psychology  Lecture  Essay
of people in different  Physical, psychosocial and  Group discussion  Short answer
age groups and role cognitive development across life
of nurse
span – Prenatal through early
childhood, middle to late
childhood through adolescence,
early and mid-adulthood, late
adulthood, death and dying
 Role of nurse in supporting
normal growth and development
across the life span
 Psychological needs of various
groups in health and sickness –
Infancy, childhood, adolescence,
adulthood and older adult
 Introduction to child psychology
and role of nurse in meeting the
psychological needs of children
 Psychology of vulnerable
individuals – challenged, women,
sick etc.
 Role of nurse with vulnerable
V 4 Explain personality Personality  Lecture  Essay and short
and role of nurse in  Meaning, definition of  Discussion answer
identification and personality
improvement in
 Demonstration  Objective type
altered personality
 Classification of personality
 Measurement and evaluation of
personality – Introduction
 Alteration in personality
 Role of nurse in identification of
individual personality and
improvement in altered
VI 16 Explain cognitive Cognitive process  Lecture  Essay and short
process and their  Attention – definition, types,  Discussion answer
applications determinants, duration, degree  Objective type
and alteration in attention
 Perception – Meaning of
Perception, principles, factor
affecting perception,
 Intelligence – Meaning of
intelligence – Effect of heredity
and environment in intelligence,
classification, Introduction to
measurement of intelligence tests
– Mental deficiencies
 Learning – Definition of
learning, types of learning,
Factors influencing learning –
Learning process, Habit
 Memory-meaning and nature of
memory, factors influencing
memory, methods to improve
memory, forgetting
 Thinking – types, level,
reasoning and problem solving.
 Aptitude – concept, types,
individual differences and
 Psychometric assessment of
cognitive processes –
 Alteration in cognitive processes
VII 6 Describe motivation, Motivation and emotional processes  Lecture  Essay and short
emotion, attitude and  Motivation – meaning, concept,  Group discussion answer
role of nurse in types, theories of motivation,
emotionally sick
 Objective type
motivation cycle, biological and
special motives
 Emotions – Meaning of
emotions, development of
emotions, alteration of emotion,
emotions in sickness – handling
emotions in self and other
 Stress and adaptation – stress,
stressor, cycle, effect, adaptation
and coping
 Attitudes – Meaning of attitudes,
nature, factor affecting attitude,
attitudinal change, Role of
attitude in health and sickness
 Psychometric assessment of
emotions and attitude –
 Role of nurse in caring for
emotionally sick client

VIII 4 Explain Psychological assessment and tests –  Lecture  Short answer

psychological introduction  Discussion  Assessment of
assessment and tests  Types, development,  Demonstration practice
and role of nurse characteristics, principles, uses,
 Role of nurse in psychological
IX 10 Explain concept of Application of soft skill  Lecture  Essay and short
soft skill and its  Concept of soft skill  Group discussion answer
application in work  Types of soft skill – visual, aural  Role play
place and society
and communication skill  Refer/Complete
 The way of communication Soft skills module
 Building relationship with client
and society
 Interpersonal Relationships
(IPR): Definition, Types, and
Purposes, Interpersonal skills,
Barriers, Strategies to overcome
 Survival strategies – managing
time, coping stress, resilience,
work – life balance
 Applying soft skill to workplace
and society – Presentation skills,
social etiquette, telephone
etiquette, motivational skills,
teamwork etc.
 Use of soft skill in nursing
X 2 Explain self- Self-empowerment  Lecture  Short answer
empowerment  Dimensions of self-  Discussion  Objective type
 Self-empowerment development
 Importance of women‘s
empowerment in society
 Professional etiquette and
personal grooming
 Role of nurse in empowering
Unit plan
Placement: I SEMESTER

Hours of Instruction: Theory – 60 hours

Course description: This course is designed to enable the students to develop understanding about basic concepts
of psychology and its application in personal and community life, health, illness and nursing. It further provides
students opportunity to recognize the significance and application of soft skills and self-empowerment in the
practice of nursing.

