An Kalu Mahesh
An Kalu Mahesh
An Kalu Mahesh
Application No
Date : 17/10/2024
1. This is to certify that the Sri/Srimathi/Kumari ANKALU MAHESH S/o / D/o / M/o / F/o / W/o / H/o / C/o Sri.
MADDULETY SWAMY of RANGAPURAM village / Town of Bethamcherla Mandal of NANDYAL District of the State
Andhra Pradesh belongs to Madiga (SC) Community / Caste which is recognized as Scheduled Community / Caste under
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, S.Cs, S.Ts list (Modification) order 1956 and S.Ts (Amendment) Act 1976
as Amended from time to time.
3. It is certified that the place of Birth Sri/Srimathi/Kumari ********** is of ********** village / Town
of ********** Mandal of ********** District of the State Andhra Pradesh.
4. It is certified that the Date of Birth Sri/Srimathi/Kumari ********** is ********** Day ********** Month
********** Year (in words) ********** as per the declaration given by his/her Father/Mother/Guardian and as
entered in the School records where he/she studied.
Certified By