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List of Publications

1. Neeraj K. Rajak, Trupti S. Gaikwad, Amrutha Mukundan, P. Manju, Arya Mohan,

Dharmendra K. Singh, A. Thamizhavel and D. Jaiswal-Nagar,Growth and physical prop-
erties of Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8+x crystals grown by a simple pressure technique and comparison
with regrowth self-flux technique, Journal of Crystal Growth 498, 277–288 (2018).

2. Neeraj K. Rajak, Arya Mohan and D. Jaiswal-Nagar, Quantitative phase analysis of

Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8+x and competing intergrowth and co-crystallising phases via a Rietveld
refinement study (Under Review, Journal of applied crystallography)

3. Neeraj K. Rajak, Neha K., Husna Jan and D. Jaiswal-Nagar, Setup of a miniaturised
capacitive dilatometer in cryogen-free cryostats for high resolution thermal expansion
measurements. (Manuscript in preparation)

List of contributed publications

1. Manju P., Neeraj K. Rajak, Alex Andrews and D. Jaiswal Nagar, Orthorhombic crystal
structure and oxygen deficient cluster distribution model for YBa2 Cu3 O6+δ superconduc-
tor, Scientific Reports 10:7814 (2020)

2. George Mathew, Sebastian Francis, Neeraj K. Rajak, Praveen S. G., C. V. Tomy, and
D. Jaiswal-Nagar, A simple synthesis method for growing single crystals of a copper co-
ordination polymer [Cu(C2 O4 )(4-aminopyridine)2 H2 O]n , and its theoretical and physical
properties studies, (accepted in Crystal Research and Technology).

Conferences and workshop

1. PRL conference on condensed matter physics-2016, 11th -13th April, 2016

2. Thematic workshop on diffraction methods for structural analysis in material science,

organised by UGC-DAE consortium for scientific research, Mumbai center, July 25-27,

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