Unit 1
Unit Title: Introduction Theory Hours: - 02
General objectives: At the end of the course, students will be able identify the importance of psychology in individual and
professional life.
Competencies Content Hours Method Teaching Teaching Aids Method of Teachers name
student will be of learning Evaluation
able to : Teachings activities
Define the Meaning of Psychology 1 lecture Structured Power point Short and
meaning of and discussion Black board long answer
psychology discussion question
Explain the Development of psychology – lecture Structured Power point Short and
development of Scope, and discussion Black board long answer
psychology branches and methods of discussion question
Describe the Relationship with other lecture Structured Power point Short and
relationship with subjects and discussion Black board long answer
other subjects 1 discussion question
Explain the Significance of lecture Structured Power point Short and
significance of psychology in nursing and discussion Black board long answer
psychology in discussion question
Enumerate the Applied psychology to solve lecture Structured Power point Short and
applied everyday and discussion Black board long answer
psychology to issues discussion question

Unit II Theory hours – 04

Unit title: Biological basis of behavior –Introduction

General objectives – At the end of the course, students will be able to describe biology of behaviour
Competencies Content Hours Method of Teaching Teaching Method of Teachers
student will be able Teachings learning Aids Evaluation name
to : activities
Explain body mind Body mind relationship 1
lecture and Structured Power point Short and
Describe genetics Genetics and behaviour 1 discussion discussion White Long
and behaviour board answer
Explain inheritance Inheritance of behaviour
of behaviour

Explain brain and Brain and behaviour 1


Describe Psychology and sensation- 1

psychology and sensory process- normal
sensation and abnormal

Unit III Theory hours – 05

Unit title: Mental health and mental hygiene

General objectives – At the end of the course, students will be able to describe mentally healthy person and defense mechanism.
Competencies student Content Hours Method of Teaching Teaching Method of Teachers
will be able to : Teachings learning Aids Evaluation name
Explain the concept of Concept of mental health and 1
mental health and hygiene mental hygiene
lecture and Structured Power point Short and
Describe characteristics of Characteristic of mentally 1 discussion discussion White board Long answer
mentally healthy person healthy person
Enlist warning signs of Warning signs of poor
poor mental health mental health
Explain promotive and Promotive and 1
preventive mental health preventive mental health
strategies strategies and services
Describe defence Defense mechanism and its
mechanism and its implication
Explain frustration and Frustration and conflict – 1 Role play
conflict. types of conflicts
and measurements to

Describe role of nurse in Role of nurse in reducing lecture and Powerpoint

reducing frustration frustration and discussion
conflict and enhancing coping
Explain how to deal with Dealing with ego 1 Role play
Unit IV Theory hours – 07

Unit title: Developmental psychology

General objectives – At the end of the course, students will be able to describe psychology of people in different age groups and role
of nurse
Competencies student Content Ho Method of Teaching Teaching Method of Teachers
will be able to : urs Teachings learning Aids Evaluation name
Explain the concept of Physical, psychosocial and cognitive 2
physical, psychosocial and development across life span –
Prenatal through early childhood,
cognitive development middle to late
lecture and Structured Power point Short and Long
across life span. childhood through adolescence, early discussion discussion White answer question
and mid-adulthood, late adulthood, board
death and dying Objective
Describe role of nurse in Role of nurse in supporting normal 2 question
supporting normal growth growth
and development across and development across the life
the life span span
Enlist psychological needs Psychological needs of various
of various groups in health groups in health and sickness –
Infancy, childhood, adolescence,
and sickness – Infancy, adulthood and older adult
childhood, adolescence,
adulthood and older adult
Explain child psychology Introduction to child psychology and 2
and role of nurse. role of
nurse in meeting the
psychological needs of
Describe psychology of Psychology of vulnerable individuals
vulnerable individuals. –
challenged, women, sick etc.
Identify the role of nurse Role of nurse with vulnerable groups 1 Role play
with vulnerable groups

Unit V Theory hours – 04

Unit title: Personality

General objectives – At the end of the course, students will be able to explain personality and role of nurse in identification and
improvement in altered personality

Competencies student Content Ho Method of Teaching Teaching Method of Teachers

will be able to : urs Teachings learning Aids Evaluation name
Explain the Meaning, definition of personality 1
conceptualizing definition
of personality lecture and Structured Power point Short and Long
Describe classification of Classification of personality 1 discussion discussion White answer question
personality board
Describe the measurement Measurement and evaluation of Objective
and evaluation of personality question
– Introduction
Explain alteration in Alteration in personality 1

Explain role of nurse in Role of nurse in identification of

indentification of individual 1
personality and improvement in
individual personality. altered

