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AEXT-112 Lecture 2

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Social structure is composed of groups. Organizations, institutions, community etc,
are the forms of human associations. Society functions through different forms of human
beings to fulfill needs and purposes. Man functions in society through different forms of
groups. Man is born is a social group and his first association is with his mother. He
associates with groups in some way or other. Individual nowhere lives in isolation. This
tendency to unite in groups is one of the important characteristics of human beings. Social
groups are the units out of which society is constructed. Study of group is of primary
important in the study of society and also important as a part of the total structure of
society. Group is a medium through which we learn culture. The process of socialization
takes place in groups
Definitions of Group:
According to Chitambar a social group is a unit of two or more people in reciprocal (to
and fro) interaction and in communication with each other

Maclever defined social group as a collection of human beings who enter into distinctive
social relationships with one another
According to Sharif and Sharif, a social group is a collection of two or more individuals in
which there are psychological interactions and reciprocal roles based upon durable
contacts, shared norms, interests, distinctive pattern of collective behavior and structural
organization of leadership and followership
Elements of Social Group:
1. Social unit
2. Psychological interactions and reciprocal roles
3. Durable contacts
4. Distinctive pattern of collective behavior
5. Sharing of norms and interests
6. Pattern of leadership and follower ship

Types or classification of Social Groups:

Type of group/s Based on
Primary and Secondary groups The type of relationship
Formal and Informal groups Mode of organization and functioning
Voluntary and involuntary groups Structure and type of membership
Horizontal and vertical groups Social class
In and out groups Personal feelings
Locality groups Territory or locality
Small and large groups Size
Reference group

Based on the type of relationship groups are dived in to primary and secondary
groups: the details are as follows as given by Rogers 1960: Primary groups are
relationship directed whereas secondary groups are goal oriented
Primary Group Secondary Group
Small in size, often less than 20 to 30 Large in size
Personal and intimate relationships among Impersonal and aloof(distant) relationships
members are there among members
Face to face association is there between Less face to face contact
the members

Permanency is there and members are Temporary in nature. Members spend

together over a long period of time relatively little time together
Members are well acquainted and have a Members are not well acquainted and
strong sense of loyalty or ‘we’ feeling and anonymity prevails
a strong amount of group pressure is
Informality is most common i.e. group does Formality prevails i.e. group often has a
not have any name, officers etc name, officers and a regular meeting place
Group decisions are more traditional and Group decisions are more rational and the
non rational emphasis is on efficiency
E.g. family, friendship group, play group E.g. political groups, labour unions, trade
etc unions, employees associations etc

Based on mode of organization and functioning groups are divided in to formal

and informal groups:
Formal Group Informal Group
These are formally organized and have These are not formally organized and lack
prescribed structure i.e. constitution by-laws prescribed structure
E.g. Labour union, village council, students E.g. family, friendship group, play group
union etc etc

Based on structure and type of membership groups are divided in to voluntary,

involuntary and delegate groups:
Voluntary Group Involuntary Group
A person becomes member of the group Persons become members of the group
based on his choice not according to their choice i.e. by birth,
by residence, by location etc
E.g. friendship group, play group etc E.g. family, neighbourhood, community

Delegate group: The members of this group are representative and chosen by groups.
E.g. Gram Panchayat, U.N.O., etc.
Based on social class groups are divided in the horizontal and vertical groups:
Horizontal Group Vertical Group
The members of this group are alike or similar The groups that are composed of
in status or position in the class system of the members from different social strata (social
society status) and whose membership cuts
vertically across the horizontal groupings in
the society
E.g. caste E.g. race, nation etc

Based on personal feelings the groups have been divided in and out groups:
In Group Out Group
Persons in this group feel that they belong to Persons in this group do not feel that they
that group based on their attitudes of the belong to that group based on their
members towards their own social groups attitudes
E.g. my family, my class, my church etc. E.g. their family, their class, their church

Based on the size of the groups the groups are divided in to small and large groups:
Small Group Large Group
The number of members is less than 30 The number of members is more
E.g. family, play group etc. E.g. political group, labour union etc.

Locality Group:
This classification considers locality as one bond for holding groups together or it is
based on the territory or locality occupied by the members. E.g. neighbourhoods,
communities or villages towns etc

Reference Group:
In this group the individual feels identified with the group but he may or may not be
the member of the group, the group influences individual. He shares the objectives of this
group, which he accepts. The reference group provides the standards that guide behavior
even when the standards are contrary to earlier membership groups. To understand the
behavior of human beings we must know their reference groups. A reference group may be
any group for E.g. Primary group, horizontal group etc. Reference group like friendship
group may influence a farmer to accept or reject the adoption of an improved farming
practice. Reference group is the group which the individual refers for advises on different
aspects. An individual may have different reference groups for different purposes. In rural
society the individual belongs to a comparatively small number of groups (largely primary)
and his behavior is largely determined by them


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