Unit VI Theory hours – 16

Unit title: Cognitive process

General objectives – At the end of the course, students will be able to explain cognitive process and their applications
Competencies student Content Hours Method of Teaching Teaching Method of Teachers
will be able to : Teachings learning Aids Evaluation name
Explain the about Attention – definition, types, 2
attention determinants determinants,
duration, degree and lecture and Structured Power point Short and
alteration in attention discussion discussion White board Long answer
Describe the principles of Perception – Meaning of 2 question
perception Perception,
principles, factor
affecting perception,
Enlist the types of Intelligence – Meaning of
intelligence test intelligence –
Effect of heredity and
environment in
intelligence, classification,
Introduction to
measurement of intelligence 2
tests – Mental
Explain different types of Learning – Definition of 2
learning learning, types of
learning, Factors influencing
learning –
Learning process, Habit
Describe the factor Memory-meaning and nature
influencing memory of memory, 2
factors influencing memory,
methods to
improve memory,
Explain level of reasoning. Thinking – types, level, 2 Powerpoint
reasoning and lecture and
problem solving.
Aptitude – concept, types,
Describe concepts of
individual Role play
differences and variability 2
Explain psychometric Psychometric assessment of 1
assessment cognitive
processes – Introduction
Describe the alteration in Alteration in cognitive 1
cognitive process processes

Unit VII Theory hours – 06

Unit title: Motivation and emotional processes

General objectives – At the end of the course, students will be able to explain motivation, emotion, attitude and role of nurse in
emotionally sick client
Competencies student Content Hours Method of Teaching Teaching Method of Teachers
will be able to : Teachings learning Aids Evaluation name
Explain the theories of Motivation – meaning, 2
motivation concept, types, theories of
motivation, motivation cycle,
biological and special motives
lecture and Structured Power point Short and
Describe the development Emotions – Meaning of 2 discussion discussion White board Long answer
of emotions emotions, development of question
emotions, alteration of
emotion, emotions in sickness
– handling emotions in self
and other
Enumerate the adaptation Stress and adaptation – stress,
and coping cycle of stress stressor, cycle, effect,
adaptation and coping

Enlist the factors affecting Attitudes – Meaning of 1

attitude attitudes, nature, factor
affecting attitude, attitudinal
change, Role of attitude in
health and sickness
Explain psychometric Psychometric assessment of
assessment of emotions emotions and
attitude – Introduction
Explain role of nurse in Role of nurse in caring for 1 Powerpoint
caring for emotionally emotionally sick lecture and
sick client discussion
Role play

Unit VIII Theory hours – 04

Unit title: Psychological assessment and tests – introduction

General objectives – At the end of the course, students will be able to explain psychological assessment and tests and role of nurse
Competencies Content Hours Method of Teaching Teaching Method of Teachers
student will be able Teachings learning Aids Evaluation name
to : activities
Explain the Types, development,
development of characteristics,
psychological principles, uses, 3 lecture and Structured Power point Short and
assessment test interpretation discussion discussion White Long
board answer
Describe the role of Role of nurse in 1 question
nurse in psychological assessment

Unit IX Theory hours – 10

Unit title: Application of soft skill

General objectives – At the end of the course, students will be able to explain concept of soft skill and its application in work place
and society
Competencies Content Hours Method of Teaching Teaching Method of Teachers
student will be able Teachings learning Aids Evaluation name
to : activities
Explain the concept Concept of soft skill
of soft skill. Types of soft skill – visual,
aural and
1 lecture and Power point Short and
communication skill
The way of communication
discussion Long
Describe the way of 2
Building relationship with client Structured answer
and society discussion question
building relationship
with client and
Enumerate the Interpersonal Relationships 3 Role play
interpersonal (IPR):
Definition, Types, and
relationship(IPR) Purposes,
barriers strategies Interpersonal skills, Barriers,
Strategies to
overcome barriers
Describe survival Survival strategies – managing 1 lecture and White
strategies in time, coping discussion board
stress, resilience, work – life
managing time balance
Explain application Applying soft skill to workplace 2 lecture and Soft skill
of soft skill in and society discussion module
– Presentation skills, social
workplace and etiquette,
society telephone etiquette,
motivational skills,
teamwork etc
Enlist the use of soft Use of soft skill in nursing 1 lecture and Soft skill
skill in nursing discussion module

Unit X Theory hours – 02

Unit title: Self-empowerment

General objectives – At the end of the course, students will be able to explain self empowerment
Competencies Content Hours Method of Teaching Teaching Method of Teachers
student will be able Teachings learning Aids Evaluation name
to : activities
Explain the Dimensions of self-
dimensions of self empowerment
empowerment Self-empowerment 1 lecture and Structured Power point Short and
development discussion discussion White Long
Describe the Importance of women‘s 1
empowerment in
board answer
importance of question
women Professional etiquette and
empowerment in personal grooming
society Role of nurse in empowering

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